Well-groomed household plots. Landscaping of a personal plot: photos of the best ideas, types of work and prices

Owners of country houses are faced not only with the need to arrange it in accordance with their individual needs and the needs of the family. It is also required to pay attention to creating a unique environment in the courtyard of the house and in the garden.

The implementation of a successful idea in landscape design makes a country house original and unique, but each person has his own vision of how to achieve this.

This article presents several approaches to arranging the space near the house, which will help you create a small, unique world in its own way.

Planning the space of the local area

Many people believe that landscape design requires special knowledge and skills that they do not possess.

This is partly true, but such difficulties are often exaggerated. Every person with imagination and a little free time is able to show creativity and transform their local area.

It is necessary to understand that entering the territory of the site, you must feel comfort and safety. And it is important for guests and visitors to feel the originality of a new environment for them.

In order to implement design solutions, when planning a local area, you should pay attention to a number of features.

The center of home ownership is always the structure of a private house itself, therefore any design change on the site must correspond to the general concept of arrangement.

The need for preparatory work is determined by your plans for the transformation of the territory. In particular, it is advisable to carry out drainage or strengthening, which in the future will greatly facilitate the implementation of all other work.

Each family member can have their own wishes, their own vision of the arrangement of the territory of the house. Therefore, you must first plan what specifically you would like to see on your site. Take a plan of the house and garden area, apply new objects and decorative elements, evaluate how they fit together.

If the area of ​​a country house is not too large, then it is often difficult to realize all wishes and ideas. In such conditions, one should think about the possibility of combining different zones that can be quickly transformed.

How to efficiently arrange recreation areas?

By combining several architectural elements that are similar in functionality, you can effectively manage the space of a country house. Combined elements provide the ability to transform into a zone that is relevant at the current time. The following options for combining are often used:

  • terrace with gazebo;
  • dining room with kitchen;
  • sauna with a gazebo, etc.

When arranging recreation areas, it is advisable to use light garden or country furniture. It is quite compact and lightweight, does not take up too much space. If necessary, you can move it to another part of the house or supplement it with other interior items.

For example, light rattan armchairs and chairs will look good in the gazebo, and installing sun loungers in the garden allows you to create a cozy afternoon relaxation area.

  • children's and playgrounds should be located within good visibility;
  • the backyard is ideal for arranging a parking or recreation area;
  • not only the thematic zones on the site should be comfortable, but also the paths for moving between them.
  • if you like gardening, then it is better to remove the beds from the zone of open visibility by placing them inside the yard.

Dividing the site into zones

After you depict the placement of the planned decorative elements on the site, you need to clearly visualize your idea of ​​the new architectural ensemble. In this case, you need to plan how the individual zones will be delimited among themselves.

  • delimitation of arches;
  • the use of fences;
  • installation of screens;
  • natural delimitation of green spaces.

The choice of method depends on the decorative elements being equipped. The garden recreation area can be limited by an arch intertwined with plants. But it is advisable to separate the sports ground with a decorative fence, a screen or a low picket fence.

The recreation areas can be separated by means of trellises, complemented by garden trellises. And so that these elements do not stand out much, it is advisable to decorate them under a green wall. Rattan screens will help not only create a cozy secluded corner in the yard, but also protect vacationers from the sun or cool wind.

Garden paths help to separate the thematic zones from each other. For their arrangement, a variety of materials can be used - special slabs, stones, bricks, gravel, cobblestones or pebbles.

For decorative purposes, areas between slabs or stones can be left untreated or covered with sand. Planted undersized plants will also look good.

It is advisable to give some areas of the house maximum naturalness, leaving wild plants. Such a site can be paved with tree cuts, the joints of which can be covered with fine gravel or pebbles.

If your site is characterized by a multi-level relief, then these disadvantages can be turned into advantages. To do this, it is enough to build original steps and transitions.

Arrangement of the yard

Small pools and ponds add originality to the country house. For pools that perform not only a decorative role, it is advisable to use composite materials, rigid PVC materials or equip a concrete pit.

