How to find water on a site for a well or a well with your own hands: search using a frame and other folk remedies. Methods for finding water in the area for the construction of a well How to find water in the country for a well

Digging a well on a site is not an easy process, which includes the main part of the correct location. This question takes into account the level of occurrence of the aquifer, folk omens, scientific methods and practical features. It should be responsibly attributed to this stage of work, so that later there are no problems.

On the land plot there may be 2-3 aquifers. These are loose rocks that can bind and hold water that appears during precipitation and floods. The deeper the well, the better the water quality.

Types of groundwater:

  1. Soil - the first 4-6 m. This is the place where precipitation accumulates. Moisture comes from rain, floods, flood rivers.
  2. Ground - 9-18 m below ground level. Suitable for building a well.
  3. Interlayer - suitable for drilling wells. The depth of occurrence is from 20 to 50 m.
  4. Artesian - 40-200 m of occurrence. Guaranteed crystal clear clean water, but for a well this is not a suitable option.

It is necessary to determine the aquifers of the earth in order to navigate the purity of the water. The shallow horizon is characterized by poor water conditions. It can get dirt, pesticides, bacteria. Such a liquid can only be used for technical purposes. To eat it, it is necessary to filter the water and boil it.

Drinking water is located at the level of the aquifer of 8-10 m.

The first source of water can be found very close to the ground (2-2.5 m). From such a well, you can take water for household work. At the same time, even for such needs, it does not hurt to filter the liquid.

Folk ways to find a place for a well

The experience of ancestors for centuries allowed them to find the right places for wells. Therefore, do not neglect this information. There are proven folk methods.

Effective methods to determine the vein of water:

  1. Watching top layer soil after a hot day. The location of the water is indicated by haze. When it is lifted up, a sufficient amount of liquid is determined.
  2. Study of the area. A suitable analysis can be done if there are any water bodies nearby. On the shore, it is necessary to measure the pressure and walk with the device around the site. With minimal deviations, you can dig a well.
  3. Animal behavior. In summer, representatives of the fauna always live in places where there is moisture. There are constantly dug holes where animals rest.

Finding water on the site will help the study of the landscape. If there are depressions, it can be concluded that there is moisture in the depressions. The depth of the well is 5-8 m.

Also focus on some plants. Among the trees pay attention to conifers, birch and alder. Their growth is directly dependent on soil moisture.

The method of dowsing differs in efficiency. A branch with a thick trunk 30 cm long is used. Dowsing involves a pendulum system. By shaking the thick part of the branch, you can determine the site for building a well.

The vine in the hands should spring a little in order to correctly locate the water.

Also, as a pendulum, you can use a gold ring, which is tied on a string. The arm should be bent at a right angle. Swinging a kind of pendulum will help you find out the location of the water.

Scientific methods on how to find a place for a well on a site

If folk methods seem unconvincing, you can always turn to science. You can try some methods with your own hands by purchasing everything you need at a pharmacy and hardware stores. Other options can only be performed by specialists.

Use of silica gel:

  1. It is necessary to dry the granules in the oven and place them in an earthenware dish with a lid;
  2. It is necessary to determine the weight of silica gel in the container;
  3. The dishes must be buried in the ground for a day;
  4. Dig up the material and re-weigh, the difference indicates the presence of water.

You can also do a soil test. The laboratory will provide a detailed study of the soil. After that, we can conclude where the groundwater is located. Acoustic field study can also be applied.

When using silica gel, it is enough to bury the material to a depth of 50 cm.

With the help of reconnaissance drilling, you can find out where the spring will be located. Use a small-sized drilling rig. Upon detection drinking water you can just mount casing pipe and strengthen the well.

How to determine the area where to dig a well: planning features

It is important to learn how to look for the presence of water on the site. But other factors also influence the placement of the well. They depend on the layout of the site.

Rules for choosing the area where to dig a spring:

  1. The well should not interfere with free movement around the site and the approach to all entrances;
  2. It is necessary to look for the highest place in the presence of an aquifer, this will save the walls from quicksand;
  3. The well should be located close to the house so that residents can comfortably use the device.

From the house to the well, the distance should be about 8 m. Correct location springs will allow you to get clean water in comfortable conditions. It is important to consider every little thing here.

