Funny explanatory notes are the best excuses. Explanatory

I was late for work, tk. paid the phone bill. I thought it was business for 5 minutes, and there were crazy bucks with printouts ...

Dear Director. Yesterday we sat for a long time with friends and reflected on the meaning of life. We came to an unambiguous conclusion! There is definitely no point in arriving at work on time.

I was late for service. The reasons for this unseemly act are very mysterious and are rather rooted in the field of the irrational, therefore I am unable to give what happened to any acceptable explanation.

I was late for work by 2 hours 04 minutes, the editor-in-chief recorded this fact and put forward a hypothesis that this was due to alcohol abuse the night before.

I was three hours late, because in the morning I had a dream that the balance had finally come together.

Obeying the herd feeling and good mood, I, like half of my fellow students, was late for work today.

Today, September 10, I was late for work because I could not get out of the car on Volgogradsky Prospekt, I had to go to the final point, while the traffic jam was going back to dissipate.

I was two hours late for work. in a dream, I dreamed that I woke up, washed my face, drank a cup of tea as usual, went to the parking lot, warmed up the car and arrived at the office at 8:30 for a planning meeting.

Today, as always, I set the alarm clock for fifteen minutes of the allotted time, and no wonder I woke up, but the time and effort spent on makeup and choosing a dress code was not wasted, because after looking into a large mirror before going out, I was convinced of my irresistibility.

I was late for work on September 6, 2006, because a fly started up in our apartment, which prevented me from sleeping all night and all morning.

I was not late, but adjusted my today's working day adequately to the inadequate yesterday and inversely to the normalized one.

I beg your pardon and understand, I was not going to be absent from work yesterday, but it happened. You see, in the morning I woke up very early, and realized that I couldn't come to work so early, they just wouldn't understand me, and I decided to take a nap.

I was late for work by almost 1 (one) hour, due to an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances due to the night increase in wind and precipitation, the tram line, through which I get to the metro, was partially blocked up, and I had to walk.

Yesterday, Monday, I was unable to reach the duty station due to fluctuations in the Earth's gravitational field.

When I woke up by the alarm clock at 6 in the morning, it was dark outside the window, and I thought that it was seven in the evening, but I fell asleep in the afternoon and set the alarm clock incorrectly.

I was late for work on May 6, 2005. The delay occurred due to the fact that, due to my psychosomatic anomalies, since about 1995, I have been systematically communicating with demons.

She was in such a hurry that she skidded when turning to work due to heavy ice - nailed to the house.

I was 6 hours 17 minutes late for work due to the following reason: I spent the whole night educating myself and raising my qualifications. Waking up in the morning, I realized that I had not slept at all and decided to sleep some more.

On September 8, 2006, he was late for work, because before taking his child to kindergarten, at the most inopportune time he was impatient for the most inappropriate need.

I was 22 minutes late for work on September 7, 2006, because in the process of moving to the place of work, I noticed thickening rain clouds and stopped to disperse the clouds.

Yesterday I was about to leave work, but suddenly I was impatient to go to the toilet for a big time. The guard thought that everyone had already left and locked me up.

I was late for work due to the fact that when I left my porch in the morning, I noticed that a bird had shit on me, I got terribly angry and immediately returned home to wash my hair and do my hair again.

I was late for work because I slept in my workplace and saw Microsoft go broke. I could not help but watch.

I was late because you haven't paid your salary on time for so many months! If you are indignant, I’ll quit altogether!

I was 40 minutes late to the office because I got stuck in our elevator with the most interesting person, these 40 minutes opened up new possibilities in me.

I was absent from work until 14.45 due to the fact that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I was late for work due to the rusted zipper on the fly in my jeans, which I fastened for a long time and persistently after I went to the toilet again before leaving the house.

I was late for work because of healthy way life! I went to work early, but due to the lack of cigarettes, they gave me a tambourine.

