Methods for resolving organizational conflicts. Shcherbakov I.D.

If the controversial situation is resolved in time, it can have a positive effect. For example, it will help to identify existing opinions and the many proposed alternatives. That is, it can even contribute to the development of the enterprise. In addition, people express their thoughts and thereby satisfy their needs for self-realization and respect. Which also has a good effect on the atmosphere within the team.

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Classification of conflicts in the organization

There are various classifications of conflicts.

By their focus, they are divided into:

  • horizontal disputes can occur between colleagues who do not obey each other;
  • vertical between persons who are in a subordinate position;
  • mixed - contain both vertical and horizontal types of conflicts.

In terms of their meaning, conflicts can be constructive, that is, constructive and with a positive connotation. And they can be destructive, that is, destructive and carrying negative.

According to the interaction of the parties, conflicts are:

  • intergroup discussions arise between colleagues from different social structures;
  • intragroup conflicts often involve self-regulatory processes;
  • intrapersonal arises with a conflict of needs and motivations within one person;
  • interpersonal conflicts are much more common than others and can depend on personal and psychological characteristics.

The main causes of conflicts in the organization

There are the following reasons provoking the development of conflict disputes in any organization:

  1. Lack and limitation of the necessary resources. In every company, leaders are called upon to identify and resolve resource constraints and make the most of the resources provided.
  2. The interdependence of departments and personnel on responsibilities. In case of poor-quality work of a person or department, controversial situations may arise.
  3. Discrepancy in goals. Each department may have its own goals, which are very different from the main goals of the company.
  4. Different values ​​and worldview.
  5. Differences in personal life experience and in rules of conduct significantly reduce the level of mutual understanding.
  6. Bad communications. For example, the boss cannot convey to his subordinates a detailed and detailed list of job descriptions and responsibilities.

Conflict Resolution Techniques in an Organization

The resolution of any conflict is almost always the actions of all its participants, the direction towards eliminating differences, ending sharp disputes and actively solving the problem.

Experts have developed many methods and recommendations for resolving disputes.

Structural Methods

There are 4 types of structural methods for resolving problem situations in an organization:

  • a detailed explanation and description of the requirements for the work, while the manager must clearly explain what results the firm expects from a particular employee;
  • integration and coordination mechanisms are the establishment of hierarchical powers and the creation of additional units;
  • corporate goals in the complex are aimed at uniting the team for the sake of one common goal;
  • the system of remuneration in the company is aimed at rewarding employees who take feasible measures to solve various problems;

Normative methods

Regulatory regulation makes the conflict situation more regulated and more stable.

Normative methods are of the following types.

  1. the norms of law are enshrined in the relevant acts and are sanctioned by the state;
  2. moral norms affect generally accepted ideas about good and evil, as well as about the correctness of behavior;

Methods for resolving functional conflicts in an organization

Functional conflicts are constructive arguments that ultimately lead to productive decisions and the development of relationships.

When resolving functional disagreements, the following methods are effective:

  1. Avoiding inevitable conflict. That is, it is necessary to leave the place of conflict by any available means, which may include not only physical care, but also psychological. The advantage of this method is the speed of decision making.
  2. The method of adaptation and concessions is good when you feel your own wrong or when you need to dispose your opponent to further cooperation.
  3. A way of smoothing and focusing on a common collective goal.
  4. Hidden actions when resolving a conflict. For example, legal action or bribery.
  5. A method of quickly resolving issues. Effective when there is a lack of time.
  6. Negotiations are effective if the parties want to come to a common compromise.

If it is impossible to come to a compromise, the method of mutual and beneficial cooperation is used. At the same time, a situation is found that will be beneficial to both sides of the conflict.

Prevention of conflicts in the organization

Common ways to prevent all conflicts and misunderstandings in the company are:

  • the development of informal relationships within the team, for example, through various joint activities; the formation of a sense of pride in their company, can be supported by sustainable traditions;
  • , encouragement, creation of favorable opportunities for self-realization of employees and disclosure of their creative abilities;
  • creating interest in the results of their work;
  • successful resolution of arising disputes, cultivation of long-term and successful cooperation;

Conflict prevention is based on the following important principles

  1. The principle of long-term goals. The goals should be solid and 10-20 years in advance.
  2. The principle of willingness to take risks empowers employees to express themselves and not be afraid to make mistakes.
  3. The principle of recognizing interesting and new ideas. This encourages innovation and creates a climate with an informal and supportive psychological environment.
  4. The principle of efficacy makes it possible to focus on creating quality products and services.
  5. The principle of simplification of industrial and social structures.
  6. The principle of upbringing at the enterprise its own highly qualified professionals and opportunities for career advancement.
  7. The principle of cooperation is based on mutual understanding in the team and on fruitful cooperation.

Examples of conflict management in an organization

It is worth allocating additional time for each organization to manage non-routine issues and conflicts. Back in the 1980s, more attention was paid to management issues in the United States. Since the efficiency of the entire enterprise depends on this. This can bring good results in a highly competitive environment with rapid growth in production costs.

To manage conflicts, there is a specific sequence of actions:

  1. It is important to define the problem in terms of existing goals.
  2. After identifying the problem, it is worth identifying solutions that will suit all parties.
  3. All attention should be focused on the chosen problem, and not on the personal characteristics of the parties.
  4. It is necessary to increase mutual influence and improve information exchange. This will create a wonderful atmosphere of trust.
  5. In the process of communication, you need to create a positive disposition of opponents to each other. In this case, one must show sympathy and carefully listen to other people's opinions and statements of the other side. Naturally, you cannot show and show anger, negativity and threats.

Conflict management on the example of one bank. Banking is a particularly conflict environment.

Conflicts exist between colleagues in the bank because of incorrect information, between managers and their clients, between management and subordinates, between line managers. And also between the bank and various government agencies, other banks and shareholders.

To help in the conflict between tellers, which arose due to the implicit and incorrect definition of responsibilities and work not completed on time, the following effective measures were taken:

  1. A detailed and thorough and detailed analysis of all cases where errors were made was carried out.
  2. Based on these analytical data, the responsibilities of each specific clerk were detailed and defined. Also, a schedule was developed for high-quality document flow throughout the bank. In this schedule, the time for transferring documents and information between different departments of the bank was strictly regulated, and the responsible persons were clearly indicated.
  3. Was introduced special control over all ongoing operations.

The best option is to avoid conflict situations. Prevention measures can lead to positive results. The main thing is to remember and take into account that a favorable atmosphere in the workplace is the key to high-quality and productive work.


1. The concept of conflict, its types

2. Styles of conflict resolution

3. Stress and how to prevent it


1. Grishina N.V. The psychology of conflict. Peter, 2000

2. Scott J.G. Conflicts. Ways to overcome them. M., 1991

3. Siegert W., Lang L. Lead without conflict. M., 1990

1. Memories of conflicts, as a rule, evoke unpleasant associations: threats, hostility, misunderstanding, attempts, sometimes hopeless, to prove that we are right, resentment ... especially for managers, as they have to deal with conflicts more often than others. Conflict is viewed as something that should be avoided whenever possible.

Representatives of the early schools of management, including adherents of the school of human relations, believed that conflict was a sign of ineffective organization and poor management. In our time, management theorists and practitioners are increasingly inclined to the point of view that some conflict, even in the most effective organization with the best relationships, is not only possible, but desirable. You just need to manage the conflict. The role of conflicts and their regulation in modern society is so great that in the second half of the XX century. a special area of ​​knowledge emerged - conflict management. Philosophy, political science, sociology and, of course, psychology made a great contribution to its development.

Conflicts arise in almost all areas of human life. Here we will only consider those that occur in organizations.

In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative experiences.

Based on the definition in the conflict, three parameters can be distinguished:

In a conflict, there is always a contradiction, a clash of positions, behind which there are differences in interests, values, and norms of the parties. Those. the parties to the conflict feel that the gain of the first side is the loss of the other side;

In the conflict, interests or ideas that are significant for a person are affected, which is the reason for the expressed negative emotions of the participants and this becomes an obstacle in the search for a reasonable way out of this situation;

A conflict necessarily presupposes the presence of elements of conflict behavior - a counteraction that arises when an attempt is made to resolve a contradiction.

Conflict is an integral part of human relationships. They can arise for psychological reasons, namely, the difference in interests, desires, goals of behavior, personality traits.

An indispensable element of the conflict is an object, because of which a conflict situation is created. The object is a specific reason, motivation, driving forces of the conflict. It is far from easy to determine the object in each specific case, since real or imaginary goals can be hidden, masked, and the desired motives can be substituted, prompting the subjects and participants of the conflict to confrontation. Definition of the main object, i.e. reasons, is a prerequisite for the successful resolution of any conflict.

Conflict = conflict situation (accumulated contradiction containing the true cause of the conflict) + incident (coincidence of circumstances that served as a reason for the conflict).

The dynamics of the development of the conflict is as follows.

1. The emergence of a conflict situation, disagreements (incompatibility of interests, situations, goals, opinions, when the achievement of the goals of one person prevents the achievement of the goals of another person) - the emergence of the subject of the conflict (the main contradiction, for the sake of which the parties are fighting);

2. An increase in tension in relationships, awareness of a conflict situation (ie, assessment of other people's actions as deliberately hostile in order to hinder the achievement of desired goals or humiliate;

3. Actually conflicting behavior - mutually directed and emotionally colored actions to complicate the achievement of the enemy's goals and the realization of their own interests to the detriment of the other side;

4. Deployment of the conflict or its resolution.

According to experts, in 80% of conflicts, a solution can be found that fully satisfies both parties. But in real life this happens much less often. Frequent obstacles to an effective search for a way out of a conflict situation are the following points. The participants in the conflict see a way out exclusively in the form of their victory. Replacing the search for a solution that satisfies both sides with a struggle for their own interests. Emotional aspects that prevent compromise or concessions. Lack of an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation, lack of open communication.

In a conflict situation, its participants are faced with the choice of one of three options for their actions in this situation:

The way of "struggle" with the available means to achieve the desired;

Avoiding conflict;

Negotiating with the aim of finding a solution to the problem that is acceptable to both parties.

The so-called conflictogens(i.e. words, actions that can lead to conflict apart from the desire of the person).

Types of conflict genes - striving for superiority (criticism, threats, accusations, ridicule, mockery, attempted deception, withholding information, interrupting, ignoring the interlocutor); manifestation of aggressiveness; manifestation of selfishness.

Escalation of conflictogens is an increase in reciprocal aggressiveness.

So that the conflict does not arise again, it is important to understand the reasons that led to it. Knowing them can prevent the situation in the future. You should understand what is completely unacceptable for you in the behavior and actions of your partner, and also realize what your partner does not accept. And it is necessary to understand what caused the conflict.

Thus, a conflict takes place where there are contradictions, disagreements of interests, needs and goals, disrupting the normal interaction of people, preventing the achievement of their goals, leading to confrontation.

2. In social psychology, there is a multivariate conflict typology depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis. Any conflict can be described using the basic interaction parameters.

Interaction values ​​(ie, the interaction participants always have dominant values ​​that guide their actions, ie the question “why” or “for what purpose” is posed);

Interests (each person enters into a situation of interaction with their interests);

Means for achieving goals (i.e., the question of how this is done is raised);

The potential of the participants in the interaction (i.e. a certain level of competence of the participants);

Interaction rules (the contribution of each participant to the overall interaction, their role responsibilities, the degree of participation in decision-making).

For each of these parameters of interaction, contradictions and conflict situations may arise.

The description of the conflict can be given depending on:

A) the subjects involved:

Intrapersonal (the basis is the psychological factors of the inner world of the individual);

Interpersonal (the dissimilarity of the characters of the team members);

Intergroup (this is a conflict between groups);

Between an individual and a group (deviation from accepted norms is regarded as a negative phenomenon);

Inter-role (one person is the bearer of different roles that conflict with each other).

B) outcome:

Destructive (expansion of the conflict, the conflict continues, even if its causes are eliminated, the growth of aggressive actions);

Constructive (denial of old relationships, formation of new relationships, correction of interaction, means of preventing future conflicts are found);

C) the duration of the course:



D) source of occurrence:

Subjective (personal qualities, individual characteristics of the parties to the conflict);

Objective (economic, technological, organizational factors);

It is also necessary to distinguish between realistic and unrealistic.

The conflict is usually called realistic, if it is associated with the pursuit of certain goals by the participants. V unrealistic conflicts the goal of the participants is to openly express accumulated emotions and hostility. Conflict ceases to be a means to achieve goals, but becomes an end in itself, sometimes a way to release the accumulated emotional tension. To be resolved, it must be translated into a realistic one.

There are 4 main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, and intergroup.

Intrapersonal conflict. This type of conflict does not fully comply with our definition. Here, the participants in the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual, often seeming or incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings, etc. "Two souls live in my chest ..." - wrote Goethe. And this conflict can be functional or dysfunctional, depending on how and what decision the person makes and whether they make it at all. Buridan's donkey, for example, could not decide which bag to eat from - from the one on the left, or from the one on the right. Sometimes in life, not being able to resolve internal conflicts, we become like Buridan's donkey.

Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in an organization can take many forms. One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. For example, being a good family man (the role of father, mother, husband, wife, etc.), a person must spend evenings at home, and the position of a leader often obliges him to stay late at work. Or: the head of the workshop instructed the foreman to release a certain number of parts, and the technical manager at the same time instructed to perform a technical inspection of the equipment. The reason for the first conflict is the mismatch of personal needs with the requirements of production, and the second is a violation of the principle of one-man management. Internal conflicts in production can arise due to work overload or, on the contrary, lack of work if necessary to be at the workplace.

Interpersonal conflict. This is the most common type of conflict. In organizations, it manifests itself in different ways. Many leaders believe that it is caused by a dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, there are people who, due to differences in characters, views, demeanor, are simply not able to get along with each other. However, a deeper analysis shows that such conflicts are based on objective reasons. Most often this is a struggle for limited resources: material assets, production areas, equipment use time, labor force, etc. Everyone believes that it is he who especially needs the resources, and not the other. Conflicts arise between the manager and subordinates, for example, when a subordinate is convinced that the manager makes exorbitant demands on him, and the manager believes that the subordinate is a slacker, unable or unwilling to work.

Conflict between an individual and a group. As you already know, informal groups (organizations) establish their own norms of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. The group regards deviation from the accepted norms as negative, a conflict arises between the individual and the group. Another common conflict of this type is between the group and the leader. Such conflicts are most difficult under an authoritarian leadership style.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and performers, between employees of different departments, between informal groups within departments, between the administration and the trade union.

Unfortunately, a frequent example of intergroup conflict is disagreement between the higher and lower levels of management, that is, between line and staff personnel. This is a prime example of dysfunctional conflict.

2. There are various strategies for the behavior of the parties to the conflict. One of the practical approaches used in conflict management to classification of strategies of conflict interaction(authors W. Thomas and R. Kilman) takes as a basis the degree of orientation of the participants in the situation to their own interests and to maintain relationships, and on the basis of these two variables, identifies five types of strategies.

Domination- the desire to achieve the satisfaction of their interests to the detriment of maintaining relationships.

Compliance- sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of maintaining relationships.

Care which is characterized by both the lack of desire for cooperation and the absence of a tendency to achieve their own goals, because of which, in fact, there was a conflict.

Compromise- mutual concessions, half-hearted decisions.

Cooperation- when the participants in the situation come to an alternative that fully satisfies the interests of both parties and preserves the relationship between them.

The choice of this or that strategy of behavior by a participant in the conflict is determined by the specifics of the situation, the behavior of his partners, as well as his own personal characteristics. It would be wrong to unambiguously view some strategies as ineffective. In specific circumstances, any of them may be an adequate way out of a conflict situation. In essence, only the negotiation process aimed at developing compromise or integrative solutions is today considered by specialists as an effective process for resolving a conflict situation. An integrative-compromise approach, with its effective implementation, makes it possible to simultaneously solve the problem and preserve the relationship, which is considered a genuine successful solution to the conflict.

So, between two people who work in the same office of the library, disagreements arise over the fact that one of them wants to open the window because of the stuffiness, and the other is afraid of catching a cold. Is this a situation of conflicting interests? Yes and no, depending on at what level we will consider it. If we see this situation "at the level of the window", then the interests of the participants are incompatible, since the window cannot be simultaneously opened and closed. But are the interests of the partners in this? The position of the first participant in the situation is “open the window”. But his interest is not in opening a window, but in providing fresh air. The position of the second participant is not to open the window, and his interest is to avoid physical discomfort. One and the same interest may admit different ways of satisfying it, but each of the partners in this case sees only one opportunity, and they turn out to be incompatible.

The task of integrative conflict resolution is to reformulate the subject of the conflict, moving from the positions presented by the participants in the situation to the interests behind them. In accordance with them, the problem of the conflict will not be to open a window - not to open a window, but under what conditions it is possible to provide fresh air (interest of 1 participant) so as to prevent physical discomfort (interest of 2 participants) and will be reduced to the subsequent search possible options.

So, conflicts, undoubtedly, create tensions, switch the attention of employees from the immediate concerns of production to clarify relations, and have a heavy effect on their neuropsychic state. However, the conflict is also an undoubted condition for the development of the organization. Conflict management requires a manager to be highly competent not only in organizational, economic and legal issues of management, but also in special sections of psychological knowledge that ensure the solution of problems of self-organization and the organization of rational interaction of people in conditions that provoke opposition and psychological tension.

So it is necessary not once and for all to destroy all conditions for the emergence of conflicts, but to learn how to properly manage them. To do this, you need to understand their reasons, be able to analyze them.

There are several main causes of conflicts in organizations.

Resource allocation. Even in the largest and richest organizations, resources are always limited. The need to distribute them almost inevitably leads to conflicts. People always want to get not less, but more, and their own needs seem more justified.

Interdependence of tasks. The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person (or group) is dependent on another person (or group) to complete a task.

For example, the head of a production department may explain the low productivity of his subordinates by the inability of the repair service to quickly and efficiently repair equipment. The head of the repair service, in turn, can blame the HR department for not hiring new workers, which the repairmen need so much.

Several engineers involved in the development of a single product may have at different levels professional qualifications. In this case, specialists of higher qualifications may be dissatisfied with the fact that weak engineers slow down the execution of work, and the latter are unhappy with the fact that the impossible is demanded of them. The interconnectedness of tasks with unequal opportunities here leads to conflict.

