Personal magnetism: properties of a magnetic personality. strange look

Van Tile Daniels

Personal magnetism (course of lectures)


"Personal magnetism is that quality, or property of a person, which attracts interest, trust, friendship and love of other people to him."

At the same time, it was meant, mainly, that the results of the study of the proposed lectures could be used by the reader immediately, immediately, while the acquired knowledge could serve his personal benefit. But not when hopes disappear and the strength that allows you to enjoy life dries up - when even an initiate in a secret can no longer use it to achieve personal success.

Those who took this course claim that the author has achieved his goal. They even say that the avoidance of any theoretical rantings strictly adhered to in these lectures greatly contributed to the rapid understanding and successful application of the main provisions set forth, and that this course can therefore count on much greater success than many other more pretentious, but also more ambiguous and confusing essays on this subject, containing incomprehensible and devoid of connection provisions.

Relying, therefore, on the testimony of readers, the author does not find it necessary to justify his intentionally adopted simple and colloquial tone of this manual.

I take it for a proven fact that men and women alike have a desire to influence others.

This power of influence can bring power, power, wealth, happiness to a man; she will give a woman public respect, popularity, self-satisfaction, love. It should be said clearly and definitely that such a desire is good wish... There is nothing demeaning about seeking to influence others. There is nothing unworthy in the desire for wealth, since wealth itself is only a means to elevate our own usefulness. As you reach out twenty years or more ago, you will remember that the outstanding and influential men and women of the world have been given to you as examples to emulate.

They were shining lights in the eyes of people older than you. Your parents and mentors spoke of them with respect and wanted you to follow only their path and reach the same height as they reached. Were they not deluded in their appreciation of human character so highly? I don't think so. The great minds of the world should constantly stand before us in full splendor, and the analysis and clarification of the character of any of the great people explains to us the secret of their worldly wisdom, which made their life so sublime and full of charm. May I be allowed to reveal to you the secret of their success.

In the first three lectures of this course, I will try to elucidate for you some general, basic features of the doctrine of personal magnetism. This will prepare you for the special study of what follows.


RECOGNITION OF POWER. I want to talk to you sincerely and frankly. If my simple assimilations offend the super-scientist, then I ask him to postpone his sentence until he thoroughly understands this manual and can observe the action of the teaching contained here in its application to Everyday life... For the majority, I speak the language of easy and understandable comparisons, since every average, ordinary person, an ordinary woman needs only facts. The general public does not demand scientific reasoning, but above all the improvement of its own position.

REPLACEMENT BATTERY. Perhaps the thought did not occur to you that you yourself (your body) are a kind of permanent electric battery, continuously receiving and sometimes releasing power from itself. This battery is constantly giving attractive and repulsive currents. These currents are felt at times, for example, if you wish to impress others; sometimes they do not confess, for example, in cases where you, in addition to own desire and consciously make a pleasant or unpleasant impression on others. Continuously and constantly, either you act (influence) on others, or others influence you, whether it be of your will, or in spite of it, it doesn't matter. This is the first fact you need to know.

SPIRITUAL CURRENT CURRENT. Here the presence of the work of force is obvious.

But is this the power of thinking?

No. Because the presence of this force is revealed even without a conscious thought on your part. However, perhaps thinking plays a part here as well.

Is this electricity?

But electricity is only the name of a force unknown to us.

What is it?

This force is called magnetism, since we do not know how to call it otherwise. But it is best to call it a spiritual current, because in many ways it can be likened to an electric current. We can learn to use and control electricity without knowing the essence of the latter. The origin and source of strength is a mystery to us. But we will accept it simply as a secret of nature, and proceed to study the use of this power.


PROPERTIES OF A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY. Our first step will be to critically observe the power exerted by the people around us; we will also examine the essential differences in its character and the logical consequences arising from its known properties.

We all know the type of magnetic personality - male or female - all the same, since women are just as susceptible to magnetism as men. I will note once and for all that everything that has been said about men applies equally to women. With regard to the attainment of influence magnetism, both sexes are quite equal.

A FEELING OF CALM. If you are in the company of a magnetic person, then the first impression you get from such a person is a feeling of tranquility. He is not nervous or agitated. In addition to this calmness, you will notice in him a kind of reserve power that is somewhere in him, but you cannot tell where it is and what it consists of. It is not in his gaze or in his manner, it is not in his language and in his actions. But this power is an essential point: it is a part of him, and a few minutes ago, as strange as it may seem to you, it (this power) to a large extent was a part of you! Some of this attractive force, which he developed and which you were previously aware of in yourself, has now passed from you to him without your knowledge. But we'll talk about this later.

