Iris bearded, landing and care. Best Sorts of Iris for Landscape Design

Iris Bearded can be seen almost on any panstone - On the flowerbed or in a flower bed. Iris Bearded, landing and care for which do not cause a lot of trouble and do not require special skills and skills - this is a rather unpretentious perennial with luxurious inflorescences original shape And the most diverse color. Each season breeders please the flowerfields with new and new hybrids, and today in flower stores You can purchase landing material of bearded irises both traditional shades and the most unexpected and unusual.

Iris Bearded: What is it and how to distinguish from other varieties of irises?

The family of the Iris is quite extensive: it has more than 300 members, but Iris bearded, landing and care for which is discussed in this article, perhaps the most common appearance. Its inflorescences have a rather large size and complicated form: 6 petals are located in two tiers (three reliably protecting pestle and stamens petal form something like a tent, and the bottom three - smoothly fit down). Distinctive trait Bearded Iris - the presence of a kind of "beard" on the lower petals: tracks from numerous delicate veins, often having a contrast painting in relation to the color of petals.

The leaves of iris are dense, elongated, with well-pronounced longitudinal veins and a pointed end. The rhizome consists of links growing every year, located on the surface of the soil or slightly beaten in the ground, quickly grow up, forming thick thickets.

Growing the bearded irises: how to choose the right place on the site and plant plants?

The optimal place for disembarking bearded irises is the southern side of the area protected from wind and drafts capable of breaking fragile flowers, as well as a bit proptenant from bright sunlight. The soil of iris bearded, landing and care for which is planned on your site, prefers loose, without weeds, perhaps even stony. Should not be abused organic fertilizersSince the reborn Iris will only increase the excessive green mass to the damage to flowering.

When disembarking young plants in the ground, it is important to ensure that the thick links of the rhizomes are not plugged into the soil, because then the plant will need a lot of strength to push the shoots to the ground surface. So, dig a hole, put on it by the land of the Earth, where they have rhizome. On the slopes, the horms have smaller roots and sprinkle the earth. Some experienced flowerflowers Even recommend B. warm time The year to reveal the rhizomes, freeing them from the cover from the soil so that they can soak themselves in the sun.

Bearded irises: Organize the right watering

In conditions of moderately rainy summer, the irises practically do not need additional watering. If the summer is arid, it is enough to water 1-2 times a week, your believer bearded irises. Landing and care for them is easy, only in some cases more intensive moisturizing is required:

For better rooting of young plants in the first few weeks;

During the introduction of roasting feeding for better absorption;

During the bootonization and flowering period, if natural humidification is not enough.

It is best to water bearded irises Caution, slight water pressure, so as not to blur the rhizomes. Watering should be avoided in the morning hours, as water drops on the leaves and inflorescences during evaporation can leave burns and spoil decorative View Iris.

In short, Iris bearded, landing and care for which you are already underway on the household site or only planned - this is a wonderful choice for a flower bed decor, luxurious decoration For the whole season!

Winter hardiness different varieties Bearded irises are different, so it is more reliable to grow well-winning varieties in this region. Bearded irises breeding vegetatively, the division of rhizomes of 3-5-year-old plants. Bearded Irises in the summer - from mid-August, and at the very beginning of autumn, so that the plants have managed to root to cold weather, but if necessary, you can plant irises and spring. The August-September division of the roots of Irisov gives a large percentage of plants blooming in the first year after landing. The transplant of Iris in its garden "From the Earth to Earth" can be started 2 weeks after the end of flowering and spend at a convenient time.

In one place, without damage to decorative, bearded irises is usually grown not more than 5 years, then the bushes are digging with a pitchflower and cut on the landing delicas. The Delinka is a part of a healthy rhizoma with roots, usually this is a one-year blade with a spatula of leaves, but a small segment of the rowing of sleeping kidney can be used to reproduce valuable varieties. A piece of rhizomes of the iris weighing the entire halfgraum with one sleeping kidney is able under favorable conditions to give life a new plant that will bloom in the second year of the vegetation! The roots of the rhizomes of the irises without roots and leaves remaining after cutting, removing damaged parts, drinking cuts with pile of wood coal, dried and planted on a separate bed to grow in the next season.