A pond in the yard can be arranged by tearing out a foundation pit and covering it with PVC foil. On the banks of the pond, you can lay out pebbles and plant moisture-loving plants. You can also create waterfalls or fountains.

The recreation area will be original around a barbecue, a massive stove or a stone fireplace. Here you will be able to receive guests. But at the same time, the hearth itself will become a reference point for the further arrangement of the courtyard space.

The backyard is often used as a seating area. For this, a convenient wooden platform is being built, surrounded by flower beds. The use of light garden furniture will allow you to use this area as a dining room. You should successfully choose furniture from a suitable material - plastic, light metal, rattan or bamboo.

A decorated fence will help to separate the recreation area, and the site can be paved with stone or laid out with pebbles. If you want to equip a barbecue area, then you can consider the option of installing a stationary hearth with a smoke collector.

When landscaping a site, you need to remember that:

  • to avoid problems with fallen needles, you should not plant conifers near terraces and areas;
  • it is inappropriate to place reservoirs near deciduous trees with abundant foliage discharge;
  • tall bushes should be located at the boundaries of the site, which will create a hedge.

Country house lighting

The plot of a country house should be lit so that in the evening and at night it does not lose the feeling of coziness and comfort. The most popular solution is to use architectural lighting with energy efficient lighting fixtures.

LED spotlights can be positioned along the paths. It is also advisable to highlight individual decorative elements - sculptures or fountains, place lamps floating around the pond.

If the central path leading to the house should be illuminated with bright lamps on the lighting poles, then the secondary paths should be illuminated with flashlights with a soft dim light.

The arrangement of a country house requires imagination and creativity in the implementation of design solutions. It is important not only to correctly plan the space of the house, but also to place unobtrusive decorative elements on its territory, to create an original lighting system.

Photo of ideas for arranging the courtyard of a private house

Gardens and flower beds have long disappeared from the homesteads of dachas. People want to live beautifully, so the question of how to do the landscaping of a summer cottage with their own hands continues to be relevant. It is not so difficult to realize your most cherished desires for landscaping the site if you get acquainted with the recommendations of professional designers, perform preliminary design and study the improvement of the territory, looking at the already finished works.

Many experienced landscape designers, taking on a new project of gardening of summer cottages, carefully ask the owners and write down all their wishes. It is necessary to start with this also for those who dream of ennobling their site with their own hands. Someone will prefer to leave the main space of land for a vegetable garden, someone will part with the beds without regret in favor of a play corner for children.

Determining the starting point can become the basis for a future summer cottage arrangement project. And then the main recommendations from professionals come into force. Let's outline the most basic of them.

  • When landscaping a summer cottage, it is useful to preliminarily think over and correctly dock the existing communications, think over the lighting and draw up a plan for the location of large objects (gazebos, playgrounds, beds, barbecue areas).
  • The next step is to link the objects on the site together with a network of tracks. Their route is best indicated on paper, having previously schematically indicated the location of large objects on it.
  • When choosing plants for landscaping, it is necessary to take into account the features of the relief of the suburban area, take into account the compatibility of new plants and those that are already growing on the backyard land.
  • Separate decorative elements made of the same material are best used concisely, all in one place. So, for example, stones can become the basis for the construction of an alpine slide, a wooden saw cut for assembling a light gazebo.

Design stage for the improvement of summer cottages

In order for the suburban area to look holistic and concise, it is important to draw up a landscaping plan before landscaping and implement it on paper, as shown in the photo, for example.

Such a plan helps to visually see how the different zones of the summer cottage will be divided and decorated: the entrance zone, the front area, the utility corner, a place for a garden and a vegetable garden, an area for recreation and sports. For greater clarity, it is better to draw each object of gardening of the cottage in detail using pencils of different colors. This will allow you to immediately see where the pile of parts has formed, how best to distribute functional areas and refine them with the help of landscaping.

Note! Even at the design stage, you need to take into account the interests of all family members, see how the wind rose is distributed, how the site is oriented relative to the cardinal points.

At this stage, you need to decide on the desire to make an artificial pond at your own dacha, lay down a waterfall or break a Japanese garden. When all desires take on clear contours, you can start laying paths.