A magnetic person often receives his strength from others.

STRANGE LOOK. Let me now take a closer look at this person to find the reason for the charm they are producing on you. First of all, pay attention to his gaze. His eyes are not straight on you. He does not look into one or the other eye, but directly between both eyes on the nose. His sharp, hard gaze seems piercing to you, but not in the least defiant. You feel that he is not arrogant and cannot even be so. Also notice that he does not look at you when he speaks. He is waiting, as if wanting to know first your opinion and then tell you his. When he speaks, he looks at you attentively, as if we would like to say, pondering something, however, kindly. He is not arrogant, but he also does not like unnecessary arguments.

Surely everyone at least once in his life has met such a person, communicating with whom, you completely fall under his charm and involuntarily think: "How does he do it?" He tells about the main secrets of personality magnetism

Unfortunately, not every person is endowed with the power of magnetism, but people who possess it are unusually attractive. They are able to easily and naturally establish warm friendships from the first minutes of communication, arouse warm sympathy for themselves and influence others.

History knows many examples of magnetic personalities who, thanks to their gift, decided the fate of many people, and sometimes even entire states. Here are just a few examples of outstanding charismatics who played a significant role in the history of their peoples: Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, Abraham Lincoln, Otto von Bismarck. They all possessed excellent oratorical skills, flexible thinking and were able to lead crowds of admiring and trusting people. And there is also a special kind of magnetism - female magnetism, because of which the fate of more than one nation has changed. Remember though lovely Elena Trojan, whose power of thought and magnetism of personality became the cause of the greatest war of antiquity. However, about this

But is magnetism a gift? Contrary to popular belief, they note that it does not have to be innate - it can be developed in oneself. Let's figure out what this amazing ability is and how you can develop it in yourself.

How to develop magnetism?

You've probably heard about a wonderful way to solve large and difficult tasks by dividing them into several small and relatively simple ones. It is this technique that we should use in order to understand what components the concept of personality magnetism consists of, and to understand how it is easier to develop in this direction.

So what are the characteristics of magnetic people?


Agree, it is interesting to communicate with a person who can support the conversation for the most different topics... It is quite easy to win someone over to you, simply by understanding the most burning issue for him and unobtrusively demonstrating it.


It is not at all necessary for a magnetic person to have a non-standard appearance or have some kind of exotic hobbies. But her thinking and outlook on life seem very interesting - this person is not afraid to say what he thinks and often breaks stereotypes.

Insightful look

Such people are always distinguished by a look - attentive, but not tense, directed to the eyes of the interlocutor or to the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. When making eye contact with them, there is no feeling of awkwardness.


The charismatic exudes confidence and calmness with all his appearance. It seems that it is absolutely impossible to piss him off. And if emotions still overwhelm at some point, he pretty quickly manages to pull himself together. He doesn't look fussy or scared no matter what happens.


There is a stereotype that a magnetic personality must be mysterious. In fact, such people simply say little about themselves and are very attentive to the interlocutor, actively encouraging his frankness and demonstrating a sincere interest in the conversation. When communicating with such a person, at some point you will be surprised to find that you have already managed to tell a lot about yourself, and you know practically nothing about him.

A person with magnetism tries not to focus on himself. Such a person immediately makes you feel that he understands you like no one else, and you immediately imbued with sympathy and trust.

Beautiful and competent speech

It has long been no secret to anyone that the timbre of the voice and the tempo of speech greatly affect the attractiveness of a person and his ability to inspire confidence in himself. Many even specially attend courses in public speaking and voice acting, realizing how important this is in building business relationships and negotiating. Unfortunately, without skill, it is beautiful and there is a risk that the previous points will not have the desired effect on others. You should be not only interesting, but also pleasant to listen to.

Thus, for the development of magnetism in oneself, it is necessary to diversify, develop self-confidence, learn to control oneself and listen to others.

If all of the above does not seem too difficult to you and arouses some interest and even excitement - congratulations, you have the traits of a magnetic personality! I wish you success in self-development and unleashing your potential.

To a certain extent, the achievement of success in life (in different cultures it is understood in different ways) depends, among other things, on the individual charisma of the personality. This word is understood as a certain personal (including sexual) magnetism, that is, the ability of a person to attract other people to himself, convince them, influence them and control them, subjecting them to his will (it does not matter, gently and gradually or directive and authoritarian). Of course, people are not endowed with this quality equally, but everyone is endowed with a certain amount of charisma.

It should be noted that personality magnetism can be developed by increasing the power of thought. With a certain strength and concentration, a person is able to do the almost impossible and broadcast (sometimes even silently) his thoughts, involving others in his energy field. Of course, for this you need to have a strong will and fortitude.