I was half an hour late for work, because I will not do anything until ten anyway, we drink tea in the morning, and so much does not fit into me.

I was late for work by 6 hours 11 minutes on December 25, 2005 for a good reason. I argued with the neighbors from apartment 165 of my house for a box of vodka that I would overtake the icebreaker Lenin on the ice.

I was late for work due to the fact that the headlights in my car went out and I waited until dawn.

Today, February 8, I was 4 hours late for work, because in the morning I got into a porn site and got very carried away. As a result, my palms were very sore and trembling, and I could not get dressed.

I was late for the formation of the regiment due to sudden profuse diarrhea.

I was 3 hours 40 minutes late for work due to the fact that after a sleepless night I went to work on the subway and, having fallen asleep on the circular line, drove past my station three or four times.

At night in the apartment was discovered bat, which frightened me very much, I had to wait until dawn, locked myself in the bathroom (since I heard that in the daylight they go to bed.

I was late for work due to the fact that I had a dream in which I had sexual contact with two girls of model appearance.

Yesterday, Friday 13, I was late for work due to the fact that my mother bought a new carpet, and her beloved dog Pusichka started having diarrhea.

I came to work 3 hours late and the smell of alcohol was due to the good neighborly relations prevailing in our house.

I was late for work due to the fault of my wife. In the morning, at the appointed time, the alarm clock rang, which woke my wife up. She doesn’t like my alarm clock, so she threw it out and gave me a blow on the head, from which I passed out for another couple of hours.

In my previous job, I took leadership position, and the boss, as you know, is not late, but is late.

Today, as well as in previous days, I was late for work due to mental fatigue and extreme mental exhaustion.

Since today is Monday, a hard day after the weekend, I got on the subway and came to my old job.

Today, on such and such a date, on Friday, I was 5 hours late for work because I thought it was Saturday.

Suddenly, a song about white ships began and I decided to finally listen to it from start to finish, as I had never been able to do it before.

I was late for work due to the fact that all night my friends and I moved houses with the power of thought.

I, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Yurkin, was late for work on February 10, 2005, by 29 minutes 13.9 seconds, because when leaving my entrance a hurricane arose, I was carried away into the mountains, where I met the woodcutter and the girl Ellie.

I was 4 hours late for work, because in the morning I helped a neighbor take a bottle of vodka from her husband.

Deliberately late for work. I wanted to see how it ended.

I was late due to old age.

I was late for work, because, driving my personal car in the general stream of cars towards the office, I imagined myself to be an excellent driver, forgetting that such positioning myself, provided that I am a woman, is a combination of things that are initially incompatible.

I was 35 minutes late for work due to prolonged morning sex with my boyfriend.

Explanatory Yuri.
I was late for work due to a healthy lifestyle! I went to work early, but due to the lack of cigarettes, they gave me a tambourine. I went to the infirmary, but it was closed. Then I bought a bottle of vodka and began to rinse the wound. Therefore, I smell like alcohol, my face is broken, and bad speech and impaired coordination of movement are the result of a concussion! I didn't drink, honestly.

Explanatory chief accountant.
I was three hours late, because in the morning I had a dream that the balance had finally come together. This resulted in a series of powerful, uncontrollable orgasms. Please enter the position.

Explanatory Michael.
I confess that I was 6 hours late for work due to the fact that yesterday I was late at tasting the new product line of the Kristall plant. In the morning, from 8-00 to 14-00, I remembered where I work, until my mother came and suggested.
I dare to assure that in the future this will not happen again, tk. I sensibly scribbled the address of the job and the taxi phone number on the refrigerator door.

Explanatory Sergei.
I was half an hour late for work, because I will not do anything until ten anyway, we drink tea in the morning, and so much does not fit into me.

Anne's Explanatory.
I am systematically late, because I believe that everything related to work should be approached systematically.

Explanatory Denisky.
I was not late, but adjusted my today's working day adequately to the inadequate yesterday and inversely proportional to the normalized one.

