Project: “Introduction to indoor plants. Indoor plants for a children's room: the main thing is to choose the right one Stories about indoor flowers for children

Loving parents always treat their child with special trepidation and care. When designing a children's room, they first of all take into account the issue of health and safety.

Cheerful, healthy, full of strength baby - what can bring great joy to mom and dad? For the child to breathe clean and fresh air, indoor flowers are often placed in the nursery. And that's great. However, which of them will bring real benefits to your beloved child, and are there representatives of room flora that are dangerous for children?

Requirements for plants in the nursery

When choosing flowers for a nursery, it is important to take into account their characteristics and remember the special requirements for plants that children will come into contact with.

You can not put flowers in a room with a child under 6 months

Pediatricians advise not to place flowers in the room where the child is until he reaches the age of 6 months. During this period, he is very susceptible to odors, dust on the leaves, carbon dioxide, which plants emit at night. The baby is especially susceptible to various allergens.

Furnishing the nursery with representatives of the room flora, it is important not to forget what properties they should have. Namely:

Flower placement

When choosing plants for a children's room, it is important to consider that at night they produce carbon dioxide. Therefore, so that there is no lack of oxygen in the room, the optimal number of flowers is from 2 to 5. For the same reason, it is better to minimize the number of large voluminous green “pets”.

Plants that please the eye with bright colors are best placed on the windowsill on the east or west side. If the window of the nursery faces south, shading is necessary. This can be done with a transparent curtain.

Hanging flowers will feel cozy on a shelf next to the window.. Hanging leaves and shoots with children will create a spectacular appearance.

If the size of the room allows, you can create a small green corner by combining several decorative foliage flowers. different sizes. You can decorate the wall with a beautiful liana. It is better to do this closer to the ceiling so that the child cannot pull on the shoots and harm himself.

In addition to the above, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • flower size and, accordingly, it is better to choose a small pot. Then, if the flower breaks, the harm will be minimal;
  • Pots must be made of plastic- if a child knocks over a plant, he will not be injured by splinters;
  • It is important to fix flowerpots well so that it is difficult for the child to turn them over;
  • The optimal place for flowers is out of reach of children;
  • It is important to periodically wipe the plants from dust and arrange “bathing” for them.

The best indoor plants

Worst Plants

It is also important to know about colors that are dangerous or poisonous and therefore not suitable for a child's room.

In the conditions of urban life, a person needs at least a piece of nature, so he tries to surround himself with plants and flowers. Green shrubs and trees are planted in the yards, and decorative houseplants are bought for the apartments.

Flowers and plants can be kept in all corners of the apartment: there are plants suitable for the bathroom, for the kitchen, for the office and for the bedroom. It would seem that it is difficult: to buy a pot with a plant you like in a store and put it in a suitable place for it. It turns out that plants may not be suitable for a particular space. Very carefully you need to consider the choice of colors for the children's room. It is necessary to choose those plants that have good energy and the necessary features and properties.

First of all, the plant must fulfill its main natural function - to purify the air in the child's room and produce oxygen. It will ideally cope with this, it will save the room from bad chemical impurities, various viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and also has excellent energy.

Suitable for any child citrus, essential oils which are good bactericides. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the tree bears fruit, it is quite possible to grow it yourself. Useful properties in these plants have not only inflorescences and fruits, but also the leaves themselves. citrus plants can save a child from bad sleep and childhood nightmares, relieve fatigue, irritability and have a calming effect on hyperactive children. Well, if such a houseplant also bears fruit, then the benefits from it are priceless, besides, in a small amount, bright colors look incomparable in any interior.

Another excellent example of a houseplant that cleans the air well from impurities that enter it with exhaust gases is. And it is also believed that it is able to protect from the evil eye.

The right choice for schoolchildren's rooms will be. Its energy will help you concentrate on what you need while doing your homework, relieve stress and allow you to cope with a large amount of information that has fallen on the child during the school day.

If the child is naughty a lot, parents will help in calming him down, in addition, this incomparable plant will be able to awaken creativity in the baby.

