Solar eclipses: interesting facts. Solar eclipse as a natural phenomenon

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Solar eclipse- description for children: phases and conditions, eclipse scheme, position of the Moon, Sun and Earth in space, total, partial, annular, how to observe.

For the little ones you should know exactly how this amazing event occurs - a solar eclipse. Children we must not forget that all objects in the solar system move along their own trajectory. On certain dates, the Moon becomes in the space between us and, covering a certain part of the Earth with its shadow. Of course, depending on the position of the bodies, there can be a total, partial or annular solar eclipse. But all this is based on specific factors that need to be explain to the children. The diagram below will show how an eclipse is formed and which solar eclipse you are looking at in a particular case.

Parents or teachers at school should start with a backstory. The moon appeared 4.5 billion years ago. But initially it was located much closer, until it began to gradually move away (by 4 cm every year). Now the Moon has receded so much that it fits perfectly into the outline of the Sun (in the sky, both objects seem to us the same size). True, it doesn't always work out that way.

When will the next eclipse be?

To give complete explanation for children, it would be good to study the conditions of a solar eclipse and give an example of the previous event - February 26. It has been visible from Argentina, the South Atlantic and parts of Africa. Although at modern technologies, having a computer, you can watch it anywhere on earth.

The next solar eclipse will be visible from North America on August 21st. It will be complete and will pass through the US states: from Oregon to Georgia.

Types of solar eclipses

When people watch a solar eclipse, they don't always understand what they see. Children must remember only four varieties: full, ring, partial and hybrid.


To be honest, regarding the total solar eclipse, we are just very lucky. The solar diameter is 400 times that of the moon. But even for the little ones it is not news that the earth satellite is closer. Therefore, when their orbits intersect, the distance is equalized and the Moon can completely cover the solar disk. Usually this is observed every 18 months.

The shadow is divided into two types. The shadow is the part where all the sunlight is blocked (it takes the form of a dark cone). It is surrounded by shade. This is a lighter shadow, in the form of a funnel, from which the light is only partially blocked.

When a period of total eclipse occurs, the Moon casts a shadow on the surface. Should explain to children that such a shadow is able to cover 1/3 of the earth's route in just a couple of hours. If you are lucky enough to get under direct light radiation, you will see how the solar disk takes the form of a crescent.

There is a very short moment when the Sun is completely blocked. Then you will catch the glow of the corona (the outer ball of the solar atmosphere). This period lasts up to 7 minutes 31 seconds, although most total eclipses most often end earlier.


A partial eclipse occurs when only penumbra forms above you. At such moments, a certain part of the Sun always remains visible (which part will depend on the circumstances).

Most often, penumbra falls over the polar regions. Other regions near this zone observe only a thin solar strip hidden behind the Moon. If you are in the very center of events, then you can see the part covered by the shadow. Important explain to children that the closer they are to the epicenter, the bigger the event will appear. For example, if you are out of sight, you may notice how the Sun shrinks to a crescent shape, and then gradually returns to its usual form.


An annular eclipse is a type of partial eclipse and lasts 12 minutes 30 seconds (maximum). To make it clear explanation for children, it is worth noting that this happens rarely and does not seem to be complete. It all starts with the sky darkening, reminiscent of twilight, as most of the star is still visible.

Sometimes it is still confused with the full one, because the Moon occupies the entire central solar plane. But here lies main difference. The fact is that our satellite is not close enough at this moment, so it seems small and does not cover the entire disk. Therefore, the tip of the shadow is not marked on Earth. If you are lucky enough to be in the very center, then you will see a "ring of fire" framing the moon. Parents or teachers at school can demonstrate this phenomenon if a coin is placed on a luminous flashlight.


They are also called annular (A-T) eclipses. A similar thing happens when the Moon reaches its limit in distance, allowing the shadow to touch our surface. In most cases, the beginning resembles an annular type because the shadow tip has not yet reached the Earth. Then it becomes full, as in the very middle the shadow falls on the earth's roundness, after which it returns again to the ring type.

Since the satellite appears to be crossing the solar line, total, annular, and hybrid eclipses are called "central" eclipses so as not to be confused with partial ones. If we take it as a percentage, we get: full - 28%, partial - 35%, ring - 32% and hybrid - 5%.