It is not so difficult to draw up a plan for landscaping and arranging a summer cottage on your own, as it seems to the fore. The following instruction helps to simplify the task as much as possible:

  • We take a blank sheet of paper and mentally imagine where, what is.
  • We designate the cardinal points and use an arc to determine how the sun moves across the area during the day.
  • We schematically apply not only buildings to the drawing, but also tall trees, a fence, everything that gives a shadow. Don't forget to indicate the height of each object.
  • Indicating the movement of the sun and the height of objects will help to indicate shadows in open areas of the cottage (the width of the shadow is half the height of the object casting it).
  • In places of full shade zones, you can safely plan the installation of gazebos, benches, garden sculptures.

Note! Where the shade lasts more than half a day, productive plants cannot be planted.

In the toga, you should get a gardening plan for the summer cottage, which will clearly show what, where will be located, where which plant will need to be planted. It is important to plan the arrangement of the site just as the renovation of a city apartment is planned. If you choose a wall on which the TV is to be fixed, there must be an outlet to turn it on.

The process of implementing the plan begins with the preparation of the summer cottage area: it is necessary to get rid of any debris, from dead wood and diseased trees. Then you need to level the site, if planned, create an artificial relief.

The next stage is the creation of the frame of the summer cottage area: the installation of paths, platforms, reservoirs, the installation of an irrigation system and lighting. Only after that you can start landscaping the summer cottage.

Examples of landscaping a suburban area

You can decorate and plant trees in different ways. Experienced designers have a ton of tools in their hands that need to be taken into account by all those who are trying to solve the indicated problem with their own hands.

So, for fencing your own territory, it is best to use concrete structures or solid brick structures. Since deaf people almost always look rather dull, they can be decorated with vertical landscaping. Then any ordinary fence of the site, as the following photo shows, easily turns into a green art object.

The most popular technique for decorating a summer cottage is its gardening. By equipping it, you can turn around and try to implement non-standard solutions. All kinds of flower beds, rabatki, mixborders always become a real decoration of the backyard economy.

To organize original flower beds, designers often use antique items, out-of-order furniture. In some cases, it is enough to make a little effort in order to breathe a second life into some armchair, cabinet or chairs. As practice shows, they make excellent pots for a summer residence.

The area allotted for the garden in the country is also easy to decorate. You can refine the beds in different ways. Someone will prefer to take note of miniature decorative weaving and wooden fences, others will like the idea of ​​planting plants on the roof of a bulk cellar.

He by himself is able to become a decoration of any suburban area. It will be easy to store in it the crops grown right there on the roof. Live gazebos always look beautiful, the walls of which are tall shrubs or tree trunks, the so-called dry streams, lined with pebbles, river sand, covered with stunted bushes.

Organization of lighting for the suburban area

The organization of lighting for a summer cottage is a difficult issue. And all because it is not always possible to connect to central power supply lines. An autonomous diesel power plant helps to solve the problem. After its installation, the distribution of lighting devices throughout the suburban area is thought out.

It should be carried out in such a way that the owners of the backyard farm could move around the entire territory of the garden or vegetable garden at night. Typically, lighting fixtures are installed along pedestrian paths, around a house, and other large objects. It is best to invite specialists to install the wiring. He will be able to lay communications on the ground, which can then be safely exploited.

If it is not possible to dig trenches and lay cables on a section of already greened land, you can choose alternative lighting options - lamps equipped with solar panels.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to equip a summer cottage plot with your own hands, it is important to take into account the proposed recommendations and try to apply them when landscaping your own backyard farm.

The presence of a personal plot opens up ample opportunities for the implementation of various ideas. In a beautiful frame, the main thing will look impressive. The territory can be marked out, and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help to increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscaping of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To simplify the formulation of your own wishes and the preparation of technical specifications, you need to familiarize yourself with the implemented projects. The following examples in the photo accompany comments that explain individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands that provides good protection of the foundation from moisture. Set behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are capable of performing their functions for decades without damage. But on large areas, such coatings do not look impressive enough. It should not be forgotten that this technique is associated with “wet” labor-intensive processes. To ensure high quality, work will have to be performed at air temperatures above 0 ° C, in dry weather.

