Game on knowledge of traffic rules with children. Moving games by road rules for senior preschoolers

Moving Games on traffic rules for kindergarten

Moving games help to give preschoolers of knowledge according to the rules of movement in an entertaining form, instill their skills and skills of the right behavior on the street, cause interest in the movement of transport and pedestrians, to the transport itself, respect for the work of vehicle drivers, to the work of traffic police.
In the process of games, children and skills and ability to act in continuously changing conditions are engraved and improved, to react to an unexpected new situation. The game teaches the child when interacting with peers in the team, subordinate to the interests of others.

Game "Buses"

"Buses" are the teams of children "Driver" and "Passengers". At 6-7 m from each team set flags. On the team "March!" The first players quickly step (it is forbidden to run) are sent to their flags, envelop them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again do the same path, etc. Playing keep each other per elbows. When the bus (front player "driver") returns to the place with a full passenger, it should serve a whistle signal. Wins the team first arrived at the final stop.

The game "Autoin aspor and drivers"

5-6 people participate in the game.
On the playground for the game is carried out with chalk 4-5 parallel lines meaning the steps of movement. Players (drivers) put their cars (chairs) For the last line and seard on them. Drivers have a chauffefficient coupons (Cardboard Rectangles). From the opposite side of the site, the face of the traveler sits on the drivers with signs of road signs and scissors in their hands. These scissors are needed for the spacing of the right at the parts of the intruder. The autoin aspor is alternately showing drivers road signs. The driver who explained correctly that prescribes this sign, moves to the next line. The driver who failed to explain this, receives a puncture (scissors cut off the corner of the chauffeur) and the remark of the auto inspector, its car remains in place. The player who received four punctures is dropped out of the game. The driver who has passed all the steps without comment becomes a car inspector, an auto inspector driver. The game is repeated. Retired drivers from the game receive new chauffeur coupons and are included in the game.

"Be careful!"

Children remember what and when to do. Go in a circle and listen carefully to traffic control signals. By alarm: "Traffic light!" - stand on the spot; By alarm: "Transition!" - Stepping; By signal: "Car!" - Hold the steering wheel in the hands.

The game "Cheerful Tram"

We are fun trams,
We do not jump like bunnies,
We drove along the rails together.
Hey, sit down to us who need!

Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds the hoop in his hands. The second team is passengers, they occupy their places at the bus stop. Each tram can transport only one passenger, which occupies its place in the hoop. The final stop on the opposite side of the hall.

The attraction game "Attention, pedestrian!"

For this game, we need three rods painted in three color traffic lights.
Adjustable - senior student - shows the guys lined up in front of him, alternately one of the three wands. Participants of the game at the sight of a red rod take a step back, at the sight of yellow - stand, at the sight of green - two forward. One who is not mistaken never wrong. The winner is awarded icon, postcard, book, etc.

Garage game

Content: at the corners of the site drawn 5-8 large circles - parking machines - garages. Inside each parking lot for cars, 2-5 circles - machines (can be placed). The total number of cars should be 5-8 less than the number of players.
Children walk in a circle, holding hands, under the sounds of music. As soon as the music is over, everyone runs to the garages and occupy places on any of the cars. The remaining without a place is dropped out of the game.

Game "Trucks"

Content: Playing Hands Hands Handles are trucks. They need to deliver urgent cargo. Everyone has a small pouch with sawdust or sand. Who can run so quickly to overtake all your rivals and do not drop the cargo - this bag?

"Yes, or not" game

A teacher or any of the guys runs between the rows of the party and turns to one, then to another student with some question, for example: "Do you go to a red traffic light signal?", "Do you ride on a scooter in the yard?", "They say that you are not inferior in transport the place of the eldest. It's true?" You must answer quickly, briefly and be sure to insert the words "yes" or "no". Answering a question positively ("Yes, I ride a scooter only in the yard"), you need to turn your head at the same time from left to right, and answering a negative ("No, I am inferior in transport the place of the oldest"), shove your head from top to bottom (as, for example, accepted by Bulgarians). Since these movements are completely unusual, many are mistaken and involuntarily accompany the answer not by the movements of the head, which you need, causing laughter and revitalize others.

Game "Road, Transport, Pedestrian, Passenger"

Children become a circle, in the middle it becomes a traffic controller. He throws the ball to someone from the players, uttering one of the words: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger. If driving said the word "road!", The one who caught the ball should quickly call any word associated with the road.
For example: Street, sidewalk, sideways, etc. On the word "transport!" The player meets the name of any transport; On the word "pedestrian!" You can answer - traffic light, pedestrian, etc. Then the ball is returned to traffic control. A mistaken player drops out of the game.

Game "Road - Outdoor"

The game field is drawn up in Lineshka, where each Lineberry is separated from another one step (you can play on a broad lasy), players get up and driving the ball alternately, calling various words. If the "Road" Word sounds - the player must catch the ball, "ous" - to skip or discard, by matching the player called the word, the player proceeds to the next feature (to the next step). Wins and becomes leading the one who first crosses the latter

Game "Hare"

Rides a bunny on the tram,
Rides a bunny, reasoning:
"If I bought a ticket,
Who am I: Hare or Not? "
(A. Shibayev)
"Conductor" tram sells tickets to passengers who sit on the chairs - seating in the tram. But chairs, one less than passengers. Once all the tickets are sold, and someone remains without a ticket, the conductor catch up with this "hare", and a short-flower runs away.

Game "Remember the Signals of the Controller"

Here at any time
It is a familiar aside.
He runs at once,
Who in front of him on the pavement.
No one can so
One movement of hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And skip trucks.

Preparation. Children are divided into teams. In each of them they choose the captain. Captains are located behind the starting lines - one opposite the other. Distance between teams 20-30 m.
In the middle of the platform, between two lines that limit the bandwidth of 2-3 m wide, flags are folded in checkerboard.
The content of the game. On the traffic controller signal (red lights - hands stretched to the sides or omitted - stand; yellow light - right hand with a boat in front of the breasts - the green light is ready for pedestrians sideways, your hands are stretched to the sides or omitted - go) players quickly run To the check boxes on the team of traffic controller, children return to places, quickly being built in the rank. Captains are collected and counted flags brought by their players. For each check box, one point is accrued. The team who scores more points is defeated.
Rules of the game:
During the game, the player is allowed to assemble any number of flags lying on Earth.
It is forbidden to take flats from each other.
For lines that limit place for flags cannot be intercedllied.
Captains of teams play equal rights with everyone.

The game "Knowing Pedestrian"

Road rules in the light of a lot,
He would not hurt them to learn
But the main rules of movement -
Know how the table must be multiplying:
On the pavement - do not play, do not ride
If you want to stay healthy!

The game is carried out on the site in the form of an excursion with an element of the Competition. Children are built by teams. They must pass the way, for example, from school to the library. Going to the crossroads or a pedestrian walkway, children must stop and fulfill the practical task set in connection with the approaching transport and the current traffic light, then ask: "Street, street, can we move the road?"
What the street replies: "You can, if you answer me one question." Specifies one question according to the rules of the road. And so every intersection.
The detachment, correctly answers all the questions, will come earlier to the appointed point, where she was presented by the pennant "Pedestrians - Excellent."

Game "Go on the track"

Players go along the path, calling for each step, for example, the names of road signs, etc. It wins the more steps and called more words.

The game "Who called - he catches."

Playing are located in a circle. In the center - traffic controller (driven). He calls the name of one of the same in a circle and throws him the ball. Named catches the ball, calls any kind of transport and throws the ball an adjustigator. The one who did not catch the ball or did not name the word becomes leading. The one who has never been the regulator wins.

Game "Catch - do not catch"

Participants of the game, 6-8 people, are built up by Shangoy in a hemisphere from each other. The presenter is located 4-5 steps from players with the ball, while saying words, for example, "road", "Transition", "Road sign", etc. (In this case, the ball should be caught), or words denoting any other subjects (In this case, the ball should not catch).
The one who is mistaken takes a step forward, but continues to play. When re-errors leaves the game. It is very important that at first the word driving the word, and then threw the ball.

Game "Name Sixth"

A few people play. The leading appeals to someone who throws the ball: "Nazis Sixth" - and lists, for example, five types of transport (or road signs, etc.). The one who was asked to continue the list should be divided by the ball and quickly add another name, without repeating those listed before. If the words follow immediately, the responding itself begins to ask questions if not - the older remains.

"Find Wand"

The educator prior to the start of the game hides the rod to regulate the road in sight. Playing stand in a rank or column one by one.
According to the tutor's sign, players move in the column one around the hall, and everyone tries to first notice the hidden object. The player who saw the subject first puts his hands on the belt and continues to walk, not showing the other where the hidden object is. The teacher to make sure that the player really found the subject, can come to him and quietly ask. The game ends when all or most of the players found the subject.
Playing, noticing a hidden object, should not stop, slow down movement, touch or in any other way to indicate other players the location of the hidden item.

