Turquoise chairs in the interior. Bedroom in turquoise colors - choose the positive

Turquoise in the interior of the living room it looks bright and fresh, so living rooms in turquoise colors and other shades of blue are so popular. Many colors are not perceived by people as they are. For example, for many, cherry and scarlet remains red, while crimson remains pink. Similar associations arise with turquoise. This shade is considered to be the middle between green and blue. It is the turquoise color that is considered the personification of nature. Many people prefer turquoise, as it resembles the endless expanses of the sea. Can you create a unique living room interior in turquoise color? Let's study the basic rules and recommendations for color combination

Turquoise sofa on the background of a gray wall in the interior of the living room

What does turquoise color mean in the living room interior?

The turquoise color in the living room embodies the spirit of purity and positive mood. Turquoise is obtained by merging two natural colors - blue and green. If you look at the sea on a sunny day, you will see that it is exactly turquoise.

Turquoise curtains in the interior of the living room

Many cultures revere the color turquoise. He personifies:

  • compassion;
  • faith;
  • love;
  • healing.

If you look at the finished living room interior in turquoise colors, you can see that it is shrouded in nobility and romance.

Turquoise walls and accessories in the interior of the living room

As a rule, successful and confident people prefer turquoise. Most often, the living room in their house is made in this particular color scheme. Dark or lighter shades are allowed.

Modern interior living room in turquoise colors

Psychologists advise using turquoise in the living room interior. It helps to cope with anxiety that grips a person for no reason.

Turquoise carpet and chairs in the interior of the living room

Psychology of the living room interior in turquoise color

In every house, the living room is considered main room... Friends gather here, holidays and simple family evenings take place. And more good shade than turquoise cannot be found. The room will surely become the most cozy, comfortable, stylish, fashionable and hospitable.

Stylish living room in turquoise colors

The originality of the living room can be emphasized with turquoise furniture and other accessories. And if you want to achieve a brighter emotional background, then feel free to paint the walls in the main color. And remember that the influence of turquoise on a person is incredibly great.

Chocolate sofa on the background of a white and turquoise wall in the interior of the living room

If you like to often relax at sea, then the turquoise color will constantly remind you of rest, reminding you of positive emotions.

Bright accessories for the living room in turquoise color

There will always be a relaxing atmosphere in the turquoise living room, but at the same time you will not just sit in the room. It will stimulate creativity. Among the turquoise walls and accessories, you will forget about the impending fatigue and aggression.

The combination of turquoise with other shades in the interior of the living room

Turquoise goes well with many shades, but there is a certain group of colors that are considered the most suitable:

  1. Turquoise and white in the living room... This tandem is ideal for decorating living rooms in classic style... To keep this color scheme from looking too cold, add green or yellow.
  2. Silver and gold + turquoise in the living room... These shades will add luxury to the room. The room will be modern, but without much royal chic. You can use these colors in accessories.
  3. Orange and turquoise in the living room... You can dilute the turquoise primness with such a joyful color. Upholstery of upholstered furniture can be made of this color.
  4. Chocolate shade + turquoise... This color is best for decorating walls and upholstered furniture. With this color union, it is better to use accessories in white colors.
  5. Gray and turquoise in the living room... This color scheme is suitable for living rooms with south-facing windows. The living room interior will become noble and elegant.
  6. Black and turquoise in the living room... To make the interior stylish, be sure to use this color tandem. Arrange black accessories in the living room: vases; candlesticks; small carpet; coffee table.
  7. Purple + Turquoise... It is suitable for a turquoise room as an additional shade.
  8. Pink and turquoise in the living room... But to set off a slightly bright turquoise and make the interior more springtime, this color will help. The main thing is that in everything you need a measure, otherwise you will get a house "Barbie".

How to use turquoise in your living room

Turquoise color has several shades that can be used in the interior of the living room of any style and direction. If you decide to use turquoise as the main color of the room, then you will get a dominant room in which carelessness and lightness will rule.

Turquoise wall with turquoise pillows in the living room

If you decide to use turquoise only in accessories, then it is better to combine them with the warm basic tone of the room. In this case, you need to choose the right turquoise shade, the main tone of the room, the location of accessories and furniture, as well as Special attention give the texture of the surfaces. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the design of the main surfaces of the living room in turquoise color.

Modern living room in light turquoise colors

Turquoise walls in the interior of the living room

This option is suitable for those who decided to radically change Color tone living room. You can choose wallpaper or wall paint. This will significantly freshen the room, but it should have good and bright lighting.