Eclipse Predictions

Of course, for the little ones It is important to understand that eclipses will not occur with every new moon. The Moon's shadow most often passes above or below Earth level because the satellite's orbit is tilted by 5 degrees. But 2 times a year (maybe 5) the new moon becomes at the right point, allowing you to obscure the Sun. This point is called a node. Partiality or centrality will depend on the approach of the satellite to this node. But the formation of a total, annular or hybrid eclipse will be affected by the distance between the Earth and the Moon, as well as the planet and the Sun.

Parents should be reminded that these events do not happen by chance and can be calculated, so that people have the opportunity to prepare. There is a certain interval called the Saros cycle. Children they will be surprised, but the early Chaldean astronomers managed to calculate it 28 centuries ago. The word "saros" itself denoted a process of repetition and was equated to 18 years and 11⅓ days (of course, the number of days varies in a leap year). At the end of the interval, the Sun and Moon align to their previous positions. What does the third mean? This is the path of each eclipse, which with each new eclipse moves closer to the west in relation to longitude. For example, the total eclipse on March 29, 2006 passed through western and northern Africa, and then moved to southern Asia. April 8, 2024 it will repeat, but will already cover northern Mexico, central and eastern regions United States and Maritime Canadian provinces.

Safe Surveillance

How closer event, the more actively in the news they try to talk about the most important precautions regarding the observation of the eclipse. They forbid looking directly, as you can go blind. Because of this, many began to regard eclipses as something dangerous. No matter how!

Generally speaking, the Sun never loses its danger. Every second, it showers our planet with invisible infrared rays that can damage our eyesight. Children they probably checked this on themselves when they stared at the ordinary Sun for a long time. Of course, most of the time we don't, but an eclipse makes us look up.

But there are also safe methods...

Camera obscura guarantee maximum security. Binoculars or a small telescope on a tripod will also work. With it, you can find spots, and also notice that the Sun will be darker at the edges. Otherwise, you should never look directly at the Sun without protective equipment.

There is also a mirror with special holes. You can do it yourself. To do this, take paper with a small hole and cover it with a mirror (no larger than the palm of your hand). Open the window on the sunny side, and place the mirror on the window sill illuminated by the rays. You need to place it so that the reflective side reflects sunlight onto the wall inside the house. You will see the manifestation of the disk - this is a sunny face. The greater the distance from the wall, the better the visibility. Every three meters, the image appears only 3 cm. You need to experiment with the size of the hole, as a large one will add brightness to the image at the expense of loss of clarity. But a small one will make it darker, but sharp. Don't forget to close the other windows with curtains and don't turn on the lights. It is best to organize the maximum gloom in the room. Do not forget also that the mirror should be even and do not look at the reflection itself.

Get rid of the negatives old film for the camera, as well as black and white film (it does not contain silver), sunglasses, photographic neutral density filters and polarizing filters. Of course, they do not let much sunlight through, but children must understand that they fail to protect the eyes from exposure to huge amounts of near infrared radiation, which can lead to retinal burn. And don't think that the absence of discomfort makes observation safe.

True, there is one moment when you can look at the Sun without fear - a total eclipse. At this time, the solar disk overlaps. But this lasts only a few seconds or minutes, but it becomes possible to admire the delightful radiance of the pearl-white crown. With each eclipse, it will change shades and size. Sometimes it seems soft, but it happens that several long rays seem to diverge from the star. But as soon as the sun appears, you need to quickly use protection.

Eclipses in antiquity

Explanation for children would be incomplete without mentioning historical events. The earliest records appeared 4000 years ago. The Chinese believed that this is a giant dragon trying to swallow the Sun. At the court of the emperor, there were even special astronomers who, during the event, shot arrows into the sky, played drums and made noise to scare the monster.

This is depicted in the book of ancient China Shujing (Book of Documents). It tells about two astronomers at court: Xi and Ho. They were caught drunk before the eclipse began. The emperor was so angry that he gave the order to cut off their heads. This event took place on October 22, 2134 BC.

Eclipses are also mentioned in the Bible. For example, in the book of Amos 8:9: "I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the midst of a bright day." Scientists say that we are talking about the eclipse in Nineveh on June 15, 763 BC.

A solar eclipse could stop the war

Herodotus said that the Lydians and the Medes waged a 5-year war. When it was to stretch out for another year, Thales of Miletus (Greek sage) said that the moment would soon come when the day would become night. And it happened on May 17, 603 BC. The warriors thought it was a warning sign from the gods and reconciled.

For sure children may have heard the expression "scared to death." So this has a real reference to the son of Charlemagne Emperor Louis of Bavaria. May 5, 840 AD he noticed a total eclipse that stretched for as much as 5 minutes. But as soon as the Sun emerged from the shadow, Louis was so amazed that he died of horror!