Game "Find a couple"

Playing pins of paper with images of road signs. Do not speak, everyone should find a couple, that is, a partner with the same picture. Couples are in a circle.
Complications: Each couple tells what denotes their road sign.

The game "Unusual Road Sign"

In this game, children are invited to come up with an unusual road sign.
It is necessary to choose any of the objects of the surrounding world and try to transfer its properties to the road sign. At the same time, the most fantastic, most incredible options are possible. Pedagogue offers children to think of some kind of alive or inanimate nature (Cat, tree, flower, house, etc.). The teacher asks: "Can an unusual road sign remind something like a cat?". Children answer: "Maybe!".

Lights Lights game

On the traffic light - red light! It is dangerous way - no passage! And if the yellow light is burning, - he "prepare" says. Green flashed ahead - free path - go.
In the game, all children are pedestrians. When the traffic controller shows the yellow light on the "traffic light", then all participants are built into the car and are preparing for the movement when the green light is "ignites" - you can walk, run, jump throughout the hall; With red light - everything is freezed in place. Oven - drops out of the game. When you cross the street - watch the traffic lights.

Game "Pautinca"

Children sit in a circle. At the leading - traffic controller in the hands of a ball of threads. He throws a tangle to any of the children, calling the reason for accidents on the roads: "Sasha, walking along the roadway with the sidewalk is dangerous," Sasha holds a thread, and the tangle throws on. "Sergey! An unexpected way out due to the standing car can lead to an accident, "Sergey holds a thread, and the tangle throws on:" Olya! Games of children on the roadway are very dangerous. "
When all the children take part in the game, they have a "web" in their hands and a long story about the causes of accidents on the roads.

The game "Trip to Sochi"

For the game you need chairs - one less than the number of players. Chairs are put tightly in a circle, one near the other, the seats outward. Each of the players takes free space. The driving chair does not have. He goes around playing, holding a checkbox in his hand, and says: "I am going to Sochi, inviting those who want." All the guys one after another join it. Ring says: "In Sochi we eat bus (by train, plane)", And at the same time speeds up. "The bus is gaining speed," continues to lead and moves to run. "Sochi is completely close," he announces (Running slows down). "Attention, stop!" - Suddenly, the team leading. On this team, everyone is running to the chairs. Everyone tries to occupy any free place. Driving also tries to take a place. The one who remains without a chair becomes driving, receives the checkbox and repeats the game. The leading can lead the students away from the chairs, lead them across the hall, etc. And to file the "Landing!" Suddenly anywhere.

Game "Crossroads"

The presenter gets up in the center of the Crossroads is a traffic light. Children are divided into two groups - pedestrians and cars. There is a whistle leading. Crossroad comes to life: Pedestrians go, transport is moving. If violations of the rules of the road movement are allowed, the lead whistle calls, calls the name of the intruder. He drops out of the game. We defeat those who have no mistakes.
For winners, the road is organized on three-wheeled bikes and scooters.

The game "Searches for a rod"

Two chairs put at a distance of 8-10 m one from the other and each put on the rod. Playing, turning to each other near the chairs. They tie their eyes. At the leader's signal, each of them should go ahead, bypassing the chair of his comrade and, returning back, find her rod and knock them about the chair. Wins the one who will perform it before.

"Different cars" game

Road traffic control officer exclaims: "Freight cars!" - And cargo cars quickly go to their feature. And the passenger cars are started behind them, trying to rally. Presenter remembers (or somehow notes) The number of outstanding. There is a turn of passenger cars to go to his way. And among them there will be losers, which overtake the freight cars. And so several times. The presenter does not necessarily cause teams strictly in turn - it will be more interesting if he suddenly calls one several times in a row. It is only important that the total number of cargo and passenger cars in the end came the same. To create more voltage in the game, command names should be pronounced by syllables. It sounds: "Ma-Shi-We will light ..."

Game "Adjustable"

While walking in the column one by one, teacher (He goes first) Changes the positions of the hands: to the side, on the belt, up, behind the head, behind the back. Children perform all movements behind him, except for one - hands on the belt. This movement is prohibited. One who is mistaken, fails, becomes the end of the column and continues the game. After some time, the prohibited movement is declared another.
The post is stubborn (Step on the spot)
People wave: do not go!
(movements with hands on the sides, up, sides, down)
Here cars go straight (hands in front of them)
Pedestrian, you wait! (hands to the side)
Look: smiled (Hands on the belt)
Invites us to go (Step on the spot)
You, cars, do not rush (cotton hands)
Pedestrians skip! (jumping in place)

Game "Collect Lightfor"

The teams are awarded the rod and explains the task: each participant of the team should participate in the assembly of traffic lights from rectangles. The team wins, earlier and without errors, completed the assembly of the traffic light. On two boxes are seven gray rectangles and one color: red, yellow, green. At the signal, the team participants run up to the boxes, remove the rectangles out of the boxes, return to the place, passing the rod next, each next participant takes out another rectangle from the box, continuing the traffic light assembly. Rectangles put one on the other in the following sequence: gray, gray, red, gray, yellow, gray, green, gray, gray, gray.

Game "Traffic light"

The field is limited from 4 sides. (Depends on the number of players), like a pedestrian walkway, run beyond which is impossible. Driving in the center of the playing field, turning away, appoints the color, those players who have this color available on clothes are calmly moving, the rest - "violators" must run through the "road", the outstanding "violator" becomes leading.

The game "Signals of traffic lights"

Two teams of 12-15 people are built up by a semicircle, one left, the other to the right of the head. In the hands of the head of the traffic light - two cardboard circles, it is a side of which yellow color, the second side of the circles is different
(red and green).
The teacher reminds the guys about how important it is to follow the rules of movement on the street, to move it only in the established places where the inscription "Pedestrian", first look left, then right to make sure that there are no close machines, and where the traffic light is not carefully follow him. He reads the guys poems S.Mikhalkov. The missing words of the guys are prompted by the choir.
If the light fell red,
So move ... (dangerous).
Light green says:
"Go through the way ..." (open).
Yellow Light - Warnings -
Wait for the signal for ... (motion).

The teacher then explains the rules of the game:
- When I show the green light signal, all marching on the spot (you need to start with the left leg)When yellow is clapped in your hands, and when red - stand motionless. He who confuses the signal takes a step back.
Signals must change unexpectedly, after different intervals. The team wins, who will remain on the place of the participants to the end of the game.

Game "We rent a charter"

5-7 people participate in the game: auto inspector and drivers. Playing choose a leading (auto inspector). He is given road signs (from the set "Wall road signs"), its meaning is written on the back of the sign. AvtoFector Shows Road Signs (familiar students), alternately changing them, and drivers explain the meaning of signs. For the correct answer, they get a point (A color token is issued, a piece of cardboard). At the end of the game, it is counted, which of the drivers received a greater number of tokens. He is awarded to the title of charter 1, another, respectively, the charter 2 and 3.
Player, first place, becomes a car inspector.
The game is repeated.

Game "Collect the picture"

From each team ("Traffic light", "car", "Pedestrian" or other) Using readings, a player is selected to participate in the game. It is necessary to collect scattered on the road part of the picture to get a picture with the same image as the name of the team.

Game "Taxi"

A group of children is divided into pairs. Each para ("Taxi") It is inside the hoop ("taxi"). Each child holds his half circle (usually at the level of the waist or shoulders).
Children run, standing inside the hoop while the music plays. Two children should move at the same speed and in one direction. Every time the music stops, children from two hoops are combined together. The game continues until the maximum number of children fit inside the hoop (up to 6-8 people).

Game "Cherish ..."

The leading becomes on one side of the playing field, players in the other of her end, drive away turns away and says: "You go quiet - you will continue, two, three, stop" and turns around, players who are running to the watering, should be frightened, The one who did not have time to stop returning to the starting line. The winner, the first to reach the territory of the leading area, becomes leading. All interest is that the phrase can be somehow cut off (An element of surprise) is made)But the last word still should remain "stop", only after it driving can turn around.

