Who uses a formal business style of speech. Official business style of speech (main features)

Officially- business style modern Russian literary language operates in the field of administrative and legal public activities. It is implemented mainly in writing: in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, contracts, various official documents (statements, certificates, powers of attorney, receipts, etc.), business correspondence legal entities and individuals.

The main features of the official business style:

1. The accuracy of the presentation, which does not allow for the possibility of other interpretations. This is due to the necessary absolute adequacy of the understanding of documents.

2. Detail, exhaustive presentation.

3. Stereotyping, standardization of presentation (the heterogeneous phenomena of life in an official business style fit into standard forms (questionnaire, certificate, instruction, law, statement, business letter, etc.), everything is regulated in business (legal) relations, so its standards are significantly facilitate).

4. Must-prescriptive modality (character) of presentation. Business speech is characterized by a special way of presentation - a statement, an assertion.

5. Official and unemotional.

The named features of the official business style are manifested not only in the system language tools, but also in non-linguistic ways of designing specific texts: in the composition, the nature of the heading, the selection of paragraphs, that is, in their standard design, which allows them to be presented in the form of ready-made forms, where part of the text is fixed, fixed and cannot be changed.

Document- this is a means of fixing in various ways on special material information about events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity, intended for transmission in time and space for storage and public use.

Documents are divided into official And personal . Personal documents include documents created by individual citizens: autobiography, application, power of attorney, receipt. Documents such as a passport, certificate, education documents are also personal and are handed out to citizens.

Official documents come from the name of institutions, organizations, enterprises or representing officials.

Traditionally allocate 5 main groups of service documentation :

1. Organizational - regulations, charters, instructions, rules, schedule;

2. Administrative - resolutions, orders, orders;

3. Reference and information - letters, telegrams, reports and explanatory notes, protocols, acts;

4. On personnel - orders on personnel, personal files, characteristics;

5. Proposals, statements and complaints of citizens.

In addition, documents are classified:

1. Place of compilationinternal(created by the institution itself in the process of documenting its activities) and external(come from outside, from other institutions, organizations and individual citizens).

2. Content complexitysimple(reflect one issue or touch on one topic) and complex(dedicated to several issues at the same time).

3. By shapeindividual(compiled on an arbitrary basis); typical , representing the sample text; stencil, when part of the document is printed in advance (permanent information), and part of the text is entered during its compilation (variable information).

4. By stages of creationoriginals(documents created for the first time by an individual or collective author) and copies(repeated, absolutely accurate reproduction of the original, certified in the prescribed manner). The most common types of copies are extract- a copy of the part of the document that is handed out; vacation– a full copy of the sent document, filed in the file of the sending institution, duplicate- has the same force as the original.

State standard on organizational and administrative documentation introduces uniformity in the execution of documents, which helps to speed up their processing. The maximum composition of document details is defined ( props is the information element of the document). Each of them is assigned a strictly mandatory place. It is the set of details that determines the type of document. Each document must be drawn up in accordance with the form adopted for this variety ( form- this is a set of details inherent in a certain type of document, arranged in the established sequence). In total, 31 details are provided for organizational and administrative documents. We list some of them: the name of the ministry or department, the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the place of preparation or publication of the document, the date, addressee, signature, seal, text - the content of the document, which can be drawn up in the form of a table, questionnaire, or free presentation essence of the matter; when including several questions, decisions or conclusions, it is advisable to single out sections, subsections, paragraphs.

The document can be drawn up on a form in accordance with the requirements of the accepted standard. Form- this is a sheet of paper with permanent details or parts of them reproduced on it in a typographical way. There are two types of forms - for letters and for organizational, administrative and other documents, as a rule, in two formats - A4 and A5. The use of forms gives information an official character, facilitates the execution and further use of the document. Forms of documents of a mass nature, as a rule, contain stencil parts of the text, which are supplemented with variable information during the execution of the document.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of compiling some documents of a personal nature: autobiographies, statements, powers of attorney, receipts, resumes.



I, Smirnova Tatyana Petrovna, was born on April 15, 1992 in Tver, in the family of a military man.

My father, Petr Nikolayevich Smirnov, is a retired colonel in the medical service. Smirnova's mother, Elena Dmitrievna, is a doctor at the regional clinical hospital.