Modern research

Astronomers have been studying our system for a long time, trying to figure out what an eclipse is. And although then it was very difficult to obtain information (people could not go into space), but by the 18th century a lot of useful knowledge had been collected.

To follow the total solar eclipse of October 27, 1780, Harvard professor Samuel Williams organized a trip to Panebscot Bay, Maine. It was dangerous, because at that time this territory was in the enemy zone (War of Independence). But the British appreciated the importance to science and let it pass without pretensions to political differences.

But all this turned out to be in vain. Williams did serious mistake in the calculations, so I placed the people in Islesboro, which was right outside the event. He watched in disappointment as the crescent moon slid around the dark edge of the moon and began to gain strength.

During full cycle you can see several bright red spots around the black disk of the satellite. These are solar prominences - hot hydrogen escaping to the surface of a star. The phenomenon was traced by Pierre Janssen (an astronomer from France) on August 18, 1868. As a result, he discovered new element, which later other astronomers (J. Norman Lockyer and Edward Frankland) called helium (the Greek word "helios" meant "Sun"). He was identified only in 1895.

A total eclipse is also interesting because at that moment the sunlight is blocked, so the surrounding stars are much easier to observe. It is under these conditions that astronomers manage to test the general theory of relativity, which predicted that starlight would pass beyond the Sun and go astray. To do this, we compared two images of the same stars, taken during the total eclipse of May 29, 1919, and during the day.

Modern technology can do without eclipses to track other stars. But a total eclipse will forever remain long-awaited and amazing event that everyone should see. You have studied the description and conditions for creating a solar eclipse. Use our photos, videos, drawings and live models online to better understand the description and characteristics of the star. In addition, the site has online telescopes that observe the Sun in real time, and a 3D model solar system with all planets, sun map and surface view. Be sure to visit the calendar pages to find out when the next solar eclipse will be.

. Partial Solar Eclipse on January 6 at 4:42 am (Moscow time): nakshatra Purvaashadha 3 padas (16° Capricorn of the tropical zodiac)
. Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21 at 8:13 am (Moscow time): nakshatra Pushya 1 pada (1° Leo of the tropical zodiac). The sun will be in Uttaraashadha nakshatra on the 3rd pada.

. July 2 Total Solar Eclipse at 22:24 (Moscow time): nakshatra Ardra 3rd pada (11° Cancer of the tropical zodiac)
. July 17 partial lunar eclipse at 00:30 (Moscow time): nakshatra Uttaraashadha 1 pada (25° Capricorn of the tropical zodiac). Sun will be in nakshatra 3 pada

. December 26 annular solar eclipse at 8:19 Moscow time: Mula nakshatra 3rd pada (4° Capricorn of the tropical zodiac). The pair of this eclipse - Lunar, will take place already in 2020 on January 10.

The last eclipse in December stands out in particular. In the karmic nakshatra, the Gandants of Mula are 4 planets. There are 6 planets in Sagittarius. Poisonous ferocious nakshatras are active. Mula, Jyestha, Vishakha are very difficult nakshatras. For a full company, only Ashlesha is missing here, but Ardra is active. So it's time for change in every sense. We use it for good, for our growth.

The main theme of the saros of this eclipse is the unexpected termination of connections or relationships, moreover, with a strong emotional component. The transformation will not be easy, but in the end - everything is for the good, let the experience gained be melted into new opportunities.

The main cause of suffering is attachment. The secret of success is detachment.

“Working with the New Moon and Full Moon cycles is a fundamental step towards opening the doors of initiation. It allows you to enter through visible world into invisible and divine fields of light."
(Parvati Kumar "MOON: Key").

January 6, 2019- partial solar eclipse of 122 saros, at 01:42 (UT). Visibility: ne Asia, n Pacific. In the nakshatra of Purvaashadha. According to the tropical zodiac, this is 16 degrees of Capricorn. In Purvaashadha, along with the Sun and Moon, there is also Saturn.

"When Saturn passes through our natal Sun, he makes us more disciplined in relation to our health. He will stir up our inner ill health. He will destroy the ill health and make us more disciplined in terms of health. From the book of Parvati Kumar

The lessons of Saturn are not simple, but how polishing! How Saturn works is perfectly described in this wonderful book, it is designed not only for astrologers, it will be clear and very useful for everyone to know, for example, that Whatever we desire is not necessarily what we need. More quotes from this book, see excerpts in our social networks (on the website section Contacts).

