Appeals to teachers and teachers. About the school of the future

Theme: reading words with the letter F


1) Developing : develop students' phonemic hearing, speech, diction;

2) Educational : improve reading skills, continue to teach how to compare paired voiced and voiceless consonants, divide words into syllables;

3) Educational : foster interest in learning activities.

UUD: the ability to draw conclusions at the end of a conversation, dialogue.

Propaedeutics: direct speech in quotation marks.

Equipment: presentation.

Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activities

Org moment

Involvement in educational activities

Knowledge update

Work on the topic of the lesson

Consolidation of what has been learned


Hello, sit down!

Today I will teach you a reading lesson, my name is Anna Vladimirovna!

Now we will warm up (development speech apparatus)

What letter did you meet in the last lesson?

What sounds does this letter stand for?

And who remembered vocabulary words with a new letter?

Now let's carry out a sound-letter analysis of the word "flotilla"

How many vowels are there in a word?

How many syllables are in the word?

What are the syllables?

Well done boys.

Now open page 70 in the alphabet., Read the text

Remember which fairy tale these lines are from?

Now read the text on page 72.

What do you know about the creation of the Russian fleet?

What is the name of the flag under which the Russians sail sea ​​ships?

What do you know about the Russian flag?

Each state has its own symbols - coat of arms, flag.

Today we will talk about state symbols, about our homeland.


Like a word from a song

Birch young foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expansion, Russian soul

Love you. My Russia,

For the clear light of your eyes

I love, I deeply understand

Steppes brooding sadness, I love everything that is called

In one broad word, Rus.

The attitude towards the Motherland is expressed in proverbs. Read and tell me how you understand them?

What is the name of the country in which we live?

What country do you live in?

Name the capital of our state.

Of course, everyone would like to visit Moscow. We will do it, we will make an absentee trip around the capital.

(showing the presentation)

How many of you cross the road on which traffic is moving when you go to school?

What to remember when crossing the road?

What device helps you cross the road?

This word contains the beech that you met in the last lesson. What is this letter?

Now I will read the text to you, and then you will read it yourself. (The text is printed to everyone)

How many of you have Cell Phones?

Is it possible to call someone or answer calls during the lesson?

Did Vitya do the right thing?

Why was he ashamed and sad at the end of the lesson?

Can I use the phone when crossing the road on which traffic is moving?

Why is it dangerous for a pedestrian?

Who can retell the text in detail?

Physical education

And nowguess the riddles

1.not alive, but walking,

Not mobile, but leading.

2. It starts from home,

It ends at the house.

3.Girded Stone Belt

Hundreds of towns and villages.

4 blazed at the monster

Emerald eye.

So you can take the street

Go now.

5.four feet

They put on boots.

Before putting on,

They began to inflate the shoes.

Read the clues on the chalkboard, what do all of these words have in common?

What is the name of a person who regulates traffic if there is a traffic jam on the street?

Read the poem on page 72

Explain what the three traffic light colors mean?

Well done boys!

Now let's work with the syllables in the table.

Read the syllables.

What are the hard syllables?

What are the soft syllables?

And now I will read the text "traffic light" on page 73

How do your parents act when they pull up to a traffic light?

And now you will read this text.

Which traffic signal can be used by cars and pedestrians.

Now I will name the words, and you must remember them. (Road, wheel, highway, bus, tram, taxi, trolleybus)

Read the poem on page 72.

Name all words that contain the letter Ф

Did you enjoy the lesson?

What was the most interesting thing?

What new have you learned?

You can be free.

They greet and sit down.

Do a warm-up.

We got acquainted with the letter F.

F., F

Finish, chauffeur, flashlight, asphalt, telephone, factory, dreamer, fakir



Flo, ti, li, me.

2 people open the textbook, read the text

The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Read by 3 people in turn

St. Andrew's flag



People read and say how they understand these proverbs.


V Russian Federation



rules road traffic

Traffic lights

Letter F

They read it in turn.


it is forbidden.








traffic lights

wheels, tires

they are associated with movement.

Bicycle, car.

Guard, traffic controller.

Read and reply


Are called

are called


read in turn


say the words who remembered what.

Name the words.


say goodbye

Learning to read.

Theme. “Repetition and generalization. Letter F, f. Travel to Africa ".