Game "Relay of cars"

Children are divided into 2-4 equal teams and are built into the columns one by one, one parallel to the other. Playing in the teams take the names of cars: "Moskvich", "Zaporozhets", "Zhiguli", etc. Before the players are held a starting trait. Ahead of each column at a distance of about 10-20 m is rack (mace). On a distance of 2 m from the start, the finish line is drawn. Road traffic controller loudly causes any car. Players wearing a card with the name of this car will run forward, rush standing opposite them and return back. One who first comes running to his team wins the point for his team. The traffic controller causes cars to the community, some can cause 2 times.
Moving games by road rules

Game "Colored Cars"

Children are placed along the wall wall or the edge of the site. They are cars. Each of the players is given a flag of any color. (optional) or color circle, ring. The educator stands face to playing in the center of the room (platforms). He holds three colored checkbox in his hand.
The tutor raises the checkbox of some color. All children having the box of this color run along the planned road, observing the rules of the road, they buzz on the go, imitating the car. When the teacher descends the checkbox, the children stop and send each into their garage. The tutor then raises the checkbox of another color and the game is resumed.
The educator can lift one, two or all three flags together, and then all cars go out of their garages. If children do not see that the checkbox is omitted, the tutor complements the visual signal verbal: "Cars (calls color) stopped. " The educator can replace the color signal with verbal (for example: "Blue cars leave", "Blue cars are returned home").

The game "The fastest"

Each draws itself a circle (green, yellow, red shames) and gets up in it. The presenter is in the middle of the site. According to his team "Once, two, three - run!" Children scatter. Lead Pronounces: "Once, two, three - in the traffic lights run!" And he tries to take any circle himself. Who did not have time to take the circle becomes the lead.

Labyrinth game

This game is carried out when children are already familiar with the designations of individual signs and pointers ("entry is prohibited", "Pedestrian Transition", "Bicycle Movement is prohibited", etc.).
In winter, snowfolds, located at a distance of 1 m from each other, a labyrinth is built with a height of 0.5-0.7 m. In summer, the labyrinth can be made of sand, bricks, having reduced the height of the walls. Signs are installed in the labyrinth. In winter, on sleds, in the summer on bikes, scooters, children pass along the labyrinth, accurately observing the directions of the signs.
The one who did not violate the rules receive a gift.

Game "On a visit to Aibolit"

To participate in this game, you can invite schoolchildren, traffic police officers who can be entrusted with the role of regulators and Dr. Aibolit.
On the floor (or asphalt) Melt is denoted by crossroads, pedestrian crossings, one or two adjustors are exhibited. It is desirable that the road goes along the ring and was longer. Children put on a variety of animals hats. Dr. Aibolit (tutor) It takes his place at the end of the way and is waiting for animals for treatment. Children in two begin to move towards the doctor on bicycles or, if there is no, on foot. Adjustors celebrate who violated the rules of transition, stop. When all the "beasts" arrive at Aibolit, the dissemination of violations begins. Regulators in turn cause violators. Dr. Aibolit announces that such a beast fell under the car, which pressed him a paw or head. These animals are treated to Aibolit. Who correctly did all the way, gets a gift from Aibolita. (As a gift you can use small toys, sloant, the best works of children in the visual activity.)

Game "Traffic", Option II

On the floor or section of the kindergarten chalk, crossroads are denoted, transitions. In the center the boy gets up ("traffic light") with red circles on the back and chest and green - on the shoulders. Two yellow circles he holds in his hands. Children begin to move the street on pedestrian crossings, and the "traffic light" turns to them with her sideways, then with his back, respectively, allowing or prohibiting the transition. The guys should know what yellow light means. If the "traffic light" raised his hands with yellow circles, it means that it is also impossible to move, you just need to cook, and who did not have time to move the street, should stay in the middle of the street and wait for the green signal.
The same game can be spent by replacing the traffic controller. Violators in this game are subject to fine: explain their mistakes.

Game "Crossroads"

On the floor, cords crossing each other at right angles are laid. One end of the cord has an adult with traffic lights. Children under music are suitable for the crossroads and act on the signals of the teacher: during red - stop, during yellow - marching on the spot, when green - go to the right, left or forward.

Running Traffic game

Children follow the commusive for the lead. From time to time, the presenter raises the checkbox, then rotates around. If you raise the green flag, the children continue to move for the lead, if yellow is jumping in place, if red - everyone should measure in place and not to move 15-20 seconds. Who was wrong - coming out of the game. The most careful wins.

The game "To your signs"

Six people arbitrarily stand on the site (assistants), Everyone in the hands of the road sign: "Children", "Pedestrian Transition", "Railway Moving with a Barrier", "Road Works", "Wild Animals", "Underground Transition".
Children are divided into groups, take hands, forming a circle. In the middle of each circle, assistants include a road sign, explain its meaning.
Then lead (tutor) Suitable for each circle and invites playing children behind you. Children go for the lead and repeat all his movements. While children go for the lead, assistants omit their signs and move around the site, i.e. change their places.
By signals of the lead (whistle) All players must quickly find their sign and stand in their circle, holding hands, assistants in the middle of the circle hold signs above their heads. We defeat those who found their sign first. The game is carried out 2-3 times.
The presenter, inviting the guys, tries to distract the attention of players from assistants, showing them various movements (walking on the heels, jumping, turns around themselves "walking squatting and others).

Game "Traffic and speed"

Two tables. Two layout of traffic lights. At the command of the leading first numbers run to traffic lights and disassemble them, the second collected. Third again disassemble, etc. The team, who completed the task of the first, wins.

Game "Drawing the Road"

Draw on Earth road. Children jump over her. The width of the road gradually increase. The one who jumps over the road in the widest place is defeated.

Game "To your flags"

Playing are divided into three groups. Each group becomes in a circle, in the center of which is a player with color (red, yellow, green) flag. According to the first sign (cotton in your hands) All except players with flags are running around at the site. On the second signal, children stop, squat and closed their eyes, and players with flags go to other places. By teammate "To your flags!" Children open their eyes and run to the flags of their colors, trying to build the first to build in a circle. We win those who were the first to build in a smooth circle and stand, holding hands.

Skill Pedestrian game

At a distance of 60 cm parallel to each other, two cords are about 5 m long. It is necessary to go with the knotted eyes between them along the track.
Option 2. Of the two cords make two circles: external and internal. The distance between them is 1 meter. You need to go around the cords blindfolded.

Game "Ball in the basket"

In 2-3 steps from players put 3 baskets: red, yellow, green. By teammate you need: Red ball throw in a red basket, yellow - in yellow, green - in green. The lead can call the same color several times in a row or after the red name green, etc. Cognitive and entertainment game according to the rules of the road for senior preschoolers

Every day, all vehicle flows on the streets increase and increase. In such a situation, parents are important to teach children the rules of road traffic (traffic rules), because nothing can be more important than the health and life of the child, its security. How best to convey knowledge on traffic rules with small pedestrians? Of course, in the form of a game, as it is the main means of learning preschoolers. Read in our article about the Games on the traffic rules for preschoolers, their types and meanings.

Learn the rules of the road

Rules of traffic rules need to teach children from an early age

Why should the rules of traffic rules need to teach children from an early age? Statistical data suggests that the cause of road traffic accidents (accidents) is most often the children themselves. The fact that children are not familiar even with the most elementary rules of the street, as well as the fact that adults are indifferent to the behavior of children on the road. Small children have no experience to manage their behavior on the roadway, often overestimating their capabilities. They believe that they are clever enough to have time to quickly run the road or move it by bike. Children can suddenly appear on the road in front of the rushing machine, otherwise to start a fun game right on the roadway. In this regard, there are dangerous situations, often leading to an accident and children's injury.

In kindergartens, traffic policemen begin to learn about the third year of life.

Relisting and teaching children from the small years of traffic rules, you can avoid dangers on the road.

"In kindergartens, the PDDs of the kids begin to learn about the third year of life, starting to lay the foundations of culture of behavior. Parents can start such education at home even before entering the child to a children's educational institution, picking up the techniques of learning PDDs. "

It is very important that reoxoiths receive knowledge useful for pedestrians not only in kindergarten, but also that parents pay attention to this issue.

The purpose of training for preschoolers road alphabet - This is the creation of pedagogical conditions that will optimally provide training for preschoolers by the rules of the road and will contribute to the formation of the necessary skills and skills, developing resistant habits of safe behavior near the roadway and on the road.


  • activation of the attention of the parents of the child on the problem of learning preschoolers PDD
  • awareness of the child's importance of the problem of proper behavior on the road
  • formation of practical skills of behavior in different situations of urban motion, developing an appropriate behavior model

The volume of knowledge on traffic rules, which must learn the preschooler:

  • road Traffic Subjects (Pedestrian, Vehicle)
  • road components (driving part, sidewalk, curb, intersection, pedestrian crossing)
  • main vehicles (car - passenger and cargo, bus, trolleybus, tram, motorcycle, bike)
  • how regulated traffic (adjustror, \u200b\u200btraffic light)
  • red, yellow, green traffic lights and their meaning
  • rules of behavior on the roads and sidewalks
  • rules for the transition of the roadway
  • landing / disembarking and public transport behavior

And the main rule: "It is impossible to go on the road without adults."