The mentioned example of the conflict between line and staff personnel also arises from the interconnectedness of tasks. The foremen depend on the main specialists, as they need their help in the implementation of technical solutions, and the higher-level managers depend on the foremen, since the latter implement the ideas of the higher management level.

Differences in purpose. The likelihood of these conflicts in organizations increases as the organization grows, as it breaks down into specialized departments. For example, a sales department may insist on producing more diversified products based on demand (market needs); at the same time, production divisions are interested in increasing the volume of production at minimal cost, which is ensured by the release of simple homogeneous products. Individual workers are also known to often pursue their own goals that do not coincide with the goals of others.

Differences in views and perceptions. Leaders and direct performers may have different views on the ways and means of achieving even common goals, that is, in the absence of conflicting interests. Even if everyone wants to increase productivity, make work more interesting, people may have different ideas about how to do it. The problem can be solved in different ways, and everyone believes that his solution is the best.

Conflicts in organizations are very often associated with poor communication. Inaccurate or incomplete transmission of information or lack of necessary information in general is not only a cause, but also a dysfunctional consequence of the conflict. Poor communication interferes with conflict management.

Another important reason for conflicts is differences in psychological characteristics(temperament, character, needs, motives, etc.). These differences increase the likelihood of any conflict and are especially often the cause of interpersonal conflicts. There are people who constantly show aggressiveness, hostility, they always either defend themselves or attack, are ready to challenge every word and are unable to listen to the opponent. Studies show that such people are characterized by a low level of self-esteem and compensate for this with ostentatious self-confidence, a desire to demonstrate their power. People with an adequate level of self-esteem do not enter into aimless, dysfunctional conflicts over trifles. According to psychologists, people with an adequate level of self-esteem are characterized by:

1. Loyalty to one's principles, despite the opposing opinions of others, combined with sufficient flexibility and the ability to change one's opinion if it is wrong.

2. Ability to act on your own without feeling guilty or regretful if disapproved by others.

3. Ability not to waste time worrying too much about tomorrow and yesterday.

4. Ability to maintain confidence in their abilities, despite temporary setbacks and difficulties.

5. The ability to value each person's personality and a sense of usefulness for others, regardless of the level of their abilities and position.

6. Relative ease in communication, the ability to both defend one's innocence and agree with the opinions of others.

7. Ability to accept compliments and praise without feigning modesty.

8. Ability to resist.

9. The ability to understand your own and other people's feelings, suppress your impulses.

10. Ability to find pleasure in a wide variety of activities, including work, play, socializing with friends, creative expression or recreation.

Conflict Management.

The existence of the listed sources or causes of conflicts increases the likelihood of their occurrence, however, even with a large possibility of conflict, the parties may not want to enter into conflict interaction. Sometimes the potential benefits of engaging in conflict are not worth the cost. Having entered into a conflict, as a rule, each side does everything to make its point of view accepted, to achieve its goal, and prevents the other side from doing the same. This is where conflict management is needed. Depending on how effective it is, the consequences of the conflict will become functional and dysfunctional. This, in turn, will affect the likelihood of subsequent conflicts.

With effective conflict management, its consequences can play a positive role, that is, be functional, contribute to the further achievement of the goals of the organization.

There are the following the main functional consequences of conflicts for an organization:

1. The problem is solved in a way that suits all parties, and as a result, people feel involved in solving an important problem for them.

2. A jointly and voluntarily made decision is more quickly and better implemented.

3. The parties acquire experience of cooperation in resolving controversial issues and can use it in the future.

4. Effective resolution of conflicts between a manager and subordinates destroys the so-called “submissive syndrome” - the fear of openly expressing one's opinion, which differs from the opinion of senior officials.

5. Better relationships between people.

6. People stop seeing the existence of disagreements as "evil", always leading to bad consequences.

The main dysfunctional consequences of conflicts:

1. Unproductive, competitive relationships between people.

2. Lack of desire for cooperation, good relations.

3. The idea of ​​the opposite side as an “enemy”, of your position as exclusively positive, of the opponent's position as only negative.

4. Minimization or complete cessation of interaction with the opposite side, which prevents the solution of production problems.

5. The belief that "winning" the conflict is more important than solving the real problem.

6. Feelings of resentment, dissatisfaction, bad mood, staff turnover.

Distinguish between structural (organizational) and interpersonal methods of conflict management.

Conflict management work should begin with an analysis of its causes. As already mentioned, one should not consider the simple dissimilarity of characters to be the main cause of conflicts - this is only one of the factors that can cause conflict.

Structural Methods

In works on management, especially early, emphasized the importance of the harmonious functioning of the organization. The representatives of the administrative direction believed that if a good management formula was found, the organization would act as a well-oiled mechanism. Within the framework of this direction, structural methods of conflict management were developed:

1. Clear statement of requirements. One of best practices management, preventing dysfunctional conflicts, is to clarify the requirements for the results of the work of each individual employee and the unit as a whole; the presence of clearly and unambiguously formulated rights and obligations, rules for the performance of work.

2. Use of coordinating mechanisms. Strict adherence to the principle of one-man command makes it easier to manage a large group of conflict situations, since the subordinate knows whose orders he must follow. If employees have disagreements on some production issue, they can turn to the "arbitrator" - their general boss. In some complex organizations, special integration services are created, the task of which is to link the goals of different departments.

3. Setting general goals, the formation of common values. This is facilitated by the awareness of all employees about the policy, strategy and prospects of the organization, as well as their awareness of the state of affairs in various departments. It is very effective to formulate the goals of the organization at the level of the goals of society. For example, the employees of the McDonald's firm consider the main goal of their hard work - to tasty and quickly feed Americans with limited means (and they make up a large part of society). Awareness of this "social mission" unites the collective, which naturally leads to a reduction in dysfunctional conflicts. Having common goals allows people to understand how they should behave in conflict situations, turning them into functional ones.

4. Incentive system. Establishment of such performance criteria that exclude the clash of interests of various departments and employees. For example, rewarding safety personnel for the number of identified safety violations would lead to an endless dysfunctional conflict with production and maintenance services. Rewarding all workers for correcting identified violations will lead to collaboration and fewer injuries.

Dealing with conflicts, of course, is not limited to the listed methods. Other effective structural methods of conflict management can be found according to the situation.

Interpersonal conflict resolution styles

Conflict management also includes interpersonal ways of resolving conflict situations.

There are 5 main styles of conflict resolution, or strategies of behavior in conflict situations.

Evasion. A person who adheres to this strategy seeks to get away from the conflict. This strategy may be appropriate if the subject of disagreement is not of great value to a person, if the situation can be resolved by itself (this is rare, but still happens), if there are no conditions for effective resolution of the conflict, but after a while they will appear.

Smoothing. This style is based on the following theses: “You shouldn't rock the boat”, “Let's live together”. The "smoother" tries not to let out the signs of conflict, confrontation, calling for solidarity. In doing so, the problem underlying the conflict is often forgotten. As a result, peace may temporarily occur. Negative emotions don't show up, but they accumulate. Sooner or later, a problem left unattended and accumulated negative emotions will lead to an explosion, the consequences of which will turn out to be dysfunctional.

Compulsion. Anyone who adheres to this strategy is trying to force him to accept his point of view, by all means, he is not interested in the opinion of others. This style is associated with aggressive behavior and uses coercive power and traditional power to influence other people. This style can be effective if it is used in a situation that threatens the existence of the organization or prevents it from achieving its goals. The leader defends the interests of the business, the interests of the organization, and sometimes he is simply obliged to be persistent. The main disadvantage of using this strategy by managers is the suppression of the initiative of subordinates and the possibility of repeated outbreaks of conflict.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the point of view of the other side, but only to a certain extent. The ability to compromise in managerial situations is highly valued as it reduces ill will and allows conflict to be resolved quickly. But after a while, dysfunctional consequences of a compromise solution may also appear, for example, dissatisfaction with "half-hearted" solutions. In addition, the conflict in a slightly modified form may arise again, since the problem that gave rise to it remains unresolved.

Problem solving (cooperation). This style is based on the conviction of the parties to the conflict that differences of opinion are the inevitable result of intelligent people having their own ideas about what is right and what is not. With this strategy, the participants recognize each other's right to their own opinion and are ready to understand it, which gives them the opportunity to analyze the causes of disagreements and find a way out that is acceptable to all. Someone who relies on cooperation does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but seeks a solution to the problem.

3. Stressful states or emotional stress.

This is the most common affect these days. Stress is a state of excessively strong and prolonged psychological stress that occurs in a person when his nervous system gets emotional overload. Emotional stress is a complex process with physiological and psychological components. Stressors can be both unexpected, adverse effects: danger, pain, fear, cold, humiliation, overload, and difficult situations: the need to quickly make a responsible decision, dramatically change the strategy of behavior, make an unexpected choice, respond to offenders. Under physiological stress, the human body not only responds with a protective reaction, but also gives a complex generalized reaction, often little dependent on the specifics of the stimulus.

Translated from English, "stress" is pressure, pressure, tension, and "distress" is grief, unhappiness, malaise, need. According to the fame of the creator of the theory of stress, Hans Selye, stress is a non-specific response of the body to any requirement presented to it, which helps it to adapt to the difficulty that has arisen, to cope with it. Any surprise that disrupts the normal course of life can be stressful. It does not matter whether the situation we are faced with is pleasant or unpleasant. What matters is only the intensity of the need for restructuring or adaptation. For example, mothers were informed of the death of her only son in battle. She is experiencing a terrible mental shock. If many years later it turns out that the message was false, and the son suddenly enters the room safe and sound, she will feel the greatest joy. The results of the two events - grief and joy - are different, but the stressful effect is the same.

The emergence and experience of stress depends not so much on objective as on subjective factors, on the characteristics of the person himself: his assessment of the situation, comparing his strengths and abilities with what is required of him, etc.

Let's say there was a quarrel or some unpleasant event: a person is agitated, cannot find a place for himself, an unfair resentment gnaws at him, annoyance because he did not know how to behave correctly, did not find the words. He would be glad to be distracted from these thoughts, but again and again scenes of what happened arise before his eyes and again a wave of resentment and indignation rolls over. Allocate three physiological mechanisms stress.

1. In the cerebral cortex, an intense persistent focus of excitation has formed, the so-called dominant, which subordinates all the activities of the body, all the actions and thoughts of a person. So you need to eliminate this dominant or create a new one. The more exciting the business that the upset person switches to, the easier it is to create a competing dominant (reading a novel, watching a movie, doing what you love).

2. After the appearance of the dominant, the deep structure brain - the hypothalamus, which causes the pituitary gland to release the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. Under the influence of cortisol, the adrenal glands release adrenaline and stress hormones, which have the following effects: heart palpitations, increased blood pressure. In this phase, conditions are prepared for an intense muscle load. But a person does not release the accumulated muscle energy, therefore stress hormones circulate in the blood for a long time. To neutralize them, you need an intense muscle load, i.e. physical Culture.

3. Since the stressful situation has not been resolved, impulses continue to flow into the cerebral cortex, supporting the activity of the dominant, and stress hormones continue to be released into the blood. To help yourself, you need to reduce the significance of an unfulfilled desire or find a way to realize it. The best way to relieve stress is to completely resolve the conflict, resolve differences, and make up.

Ways to reduce the significance of the conflict:

1. extract the positive from failure;

2. prove to yourself that “it could be worse”;

3. compare your own adversity with those of others;

4. communication with a loved one;

5. switch to an interesting topic.

In order to quickly normalize your condition after troubles, it is useful to give yourself increased physical activity. For an urgent decrease in the level of tension, general muscle relaxation can be used: muscle relaxation is incompatible with the feeling of anxiety. Relaxation methods, autogenic training are very useful when you need to quickly, in 5-10 minutes, bring yourself into a calm good state. Emotions can also be controlled by regulating their external manifestation: if you want to endure pain easier, try not to demonstrate it.

An important way to relieve mental stress is to activate your sense of humor. You need to be able to smile or laugh in a difficult situation. Laughter leads to a drop in anxiety; when the person has laughed, their muscles are less tense (relaxation) and their heart rate is normalized.

Scientists have developed a list of typical life situations that cause stressful conditions. The most stressful situation was the death of a spouse (100 points), imprisonment (63 points), trauma (53 points), marriage (50 points), childbirth (40 points). The most important factor in successfully coping with stress is making sure that the situation remains under control.

For example, employees who were allowed to organize the office space as they saw fit were less likely to experience destructive distress than those who worked in a once and for all environment.

Mental stress, which results in neurotic states, is recognized as the most destructive stressor. Their main source is information deficit, a situation of uncertainty, inability to find a way out of a critical situation, internal conflict, a sense of guilt, ascribing responsibility to oneself even for those actions that did not depend on the person and which he did not perform.

Introduction 2

Conflicts in organizations. 3

1 What is conflict. 3

2 Causes of conflicts. 4

3 Causes of conflicts in the organization 6

4 Types of conflicts in the organization 8

Conflict Resolution 11

1 Methods permissions conflicts in the organization11

2 Examples of conflict management in an organization. 17

Conclusion. 22

Bibliography 24


RelevanceThis topic is that at the present time in organizations, managers of many levels do not have enough knowledge about conflicts and ways to prevent them. Many leaders simply do not know how to get out of a conflict situation, do not know that there are peaceful and constructive methods. Conflict is part of the process of interaction between people. This paper discusses: what is a conflict, what conflicts are, causes of conflicts, methods of conflict resolution. All people are different. We all perceive different situations differently. Which leads to the fact that we simply disagree with each other. Conflicts in organizations arise not only during negotiations, but also during any business and personal contacts. There are a lot of reasons for conflicts, but the main thing is the incorrect attitude of managers with subordinates or the psychological incompatibility of people.

Of course, most conflicts will negatively affect the activities of the organization. But sometimes the conflict is good for the company. It can stimulate more efficient and constructive solution problems, can also identify alternatives for solving various controversial issues. It can also encourage employees to express their ideas and suggestions.

Taskscoursework are as follows:

· Find out what a conflict is, the causes and types of conflict situations.

· Give a detailed description of methods for resolving conflict situations.

Leadership without conflicts is possible if one learns to manage in such a way that everything destructive is eliminated in purposeful cooperation with others. This is a very difficult task. But today we have the knowledge and experience to get closer to the goal.

1. Conflicts in organizations

1.1 What is conflict

conflict dispute psychological organization

What is conflict? It is a process in which one individual, group of people, or department of a firm interferes with the implementation of the plans of another. The concept of conflict is often associated with negativity, quarrels, threats, warriors, and the like. It is believed that conflict is an undesirable phenomenon that should be avoided.

Conflict (from Lat. Conflicts) - collision, struggle, hostile attitude. Conflict situations are studied by conflictology.

The subject of a conflict is an imaginary or present problem underlying the conflict.

The subject of the conflict is an active party capable of creating a conflict situation and influencing the conflict.

The object of the conflict can be a material or spiritual value, to the possession or use of which both parties to the conflict seek.

An organization is a complex whole that includes not only individuals with different statuses, social attitudes and interests. But also various social formations striving to take a higher place in the structure of the organization, to change the existing norms of activity or the system of relations within the organizational structure.

Conflict in the organization. Who among us has not encountered this badly affecting every person in the company? Who has not been involved at least once in a cycle of intrigues, corporate conspiracies, sidelong glances, conversations in a whisper behind their backs? Any employee of the company, regardless of rank, can become a victim of conflicts. Moreover, if the company is rapidly fluttering, the more conflicts appear.

At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes:

1.The conflicting positions of the parties to any pretext.

2.Different goals or means of achieving them.

.Or a mismatch of interests, desires.

In textbooks on conflict management, you can find that conflicts are necessary and useful. Positive functions can be distinguished, such as:

Ø Informational - cognitive. This function has two sides: signaling and communicative. The signaling side is that the administration pays attention to intolerant working conditions, various kinds of abuse. The communicative side consists in the fact that opponents need to have information that allows them to draw conclusions about the strategy and tactics of their opponent, the resources that he has. Any conflict sends a signal to the manager that there is a problem that needs to be solved. Allows you to know it, since the totality of facts perceived by people is revealed.

Ø Integrative. The conflict contributes to the unification of people in groups against another group or person in the same firm. This effect can work in a wide variety of situations. As a result, a border is established between those people who, according to some criteria, are considered their own or strangers.

Ø The function of stimulating adaptation to a changing environment.

1.2 Causes of conflicts

We are all different and it is quite natural that we disagree on opinions, assessments, goals and methods of achieving them. All these disagreements contribute to the development of conflicts.

Conflict is a very complex and psychological phenomenon, the study of which depends on the quality of the methods used.

In psychology, a conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies, a single episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with negative emotional experiences.

The cause of the conflict is an event, situation, facts, phenomena preceding the conflict and causing it under certain conditions of activity of the subjects of social interaction.

The emergence and development of conflicts is due to the action of four groups of factors:


2.Organizational and managerial



The first two groups are objective, and the third and fourth are subjective.

Objective reasons are considered those circumstances, social interaction of people, leading to a clash of their thoughts, interests, values.

Subjective causes of the conflict are due to individual psychological characteristics and direct interaction of people during their unification into social groups.

The most important thing to find out the cause of the conflict is the very first step in resolving the conflict. There are five main reasons for the conflict situation.

1.Various life values. This could lead to a collision. For example, your family is the most important thing for you, but the success of your company is the most important for your manager. Conflict arises when your boss asks you to work more than the norm, thus you spend less time with your family.

2.Erroneous assumptions can cause conflicts. For example, a husband, coming after work, assumes that a warm dinner is waiting for him at home, and his wife has not prepared food and has not cleaned the house, this can lead to a quarrel.

.Expectation. We expect other people to know what we are thinking and what we want. These expectations give rise to resentment, quarrels, misunderstandings. Therefore, we need to remember forever that we do not know how to read each other's thoughts. What is understandable for us today may be completely incomprehensible to others. If we expect some definite action from another, this does not mean at all that the other thinks the same way.

.Different upbringing. Our upbringing, religions, status in society, age, gender, nationality, skin color can cause conflicts. For example, a man behaves confidently and sometimes aggressively at work, then this is considered in the order of things, but if a woman behaves this way, then she will be condemned.