How to find water in a well site - the easiest method (video)

The search for water on the site may include absolutely different techniques and options. Should take advantage folk way, scientific and take into account the features of the layout of the yard. The determination of the aquifer will also help to choose the right place. It is necessary to apply methods in a complex way and you should not look for an old well with a desire to restore it.

In this article, we will look at how to find water for a well, so as not to make a mistake with the place of its construction. Because rather big efforts are required and it will be incredibly insulting for oneself if it turns out that there are no H 2 O deposits in the chosen place.

General provisions

There are three options for the location of groundwater:

  1. Verkhovodka. These are peculiar surface accumulations of liquid, which are usually formed due to heavy precipitation. Consequently, during the dry season, they usually disappear. Three or four meters of soil does not provide protection from pollution, so such a source is not drinkable.

  1. ground water. A solid layer of clay usually lies in the ground at a depth of 10-15 meters, which retains moisture accumulating in the sandstone above. In some places of the fault, the level of humidity is so high that entire underground lakes are formed. Having a sufficient level of filtration and protection, such water is quite clean and tastes good.
    It is for her that you should hunt when choosing a place for your well.

  1. artesian waters. These are incredibly deep deposits, from 50 m to 300 m, located between two water-resistant layers of clay and limestone. The liquid contained in them has a very high level of purification and protection from any external sources of contamination. A well penetrated to such an aquifer also has high productivity.
    The selling price of such H 2 O production is very high, besides, special drilling equipment and the help of specialists will be required.

Finding water

The most accurate way to find out about the presence of an underground source is to conduct reconnaissance. But this is a rather costly event, and even it must be carried out in the most likely place for H 2 O deposits. In order to find water for a well, many methods have been used for many centuries that are different in nature and effectiveness. Let's analyze the most common:


Fog, formed due to abundant moisture coming out of the ground, swirls or spreads near the grass itself. Where it is most abundant, there is an underground source closer to the surface. So, by making morning or evening observations of this atmospheric phenomenon, we can find the approximate location of our target.


How to find a vein for a well according to animal behavior?

Our ancestors also noticed the following features:

  • Field mice do not settle in wet ground. So, if you notice their holes, you can safely move on - the water is too deep here.

  • The horse, when in need of a drink, beats the ground with its hoof where it feels a close opportunity to quench its thirst.

  • A dog on a hot day digs a hole to hide in the dampest place.
  • The chicken avoids running in places where an underground source is possible.
  • But the goose, on the contrary, tends to cross aquifers.

  • Moshkara chooses the most humid place to form their "columns" in the evening.


Moisture-loving plant crops will not be able to grow without the right conditions, and those that love a dry climate will die in swampy areas. This is a clear rule of survival among wild plants. So they are a fairly accurate indicator of occurrence ground water.

So the presence of coltsfoot, hemlock, nettle or sorrel indicates high level soil moisture in your area. And alder, willow and birch will indicate the desired direction with the tilt of their crown.

glass jars

The instructions for using such an extraordinary method are as follows:

  • We prepare glass jars of the same volume.
  • We arrange them on the site with our own hands with an outlet to the ground in the evening.
  • Check for condensation in the morning.
  • The greater the amount, the closer the location of groundwater.

aluminum frame

Very interesting way, which helps, how to find an old well, and a place for a new one:

  • We take two aluminum wires.
  • We bend them at an angle of 90 degrees so that one of the sides is 15 cm.
  • We insert them with other sides into hollow wooden tubes. At the same time, they should be turned away from each other.
  • We go with them on the site.
  • In a place where there is an underground source, they will interbreed. If you pass by what you are looking for, then the ends of the wires will turn exactly in the right direction.
  • Moving on, you will find that your indicators have returned to their original position.
  • Then go back and walk at the intersection of the wires perpendicular to your previous route. If the result repeats, you can start land work.

Tip: to obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to use not one, but at least 2-3 of the above methods for finding groundwater.
This will greatly enhance the success of your event.


If you dig a well in a randomly chosen place, then this can lead to disastrous results, the lack of water. All the work and costs will then be in vain, and this will not bring you closer to the implementation of your own water supply. Therefore, you should use various methods to find underground sources.

Centuries-old observations of our ancestors provide an impressive arsenal suitable ways. These include the natural phenomenon of fog, animal behavior, plant placement, collection of condensation in glass jars, and the use of an aluminum frame. When you achieve the desired results, you can conduct exploratory drilling to be sure.

The video in this article will show you Additional materials relating to this topic.

