The successes of modern natural science.

1 Intraschool education quality management system in educational institution: design, evaluation Moscow Center for Education Quality Poroshinskaya L.G year 1

America had war heroes in the 1940s; in the 1960s, astronauts were role models. Today, quality professionals should be considered heroes, since their contribution to future development and prosperity may be even greater than the outstanding personalities of the past. "J. Harrington, 1990" Quality Management in American companies»2

3 State policy in the field of education should guarantee the necessary conditions for a full-fledged high-quality education, take into account the interests and abilities of the individual, ensure the achievement of a competitive level for all levels of education The main task of the Moscow educational policy is to ensure high quality education based on maintaining its fundamental nature and compliance with current and future needs individual, society and state. "Quality Russian education is a key aspect of its development strategy ”-A. Fursenko High-quality education is a resource for sustainable development of society ”. The quality of life and the quality of education are the main guidelines of the policy of UNESCO and the United Nations The Berlin Declaration (d) defines what should ensure the national system of guaranteeing the quality of education

4 TRENDS IN THE SPHERE OF ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION TRENDS IN THE SPHERE OF ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION Development of uniform criteria and standards for the quality of education Development of uniform criteria and standards for the quality of education Creation and development of national accreditation systems for educational programs in European countries Creation and development of national accreditation systems for educational programs in European countries countries Building quality management systems in the educational process on the principles of quality management Building quality management systems in the educational process on the principles of quality management Development and implementation of educational institutions on the basis of various models of the quality system, including the requirements of International standards Development and implementation of educational institutions on the basis of various models quality systems, including the requirements of International Standards Shifting the center of gravity from external quality control procedures education. process and its districts based on the system of attestation and accreditation for int. self-assessment of the MA Shifting the center of gravity from external quality control procedures will educate. process and its districts based on the system of attestation and accreditation for int. self-assessment op

6 To manage means, first of all, to purposefully influence all components of a controlled system to achieve pre-planned results. In other words, the management of an organization as a process includes people, material, financial and other resources. Administration - the style of activity of any body, official, characterized mainly by the issuance of directives, orders, orders. Leadership is an impact on people, the purpose of which is to ensure that they perform work efficiently, in accordance with the standard, i.e. to lead people but not resources.

7 The purpose of the control is to change existing conditions(processes, mechanisms) to achieve the set goals - new results Management Objects - Activity Processes Management objectives (idea, concept, mission, strategy) - which set the vision of future results, the purpose of the organization, the content of its activities. The main management functions: analysis, planning (setting strategic goals, developing a development program, implementation plan), organization (distribution of powers, consolidation of functions joint activities, staff motivation) and control.


Planning Organization Management Leadership Control 5 Analysis 5 Purpose Analysis Purpose Purpose Purpose Information Management Management Decision

13 How do you understand the essence of the concept of "intraschool education quality management" The education quality management system is the management of the quality of the educational process and other activities that ensure the formation of competencies of students and school graduates. Education quality management is the management of quality assessment and control mechanisms. Education quality management system is an organized intra-school control and planning of the school's work on the quality of education. Quality management system is a set of organizational structure, methods, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of general quality management.

14 Management of the educational process information about the progress of the process Indicators of the educational process Indicators of the educational result Consumer satisfaction Resources The main activity of the process control consumer result Checkpoints of the process correction input Diagram of the educational process

15 What ensures the educational result of a student in the quality management system Organization of the educational process Improving the competence of teachers Teaching and methodological and material and technical resources Public administration Independence and openness of educational institutions Implementation of the mission, goals and objectives of the development program Organizational culture of educational institutions aimed at supporting the strategy Educational institution Social partnership New approaches to the system of assessing the quality of education The essence of the result Social order: successful graduate control External and internal expertise

16 New accents in the assessment system Transition from assessment as a control tool to assessment as a tool for managing the quality of education Transition from ascertaining assessment to formative, programming self-development of a student, teacher, school Transition from an assessment of exclusively subject learning to an assessment of educational results in general

The in-school education quality management system is a mechanism for the internal guarantee of the quality of education in general Requirements for the national system of education quality are determined by directives and quality standards in the European Region and can be considered as basic for educational institutions. When developing an in-school quality management model, it is recommended to use: PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SELECTING A TYPICAL MODEL OF EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS "(Federal Agency for Education 15% of quality deviations depend on performers and 85% of defects are determined by management deficiencies Edwards Deming 15% of quality deviations depend on performers and 85% of defects are determined by management deficiencies Edwards Deming 18

19 the concept of integrated quality management (Totel Quality Control), proposed by Armand Feigenbaum - Methods for improving the quality of personality, proposed by Klaus Möller: Basic principles of AQI: Joseph M. Jurana "Guide to Quality Management" Quality management systems in education Principles of the theory of quality management by American Edward Deming

20 Basics of Process Control Determining the desired outcome measuring the “input” and “output” of the process; Attention at the stages of the process, its resources and assessment Attention on the decision-making process Alignment with the MA capabilities Assessment of barriers and failures Clear distribution of powers and responsibilities Concept of integrated quality management

21 Factors that determine the success of educational institutions (studies of the European Commission) Financial independence High level of autonomy of educational institutions High level of competition within the system High level of management in educational institutions High level of quality control of education

22 Studies that determine the effectiveness and quality of impact on education Strength of effect Overall effect Average value Satisfaction of personally important student expectations quality execution tasks 1.13 Motivation of a student (value orientations towards achievement) 1.04 Educational effectiveness of elements of education (educational process) 1.00 Educational space that allows organizing self-education of a student in accordance with his capabilities 0.84 Direct influence of the teacher through direct teaching instructions 0, 82 Intensification (inclusion of additional programs, increasing the pace of passing programs) 0.72 Domestic factors (living conditions, influence of parents) 0.67 Availability of feedback and corrective support (academic performance, which initiates special assistance) 0.65 Work that combined research , published by the University of Auckland

23 Studies that determine the effectiveness and quality of impact on education Effect strength Attitude towards learning 0.61 Classroom environment (favorable atmosphere, support, high expectations from the student) 0.56 Formation of goals (goals formed in joint activities with the teacher, as own learning objectives student) 0.52 Equal tutoring (advanced students help the weak) 0.50 Teacher development (teaching new methods) 0.49 Parental involvement 0.46 Homework 0.43 Survey - exam (provided it helps students think about studied) 0.41

24 Education quality management is the management of the quality of the educational process and other types of activities that ensure the formation of the competencies of the learners of educational institutions.Each educational institution, depending on the goals in the field of quality and available resources, chooses its own organizational structure of the quality system. process, monitoring studies, development of preventive and corrective measures, development of IC documentation, etc. The activities of the service are regulated by: the Charter, regulations on the service, orders and orders of the director, orders and instructive documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, etc.

25 Options for building an organizational structure for managing the quality of education of an educational institution Council for the quality of education under the director of an educational institution Deputy director of an educational institution for quality of education Education quality service of an educational institution Laboratory of educational quality of an educational institution Department of educational quality of an educational institution

26 Tasks of the educational quality service of the educational institution Development and implementation of the organizational and functional structure of the educational institution of the educational institution Conducting internal audits and self-assessment of the educational institution; of the educational establishment of the educational institution; Preparation of proposals for the administration to improve the quality of education in the educational institution; Determination of measurable characteristics of the quality of education and methods of their measurement; : planning, collection and analysis of information, monitoring and control operations, etc.

28 What types of activities are covered by the in-school education quality management system Analysis of the quality of education (subject, supra-subject results, personal development.) Work processes for quality management Information support of managerial decisions on the problems of improving the quality of education; Quality policy implementation: planning the quality of the educational process; organization of work to improve quality; development of preventive and corrective measures; Expertise, diagnostics, assessment of the quality of education. The system of improving the professional competence of teaching staff. Material and educational and methodological support of images. process Conducting various monitoring operations of the quality of education

29 Work processes for managing the quality of education Content of work processes Analysis of the quality of education Analysis: - MSC; - Final certification; - External control; - Comparative analysis of external and internal control - Conditions that ensure the educational process (quality of lessons, professional competence, teaching and methodological support, etc.) Planning the quality of the educational result Planning the quality of conditions for achieving the planned result, including the use of resources to achieve it

30 Organization of work to ensure the quality of education Creation of conditions necessary to ensure the quality of education (personnel, educational and methodological, logistical, financial) Areas of activity for studying the personality of the child, identifying the abilities of schoolchildren of all age groups(Individual assessment of the capabilities and abilities of children, diagnostics of vocational guidance, etc.), Areas of activities for the development of the teacher's professional competence (system-activity approach, new approaches to assessing educational achievements, etc.) Motivation of all participants in the educational process for its quality Activity on the organization of preventive and corrective actions. Creation of a system of measures to track and stimulate improvement. A clear distribution of powers and responsibilities in the organization of work on quality assurance. Organization of work on quality control. Development of criteria and indicators for examination and assessment. Development of control and measuring materials, etc. Activities for organizing the MSC Organization of work to determine the measured parameters of the quality characteristics of the educational process Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing quality Preparation of documents reflecting records for assessing the quality of education Normative consolidation of procedures for assessing, collecting, storing data about the quality of education, etc.

