Knowledge of my specific centers. Gorlovoy

- there is hidden the possibility of communicating with absolutely by different people, you can join any company, but you will not speak in your own words, so sometimes you find it so easy with one person and difficult with another. But remember, you are mirroring others, which can be confusing for you.

- with such a center, you can talk and love to talk, you do not reflect other people as opposed to people with an empty throat center. In a literal sense, you can rely on what you say.

The throat center is, first of all, the ability to communicate, and if there is a connection with other centers (motors), then active action after.

This center is a communication center, all energy merges here. Well, we all know that without communication we cannot succeed in any business, everything is tied to it. There are people around us, at work, at home, in transport. To do something, you need to tell about it, convince. The Throat can also be connected with our Motors, namely the Centers of the Ego, Solar Plexus, Root, Sacral. What kind of active action can follow after the words, you can roughly understand. Ego center - ego, willpower, heart. The Solar Plexus Center is emotions, feelings. Center Root - stress, center of pressure, relationship with the outside world. Center Sacral - production, our generator, sexuality.

Interfacing with internal organs

Throat center associated with the human thyroid gland, as well as the parathyroid. These glands are directly tied to our metabolism.

Uncertain Throat Center

Under the influence of a false self

You can reflect everyone. To say a lot and do a little. Yes, and talk all evening incessantly. You yourself know how such people are treated in society. Plus, the person himself may feel discomfort in the throat. If you start trying to control your speech process, you may experience sore throat, thyroid problems, speech problems (stuttering, etc.).

In normal condition

You must behave calmly, in terms of communication, you do not need to be the first to speak, give a chance to prove yourself to the interlocutor. Try, as it were, to observe your speech manifestations from the side, you will in any case reflect the people around. In a normal state, you will notice a good condition of the throat and metabolism in general. The gift of an indefinite throat is a good ability to adopt other people's dialects and accents, which will always help you in learning foreign languages.

Under the influence of a false self

Watch your words, it may become a reality tomorrow. And you really have to act after your words. Or you will lose a lot of energy. Words enter the filled Throat from five centers, not knowing from which center "you are talking" can lead you to panic or to disharmony with the people around you.

In normal condition

You are responsible for what you say. You can really be relied on. Your words are power. And, knowing what your Throat is connected to, you will be more confident in yourself, you will begin to accept yourself and appreciate your individuality.

This center helps you find mutual language with other people and understand yourself, adjust to the speech of the interlocutor and open up yourself.

Based on materials from the book "Living Your Design" by Ra Uru Hu



1. The throat center is the center of self-expression through speech and action (manifestation).

2. It is biologically related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands and, as such, is responsible for the metabolism.

3. The throat center has 11 gates and is the most difficult of all

4. All the energy of the body comes to the Throat Center to manifest itself in the form of words or actions.

5. The primary function of the Throat Center is communication.

6. Communication leads to action when the Throat is connected to one of the four motors.

7. The throat center is not a motor. This is a gearbox.

8. A certain Throat Center can always speak and / or act, but it is limited in its communication / action.

If we imagine the Bodygraph as a map of a city, then the Throat Center will be the central square of this city. The throat center is the most complex of all centers, it has eleven gates and each gate has its own voice.

All energy flows strive to reach the throat. All paths lead to the Throat Center. Starting with the Throat Center, we begin with the very essence of what it means to be human. To be human means to manifest yourself with speech or action (manifest).

Two Aspectsmanifestations

The throat center is the center of self-expression in the world by speech / action. This self-expression has two main aspects: manifestation in words and manifestation in actions. In other words, the Throat Center is our ability to communicate verbally and our ability to take action.

Biological connection

Each center is biologically associated with an organ. In this case, with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. These are the endocrine glands and they work as transforming agents. They are responsible for transformations. This is called metabolism and refers to how we digest food, how we burn energy, whether we are fast or slow, whether we digest food or not, big or small, thin or fat.

Primary Function: Communication

The primary function of the Throat Center is communication. The throat center is important in that it enables us to communicate with each other. A special gift that is possessed human beings, Is the ability to articulate complex sounds. Communication is the most important aspect of human life.

The throat is not a motor. It looks like a gearbox in a car. By itself, it cannot set your car in motion. Communication is our only tool to logically express our nature to each other. We're not alone here. Through communication before action, we see in advance what is viable and what is not.

