Bending pipes along a radius with your own hands. How to bend a profile for a greenhouse with your own hands? Alternative flexion techniques

When conducting construction works bent shaped tubes are used more and more often. The design and manufacturing methods of these materials endows them with excellent characteristics.

Therefore, many are interested in how to bend shaped tube at home. After all, such a need appears often.

It should be noted right away that profile pipe-rolling products have more aesthetic appearance than their round "brothers". And bending can be done:

  1. In a specialized workshop.
  2. Independently, at home.

If the preference is given to the second option, then you should know that for these actions you will have to have certain knowledge. Watch the video on our website and you will succeed.

Features of profile assortment bending

The fact is that when the configuration changes, two forces affect the professional pipe:

  • compression that affects from the inside;
  • stretching acting from the outside.

When a professional pipe is not bent, it changes its shape and loses the coaxial position of some sections. Also, a stretching wall may simply not withstand mechanical stress and become unusable. In addition to these problems, improper cutting and wrinkling may occur on the inner wall of the folded blank.

Cases often occur that it is easy to bend a pipe from a profile along a radius, but the workpiece is crumpled. After that, it is already suitable only for scrap.

The combination of these factors affects an unjustified increase in costs, which a serious owner will never allow. Therefore, despite the fact that this pipe assortment is quite flexible, you should not rush to process it, and before you bend the professional pipe along a radius at home, it is important to study the technology in detail. This will be discussed further.

Technology should not be neglected. Only a master armed with knowledge, the question of how to bend a profile at home will not create big problems... All recommendations on how to bend profile metal products correctly were given by professional craftsmen who have studied this problem in practice for a long time.

Influence of the technical characteristics of the material on the choice of the bending method

First, you need to know that the concept of "professional pipe" includes an assortment of any geometric configuration. But to make it easier to understand, it is customary to call profile assortment following form:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • oval, etc.

This is due to the fact that round views put in the design of a pipeline for supplying liquid or gas, where significant pressure is provided. A profile of a different shape is found in various household structures and structures.

Square rolled metal products are distinguished by the cross-section index and the dimensions of the walls. These both factors indicate the minimum angle for bending metal roll, at which it will not become unusable.

There are a lot of engineering nuances in the question of how to bend a product without a pipe bender. But you don't need to know all of them to work at home. But it is important to know the following.

  1. Thin products with a cross section of up to 20 mm without a pipe bender must be bent in an area that is 2.5 times longer than the height of the pipe itself.
  2. Thick rolled metal can be bent without a pipe bender in an area that is three times longer than the section. If this moment is ignored, then the metal cracks from the outside or deforms from the inside.
  3. The bending of a profile pipe is dangerous in one respect: the occurrence of a fracture at the place of operation, as a result of which the part is sent for final scrap or for alteration for products of a smaller size.
  4. The limiting condition is the following ratio - the minimum radius should not be less than two and a half dimensions along the bend section. For example, for a profile with a thickness of 40 mm, the minimum inner radius will be 40 x 2.5 = 100 mm.

Before bending a steel profile pipe at home, one more rule should be remembered.

After impact, the pipe strives to return to its original shape. For this reason, if you bend yourself, without a profile bending, it is better to bend a little more than is necessary according to the scheme. If you bend the workpiece a little more, then in the end the rounding will turn out as required by the diagram.

All these conventions must be taken into account before bending this or that rolled metal product, otherwise it is useless to rely on a high-quality end result.

Techniques used for bending

Do-it-yourself bending of a profile pipe at home is done in the following ways:

  • Bending by means of special technical devices. They are popularly called pipe benders.
  • Using various available means.
  • By applying physical strength... But, this is only relevant for small diameters.

If you make a bend at home, then you need to consider:

  • The amount of bend.
  • Manufacturing materials.
  • The value of the wall thickness.
  • Section.

IMPORTANT! Measures for the deformation of shaped tube-rolling products are performed in permissible norms set for the section and wall thickness. During work, it is necessary to control that the cross-section does not flatten and does not cause internal kinks.

See how to bend pipes and common mistakes, and below is a video of the process.

How to bend a mandrel

In home workshops, rolled metal with a wall thickness of no more than 3 mm can be bent by means of a mandrel. The best option to solve the problem, if you need to bend a professional pipe by 20 with your own hands, a roll forming machine is used, on the upper part of which there is enough space for finishing equipment. Such devices perfectly cope with products with a diameter of 40 mm.

When changing the shape of the assortment by 20 and 40 mm, select on the workbench optimal space to install the fixing element. To make it easier to do the work, there are holes on one side of the machine that are located close to each other.

The problem of how to bend a profile pipe at home without a pipe bender on a mandrel is not difficult to solve. The required radius during deformation is obtained due to the installation of a special template. Thick plywood is used for its manufacture. But, if work on the bending of profile pipes is required to be done often, then you can make a template from a metal corner.

Flexion using internal countermeasures

There are many different ways how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender along a radius at home. Here is some of them.

These methods relate to work with the use of improvised means.

Any greenhouse, gazebo, and other home extension cannot do without the use of a bent professional pipe. And practice shows that the question of how to bend a profile pipe roll does not create any difficulties.

The most important thing during deformation of the professional pipe without special manual adaptation at home - this is the safety of the pipe product itself. And home craftsmen solve the problem of how to bend a profile in the following ways:

  • finishing with a grinder or welding;
  • use of a spring;
  • filling metal rolling with sand;
  • bend with water.

