Is it possible to eat moth in cereals. Effective folk remedies for food moths in the apartment

The kitchen is the holy of holies of every good housewife, and uninvited "guests" are perceived here with hostility. Especially if we are talking about real pests like kitchen moths. These nosy insects climb into the most secluded corners where groceries are stored: cereals, flour, sugar, and arrange their nests there. And the most annoying thing is that its appearance practically does not depend on your efforts to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, or on any other conditions. Moths in cereals can enter your home from a store or from a market where products have been contaminated with moth larvae. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent her "visit". It is all the more important to know how to get rid of moths in croup as soon as possible.

How food moth starts, and what is the harm of food moth
Food moth has several names: bread moth, barley moth and just grain moth. By the way, the last name is the most common in the scientific world, which may be useful to you when looking for means to combat this insect. With the moth that spoils coats in wardrobes, they are relatives, although they are not close (from different families), but they are similar in appearance: the same medium-sized size up to 1 cm in length, the same nondescript gray-brown color. However, you still will not confuse the food moth with any other, because it settles, as in famous saying, "closer to the kitchen." For shelter and reproduction, insects choose jars with cereals, flour, tea, as well as stocks of nuts and dried fruits. There, the food moth lays microscopic eggs.

So catching obsessive gray butterflies that flicker before your eyes and periodically fall into a cup of tea, of course, brings a certain amount of variety and extreme evening gatherings in the kitchen, but does little to help get rid of the pest. Even if you manage to squash a nimble moth, somewhere in the bowels of your kitchen cabinets, its offspring are probably hiding, ready to come out and “revenge”. Therefore, the elimination of the grain moth must begin there, destroying it in the bud, that is, in the form of eggs and larvae. By the way, it is they who get into the house unnoticed along with the loose products bought in the store or on the market. Less likely, but not excluded, is the presence of moth eggs in packaged cereals. Another way for moths to enter your apartment is from neighbors from whom you borrow cereals or other groceries. Finally, a small butterfly may well fly into an apartment through an air duct or window. In general, there are several options, but the most likely is still purchased cereals and legumes that were stored in improper storage conditions or were poorly cleaned at the factory.

Adult insects do not eat our products, they are only interested in them as suitable place for the development of their offspring. From the laid eggs, larvae appear, which eat cereals, leave feces, scales, dead particles in them ... In general, they make food completely unappetizing and even dangerous to health. And the butterfly you noticed is a sure signal that it is time to carry out an audit in the buffet, which will most likely reveal these uninvited inhabitants. Most likely, most stocks will then have to be thrown away. Firstly, together with them you will take out the lion's share of pests from the house. Secondly, well, who wants to eat “bitten” nuts and legumes, spoiled cereals and tea, as well as flour mixed with insect waste.

In fact, the grain moth is not a carrier of any specific diseases, but the harm it causes is quite enough to fight it directly. In food enterprises, it should be carried out in the form preventive measures: sharp cooling or heating of grain. For example, at a temperature of about -10 ° C, a mole will not live longer than two or three days, and at 60 ° C, not a single caterpillar survives after an hour and a half. Additionally, before shipment of the grain, chemical disinsection (destruction of insects) is carried out, but it is already undesirable for the products themselves. In any case, if you got a moth-infected batch, it means that at some stage the manufacturer acted in bad faith, and now you have to deal with food moths in the kitchen on your own.