January 21, 2019- Total Lunar Eclipse at 05:13:27(UT); in 1° Leo (tropical zodiac) at the North Node; on the Cancer-Aquarius axis (sidereal zodiac). The exact opposition of the Sun and Moon is at 05:16:03(UT). Eclipse Peak 05:12:16(UT)
134 Saros; visibility: from Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa

in nakshatra PUSHIA will last 3 hours 17 minutes, full phase 1 hour 02 minutes, partial 3 hours 16 minutes, total 5 hours 11 minutes.

Starts at 02:36:30 (UT), 05:36:30 Moscow time.
Start of the full phase 03:33:54(UT)
End of full phase 06:50:39(UT)
Ends at 07:48:00(UT), 10:48:00 Moscow time.

This is the 27th eclipse of the series, the previous ones were January 9, 2001, December 30, 1982, December 19, 1964... the next one will be January 31, 2037. There are a total of 72 eclipses in this series.

To the coordinates of Moscow: lagna Purvaashadha 4th pada, Saturn in the 1st house Purvaashadha 2nd pada.

"When Saturn passes our ascendant, he removes a few more restrictions in our personality. Saturn disciplines. He teaches us the right approach and correct behavior. But if in our natal chart Saturn is strong, which means that we already have some discipline innately. If not, then Saturn will teach us...
Saturn transits should be understood as opportunities for internal growth, while outwardly it presents challenges. But behind every problem lies a gift that one who is humble can receive."
From the book of Parvati Kumar

Moon + Rahu in 8th house, Moon Pushya 2nd pada, Rahu 4th pada.
Sun + Ketu + Mercury in the 2nd house. Mercury and Ketu Uttaraashadha 2nd pada, Sun Uttaraashadha 3rd pada.

Mars in 4th house Revati 4th pada.
In lunar eclipses, sensitivity, emotions, vulnerability are exacerbated. Speak thoughtfully, do not offend your loved ones. This is especially true of relationships with women, and within the family as well. If there is discontent, Mars will raise it to the surface. It is worth blowing off steam, starting to clean up, freeing space from trash.

July 2, 2019- Total Solar Eclipse at 19:24:07 (UT) at 11 degrees Cancer (tropical zodiac)
127 Saros; visibility: s Pacific, S. America. (Full: s Pacific, Chile, Argentina). Duration 4 h 33 min
Solar eclipse July 2, 2019 in nakshatra ARDRA 3 pads. Tears are cleansing. The storms of life cut us like a diamond. We are not at this location for fun and pleasure. If there is an excess of energy, it is better to direct it to deep research.

Partial start 16:55:08(UT)
Starts at 18:01:04(UT), 21:01:04 Moscow time
The start of the full phase is 18:03:24(UT), 21:03:24 Moscow time.
Full 4:41:17 - 5:43:16(UT), peak 5:12:16(UT), 8:12:16 MST
End of full phase 20:42:19(UT)
Ends at 20:44:44(UT), 23:44:44 Moscow time.
End of partial 21:50:33(UT)

Retrograde Saturn in the same degree with Ketu in the 12th house, Purvaashadha 4th pada. Karma is on its heels, it's time to pay the bills. A suitable time for solitude, deep reflections on the meaning of life, prayers, pilgrimages.

"In the physical body of man, the nervous system is under the control of Saturn. That is why whenever an unpleasant event occurs, it affects nervous system. The more frustrations, obstacles, delays, and things we don't like, we have, the more disturbances are caused in the nervous system. - Nervousness, paralysis and neuralgia are due to the influence of Saturn. The connections between brain function, motor and sensory activity are governed by the combined influence of two cold planets - the Moon and Saturn. The heat of the Sun on the physical level radiates through a point near the diaphragm, and Saturn obstructs this if its aspects with the Moon and the Sun are unfavourable. - The diaphragm separates the upper and lower parts of the body and looks like the sun sign Leo. AT physical body solar energy received by the diaphragm.

If there is strong pressure coming from the solar plexus, the vitality is pulled down. The diaphragm loses its strength, and this leads to the fact that the soul begins to pull down. Maintaining the diaphragm in proper order is an important physical aspect of spiritual practice.

When the Moon and Saturn are in unfavorable aspects to the Sun, the diaphragm is affected. When Saturn is in an unfavorable aspect with the Moon, the nervous system is affected. - Stopping of any organ through loss of peristalsis of nerves and muscles is caused by Saturn. In an unfavorable aspect with the Moon, it acts on the nerves, and in an unfavorable aspect with the Sun, it affects the diaphragm. When he is in good aspects, he is protective.