Explanatory Paul.
On September 8, 2006, he was late for work, because before taking his child to kindergarten, at the most inopportune time he was impatient for the most inappropriate need. The time of delay corresponds to the duration of that very physiological process. This case can be attributed to circumstances of force majeure, i.e. force majeure, since they do not depend on my desire to be in time for work.

Explanatory Victor.
I was late because you haven't paid your salary on time for so many months! You will be indignant, I will quit altogether!

Explanatory Yuri Yurievich.
I was late for service. The reasons for this unseemly act are very mysterious and are rather rooted in the field of the irrational, therefore I am unable to give what happened to any acceptable explanation. As a person of a fine mental organization, I cannot help but feel the full depth of my fall, but the same reason will hardly allow me to even think about a possible relapse in the future.

I suggest:
1. Consider what happened as a misunderstanding,
2. Treat me condescendingly, especially since I have already received my portion of mental anguish (see above).

Explanatory newbie.
I am a newbie, I have been working in your company for the second day. Since today is Monday, a hard day after the weekend, I got on the subway and arrived at my old job. And only by the surprised look of my former director, I realized that I had arrived in the wrong place.

Explanatory Sergo.
I was late because I drank very, very hot tea, my bladder burst and I scalded my feet.

Explanatory mover
Yesterday my wife got fired from her job for drinking! And this is after 10 years of my life spent on this work. We decided to celebrate this. And today I was caught at the entrance of the plant. Therefore, I was late.

Explanatory note of the senior warrant officer.
I, the senior senior warrant officer of the special forces, Matveyev, about being late for service, can explain the following. As always, I woke up at 5.30, ran a cross of 10 kilometers, did 200 push-ups, pulled up 100 times, and then took an ice shower. Then he had breakfast, cleaned his boots, ironed his camouflage, put it on, put on an unloading, equipped it with clips, grenades, took a pistol, a machine gun, put on a helmet, put on war paint, put on gloves, looked in the mirror before leaving and got crap with fear.

Explanatory programmer.
In the morning, as usual, I got dressed and was about to leave the house. I stepped over the bed and caught hold of the girl and, in order to unhook, I had to undress again. This procedure took some time, as a result of which I was late for work.

Explanatory officer of the FSB.
In the morning, August 8, 2006 I was late for work, as I got into a human traffic jam on the subway.

Explanatory system administrator.
I was late for work because I slept in my workplace and saw Microsoft go broke. I could not help but watch.

I, Chekunov V.G., was really treated in a dermatovenerologic dispensary for skin irritation, and not what you all thought.

On June 18 and 19, I was not at work because I was drunk. I pledge not to drink until Youth Day.

On May 21, returning from the line, I put the car in the parking lot, after which we drank wine with Vasin in his car and drove to the garage, where we drove into the office of the head of the garage.

January 25 p. I went to have my teeth treated. The doctor gave me a certificate, not a sick leave. I took offense, tore it up, and then went for a walk and made a general absenteeism for 10 working days.

I took it at my own expense, because after an advance payment I need to recover. In general, the bosses should know that after the advance payment and paycheck, I need days of rest.

On January 27, I came to work drunk due to the fact that I remarried. New wife ended up with two-room apartment, so I was drunk not with wine, but with happiness.

I was drunk at work, as I work as a garage manager.

On July 5, Kozlova came to work in such a short skirt that I finally lost my head and made her an indecent proposal on the table with documentation right in the archive.

On August 7, I was at the Vechernyaya Zvezda restaurant, drank so much alcohol that I don't remember how I ended up in the entrance. The head was smeared with paint, the hair on the right temple was cut. On the back was written: "Greetings from Olya and Tanya." All this was terrible to me, as I now go to my wife.

And that the vodka was diluted confirms this: usually after half a liter I can no longer stand on my feet. And this time I went outside and even started a fight, for which I got 15 days.

