Soft armchair with your own hands. DIY fireplace chair DIY fluffy chair

In this article, we will consider the topic of manufacturing classic furniture almost all apartments and houses - a chair with their own hands. This chair made of solid wood with armrests will not be bulky and best use of such a product is tableware. According to these instructions, it will be possible to make it at home.

The production of the chair will take place in several stages. All of them will be presented below and you can easily make it in a few evenings if you have tools and materials, because all the schemes will be presented below. There will be no ready-made drawings in this article, since everything is done from improvised means: from boards, plywood bars, which are available.


Let's call this stage - the frame of the chair.

Of course, almost the entire skeleton will be covered with foam rubber, cloth. Only part of the legs will remain visible.

The back legs are the most important parts of the wood chair because you have to make them at some angle.

Without thinking for a long time, for the manufacture of the back of the chair structure, we took the usual dining chair, which was available, although he was without a seat. But he was well suited for the role of a template. You can take some old grandmother's chair.

Markup was made on the board 50x150.

Be sure to mark the level of the seat of the chair, make it the same as for the chair. In this case, it was approximately 410 mm from the floor.

To cut the legs of a homemade fireplace chair, use a jigsaw.

Then we used the finished part as a template to make three more legs, because we make two chairs at once with our own hands from improvised materials.

The front legs will be straight and square - 55 × 55 mm. To obtain such a section, you can glue the boards together, and then saw them to required size. We glued 2 pairs of 2 boards 120 wide and 30 mm thick.

There is no glue between boards 2 and 3

Note. A chair that has a solid structure is called a frame chair.

While the front legs are drying, we finished assembling the back frame - we made the upper part, in which the upper part has a slight rounding. Then they made the rear crossbar of the seat support.

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We assembled all parts of the back using self-tapping screws 60 mm long. Before tightening the self-tapping screws, it is necessary to apply carpenter's glue to all connections, drill mounting holes.

Mounting holes are also called - auxiliary or guides. They must be drilled so that the self-tapping screw does not go to the side when screwing and so that the workpiece does not crack. What is the approximate diameter of this hole? diameter of a self-tapping screw.

We continue to make our wooden chair with our own hands. The blanks for the front legs stuck together and dried. We cut them to the required size 55 × 55 mm.

Lay them on the backrest structure and check the length of the legs and whether they lie on the same surface so that the chair does not wobble when in use. If the lengths are different, then align them.

The ends of the front legs need to be narrowed. To do this, make small bevels on all four sides.

Make side rails 400 mm long and fasten them as shown in the figure below. For better fixation, it is advisable to use screwing screws at an angle, having previously made auxiliary holes.

Install the front seat support bar. It is the same length as the back bar.

To make the English armchair with ears strong, we prepared four parts, the ends of which were cut at an angle of 45 degrees. We applied glue and fixed them with self-tapping screws in the corners of the frame.

Then they sawed off a piece of plywood to fit the size of the seat. Plywood thickness 18 mm. We fixed them with self-tapping screws, having previously applied glue.

If you want to make the seat softer, then instead of plywood you need to use furniture textile tapes. We will use such tapes in the manufacture of the back.

The chair must be with armrests, otherwise it will be a chair. Consider the stages of their manufacture. The A-pillar and armrest bar should be set at right angles. Determine the height of the armrest yourself, it will be equal to 200-300 mm. The cross section of the bars is square - 50 × 50 mm.

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Secure them with self-tapping screws, screwing them in at an angle.

A classic chair should be with “ears”. To make them, prepare a board and a bar of the same thickness for each side. Examine all the photos of the “ear” making process. Connect the blanks with self-tapping screws, then draw a rounding and cut along the lines. Finished Assembly fasten to the back and armrest.

For the right side, use the left “ear” as a template

You might think that making a chair with your own hands is not so simple task, but I want to assure you that the hardest part is over.

Before proceeding with the upholstery, we will strengthen the frame a little - add crossbars to the back and armrests, as shown in the photo.

Add a plank to level the surface of the armrest, round it and sand it.


Now you can start the upholstery process.

Cut foam rubber 50 mm thick to the size of the seat, glue it to the surface of the plywood.

Fasten the horizontal textile straps to the back of the chair with a construction stapler, and then the vertical ones.

Take 10 mm foam rubber, cut off a piece from it, which will be 40-50 mm larger than the seat area.