Saturn governs the old age of man with all his complaints. Gradual paralysis of the legs, starting from the feet and upwards, usually occurs in people with afflicted Saturn. If Saturn is afflicted in a person, he will gradually get problems with his feet, hip joints, spine, until Saturn slowly conquers the kingdom of man - his bodily constitution.

During the third round of Saturn, if it is well placed in the horoscope, people rise to a very enviable position and make very large-scale achievements." From the book of Parvati Kumar

July 17, 2019- Partial Lunar Eclipse at 21:30:43(UT) at 25 degrees Capricorn (tropical zodiac)
139 Saros; visibility: S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus. Duration 2 h 58 min. Exact opposition at 21:38:10
Sun will be in nakshatra 3 pada

Shadow start 18:43(UT)
Full phase 20:01 - 22.59(UT)
End of shadow 00:17(UT)

Lunar eclipse July 17, 2019 in nakshatra UTTARAASHADHA again comes on Guru Purnima, just like last year. Saturn follows Sagittarius, cleanses the "spiritual" leaders in full, how many vices of the false gurus have come to the surface! Saturn has an iron grip, there is hope that many pure, gullible people who seek spirituality from visiting "gurus" will see the light and come out of the captivity of scammers. So this day in the life of many who seek spiritual enlightenment can become a turning point, very significant. Spiritual disappointments are the most painful, therefore, especially in our time, one must wisely choose an object of worship for oneself, if such a desire exists.

Saturn, Ketu, Moon in 8th house in martial Purvaashadha. Self-confidence is good, but it is important not to overestimate your capabilities so that it doesn’t work out like Hitler, who had this nakshatra active.

"Saturn disciplines. He teaches us the right approach and the right behavior. But if Saturn is strong in our natal chart, this means that we already have some discipline innately. If not, then Saturn will teach us ...

The moon in our horoscope speaks of our past conditionings. When Saturn transits it, there is an opportunity to clear our previous karma or pay off a debt. He works so hard. Training begins with the stimulation of all unpleasant things. We have more and more delays, more and more disappointments, more obstacles, and so on for seven and a half years.

After that, we become like a washed canvas that can be used for a good purpose. All angularities and impurities are washed out during this period.

Mercury and Mars in Pushya in the 3rd house, Sun, Rahu and Venus in the 2nd house in Krittika lagna.

December 26, 2019 - Solar eclipse at 05:18:53(UT) at 4 degrees Capricorn (tropical zodiac)
132 Saros; visibility: Asia, Australia, (Annular: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Borneo). Duration 3 h 39 min.

Wow, six planets in Sagittarius, four of them in Mula, and Mercury in 1 pada, gandanta! Thought of the day: "Whoever says what he wants, will hear what he does not want." Read on this topic fairy tales from our Diary and reflect. And how to tell the truth, I quoted above.

A serious company gathered in the 2nd house, not children's showdowns, they are not comfortable there in such numbers and composition. Mercury, Sun, Moon, Jupiter in Mula, Ketu and Saturn in Purvaashadha, opposite the lonely Rahu in the 8th house in Ardra. Venus lingered in the 3rd house, and the warlike Mars fled to the 1st house in the warlike Vishakha, Jyestha lagna, 4th pada of the Gandanta.

Well, what can I say? Tin, in a word. In general, all the eclipses of this year are complex, karmicity is going through the roof. But what to do, as they say, from each according to his ability, to each according to his karma. The main thing is to honestly fulfill your duty, not to interfere with other people's lives, and then the planets will not all stray into one heap in Mulu with Rahu in Ardra opposite.

We pay our bills, boldly part with the obsolete, cleanse ourselves, find fresh ways for growth and do not sow rotten seeds.

Our focus of attention will be in those areas (houses of the horoscope, natal planets) where the eclipse points fall. Changes are likely in these areas of life.

Eclipses, affecting important points of the horoscope, have a huge impact. The tension itself lasts a few weeks, but the effect can be a lifetime. Therefore, it is so important to consciously live these important turning points.

"In the lunar phases are hidden all the keys relating to the cycles of time. The new moon is like the moment when nothing has yet been created, while the full moon is akin to the fullness of creation."

solar eclipses - more of an external character, they affect events around a person that the person himself does not consciously cause.