In 1999 she entered secondary school No. 32 in Tver, from which she graduated in 2009 with a silver medal.

In 2009 she entered the Tver State University at the Faculty of Psychology and social work majoring in Clinical Psychology. Currently I am a third-year student and head of group 33.

01/15/2012 Smirnova

Statement. This document is addressed to the head of the institution. Requisites: addressee, addressee (last name, first name, patronymic, position - for internal documents, address, phone - for external documents), content, signature, date.


Rector of TVGU

Belotserkovsky A.V.

4th year students

Faculty of Philology

Petrova A.M.


I ask you to change my surname from Petrova to Ivanchenko in connection with my marriage.

Attachment: photocopy of marriage certificate.

25.02.2012 signature

Power of attorney. This is a document indicating that one person (principal) grants the right to some other person (attorney) to perform certain actions or receive inventory items. Powers of attorney can be issued by officials (in this case they are written on forms) and by individual citizens (in this case they are drawn up in any form). Requisites: title of the document, surname, name, patronymic of the principal (often with an indication of passport data); surname, name, patronymic of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued (often with indication of passport data), content of the power of attorney, signature, date; the signature of the official who certified the signature of the principal; stamp, date.


Power of attorney.

I, Baranova Maria Nikolaevna (passport 2904 No. 759302, issued by the Zavolzhsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on May 15, 2005), trust to receive my wages for September 2011 Burenok Vera Nikolaevna (passport 3502 No. 543819, issued by the Central District Department of Internal Affairs of Tver on 10.07.02).

09/30/12 signature M.N. Baranov

Signature Baranova M.N. I certify.

Head of the personnel department signature N.L. Stepanov


Receipt. A receipt is a document certifying the receipt of any valuables (money, things, documents). The receipt may contain a circumstance that is recorded with an indication of the return period. Requisites: title of the document, content: position, surname, name and patronymic of the person who issued the values, a list of values ​​with an indication of the quantity; signature, date.



I, the librarian of school No. 7 in Tver, Zakharova Elena Ivanovna, received from the warehouse manager of OOO PTNP Stepanov Alexei Fedorovich bookcases for equipping the school library in the amount of 10 (ten) pieces with a total value of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles.

Summary. The content of this document will give a potential employer a first impression of you. The resume must be well written. First of all, attention should be focused on your strong professional qualities. The document is left neatly and no more than two pages.

Be sure to include the following information about yourself:

1. Name, address and telephone number.

2. The position you are applying for.

3. Previous track record.

4. Education.

You can indicate those additional knowledge and skills that, in your opinion, may be of interest to a potential employer. It is not necessary to list all the recommendations that you have, but you should indicate that you can provide them if necessary.

Be extremely honest. Do not exaggerate your abilities and do not write about having received an education that you really do not have. If a scam is ever discovered, you can lose your job.

You should not focus on the negative aspects of your past experience, it is better to concentrate on positive aspects. No need to show wit or depth of judgment in a resume. Write clearly and concisely, honestly describing the qualities you possess, but without being bragging.

The resume should be printed on good paper and look neat and attractive.


Monicheva Irina Sergeevna

170005, Tver, Komsomolsky prospect, 9, apt. 35

52-11-19; 89038887766

e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose: Getting a job as a clerk, secretary, assistant

Age - 22 years old


2006 – 2011 Tver State University

Faculty of Management and Sociology

Specialty: Documentation

2007 – 2009 English courses

Professional skills and knowledge:

- work with documentation (in Russian and English);

- business correspondence;

- organization of the office work process;

- organization of office work;

- participation in negotiations with partners;

- English language- freely;

- work with office equipment;

- Confident PC user (Windows, Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Power Point)

Official - business style of speech is used in the interaction of people in the field of business and management. The focus of the official - business style of speech is quite wide: jurisprudence, criminal and administrative law.

Features are such that it must be built according to certain rules. No free impulses, independent introductions are allowed here. The need to follow clear standards helps to become a successful and respected person.

It may seem to someone that the official - business style of speech is characterized by excessive rigor in design, but it should be noted that this is a necessary requirement that is observed for better communication and perception of information by the opponent. But, once having mastered a certain pattern, you can make several hundred such appeals.