.The difference in the goals of desires and, of course, the inability to compromise. For example, you want to go to the theater and your friend wants to go to the movies. A conflict can arise if everyone insists on their own version. In this situation, you need to be able to find a compromise.

1.3 Causes of conflicts in the organization

According to research, a manager spends about 25% of his time resolving conflicts. Naturally, conflict in the workplace has a negative effect on the productivity of the team. There are two typical responses to conflict: withdrawal / avoidance of conflict or struggle. Of course, both options lead to the desired results. It is very important to learn how to resolve differences. Disagreements, with the right approach to them, can contribute to the development of mutual understanding and mutual assistance in order to more effectively solve the problem. But first you need to find out the cause of the conflict. The reasons may vary. Let's highlight these reasons:

1.Resource Allocation - The need to share resources almost always leads to different types of conflict. For example, unfair appraisal of the work of staff and also remuneration of work, undeserved privileges of some and underestimation of other employees.

2.The interdependence of tasks from another person or group. Certain types of organizational structures increase the potential for conflict. For example, the matrix structure of an organization, where the principle of one-man management is deliberately violated.

.Poor communication can be a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for an individual employee or group to understand the situation or the point of view of others. For example, an imprecise description job duties.

.Various life principles and values. For example, a supervisor will forgive a subordinate to do something that is at odds with their moral principles.

.Conflicting goals. For example, when managers set a goal in front of employees, they are opposite to each other. One manager says that the most important thing is for a short time make a plan, and the other says that the most important thing is the quality of the work.

Fig. 1 The diagram of the development of the conflict.

1.4 Types of conflicts in the organization

There are four main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, and intergroup.

Consider the types of conflicts in the organization. Intrapersonal conflict. The participants are not people, but various psychological factors. Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in the organization, they can take various forms. One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. Internal conflicts can arise in production, this can occur due to work overload or, on the contrary, lack of work.

Interpersonal conflict. The most common type of conflict. Conflict manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many leaders assume that the cause is a dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, due to differences in character, views, demeanors, it is very difficult to get along with each other. But a deep analysis shows that, as a rule, objective reasons lie at the basis of such conflicts. Conflicts occur between a subordinate and a manager. For example, when a subordinate is convinced that the manager makes exorbitant demands on him, and the manager believes that the subordinate is not fulfilling the norm.

Interpersonal conflicts can be classified into the following types:

· Conflicts between a manager and a subordinate;

· Conflicts between employees;

· Management-level conflicts, that is, a conflict between leaders of the same rank.

Conflict between an individual and a group. They are mainly due to the discrepancy between individual and group norms of behavior. Anyone who does not perceive them, becomes in opposition, risks being left alone.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which, in one way or another, conflicts arise. For example, between informal groups within departments, between managers and subordinates, between employees of different departments, between the administration and the trade union.

The whole set of conflicts, one way or another, is associated with the method of management of the organization. Since management is nothing more than an activity to resolve conflicts for the sake of those goals and objectives that determine the essence of the organization. The leader must resolve conflicts arising in the organization between departments, between managers and subordinates, between manufacturers and consumers of products, suppliers and manufacturers and suppliers in the name of the more general interests of the organization, which he considers as the goals of his management activities.

Also, conflicts are classified according to the degree of manifestation: hidden and open.

Latent conflict usually affects two people who, for the time being, try not to show that they are in conflict. But as soon as one of them has "lost" the nerves, the latent conflict turns into an open one. There are also random, spontaneous and chronic, as well as deliberately provoked conflicts. Intrigues are also distinguished as a kind of conflict. Intrigue is understood as a deliberate dishonest action, beneficial to the initiator, who is forced by the collective or the individual to certain negative actions and thereby harming the collective and the individual. Intrigues, as a rule, are carefully thought out and planned, have their own storyline.

The main types of conflicts, the reasons for their occurrence and methods of resolving Table 1

Types of conflicts Causes of conflicts Methods for resolving conflicts Intrapersonal Mismatch of external requirements and internal positions, mismatch between various kinds of interests Exit from a state of discomfort through changing one's thoughts, dispositions, values ​​and behavior and through obtaining more information about the problem Interpersonal Clash of interests (mismatch of moral values, personal views) by force; conflict resolution through cooperation (taking into account the interests of each side); avoiding conflict (lack of personal persistence and desire to cooperate), compromise style (moderately taking into account the interests of each side, fast resolution of the conflict) Intra-group Mismatch of norms of behavior (change of leadership, appearance of an informal leader) Intra-organizational Struggle for spheres of influence within the organization

2. Conflict resolution

2.1 Methods of conflict resolution in the organization

At the present time, specialists have developed many different recommendations regarding various aspects of human behavior in conflict situations. Selection of appropriate strategies and means of their resolution, as well as their management.

Conflict resolution is the activity of participants aimed at stopping opposition and solving the problem that led to the disagreement. Conflict resolution involves the active participation of both parties in transforming the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the causes of the conflict.

The resolution of conflicts arising in the organization can be part of the overall management process in the team, and then they are included in the remit of the leader. The leader has the ability to use his power to resolve conflicts, and this allows him to influence the conflict and take timely measures to resolve their relationship. But at the same time, the leader will not be able to be objective enough.

Conflict resolution is a multi-stage process that includes analysis and assessment of the situation, the choice of a method for resolving the conflict, the formation of an action plan, its implementation, and the assessment of the effectiveness of their actions.

The main strategies for resolving conflict are competition, cooperation, compromise, adjustment and avoidance of the problem.

· Rivalry consists in imposing a preferred solution on another opponent.

· Compromise consists in the desire of the parties to end the conflict with partial concessions.

· Adaptation, or concession, is considered as a forced or voluntary refusal to fight and surrender of their positions.

· Avoiding solving a problem or avoiding is an attempt to get out of a conflict situation at a minimum cost.

· Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for conflict resolution. It presupposes the orientation of the parties towards a constructive discussion of the problem, the consideration of the other opponent not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution.

Conflict management is a purposeful influence on the arrangement of the causes leading to the conflict, or on the correction of the behavior of the participants in the conflict.

There are many methods of conflict management. Several groups, each of which has its own field of application:

1.Intrapersonal methods.

2.Structural methods.

.Interpersonal method.


.Retaliatory aggressive actions. This method is used in extreme cases, when the capabilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

Intrapersonal methods consist in the ability to properly organize their own behavior, to express their point of view, without causing a defensive reaction from another person. Several authors suggest using the "I am a statement" method, that is, a way of transferring your attitude to another person to a certain subject, without negative, but so that the other opponent changes his attitude.

This method helps a person to maintain his position without turning his opponent into his enemy, "I am a statement" can be used in any situation, but more effectively when a person is aggressive.

The structural method affects mainly organizational conflicts arising at the organizational level, arising from the wrong distribution of responsibilities. These methods include:

1.Clarification of requirements;

2.Use of coordination and integration mechanisms;

.Creation of a reward system.

Clarification of job requirements, one of the popular methods of management and conflict prevention. Each specialist must clearly understand what results he must provide, what are his duties, responsibilities, limits of authority, stages of work. The method is implemented in the form of drawing up appropriate job descriptions, distributing rights and responsibilities by management levels.

Coordination and integration mechanisms.

This is another method. One of the most common mechanisms is the hierarchy of authority. Which regulates the interaction of people, decision making and information flows within the organization. If two workers have disagreements on any issues, you need to contact the manager so that he resolves the conflict.

Interpersonal styles of conflict resolution.

The interpersonal method is the choice of the style of the participants in the conflict in order to minimize the damage to their interests. These include:

Dodging or leaving. This style means that a person tries to get away from a conflict situation with minimal losses. One way to resolve conflicts is to avoid situations that provoke contradictions. Evasion is aimed at getting out of the situation without yielding, but not insisting on your own, not expressing your opinion, transferring the conversation to another channel.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by a belief that is aimed at preserving or restoring good relationship, to ensure the interests of the other party through concessions. Such a "smoothing" tries not to let the conflict out, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the very problem underlying the conflict. At the same time, peace may ensue, but a problem remains. This leads to the fact that eventually there will be an "explosion" of emotions, and the conflict will again become relevant.

Compulsion. Within the framework of this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. A person who tries to apply this style is not interested in the opinion of other people, behaves aggressively. This style is effective where the leader has authority over subordinates. But this style suppresses the initiative of subordinates.

Compromise. The essence of this style is that the parties seek to resolve differences through partial concessions. It is characterized by the rejection of some of the claims that were put forward earlier, to accept the claims of the other party, the willingness to forgive. The style is effective in the following cases: the opponent understands that the rivals have equal opportunities, the presence of mutually exclusive interests, satisfaction with a temporary solution, the threat of losing everything.

Solution. This style is considered the most effective strategy for behavior in a conflict. This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to listen to other points of view in order to determine the causes of the conflict and find a solution for all parties. Those who act in this style do not try to achieve their goals at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best solution. This style is most effective in solving organizational problems.

The main positive method conflict resolution is negotiation. Negotiation is a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of human activity. Negotiation is the process of finding an agreement between people through the satisfaction of their interests. This method of conflict resolution is a set of tactical techniques aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties.

The use of negotiations to resolve a conflict is possible under certain conditions:

· The existence of the interdependence of the parties to the conflict.

· Lack of significant development in the capabilities of the subjects of the conflict.

· Correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict to the possibilities of negotiations.

· Participation of the parties who can make a real decision in the current situation.

The main function of negotiations is to jointly discuss the problem and make a decision. The decision made can be constructive, entailing a change in the situation for the better.

There are two types of negotiations:

1. Positional.

2. Rational.

The subject of positional negotiations is the identification of the position of the parties, that is, the discussion of the subjective views of the parties on the solution of the problem. Positional negotiations can be soft and hard. The essence of the soft form is that the parties are ready for the sake of reaching an agreement and maintaining relations. Tough negotiations are to insist on one's own at any cost, most often to ignore the interests of other parties.

The deep interests of the parties, and not the positions they occupy, become the subject of rational negotiations. The goal of rational negotiation is to find the optimal solution.

Negotiation methods.

Several methods of negotiation are presented here:

· The variational method.

· Integration method.

· Best alternative method.

· Balancing the position.

· A step-by-step method of reaching an agreement.

The variational method is that partners are offered pre-developed solutions, which are based on the idea of ​​the optimal solution to the problem in combination with the rest.

The integration method prioritizes the interests of the parties, which pushes the negotiating partners to unite them. The main focus is on the existing points of contact. Opportunity to reap mutual benefits with reasonable pooling of efforts.

The best alternative method is that any negotiation may fail and not be as effective as expected. Therefore, it is always necessary to have alternative solutions.

The method of balancing the position is to carefully examine the views of the opponents. If they are acceptable, then, on their basis, a working version of the solution to the problem is developed, which is proposed for discussion by the partner.

In difficult situations, refusal to negotiate entails large losses, the method of gradual reaching an agreement can be used. The essence of this method is to achieve agreement in the conditions of a gradual full or partial review of requirements, depending on the emergence of new circumstances and the discovery of new opportunities.

In practice, many different ways are used by which managers resolve conflicts between subordinates.

2.2 Examples of conflict management in an organization

Let us consider conflict situations using the example of a trading company LLP "Edelweiss". Trade is considered a conflict area. Every day in the process of activity, a large number of disagreements arise, which develop into conflicts. Conflicts appear between:

· Between employees as a result of receiving false information.

· Between buyers and salespeople.

· Between subordinates and managers.

· Between the firm and the suppliers.

· Between the company and the city administration.

· Between the firm and competitors.

· Between the firm and the tax office.

This company specializes in the sale of sugar. Has been working on the market for 11 years. It is also engaged in the export of its products to countries such as Holland, Japan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia. Its products are considered one of the environmentally friendly food products, which do not include chemical additives. In 2012, it supplied more than 3500 tons of sugar. It can be concluded that this company has maintained its reputation at a high level for many years.

To resolve the conflict, the manager or mediator must know or have an idea of ​​the psychological profile of each employee of the company, that is, know his strengths and weaknesses. Thus, anticipate his possible behavior in the conflict.

Let us briefly characterize the personnel of this company in terms of behavior in conflict situations and the way out of them.

The head of the company Inkov Alexander Anatolyevich is quite patient and restrained for the head of the company. It is very difficult to piss him off. Very rarely comes into conflict. If there is no way to avoid a conflict, the manager tries to quickly and constructively find a way out of the conflict situation, using various methods of resolution. Alexander Anatolyevich always tries to find a compromise solution. He gets along well with people, gets into the position of others and can always help. The team tries to create a favorable environment. But, like any living person, he can break down as a result of any troubles at work and in his personal life.

Deputy Head Maykov Oleg Evgenievich. He is very responsible, strict, loves everything to be done as he wants, loves to find fault, but at the slightest failures, he begins to panic and develop a conflict. He is sensitive to the words of others. Starts up quickly, but leaves just as quickly. In a conflict with subordinates, he tries in every possible way to impose his opinion.

Seller Baskakov Maxim Nikolaevich. The best seller in the company. Purposeful in work, professional in his field. He always communicates well with people, very kind. But it has one negative feature, like spinelessness. With such a person, it is easy to settle conflicts and disagreements if they arise.

Sales manager Eduard Romanovich Tretyakov. A very difficult person, he likes to argue, insist on his own, even if he is not right. This employee always has conflicts with clients, but despite this, Tretyakov does an excellent job with his duties and always fulfills the set plan. When working with clients, she does not tolerate rudeness and disrespect for herself. In a conflict, it explodes strongly and it is very difficult to stop it, you have to resort to the participation of a third party.

Consider a conflict that arises in a firm between employees in the course of their activities.

· Lack of funds leads to conflict. The manager undeservedly blames the sales manager for the shortage; later it turned out that the manager made a mistake in the calculations.

· The director of the company very often travels on business trips, respectively, his powers are performed by the deputy. In the absence of the head, the deputy gives his instructions to subordinates, not paying attention to the fact that the director has been given other instructions.

· A sales manager is fond of basketball, as a result of which, he often asks for time off, if the manager leaves earlier, then he also leaves the workplace, shifting authority to other employees. In this case, a conflict arises.

As a result, for normal work, the manager took the following measures:

One of such measures is getting rid of idlers, since they themselves do not bring benefits to the enterprise and set a bad example for other workers. The manager observes the work of the personnel, if it turns out that the person does not have a desire to work efficiently and efficiently, he is fired.

The next condition for preventing conflicts in a firm is concern for fairness. The manager treats employees fairly, without punishing the innocent, before doing something, thinks well of what the consequences may be.

The manager is very fair to the payment of wages, as well as bonuses. Only pays to those who have done really well. The firm has a rule: the work that is done efficiently and on time is well paid. The salary depends on the% of the total sales volume.

The firm has an agreement to make all decisions collectively. All amendments are negotiated together with everyone.

In the relationship between the buyer and the seller, everything is very complicated. The trading company always makes concessions to the client, as a result the company suffers, since the decision or some kind of agreement is always violated by the buyer.

The client purchased a consignment of goods and took over the transportation. But as the goods arrived at the warehouse, the buyer makes a claim for the quality of the goods. Although the product good quality, the firm strictly monitors this. Accordingly, a conflict arises between the firm and the client. There are three versions of a poor quality product:

· Poor transportation.

· Warehouse storage is out of order.

· An error of the laboratory that the client contacted.

The client ordered a batch of the product, but when the goods arrived at the warehouse, it turned out that all the goods did not correspond to the weight and type of the product. Although the firm says that this is the product that the client ordered. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the buyer's production depended on that order, and due to the fact that the order was not fulfilled, the production was suspended. The reasons are put forward:

· Misinformation within the company.

· Poor communication of information within the client company.

·Bad connection.

The manager takes measures to check all warehouse premises for compliance with the standard; rechecking, confirmation of orders.

It is always easier to prevent conflict within the company than outside it. To prevent conflict, the firm uses the principle of objectivity and compliance. The principle of clarity and benevolence is also used.

If there are disagreements in the process of activity, then, first of all, you need to analyze the situation critically in order to present the main and initial positions, both your own and your opponent's. Employees analyze the position of the enemy. As a result, misunderstandings can be revealed and the conflict loses its ground. This will allow you to avoid mistakenly attributing a hostile position to your enemy, as well as neutralize the situation.

To resolve the conflict between the client and the seller, the following techniques are used:

separation of conflicting.

This option is effective when there is a conflict between the client and the sales manager. In these cases, covert decoupling is used. A manager who does not cope with the situation is replaced by someone from the enterprise who does not irritate the opponent.

In the course of a trading company, a variety of factors and methods of conflict resolution are used. Conflict resolution begins with the fact that opponents cease to see each other as an enemy. To do this, you need to analyze your own positions and actions. Admitting your own mistakes reduces the negative perception of your opponent. Also, the opponent tries to understand the interests of the other. This broadens the understanding of the opponent, making him more objective. Any person has something positive to rely on when resolving a conflict. Then employees reduce negative emotions.

Then the optimal style of conflict resolution is chosen: evasion, smoothing, coercion, compromise, problem solving.


A conflict can be understood as a temporary emotional change in mood, due to the non-receipt or receipt of information, leading to a lack of agreement between individuals, groups and a violation of the normative activity of these individuals and groups.

Conflict can be beneficial for employees and the organization as a whole, and not useful, reducing productivity, personal satisfaction and eliminating cooperation between employees of the organization.

Having considered the causes of the conflict situation, it should be noted that in certain situations, the source of the conflict may be the leader himself. Many unwanted conflicts are generated by the personality and actions of the leader himself, especially if he allows himself personal attacks, incorrectness, publicly shows his likes and dislikes. Intemperance, inability to correctly assess the situation, cannot find the right way out of it, inability to take into account and understand the way of thinking and feel other people and give rise to a conflict situation.

Conflict within an organization can be managed. The leader always has the opportunity to anticipate the conflict and intervene, make adjustments and optimally resolve the conflict situation. The leader must first of all find out the cause of the conflict, find out the goals of the conflicting parties, and find the optimal solution. It is important to remember that just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations, no style of conflict resolution (be it evasion, compromise, smoothing, problem solving, coercion) can be distinguished as the most best.

In my opinion, negotiation is a more effective way of resolving conflicts. This is a very constructive way. An effective negotiation strategy is, first of all, a strategy of agreement, the search for common interests and the ability to combine them so as not to subsequently cause a desire to violate the agreement reached.