31 Monitoring the quality of education Determine and include in the MSC the necessary types of monitoring for the identified indicators Determine the subjects of monitoring (information consumers) and possible forms of providing them with information Determine the frequency of monitoring, appoint persons responsible for its collection, storage, processing and analysis. Information support of management - the progress of schoolchildren and the level of academic performance; - the competitiveness of schoolchildren in terms of education in universities, participation in olympiads; - satisfaction of schoolchildren with educational programs; - teaching efficiency; - the composition of schoolchildren and its analysis; - available training resources and their cost, etc. Management decisions Determination of information flows necessary for making managerial decisions on the quality of education Determination of a specific object of managerial influence and certain performers and those responsible for its implementation;

32 The quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it! The only way to improve learning outcomes is to improve the quality of teaching! Conditions for improving teaching - a mechanism for improving teaching Results of an international study of the factors of successfully functioning schools (McKinsey, 2007) The role of the quality of teacher performance

33 Every Child Should Have Access to Highly Quality Teaching Effective Teacher Training Must Be “The Right People” Factors Critical to Improving the Quality of Education (Based on an International Survey of Top 25 School Systems) Attracting Strong Candidates to the Teaching Profession Candidate Selection Mechanism tov Tightening of the academic requirements for the received sample. Annual courses of professional development Each teacher should be provided with all available materials, knowledge, abilities to improve the level of the child Implement processes that guarantee quality improvement

34 Areas of Activity for the Formation of a New Formation of Teachers Using the Priority national project“Education” to identify and support the best teachers New system for confirming the level of professionalism of a teacher Development of a professional standard of teacher activity in line with the competence-based approach Updating the system of training and advanced training of personnel Development of public participation in the assessment of performance results teachers


36 Complete the assignment and answer the questions: Describe the system for managing the development of teachers in the school What analytical information do you use in the school to assess the quality of education and make managerial decisions? Describe the structure, directions of activity and assess the effectiveness of the in-school system for managing the quality of education.

Literature 37 PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SELECTION OF MODEL MODEL OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR EDUCATION universities and colleges of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) GUIDELINES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONING OF CONDUCT SELF-EFFICIENCY OF CONTROL SYSTEMS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE MODEL OF IMPROVING PERFORMANCE (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI".) 2005 Monitoring of general educational achievements of graduates of the basic school Polivanova K.N. Kasprzhak A.G. A.L. Venger M. 2006 Monitoring of general educational achievements of graduates of the basic school Polivanova K.N. Kasprzhak A.G. A.L. Venger M. 2006 Quality monitoring: statistics and sociology of education ML Agranovich O.Ya.Dymarskaya et al. M. 2007 Quality monitoring: statistics and sociology of education ML Agranovich O.Ya.Dymarskaya et al. M. 2007

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Ensuring the availability of quality education is the leading idea of ​​modernizing the Russian school. Meanwhile, as practice shows, the increased accessibility of education without changing its content and forms of influence on social status people can reduce its quality. Opportunities for improving the educational training of students by increasing the time frame schooling while maintaining volumes and content teaching material today are practically exhausted. The idea of ​​quality itself has changed. The institutional manifestation of such a change is the transition from regulation of the content and volume of educational material (FSES 1992), to the regulation of requirements for conditions, programs and results of education (FSES 2008).

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" defines the quality of education as a complex characteristic of "educational activities and training of a student, expressing the degree of their compliance with federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, including including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program. " The definition is general in nature and requires clarification and specification for practical use.

It seems impossible to satisfy the request for a new quality without purposeful changes at all stages of management: planning, organization, motivation and control, determining the factors of this quality and actively influencing them. Effective management can be viewed not as managing the transition of an object (education system) from one more or less stable state to another stable state, but as a continuous process, which for tactical purposes is divided into separate stages.

Russian education has a multi-level management system: the ministry of education and science - regional ministries (committees) - a municipal (city, district) governing body - an educational organization. Performance efficiency such a system depends on the degree of unity of the educational sphere, the relationship between the distribution of powers and responsibilities. The limitation of management capabilities at each level is due to the delegated powers and the available resources: administrative, financial, personnel, information. An important problem in the development of education quality management is the uncertainty of the responsibility of each level for this quality.

The relevance of the study is due to:

The ambiguity of the concept of "quality of education" and the need to highlight the components and factors that provide it, for solving management problems at the level of the metropolitan area;

Uncertainty of the district's responsibility for achieving standard quality and the need for quality management at all levels of management;

The need for an objective assessment of quality management at the district level and the use of quality indicators that do not meet the authority and responsibility of the district for this quality.

The degree of elaboration of the problem.

The general theory of quality management (V.I. Azarov, S.A. Voroshilov, S.D. Ilyenkova, G.Yu. Naumenko, etc.), the requirements of international quality management standards ISO 9000, Total quality management (TQM) principles. Various aspects of the problem are considered in the works of V.A. Bolotova, E.M. Korotkova, O.E. Lebedev, V.P. Panasyuk, M.M. Potashnik, G.A. Shaporenkova and others. The research of Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, G.M. Polyanskaya, A.I. Subetto, S.Yu. Trapitsyna, E.V. Yakovleva. We did not find the specific issues of education quality management at the district level in these sources.

The purpose of the study is to identify the applicability of modern criteria for assessing the quality of education in management at the district level.

The achievement of this goal led to the formulation of the following tasks:

1. To identify the criteria and indicators of the quality of education in state programs for the development of education, regulatory documents at all levels of education.

2. Determine the compliance of the criteria and indicators identified in task 1 with the requirements imposed on the criteria and indicators by the modern quality management methodology.

3. Identify the limitations for the use of these criteria and indicators in the existing system education management at the district level.

4. Propose possible criteria and indicators for solving problems of education quality management at the level of a metropolitan area.

The object of empirical research: the process of managing general education in St. Petersburg (on the example of 5 city districts).

Subject of the research: the peculiarities of the activities of the district departments of education in the management of the quality of education.

Theoretical and methodological basis the research was composed of the works of domestic and foreign scientists working in the field of research: A.A. Avetisova, D.A. Alexandrov, M. Albert, V.I. Andreeva, M.P. Afanasyeva, Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Bolotova, I.A. Waldman, M. Mescon, V.P. Panasyuk, M.M. Potashnik, S.G. Kosaretsky, N.V. Kuzmina, N.A. Selezneva, A.I. Subetto, S.Yu. Trapitsin, P.I. Tretyakov, A. Fayol, I. D. Frumin, F. Khedouri.

The work used theoretical (analysis, synthesis) and diagnostic (study of documents, statistical analysis monitoring research data, questionnaires, survey) research methods

The research information base includes:

official statistical materials on various issues of the functioning of the educational industry;

federal laws, legislative acts of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the development of education;

normative legal documents on the management of the quality of education at various levels of education management;

primary materials of educational institutions and organizations, including development programs and other documents.

data from surveys of heads of the district level of education management.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in:

application of the theory of education quality management to identify the compliance of criteria and indicators of political and regulatory documents aimed at improving education, the requirements of unambiguity, clarity and controllability in management practice at the city district level;

systematization of criteria for assessing the activities of education management bodies at the district level to improve the quality of education.

Specific elements of the increment of new scientific knowledge include the following results:

clarified the conceptual apparatus associated with the research topic;

identified possible criteria for assessing the activities of education management bodies at the district level to improve the quality of education.

Keywords. Quality of education, quality factors, quality components, quality management, powers of education management bodies, quality indicators, concepts of education quality management.

The results of the work can be used in the course of course preparation and retraining (seminars) of managers (administrators) when considering issues of quality management in education:

heads of the Education Departments of the administrations of St. Petersburg districts in the development of the Program for the development of the district educational system, analysis of the results of educational activities;

bodies state power Petersburg in assessing the effectiveness of education management at the level of city districts, in the development of state and regional policy in the field of education;

researchers in education quality management for further study.

Approbation of research results.

The obtained practical results of the step-by-step study of the problem were discussed at a videoconferencing session "Quality assessment system in an educational institution" of general educational institutions of the Krasnoselsky region with educational institutions of Russia in November 2013.

Research publications.

Materials on the topic of the dissertation are reflected in the article “The concept of“ quality of education ”: a variety of approaches” in the Collection of articles of undergraduates “Management of education”, NRU HSE St. Petersburg, 2013.

The main provisions of the work submitted for the defense:

1. Criteria and indicators of education quality management at the district level are determined by the logic of the distribution of management functions between management levels and the resulting restrictions on the rights and resources of this management level when performing the functions of goal-setting, planning, coordination of activities and control of educational institutions.

2. Opportunities for managing the quality of education at the district level are determined by the quality management of conditions (quality components): material and technical, organizational, personnel, information, and are practically not connected with the goal-setting of the tasks of the educational process.

quality education district

1. Qualityeducationandtheorymanagementquality

1.1 Concept"qualityeducation ":diversityapproaches

The quality of education is a particularly difficult category due to its ambiguity, relativity, and variability. Its application for management practice is significantly complicated by its widespread use in political and ideological rhetoric, where the quality of education is recognized as the source of intellectual reproduction and development of society, the basis of the economy, the guarantor of the preservation of the independence and integrity of the nation, the imperative of the time that determines the quality of life. This variety of connections allows us to consider the criteria for the quality of education a variety of indicators that go far beyond the scope of education. Therefore, the condition for the transition to the practice of managing the quality of education is the definition of the concept of "quality of education", which allows it to be measured and evaluated.

What is the “quality of education”?