Formal - business style of speech. signs

Features of the official - business style of speech are quite recognizable and easily applicable in any area that involves following established norms and procedures. Learning how to write business letters may seem like a daunting task at first, but once you learn the parameters, you can learn formal messages much sooner than expected.

Ultimate Accuracy

Perhaps this is the most main characteristic that determines the success of the entire enterprise. Main Feature officially - the business style of speech is its stability, immutability in the composition of phrases and turns of speech. Once mastered this Difficult language, you will no longer experience significant difficulties: you will have ready-made templates for various situations that you can safely act on.

You need to have great care and interest in the case in order to avoid any mistakes when drawing up an important document. Extreme precision completely excludes the possibility of interpreting written words in two ways. For this reason, the official text can hardly be understood differently, put into it a different meaning than the one that the interlocutor wants to convey to you.

The strict nature of the presentation

IN business letters you will not find any individual orientation and even interest towards the individual. From the side official language looks deliberately dry and pragmatic. Do not expect great creativity or strong emotions from an official document. A business letter or speech has a clear goal - to convey specific information to the interlocutor. It is best to do this precisely when there are no lyrical digressions and distractions. The strict nature of the presentation guarantees an extremely accurate understanding of the main meaning.

Stereotypical construction of phrases

As a rule, all official papers are somewhat similar to each other. This impression is created because the text is written on the basis of an existing template to facilitate its compilation and subsequent perception. If people approached every insignificant document as the creation of an original author's work, they would have neither the strength nor the time to work. In official business documents, you can find quite common phrases, such as: “Based on the foregoing”, “It should be noted”, “Pay attention”

Consistency and consistency of presentation

In business speech, you will not find chaos and any exceptions to the rules. All the necessary information is always provided depending on the specific goal and tasks that need to be solved. The chance of getting confused in the feed material is negligible. Official - business style of speech always implies a logical presentation of information and according to a strictly defined template. Perhaps this will not be very popular with people of creative professions, but from time to time they also need to conclude contracts, sign important papers. Knowledge of business communication will never be superfluous!

Information is prescriptive

To an outside observer, it may sometimes seem that such an overly dry style contains only instructive information and has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Actually it is not. Just the official style involves a detailed and scrupulous immersion in the situation, a detailed consideration of all the details.

Genres of official - business style of speech

Traditionally, it is customary to single out the following main areas. All of them are strongly interconnected, but each separately also deserves attention.

  • Office orientation. This includes business papers, memos, official letters to customers and suppliers of goods. The leaders of serious enterprises know from their own experience how much work it sometimes takes to write such a text and how much effort needs to be invested in it. Creating competent constructive content is the key to the success of the development and prosperity of your business. With the help of business letters, you can advertise your services and expand the boundaries of your activities.
  • diplomatic focus. Drawing up contracts, creating special appeals addressed to other companies also requires serious preparation and knowledge of certain things. It is necessary to present the information as precisely, clearly and consistently as possible, highlighting the main points, and identifying the positions of each interested party. Diplomatic orientation often helps people find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Legal focus. These include rules, laws, criminal and administrative codes. To correctly draw up all these legal and other forms of documents, you must have special knowledge. Drafting contracts is notoriously difficult. A competent specialist needs time to master this information.

Thus, officially - the business style of speech is widely used in jurisprudence, banking and investment. A business person needs to be able to correctly draw up contracts, draw up documents, communicate productively with customers, plan work time. And all this cannot be achieved without special knowledge.

The most characteristic features of the official business style are:

Conciseness, compactness of presentation;

Accuracy and clarity of presentation, not allowing for the possibility of another interpretation;

Neutral tone of presentation;

The ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation;

Stereotyping, standard presentation;

The widespread use of terms, nomenclature names
vaniya, procedural vocabulary;

Weak style customization.

In addition, experts note such features of the official business style as formality, strictness of expression of thought, as well as objectivity and logic, which are also characteristic of scientific speech. The named features of the official business style are reflected not only in the system of linguistic means, but also in non-linguistic ways of designing specific texts: in composition, heading, selection of paragraphs, i.e. in a standardized format for many business documents.