Light turquoise walls in the living room interior

If the living room windows face the north side, then it is better to refuse to paint the walls in turquoise color. Otherwise, the room will become a gloomy dungeon, from which you are unlikely to be delighted.

Modular wall in the living room with turquoise facades

If the option of decorating the walls in turquoise color suits you, then ideal solution will be the wallpaper of the appropriate tone with silver inserts.

Snow-white upholstered furniture with turquoise cushions

A dark chocolate shade will help to dilute the turquoise color of the walls. But do not abuse it, as it is able to visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

Bright turquoise accessories in the living room interior

Turquoise floor color in the living room interior

It is worth mentioning one point right away. If your living room already has turquoise walls, then the floors may not be the same color. If the room is oversaturated, you will get the opposite adverse psychological effect. You will cease to adequately perceive the surrounding space. In the worst cases, you will feel like the room has no dimensions.

Bright turquoise wall in the interior of the living room

To avoid this kind of trouble flooring the following shades are allowed:

  • grey;
  • sand;
  • coral;
  • Brown.

If you really want the floor to be turquoise, then you can lay a carpet of blue color with turquoise ornament.

Sofa and curtains in a light turquoise shade in the interior of the living room

Snow-white flooring is best combined with turquoise walls. But it is considered the most impractical, albeit beautiful. This option is not suitable for families with children and pets.

Sand furniture combined with a turquoise ceiling and curtains in the living room

You can try doing it the other way around - white walls and turquoise floors. But at the same time, the room should be decorated with bright accessories and soft furniture of warm colors.

Delicate design of a modern living room with turquoise blackout curtains

Turquoise ceiling in the interior of the living room

Ceiling decoration is a very responsible matter, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with some design recommendations:

  1. Do not forget that the ceiling itself has all the artificial lighting in the room. Everything must be properly positioned and high performance. The lighting will depend on appearance the entire interior of the living room.
  2. The ceiling plays an important role in the interior decoration of the room, so its color and texture are important. The ceiling can visually expand or narrow the room.
  3. Want to really decorate your interior? Make a turquoise stretch ceiling in your living room with backlighting along the edges and a photo print in the middle. This will give the room a special charm and sophistication. But the walls should be white. And hang turquoise curtains as the main accent.
  4. Another good option for decorating the ceiling is a luminous turquoise stretch canvas. Such a ceiling will play out a wild imagination.

Furniture in the interior of the living room in turquoise colors

It is not necessary to make the walls, ceiling or floor turquoise. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to purchase bright turquoise upholstered furniture. Another good design solution is to paint a niche for a TV in turquoise. You can order a custom-made modular wall, the main elements of which will be made to match the desired color.

Turquoise accessories in the interior of the living room

In addition to the basic elements of turquoise color, it is necessary to use accessories in the interior. They will give the room a certain zest. The following items can be used as accessories:

  • figurines and paintings;
  • boxes;
  • curtains and tulle;
  • carpets;
  • vases;
  • chandeliers, floor lamps, wall and table lamps.

Living room in rich turquoise shades

Do not be afraid, you will not get an abundance of turquoise color in the interior. If the color scheme goes out of fashion, you can easily replace all the accessories with new ones without touching the basic decoration of the room.

Using different shades of turquoise, you will get a unique living room interior. Its special versatility will manifest itself when placing accents in the room.

The gemstone - turquoise - gave its name to the beautiful turquoise color. Despite its cool shade, it is very often used by designers to create bright interiors... Confirmation of this can be found in any fashion magazine dedicated to interior decoration of apartments. If you decide to make cosmetic repairs, then this article will help you choose the right combination of turquoise color in the interior with other colors and find the use of turquoise in any corner of the apartment.

What color does the turquoise color match in the interior?

The most complete picture of how to combine turquoise with others to create a cozy and beautiful interior will give an examination of it paired with any color. Having the basic range of colors, it will be possible to dilute the interior with other paints. It makes no sense to consider turquoise as an independent color, any designer knows this. Since all colors in various combinations create the effect of calmness, then extravagance, and sometimes cause completely unexpected sensations in the room.