How to remove food moth. Ways to deal with moths in the kitchen
Removing grain moths is not a fast and multitasking process. You will conduct it in stages, so get ready in advance for the fact that it consists not only and not so much of searching for nests and removing contaminated products from the house, but also of disinfection, as well as preventive measures. All this does not guarantee that sometime in the future the mole will not get into your house again, because it starts even in very clean kitchens. But today it is in your power to put her out, along with all her numerous and voracious offspring. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Revision. To begin with, review all your stocks, carefully inspect packages and jars with cereals, flour, sugar, dried fruits and all other "long-playing" products. It is not necessary to sort them out by hand - if you see that there is at least a hint of the presence of moths inside, then ruthlessly throw away the entire package. Do not try to save at least part of the cereal, which seems to you not yet spoiled. Visually, you may not notice moth eggs or their particles. But all the garbage and viable larvae will probably go to the trash heap.
  2. Sanitary treatment. Thoroughly wash all the insides of cabinets, canisters, sideboards, all surfaces on which grain moth larvae and their waste products could get laundry soap or any other detergent. Then wipe, dry in the open air (preferably in a draft) and do not use for at least a day.
  3. Drying. The surviving stocks of cereals, to which the moth did not have time to reach, still need to be processed. The best option at home - warming up in the oven at a temperature of about 60 ° C. To do this, pour the products on a dry sheet and place it on the middle level of the oven for two hours. A similar procedure can be carried out in a microwave oven.
  4. Freeze. If you don't want to mess with the oven, you can just put the food in the freezer and forget about it for a couple of days. lasting impact low temperatures will also destroy any surviving remnants of moths and disinfect the croup. The products themselves will not deteriorate from this if you freeze them dry and packaged in whole bags (preferably paper).
  5. Relocation. After warming up, pour the products into new and / or perfectly clean and dry jars. They can be glass, metal or plastic - the main thing is that they have hermetically screwed lids without the slightest hole. Put a peeled clove of garlic in each jar, and place a few more of the same cloves in the cabinets in which you store food. It is believed that food moths and other insect pests cannot stand the pungent smell of garlic and those phytoncides that it releases.
  6. Removing moths with folk remedies is not limited to garlic, especially since recently many housewives have noticed how insects have adapted and even sometimes begin to eat garlic along with cereals. Against such mutant pests, you will have to use more powerful means. For example, after you thoroughly wash and air the cabinets, wipe them from the inside with table vinegar. Pay special attention to cracks and corners. Leave the vinegar-smeared surfaces for a while, but not less than an hour, and then wash off the acid with soap and water. After such processing, the kitchen will have to be properly ventilated, but then the moth will not have a chance to survive in these conditions.
  7. Moth control lavender based on the same assumption that insects do not like strong scents. On the one hand, it is supported by numerous folk recipes. Among them, for example, you can find recommendations to place in the kitchen not only sprigs of lavender, but / or wormwood, mint, as well as Bay leaf, cloves, chili peppers, even have a fragrant geranium in a pot. But, on the other hand, if spicy aromas really scared the kitchen moth, then it would not settle in bags with spices and dry fruits. Just in case, try spreading or hanging bundles of any of these plants, to your taste, in the kitchen. There will be no harm from this in person, and guests will be able to say that these are elements of original decor.
  8. Moth control with citrus peels- a method similar to the previous ones. Lemon, orange and / or grapefruit peels are unlikely to serve as an interior decoration, but they will cope with the task of flavoring the room. When fresh, they secrete essential oils, which continue to act even after the crusts have dried. They can be laid out both in lockers and directly into jars of cereals instead of garlic. What is valuable is that neither garlic nor citrus peels leave their odors on food, but insects still smell them.
  9. Modern remedies for kitchen moth are artificial traps. They attract butterflies with special scents and chemicals, but do not affect eggs and larvae. But the caught butterflies will no longer be able to continue their race. So a moth trap in the form of Velcro or in another compact form (depending on the manufacturer) can reduce the number of flying insects, and you will have to deal with their offspring in other ways.
  10. Insecticide preparations help you are guaranteed to defeat the moth in the kitchen. Their range is quite large in household goods stores and markets. But you need to use such chemicals very carefully, strictly adhering to the dosage and other instructions in the instructions. Careless handling of insecticides is fraught with chemical burns of the hands and mucous membranes, food poisoning and other troubles.
So that moths in the kitchen do not start in the future, you will have to adhere to certain rules. Firstly, do not buy products for the future for a long time in order to quickly use cereals, legumes, nuts before they are discovered by the "stray" pest butterfly. Second, periodically check your groceries and freshly bought goods for insects: they can be lumps, cocoons, caterpillars, pieces of food glued together, or just winding passages in grains gnawed by voracious larvae. Thirdly, never store dry foods in plastic bags that moths easily gnaw through - only in sealed containers glass or metal. Folk remedies for fighting moths suggest that you will always keep sprigs of plants that repel moths in the kitchen and periodically update them. This is really a good way of prevention, because it is better to prevent the appearance of moths in the kitchen than to get rid of them later.

In every kitchen, unexpected "guests" appear from time to time. When you open a bag of cereals, you may discover to your displeasure that small bugs or white caterpillars have settled in it. This Despite its small size, the insect can cause a lot of trouble to a person. At first glance, it's okay - they threw out the infected product and that's it. In fact, it is not easy to deal with this pest. It starts up even in those kitchens where exemplary order reigns. So the opinion is completely unfair that only bad housewives get moths in the croup. How to get rid of uninvited guest we'll talk to you today.