The pedagogical dictionary interprets the quality of education as “a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, moral and physical development which learners achieve at a certain stage in accordance with the planned goals; the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the educational services provided by the educational institution. " The quality of education is primarily measured by its compliance with the educational standard. Let's clarify some points. In most of the definitions, the criteria for the quality of education are associated with the completeness of the learners' mastery of the set of knowledge and skills described in the standard. Thus, the possibility of quality assessment is derived from the specificity of the description in the standard of the requirements for knowledge and skills and the procedures for checking the completeness of their mastery by students. It is logical to recognize the subjects of such an assessment of professionals in the field of education, acting on the basis of regulatory legal acts. However, there is also a smaller part in the definition - the degree of satisfaction of various participants in the process with the educational services provided. There is a minimum of concreteness here. It can be assumed that the training participants do not belong to the circle of “process participants” (their criteria, by default, cannot differ from the criteria of the standard), but the rest of the subjects and procedures remain undisclosed. These can be both the trained themselves and, at the stage of training, their legal representatives - parents with very different expectations (requests) for the result and the learning process. Therefore, in this definition, its second part looks declarative.

The dictionary of agreed terms and definitions in the field of education of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States gives a different interpretation: “the quality of education is the correspondence of education (as a result, as a process, as a social system) to the diverse needs and interests of an individual, society, state; a systemic set of hierarchically organized, socially significant essential properties (characteristics, parameters) of education (as a social system, as a process, as a result) ”. Compliance with needs determines quality. Since the needs are diverse for different social groups, different institutions of society and the state (family, the world of work, defense of the fatherland, etc.), then, by this definition, the quality of education cannot be determined unambiguously, it is always contextual. The proposed definition is not applicable for education management.

M.L. Agranovich and P.E. Kondrashov propose to consider the quality of education as “the level of solving a complex of educational tasks, including: learning outcomes, socialization of graduates, including mastering the skills of orientation and functioning in modern society, the development of civic consciousness in compliance with the regulatory requirements for learning conditions; mastering the educational standard; compliance of educational services in terms of composition, content and quality with consumer expectations. " Let's try to figure it out. The process of managing the quality of education involves setting a set of goals (tasks). To determine the level of their achievement, a system for evaluating the results and a certain scale of measurements is needed. And if the methods and procedures for assessing educational achievements are constantly being improved, then hardly anyone today knows how to measure the development of "civic consciousness" or "skills of orientation and functioning in modern society."

According to A.I. Adamskiy “the quality of education is the level of success, socialization of a citizen, as well as the level of conditions for mastering the educational program of a school (educational institution). The results that ensure a high level of quality are academic knowledge, social and other competencies, plus the social experience acquired by the student in the course of mastering the educational program of the school (educational institution). " The requirements for the conditions for mastering an educational program are set by the federal state educational standard. Time will probably help to assess the success and socialization of a citizen. Academic knowledge remains in demand, but quality requires mastering “other competencies” as well. The competence-based approach establishes a new type of educational results, focused on the ability and readiness of the individual to work, to solve various kinds of real problems and tasks.

MM. Potashnik defines the quality of education as "the ratio of the goal and the result ..., despite the fact that the goals (results) are set only operationally and predicted in the area of ​​potential development of the student." This approach to determining the quality of education makes it a “piece commodity” that matters at the level of an individual student.

V.A.Kachalov examines the quality of education through the prism of educational services, identifying three groups of factors that affect the quality:

The subject of receiving educational services (student);

Object (management, structure and content of programs, resources: material and technical, methodological, personnel, financial);

Process (technologies and interactions, process and result control).

Quality management requires management of all stages life cycle service provision. The factors considered do not cover all stages and therefore need to be supplemented and clarified.

According to A. I. Subetto, the quality of education is "the unity of the qualities of education in the narrow sense of the transfer of knowledge", training (the formation of skills, abilities, professional competencies, readiness for appropriate activities) and upbringing. " Without the quality of upbringing, there can be no quality of education. But it is much more difficult to assess the degree of achievement of educational goals.

International practice gives just as little for specifying the criteria, indicators of the quality of education. The Dakar Framework for Action in an expanded definition of quality sets out desirable characteristics for learners (healthy and motivated), processes (competent teachers, active pedagogical methods), content (current curriculum) and systems (good governance and equitable allocation of funds).

UNICEF identifies five dimensions of education quality: learners, environment, content, processes, results.

UNESCO classifies the key components of quality as:

Individual traits of students (abilities, preparedness, obstacles);

Context (social values ​​and attitudes, economic situation and social policy);

Resources (material and human);

Teaching and learning (time, technology, assessment, incentives, safety);

Results (academic performance, socio-economic gains).

Concluding our review of definitions of the quality of education, let us turn to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It defines the quality of education as "a comprehensive characteristic of education, expressing the degree of its compliance with federal state educational standards and federal state requirements and (or) the needs of an individual or legal entity in whose interests educational activities are carried out, including the degree of achievement of the planned results of the educational program."

Summing up, we can say that today there is no single definition of the quality of education, and there cannot be, since the authors of the above definitions formulate them for objects of different levels (from the education systems of countries as a whole to a separate class of an educational institution). The basis for a set of such definitions can be the compliance of the educational system, the processes occurring in it and the results achieved with the requirements of the standard (invariant part) and the needs and interests of consumers of educational services (variable part). The characteristics and parameters of the quality of education require clarification and agreement at all levels, since they provide a criterion basis for building a quality assessment system in order to manage the development of education.

As a working concept for solving the problems of this research work, we take the following: the quality of education for management tasks at the regional level and below is a set of characteristics expressing the degree of compliance of the created conditions and the achieved learning outcomes with the requirements of federal state educational standards and other regulatory legal acts in the field of education ( invariant part for the period of validity of these documents), and requests of consumers of educational services (variable part).

1.2 ComponentsandfactorsqualityeducationandtheirinfluenceonresultsUnified State Examonleveldistrictmegalopolis

Assessment of the quality of education requires considering the totality of its components and factors, determining the main criteria and indicators of the quality of education.

Big encyclopedic Dictionary defines a factor (from Latin factor - doing, producing) as a cause, a driving force of a process, a phenomenon that determines its character or individual features. We propose to consider the factor of the quality of education as a resource of educational activity that influences the result.

Component - (from Lat. Componentens - component) component, an element of something. For us, in this case, this means that the components are logical to call subject, meta-subject, personal results of students, consumer satisfaction with the quality of educational services.

The main indicator of the quality of education results today is the unified state exam (USE). As an indicator, the average score is most often used in the subjects: Russian language and mathematics, since they are compulsory and are taken by all graduates. The introduction of the main state exam (OGE) for 9th grade graduates, compulsory in the same subjects, will allow the use of similar indicators in the quality assessment system at the level of basic general education.

The Olympiad movement can serve as an indicator of the quality of the result. Since the number of offered Olympiads grows exponentially, so that the results are comparable, it is rational to use the results of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. An indicator of quality can be: the number of winners of the corresponding stage of the Olympiad.

The development of systems for assessing the quality of education presupposes the emergence of new assessment procedures: monitoring of educational achievements of students at different levels education; monitoring the readiness of primary school students to choose a further professional and educational trajectory; monitoring the socialization of 16-year-old students. Together with them, the range of indicators of the quality of education results will also expand.

Quality management requires the definition of its components, which together determine the result, and the objectivity of the assessment implies the need to take into account factors - quality constraints. The conditions of the educational process have a direct impact on the result.

Afanasyeva M.P., Keiman I.S., Sevruk A.I. the conditions of the educational process include the type and type of educational institution, the professional level of the teaching staff, the characteristics of the student population, educational, methodological, material, technical and financial support of the educational process. At the same time, the factors - constraints at the district level are: regulatory and financial support of the educational process, as well as the characteristics of the contingent of students. The selection of criteria and indicators of the quality of education proposed in the work is based on the research of M.L. Agranovich, D.A. Aleksandrov, I.A. Waldman, D.L. Konstantinovsky, S.G. Kosaretsky, M.A. Frumina I.D. ...

The type and type of educational institution determine the specifics of the educational programs being implemented, influence the organization of the educational process, the student population and, as a result, the achieved educational results. As a rule, socially unprotected segments of the population choose “cheaper” schools that implement general educational programs basic level. When analyzing the quality of education, comparison and comparison of results is possible only in a group of institutions implementing similar educational programs.

Institutional prerequisites for development Russian system education are:

Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015;

the federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" N 273-FZ;

State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020;

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES);

- Federal Law No. 83-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions";

- National educational initiative "Our New School";

- Order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2010 No. 209 "On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions";

- Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2012 No. 2620-r "On approval of the action plan (" road map ")" Changes in the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science ";

- Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated November 12, 2012 N 1200 "On the main directions of activities of the Government of St. Petersburg for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015" (with amendments and additions).

Formal institutions regulate the activities of educational institutions, but are not assessed in the general education system. Their assessment can be carried out at the international level when comparing the quality of education in different countries.

Features of the student contingent include socio-economic characteristics, ethnic composition, health indicators of schoolchildren. According to a study by the National research university Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) in 2012, low academic results are shown by schools in which they study:

- children from low-income and single-parent families;

- children for whom Russian is a non-native language;

- children with special needs.

The teaching staff has a significant impact on the quality of education. This influence is determined by a number of factors: the level of education, the experience of teaching, the degree of motivation, the workload of the teacher. The workload affects the quality of professional activity, the ability to provide an individual approach to the student, and self-improvement. Research by the Higher School of Economics proves that consistently successful schools in terms of the USE are characterized by a higher-quality staff. There are more teachers of the highest category and fewer young professionals. At the same time, in schools experiencing problems with the Unified State Exam, the percentage of teachers with higher education and the highest category. The influence of the qualifications of teaching staff on the USE indicators in educational institutions of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg is not entirely obvious (Table 1). Thus, in schools Nos. 247, 380, 383, 394, 549, the share of teachers with higher qualifications is higher than in other institutions, however, the USE indicators in both mathematics and Russian are at the level of the average for the district (43.71 and 62.9 respectively) or even somewhat lower. School № 568 demonstrates high USE results, where the share of teachers with the highest category is 32%.