The rhizomes are disinfected for 1-2 hours in a solution of beetrootics, dried and heated in the sun 3-5 hours. The leaves and roots of the Delinka, if their length is more than 10 cm, shortening. Bearded irises prefer well-drained light, without stagnant moisture, the soil in the sun, but they also carry out a slight shading (some flower products are successfully grown under apple trees with a rarefied crown). Too sour soil before landing the irises falls wood ash. With the danger of stagnation of melt water in spring before landing for the irises, they make a slightly raised above the level of the flower bed. The distance between the plants during the landing of the irises depends on the purpose of landing and the height of the irises: the low-spirited irises are sled usually after 15 cm, the average - after 20 cm, tall - after 40 cm. In the free landscape compositions of the irises plant a few pieces, having molding around the circumference; The distance between groups is at least 1 m.

The collection of irises Some flower products are grown on a raised bed according to the 30x50 cm scheme, turning the leaves of the irises when landing in one direction and directing the plane of the leaves across the ridge. Before planting Irisov, the soil should be attempted to the bayonet of shovels, to make a bucket of compost or well-reworked by 1 sq.m. (Fresh manure is not used to avoid rotting rotting), make landing wells, but the bottom of which to pour the land of the Earth. The rhizome of the Delinka laid on a hillyman in such a way that after planting it performed half over the level of soil, spread the roots on the sides of the Holloch and fall asleep the hole of the earth, thoroughly sealing it with her hands. Blowing the root in the soil can lead to the death of the Iris.

The rhizome of the iris can be fixed from the fall and for rapid rooting with wires from the wire or wooden horns. After planting Irisov, the land is abundantly watered with water, after drying it in a few days, repeated watering is desirable. Further care The landings of the iris lies in manual weeds (so as not to damage the roots of the irises, located at the surface of the soil), shallow soil. New landings of Irisov need to cover late autumn from extinction: in the extracting of the earth or falling asleep with a sheet, straw, cheese, topping layer up to 10 cm; Shelter is cleaned in early spring.

Planting bearded irises

The planting technique of bearded irises has its own characteristics.
Drop the well in the size of the roots, put the soil in its center,
on the resulting holloch put the rhizome, straighten the roots
And fall asleep the earth. The upper part of the root must remain on
Soil surfaces available to sun rays. Watering, as a rule, is not needed.
If Iris is divided and planted in the previous year, you need to
Remove floral arrow so as not to exhaust the plant.
Those who are unable to keep their curiosity and want to admire
Flowers of a new variety, we recommend that cutting the flower
first bud. The rest will dissolve already in a vase with water.

Bearded Iris

Bearded irises require regular weeding - weeds oppress
Plants and create conditions favorable for the development of diseases.
Lock the soil - bearded irises do not like excessive moisture.
For flowering irises, mineral fertilizers are needed.
For the middle strip of Russia, three feeders are recommended:
In early May (when the kidneys are rolling into growth), in early June
(This feeding is needed for the development of bloody) and in 2-3 weeks
After flowering (the period of formation of flower kidney of the next year).
Complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus
and potassium. In mid-May, June and August soil surface
It is useful to pour wood aster with calculation matchbox on the
plant. Fucking wood rolling with potassium plants,
Reduces the risk of diseases and lowers the soil acidity.

Preparation of Iris for Winter

The varieties of domestic selection in shelter do not need. Southern varieties
Origin need B. winter shelter - in the harsh winter floral
The kidneys are freezing, although vegetative remain alive. As a result of bushes
Irisov grow up, but do not bloom. Before the onset of sustainable cold
Pour the root of the soil or peat to a height of 10 cm. For reliability
Blank landing spruce branches. Do not hide the irises with leaves or
Manure - plants may die from spontaneous.
For complete rooting bearded irises, 60 days need.
At late autumn landing Plants will need winter shelter,
Protecting them from filling. A week before sustainable cooling
Plush the decenes with a 10-centimeter soil layer. If the irises are planted
In the spring or at the end of July - early August, he does not threaten.
Crop leaves are not necessary.

Care of iris in spring

At the end of April, the shelter from the irises can be removed. It is necessary to do it
Carefully, so as not to break the kidneys, tried in growth.
While there is a danger of frosts Leave over the root layer
Soils with a thickness of 1-2 cm, but in mid-May the backs of rhizomes
should be on the surface of the soil. If rowing
Yet frozen, they turn into white kashitz.
Need to clean the roots from the softened areas
to solid tissue. To do this, it is convenient to take advantage of ordinary
spoon. Healthy slot to smell with green, let's dry
And let off with poured charcoal or ash.