Each way, how to bend a professional pipe yourself without a pipe bender, which a home craftsman can use, has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to familiarize yourself with them in order to stop at the most optimal option for your conditions.
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Bending without a pipe bender - cutting with a grinder and welding

In order to bend the product with your own hands without a pipe bender, cross cuts are made in the place of the supposed bend. Only three sides of the pipe are sawn, and the fourth is left intact.

To determine the number of cuts and sizes, a simple calculation should be made. Let's look at an example how to do this. So, you need to make a bend on a 30 x 50 mm pipe at an angle of 180 degrees (full turn) with a radius of 100 mm along the wall of 30 mm.


  1. The length of the semicircle of the outer radius is determined from the ratio:
    L = 2: 2, where - number Pi = 3.14; r - outer radius of rounding equal to 150 mm; L is the length of a semicircle.
  1. In the same way, the length of the semicircle of the inner bend radius Lвн is determined.
  2. The difference between the values ​​of the outer and inner radii will be the required value of the total length of the slots on the inner radius.

Lout = L - Lint.

  1. After carrying out the necessary calculations, we get the result 157 mm.
  2. Based on the cutting width of the grinder 5 mm, we find that at 315 millimeters along the fold plane, you need to make 157: 5 = 31 slot.

After that, the resulting part is simply bent by hand until the ends of the cutouts touch. The slots must be welded and the welded seams must be cleaned with a grinder. The slots that remain after such manipulations are welded, and the welding places are cleaned.

IMPORTANT! If the work is not performed correctly, or the bend radius is not observed, the bent pipe may end up being damaged. And it is no longer possible to fix everything. You need to act slowly. This is the main rule that should not be violated.

Angle cutting and welding is the formation of an angle through a cut, in which one surface of the pipe blank remains intact.

Since in this case a thermal effect is exerted on the metal, it is necessary at the end of the bent profile to be treated with anti-corrosion protection.

Using a spring and blowtorch

The second method - a spring, which makes it possible to obtain bent rolled metal, is also a variation of the method of using internal countermeasures.

This is also a common way to bend without a pipe bender. To work from steel wire with a two-millimeter diameter, a square spring is made.

It is made to fit in a pipe. It should pass freely, and at the same time there should be a gap of at least one millimeter. Next, the bend is heated with a blowtorch. Then, using a prepared blank, the product is bent to the desired parameter.

If something did not work out, then the result can be corrected. But, it's better to do it all in one go. With repeated treatments, the metal becomes brittle.

Using sand to bend a professional pipe

To deform the communication at home without a pipe bender, you can use ordinary sand poured into the workpiece.

One side of the pipe is closed with a stopper or any improvised object. This closed end is fixed in a vice.

The workpiece is filled with sand and heated with a blowtorch in the place where the bend is planned. Then the product is bent over required sizes.

After the procedure is completed, it is left to cool. So the material fixes the acquired dimensions.

Professional craftsmen warn that there is one important nuance: in order to bend the product with your own hands, you need to take the sand clean and pre-calcined.

Wooden plugs used to plug a pipe filled with sand can be easily removed with self-tapping screws. Thus, it turns out to bend the workpiece very quickly.

Exposure to water

In winter, you can bend a profile pipe on your own using the following original method.

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The workpiece is filled with water, and the extreme parts are muffled wooden plugs... Then she is taken out into the street so that the filled liquid solidifies.

It is possible to bend this pipe in accordance with the template and without great physical effort. Its cross section is preserved with this procedure. After obtaining the desired result, the plugs are removed, and the liquid is poured out.

There is another simple option, but it can only be used to bend duralumin and brass assortments. Before starting work, you should prepare a template. The tube is filled with water, as in the previous case.

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But, then it moves to a place with a low temperature. When the water freezes, rounding is done with a blank. It should be noted that this method allows you to get the ideal shape of the rounding, and large forces from the hand of the master in this case, so that bending is not required.

From the material presented, it is clear that bending a profile pipe with your own hands is not a matter of high complexity. If you approach the process competently and study the materials in detail, you can save a lot of money, time and effort. Also, do not forget the safety rules.

All the methods described are very effective, but only in the case of actions according to certain rules.

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Watch the video tutorials, drawings and photos presented on the site and you will be able to do everything right and yourself.

Bending devices

Crafted people, not spoiled in life by unobtrusive service, come up with ways to simplify the implementation of rather complex operations, including the bending of profiles.

One of these devices is the simplest lever with a template,

Operating with such a simple device, you can quite accurately make arched elements for a greenhouse or greenhouse, gazebo support posts and other details for the suburban exterior.

Advanced site owners, showing ingenuity and resourcefulness, make more complex devices from scrap materials that allow them to perform work with increased accuracy. Usually these are kinematic copies of 3-roll bending devices.

In such devices, manual drives are used, but if the design is developed further, it may well be Starting point for development own business.

Catching up flexible profiles at home, you need to consider a number of circumstances:

  • when purchasing a profile, make sure that they are all the same size and steel grade and belong to the same delivery batch;
  • when using welded profiles, orient the side with the seam to the inner radius, otherwise it may break;
  • when working with a grinder, do not forget to use protective equipment in the form of glasses or a mask;
  • it should be borne in mind that the end sections cannot always be bent to the required size, therefore, when calculating the length of the workpiece, you need to take into account their length and cut off such pieces at the end of the formation of the part;
  • after installing the products in place, it is necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment of the metal and then carry out it regularly.