The primary function of the Throat is to transmit speech and the Throat Center can be compared to a speaker. That which is connected to the Throat will speak through it.


The first and foremost function of the Throat is communication. The secondary function of the Throat Center is action. The throat center leads us to the act of action when it is connected to one of the four motors of the body.

Even if you can act right away, the rule is to speak before you do. Communication first.

That, at whom the Throat center is defined can always speak, and the one at whom the Throat Center is connected to the motor can always do. People of this type talk too much and do too much.

This is what the mechanic of a particular Throat says: Pay attention to what you are wasting your energy on. Don't talk about everything. Don't put your energy into any action. Watch carefully what you should talk about and what you should do, and use your energy only for this.


Words can enter a given Throat from five different zones. Most of us think we are talking from the mind. Most people believe in this. If you ask them where words come from, they will answer you: they come from the mind, somewhere out of the head. This is a typical statement because we are conditioned to communicate with the mental plane. The design shows that there are five different places where our words can come from.

If your Throat connects with the G-center - your “I” - then you will speak from your center of Self-determination. Anyone who has such a configuration in the Rave Card must understand that his speech comes from his true "I". These people are very sensitive to criticism. When they are criticized, they take it very personally and can be very offended because their speech comes from their “I”. Such people will feel very uncomfortable with what they say and how they react, because their voice is not out of their minds. In their minds they do not think as they say, but they speak from their “I”.

The indefinite mind of a person whose G-center is connected to the Throat will always try to calculate the situation. Let's say this person is having difficulty with a friend and wants to talk about it. His mind will start thinking ahead of time what to say and when to say. He's working on a problem. He comes to the point where he can say, "I know exactly what to say to him, and I understand what the problem is." But when he comes to his friend, his “I” says, not his mind. His “I” says, “Hi, you look great. Let's go and have lunch? ” And the mind rushes inside: “Why did you tell him this? Why don't you tell him about the problem? What's the matter? Are you sick? Or are you afraid? Have you got any problems?" The mind goes crazy with all this. This predicament arises only because people think that words come from the mind, but in fact they are not. They come from the Throat Center.

If your Heart Center is connected to your Throat, then your Ego will speak. A person whose Throat is connected to the center of the Ego will always say: “I am. To me. My." You cannot stop it because that is its nature. Now do you understand where his words come from? These people express in words their will, the power of their Ego. And this is what they usually hear in response: “Why are you always talking only about yourself? Stop it! What an egoist you are! "

If such a person takes it seriously and tries to suppress the voice of his Ego, he will have physical problems: disturbances in the functioning of the heart and stomach, because these organs are connected with the Heart Center. If a person knows that his words come from Heart Center then he will no longer feel guilty or ashamed. He can trust the voice of his ego, because that is his way of speaking, and will refuse to listen to people who try to condition him not to be himself.

When the center of the Spleen is connected to the Throat, the words come from the intuition of your body, from your animal instinct. This is a spontaneous voice and such people express their state of health by speech at the moment. If they don't know this, they get upset because they can't say what they want. They do not expect from themselves the words they actually utter. Because of this, they have a feeling that their mind is not working adequately. This happens only because of the conditioning of a person to speak from the mental plane.

If the Solar Plexus center is connected to the Throat, then this person will speak emotionally and someday his words will be full of hope, and sometime - despair. There will always be drama in his words. Everyone is trying to persuade him not to be so emotional. Everyone tells him: “You have to control yourself. You shouldn't speak so emotionally. " You don't need to tell such people to change. They speak from their emotional wave, which rises up one moment and falls down the next. By suppressing their emotions, they risk harming their health.

When the Throat is connected to the Ajna center, to the mind, only then will the mind speak. Only people with this configuration speak from their minds. They express in words their thoughts, their conclusions and therefore correspond to the generally accepted cliché.

Knowing where your voice is coming from will bring incredible changes to your life. You will be able to express yourself in your own way, in your own way, without feeling guilty. This will take the burden off your shoulders. Along with this comes inner honesty, because you are allowed to be yourself. We are full of prejudices and judgments because we are constantly trying to change human nature by advising people to change. Seeing where your voice is coming from makes it possible to understand that we should not “build” people and that we harm them without respecting their voice.