Now cover the top with furniture cloth. Then using furniture stapler fasten the cover, synthetic winterizer and foam rubber to the structure of the chair seat on all four sides.

We fix foam rubber 25 mm thick on the sidewalls and armrests of the chair. To bypass roundings, make several cuts as shown in the photos below.

Then remove all unnecessary.

We continue to consider the topic of how to make a fireplace chair with your own hands. furniture fabric fasten at the back as shown in the photo.

At the front of the seat, we made a slit so that the fabric can be folded over and secured. An overview photograph of the intermediate stage of manufacturing the chair without drawings.

Then we covered the sidewall and armrests with padding polyester. To fix the synthetic winterizer, it is better to use aerosol glue so that the bonding occurs over the entire surface.

We wrap the almost finished chair with armrests with a cloth.

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And on the front, at the junction of the armrest with the seat, we bend at an angle.

See how the skin is fastened from the inner invisible part, the excess is cut off.

Most likely you have already noticed that the sidewall itself is not sheathed. Because for this we will use a separate piece of fabric, it is easier to fit all the bends and roundings - we do all this at home.

And here is the view from the outside and what will remain in the invisible part.

Finally we got to the back. We use the same foam rubber (25 mm thick), synthetic winterizer and go through all the steps that were made with the armrests, sidewalls.

We close everything neatly with a cloth.

Video on how to make a do-it-yourself chester chair with leather coating

Before sheathing the back, remove all unnecessary, cut the fabric, threads. Nothing should be left protruding beyond the frame.

To give volume and a complete look, we need the back of the wooden chair to be beautiful and even, for this we will fix the straps and the lining fabric on top of them, as shown in the photo.

In the manufacture, we do not use the drawing of the chair with exact dimensions, we do everything locally. But if you will make 2 or more products and you want them all to be the same, then based on the first chair, do everything necessary measurements and transfer them to paper.

Fasten the synthetic winterizer and then the fabric on it.

Close-up the back of the top of the back.

We offer you to watch a video with different chips and useful tips. Video on foreign language, but it's understandable.

DIY sofa chair master class

We fix the textile straps with outside sides and armrests. Then cover with a cloth.

Then we attach the fabric along the back edge.

Catch the fabric pattern so that the picture does not have any overlaps at the fold.

How to sew the corners of fabric beautifully

Chair examples

You can also make a round chair with your own hands Wooden sofa chair

Wooden chairs with their own hands. Examples of self-made products

Lovers of carpentry are always wary of moving to upholstered furniture, and prefer to buy ready-made sets of sofas and armchairs, complementing them in style with tables and cabinets. own production. There is a reason for this: firstly, for this you need to master related disciplines, such as cutting and sewing or knitting, and secondly, take care not only about the strength and appearance of the product, but also about the convenience of sitting or lying on it.

But, the attempt is not torture, for a sample you can make a modest carpentry product using simple method foam upholstery or ready-made cushions for furniture. Chair making can become an exciting team hobby, friends or family members with different applied skills will be able to combine their talents and get involved at different stages of creation. upholstered furniture. This will open up a lot of room for design decisions and material selection.

classic armchair

The manufacture of this small-sized chair consists of two main stages.

Preparing parts and assembling the frame

Especially carefully you need to work on the hind legs, to get curved shape which you need to use a finished pattern and a jigsaw. The vertical part of the backrest and the rear seat support are attached to the rear legs.

The front legs are square and can be made from glued rectangular bars. Their ends must also be narrowed with electric jigsaw. Fasteners are made with self-tapping screws, for which it is necessary to pre-drill holes with a diameter less than one third.

Before installation, carpentry glue is applied to the surface of the joints. The seat rails are fixed in the corners with additional details, with edges cut at 45 degrees. For seating, you can use plywood or furniture fabric tapes.

At the last stage of assembly, the armrests and curly ears of the back are attached. The dimensions of the parts can be taken from ready-made drawings, or you can take a pattern from old disassembled chairs.


The back and the inside of the armrests are glued with textile furniture tape. The seat is covered with layers of foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and fabric, which should be 4-5 cm larger in size, due to which they will be bent in the front and attached at the bottom of the seat.

Then the upholstery of the armrests and back is done. To obtain a rounded shape, special grooves are made, after fixing, the extra pieces of foam rubber and padding polyester are carefully cut off. To master the skills of furniture upholstery, you will have to be patient and use video lessons.