Planned results. Form the skills of conscious, correct, syllabic reading; promote the development of phonemic hearing; develop the ability to navigate the text, use additional literature; strengthen the respiratory muscles, develop accurate articulation of the sounds "f" and "v", expand vocabulary; foster interest in educational activities, activity and independence in work, answer the final questions of the lesson and evaluate their achievements.

Material and technical support of the lesson.

1) ABC. 1 class. Part 2. / V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin and others.

2) How good it is to be able to read. A book for reading during the period of literacy training. / L.A. Obukhova, O.E. Zhirenko and others.

3) Presentation in the program Power Point /

4) Cash desk of letters, syllables.

5) Texts about the nature of Africa. Pictures of animals on the topic.

6) Map of the Eastern Hemisphere.

7) Chalkboard with a set of fixtures for attaching tables, posters and pictures.

8) Computer, multimedia projector.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Teacher ... Are you ready for the lesson?

Children. Yes.

Teacher ... I hope for you, friends! We are a good friendly ...

Children. Class!

Teacher ... Everything will work out with us!

II. Knowledge update

Breathing exercises

Teacher. - On one breath, say 5-10 sounds "f", making short intervals between sounds.

F! F! F! F! F! ...

Alternate the sounds "f" and "v" 2 times.

F! F! V! V! F! F! V! V! ...

Speech warm-up

Teacher . - Learn to pronounce a tongue twister quickly and cleanly .

The fleet is sailing to its native land,

A flag on every ship.

Teacher ... Guys, today we are going on a trip on a big ship. Read it! What is this ship?

Oh look. The first letter is lost! What to do? Here's a hint. You met this letter in the last lesson.

Poems about the letter F.

Children. This is the letter F.

Teacher ... What sounds does this letter stand for?

Children. Consonants [f], [f,]

Teacher ... Let's characterize these sounds.

Children. The sound [f] is a consonant, solid, voiceless.

Sound [ф,] - consonant, soft, voiceless.

Teacher ... Thanks. Let's put the letter F back in place. Let's read the title in chorus.


III ... Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher ... The ship is ready to sail! Is the 1st class "B" team ready?

Pay attention to the screen. Let's read the fusion syllables (reading behind the speaker).

Let's check how you completed your homework?

1. Work according to the textbook.

Teacher. Open the ABC with. 70-71.

Reading Algorithm Tutorial:

1. Reading words with the letter F (reading in pairs).

2. Reading excerpts from poems.

Teacher. The team is ready! Let's choose a route. Let's charge.

IV. Physical minute.

The poem by Emma Moshkovskaya is read by 1 student, all students show movements.

Round, round school globe,

Like a volleyball ball.

Here it is, what a globe of the earth!

I pushed him with my hand:

Let's go the continents

Two Americas swam

Africa, Australia,

The whole earth spun:

And forests and fields,

And villages and bridges

And the dog is at the gate

Both the house and my room,

And the wardrobe, and the table, and the chair, and I!

V ... Reading words and sentences with the letters F and B.

1. Teacher. Let's read the words - the names of the continents. Task 2 (tech card)

North America, South America

Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica

Teacher. The purpose of our trip is the mainland, in the name of which the letter F.

Children. Africa. AFRICA

Children. The student at the blackboard collects a word from letters, draws up a word scheme.

Teacher ... Children, print the word Africa on the Route Sheet, draw a diagram of the word AFRICA.

2. Teacher. While we are on the way, we have a little time. Let's not lose it. What does “wasting time” mean?

Children. Sit back

Teacher. Wave your hand, who's the bum? There is no such? Then get down to business!









in and




How are syllables in columns similar?

Children. The same vowels, and the pronunciation of consonants is very similar, can be confused.

Teacher. And what is the difference between the sounds [v] - [f]? [in,] - [f,]?

Children. One sound is ringing, the other is dull. They form pairs of voiced-deafness.

3. Teacher. And here are the shores of Africa. We are met by its inhabitant. Who?

You will know if you read the pure phrase. Look at the screen.

Af - af - af - lives in Africa giraffe.

Teacher. That's right, it's a giraffe. Giraffe Ralph

Photo of a giraffe on the screen and text about it.