Conducting search work guarantees a positive result.

Well water has long been associated with a clean, cool liquid. Therefore, many owners of private houses and cottages are puzzled by the arrangement of a well in their suburban area. The installation process of this water source requires certain financial, time and labor costs. In this regard, it is necessary to choose the place to put it with the greatest accuracy, so that it gives required amount proper quality water.

Water quality depending on the depth of its occurrence

The water vein runs underground between two clay, less often rocky layers. The layers themselves do not lie evenly, but with bends in which water accumulates, forming underground lakes. In places of strong curvature of the water-resistant layer, water can rise closer to the surface of the earth, forming water horizons that lie at a depth of about two meters and are called "perched waters".

They don't have much water. good quality, since organic and chemical pollution from the soil surface. In addition, the volume of perched waters is highly dependent on weather conditions, so during periods of drought there may be no water in them.

For wells, waters passing at a depth of about 15 m are ideal. Their number is less dependent on atmospheric conditions. In addition, the waters at this depth have been cleaned in a natural sand filter and more often comply with MPC standards for mineral and organic impurities.

How to determine the right place for a well device

Since the well is a well-known structure for extracting water from antiquity, the choice perfect place for the installation of the well were engaged in ancient times. The methods of searching for water, which were used by our grandfathers, are successfully used now. In addition, a number of new ways have appeared to determine a water place for installing a future well.

Observation of animal behavior and atmospheric phenomena

Animals are known to be more sensitive to many natural phenomena. Therefore, observing them in the hot season, it is possible to determine with a fairly high probability a good place for arranging the source well water. The object of observation can be field mice, poultry, dogs and horses and insects:

  • in hot weather, dogs dig holes for their beds in damp places where there is a high probability of water occurrence;
  • horses hoof where there is moisture to drink;
  • chickens never lay in wet areas, and geese behave diametrically opposite, so you can try to dig a well in the locations of goose nests;
  • mice will also never choose moist soil for burrowing;
  • after the heat of the day, midges gather and circle in “columns” above the moist ground, indicating a fairly close passage of groundwater.

Fog can also be an indicator when looking for an area where it would be best to install a well. In the hot summer months, in the morning or in the late afternoon, in places where water passes close underground, fog spreads, and the thicker it is, the closer the aquifer. Observation of the nature of the fog allows you to determine the location for the well with an accuracy of 75%.

Landscape Analysis

By studying the features of the relief and vegetation on your site, you can often understand which place is best for a well.

It is unlikely that you will find water, or its amount will be small in the following areas:

  • with significant relief elevations;
  • near a steep river bank;
  • near quarries, wells or other water intakes;
  • where actively grow, for example, pine or acacia.

In addition, there are places near which the well will give poor quality water. These include drained swamps and low coastlines. Groundwater here may contain iron and manganese compounds.

In depressions and lowlands, there is a higher chance of finding water for a well.

Some plants, such as lingonberry, birch, bird cherry, wild rosemary, alder and willow, etc., are indicators of aquifers that pass close underground.

In this case, it is necessary to look for an aquifer where the crown of moisture-loving trees and shrubs is inclined. If the fruits of an apple tree planted not so long ago rot, and the tree itself is sick, then this also indicates the close occurrence of groundwater, since this species garden tree does not tolerate an abundance of moisture in the soil.

Below is a diagram showing plant species and their corresponding groundwater levels.

Practical ways to determine the location for the well

In addition to simple observation, you can explore the area in order to find water for the well using tools. "H , you can read in on our page.

glass jars are one of the simple and affordable devices that allow you to find a place to dig a well. In dry weather, make a conditional marking of the study area. For example, it could just be a straight line. On it at an equal (0.5 m) distance, bury identical cans with their necks down by about 50 mm. Take out the jars and examine their contents in the early morning. Where the most moisture has accumulated on the inner surface of the jar, water passes underground.

You can also use a water-absorbing material such as chipped brick. Place them in an unglazed earthenware pot and dry in the oven. Then hang the pot with the contents on the steelyard and write down the readings. Wrap in a material, such as several layers of gauze or spandex.

Bury in the area under study to a depth of half a meter for a day. Then weigh the excavated pot and compare the resulting weight with the original readings. Where the mass of the desiccant pot has increased significantly, an aquifer passes through. Brick fragments can be replaced with silica gel.

Note! This method should be applied no earlier than two days after the passage of rains.