Starting to acquaint the baby with the rules of the road, we recommend considering the following:

  • educational material must correspond to the age and interests of the child
  • rules must be filed in an affordable form.
  • training should be carried out on the principle of "from simple to complex".

Forms and Methods for teaching preschoolers PDD

One of the most effective forms of training of PDD preschoolers is a game.

What is the best preschoolers to teach traffic rules? Need to consider that adjustry training activities are carried out in several directions:

  1. Working with pedagogical staff of kindergarten (Pedsovets, counseling, surveying, organization of classes, control effectiveness of training activities).
  2. Work with children (games, classes, events, walks and excursions, diagnostics).
  3. Work with parents (Questioning, education of parents on teacher training mentals, organizing joint activities of parents and children, parental meetings, participating parents in organizing training space).
  4. Cooperation with government agencies For organizing joint educational activities.

"Teaching a child, an adult must be clearly represented, how and what to learn, as well as how to do this in the most efficient way."

Among methods and technologies To study preschoolers, traffic rules can be allocated:

  • interactive method
  • modeling road situations
  • game learning
  • observation
  • conversation.

One of the most effective forms of preschoolers for preschoolers Rules of traffic rules is the game. In the game form, training is carried out, checking and securing knowledge on traffic rules.

Types of games and their meaning

PDD games are aimed at learning knowledge and skills that should contribute to the formation of a safe child's behavior on the road.

The game is one of the most acceptable, affordable forms interesting for the child, including on the assimilation of traffic rules. PDD games are aimed at learning knowledge and skills that should contribute to the formation of a safe child's behavior on the road.

Types of Games on traffic rules:

  1. Design and subject.
  2. Table-printed.
  3. Movable.
  4. Training games.
  5. Scene-role.
  6. Didactic.
  7. Developing.
  8. Educational.
  9. Theatrical.
  10. Games based on modern technologies (interactive, computer, multimedia).

Games selected taking into account the age of children will help them:

  • call interest in the movement of vehicles and pedestrians
  • get useful knowledge of traffic rules in an affordable exciting form.
  • instill and consolidate the skills and skills of the right on the road
  • to form a respectful attitude towards the work of drivers and employees of the traffic police.

See the video, which shows an example of an interactive educational game on traffic rules in kindergarten

Taking part in a game of traffic rules, preschoolers learn to act in terms of the situation and respond quickly to the established conditions, thinking not only about themselves, but also about others.

Didactic and moving games

A variety of desktop, didactic and computer games for traffic rules easily parents can hold at home. We give a few examples of the didactic Games on traffic rules.

A variety of traffic rules can be carried out not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Didactic games

1. Game "Traffic" - For junior and middle preschoolers.

Didactic material:circles from red, green and yellow cardboard, light layout.

Game traffic:adult explains the child the purpose of the traffic light, the role of the color of the traffic lights, fixes the picture of the child about different signals

2. Game "Put the road sign" - For senior preschoolers.

Didactic material: Cards with images of road signs.

Game traffic: An adult tells the child about the appointment of signs, and then checks the knowledge, showing cards at random or spending the quiz "Guess which sign?". You can also ask the child, what signs for pedestrians, and which are for drivers.

3. The game "Little Pedestrian" - For medium and senior preschoolers.

Didactic material: 1) Cards are quite large size depicting different situations on the road - 6 situations on each card; 2) small-sized cards with road signs and road rules by the other side; 3) White cards crossed on diagonals.

Game traffic: Not more than 6 children participate, whom the tutor distributes big cards (one to each one of one child), and then shows the card with the image of the road sign and reads one of their rules of behavior on the road or in transport. The child looks at the card, finds the situation corresponding to it and puts a small size card on it with a road sign or a white card (if the image shows incorrect behavior). The winner is the one who first closes all 6 situations on their card.

4. Game "Red and Green"- For younger preschoolers.

Didactic material: 2 Mug - Green and red, Toy typewriter.

Game traffic: The game is played with the 1st child. The teacher takes red and green mugs, asks the child to take the machine and says: "You are the driver, you will drive the car. When you see a green circle, the machine can go forward (show how). When I show a red circle - the machine must stop. Subsequently, the game may become more complicated: to be held with a subgroup of children, accompanied by a show of illustrations of transport, streets, buildings.

Outdoor games

Moving Games on traffic rules simulate real situations

  1. Game for junior preschoolers "Multicolored machines".

At the perimeter of the site, placing children with color circles in the hands - "steering". The tutor is in the center, holding color checkboxes in his hands. It raises the flag of some color. Children, who have a circle of the same color, begin to run on the site in any direction, buzz, turning the circle as the steering wheel. When the educator lowers the checkbox, everyone must return to its places. Next, the tutor raises the flag of another color, and other children begin to run. And if you simultaneously raise two or three flags - in this case, all "machines" will "output".

  1. Game for junior preschoolers "Cars".

Each child holds the hoop in the hands. At the command of the teacher, children begin to run, turning hoops ("Rules") to the right and left, trying not to face each other. By the next team - stop.

  1. Game for medium and senior preschoolers "traffic lights".

Two teams (out of 7-10 children each) are built in the form of a semicircle: one left, and the other is to the right of the educator. In his hands, he has a traffic light - two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, and the second side is red or green.

The teacher reminds children about how important it is to observe traffic rules, go on the road only in the places intended for this, where there is an inscription or a sign "Transition", first to look left to make sure that the cars are not close, and then right, and where there is Traffic light, closely monitor its signals. The educator reads the poems of Sergey Mikhalkov, and the missing words children suggest a chorus:

If the light is lit red,

So move ... .. (dangerous).

Green light says:

"Go through the way ...... (open)."

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for .... (motion).

After that, the tutor introduces children with the rules of the game: "When you see a green traffic light signal, you need to march, standing on the spot (starting on the left foot), when yellow - clap your hands, and when red - stand and do not move. The one who confuses the signal must take a step back. " The educator changes the color of the traffic lights suddenly, after different intervals. The winner becomes the team in which the most participants will remain in place by the end of the game.

PDD computer games

Studies of learning outcomes show that one of the most effective forms of road traffic rules are computer games. However, such games are most often applied when schooling.

Computer technologies in learning children's traffic rules are used as:

  • computer Educational Games - for computers, tablets, smartphones ("simulators")
  • computer training presentations
  • test programs aimed at checking knowledge on traffic rules

Educational computer game, that is, a non-standard form of training, stimulates the activity of the child and provides a high level of its motivation (forms interest).

For example, the training computer game "Road Rules for Children" introduces guys with different types of transport, road signs, rules of behavior on the roadway.

To benefit, computer game on PPD:

  • must be the right value orientations (good, love for people, the value of human life, etc.)
  • must be filled with reliable and useful information (rules of safe behavior), which is contained in drawings, texts, tasks
  • be a source of relevant and significant information for the child
  • correspond to child age
  • be safe for a mental state
  • be bright, attractive.

In 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the Ministry of Education and Science, plan to develop and implement an innovative project in the learning process - an application for smartphones and tablets according to the rules of traffic rules.

Events on road traffic rules in kindergarten

The traffic police events make a considerable contribution to the formation of a child as a person, a citizen and attentive pedestrian.

Events that are traditionally held in kindergarten have a great educational importance for the prevention of child injuries on the road. The task of such thematic occupations is a systematic familiarization with the rules of safe behavior on the road and training oriented in space. PDD classes and entertainment make a considerable contribution to the formation of a child as a person, a citizen and attentive pedestrian. MDD activities are drawn up on the basis of DOU's program requirements.

We'll see, what is interesting can be held in kindergarten:

  • quiz "Road signs - our friends"
  • relay "Visiting traffic light"
  • theatrical holiday "Travel to the Kingdom of Road Rules"
  • competition game for parents and children "Road ABC".
  • roleplay "accident in traffic light"
  • theatrical show "Birthday of the Green Flood"
  • the competitive program "PDD is our assistants."

Remember that with the help of correctly selected, fascinating and cognitive games on traffic police, the child comprehends the laws of roads. Do not forget that looking at adults, he takes an example with them. That is why they are important to be a model of disciplined behavior on the road. Take care of children and learn their best.

Even if you are still far from the first car and getting the right to driving, traffic rules will still be useful. They are designed for children, but parents will appreciate the filling of gaming products, trying to pass a couple of games.
We are confident that remember all the road signs and be able to correctly perform the task of managing the car? PDD games driving immediately will immediately show how competent you are the driver, and if you have a surrender to rights, these fun will help you check yourself before the real exam.
Sadly, but many drivers with experience do not know some signs or are poorly owning car parking techniques with reversal, departure from the garage and do not know how to carefully fit into a small space between cars in the parking lot. These gaps bring problems not only to them, but owners of other machines and pedestrians. Inretful drivers create emergency situations, cause material damage and physical injuries. So that you yourself do not become such a driver, you can start training right now by opening the Games of the traffic rules for free.