Reproduction and transplanting of irises

Irises spread the division of the bush, pieces of rhizomes,
Cuttings, blues of bulbs and seeds.
Sowing is better to exercise in the fall of freshly collected seeds
On the ridge of open soil. In orangers stratified
Seeds are sown in winter. Strong bustting are needed
divide. IN middle lane Russia irises transplant in
early May and at the end of July - early August.
For accelerated reproduction, dug up rhizome cut
on small (2-3 cm) parts, laying them into the grooves so
So that the bleached side accounted for a book, and the dark - up.
Sections of cuts are sprinkled with gross coal or wood ash.
Less often bearded irises breeds with eyes that cut out
from the root summer cuttings, Sheet with a piece of rhizomes.
With a summer transplant with the Delion of Iris, the leaves are shortened.

Diseases of bearded iris

Of the disease, bacteriosis is most often found. Row
They become soft, brown and puments.
The reason is a bellged planting of the root. Distop the amazed
bush, cut all sore fabrics, disinfection
In a strong heatman solution and put the rhizome for several hours
In the sun, regularly turning it over. The causative agent of bacteriosis dies,
When it hits a straight sunlight. Put the row
That's right, so that his back "challenges" in the sun.

In the second half of summer (season of dew), the Irisa attacks
Rust and other pathogens of leafy spotting.
At the first signs of infection, treat the leaves of Fundazole
or copper-containing drugs. At the beginning of the vegetation
On the iris may appear leaf-mating beetles, behavior
Very reminiscent cruscle flea. Cope with them
Preparations, effective against the Colorado beetle, will help.

Irises in the landscape garden

Irises are planted by groups, because stronger perennials
Capable to suppress them. Good grow and bloom without transplant
In one place up to five to six years. Not recommended to plant
Bearded irises B. mixed landings - Created additional
humidity in the root zone, which can cause their posting
And the death of the plant.

Dwarf irises are remarkably suitable for rocory design -
rocky kindergarten, among obscene, stamping, bread-shaped phloxes,
The bell tape is crowded, low cereals, among the lowered
Steel shrubs.

Mid-tall irises surrounded
geraniums, initials create harmonious composition. Time Ot
Remove the landing of irises from dry and dead parts
clubnelukovitz, sit down too scattered fans - contain
landing of irises in order.

Irises for cutting

Irises - valuable section plants - at the time of their blooms of others
Colors B. open soil very little; In the cutting bouquet of irises
Stored in water up to two weeks. Cut flowers need in buds.
Wounded species and varieties are used to distilse, and from
They are most suitable for those that multiply bulbs.

Irises are distinguished by excellent resistance, perfectly get along with many plants, quickly multiply and please us with bizarre bloom in mid-May.

But even such unpretentious flowers as irises have their own features in cultivation.

Features of the care and landing of Iris

Abundant flowering of irises largely depends on the location. Plants grow perfectly on solar open places, in half and even in shadow areas of the garden, but the flowering in the shade you will not wait, so in order to please yourself with the beauty of blooming irises, it is necessary to provide plants with good illumination.

Another rule that needs to be remembered when landing the irises - the flowers do not tolerate wetlands. The earth must be pretty comforted. Increased humidity leads to reinforcement of roots and iris buds.

Therefore, choose well-drained places, hills, open space. For high humidity There is a risk of developing bacterial or fungal rot and pest appearance, such as iris flowers and slugs.

The iris flowerian causes great damage to blooming bearded irises. During the flight (the beginning of the flowering of chestnut), the female puts the eggs in the buds, from which the larvae ripen in a couple of weeks. They feed on juice, from here buds become soft, watery and do not give a full-fledged flower.

With a closer examination, you can see small punctures in the petals.

And when pressed, the liquid flows out of the booton.

All damaged buds need to be disrupted and destroyed. During the appearance of the arrows for the prevention, we doubt the ash, tobacco dust, pepper, mustard or lime, spray with a soap solution with the addition of alcohol or amazing, I make infusions from Celli, Pijmas, Lopuha, Aloe, wormwood. All bitter herbs are suitable. The main thing, during the bootonization to actively carry out all kinds of events to scare the pest from the plant. In the literature for growing Irisov and their protection, various system insecticides are recommended: actuar, confident, Mosplan, but at its site I do not use Yadochimikatov, I prefer only natural means. The same measures scare the scoop, tore and slugs that feed on the leaves and colors of the plant.

It is also enough to land the landing of the irises on a sunny place to get rid of the slugs and rot, since good drying of the soil is prevention from these troubles.