Bending services

Such a service could not but become a separate line of business development, since it involves the use of a rather complex technological equipment.

Video - how to bend a profile pipe

Services for the bending of profile pipes are also present on the market and involves the execution of both radius bending and arched bending. The separation occurs this way because specific equipment is used for each of these operations. In the first case it is a pipe bender, in the second three-roll rolling.

It must be admitted that the price indicators for performing such operations are very acceptable, as follows:

  • the cost of one corner fold is 30 rubles;
  • one running meter the arch span will also cost 30 rubles.

In comparison with the cost of metal and delivery of material in the Moscow region, this is really practically nothing.

Special devices for bending

Speaking about how to bend a profile pipe at home using a pipe bender, you should carefully watch the video below.

After watching the video, it immediately becomes clear that the device used to bend round-section pipe products will not work in this situation.

If the pipe is bent using rollers and rounded shoes, then cracks will appear on it, or it is simply deformed.

Bending machines for such a process use specially designed products for a certain type of product. You can buy a bending machine, or you can do it yourself at home.

Making a bending machine with your own hands

To create a bending machine, the best option is manual view devices. The design of the structure depends on the diameters with which to interact.

For pipe-rolling materials with a diameter of up to 20 mm, a simple device can be made consisting of steel pins placed in concrete slab... The pipe, inserted between the pins, is bent to the required dimensions.

But, when the diameter exceeds 20 mm, then for the structure it is necessary to develop more complex drawings of a bending machine for a profile pipe.

A pair of rollers with a round lateral section on the edges are fixed to a stable strong base. The radius of this edge of the roller must match the diameter of the pipe-rolling product that needs to be bent.

The workpiece is inserted between the rollers and its end is fixed. The other end is attached to a winch and driven. When the angle on the pipe reaches the required parameter, the winch is stopped.

ADVICE. The network provides many drawings of pipe benders prepared by the masters. The main thing that you should pay attention to is whether the circuit contains everything exact dimensions... Otherwise, the work of the bending machine may not be of good quality.

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The whole process of creating a pipe bender with your own hands must be divided into the following stages.

  1. Making shafts and fixing gears and bearings to them. The gears are fixed through a key. Bearings are advised to be purchased complete with supports.
  2. The gears and chain are suitable for any machine. Parts from foreign cars are of higher quality.
  3. Using welding machine, the base is boiled, and the clamping shaft is screwed to it.
  4. Next, the spring nuts and the platform for them are welded.
  5. Fasten the support shafts at the bottom.
  6. The tension chain is being constructed.
  7. At the final stage, the handle is attached to the shaft. To him (to make it easier to bend) it is advised to use a handle that rotates.

Such a device quickly deforms by passing the tubular product through it.

The creation of such a bending machine is very inexpensive. And such a device will come in handy in a private house very often, and in some cases it turns out to be simply irreplaceable.

These are the most simple pipe benders by watching the video materials and studying the drawings, it will be possible to learn how to bend correctly and choose the best design option.

With such a slave, how to make a bending machine is not difficult to cope with, but it will save you money. This savings can be about 20-30 thousand rubles.

See section bending drawings.


If available and self-arrangement of a private house or summer cottage, almost every developer is once faced with the need to perform pipe bending. Many people think about how to bend a profile pipe at home when erecting greenhouses, gazebos and other structures of this type on the site.

And this is not surprising when you consider that profile pipes look much more advantageous in comparison with products of ordinary circular cross-section.

However, if a pipe with a circular cross-section can be bent with an ordinary pipe bender, then it will not be possible to bend the profile pipe with it, since in conventional hydraulic pipe benders the rollers and shoes have a round bend, which when trying to bend the profile pipe will lead to cracks, breaks on it, or the pipe will simply flattened out.

Profile pipe bending methods

How to bend the profile pipe yourself in this case, avoiding its damage? For this purpose, several methods are used, one of which is bending by means of special machines, which are designed just for shaped pipes.

This type of machine is called profile bending machine. Nevertheless, the cost of such machines is quite decent, and why would an ordinary homeowner need professional equipment?

If you do not need to bend the professional pipe all the time, but from time to time, you can find hand benders on sale that are suitable for both profile and "round" pipes, which, moreover, are not so expensive - up to about $ 100. It should be borne in mind that in the process, a manual pipe bender will require the application of significant physical efforts.

With a single need to bend a profile pipe, it is impractical to purchase a tool and it is better to contact a workshop or a workshop of the corresponding profile, which will provide the necessary service for reasonable money, or sell a finished bent product.

This option will save both time and money, while the result of resolving the issue will be exactly what is needed - bending the profile pipe to the required radius.

Another method that is often practiced in such cases is to bend the profile pipe with your own hands using, so to speak, folk remedies... However, in this way it is possible to bend pipes of small sections - steel, copper, polymer.

Bending of shaped pipes using pipe benders

Features of bending

How to bend a profile pipe yourself? This should be done based on the size of its section, wall thickness, material from which it is made, as well as bending radius.

In addition, consideration should be given to the manufacturing conditions, the required bending accuracy and the quality of the resulting product.