The following can be used as indicators characterizing various aspects of the teaching staff:

Share of teachers with higher education vocational education from the total number of teachers;

Share of teachers with the highest qualification category;

The share of young specialists from the total number of teachers;

The number of students per teacher.

To assess educational and methodological support, you can use the indicators:

- “the number of units of literature in the school library” (turned out to be significant in assessing the quality of schools based on the USE results);

The proportion of students provided with textbooks from the school fund.

Material and technical support is associated with the availability of equipped rooms: physics, chemistry, biology, sports and assembly halls, equipping the educational process with laboratory equipment, robotics, information technology, and providing access to the Internet. Comparison general education schools Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg, according to the availability of computer equipment and USE indicators, shows that there is no direct relationship here (Table 1). The maximum number of units of computer equipment in educational institutions Nos. 247, 252, 291, 394. None of the listed schools demonstrates high USE results. The highest USE scores in mathematics and the Russian language are in schools where the provision of technology is below average for the district (OU No. 382) and average (OU No. 568). The insignificant influence of the indicators of material and technical equipment on the quality of results is confirmed by the research of the Higher School of Economics. We propose not to consider them among the significant components of the quality of education at the present stage.

Table 1. Influence of the qualifications of teaching staff and the number of computer equipment on the USE indicators in schools of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Institution name

Qualification of teaching staff

Availability of computer equipment

Average test score of the exam

Share of teachers with the highest category of the total number of teachers


Russian language

Financial support can be assessed by the expenditures of the consolidated budget for general education per student and by the share of the payroll fund (payroll) of teachers in the total payroll.

To provide relevant and sufficient information to the decision-making processes of education authorities at the district level, we propose to use the following criteria and indicators of the quality of education (Table 2).

Table 2. Factors of the quality of education at the district level, their criteria and indicators

Quality factors



Organization of the educational process

Implementation of advanced education programs.

The share of students in classes with an advanced level of education of the total number of students,%

Duration of study (time spent in an educational institution)

Average number of hours spent in compulsory and additional classes per year by 15-year-old students, hour.

Contingent of students

Family income

The share of students from low-income families of the total number of students,%.

Parent education

The share of mothers with higher education from the total number of students,%.

The presence of students for whom Russian is not native

The share of children - foreigners from the total number of students,%.

School health

The share of children of the first and second health groups of the total number of students,%.

Pedagogical staff


The share of teachers with the highest qualification category of the total number of teachers,%.

work experience

The share of teachers under the age of 30 of the total number of teachers,%.


The share of teachers with higher professional education from their total number,%.

Educational and methodological support

Provision of textbooks

share of students provided with textbooks from the school fund,%.

Library book fund

number of units of literature in school libraries, pcs.

Financial security

Budget spending on education

Consolidated budget expenditures on general education per student, rubles

Remuneration for teachers

The share of the payroll fund (payroll) of teachers in the total payroll,%.

To determine the influence of the listed quality factors on the quality of education, a statistical analysis of the express analysis "General education in St. Petersburg: 2001 - 2011" was carried out. (based on the results of monitoring education in St. Petersburg).

The districts of St. Petersburg were compared in terms of:

The share of students in advanced classes of the total number of students;

Share of children - foreigners from the total number of students;

Consolidated budget expenditures on general education per student;

Proportion of teachers under the age of 30;

Percentage ratio of the number of students to the number of places in the educational organization;

The proportion of children of the first and second health groups in the total number of students.

As the main indicator of the quality of education results, the average score of the unified state exam in the Russian language and mathematics in the districts of St. Petersburg was taken.

The results of the comparison of the districts of St. Petersburg are shown in Table 3.

The analysis shows that the quality of general education is significantly influenced by the presence in the region of organizations of an increased level of education: lyceums, gymnasiums, schools with in-depth study. individual items... So, in the Kronstadt district of St. Petersburg there are no organizations with an advanced level of education. The average score of the district's graduates in Russian language and mathematics is the lowest in the city. At the same time, graduates of Vasileostrovsky, Petrogradsky and Tsentralny districts, where the proportion of students in schools with an advanced level of education is high, demonstrate comparable high USE results. The highest USE results in mathematics are in the Petrodvortsovy district, with a relatively small number of schools with an advanced level of education. Probably, the influence of other factors begins here. The results of the exam in mathematics in Petrodvortsov and Petrograd districts are comparable. With the same workload of schools and the level of health of students, attention is drawn to the proportion of students in high-level schools, which in the Petrogradsky region is twice as high as in the Petrodvortsovy region. At the same time, the share of children - foreign citizens in the Petrogradskiy region is four times higher than in the Petrodvortsoviy one. It is likely that the ethnic composition of students can influence the quality of education. In Krasnogvardeisky and Kurortny districts, the proportion of children who are foreign citizens is practically the same. The higher USE results of Krasnogvardeisky District graduates can be explained by the large number of schools with an advanced level of education, and the relatively small difference in these results can be influenced by the consolidated budget expenditures per student, which are the highest in St. Petersburg in the Kurortny District. If we compare the Moscow and Nevsky districts, where the proportion of children - foreign citizens is the same, then the higher quality of education demonstrated by the students of the Moskovsky district may be associated with a large number of schools with an advanced level of education, higher education costs per student, and a higher level of health. students. A similar picture is in the Vasileostrovsky and Vyborgsky districts.

The share of young specialists from the total number of teachers in the district can be an indirect indicator of the level of qualifications of teachers. It can be assumed that young specialists have a lower qualification category than teachers with experience. It is not possible to trace the dependence of the quality of education on the proportion of young specialists. The highest proportion of young specialists is in the Kirovsky, Krasnogvardeisky and Tsentralny districts. Kirovsky and Krasnogvardeisky districts show similar USE results. A large number of schools with an advanced level of education in the Krasnogvardeisky district and high costs per student, in comparison with the Kirovsky, are neutralized by a larger share of children - foreign citizens. In Krasnogvardeisky and Tsentralny districts, with the same proportion of students in advanced schools, higher results of graduates of the Tsentralny district may be associated with a smaller number of foreign children. The lowest percentage of young specialists is in the Krasnoselsky district. It also has the lowest costs per student. With an average number of advanced schools and an average proportion of children - foreign citizens, graduates also demonstrate average USE results in the city.

It is not possible to establish the dependence of the quality of education on the group of students' health. The smallest number of healthy children is in the Central District, at the same time, the demonstrated quality according to the USE results is one of the highest.

There is no unambiguous dependence of quality on the workload of schools.

Conclusions per paragraph:

1. The quality of educational outcomes at the level of St. Petersburg districts is influenced by:

The nature of the educational programs being implemented;

Features of the contingent of students;

Professionalism of teaching staff.

2. Material, technical and financial conditions do not directly affect the quality of educational outcomes.

Table 3. Influence of education quality factors on USE indicators at the level of St. Petersburg districts.

The share of students in advanced classes of the total number of students (%)

The proportion of children is foreign. citizens from the total number. students (%)

Cons. Expenses budget for the total arr. in races. for one training. (thousand roubles.)

Proportion of teachers under the age of 30

Percentage of. Qty. pupils to the number of places in the image. organ. (%)

The proportion of children of the first and second health groups in the total. training. (%)

Average USE score in Russian. language

The average USE score in mat.


















1.3 Evolutiontheorymanagementquality

Until the mid-60s of the XX century, the control and rejection of defective products played a major role in ensuring product quality. The quality control system and the structure of the production process were organizationally consistent. The combination of acceptance and operational control made it possible to reduce production costs through early detection and removal of defective products. An important role was played by the incoming control of the raw materials used. Ensuring quality only by means of control required a large number of controllers, the number of which became commensurate with the number of production personnel. The advent of sampling control based on statistical methods made it possible to increase the efficiency of quality control and reduce time costs.

The concept of control is replaced by the concept of quality management, one of the founders of which was A.I. Feigenbaum. He suggested analyzing the stages of production, identifying the causes of defects and developing measures to prevent it. General system quality assurance included several enlarged stages:

Market analysis;

Forecasting and planning the quality level;

Development of standards;

Quality design in the technological process;

Quality control of raw materials and raw materials;

Operational control in the production process;

Acceptance control;

Product quality control during operation;

Analysis of customer reviews.

The next step in the development of quality management theory was a comprehensive quality management system based on Shewhart-Deming cycles: PDC (S) A ("Plan-Do-Chek (Study) -Act" "). The system was put into practice in Japan.

Further development of the theory and practice of modern quality management was the development of international quality standards ISO 9000.

The main result of the evolution of quality management is quality assurance: the creation and operation of a quality assurance system, quality compliance with modern conditions and requirements.

Quality management and general management are interrelated.

The founder of both general management and quality management can be considered F.U. Taylor. In 1905, to establish the criteria for the quality of the product, he proposed using the maximum tolerance fields: upper and lower, and for qualitative measurements - the calibers: through and not through. Quality management system F.U. Taylor was built on the functions:

Quality planning through setting the boundaries of tolerance or gauge fields;

Compliance with quality requirements in the production process;

Checking the conformity of products to the established requirements;

The reaction of the administration to the result: encouragement or punishment of the employee, correction or removal (disposal) of the marriage.