We are looking for water for a well with aluminum frames

Finding water with aluminum wires

One of the non-traditional ways to search for water is to use two forty-centimeter pieces of aluminum wire. Step by step, this method can be described as follows.

Step 1. Insert the part of each of the wires that you will have in your hand into a separate hollow tube. This is necessary so that the wire can spin freely in different sides.

Step 2 Pick up a tube with wire so that the ends of the pieces of aluminum are directed in different directions.

Step 3 Go out to the site and follow the turns of the received arrows. If they closed, then under you, most likely, an aquifer. If both arrows point in the same direction, then there may be water on that side as well.

Step 4 Follow the path perpendicular to your previous path at the junction of the wires. If the arrows converge again in the same place, then there is water underground here.

Video - Searching for water for a well using aluminum electrodes

Willow vine will point to the aquifer

Similar to the previous method, the method of finding water for a well using willow vine.

Step 1. For him, you need to pluck a trunk from a willow with two branches extending from one point and dry it at home.

Step 2. In the area under study, you need to pick up the resulting frame, so that in each hand there is a branch, spread the branches at least 150 degrees from each other.

Step 3. The barrel should be pointing up. The forearms must be tensed. In the place where the aquifer passes, the trunk will effortlessly go down.

The best time to conduct a search in this way - it is three times a day for an hour, namely from 6 am, 4 pm and 8 pm.

Note! Vine and wire can react to perch, so this method is often combined with pre-drilling. Also, interference can be created by buildings, electricity cables located on the site. In addition, the lower the aquifer passes, the less accurate the method.

Pre-drilling - a way to detect an aquifer

Pre-drilling is the most exact way search for water, but at the same time the most time-consuming. To implement it, use garden drill, which in the desired meter dig a vertical tunnel with a depth of more than 6 meters before colliding with an aquifer.

Video - Pre-drilling

More effective is the use of several of the above methods for choosing the location of the well. It is best to use pre-drilling as confirmation.

Many owners of suburban areas, including ordinary summer residents, tend to have their own well on the site. Even those with running water. It is in this article that we will offer you all the methods that are available today.

But in order to build a well, you need to find water. Moreover, it is desirable that these be underground waters, because the riding ones, lying at a depth of 2-5 m, are not interesting for the well. They tend to depend on precipitation, and when there is none, there is no water either. The best thing is to stumble upon an underground lake with filtered water.

Exists different ways find water for the well, but none of them gives one hundred percent certainty. However, let's get to know them better.

1. Terrain survey, 40% reliability

There are objective laws that govern the occurrence of groundwater. Most often they are found in lowlands and in depressions of various kinds. You can find water from a hill, but you have to drill deep.

However, reality does not always meet expectations, it happens that water is squeezed up if conditions are created there, below, for increasing pressure. In addition, the water vein chooses its route according to criteria that are difficult to establish from above.

In short, specially trained people can use this method.

2. Exploration drilling, 40% reliability

They take an ordinary garden drill and start drilling test holes, in fact - at random. The depth is usually 10 m, you should not climb deeper.

Approximately 4 wells drilled will fall one aquifer. If you do not use the well too actively, then it can last up to 10 years. The deeper the water lies, the more likely it is that the well will not dry out even in a drought.

3. Finding water with a vine, 50-55% reliability

This is a well-known, ancient way of finding water. He, of course, is criticized, called charlatanism. Maybe that's the way it is, especially since the probability is about 50%, that is, it's a matter of chance. But still find underground springs sometimes it works, but the method is quite interesting. It is also called dowsing, dowsing.

The point is that the human body, as well as groundwater, are attracted, or it can be formulated as follows: when approaching, they show magnetic properties. But high water does not have such properties.

Look for water with special tool. It comes in different types.

- Vine

They are looking for a branch of hazel, or cherry, or willow, flexible, with a fork at the end in the shape of the Latin letter "Y". Tail - 20 cm, antennae 30 cm long, in the middle having 6 mm thickness.

We are looking for this: in the evening, we take the instrument by both ends and hold it parallel to the ground. We walk along the site slowly and smoothly, dodging either to the right or to the left. At some point, the vine begins to lean and sway, as if some kind of force is pulling it to the ground. So, here, in this place, underground waters come to the surface.

- Aluminum water finders

2 “water finders” are made of aluminum wire in the form of the Russian letter “G”. The short end is equal to the width of the palm, the long one is 40 cm long. They bend at a right angle.