The bending of shaped pipes is carried out within the technical tolerances for wall thickness and section size. In this case, the task is to avoid such undesirable phenomena as fractures on the inner part of the bent pipe and flattening of its cross-section.

Before you bend a square pipe along a small radius, you need to remember that bending should be done closer to the ends, since in the middle part of the pipe it will be more difficult to succumb to this.

Bending a pipe

To perform the bend, you will need a pipe bender specially designed for cold bending with stretching. The resulting tension with such a tool will shift the neutral axis of the pipe in the direction of the bend, which reduces the likelihood of a corrugated surface at the bend.

While in the machine, the pipe is wrapped around the edges and stretched, and at the same time it bends when the bending template moves.

How to bend a stainless steel pipe without losing the quality of the pipe? To prevent the loss of durability of the pipe walls at the bend, bending is performed under internal hydrostatic pressure: plugs are put on the ends of the pipe and liquid is fed into it, after which a bending template is brought to the middle of the pipe, with the help of which bending is performed, giving the pipe the desired shape.

Bending pipes at home

You can bend a profile pipe with your own hands without the help of special machines and tools. Moreover, in most cases, you can achieve a bend of really good quality.

Bending using a grinder and welding

Before bending the profile pipe, you will need to arm yourself with a grinder and a conventional welding machine.

Bending is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Calculate the radius of curvature of the pipe.
  2. Along the length of the bent section, cross cuts of three sides are evenly performed.
  3. After that, the pipe is easily bent.
  4. The sawn places are welded.
  5. The welding site is processed and polished.

In this way, an impressive external result can be achieved with the required bending radius of the pipe.

Bending using internal countermeasures

One of these means can be a specially made spring. Before bending the profile pipe, a square spring is wound from steel wire 1-4 mm thick (depending on the thickness of the bent pipe).

The size of each side of the spring segment should be 1.5-2 mm less than the internal values ​​of the pipe cross-section, so that the spring can penetrate into the pipe without any effort.

After installing the pipe in the place of the intended bend, immediately before bending the profile pipe, the bent section is heated with a blowtorch. Next, the pipe is bent on a blank, the radius of which is equal to the required inner radius of the bending pipe.

If it is necessary to bend in winter, a somewhat original method can be applied.

So, how to bend a profile pipe:

  1. A copper pipe is filled with water, having previously closed one of its ends with a stopper.
  2. Expose the pipe to frost until the liquid completely freezes.
  3. Bending copper pipe thereafter, it can be made according to a template of the corresponding radius with practically no loss of section and without effort.

Dural and brass pipes can be bent in the same way.

How to bend a professional pipe without a pipe bender? Prepare several buckets of dry, clean sand. If it was not possible to get clean sand, ordinary sand lying in the yard will do.

It will need to be sieved and dried properly by calcining it over a fire or using gas burner until the sand ceases to float and smoke. After processing and cooling, the sand is poured into a dry and clean container.

Before bending a square pipe, a wooden wedge is driven into it from one side to a depth of 10-20 cm, and then prepared clean and dry sand is poured into the free hole of the pipe until the pipe is completely filled. Next, a similar wedge is hammered on the other side of the pipe and the bending process begins directly.

The operation, as in the previous cases, is performed using a blank with a diameter corresponding to the required inner bending radius. If the bend is too steep (small radius), the bend can be heated with a burner. Sand tightly packed into the pipe will prevent it from losing its integrity or being strongly deformed.

At the end of the bending, one of the plugs is burned out at the stake, the sand is removed from the pipe and the second plug is knocked out or burned out of the pipe. It will not take much more time to bend in this way, in comparison with how to bend a profile pipe using a pipe bender.

The methods for bending shaped pipes presented in the article will be effective if all of the above conditions are met, but bending is really High Quality in every sense of the word can be achieved only with the help of professionals who will perform the work on specially designed equipment. Approach work with knowledge of the matter, only thanks to this it will be possible to achieve the desired result, while spending a minimum of money and effort.

If you are starting a renovation, then you may need pipes. But not always in this case, they should be perfectly even. This raises the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender. If you are familiar with the tricks of this process, then you can solve the problem quite simply.

How to bend a pipe at a right angle

Metal acts as a fairly strong material, but with special exposure it can be bent. To date, there are several ways to address this issue. The first technology is the use of pegs. But you must remember that this method can damage the pipe or even break it. This can be avoided by filling the inner cavity with dry sand. Plugs must be installed at both ends.

The next step is to start flexing. For this, pegs are dug into the ground. You will use them as leverage. If you are not confident in your abilities, then first you should practice on unnecessary pipe sections. If you are faced with the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender, then using this technology you can change the shape of a product, the diameter of which varies from 16 to 20 mm. For pipes of a more impressive diameter, this technique is not suitable, since the process will be rather complicated. It is also important to take into account the underlying material. For example, other methods are recommended for galvanizing.

Using heating technology

Before bending a pipe without a pipe bender, you should think about which technology is best for this. Heating may be a great solution. This method is commonly used for steel and aluminum piping. For the procedure, the product is fixed in a vise, but first it must be filled and heated with a gas burner to the place that you plan to bend. The temperature is determined quite simply: when a piece of paper approaches the pipe, it should start to smoke. When a steel billet is used, it should turn red when heated. For safety, the technician should wear gloves.