Conciseness, compactness of presentation. Conciseness (brevity) of presentation in the official business style of speech is achieved by the economical use of language means, the exclusion of verbal redundancy - words and expressions that do not carry additional meaning. In addition, the requirement for brevity of the text is directly related to reducing the physical size of the text and, consequently, reducing the time for processing documents. The requirement of brevity forces one to formulate the subject of the letter more clearly, to use language means sparingly, to exclude unnecessary words that do not carry the necessary information, unjustified repetitions and unnecessary details.

The compactness of the presentation (optimally, the document should not exceed the volume of one or two pages) is combined in official papers with the requirement for completeness of information, more precisely, with the principle of its sufficiency. The requirement of completeness implies that the official message must contain sufficient information to make an informed decision. The depth of the presentation of the issue depends on the goals of the document: in an information letter it is enough to name facts and events, in a statement the subject of speech must be clearly identified and justified. Insufficiency of information may cause the need to request additional information, giving rise to unjustified correspondence. The redundancy of information leads to the fact that the document is poorly perceived, its essence is obscured.

Accuracy and clarity of presentation, not allowing for the possibility of another interpretation. The text of a business letter should be accurate, clear and understandable. The accuracy of the presentation of the text ensures the unambiguity of its perception by the addressee, excludes any kind of ambiguity, omissions. The adequacy of the perception of the text by the author and the addressee of the document is extremely important in business communication.

Clarity and unambiguity of the language of the message is achieved by using words in accordance with their lexical meaning. The use of words without considering their meanings can lead to misinterpretation or nonsense. For example: calculate the data(verb shortchange has the meaning “Intentionally miscalculating, underpaying”, for example: to cheat the buyer. It's more correct to say: process data); refuse under favorable pretext(adjective favorable has two meanings: 1. “Contributing, helping something; convenient for smth.”, for example: favorable moment, favorable conditions; 2. “Good, approving”, for example: a favorable review. Should have written: refuse under good pretext); ... was achieved by objectionable means(adjective objectionable means: "Unwanted, not liked by someone." It is only compatible with animate nouns, for example: objectionable employee. The word combination corresponds to the requirement of accuracy ... was achieved by unacceptable (unacceptable) means).

The accuracy of the presentation is achieved by the use of terminological vocabulary, the use of stable turns, language formulas, the exclusion of figurative words and expressions, the use of clarifications, additions, participial and adverbial phrases, etc.

The clarity of the text is determined primarily by the clarity of its compositional structure, the absence of logical errors, the thoughtfulness and correctness of the wording.

Neutral tone of presentation. The official business style is characterized by an almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means. A neutral tone of presentation is the norm of official business communication. The information contained in the text of an official document is official in nature, and participants in business communication act on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises, firms, i.e. on behalf of legal entities, and not individuals. For this reason, the personal, subjective moment in the documents should be, if not excluded altogether, then minimized. Words with a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring (words with diminutive and endearing suffixes, interjections, etc.) are excluded from the language of documents. This, however, does not mean that all types of documents are equally devoid of emotion. So, for example, the purpose of most business letters is to interest the addressee, to convince him, to force him to act in the direction necessary for the author, in a word, the letter should make the impression the author needs. A business letter will not achieve its goal if it is devoid of emotional coloring, however, the emotionality, even the expressiveness of a business letter, must be hidden, veiled. The emotionality of an official letter should not be linguistic, but meaningful and be hidden behind an outwardly calm, neutral tone of presentation.

Ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation. ABOUT feature of business style - the ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation, which has the implication of obligation or obligation of action, for example: The firm offers production of the leading European firms. The program provides for the acquisition new technology. Depreciation of medical equipment is 80%. OAO "Ptitsevod" received an interest-free loan in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. The committee has reviewed and... A stating-prescriptive character is created in texts regardless of which form of the verb is used: present or past tense. In the examples given, the present tense of the verb appears in the form of the present prescriptive. The past tense of the verb acquires the same meaning. Many verbs used in official business speech contain the theme of prescription or duty: forbid, allow, oblige, direct, assign and under. There is a high percentage of the use of verbs in the infinitive form, which is also associated with the prescriptive function of official business texts. The verb form does not denote a permanent or ordinary action, but an action that is prescribed by law to be performed under certain conditions, for example: The accused is guaranteed the right to defense.