The first thing to understand is what the Throat says, not the mind. This is the first step towards breaking down prejudices about what is morally right and what is wrong. Don't fall prey to someone else's oppression when someone tells you what is right and what is wrong. Human Design has nothing to do with morality. He has no prejudices. There are no dogmas in it. Human Design shows people their uniqueness and helps them gain dignity in being themselves.

Recognizing the fact that Throat says it takes us into neutral territory. Whatever is connected to the Throat will speak and you cannot change it, fix it, delete it, or somehow improve it.

Biological relevance: the pineal gland and brain structures responsible for long-term memory.

Biological correspondence: thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Key words: Expression, Manifestation.

The throat center is defined in about 71% of people.

Any state of consciousness seeks to express itself in action. It can be speech or body movement. The function of the throat center is precisely this: communication and manifestation, in speech and action.

When considering religious issues, we can say that a certain throat center is able to turn a person into a herald of the Will of the Most High. But the prophet will not necessarily have a specific throat center. For example, Moses was not eloquent and communicated with people through his brother Aaron.

Through this center, the expression of truth occurs in the form in which this particular person is aware of it. In the practice of Zen Buddhism, teachers asked contradictory questions to their students such as "What is a one-hand clap?" or "What color is he who sees colors?" And very often the response was an action taken in a state of spontaneous experience of the truth.

A definite Throat Center provides a permanent way of expressing one's own truth that one can always rely on. His speech and the way of expressing his ideas and / or his actions are clearly defined.

This center is undefined in 29% of people. In this case, the person does not have constant access to his verbal expression, at the same time self-expression is very flexible. It is conditioned from the outside, by people or by transit. The person feels the need to draw attention to himself by talking. It is not so easy for him to express himself, speak and pronounce words correctly. Therefore, he will speak as the other person, who is in his aura, speaks.

The potential for wisdom and the gift that the undefined throat center provides is that there is no need to "do" anything to get attention. Everything happens when it's right. And also a person with an open throat can sense who is speaking the truth.

The chatter of the Throat Center False Self will consist of an internal conversation like, “What can I do to get the attention I need? Does anyone notice me? If I start a dialogue, then I will get the attention I need. I ought to start doing something (manifest). I'd rather say something, because the silence makes me uncomfortable. Who and what will I become in this life? "

Such a person feels the pressure to speak for everyone ... and start the conversation from the mind, discomfort during breaks in the conversation and the need to fill in the pauses, uncertainty about what might come out of the mouth. He focuses on starting a conversation from his mind and feels an obsession with becoming someone. But it is very important for him to learn to find comfort with silence.

A certain Throat Center in its natural state has a fixed style of action and verbal expression ("with its own voice"). Under the pressure of the False Self, he says and does too much. It gives off energy, acts with every impulse, turns on for any reason.

The indefinite Throat Center in its natural state remains calm (silent and inactive) until it gets the opportunity to speak or do something (until it is initiated into action or conversation). Such a person is not concerned with planning what to say. He can determine who is telling the truth. Under the pressure of the False Self, he tries to attract attention with words or actions (silence). Talking too much. Attempts to initiate actions and conversations. Very unsure about what he will say. Has a tendency to become a STAR.

False Self Strategy at Throat Center: Constantly trying to get attention.

At the household level, the Throat Center has the following functioning features. The throat center is connected with what it means to be alive, because to be alive means to manifest oneself in the world, to manifest. The throat center is the key to manifestation in life, and it is the most difficult of all centers, as it has the most gates, eleven different gates... Everyone is trying to get to the Throat to gain access to his metamorphic qualities.

We live in a sandwich of pressure from above and below - pressure carries worry to conceptualize, and stress drives us and feeds our lives. The Throat Center has no direct access to either one or the other. The manifestation is obvious for the expression of pressure. For manifestation, the quality of the pressure does not matter; it does not matter. That is why we are human and remain alive in the world, otherwise we would all commit suicide and end it. This Throat Center, disconnected from the pressure, simply pushes us, saying, "Manifest, manifest, manifest." This is what we do — we are metamorphic beings.