GIRAFFE found in almost all of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. The giraffe cannot be confused with any other animal: a small head on a long neck, long legs. The giraffe is the tallest living mammal: its height from the ground to the forehead reaches 4-6 meters.

Teacher ... Children, print on the Route sheet the words Farid the giraffe, draw word schemes.

Vi. Fizminutka

Chorus from the song "In Africa, the rivers are so wide ..."

Vii ... Game-test "Find the sun".

1. Teacher. In Africa, the giraffe has friends. These are animals whose names contain the letter F.

Africa is the hottest continent. The sun is very hot there.

Let's add the letter F to the words, and the sun will shine for us.

Azan fox -. little baby. eagle

Ilene snake e. a . lamingo

Teacher. The sun shines brightly for us. Let's look at the photographs of representatives of the animal world of Africa.

2. Teacher. Let's give them delicious edible gifts. Let's read the words.

Dates coffee pistachios

Feijoa ficus sage

Teacher. Read the words in which the sounds [ф], [ф,] are heard at the beginning of a word, are heard in the middle of a word, at the end of a word. (There is no such)!!!

VIII ... Working with an explanatory dictionary.

Teacher. It's time to go home. While our frigate is racing through the waves, we will again not waste time and read in the Explanatory Dictionary.


Your explanatory dictionary.

Fauna - animal world... Flora - vegetable world... The flamingo is a southern water bird with soft pink plumage. Flamingos have a long neck and long legs.

Teacher. What new words did you find in the text? (flora, fauna)

What does the word fauna mean? Read it.

What does the word flora mean? Read it.

IX. Lesson summary.

Teacher. Let's sum up our trip.

Which mainland did we travel to? (Africa)

Which letter helped us on our journey? (letter F)

What animals in Africa have we met?

Teacher. Tell your family about our trip at home. Type the words - the names of the animals. Draw an animal that you like.

X. Reflection. Let's all treat ourselves to pistachios and dates.

Sections: Primary School

Class: 1


  • to form the skill of conscious, correct, expressive reading;
  • develop spelling vigilance when reading texts, phonemic hearing, speech, thinking, memory;
  • to cultivate respect for nature, the ability to see the beauty of nature.


  • V.G. Goretsky, “ Russian alphabet”, Individual syllable tables, cards with words, a poster with sentences,
  • a baby book with poems about a snowdrop and a violet, a drawing of a snowdrop and a violet, a painting "Spring Forest", hats "Snowdrop", "Starling", "March",
  • audio recording PI Tchaikovsky “Seasons. March ”, models for compilation word schemes, cards with letters: f, l, k, a, a, and,
  • cards with the words “Well done” with missing elements.


1. Organizational moment.

Early this morning, someone suddenly knocked on my window. It was a little titmouse. She began to twitter loudly. The bird invited us to the forest, saying that spring miracles would happen there.

Do you want to go on a trip?

Read the motto of our work on the chalkboard.

WORK MOTTO: We love each other, understand and help.

It is not for nothing that these words became the motto of our lesson. The road will be mastered only by friendly guys who are ready to help each other.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

What new letter did we meet yesterday in the lesson? (With the letter "f")

What sounds does the letter "f" stand for?

Describe these sounds.

Children: [f] - consonant, solid, voiceless, paired (pair [v] - [f]

[f] - consonant, soft, voiceless, paired (pair [v] - [f])

Teacher: Today we will continue to learn to read correctly and beautifully with you. Let's remember what we learned about sounds and letters. We will learn to make sentences and stories.

3. Updating knowledge.

I want to expand your knowledge about the letter "f".

In the Russian language, along with “active” letters, which are found very often in books, there are also “passive” letters that are rarely used. This is the letter "f". Is this a coincidence? Why is this so? The fact is that in Russian, words with the letter "f" are mainly borrowed from other languages, not without reason, in the Kuban dialect the letter "f" is still replaced by two Russian letters "xv" or simply "x": instead of Fedor, for example , they say Khvedor, the apron is a khvartuk, the shoes are rotten.

After repeating what we learned, we go on a journey. But how do we get into the forest?

I think I know who can help us. You will also learn this if you read the poem in the “ABC” (p. 196).

The magician is dressed in a tailcoat,
The torch turned into a bouquet.
The fairy will jump out of there.
Is it a trick or a miracle?

