Low-growing bulbous perennials. Karyopteris - there is nothing simpler and more beautiful

Among the huge variety of floral and ornamental plants, one of the most common is the group of bulbous plants. They are among the first to bloom in the spring, delight with bright colors in the summer, and can be found in the fall. Most plants:

  • unpretentious,
  • hardy,
  • are rarely affected by diseases and pests,
  • multiply quickly
  • grow well in almost any garden soil,
  • do not require special care.

All this is a big plus for use in garden design.

Perennial bulbous flowers for the garden

There are a lot of bulbous and corm flowers, some of them are well known to flower growers, some are rarely found in gardens. Let's briefly look at the list of plant names.


Acidantera is a bulbous perennial from the iris family, native to the tropical regions of East Africa. About 25 species of this flower are known.
The flowers are smaller than gladioli and appear only in white. An additional ornament is a small burgundy or purple spot located at the base of each petal.

Anemone (anemone)

Surprisingly delicate and graceful flower. Wonderful true blue, red, violet, lilac, pink flowers with contrasting black stamens that rise above the low fern-like foliage. Blooms from April to May. Height 31-40 cm. A bright splash of color in your garden in spring. The crown anemone resembles a poppy.

Babiana belongs to the group of irises. It produces hairy leaves and stems on which blue-violet or pink inflorescences form in the cobs. Has a sweet smell. Blooms from April to June.


Tuberous begonia is one of the most beautiful flowers to grow in flower beds and balconies. Ideal for shady areas because a large dose of sunlight can cause flowers and leaves to burn. There is a huge variety of tuberous begonias of various colors that bloom until frost.


Colchicums or Colchicums
- these are the most mysterious plants in our garden. In autumn, when sad brown-orange and yellow tones predominate everywhere, and there are not enough pure fresh shades, suddenly, literally from underground, delicate crocus flowers appear. Like a living farewell to winter and hope that spring will definitely return. The earliest species bloom in August, but mass flowering begins in September and continues into October. Colchicums bloom for a long time, 3-4 weeks.


We have known these snowdrop-like flowers for a long time, so well that the plant disappeared from its usual habitats and was listed in the Red Book of Endangered and Rare Plants.

From March to April the spring whiteflower blooms, in May-June the summer whiteflower picks up the baton of flowering, and in August-September the last “farewell” is sent to us by the autumn whiteflower.

These low (15-20 cm) pretty plants, still found in dry grassy meadows and steppe rocky hillsides in the south of France and northern Italy, are a variety of oriental hyacinth, the progenitor of modern garden hyacinths and are indeed very similar in appearance to their famous relative, only they look much more modest and miniature. In early spring, bells bloom one after another on a bright purple peduncle.


Brandushka is an unusually decorative and “family” plant. Its bright flowers, emerging from the ground in a whole bouquet, make an indelible impression. Brandushka blooms a little later than the earliest bulbous ones, at the end of March - the first half of April, reviving and painting the still bare and cold earth with an elegant carpet. Flowering lasts almost three weeks. Each flower stays open for 8-10 days, filling the air around with a sweet honey aroma.

The golden heads of spring flowers appear already in February-March, as soon as the first rays of the spring sun warm the earth. The plant blooms for a long time, like all primroses, it cannot be frightened by frosts or unexpectedly fallen snow.


Hyacinth comes from Central Asia and Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean. He came to Europe probably in the 16th century from Turkey. The inflorescence is a large cluster of bell-shaped flowers that are waxy and strongly fragrant. A species cultivated as an ornamental plant is the oriental hyacinth (hyacinthus orientalis), which grows to about thirty centimeters in height. Hyacinth blooms in the garden from April to May, and in the house - almost all year round.

Gladioli get their name from the characteristic shape of their leaves. They have a typical elongated shape and sharp tips - like swords. The dark green leaves provide a very interesting backdrop for exceptional flowers.
The gladioli flower is also very original, simply unique. Technically, it is a panicle of very large, very interesting individual flowers. Gladiolus inflorescences can reach about 1 m in height, so they look quite beautiful against the background of a fence. They are fairly easy to grow, but the rhizomes are sensitive to cold, so they cannot survive the winter in the ground.


The dahlia is native to the mountainous regions of Mexico, Chile and Peru. It's hard to believe that only 30 species of these beautiful flowers existed in nature. Now breeders have developed more than 15,000 varieties, among which you can find flowers similar to daisies, asters, peonies, chrysanthemums and even anemones and water lilies. The beauty of dahlias knows no bounds, and this fabulous world is open to modern gardeners.

Details about growing dahlias

Zantedeschia (calla lily)

Calla lilies originate in the South African swamps. Unfortunately, the plant does not tolerate frost, so it should be grown indoors. You can also place this graceful beauty outside in the summer, weather permitting. Calla lilies also charm everyone when placed on a windowsill. Blooms with yellow, lilac, white or pink flowers.


Iridodictium has long been attributed to the genus Iris, distinguished into a separate group - bulbous irises. Indeed, these pretty mountain plants from the iridaceae (iris, or iris) family are very similar in structure to irises, only instead of a rhizome they have a bulb.

Ixiolirion tartaris

On the eve of summer (late May - early June), an amazingly beautiful plant blooms with piercing blue bells, very rare in nature, surrounded by green-gray linear leaves. This pretty plant is popularly called “steppe lily.”

Ipheion uniflorum

A very cute, delicate and amazingly beautiful miniature plant that came to us from South America (Argentina). Its height is only 15-20 cm, but this is exactly the case when height does not matter. In spring, usually in May, a low peduncle topped with a single but large, up to 3 cm in diameter, saucer-shaped flower appears from numerous narrow leaves.


It has a rigid stem up to 0.5 m high and an inflorescence similar to a candle. Small bluish flowers gradually bloom on it. Peak flowering occurs in April-May.