The enemy must be known by sight

What does a food moth look like? This is a nondescript butterfly about one centimeter in size. Her wings can be light gray or brown. If you saw that such a creature is circling around the kitchen, then you urgently need to check all your stocks.

An adult insect is not dangerous, because it does not eat anything. However, water is necessary, so you can often find a butterfly right next to it. kitchen sink. She lives for about two weeks. And everything would be fine, but during this time the insect is able to lay up to 400 eggs in hard-to-reach places, behind kitchen furniture.

After 10-15 days, many larvae will hatch from them, which go to conquer the expanses of your kitchen. There are different types of these pests: barn, cereal, nut, mill moth. But all of them are characterized by high gluttony. If you notice a butterfly in the kitchen, then you will definitely find a mole in the cereal. How to get rid of this neighborhood, we will consider below.

What does the pest eat

This question worries many housewives, as it is the key to answering which products to look for. Special attention. Most often, moths start in cereals and flour, dry foods. It can be nuts and chocolate, dried fruits, tea and spices. Even pet food is quite suitable as a breeding ground for voracious caterpillars. But most often there is a mole in the croup. How to get rid of it, we'll talk now, but for now let's decide how this insect gets into the house.

Ways of infection

The best solution to a problem is prevention. This is an indisputable fact, which is why it is important to know in groats. How to get rid of an insect, this is the second question, it is better not to allow it into your home at all. Unfortunately, this is more difficult than it seems at first glance. The fact is that many food products become infected during production. This is due to improper processing, violation of storage standards, etc. In the warehouse and in the store, the temperature conditions may not be suitable for the development of larvae, so they wait in the wings.

At home, we usually store dry food in closed cabinets. It is dark and warm there - ideal conditions for insects to actively multiply. The population is increasing dramatically. The larvae gnaw through the bags and infect everything that is within reach. Sometimes moths can fly from neighbors, but this is extremely rare. Therefore, you should not think badly about the people who live nearby. Now you know where the mole in cereals comes from. How to get rid of it, we have yet to find out.

Can contaminated food be eaten?

Absolutely not. If you notice that a butterfly is flying around the apartment, then somewhere there is its offspring. It must be found and thrown away along with the cereal in which it was hatched. The faster this is done, the more likely it is that the rest of the food will remain intact. gnaw through the packages and greedily eat the contents. But it's not only that. In parallel, caterpillars infect them with waste products, feces, discarded skins and dead larvae. Experts recommend not taking risks and throwing away such products without any regret.

Adults are less dangerous, but also bother with their presence. They flash before my eyes, sit on food and drown in vases with jam. Most importantly, however, these pesky creatures lay hundreds of eggs and give birth to new hordes of hungry caterpillars.

Let's start the fight

So, a moth was found in cereals. How to get rid of the pest, now we will understand. This will require a whole range of measures that together will help restore purity:

  1. Full check and sanitation. If a cereal pest was found in the kitchen, then you will have to come to grips with cleaning. Open all lockers, get products from the most hidden shelves. This is a chance to kill three birds with one stone: do a general cleaning, check expiration dates and find moths in cereals. How to get rid (see photo in our article) of it as soon as possible? Throw away all spoiled food in which larvae have been found.
  2. Doubt is caused by those bags of cereals that at first glance look uncontaminated, but were kept unhermetically sealed. In this case, it is better to throw them away too. They may contain insect eggs that you cannot see with the naked eye.
  3. Now, since the products have left their places anyway, you can sanitize the kitchen. All remaining cereals must again be packed in a hermetically sealed container, and cabinets and shelves should be washed. After such cleaning, entering the kitchen is a pleasure.

The best hygiene products

And what do you use if a mole is wound up in the croup? How to get rid of this uninvited guest with maximum effect and in a short time? Experts recommend washing all surfaces with soap and vinegar solutions. However, not all soaps will work. Put the scented toilet aside. Perfect Choice will become alkaline economic, which has light insecticidal and disinfecting properties. That is, in addition, you can perform the prevention of the appearance of the fungus.

The preparation of a soap solution is not difficult. Take three liters warm water and dissolve the cob in it until the water acquires a noticeable soapiness. With this composition, you need to thoroughly rinse all surfaces, and then perform the treatment clean water. After complete drying, you can put the products in their places.