What are the words in this poem for animate objects? (Who?) The magician; (who?) fairy.

What sound does the letter “f” represent in each word? (In the words: magician, tailcoat, torch, focus, the letter "f" denotes the sound [f] in the word fairy, the letter "f" denotes the sound [f,]

The fairy and her friend, the magician, are ready to help us. But first, they want to make sure you can work together.

Working on the reading technique.

a) work on the tongue twister:

We begin the warm-up,
We repeat the tongue twister.

In Thekla's garden ahala and a lament,
The beets were not born in the garden - about.

Then the children say the beginning of the previously learned tongue twisters, the whole class continues in chorus (tongue twisters are learned in each lesson).

b) work on the syllabic table:

N on but Well us nor not nya not nude
WITH sa with su sy si behold Xia that hu
TO ka NS NS ky ki ke kya kyo kyu
T that then that you ti those cha those bye
L la lo lu ly whether le la le liu
R ra ro RU ry ri re row ryo ryu
V wah in woo you in and ve vya ve vu
NS na on poo py pi ne five pyu
M ma mo mu we mi me me my mu
Z per zo zu shl si ze zya zo siu
B ba bo boo would bi be bya by
D Yes before doo dy di de ae de du
G ha ggo gu gee hi ge hya ge gyu
H cha cho chu - chi what - what -
NS w a sho shu - shi she - she -
F Ms jo zhu - live the same - same -
NS x a NS hu - hee heh - - -
C c and tso hu tsy qi tse - - -
SCH u a scho shu - cabbage soup shte - che -
F F pho Ugh fy fi fe fya fe fu

We continue the warm-up
Syllables are fun to read.

Children work in pairs according to options: one option reads, the other checks the correctness of the work being done. Readiness is shown by traffic lights.

Game "I'll start, and you continue"

Equipment: card with an arrow.

Description: The teacher names the original syllable (or conditions for finding the original syllable) and indicates the direction with an arrow: up, down, left or right. Children in pairs read, starting with him, the syllables on the table in the indicated direction.

Find the syllables located in the syllable table between the syllables and read the fragment of the syllable table along the arrow:

c) make up words according to the syllabic table: (the teacher names the word, students must make it up according to the syllable table. For example: f-la-g, fe-vra-l-l, co-n-fe-ta)

4. Physical warm-up.

I think we can hit the road.

I go and you go -
One two Three.
I sing and you sing -
One two Three.
We go and we sing -
One two Three.
We live very amicably.
One two Three.

5. Development of speech.

But a snowdrift blocked our way. This winter does not want to let us into the forest. What do we do? But the fairy told me what to do.

Let's play a game "Guess the word"

The teacher “types” a word according to the table, sequentially showing the syllables with a pointer. Children

they carefully follow the movements of the pointer, silently read the word and call it when the teacher calls it.

(On the typesetting canvas, after the answers of the children, cards with words are displayed).

With each of these words, let's make a sentence so that we get a story.

After the children's answers, a poster appears on the chalkboard on which sentences are written

Warm spring has come. The sun is shining brightly in the sky. Birds are singing loudly in the forest.

Identify the “dangerous” place in words Spring, (in) the forest, they sing.

Why do we write the letter “y” after the letter “t” in the word “bird”?

Find the basis in the last sentence.

That's a miracle of miracles!
We ended up in the forest with you!

A picture of a spring forest appears on the magnetic board, but without flowers.

6. Reading a poem.

Now, children, we will see a miracle. This is the appearance of the first spring flower.

And which flower opens spring, you will find out by reading the poem.


Snowdrop came running
Into the March forest
Snowdrop peeped in
Into a clean stream.
And, seeing myself,
Shouted: “Here are the ones!
I didn't even notice
That spring has come ”. (L. Kudryavskaya)

Which flower was the first to come running to the March forest?

How many guessed why this flower is called that?

Before the sun has time to melt the snow, the blue head of a snowdrop is already peeping out from under the snow.

The snowdrop pattern is attached to the spring painting.

Find related words to the word snowdrop.

Snowdrop, snowy, snowball, snowflake.

7. Dramatization of a poem by the Kuban poet I. Varavva.

Now look at the performance of the poem by the Kuban poet Ivan Varavva, which was prepared by the guys.