Has many types. Erythronium dens canis is the European form of Dogtooth, so called because of the shape of the bulb. It has mottled leaves in green, brown and purple and usually mauve but sometimes white flowers. They need good light in the spring, but cannot tolerate bright sun.


Following the snowdrops, crocuses bloom. Plant height is 10-20 cm. Most often the flowers are light purple, but there are white, yellow, orange, lilac, blue, and purple. Most species and varieties bloom in late March - early April. The first to please the eye are the species crocuses with small flowers. Then comes the turn of varieties with large flowers. There are species that bloom in autumn.

The most decorative varieties of spring crocus, which are distinguished by large flowers and a variety of colors. Only well-lit and sun-warmed places are suitable for planting crocuses (in partial shade the flowers do not open fully).


Xyphium or Spanish iris is a common and favorite plant. This species is widely appreciated for its beautiful blue and yellow flowers and is loved by florists for its vibrant color combinations. Cultivation has produced a large number of varieties that are popular in horticulture.

Spring passes very quickly. But the beauty of bulbous plants does not fade. In June-July you will certainly be surprised by lilies. Their stem grows from 15 to 150 cm. The best period for planting and replanting lilies is August-September. Some species and varieties can withstand transplantation in early spring.

Decorative onion (allium)

Decorative onions form a rosette of leaves, which are usually quite large and decorative. Each underground bulb produces several rosettes that can grow really large.

A flower appears between the leaves - definitely the most unusual part of the plant. It produces a long stem, green and straight, without leaves, which can even be 150 cm tall in some cases! Only some ornamental bushes can match its height. Above him appears an onion flower - a head consisting of shining flowers. The flower is spherical and rather densely composed of smaller flowers on radially spreading peduncles. Color adds to the attractiveness of the plant. Decorative onions take on the most bizarre shades of blue, purple and violet, with white flowers sometimes appearing.

There is another spring miracle - muscari, plants with a musky aroma that look like mini hyacinths. The height of the plant is 10-25 cm. The color of the flowers is usually blue, blue, violet, but there are forms of white, yellow, and pink colors. Flowering time is April-May.

The decoration of the spring garden is these flowers, which have an intoxicating aroma. These are magic daffodils (plant height - from 20 to 70 cm, flowers are single or collected in inflorescences, erect or drooping, single or double, of different colors - from white, yellow, green to orange, pink, apricot, red, bloom in April - early May.

Immediately after the snow melts, fragile snowdrops appear in the gardens. They prefer sunny areas, but tolerate shade. It is only important not to allow the bulbs to dry out after digging - it is best to plant them immediately in a new place or store them in damp sand until planting.

Bright blue flowers of scillas hang on green stems 15-20 cm tall. Flowers appear in late March and provide an early food source for bees. Scilla bloom very profusely, forming a real blue carpet. Hardy and unpretentious.

Pushkinia is a small flower that loves wetlands. They form a dense cluster of tiny white flowers with distinctive blue stripes. Height: 0.1-0.2 m.


Hazel grouse, or fritilaria, have an unusual appearance. Plant height - from 20 cm. Flowers are single or collected in inflorescences. The color of the flowers is white, yellow, orange, red, red-brown, brown, sometimes with a speckled or checkerboard pattern. Most species bloom in April-June.
Grouse are grown in sunny or semi-shaded areas. Grouse bulbs dry out quickly, so they are stored in damp sand before planting. Planted in August-September - earlier than other bulbous plants.

Ranunculus (buttercup)

Ranunculus is a green plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family that is found primarily as a perennial. The height reaches 20-30 cm. The plant usually blooms from May to June, and its flowers take on various colors from white, yellow, orange to red or pink.


A rather rare plant, which is also called the Harlequin flower. Sparaxis got its name because of the bright star-shaped flowers of red, orange, yellow, white, which seem to be painted inside by an artist - they have a bright yellow core with a black border. The flowers are low, up to 20 cm, and the foliage is thin, sword-shaped. Each bulb produces up to 5 flowers at a time. Creates a surprisingly bright and powerful carpet.

These flowers attract with their incomparable, exotic appearance and richness of color. The plant loves sunlight very much and does not tolerate sharp gusts of wind. The soil needs to be loose and light, as well as good, but not excessive, watering. Blooms in July - August. Tigridia are dug up for the winter and stored in a dry room.

Tritelea (Brodyea)

Tritelea are perennial plants. The flowers can be light blue, lavender or white. They reach a height of 40-50 cm. The plant blooms for two to three weeks with proper planting and care.


Tulips complement the spring picture with a bright brush. The height of the plants is up to 80 cm. Their flowers have different shapes and colors. Now there are varieties with double flowers. It is not advisable to grow tulips for more than two years without replanting, otherwise their bulbs become smaller, lie deep in the ground, and begin to hurt. Size 12+, best for forcing.


Freesia garden flowers are white, yellow, pink, purple, red, blue, lilac, cream, orange. Their flowering occurs in July - August. These plants, after cutting, remain fresh for a long time, and dried ones do not lose color.

Chionodoxa, blooms in very early spring. The star-shaped flowers can be blue, lavender, pink or white. Planted under trees or shrubs, or even right on the lawn, they will propagate easily and spread the colors of early spring blooms throughout the garden.

Corydalis dense, or Haller (Corydalis solida = C. halleri) is the most common. A small tuber sits shallow underground, which is replaced by a new one every year. Like other ephemeroids, the shoot is fully formed in the fall, overwinters under the cover of a scale-like leaf, and grows back in the spring at the first opportunity. The whole plant is about 20 cm - two openwork leaves and a dense raceme with “tailed” flowers up to 2 cm long. Each is accompanied by a toothed leaf called a bract. The dense corydalis blooms in Central Russia, usually in mid-April. The typical color of the flower is iridescent lilac-violet; even in masses they are not noticeable, being lost against the background of brown foliage. But if you look closely, you can see pink, white, pale lilac and bluish individuals.