Vinegar solution

Each housewife has her own recipes that she uses if a moth appears in cereals. How to get rid (reviews emphasize that this method works flawlessly) from insects if the soap solution did not do its job? Mistresses agree that this is only the first stage of processing. To be completely sure of the effectiveness, after drying the shelves, wipe them with a cloth moistened with 5% or 9% vinegar. Now you can count on your cabinets to be completely decontaminated from larvae and eggs.

Experience of our grandmothers

Remember how you visited the village as a child. Grandma always smelled absolutely amazing and pleasant in the cupboard with cereals. The fact is that they knew perfectly well that if a moth started up in cereals, then the products would have to be thrown away, and being practical people, they did not want to allow such waste. Therefore, they widely used the means that nature gives us.

Lavender and mint, black pepper and garlic repel moths well. Citrus fruits and tobacco do a good job with these duties. Therefore, feel free to put the skins of oranges and tangerines, garlic cloves in the cabinets. Flours and cereals do not absorb odors, so your meals will be flawless.

Home plants against pests

It is useful to have two flowers in the kitchen. The first of these is chlorophytum. It gives a large amount of oxygen, is unpretentious and calmly tolerates poor lighting, tightness and drafts, which are inherent in kitchens. The second is geranium. The smell of this plant is not tolerated by many insects, including food moths. Therefore, for the safety of food in the kitchen, you can be calm.

Chemistry in your home

Speaking about what to do if the moth is wound up in cereals, many immediately imagine going to the store and choosing an insecticide. In fact, their use in the kitchen is highly undesirable, as it can result in poisoning. Therefore, it is better to focus on safe means, which remove the mole mechanically. These are sticky tapes. They are treated with a special substance that attracts moths. They are usually hung in the corners of food storage cabinets.

If you want a quick effect, then buy a Raid aerosol. It is highly toxic, so use must be done with extreme caution. Remove flowers and an aquarium, all utensils from the room. Take family members and pets outside. After that, you can process the room and ventilate well.

It used to be that plastic bags were impregnable for moth larvae. However, it is not. She gnaws through the material quite calmly and therefore ideal option for storage are canvas bags with good drawstrings. However, it is even more convenient to pour cereals into plastic or glass containers with tight-fitting lids. If you use our tips, then most likely you will be able to avoid the appearance of a pest in your kitchen. Now you know what to do if moths start up in cereals.

Food moth repellents are used to keep food safe. Small butterflies seem harmless, only in practice it turns out that this is quite dangerous insects. If you do not get rid of the food moth in time, it will undermine the available reserves. Eventually they will have to be thrown away. You can save products that are affected to a lesser extent.

If a mole is wound up, it is probably a representative of one of the species:

Such insects are more common in private housing within the kitchen. Wingspan - up to 8 mm. The color is pale: from beige to brown. The upper wings are darker than the lower ones.

In length, the pest reaches 1 cm. When the wings are folded, representatives different types insects are similar to each other, since the color is difficult to see.

Larvae in length reach 1.5 cm, are characterized by a light color. If adults differ in appearance, then young offspring are sometimes difficult to distinguish.


It is imperative to remove the moth in the kitchen, otherwise it will destroy most of the products. Insects feed on cereals and flour, nuts, dried fruits, as well as seasonings, tea, chocolate products and seeds. They spread through the air (fly through windows, through ventilation), enter the apartment with products brought from the store. Accordingly, it is impossible to completely protect yourself.

Eating insect-tainted foods can lead to a severe allergic reaction.

It is recommended to start insect control immediately after the appearance of signs of infection: dust at the bottom of containers with bulk products; change in the structure of flour and cereals (they become lumpy). On the nuts appear moves that caterpillars make. Appearance the product deteriorates, cocoons and cobwebs are visible, larvae are found. Especially unpleasant when they are inside chocolates, because in this case it is difficult to notice the caterpillars.

A butterfly can start suddenly, even if the house is kept clean and a large amount of stock is not stored. You can get rid of food moths in the apartment different ways, but first you need to find the source of infection. To completely exterminate all individuals and offspring, it is necessary to clean the kitchen.

To destroy the larvae and eggs, certain means are used, since not all drugs have an effect on the young offspring of butterflies. In addition, it is necessary to decide what to do with moth-infested products.