Why did you, snowdrop, come out?
- The starling sang, but I heard.
- Why, starling, did you sing?
- March is ripe for us in the village!
- What did you, March, bring with you?
- The sun, the sky is blue!

8. Relaxation exercise (performed to music).

In addition to the sun and blue skies, March brought soft green grass with him.

The tension flew away ...
And the whole body is relaxed ...
And the whole body is relaxed ...
As if we are lying on the grass ...
On soft green grass ...
The sun is warming now ...
Our hands are warm ...
Breathing easily ... evenly ... deeply ...
The lips are slightly parted ...
Everything relaxes wonderfully ...
We understand what it is
A state of rest!

9. The game “The word crumbled”.

The snow melted. Streams began to run, and another spring flower appears.

Guess its name. (Children have letters on their desks)


Chart this word (work with individual collapsible charts)

The violet pattern is attached to the spring painting.

Do you like the transformations that take place in the forest in spring? But they happen with your help.

10. Reading a poem.

On the sunny edge
The violet blossomed.
Purple ears
She raised it quietly.
She is buried in the grass
Doesn't like to climb forward
But everyone will bow to her
And he will take it carefully. (E. Serova)

Where can you see the violet? Prove this by reading the lines from the poem.

As you understand, the expression “she is buried in the forest”?

Whew, whew! - the bird sings.
And the violet blooms
And the earth is looking at us
With a million blue eyes

11. Working with a deformed sentence.

The violet can be found not only in the forest. There are also indoor violets.

If you cope with the next task, then a surprise awaits you.

The magnetic board contains cards with the words: beautiful, Faina, on, blossomed, at, violet, window

Are these separate words or a sentence?

What is an offer? (This is one or more words that are connected in meaning and express a complete thought).

Make a sentence from these words. A beautiful violet blossomed on Faina's window.

What are the two main spellings of a sentence? ( The beginning of a sentence is written with a capital letter. We put a full stop at the end of the sentence).

What other word is capitalized? Why? (This word is Faina. This is a proper name, the name of a girl. The names of people are written with a capital letter).

12. Lesson summary

A fairy enters the class (student of 4th grade).

Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
Happy spring day
I'll see you.

Did you enjoy your trip today?

What interesting work did you perform in class today?

A magician friend of mine gave you a card. Complete the letters and you will guess the word.

The card contains a record of a word with missing elements. Children pronounce the spelling of these elements and read the word: Well done!

The teacher thanks the children for the lesson.

Literacy training.

Theme: “Reading words and syllables with the letter F.

Target: Contribute to the formation of correct, conscious, smooth, expressive and fluent reading.

    To contribute to the formation of reading skills, work with text, the development of phonemic hearing, work on the clarity of diction, expressiveness of speech, and the formulation of logical stress.

    Learn to compare paired voiced and voiceless consonants, divide words into syllables.

    To promote the education of children in their interest in educational activities, the desire for conscious discipline (in particular, compliance with traffic rules).

During the classes:

    Ribbon of letters. Knowledge update.

Reading the alphabet.

What are the vowels?

Name the vowels that represent the hardness of consonants.

What are the vowels that indicate the softness of consonants?

What are the vowels that, after the vowel, after the dividing signs and b signs, and at the beginning of the words give two sounds.

Name the paired ones according to their deafness and sonority.

What are the unpaired voiced consonants?

What are the unpaired voiceless consonants?

What are the consonants that are always soft.

What are the consonants that are always solid.

Name the letter that makes no sound.

The place of this lesson in the lesson system.

Working on sounds.

What city is called the cradle Russian fleet?

Who is the first Russian naval commander?

What do you know about Peter 1? (Tsyro)

What is the name of the flag under which Russian naval ships sail?

What does the Russian flag look like?

The fleet is sailing under the flag of Russia. What kind of transport is this?

What types of transport do you see?

And when we go to school, on the way we meet what kind of transport?

What to remember when crossing the road?

What should we remember when crossing the road in our village?

What helps to cross the road in the city?

What do the three traffic light colors mean?

Remind me what color you can cross the road to?

Make up the colors in the order you saw at the traffic light.

ABC page 196. Reading a poem.

How many offers?

What is it in terms of intonation?

What have you learned about traffic lights?

Game: Traffic light.

    Red - attention.

    Yellow - clap hands.