In life, leaders often simply lack knowledge and experience, negotiation skills, and the desire to enter into communication with conflicting parties. Therefore, it is necessary to study conflict situations based on the experience of specialists. The ability to manage conflicts in an organization is the key to the success of a leader in his activities.


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The formation of an organizational and psychological climate pursues the main goal of increasing the efficiency of personnel, including by identifying and eliminating social tension in the team - conflict management.

Conflict (from lat. conflictus) - clash of parties, opinions, conflicting forces.

Conflict is an antagonistic clash of interests, positions, values; behavior of a person or group that prevents or significantly restricts another person or group in the realization of their interests.

Conflict plays a dual role in governance. They can destroy the organization, reduce the effectiveness of management, but in certain circumstances they can play a positive role. They show hidden negative processes, the real existence of disagreements and tendencies to change them, invisible obstacles (pitfalls). Their possible positive role lies not only in "providing" information, but also in the ability to clear the "rubble" for innovation. Some conflicts must be fought, others must be evoked. But creating a conflict is a very subtle thing that requires the art of management, maneuvering in situations, a clear idea of ​​the ultimate goal, and a developed sense of morality.

When the conflict in the organization is unmanageable, it can lead to confrontation (when the structural divisions of the organization or members of the micro- or macrocollective cease to cooperate and communicate with each other). Ultimately, such a situation of separation will lead to the degradation of the team and the organization as a whole. In some situations, conflict is good for the organization and managers deliberately provoke it.

In addition to the negative, the conflict carries a positive phenomenon: it is a way to identify problems (it helps to reveal the deep essence of difficulties); is a release valve of emotions (long-term containment of emotions is the path to stress); the stimulating function of the conflict is manifested in the fact that with the correct management of the conflict, changes in organizations are carried out evolutionary, i.e. avoids dramatic events in the organization; conflict helps to know oneself, which contributes to the development of personality.

Conflicts arise due to various reasons, the main of which are a lack of resources, an unclear division of responsibilities, differences in power and status, personal aspects, a communication crisis, and differences in goals.

Lack of resources. The resources of the organization, which are always limited, include: material, financial, informational, personnel, etc. The management of the organization decides how to properly allocate limited resources to achieve the goals of the organization. Allocating resources to a large extent to some means that other members of the organization do not receive them, which causes discontent and leads to conflicts. Almost always, when individuals or teams compete for limited or insufficient resources, conflict is inevitable.

Unclear separation of duties. The cause of the conflict may be an unclear division of work assignments or job responsibilities, i.e. employees may disagree about who should do a particular job or who has the right to claim resources.

Separation in power and status. Such differences arise when the actions and orders of the employee are contested by other team members, which leads to conflicts when expanding their influence (power) on other members of the team, unit, organization.

Personal aspects. Differences in personal, value and other attitudes often lead to a clash of personalities, which is the main obstacle effective work staff.

Communication crisis. The main reasons are communication errors that are typical for multinational organizations and lead to misunderstandings between members of the organization (most often in virtual and global teams), misperceptions by employees of each other. Holding on to information, hiding it also leads to protracted conflicts.

Difference in purpose. Conflicts arise because members of an organization (marketing, sales, manufacturing, etc.) have different functional goals.

In any organization, there are several levels of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, organizational, conflict between the organization and the external environment.

Sources of intrapersonal conflicts: frustration, dialectics of goals, interaction of roles and ambiguity of a role. Frustration is psychological discomfort associated with the inability to achieve personal goals. Forms of human behavior in a state of frustration: aggression; leaving the area in which you experienced frustration; reinforcing commitment to personal goals and compromise. This variant of the conflict is a consequence of a person's dissatisfaction with work, a lack of stability in the workplace and real prospects. This also includes a violation of the principle of one-man management, when a subordinate receives conflicting instructions from leaders of different ranks.

Interpersonal conflicts have the following sources: individual differences (temperament, mentality, values, attitudes, traditions, etc.), lack of information and other resources, ineffective communications, incompatibility of roles (power and responsibility are not clearly distributed). Usually, in an interpersonal conflict, the positions of the conflicting parties are fundamentally different.

Sources intergroup conflicts competition for limited resources, interdependence of production tasks, unlimited powers, struggle for status are considered. A kind of intergroup conflict is a conflict between formal and informal groups in the same team (between full-time managers and informal leaders).

Organizational conflicts arise between different categories of employees of the enterprise in the framework of service interactions. Their types: structural conflict (the structure of the organization prevents the implementation of the declared mission), functional conflict (lack of balance between general and functional units), conflict between line and staff personnel.

The conflict between the organization and the external environment. The organization's interaction with the external environment often leads to conflicts with potential competitors, suppliers, consumers, tax and other government agencies.

Knowledge of the types and types of conflicts is necessary in order to successfully manage them - to resolve, avoid, limit, consciously cause, change their nature and course, use for the development of the organization.

The classification of conflicts according to various criteria is given in table. 9.2.

Table 9.2

Types of conflicts

Personal conflicts arise in the event of contradictions in the personal qualities of people - positions, character traits, interests and values.

Business conflicts reflect the relationship of people in the process of their joint activities. They are manifested in factors of discipline, distribution of functions and responsibilities. Business conflicts can be caused by both subjective and objective reasons. The latter are manifested as a need for innovation, modernization, solving real problems; they do not depend on the subjective assessments of managers.

Hidden conflicts have no external manifestation, but can proceed in the form of sabotage or intrigue.

Open conflicts most often represent a struggle for an advantage in the distribution of organizational resources, including for power; manifest themselves, in particular, in the form of strikes.

Conflicts constructive character contribute to transformation, renewal, rationalization and innovation.

Destructive conflicts lead to the destruction of the organization, disruption of the rhythms of work, the emergence of tension and sharp contradictions in the team.

Symmetrical and asymmetrical conflicts differ in different or the same consequences for the participants (win / loss).

In addition to those listed above, conflicts are distinguished by time parameters, which are protracted, sluggish and momentary.

All conflicts involve people - managers, staff, who have different attitudes towards conflicts. The concept of "conflicting personalities" is distinguished - people with an increased potential for conflict. Some traits of conflicting personalities:

  • - overestimated self-esteem: an uncritical attitude towards oneself (resentment, rancor, unwillingness to reckon with others);
  • - striving to be in the center of attention (demonstrativeness, initiation of disputes and disagreements);
  • - suspicion and suspiciousness (increased exactingness towards others and loyalty to oneself, manipulation of discipline);
  • - impulsivity (excessive emotionality, turning into aggressiveness, unpredictability of behavior);
  • - attitude to the conflict as a means of achieving one's own goals (the desire to "fish in troubled waters");
  • - the desire to please everyone ("not stick out", not have their own position), this behavior can also generate conflicts.

The main stages of a conflict are a conflict situation, an incident, a crisis and a break in relations, the end of the conflict.

Conflict situation - a position of the parties in which their interests collide, but there is still no open clash. Elements of a conflict situation: object (indivisible in general or in fairness); participants (opponents); signs of conflict (discomfort, tension, misunderstanding); the result of a conflict situation (disappears with the disappearance of the object of the conflict or persists, aggravates, transforms).

Incident - open clash of the parties. Occurs randomly or on purpose and ends with either crisis and a break in relations, or a compromise.

Completion conflict is expressed by the restoration of cooperation, a compromise, the transition of a conflict from one type to another.

T. Kilman's behavior strategies in a conflict situation:

  • competition(win / lose): direct collision and the use of forceful methods of conflict resolution;
  • avoid(concessions / loss): avoiding the struggle, trying to present the situation as if there is no conflict;
  • adaptation(loss / gain): admitting defeat for the sake of maintaining the relationship;
  • compromise(exchange): mutual concessions to reach an acceptable agreement;
  • cooperation(gain / gain): joint work of the parties with the aim of mutual satisfaction of interests.

The above behavioral strategies determine and styles conflict management:

  • competitive style (assertiveness, self-righteousness) is used in emergency situations when quick and decisive action is needed;
  • evasion from conflict (non-assertiveness) - lack of desire for cooperation. This style is used when deferral is needed to gather additional information and make decisions in one's favor, or when the devastating consequences of a conflict are very expensive;
  • compromise style(moderate assertiveness and non-assertiveness) is used either when a decision must be made quickly to resolve the conflict, or when the goals and levels of influence of opponents are the same and they strive for a solution that suits them;
  • adaptation(a high level of non-devotion) is most effective for maintaining harmony in a team, achieving social trust, while realizing the erroneousness of one's position and the greater importance of solving the problem of other people than one's own;
  • Team work(assertiveness and desire for cooperation) allows the opponents of the conflict to achieve a mutually beneficial solution through lengthy negotiations to reach a consensus.

Conflict management involves organizational measures to prevent conflict and persuade the parties to prevent it. To activities for preventing conflict include:

  • - improvement of the management system;
  • - fair distribution of resources;
  • - improvement of working conditions;
  • - control over compliance with regulations, norms, rules, traditions;
  • - material and moral incentives based on the principles of justice.

To organizational arrangements for permission conflict situations include:

  • - unification with a common goal;
  • - organization of a joint search for a resolution of the conflict;
  • - demonstration of the impossibility to achieve the desired through conflict;
  • - the threat of exposing the initiators of the intrigue;
  • - the use of special mechanisms (arbitration, mediation, bidding, negotiations, promotion of communications).

Common are the most important goals that can be achieved through joint efforts, cooperation of conflicting opponents. The more intensive the efforts aimed at achieving the goals of the highest level, the faster contradictions and conflicts will weaken.

In the case of organizing a joint search for a solution to the conflict, both parties actively participate in a systematic search for an optimal solution, using the methods of negotiations and bargaining. Negotiations are very effective when opponents abstract themselves from personal claims and resolve the conflict in the interests of a common goal. One of the special methods of conflict resolution is mediation - the elimination of disagreements by involving a mediator (third party). The mediator discusses the essence of the problem with each of the warring opponents and can offer his solution. If it is not possible to find a solution that suits both parties, the mediator can act as a judge in their dispute.

Stimulation of communication contributes to the settlement of conflicts, since the exchange of information reduces mutual suspicion, increases the possibility of joint activities. Recommendations for stimulating communication:

  • focus on facts, and not on the characters of the parties to the conflict;
  • development of alternatives solving the problem, since in this case the energy of the opponents is directed towards a positive resolution of the conflict as an interesting and creative process, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of conflicts;
  • balance authorities. Managers and supervisors must accept the decisions of the team as fair, even if they themselves have a different opinion. Fairness requires a balance of power within the organization;
  • do not force consensus(do not force consensus). If there is no agreed decision, the manager must make it himself, based on the opinions of subordinates, and be responsible for it.

Thus, timely recognition of conflicts and detection of their signs is of great importance in conflict management. Conflict management can be the more successful, the better the cooperation management is.

Conflicts in the organization and methods of their resolution

conflict reason overcoming


Chapter I. Theoretical overview of the problem under study

1 Concept of conflict

2 Variety of conflicts

Chapter I Conclusions

Chapter II. Conflict: types, stages of course, methods of resolution

1 Types of conflicts

3 Methods and techniques used to resolve conflict situations

Chapter II Conclusions

Chapter III. Ways to improve the resolution of conflict situations on the example of LLC "Praktika"

1 Emerging conflicts

2 Causes of conflicts

3 Ways to Overcome Conflict

Conclusions for chapter III



The relevance of research. Conflicts are an integral part of human life, as they arise only in the process of communication between people. And to some extent, they can be called one of the ways of communication and interaction.

The word "conflict" from the Latin language is translated as "collision". And these collisions are observed both in Everyday life, in everyday life, and in work activities... But still, most of the time a person spends precisely at work, interacting with superiors and subordinates, communicating with colleagues, building joint activities with the company's partners. With such close communication, there are many reasons why people do not quite understand each other correctly, which leads to disputes and conflicts. And in today's unstable economic life and constantly evolving technologies, each company strives to achieve the highest results and maximize profits. And for this it is necessary to fulfill several conditions: firstly, a well-established working process, secondly, a well-chosen team and, thirdly, the absence of disagreements and psychological tension in the team. That is why it is so important to avoid or minimize the occurrence of conflict situations in the organization. But in most cases, existing conflicts are either ignored or not fully resolved. In addition, the conflict can be used for the good, as a management tool, if used correctly. In my opinion, every company should employ a person who will deal with the resolution of conflicts that have already arisen and the prevention of conflict situations in the future.

It seems to me that the degree of study and elaboration of the problem of the emergence of conflicts is still not very high. Since, the attention of leaders and managers is directed to solving other problems. Although a lot of literature has been written on this topic, but basically all this is theory, and in practice, the recommended advice is rarely used. Plus, the list of emerging conflicts and their causes is not limited to those described in the books, but is constantly growing and requires constant monitoring and new solutions. Therefore, the study of this problem is limitless.

The purpose of this course work is to study the theoretical foundations of the conflict and, on the basis of the studied material, to develop ways to overcome conflict situations in a particular organization.

The objectives of the course work include: reflection of the theoretical aspects of the concept of "conflict", a description of the forms of work with conflicts. And also using the example of the company in which I work, display existing conflict situations, analyze the causes of conflicts, suggest ways to overcome them. Since the existing conflict situations, in recent years, very much interfere in labor activity, and at times even slow down the labor process.

For the most successful solution the set goal of this thesis - the study of methods for resolving the socio-psychological characteristics of conflicts - I have to solve the following tasks:

) find out the reasons for intra-organizational and interpersonal conflicts

) outline the main areas of work and ways to resolve conflicts

The object of research in the work is the existing conflict situations in LLC "Praktika".


1 Concept of conflict

Probably, each of us has had to deal with conflict situations. Everyday life is literally permeated with them. The practice of organizations shows that modern leaders need deep knowledge and skills in conflict management and forecasting. A manager, as a person who constantly works with people, must be able to prevent the emergence of a conflict, take people out of a state of enmity, and resolve disputes.

Modern management science recognizes that conflict is an integral part of the life of an organization. What is conflict?

Like many concepts in theory, sociology and psychology of management, conflict has many different definitions and interpretations. Many experts give it the following definition: “Conflict - (from the Latin conflictus - clash) - a clash of parties, opinions, forces, the escalation of a conflict situation into an open clash; the struggle for values ​​and claims to a certain status, power, resources, in which the goals are neutralization, damage and destruction of the rival. " (10)

But here conflict is associated with enmity and confrontation. Meanwhile, conflict is not necessarily a negative phenomenon. Many sociologists and political scientists believe that society cannot exist without conflicts. This approach is most clearly presented in the works of G. Simmel, R. Dahrendorf, L. Coser.

Domestic sociologist I.D. Ladanov believes that the conflict helps the participants in the labor process, when they find themselves in conflict situations, to better understand the goals of the organization, deal with their unused reserves and do a lot for what seems impossible under normal conditions. According to K.A. Radugin's conflict is not an anomaly or dysfunction in the activities of organizations, but the norm of relations between people, a necessary element of life, giving an outlet for socio-psychological tension and giving rise to changes in the activities of the organization. Therefore, there are two theoretical approaches to the concept of conflict.

Conflict is a clash, contradiction, struggle, opposition (of individuals, forces, interests, positions, views). Accordingly, a social conflict is an attempt to achieve reward through submission, imposition of one's will, removal or even destruction of an adversary seeking to achieve the same reward. Thus, supporters of this approach describe the conflict as a negative phenomenon. Most of the works on the technology of work in conflict within the framework of this approach give recommendations for manipulation, which is called "conflict management", "conflict management". The main goal of such management is to eliminate the conflict with the maximum benefit for oneself.

Conflict is a system of relations, a process of development and interaction, given by the differences of the subjects participating in it (by interests, values, activities). Proponents of this approach consider conflict to be a natural condition for the existence of interacting people, a tool for the development of an organization, any community, although it has destructive consequences, but in general and over a long period of time is not as destructive as the consequences of eliminating conflicts, their information and social blockade.

The second approach assumes the impossibility of managing the conflict and optimizing interaction, theoretically substantiating the development of the conflict as a self-regulating mechanism. Instead of “solution”, “resolution” and other similar terms, the term “overcoming” is used, implying that the conflict is not eliminated, but ensures development, enhancing differentiation in the organization, primarily professional, and in society - social stratification, which is the basis social and organizational stability. It transforms into other conflicts, less destructive, in other spheres, other social dimensions. This approach does not deny the possibility and even constructiveness of political and administrative manipulation in the initial phases of the conflict, but is based, first of all, on ensuring the information completeness of the interaction of subjects and the necessary risk.

Conflictology has developed two models for describing conflicts: procedural and structural. In the procedural model, the emphasis is on the dynamics of the conflict, the emergence of a conflict situation, the transition of a conflict from one phase to another, forms of conflict behavior, the outcome of conflict interaction. The structural model describes the conditions underlying the conflict, determines its parameters and main features.

Most sociologists agree that a conflict is a lack of agreement between two or more parties. The subjects of conflict interaction in the organization are both individual individuals and social groups. They are usually referred to as "opponents". At the same time, each of the parties strives to ensure that its point of view or its goal was accepted, preventing the other side from doing the same.

Conflict is a special type of interaction between the subjects of an organization (opponents), a clash of opposing positions, opinions, assessments and ideas, which people try to resolve with the help of persuasion or actions against the background of the manifestation of emotions. The basis of any conflict is the accumulated contradictions, objective and subjective, real and apparent.

The presence of serious reasons does not mean that a conflict will occur. It usually does not occur if the parties believe that the benefits of the conflict are less than the potential costs and shocks. But when a conflict occurs, you have to apply different methods to resolve it, which usually depends on the cause of the conflict.

The most conflict-prone in social interactions is the sphere of management and managerial relations. In the process of exercising managerial functions in various areas of social reality, conditions are manifested in which conflicts are objectively and subjectively formed. Management, as one of the most complex types of social relations, is associated with large quantity problems and contradictions that create a system of prerequisites for conflict in this area. The objective prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts in the field of management are rooted in the subjective differences in the perception of social norms by people, in their individual uniqueness of attitudes towards the processes of purposeful, coordinated work and joint labor. In the process of such relations, the motivation and interests of the subjects of management do not always coincide, they are often opposite and are realized in different ways. This leads to the formation of conflicts.