How to develop personal magnetism?

To do this, you need to "grow", that is, thoroughly engage in the creation of your own harmonious personality. A harmonious person necessarily (one might say automatically) attracts other people. He not only can involve them in his energy field and control them, such people are loved.

More about personal harmony

Every person has a spirit, soul and body. All three components must be brought into a state of harmony. You need to develop continuously, carefully analyzing yourself, what is happening and what is being observed.

In Western psychology, in various Eastern teachings and even in the traditions of primitive cultures, they describe different ways achieving personal harmony, increasing personal and sexual magnetism. Everyone can choose what is closer to him. To different people different methods are suitable.

In all practices, three very important points can be distinguished.

  1. Every person who wants to improve their personal magnetism, that is, to strengthen your spirit and develop psychic strength, must go through the experience of a rather long loneliness. This can be considered, in a sense, a spiritual initiation.
  2. Everyone who wants to become a strong spirit must face the situation of overcoming serious life difficulties and stop being afraid of death.
  3. To transmit a thought, you need not only high concentration and depth, but also clarity of thought. Who thinks clearly, clearly states. For this, it is not enough to be impartial. One must be able to analyze, one must be able to look at the situation with different eyes and from different positions. That is, one should be able to distance oneself from the subject of thought (alienate oneself, not experience emotions and passions).

In general, one should educate one's own. We must learn to think. In addition, of course, the intellect must be developed. And the thought must also be flexible. A person who wants to influence others must be able to quickly navigate the situation.

More important point for a person who wants to improve. You need to be able to look a certain way. This concerns appearance, perfume, clothing, plastics and movement dynamics. This also applies to voice and speaking skills. Work on yourself, read the relevant literature, analyze any materials on the topic, improve yourself, and you will definitely achieve improvement.

For many people, a completely natural question arises: how to protect themselves from the magnetic effects of others?

Protection against magnetism

The best way to protect yourself from another person's magnetism is to have your own magnetism. As we already know, for this you need to seriously and constantly work on yourself.

Well, how to protect yourself from the influence of others in a practical situation?

In general, learn to refuse and stand your ground. To do this, you just need to realize yourself as a free and independent person.

Hello dear friends!

Success in life depends on many factors. But the most valuable ability is the ability to attract people to oneself, hold their attention, convince and lead the process of productive communication.

Charging people with energy and creative intentions, you can count on not only a good mood and a productive mood. A person runs the risk of becoming a leader not only for a group of people or a family, but also to cultivate the qualities inherent in a conductor. How to understand are we?

Magnetic personality- who is this? Perhaps this is a person who has full rightcall yourself an experienced but not certified psychologist? Or, on the contrary, it can be assumed that it is an individual who knows how balance between and an innate gift?

Everyone, without exception, wants to like it people. Success in both professional and personal life directly depends on this! It is important for us to be able to build thin chains of sympathy in order to obtain moral and financial benefits.

For this reason we hone our communication skills, business correspondence e or personal conversation. AND We use the entire arsenal of weapons in the context of methodsimpact on others: facial expressions, gestures, intent or "sliding" views , appearance and tools of general behavior in the situation.

This includes all kinds of mechanisms. interventions: from external factors, before internal and subconsciously manifested. And exactly this symbiosis demonstrates the nature of the personality, which is fraught with magnetism, influencing life success and achieving goals! But what are the main differences attractiveness of a person?

Features of the manifestation of qualities

1. Behavior not limited by standards

"Man-magneto", differs from others in his ability to find incredible ways to overcome difficult situations! Unusual behavior is expressed in the ability to abstract, take risks and always believe in your own choice and not only !

In their minds, fear is so muted that decisions have thought processes uncharacteristic for most. And it's not just a mix of logic and emotion, but a productive way of guiding but intuition is tantamount to the available facts.

People with magnetism always take risks, they discourage them with a non-trivial approach, which is why most people simply fall into a stupor, not expecting such conclusions or actions from a person.

In other words, it can be dare to call it "Template Break". Moreover, the aforementioned standards, will never be able to settle in the head of the hero of today's article and it is for this reason that masses of people admire them.

2. Will and strength

Inner strength in individuals, it is expressed in the emission of colossal energy. But it is veiled and presented in a completely different way. They don't need to throw it right and left!You will not see them eccentric, nervous and rushing to those present.

On the contrary, they prefer calmness at the moment of the apocalypse and know how to concentrate on important things, driving them away to a more emotional place.They are characterized by a share of narcissism, self-confidence and blind adherence to the "intellectual instincts of a manager."