Lunar eclipses have more internal, emotional character, at this time, reflections on specific situations are brewing and personal events occur related to our thoughts, emotions.

Lunar eclipses especially highlight the spheres of relationships, both personal and in collectives, society. Clarity of the situation comes, something leaves our life. And this is always what hinders development. And although this is not always immediately clear, it is better to get rid of the obsolete, to let go in peace, not to cling to something that has served its time. It is better to do it voluntarily, consciously, then there will be less losses.

Eclipses - like a searchlight, illuminate certain areas of life where changes are ripe. They bring hidden problems to the surface, what was hidden becomes visible. Eclipses highlight our constraints on the path, those issues that need to be worked on in order to easily move on.

By not blaming others for our failures, but by consciously working on the issues highlighted by the eclipse, we balance our lives and move harmoniously along the path. Our decisions about how we deal with the issues that the eclipse highlights have a huge impact on the rest of our lives.


Each eclipse belongs to a certain family of eclipses (Saros), which has its own personal characteristics. It would seem a random event, but upon closer examination, it belongs to a strictly organized cycle that unfolds over a period of approximately 1280 years. If you know the nature of this cycle, then the events acquire great meaning.

Each Saros series gives the next solar eclipse every 18 years, plus 9-11 days. Lunar eclipses occur 14 days before or after solar eclipses. Saros begins with a partial eclipse, then over the course of a series of eclipses occur closer to the nodes, then very close to the nodes (Total eclipse, approximately at the 640th age of the series) and then - again moving away from the nodes, partial eclipses occur. Depending on the distance from the nodes, the eclipse has a greater or lesser effect.

The most powerful eclipse is Total, in the middle of the life of the series, and it occurs in the same degree in which it originated, and in the same degree there will be the last eclipse of the series in which it will end its existence.

There are two eclipse seasons per year, Northern and Southern. Northern (N) originated at the North Pole, Southern (S) originated at the South Pole and they move at a constant speed towards the opposite pole.

Each series has its own birth chart, and, accordingly, individual characteristics described by the planets at its birth. Each solar eclipse and the accompanying lunar eclipse have the characteristics of the Saros series to which they belong. Each series includes 71-73 eclipses. Eclipses of one series are repeated every 18 years. That's why. to make a prediction of what the coming eclipse is preparing for me, you can see if there were important turning points 18 years ago.

Eclipses of one series of Saros appear every 18 years and about 10 degrees farther in longitude. those. the series, moving through the chart, jumps over 10 degrees, skips some sensitive points of the horoscope and points to others. A certain series of Saros runs the entire map in 650 years.

If a person is born during an eclipse, he is deeply connected with this series and is its means of expression. In his life there will be events related to the characteristics of this series.

Characteristics and serial numbers of Saros differ in different sources. Below are the characteristics of Saros by Bernadette Brady.

January 2019 eclipses belong to 2S Saros
Series Feature
Saros Series 2 S
Start: April 17, 991 (OS), 09:38:39 GMT South Pole
These eclipses are associated with unusual groups and human involvement in these groups. This may be a time when a person notices or suddenly wants to find a certain group that is related to healing, art or philanthropy. The person will feel that he can gain a lot by being involved in such a group.
Eclipses in 1950 - 2050: 1910, 1928, 1946, 1964, 1982, 2000, 2019, 2037

July 2019 eclipses belong to 3N Saros
Series Feature
Start: October 10, 991 (OS), 14:11:40 GMT North Pole
This is a very immoderate family of eclipses. Its main theme is news related to young people or news that transforms the situation. This information may be of concern. A person may want to undertake significant activities or make big plans, which can be very positive as long as they are not too carried away.
Eclipses in 1950 - 2050: 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, 2019, 2037

Solar eclipse of December 2019 belong to 3S Saros
Series Feature
Start: August 13, 1208 (O.S.), 8:24:13 GMT South Pole. End: 17 September 2452
This family of eclipses brings an unexpected end to relationships or relationships possibly with a younger person. There is a significant emotional component (due to Pluto's involvement) and a sense of traumatic transformation. This may be due to news received or short trips taken.
Eclipses in 1950 - 2050: 1911, 1929, 1947, 1965, 1983, 2001, 2019, 2038 UTC - Coordinated Universal Time, the basis of civil time (Civil Time), which differs by an integer number of seconds from atomic time ( International Atomic Time - TAI) and a fractional number of seconds from UT1 (UT1 is the time on the Greenwich mean meridian, corrected for the movement of the earth's poles).
UTC was introduced instead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The new UTC time scale was introduced because the GMT scale is a non-uniform scale and is related to the daily rotation of the Earth.
The UTC scale is based on the Uniform Atomic Time Scale (TAI) and is more convenient for civilian use. Time zones around the globe are expressed as positive and negative offsets from UTC.
UTC time is not translated either in winter or in summer! Therefore, for those places where there is a transition to daylight saving time, the offset relative to UTC changes.
Moscow time is UT + 3 hours from October 2014.