Lessons begin

Once in a virtual school, you will study the rules on a drone not only from the driver's position. Cyclists and pedestrians should also adhere to the conditions, and then everyone will be all. This means everyone must remember:

  • What traffic light goes the road
  • How the road for pedestrians on the carriageway is discharged
  • What does the zone look like for cyclists
  • What signs are served by vehicles before turning
  • How to decrypt road signs
  • Parking lessons and moving between objects

In our school is always interesting, because all the free PD games contain several important principles that everyone needs to know.
Surely in your school teach road rules, and you can understand how well they remember them, and if we found a gap in knowledge, rather fill it, because in games you can undergo anew, then in life, ignorance or inability turns into a tragedy, to replay that it is impossible .

From pedestrian to adjustment

Even knowing all the rules, markups and signs, it is necessary to remain extremely vigilant where cars are rushing at speed, because among them there are always those who are not so well constructed in road theory and practice as you. You can go to the green light, but some driver thought, looked, and did not see the red traffic light for myself, and he may just hurry and hopes that everything will cost. Always control the situation, even if it seems safe.
Teach to the control and responsible attitude on the droga of the game MDD simulator. You can even become an uploader at a time, driving a stream of machines if the traffic lights broke. It requires impeccable knowledge of the rules so as not to provoke an accident, which would be quite sad.
We have several lessons for novice drivers who can try themselves in performing certain tasks. For example, you need to deploy the car in a limited space, and go in another direction. Triangles trades the driver to go snake, not assigneling, and in the parking lot with a limited space for parking, you need to put your car. These tasks are mandatory are present on the exam, and therefore, the tasks will be virtually useful too.
A little festive celebration makes the options for playing traffic rules with Christmas adventures, when Santa should not get into an accident. Funny instructors and smiling posts will tell and show important rules for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, for whom their own parts are also assigned.

Every day, all vehicle flows on the streets increase and increase. In such a situation, parents are important to teach children the rules of road traffic (traffic rules), because nothing can be more important than the health and life of the child, its security. How best to convey knowledge on traffic rules with small pedestrians? Of course, in the form of a game, as it is the main means of learning preschoolers. Read in our article about the Games on the traffic rules for preschoolers, their types and meanings.

Learn the rules of the road

Rules of traffic rules need to teach children from an early age

Why should the rules of traffic rules need to teach children from an early age? Statistical data suggests that the cause of road traffic accidents (accidents) is most often the children themselves. The fact that children are not familiar even with the most elementary rules of the street, as well as the fact that adults are indifferent to the behavior of children on the road. Small children have no experience to manage their behavior on the roadway, often overestimating their capabilities. They believe that they are clever enough to have time to quickly run the road or move it by bike. Children can suddenly appear on the road in front of the rushing machine, otherwise to start a fun game right on the roadway. In this regard, there are dangerous situations, often leading to an accident and children's injury.

In kindergartens, traffic policemen begin to learn about the third year of life.

Relisting and teaching children from the small years of traffic rules, you can avoid dangers on the road.

"In kindergartens, the PDDs of the kids begin to learn about the third year of life, starting to lay the foundations of culture of behavior. Parents can start such education at home even before entering the child to a children's educational institution, picking up the techniques of learning PDDs. "

It is very important that reoxoiths receive knowledge useful for pedestrians not only in kindergarten, but also that parents pay attention to this issue.

The purpose of training for preschoolers road alphabet - This is the creation of pedagogical conditions that will optimally provide training for preschoolers by the rules of the road and will contribute to the formation of the necessary skills and skills, developing resistant habits of safe behavior near the roadway and on the road.


  • activation of the attention of the parents of the child on the problem of learning preschoolers PDD
  • awareness of the child's importance of the problem of proper behavior on the road
  • formation of practical skills of behavior in different situations of urban motion, developing an appropriate behavior model

The volume of knowledge on traffic rules, which must learn the preschooler:

  • road Traffic Subjects (Pedestrian, Vehicle)
  • road components (driving part, sidewalk, curb, intersection, pedestrian crossing)
  • main vehicles (car - passenger and cargo, bus, trolleybus, tram, motorcycle, bike)
  • how regulated traffic (adjustror, \u200b\u200btraffic light)
  • red, yellow, green traffic lights and their meaning
  • rules of behavior on the roads and sidewalks
  • rules for the transition of the roadway
  • landing / disembarking and public transport behavior

And the main rule: "It is impossible to go on the road without adults."

Starting to acquaint the baby with the rules of the road, we recommend considering the following:

  • educational material must correspond to the age and interests of the child
  • rules must be filed in an affordable form.
  • training should be carried out on the principle of "from simple to complex".

Forms and Methods for teaching preschoolers PDD

One of the most effective forms of training of PDD preschoolers is a game.

What is the best preschoolers to teach traffic rules? Need to consider that adjustry training activities are carried out in several directions:

  1. Working with pedagogical staff of kindergarten (Pedsovets, counseling, surveying, organization of classes, control effectiveness of training activities).
  2. Work with children (games, classes, events, walks and excursions, diagnostics).
  3. Work with parents (Questioning, education of parents on teacher training mentals, organizing joint activities of parents and children, parental meetings, participating parents in organizing training space).
  4. Cooperation with government agencies For organizing joint educational activities.

"Teaching a child, an adult must be clearly represented, how and what to learn, as well as how to do this in the most efficient way."

Among methods and technologies To study preschoolers, traffic rules can be allocated:

  • interactive method
  • modeling road situations
  • game learning
  • observation
  • conversation.

One of the most effective forms of preschoolers for preschoolers Rules of traffic rules is the game. In the game form, training is carried out, checking and securing knowledge on traffic rules.

Types of games and their meaning

PDD games are aimed at learning knowledge and skills that should contribute to the formation of a safe child's behavior on the road.

The game is one of the most acceptable, affordable forms interesting for the child, including on the assimilation of traffic rules. PDD games are aimed at learning knowledge and skills that should contribute to the formation of a safe child's behavior on the road.

Types of Games on traffic rules:

  1. Design and subject.
  2. Table-printed.
  3. Movable.
  4. Training games.
  5. Scene-role.
  6. Didactic.
  7. Developing.
  8. Educational.
  9. Theatrical.
  10. Games based on modern technologies (interactive, computer, multimedia).

Games selected taking into account the age of children will help them:

  • call interest in the movement of vehicles and pedestrians
  • get useful knowledge of traffic rules in an affordable exciting form.
  • instill and consolidate the skills and skills of the right on the road
  • to form a respectful attitude towards the work of drivers and employees of the traffic police.

See the video, which shows an example of an interactive educational game on traffic rules in kindergarten

Taking part in a game of traffic rules, preschoolers learn to act in terms of the situation and respond quickly to the established conditions, thinking not only about themselves, but also about others.

Didactic and moving games

A variety of desktop, didactic and computer games for traffic rules easily parents can hold at home. We give a few examples of the didactic Games on traffic rules.

A variety of traffic rules can be carried out not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Didactic games

1. Game "Traffic" - For junior and middle preschoolers.

Didactic material:circles from red, green and yellow cardboard, light layout.

Game traffic:adult explains the child the purpose of the traffic light, the role of the color of the traffic lights, fixes the picture of the child about different signals

2. Game "Put the road sign" - For senior preschoolers.

Didactic material: Cards with images of road signs.

Game traffic: An adult tells the child about the appointment of signs, and then checks the knowledge, showing cards at random or spending the quiz "Guess which sign?". You can also ask the child, what signs for pedestrians, and which are for drivers.

3. The game "Little Pedestrian" - For medium and senior preschoolers.

Didactic material: 1) Cards are quite large size depicting different situations on the road - 6 situations on each card; 2) small-sized cards with road signs and road rules by the other side; 3) White cards crossed on diagonals.

Game traffic: Not more than 6 children participate, whom the tutor distributes big cards (one to each one of one child), and then shows the card with the image of the road sign and reads one of their rules of behavior on the road or in transport. The child looks at the card, finds the situation corresponding to it and puts a small size card on it with a road sign or a white card (if the image shows incorrect behavior). The winner is the one who first closes all 6 situations on their card.

4. Game "Red and Green"- For younger preschoolers.

Didactic material: 2 Mug - Green and red, Toy typewriter.