At the biological level, the Throat Center is associated with the thyroid complex, which includes the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The throat center is biologically a duality. The basis of binary is communication. Therefore, the Throat is of significant value to humans. Physical manifestation, our ability to act rather than speak, is only possible when the Throat is connected through specific channels to any of the four motors. The throat has obvious value to us in our ability to communicate because it makes our species so successful. We didn't have to just hunt instinctively, but we could develop very complex strategies that were projected into the future and passed on to others through speech description... As a result of difficult communication, we have achieved great success.

There are two aspects to the nature of the thyroid gland. Interestingly, in theosophical astrology of the 18th and 19th centuries, the quality of the ruler of the thyroid gland was given to Mercury, and Venus was called the ruler of the parathyroid gland. One aspect is the aspect of communication. Another aspect is the ability to manifest, the ability to physical activity, which provides the ability to burn energy and change things. Your throat is related to how much you need to eat, how fast your metabolism is or not, the color of your eyes, the shape of your body, the way you move - so many different things are due to the nature of the thyroid gland. If you take the thyroid gland of everyone in this room, you will see that they are all different, they are unique, but they have a basic commonality.

Much of the pressure on the Throat has to do with communication, not what we do. It has very little to do with action, and you will find that these primary aspects of action are risky anyway. One of the dangerous things in the nature of a person with a constant flow of energy from one of the motors to the Throat Center is that we get an uncontrollable acting force. The world does not like such figures. Therefore, the Throat is created to have a limitation, and in this it is primarily intended for communication. The throat center acts as the diaphragm of your stereo speakers. Everything connected to the Throat will speak through it, not just the mind. Most people think that their words are coming from there, from the mind, because people are mind-oriented. It is not only what is connected with the Throat that speaks, but the concrete gate of the Throat Center speaks.

Knowing where your voice is coming from is very important to you in life. If you have a gate activated in your Throat, whether it is defined or not, there is already a question of constancy and stability, this gate will be your voice, and the only voice you can rely on. This does not mean that this voice will not be conditioned. It will be if it is an active gate in an undefined Throat, since someone or some planet can determine this Throat. But every time such an open Throat is detected, your active gate will bring up the theme of your voice gate. This voice will not only show you how you express yourself, but also the quality of duality in that voice. Pay attention to these qualities when you listen to yourself. They are very important.

The essence of health in life is related to the nature of the Self. If you live a conditioned life, you get the problems of that conditioned person. The same is true, if you are living a conditioned voice, you have to deal with the consequences of that voice, and you may not have the right equipment for that. This will lead to problems. If you constantly speak in a voice that does not belong to you (that is, you do not have your own activation for this kind of expression), you will end up hurting your Throat. You cannot continue to express yourself in a conditioned voice and not deal with the consequences.

Only those people who have absolutely no activations in the Throat are free from this, and these are quite rare. With a completely open Throat, you are dealing with something completely different. Obviously, these people cannot have any voice of their own, so they live on different terms. The voice of a particular Throat will depend on what is connected to it. The Uncertain Throat is triggered by conditioning and therefore is unstable. If you are having dinner in a company, and there are five or six people with a definite Throat and one with an indefinite Throat, then it is the indefinite Throat that will speak for everyone. His throat is under tremendous pressure from everyone, and when he comes home in the evening, his throat will physically hurt.

Let's take a look at the nature of the undefined Throat in partnership. For example, you have an undefined Throat, and you live with a partner whose Throat is defined by the Money Line (Channel 45-21). The ego will express itself through possessiveness, saying "I have" or "I have not." This means that your every conversation will always go through this channel. It's no wonder that, whether you like it or not, the conversation will always be about what you have and what you don't - always about the material. This is not your voice. This means that the other ten ways (the other 10 gates of the Throat Center), which could be an opportunity for your expression, are not available to you. Moreover, you are conditioned to see everything in terms of what you have and what you don’t, what is not natural to your nature, but is the result of conditioning.

And it's not just that you don't know where your voice is coming from. Without knowing your nature and the mechanics of your conditioning, you do not know how others condition you verbally. This does not mean that you are doing something bad or wrong, because here you have no choice. In the Throat Center, we articulate or manifest.

Recognizing how it works in you takes a huge burden off your shoulders. You don't have to be who you are not. You don't have to be under pressure to be who you are not. You can learn to recognize when the forces around you are unhealthy for you because they prevent you from being yourself. In working with the Throat Center, we see huge problems with the thyroid gland. This is one of the most fundamental problems from which Western societies at least suffer. If you have an open throat and rush through life screaming, you are most likely destroying your thyroid system. But even more common are serious problems with the thyroid gland when the throat is cut off from certain motors. Then you will immediately see that the thyroid gland in such people simply explodes.

