Why do we need to conserve water. Start in science

The source of life on planet Earth is water, and the quality of life of the creatures inhabiting the planet depends on its purity in reservoirs. In all living cells, down to the smallest, a certain percentage is occupied by water. In humans, this figure is approximately 70%. So that humanity does not die out, and the Earth does not turn into a desert, that is why it is necessary to conserve water and monitor the purity of water bodies.

Man and water

All people on the planet know the expression “water is life (or the cradle of life)”, but few people think about its meaning. Indeed, everyone knows that a person cannot “last” more than five days without water, and sometimes even less. Why, then, do people treat the planet's water resources so irresponsibly? There are several answers to this question, but the main ones are related to human life:

  • "After us, even a flood" (quote from the Marquise de Pompadour). So say people who, for the sake of personal gain today, do not think about the consequences of their actions for the next generations of people on the planet. For several decades, factories and plants in many countries polluted water bodies with sewage until they began ecological disasters... Only then did the world understand why it is necessary to conserve water. The same applies to agricultural activities of people, when, in pursuit of crops, they introduced chemicals into the soil that poisoned groundwater or fell into water bodies with storm streams.
  • After the seas began to plow not sailing ships and diesel ships, tankers and nuclear powered ships, pollution of the oceans has become a worldwide problem. Their crashes and the release of tons of oil products into the water also became the cause of environmental disasters.
  • The release of thousands of tons of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere has led to the formation of such a phenomenon as which poison both the soil and water bodies.

Why it is necessary to protect and conserve water on the planet, today they begin to explain to children in natural history lessons from grade 3. Perhaps this will help raise a new generation of people who will consciously approach the use of natural resources, because they are not endless.

The uniqueness of water

All people know what water is:

  • As a chemical element, it is a compound of 20% hydrogen and 80% oxygen, but at the same time it is a liquid, although in all respects it should be a gas.
  • It is a transparent liquid, which is the only one of all chemical elements on Earth, which can be in all three forms: gas (in the form of vapor), liquid and solid form (as ice).
  • Water is present in all metabolic processes of living cells.
  • It dissolves many substances.
  • Without it, all life on the planet will die.

This is not the entire list of properties, but it is already becoming clear why you need to conserve water and reservoirs.

Unique structure

The most surprising thing was the cluster structure of water, which was discovered quite recently. Recent studies by scientists have proven that this liquid is able not only to record information, but also to store it for a long time.

This discovery turned all the ideas of scientists about the structure and origin of life on Earth. If earlier the phrase “water is the cradle of life” meant that everything that exists was born in it, which even the Bible confirms (the second day of creation), today it has acquired a different meaning. Any information can be recorded on a water cluster that will rebuild its original structure, which makes it possible to change the state of living matter.

That is why it is necessary to conserve water, because when it enters the human body, it brings the information that is recorded in it into its liquid medium. For example, it can be data about unfavorable conditions where the water source is located. In this case, a person who does not even live near this reservoir, but receives water through long pipelines to his apartment, is able to get sick with the same ailments as the inhabitants of this area.

Main characteristics of water

Schoolchildren receive their first scientific knowledge about this chemical element in the classroom in nature studies in grade 3. “Why Conserve Water” is the topic of the lesson on the basic properties of water. Children get acquainted with this liquid from the point of view of science and learn what role it plays in the development and existence of living matter.

Water is characterized by:

  • Dissolve various substances, so there is no truly pure water in nature. Not so long ago, Russian scientists allocated several grams of such a liquid, but its production took a lot of water and required special equipment. In this environment, not only salts dissolve, but it also contains gold and other precious metals.
  • Depending on the amount of salt, it is divided into layers in the oceans. Since the saltier the water, the heavier it is, which means it is closer to the bottom. Due to this property, each layer of water in the World Ocean has its own percentage of salt, in which certain microorganisms, fish and marine animals "live". It was this feature that allowed evolution on Earth to develop in the direction that we observe today. That is why it is necessary to protect water bodies and conserve water, because if this balance is disturbed, a gradual global extinction of all living things will occur on the planet.