So, by conflicts it is necessary to understand the conflicts that arise in the systems of social interaction of subjects and objects of management. The sources of any conflicts in the field of management are contradictions, which turn into a conflict, as soon as certain conditions and opportunities are formed for this, an incident arises. Each type and type of conflict has its own specific contradictions. These contradictions, ultimately, are due to the structure and content of social interaction - the specifics of management.

1.2 Variety of conflicts

In modern conditions, each sphere of public life affects its specific types of social conflicts. As a basis for the classification of conflicts, one can assume their causes, but it must be borne in mind that the socio-cultural characteristics of conflicts in Russia do not make it possible to strictly classify them and predict the possibilities of their development. This also makes it difficult to resolve them. Nevertheless, the following main types of conflicts can be distinguished.

Personal conflict. This zone includes conflicts occurring within the personality, at the level of individual consciousness. Such conflicts can be associated, for example, with excessive dependence or with role tension.This is a purely psychological conflict, but it can be a catalyst for the emergence of group tension if the individual searches for the cause of his internal conflict among the group members.

Interpersonal conflicts. This zone includes conflicts that occur between two or more members of the same group or several groups. In this conflict, individuals stand "face to face" and individuals who do not form groups are also involved. The factor that protects (or, conversely, pushes) a person from conflict with others is his self-esteem (or an assessment of his activities, status, prestige, social significance). "The world collapses completely for a person when the inner world collapses, when a person begins to treat the inner" I "badly, when he is in captivity of a steadily low self-esteem." If the relationship with colleagues and the perception of their share of participation in the common work have a high degree of significance, then the internal positive attitude towards constructive activity within the framework of this collective, group, society will remain.

Labor conflicts. In personal and intergroup relationships, social tension takes place, which is the opposite of interests and is understood as a level of conflict that changes over time. Social tension is the result of three interrelated factors: dissatisfaction, ways of its manifestation and mass character. Taking into account all the factors, means - indicators have been developed for detecting and measuring the level of increasing social tension. To detect social tension, it is proposed to assess the degree of human satisfaction in such social needs as housing, labor content, wages, living conditions and sanitary and hygienic conditions at work, recreation opportunities, according to a special scale.

Labor conflicts can either contribute to the preservation of the existing socio-economic system, or contribute to its destruction. The evolution of social and labor conflicts in Russia from labor conflicts proper to political ones indicates that they have become part of the process of disintegration of the administrative-command system, to a certain extent, a catalyst for this disintegration. In social tension, the need for renewal, change in existing life activity is expressed, and conflict becomes a means of such change. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify research in such a branch of sociological, political, psychological, cultural knowledge as conflictology. Now such developments are being carried out, for example, by the Kaluga Institute of Sociology on the Problems of Social Conflicts.

Intergroup conflict. A certain number of individuals forming a group (i.e., a social community capable of joint coordinated actions) come into conflict with another group that does not include individuals from the first group. This is the most common type of conflict, because individuals, starting to influence others, usually try to attract supporters to themselves, form a group that facilitates action in the conflict. There are three types of social relations that can lead to conflicts, for example, among various groups of citizens: the relationship between those employed in the state and non-state sectors of the economy; the relationship between the managerial stratum and state trade, on the one hand, and those "workers", to whom the majority of those employed outside the public sector adjoin, on the other; between a part of the indigenous townspeople and persons of non-indigenous nationalities. Moreover, the most important object of maturing conflicts is the desire of people to acquire a high social status and achieve better living conditions. Since social differentiation will increase in the future, one can expect that the background of tension will constantly persist and manifest itself in dull discontent and condemnation not only of the "rich", but also of more prosperous fellow citizens, in sudden short clashes between representatives of different strata, etc.

Conflict of ownership. Such a conflict occurs due to the dual belonging of individuals, for example, when they form a group within another, larger group, or when an individual enters simultaneously into two specific groups pursuing the same goal.

Interethnic conflicts. Caused by reasons related to socio-economic development, the standard of living in different regions of Russia, the political situation in them. The analysis of the problems of this level is carried out by the staff of the Institute of Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is rightly noted that ignoring the cultural specifics of peoples, and even more so repression and discrimination, increased internal discontent and protest. Constantly postponing the resolution of accumulated problems increased the potential for future collisions. Researchers emphasize that in interethnic conflicts there is a lot of spontaneous, explosive, associated with the impulsive behavior of large masses of people united by one idea, mood, aspiration. Rejection of people of other nationalities in difficult socio-economic conditions of growing deficits, inflation, unemployment is a “time bomb” that can lead to a sudden exacerbation of conflicts. Socio-psychological tension is also cultivated by a low culture of interethnic communication, violation of individual rights, which discriminates against a national minority, and protectionism. To resolve interethnic conflicts, a complex of measures is needed - from legal to socio-psychological.

Social conflicts in different social structures. They can manifest themselves as interethnic, social, labor and political conflicts and are most often caused by the consequences of economic and political reforms. Their analysis covers the following aspects: the economic roots of social tension in society; political aspects, socio-ethnic situation; the criminogenic situation associated with the reaction of part of the population to the changes being made, to their inability to adapt to them. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded about the nature of the crisis in which society found itself, and the need for a systematic approach to the study and forecasting of social conflicts. As evidenced by the research results and forecasts made on their basis, social tension will persist in Russian society for a long time to come.

Conflict with the external environment. The individuals who make up the group are under pressure from outside (primarily from cultural, administrative and economic norms and regulations). They often come into conflict with the institutions that support these norms and regulations.

Political conflict... This is a conflict over the distribution of power, domination, influence, authority. This conflict can be hidden or open. One of the brightest forms of its manifestation in modern Russia is a conflict that lasted throughout the entire time after the collapse of the USSR between the executive and legislative powers in the country as a whole, as well as in individual republics and regions. It should be noted that there is nothing unnatural in the confrontation between the executive and legislative branches. By the very conditions of their existence, certain contradictions of goals and interests are laid between them. However, this contradiction turns into a conflict only with a certain confluence of objective and subjective factors. So far, the socio-economic situation in Russia favors a conflict scenario for the development of events. It is important to understand the existence of this tendency and strive to mitigate the conditions for the course of conflicts, not to allow them to develop into violent actions of one side or the other.

Socio-economic conflicts. These are conflicts over the means of livelihood, the level of wages, the use of professional and intellectual potential, the level of prices for various goods, about real access to these goods and other resources.

Socio-economic conflicts in modern Russia have an objective basis. They are stimulated by the transition of the national economy of the country to market rails and the related struggle for the redistribution of property between various social groups of the population, the impoverishment of broad strata of the population, the structural restructuring of the economy and associated latent or open mass unemployment, etc. The subjective factor also plays a significant role in this conflict: distortions in the implementation of reforms, errors in tax policy, bureaucratic distortions in the institutions of power, etc.

3 Causes of conflicts

Most modern experts identify the following types of causes of conflicts.

Having opposite orientations. Each species and social group has a certain set of value orientations regarding the most significant aspects of social life. They are all different and usually opposite. At the moment of striving to satisfy needs, in the presence of blocked goals, opposite value orientations come into contact and can cause a conflict. For example, different groups of the population have different attitudes towards property. Some groups believe that property should be collective, others prefer private property, and still others strive for cooperative property. Under certain conditions, supporters of different forms of ownership may come into conflict with each other. The conflict over different attitudes towards work is also very indicative, when one group of workers believes that it is impossible to work under the given conditions, while the other insists on continuing to work (such conflicts include any strikes).

Conflicts due to opposing value orientations are extremely varied. They can arise due to different attitudes towards love, family and marriage, demeanor, art, sports, as well as due to opposite orientations in relation to any social institutions. The most acute conflicts arise where there are differences in culture, perception of the situation, status or prestige. Conflicts caused by opposite orientations can occur in the spheres of economic, political, socio-psychological and other value orientations.

Ideological reasons. Conflicts arising on the basis of ideological differences are a particular case of a conflict of opposing orientations. The difference between them is that the ideological cause of the conflict lies in a different attitude to the system of ideas that justify and legitimize the relationship of subordination, domination and fundamental worldviews in various groups of society. In this case, elements of faith, religious, socio-political aspirations become a catalyst for contradictions.

The causes of the conflict are various forms of economic and social inequality. This type of reasons is associated with a significant difference in the distribution of values ​​(income, knowledge, information, cultural elements, etc.) between individuals and groups. Inequality in the distribution of values ​​exists everywhere, but conflict arises only with such inequality that is regarded by one of the social groups as very significant, and only if such significant inequality leads to a blockage of important social needs in one of the social groups. The social tension that arises in this case can serve as the cause of social conflict. It is caused by the appearance of additional needs in people, for example, the need to possess the same amount of values.

Causes of conflicts that lie in the relationship between the elements of the social structure. Conflicts arise as a result of the different places that structural elements occupy in a society, an organization, or an ordered social group. For this reason, a conflict may be associated, firstly, with different goals pursued by individual elements. For example, one area (administrative unit) of the state strives for independence, while another (for example, the administrative center), on the contrary, tries to prevent independence.

On this basis, a conflict between the center and the periphery can develop. Secondly, the conflict for this reason is associated with the desire of one or another structural element to take a higher place in the hierarchical structure. For example, a division of an organization seeks to become more influential and to occupy a higher place in the structure of the organization in order to obtain a greater share of resources. Conflict occurs when other units are pursuing the same goal with limited resources.

Any of the listed reasons can serve as an impetus, the first stage of a conflict only if certain external conditions are present. For example, people often have opposite values ​​and a desire to take a higher place in the status hierarchy. However, despite the presence of reasons and even people's dissatisfaction with the current situation, conflicts do not always occur. What must happen for a conflict to arise, for the corresponding reason to be actualized? Obviously, in addition to the existence of the cause of the conflict, certain conditions must develop around it, serving as a breeding ground for the conflict. Therefore, it is impossible to consider and assess the cause of the conflict without taking into account the conditions that, to varying degrees, affect the state of relations between individuals and groups that have fallen into the scope of these conditions.

P.A. Sorokin pointed out the connection between the conflict and the satisfaction of people's needs. In his opinion, the source of conflicts lies in the suppression of basic human needs, without the satisfaction of which he cannot exist, primarily the needs for food, clothing, housing, self-preservation, self-expression, creativity, freedom, etc. At the same time, he emphasized that it is not the needs themselves that are important, but also the means of satisfying them, access to appropriate types of activity, which is due to the social organization of society. It is in this connection that the question arises not only of equality and inequality in the level of well-being, but also of the comparison of the life chances of various social groups.

So, the main subjects of the conflict are large social groups. Since their needs, interests, goals, aspirations can be realized only through the use of power, such political organizations as the state apparatus, parties, parliamentary factions, "pressure groups", etc. are directly involved in conflicts. They are the spokesmen for the will of large social groups and the main carriers of social interests. Ultimately, social conflict usually takes the form of not a conflict of large social groups (the masses go out into the streets only at rare moments of the highest aggravation of the situation), but a conflict of political, ethnic and other leaders who act on the basis of mechanisms formed in a particular society.

At the same time, it should be noted that social conflict is always a struggle generated by the confrontation of social and group, but not individual interests. R. Darendorf refers to the subjects of the conflict three types of social groups.

Primary groups are direct participants in the conflict who are in a state of interaction in order to achieve objectively or subjectively incompatible goals.

Secondary groups that seek not to be directly involved in the conflict, but contribute to the incitement of the conflict. At the stage of aggravation of the conflict, they can become the primary party.

Third forces interested in resolving the conflict. Many conflictologists believe that society and its individual constituent parts are developing as a result of evolutionary changes, i.e. in the course of continuous improvement and the emergence of more viable social structures based on accumulated experience, knowledge, cultural patterns and production development, and as a result, it is assumed that social conflict can only be negative, destructive and destructive.

But there is a group of scientists consisting of supporters of the dialectical method. They recognize the constructive useful content any conflict, since as a result of conflicts, new qualitative determinations appear. According to the supporters of this point of view, any finite object of the social world from the moment of its inception carries its own negation or its own death. Upon reaching a certain limit or measure as a result of quantitative growth, a contradiction carrying negation comes into conflict with the essential characteristics of a given object, in connection with which a new qualitative certainty is formed. Thus, the main provision of the theory of conflict by G. Simmel is that the conflict, although it is one of the forms of disagreement, at the same time is a socializing force that unites the opposing sides and contributes to the stabilization of society. L. Koser in his classic work "Functions of Social Conflicts" emphasized that the conflict has not only a destructive function, it has a great positive potential. L. Coser singles out the main functions of the conflict, which, in his opinion, have a beneficial effect on the current state of society and contribute to its development:

) the formation of groups, the establishment and maintenance of normative and physical boundaries of groups;

) establishing and maintaining a relatively stable structure of intragroup and intergroup relations;

) socialization and adaptation of both individuals and social groups;

) creating and maintaining a balance of power and, in particular, power;

) obtaining information about the environment (signals about certain problems and shortcomings);

) stimulating rule-making and social control;

) promoting the creation of new social institutions.

So, there are two extreme, polar points of view on the consequences of the conflict. Avoiding extreme judgments, let us assume that in every conflict there are both disintegrative, destructive, and constructive, integrative moments that determine its consequences. First of all, it should be noted that conflict can destroy social communities. Many social conflicts are highly destabilizing events in social systems. Strikes can leave thousands of people inactive and cause serious damage to businesses and organizations; marital conflicts interfere with the unification of spouses and mutual understanding between them; national conflicts disrupt the relationship between peoples. And finally, the atomic conflict threatens to destroy all of humanity.

Speaking about the integrative, positive aspects of the conflict, it should be noted that a limited, private consequence of the conflict may be the strengthening of group interaction. As interests and points of view within the group change from time to time, new leaders, new policies, new intragroup norms are needed. As a result of the conflict, the soonest introduction of new leadership is possible, new policies and new norms. Conflict may be the only way out of a tense situation. If injustice is manifested in a group, individual rights are violated, generally accepted norms are violated, then often only conflict leads to the achievement of balance and the removal of tension in the group. So, society enters into conflict situations with criminal groups or individuals with deviant behavior, and this is recognized by all as fair.

Thus, there are two types of consequences of conflicts.

Disintegrative consequences that increase bitterness, lead to destruction and bloodshed, to intragroup tension, destroy normal channels of cooperation, and distract the attention of group members from pressing problems.

Integrative consequences that determine the exit from difficult situations, lead to problem resolution, enhance group cohesion, lead to alliances with other groups, lead the group to understand the interests of its members.

Scientists also subdivide conflicts into: objectively and subjectively conditioned, they are clearly displayed in the following diagram:

The emergence of a conflict in a complex contradictory situation in which people find themselves is considered objective. Poor working conditions, unclear division of functions and responsibilities - these kinds of problems are considered to be conflicting, i.e. objectively turn out to be the soil on which a tense situation easily arises. If people are placed in such conditions, then regardless of their mood, characters, moods prevailing in the collective and calls for mutual understanding and restraint, the likelihood of a conflict is quite high. It is possible to eliminate conflicts caused by such reasons only by changing the objective situation. In these cases, the conflict performs a kind of signaling function, indicating a problem in the life of the collective.

Subjective will be the emergence of a conflict in connection with the personal characteristics of the conflicting, with situations that create barriers to the satisfaction of our aspirations, desires of interests. The decision made seems to be wrong, the assessment of work is wrong, the behavior of colleagues is unacceptable.

But all conflicts have several reasons. Each of us remembers something different, situations in which he himself was either a witness or a victim. It hurts and hurts when:

gets for the fact that you are not responsible;

you are not asked when solving issues in which you are competent;

the rewards for what you have done go to others.

you are considered incapable of doing something on your own, the task goes to someone else.

you put forward ideas and suggestions, someone passes them off as their own.

tempting prospects are drawn in front of you in order to attract you to this work, but in the end, when you agree, it turns out that the work looks completely different.

Examples like this can be continued indefinitely. But this is how intrigues arise and mutual trust collapses, almost everyone is subject to this.

The first conflict generator often appears situationally, against the will of people, and then the escalation of conflict generators comes into play, and now the conflict is already evident.

Most conflictogens can be attributed to one of three types:

striving for excellence;

manifestation of aggressiveness;

manifestation of selfishness.

What all these types have in common is that conflictogens are manifestations aimed at solving psychological problems or attaining some goals.

Let us briefly consider conflict genes of each type.

Striving for excellence:

direct manifestations of superiority: orders, threat, remark or any other negative assessment, criticism, accusation, ridicule, sarcasm;

condescending attitude, i.e. a manifestation of superiority, but with a touch of benevolence;

bragging, i.e. an enthusiastic story about their successes, a desire to "put in place" a braggart;

categoricalness is a manifestation of excessive confidence in one's righteousness, self-confidence and presupposes one's superiority and submission to the interlocutor. This includes any statements in a categorical tone, for example, "I believe", "I am sure"; imposing their advice.

There is a rule:

only give advice when asked to do so. The counselor is essentially in a superior position;

Manifestation of aggressiveness:

natural aggressiveness. A person with increased aggressiveness is conflicted, is a "walking conflict generator." A person with below average aggressiveness risks achieving much less in life than he deserves. The complete absence of aggressiveness borders on apathy or spinelessness, for it means refusing to fight. Situational aggressiveness arises as a response to internal conflicts caused by the prevailing circumstances. It can be troubles (personal or at work), bad mood or well-being, as well as a response to the resulting conflictogen.

Manifestation of selfishness:

the word "egoism" has its root in the Latin word "ego", meaning "I". All kinds of manifestations of selfishness are conflictogens; for the egoist achieves something for himself (usually at the expense of others), and this injustice, of course, serves as a ground for conflict.

All causes of conflicts can be grouped into five groups in accordance with the underlying factors:






Many conflicts are based on information that is acceptable to one of the parties and unacceptable to the other. These may be incomplete and inaccurate facts, rumors that mislead communication partners: suspicions of deliberately concealing information; doubts about the reliability and value of information sources; controversial issues of legislation, rules of procedure, etc.

Structural factors in the emergence of conflicts are usually associated with the existence of formal and informal organizations of a social group. This may include issues of property, social status, authority and accountability, various social norms and standards, traditions, systems of encouragement and punishment, distribution of resources, goods, services, income.

Value factors are principles that we proclaim or reject. These are social, group or personal systems of beliefs, beliefs and behavior (preferences, aspirations, prejudices, fears), ideological, cultural, religious, ethical, political, professional values ​​and needs.