Turquoise and brown

Classic combinations. Refinement, a certain piquancy and an unconditional atmosphere of the presence of taste in the designer. Even in nature, these two colors occur together, like sky, water and wood. In general, when choosing combinations, a sure-fire option is to rely on color combinations in nature. By the same principle, you can decorate the interior, if you make the decoration of the walls or ceiling in turquoise color, and choose wooden furniture from dark brown shades.

combined with brown

combined with brown

Turquoise and beige

For creating delicate interior a combination of turquoise and beige is ideal. In this case, the best combination will be precisely the light shade of turquoise. You can complement this interior with pastel mint and lavender colors. Vanilla, cream and champagne can be considered beige flowers, they all go well with turquoise.

combined with beige

combined with beige

Turquoise and white

The combination of these colors will set a cool tone in the room, which is typical for a bathroom or suitable for a living room, in which there will be other bright accessories in the form of pillows, blankets, paintings or indoor plants... In the kitchen, it is better not to dilute this color combination with anything bright to create an atmosphere conducive to eating, because it is the blue shades that awaken the appetite. In general, white and turquoise are ideal for any room in the apartment. But do not overdo it with pallor, too much white and dull turquoise will make the interior faceless.

combined with white

combined with white

Turquoise and yellow

The contrasting combination of yellow and turquoise cannot but rejoice, because it resembles a combination of sand and sea, sun and sky - everything that pleases the eye so much. Use a combination of these colors in your interiors to cheer you up.

combined with yellow

combined with yellow

Turquoise and pink

The combination of these colors is most suitable for decorating a child's room for a girl. But in Lately people are not afraid of bright accents and actively use a combination of turquoise and pink (as well as red) in the interior of the living room, in the kitchen or in the corridors. The best combination would be a turquoise wall decoration with a small amount of bright pink and red elements.

combined with pink

combined with pink

Turquoise and black

The contrasting combination is somewhat reminiscent of the classics - the combination of turquoise and Brown, but still you shouldn't get carried away with black. Turquoise paired with black looks best in detail, for example, a black photo frame on a turquoise wall, black forged furniture in a turquoise interior, or any lace and twisted black ornaments on a turquoise background.

combined with black

combined with black

The use of turquoise in different rooms

Generally, general information is not always useful. Not everyone is able to immediately draw in their head a picture of what a bedroom or kitchen should be like. To make it easier to make a decision, below will be small tips about combining turquoise in the interior with other colors for specific areas in the apartment.

Turquoise color in the bathroom

We spend much more time in the bathroom than it seems. Therefore, a favorable interior is no less important here than, for example, in the kitchen.

  1. Turquoise tiles on the walls and white plumbing would be a good combination.
  2. The bathroom is associated with water, therefore, even finishing in turquoise color of all surfaces (floor, ceiling and walls) will not create discomfort.
  3. You should not choose plumbing in a rich turquoise color, it does not look as impressive as it might seem. Better to get a turquoise bathtub curtain or toilet lid.
  4. Brown plumbing and turquoise wall decoration will be a very effective combination.

in the interior of the bathroom

Turquoise color in the kitchen

With a harmonious kitchen interior, it will be easier to tune in positively for the whole working day in the morning, and in the evening it will be pleasant to relax with dinner.

  1. Turquoise in the kitchen is an extremely necessary color, experts say that this color helps to better assimilate food.
  2. If you like Provence style, then turquoise wallpaper in the kitchen will create the right atmosphere.
  3. The combination of turquoise and yellow will create a holiday atmosphere and good mood, which is so important in the morning before going to work, especially in cloudy weather.

in the interior of the kitchen

Turquoise color in the bedroom

The bedroom is designed to create an atmosphere of relaxation and relaxation, a cool and pleasant shade of turquoise will contribute to this.

  1. Turquoise walls in the bedroom will look good with a white bed and wardrobe, the same goes for wooden furniture of any shade.
  2. Quite beautiful on turquoise walls black and white pictures will look.
  3. The combination of turquoise bed linen and curtains with a pastel interior in the bedroom will create a certain zest, and as soon as turquoise gets bored, the textiles can always be replaced with another, different shade.

in the interior of the bedroom

Turquoise color in the living room

The living room is intended for receiving guests, so the interior must match, because this is the face of the apartment.

  1. Purchasing something as striking as a turquoise sofa is a very interesting decision.
  2. Painting the walls in a turquoise color in the living room is not recommended, it will not create the effect that a room requires for receiving guests.
  3. The presence of accessories with a turquoise hue will emphasize the Art Nouveau style if it is pillows, photo frames, figurines or turquoise curtains in combination with other bright elements (red, yellow).
  4. It would be nice to combine yellow walls with turquoise furniture. The main thing here is to choose the correct yellow so that there is no hospital corridor effect.
  5. For lovers of contrasts, the option of a black and white living room with bright splashes of turquoise in the form of figurines, vases, pillows and curtains is ideal.

in the interior of the living room

In fact, there are a lot of options on how to combine turquoise color in the interior. Very often the most unexpected combinations turn out to be very successful. Do not limit yourself to the choice of colors, compare as many interior options as possible, one of them will turn out to be exactly what you were looking for.