While visiting our friend, I accidentally identified my wife's panties in a torn state, for which I hit him heartily several times. Then it turned out, when I returned home, that our panties were hanging whole and washed on the balcony, for which I apologize to my beaten acquaintance.

There is only one holiday a year for men - and that is a worker. Since our work is strictly with this matter, on February 24, I did not go to work. And when everything was formed, it became somehow inconvenient to come to work, and as a result, it turned out that I had not been at work until April 27.

At the zoo, I decided to feed the bear in a slightly drunk state. I threw him a piece of a bagel with a remark: "Eat, infection!"

I don't understand metals, so I was very surprised when I was detained at the checkpoint with ten kilograms of copper wire.

On Monday I did not show up for work for a good reason that my body was too hungry.

The trolleybus was very cramped and an unknown citizen allowed himself to bump into me in the wrong places, for which I hit him with a bag, and there were keys in it, and he showed signs of blood on his face. I, of course, apologize if he did not paw, but then who, if there were only women nearby?

I was absent on the 20th due to a sore head, as my brother came from Donbass, and he was drinking. I could not sit and look at him tough.

My frequent lateness to work can be easily explained. The wife sleeps on the edge. To crawl over it imperceptibly somehow does not work and therefore the fry has to pant until she agrees to let me go from her elastic body.

My friend got drunk after failing the exam. I got drunk, wanting to get into his position.

We took a bottle of unfamiliar wine, but it turned out to be long-lasting, which is why I was late for work.

We did not get drunk, but officially filmed a sample of the alcohol that arrived at the base. But there were a lot of flasks, and we tried.

We had sex in our free time on a volunteer basis, all together, grouped by interests ( From an explanatory schoolgirl).

Krutikov and I argued about who would drink more. He drank 2 bottles ... I don’t remember how much I drank, but I won the argument for sure ...

I responded to his remarks with a physical argument on an arrogant face, so that he would not pry his nose into my family problems.

I was attempted to be raped by some hooligans or maniacs, which I did not have time to figure out because of the sudden appearance of a police outfit, which frightened off the assailants. The militiamen took me to the militia to give evidence, so I was late for work. This will never happen again ( From an explanatory saleswoman).

I swore at the head of the shop not using foul language, but other expressions.

I came to work almost sober, but I accidentally got sick, for which I wildly apologize, while still in my mind.

On the eve of recovery, my nurse and I, who was on duty that night in the hospital, understood each other, as a result of which we were caught red-handed by wandering patients and raised a nimble.

For some reason, the security chief called me an alcoholic, for which he was rewarded with an obscene accumulation of my vocabulary.

To the head of the shop. On March 4, an incident happened to me. I brought to work a compote of many years of aging. After drinking two glasses, I suddenly felt the presence of alcohol, which was confirmed by an angry mood and a headache.

After work, I spent a lot of time with my friends. The next day, still being able, I decided not to go to work, as I understood truancy better than I would do something about safety.

After the shift, I hid in the women's locker room, not for the purpose of spying, but for the humorous nature of a slightly tipsy state of mind.

I came home, did not swear with my wife, fell asleep at the table and began to snore so that the neighbors called the police, and they took me away for fifteen days.

I had to pay the call girl, as she was accompanied by two bulwarks, although I did not have the desire to her out of fear of catching or grabbing something.

Please keep in mind that my absence from work on January 8 did not cause any damage. And those who came out drove the marriage out of a hangover. I ask the local committee not to repeat such cases with me.

From June 26 to mid-July from. d. I went on a business trip in love without warning, as I hoped to find my husband, who was on a long business trip in another city, on a hot one. Therefore, I was absent from work, I think, for a good reason: no one has canceled our families yet.

I didn’t know how much the bribe starts, so I turned out to be an insult to the official’s human dignity.

I am familiar with the protocol and agree, of which I repent.

I came home from work giving in and why I beat a neighbor's cow, I find it difficult to answer.