In this case, the management functions were assigned to different performers. Quality planning was carried out by design engineers, workers were fulfilling the established requirements, quality control was the task of a technical controller, decision-making was a function of the administration. F.U. Taylor cited a conflict of relations associated with the difference of interests of those who set the requirements, who fulfill them, and who verify the fulfillment.

From the 1920s to the 1950s, the quality problem was perceived mainly as scientific and technical, related to quality control and regulation of technological processes, and the management problem was perceived as organizational and socio-psychological. The convergence of ideas of general management with methods of quality assurance begins in the 50-80s. The organizational issues of quality assurance were first brought to the attention of E.W. Deming and D.M. Juran. In 14 famous postulates of E.W. Deming Engineering and organizational methods quality assurance are interconnected.

The expansion of ideas about quality and ways of influencing it, the development of intra-organizational management required the creation of an organizational structure, including all departments, each employee at all stages of the product life cycle. Against this background, the concept of TQM (Total Quality Management) appears - total quality management. The philosophy of TQM Total Quality Management is based on the idea of ​​continuous improvement.

TQM is based on the following principles:

Consumer orientation, since it is the consumer and only the consumer that sets the quality level;

Leadership of the head;

Involvement of personnel, joint work to achieve goals;

Process approach with precise definition all actions, their sequences and relationships;

A systematic approach to management: horizontal process interaction of hierarchically subordinate units;

Continuous improvement;

Making decisions based on facts;

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.

A key feature of the TQM system is participation in improving the quality of the entire team, joint analysis of problems and the search for solutions. At the same time, the importance of continuous training of personnel increases significantly.

While quality management has acquired new elements production system, general management broke up into a number of disciplines: personnel, finance, marketing, innovation ... The theoretical development of the general theory of management is associated with the emergence of the concept of management by objectives (MBO - Management by Objectives). The essence of the concept is in the formation of a "tree of goals", the design of the system of organization and motivation to achieve them.

At the same time, management based on quality (MBQ - Management by Quality) was formed, and the asset of which is 24 international standards ISO 9000. The emergence of ISO 9000 standards is associated with the development of quality management and the protection of consumers' rights to reliable information about the quality of goods.

Conclusions per paragraph:

1. Quality is one of the fundamental categories that determine the way of life, social and economic basis for the development of individuals and society.

2. Quality is determined by the action of many random, local and subjective factors.

3. To prevent the influence of these factors on the quality level, a quality management system is required.

4. In the history of the development of quality systems, five stages can be distinguished: product quality as compliance with standards; product quality as compliance with standards and process stability; quality of products, processes, activities as compliance with market requirements; quality as meeting the requirements and needs of consumers and employees; quality as meeting the requirements and needs of society, owners (shareholders), consumers and employees.

5. Quality as an object of management is characterized by all the components of management: planning, analysis, control.

1.4 Modernconceptsatreignqualityeducation

The basis of general education management in domestic practice until the 80s of the last century was school science. It was limited to the preparation of practical recommendations for organizing activities based on the generalization of the experience of the best school leaders. The beginning of the use of new methods in education management is associated with the implementation of the ideas of a systematic approach (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, V. S. Lazarev, M. M. Potashnik, P. I. Tretyakov, P. I. Khudominsky, T. I. Shamova and etc.). The systematic approach allows us to consider the control object as an integral structure consisting of separate interconnected elements (subsystems) integrated into environment... System components include: goals, objectives, structure, resources, technologies. The unifying factor that determines the integrity of the system is goals. The systematic approach is based on the use of both external and internal management mechanisms. The basic principles of the systematic approach include:

Integrity: considering the system as a whole and as a subsystem for a higher level;

Hierarchy, subordination of subsystems lower level top-level subsystems;

Structuring: analysis of the relationships between subsystems within a specific organizational structure;

Plurality: Using different models to describe how individual elements and the system as a whole.

Like any open system, the educational system has an entrance, transformation processes and an exit. Entry refers to students, personnel, material and technical, educational, methodological, financial conditions and restrictions (regulatory requirements). The process as an educational subsystem has a complex structure and consists of various sub-processes:

Educational process as a unity of teaching and upbringing;

Educational work and extracurricular activities;

The educational process as a whole;

Education by level of education;

Teaching by classes and parallels;

Training in areas of knowledge and individual subjects.

The results of educational activities represent the output of the education system.

The concept of management by goals is based on the definition of goals agreed at various levels of the education system, ways of achieving and evaluating them. The effectiveness of management based on this concept is determined by the quality of goal setting and planning. The goal, "performing motivational, managing and system-forming functions, becomes the main criterion for selecting the content, methods, forms and means of implementing the educational process."

The concept of results-based management is based on the ideas of a procedural approach to management and describes a process that includes the stages of planning a result, defining areas of activity and control. Result planning is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors activities of the organization. Control allows you to determine the degree of achievement of the planned result, the need to adjust activities. With regard to education management, the concept of results-based management was implemented by P.I. Tretyakov.

V recent times an approach focused on the development of an educational institution based on the introduction and use of innovations has become widespread in education management (M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov, O.G. Khomeriki, etc.).

ON. Seleznev and A.I. Subettos consider quality management, on the one hand, as the impact of the "subject of management" on the processes of formation, provision, development of the quality of objects and processes in the chain of life cycles, on the other hand, as an organization of control, analysis and evaluation of the achievement of goals and established norms.

In a broad sense, education quality management is understood as managing the compliance of educational standards and social quality norms with requirements. social development... In a narrow sense, it is the management of the quality of training of students.

The concept of dual management of the quality of education, developed by N.A. Selezneva, proceeds from the need for two interacting control channels: a quality control channel for the functioning of the system (quality assurance) and a quality control channel for system development (quality improvement). The quality of a system is determined by the quality of all its components: resources, potential, processes (technologies), results. The resources of education are: the content of education, material and technical and educational and methodological equipment, personnel, finance. The potential of the educational system includes: economic, technological, pedagogical, administrative, educational and others. The management of the quality of the functioning of the educational system is aimed at the current provision of the educational process and at the formation of potentials. Development quality management implies an increase in the potential quality of the system. This model considers the quality of the result in conjunction with the components that provide it.

In the studies of A.A. Avetisov, the concept of functional-systemological management of the quality of education is considered. According to the concept, the processes occurring in any educational systems are considered as controlled dynamic processes that obey general laws. The main systemological attributes of educational systems are: goal (program), structure, process (algorithm) and quality (efficiency) of functioning. The quality of education within the framework of this concept is a complex characteristic of the functioning of the educational system and expresses the degree to which the achieved results of educational activity correspond to the normative level.

The theory of optimization of the educational process by Yu.K. Babansky. The theory is based on the idea of ​​managing the quality of education through quality management of the components of the educational process. The main provisions of the theory:

The quality of education is ensured by the optimization of the educational process and its elements;

The strategy for optimizing the educational process was carried out ...

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There are various approaches to describing the principles of constructing education quality management systems, but in general they are united by one idea - such a description should be based on a general conceptual management model.

In a broad sense, control is understood as a function of complex organized systems(biological, technical, social), ensuring the preservation of their structure, maintaining the mode of functioning and sustainable development, the implementation of the goals of the system. Management is an attribute of exclusively social systems; it exists only in organizations.

Management in the narrow sense is called the organizational structures and administrative bodies that carry out management functions. In the interests of effective management, it is necessary to clearly define the structure of the management system and the interconnection of its links. In the general case, the solution to this problem is assigned to the so-called structural management. In addition, it is necessary to define and form such characteristics of the system and its subsystems so that they are able to perform their target functions. This is achieved through parametric control. The solution of situational management tasks associated with the system's reactions to changes in the external and internal environment lies in the zone of the so-called situational management. When management is built taking into account the development trends of the system and its environment and (or) is aimed at eliminating (compensating) possible adverse consequences, then it can be called proactive, anticipatory.

The general control scheme can be presented in the following form (Fig. 6.2).

Rice. 6.2.

Any control can be considered as the interaction of the control (subject of control) and controlled (control object) subsystems, as a result of which the control object passes from some initial state to the desired final state. Each of the states of the control object is described by a specific set of measured characteristics (indicators), and the control task can be described by changing the states of the object - the values ​​of these indicators or the formation of new characteristics of the control object (giving it new qualitative properties). Moreover, even if the initial and final states of the object coincide, this can be considered as a special case of control aimed at maintaining a stable state of the object. Thus, the management always has control object which is described by some set of properties(characteristics) defining it condition(initial, final, intermediate), management program as a way of transferring an object from one state to another and subject of management, which forms and implements this program. The nature of any control system remains unchanged. relationship: the control subsystem has a purposeful effect on the controlled subsystem, and these influences are received (perceived) by the latter. This conclusion is in good agreement with the well-known statement of the "father" of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, who argued that control is the sending of messages that effectively influence the behavior of their recipient.

It is possible to formulate a list of conditions, in the absence of which there can be no talk at all about any management, including the management of the quality of education.

  • 1. This is the presence of a clearly formulated management goal and the criteria for achieving it, determined before the start of the management process.
  • 2. Availability of reliable information about the state of the control object at any stage of the management cycle.
  • 3. The ability to measure indicators of the state of the control object at any stage of the management cycle.
  • 4. Availability of a certain list of alternative options for achieving management goals - methods of implementing a management program and a formalized method for constructing and enumerating these alternatives.
  • 5. The possibility of a sufficiently complete assessment of the consequences of the implementation of each of the alternatives, including from the point of view of its compliance or non-compliance with the goals and existing restrictions.

Transfer from general definition management to the concept of quality management implies the identification of the specifics of the control and controlled systems, as well as the control impact.