Lattice chair with reclining seat

For the manufacture of a lattice structure, you need a beam with a section of 2.8, which is cut into strips of the same length of 50-60 cm, depending on the selected dimensions of the product.

The workpieces should have a perfectly flat surface, and you should also try to accurately mark the places for mounting them on the rack as accurately as possible.

For the manufacture of load-bearing structure- sidewalls, plywood 3 cm thick is used, from which the sides of the chair are cut according to the pattern. Then these two polished parts are connected to each other by bases, which are called drawers: at the bottom, at the top and at the level of the seat support.

Then, on this structure with self-tapping screws, it is necessary to fix the prepared bars with an interval of 2.5 cm. Round off the edges. The photo shows several different models of bar chairs, made independently using this technology.

Country chairs

These wooden chairs are a more simplified version of the classic ones. Assembly diagram wooden frame basically the same, but the wooden parts are not rounded, the simplest armrests and even legs are made from the bars according to the principle of a children's designer.

Particular attention is required to the processing of the end parts of the furniture, which will be in the open air. After careful grinding of the surface, it is processed with hot drying oil and covered with 3 layers of varnish. Softness country chairs attach removable pillows.

Hanging chair hammock

For making this required attribute rest on modern dacha you need to know how to knit in the technique of macrame.

Main materials:

  • two hoops, a small one for sitting with a diameter of 70 cm, and a large one for the back - 110 cm, which can be made from plumbing metal-plastic pipes. To secure the connection, you can use plastic or wooden inserts which are placed inside the pipe and fastened with screws;
  • cord for weaving, can be made of polyamide with a polypropylene core, the knots from which are easily fixed, do not stretch and do not slip.
  • fasteners, wooden rods.

At the first stage, the entire circumference of the hoops is covered with even turns of the cord, then the inner space of the seat is knitted with a mesh of double cord, made in one of their macrame techniques.

The seat and back are fixed with two wooden rods, which are fixed with cuts, in the front part the seat and back frame are connected with winding and two thick cords.

Other convenient option for a summer residence can become hanging chair, which can be made with your own hands from dense fabric. For the base you need one hoop with a diameter of 90 cm.

For the cover, a 3-meter piece of fabric is taken, which is divided into two identical squares with a side of one and a half meters. Then circles are cut out and a double cover with an allowance is sewn. The groove for the hoop is reinforced with a padding polyester tape, then holes are cut to secure the scabs.

The following ideas are for sewing and knitting enthusiasts who want to apply their skills to furniture making.

Armchair cushion

It is better to sew the first such chair with your own hands, using ready-made patterns in the form of a pear or a ball, strictly adhering to the given dimensions, and only then you can improvise with the silhouette and dimensions. You will need a bag of Styrofoam balls, fabric and zippers for the inner and outer covers, and a sewing machine.

For strength, the seams are made double; when filling, a plastic or cardboard tube is used, which helps not to scatter the electrified foam plastic crumbs.

You can improvise with the shapes and colors of such chairs. With this technology, if you bring the work to the end, there can be no marriage. Failed instances can become original pillows for children's games.

Bottle chair

This is the simplest know-how that does not require any special skills, just the desire to do something with your own hands.

To collect required amount material will take some time. It will be necessary to collect the same two-liter plastic bottles, clean them and make blanks by cutting off the upper part and inserting them in pairs into each other. Then the blocks are prepared different sizes for sitting, armrests and back, fastened with adhesive tape.

The chair is going to classical style, rectangular blocks of various sizes for the seat, backrest and two armrests. After assembly, it is necessary to wrap the entire product with a plastic stretch film, and then decorate it with stylish pillows or sew a cover.

Frameless chair-bed made of foam rubber

In order to make such a chair with your own hands, you need to delve into the instructions, especially in the part that explains how to fix ready-made blocks.

It is worth catching the essence once, and it consists in a special method of sewing covers along the edges to each other, you can easily assemble soft folding structures - corners, armchairs and sofas of any size. You will also need to learn the correct calculations when cutting foam rubber and cutting out covers.

DIY armchair photo

The production of which has a number of technological differences. The question arises - is it necessary to pay big money for the finished product, if you can do something similar with your own hands?