Restraint can be expressed different ways... Often, they have excellent manners, good breeding and intelligence. But in its aloofness and weighty control hides a rich reserve of will, capable of subjugating other relatives.

3. Purpose and understanding of your desires

In order to have the right to rule others, you need to decide what exactly you want? Magnetic people are well aware of the answer e to this question. But rush and rash decisions are alien to them. They are convinced that what they want will always come to them!

4. External signs

These people do not like to stalk and chatter incessantly. They like listening more than talking. And if they took up the speech, then eloquence, along with personal conclusions, will contribute to the fact that the listeners would be “on fire”.

They like to energize others for action. From this process, they receive a huge share of pleasure. The level of acceptance of responsibility for this type of individuals is at high level... They do not refuse help, support or in the words ah - I am encouraging.

Them the mood is always benevolent.It doesn't matter if it is a man or a woman, but the "man-magneto" always controls the level of interest, without giving away everything. cards from the sleeve at once.

In other words, they will become a mystery for you, what "itches". There is a well-known fact narrating that people tend to obey only those who are far from their understanding.

They dosed out artifacts of advice and arguments, directing listeners to personal inferences and conclusions. Tact, the desire to refrain from criticism and "whip" provides them with a close bond of warm relations with many people.

This is also due to the fact that people-magnets really know how to keep secrets. Their gestures are rude and caustic, but at the same time, they do not skimp on friendly pats on the shoulder or a banal, silent smile.

5. Empathy

In order to win over listeners, the individual also applies the principle of empathy. That is, they join your emotional background, and after making sure that the wave alignment has taken place successfully, they bring the person to the level of emotional communication he needs, opening up to the interlocutor in doses.

Own magnetism

You need to understand that we are all powerful batteries. Our super way ness is intended by the possibility share with the world with its energy. And whoever strives to give more positive thoughts guarantees yourself replenishment of strength a hundredfold.

We emit negative impulses equivalently to positive ones, but only to the second humanity will always stretch. The process of energy exchange, in fact, is called the word "magnetism".

Man accumulates energy force, and in the right moment shoots out the accumulated gifts.Naturally, there are minds that nature is endowed with such a gift, but this does not mean that the necessary level of attractive qualities is available only to a select few. So how develop this power?

Increased magnetism

1. Correct energy distribution

Many are faced with a dilemma when an individual appears on the horizon, whose location you yearn for, like a cup of water in the desert. And at the same time, the more you are interested in him, the deeper the chasm grows between.

Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Where does indifference and lack of comfort come from? It's simple enough! Answer the question: "Do you get from this person but attention or disposition? "- That's right, no! Do you huddle him with excessive obsession ?, - Yes!

Simply put, subconsciously, but he receives from your mind a certain dose of energy, that is, the process of extracting such— happens. What to do in this case?

Try to limit contact for a few days in order to recharge. Your mission is to preserve the energy that you have used so one-sidedly.

When you meet, be indifferent, but kindly. Express the calmness and self-control of the obsession. And in a few days you will notice how the accumulated fuse of strength will begin to work for you!

2. Healthy domination

Training is essential to get closer to the desired message of confidence and authority. Conduct monologues alone with yourself, practice the technique of staging speech, gestures and correct breathing.

3. Stealth and restraint

Train the ability to keep secrets and secrets. For example, if someone has shared a secret with you - promo read and instead of recklessly spending energy on pursuing the goal of gaining sympathy, and sometimes authority, by discussing trusted information behind your back,keep a secret.

4. Don't talk about yourself

Avoid conversations that please your own vanity or. Leave this task to others. Remember that people who seek approval in other people's words always do less!

This concludes my today's thought!

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See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Personality Magnetism - Is It Possible to Develop It?

- What is personal magnetism?
- Development of personal magnetism
- How to recognize a magnetic personality?

Throughout history, there have been people who possessed personal magnetism, that is, a strong will, the ability to convince and inspire respect, were able to lead others. The impact on others is carried out with the help of voice, gaze, appearance and demeanor. Moreover, it is partly conscious, and partly occurs on unconscious level... The majority of people do not possess such qualities and admire such a person.

The success in the life of many people directly depends on their ability to attract others to themselves, to influence, convince, and lead them. Such qualities of people, which proceed involuntarily, and are a manifestation of their character, "inner core", are called personal magnetism.

Magnetic man can be described as follows. He is constantly calm and does not experience nervous excitement. During a conversation, a tremendous inner strength is felt in him, which does not openly manifest itself, but completely permeates him. The eyes do not look directly at you, but in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. In conversation, he is polite and listens to your words with great attention. When communicating, he does not interrupt you, does not give in to emotions and does not rush anywhere. You feel that he has a great influence on you, which you do not want to resist, and he has a lot of interesting things to say. He wants to believe, and it seems that something connects you.