Article prepared by: Natalia Mikhailovna Dementieva
Books Publishers Natalia Dementieva

See excerpts from books in social networks:

The eclipse of the sun is the time of amplification of cosmic energies! How to learn to use them to fulfill your innermost desires?

What is the significance of an eclipse of the sun for the fate of man?

People have always known that the brief moments of a solar eclipse¹ are of great importance for the life of all living beings on the planet.

Usually, many project fears in it: this is due to the fact that light is habitually associated with good, and darkness with evil.

In fact, the time of a solar eclipse is of great importance from the point of view of esotericism, it enhances the energies of the cosmos and planets, their influence on the inhabitants of the Earth. These influences are universal: they can be used for evil, or they can be used for good; they can bring positive changes, or they can attract disasters. It all depends on the point of view and expectations of the person.

This is the mysterious period of the disappearance of the luminary from the firmament -: you can get rid of negative programs and make positive changes in your life!

How to meet the solar eclipse?

As mentioned above, a solar eclipse is a great time to change your destiny.

It provides an excellent opportunity for self-improvement: you can get rid of negative habits and negative character traits. The eclipse usually lasts a few minutes, so you need to carefully prepare for it.

You need to start preparing for this special moment in 3 days.

  • It's time for active energy! Whatever a person says consciously or unconsciously will come true. At this time, the practitioner monitors the spoken words and the thoughts that will come these days.
  • It is recommended to prepare affirmations in advance for this time in the area in which changes are needed.
  • If there are debts, then the period of a solar eclipse - better time to get rid of them: give them this very day. To return the debt at this time means to get rid of what interferes with material well-being.
  • These days you need to fast and give up meat food, nuts and seeds.
  • It is recommended to talk to yourself, to understand what a person wants to get rid of.

On the day of the solar eclipse, the following steps must be taken.

1. Half an hour before the eclipse, the practitioner lights a candle, walks around the perimeter of the apartment with it, reciting a prayer. It can be "Our Father", or it can be the one that your heart desires.

Bypassing the apartment is done clockwise.

2. Then the person stands in the middle of the central room where the candle is burning. Looking at her, he says everything he wants to get rid of; everything that he wrote down in advance on paper. After reading this list, the practitioner burns it on fire.

3. 15 minutes before the eclipse, he takes a contrast shower. After the shower, it is located directly on the floor, facing north.

4. Closing the eyes, the person relaxes the muscles of the body and face, enters a meditative state. He presents his negative programs- complexes, habits, fears - in the form of mental images (symbols).

5. The practitioner listens to himself: heaviness in the abdomen means fear, in the throat - resentment.

6. When you manage to feel the clamps in your body, a person sends them love and gratitude until they begin to change - become bright, clean.

At this moment, different thoughts, ideas, emotions may come to you: you need to allow this to happen!

7. When the practitioner is finished, he opens his eyes and thanks the Universe for this experience.

The first lunar day after a solar eclipse is the time for making wishes.

It's simple: a person sits down in front of a lit candle and pronounces his innermost desires into the fire. You need to choose those of them that can be realized within a year.

Meeting the eclipse of the sun is not difficult, these simple steps will allow you to radically change your life, make it successful and happy!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon completely or partially obscures (eclipses) the Sun from an observer on Earth (Wikipedia).

As you know, the planets and their satellites do not stand still. The earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth. And from time to time there are such moments when the Moon in its movement completely or partially obscures the Sun.

Picture 1.

Solar eclipse is the shadow of the moon on the surface of the earth. This shadow is about 200 km in diameter, which is many times smaller than the diameter of the Earth. Therefore, a solar eclipse can be observed simultaneously only in a narrow band along the path of the moon's shadow:

Figure 2. Lunar shadow on the Earth's surface during a solar eclipse

If the observer is in the shadow strip, he sees total solar eclipse, in which the moon completely hides the sun. At the same time, the sky darkens, and stars can become visible on it. It's getting a little cooler. The birds abruptly fall silent, frightened by the sudden darkness, and try to hide. Animals start to get restless. Some plants fold their leaves.