Sternbergias resemble crocuses and bloom in the fall. Most often they have a bright yellow color. Height: 0.1-0.5 m. In winter they need shelter.

Delicate pink flowers on a thin stem against a background of rounded dark green painted leaves with a silver edge. Garden forms have smaller flowers than the cultivated Persian cyclamen. But they are very unpretentious, grow well in the shade with a dense pink carpet and resume flowering every year.

Features of growing bulbous plants

  • Most bulbous plants are planted in well-lit areas with light, lush, water- and breathable soils, rich in nutrients with a neutral reaction.
  • Spring bulbs (blooming in spring) are planted in open ground mainly in September-October, summer bulbs (which do not overwinter in our conditions) - in April-May.
  • The planting depth should be equal to three times the height of the planting material. Typically, the distance between large bulbs in a row is 10-15 cm; small bulbs and “children” are planted more densely.
  • Most bulbs are winter-hardy, but daffodils and hyacinths can freeze in snowless winters, so they should be covered with mulch (peat, straw, pine needles or fallen leaves) during the winter. This is done in November, when the temperature is below zero and the ground freezes a little. Mulching material is removed in the spring, when the threat of spring frosts has passed.
  • After plants bloom, you need to remove the flowers - they “steal” the nutrients necessary for the development of the bulbs.
  • Most spring bulbs cannot be left without replanting for 4-5 or more years. Nests are usually dug and divided in June after the leaves have dried.
  • Summer bulbs are dug up in October, dried for 2-3 weeks, then they are cleared of the soil, the “babies” are separated and stored until planting.

The use of bulbous plants in landscape design

Bulbous flowers are suitable for creating early spring, summer and even autumn compositions. Group plantings (both homogeneous and mixed, created from different varieties or types of plants) look most decorative. Flower beds have an amazingly beautiful appearance where all the plants bloom at the same time and are the same in height. The entire flower garden must be illuminated evenly, otherwise some flowers will bloom earlier, others later. Low-growing plants are placed in the first rows of compositions to create borders, and tall plants are placed at a distance or in a remote corner of the flower garden.

Creating a landscape

When creating landscape compositions for bulbous plants, you need to choose a good background. They look very good in groups on lawns, especially near small evergreens (boxwoods, junipers, etc.). For such a background, you can use stones and driftwood.

Spring bulbs do not please us for long - their above-ground part dies off until mid or early June, so it is advisable to plant them together with other perennial herbaceous plants (irises, hostas, heucheras, peonies, bergenia, anemones, ferns, arabis, sedums, daylilies, gypsophila etc.), which will bloom later and cover the “empty spaces”. For the same purpose, decorative annuals (tagetis, salvia, escholzia, alyssum, verbena, petunias, ageratum, etc.) are often used and planted between bulbous plants. Sometimes empty spaces are left among perennial plants in flower beds, which are planted with bulbous plants every fall, and dug up after flowering. If the flower garden is decorated only with bulbous flowers, after flowering they are dug up annually, and decorative annuals are planted in the vacant space. In the fall, when annual plants die off, bulbous plants are planted again. Then your flower garden will always be blooming.

Bulbous varieties of perennial flowers will be a good decoration for any garden, greenhouse or garden plot.

This is a large group of ornamental crops that attract gardeners with their unusualness, brightness and large quantity. Flowers are especially easy to care for, since they bloom fastest in spring.

Bulbous crops include plants from families such as lilies, some varieties of iris, and amaryllis. A characteristic feature of these flowers is considered to be a modified root, which is located under the surface of the earth (very rarely a flower has an above-ground shoot) - a bulb.

A real bulb includes colorless dense scales, which are combined at the bottom at the bottom. Almost every plant (except lilies) has bulbs that have a kind of covering - a thin and dry layer of a brown tint.

Tuberous bulbous plants (gladiolus, ixia and colchicum) have similar shoots, but their structure is quite different. The corm is a thickened area of ​​the stem that has a smooth, fibrous covering.

Among the bulbous varieties:

  • hyacinth with purple inflorescences;
  • beautiful amaryllis, which blooms with pale pink inflorescences;

a large group of decorative types of onions:

  • a giant onion with a beautiful and attractive lilac cap;
  • mountain-loving onion with bright pink flowers in the form of umbrellas;
  • Karatavi onion, which has purple flowers;
  • a strange onion, the white flowers of which are very reminiscent of lilies of the valley, but the leaves are quite thin and elongated.

Gallery: bulbous garden flowers (25 photos)

The most common spring bulbous plants

The most famous are bulbous perennials, and there are a large number of reasons for this: from the ability to grow the crop without using transplants 2-3 times a year to complete immunity to cold, which is very important for the territory of our country. In addition, they are quite easy to care for and grow.

Landing rules

A large number of bulbous plants begin to bloom in the spring; they are planted in the autumn - in October or November, it all depends on the individual structure, the weather and the region where the flower grows.

It is necessary to determine a certain place for the crop in the garden, where excess moisture does not stagnate in the soil for a long time and running water does not pass through. In addition, for planting it is better to choose sunny areas or at least those that will be only half shaded.

The choice of location for planting depends mainly on the season in which neighboring plants bloom. For example, by the beginning of summer, tulips begin to actively bloom, and in their place only withered stems and tops remain.

That is why early flowering varieties of flowers should be planted close to lushly flowering plants, so that the appearance of the flowerbed is not lost due to rare bald spots. The same applies to autumn bulbous flowers. It should be noted that they are usually planted in the spring.

The soil does not need additional treatment before planting the crop: bulbous crops are unpretentious and will grow well even in the simplest soil.

Use a specialized device for planting a plant or a simple narrow shovel to make a small hole. You need to add long-acting fertilizer to the hole, and then place the onion there, bottom down. Next, you should sprinkle the plant with soil on all sides and tamp it down carefully so as not to damage the plant’s bulb itself.