There was no sex. It's just that a confused girl came to our "Fotografia" and asked to remove her lower part.

I didn’t force my neighbor to cohabit, but simply touched her a little for the sake of a joke, to raise the vitality of my extremity.

The walls of the communal apartment are thin, so the husband brings a friend of an unknown name into his room, with which he has fun sexually.

He stood in the shed, leaning on his knee with his elbow knee, smoking.

My tooth ached badly (flux). I went, drank, it became easier. I had to repeat it. My fault is why I crawled under the fence with a sick gumboil.

I can’t dare to describe to you the reason for yesterday’s truancy. And this is for the best. Otherwise, you would feel ashamed of your collective member.

I was extremely indignant that the TV set produced by the factory and sold to me with a quality mark and a two-year warranty broke down twice in two months of minor work. On this basis, I had a nervous breakdown. In the evening I went to a nearby store, bought two bottles of wine " Autumn garden”And drank at supper and after supper. The quality of the wine was apparently the same as that of the TV. On the 27th and 28th I could not go to work, as I was very ill.

I wasn't at all drunk at the end of the Friday shift. I ate grass lying on the lawn, because the scythe broke, and the plan had to be carried out at any cost.

I caught them at their workplace drinking moonshine and thought that liter bottle they will be many. To avoid the intoxication of our subordinates, we drank this liter for three.

I was drunk at the workplace. Reason: he celebrated his teetotal anniversary, since he did not drink alcohol for exactly one year.

Explanatory Yuri
I was late for work due to a healthy lifestyle! I went to work early, but due to the lack of cigarettes, they gave me a tambourine. I went to the infirmary, but it was closed. Then I bought a bottle of vodka and began to rinse the wound. Therefore, I smell like alcohol, my face is broken, and bad speech and impaired coordination of movement are the result of a concussion! I didn't drink, honestly.

Explanatory chief accountant
I was three hours late, because in the morning I had a dream that the balance had finally come together. This resulted in a series of powerful, uncontrollable orgasms. Please enter the position.

Explanatory Michael
I confess that I was 6 hours late for work due to the fact that yesterday I was late at tasting the new product line of the Kristall plant. In the morning, from 8-00 to 14-00, I remembered where I work, until my mother came and suggested.
I dare to assure that in the future this will not happen again, tk. I sensibly scribbled the address of the job and the taxi phone number on the refrigerator door.

Explanatory Sergei
I was half an hour late for work, because I will not do anything until ten anyway, we drink tea in the morning, and so much does not fit into me.

Anne's Explanatory
I am systematically late, because I believe that everything related to work should be approached systematically.

Explanatory Denisky
I was not late, but adjusted my today's working day adequately to the inadequate yesterday and inversely proportional to the normalized one.

Paul's Explanatory
On September 8, 2006, he was late for work, because before taking his child to kindergarten, at the most inopportune time he was impatient for the most inappropriate need. The time of delay corresponds to the duration of that very physiological process. This case can be attributed to circumstances of force majeure, i.e. force majeure, since they do not depend on my desire to be in time for work.

Explanatory Victor
I was late because you haven't paid your salary on time for so many months! You will be indignant, I will quit altogether!

Explanatory Yuri Yurievich
I was late for service. The reasons for this unseemly act are very mysterious and are rather rooted in the field of the irrational, therefore I am unable to give what happened to any acceptable explanation. As a person of a fine mental organization, I cannot help but feel the full depth of my fall, but the same reason will hardly allow me to even think about a possible relapse in the future.
I suggest:
1. Consider what happened as a misunderstanding,
2. Treat me condescendingly, especially since I have already received my portion of mental anguish (see above).

Explanatory newbie
I am a newbie, I have been working in your company for the second day. Since today is Monday, a hard day after the weekend, I got on the subway and arrived at my old job. And only by the surprised look of my former director, I realized that I had arrived in the wrong place.