Relationship factors are associated with feelings of satisfaction from interaction or lack thereof. At the same time, it is important to take into account the basis of the relationship (voluntary or compulsory), their essence (independent, dependent), mutual expectations, the duration of the relationship, the compatibility of the parties with respect to values, behavior, personal and professional goals and personal compatibility, differences in educational level, life and professional experience. ...

Behavioral factors inevitably lead to conflicts, if interests are infringed, self-esteem is undermined, there is a threat to security (physical, financial, emotional or social), if conditions are created that cause negative emotional states, if selfishness, irresponsibility, and injustice are manifested in people's behavior.

Such a grouping of the causes of conflicts contributes to their understanding and analysis, but it should be remembered that real life is richer than any scheme and many other reasons for the occurrence of contradictions can be identified, as well as to reveal the close interweaving of various factors in a particular conflict.

Chapter I Conclusions

The conflict should be perceived as a completely normal social phenomenon, a property of social systems, the process and way of interaction between people. The conflict appears as an awareness at the level of an individual, a social group or a wider community of the contradictory process of interaction and relations, differences, and even incompatibility of interests, value assessments and goals, as a meaningful opposition. The most conflict-prone in social interactions is the sphere of management and managerial relations. In the process of exercising managerial functions in various areas of social reality, conditions are manifested in which conflicts are objectively and subjectively formed. Management as one of the most complex types of social relations is associated with a large number of problems and contradictions that create a system of prerequisites for conflict in this area. The objective prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts in the field of management are rooted in the subjective differences in the perception of social norms by people, in their individual uniqueness of attitudes towards the processes of purposeful, coordinated work and joint labor. In the process of such relations, the motivation and interests of the subjects of management do not always coincide, they are often opposite and are realized in different ways. This leads to the formation of conflicts.

The division of conflicts into types is rather arbitrary and in practice conflicts arise: organizational, vertical, interpersonal, horizontal, etc.

Considering the causes of conflicts, one cannot fail to notice that the opinions of conflictologists differ markedly, but at the same time, scientists divide all the causes of conflicts into five groups in accordance with the factors that determine them:

information; structure; values; relationships; behavior.


1 Types of conflicts

The typology of socio-psychological conflict depends, first of all, on the chosen criterion. For example, depending on the resolvability of a conflict contradiction, fully resolvable conflicts, partially resolvable and unresolvable, which are only amenable to regulation, are highlighted. By the number of subjects, conflicts are classified into interpersonal, intergroup. The intrapersonal conflict is especially highlighted. The personality structure is rather complex and contradictory. Among intrapersonal conflicts, pathogenic, positive ones, leading to overestimation and reorientation, and others can be distinguished. The decision-making process for an individual in many cases is quite complex and conflicting.

Intergroup conflicts are the structural basis of conflicts of different content, in particular, political, interethnic, economic, etc. The criterion in this typology is a specific sphere of society. Each of the listed types of conflicts can be classified, for example, as political: inter-party, government, intra-party, etc. Researchers of social conflict have come to the conclusion that a multitude of typologies exist and are recognized. So, when classifying conflicts, they use a systematic approach, quantitative and qualitative criteria, analysis of contradictions, motives, etc.

There are various classifications of conflicts in the scientific literature:

intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup;

business (production), emotional (personal);

paired, group, general;

short-term, long-term; lingering;

spontaneous, planned; managed, poorly managed and unmanaged;

justified, unjustified;

mobilizing, disorganizing;

tactful, tactless;

acceptable, unacceptable; horizontal, vertical;

spontaneously terminating, terminating under the influence of external forces, in my opinion, the most optimal subdivision is for the following reasons: in terms of volume, duration of flow, in direction, in importance for the organization, in the degree of openness of conflict interactions.

In terms of volume, conflicts are divided into:



between an individual and a group;


Intrapersonal conflicts - arise as a result of the fact that production requirements are not consistent with the personal needs or values ​​of the employee, as well as in response to work underload or overload, conflicting requirements. Here, the parties to the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual (needs, motives, values, feelings, etc.)

Interpersonal conflict - involves two or more individuals who perceive themselves as being in opposition to each other in terms of goals, dispositions, values ​​or behavior. This is perhaps the most common type of conflict. As a rule, such conflicts are based on objective reasons. Most often it is a struggle for limited resources, material resources, etc. In interpersonal conflicts, one employee is the initiator. Another chooses his own line of behavior:

respond boldly and aggressively and come into conflict;

smooth out the conflict without belittling self-esteem;

to remain silent, which, in principle, is tantamount to defeat;

pretend that he “didn't notice”, “didn't hear”;

agree with all accusations against you.

Such conflicts arise between the manager and the subordinate, for example, when the subordinate is convinced that the manager makes exorbitant demands on him, and the manager believes that the subordinate does not want to work at full capacity.

Conflict between an individual and a group - manifests itself as a contradiction between the expectations or requirements of an individual and the prevailing norms of behavior and work in the group. This conflict arises due to the inadequacy of the leadership style to the level of maturity of the team, because of the discrepancy between the competence of the leader and the competence of the team's specialists, because of the group's rejection of the moral image and character of the leader.

Intergroup conflicts - conflicts within the formal groups of the collective (for example, the administration and the trade union), within informal groups, as well as between formal and informal groups. Typically, these conflicts are intense and, if mismanaged, do not benefit any of the groups.

According to the duration of the course, conflicts can be divided into: short-term and protracted. The former are most often the result of mutual misunderstandings or mistakes that are quickly recognized. The latter are associated with deep moral and psychological trauma or with objective difficulties. The duration of the conflict depends both on the subject of the contradictions and on the nature of the people who collided. Long-term conflicts are very dangerous, since in them conflicting personalities reinforce their negative state. The frequency of conflicts can cause deep and lasting tensions in relationships.

According to the direction, conflicts are divided into:

horizontal (persons subordinate to each other are not involved);

vertical (involved persons who are subordinate to one another);

mixed (represented by both "vertical" and "horizontal" components).

Conflicts of a “vertical” nature are most undesirable for a manager, since his actions are viewed by all employees through the prism of this conflict. And even in the case of complete objectivity of the leader, in any of his steps, they will see intrigues in relation to his opponents. And since subordinates often lack information or competence to assess the actions of management in a qualified manner, misunderstandings are usually compensated for by speculation. The most widespread conflicts are vertical and mixed; on average, they account for 70-80% of all others.

According to their meaning for the organization, conflicts are divided into: constructive and destructive.

Constructive conflict arises when opponents do not overstep ethical standards, business relationships and reasonable arguments. The reasons are usually deficiencies in the organization of activities and management. The resolution of such a conflict leads to the development of relations between people and the development of the group. The consequences of such conflict are functional and lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the organization.

A destructive conflict arises when one of the parties rigidly insists on its position and does not want to take into account the interests of the other party or the entire organization as a whole, or when one of the opponents resorts to morally condemned methods of struggle, seeks to psychologically suppress the partner. The consequences of such conflict are dysfunctional and lead to decreased personal satisfaction, group collaboration and organizational effectiveness.

By the degree of openness of conflict interactions: open and hidden forms of conflict.

Open conflicts develop in the form of open confrontation. Here, all interactions of the opposing sides are designated and predictable. Both the top management of the organization and any of its employees are aware of such conflicts. Conflict interactions are manifested in this case in the form of direct protests, indirect actions (incitement), open mutual accusations, open passive resistance (non-fulfillment of tasks or absenteeism), etc. Depending on the situation, the opponent's reaction can be overt or covert.

Latent conflicts make up the bulk of conflict interactions. These are smoldering conflicts, they are inaccessible to direct observation, as rivals try to suppress each other or impose their will, using the factors of surprise or uncertainty.

2 The structure of the course of conflicts

The structure of the conflict includes:

· subjects of the conflict,

· subject of conflict

· conflicting relationships,

· conflict situations,

· contradictions and causes of conflict.

The subjects are the participants in the interaction, which can be represented by individuals, a group of individuals, a pedagogical organization.

The subject of the conflict is specific material and spiritual resources, unmet needs, desires, interests of the subjects of interaction, i.e. what caused the conflict.

Conflict relations - the form and content of interaction between subjects, their actions to end the conflict.

Conflict situation - the development of a conflict in a specific time period.

Conflict contradictions are the main points of disagreement between the subjects of the conflict, their opposite interests, aspirations, needs.

The causes of the conflict are those conditions that led to the aggravation of contradictions, the emergence of a conflict.

Each conflict has spatial and temporal characteristics, which are presented in the following table:

Table 1 Spatial and temporal characteristics of conflicts.

Spatial characteristics of the conflict Temporal characteristics of the conflict, the spheres of occurrence and manifestation of the conflict, the duration of participation in the conflict of each of the subjects, the conditions and the reason for the occurrence, the frequency of specific forms of manifestation, the repetition of the conflict, the result of the conflict, the duration of the means and the action, the time parameters of each of the stages of the development of the conflict.

Each conflict has its own dynamics of development, which includes the following stages

stage - pre-conflict relations, the accumulation of problems, their unresolved, the emergence of tension in the relationship;

stage - exacerbation of contradictions, a stable negative psychological background in the relationship; constant negative, sometimes aggressive confrontation;

stage - a conflict situation, an open conflict between subjects, a lack of mutual understanding;

stage - conflict resolution;

stage - post-conflict stage, situation, new content of relations between the parties to the conflict.

Usually, there are four main stages in a conflict: pre-conflict, conflict, conflict resolution and post-conflict. In turn, each of these stages can be divided into a number of phases, we will consider them more specifically.

Pre-conflict stage. No social conflict arises instantly. Emotional stress, irritation and anger usually build up over time, so the pre-conflict stage is sometimes delayed so much that the root cause of the collision is forgotten.

A characteristic feature of each conflict at the moment of its inception is the presence of an object, the possession of which (or the achievement of which) is associated with the frustration of the needs of the two subjects involved in the conflict. This object must be fundamentally indivisible or appear to be so in the eyes of rivals.

It happens that this object can be divided without a conflict, but at the moment of its inception, the rivals do not see the paths to this and their aggression is directed at each other. An indivisible object is called the cause of the conflict. The presence and size of such an object must be at least partially realized by its participants or opposing sides. If this does not happen, then it is difficult for opponents to carry out an aggressive action and, as a rule, there is no conflict.

The pre-conflict stage is a period in which the conflicting parties assess their resources before deciding on aggressive actions or retreating. These resources include material values ​​that can be used to influence an opponent, information, power, prestige, connections, etc. At the same time, the forces of the opposing sides are consolidating, the search for supporters and the formation of groups participating in the conflict are taking place.

Initially, each of the conflicting parties is looking for ways to achieve goals, avoid frustration without affecting the opponent. When all attempts to achieve the desired are in vain, the individual or social group determines the object that interferes with the achievement of goals, the degree of his "guilt", the strength and possibilities of opposition. This moment of the pre-conflict stage is called identification. In other words, it is a search for those who interfere with the satisfaction of needs and against whom aggressive social actions should be applied.

It happens that the cause of the frustration is hidden and difficult to identify. Then the choice of an object for aggression is possible, which has nothing to do with blocking the need. This false identification can lead to foreign object exposure, response, and false conflict. Sometimes false identification is created artificially, in order to divert attention from the true source of frustration. For example, the government in a country tries to avoid dissatisfaction with its actions by shifting the blame onto national groups or certain social strata. False conflicts, as a rule, do not eliminate the causes of collisions, but only exacerbate the situation, creating opportunities for the proliferation of conflict interactions.

The pre-conflict stage is also characterized by the formation of each of the conflicting sides of a strategy or even several strategies. Moreover, the one that most corresponds to the situation is applied. A strategy is understood as the vision of the situation by the participants in the conflict, the formation of a goal in relation to the opposing side and, finally, the choice of a method of influencing the enemy.

In turn, several stages and phases are distinguished in the development of a pre-conflict situation. I will consider them in turn (stages):

Determination of the causes of conflict, when members of the organization determine who is blocking their needs and how much of their participation in this process. So, the leader can determine which of the subordinates is opposing his orders, what is the degree of their cohesion, whether there are opportunities for joint action.

Assessing the resources and capabilities of rivals (for example, team members learn that their rivals have strong ties to the leadership of their organization or to a higher-level organization). Assessment is important for the development of the entire conflict, since in the case of an unfavorable assessment of the opponent's capabilities, the social group or individual can refuse confrontation, retreat.

Search for supporters and allies in the conflict. In an organization characterized by fairly close ties between structural units, the search for supporters occurs in almost any conflict. This is due to the fact that the person who entered the conflict seeks support or sympathy from the members of the organization in relation to his position or his actions.

4. Latent conflict interactions, which include disguises, provocations and other methods of psychological influence on opponents.

In the pre-conflict stage, sociologists distinguish two phases. The initial phase is characterized by the formation of a conflict situation - the accumulation and exacerbation of contradictions in the system of interpersonal and group relations due to the emerging sharp divergence of interests, values ​​and attitudes of the subjects of conflict interaction. At this stage, we can talk about the latent (latent) phase of the development of the conflict.

The second phase begins with an incident or occasion, i.e. some external event that sets in motion the conflicting parties. In this phase, the conflicting parties become aware of incentive motives, i.e. opposites of their interests, goals, values, etc. In the second phase of the first stage, the conflict from the latent stage turns into an open one and is expressed in various forms of conflict behavior.

The pre-conflict stage is of scientific and practical interest for both scientists and managers, since with the right choice of strategy and methods of action, conflicts that arise can be prevented.

A sign of the transition of the latent stage of the conflict to the open is the transition of the parties to conflict behavior.

Conflict behavior (directly the conflict) characterizes the second, main stage of the development of the conflict. Conflicting behavior is actions aimed at directly or indirectly blocking the achievement by the opposing party of its goals, intentions, interests. The actions that make up the incident are divided into two groups, each of which is based on the specific behavior of people. The first group includes the actions of opponents in the conflict, which are of an open nature. This can be verbal debate, economic sanctions, physical impact, political struggle, sports, etc. Such actions, as a rule, are easily identified as conflict, aggressive, hostile. Since an open "exchange of blows" is clearly visible from outside in the course of the conflict, sympathizers and simply observers can be drawn into it. Active, open actions usually expand the area of ​​conflict, they are clear and predictable. The second group includes the hidden actions of opponents in the conflict. It is known that in the course of conflicts, opponents often try to disguise their actions, confuse, and deceive the rival side. This hidden, veiled, but nevertheless extremely active struggle is aimed at imposing an unfavorable course of action on the opponent and at the same time revealing his strategy. Reflexive control is the main mode of action in latent internal conflict. According to the definition formulated by V. Lefebvre, reflexive control is a method of control in which the grounds for making a decision are transmitted by one of the actors to another. This means that one of the rivals is trying to transmit and introduce into the consciousness of the other such information that makes the other act in a way that is beneficial to the one who transmitted this information. To enter this phase, it is necessary not only to realize one's goals and interests as opposed to the other side, but also to form an attitude towards struggle, psychological readiness To her. The formation of such an attitude is the task of the first phase of conflict behavior. The conflict of interests at this phase takes the form of sharp disagreements, which individuals and social groups not only do not seek to resolve, but also aggravate in every possible way, continuing to destroy the previous structures of normal interconnections, interactions and relationships. In the emotional sphere, this phase is characterized by an increase in aggressiveness, a transition from prejudice and hostility to outright hostility, which is mentally fixed in the “image of the enemy”. Thus, conflict actions sharply exacerbate the emotional background of the conflict, while the emotional background, in turn, stimulates conflict behavior. In modern conflict management, much attention is paid to the concept of "strength" of the parties to the conflict. Strength is the ability of the opponent to realize his goal against the will of the interaction partner. It includes a number of dissimilar components.

Physical force, including technical means, used as an instrument of violence.

An information-civilized form of the use of force, requiring the collection of facts, statistical data, analysis of documents, study of materials of expertise, etc. in order to ensure the completeness of knowledge about the essence of the conflict, about one's opponent for developing a strategy and tactics of behavior, using materials that discredit the opponent, etc.

Social status, expressed in socially recognized indicators (income, level of power, prestige, etc.).

Other resources - money, territory, time limit, number of supporters, etc.

The stage of conflict behavior is characterized by the maximum use of the strength of the participants in the conflict, the use of all resources at their disposal.

The environment plays an important role in the development of conflict relations. social environment, which determines the conditions in which conflict processes take place. The environment can act either as a source of external support for the parties to the conflict, or as a deterrent or as a neutral factor. The first stage of conflict behavior gives rise to a tendency to intensify the conflict, but it can stimulate its participants to search for ways to resolve the conflict. A maturing turning point in the development of the conflict is characteristic of the second phase of conflict behavior. At this phase, there is a kind of "reassessment of values". The fact is that before the start of the conflict, the parties had a certain image of the conflict situation, ideas about the opponent, his intentions and resources, about the reaction of the external environment, etc. It is this image, i.e. the ideal picture of a conflict situation, and not reality itself, is the immediate psychological reality of the conflicting behavior of the parties. But the course of the conflict interaction could significantly change the ideas of the parties about themselves and about each other and about the external environment. It may also be that the conflicting parties, or one of them, have exhausted their resources. All this, like many other things, serves as a stimulus for developing a decision on the strategy and tactics of further behavior. Consequently, the phase of "reassessment of values" is at the same time the phase of "choice".

Conflicting groups can choose the following behaviors.

Achieving your goals at the expense of another group and thereby bringing the conflict to a higher degree of tension.

Reducing the level of tension, but preserving the conflict situation itself, translating it into a latent form due to partial concessions to the opposite side.

Search for ways to completely resolve the conflict.

If the third program of behavior is chosen, the third stage in the development of the conflict begins - the stage of resolution.

Conflict resolution. An external sign of the resolution of the conflict may be the end of the incident. This means that conflict interaction between the conflicting parties stops. It is a completion, not a temporary cessation. The resolution of the conflict is carried out both through a change in the objective situation and through a subjective, psychological restructuring, a change in the subjective image of the situation, which has developed on the warring side. Partial or complete resolution of the conflict is possible. Full resolution means the end of the conflict at the objective and subjective level, a radical restructuring of the entire image of the conflict situation. In this case, the "enemy image" is transformed into a "partner image", and the psychological attitude towards struggle is replaced by an orientation towards cooperation. With a partial resolution of the conflict, only the external conflict behavior changes, but the internal incentives to continue the confrontation remain, restrained either by strong-willed, reasonable arguments, or by the sanction of a third party. Elimination, termination of the incident is a necessary but insufficient condition for settling the conflict. Often, having stopped active conflict interaction, people continue to experience a frustrating state, looking for its cause. And then the conflict that had died out flares up again.