Plane-parallel plate

If you are faced with the task of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender, you can use a plane-parallel plate. This technique involves fixing the product in a clamp. After that, you can bend, and this must be done along the plate. This technique is considered not only economical but also simple. In order to achieve a positive result, several plates should be used, each of which has a different curvature. The main condition is the use of a steel pipe. The length of the product should be quite impressive.

Using a metal spring

Quite often, home craftsmen think about the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender at home. A metal spring can be used for this. This technique is excellent for non-ferrous pipes, which have good ductility.

A spring is used to prevent deformation. To get a good result, the size of the spring must be taken into account, which must correspond to the inner diameter. metal structure... This requirement is due to the fact that the pipe is to be inserted into the cavity. Bending can then be performed by tying the spring with a wire to make it easier to retrieve it later.

If you need to bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender, water can be used as a filler instead of sand. The pipe cavity is filled, after which the product is sealed with plugs on both sides. The water should be frozen, and then the material should be heated. However, this method cannot be used for galvanized workpieces.

Profile pipe and its modification

This type of metal structure is quite popular when building greenhouses and gazebos on personal plot. Main feature building material is that when bending it can be damaged. A way out of this situation can be filling the inner cavity with fine sand or water. These actions eliminate the possibility of damage to the pipe and achieve an excellent result. This technique is suitable for brass and duralumin piping.

If you are thinking about the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender for a canopy, then you can use it for this. It is used for square shaped products. The pipeline is installed on reliable supports, and then a mallet is used. Actions must be accurate and smooth to eliminate the possibility of damage. If it is necessary to achieve a large angle, then to facilitate the process, it is necessary to heat the pipe in the place where it should be bent.

Methods of bending metal-plastic

Quite often, owners of suburban real estate ask themselves how to bend a pipe themselves without a pipe bender. When metal-plastic is available, you can use your own strengths without using available tools. The product is clamped and bent smoothly. In this case, it is important to exclude the likelihood of an inflection. It is important to be guided by the rules, which state that for every 2 cm of the workpiece, the bending angle can be 15 °.

If you are faced with the question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender for a greenhouse, then you can use pieces of wire that fill the inner cavity. This allows you to achieve an even and smooth bend in the shortest possible time. Dry fine sand can be used as a filler. It is poured inside, and the edges are closed with plugs. Then one end of the product must be fixed, ensuring the reliability and strength of the fastening. Using a gas burner or blowtorch the place of the fold should be heated. The material is checked for readiness with a piece of paper.

Polypropylene pipe bending methods

If you want to change the direction of the bend, you can use one of two possible methods. The first involves heating the fold. For this, a construction hairdryer is usually used. The optimum heating temperature is 150 ° C. Hands should be protected with gloves that are resistant to high temperatures.

At the final stage, the product is bent to the required shape. The thickened wall should be located with outside bending. Once the material has cooled, it will need to be checked for cracks and dents. Another way to bend such a pipe is cold. However, the bending radius should not be more than 8 diameters, otherwise the product may break.

How to bend a plastic pipe

In order to bend a PVC pipe, you need to buy fiberboard. From them, you can build a frame, which is needed to give the structure a certain shape. As soon as you give the plate the desired shape, it should be sanded, it is better to use fine sandpaper for this.

The next step is to form a silicone shell for the plastic blank. It will act as a fastener for the PVC structure in the frame. In addition, it will perform a protective role against chips, mechanical damage and scratches. The object is placed in a prepared protective shell, and then the place of bending is heated. The plastic softens and sits on the frame. Doing so will produce the desired shape of the plastic blank. The product is left until it cools down. This will take 15 minutes. After that, the PVC pipe can be removed from the frame, leaving it to cool completely.

If you are faced with the question of how to bend an aluminum pipe without a pipe bender, then you can use a grinder to carry out the work, with which several thin cuts must be made at the place of the intended bend. The product is preliminarily clamped in a vice. As soon as the cuts are made, they should be cleaned of chips, only after that you can begin to bend the pipe.

Sometimes the product needs to be bent in a circle. As soon as the ring closes, the holes are welded, and some craftsmen even use a soldering iron for this. In order to make the place of the fold neat, it is additionally sanded and covered protective agent... This eliminates corrosion and premature destruction of the joint.


It doesn't matter what material the pipe is based on. A perfect bend is difficult to achieve. But if you first familiarize yourself with the theory, then it will be possible to bend the pipe even without a pipe bender.

The question of how to bend a profile pipe without using special equipment for this is asked by many of those who are going to build a greenhouse on their personal plot. Such structures made of bent pipes, not only transmit much more light, but are also highly resistant and durable when compared with structures made of wooden blocks. It seems that to bend the professional pipe, creating from it arched structure, it is not easy, but if you understand the features of this process, it is quite possible to effectively perform it using the simplest devices for this.

What is the complexity of bending profile rolled products?

The essence of bending of rolled metal, regardless of the shape of its profile, is that the profile pipes are given a partial or complete bend. Such a technological operation is carried out in two ways: by acting on the bent pipe only by pressure or by additionally heating the section of the pipe in the area of ​​which the bending is performed. During the bend on metal pipe two forces act simultaneously:

  • compressive force (from the inside of the bend);
  • tensile force (from the outside of the bent section).

It is the effect of such multidirectional forces that causes the difficulties characteristic of the bending process of any shaped pipes.