The soil from the upper level should be sprinkled with additional sawdust, bark or simple compost. This is otherwise called mulching; it prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface of the earth and protects plant roots from sudden temperature changes.

It is worth noting that the distance between adjacent holes with plant bulbs depends on the variety - the larger the bulb of the flower, the greater the distance should be retreated, and vice versa. For example, miniature crocuses can be planted 2-3 cm apart, and large lilies – 20 cm apart.

Features of cultivation

Perennial plants are accustomed to wintering in open ground that drains well. It will be better for tulips and lilies to grow in open ground, and they will begin to delight you with their unusual appearance and beauty throughout the year, without requiring special care. If we talk about summer crops, we need to remember that most of them have tall stems, which is why additional support may be needed so that the stem does not break under the pressure of flowers.

In autumn, gladioli should be dug up, the corms should be dried well and stored in a dark place. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that summer bulbous plants must be fertilized. After planting, additional fertilizers should be used for some varieties of gladioli and lilies. A large number of bulbous plants need additional feeding in the second year of planting in the soil.

Fertilizers should be added along with watering once a month. Humus and compost can be added to the soil in the autumn, but this must be done with extreme caution and thoroughness, because, as is usually the case, the bulbs are located in the ground at a shallow depth.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding the plant during the development and formation of inflorescences and flowering itself. Withered flowers from the peduncle should be removed so that the flower has additional energy for the ripening of fruits and seeds, as well as in order to have time to retain all the beneficial properties and substances in the crop for a good flowering process next year.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that nutritional minerals flow from the leaves into the bulb itself over a certain period of time, which is why you should not cut off the leaves very early, you need to wait until they all wither.

It must also be remembered that high acidity in the soil surface is very harmful for bulbous crops. At this time, the immunity of flowers begins to weaken, and they wither.

Finding out the amount of acidity in the soil is quite simple: if there is very overgrown wheatgrass in the garden, this means that it is increased. Also, beets can help qualitatively in this matter: on soil with an increased amount of acidity, the tops become the most red in color.

You can reduce the acidity level in the soil by adding additional alkali to it. For this, flower growers use:

  • Fluff lime;
  • Ash;
  • Dolomitic limestone;
  • Phacelia tansy (from the genus of honey-bearing and forage plants, is considered a very useful fertilizer).

A garden in a country house or dacha can be decorated with a flower bed, nursery or rose garden (an ornamental garden that contains elements made of stone). To diversify your garden and fill it with a large number of beautiful flowers, you don’t need to make any special efforts, because perennial bulbous crops can help perfectly in this matter. They are completely unpretentious in the care process and do not require special attention. The florist must follow simple rules for caring for plants, and these beautiful flowers will thank and delight the owner throughout the fall and spring.

Pests and various diseases

Garden bulbous crops are strong and hardy flowers, and if special growing technology is followed, they are almost impossible to get sick. Main rules:

Bacteria and diseases

The following diseases can cause the most severe damage to a bulbous flower:

  1. Fusarium.
  2. Rhizoctoniosis.
  3. Sulfur rot.
  4. Tyfulosis.
  5. Slerotinis.

They can attack the bulbs of daffodils, tulips and crocuses.

Viral diseases

Such diseases can cause a change in the color of the crop, as well as deform it. The most dangerous disease for these plants is considered to be variegation disease, which can quickly affect tulips. The virus begins to pass along with the sap of diseased flowers, and various insects can carry it. The main factors of the disease: spots, spores on plants and the development of rot. To prevent various diseases, the bulbs should be treated with a special mixture of copper-containing preparations or soaked in hot water for about 20 minutes before planting.

Flowering bulbous plants are beautiful and unpretentious plants that can delight us with exotic flowers throughout the entire gardening season. They will revive the garden plot immediately after the snow cover melts. And in the fall, when most plants are already preparing for winter, they will decorate the garden and lift your spirits.

Choosing bulbous plants for the garden is quite a difficult matter, since there is now a huge variety of varieties and species on the market. We offer you an overview of the most popular bulbous plants for the garden. Conventionally, we will divide bulbous garden flowers into primroses, which bloom in early spring, summer-blooming and autumn-blooming.

Spring bulbous primroses

We present to you bulbous flowers that bloom in early spring (March - early April). And some of them, if the weather is favorable, can even break through the snow cover at the end of February.


Or a snowdrop. These are the first harbingers of spring - charming bulbs bloom even before the snow melts. Everyone is familiar with the simple snow-white inflorescences of galanthus, but real connoisseurs hunt for bulbs of rarer varieties: double, with green markings on the inflorescences.


Or reticulate iris. This plant is easily confused with the usual irises: whitish, leafless, Germanic, bluish. But this is only at first glance. In fact, this flower is much lower than its tall “brothers”. In addition, unlike other irises, iridodictium is a bulbous plant.

Spring crocus

Or spring saffron. It is from its stigmas that the valuable spice of the same name is obtained. Crocuses in the middle zone usually bloom in March-April.

Golden crocus

It differs from the spring one in its lower “growth” and a greater variety of colors, but the most common color is orange-yellow.

Siberian Scilla

Or Scylla. This flower, along with the snowdrop, can be called the main “star” of the March forest. They grow in abundance in nature, multiply quickly and take root well in cultural conditions. This flower is so unpretentious that it feels good even on heavy soils and partially shaded areas.

Pushkinia prolesciformes

Pushkinia prolesciformes, or scylloides, blooms in April. This primrose boasts enviable resistance to low temperatures, and will not lose its delicate beauty even during recurrent frosts.

Chionodoxa Lucii

Chiondoxa, unlike most spring bulbous primroses, does not like bright sun. In its natural environment it grows in the shade of trees, and therefore prefers light shade in gardens. This flower will not cause much trouble. It does not need to be dug up every season - the bulbs overwinter in the ground. Chiondoxa Lucii quickly takes over the space of the flower garden, and after a couple of seasons we form a nice carpet.