We are looking for this: we take in each hand a “water finder” by the short end, which we hold firmly in our fists. We direct the long sides forward parallel to the ground, bring the fists together - we get a “frame”. We walk around the site with her until the ends cross. This means that this very place has been found - there is groundwater.

I must say that there are certain individuals who often manage to find such a point. And it is not given to others, well, in any way. That is, there is some kind of talent in this, it must be either intuition, or experience, or special natural data. Maybe this is an increased sensitivity to magnetic vibrations, maybe to some other fields.

4. Listen to plants, 60% reliability

It is known that there are plants that do not require a lot of water, but there are those that cannot live without it. Some of them are directly used by experienced people as a sign of the presence or absence of water underground.

For example, if a pine tree grows on your site, then there is no point in looking for water near it - there is none. And if birch, or alder, or spruce grows, then yes, groundwater is close.

A sure sign of the presence of water are sedge, gout, coltsfoot. There are only two conditions that will allow you to use this method:

First, the mentioned plants grow on the site;

Second, you can recognize them.

5. We use a desiccant, 65% reliability

This modern way, it is easy to apply. We buy silica gel, a granular desiccant, and dry it in the oven.

We choose a time when it has not rained for a long time, and act: pour the dried granules into an unglazed clay pot, note the initial gross weight.

We wrap the pot with a cloth, bury it at the point where we would like to make a well, to a depth of ½ m and leave it there for a day.

After 24 hours, we dig out the pot, unwind it and weigh it a second time. If the weight has increased, it means that the silica gel has absorbed water, and the heavier the pot, the closer or larger it is.

An error in this method can give an increased humidity of the earth.

6. Let's call for help meteorology, 75% reliability

If groundwater is close at some point, then fog forms in this place after a hot day, and the soil from it becomes wet.

This is a sure sign of the proximity of groundwater. So watch your surroundings, maybe you will notice a place where fog often sets. This is the place where you need to dig a well.

The only thing that can deceive you is a coincidence: maybe it is here that the upper waters flow after the rains - the effect will be similar.

Finally, we found a video for you, where a man was looking for water for a well in his area with metal twigs. And the second video is a continuation, where he already made a well with his own hands in the very place where these twigs were shown to him.

Most useful advice, which can be taken out of the second video - run around the neighbors and ask if they have wells.

A well or well is the main hydraulic structures that can be equipped on your own site. This is an effective option for organizing a simple water supply system for country house, cottages and baths with minimal financial investment.

One of the key stages that precedes the construction of a hydraulic structure is the search for water. A comprehensive study of the entire site allows you to determine the best location of aquifers.

How to find water for a well using simple and affordable methods?

Types of groundwater sources

On the suburban area up to 3-4 aquifers may be present at the same time. They are represented by loose rocks capable of holding back excess moisture that enters from the upper layer of the earth after precipitation.

Clean aquifers are located in loose rocks - sand, limestone, gravel and pebbles.

Water sources are divided into the following types:

  • Ground. The water carrier is located at a depth of occurrence of waterproof rock - from 8 to 19 m. Suitable for arranging a well with drinking water.
  • Soil. The occurrence of the aquifer at a depth of 4 to 7 m. The main sources of nutrition are precipitation and river flooding.
  • Interlayer. Layers with clean water located at a depth of 21 to 52 m. They are suitable for arranging deep water wells.
  • Artesian. The highest quality and most abundant aquifer is located at a depth of 45 to 205 m. An artesian well is developed by drilling, for which specialized drilling equipment is used.

Depth of aquifers

Water quality is determined by the depth of the veins. Surface horizons are often polluted by human activities, harmful bacteria or viruses.

If the first aquifer is not deep enough - up to 250 cm from the top layer of soil, then it is allowed to use such water for technical purposes without the need for additional filtration.

Surface veins - perched waters are unstable and scarce water sources. V summer period in conditions of high temperatures and low precipitation, surface aquifers can temporarily disappear.

The optimal level for finding water on the site is 16 meters. Here are the main continental layers of sand, containing a large supply of aquifers. The impressive thickness of the formation contributes to deep cleaning water from possible contamination.

A qualitative search for a water carrier for a well on a site requires a thorough study of the relief pattern of the area. It is not recommended to equip a hydraulic structure if the site is located:

  • on hilly and rocky terrain;
  • on a hill or steep bank;
  • near artesian wells and natural reservoirs;
  • close to mining quarries.