Stereotyping, standard presentation manifests itself primarily in the use of stable language turns (linguistic clichés). Stable language turns are a consequence of the regulation of business relations, the recurrence of managerial situations and thematic limitations of business speech. In addition to expressing the typical content, stable language turns often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document does not have sufficient legal force, or are elements that determine the type of business letter: We guarantee the return of the loan in the amount ... up to ...; We guarantee payment. Our bank details...

Sustainable language turns are the result of the unification of language means used in the same type of repetitive situations. Expressing typical content, language formulas ensure the accuracy and unambiguity of understanding the text by the addressee, reduce the time for preparing the text and its perception.

Wide use of terms and nomenclature vocabulary. In the official business style, there is a tendency to reduce the number of meanings of words, to the unambiguity of the words and phrases used, the desire to terminology of speech. Terms are words or phrases to which certain scientific or special concepts are attributed. The terms used in the correspondence are, firstly, industry terminology that reflects the content of the subject area to which the content of the letter is devoted, and, secondly, the terms of management documentation support.

The use of terms in a strictly fixed meaning ensures unambiguous understanding of the text, which is very important in business communication.

The correctness and stability of the use of terms in practice is achieved by using terminological dictionaries and standards that establish a strictly unambiguous system of concepts and terms and contribute to the ordering of terminology. The terms used in the field of documentary support of management are fixed in GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions". When using terms in business correspondence, it is necessary to ensure that they are understandable not only to the author, but also to the addressee. If the author of the letter has doubts about this, it is necessary to do one of the following: give an official definition of the term; decipher the meaning of the term in words of neutral vocabulary; remove the term and replace it with a commonly understood word or expression. A huge layer adjoins the terms nomenclature vocabulary: nomenclature of names: AOOT "Olympus", HPI Start, FSB etc.; nomenclature of positions: sales manager, advertising
manager, CEO, Commercial Director;
product range: ZIL-130, SP-6M electric drive, A-76 gasoline etc.

The homogeneity of the stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business writing is also achieved due to the high frequency of the so-called procedural vocabulary, representing in the text of the document a specific action, subject or sign in the official legal interpretation: violation of labor discipline(this may be late, absenteeism, appearing at work in a state of intoxication, etc.), disruption of the delivery schedule(delay in transit, untimely shipment goods, etc.), be responsible(subject to fines, material penalties, criminal prosecution, etc. in case of violations). As can be seen from the above examples, procedural vocabulary is a vocabulary with a generalized meaning, which is also highly characteristic of terminating vocabulary: company- firm, concern, holding, cartel, syndicate; product - canned food, thermoses, cars, shoes, etc.

The presentation procedure is connected not only with the preference for generalized semantics, the preference for generic lexemes over species ones: products - books, booklets, boards, nails.., room- room, apartment, hall, building- a barn, a house, a stall, etc., but also with a tendency to dissected concepts of both actions and objects: make a calculation pay off; trading process- trade; cash - money.

Terms and procedural vocabulary constitute the basic, style-forming vocabulary of the language of documents, which in certain genres makes up from 50 to 70% of all word usage.

The most important feature procedural and terminological vocabulary is that the word is used in the text in one possible meaning. The unambiguity of contextual use is determined by the subject matter of the document. The parties undertake to provide mutual barter supplies... With all the ambiguity, the word "parties" is read only in the legal aspect - " legal entities concluding an agreement."

A high degree of generalization and abstractness of the main style-forming vocabulary (termination, security, losses, calculation, work, disagreements, product, name etc.) in business writing is combined with the specific meaning of nomenclature vocabulary.

Nomenclature vocabulary with its specific denotative meaning, as it were, complements high level generalization of terms and procedural vocabulary. These types of words are used in parallel: in the text of agreements - terms and procedural vocabulary, in annexes to agreements - nomenclature vocabulary. In questionnaires, registers, specifications, applications, etc., the terms, as it were, receive their decoding.

preparation of the original layout

mold making and preparation


In the texts of documents, the use of swear words and generally reduced vocabulary, colloquial expressions and jargon is not allowed, however, professional jargon words get into the language of business correspondence : unaccounted for, personnel officer, payment, cape, incomplete, cashing etc. The use of such vocabulary in business letters is just as inappropriate as the use of clericalism in everyday conversation, since its use is reserved only for the oral sphere of communication, and it cannot meet the requirement of accuracy.