Conflict resolution is possible only when the conflict situation changes. This change can take many forms. But the most effective change in the conflict situation, allowing to extinguish the conflict, is the elimination of the cause of the conflict. With a rational conflict, the elimination of the cause inevitably leads to its resolution.

However, in the case of high emotional tension, the elimination of the cause of the conflict usually does not affect the actions of its participants in any way or does, but only very weakly. Therefore, for an emotional conflict, the most important moment in changing a conflict situation should be considered a change in the attitudes of rivals relative to each other. Emotional conflict is fully resolved only when opponents cease to see each other as an enemy.

It is also possible to resolve the conflict by changing the requirements of one of the parties: the opponent makes concessions and changes the goals of his behavior in the conflict. For example, seeing the hopelessness of the struggle, one of the rivals yields to the other, or both simultaneously make concessions. Social conflict can also be resolved as a result of the depletion of the resources of the parties or the intervention of a third force, creating an overwhelming preponderance of one of the parties, and, finally, as a result of the complete elimination of the opponent. In all these cases, a change in the conflict situation certainly occurs.

The normal development of a conflict presupposes that each side is able to take into account the interests of the opposing side. This approach creates the possibility of a relatively peaceful deployment of the conflict through the negotiation process and making adjustments to the previous system of relations in the direction and scale acceptable to each of the parties.

However, it often happens that the party initiating the conflict proceeds from a negative assessment of the previous state of affairs and declares only its own interests, not taking into account the interests of the opposite party. In this case, the opposing side is forced to take special measures to protect its interests, which are perceived and interpreted by the initiator of the conflict as a desire to protect the "status quo". As a result, both sides may suffer some damage, which is attributed to the opposing side to the conflict.

This situation is fraught with the use of violence: already at the initial stage of the conflict, each of the parties begins to demonstrate force or the threat of its use. In this case, the conflict deepens, since the impact of force necessarily meets opposition associated with the mobilization of resources of resistance to force.

The more the desire to use force is observed in the conflict, the more difficult it is to resolve, i.e. access to new parameters of social relations. Violence creates secondary and tertiary factors that deepen the conflict situation, which sometimes displace the original cause of the conflict from the consciousness of the parties.

At this stage, each of the parties develops its own interpretation of the conflict, the indispensable elements of which are the idea of ​​the legitimacy and validity of their own interests and the actions taken in their defense and the accusation of the opposite side, i.e. creating an image of the enemy. At this stage, therefore, the ideological design of the conflict is created, which for each of its participants acts as a certain sum of criteria dividing the entire social world into friends and foes, into those who either support or do not support this particular side. Forces neutral, conciliatory, are perceived in this case as allies of the opposite or hostile side.

This is the way to the emergence of a new phase of the conflict - a dead end situation. It means practically paralysis of actions, ineffectiveness of the decisions made, since each side perceives proposals and actions aimed at overcoming the crisis as a one-sided gain of the opposite side.

A dead end situation tends to self-destruct. A way out of it can be found only through a radical revision of the current situation and rejection of the tactics of struggle on the principle of "all or nothing." As a rule, such a revision is associated with a change of leaders, first of one, and then of the other conflicting parties, who revise the ideological justifications of conflicts that developed at the previous stages, revealing their mythological content and the absence of sociological realism.

Here, new opportunities open up for the negotiation process, which should be based on redefinition, a new awareness of one's own interests, based on the experience of developing a conflict situation and understanding the total losses incurred by the parties at the stage of aggravation of the conflict, its ideologization and deadlock.

Modern conflictology has formulated the conditions under which it is possible to successfully resolve social conflicts. One of the important conditions is a modern and accurate diagnosis of its causes. And this presupposes the identification of objectively existing contradictions, interests, goals. The analysis carried out from this point of view makes it possible to outline the "business zone" of the conflict situation. Another equally important condition is mutual interest in overcoming contradictions on the basis of mutual recognition of the interests of each of the parties. For this, the parties to the conflict must strive to free themselves from hostility and mistrust towards each other. It is possible to achieve such a state on the basis of a goal that is significant for each group and at the same time unites the opposing groups in the past on a broader basis. The third sine qua non is the joint search for ways to overcome the conflict. Here it is possible to use a whole arsenal of means and methods: direct dialogue between the parties, negotiations through an intermediary, negotiations with the participation of a third party, etc.

During negotiations, priority should be given to discussing substantive issues.

The parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tensions.

The parties must show respect for each other.

The negotiators should strive to turn a significant and hidden part of the conflict situation into an open one, openly and demonstratively disclosing each other's positions and deliberately creating an atmosphere of public equal exchange of views.

All negotiators must be inclined to compromise.

Compromise is a way of resolving a conflict when the conflicting parties realize their interests and goals through either mutual concessions, or concessions to a weaker party, or to the party that has managed to prove the validity of its demands to the one who voluntarily renounced part of their claims.

The final post-conflict stage is of great importance. At this stage, efforts should be made to finally eliminate the contradictions of interests, goals, attitudes, eliminate socio-psychological tension and stop any struggle. A resolved conflict helps to improve the socio-psychological characteristics of both individual groups and intergroup interaction. It promotes group cohesion, increases the level of identification of its members with common goals and satisfaction in the group. At the same time, it develops a respectful attitude towards former opponents, allows you to better understand their interests, goals and motives.

Foreseeing possible scenarios for the development of events creates conditions for effective management of individual social and labor conflicts, which will be effective if carried out at the early stages of the emergence of contradictions. The earlier a problematic situation is discovered, the less effort must be made in order to resolve it constructively.

The main preventive management impacts on individual social and labor conflicts in organizations are their diagnostics, forecasting, prevention and prevention.

Early detection of conflict contradictions, the development of which can lead to individual social and labor conflicts, is ensured by forecasting, that is, a reasonable assumption about their possible future occurrence or development. It is based on studies of individual social and labor conflicts in organizations.

The main measures for the implementation of effective forecasting of individual social and labor conflicts in organizations should be applied as follows:

knowledge and analysis of the early symptoms of a latent conflict, while it is necessary to limit relationships, choose an official form of communication;

work with leaders in departments;

analysis of public opinion;

study of the individual psychological characteristics of employees.

The use of these measures will allow us to assume that an individual social and labor conflict will arise in the future, which means that it is necessary to collect information about it.

The starting point for effective treatment of individual social and labor conflicts is their diagnosis, which involves the collection and analysis of versatile information about them. Important aspects of the diagnosis of a conflict are: the causes (sources) of the conflict, the nature and parties to the conflict, the attitude of the parties to the conflict, formal and informal relationships and positions of the parties.

The methods of correct and timely diagnosis are:

regular and business conversation with employees;

making a managerial decision that can eliminate the cause of the conflict;

persuading potential parties to the conflict to make mutual concessions, etc.

Every modern leader should know the state and prospects for the development of his organization, methods and means of working with personnel, financial, tax and labor legislation. Must be able to identify and analyze problems, determine the degree of their significance, predict the consequences of decisions made, while taking responsibility. He must have an idea of ​​the financial condition of his competitors, the prospects for the development of the market, scientific and technical processes and new technologies. Must possess modern methods of working with the team, methods of selection, assessment and placement of personnel.

2.3 Methods and methods used to resolve conflict situations

The complexity of management is due to the following factors. On the one hand, the emergence of new tasks characteristic only of this mode of development. On the other hand, the aggravation of problems, their acquisition of a different quality in comparison with the stationary mode of operation. Talking about conflict like required attribute, it is necessary to note the qualitative difference of this phenomenon. A frequently encountered pattern of development of a disputable situation is as follows: the parties to the conflict begin to reinforce existing differences, ignore the presence of points of contact, which leads to a further deepening of the crisis. Complicating the situation is the fact that the parties to the conflict evaluate the same facts in different ways. The conflict is deepened by the fact that there is a sharp reduction in contacts between workers, contributing to the complication of the situation. The model recommended in the specialized literature for resolving this problem is to bring the conflicting parties to a joint discussion of the problem. For this, the leader should act as a neutral organizer of the meeting, who will direct the discussion in the direction of a scientific search for a solution to the problem and contribute to the establishment of a dialogue. Demonstration of non-aggressive intentions, which looks like a gesture of goodwill, rather than weakness, will soften the negative perception of each other by the parties. In general, for an effective solution to this problem, a combination of various approaches, methods, and actions is recommended. However, such simple ways conflict resolution in practice is very difficult. Another recommendation is usually to "not answer" the conflict, to resolve it immediately. In a conflict, it is important to show interest and concern for workers. Never postpone the resolution of differences until later, it is necessary to actively maintain cooperation within the organization. Analyzing conflicts, the author considers it expedient "to pay attention to the parties to the conflict, to the intermediate and final goals of the parties to the conflict and to what conditions should be expected that this conflict can lead to an aggravation of the situation." At the same time, it is recognized that simple conflict resolution schemes are not always effective, and often even exacerbate it, transferring it from the category of rapidly developing and short-term to a sluggish current, systematically exacerbating without visible outlines of the period of its complete resolution. This situation is largely due to the manager's misconception about the nature of a particular conflict and the use of inappropriate tools. So, according to E. Popova, in our time, conflicts are not only possible, but also desirable. The whole problem, according to the author, is the ability to manage them. The problem of the conflict lies in what position the leader takes in it, whether he knows the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. The biggest mistake a manager makes in managing this situation is ignoring the problem. The author says that conflicts can develop in different ways, therefore, different methods of overcoming them are possible (for example, structural and interpersonal).

To resolve the conflict, it is important to know all its hidden and obvious reasons, to analyze the various positions and interests of the parties and focus on the interests, since they are the solution to the problem. What is important here is a fair attitude towards the initiator of the conflict, a reduction in the number of claims, the manager's awareness and control of his actions.

Of course, there are no universal ways to overcome conflict. For his "solution", the only possible way is to fully engage in the situation. Only by "getting used" to the current situation in the company can one study the problem of conflict and give recommendations on the optimal behavior strategy and methods of overcoming it, which the manager needs to know.

In this regard, it is necessary not only to know the classification of conflict situations, but also the methods for their effective resolution.

Moreover, the manager needs this knowledge not only for his activities, but also for the formation of requirements for the specialists of the psychological and sociological service of the personnel of the enterprise.

So, for example, it is advisable to develop and implement a "Code of Conduct in Conflict" in the organization's activities. This document establishes a standard of conduct when resolving a conflict. For example, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for the conflicting parties to calmly substantiate their claims, formulate the desired end result and problem, and offer their views on solving the problem. The rights of the conflicting parties should be formulated, the possibility of expressing opinions and positions on the subject of the conflict should be created. It is also important to determine the forms of behavior during this period, ensuring the perception of the personal positions of the conflicting parties. The creation of such a standard of behavior, training of managers at all levels of management of the enterprise, control over its observance is one of the main tasks of the formation of corporate culture. The latter is the result of long-term systematic work of top managers. At the same time, the corporate culture, its level, as experience shows, serves as the basis for effective management at enterprises. The role of such standards determines the increased requirements for psychologists in a modern organization or enterprise.

It is known that at enterprises, many characteristics of the conflict change qualitatively, which does not give positive results when using traditional approaches to the analysis of controversial situations. The way out of this methodological impasse can be found in the approach to the analysis of the conflict from the standpoint of the theory of organization.

Analysis of crisis phenomena at enterprises from the standpoint of the theory of organization shows that a crisis is essentially a stage in the development of an organization. In this regard, a constructive approach to finding effective ways to resolve conflict situations will be a qualitatively different view of the organization as a whole, as opposed to an approach based on the study of only the features of each of the stages of development of the organization.

In the course of the enterprise's activities, various factors and methods of resolving conflict situations are used. The resolution of the conflict begins with the fact that the conflicting parties cease, if possible, to see the opponent in the opponent. For this, an analysis of their own positions and actions is carried out. Admitting one's own mistakes reduces the negative perception of the opponent, and also opponents try to understand the interests of the other - this expands the idea of ​​the opponent, makes him more objective. The constructive principles in the behavior and intentions of the opponent are highlighted. Every person has something positive to rely on when resolving a conflict. Then employees reduce the negative emotions of the opposite side by the following methods:

willingness to move towards convergence of positions;

a positive assessment of some of the actions of the other party;

Be critical of yourself and balance your behavior.

After that, the optimal strategy for resolving the conflict situation is selected: avoiding the conflict, forceful methods, the style of cooperation, the desire to enter the position of the other side, the desire for compromise (diagram 1):

Scheme. 1. Ways to manage conflicts.

I will consider them in more detail, based on the experience gained:

) Style of competition or rivalry - this style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. It can be used if you are betting heavily on your own solution to the problem that has arisen, since the outcome of the conflict is very important to you:

Feel like you have no other choice and have nothing to lose;

Have to make an unpopular decision and have enough authority to choose this step;

However, it should be said that this strategy rarely yields long-term results, as the losing party may not support a decision made against its will. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

Many consider this strategy to be detrimental for solving problems, since it does not represent an opportunity for the opponent to realize his interests. However, life gives many examples when rivalry turns out to be effective, for example, in resolving conflicts between a leader and subordinates.

) Adaptation style means that you act in concert with the other party, but do not try to defend your own interests in order to smooth out the atmosphere and restore a normal work environment. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests, you just should, as it were, put them aside for a while.

The opponent is forced to adopt such a strategy for various reasons:

-awareness of their wrongness;

-the need to maintain good relations with the opponent;

-strong dependence on him;

-insignificance of the problem.

In addition, the following leads to such a way out of the conflict:

-significant damage sustained during the fight;

-the threat of even more serious negative consequences;

-lack of chances for another outcome;

-third party pressure.

In some situations, with the help of a concession, the "Three D" principle is realized: "Give Way to the Fool."

) Style of compromise - its essence lies in the fact that the parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. This style is most effective when both parties want the same thing. With this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that suits the interests of both parties, but on an option that everyone could agree with.

A compromise consists in the desire of the opponents to end the conflict with partial concessions. It is characterized by:

-rejection of some of the previously put forward requirements;

-the willingness to admit the claims of the other party are partially justified;

-willingness to forgive.

The compromise is effective in cases:

-understanding by the opponent that he and the opponent have equal opportunities;

-presence of mutually exclusive interests;

-satisfaction with a temporary solution;

-threats to lose everything.

Today, compromise is the most commonly used conflict resolution strategy, at my place of work, this strategy smooths out differences between guests and employees, and between management and employees.

) Style of evasion - it is usually implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their interests.

Problem avoidance or avoidance is an attempt to get out of the conflict at a minimum cost. It differs from a similar strategy of behavior during the conflict in that the opponent switches to it after unsuccessful attempts to realize his interests with the help of active strategies. Here the conversation is not about the resolution, but about the damping of the conflict. Leaving can be a very constructive response to a protracted conflict. Avoidance is used when there is no energy and time to resolve a contradiction, a desire to gain time, there are difficulties in determining the line of one's behavior, or an unwillingness to solve the problem at all.

) Collaboration is the most difficult of all styles, but at the same time the most effective in resolving conflict situations. Its advantage is that the most acceptable solution for both sides is found and partners are made of opponents. This style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective.

Cooperation presupposes the focus of opponents on a constructive discussion of the problem, the consideration of the other side not as an adversary, but as an ally in the search for a solution. Most effective in situations:

-strong interdependence of opponents;

-the tendency on both sides to ignore power differences;

-the importance of the decision for both parties;

-the impartiality of the participants.

For the most part, I have seen this strategy applied in resolving conflicts between employees and management, management and suppliers, guests and staff, and simply between employees.

The following information helps you to distinguish most clearly between situations in which compromise is preferable and situations in which cooperation will be most effective:

Compromise Cooperation The problem is relatively simple and clear The subject of the dispute is clearly complex and requires detailed discussion and a compromise solution There is not much time to resolve the conflict or there is a desire to resolve it as quickly as possible Both parties are willing to spend time choosing latent needs and interests It would be better to reach a temporary agreement and then return to the problem and re-analyze its underlying causes For both sides, their interests are very important and compromise is unacceptable for them Compromise Cooperation The problem and its solution are not too important for both parties The parties are friendly to each other, ready to listen and respect the opposite point of view Failed to reach a solution using cooperation or you failed to get your way using your own power Both sides want a long-term agreement, not a temporary one, and do not want to postpone it

The combination of strategies is determined by how the contradiction underlying the conflict is resolved. The use of a compromise is most likely, since the steps towards meeting that at least one of the parties makes allow achieving an asymmetric (one side yields more, the other - less) or symmetric (the parties make approximately equal mutual concessions) agreements.

The value of a compromise is that it can be reached when the parties choose different strategies.

Depending on the chosen strategies, it is possible to resolve the conflict by means of forceful suppression of one of the parties or through negotiations. Forceful suppression is a continuation of the competitive strategy. In this case, the strong side achieves its goals, seeks from the opponent to abandon the initial requirements. The losing side fulfills the requirements of the opponent, or accepts an apology for any shortcomings in activity, behavior or communication. If the parties understand that the problem is important for each of them, and it is worth solving it taking into account mutual interests, then they use the path of negotiations.

Ideally, the conflict itself tells us the style of behavior. It is important to understand that each of these styles is only effective under certain conditions and none of them can be singled out as the best. The best approach will depend on the specific situation, as well as the nature of the parties to the conflict.

Chapter II Conclusions

Organization as a joint activity of people to achieve their goals can be viewed as a network of interdependent organizational units, effective management is understood as the skillful management of this interdependence. Relationships between organizational units have a major impact on the interaction of these units. Researchers of social conflicts have come to the conclusion about the presence and recognition of a multitude of typologies, which always overlap.

Usually, there are four main stages in a conflict: pre-conflict, conflict, conflict resolution and post-conflict. But the conflict does not always go through all the indicated stages: latent (hidden), open and permissive. Thus, an objectively developed conflict situation may not be noticed, not realized by those whose interests it has infringed. Then the conflict will not start. A conflict will also not begin if, following the emergence of its objective causes, they are immediately eliminated. The main preventive actions for individual social and labor conflicts in organizations are diagnostics, forecasting, prevention and prevention.