Important! If the site is located near a swamp or firebox, the existing aquifers will be of poor quality. This is due to the fact that water can contain a large amount of foreign impurities.

Folk methods for finding water sources

If you want to start looking for water for the well, you can folk methods. They will allow you to determine the location of water horizons without the use of expensive equipment.


Such an atmospheric phenomenon as fog helps to find aquifers in the area.

The search for water on the site occurs in the morning and evening hours, if fog begins to gather over the site, this indicates the presence of a water source. The depth of groundwater occurrence, as well as their volume, depends on the density and volume of fog.

Animal behavior

Wild and domestic animals will help determine the location of the aquifer. For example, field mice do not build their burrows near water sources. They do not tolerate high soil moisture. If nests appear on the branches of trees or shrubs, then the water source is not deep.

Domestic chickens choose only dry places for laying eggs, and geese choose areas with high humidity, and in particular the intersection points of underground sources.

A common occupation for a dog is digging holes in places where water sources are located. If the animal often digs holes for cooling, then a well can be built in this place. The water in such facilities will be of poor quality, but it is quite suitable for irrigation or technical purposes.

You can easily search for water on the site grandfather's method- watch the mosquitoes. Moisture-loving insects swarm in places close to the water carrier. Especially often a swarm of midges can be seen in hot weather or with a long absence of precipitation.

Moisture-loving plants

Plants are reliable indicators of the presence of groundwater. To organize the search for water for a well, focusing on plants, it is worth remembering the following:

  • reed, reed plants develop well only near water sources, which are located at a depth of up to 3 meters;
  • sarzan and narrow-leaved sucker grow in places where the depth of the water carrier is from 3.5 to 6 m, wormwood - from 4 to 7 m;
  • birch, alder, weeping willow and wood lice grow near water carriers located close to top level soil;
  • coniferous trees grow in places with deep waters.

Practical methods for finding a water carrier

Demanded and effective ways search for water - indication by dowsing frames and special equipment.

dowsing frames

The method of dowsing is widely used for quick search aquifer areas. For it, special frames made of aluminum and vines are used.

You can make frames for searching for water from aluminum wire as follows:

  • A thin aluminum wire is cut into two equal lengths of 42 cm, while each segment is bent by 16 cm, forming right angles.
  • A wire is inserted into pre-prepared hollow tubes (from elderberry) for free rotation around its axis. One tube, one wire.
  • The finished frame of two tubes is taken in both hands, while the corners of the wire must be turned in different directions. When an aquifer is found, the wires come together. If the core is located on the right or left side of the person, both ends of the wire will turn in the right direction. If the core is missing, the ends of the wire will diverge in opposite directions.

Important! Having found the junction of the ends of the wire, it is recommended to explore the land using the frame in the opposite direction.

Many owners prefer dowsing, which uses a common vine to find water.

The vine frame is made as follows:

  • A branch is cut from a tree with a fork in the form of a slingshot. In this case, the branches should be located towards each other at an angle of 150 degrees.
  • The workpiece is thoroughly dried for several days.
  • The finished frame is taken in both hands so that the common trunk is directed upwards.
  • Next, you need to carefully examine the area with the vine. Near the location of the aquifer, the trunk will begin to pull down.

The search for water with the help of a vine is quite successful, as you know, the vine is moisture-loving plant. To understand how to properly organize dowsing and search for water in a suburban area, you can watch the video.

Aneroid barometer

If a natural reservoir or any hydraulic structure is located near the site, you can use a device to search for water - an aneroid barometer designed to measure pressure. The pressure changes taking into account the height difference - 0.1 mm of mercury for each meter of depth.

Using the device, you can determine the level of the location of the water carrier. First, pressure is measured on the land plot for the well, as well as near a reservoir or hydraulic structure. The change in pressure determines the depth of the water layer.

exploration drilling

A more time-consuming way to find a water carrier is exploratory drilling. For work, a compact motor-drill is used, which is designed to determine the composition of the soil, the presence of groundwater and the level of their occurrence.

In the absence of a drilling rig, drilling can be performed using a bailer - a hollow pipe equipped with an end valve. Drilling is performed by the method of shock-rope impact.

Any owner can define appropriate place under or well on the site, choosing the most effective way for this.