Theme:Communication and Manifestation

Function:Metamorphoses and transformation through interaction with the world

Biological compliance

The Throat Center is directly connected with the endocrine system, which is responsible for transformation and metamorphosis, and monitors our metabolism. It is she who regulates energy exchange, determines our appearance and mobility: how we are - small or large, fat or thin, fast or slow. When we ignore the prompts given by the body, and despite the internal resistance, we continue to perform undesirable actions, not only the throat and vocal cords suffer, but the entire body as a whole.

Manifestation as communication and / or action

Our own voice does not originate in the throat, but in certain activated channels and gates of our Bodygraph, from where reliable and stable thoughts come from that need to be voiced. From my own experience, I know that attention is vital for our words or actions to have a response. and understanding, and did not go into the void. Unfortunately, many people cannot pick up right moment for your own expression. They begin to speak and act prematurely or, conversely, with a great delay. However, if you try what Human Design offers us - to follow the Authority and Strategy, then unmistakably choose the right moment for fruitful interaction with others. All your words and deeds will be properly perceived and accepted as a guide to action without resistance and edits.

Manifestation through action is an equally important function of the Throat Center, but its execution is possible only with an active connection with the Throat. The owners of such a certainty can be called without exaggeration real "figures" capable of carrying out any of their intentions. Maybe you are the one who is potentially such a “doer”? The Human Design System will help you figure this out.

Society obliges each individual to obey their requirements, according to the established tradition, we must study, work, create a family, correspond to our social and social status... And our false "I" as a product of upbringing rather productively pushes us to comply with generally accepted rules. In order to become who we are destined to be, we must understand and accept our true nature. For a better understanding of this issue, I advise you to read my book.

In the Bodygraph, the Throat Center occupies a strategic position, it is there that transformative and mutational processes take place, which are reflected at all levels of being. What you can bring into this world, what will be expressed and offered through you, depends on the adjacent gates activated in the Throat Center of your map.

Throat Center Gate

Small Supremacy - I think or live by inertia. Detailing the facts

Splitting into pieces - I know or not. Individual insights

Wanderer - I believe or doubt. Stimulating storyteller

Enthusiasm - I decide to experiment or retreat. Master

Contemplation - I live in the present or in dreams. Spontaneous clarity

Influence - I am the leader or the follower. Leadership

Cathedral - I possess or not. Power from the mind

Retreat - I understand or not. Lessons from the past

Progress - I am getting sensory experience or not. Progress

Inaction - I try or pass. Discretion

Cohesion - I may or may not succeed. Individual self-expression

Defined Throat Center - 72% of the population

We sincerely believe that our words and thoughts are the product of the work of our mind, but this is not the case. All our statements are determined by the themes of the Throat Center Gate. All words that have not yet been spoken arrive at the "message node" from different parts of our Bodygraph, where they are processed and expressed in the form of communications and actions.

The throat interacts closely with six other Centers: Ajna, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, G and Spleen. Moreover, each of the Centers is dominated by its own theme:

  • - a person gives out what he thinks about, what exactly occupies his mind;
  • - the state "I" dominates (I want, I can, I will do);
  • - feelings and emotions play a preventive role;
  • - spontaneity and intuitive knowledge;
  • - all words and actions come as a response to external influences and events;
  • - intuitive insights emanating from personal identity, the voice of the Higher Self

At my trainings and consultations, I help people open up, not be afraid of public speaking and frank conversations, but I always warn that excessive activity and talkativeness leads to energy losses and rapid burnout. Only by relying on your inner Authority and Strategy, understanding where the voice comes from and what the outgoing information is for, is it possible without prejudice to own health and a reputation for expressing your truth.

Uncertain Throat Center - 28% of the population

The false self is afraid to go unnoticed and tries to attract attention. People with an undefined Throat Center are always trying to master the audience, to become the soul of the company, they need to act, argue, interrupt. Thus, they receive the coveted attention with practically no expenditure of their own energy for unnecessary words or actions. From myself, I can add that if a person follows his Authority, then he will never have problems with self-expression.