Explanatory Sergo
I was late because I drank very, very hot tea, my bladder burst and I scalded my feet.

Explanatory mover
Yesterday my wife got fired from her job for drinking! And this is after 10 years of my life spent on this work. We decided to celebrate this. And today I was caught at the entrance of the plant. Therefore, I was late.

Explanatory senior warrant officer
I, the senior senior warrant officer of the special forces, Matveyev, about being late for service, can explain the following. As always, I woke up at 5.30, ran a cross of 10 kilometers, did 200 push-ups, pulled up 100 times, and then took an ice shower. Then he had breakfast, cleaned his boots, ironed his camouflage, put it on, put on an unloading, equipped it with clips, grenades, took a pistol, a machine gun, put on a helmet, put on war paint, put on gloves, looked in the mirror before leaving ... and crap!

Explanatory programmer
In the morning, as usual, I got dressed and was about to leave the house. I stepped over the bed and caught hold of the girl and, in order to unhook, I had to undress again. This procedure took some time, as a result of which I was late for work.

Explanatory officer of the FSB
In the morning, August 8, 2006 I was late for work, as I got into a human traffic jam on the subway.

Explanatory system administrator
I was late for work because I slept in my workplace and saw Microsoft go broke. I could not help but watch.

At least once in our life, each of us had to write an explanatory note, came across the Internet, a few creative

Explanatory chief accountant
I was three hours late, because in the morning I had a dream that the balance had finally come together. This resulted in a series of powerful, uncontrollable orgasms. Please enter the position.

Explanatory constantly late
I am late for several reasons. I drive a car - the road is not predictable and I consider risking my life for 10 minutes of working time the height of idiocy. Since see clause 2 I do not smoke, and this suggests that, unlike 90% of office employees, instead of 5 smoke breaks for 10 minutes, or rather 50 minutes a day, while the rest are kicking a bald, I am on my workplace and WORK! Further, see paragraph 3 Since I am a responsible person, at least 2 times a month I have to sit at work until 23-00 (then the office is closed) and WORK! Because those who smoke 50 minutes a day in a month accumulate 16 hours and failing to cope with their work let me down. Thus, 16 hours of smoke break + 8 hours of overwork = 24 hours a month I WORK more and than anyone else in our office, and I am late by a maximum of 2 hours a month. If the management sees no economic benefit in my lateness, they can fire me and find another more punctual employee. I wish he was a smoker and, coming to work on time, “steal” 2 working days from you every month.

Explanatory Yuri
I was late for work due to a healthy lifestyle! I went to work early, but due to the lack of cigarettes, they gave me a tambourine. I went to the infirmary, but it was closed. Then I bought a bottle of vodka and began to rinse the wound. Therefore, I smell like alcohol, my face is broken, and bad speech and impaired coordination of movement are the result of a concussion! I didn't drink, honestly.

Explanatory Michael
I confess that I was 6 hours late for work due to the fact that yesterday I was late at tasting the new product line of the Kristall plant. In the morning, from 8-00 to 14-00, I remembered where I work, until my mother came and suggested. I dare to assure that in the future this will not happen again, tk. I sensibly scribbled the address of the job and the taxi phone number on the refrigerator door.

Explanatory Sergei
I was half an hour late for work, because I will not do anything until ten anyway, we drink tea in the morning, and so much does not fit into me.

Anne's Explanatory
I am systematically late, because I believe that everything related to work should be approached systematically.

Explanatory Denisky
I was not late, but adjusted my today's working day adequately to the inadequate yesterday and inversely proportional to the normalized one.

Paul's Explanatory
On September 8, 2006, he was late for work, because before taking his child to kindergarten, at the most inopportune time he was impatient for the most inappropriate need. The time of delay corresponds to the duration of that very physiological process. This case can be attributed to circumstances of force majeure, i.e. force majeure, since they do not depend on my Desire to be in time for work.