  1. Segments of the pipe material, which changes its shape during the bending process, may lose the alignment of its position, which leads to the fact that individual sections of the pipe will be located in different planes;
  2. The wall of the professional pipe, located on the outside of the bend and subjected to tension, may not withstand the load and burst.
  3. The inner wall of the pipe under compression can become covered with folds that resemble a corrugation.

If you do not take into account the subtleties of this technological process, then instead of bending the profile pipe, you can simply crush the product, irrevocably ruining it.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the pipe material, but also its geometric parameters - section dimensions, wall thickness, radius by which it is necessary to bend. Knowledge of the above will allow you to choose suitable technology and bend the professional pipe correctly, without crushing it and not getting a corrugated surface.

The need to take into account the profile

The category of profile pipe-rolling includes products that have different shape cross-section - round, square, oval or flat-oval. Despite such a variety, rectangular or rectangular are predominantly used for the construction of a greenhouse or canopy. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to mount the outer covering on their flat walls.

The range of modern shaped pipes is very diverse. Their geometric parameters, the main of which are the cross-sectional area and wall thickness, determine the plastic capabilities of the product. The latter characterizes such an indicator as the minimum permissible radius of curvature. It is this parameter that allows you to determine to what minimum radius the professional pipe can be bent so that it does not undergo damage.

To determine such a parameter of a pipe with or a rectangular profile as the minimum bending radius, it is enough to know the height of its profile. If you are going to bend a profile tube with cross section in the form of a rectangle or square, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

  • Pipes with a profile height not exceeding 20 mm can be bent in sections whose length exceeds a value equal to 2.5xh (h is the profile height).
  • Products with a profile height exceeding 20 mm can be successfully bent in sections, the length of which corresponds to 3.5xh and more.

Such recommendations will be useful to those who are going to bend profile pipes with their own hands in order to make racks, awnings and various frame structures from them. In this case, however, it should be borne in mind that the possibility of high-quality bending of pipes is also influenced by their wall thickness. Products with a wall thickness less than 2 mm should not be bent at all, and, if necessary, to create structures from them, use welded joints.

At home, it is possible to bend professional pipes that are made of carbon or low-alloy steels only taking into account certain nuances. Such pipes, after bending, can spring back and return to their original state, therefore ready-made structures must be re-fitted to the template. The amount of springback is characterized by such a parameter of shaped pipes as the plastic moment of resistance - Wp. This parameter it is indicated in the accompanying documentation (the lower it is, the less the pipes will spring in the process of bending).

Features of the most popular pipe bending methods

In industrial or home conditions, professional pipes are bent both with heating and in a cold state. Heating, which is produced with a gas burner, significantly increases the ductility of the metal, so that less effort is required to bend. Pipes of small cross-section can be bent without heating, since they already have good ductility.

Regulatory recommendations regarding the use of heating are available only for products with a circular cross section. So, it is recommended to heat pipes, the cross-sectional diameter of which exceeds 10 cm, before bending.

  1. Without preheating, pipes are bent, the profile height of which does not exceed 10 mm.
  2. If the profile height of pipes exceeds 40 mm, they must be heated before bending.

If you have a pipe bender at your disposal, you can easily cope with the task of cold bending pipes with a profile height in the range of 10–40 mm. In the absence of such a device, it is necessary to decide how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender, having previously carried out simple tests. They will help you determine if the pipe should be heated before bending or not. These tests are carried out as follows. One end of the pipe is clamped in a vice, and a pipe with a large internal section is put on the other. If with the help of such a shoulder it is possible to bend a pipe clamped in a vice, you can carry out this process without preheating.

Bending pipes by various techniques The training video demonstrates well, but it will not be superfluous to study this process in detail in advance.

Bending of professional pipes with preheating

To bend a profile pipe with your own hands using the hot method, you must first fill it with sand. This will make the bend better and more uniform. Since you have to deal with hot metal, all work should be done with heavy canvas gloves. The bending itself, the implementation of which can be found in the video, is performed in the following sequence.

  • Both ends of the profile pipe must be closed with plugs, which are made of wooden blocks. The length of such plugs should be 10 times the width of their base, which, in turn, should have an area twice the area of ​​the opening in the pipe, closed with their help.
  • After adjusting the plugs to the internal section of the pipe, 4 longitudinal grooves are made on one of them, which are necessary to remove the gas accumulating in the pipe when the sand filling it is heated.
  • The section of the professional pipe that you plan to bend must be pre-annealed.
  • Sand of medium grain size should be used as filler for the pipe. If there is no refined building sand, you can take any, even from a children's sandbox, but it should be properly prepared. So, the sand is first sieved through a sieve with a mesh size of 2–2.5 mm to remove gravel and small stones from it, and the final sieving is performed on a sieve with a mesh size of 0.7 mm. Final sieving is necessary in order to remove dust inclusions from the sand, which can be sintered when heated.
  • Prepared sand must be calcined at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
  • Before filling with sand, one end of the pipe is closed with a plug, on which there are no gas outlet channels. A funnel is inserted into the second end, through which prepared sand is poured in portions. In order for the sand to evenly and densely fill the entire internal cavity of the pipe, when filling it, it is necessary to tap on the walls of the product using a wooden or rubber mallet.
  • After the pipe is completely filled with sand, its second end is also closed with a plug.
  • The area that will be heated for further bending should be marked with chalk.
  • The pipe must be secured in a vise with a template or in a pipe clamp. In this case, it is important that the weld seam, if there is one on the surface of the product, is on the side. It is necessary to adhere to this requirement because it is undesirable to subject the welded seam to compression or tension.
  • The section of the pipe, previously marked with chalk, is heated red-hot with a gas burner. After full warming up, the pipe is carefully, without making any sudden movements, bent in one step, applying efforts strictly in the vertical or horizontal plane.
  • After cooling down bent pipe the result obtained is compared with the template. If everything is normal, then the corks are removed from the ends of the product and sand is poured out.