People with magnetism are able to achieve a lot through their influence on others, to solve any problems. This quality is not necessarily innate. You can cultivate it in yourself.

In order to form a magnetic force in oneself, one must first of all learn to be secretive. If you are being told some very interesting news, you should not show your emotions. You need to react calmly, answer thoughtfully and balanced and not run to retell the news to others. Thus, by suppressing your desires, you will accumulate inner strength that others will later notice in you.

There must be a certain amount of mystery in you so that you are interesting to others and you are respected. If you react calmly to everything, others will be surprised at your behavior and intrigued. It is this effect that needs to be achieved. Give others the opportunity to speak up and remain silent. If you stop being mysterious, then the person's interest in you will fade away.

Avoid flattery and talk less about yourself. Better to let those around you talk about you and be surprised at your actions. If you can develop personal magnetism in yourself, then you will completely change. The expression on your face will change - it will become calmer, and the emotions of anxiety or excitement will not be reflected on it, your posture will become straighter, and your eyes will shine.

- Development of personal magnetism

To do this, you need to "grow", that is, thoroughly engage in the creation of your own harmonious personality. A harmonious person necessarily (one might say automatically) attracts other people. He not only can involve them in his energy field and control them, such people are loved.

Every person has a spirit, soul and body. With all three components must be brought into a state of harmony. You need to develop continuously, carefully analyzing yourself, what is happening and what is being observed.

In Western psychology, in various Eastern teachings and even in the traditions of primitive cultures, various ways of achieving personal harmony, increasing personal and sexual magnetism are described. Everyone can choose what is closer to him. Different methods work for different people.

In all practices, three very important points can be distinguished.

1) Every person who wants to increase his personal magnetism, that is, to strengthen his spirit and develop psychic strength, must go through the experience of a sufficiently long loneliness. This can be considered, in a sense, a spiritual initiation.

2) Everyone who wants to become a strong spirit must face the situation of overcoming serious life difficulties and stop being afraid of death.

3) To transmit a thought, you need not only high concentration and depth, but also clarity of thought. Who thinks clearly, clearly states. For this, it is not enough to be impartial. One must be able to analyze, one must be able to look at the situation with different eyes and from different positions. That is, one should be able to distance oneself from the subject of thought (alienate oneself, not experience emotions and passions).
In general, your thinking should be educated. We must learn to think. Besides, of course, you need to develop your intellect. And the thought must also be flexible. A person who wants to influence others must be able to quickly navigate the situation.

Another important point for a person who wants to increase his charisma. You need to be able to look a certain way. This applies to appearance, perfume, clothing, plastics and movement dynamics. This also applies to voice and speaking skills. Work on yourself, read the relevant literature, analyze any materials on the topic, improve yourself, and you will definitely achieve improvement.

- How to recognize a magnetic personality?

Such a person is almost impossible to unbalance. In addition to calmness, you can also feel an inner strength in him, which does not manifest itself openly either in the look, or in the voice, or in the actions. But this force, as it were, permeates his entire body. The magnetic person is invariably polite, but you feel that under his correct manner of communication there is an irresistible will.

A magnetic person is distinguished by secrecy and mystery. He keeps his knowledge, absolutely not trying to teach you anything. But even if he spreads the crumbs of his knowledge, the interlocutors listen to his words with great attention.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple - we are attracted by what we cannot comprehend. True and reverse rule- as soon as we understand that a person no longer represents any mystery for us, he ceases to be of interest to us.

Let no one know the limit of your capabilities, otherwise you will give reason for disappointment. Never let me see right through you. When they do not know and doubt, they honor more than when all your strength, however great, is present.

The better you learn to control your impulses, the more power you will gain over your passions, and the more serious your reserve of energy will become. The more often you suppress your desires, the more difficult it will be to do it. Your desires will increase many times over, because the dammed river presses harder on its banks. But when you decide to show your inner strength, you will be surprised to feel how much it has increased.

But remember, as soon as you throw off the aura of mystery, satisfying the curiosity of your interlocutors, you will lose their interest. It resembles a neutralization effect electric current... On the other hand, by maintaining your mystery, not allowing the satisfaction of the idle curiosity of others, you increase your magnetic power.

If you carefully approach the implementation of these rules, you will soon notice a clear change in yourself. After each conscious suppression of desire, you will feel an influx of new power. After you, those around you will feel these changes.

Following this simple rules, you can always maintain and increase your influence.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specially for the site