Spring flowering bulbs


Or a tender anemone. It blooms in April, strewing the flower garden with white, pink, bluish-purple flowers, similar to daisies. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks. Anemone is quite winter-hardy, but, like many plants, it can freeze slightly in snowless winters. You can compensate for the lack of natural cover with mulch.

Oriental hyacinth

Hyacinth is a luxurious spring flower. The variety of its colors is impressive. If desired, you can find plants with inflorescence colors to suit the most sophisticated taste: from elegant Tiffany to luxurious salmon.


Or erythronium, attractive with the graceful lily-shaped shape of the inflorescences and their rich, noble color. This bulbous plant blooms in April-May.


Muscari is also called mouse hyacinth and even viper onion. This miniature plant is an excellent companion for other bulbous flowers. Muscari successfully complements compositions with hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, and crocuses. It blooms in April.


Dwarf and trumpet daffodils bloom a little earlier than other types of this plant - back in April. Small-crowned and large-crowned varieties begin flowering closer to May. Miniature daffodils can be grown not only in borders, flower beds, mixborders or planted in groups, but also grown in containers. To make the composition in pots look more impressive, the bulbs can be planted in several layers. Thanks to this trick, you will get a lush bush of daffodils. Crowned and double daffodils are very beautiful. They can boast not only the traditional yellow-white color of the inflorescences, but also an unusual pink one.


Or fritillaria. This is a beautiful, spectacular flower, truly worthy of its monarchical “title”! In just two weeks of active growth, the peduncle reaches 1.5 m in height. This hazel grouse blooms in April - early May. Fortunately, the plant does not have a particularly whimsical disposition and is suitable for growing in the middle zone. .


Tulips are one of the first to delight gardeners in the spring. Planting tulips and caring for them in open ground is not difficult even for beginners. This is an unpretentious plant, but large and bright buds will bloom only if they are carefully and properly cared for. In total, flowering lasts about 2-3 weeks in April-May.


Allium, or decorative onion, blooms at the very end of spring. It will become a real decoration of any flower bed or garden. Unusual and original spherical inflorescences impress with their beauty and texture. Growing allium does not require any special knowledge or extensive practical experience.

Spring whiteflower

These are small bulbous plants, up to 30 cm high. Flowers up to 3 cm long are located on peduncles of 1-2 or in few-flowered curls. In central Russia, spring whiteflower blooms in April - May. In June, the seeds ripen, the leaves turn yellow and die. In summer, the plant “sleeps” underground.


Camassia is a rather rare bulbous perennial in the middle zone. And it’s a shame, because it is quite unpretentious and grows well even on heavy, wet clay soils. Camassia blooms in the second half of May - early June.


Bulgarian nectaroscordum is a type of delightfully beautiful decorative onion. This plant can reach almost a meter in height. It blooms in late spring.

Summer flowering bulbs for the garden

Representatives of the summer flowering period have more fragrant and larger flowers. The color palette is much more varied than that of spring bulbs.


The perennial corm plant gladiolus has become widespread due to its exceptionally beautiful and varied colors of flowers. Plant shoots that are cut and placed in water continue to open buds and bloom for a long time. Gladioli are photophilous and moisture-loving. They are best grown in fertile, well-drained, loamy or light sandy soils. The site must be protected from winds.

Summer white flower

The name of this graceful flower translates as “white violet”. Of course, it doesn’t look very much like a violet. Rather, from a distance it can be mistaken for a tall lily of the valley. Summer whiteflower blooms at the end of May.


Lilies are amazing, exquisitely beautiful flowers. They are very popular among gardeners for their unpretentiousness, bright colors and large flowers. There are almost 80 varieties of lilies, from which breeders have developed many varieties. Lilies can become a real decoration of the garden only if they are provided with the necessary conditions for growth, therefore planting lilies and caring for them in the open ground must be carried out according to certain rules.


Canna is a heat-loving creature that requires conditions similar to those in which it grows in nature to live a full life. But this does not mean that caring for her is difficult. Knowing the intricacies of growing canna, you can get a wonderful decoration for your garden plot throughout the summer and autumn. Canna is a tall plant - from 0.5 to 2.5 m - with a straight, non-branching stem. It is densely covered with leaves - large, oblong in shape with a pointed tip.


Crocosmia is a capricious and graceful bulbous plant belonging to the Iris family. This exotic beauty came to our gardens from distant Africa. Starting from the first weeks of spring, the lush linear foliage begins to bloom wildly and towards mid-summer, arrows appear among the bright greenery, densely decorated with inflorescences of a bright fiery color. Right up to frost, crocosmia retains its splendor, which is why it occupies a special place in landscape design.


Dahlias belong to the Aster family. These are one of the most beautiful and long-blooming garden flowers, represented by a wide range of colors and variety of shapes. They bloom from July until frost. The shapes, colors and varieties of dahlia are so diverse that they can be used to decorate not only flower beds, but also border lines, as well as solo, even potted, plants. Dahlias are dazzlingly beautiful, but at the same time completely unpretentious. The main thing that is required for their successful growth and lush flowering is to choose the right planting site, ensure the necessary soil composition, timely watering and fertilizing.

Poultry farmer

The bird's eye flower reaches a height of 30 to 85 cm. The plant's bulbs, with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm, have a round, ovoid or oblong shape and are covered in dense covering scales. Its basal linear or belt-shaped leaves with a whitish midrib appear before the flower shoots - in some species they grow only in the fall and die off after wintering in the summer. White or yellowish flowers, odorless, with a green stripe on the outside of the perianth, collected in corymbose or racemose inflorescences.

Autumn blooming
bulbous plants

In autumn, the second most important flowering season for bulbs begins, after spring. Delicate and sophisticated, fall-flowering mid-latitude bulbs add fresh and cool shades to the traditional fall color scheme of our gardens and are particularly popular with pollinating insects.