For your information! Paving the yard with asphalt mixtures is not recommended. Vapors from petrochemical products can have a negative impact on human health.

In this photo, made of concrete, imitates painted natural wood. The original relief looks impressive on sites of various sizes. It prevents slipping, so it is useful for outdoor use. Factory deep application of colorants is characterized by increased wear resistance.

Paving with such products is suitable for pedestrian paths and motorways, parking lots. If necessary, it can be performed in difficult weather conditions, immediately, or in stages. A layer of paving stones is created on a bed of compacted gravel, sand with a slight slope to the side. An additional advantage of this technology is its good maintainability.

Sandstone, as in the photo, is cheaper than granite. Its rough surface provides a high level of safety when walking in the rain.

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For your information! It is easier to figure out what to pave the area with when considering the mode of future use. If higher mechanical loads are expected, more resistant materials are chosen.

Landscaping and landscaping

There are no special GOSTs for creating a land plot near a private house. The necessary measures for the improvement of the local area have to be planned independently. The following examples and photos with recommendations will help you make the right decision.

If you reduce the number of plants near the house, the maintenance of the territory will be simplified. For seasonal planting of flowers, you can use flowerpots.

For your information! In order to figure out how to plant greenery in a house adjoining area correctly, it is necessary to take into account additional important factors in addition to the parameters of the plants. You should consider the location of flower beds and the design of the corresponding structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, electrical networks. A comprehensive preliminary analysis will help optimize the project of a summer cottage, accurately calculate the cost estimate.

Related article:

An ideal solution for fencing a site, which will not only perform protective functions, but also delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read in our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package yourself. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How beautiful it is to plant flowers in the yard so that they look good from important vantage points (entrance lobby, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering succession, creating expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • What flowers fit in with the overall design style?
  • How to equip utilities, passages for relief.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact landing site.

Beautiful compositions are created using unique flowerpots and special design options

For your information! To study the implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options, one should evaluate the complexity of the work, the reality of repetition of technological processes on their own without unnecessary labor and money.


Do you have a personal plot? Do you dream of creating a natural corner on it, combining inanimate compositions with green spaces? At the same time, do you have a desire to enjoy the gifts of fruit trees and cultivated plants? Then you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of landscape design, agronomy and plant growing. Our article will help you with this!

If you decide to start landscaping the territory, then, first of all, you will need to carry out several preparatory activities, which, as it may seem, are not directly related to planting. However, a competent approach and adherence to the outlined plan will help to plant the plants and create a personal plot with your own hands as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Let's dive into work! We draw up a project design

Any work begins with drawing up a plan or project, and landscaping a personal plot is no exception. It is important to take into account all the details here: household, natural and climatic features. Plots with a small area deserve special attention.

The choice of plants depends on weather conditions and temperature: heat-loving, cold-resistant, annual or perennial. An important role is played by how the site is illuminated during the day. For planting light-loving, shade-loving and partial shade-tolerant flowering plants, different conditions are needed, but in almost all cases they can be combined. The landscaping method, among other things, depends on the presence or absence of inland waters and irrigation systems. If there is a lot of groundwater in your area, then you need to drain it. It also depends on whether artificial reservoirs will be created on the site.

When planning landscaping work, attention should be paid to the features of the relief. Each seemingly unsightly slide or depression can serve to create a unique design.

Consider the location of the site - this is the northern or southern slope. This is the only way to determine whether the area is protected from the wind or not, which also affects the choice of plants.

The fence can not only fulfill its main purpose, but also serve as a decoration of the site, therefore, when creating a project, attention should be paid to its choice. A hedge ennobles the site and gives it individuality and naturalness. Usually it is done in a double row. For safety, a low metal mesh is pulled in the aisle. After two years, the shrubs grow into the netting, which makes it invisible to the eyes. For the design of a green hedge, Japanese quince, hawthorn, thuja and other ornamental plants are suitable. Shrubs are cut in the second year after planting. A hedge is formed with a lateral and apical haircut, and it is carried out no more than twice a year.