We find the source of infection

Before getting rid of the moth itself, you should find the source of its appearance. Butterflies leave offspring different places, where in a week the larvae will appear and begin to destroy the product. In habitats, a cobweb is noticeable, caterpillars with a large black head. Moth eggs are difficult to spot, as they are small in size (no larger than semolina grains) and white in color.

Close-up photo of a food moth larva

First you need to inspect the ceiling and cabinets for the presence of butterfly cocoons. They are usually located on ceiling plinths, wallpaper joints, at the base of lamps, in cracks and in corners. Pest cocoons are also found in the upper part of the cabinets.

The first step is to inspect the products. You should look for sticky grains, larvae.

Room cleaning

Pest control involves cleaning the entire kitchen. It is necessary to get rid of traces of insects. First, heavily contaminated products are thrown away. Having got rid of the source of pests, they move on to cleaning the furniture from the inside. To do this, the contents are pulled out, the shelves are also taken out of the cabinets if possible.

Using a vacuum cleaner, you need to go through the nozzle in all corners, crevices and surfaces. The air flow will suck in the insects. The dust bag is best thrown away, but you can leave it in the freezer for a few days. This will kill the insects.

Surfaces inside cabinets should be treated with a solution of vinegar or insecticides (Antimol, etc.). Containers for storing bulk products must also be washed with vinegar solution or laundry soap.

Chemical preparations and folk methods

An aerosol is suitable for treating cabinets and other surfaces, but only if there is no food stored inside. This remedy for food moths is not used for spraying products. Popular options: Raptor, Raid, Armol, Combat Super Spray.

Of these drugs, only Armol destroys exclusively adults. If the task is to bring out the young (larvae and caterpillars), then Raptor, Kombat, Raid should be used.

Special sections allow you to get rid of butterflies: Globol, Raptor, Moskitol. They are located in the corners of the room, not far from the source of infection. Do not store this product near products.

If the moth wound up in cereals, then you should consider glue traps. They use a pheromone to attract males. Butterflies will not reproduce without males.

You can also fight the pest with folk remedies:

  • dried lavender or essential oil
  • Laundry soap. It is cut into pieces and laid out around the room.
  • Zest of lemon, orange
  • Herbs with strong smell: tansy, wormwood, cloves, rosemary, thyme or mint.

Home methods repel pests, but do not lead to death. For this reason, they are considered only as an auxiliary moth control measure.

Video tips: We fight food moth with home remedies

How to handle contaminated products?

Disastrous temperature for the butterfly and offspring: more than -10 and above +30 degrees. For reliability, the products are processed in the oven at a mode of +60 degrees and above, or by putting them outside if it is hot outside.

Freezing is an effective way to control pests.

Many people have faced the problem of food moths. These insects settle in bags of cereals and constantly fly around the kitchen. If you notice this, you have a food moth.

If you encounter small black insects in bulk products, then immediately throw away all infected cereals and do a general cleaning in cabinets. Sort out all suspicious grains.

In another article, we talked about those that spoil food. In this article, we will discuss another insect that damages our food. Food moth settles in products, lives in them, lays eggs. So it is better to get rid of such cereals, because. their waste products have already spoiled the food.

Description of food moth

Moth is a representative of the Lepidoptera order, which are small in size and, as a rule, lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Moths are extremely small compared to ordinary butterflies.

They also lack the proboscis characteristic of butterflies. Why is he not? The answer is simple: they simply do not need it. While still an embryo, they begin to eat fairly solid food, and the need for a proboscis disappears.

At a later age, the moth loses the ability to eat and stops digesting food. The main task for her at this stage is to lay eggs and take care of the offspring.

The butterfly moth has an inconspicuous gray or dark brown color. As a rule, butterflies live 2-5 days. An insect goes through several stages in its development. The first is a larva. The larva is 2 cm long and has a yellowish or white tint; it can live up to 60 days. Then the larva turns into a caterpillar, and the caterpillar into a butterfly.

Most of all, the moth loves dried fruits, various kinds of cereals and tea. So the absence of obvious signs of a moth is not a guarantee that it does not exist. The moth very quickly adapts to different conditions environment, so it can live at any time of the year and in different climates.

The main danger to humans is the eggs and larvae of moths. If you notice dark pellets in food, then this is definitely a moth.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Of the pests that live in homes, there are several types:

  • wardrobe;
  • cereal;
  • potato;
  • fruity.

All of them differ from each other in color and food. The wardrobe lives in closets and wherever there are clothes. That's why it's so important to sort out old clothes even one you don't wear. And the cereal moth, based on its name, feeds on cereals.