Sometimes indoor plants, having wonderful properties, are also insanely beautiful and fit perfectly into any interior. These types can be attributed. It is useful in that it is able to release substances that can fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

Another plant that should be in every apartment, and suitable, including for a child's room, is Money Tree– . The energy of this miniature tree allows you to gain relaxedness and calmness, and also contributes to the development of diligence in a child.

It has healing properties and, thanks to it, all the senses of others are aggravated, especially hearing, and it is also able to protect the child's body from various diseases. Well, the appearance of this plant is impeccable.

The list of indoor plants useful for children does not end there. It is quite large and includes gardenia, asparagus, rosemary and many others. All of them are excellent natural air filters, have various healing properties and pure positive energy. If there is strength and opportunity to grow coniferous plant in the apartment, it will be of great benefit and will beneficial effect on a child. But you have to keep in mind that it's not easy.

But there are also plants that should never be in a child's room. Among them, ehmeya, any cacti and ficuses. They cannot "live" in the nursery because of the heavy energy that they possess. Some of them are poisonous. And, for example, some types of ficuses themselves absorb oxygen, which is so necessary for children.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that in addition to the beauty and tenderness that indoor plants bring to the apartment, they can have a mass useful properties and functions, from cleansing to healing. It is recommended to decorate all rooms of the apartment with plants and not ignore the children's room.

It is not difficult to choose flowers and plants for a nursery; the list of houseplants useful for children is much longer than the list of harmful ones. It is also very important not to forget to ask the children what kind of flowers they like outwardly, let it be a joint decision and a conscious choice of the child.

It is difficult to imagine in our time a house, school, kindergarten, any institution without flowers. This is how we, city dwellers, try to make up for the lack of communication with nature, which invariably arises among the monotony of standard houses, the annoying noise of cars, and the TV screen that does not go out for hours. And without much difficulty, you can gather representatives from all over the world. America will be represented by cacti, fuchsia, begonia, tradescantia; Africa - date palm, pelargonium, aloe, balsam; Asia - ficus, primrose, rose, citrus; Australia - cissus; Europe - ivy, oleander.

But not every child pays attention to green plants, not everyone seeks to take part in caring for them. And not everyone succeeds in such activities. But you can still try and you should. How?

We offer one of the methods. We need to improve the knowledge of children. Indeed, it often turns out that a child sees indoor plants, but does not even know their names. If you yourself are not very knowledgeable in these matters, refer to the book of N.M. Verzilin "Journey with Houseplants" and tell or read to the child what is written there.

Here, for example, tradescantia. There is a not very beautiful name for it - "women's gossip." This plant comes from tropical (hot and humid) forests. South America. And this means that in nature it exists in low light on very wet soil. In the indoor version, the plant can have smooth green leaves, leaves with white, brown, mauve edges and stripes, with silvery stripes and even covered with tiny silvery hairs.

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight in a bunch: green leaves turn pale, tradescantia fades. It is easy to cure a thawed plant - remove it away from the light, but not into the dark. Green plants cannot exist in the dark. Variegated Tradescantia at insufficient lighting lose their original color and become just green. Unfortunately, such a plant cannot be "cured".

Each, the smallest branch of tradescantia has its own supply of water. Sometimes the green stalk dries up, and a fresh twig flaunts for a month as if nothing had happened. Why is this happening? You can find out the reason for this, see with your own eyes.

Using a magnifying glass (an extremely important thing for a little researcher!) On the underside of the leaves, you can see tiny holes - stomata. Water evaporates through them, and excess heat escapes. It's hot - the stomata are wide open. Cold - closed. At night, in any weather, they are always tightly closed. So it turns out that a tiny branch of moisture is enough for a long time.

From a small branch, you can easily get several plants. This is called reproduction. On clean glass, with a clean blade, we divide the twig into cuttings - pieces of 3-4 leaves on each. Cuttings can be immediately planted in wet sand (then you will have to transplant after a while!) Or directly into the soil. So after 2-3 weeks you can get several plants: if you want, you will decorate your house, if you want, you will give it to your friends.