  • Do not dissolve some chemical elements and substances. It was this property that contributed to the origin of life. Fats, insoluble in water, are the basis of cell membranes, which became the first prototype of everything that exists. After all, according to scientists, it was in the ocean that unicellular organisms originated, from which, after millions of years, the animal and plant worlds originated.
  • It turns into ice when frozen, which is not something outstanding, as many chemical substances can take this form. Surprisingly, water is the only liquid that is lighter in weight in solid state than as a solution. Thanks to this feature, people and all other creatures are still alive, because if ice were heavier than water, it would sink to the bottom of reservoirs, destroying everything in them. Homo erectus would hardly have survived the ice ages if it had other properties, because at that time its existence depended largely on water and the fish and animals living in it. Little has changed since then and people still depend on water bodies, which is why you need to conserve and protect water.
  • When heated, turn into steam, which is characteristic of many liquids, but water is modified not only in this way. It also evaporates from the surface of water bodies, and even ice, which makes this process continuous. Thanks to this feature, the water cycle occurs in nature, which students learn about in nature studies lessons. But at the same time little attention is paid to the fact that it is this property of water that creates a favorable climate on the planet. This is why you need to conserve water. This will be discussed briefly below.

Everything in nature is based on the properties of water, and if this balance is disturbed, environmental disasters are inevitable. Children should understand this from school, in grade 3. The project “Why water should be saved”, done by them independently or together with their parents, helps them to realize their part of responsibility for the quality and quantity of water bodies on the planet.

Reasons for water pollution: heavy metals

Everyone knows that without water, all life on Earth will perish, but few people think that there are only 3% of it in the fresh state. And, despite such a scanty amount of it in the total volume of the water surface of the planet, humanity continues (consciously or not) to destroy and reduce this indicator. That is why it is necessary to protect reservoirs, rivers, conserve water, because its shortage is acutely felt in many countries, especially on the African continent.

The main cause of water pollution is industrial enterprises... Heavy metal contamination is what happens when wastewater is discharged not only into water bodies, but also into the soil. They seep through her and, reaching groundwater become potentially dangerous to the human body. History knows a lot of facts when, due to artesian or well water people got sick, mutated or died. When such water was taken for analysis, nickel, mercury, lead, cadmium and other metals were found in it, which form the basis

Radiation contamination

With the development of nuclear production, the contamination of water by its waste has increased. This type of energy harms not only water, but also all life on the planet. This happens in the form:

  • Radiation precipitation. Vapors generated at the sites of nuclear tests subsequently rain down even in regions located hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the source.
  • Wastewater. Nuclear enterprises, getting rid of production wastes, “bury” them in the ground. Even the best concrete sarcophagus is not able to contain enough radiation long time... Today everyone knows about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the consequences and damage that it caused to people and nature.

  • Accidents on nuclear submarines and ships with nuclear fuel engines. The waters of the oceans suffer more from this, but fumes from their surface poisoned by radiation can also harm rivers and lakes located far from the source of infection.

Perhaps it is still difficult for grade 3 schoolchildren to understand how harmful radiation is for all life on the planet, but teachers, asking them as homework writing a story about why you need to conserve water should mention the existing problem.

Inorganic contamination

Every year people go deeper and deeper underground, extracting minerals from its bowels. Waste from mines, oil and gas rigs destroys fresh water inorganic compounds alkalis, metals and salts.

An example is the dire ecological state of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Sewer problems

The consequence of global urbanization has become sewage wastewater, which daily carries food waste, residues of detergents, human waste products and much more into fresh water bodies.

Once in the water, these substances contribute to the development of pathogenic microorganisms that can lead to illness and even death of thousands of people living in cities if they get into their taps. water pipes... History knows examples of epidemics of dysentery and typhoid fever.

Synthetic waste

Nitrates and phosphates, which are used for the production of fertilizers and detergents, getting into aquatic environment, provoke the formation of blue-green algae. It tends not only to grow very quickly, but also to completely destroy all life in the reservoir.

In place of lakes, swamps appear in which there is no life.

Compliance with laws

The problem of pollution of fresh water bodies, as well as sea ​​water, is very relevant today. Most countries enact appropriate conservation laws and water resources at the state level. Subsequently, special bodies monitor compliance with the norms and the environment in the regions. All violators will face fines and litigation. Most European countries, USA, Canada and other high developed countries environmental laws are enforced by the population, since the penalties for non-compliance are quite severe.