Irises enough drought-resistant. Nevertheless, they need moderate watering, especially during flowering.

Soils prefer light, structural, samp and loam, although sometimes bearing with any. Good spoke to making a ripe compost early spring and autumn. Nitrogen fertilizers Small doses should be made, since bearded irises have a strongly developed sheet apparatus, but the soiling of the soil from excess of nitrogenous substances can also adversely affect the development of plants. It does not hurt to make an integrated mineral fertilizer On time flowering, for example, Kemir Flower.

Growing Irisov

Irises are breed using the root seed or seed sowing. On polished colors, seed boxes appear, which can be disrupted by the end of August and put under the winter.

The seeds of bearded irises are better to collect slightly misunderstanding (the casing box becomes soft, light green), then the percentage of germination increases. Seeders will bloom only for the 3rd year. Reproduction seeds makes sense only when selection workSince the irises grown from natural pollination seeds do not always have the same signs as the parent plant.

It is easier to multiply a division that should be made two weeks after flowering and September.

The increasing rhizome of the iris can be divided, not digging.

It is enough to separate the shovel part of the root with shoots and transplant in need place. This, so to speak, a rude method of breeding a plant that does not require certain knowledge and skills.

Also, the division can be done, breathing from the ground all the rhizome. I prefer to dig up, since, first of all, it makes it possible to make compost into the soil in this place. Dropped and purified from the Earth allows it to inspect it in more detail, remove damaged areas, divide the rhizome to smaller processes, which increases the amount of planting material. Big root Iris Bearded Delim on the principle of "cut from the neck", that is, he has round major areas of "heads", which are interconnected by subtle short jumpers "necks". So you need to cut it from these thin sites.

It happens that two or three sprouts grow on one head.

They can be left, then the iris will grow with a bush.

If a root system Developed, then you can divide these processes, pulling up a piece of root with roots for each defense.

If long roots are not enough, then you should not share your head. When dividing the bush of bearded iris, we shorten the leaves to avoid excess losses moisture during the observing of the plant.

Sit at a distance of at least 10 cm, forming small hills for roots into several rows.

The landing of the irises are located in different ways. You can land with wide or narrow stripes in the form of an outdoor framing of the flower garden. Interesting decision Will make a figure from irises or put in separate areas in the form of color spots.

Bearded irises are ideal for slave and mixtures.

It is also possible to land the irises with a solid flower carpet as registration of rolling trees or decorative bushes. A variety of landings of irises in bulk, such as tulips, which bloom almost at the same time with early-minded varieties. Irises look spectacular on the background of flowering peonies.

Often plants are combined with loyal and lilies that immediately take into bloom after the irises are sweated. The agricultural equipment of these plants is the same, so they get along with one with another.

The cultivation of bearded irises will give you a lot of pleasure with its simplicity and excellent results. A large variety of varieties are brought by breeders that will become a decent decoration of your garden.

The rhizome of this flower is called the "violet root", and its fragrance really resembles a weak smell of violet. In this article we will talk about existing species and varieties of irises. You will learn how to implement the planting of culture and how to care for her so that its cultivation in the open ground was successful.

Iris ( russian name The flower is the kavern) - rhizuy perennial with sword-shaped leaves with a wax rim and thin, urine roots.

Irises can be found on many dumart sites. However, not all flower knows what many varieties of these flowers are brought by breeders

Multicolored flashers of iris (painting of petals - from white to dark purple) externally similar to orchids, have a pleasant weak fragrance. Some varieties garden Irisov Have on the lower petals "Beard". The flowering of irises begins in May and continues until June: each separate flower retains decorativeness about a week. Seeds of plants ripen in autumn, in triangular boxes, which contain from 25 to 45 seeds.

Modern types and varieties of irises are so diverse, beautiful and fragrant, it is difficult to make a choice when growing in the open ground in favor of some kind of variety.

Varieties and varieties of iris

There are major varieties of irises that are grown in the country areas, in the open ground in parks and squares, are used in the device of compositions in landscape design.

Iris bearded

Iris bearded (I. Barbata) - this species is divided into three subspecies, depending on the height of the plant:

  • low - the height of the plants does not exceed 40 cm;
  • the average - plants reach a height of up to 70 cm;
  • tall - above 70 cm.

The species received its name for a decorative "beard", which decorates the bottom petals of the flower in the middle part. The painting of the bearded iris flowers varies from the pale blue to dark lilac. The breeders withdrew a huge number of new varieties of iris bearded, including two-color with bodied petals. These varieties are very decorative, compacts, with large colors and an exciting aroma.