At the same time, it is at the pre-conflict stage that conflict prevention can be effective, i.e. a pre-conflict situation usually arises gradually, and here it is especially important to orientate correctly and apply the necessary technique, make the necessary move.

The combination of strategies is determined by how the contradiction underlying the conflict is resolved. The use of a compromise is most likely, since the steps towards meeting that at least one of the parties makes allow achieving an asymmetric (one side yields more, the other - less) or symmetric (the parties make approximately equal mutual concessions) agreements. The value of a compromise is that it can be reached when the parties choose different strategies.

But at the same time, cooperation is an equally effective way of resolving conflicts. One of the significant advantages of this method is that its application is possible both in vertical conflicts ("vertical negotiations": the head is a group of workers; the work collective is the administration of the enterprise), and in horizontal ("horizontal negotiations": the head of the department is the head of the department ; employee group - employee group).

With the mutual desire of the parties to relieve tension, make mutual concessions and restore cooperation, the conflict enters the stage of resolution and completion.

Partial resolution of the conflict is achieved when the external conflicting behavior of the parties stops, but the internal, intellectual and emotional sphere that gave rise to the conflict behavior has not yet been transformed. Thus, the conflict is not fully resolved, only at the behavioral level, when, for example, administrative sanctions are applied to both parties to the conflict, and the objective cause of the conflict is not eliminated.

Full resolution of the conflict is achieved when both components of the conflict situation are transformed - both at the external and internal levels. Such a result is achieved, for example, when all the fair requirements of the conflicting party or both parties are met by seeking additional resources.


1 Emerging conflicts

The company LLC "Praktika" was founded in 2002. The main activity is wholesale and supply of office furniture.

The company employs 42 people, including:

Top managers - 1 person

Middle managers - 1 person

Accountants - 1 person

Coordinator - 1 person

Sales managers - 5 people

Designer - 1 person

Courier - 1 person

Driver - 1 person

Furniture assemblers - 3 persons

Movers - 2 people

The age of the staff ranges from 21 to 49 years old.

The salary of employees differs depending on the work performed. Time-based salaries (salaries) are carried out for most employees, except for the sales department. There are also one-time payments for overfulfillment of the plan. A bonus system has been developed.

Over the past six months, with the arrival of a new employee to the position of deputy director, the psychological microclimate in the team has changed. The number of conflict situations has increased, both on a professional basis and on a personal level. Separate place are occupied with conflicts based on dissatisfaction with the existing wage system.

So, the list of conflict situations in Praktika LLC:

Situation number 1.The sales department is located in a small room; there is not enough computer for each employee. The activities of employees are associated with the constant maintenance of a database in a computer, and the lack of jobs leads to constant disputes. Working conditions in general to people's discontent.

Situation number 2.Some employees are always 15-20 minutes late for work, this is not punished in any way. The other employees are very dissatisfied with this.

Due to the unstable economic situation in our country and the recent economic crisis, sales have dropped. This led to a number of conflicts:

Situation number 3.It was decided to cut staff. But it was not said who exactly will be cut, this process lasted about 4 months.

The workers were in constant psychological stress.

Situation number 4.The remuneration system was revised. On average, it was reduced by 15%. Employee motivation dropped dramatically, and so was their mood.

Situation number 5... Delays in wages began. The terms of non-payment reached 2 months. Working staff dissatisfied wages, begin to sort things out with their superiors.

Situation number 6.With the arrival of a new employee in the organization, the microclimate in the team has changed. In human terms, the new employee is not pleasant to the whole team, he is very rude towards others, does not take into account the opinions of employees and puts himself above all employees. Quarrels began to arise often, and communication with him, in the main, takes place in a raised voice. Moreover, a specialist does not really show themselves from a professional point of view, and therefore the dissatisfaction of the team becomes even greater.

These are the most basic conflict situations in the company. In addition to the conflicts described above, the so-called micro-conflicts arise on the basis of the personal hostility of individual employees. But in general, such conflicts do not have any impact on the work of the organization.

2 Causes of conflicts

Let's consider the causes of conflicts in the situations described.

Situation number 1.

1) Non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

) Lack of provision with the necessary funds and equipment.

) Low organization of labor and the labor process in general.

) The reluctance of management to open their eyes to existing problems.

There are material and technical, organizational, sanitary and hygienic factors.

Situation number 2.

In the described situation, the main reason is the low level of labor discipline. It seems to me that employees do this on purpose, arguing that the management does not treat them with respect.

Situation number 3.

1) The greatest influence was exerted by external factors that did not depend on the activities of the management (the decline of the economy in Russia).

) But this conflict situation could be mitigated or minimized, with timely response and quick organizational decisions.

) There were no professionals in the company who could offer fresh solutions to get out of this situation.

Situation number 4.

In this case, a number of factors influenced the emergence of the conflict:

) Management factors - imperfection of the organizational structure of the enterprise. A large number of management positions for a small number of staff.

) Organizational factors:

the vagueness of tasks given to subordinates, which makes it difficult to choose the means of their implementation, leads to uncertainty in actions and to procrastination;

lack of publicity. All attempts of employees to make any suggestions are immediately suppressed by these employees.

) Professional factors - imperfection of the system of selection and placement of personnel. Perhaps, with a more thorough selection system, these employees would not have received a place in our company, they would have shown signs of a conflict personality.

The following reasons relate to several conflict situations that have arisen:

) Imperfection of the system of remuneration and bonuses.

) Delays in wages.

) Lack of understanding by the authorities of the consequences of the policy.

For example, if the manager came out with an appeal to employees about the situation, explained the reasons, apologized and promised at least something, the employees would perform their duties in a different mood. Because they would know that they are remembered and do everything to stabilize the situation.

In general, we can conclude that there are a lot of factors in the company that lead, and I think, in the future will lead to conflicts. And in order to avoid this, a system of measures to prevent conflicts should be developed.

3.3 Ways to Overcome Conflict

In order for the company to resolve existing conflict situations, the following measures are required:

1.Establishing contact between the team and management. Seeking leadership for dialogue with their subordinates. The management must gain the trust of the work collective.

2.Management should develop an improved work organization system.

.In order to avoid being late for work and other violations of labor discipline, it makes sense to introduce a provision on fines and penalties for violation of labor discipline.

.The recruitment system must be improved. The best option is to introduce the position of recruiting manager. Develop a series of tests for psychological type person and his professional skills.

.It is necessary to allocate funds and organize workplaces for employees, provide them with the necessary equipment. If the company is not ready to allocate funds for the organization of new jobs, then you can create a kind of work schedule for computers. For example, schedule the hours of computer use among employees by day of the week. Let the unemployed employees go home earlier, so that everyone does not crowd in a small room, and there is no nervous stop.

.A system for monitoring the market in which the company operates should be organized. Or a special person has been hired to track changes in this market. This will prevent sudden changes associated with economic shocks.

.There is no doubt that the existing system of remuneration must be revised.

.Increase the level of staff motivation by developing a system of bonuses and incentives, as well as providing the employee with the opportunity to advance the career ladder and improve professional skills.

.An obligatory event is to raise the corporate spirit.

To do this, you need to arrange joint events:




sporting events;

outings, etc.

Theoretical research and practical work with individual social and labor conflicts play a special role not only in improving the relationship between the manager and subordinate link, but also in the effective development of the restaurant itself.

Today, conflicts in organizations and enterprises are an everyday reality, therefore, in order to effectively solve emerging problems, a leader needs to have theoretical knowledge and practical skills of behavior in conflict situations.

Conflict in organizations is inevitable, and therefore must be seen as a natural part of human life. Of course it is not best shape human interaction, however, we must stop perceiving it as some kind of pathology or anomaly. This type of conflict does not always lead to destruction, on the contrary, it is one of the main processes that serve to preserve the whole. It seems that the general idea of ​​the positive effect of individual social and labor conflicts boils down to the following: "The productivity of confrontation stems from the fact that conflict leads to change, change leads to adaptation, adaptation leads to survival."

The value of individual social and labor conflicts, for example, lies in the fact that they prevent the ossification of the organization system, open the way for innovation, they are an incentive for change, a challenge that requires a creative response. But it is very important that they be manageable, and in such a way as to minimize their negative, destructive consequences and enhance their constructive capabilities.

All causes of individual social and labor conflict in organizations and enterprises Catering, its forms of manifestation and methods of settlement are accessible to understanding only on the basis of a deep understanding of the nature of the organization and especially of a person, the laws of social relations and human interaction.

So that individual social and labor conflicts in organizations and at public catering enterprises “do not spoil our lives”, you need to know:

how to prevent them, so as not to "ruin" the world and good relations between the leader and his subordinates, not to drag them into an endless series of squabbles, intrigues, dangerous not only for the health of the team members, but also for the normal functioning of the organization;

how to behave in the course of an individual social and labor conflict in order to reduce its intensity and make the experiences associated with it less painful;

how to end an individual social and labor conflict with the least losses, and maybe with some benefit from its successful resolution.

If one type of relationship between individuals involves interaction based on mutual agreement, cooperation, the absence of problems on issues, primarily the distribution of material and spiritual resources, the realization of the needs of aspirations, desires, then another type of relationship between individuals (conflict) arises under the condition of a limited amount of resources , the presence of their deficit and therefore the satisfaction of the needs, desires, aspirations of individuals will be associated with tension, competition, rivalry.

Conflict is, first of all, a form of relations between the subjects regarding the resolution of acute contradictions that arose in the process of their interaction and, naturally, without knowledge of conflict management, any leader (including, of course, our director of "Konditerskaya Pushkin") will remain on his post until the first incident, after which he will never be allowed to manage other people.

A person lives among people and realizes his goals, aspirations, needs, desires in interaction with other people.

Interpersonal relationships have become a field of constant collision and coordination of interests, an arena for self-affirmation. Interpersonal conflict is one of the forms of relationships between individuals. However, not everyone and not always can achieve success in the process of interpersonal communication.

Conflict situations arise that are accompanied by alienation, tension and discomfort in the relationship. In a number of cases, the subjects go over to a long, protracted "positional war".

Conflicts in interpersonal relationships also take on a constructive and destructive nature.

The contradictions that have arisen, for example in the group, indicate the ongoing changes. Due to the presence of contradictions, the transition of group members to a new level of functioning is carried out, or, on the contrary, the group can end its existence, since all its possibilities will be exhausted.

A conflict in interpersonal relations in a restaurant team arises when the interaction is based on incompatible, opposing interests, needs, values, and their simultaneous satisfaction is difficult. Participants in the conflict are characterized by their external and internal positions in the conflict.

External position is openly presented to the opponent requirements, attitudes, description of the situation. The outer position may or may not be the same as the inner position.

The internal position contains the true motives, values, needs that forced the individual into conflict. The internal position can be hidden not only from opponents, but also for the individual himself, it can be at an unconscious level. In some cases, awareness of intrinsic motivation helps to successfully resolve the conflict.

The internal and external positions of a person in a conflict by no means exhaust all models of behavior, and the latter are largely determined by the socio-psychological activity of the individual, which is influenced by the cognitive, emotional, volitional potentials of a person, realized or not. Interpersonal conflict is a derivative of the mental state of individuals, their behavior, the situation itself. The situation is a complex of variables, which include the type of activity of the subjects, their relationship and the type of relationship. And also the place, time, forms of communication, the availability of resources for activities and satisfaction of needs, the influence of others, the presence of a choice of solutions or their absence.

It should be noted that there are no “bad” and “good” individual characteristics. As they say, our shortcomings are the continuation of our merits. However, it is important to note that all these personal qualities of a person play an essential role in the emergence and development of a conflict.

The level of spiritual and moral development of the restaurant employees, of course, is reflected in their daily life.

The socio-economic transformations taking place in our society inevitably lead to breaking the established stereotypes in the minds, activities, relationships and communication of people.

The difficulties associated with breaking these stereotypes, the unwillingness of some people to acquire new ones, give rise to social tension, suspicion, conflict, criminality and other negative phenomena.

One of the most important moments in the management of the labor process is the formation of a team and co-management in it, the creation of such a socio-psychological climate that would not allow the emergence of tension, conflict.

Almost all collectives do not live and develop in the same way, are characterized by varying degrees of maturity of relations and culture. Any collective is not just an organizationally formed community of people who have socially useful and significant goals, tasks of activity, management bodies, but also a community in which people can feel sympathy or antipathy for each other, similarities in views, tastes, personal needs and interests. ... Therefore, the performance of the team will largely be determined not only by objective data (age, gender, education, length of service, etc.), but also by the psychological climate in the team.

Hence, for any manager - restaurant director, administrator, etc. - it follows that they need to know their charges, their strengths and weaknesses, character traits, needs and interests, tastes and preferences, etc. The leader also needs to create an emotional and psychological atmosphere in the team that would guarantee positive emotions and eliminate negative ones.

If the leader is not enough to take into account the influence of any of these factors, then in the development of the team, stagnation or a state may occur when individual members of the team come into conflict with each other. To prevent this from happening, you need to know well: what constitutes a conflict as a socio-psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, what are the causes of conflicts, how they arise and develop, and most importantly, what needs to be done to overcome them.

Practice social development shows that during the period of sharp changes in the life of society, the growth of objective reasons for the emergence of conflict situations and the desire to resolve them in an antisocial way increase significantly. In this regard, it is very relevant to the present stage development of society is the task of studying the causes, conditions, structure, dynamics of development and education of positive personality traits and social behavior skills among employees.

Throughout the entire life of a person from birth to death, there is a certain system of needs and ways to satisfy them. Each age period has its own specific needs and ways of meeting them, which give rise to this or that behavior.

A few years ago, when asking a question about conflict in an organization, one could almost always get the answer: “Conflict is bad. It is necessary to do everything possible to avoid conflict in the team. We never have conflicts. " Recently, they have answered in the opposite way: “Conflict is good. No collective exists without conflicts. "

And yet, how to deal with the conflict? Indeed, it is hardly possible to work and interact always equally, without any contradictions, tensions in the relationship.

Moreover, when you have to confront the answer that there are never conflicts in the team, you begin to assume that, apparently, the team is broken by endless internal strife, if they are so carefully hidden. But there is hardly a person who takes pleasure in conflict. Everyone suffers. Conflicting people often make an extremely unpleasant sight. They waste their health and time on mutual reproaches, humiliation and insults. As the Japanese say, they "lose face" by showing anger, anger and irritation.

If you have ever seen a person in an acute conflict, you will try as quickly as possible to forget his distorted face, sparkling eyes and harsh intonations in his voice. And if possible, try to interact with him as little as possible. The unpleasant aftertaste after the conflict lasts for a very long time.

First of all, in any organization, a favorable climate should be created and maintained, because this is always mutual assistance and friendship. The restaurant manager must take into account the specifics of various production departments and informal groups when forming a management strategy. And, of course, be a subtle psychologist and organizer.

Conclusions for chapter III

Conflicts can be actively resolved through careful planning. Conflict management usually goes in the following directions: monitoring the environment, a positive outlook, assessment of favorable and negative factors, their reassessment.

In the theory and practice of methods for resolving and managing conflict situations, there are various methods that were discussed above: avoiding conflict, forceful methods, style of cooperation, striving to enter the position of the other side, striving for compromise, and others.

The effectiveness of the team's work will largely be determined not only by objective data (age, gender, education, length of service, etc.), but also by the psychological climate in the team. The value of individual social and labor conflicts lies in the fact that they prevent the ossification of the organization system, open the way for innovation, this is an incentive for change, a challenge that requires a creative response. But it is very important that they be manageable, and in such a way as to minimize their negative, destructive consequences and enhance their constructive capabilities.

The leader has to resolve conflicts not only in the business, but also in the personal and emotional sphere. When resolving the latter, other methods are used, since in them, as a rule, it is difficult to isolate the object of disagreement, there is no visible conflict of interest. In a conflict situation or in dealing with a difficult person, you should use an approach that would be more appropriate for specific circumstances and in which the latter would feel comfortable. The best prerequisites for choosing the optimal approach to conflict resolution are life experience and the desire not to complicate the situation and not bring a person to stress. You can reach a compromise, adapt to the needs of another person (especially a partner or loved one); persistently seek the implementation of their true interests in another aspect; avoid discussing a conflict issue if it is not very important; use a collaborative style to meet the most important interests of both parties. Therefore, the best way to resolve a conflict situation is to consciously choose the optimal behavior strategy.

In the same way, just as no single leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the considered conflict resolution styles can be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make this or that choice, taking into account specific circumstances.


Conflict is a special type of interaction between the subjects of an organization (opponents), a clash of opposing positions, opinions, assessments and ideas, which people try to resolve with the help of persuasion or actions against the background of the manifestation of emotions. The basis of any conflict is the accumulated contradictions, objective and subjective, real and apparent. We examined the conflict: we found out the nature of the emergence, the stages of growth, considered situations when it is easiest to smooth out the conflict, found out all the ways out of conflict situations. The main result of the research carried out in the thesis is that scientific and practical knowledge in the field of studying the individual social and labor conflict in organizations or enterprises no longer needs proof of its significance and the right to exist.

After conducting research, I have identified "management technologies" for the settlement and resolution of individual conflicts in organizations. Each stage has its own reasons for the emergence of individual social and labor conflicts (disputes), and, consequently, management technologies. The main technologies for managing individual social and labor conflicts (disputes) are the technology of negotiations and the technology of mediation.

Living and working together is not easy and needs to be learned specifically. The conflict, giving rise to disputes, checks both the entire team and each employee individually, and can significantly help both in the process of analyzing the problem and developing a solution. In this work, preventive management influences are identified and practical advice leaders aimed at constructive settlement and resolution of individual social and labor conflicts, which contributes to the stability and effective development of organizations.

Conflict by itself does not strengthen or weaken the organization. Both employees and managers must manage it to make it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and fears, they cannot understand either the real state, or the paths of development, or learn lessons for themselves and for others.

If the conflict is managed skillfully, it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole.

The goals and tasks set at this stage, given the available tools, have been completed and solved, and since the research carried out in the thesis is an attempt to integrate the knowledge of classical and modern sociology of managing individual social and labor conflict, it can become the basis for the subsequent development of ideas , research and practice in this area.


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