Figure 3 Phase of a total solar eclipse

Observers near the total eclipse can see partial solar eclipse . During a partial eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun not exactly in the center, but hides only part of this disk. In this case, the sky darkens much weaker than during a total eclipse, the stars are not visible on it. A partial eclipse can be observed at a distance of about 2 thousand kilometers from the zone of total eclipse.

Figure 4

A solar eclipse always happens on a new moon. At this time, the Moon is not visible on Earth, because the side of the Moon that faces the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun (see Figure 1). Because of this, it seems that during an eclipse, the Sun closes black spot taken from nowhere.

The shadow that the Moon casts towards the Earth looks like a converging cone. The tip of this cone is located a little further than our planet (see Figures 1 and 2). Therefore, when the shadow hits the surface of the Earth, it is not a point, but a relatively small (150–270 km across) black spot. Following the Moon, this spot moves across the surface of our planet at a speed of about 1 kilometer per second:

Figure 5
Scheme of the solar eclipse July 22, 2009 from the NASA website

Consequently, the shadow of the moon moves at high speed along the earth's surface and cannot close any one place on the earth for a long time. the globe. The maximum possible duration of the full phase is only 7.5 minutes. A partial eclipse lasts about two hours.

Solar eclipses on Earth - truly unique phenomenon. It is possible because celestial sphere the diameters of the Moon and the Sun are almost the same, despite the fact that the diameter of the Sun is almost 400 times the diameter of the Moon. And this happens because the Sun is about 400 times farther from the Earth than the Moon.

But the Moon's orbit is not round, but elliptical. Therefore, at times favorable for the onset of eclipses, the lunar disk can be larger than the solar disk, equal to it or less than it. The first is a total eclipse. In the second case, a total eclipse also occurs, but it lasts only a moment. And in the third case, an annular eclipse occurs: around the dark disk of the Moon, a shining ring of the Sun's surface is visible. Such an eclipse can last up to 12 minutes.

During a total solar eclipse, you can see solar corona - the outer layers of the Sun's atmosphere, which is not visible in normal sunlight. This is a breathtakingly beautiful sight:

Figure 6 Solar eclipse August 11, 1999

There will be a total solar eclipse on March 20 this year, blocking up to 90 percent of the sun. The eclipse will be the largest event in 16 years. On this day, the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. A solar eclipse could cause temporary power outages across Europe. The eclipse will occur on the afternoon of March 20 on Friday and will begin at 7:41 UTC (UT) and end at 11:50 UTC.

Start of solar eclipse: 12:13 Moscow time

Maximum phase of the solar eclipse: 13:20 Moscow time

· The end of the solar eclipse: 14:27 Moscow time

Maximum obscuration of the solar disk: 58 percent

In the east of Greenland, in Iceland, in the Svalbard archipelago and in the Faroe Islands, a total eclipse will be observed. There will be a partial solar eclipse in Russia, Europe, northern and eastern Africa and northern and eastern Asia.

The last total solar eclipse of this magnitude occurred on August 11, 1999, and the next one will take place in 2026. In addition, an eclipse can disrupt solar sources power supply and cause a power outage.

Remember not to look directly at the Sun during , as this can cause permanent eye damage. For observation, you need to use special solar filters.

The eclipse falls on the day of the equinox and the new moon, and the Moon will reach lunar perigee - the closest point to the Earth in its orbit. The spring equinox occurs on March 20, 2015 at 22:45 UTC (March 21, 1:45 Moscow time). It represents the moment when the Sun crosses the celestial equator. On the day of the equinox, the duration of the night and day is the same and is 12 hours.

March's new moon will be a supermoon that, although not visible, will have a greater than normal effect on Earth's oceans. An eclipse occurs when a celestial body, such as the Moon or a planet, passes into the shadow of another body. There are two types of eclipses on Earth: solar and lunar.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon's orbit passes between the Sun and the Earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the Sun's light and casts a shadow on the Earth.

There are several types of solar eclipse:

Full - it is visible in certain areas of the Earth, which are located in the center of the lunar shadow falling on the Earth. Sun, Moon and Earth are in a straight line.

Partial - This eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are not exactly in line, and the observers are located in the penumbra.

Ring-shaped - occurs when the moon is at its farthest point from the earth. As a result, it does not completely block the solar disk, but looks like a dark disk, around which a bright ring is visible.