Game traffic: The game is played with the 1st child. The teacher takes red and green mugs, asks the child to take the machine and says: "You are the driver, you will drive the car. When you see a green circle, the machine can go forward (show how). When I show a red circle - the machine must stop. Subsequently, the game may become more complicated: to be held with a subgroup of children, accompanied by a show of illustrations of transport, streets, buildings.

Outdoor games

Moving Games on traffic rules simulate real situations

  1. Game for junior preschoolers "Multicolored machines".

At the perimeter of the site, placing children with color circles in the hands - "steering". The tutor is in the center, holding color checkboxes in his hands. It raises the flag of some color. Children, who have a circle of the same color, begin to run on the site in any direction, buzz, turning the circle as the steering wheel. When the educator lowers the checkbox, everyone must return to its places. Next, the tutor raises the flag of another color, and other children begin to run. And if you simultaneously raise two or three flags - in this case, all "machines" will "output".

  1. Game for junior preschoolers "Cars".

Each child holds the hoop in the hands. At the command of the teacher, children begin to run, turning hoops ("Rules") to the right and left, trying not to face each other. By the next team - stop.

  1. Game for medium and senior preschoolers "traffic lights".

Two teams (out of 7-10 children each) are built in the form of a semicircle: one left, and the other is to the right of the educator. In his hands, he has a traffic light - two cardboard circles, one side of which is yellow, and the second side is red or green.

The teacher reminds children about how important it is to observe traffic rules, go on the road only in the places intended for this, where there is an inscription or a sign "Transition", first to look left to make sure that the cars are not close, and then right, and where there is Traffic light, closely monitor its signals. The educator reads the poems of Sergey Mikhalkov, and the missing words children suggest a chorus:

If the light is lit red,

So move ... .. (dangerous).

Green light says:

"Go through the way ...... (open)."

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for .... (motion).

After that, the tutor introduces children with the rules of the game: "When you see a green traffic light signal, you need to march, standing on the spot (starting on the left foot), when yellow - clap your hands, and when red - stand and do not move. The one who confuses the signal must take a step back. " The educator changes the color of the traffic lights suddenly, after different intervals. The winner becomes the team in which the most participants will remain in place by the end of the game.

PDD computer games

Studies of learning outcomes show that one of the most effective forms of road traffic rules are computer games. However, such games are most often applied when schooling.

Computer technologies in learning children's traffic rules are used as:

  • computer Educational Games - for computers, tablets, smartphones ("simulators")
  • computer training presentations
  • test programs aimed at checking knowledge on traffic rules

Educational computer game, that is, a non-standard form of training, stimulates the activity of the child and provides a high level of its motivation (forms interest).

For example, the training computer game "Road Rules for Children" introduces guys with different types of transport, road signs, rules of behavior on the roadway.

To benefit, computer game on PPD:

  • must be the right value orientations (good, love for people, the value of human life, etc.)
  • must be filled with reliable and useful information (rules of safe behavior), which is contained in drawings, texts, tasks
  • be a source of relevant and significant information for the child
  • correspond to child age
  • be safe for a mental state
  • be bright, attractive.

In 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the Ministry of Education and Science, plan to develop and implement an innovative project in the learning process - an application for smartphones and tablets according to the rules of traffic rules.

Events on road traffic rules in kindergarten

The traffic police events make a considerable contribution to the formation of a child as a person, a citizen and attentive pedestrian.

Events that are traditionally held in kindergarten have a great educational importance for the prevention of child injuries on the road. The task of such thematic occupations is a systematic familiarization with the rules of safe behavior on the road and training oriented in space. PDD classes and entertainment make a considerable contribution to the formation of a child as a person, a citizen and attentive pedestrian. MDD activities are drawn up on the basis of DOU's program requirements.

We'll see, what is interesting can be held in kindergarten:

  • quiz "Road signs - our friends"
  • relay "Visiting traffic light"
  • theatrical holiday "Travel to the Kingdom of Road Rules"
  • competition game for parents and children "Road ABC".
  • roleplay "accident in traffic light"
  • theatrical show "Birthday of the Green Flood"
  • the competitive program "PDD is our assistants."

Remember that with the help of correctly selected, fascinating and cognitive games on traffic police, the child comprehends the laws of roads. Do not forget that looking at adults, he takes an example with them. That is why they are important to be a model of disciplined behavior on the road. Take care of children and learn their best.

Didactic Games by road rules for preschoolers

Our street

Purpose of the game:

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the rules of pedestrian behavior and driver in the conditions of the street.

2. Secure the presentation of children about the traffic light.

3. Teach children to distinguish road signs (warns prohibiting, prescribing, information and indicative), intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: Street layout with houses, intersections, cars (toys), pedestrians, dolls, drivers, traffic lights (toy), road signs, trees (layouts).

The game is held on the layout.

Game traffic:

The first option (for pedestrians).

With the help of dolls, children play various road situations. So, on the controlled intersection on the green signal of the traffic lights, the dolls pass the street, they stop on the yellow, waiting, they continue to stand on red.

Then the dolls go along the sidewalk or side of the road to the pedestrian crossing, indicated by the informational and indicative sign "Pedestrian Transition", and there are moving the roadway.

The second option (for drivers).

The presenter shows road signs: "Traffic light regulation", "Children", "Pedestrian Transition" (warning); "Entry is prohibited", "the sound of the sound signal is prohibited" (prohibiting); "Traffic right", "Movement right" (prescribing); "Bus stop", "Pedestrian Transition", "Underground Transition" (informational and index). Children explain what means each signal, play road situations.

For the correct answer, the child receives an icon. By the number of icons, scored points are counted. The winners are awarded prizes.


Purpose of the game:

1. Secure the presentation of children about the purpose of the traffic light, about its signals.

2. Secure the presentation of children about the light.

Material: Colored cardboard mugs (yellow, green, red), light layout.

Game traffic:

The presenter distributes the kids of yellow, green, red. Consistently switches the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding mugs and explain what each signal means. Wins one who will correctly show all the circles and tell about the appointment of colors.

Guess which sign

Purpose of the game:

1. Teach children to distinguish road signs.

2. Fasten the knowledge of children about the rules of the road.

3. Relieve the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Material: Cubes with paved signs pasted on them: warning, prohibiting, informational and service signs.

Stroke Game

First option

The presenter invites children in turns to the table where the cubes are lying. The child takes a cube, calls a sign and approaches those children who have a sign of this group.

Second option

Lead calls a sign. Children find this sign on their cubes, show him and tell what he means.

Third option

Playing distributed cubes. Children carefully study them, then each child tells about their sign, without calling him, and everyone else guess the sign on the description.

City street

Purpose of the game:

Clarify and consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of road traffic, about various types of transport.

Material: Street layout, trees, cars, pedestrian dolls, traffic lights, road signs.

Stroke Game

The presenter considers the street layout with children, asks a number of questions. Your questions and answers, children are accompanied by showing on the layout.

Questions for children:

What houses on our street?

What movement on our street is one-sided or bilateral?

Where should pedestrians go? Where should the cars ride?

What is the intersection? Where and how to go it?

What does a pedestrian crossing mean?

How regulated traffic on the street?

What traffic lights do you know?

What road signs are on our street? What are they intended for?

Why do passenger transport need? Where is it expected?

How to behave in the bus?

Is it possible to play on the street?

Next, the teacher offers children to "drive" down the street, observing the rules of the road. Then one of the children acts as a pedestrian. Wins the one who coped with the role of the driver and pedestrian.

Put the road sign

Purpose of the game:

1. Teach children to distinguish the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian Transition", "Wild Animals" (warning); "Entry is prohibited", "Pass is closed", "Bicycle movement is prohibited" (prohibiting); "Right", "right", "left", "circular motion", "Pedestrian track (prescribing); "Parking place", "Pedestrian Transition", "Point of Medical Aid", "Phone", "Power point", "Petrol station", "Point of maintenance of cars" (information and index); "Point of First Medical Aid", "Petrol Station", "Phone", "Power point", "Recreation Place", "District traffic police" (Service Signs).

2. Educating attention, orientation skills in space.

Material: Road signs, playing field with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, railway crossing, administrative and residential buildings, parking lots, intersection.

Stroke Game

Children are offered:

1. Consider the playing field and what is depicted on it.

2. Set the desired road signs. For example, the school has a sign "Children", a cafe - "Power point", at the crossroads - "Pedestrian Transition".


Purpose of the game:

1. Teach children to distinguish road signs for drivers (cyclists and drivers).

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about warning signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Dangerous Rotation"; prohibiting signs: "Entry is prohibited" (cyclist, driver), "Bicycle movement is prohibited", "Pass is closed"; prescribing signs: "Mandatory direction of movement", "right", "right", "left", "circular motion", "bicycle path"; information and indicative signs: "Parking site", "Pedestrian Transition"; Service Signs: "Item First Medical Aid", "Phone", "Power point", "Power Station", "Maintenance of cars".