The composition of the water where enterprises or farms dump their waste is constantly checked, and if it does not correspond acceptable rate, then the consequence may be the complete elimination and closure of the "culprit" with the payment of all penalties and legal costs.

Water and human health

Scientists have long been talking about the relationship between the physical and mental health of people and the water they drink. It is believed that up to 90% of diseases are related specifically to quality fresh water that a person consumes. This is not surprising, since the human body consists of 70% of water, which is also capable of recording and storing information, like its counterparts in the seas, rivers and lakes.

When a liquid enters the body containing harmful substances, then the internal environment of a person is rebuilt, which causes various diseases up to cell mutations and DNA changes. That is why it is necessary to conserve water, because the quality and duration of human life depends on its composition.

The emergence of deserts

No plant on Earth can survive without water. The exception is seeds, which for many years in a dry environment can retain their properties, but even they require liquid for further growth.

According to archaeologists, once upon a time there were no deserts on the planet, and in place of those that exist today there were seas and lakes. Climate change and human activities have led to their occurrence. The most striking example is the Aral Sea.

School projects

The fact that students from grade 3 are explained what water is on a global scale and how much life on Earth depends on its quality, gives hope that a new generation of people will be able to solve the ecological problem.

The project "Why you need to save water" will broaden the horizons of children and help them to look at the world that surrounds them in a different way.

In this article you will find ten simple rules, the implementation of which will allow you to reduce the water consumption in your household and make a contribution to the conservation of the planet's water resources.

Unfortunately, our civilization inflicts irreparable damage to the ecosystem of our planet every day. Every day, rains and drains carry tons of waste from human activities into the system of water resources of our planet - these are fertilizers from the fields, and products of fuel processing from highways, and the remnants of building materials, and food waste, and biological waste. All this ends up in the same reservoirs from which we take drinking water, where our children swim and where we fish. Negligent use of certain substances can lead to contamination even groundwater... Therefore, it is necessary to follow some rules, there are few of them, but they are extremely important.

Save water in your yard

1. Use of water-permeable coatings will significantly reduce the loss of water from your site. Asphalt and concrete surfaces for paths and parking can be replaced with stone or gravel masonry, special lawn grids and wooden flooring... A variety of plantings and lawns will also be a nice addition and help to conserve water. Planting vegetation below the level of the location of solid surfaces will allow water flows to saturate the soil under these plants, this will make it possible to save on watering.

2. Landscaping of territories by local representatives of flora will help conserve water resources, since these plants are most adapted to the natural climatic conditions of the region and do not need special care... Application natural fertilizers, such as compost, peat, bone meal, stimulates plant growth, conserves moisture in the soil and does not adversely affect environment generally. Moreover, the use of food waste as "food" for the soil - perfect solution for disposal of such garbage.

3. Do not overmoisten the soil. Abundant wetting of steep slopes and narrow soil strips is ineffective. Therefore, reducing the amount of moisture intended for such landscapes will prevent water from flowing onto roads and sidewalks, saving it for more important purposes. For dense soils with a low peat content, systems drip irrigation and microspray. Waterlogging of lawns also entails leaching of the fertile soil layer. Watering plantings before dawn or after sunset will help minimize moisture loss due to evaporation.

Save water in your home

4. Save water! Everywhere they talk about it, but it will not hurt to remind you - TREAT WATER CAREFULLY. Sensory faucets are very convenient (but not very cheap). Use a different intensity of flushing water in the toilet, depending on your needs. Washing and dishwashers instead of "manual" labor, it also reduces water consumption.

5. Store and dispose of household and chemical products “correctly”. Every home contains such "gifts" of the chemical industry as solvents, paints, synthetic oils, glue, Construction Materials... Many of them contain harmful ammonia, formaldehyde, phenol, petroleum distillates. It is best to keep them away from sinks, toilets and drainpipes, thus keeping the water free from contamination. But such hazardous substances may end up in nearby bodies of water. Improper disposal of medicines and personal care products carries the risk of water poisoning from pharmaceutical waste. And then we drink such water. In developed countries, the issue of waste disposal is regulated at the state level. The programs for the return of unwanted products to the manufacturing plant turned out to be very effective. At the enterprise, the received waste is disposed of responsibly and without harm to the environment.