    Green - a step in place.

Voronezh is the cradle of the Russian fleet. Peter 1 - the first Russian naval commander.


Has three colors: white, blue, red. Pictures (transport)

Water; cargo, passenger or personal.

Terrestrial; cargo, passenger, personal, special.

Traffic Laws.

Look to the left, go to the middle, look to the right.

Zebra and traffic light.

Information competence - work with additional literature.

Three circles - show the correct traffic light.

3. Reading syllables, words with the letter f. Today in the lesson we will talk with you, read about the rules of behavior on the street.

Read the words on the board.

I will make riddles, and you listen carefully and look at the board.

Writing on the board: road, wheel, steam locomotive, tires, highway, bus, traffic light, trolleybus.

    Blazed by the monster

Emerald eye.

So you can take the street

Go now. (traffic lights)

    Rushes and shoots

Grumbles rapidly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox. (motorbike)

    On four legs

They put on boots.

Before putting on,

They began to inflate the shoes.

(tires, wheel)

    The house goes down the street

Everyone is lucky to get to work.

Not on chicken legs

And in rubber boots.

(bus, trolleybus)

    It starts from home

It ends at the house. (road)

    A canvas, not a track,

A horse is not a horse - a centipede

Crawling along that path,

The whole wagon train is lucky.

(railway and steam locomotive)

    Girdled by a stone belt

Hundreds of towns and villages. (highway)

Read the word that answers the question who?

Read the word that answers the question what does it do?

How can we name the words: flag, flag ...?

Read again all the words, what unites them?

Information competencies - vocabulary enrichment.

Value-semantic - teaching methods of reading comprehension.

They are related to traffic on the road.

Physical minute:

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is urging on.

He runs to himself in the waves

With open sails.

Past the big island

Past the steep coast.

Cannons from the pier are firing

They tell the ship to dock.

What kind of transport?

Health-saving competencies:

Ability to take care of your health.


How do your parents act when they pull up to a traffic light?

(reading text p. 197)

Read by Kornev.

Name actors in the story.

Reading by roles.

Today a letter was brought to our class. Who wrote it?

    Before crossing the road, find ... (place to cross).

    Stop by ... (sidewalk).

    Listen. Look closely at ... (both sides) for cars.

    Cross the road along ... (zebra crossing).

    This is how you will learn to cross ... the road.


Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, chauffeur!

The red eye stares at close range -

This is a strict traffic light.

Wait a little, chauffeur

Look out the window again.

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye

Winked and said:

"You can go, the way is open!"

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

Don't be in a rush

Think a little:

What's here, a brick dump?

2. I am in a circle with a red rim,

It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand the prohibition

Pedestrian traffic.

    I walk in a blue circle

And it's clear to the whole neighborhood,

If you think about it a little -


    I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can.

My buddy says:

“This means the path is closed.

There are athletes ahead

With numbers on the chest.

On the road - a relay race,

Children need to run somewhere ...

But I'm afraid, however,

The meaning of the sign is different ... "

Who is shown in the picture below the table.

Reading. How many offers? Read the interrogative, the declarative.

Where does the magician work? What is he doing?

On the envelope: three circles, a riddle.

    Tall, slender,

With three eyes.

Stands by the road

Not afraid of anyone. (traffic lights).

Socio-cultural competences:

Ability to master the elements of artistic and creative competencies of the reader, listener.

Road signs:

Road up,

No entry,


Careful children.

Physical minute:

A boat is sailing along the river.

He floats from afar.

There are four on the boat

A very brave sailor.

They have ears on the top of their heads

They have long tails

And only cats are afraid of them,

Only cats and cats!

What kind of transport?

4. There are many professions in the world, prepare a story about the profession of dad or mom.

In our class there are guys who participated in the "Choice of Profession" competition and won prizes: Shumeiko Vasilisa and Kornev Vova, and Kulakov Sasha received a certificate for participation. Today in the group we will watch the presentations of the guys about the professions: circus workers, firefighters and railroad workers.

Presentations of class pupils that they prepared for the regional competition.

And the car picks up speed ...

This is where our journey ends

And ahead of us the dining room is waiting for us.

Words for children to learn in advance.

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, chauffeur!

The red eye stares at close range -

This is a strict traffic light.