Fruit moth prefers tea and dried fruits. It is more likely to occur in people who dry fruits and tea themselves. A potato eats potato tubers. And most of all she loves old potatoes, they are softer.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer in the country, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for adults or children to be in the house, and even more so on the street. We bought a trap lamp on the advice of neighbors.

We have been using the lamp for over a month. We forgot about flying insects and are often outdoors in the evenings. Very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

How does food moth appear?

A particular danger lies in wait for you if you buy cereals that are not vacuum-packed. If an adult gets into the croup, then nothing will stop it from breeding. It will infect all the cereals in the closet.

Harm food moth

As mentioned earlier, the greatest danger to humans is larvae and eggs. For all its short life, the mole takes off its scales several times, and also the waste products end up in food.

Also, an adult lays 400 eggs in a lifetime. It is easy to guess that eating insect waste products will have a bad effect on the human body. As a result of human consumption of moth-infected products, intoxication of the body occurs.

Stories from our readers!
“Always used fertilizer and top dressing in his garden. Neighbor said he soaks seeds with new fertilizer. Seedlings grow strong and strong.

Ordered, followed instructions. Great results! We did not expect this! We harvested a wonderful crop this year, now we will always use only this tool. I recommend trying."

How to get rid of food moth?

Due to the specifics of moth nutrition, there is no unambiguous solution to the problem. Since the moth feeds on bulk products, the poison must get into them. Therefore, the destruction of moths is a rather complicated and painstaking process.

There are many different tools to choose from. Almost all of them are aerosol.

Basically, aerosols of the company are in demand on the market:

  • Reid;
  • Raptor;
  • Armol;
  • Antimol;
  • Combat.

They have an instant effect, and also create a protective barrier. Just spray it in the kitchen, leave the house for a couple of hours, and then air it out. Now the moth will definitely not have a chance, and by calcining the cereals, you will save yourself from a possible relapse.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies against moths:

Is it possible to remove the mole at home forever?

They often help folk remedies, but they are effective in small colonies.

But the most effective method of struggle will be preemption. If you constantly take care of the cleanliness of your home, as well as engage in prevention, then you simply will not get moths.

Prevention of the appearance of moths

You should not make large stocks of cereals, flour and sugar and store them in your kitchen. It is better to bribe products as needed. And you need to buy from famous trademarks and try to avoid leaky packaging.

If possible, do not leave food on fresh air(dried fruits, tea, cereals). It is also important to check all products after purchase. If you suspect a moth infestation, discard the cereal without regret.


Moth can appear both in a rural house and in a fashionable apartment. From its appearance will save you only competent use preventive measures, as well as maintaining order in the kitchen.

With this kitchen pest, many housewives are familiar firsthand. It can ruin all food supplies, including groceries. How to get rid of moths in cereals and prevent their reappearance?

first aid

Step 1. Revision. Review all food stocks - jars and packs of groceries and other long-term storage products. You don't have to sort through everything manually. If there is even a hint of moths, discard the entire package. Do not keep what you think is not yet spoiled. You may not see eggs or larvae, but that doesn't mean they won't be there.

One moth butterfly can multiply very quickly and infect all your food stocks with larvae

Step 2. Sanitization. Rinse detergent all the insides of cabinets, sideboards or pencil cases, as well as other surfaces and containers that could get moth larvae or its waste products. For these purposes, a solution of crushed laundry soap (10-15 grams) and boiling water (1 liter) is ideal. At the end, rinse everything with clean water, dry and leave to ventilate for a day. If possible, make a draft in the kitchen.

Step 3. Heat treatment. Pour the surviving stocks onto a dry baking sheet and bake in the oven at 60 degrees for two hours. The same procedure can be carried out in the microwave.

Step 4. Freeze. For those who do not want to mess with the oven, we advise you to send food to the freezer for 2-3 days. Prolonged exposure to cold will completely kill the larvae and disinfect the cereals.

Advice! To prevent food from spoiling during freezing, pack them in intact bags (preferably made of paper). Another important condition- the cereal must be dry!

Step 5. "Relocation". What to do if food moths start up in stocks? Pour processed cereals into new or well-washed dry containers. They can be metal, plastic or glass. The main thing is that they are closed with airtight lids.

Shop remedies for kitchen moths

In the store you will find several modern preparations for food moths. The most common are aerosols and traps.