Or colchicum. Some people mistakenly consider crocuses to be fall-blooming crocuses. In fact, these two genera have little in common and even belong to different families. Colchicums are extremely poisonous plants; all (!) of their parts require careful handling. Colchicum flowers bear six stamens, while crocus flowers bear only three. Another difference is that autumn crocuses usually belong to the blue color family, while colchicums usually belong to the pink color family.


Cyclamen are members of the Primrose family, but are traditionally described together with the Bulbaceae. It is better to grow autumn-blooming cyclamens in dry, sunny or semi-shaded places. The soil should be permeable and rich in humus and leaf humus. The most famous autumn species is the ivy-leaved cyclamen, or Neapolitan, so named for the shape and color of the leaves, which are strongly reminiscent of ivy. c. Neapolitan (frost resistance from zone 5) is excellent for landscaping arid problem areas of the garden, located both in partial shade and in the sun.


Or peat lily comes from eastern Asia. The plant's elongated, spike-shaped inflorescences are located on long, slightly curved stems that rise above many thin, narrow leaves. The plant tolerates partial shade or even completely shade. Liriope muscari (L. muscari) lives up to its name: the inflorescences of the plant resemble spring muscari in shape and color. Liriope muscari is a very valuable plant: it is cold-hardy (from zone 5) and adds a rare purple color to the autumn color scheme of the garden.


Or spider lily, the resurrection lily comes from China and Japan. The most popular species in European gardens is L. scaly (L. squamigera), which is hardy from zone 5. This is a charming plant with large lilac-pink bell-shaped flowers with a soft yellow center.

Crocus autumn

Graceful flowers with yellow anthers rise 12-14 cm above the ground surface. The plant blooms in early autumn.

Autumn whiteflower

Autumn whiteflower looks very unusual. It actually blooms in late summer. First, miniature white bells appear from the ground on bare straight stems, and only towards the end of flowering do narrow leaves grow. The height of this species is only 10-12 cm. In our climate, unfortunately, it is not winter-hardy enough.


The scientific and production association “Gardens of Russia” has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the widespread practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. The association uses the most modern technologies and has created a unique laboratory for microclonal propagation of plants. The main tasks of the NPO "Gardens of Russia" is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material for popular varieties of various garden plants and new world selections. Delivery of planting material (seeds, bulbs, seedlings) is carried out by Russian Post. We are waiting for you to shop:

Bulbous plants are the flowers of spring. They are the first to appear in the garden and attract attention with their enchanting beauty and gentle trepidation. Each of them is like a life-affirming beginning of nature’s renewal, and bright colors are expressive accents in landscape design. But there are plants that bloom in autumn, as the final chord of natural harmony before fading.

Perennial bulbous flowers, the names of which are presented below, are unpretentious by nature. They do not need to create special conditions or prepare a place for planting; they will grow anywhere, even on rocky soil.

INTERESTING! The main attraction of bulbous plants is the early awakening and decoration of the garden. They are loved for the brightness and tenderness of their color shades and the fragrant aroma!

Perennial bulbous: flowers photos and names

Among the familiar and frequently encountered daffodils and tulips, there are many other names that deserve attention and planting in the garden.

Colchicum (colchicum)

Distributed from North Africa to western Asia. And in our latitudes it easily took root. It blooms in autumn, rising 20 cm above the soil. Funnel-shaped flowers vary in color. Modern selection includes 70 species of crocus.

Read more about these flowers!


It blooms in April, enchanting with its fragrant aroma. Its flowering decorates the garden for almost a month, and bouquets of these flowers can stand in water for up to 10 days. Lovers of primroses appreciate the white flower for its decorative qualities that add elegance to the garden.

Even more information about the white flower -!


Primrose with bell-shaped inflorescences, which will decorate the lawn, alpine hill, ridge, and also as border flowers.

Brandushka (Bulbocodium)

A spring flower, one of the first to please in the garden. Looks great not only outdoors, but also when grown indoors. It is advisable to plant it in groups in rock gardens or as borders.

Brimera (Brimera)

The bulbous perennial attracts attention with its amethyst or white color and delicate aroma. The plant is unusually graceful for all its unpretentiousness.

Brodiea (Brodiea)

The wealth of colors that nature gives with this flower cannot fail to attract attention. It blooms in early summer, delighting with star-shaped flowers in lilac-raspberry, azure and pink shades.


It will delight you with the white boiling of bell-shaped flowers on a long stem, right up to frost. The plant came from South Africa, but has taken root here. It has excellent decorative properties for decorating mixborders.


A plant that everyone knows! Its flowering surprises with its variety of colors and delicate aroma, which is impossible not to notice. This is a real decoration for a garden lawn or lawn.


The delicate primrose came to us from Turkey, but quickly took root in our climate, and became a gentle accent on the lawns after the snow melted. He is always dressed up and replaced against a background of pale grass.


A separate genus of bulbous plants, consisting of 25 varieties. If you want to give your garden exclusivity, plant this plant. Tall inflorescences (up to 1m) of white, yellow and green funnel-shaped colors - brightness and attractiveness in the flowerbed and in landscape design.


This is an alien plant! It came to us from Transcaucasia and looks unusual in our landscapes. The plant attracts attention with its racemose inflorescences and long and thin peduncles.


This flower is similar to irises, but at the same time it has something of its own: exquisite tenderness and the joy of early flowering. The richness of colors opens up wide possibilities for decorating the landscape.


An elegant and aristocratic plant with a tall flowering stem and racemose inflorescence. The color range of the flower is from pale white to purple with blue. Depending on the variety, it is planted in rock gardens, rockeries, and ridges.


There are 25 species of this unpretentious plant that thrive in our latitudes, forming large colonies of ground cover. This plant looks harmonious in collaboration with other perennial bulbous plants in garden beds, mixborders, and rock gardens.