This is how GOST 150 9000: 2011 defines the concepts of "management" and "quality management".

Management: The coordinated activity of directing and directing an organization.

Quality management: The coordinated activity of directing and controlling an organization in relation to quality.

Management system: A system for developing policies and objectives, and achieving these objectives.

Quality management system: A management system for the direction and control of an organization in relation to quality.

The ISO 9000 series also distinguishes between quality planning, quality assurance, quality management and quality improvement.

Quality planning: part of quality management, aimed at setting quality objectives and defining the necessary operational processes of the product life cycle and the corresponding resources to achieve the quality objectives.

In fact, quality planning is a description of the desired result (the final state of the control object), which is the goal of control, as well as all fixed intermediate states and resources necessary for the transition. A typical example of planning the quality of education is the development of the Federal State Educational Standard, and at the level of an educational organization - development programs, road maps, etc.

Quality Assurance: The part of quality management aimed at creating confidence that quality requirements will be met.

Quality assurance refers to all types of activities planned for implementation within the framework of the quality management system (management program), which determine the possibility and conditions for imparting the required quality characteristics to the management object. Quality assurance in relation to education is the development of a set of necessary measures to achieve education quality indicators at the level of requirements established in educational standards, other regulatory documents, as well as consumer requirements. The elements of the quality assurance system are the development of educational programs, qualification requirements for teachers, the content of certification procedures, the distribution of responsibilities and powers, the organization of interaction, etc.

Quality management: The part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements.

Quality management is methods and activities of an operational nature aimed at the successful implementation of the educational program, regulation and control of the educational process, timely elimination of inconsistencies and deviations of the process.

The main difference between quality management and quality assurance is that the latter means building an expedient management system, and the first is its effective functioning. Quality management involves the active influence of the control subsystem on the control object, leading to a change in its state. Therefore, it can be considered an active way of influencing quality.

Thus, education quality management should be understood as a purposeful and continuous impact on the processes and conditions of educational activity, ensuring the achievement of educational results that best meet the needs of various groups of consumers.

Quality improvement: Part of quality management that aims to increase the ability to meet quality requirements.

In fact, these are all actions for planning, ensuring and managing quality, performed at a new stage (cycle) of management to achieve higher values ​​of quality indicators of processes and (or) results of educational activities, increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs (increase efficiency) and elimination of the causes of the identified inconsistencies.

It is impossible to achieve perfection in such a complex kind of activity as education at once. This can only be achieved through a long series of improvements spanning all stages of the process. The principle of continuous improvement - whether a product, a service, a technology or an employee's behavior - is so firmly established in everyday practice today. best organizations that some researchers, with good reason, write about the need to form a "habit to improve" in staff.

For the effective organization of the process of managing the quality of education, it is necessary that the main categories of management are clearly defined, which make it possible to better understand and organize the whole process.

The goal of management is to achieve the required level of education quality. It is about what set of properties and what level of quality should be set, and then achieved so that this set and this level meet the established requirements to the maximum extent.

The subject of management is the governing bodies of all levels and persons designed to ensure the achievement and maintenance of a given level of education quality.

The object of management is the quality of the education system, the quality of the educational process and the quality of the results of education. The control object can be either the entire set of properties of the system (process, result), or some part of them or a separate property. In particular, the object of management can be determined by the competitiveness of a graduate of an educational organization, the level of his competence or some other indicator, a characteristic of educational activity, in particular, the proportion of teachers with a scientific degree. For a lecture, for example, the objects of quality management can be: the level of its problematicity, accessibility of presentation, clarity, student activity, consistency and structuredness of the material, etc.

The object of quality management in accordance with international standards and SO 9000 can be:

  • - activity or process;
  • - the result of activities or processes, which, in turn, can be material (for example, a textbook written by a teacher), intangible (for example, information assimilated while reading it), or a combination of them;
  • - an organization, system or individual;
  • - any combination of them.

Quality management functions are classified actions to manage the quality of education, corresponding to the characteristics of the object and subject of management and management objectives.

Management methods are the ways in which the subjects of management influence the elements of the education system and the educational process, ensuring the achievement of the planned result. Traditionally, the following groups of methods are distinguished:

  • - economic, ensuring the creation of economic conditions that encourage educational workers to study the needs of consumers, organize and carry out educational activities that meet these needs and requirements;
  • - socio-psychological influencing the motivation of participants in the educational process to achieve high quality education, as well as providing, on the one hand, encouraging teachers for achieving high quality, and on the other, a system of sanctions for poor-quality education;

organizational and administrative, carried out by means of mandatory standards, directives, orders, directives of managers;

- pedagogical, including all stages of creating the quality of education from pedagogical design to pedagogical analysis and ensuring optimal interaction between teachers and students.

Management relations, i.e. relations of subordination (subordination) and coordination (cooperation).

Management principles. The main principles of quality management are the following.

1. Consumer orientation. Organizations depend on their customers, therefore must understand their current and future needs, fulfill their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations .

The wording does not seem to contain anything new. As a child, we heard that “the buyer is always right,” but who took it seriously? Especially in the education system. The teacher was always right. For centuries, in the minds of the student, the public, a stereotype about the infallibility of the teacher has been created and maintained. But today we are seriously starting to talk about the transition from a teacher-centered model to a person-centered education. And not only to speak, but also to put this principle into practice. Today, the focus is on marketing research, market analysis, which serve as a mechanism for regulating educational activities. The task of implementing the principle of individualization of learning in the context of mass education is extremely difficult, but it is one of the most important areas of modernization of educational systems.

Another reason for the relevance of this principle is globalization education markets. The emerging common European and world educational space has led to the emergence of such a concept as "cross-border education". Globalization sharply intensifies competition, and we must be prepared for the fact that tomorrow we will have to fight for every student and teacher not only with domestic, but also with foreign universities.

Applying the principle of customer orientation requires:

  • determination of external and internal consumers, interested parties, identification of their needs and expectations;
  • ensuring a balanced approach to the needs of consumers and the needs of other interested parties (state, society as a whole, regions, labor market, etc.);
  • communicating these needs and expectations to the entire staff of the educational organization;
  • establishing the degree of fulfillment of customer requirements, measuring the level of their satisfaction;
  • customer relationship management.
  • 2. Leadership leadership. Leaders ensure the unity of the direction and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain an internal environment, in which employees can be fully involved in solving the problems of the organization. "

Today it is obvious that in order to lead your organization to success, it is not enough to be a knowledgeable leader, you need to become a leader. Effective organization management, project management, implementation of a quality system are areas of activity that cannot exist without leadership. A completely different function is replacing administration and total control. The leader becomes a mentor, advisor, assistant, even a coach. These roles are unusual for a leader, which is why leadership training is an acute issue.

Applying the principle requires:

  • demonstrating commitment to quality by example;
  • understanding and responding to external changes;
  • a clear forecast of the future of your educational organization;
  • creating an atmosphere of trust;
  • providing personnel with the necessary resources and freedom of action within the framework of responsibility and authority;
  • initiating, recognizing and rewarding people's contributions;
  • maintaining open and honest relationships;
  • training and "growing" employees;
  • motivating staff to improve quality;
  • providing supportive control.
  • 3. Involvement of personnel. Workers at all levels form the backbone of the organization, and their full involvement enables the organization to benefit from their capabilities.

The success of a modern educational organization is determined, first of all, by the "leader-team" relationship. This means that the educational organization should be a system of interacting teams, and not a rigid hierarchical structure. The principles of the team organization of the educational process, project teams, temporary creative teams are called upon to combine the advantages of a small organization with the advantages of a large one. In this case, the following is usually used organizational form, how project management. The engagement of the team members is enhanced by the use of the principles participatory governance, i.e. while providing all team members with a real opportunity to participate in managerial decision-making. Such an organization creates a sense of belonging in people, which increases the motivation for creative work.

Applying the principle requires:

  • employees' initiatives and responsibilities:
  • actively seeking opportunities for improvement;
  • striving for continuous improvement of their competence;
  • exchange of experience and knowledge;
  • focus on creating additional value for consumers;
  • creating a positive image of your educational organization;

Management is required to ensure that the staff will:

  • get job satisfaction;
  • feel a sense of pride in belonging to this organization;
  • be encouraged for suggestions for quality improvement.
  • 4. Process approach. The desired result is achieved more efficiently, when activities and related resources are managed as a process .

Most professionals in the field of quality management believe that all activities carried out in the organization, it makes sense to consider as processes. We are talking not only about a different organization of activities, but also about the phenomenon of process thinking, in which the understanding of the role and place of the employee in the organization changes.

Applying the principle requires:

  • defining organizational processes;
  • identification and measurement of process inputs and outputs;
  • determining the interaction of processes;
  • assessing the impact of the process on consumers;
  • establishing clear rights, powers and responsibilities for managing the process;
  • identifying internal and external customers, suppliers and other interested parties;
  • designing the process at each stage, their resource provision;
  • measurement and correction of processes.
  • 5. A systematic approach to management. Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.

A systems approach requires the coordination of all aspects of the organization's activities. First of all, this leads to the coordination of tasks arising in quality management with the mission of the organization, its vision, strategic goals, etc.

Applying the principle requires:

  • defining the system by establishing and developing a set of interrelated processes that ensure the achievement of the goals of the organization;
  • designing a system in which goals are achieved in the most affective way;
  • understanding the interconnections of elements in the system;
  • continuous improvement of the system through measurement and evaluation;
  • documenting procedures.
  • 6. Continuous improvement (continuous improvement). Continuous improvement of the organization as a whole should be seen as its permanent goal. .