We will tell you about the process of manufacturing soft chairs, provide drawings, photographs and videos that will allow you to successfully cope with the task. You will also find a list necessary materials and tools.

First of all, you need to decide on the material of the upholstery. There are significant differences in both the cost of upholstery and its physical properties. Consider the most popular options:

  • Velours. Velvety and fleecy fabric. Looks like faux fur.
  • Chenille. natural material, "diluted" with synthetic fibers. Thanks to this, the surface does not roll, it is practical and durable.
  • Flock. The fabric vaguely resembles velor, but experts recommend using flock for the manufacture of child seats. The fabric is easy to clean and wash, has water-repellent and wear-resistant qualities, does not fade.
  • Jacquard. The fabric is easy to clean and highly durable, but the structure includes synthetic fibers. Therefore, loose loops can lead to puffs.
  • Faux suede. The material is fleecy and durable, does not fade and can "breathe". Ease of maintenance is an added bonus.
  • Artificial leather. The material is characterized by high wear resistance. In this case, the skin is distinguished by the presence of embossing.
  • Tapestry. This is a natural and very expensive fabric, which can be distinguished by visible weaving. Multi-colored threads, woven into the overall structure, form beautiful patterns.

At the heart of the most primitive frame structures lies a plywood template. Therefore, you will need sheets of birch plywood, self-tapping screws, nails and a standard set of tools.:

  • protractor;
  • steel ruler;
  • compass;
  • desktop and manual vise;
  • scriber;
  • files;
  • hand scissors;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • wrenches;
  • soldering iron;
  • pliers;
  • table anvil;
  • hand drill;
  • chisel;
  • whetstone;
  • punch;
  • center punch

In the case of the manufacture of a bean bag, your toolkit will be thoroughly reduced. In addition, there are simplified technologies developed craftsmen, which allow you to assemble an easy chair quickly and with minimum set inventory.

DIY soft chair photo

From MDF On casters Folding With a knitted element With a low seat

How to make an easy chair with your own hands?

Any work cannot be started without a clear plan of action. Decide on the design of the future piece of furniture. Creating a frame chair is more difficult, but it looks more respectable.

If you decide to sew a bean bag chair, get ready to master the patterns. Your actions will lie not so much in the field of furniture production, but in the field of sewing art. In any scenario, you will need an approximate budget and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe consumption of materials. For example, a bean bag chair costs 1200-1300 rubles. This includes fabric for the outer (about 300-500) and inner (200-300) covers. Also, 500 rubles are laid for the purchase of a filler.

Perhaps you already have an old "grandfather's" easy chair that has lost its presentation? Then you can drag and repair it with your own hands, as shown in the following video:

Traditional soft product

An ordinary chair requires a thorough approach and extensive preparatory phase. Consider the list of materials and tools required for the manufacture of a plywood chair with upholstery:

  • 20mm plywood;
  • electric drill;
  • emery skin;
  • screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal rims;
  • thin nails;
  • foam rubber;
  • wood glue;
  • artificial leather;
  • stain;
  • black glossy paint;
  • pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • roulette.

Let's get to work:

  1. After downloading one of the drawings below, proceed to large-scale work. Calculate the amount of materials and start making a template. First, cardboard templates are made, pieces of plywood are cut out from them.
  2. The side parts of a standard chair resemble a banana. You will also need cross bars. Decide on the angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the product.
  3. Surface wooden parts cleaned and polished. Special attention give the ends - soak them with heated drying oil, flatten the fibers with a hammer (if bends are provided). Each part of the frame is cut with a jigsaw.
  4. The side parts of the chairs are painted or stained. The ends of the sidewalls are reinforced with metal rims. After that, the wrapping process begins.
  5. Electric drill is done required holes. The rims are fixed with screws. First, the back of the back is trimmed with artificial leather, then it is the turn of other fragments of the chair.
  6. To secure the fabric, you will need wallpaper nails with large hats. At the back, the upholstery is fixed along the transverse parts (along the very edge), in front it should cover the slats. It is better to process the attachment points with carpentry glue - this will increase the level of reliability.

Bag chair

The simplest version of the bag is the so-called. You can not do without the following materials:

  • calico or satin (about three meters);
  • piece of fabric for the outer cover (about 3.5 meters);
  • lightning meter length;
  • filler;
  • appliqué fabric;
  • scissors, pins and thread with needles.