3. Educating attention, the skills of the conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

Material: Cardboard circles with the image of road signs, a paper envelope with a window carved in it, a wand.

The course of the game.

The presenter inserts a circle into the envelope, on which several characters are drawn and fixes it with a stick. Then he promotes the circle so that different signs appear in the window. Children call signs and explain their meaning.

Guess transportation

Tasks: consolidate the presentation of children about transport, the ability to describe (riddled) to recognize objects; Develop the smelting, speed of thinking and speech activity.

Rules: Call transport can only be called after the riddle about him. He wins the one who will give the right answers, that is, he received more pictures with transport. Children are sitting by a semicircle.

Educator: We talked about transport, watched his movement on the road, and today we will play the game, which is called "Guess Transport". Listen to the rules of the game. I will make a riddle about transport, and you have to think and correct them to guess. Whoever says correctly correctly, about which transport is about the riddle, gets a picture with his image. Who at the end of the game will be more pictures, he will win.

House - Wonderful Runner

On his eight legs.

Running allest

By steel two snakes.


What is a bright home miracle?

Many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And feeds gasoline.


What is - Guess:

No bus nor tram.

Does not need gasoline,

Although the wheels on the rubber.


They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

The street is moving fast stream.

They transport various goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.


This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit down and rush on it!

Only better right steering wheel!


Long neck

Cargo grave pickup.

Where they will order - put

Man I serve!

(Lifting crane)

"Mole" climbed into the yard,

Root land at the gate.

Hundreds of hands it replaces

Without shovel, he digs.


Here is the iron so iron!

Oh, what a huge!

He passed - the road suddenly

I became smooth, smooth!


Rushing the fire arrow

Rushing the car.

And fill a fire any

Bold squad.

(Fire engine)

Canvas, not a walkway,

The horse is not a horse - the waist.

Along the path of that crawl

The whole trip is lucky.

(A train)

Ovat do not feed,

Whip do not drive

And how to plow

Five plows dragging.


This strong car

Rides on huge tires.

Immediately half a year removed

Semitional ... (dump truck).

So that he takes you,

He will not ask for oats.

Foaming his gasoline,

On the hooves give rubber.

And then, raising dust,

Ries ... (car).

Play, yes Swam

Tasks: develop mental abilities and visual perception; Learn to correlate the speech form of a description of road signs with their graphic image; Relieve independence, speed of reaction, smelting.

RULES: The image of the road sign closes only after listening to information about it. Wins the one who first correctly close all the images that sounded in riddles or verses.

4-6 children participate in the game, in front of which table signs and empty cards are laid out. The principle of the game - Lotto. The teacher reads the riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their image cards on the table.

Hey, driver, carefully!

It is quickly impossible to go.

People know everything in the world -

Children go in this place.

(Sign "Children")

Here road works -

Neither drive nor pass.

This place is pedestrian

It is better to just get around.

(Sign "Road Works")

Never follow

Underground passage:

Pedestrian road

There is always free in it.

(Sign "Underground Transition")

He has two wheels and saddle on the frame,

Two pedals are downstairs, twist their legs.

In the Red Circle it costs

About the ban speaks.

(Sign "Bicycle movement is prohibited")

This zebra on the road

I'm not at all afraid.

If everything is in order,

Strins in the way I will spend.

(Sign "Pedestrian Transition".)

Red Circle, Rectangle

A preschooler must know.

This is a very strict sign.

And where would you not hurried

With dad on car -

Do not pass in any way!

(Sign "Entry is prohibited")

I'm not soapped on the road,

Roof fruits, vegetables.

Got sick and see item

Medical care.

(Sign "Item First Medical Aid")

This sign on moving -

In difficult, notice, place.

Here the barrier is not worth

The locomotive is might and the smoke.

He scored the speed already

So be on the relatives.

(Sign "Railway crossing without a barrier")


Tasks: intensify the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify the idea of \u200b\u200btransport and road rules; Railness and resourcefulness.

Rules: It is necessary to give the right individual answer, and not shout out by the choir. Wins the one who received more filter replies.

Children are sitting by a semicircle.

Educator : I want to know who we have in the group is the most resourceful and smart. I will ask you questions who know the right answer must raise your hand. It is impossible to answer the choir. Who will be the first to answer correctly, gets a chip. At the end of the game, we count the chips and learn the winner. Wins the one who will be most of them.

How many are the wheels of the car? (Four.)

How many people can ride one bike? (One.)

Who goes on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian.)

Who drives a car? (Driver.)

What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (Crossroads.)

Why do you need a driving part? (For the movement of transport.)

Which side of the carriage moves transport? (Right.)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violated the rules of the road? (Accident or accident.)

What is the light top at the traffic light? (Red.)

How old are the children ride a bike on the street? (From 14 years.)

How many signals have a pedestrian traffic light? (Two.)

How many signals have a transport traffic light? (Three.)

What is the animal like a pedestrian crossing? (On zebra.)

How can a pedestrian get into the underground transition? (On the stairs down.)

If there is no sidewalk, where you can move pedestrian? (On the side of the left, towards transport.)

What machines are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police cars.)

What keeps the traffic police inspector in her hand? (Wand.)

What signal gives a car turning to the right? (Blinks the right little light bulb.)

Where do you need to play so as not to be dangerous? (In the courtyard, on the playground.)

We are drivers

Tasks: help learn to understand the road symbols and its specificity (on the example of road signs), see its basic qualities - image image, brevity, generalization; To form and develop the ability to independently invent graphic characters, see and solve problems.

Rules: You need to come up with a road sign that is most similar with generally accepted. The most successful sign gets a chip - a green circle. Wins one who gains more circles.


1. Cards with road signs on the series: The road goes to the medical unit (maintenance point, dining room, gas station, etc. - 6variants); meetings on the road (people, animals, types of transport - 6variants); difficulties in the way, possible dangers (6 options); prohibitive signs (6 options);

2. A piece of chalk, if the branched road is drawn, or paper strips depicting such roads;

3. Little car or bus;

4. Green Mugs - 30 pcs.

Children sit around the shifted tables, on which the branched road from the paper is unfolded. The teacher puts the car at the beginning of the road, calls the game and along with children discusses the duties of the driver.

Educator: Each driver car is obliged to know how it is arranged, how to start it, repair how to manage it. The driver's work is very difficult. It is necessary not only to quickly transport people and cargo. It is very important that no incidents are happening on the road. There may be different surprises: then the road branches, and the driver must be solved, where to go, the path lies past the school or kindergarten, and small children can jump onto the road, then suddenly the passenger who goes next to the driver, felt bad and his It is necessary to urgently deliver to the hospital or in the car something suddenly broke, or gasoline ended. How to do the driver? Maybe ask passersby where the hospital is located, where can I fix it or fill the car? And if the desert road and passersby do not? Or don't passersby answer the driver's question? How to be?

Responses of children.

Educator: Of course, along the road, you need to put special signs to the driver, even if he goes very quickly, looked at the sign and immediately understood what he warns or reports. Therefore, drivers must know all the signs found on the roads. When you become adults, you can also learn how to drive a car, but with road signs we will get to know today and find out what one or another sign means.

The car rises quickly on the road and suddenly ...

The following describes the situation when it urgently needs to find a telephone, dining room, medplex, car service, gas station, etc. The car stops, and children should guess what the sign looks like, near which the driver stopped his car. They offer their own icons (which, in their opinion, should be drawn). The teacher reminds that the car is usually driving quickly, the driver should take a look and immediately understand the sign, so the sign should be simple, there should be nothing superfluous on it. The teacher then shows a road sign and puts it on the place of stopping the car, and the children along with the educator estimate all the options for signs, rewarding the greatest mug of the most successful of them. Game continues. The educator focuses his story on his road signs.

Educator: Today we learned some road signs that help drivers in work. And you, when you go down the street or go in transport, pay attention to road signs placed along the road, prompt adults what they mean.

And now we must summarize our game and learn the winner.

Children consider their green mugs. The teacher congratulates the winners, celebrates the most active children, encourages timid and shy.

Cheerful wand

Tasks: summarize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of pedestrian behavior on the street; intensify the knowledge of children, their speech, memory, thinking; Rail a desire to perform traffic rules in life.

Rules: Listen carefully answers to comrades and not repeat. The team wins that the command that will call more rules for pedestrians. You can give an answer, just hatemped.

The educator divides children into two competing teams, reports the name of the game and its rules.

Educator: The one who I am in the hands of the Wand will have to call one of the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street. The named rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team will win, which will call more rules and will not happen again.