According to the classification of stones, turquoise is classified as precious. How jewelry with this mineral brings to its owner life success, business luck, luck and an inexhaustible charge of optimism, so the turquoise color in the interior fills home atmosphere cheerfulness, good mood, positively affects the well-being of the inhabitants of the apartment.

Mineral (in Ural tales Bazhov called azure spar) has color palette from bright blue to light blue with a greenish tint. When used in interior decoration, any of these color nuances is called "turquoise", so special lovers of this color if desired, you can equip the entire interior, adhering to the selected range.

About colors and harmony between them

Pure turquoise is too saturated a color, therefore the second color dominant of the interior, used on large surfaces, cannot be bright red (opposite to blue in wavelength in the rainbow spectrum), as well as its shades - pink, crimson, violet.

Emerald green, purple, turquoise are in harmony within the interweaving of the ornament, however, the three walls of the room, painted with these tones, will cause strong irritation.

In order to introduce a large amount of bright bluish-green into the interior, it is necessary to create a suitable opponent for it - options for white, gray, beige, golden, chocolate and even black will perfectly cope with this task.

To facilitate the choice, below are successful and not the best companions for turquoise in the interior:

Good combinationCombines providedDisharmonious combination
All variants of white

Shades of gray from light silver to dark steel

Sand scale

Deep brown

Anthracite, bluish black

Palette of blue

Cinnabar, emerald, ultramarine - when used together with azure green in complex patterns

Brick - like a textured surface with a visible chiaroscuro effect, against which the turquoise inserts stand out

Full spectrum of pink

Green tones (rich herbal, spring greens)

Cool shades of yellow (lemon, lime)


Light pastel shades

Interior styles

The variety of style directions, where the use of turquoise shades is more than appropriate, is quite large.

European splendor of old styles: Baroque, Rococo

The French painters Watteau, Fragonard and Boucher, who became the legislators of the elegant, exquisitely decorated rococo in European painting, chose the azure-turquoise shade for the sky in their pastorals. Using the timeless classic combination"Gold on blue" (as Boris Grebenshchikov once sang), you can create a mixed interior full of luxury, lightness, refined sensuality. Make turquoise the main tone of the walls and ceiling, emphasizing the verticals of the space with white columns, wall panels and giant mirrors in the openings. Decorate with picturesque shades, intricate carved furniture upholstered in silk or velvet with luxurious patterns, arrange tall candelabra with many candles, and you have your own Versailles.

Heavenly turquoise and oriental luxury

Jewels of the "Thousand and One Nights", the magic cave of Aladdin, the treasury of the Indian maharaja - if you like this design, then the turquoise inserts in the sparkling decor will come in handy. In the East, turquoise is considered precious stone happiness and love, it attracts wealth, does not allow it to crumble into dust under the hooves of a golden antelope. Pure azure-green color is able to endow the house with prosperity, mutual understanding, prosperity. In the oriental style, this color is not the main one, it is used in combination with other saturated colors, but with its brightness it is present on the details of ornaments, patterns, embroidery, carpets, ceramic and copper dishes, wall painting. Modern variations on the theme of oriental palaces are decorated according to the same rules.

Moorish eclecticism

The gleam of the eyes of the southern beauty, the face of Othello darkened with rage, the ruthless sun of the Egyptian provinces - the Moorish style, highlighted by the Europeans of the 19th century, absorbed all the bright colors of the eastern world. Terracotta, carmine, emerald, deep blue, dark turquoise are intertwined with fancy ligature of wall decor ornaments. Gold and mother-of-pearl vie for inlays on dark countertops and doors carved furniture, fragrant incense burners emit smoke upward, and pointed narrow arches pierce the ceiling vaults with their tops, onto which thin forged lamps cast openwork light. Without copying, but expanding the Moorish style from a modern perspective, you can apply some of its details, a special flavor to create an interesting, unbroken interior.

Fusion style ("fusion") - a combination of incongruous

A complex style experiment, organized so that the main, dominant idea can be traced in the room being decorated, capable of linking together all the disparate elements of the decor. Only with such a solution will a fusion-style room become a single whole, harmonious space, and not a dumping ground for discordant objects. It is here that turquoise is present in large color spots: individual elements of overall upholstered furniture are placed in the center, global color decor there are full-size carpets, where the color of the sea wave dominates, voluminous figured vases.