This method, which is easy to implement at home, is best used in cases where a single angular bend must be formed on the professional pipe. Repeated heating of the metal can lead to a loss of its strength, and this cannot be avoided if you bend the pipe to use it as an element of an arched structure.

How to bend a pipe without preheating

You can bend the profile pipe yourself, without preheating it, either with or without filler. The pipes do not require filling with sand or rosin, the profile height of which does not exceed 10 mm.

There is another technique, which involves the use of a spring with dense winding of coils instead of a filler, which is inserted into the inner cavity of the pipe and protects the walls of the product from deformation, as well as from excessive changes in their thickness during the bending process.

For those who need to bend profile pipes with their own hands, without first heating them, you can use the training video and the following simple recommendations.

  1. It is possible to obtain the required bend on shaped pipes using the simplest devices - a vice, mandrels, bending plates.
  2. Can be used for products with a round profile. In this device, it is necessary to remake the working rollers, the shape of the recess in which must correspond to the profile of the pipe.
  3. You can bend pipes most efficiently and accurately with the help of which you can purchase or make your own hands.

Pipe bending devices

The question of how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender will not cause difficulties if you use the simplest devices to perform this operation. Cold bending of pipes can be done using the following devices.

  • In cases where it is necessary to bend a soft (aluminum) or steel pipe with a profile height of no more than 10 mm, a horizontal plate with holes is used, into which stops are inserted - metal pins. With the help of these pins, bending of products is carried out according to the required parameters. Have this method there are two serious drawbacks: low bending accuracy, and also the fact that it requires considerable physical effort when using it.
  • Products with a profile height of 25 mm are best bent using roller devices. The pipe is securely fixed in a vice, and force is applied to the part to be bent using a special roller. This device allows you to get a better bend, but also requires physical effort.

An option, as they say, in a hurry. The long arm of this extremely uncomplicated device allows you to cope with rather thick pipes.

To form a bend with a large radius of curvature on steel or aluminum professional pipes, stationary rounded templates are used, on which special clamps are mounted to fix the product. On such a device, the pipe is also bent manually, with effort laying it in the groove of the template, the shape of which exactly corresponds to the required bending radius.

Plywood and metal staples are all you need to make a bending template

Bending plate

To effectively bend steel or aluminum pipes at home, you can make a modernized bending plate using the following guidelines.

  1. The role of such a plate is played by a panel that is cut from thick sheet metal.
  2. The panel, made in this way, is welded to the post, which is installed on a special pedestal.
  3. Two holes are drilled in the panel, which are necessary for the installation of bolts that serve as stops for the profile pipe.
  4. A special nozzle is installed on one of the stop bolts, with the help of which the bending radius is adjusted.
  5. To ensure the alignment of the pipe sections adjacent to the bend, a metal plate is placed over the workpiece, fixed with bolts.

The moment you will not use such a modernized pipe bender, its pedestal can be adapted to perform various plumbing operations.

Mandrel bending

For bending at home profile pipe products, the wall height of which does not exceed 25 mm, you can make a special mandrel. For these purposes, it is better to use a dimensional workbench, on the surface of which there will be enough space for such a device. To select the optimal location for the element that fixes the bendable pipe, frequently located holes are made at one end of the workbench. A special template is responsible for ensuring the required bending radius of the professional pipe, which can be made from thick plywood or a metal corner if you are going to use it often.

Profile bender application

Of course, if you have a significant amount of work on bending shaped pipes, it is better to make a special machine for this, the drawings of which are easy to find on the Internet. We will not discuss this issue here, since it is considered in more detail in the articles on the links below.

You cannot do without such a machine even if you need to bend pipes with a large section of the profile. The main working bodies of such a machine, which is characterized by wide versatility, are three rolls, two of which are fixed motionless, and by changing the position of the third, they regulate the bending radius of the product. As a drive of such a device, a chain transmission and a handle, which the operator rotates, are used.

Obviously, there are a lot of options for devices that allow you to effectively bend shaped pipes for the manufacture of a greenhouse, shed or other structures. Having considered these options and choosing the one that best suits your capabilities and needs, you can always provide yourself with a convenient and inexpensive pipe bender.

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The design of the greenhouse must necessarily have not only an aesthetic appearance, but also be functional. A greenhouse that was built with your own hands or was bought in finished form, should generate income regardless of the season. If you have a thought on your own, then the question may arise about how to bend a profile for a greenhouse with your own hands without using any special devices.

The frame for the greenhouse can be bought or made by hand. In order to bend the frame, you need specials. devices - pipe bender or machine.

For example, a winter greenhouse arched type, which has heating, turns the need to bend a profile for a given structure into an urgent need.

The frame made of aluminum profiles is durable, lightweight, needs minimal maintenance, in addition, it can be easily fixed with your own hands.

Greenhouses that use profile designs

Greenhouse frame made of aluminum profile with a pitched roof - it is a strong, reliable, lightweight construction.