Insecticide sprays

They guarantee 100% results, but require extra care. This method is radical, so when using it, be sure to follow the instructions and dosage - they are indicated on the package. Another important condition is the presence individual means protection. These include a mask, gloves, goggles and a long-sleeved robe. Before starting processing, dishes and food are taken out of the kitchen, and the doors of cabinets and bedside tables are opened. Curtains, tablecloths and other textile accessories should be washed at the highest temperature, and containers for storing cereals should be washed in a soda solution.

The most popular aerosol moth insecticides are:

  • Antimol - suitable for spraying fabrics and kitchen furniture, reliably protects the house from any type of moth within 12 months;
  • Raptor - very effective drug, which allows you to bring out not only adults, but also larvae. The active effect of this aerosol lasts for a year, provided that the furniture is not washed. Otherwise, the treatment will have to be repeated after each wet cleaning;
  • Kombat is a universal remedy that copes with all types of moths. Absolutely safe for people and pets. "Combat" should be sprayed on the joints and walls of furniture, as well as in the corners of the kitchen.

Improper handling of chemical insecticides can result in burns to the mucous membranes and hands, as well as severe food poisoning.


Another effective method from kitchen moths. Unfortunately, they are not able to rid the kitchen of the entire population, but they can significantly reduce the number of adults. The main advantage of such traps is ease of use.

How does the trap work? Her secret is very simple - inside there is a paper tape impregnated with glue with the addition of adult female moth pheromones. Attracted by this smell, insects immediately stick to the tape.

On a note! You may have noticed that moths almost never start in dried peas, buckwheat, prunes and polished rice.

Tips to help get rid of moths in the kitchen:

Folk remedies for cereal moth

What to do if a mole is wound up in cereals? Use simple and time-tested means to deal with it:

  • Garlic. To scare away moth butterflies, place a few slices of this fragrant vegetable in containers with cereals. Do not worry about their taste - garlic will not affect it;
  • Spices. Spread around the perimeter kitchen cabinets or shelves bay leaf, cloves, pepper or oregano. Also toss a couple of them into food storage containers;
  • Walnut. This plant has a specific smell that repels insects. Spreading just a couple of fresh leaves in the corners of cabinets, you will forget about all the troubles associated with moths for a long time;

  • Perfumery is a rather unusual, but effective tool. To prevent the larvae from destroying all supplies, spray the insides of cabinets with any cologne or perfume;
  • Tobacco. Tobacco leaves, laid out on shelves, have a very strong deterrent effect;
  • Natural camphor - break into pieces and scatter around the kitchen. An alternative would be camphor alcohol or essential oil. They are used during cleaning;
  • Oil solution tea tree(2 tablespoons), alcohol (1 tablespoon) and water (1 glass). Mix all the ingredients and use to wash furniture and dishes in which cereals were stored.

Treat kitchen cabinets and containers with cereals with a solution of tea tree oil - the moth does not tolerate this smell

Can you eat contaminated food?

Experts categorically do not recommend using infected cereals for cooking. When you see a butterfly in the kitchen, look for its offspring and destroy it along with the stocks in which it is based. The faster you do this, the large quantity products will survive. Kitchen moth larvae gnaw through packages and eat their contents at an enviable speed, infecting everything around with their waste products, dead individuals and chitinous shells. Once in the human body, such food can cause the development of a serious allergic reaction.

Now you know how to get rid of moths in croup. It remains only to take measures to prevent its reappearance. Our helpful tips will also help you with this.

Tip 1. Be sure to process the purchases brought from the store in the oven or freeze in the freezer.

Tip 2. Do not store cereals in plastic. After processing, pour them into plastic container, cans or glass containers with tight lids.

Tip 3. Keep the room clean - regularly wash the furniture with vinegar or detergent, both outside and inside.

Tip 4. Ventilate the kitchen daily by opening cabinet doors.

Tip 5. Even after getting rid of moths, continue to use the above remedies for prevention.

Tip 6. Check stocks from time to time for lumps, cocoons, glued particles, cobwebs, etc.

Tip 7. Dismantle all the rubble and take out those things and objects that you have not used for a long time. This is an ideal environment for the development of moths and other insects.

Tip 9. Don't buy more food than you can eat in a week.

Tip 10. Do not let the butterflies fly around your apartment - be sure to catch and destroy them. The main harm of adults is the ability to produce new offspring.