A design born from sea foam

The main tone is the options for white, possibly slightly tinted with warm sunlight, and turquoise and blue are a reminder of the ineffable beautiful color the waters of the Greek seas, which gave the world Aphrodite and numerous resorts.

The aquamarine color that dominates the decor of the house is a reminder of a happy journey, when emotions from the beauty of the huge turquoise space visible from the airplane window and so unusual to the northern view, scorched by the radiance of snow, fill with the anticipation of a long-awaited vacation.

Green-blue can become the second main tone after white for decorating a room using.

A wide strip in vertical textile and wall décor, patterned glazed dishes, plain pillows, bedspreads for cozy relaxation and the wall panel "Swallow Birds" as a symbol of Greece - these are some design tricks that will help to organically fit the Greek style into a modern home.

Each space has its own shade

Thinking over the design of any room in the house, while choosing turquoise as the "red" thread that unites all interiors, it is worth considering several design solutions that will help highlight the preferences of the whole family, in order to then select Decoration Materials and decor items with a clear awareness of what result needs to be obtained.

Boy's room or study

Sea style. It is quite suitable for creating the interior of a male office or a room of a teenage boy. The marine theme will be reflected in the whitened or rich range of wall finishing materials, textile decoration of windows,. Use geographic Maps with oceanic expanses painted the right color where water is highlighted in delicate blue-green, and iridescent air bubbles resemble the silky shine of polished turquoise, fabrics that combine dark and light shades of a blue palette. Well-chosen upholstery, dark or light wood furniture (according to the age of the owner of the room), a few accent details will complete the arrangement of a real wardroom.

Children's design in light colors

The use of all shades of turquoise in the interior of a child's room, combining it with warm beige, sand, cream colors, is a good way to fill the living space with air, sea spray and the sun. This will increase the activity of the little person, bring a positive emotional attitude. Deep color used in painting furniture, curtain rods, even door leaf, supported by lighter, softer textiles, is able to create an atmosphere of happy wakefulness in bright light, and, muffled by a night light, to grant a restful sleep.

Room for a girl

When decorating the room of a young girl who likes turquoise, dreaming of Bounty Island, you should find out which of the shades is preferable: rich or delicate? The choice of a light azure green tone, as the main one, can be beaten with white wooden furniture, flying transparent curtains, glass of simple shapes. You can add a few bright details to the finished room (paintings, pillows, thick curtains made in a richer range) later, if tastes change. This does not require significant costs.


Any shade of blue is associatively perceived by people as cool and clean. For the bathroom, as a room for daily cleaning procedures, where not only physical dust is washed off with water, but also emotional fatigue, the option with turquoise is suitable the best way... A wide range of sea waves is represented by collections of monochromatic wall tiles or mosaics that combine all the richness of the chosen color. By adding accessories (marine, transparent, or copying the texture of the stone) and ceiling lamps that use an analogue of turquoise as decorative insert, lovers of a tropical shower will find a space saturated with fresh air, which will give optimism and good mood to the owners of the house every day.

Refuse to use plain blue floor tiles in the bathroom - the smallest splashes of water, drying, will leave noticeable stains that will have to be constantly wiped off.

Turquoise color in the living room interior can be present in different versions:

  • prevail (in this case, wall decoration materials, textile decoration, furniture upholstery, decor accessories are selected by combining various bluish-green shades);
  • to be included in the general color palette with small inclusions (meaning the presence of heavenly blue in the ornaments of curtain fabrics, wallpaper, furniture inlay, lamps);
  • be a local dominant spot.

In the latter case, a dimensional object that stands out against the general monophonic background attracts attention, becomes a shock accent that makes a strong impression. A bright turquoise armchair in a white bedroom, an interesting form of a rich blue-green hue, as the center of the living room, one wall painted in aqua, decorated with a large contour, paintings or photographs - these techniques are used in different interior styles. But they are united by color, which plays a significant role in creating a complete interior.

Thinking about renovation? Do you like the combination of gray and turquoise colors? This is great because in this article we have collected 25 great ideas how you can use these beautiful flowers to refresh a room and give it a unique charm.

Gray-turquoise kitchen interior

Gray-turquoise kitchen in Mediterranean style looks hospitable and suggests sunny beaches. You can paint the walls in both colors, or play on a combination of bright furniture and muted wall tones. It is important to find two matching shades, then the effect will surpass all expectations.

Living room interior with gray-turquoise walls

Do you have a laconic gray sofa in your living room? Then paint the wall behind it bright turquoise. The transition to the dining area is created by the color of the walls rhyming with the tint of the sofa. This color scheme is ideal for sunny rooms facing west or south.