Elements that are made from profiles are used in many types. The pitched roof of the 8-angle greenhouse has solid construction... In this case, the material for the frame will be an aluminum profile.

The profile can be forged, molded, rolled. It folds into bays. The aluminum profile can be processed mechanically: twist, drill, cut. Structures from this type of profile can be connected with resins on a synthetic basis or fastened with rivets, bolts.

The profile can be shaped, full, intended for the manufacture of greenhouses, racks, racks. The shaped profile has the ability to bend, drill, cut, so that it can be used in the manufacture of a structure.

The frame made of aluminum profile is lightweight, durable, needs minimal maintenance, it can be strengthened with your own hands.

The greenhouse has a long period of operation (20-25 years). A significant disadvantage of a greenhouse is that it is too expensive to build with your own hands.

It occupies a leading position in the market. Products made from it are durable, comfortable and cheap.

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Greenhouses that use roll-formed profiles

When building an arched greenhouse, the profile must be bent.

The profile will need to be bent during the construction of a multifunctional. It will be necessary to bend the profile for an arch that goes vertically upwards from the base and is bent in the middle. A frame is used, the strength of which can be ensured by connecting the racks and beams. The domed greenhouse has a structure made of polygonal frames (metal or aluminum) and is difficult to assemble with your own hands. The whole frame material should be selected based on, as well as its size.

When building arched greenhouses, it is necessary to prepare 12 flexible rods for half arcs. Their length should be 1.5 m. For high greenhouse(1.8 m high), you will need to prepare 10 rods, which have a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 2.9 m.

Framing begins by defining the holes for the flex bars. They are drilled out, after which the support stands are prepared. When installing the main frame with your own hands, it may be necessary to carefully bend the metal rods in an arc.

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How can you bend a square tube for a polycarbonate greenhouse arc?

In order to bend the pipe, you can use a homemade pipe bender.

When made of polycarbonate, there is a need to bend a square pipe with an arc, which has a section of 20x20 mm. The diameter between their ends is 3 m.

Tools will need to be prepared in advance:

  • ruler;
  • bending machine;
  • bending pipes (profile);
  • Bulgarian;
  • pencil;
  • welding.

The pipe can bend by bending machine, which is made by hand. The machine is rotated by the handle, but the work requires more effort if its wall is 1–2 mm. Without using a machine, you can bend by hand using parallel pipes, and you will need to first fasten them together. An arc of the appropriate radius is drawn on the ground. You should attach a curved product to it, bend it so that the original fully matches the drawn drawing. The second arc bends in the same way as the first.

The pipe is preliminarily divided into several equal intervals, sawn off with a grinder and further bends according to the existing template. The notches are spot welded.

The profile is lightweight and durable, connects well to absolutely any plane, withstands large lateral loads.

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Profile bending using a machine

The service life of a profile greenhouse can be up to 20-25 years. Therefore, you should take care of the high-quality assembly of the frame.

The developer who bends the profile knows that this operation is complex enough. It can be done using a factory-made pipe bending machine or do-it-yourself. One of the possible methods of profile bending is to use a fire source - a propane torch, acetylene torch or blowtorch. One part is warmed up, after which the lever is bent at an angle. Disadvantages of this type of work: great physical efforts are required, as a result, an unaesthetic appearance will be obtained after processing the product.

Profile bending operation on pipe bending machine is performed more accurately and faster. The profile with the help of the handle is pulled along the rolls of the pipe bender, while the other roll presses on the pipe and deforms it. The pipe bender passes the pipe through itself and makes an arch of the required radius from it. Bending is performed at an angle of 30-180 ° (on pipe benders with hydraulic drive). On the manual pipe bender, you can bend the pipes in order to carry out in the winter time or to carry out the installation of ventilation devices.

Tools that you need to make a pipe bender:

  • lead screw;
  • 3 rollers;
  • blank;
  • bracket with clamping axle;
  • sample;
  • channel;
  • steel pipes with a diameter of 70-150 mm;
  • welding;
  • concrete solution;
  • metal table.

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The process of making a homemade pipe bender

A homemade pipe bender can be made of two pipes and two rollers.

Homemade pipe bender is made from 2 pipes. Their diameter can be from 70 to 150 mm. With help concrete mortar they must be fixed in the plate. They can also be fixed by welding to the channel. The pipes are spaced 600 mm apart from each other. A pipe is installed between the posts, after which it is bent at an angle with effort.

The rollers are placed on the axles. They need to be placed on the same level, while the distance between them should be approximately 50 cm. The third roller is located in the center. It must be raised to a level of 100 mm. The jack should lift the roller and adjust the bending radius of the pipe. A self-made pipe bender will bend a rolled profile for the manufacture of a greenhouse or greenhouse structure. A pipe with a thin wall will need to be covered with sand from one end, and then inserted into the pipe bender. Sand should be removed after processing. The entire length should have the same product diameter.

The profile pipe has a different section: oval, round or rectangular. The pipe bender is different from a similar machine for ordinary pipes. The product and the rollers have the same cross-section.

During production, the roller is installed on a metal table. A bracket is attached to the axle, which has a clamping axle. A roller should be installed on the axis, which copies the pipe profile. The workpiece must be fed by hand. During the passage, the product will be pressed against the roller. It is pulled several times between the rollers, as a result of which the necessary bend is formed. Finished material is applied to the template.