Experiments with other indoor plants are interesting. You can propagate them with leaves. So, Saintpaulia (violet) propagates by leaves: in water, the leaf gives roots, and then easily and reliably takes root in the soil. Many decorative begonias (rex, metallica, evergreen) can produce 5-15 plants from one leaf. Put the sheet on the glass and cut with a blade those places where the three veins converge into one, place the sheet on clean, damp sand in some tray and cover with glass. Do not forget to water and ventilate the greenhouse daily - move the glass. The first shoots appear after 20 days. After another month, each plant can be transplanted into a separate pot.

The list of studies can be continued. Or you can make it up with your kids.

Assimilated as a result of observations raises new questions: what? as? why? Do not rush to answer, it is better to help the child find the answer on his own. And be sure to praise for ingenuity. Good luck to you and all new and new discoveries!

Luiza Vasilievna Kovinko,
cand. ped. Sciences, teacher primary school

Riddles about indoor plants

To the sun through the glass
It didn’t scorch in our window,
I will hang a curtain
in a white frill,
Not crocheted wicker -
Live and green. (Tradescantia)

Leaf with a hump-groove,
Has thorns, but can't hurt,
But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

The ballerina came out
Blouse like rowan.
Purple skirt, cornflower blue ribbon.
Legs like chiseled
The shoes are gilded. (Fuchsia)

Worth a wet Vanek
There is a red light in the curls. (Balsam)

pike tail
Rooted into the ground. (Sansevera)

Not a pillow for needles
Not a hedgehog, not a tree,
But don't let yourself be offended
Because all in needles. (Cactus)

Svetlana Yurievna Prokhorova, Ph.D. ped. Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Primary Education
Ulyanovsk Institute for Advanced Studies
and retraining of educators.

Comment on the article "Child and indoor plants"

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Children's room is unthinkable without living plants. The child learns the world, and it is interesting for him to watch how flowers grow, form shoots and leaves, open buds. Help in caring for indoor plants teaches the baby to work and care. There are also purely practical benefits from indoor flowers. They purify the air of harmful microbes and chemical compounds, hovering in the air, and enrich the room with an additional amount of oxygen.

What flowers can be kept in the children's room? With the seeming simplicity of the question, the choice must be approached responsibly, because they must meet basic safety requirements:

  • lack of spines;
  • non-poisonous;
  • neutral aroma;
  • hypoallergenic.

10 indoor plants meet these criteria, which caring mothers are increasingly choosing for the baby's room.

Purifies the air from harmful impurities and bacteria, does not require special care . Chlorophytum looks very attractive due to the numerous arrows with child rosettes at the ends. Even if by chance the baby pulls the leaves of chlorophytum into his mouth, he will not be harmed.

unpretentious plant including a large number of varieties. All varieties differ in color and pattern of leaves, as well as the height of an adult plant.. Sansevieria blooms in room conditions infrequently small white flowers, but all its beauty lies precisely in the hard dense xiphoid leaves. purifies the air and grows quickly with minimal care.

Releases essential oils into the air that kill harmful microbes and rooms that fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Grow lemon Tree maybe from a bone. It will be interesting for the kid to watch how an exotic tree with yellow fruits will grow from a seed planted by him in the ground.

It is more expedient to put a young hibiscus in the children's room, since adult specimens can reach a height of 1.5-2 m and occupy large space in the children's room. Hibiscus blooms in red, yellow or pink flowers and unpretentious in care. Even in the absence of buds, shiny foliage Chinese rose decorate the interior.

Any kind of Kalanchoe is suitable for a nursery: will delight with bright flowers without an annoying smell, Kalanchoe Laciniata (dissected) will decorate the interior with carved fleshy leaves resembling deer antlers, and will help cure a runny nose.

Or Saintpaulias, a great option for a nursery. Violets are non-poisonous - cats often like to gnaw on juicy thick leaves. A large number of varieties, shapes and colors of buds allows you to choose the best way. Violets are unpretentious in care and do not require special conditions.. Non-varietal types of Saintpaulia flower growers are often compared with weeds - they are practically indestructible.