Patchwork wall decorations

Suppose you are choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, and you are left with many pieces of wallpaper in different shades of gray, turquoise, blue ... Create an attractive patchwork painting out of them and refresh another room with it. Just glue the squares of the remaining wallpaper onto the common base and hang the resulting painting on the living room wall.

Gray walls and turquoise furniture

And here is a great idea for those who do not like to experiment very much. Paint one of the walls in grey colour and drag the upholstered furniture with a bright cloth. So, on the one hand, you will update the decor, and on the other, the accent wall, if necessary, can be easily repainted in a different color.

Zoning with color

By painting the wall by the window in gray, and next to the dining table in turquoise, you can visually divide the room into zones.

Shades of blue on the walls and a dark gray fireplace

Wallpaper in aqua in combination with a gray picture

Dark gray wall and wall decoration from wallpaper remnants in turquoise

Wall between the bedroom and a spacious wardrobe

Modern interior - a combination of gray and turquoise in the bedroom

Gray-turquoise interior in the nursery

22.05.2018 You will read it in 11 minutes.

Aquamarine, cyan, Persian green, Tiffany and aqua, menthol, moray eels, mint - the palette of turquoise shades is unusually rich. So those who appreciate the brightness of colors and those who like unobtrusive but expressive color combinations will be able to find a suitable shade in it. In this publication, we will talk about what colors turquoise is combined with in the interior and what effect can be achieved by combining this or that tone with white, gray or beige. And also using the example of a photo from the portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies, we will tell you how to use turquoise shades correctly in the design of a living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room, balcony and bathroom.

Turquoise color in the interior: the secret of peace of mind

According to psychologists, the interior in turquoise tones evokes an association with the surface of water, mint freshness and has a positive effect on a person's state of mind. In addition, the turquoise palette in many cultures stands for well-being, wealth, and independence. All this makes this range very popular - it is chosen for both modern and classic interiors... At the same time, it does not matter which shade of turquoise is chosen and how it is used in the setting: comfort, peace of mind and pleasant sensations are guaranteed to you in any case.

Combinations of turquoise color in the interior with other shades

In the photo: Turquoise textiles in the decoration of the kitchen-living room

The question of which color combinations with turquoise looks best in the interior is very simple to answer. Here are our 6 favorite combinations.

  1. Turquoise and white
  2. Turquoise, gray, silver
  3. Turquoise and beige
  4. Turquoise and brown
  5. Turquoise and coral
  6. Mint and pastel shades

But the choice of a coloristic solution depends on what style we are talking about, and what kind of atmosphere you want to create in the room. A beige tones have a softening effect on turquoise, so color combination turns out to be extremely warm.

1. White and turquoise interior. Freshness and purity

In the photo: White and turquoise interior of the children's room

The duet of bright turquoise and white looks stylish and fresh. Perhaps this is one of the most popular color schemes in interiors in 2018.

2. Turquoise gray interior with silver accents. Futuristic contrast

In the photo: Gray-turquoise living room interior

The trendy mint shade of turquoise, which favorably emphasizes the brilliance of white gold jewelry, is not without reason Tiffany's signature color. Truly, the duo of mint and silver is one of the most impeccable modern color combinations, associated with surgical cleanliness, high technology, and diamond shine of display cases. famous brand... In the interior, silver accents add minty shades of Nordic charisma, nobility and aristocracy, creating a surprisingly modern contrast. A subtle aqua tint combined with steel gray gives the feeling of a northern breeze and is perfect for a modern living room. The geometric pattern on the carpet is barely readable, but provides the right rhythm. White trim and chrome accessories accentuate the futuristic focus of the interior.

3. Turquoise and beige. The magic of comfort

In the photo: The combination of turquoise and beige in the interior of the living room

The choice in favor of a beige and turquoise interior is made by those who dream of a modern but cozy living space.

In the photo: Turquoise curtains and chairs in the interior of the kitchen in modern style

In this case, natural finishing in light caramel colors (light wood, mosaic, textured plaster, wallpaper with a discreet geometric pattern) and navy blue textiles: curtains, chair upholstery, decorative pillows, napkins.

In the photo: Mint and beige color in the interior of the kitchen

In the photo: The combination of turquoise with pink and coral accents in the interior of the children's room

The duet of light turquoise and pink is tangible tenderness. Such a coloristic solution is fully justified in a children's room or in the interior of a young girl's bedroom, as in the photo. Turquoise can be present in the setting in the form of decorative details: pillows, grabs and fringes on curtains, upholstery of chairs or a sofa on the balcony - it will have the desired effect in any case.