  1. Copy the pattern you like from the Internet, enlarge it and transfer it to the required details. For the upper and lower covers, the work will have to be done separately. The result of your efforts is a small top bottom, a large bottom and six fabric wedges.
  2. Sew the wedges and start sewing the bag. A small area must be left unsewn. In addition, both bottoms are sewn together. Having finished with the top cover, proceed to sewing the bottom one - the procedure will be the same.
  3. From the fabric of your choice, you need to cut out the elements for the appliqué - they are adjusted on top of the cover. The zipper is sewn into one of the wedges - this will allow you to remove the cover and wash it if it gets dirty. Two-thirds of the volume of the inner cover are clogged with filler, which can be used as foam.
  4. Having rammed the inner cover with the filler, thread it into the outer one, then fasten the zipper. The bean bag is completely ready for use.

Pay attention to the strength of the seams of the inner cover - they should not disperse under the influence of the mass of a seated person.

How to make a children's easy chair with your own hands will be discussed further.

DIY bean bag chair

Baby chair

Making a frameless upholstered baby seat is as easy as making a regular bean bag. The difference lies solely in the dimensions and colors of this piece of furniture. Bright cheerful tones that do not irritate the eyes and tune in to the positive are welcome.

  • A do-it-yourself soft frame chair for a child can be made in the form of a semicircular “sandwich” from wooden blocks and chipboard. The front wall of this design is made of plywood, the back wall is made of hardboard. The inner space of the glue along the curve of the back is filled with glued pieces of cardboard.
  • After waiting for the wall to dry, trim the irregularities with a construction knife. A layer of foam rubber is carefully glued on top, on which the upholstery will subsequently lie. Eco-leather or flock can be used as upholstery fabric - these options will allow your design to survive in an unequal struggle with felt-tip pens and paints.
  • Now about the dimensions. A standard adult chair has a meter height (some models reach 120 centimeters) with a lower bottom diameter of 30 and an upper one of 15 centimeters. The height of the child seat must not exceed 60 centimeters (diameters will be 25 and 11 cm, respectively). Consider this nuance at the design stage of the pattern.

Do-it-yourself frameless child seat

Drawings and useful video

In this section, we have selected photographs of the most successful home-made chairs that we could find on the Runet. The process of independent furniture production cannot be imagined without drawings, so we lay out detailed diagrams and patterns for bean bags.

Drawings of chairs for making them with your own hands


You will also enjoy a master class on the topic of creating an easy chair with your own hands. Watch the video, repeat the steps of the wizard and follow the described technological standards.

So, with the help of the presented video, you will learn how to make a bean bag chair with your own hands, which has gained immense popularity in our country:

By the way, if you have euro pallets available, then you can make a chair with your own hands and from such material, and then just throw a comfortable soft pillow on the seat. Don't believe? Watch the following video:

Many people think that furniture manufacturing- this is magic, to comprehend the secret of which a mere mortal is not able to. Believe me, with a minimum set of tools, desire, attentiveness and perseverance, you can easily cope with the task. We have presented everything you need - drawings, photos and videos, so go ahead and impress your loved ones with your art!

Every day designers come up with unusual furniture sometimes practical, sometimes not so much. It looks beautiful, but not everyone can afford it. Round egg chairs were invented a long time ago, but they still have not gone out of fashion thanks to an interesting appearance, practicality and convenience. Let's try to create such an unusual chair with our own hands.

To begin with, we will make a small round chair that is suitable for a child or a pet. If you are confident in your skills, you can immediately make a large egg chair that can fit an adult.


  • big fitness ball
  • newspapers
  • plastic pipe
  • threaded stud with a diameter of 16 mm
  • a few nuts for a stud
  • cap nut
  • putty
  • sandpaper
  • 6 cans of white matte paint
  • 2 cans of white epoxy paint
  • foam rubber 4 cm thick
  • red cloth
  • 1 spray glue
  • roulette

How to make a round chair with your own hands

Papier mache

1. Take a large fitness ball. It is advisable to take an unnecessary ball, since after the project it will have to be thrown away.

2. Apply tape around the ball to define the borders of the papier-mâché. Adhesive tape needs to be glued, slightly shifted from the line of the central section.