This flower can become an original addition to the landscape of your garden. The plant looks original in areas with stones.


Xyphium or bulbous irises will delight home garden owners with their amazing shape of delicate flowers, unique leaves and long flowering.


A delicate plant to decorate your garden. The blue-violet color gives many flowers on the peduncle a bluish haze. The plant grows up to half a meter in height.


Licorice will surprise you with its aroma and flower shape. The plant does not require special care, but will undoubtedly attract attention with its brightness and unusualness.


An exquisite and noble flower will always be the center of attention. The shape of the flower, the variety of colors and the sophistication of the lines make the lily a favorite of gardeners.


Lloydia will surprise you with its long flowering and unpretentiousness. Delicate white and yellow are decorated with pink and purple veins. The best place for the plant is rock gardens and rockeries.


The plant will grow anywhere, but the most advantageous option is rocky hills for early spring flowering.


This perennial will not leave any heart indifferent with its beauty. And you can get confused when choosing the flower itself: 60 species and 30 thousand varieties! It fits easily into any garden design. It is noticeable everywhere with its delicate beauty and fragrance.


The sweetness of the floral fragrance and the elegant shape of the flower, which, when it fades, leaves a fruit capsule, often used for bouquets of dried flowers.


It looks very beautiful in group plantings, attracting attention with flowers of different shapes.


The herald of spring on your site! This flower is associated with the arrival of spring. Decorate your garden with the first flowers! They will delight the eye among the islands of melted snow.

Polyanthes (Tuberose)

These flowers will enchant you with a complex scent of lilies and hyacinth every evening while they bloom. The sensual aroma will awaken dreams and desires. This is truly the queen of the night!


This plant blooms at the same time as snowdrops. Create a beautiful arrangement of blue and white flowers that will delight you with blooming until the crescent moon, when there are no other flowers yet.

Poultry plant (Indian onion)

The flower is valued not for its aroma, but for the surprisingly delicate shape of the flowers, which bloom profusely. The main color is yellow-green. Very beautiful in groups or border decoration of a flower garden.


Pushkinia attracts not with its smell, but with the early flowering of its racemose inflorescences. Looks great in rockeries or near fruiting bushes. Pushkinia flowers will decorate mixborders.


An excellent solution to decorate an alpine hill or rock garden with a variety of colors or, depending on the species, to get flowering twice: in May and September.


A tall (up to 1.5 m) plant that attracts attention with large flowers, similar to the shades of a chandelier. And also a beautiful rich color from yellow to orange-brown. Looks good in flower beds, proudly towering over low-growing flowers.

All about bulbous flowers in this section of our website!


You don’t often see it in our gardens, but in vain. Its straight and fairly tall peduncles with many flowers in the form of a panicle or raceme are always noticeable and attractive. With it you can place accents in the garden, drawing attention to the recreation area or pond.


This flower decorates your garden by blooming twice a year (May and October) for several weeks, but besides this, its bulbs can be eaten! Exquisite bluish-blue flowers look good in arrangements with other flowers.


Tritonia is a miniature gladiolus. Flowers can be used to decorate not only flower beds, but also balcony beds. It is advisable to plant the plant as a decorative addition to flower arrangements.


Tulips are leaders in garden decoration! A variety of shapes and colors, long flowering and minimal care, attractive in compositions and bouquets. This flower will never be out of place, both in large flower beds and small flower beds. And single flowers on the lawn enliven it, making it more natural and natural.


This is an ideal plant for rock gardens or rock gardens. The best place is the sunny side, but flowering there does not last long. In partial shade it will attract attention with long flowering.


You can admire saffron for hours. It is so unpretentious that it will grow wherever it is planted. But its decorative merits cannot be diminished. He is gentle, sophisticated and reverent.


These flowers will wonderfully complement your garden by blooming at a time when almost all flowers are already dormant. There is no point in giving up a plant in the garden, if only because it, like droplets of joy, revives our faith in the renewal of nature.


This primrose gives the flower garden a special charm and uniqueness. Its inflorescences of bell-shaped flowers will organically fit into a flower arrangement of any flowers, decorate rockeries or rock gardens.


The plant will decorate an early flowering garden with decoration along paths, in rocky gardens and rock gardens. But at the same time, the flower does not lose its attractiveness in single plantings, creating an attractive decor in harmony with other early flowering flowers.

Bulbous plants and landscape design

Many gardeners are sure that in order to get a harmonious combination in an early flowering garden, it is imperative to plant different types of bulbous flowers. They can be key plants for creating a design..

In the drainage plan, the following main points need to be taken into account:

A huge variety of bulbous plants allows the owner of a personal plot to show creativity, realizing his creativity, and the flowers will respond to you with enchanting beauty and peace of mind!

Useful video

A short story from a professional gardener about planting, caring for and forcing bulbous flowers:

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The very first flowers to welcome spring are bulbous ones. Their variegated colors delight us when many plants have not yet emerged from the winter period. And, I’m sure, everyone has some kind of bulbous flower or even several species in their flowerbed that inspire in spring and remind you of the imminent arrival of constant warmth.

Bulb flower lovers often purchase many different varieties and species, often ones they know little about. And when problems arise with growing, then the desire to take maximum care disappears, they say, the flower is complex, but you want to do less and get more. The problem is simply that the variety is chosen incorrectly, planted incorrectly, or the initial care is incorrect. If all this is decided in advance, then any type of bulbous plant, which, of course, is suitable for growing in your natural climate, will certainly delight you with maximum flowering output and healthy “offspring”.

There are bulbous flowers that have a short flowering phase, so they only decorate our area for a few days. It may be because they bloom so little, but it is generally accepted that their flowers are the most beautiful. Other bulbous plants do not like excess moisture, their flowers get wet and lose their decorative effect, but what about spring without rain? It’s just that the homeland where these bulbous plants grow is drier. So it turns out that in order to grow a garden correctly, you need not only to pay attention to the design on the packaging with a bulbous flower, but also be sure to find out the requirements for climate, care, and fertilizers.