In the photo: Light turquoise finish of the loggia in the apartment

6. Mint and pastel shades. Baby crayons

In the photo: Mint shade of turquoise in the decoration of the children's room

The whitewashed mint shade of turquoise, being part of the pastel range, goes well with all of its tones. Such color schemes are often used by designers in the decor and decoration of children's rooms for girls.

In the photo: Pastel shade of turquoise in the design of the nursery

Mosaic, decorative plaster and turquoise wallpaper in the interior: photo of fashionable finishes

Turquoise wallpaper, aqua mosaic and decorative plaster- popular finishes: bright, spectacular, emphasizing the individuality of the interior. With its help, you can create the right mood in the room and draw attention to a specific area.

Wallpapers with scenes of the magic forest and the Garden of Eden

In the photo: Gray-turquoise bedroom interior

The heavily whitened gray-turquoise shade of the designer fresco wallpaper with a floral pattern looks elegant and aristocratic. This finish is ideal for a neoclassical bedroom, where the main character is a bed with a figured headboard decorated with carriage coupler... Thanks to the original design, this wallpaper creates the illusion of a blooming garden, so it will be very pleasant to wake up in such a room.

Morpho Butterfly Mosaic Trim

In the photo: Turquoise ceiling and mosaic wall in the interior of the Alekseevsky residential complex

The combination of turquoise color in the interior of the kitchen in the Alekseevsky residential complex in aqua with white and black gives the effect of the Morpho butterfly, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Mosaic decoration in this color scheme looks very picturesque and gives the space additional depth due to the visual volume. And the black and white glossy surfaces create a good contrast with it.

Modern approach

In the photo: Bathroom with a mosaic finish in brown and turquoise colors

Decorated with brown and turquoise mosaics, the shower room stands out against the backdrop of the white bathroom. Thanks to the design of this finish, the effect of additional volume is created and the shower space appears larger than it actually is. Mosaic segments are of different sizes, but strict geometric shape, which adds a graphic finish to the finish. And the turquoise-painted mirror frame maintains the tone of the interior.

Tropical jungle

In the photo: Balcony with a turquoise wall and photopanel

Pictured: Dark turquoise accent wall in a loft-style cabinet

Thanks to the dark turquoise accent wall with a grunge print, the urban panorama of the color of the night seems to be reflected inside this loft office. Steampunk accessories well-chosen by the designer and furniture with worn terracotta leather upholstery complement the composition, making the interior of the tiny room unusually atmospheric and stylish.

In the photo: A grunge print on a dark turquoise wall in a brutal loft

Turquoise curtains in the interior

The easiest way to add turquoise to the interior is to hang curtains that will delight the eye and harmoniously complement the decor. Bright textile décor will instantly change the mood in the room and give a lot positive emotions.

Blackout neoclassical curtains with tie-backs

In the photo: Turquoise textiles in the interior of a neoclassical bedroom

Luxurious turquoise curtains with a rich golden pattern and elegant hooks are the main accent element in the bedroom interior in the Riviera Park residential complex. They are perfectly combined with light colors and serve as a zoning function, separating the mini-cabinet equipped on the balcony from the bedroom. To support such a spectacular textile decor, the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies supplemented the ensemble with a turquoise-blue silk bedspread, and for the armchair in the boudoir area they selected upholstery with a bright edging in a navy shade.

Light flowing curtains

In the photo: Textiles in mint colors in the living-dining room

A delicate mint shade, graceful branches, birds of paradise - flowing curtains from collection textiles bring a piquant "zest" to the design of the neoclassical living room in the photo. Their tone matches the white-beige finish and plays well with crystal chandeliers. The same fabric is used for the upholstery of the chairs in the dining area, which emphasizes the unity of the interior.

Modern Roman Shades

In the photo: Turquoise curtains and a sofa in the interior of the balcony in a modern style

Roman shades in turquoise colors - modern solution for panoramic windows with dark lamination. They are light, stylish, functional and in good harmony with the white brick, which is used to decorate the balcony of an apartment in Khimki. A logical addition to the decoration of the balcony will be a mini-sofa with pillows in bright turquoise covers.

Photo of fashionable furniture in shades of turquoise

No matter what style the interior design of an apartment or house is, there is always turquoise furniture that fits perfectly into it. Kitchen set, armchairs, sofas, poufs, dining or bar stools - the choice of products in this color range is huge. And among them there are both ultra-modern models and things with a special vintage charm.