3. Tear strips from newspapers. The width of the strips is about 4 cm. The strips do not have to be the same, even and neat. The main thing is not to make them too wide so that they do not wrinkle when pasting.

4. Prepare a papier-mâché paste. Mix two cups of water with a glass of flour and add a pinch of salt. Salt is needed to prevent mold from appearing in flour. The consistency of the paste should resemble yogurt. Do not make a lot of paste at once, it needs to be prepared as you use it.

5. Put the fitness ball in a large bowl so it doesn't roll around the room while you stick paper on it.

6. Apply paste on both sides of each strip, stick them on the ball parallel to each other. On top of them, glue another layer of strips perpendicular to the first.

7. When you cover the entire ball (up to the adhesive tape) with two layers of paper strips, let it dry for 12 hours. Repeat step 6 at least five times (if the seat is for an animal). Ideally, you need to apply at least 10 double layers papier mache. After each layer, you need to leave the product to dry for 12 hours.

Egg chair base

1. Cut out a circle from MDF. The diameter of the base depends on the size of the chair. We sawed a circle with a diameter of 40 cm.

2. Drill a hole in the center of the circle. The hole diameter must match the size of the nut. Insert the nut into the hole and screw the threaded rod into it.

3. Install the plastic pipe on the base. By changing the length of the pipe, you can adjust the height of the chair.

4. Using tape and newspapers, make a smooth transition from the base to the pipe.

5. Paste the resulting papier-mâché shape.


The chair is taking shape. At this stage, you may be tempted to pull the ball out to see the result, but you should never do this. First you need to apply putty to the surface.

1. Put on gloves and evenly apply putty to the surface of the chair and legs. The layer thickness should be approximately 5 mm. Let the putty dry for a day.

2. Pull out the ball. To do this, you will have to blow it off. Now you can apply putty to the inner surface. The inner layer can be much thicker than the outer one. Do not worry if putty with outer side will start to crack. Leave the chair to dry overnight.


1. Start sanding with coarse sandpaper. The inner surface does not need to be sanded, as it will not be visible under the upholstery. During grinding, voids may open, do not pay attention to them, your task is to achieve the correct smooth shape. You will fill in the gaps later.

2. Fill the voids with putty, let it dry.

3. Sand the surface of the chair and legs with fine sandpaper.


1. Paint the chair white. It is advisable to use matte paint in spray cans. Apply as many words of paint as you see fit.

2. Paint must dry for 24 hours.

3. Apply epoxy paint. She will fix white paint, will give the product a gloss.

4. Let the paint dry.

Leg mounting

1. Drill through hole in the chair where you want to install the leg. The hole diameter must match the diameter of the threaded rod.

2. Install the base with the threaded stud on the chair, mark where the stud needs to be sawn off.

3. Cut the hairpin to right size. Attach the leg to the chair.

Foam rubber installation

1. Take a tape measure and measure the circumference of the "opening" of the chair. Divide the resulting length by 5. On the foam rubber strip, set aside the resulting length five times. Build five isosceles triangles from the given points. The height of the triangles is 1 meter.

2. Cut out the triangles and lay them out inside the chair. Their tops must touch. Between the triangles, gaps are formed in the form of petals. Take a sheet of paper and transfer the outline of a gap to it.

3. According to the template, cut out five “petals” from foam rubber.

4. Sew the "petals" to the triangles, in the end you will get a spherical foam upholstery.

5. Although it sounds strange, this blank needs to be cut into five parts. The cuts should go along the axes of the "petals".


1. Lay out the five foam blanks obtained in the previous step on a bright fabric. Outline them along the contour, then mark the outer contours, leaving 5 centimeters of margin. Cut the fabric along the markings.

2. Make sure the foam is laid out correctly. The seams on the foam rubber should be on the reverse side.

3. Apply glue to the edge of the foam rubber and glue the fabric upholstery.

4. Apply glue to the top half of the foam and stick the fabric. Glue the remaining part, attach and smooth the upholstery. Glue must be applied not to the fabric, but to the foam rubber, otherwise white spots will remain on the upholstery.

5. Turn the blanks over with the foam up. Apply glue to the seam allowances and wrap the fabric. Try to keep the edges straight and without wrinkles.

fabric frill

1. Apply glue to the inside of the chair. Lay the foam blanks, starting from the bottom.

2. Measure the circumference of the chair opening. Cut the rope to the appropriate length.

3. Cut a strip of fabric and wrap it around the rope as tightly as possible.

4. Sew the edges of the fabric strip.

5. Trim excess fabric. Glue the frill along the perimeter of the opening so that the seam is not visible.

The egg chair is ready! Use with pleasure and surprise guests.