What can you say about the flowering period? After all, everyone wants to extend it.
Bulbous flowers are decorative precisely because of their inflorescences, so we pay all our attention to them and even try to prolong the flowering. There is one little secret about how you can “regulate” the flowering period. If the bulbs are planted in a sunnier place, they will bloom much earlier, but they will also fade sooner. Bulbs planted in partial shade bloom later, their flowers may be smaller, but they usually bloom longer than in a sunny location.

There are bulbous plants that react more strongly to light and shadow than others. These are tulips, crocuses, lilies, gladioli. So they shouldn’t be planted in the open sun, where they will bloom instantly. It is advisable to plant in a place where there is partial shade or shade in the first half of the day. But in the afternoon, when the sun is not so hot, then this kind of lighting is best suited to these colors.

The Tigridia variegated bulb is amazing because the flowers, after opening, last only 8 hours and then fade. It’s even a bit of a shame to plant such a flower at the dacha! Because no one can see this beauty. But if you have a garden plot where you constantly live, then the variegated tigridia will become the highlight of the garden. A magical flower that you want to constantly watch so as not to miss the moment of flowering!

But the long-flowering poultry plant can please you for about a month. Because it periodically releases new flower arrows from the “broom” of drooping, thin leaves.

We list the longest-blooming bulbous flowers that need to be planted in the garden if you want it to have a shelf of colors:
— Tulips, which, depending on the planting location, can prolong flowering for about 3 weeks;
— Anemone, blooms for 3 weeks;
— Royal hazel grouse, blooms for 2-3 weeks;
— Narcissus, blooms for about 10 days.

But bulbous plants, which bloom mainly in the summer, and even for a long time and beautifully, can be considered freesias, poultry flowers, and many varieties of lilies.

Bulbs that do not require much care.
Everyone wants flowers to be easier to care for. But not all flowers can grow like this on their own if they do not grow in their homeland. There are varieties of bulbous plants, for example, lily or parrot tulips, hyacinths, freesias, and gladioli, which need to be dug up for the winter, otherwise their bulbs will become smaller or freeze completely in winter. Therefore, if you don’t want to bother so much, then choose simpler types and varieties. Ask the seller - will this bulb survive the winter in the climate where you live? If yes, then this flower is yours.

But not very demanding bulbs that do not need to be dug up for 3-5 years are royal hazel grouse, muscari, anemones, crocuses, all types of decorative onions, crocosmias, daffodils, lilies. And only after a few years they are dug up, the bulbs are examined, and they are planted in the same place, only with the addition of fertilizers to the soil, or they are planted in new places. And of course, the plantings need to be thinned out, since in 3-5 years from one plant daughter bulbs and seeds will most likely grow there, and a small distance between the bulbs threatens the breeding of the variety and the crushing of the bulbs.
Large bulbous flowers break in the wind.
Gardeners often encounter this misfortune. Yes, the breeders did their best, but it often happens that the new variety is beautiful, with large, lush flowers, but they grow on a very thin and fragile peduncle. Of course, all the power of the plant goes to the flowers! But in any bad weather, if the flowers are not tied up, it is very alarming, and then offensive if we see a peduncle that has already fallen and broken. So tie up your flowers in advance! It’s better to have a stick sticking out near a flower than to have nothing sticking out at all after the wind!
HowShould bulbous plants lead in the composition?
Of course, those bulbous ones that may need to be tied up!))) The leadership is occupied by tall and beautifully blooming flowers. That is, lilies, gladioli, royal hazel grouse. They can be planted in the background, or planted in a separate group. For example, lilies look beautiful. They do not mix with other plants, and they even seem more beautiful than in mixed plantings. Royal hazel grouse can be planted with lilies. That those and others bloom gorgeously, only the hazel grouse will fade faster, giving way to lilies.

Why do few people plant decorative onions???
They are decorative not only because of their flowering! A lush bunch of tubular leaves can serve as an excellent border, a border for different zones. And different varieties of onions bloom at different times. Early bloomers bloom in May, and late bloomers bloom at the end of August! So you can choose varieties of alliums so that they alone can decorate any corner of the garden and bloom all spring and summer! And the flowers can be blue, light blue, lilac, lilac, lilac, white, with pink shades.

Decorative chives with thin leaves are quite edible. I remember in the fall, when the onions were ripe and we needed green feathers, we cut off some of the greenery from the decorative onions. And when it was already completely cold, we cut all the greens and froze them for food in the winter. So chives look great not only in a flowerbed, in a mixborder, but also in soup!)
What do you recommend that is new, but not demanding?
Many settled on tulips and daffodils. They don’t even dig them up for the winter at all. They grow and that’s it. Others buy new and complex varieties, which ultimately turn out to be undecorative due to errors in care. But there are few species that are not demanding. but also very beautiful, they can only be seen among exotic lovers.
These are Glamini and Montbrecia. Glamini are miniature gladioli. These plants grow no higher than 50 cm, they do not need to be tied up, they are neat, compact, bloom earlier than gladioli, the stems do not bend, and are always slender. And they bloom very beautifully. Only they, like their brothers, need to be dug up for the winter. And they can be grown both in open ground and on the balcony in a tub.
Montbrecia - also called Japanese gladiolus or crocosmia. In fact, Montbretia is an ornamental species from Crocosmia. Crocosmia was first planted in gardens and slightly cultivated, and from this plant breeders bred mentbrecia. It is beautiful with its graceful inflorescences, which are painted in reddish, orange, and yellow colors. In relation to crocosmia, the size of the flowers of montbretia is much larger, which makes it more decorative. Montbrecia bulbs also need to be dug up for the winter.