Any improvement begins with a person, with a change in his worldview, value system, improvement of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities. The next step is to improve the team's work, first of all, by creating a friendly atmosphere. This is followed by the improvement of the "living environment", workplace, working conditions.

Applying the principle requires:

  • the formation of a need for each employee of an educational organization for continuous improvement of their activities and their results;
  • applying the basic concepts of continual improvement;
  • periodically assessing compliance with established criteria for excellence to identify areas for potential improvement;
  • continuous improvement of the efficiency of all processes;
  • training employees in methods and means of continuous improvement;
  • defining measures and goals for improvement;
  • recognition of improvements.
  • 7. Making decisions based on facts. Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.

The system of indicators describing the activities of an educational organization includes: financial and economic indicators, indicators of performance and customer satisfaction, characteristics of processes, indicators of opportunities for training and staff growth. The totality of these sets constitutes the so-called balanced scorecard. They combine the mission, vision and strategy of the organization with assessments of the results of current activities, allowing you to make competent management decisions.

By making decisions based on facts, we reduce losses from ineffective management decisions and at the same time accumulate information that gradually turns into organizational knowledge.

Applying the principle requires:

  • measuring and collecting data and information related to quality indicators;
  • providing confidence in the reliability and accuracy of data and information;
  • using proven methods to analyze data and information;
  • understanding the value of appropriate statistical methods;
  • making decisions and performing actions based on a balance of analysis results, facts, experience and intuition.
  • 8. Build mutually beneficial supplier relationships. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both parties to create value.

Today we are talking about building long-term strategic partnerships with the social environment, which are based on the pursuit of quality and excellence.

Applying the principle requires:

  • identification of major suppliers;
  • establishing relationships with suppliers based on a balance of short-term and long-term goals;
  • openness;
  • initiating joint developments and improving the quality of processes;
  • working together to create value for the consumer;
  • exchange of information and plans for the future;
  • recognition of the supplier's achievements and improvements.

The application of the general principles of control theory is possible to any

object, including the quality of education, under some initial conditions. One of the leading Russian experts in the field of quality A.V. Glichev calls these conditions:

  • - the presence of the given (probable) values ​​of the characteristics (parameters) of the state of the controlled object and the functions of their change (programs of the object's behavior);
  • - instability of the object in relation to the program (the presence of the probability of deviations of the parameters from the specified values);
  • - availability of methods and means for detecting and measuring deviations of an object from a given program or parameter values;
  • - the presence of the ability to influence the controlled object in order to eliminate the emerging deviations.

Let us consider these conditions in relation to the quality of education.

The presence of the specified values ​​of the parameters of the state of the controlled object. As noted earlier, the requirements for the quality of education are determined taking into account the various needs of the state and its institutions, society and the individual, are established and recorded in state educational standards, a list of accreditation indicators, qualification characteristics of a specialist, etc. The parameters of the quality of education with the establishment of fairly clear boundaries and values ​​of indicators are included in the programs for monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of educational organizations, various ratings, etc. The same monitoring and ratings, as management tools, are intended to stimulate the management of educational organizations to change the values ​​of performance indicators (for the better, of course), i.e. to a change in the state (rating position, for example) of the object they manage. It follows from what has been said that the first control condition in the case of the quality of education is satisfied.

GOST 150 9000: 2011. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.

  • Glichev L.V. Fundamentals of product quality management. M .: AMN, 1998.
  • Measuring the quality of education is also important to ensure the satisfaction of an individual with his educational background. Moreover, the quality of education makes it possible to ascertain to what extent the human rights to receive an education corresponding to the world level are ensured.

    Quality is the normative level to which the product of education must correspond. It is generally accepted that this category embodies the social order of society for the educational activities of an educational institution.

    It should be noted that the quality of education is not only an RESULT, but also a CONDITION and a PROCESS.

    The quality of education includes:

    The quality of the final results

    The quality of the educational process

    Quality conditions

    Quality of norms and goals

    Students in the educational process study the system of knowledge from different scientific fields and the result of this process is their mastering of scientific knowledge. But the level of this development is different, i.e. possessing a different set of properties.

    there are three main qualities of knowledge.

    The first quality is the consistency of knowledge.

    (facts → concepts → laws → theory → consequences and applications).

    The second quality is the effectiveness of knowledge.

    The third quality is the strength of knowledge

    Assessment of the quality of the educational process is based on the following criteria:

    Criterion for the quality of the content of the educational process;

    Quality criterion for educational technologies.

    The criterion for the quality of the content of the educational process can be represented by a number of indicators, which, in turn, are grouped according to the levels of presentation of the content of education. Such levels are:

    Invariant level; (fundamental content,)

    Variable level;

    Personal level.

    Quality assessment of conditions

    In assessing the quality of education, an important role is played by assessing the quality of the conditions of the educational process, among which the leading place is occupied by managerial conditions.

    Assessment of management conditions involves tracking the end results of management and identifying the effectiveness of types of management activities: motivational-target, information-analytical, planning and forecasting, organizational and executive, control and regulation and evaluation and performance.

    In addition, personnel conditions, scientific and methodological conditions, psychological conditions, etc. should be subject to a qualitative assessment.

    44. Quality management of education

    Practical experience in the implementation of education quality management systems in developed European countries makes it possible to single out the main stages of management:

    1. Designing school education quality management systems

    (ShS UKO) and planning of education quality management - the formation of regulatory, organizational, methodological and instrumental

    the basis for the implementation of activities to achieve the required quality).

    2. Education quality management is a process of quality formation, which is a set of systematic actions to study the needs of customers of educational services, develop and implement basic and additional educational programs, and provide resources.

    3. Monitoring of processes and correction - the process of assessing and comparing the achieved level of quality with a given one, providing feedback to all stakeholders, making adjustments to the activities and the management system.

    Thus, the management of the quality of education is a continuous closed process, consisting of interrelated and interdependent elements.

    The purpose of creating an education quality management system in an educational institution is to ensure the necessary conditions for the provision of high-quality educational services that meet the needs and expectations of consumers.

    In addition, a quality management system is necessary for a modern educational institution for:

     increasing the efficiency of the educational process in achieving the requirements of state educational standards;

     development of a creative and active atmosphere in the institution, revitalization

    professional activities of employees;

     improvement of the whole management system in educational institution;

     optimization of financial, resource and personnel support of the educational process;

     increasing the competitiveness of a general education institution;

     creation of modern safe conditions for educational activities;

     ensuring broad public participation in the management of a general educational institution.

    The functions of the UCO AL are:

     determination of the criteria basis for the quality of education in an educational institution;

     preparation of analytical reports and public reports on the quality of education in EE;

     stimulation of innovative processes in an educational institution

    to maintain and constantly improve the quality of education;

     determination of directions for the development of an educational institution, advanced training of teaching staff.

    All possible objects of the CCS UKO can be conditionally divided into three

    The first group includes those objects that must be identified and installed by the management of the MA:

     policy in the field of quality of education;  organizational structure;

     maintaining contacts with external expert organizations, which include the licensing and accrediting body, institutions that carry out external audits of the quality of education, expert associations and individual experts, etc.

    The second group - objects related to the design, planning, content and organization of educational and work processes:

     educational programs of EE (basic and additional); curricula and programs;  forms, methods, technologies of teaching;  extracurricular activities.

    The third group includes elements related to resources and performance measurement:

     keeping records and control of quality documentation;

    provision of educational activities (legal and organizational and administrative, financial, material and technical, personnel, etc.);

     a system for assessing the quality of education.

    Management of the return-nym pr-som.1.Theoretical level - the idea of ​​the obr-nom pr-se as a system, its driving forces and laws. The role of the hands-la: knows the theory of the opposite pr-sa; Provides assistance to teachers in the development of knowledge about the sample pr-se. The role of the teacher Acquires knowledge in the field of EP theory. The role of the student Gradually accumulates knowledge about the pr-se of his own teaching and the return of the pr-se .2. project level account plan and curricula The role of the leader 1. supervises the collective activities of teachers to develop the school component of the school. plan, familiarization with the account. school plan, study uch. programs, textbooks. The role of the teacher 1. Participates in the development of the school component of the curriculum. 2. Selects and studies study programs. Role of the student Makes a choice of additional. treatment, profile. Declares his or her needs .3. the level of creating a project of a specific production process in the form of its planning for the academic year, topic, separate lesson Leader's Role 1. Organizes teacher planning activities. 2. Stimulates teachers for long-term planning of EP in the form of a technological map. The role of the teacher Draws up plans for the return for the academic year, topic, training session. Role of the student Participates in the planning of the EP in the development of training sessions. Expresses his wishes. 4.the level of real pr-sa The role of the leader 1. studies the course of the return at school. 2. Carries out the analysis of the reverse pr-sa, evaluates its results. 3. Plans the development of the obr-th pr-sa at school. The role of the teacher 1. implements the obr-ny pr-s in the classroom. 2. Reflects his ped. activity. 3. Builds a development program for his ped. activities. Role of the learner Actively participates in all stages of the classroom. Reflects his educational and cognitive activity.

    The problem of assessing the quality of education is today one of the most urgent for the entire educational system of the Russian Federation. A common feature of systemic changes in education at the federal, republican and municipal levels is the focus on ensuring the quality of education, improving the system of its assessment, bringing it into line with the requirements of society.