Splash of color in the dining area of ​​the living room

In the photo: Turquoise chairs in the interior of the living-dining room

Textile upholstery in a deep cyan shade - perfect solution for armchairs from a modern dining set. Especially when it comes to a fusion style living room with unique loft fixtures, metallic gold décor and bleached oak parquet flooring. Such furniture will definitely not go unnoticed and will contribute to the creation of an original setting.

Vintage charm of neoclassical kitchen interior

In the photo: Furniture in a shade of bleached turquoise in the interior of a neoclassical kitchen

With patinated fronts with classic infills and vintage handles kitchen furniture delicate light turquoise color looks elegant and noble. Using such a headset in a neoclassical interior is a great idea, because it will give the atmosphere a sincere Provencal flavor and give the feeling country house with an aristocratic flair and no obvious village features.

Gray-turquoise interior of a room for a teenage boy

In the photo: Wardrobe with turquoise facades in the interior of the nursery

The monochrome base of the interior of the children's room for a teenage boy with a graphic print forms a harmonious combination with a shade of broken mint. Monochromatic glossy fronts of the wardrobe and the table top of a beautiful aquamarine shade bring to the interior bright accents colors of the sea lagoon.

In the photo: Monochrome interior of a children's room for a boy with turquoise accents

Morning coffee

In the photo: Armchairs with mint shade upholstery in the interior modern bedroom

In the photo: Turquoise finish of the loggia in the apartment

The decor of a pleasant turquoise shade, wallpaper and Roman curtains with a damask pattern make the interior of this loggia homelike, giving an amazing effect of softening the urban panorama outside the window.

In the photo: Textile upholstery and curtains in a turquoise shade in the decoration of the loggia

Turquoise accents in the interior

Sometimes a pair of turquoise accents are enough for a light holiday vibe, such as sofa cushions, lampshades of lamps or paintings. Such details can be viewed as a compromise in cases where you want to add fresh notes to the design of the room, but there is no desire to repaint the walls or re-glue the wallpaper.

Spectacular minimum

Pictured: Children's room with turquoise accents

Pictured: Modern living room with turquoise accents

The turquoise color in the living room interior in the photo, decorated in light colors, is presented in the form of spectacular accent details: paintings in a modern style, decorative pillows, blankets, curtains. They brighten the environment, but do not dominate the space. And if desired, they can be replaced without serious costs with decor in a different color scheme, and the room will be perceived in a completely different way.

And one warrior in the "field"!

In the photo: Modern corridor in gray tones with turquoise pouf

Decorated with decorative buttons, the pouf-cube is a suitable accent piece for the monochrome interior of the corridor in gray tones in the Krasnaya Gorka residential complex. Against such a laconic background, it looks very expressive. And its velor textured upholstery successfully contrasts with the smoothly plastered walls, mirrored facades of a large wardrobe and a white marble floor.

Pictured: Fusion style living room with turquoise doors and baseboards

In the role of turquoise accents in the interior of the living room in the residential complex "Mayak" are interior doors and skirting boards. This design idea works great in fusion style and is often used in original projects with a large number of decorative elements, unique lamps and collectible furniture. At the same time, the color of the doors should not be too bright - a muted tone will not allow them to "draw" attention to themselves and the interior will be solid.

Starring light

Pictured: Bathroom with turquoise LED lighting

As an accent piece of turquoise color in the interior of the bathroom, LED-backlighting is used in the photo. She added depth to the space, helped to maximize the sea pebbles that accentuate the catwalk, and made the bubble panel behind the tub visually more voluminous. And the ceiling thanks to the hidden behind suspended structure the LED strip seems to be much higher.

Unexpected move

On the picture: Modern kitchen with turquoise accent

Working on a kitchen project in an apartment on Pyatnitskaya, the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies came up with an extraordinary move and entrusted the role of a color accent to an open furniture module. Despite the rather neutral shade of turquoise in which this pendant element is painted, it looks quite bright in contrast with white furniture and wenge. And the absence of a facade allows you to use it as a showcase for beautiful dishes or accessories.

Pleasant trifles

Pictured: Modern bedroom with turquoise accessories

In the photo: Turquoise and brown textiles in the decoration of the kitchen-living room

Textile decor is indispensable when you need to place color accents in the interior of the kitchen-living room. In addition to traditional decorative pillows in turquoise covers and matching upholstery for this room, you can choose the appropriate curtains and color of wall decoration.

So let's summarize. Turquoise color in the interior is a unique opportunity to add brightness to the living space, to make the atmosphere stylish, fashionable and extraordinary. A large selection of shades of turquoise will be a great help in creating the interior design of your dreams.

Text: Irina Sedykh, Marina Li