Wait a little, chauffeur

Look out the window again.

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye

Winked and said:

"You can go, the way is open!"

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

Do you know the road signs?

1. A round sign, and a window in it

Don't be in a rush

Think a little:

What's here, a brick dump?

2. I'm in a circle with a red outline,

It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand the prohibition

Pedestrian traffic.

    I walk in a blue circle

And it's clear to the whole neighborhood,

If you think about it a little -


    I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can.

My buddy says:

“This means the path is closed.

There are athletes ahead

With numbers on the chest.

On the road - a relay race,

Children need to run somewhere ...

But I'm afraid, however,

The meaning of the sign is different ... "

The blue carriage runs, sways,

And the car picks up speed ...

This is where our journey ends

And ahead of us the dining room is waiting for us.

    Before you cross the road, find ...

    Stop by ...

    Listen. Look closely at ... there are no cars.

    Cross the road along ...

    This is how you will learn to cross….

Novikova Anna Andreevna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU SOSH number 2
Locality: Khabarovsk Territory, Amursk
Material name: lesson outline
Theme:"Consonants [f] and [f ']. Reading syllables and words with the letter F."
Date of publication: 14.03.2016
Chapter: elementary education

Lesson topic: “Consonants [ф] and [ф ']. Reading syllables and words with a letter

I-Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Motivation for learning activities.
The bell rang loudly. The lesson begins. Our ears are on top of our head, Eyes are wide open. We listen, remember, We don't waste a minute. Guys, today we will go on a journey through the magical forest and learn a lot of new and interesting things. And so the attention we set off. Oh, guys, quieter, quieter, I hear something strange: Some guest is in a hurry to us And as if whistling. - Guess the riddle and tell me the name of our guest: When it's light, I hide in a hollow, At night I fly, I scare the mice. (Eagle owl.) Eagle owl, guys are a wise bird, knows a lot. He is also a guardian of a magical forest. Do we want to go to magical forest? Shall we guess his tasks? The owl closed the gates with locks. And we must earn all the keys by completing the tasks of the Owl.
II-Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in the educational


Lawn repeat
Owl, wants to see how smart we are and how we cope with his tasks. Look at the blackboard. On the board pictures: lantern, torch, violet, -Name the objects that are shown in the pictures. -What did we use to name these items? (using words) -What is a word? (The word is the combination of sounds that matters.). Did you finish the task?
What did you remember? The owl gives the key to the first lock.
The owl is pleased.
And we have to move on.
3. Building a project for a way out of the difficulty. (goal, theme, plan).

Phonetic warm-up lawn
The owl offers another task. -Let's say these words in chorus again. -What do these words have in common? (they all start with the same letter.) -Divide these words into groups: I-group- new sound hard II-group - new soft sound (check with signal cards.) What do you think, what is the topic of the lesson for us today? ("The consonants [ф] and [ф"], letter-Ф.). What should we learn today? -Distinguish new sounds; -Familiarity with the letter-F; -Learn to read syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. (that is, this is a plan) Well done guys, owl, I looked how smart you are. And we got the second key. Use the key to open the gate to
1. Characteristics of sound. -
Phonetic warm-up.
Guys, how does the hedgehog snort? (fr-fr-fr) And how does the titmouse sing a song? (phew-phew-phew) And how porridge puffs? (pf-pf-pf) Remember the sound a cat makes at a moment of danger? ("F-f-f-f-f). What new sound are we hearing? [f].
Describe the sound [f] in more detail. - Say it. Children pronouncing it and talking. (When pronouncing the sound [f], the air meets an obstacle. So the sound [f] is a consonant. Now, guys, close your ears and say the sound [f] - when you pronounce it, only noise is heard. So the sound [f] is deaf. So the sound [f] is solid. Now guys, let's go back to the words that we divided into two groups and pay attention to the second group. What is the first word. (Violet) -What do you hear the first sound? (consonant, a dull, vowel sound "and" gives softness to a consonant sound. So the sound [f '] is soft. Do you guys think this sound has a pair? ] Who can fully characterize the sound?
2.Individual work
- color the soundtrack.
3.Assign in pairs
–Sound-letter analysis. Match the outline with words. (Work in pairs, one student at the blackboard.) There are 4 diagrams and 4 words on the blackboard. (lantern, violet, What task did you perform? (To distinguish new sounds) [f] and [f ']. FIZMINUTKA (superfizinutka) What good fellows you guys are. You coped with this task and the Owl opens the gates for us, and we get to " A clearing of letters. ”(Third key).
4. Acquaintance with the letter.
There are letters on the board and among them there is a new letter. - Find her. What is it called? (f) -What does she look like? Everyone knows without a hint Letter-ef As a key to a fairy tale
Karabas will never take it away from us. Name the words with the letter ef (at the beginning, in the middle at the end of the word.) -Filin, jacket, wardrobe.
5.Individual work:
Type the letter ff on the soundbar. Now I will read you a fairy tale, and you listen carefully and memorize the words with the sound [f] and [f '].
What did you study? What kind of work did we do with you? (met with