Explanatory Victor
I was late because you haven't paid your salary on time for so many months! If you are indignant, I will quit altogether!

Explanatory Yuri Yurievich
I was late for service. The reasons for this unseemly act are very mysterious and are rather rooted in the field of the irrational, therefore I am unable to give what happened to any acceptable explanation. As a person of a fine mental organization, I cannot help but feel the full depth of my fall, but the same reason will hardly allow me to even think about a possible relapse in the future.

32 Funny quotes from the explanatory notes after the accident

1) I wanted to press the brake pedal, but I couldn't find it.

2) Yes, I ran into a pedestrian. But his guilt is confirmed by the fact that this has already happened to him.

3) It is not me who is to blame for the accident, but a young girl in a mini-skirt walking along the sidewalk! If you are a man, this explanation is enough for you, but if you are a woman, you will not understand anything anyway!

4) I saw that the pedestrian did not know which way to go, and ran over him.

5) I was driving behind a car. Suddenly, both "turn signals" began to blink at once. I could not understand in which direction he was turning and crashed into him.

6) Your arguments are ridiculous. For such excuses, find yourself someone dumber than me, although you are unlikely to find him.

7) I was driving along the right lane of Prospekt Mira towards the center at a speed of about 40 km / h. Suddenly a child jumped out onto the road, and I braked. The driver following me decided to take advantage of this and crashed into me.

8) The traffic cop ordered me to stop, and I drove into the post.

9) Due to severe damage, my motorcycle, as well as me, had to be towed.

10) My son did not run over any woman. He drove past her. And her injuries were inflicted by the air stream.

11) My bike flew off the sidewalk, rammed a parked Porsche and drove on without me.

12) I was crossing the street. On the left, a car was driving right at me. I thought that she would pass by, and took a step back. But she turned at me again. When I noticed this, I took two steps forward. The driver did not react in any way and continued to drive towards me. Then he shouted: "Stay where you are, you idiot!" I got up, and then he ran over me.

13) Last night, on my way home, I drove my car into the fence. I am reporting this only to cover damage to the car, tk. I managed to escape from the scene unnoticed.

14) According to my estimates, the damage ranges from 250 thousand to a quarter of a million euros.

15) At the intersection, I had a sudden attack of color blindness.

16) A participant in the accident crashed into me without informing me in advance of his intentions.

17) The accident happened because the insured person's moped drove into me with an irresistible horse power.

18) A pedestrian rushed into my car and silently disappeared under the wheels.

19) Even before I ran into him, it was clear to me that this old man would not reach the other side of the street.

20) A completely invisible car appeared out of nowhere, crashed into me and just disappeared without a trace.

21) After four years of driving, I fell asleep behind the wheel.

22) At that moment, when I wanted to kill a fly, I ran into a telegraph pole.

23) I saw it slowly float by sad face pedestrian, and then he hit my windshield.

24) The injured horse crossed the road without being convinced that there was no interference!

25) The victim's car moved to the left, then to the right, then again to the left, until I was finally able to crash into it.

26) I was driving backwards and therefore I could not see how a car drove up in front and crashed into me on the left and right.

27) The deer took his legs in his hands and disappeared into the bushes, not caring about his wounds.

28) A hare jumped out onto the road in a suicidal throw. He managed to commit suicide at the cost of my new bumper

29) The pedestrian ran along the road as if he were running. I was forced to actively maneuver to run over him.

30) I was driving along the road. Suddenly, many cars appeared on the right and left. I didn't know where to turn and crashed into cars from the front and back.

31) When entering the left turn, I was skidded, I crashed into a vegetable breakdown (I was showered with a hail of flying bananas and oranges!) mailbox, then I was thrown into the oncoming lane, I rammed two parked passenger cars and fell off the side of the road. After that, unfortunately, I lost control of the car.

32) My fiancee showed the police officers who worked at the scene of the accident everything that one could want to see.