You can design using special programs on your computer. Thus, you will create a 3D image, which will allow you to visually see the results of labor and, if necessary, make immediate changes. On the Internet, you can download free programs for creating landscape projects. If computer design is beyond your power, then the problem is solved with a pencil, ruler and compass. To begin with, you will need to transfer the plan of the personal plot to graph paper. Then you can make all the desired changes to the project in landscaping and small construction.

We take into account the important! Landscaping rules

The method of landscaping a plot belonging to a house depends in large part on how much time you spend there a year. If you have to ennoble a summer cottage, then perhaps you should not complicate the design, for example, equipping it with reservoirs that need to be looked after, especially in early spring and late autumn, but as practice shows, there is no one to do this. A more effective solution may be simple gardening using both ornamental and cultivated plants.

The first thing the owner should take care of is to equip the drainage system of the entire site.

It is great when there is an opportunity to organize automatic uniform irrigation of the entire territory. In the process of preparing a summer cottage for landscaping, you need to install lighting devices and install retaining walls. If you are planning to build a gazebo and a bathhouse, try to do this before planting perennial plants. Pay special attention to the paths on the site. It is very important to stick to your previously drawn landscaping plan as closely as possible.

To make the paths look more natural, make them curvy with natural materials. Use pegs and ropes to mark out the project accurately.

If you have to plant greenery in the area adjacent to the estate, but do not particularly have time to take care of the plants, then it is better to give preference to those that do not need to be replanted for the winter. These can be conifers, large fruit trees and deciduous plants. For high-quality planting of shrubs, the period of late autumn is best suited, but it is permissible to do this in spring. Plant plants, trees and shrubs in pre-prepared trenches with a drainage layer. It should also be borne in mind that hedges and vines are very sensitive to care, namely mulching and fertilization.

In order for the flower beds to be attractive throughout the warm season, it is necessary to combine annual and perennial plants that bloom all season:

  1. Crocuses, snowdrops, tulips and daffodils bloom in early spring.
  2. Lilies of the valley, irises, peonies, violets and lilies bloom in late spring.
  3. Phloxes, bells, gladioli, delphiniums and poppies bloom throughout the summer.
  4. In early autumn, dahlias, asters and goldenrod will delight you with their flowering.
  5. Chrysanthemums bloom in mid-autumn.

It is important to know that when forming flower beds, warm soft and harmonious flowers should be planted on the sunny side of the site, and contrasting flower beds take root well and look in shaded places.

Non-standard landscaping. Create a vertical landscape

The method of landscaping is called vertical, which is carried out by arranging standing and suspended structures with their subsequent landscaping. Among other things, the vertical landscape can hide unsightly walls of outbuildings. Most often, such a project is created in places where it is impossible to plant plants using the usual method. For it are used:

  • lattices;
  • stairs;
  • hanging flowerpots.

Any home plot becomes extraordinary when it is landscaped vertically.

In order to make living vertical plantings look attractive and aesthetically pleasing, think carefully about the design parameters and their configuration. Choose the appropriate flowerpots that can take their rightful place in the composition. They are made more often from ceramics and less often from other materials with different shapes and textures. Pots can be made in the form of various shapes or objects.

A structure that is designed for a vertical landscape is a series of special fixtures used to position plants in sequence and then fix them to wall surfaces. They look like frames on which PVC plates are fixed with two layers of fiber, similar in structure to felt, although in fact they consist of polyamide.

Such structures, together with equipment for the delivery of fertilizers and moisture to plants, are sold in specialized stores. But, if you have a great desire to work hard, then you can do them yourself.

As for plants for a vertical landscape, there are also some nuances here. They should be chosen based on the conditions in which they will grow. You need to plant plants in this order:

  • Bottom row - moisture-loving and shade-loving species.
  • The middle rows are specimens that need less shading and watering.
  • The top row is light-loving and not afraid of the wind.

When deciding to purchase ready-made vertical structures for landscape design, pay attention to the quality of the materials used for manufacturing, and be sure to follow the operational instructions indicated on the product packaging.