Perfectly cleans the air from dust and harmful bacteria. Releases essential oils into the air and has a beneficial effect on the baby's respiratory system. prefers a bright place and abundant watering. Many mothers are afraid of the edge on the leaves and stems of begonias. In fact, the hairs are not capable of injuring the child, as they are quite soft to the touch.

In appearance, Cypress looks like a Christmas tree, but it does not prick and is not able to injure the baby. Highlights in environment phytoncides useful for the respiratory system which simultaneously neutralize bacteria and fungi. Needs frequent spraying or a refreshing shower to wash away accumulated dust.

Cleans and humidifies the air. Large dark green leaves and showy white flowers. It will not cause any special difficulties in care and will create an atmosphere of happiness and love, because it is not for nothing that the spathiphyllum is called the “flower of happiness”.

The word "Decembrist" is often called Schlumberger and ripsalidopsis. Both flowers are worthy to be in the nursery, as they are relatives and have similar characteristics. They are easy to care for, but winter time, when most of the other plants rest from flowering, the Decembrist blooms bright spectacular buds. If you do not rearrange the pot, flowering can last 2-3 months.

When choosing indoor plants for a nursery, do not get carried away and do not force her large quantity flower pots. Limit yourself to 3-4 small or put 2-3 copies of medium size. Remember, at night, plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the surrounding air.

Forbidden flowers for the children's room

Based on the safety of the child, you should not put flowers with thorns - cactus or prickly pear - in the nursery. Also avoid poisonous plants.:

  • adenium;
  • aglaonema;
  • alocasia;
  • euonymus;
  • room nightshade (solyanum);
  • oleander;
  • poinsettia;
  • jatropha.

Different parts of the listed plants are saturated with poisonous juice., which, if in contact with the skin, can cause irritation, and if ingested, poisoning.


If your toddler is still small, choose flowers for the nursery, based on our advice. If the baby is already grown up, give him the opportunity to make a choice on his own. This will help the child feel like an adult and responsible for the fate of the "green tenants". The main thing - do not put forbidden plants in the nursery, and your child will be safe.

In kindergarten, the child spends most of the day. Therefore, it is natural that parents want it to be cozy and comfortable there, just like at home. Houseplants can help with this.

They not only look beautiful and ennoble the interior, but also bring a piece of wildlife into the life of every kid.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, flowers in kindergarten also bring practical benefits.. They do an excellent job of removing dust from the air. toxic substances. Phytoncides, which are secreted by some green "pets", have bactericidal properties.

Scientists have proven that in a room where there are indoor plants, the number of harmful microorganisms is halved. Plants increase the level of air humidity, which is especially important during the heating period.

In addition, representatives of room flora have a positive effect on the mental and emotional health of children, bring joy, and relieve fatigue. And yet - this is an opportunity to get acquainted with the outside world, learn how to care for plants, develop responsibility and kindness.

However, despite all the advantages of having indoor flowers in a kindergarten, not every one of them is suitable for this institution.

Color Requirements

When choosing flowers for kindergarten, it is important to be careful and focus on childhood. In view of this, the main characteristics of plants are:

  • Flowers for kindergarten must be harmless!

    unpretentiousness- they should not be too capricious and demanding, so that both the staff and the children themselves can take care of them. It is important that the flower can recover quickly, because kids can accidentally damage it;
  • Safety- all plants in the garden must be non-poisonous and absolutely safe: without thorns, thorns, berries. After all, children want to touch and try everything. Since some babies are prone to allergies, flowers should not give off a strong fragrance or collect a lot of dust on their leaves;
  • Air purification- it is better to give preference to those species that benefit health, namely, they purify the air of dust, bacteria, toxins, enrich it with oxygen;
  • Accommodation- it is important to arrange the flowers in the room in such a way that the level of natural light in the room does not decrease.

Better suited are those species and varieties that have pronounced parts - the stem, leaves, flowers. This will help children learn the structure of green friends.

Best Plants

Dangerous for children

You can read more about unhealthy plants