Iris English

Iris English (I. Ruthenia Ker-Gawler) - forms low dense "pillows" - Kurtins. The varieties of Russian iris bloom with small flowers of pale paints. Perfectly makes a short-term drying of the soil. In landscape design, it is used to design a stony slide and alpinarias, where rare watering is required.

Iris Sibirsky

Iris Sibirskywhich is actually called the tavern - tall plant, reaches 1 m. Flowers saturated, purple color With shades of blue. Iris Siberian and the hybrids derived by breeders are isolated in a separate subspecies of Iris: Limniris. The plants of this subgroup on the bent of the petals there is no "beard".

Iris Bolotnaya

Iris Bolotnaya, or yellow, grows in nature along the shores of the lakes, rivers, on the slopes of wet ravines. It can be perfectly developed and blossoming on saline soils, at high outdoor temperature. These Iris varieties are successfully used in landscape design for design. artificial reservoirs: Open pools, ponds, waterfalls, Iris makes excess watering, looks great with a decorative landing.

Iris smooth

Iris smooth (I. Laevigata Fisch) - Growing when high humidity air; Requires abundant watering. Sit down at the reservoirs.

Iris germansky

Iris germansky - With the leaves like a sword and flowers on high strong blur, up to 90 cm long. The plant is suitable for the design of bouquets, grown on the cut.

Iris dwarf

Iris dwarf - A low plant, total reaches a size of 10 cm. Forms thick curtains when growing in open ground. Mine flowers have a variety of color.

Iris Kepersm

Iris Kepersm (Other name - Iris Movyoid) refers to late varieties species irises. The leaves with a height of 30-40 cm fraams flat flowers of the Iris Meso-shaped. Coloros reach 60-70 cm.

Iris Japanese

Iris Japanese - Extensive type of irises, which is divided into subgroups, depending on the size of the flower. The cultivation of these varieties is most preferably due to the high decorative color. Japanese irises often form terry flowers in different times (Early, medium, late, very late). Japanese iris flowers are painted in all shades of a saturated purple. Wintering flowers of this subgroup tolerate badly.

Plant landing

Irises - landing and care for plants of all botanical species in the open ground approximately the same.

Foreign breeders brought the varieties of tube irises whose cultivation is not difficult. These flowers have a small height and narrow, elegant petals of bright, saturated paintings. Planting material Enters the sale in the autumn, the landing is made under the winter.

To land the bulbs, a trench is digging, the outlined ground is mixed with:

  • sand;
  • double superforste;
  • torpedo coal;
  • fresh garden land.

Between the plants, leave a sufficient number when landing

In the prepared grooves, the bottom of which is wanted with sand (it is possible to shed a pink solution of mangartages, epinoma or heteroacexin), the bulbs of the iris sprout up are unfolded.

Important! It is impossible to plunge the bulbs in the ground. Rule: Melcukovichny is made to plant 3 heights of the bulbs.

Landing melluccic irises does not require watering, enough moisture that was used for watering the landing groove. The primer is required to be slightly tamped so that the birds cannot pull out the bulbs before their rooting. The flowering of melluccical irises will begin next spring.

Growing. Iris bearded

Planting bearded irises requires compliance with certain rules:

Do not forget that bearded irises need to feed very carefully

  1. It is impossible to enter fresh manure, compost or nitrogen fertilizers in bed when landing.
  2. In the acidic soil you should first make a chalk or lime. Soil acidity should be reduced.
  3. It is not allowed to plant rhizomes of irises in a dense, blinded soil. Preliminary Pumping Soil on the Shone Shone and Making Sand, will make the soil more acceptable cultivation in the open soil of your irises.
  4. The rhizomes of bearded irises are not plugged into the soil: the kidneys must be at the level of the top layer of the soil.

Correct care

Iris in Landscape Design

Very often, the iris is used when landing in parks, squares, when the territories are cleaned in landscape design. A huge variety of varieties and species, as well as the high stability of the plant itself, allow wider to use this culture for landscaping. Kurtin looks perfectly from the irises of different varieties on the lawn carpet.

Very beautiful look "Fields" of irises of different colors

The mono landing of the culture of Iris decorate urban areas and do not require serious care. This culture has an advantage - perennial landing In one place and the preservation of the decorative species.

Iris' care: video

Varieta Iris: Photo