Sometimes, after reading the next contract, it becomes clear why it is customary to use specially trained people to work with them. This happens due to the peculiarities of the official business style, making it difficult to understand. But this style of presentation has its advantages, otherwise it would have been abandoned long ago.

Signs of an official business style of speech

Of course, for us, the main indicators of the officiality of the document are the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person, but when it comes to the style of speech, completely different signs come to the fore.

  1. Objectivity, informativeness and reliability.
  2. The absence of words that can be interpreted in two ways.
  3. The perfection of the construction of phrases and the document from a legal point of view.
  4. Conciseness of wording, the desire for maximum brevity, the use of complex sentences with frequent use of complex conjunctions and verbal nouns.
  5. Neutrality of presentation, lack of emotional coloring, preference for the direct word order, almost complete disregard for the individualization of style.
  6. The use of speech clichés in the construction of phrases.
  7. The use of standard phrases in the case of describing typical situations.
  8. Logical presentation, its narrative character.

All these features of the official business style of speech make it the most closed and stable among all book styles. Time brings its changes to this language, but the main points - phraseological units, specific speech and syntactic turns, remain unchanged. In other styles of speech, the use of stamps has long been considered a disadvantage, but in formal conversations they are only welcome. Actually, such a stereotyped text, combined with the lack of emotional coloring and big amount enumerations, which are also a sign of official style, and make documents so difficult to read and .

The purpose of the official business style of speech

At first glance, all this linguistic inertia and conservatism are invented to emphasize the isolation of business from other spheres of life. As a result, the average person gets a headache from trying to figure out all the intricacies, and is forced to carry money to specialists.

On the one hand, it is true, a number of specialists (documentation specialists, lawyers, archivists) are partially translators from official business speech to colloquial, understandable to most of the population. But you should not look for the tenacious paws of a global conspiracy here, because on the other hand, the official business style of speech is designed to minimize the likelihood of errors and simplify work with various kinds of documentation. In colloquial speech, we often use expressions with a bright emotional coloring, we love ambiguity, we often use slang and do not disdain irony. Can you imagine what, for example, a supply contract written in colloquial language would look like? About observance of terms of delivery, responsibility for violation of the agreement and conformity of the delivered goods ordered could be forgotten. That is, a special style of presentation for official papers was created to exclude the possibility of speculation and various interpretations information depending on the education of the people working with them. And to speed up work with documents of various kinds, drafting standards were invented. Everything is regulated: from the location of the details to the order of writing the address on the envelope. This allows you to quickly find the information you need without revisiting the entire document. For example, an accountant paying for the rent of a room is only interested in the terms of payment, details and the duration of the contract. The clear structure of the document allows you to quickly access this information, otherwise, the time for processing the contract would have increased greatly.

Formal business stylefunctional style Russian language, which has a number of common features: brevity of presentation, standard arrangement of material, widespread use of terminology, the presence of special vocabulary and phraseology, weak individualization of style. Thus, it is a style that, through the use of strict standards, is a means of written communication in the field of business relations.

The official business style in Russian stood out before other written styles due to the fact that it has long served the most important areas of public life: foreign relations, securing private property and trade. The need for written consolidation of contracts, laws, records of debts, registration of the transfer of inheritance began to form a special "language", which, having undergone many changes, retains its main distinctive features.

Business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the tenth century. writing. The first written documents recorded in the annals are the texts of treaties between the Russians and the Greeks in 907, 911, 944 and 971. And in the XI century. the first set of laws appeared Kievan Rus"Russian Truth". In the language of this code of laws, it is already possible to distinguish features of word usage and organization of speech that relate to characteristic features business style. This is a high terminology, the predominance of composition over subordination in complex sentences, the presence complex structures with coordinating unions "a", "and", "yes", "same", as well as non-union chains. Of all the types of complex sentences, constructions with a conditional clause are the most widely used.

Today, the official business style remains, first of all, the style of documents: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc. Many types business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of the material. Therefore, one of the main features of the official business style is the presence in it of numerous clichés that simplify and speed up business communication.