The rod passes alternately from the same command to another. Children call the rules.

Children : You can switch the street along a pedestrian underpass or only on a green traffic light signal. Pedestrians are allowed to walk only in sidewalks; If there is no sidewalk, you can move the field side side towards the movement of transport. It is impossible to play near the road and on the carriageway. It is impossible to run the street in front of closely walking transport and move the street to small children without adults. Before switching to the street, you need to look left at first, then right and, making sure the security, go.

Similarly, the game "Listen - remember", only children list the rules for passengers.

Streets of streets and roads

Tasks: improve knowledge of the rules of behavior on the streets and roads; Develop attention, the ability to solve problem situations, read road signs, independently navigate on the street; Rail interest in the implementation of traffic rules.

Rules: By participating in playing road situations, do not disturb traffic rules. Tasks need to be performed to the end.

Materials: Game field, pedestrian and transport figures, road signs.

1. Acquaintance with the city plan, its buildings and inhabitants. You can give names to the city, river, streets, etc.

2. It is necessary to help residents of the city Choose a secure route and get to the right place: Professor - to the store "Optics" to buy new points, in a kiosk - for a fresh newspaper, in the post office - send a telegram to the watchmaker, etc. Housewife - shopping in a bakery, grocery store, send the parcel, meet granddaughter from school, etc. Man - to a river or train station, to a football match, to the hotel, restaurant, etc. Schoolgirl - to school, to the library, the circus…

3. You can enter traffic signs, traffic lights, regulators, transport: "ambulance", fire truck, police, taxi, bus, truck "Products". Give the task to solve various problematic situations, while observing the traffic rules. For example, a "Products" trucks to boot on the bakery and dilute of fresh bread in kindergarten, school, restaurant, bread shop.

4. The tutor holds the game in the form of a road quiz by asking children questions.

Where can I ride in the city?

Show the most dangerous places in the city.

What will change on the road with the arrival of winter?

What is the road markup and what is it needed for?

At the same time, the educator simulates the situation - at night a strong hurricane, I threw all the signs in the city, the riots began on the roads - and makes a task to fix it.


Tasks: help learn the basic rules of the road on the streets of the city; clarify knowledge about professions; develop spout; Educating friendly mutual understanding, skill get along with each other.

Rules: To get from Start to Finish, without violating the rules of the road. All passengers to drain up to the desired stop. Solve all road situations.

Materials: Gaming field, cube, chips, 32 cards (12 blue - "workers", 12 yellow - "visitors", 7 pink - "situations").

The game has several options with different levels of difficulty.

1. It is carried out by lotto. The educator introduces children with the objects of the Niekrian field: airport, hospital, militia, circus, hairdresser, mail, school, shop, stadium, new building, church, theater. Then they find out what "visitors" and "workers" there should be. Children lay blue and yellow cards with the image of those who work there and who visits.

For example, the "Theater" - ballerina and viewers of the theater, "Stadium" - an athlete and a fan, "hairdresser" - a hairdresser and a client, "Hospital" - a doctor and a patient, etc.

2. Blue and yellow cards are mixed and distributed to all participants of the game robust. Players alternately throw a cube and move along the field in the right direction, taking passengers from the starting stop. The driver should raise his passengers as soon as possible at the necessary stops and, having finished working, return to the final stop. Wins the one who will be the first to cope with his task.

3. Yellow and blue cards are decomposed on objects. Drivers must collect all visitors, then workers and take them to the final stop. Wins the one who gains the largest points (i.e. passengers).

Collect road situations

Tasks: exercise in designing, skilling from individual elements to make a whole image; consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of safe conduct on the roads; develop perception, thinking; bring up independence, the ability to bring the started thing to the end.

Rules: As soon as possible, it is possible to properly assemble the whole picture from the parts, fully tell the road situation on it.

Materials: Two (or more) dice set with glitched pictures reflecting road situations. The number of drawings corresponds to the number of sides of the cube.

The teacher resembles children, what road situations they have considered.

Educator: We cut pictures with road situations to pieces and stuck on cubes. And now you need to fold these situations from parts into a whole picture and tell us as much as possible about it - what is depicted there, who comes correctly, and who is not and why?

Children alternately collect road sites from cubes and talk about them. He wins the one who quickly folded the picture and fully told about her.


Tasks: find out why the rules of the road are needed, why it is important to carry out both drivers and pedestrians; Learning to establish the simplest causal relationships and relationships; Develop logical thinking.

Rules: Do not interfere with each other, listen and answer. If necessary, complement the answers.

The educator reads the children a poem of O. Bedaleva "If ..."


Go down the street one

Pretty strange citizen.

He is given the good advice:

"On the traffic light red light.

There is no way for a pedestrian.

Now it is impossible to go! "

"I don't care about the red light!" -

Said a citizen in response.

He goes through the street

Not where the inscription "Transition",

Throwing rough on the go:

"Where I want, I'll go!"

The driver looks into all his eyes:

Razink ahead!

Press the brakes soon -

Rail to spare! ..

And suddenly she said the driver:

"I do not care about the traffic light!"

And how did you get ride.

I would have gone to the post from the post.

Tram would drive, as I wanted.

Everyone would go, as he knew.

Yes ... where the street was

Where you get used to

Incredible cases

There would have happened!

Signals, screams and know:

Machine right on the tram,

Tram hit the car

The car crashed into a showcase ...

But no: it stands on the pavement


Three-headed traffic lights hanging

And knows the rules of the driver.

The teacher suggested to think and answer why the traffic rules are needed, why are they important to keep all partners of the road?

Responses of children.

And now let's play the game "What will happen if ...". I will give you questions, and you - answer them. Just can not be answered by the choir, interrupt each other. You can complement the answers. So, I start.

What will happen if pedestrians begin to go around the street where they do?

Children: The driver will not have time to slow down, and the pedestrian can get under the wheels.

What will happen if you remove all road signs on the road?

Children: The driver will not know what awaits him ahead, and can speak with control.

What will happen if the driver does not know the signals of the traffic light?

Children: The driver will go to the red light and will betray a pedestrian.

What will happen if the driver goes on the left side of the carriageway?

Children: His car will collide with another car, which moves correctly - on the right side.

And now think up the situations "what will happen if ..." and give the answer yourself.

Children in one ask questions, others - find the answer.

At the end of the game, the teacher sums up.

We found out why traffic should be needed and why it is so important to observe them. And also, what will happen if the driver or pedestrian disperses the rules of the road.

Put the road sign

Purpose of the game:

Teach children distinguish the following road signs: "Railway crossing", "Children", "Pedestrian Transition", "Wild Animals" (warning); "Entry is prohibited", "Pass is closed", "Bicycle movement is prohibited" (prohibiting); "Right", "right", "left", "circular motion", "Pedestrian track" (prescribing); "Parking place", "Pedestrian Transition", "Point of Medical Aid", "Phone", "Power Item", "Petrol Station", "Maintenance Point" (information and indicative); "Point of First Medical Aid", "Petrol Station", "Phone", "Power point", "Recreation Place", "District traffic police" (Service Signs). Educating attention, orientation skills in space.

Material : road signs; Gaming field with the image of roads, pedestrian crossings, railway crossing, administrative and residential buildings, parking lots, intersections.

Stroke Game

Children are offered:

consider the playing field and what is depicted on it;

arrange the right road signs. For example, at the school - the "Children" sign, the cafe - "Power point", at the crossroads - "Pedestrian Transition" and so on.

Wins the one who in a certain time will have time to express all the signs correctly and quickly.



Give ideas about the purpose of the traffic light, about its signals.

Continue to consolidate the presentation of children about color (red, yellow, green).

Materials for the game:Colored cardboard circles (red, yellow, green); Light layout.

Game traffic:

The teacher distributes the kids of yellow, red, green flowers. Consistently switches the traffic light, and the children show the corresponding mugs and explain what each signal means.

Wins one who will correctly show all the circles and tell about the appointment of colors.

to the sea.

Find the desired sign

Purpose: Continue to consolidate the knowledge of road signs, road control means.

Material : 20 cardboard cards (puzzles). On one halves of cards depicts road signs, on others - the corresponding road situations.

Game traffic:

1st option. The presenter takes the cards with signs of one species (or several species, if small). Halves of cards with the image of the road situation leading gives children, and elements with signs lay out on the table face up. He then calls the type of road signs and tells about their overall meaning. After that, the lead offers children to find common external features of this type of signs (color, shape, etc.). Children must find suitable half cards among their items.

2nd option. All halves of cards with signs Children share equally. Elements with road situations are stirred and put in the center of the table face down. Children take turns take cards and pick them up under their own. Wins the one who first find suitable halves for all their cards.