In the presence of those whose Throat Center is fully defined, people with an open Throat may feel uncomfortable, which is expressed in increased talkativeness or, conversely, silence.

People with an open throat need to relinquish control over their speech. It is better to speak spontaneously and enjoy the forms and intonations than to give out boring platitudes by rote. As a person who is versed in the energy and psychology of people, I know for sure that it is not necessary to do or say something in order to attract attention, you can remain a laconic interlocutor, but maintain interest in your person. In addition, people with an open throat have an intuitive ability to recognize the sincerity and hypocrisy in the words of their counterparts, and this is already a great advantage in any conversation.

Fully Open Throat Center

A design where the throat center is missing any of the specific Gates is very rare. Children with full throat openness start talking late and have speech problems throughout their lives. When their false "I" requires attracting someone else's attention, they do not use their images and thoughts, but someone conditioned language full of borrowings. Believe me, even such people can learn to speak beautifully - trusting their Inner Authority will return their speech flexibility, unpredictability and reveal the potential wisdom of the Open Center.

Conversation of the false "I" of the indefinite Throat Center

Very often the false "I" tells us its own algorithm of actions: what to tell us, what to do, how to act, what to strive for. For example:

  • Where should I go, where will I definitely get the attention I need?
  • How do others treat me, do they notice me?
  • If I touch on this topic, then I will certainly be noticed and appreciated ...
  • What to talk about, because silence is unbearable ...
  • It would be nice to be distinguished by something ...
  • Who can I become in this life?

The ability to recognize the voice of the false “I” is the first step to deconditioning, but you can hear it only by carefully studying your own Design. You can do this yourself, or you can sign up for a consultation with me. - the fastest and most accessible decoding of the Bodygraph.

Throat center, self-expression and action.
phenomena in this context can be different. A “specific” throat center makes a person tend to express himself in some specific way, for example, through creativity or social activity, depending on which of the 11 gates are activated in this center

1. The throat center is the center of self-expression through speech and action (manifestation).

2. It is biologically related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands and, as such, is responsible for the metabolism.

3. The throat center has 11 gates and is the most difficult of all centers.

4. All the energy of the body comes to the Throat Center to manifest itself in the form of words or actions.

5. The primary function of the Throat Center is communication.

6. Communication leads to action when the Throat is connected to one of the four motors.

7. The throat center is not a motor. This is a gearbox.

8. A certain Throat Center can always speak and / or act, but it is limited in its communication / action.

If we imagine the Bodygraph as a map of a city, then the Throat Center will be the central square of this city. The throat center is the most complex of all centers, it has eleven gates and each gate has its own voice.

All energy flows strive to reach the throat. All paths lead to the Throat Center. Starting with the Throat Center, we begin with the very essence of what it means to be human. To be human means to manifest yourself with speech or action (manifest).

The throat center is the center of self-expression in the world by speech / action. This self-expression has two main aspects: manifestation in words and manifestation in actions. In other words, the Throat Center is our ability to communicate verbally and our ability to take action.

Biological connection

Each center is biologically associated with an organ. In this case, with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. These are the endocrine glands and they work as transforming agents. They are responsible for transformations. This is called metabolism and refers to how we digest food, how we burn energy, whether we are fast or slow, whether we digest food or not, big or small, thin or fat.

Primary Function: Communication

The primary function of the Throat Center is communication. The throat center is important in that it enables us to communicate with each other. A special gift that human beings possess is the ability to articulate complex sounds. Communication is the most important aspect of human life.

The primary function of the Throat is to transmit speech and the Throat Center can be compared to a speaker. That which is connected to the Throat will speak through it.


The first and foremost function of the Throat is communication. The secondary function of the Throat Center is action. The throat center leads us to the act of action when it is connected to one of the four motors of the body.

Even if you can act right away, the rule is to speak before you do. Communication first.


Words can enter a given Throat from five different zones. Most of us think we are talking from the mind. Most people believe in this. If you ask them where words come from, they will answer you: they come from the mind, somewhere out of the head. This is a typical statement because we are conditioned to communicate with the mental plane. The design shows that there are five different places where our words can come from.

When the Throat is connected to the Ajna center, to the mind, only then will the mind speak. Only people with this configuration speak from their minds. They express in words their thoughts, their conclusions and therefore correspond to the generally accepted cliché.