The official business style is divided into several sub-styles: diplomatic sub-style, documentary sub-style and everyday business sub-style. Each of these substyles is found in different types business documents. The diplomatic sub-style is used in the preparation of government statements, diplomatic notes, credentials and is distinguished by specific international terms. The documentary sub-style is associated with the activities of official bodies, it is characterized by the vocabulary and phraseology of various codes and acts. Everyday business style can be found in business correspondence, so the strictness of writing texts is somewhat weakened compared to other substyles.

The syntactic features of these sub-styles do not differ much from each other, and the main points can be noted in all documents written in a formal business style. Let's move on to their analysis.

So, the syntactic features of the official business style include:

In business writing, simple full sentences dominate. A feature of their functioning in an official business style is that in documents they often convey information that is equal in volume to the information transmitted using complex sentence. This is achieved through greater length and semantic capacity of the sentence.

For example: If taxes are not paid before the specified deadline, the payer loses the right to re-apply for a loan.

This syntactic feature of the official business style is due to the need for a clear presentation of information. The direct word order allows you to express your thoughts most accurately and simply. Also, declarative sentences with direct word order are best understood when reading, which makes formal documents more understandable.

Direct word order is also often made mandatory by various clichés inherent in the writing style of certain documents. For example, when writing an application for a vacation, you write: “I ask you to provide me with an annual paid vacation of 28 calendar days.” This sentence, composed in direct word order, is a typical syntactic construction that saves time when writing this statement.

Most official business texts are official documents designed to communicate some information. This is due to the narrative nature of the presentation, and as a result, the predominance of narrative sentences in the text.

  1. The tendency to use two-part sentences. One-part sentences are rarely used, most of them are infinitive.

Two-part sentences are used more often in official documents, as they allow the most complete expression of an idea, which is one of the main tasks of an official business style.

One-part infinitive sentences, in turn, indicate the necessity or inevitability of certain actions. In combination with the particle "not" and when using the imperfective verb, the infinitive sentence can also mean the prohibition of some action. For example: no smoking on school grounds.

The main goal of the official business style is to express the instructions of the state, body, authorized person, to state the status, the state of affairs in this area. Therefore, when compiling documents of this kind, it is very important to follow the logic and make the document convenient for the subsequent search for information. Rubrication and paragraph division, thus, help to achieve the goals.

The emphasized coherence of the parts of a complex sentence is achieved with the help of conjunctions, adverbs, pronouns and introductory words. Such a connection of the parts of the proposal is necessary for a clear presentation of information, conveying the necessary information to the reader. Unions, pronouns, adverbs and introductory words act as logical bonds of the sentence. Thus, the author of the document shows that despite the fact that each part of the sentence carries its own semantic load, the sentence itself expresses a whole thought.

Passive constructions in official business style texts are used to describe various official state procedures.

For example: "The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is appointed and dismissed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation."

Passive constructions are often used in official business style, especially in various instructions and job descriptions. They help to depersonalize the person about whom in question and most accurately describe the various business processes.

  1. affirmation through negation.

Affirmation through negation allows you to express the position of one or another government agency, company or person. Affirmation through negation can be found in business correspondence, various kinds of reports and other official business documents.

For example: the ministry does not object to the adoption of this amendment to the law.

Thus, having considered the main features, we can conclude: a typical unit of official business style can be called a narrative two-part sentence with right order words.

  1. Practical part.

For the practical part of the essay, I chose an article from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 67.1. Features of management and control in business partnerships and companies.

  1. Management in a general partnership and a limited partnership is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Code.
  2. The exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants in a business partnership, along with the issues specified in paragraph 2 of Article 65.3 of this Code, includes:

1) resize authorized capital companies, unless otherwise provided by laws on business companies;

2) making a decision to transfer the powers of the sole executive body of the company to another economic company (managing organization) or an individual entrepreneur (manager), as well as approving such a managing organization or such manager and the terms of the contract with such a managing organization or such manager, if the charter of the company decides these issues are not within the competence of the collegial management body of the company;

3) distribution of profits and losses of the company.