Your open veranda country house or a recreation area on the site will be decorated with a hand-made necessary garden furniture which can be safely used outdoors. It will allow you to comfortably meet with friends or relax in the evening from daytime worries. The proposed option, combining two armchairs with a table, will provide the greatest warmth of communication. Another advantage of this furniture is the ease of its manufacture and the wide availability of the necessary materials.

To assemble this communication combine, you will need to manufacture and initially process the list of parts shown in the table. In order for your product to look good, it is necessary to accurately observe the dimensions, the perpendicularity of the ends of the parts and corner cuts, which can be ensured using a miter saw. If you do not have it, then you will have to spend more time using a hacksaw with a small hardened tooth - such as "Mother-in-law".

Part No. the name of detail Quantity, pcs) Size (cm) Section (cm) Note
1 front leg 2 60 5 x 10 With cutout for front support
2 back leg 2 62 5 x 10 Parallelogram with ends beveled by 15°
3 front support 1 165 5 x 15
4 Rear support 1 155 5 x 10
5 Frame cross members 4 56 5 x 10 One end beveled 15°
6 armrest crossbars 2 66 5 x 10
7 Backrest beams 4 67 5 x 10 Rounded top corner
8 Seat slats 10 55 2.5 x 10
9 Back rails 10 50 2.5 x 10
10 Table rails and armrests 5 70 2.5 x 10 4 rails with one rounded corner for the table and armrests
11 Front legs for table 2 35 2.5 x 10
12 Back legs for table 2 40 2.5 x 10
13 Table crossbars 3 45 5 x 10

The assembly of chairs begins with the creation of a power frame for this combine. The layout of the location of power parts is shown in the figure.

The assembly of the frame begins with the manufacture of two side supports. The fastening of the parts included in the support (front leg, rear leg and armrest crossbar) is provided with three screws for each connection, ensuring the perpendicularity of parts No. 5 and No. 1. Part No. 2 is attached at an angle of 15º to part No. 5.

The general sequence for starting the assembly of the frame is shown in the figure. After the manufacture of two side supports, it is necessary to attach to them, in the prepared grooves of part No. 1, the front support - part No. 3. Now you need to determine the installation location of the rear support - part No. 4. To do this, using a level on the hind legs, draw a line at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the side support on which to mount the top end of the rear support as shown in the last fragment of the above figure.

Set on your feet assembled structure and, in accordance with the markings above, fasten the frame cross members - parts No. 5. In this case, the vertical ends are attached point-blank to the front support, and the tail rests on the rear support.

We start the installation of the backrest bars from the side support, placing it with the beveled end on the rear support so that the sidewall of the beam coincides with the beveled end of the frame cross member and fasten it on it and on the armrest cross member. Then in parallel established first we put the second bar on the bar, fixing it on the second cross member of the frame. In the same order, install the two remaining bars.

So we got the power frame of our chairs. Now you can start installing the seat and back rails. First, on each chair we fix 5 seat rails and then 5 backrest rails. The first rail to be installed is installed shifted by 2 cm relative to the front support, and the second seat rail is installed close to the backrest bars. The remaining 3 rails are installed evenly over the remaining free part of the seat. The backrest rails are installed in the same way. We start with the top one, which is installed at the end of the back, then we fasten the rail to the butt with the seat, and the remaining three rails - evenly along its free part.

Now it remains to make the legs and the frame of the table. First, we install the front legs of the table on the back side of the front support, and then the front support of the table is installed outside the upper part of the legs. Then, two hind legs are attached to the reverse side of the rear support, to the upper part of which two are sequentially attached from the outside. rear supports table. Check how rigid your structure is and strengthen weak points.

It remains to fix the armrests and rails of the table. After that, it is necessary to putty all the places where the screws are fastened to level the surface. acrylic putty on wood. It fills the voids well, is firmly fixed on the surface of the wood, and after drying it has significant hardness and moisture resistance. It is desirable that it be tinted to match the color of the wood if you are going to varnish your chairs. After the putty has dried, it is necessary to level the surface with a thin sandpaper.