new letter and sounds)
Draw the letter F. lean to the right, left, forward, backward.
Clever girls! Eagle owl is very pleased with you, you are smart and athletic. The guard hands us the fourth key from the gate. And we have to move on. The owl is watching vigilantly, does not let us in. He has prepared a very difficult task for us.
4. Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech.
And we got with you on
"Syllabic clearing".

Reading syllables. Working with the tutorial. P. 140
Look at the top line in the textbook and tell me what will help us learn to read? (reading syllables) -What are we going to learn next? Option 1 - reads syllables to his neighbor in his ear, and then vice versa (work in pairs) -Read line by line -Read in a column
Pure clause
Fy-fy-fy-there are wardrobes, Fu-fu-fu I will clean up in the closet, Fet-fet-fet-I will buy sweets, Harf-harf-harp- I'll put on a scarf. The cheerful A came running, the children read ... - (fa).
Perky came running Oh, the children read ... - (pho). The stubborn Wu came running, the children read ... - (phew). A grumpy Y came running, the children read ... - (fy). The arrogant E came running, the children read ... - (fairy). A baby came running And, the children read ... - (fi). The quiet Yo came running, the children read ... - (fe). -What kind of work did you do? The owl is very pleased with you. He hands us the key to the fifth lock. - We are in a dense forest. - And we need to get to the clearing
"Read it."
Well done, the owl is watching us vigilantly. Now, guys, in order to complete his task, we will work in groups.
5. Independent work with self-test, mutual check.

Group I
- find words with a hard sound- [f]
- animal world,
kind of box with glasses for holding fire, light

- mostly warm underwear that covers the torso and arms.
an apparatus for transmitting and receiving sound,
- a type of luminaire capable of providing continuous intense light outdoors in all weather conditions.
-. big number ships assembled for a common purpose; usually they mean the military fleet, but also the merchant fleet.
- men's formal evening suit of a special cut: a short jacket in front, with long narrow folds (hem) at the back, trousers with satin stripes.
- military formation in ranks.
II group
- find words with a soft sound- [f ’]
is a flower, finish, cafe, coffee, candy,
- small circles of multi-colored paper, which are showered on each other at balls, carnivals, etc. , figure. -What words do you not understand? -Find among these words the names of the flowers. (violet, ficus)
- Pay attention to column 2, how are these words different? What is superfluous and why? (capital letter, an officer is a military person.)
III group
- read the sentence. (check the proposal) - we read the proposals - What did we do now? (learned to read syllables, words with a new letter) We passed the tests, it's time for us to go to class, and for this we will complete the task.
7. Repetition.
Owl liked you very much. He gives us the key, we open the lock, we are in the clearing
"Fix it up"

7.Assign in pairs:
What sounds does the letter-F stand for? Choose appropriate signs and underline Consonant-vowel Hard-soft Voiced-voiceless Paired-unpaired check What is the sound of ф? Checking with signals. A consonant - a vowel? (consonant) In the word "surname" - hard - soft? In the word "profession" - hard-soft? Deaf-voiced? (voiceless) Paired - unpaired (paired ([in] [in ']). Well done guys! Give a characteristic to the sound of ph.
8. Reflection of educational activities. Bottom line.
So we finished our journey through the magical forest. We closed our eyes, we count to 5. We opened our eyes. We're in class. Owl, I am very pleased with you and he is in a great mood. He asks: "What was your mood during the trip?" Take an emoticon and show it. The lesson is over. Thanks to all!!!