  1. The adoption by the general meeting of participants of a business company of a decision and the composition of the participants of the company who were present at its adoption are confirmed in relation to:

1) public joint-stock company a person who maintains the register of shareholders of such a company and performs the functions of a counting commission;

2) a non-public joint-stock company by notarization or certification by a person who maintains the register of shareholders of such a company and performs the functions of a counting commission;

3) limited liability companies by notarization, if there is no other way (signing of the protocol by all participants or part of the participants; using technical means, allowing to reliably establish the fact of the decision; otherwise, not contrary to law) is not provided for by the charter of such a company or by a decision of the general meeting of participants in the company, adopted by the participants of the company unanimously.

  1. A limited liability company, in order to verify and confirm the correctness of its annual accounting (financial) statements, has the right, and in cases provided for by law, is obliged to annually engage an auditor who is not connected by property interests with the company or its participants (external audit). Such an audit can also be carried out at the request of any of the company's participants.
  2. To check and confirm the correctness of the annual accounting (financial) statements, a joint-stock company must annually engage an auditor who is not connected by property interests with the company or its participants.

In cases and in accordance with the procedure provided for by law, the charter of the company, the audit of the accounting (financial) statements of the joint-stock company must be carried out at the request of shareholders whose aggregate share in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company is ten percent or more.

Let's start parsing the text according to stylistic features. To keep the logic of the story, I decided to keep the numbering of stylistic features.

  1. A large number of simple complete sentences.

The text selected for parsing contains seven sentences, of which four sentences are completely simple and complete. Also, in none of the sentences, including complex ones, I found elliptical constructions, all sentences are complete and common.

  1. The predominance of sentences with direct word order.

In six out of seven sentences of the analyzed text, we observe direct word order, where the subject precedes the predicate. In the second sentence of the text, we see that the predicate precedes the subjects. This helps the authors of the Civil Code to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the listed items relate only "to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants in a business entity."

  1. narrative nature of the presentation.

All seven sentences are narrative. The writing style of the civil code does not imply the presence of interrogative or exclamatory sentences.

  1. The tendency to use two-part sentences. One-part sentences are rarely used, most of them are infinitive.

All seven sentences are two-part, which fully confirms the peculiarity of the official business style that I identified in the theoretical part.

  1. rubrication simple sentence. Use of paragraph division.

This feature is very clearly presented in the text I have chosen. We observe the rubrication of sentences in the second and third sentences of the text. The text also uses paragraph division.

  1. The presence of a pronounced connection between the parts of a complex sentence.

There are only four sentences in our text, in which there is a subordinating relationship between the parts. In two of them, the pronoun "other" can be observed, emphasizing the connection between the parts.

  1. A large number of passive constructions.

In the text you can find a large number of passive constructions expressed by reflexive verbs and passive participles.

  1. affirmation through negation.

This text does not use affirmations through negation, which is due to the semantic direction of this article of the civil code. The text describes the rights and obligations of the joint-stock company, so all the wording is extremely clear.


After analyzing the text written in an official business style, we can confirm the relevance of all the syntactic features listed in the theoretical part.

  1. Thus, a typical unit of official business style is a declarative two-part sentence with the correct word order.
  2. When analyzing the text, we had the opportunity to make sure that the modern official business style really includes a number of syntactic features that are unique to this style of speech.
  3. During the practical part, I found confirmation of all the features of style I listed in the theoretical part, with the exception of affirmation through negation, which is due to the semantic feature of the text.

List of used literature:

  1. Rosenthal D.E. Reference book on the Russian language. practical style. M .: Publishing house "ONIX 21st century": World and education, 2001. - 381 p.
  2. Solganik G. Ya. Dronyaeva T. S. The style of the modern Russian language and the culture of speech: Proc. Allowance for students. Fak. Journalism - 3rd ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 256 p.
  3. Language and business communication: Norms, rhetoric, etiquette. M.: NPO "Economics", 2000
  4. Stylistic encyclopedic Dictionary Russian language [electronic resource] / edited by M. N. Kozhina; members of the editorial board: E. A. Bazhenov, M. P. Kotyurova, A. P. Skovorodnikova - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2011. - 696 p. – (http://books.google.ru/books?id=XZqKAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=kozhina+stylistics+Russian+language+official+business+style&hl=ru&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q=kozhina%20stylistics%20Russian% 20language%20formal%20business%20style&f=false)
  5. The Constitution of the Russian Federation with comments for study and understanding / Lozovsky L. Sh., Raizberg B. A. - 2nd ed., Rev. And extra. – M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 113 p.

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