    The main document on the basis of which the entire system of work in our educational institution is built is the School Development Program, which clearly defines the strategy and tactics for the development of an educational institution. At the same time, the development strategy of the school corresponds to the ideas of the priority directions of the national project "Education", and the tactics are expressed in the development program. A development program is a blueprint for the future. The main task of the program is to transfer the school from the mode of functioning to the mode of development. The development of a development program and its implementation is the main management document. And if this is not there, then there is no control.

    In our school, a model for managing the quality of education has long been established. This is a serious pedagogical analysis of the entire educational educational work(annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly) - planning - control - leadership.

    The main responsibility in ensuring and developing the quality of education lies with the school administration, which must create all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the intended goals, taking correct and competent management steps for this:

    • involvement of all members of the teaching staff in the implementation of the development program;
    • improving the pedagogical skills of the teacher;
    • analysis of the initial state of the school.

    To be able to analyze, plan, control and make, on this basis, the correct decision means to carry out the scientific organization of labor teaching staff, which requires an accurate calculation, a detailed work plan, scientifically proven methods, exact calendar dates. And yet, every leader must remember and know that 96% of all problems in any organization are caused by the wrong management system and only 4% are caused by the mistakes of the executors. These data are scientifically confirmed.

    The quality of education depends on the resource availability of the educational institution. This is, first of all, the correct personnel policy, the activities of the teaching staff to preserve and maintain the health of children, the creation of the material and technical base of the school.

    In modern conditions, the first meta in terms of importance for the leader is the staffing of the school. The quality of education is impossible without quality teaching and upbringing. Today our teaching staff consists of 58 teachers. Of these, 14 teachers have the highest qualification category, 28 - the first, 11 - the second. 3 teachers were awarded the prize of the President of the Russian Federation "The Best Teachers of Russia".

    The improvement of the quality of pedagogical skills is carried out through methodological work, which is headed by a methodological council. The school has 9 subject methodological associations and a methodological association of class teachers, through whose work the methodological theme of the school is implemented. Each association has its own documents, a theme that is consonant with the theme of the school, realizing the goals and objectives of the school. The methodological associations discuss such issues as:

    • new teaching methods;
    • informatization of the educational process;
    • studying the pedagogical experience of fellow innovators;
    • work with gifted children;
    • preparation for the exam;
    • health-preserving aspects of the lesson, etc.

    The work of each teacher to achieve the basic level of students' knowledge, the results of the final certification, the participation of schoolchildren in Olympiads and various competitions, the teacher's self-education and his success, participation in various creative groups are thoroughly analyzed. From among creatively working teachers, creative and experimental groups are formed to develop and introduce new methods of working with schoolchildren. School methodological associations have done a great deal of work to disseminate pedagogical experience not only through publications in the media, at municipal seminars, but also in refresher courses and through participation in conferences and Internet pedagogical councils held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Each teacher of our school today has a solid "tool" - this is his creative laboratory, which works for the student and for his result. It all started 14 years ago. Then we realized that without our own methodical piggy bank it is impossible to give a high-quality education and upbringing to a student. It was difficult work, somewhere and under the duress. They tracked what the teacher had earned in a quarter, for a year for a lesson, extracurricular work on the subject and for the implementation of educational work. But the process has begun. Today, the teacher's creative laboratory: this is his personal portfolio, additional and in-depth material on the subject for each lesson, rich material for the implementation of the educational process, as well as diagnostics of his work. So, for example, in each subject, starting from the 2nd grade, we teach students how to solve test buildings. And this is work for the future - to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

    Experts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the national project "Education", who visited the school in June 2008, were surprised at the quality of the teachers' creative laboratory and the content of the school's methodological office (our office took 1st place in the district). We constantly share the experience of our methodical work: in April 2009. we met the Kukmor delegation of teachers, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan came to us, as well as with our colleagues in the city at various fairs of pedagogical ideas, festivals of methodological findings, conferences and other events.

    A good help in achieving the quality of education is the material base of the school. Today it is: 2 computer rooms, 2 interactive whiteboards, 4 projectors, a digital laboratory "Archimedes" in chemistry and physics, computer curricula in all subjects, a single local network of the school's computer park, Internet access, starting with the director's office, head teachers, classrooms informatics to a methodological office and a library.

    For effective management, making informed decisions on managing the quality of education at the school level, it is necessary to have reliable and reliable information about the course of the educational process. Obtaining such information, in our opinion, is possible when monitoring the entire educational process. Monitoring is an analysis tool, a stopover to determine where to go next. Distinctive feature monitoring is information about the compliance of the actual result with its expectations, forecasting, as well as the assessment of this compliance. Feedback is another essential element of monitoring and, therefore, school management; on its basis, the attitude towards the result changes and the ways of achieving current, intermediate and final goals are revised.

    Pedagogical monitoring carried out in our school is based on the following principles: openness and accessibility of information about the state and quality of education, broad discussion of the content, procedure, means of monitoring surveys, making and implementing management decisions based on the results. We track the level of training and the quality of knowledge in all subjects, the level of education of students by quarters and years, the success of a teacher in a particular class is determined, a quality reserve is identified, i.e. the success of students with 1-2 triplets, etc. is tracked. Analysis data is reflected in textual analytical references, diagrams, graphs, tables, diagrams. Thus, the practice of monitoring allows you to consider all the phenomena school life through the prism of pedagogical analysis, through the constant process of correlating the results with the tasks set, adjusting all types of management activities and, most importantly, identifying ways and conditions for increasing the efficiency and quality of education.

    Without a well-thought-out monitoring system in general, pedagogical monitoring in particular, it is impossible to make the educational process effective. This is our firm conviction.

    The teacher analyzes the quality of teaching of primary school students by tracking the learning outcomes of each student in all subjects and for the entire period of education at the primary level. (Picture 1)

    The monitoring results for each class are analyzed and entered into a summary table for the school. (Figure 2)

    The next stage of monitoring is tracking the dynamics of development of students studying according to the traditional educational program and according to the system of L.V. Zankov. The analysis of the results of the quality of knowledge in the subjects in the classes taught according to the Zankov program showed that the students have a stable motivation to learn. The quality of knowledge has been maintained for a number of years in all subjects above 60%. (Figure 3)

    For a number of years, the subject of our attention has been the problem of continuity arising from the transition of students from primary school to the second stage of education. Pedagogical monitoring, carried out at the beginning of the school year in 5th grade, contributes to the solution of emerging issues. The level of adaptation of children during the transition to the second stage is studied, an exchange of work experience is carried out, together with primary school teachers, program requirements are discussed in order to bridge the gap between the first and second stages and develop uniform requirements for students. A comparative analysis of the achievements of the educational activities of students in grades 4 and 5 shows that students in grades 5 confirm their results. (Figure 4)

    The educational process in primary school is based on the traditional federal program and the developmental system of L.V. Zankova. From the 2nd grade, the English language was introduced, and from the 3rd grade, computer science as an educational module within the framework of the subject "Technology". In their work, primary school teachers use health-preserving, information and communication technologies, are engaged in project activities.

    When assessing the performance of a subject teacher in the second and third stages of education, the quality of knowledge and academic performance are monitored annually and every quarter, as shown in the table. Thus, those changes that have occurred during the year, as well as within several years, are analyzed. (Figure 5)

    One of the most important indicators of the school's performance is the participation of its students in subject Olympiads. (Figure 6, 7.8)

    The unified state examination is an important aspect of quality education and allows you to obtain an objective assessment of students' knowledge.

    Of course, the school conducts targeted training of graduates. Mock exams are held throughout the year. The results are analyzed and conclusions are drawn. (Figure 9,10,11)

    During the period of preparation for state accreditation, for an external examination, the educational institution carried out monitoring in various areas of activity. In the process of introspection, a lot of work is done to analyze the quality of education. Self-analysis of the school's activities is a collegial identification of problems, determination of ways to solve them in the following main areas:

    • management activities;
    • assessment of the educational and material base;
    • staff assessment; (Qualification characteristics of the team - comparative analysis for 3 years)
    • methodical work;
    • analysis of the educational process, its content; (comparison of average indicators of the quality of education in all subjects - diagram)
    • performance (participation of teachers and students in various competitions and conferences for three years)

    The main diagnostics of the development of moral, cognitive, communicative, aesthetic and physical qualities of a person is to determine the level of education of students.

    Each class teacher monitors the level of upbringing twice - at the beginning of the school year and at the end of it by questioning the students themselves, their parents, and their own assessment (according to a five-point system) of each of the significant personality traits: duty and responsibility, frugality, discipline, a responsible attitude to study, work, collectivism and camaraderie, kindness and responsiveness, honesty and truthfulness, simplicity and modesty, cultural level. A summary table is filled in with indicators of the level of education of each student and the entire class, which shows in which direction the educational work needs to be adjusted. Then the results are summed up by parallels, by links, throughout the school for the year. Thus, the dynamics of the level of education by years is monitored.

    It also analyzes such quantitative indicators as the number of students participating in the work of school government, labor and social actions, collective creative affairs and traditional school holidays, participation in the activities of urban society, indicators of the competition "Class of the Year", the level of leisure activities of students.

    Such work is difficult for the school team, but it is useful and very necessary: ​​it helps to realize both the stronger and the weaknesses of the work, to see the future, to outline the ways for further improvement, to determine the priorities for development.

    Thus, the quality of education is a comprehensive system in which all components are interconnected and complement each other. To be successful, this system must be managed in a comprehensive manner. For the school administration, the management of the quality of education in the context of modernization and improvement of the quality of education becomes a priority in its work. The leader needs the ability to quickly adapt to the changing socio-economic and cultural conditions of education, the ability to master the updated content and learning technologies.