6. Use organic household products. By purchasing household cleaning products that are "friendly" for the environment and water in particular, you not only preserve nature for future generations, but also prevent the harmful effects of chemicals on your health.

your car

7. Disposal of used engine oil. Never pour waste oil into gutters or simply pour it on the ground! One liter of engine oil can spoil about 950,000 liters drinking water! The perfect way To "get rid" of this unnecessary substance and save water is the transfer of "waste" to specialized centers. And so that the working fluids of the car do not spontaneously leak out, it is worth taking care of its timely maintenance.

8. Cultivating the "green" principles of car wash. Oddly enough, professional car washes are less harmful to the environment than a manual car wash with a bucket, rag, and questionable detergent. Of course, only on condition that drain system The "professionals" are organized correctly. This means that the used water circulates in a closed cycle: after passing through the filters and being purified, it returns to the washing system. Otherwise, water flows directly into sewerage systems or spreads over the surface of the earth. The second advantage of professional car washes, as opposed to home “bathing”, is the ability to save half of the water, because you will have to spend half of it! Innovative technologies suggest completely abandoning the "source of life" by using a waterless sink.

In your society

9. "Pollutants": find and neutralize. Of course, nothing happens in this life. Therefore, to preserve water and other natural gifts, it is not enough to adhere to the rules of "etiquette" in relation to the environment. It is necessary to promote and popularize the correct handling of water among your friends and acquaintances. By teaming up with like-minded people, within the framework of the current legislation, it is possible, for example, to control potentially hazardous production facilities for compliance with environmental safety rules.

10. Be socially active. Forewarned is forearmed. It will be extremely useful to learn about ways to protect water resources, current investment programs, rates of fees that are paid for the use of water. You can clean beaches and water areas of debris, plant plants, take samples to determine the quality of water in local waters. In one word - to protect the water.

By using even one of the above recommendations, you can bring significant benefits to yourself and to society. There is hardly a single member of the fauna or flora that pollutes the environment. Humanity, unlike animals and plants, is endowed with outstanding intellectual abilities. However, we sometimes behave "inappropriately" in relation to Mother Nature. But, as they say, "everything ingenious is simple"! Let's just brilliantly PROTECT WATER!

For those who are particularly interested in this topic, we have prepared another material in which this topic was expanded more broadly and focused only on the household. You can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link - "Save water, or how to save water in the household."

In fact, only 1% of the total amount of water a person can use for their own purposes. Most of the water on Earth is salt seas and oceans. This water must not be drunk and is also not suitable for many technical purposes.

Water is our main wealth, it cannot be replaced by anything. After all, the human body is more than half of water. It is impossible for a person to live without water. Water is food, washing and bathing, washing dishes, cleaning the house and outside, watering plants, caring for animals. In addition, water generates energy, is expensive for ships and boats, in production it is used for cooling and washing.

If a person can live without food for more than a month, then without water, only a few days. Animals cannot survive without water for more than ten days, not to mention fish and animals living in water. Plants wither and die without water.

Therefore, it is very important save water, spend it sparingly, do not pollute. For example, to wash a mountain of dishes under a strong stream of water, we spend about 100 liters of water. In an hour, about 1000 liters of water will pour out of an open tap. It takes 150 liters of water to fill a bathtub at least halfway. Contaminated water bodies are very dangerous. Firstly, fish and birds die in them, and secondly, water, evaporating from such a reservoir, forms clouds and falls on the ground with acid rains. Such rains are dangerous for all living things.

Conserve water.

I. Choice of research topic.

Water is one of the main resources on Earth. It is difficult to imagine what would become of our planet if fresh water disappeared. And such a threat exists. All living things suffer from polluted water, it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth, it must be protected!

II. Purpose of the study.

Clarify and expand knowledge about water and its meaning for living beings. To reveal the main factors of water pollution and measures to protect its purity.

III. Research objectives.

Analyze scientific information on the topic;
describe the causes of pollution of water bodies;
get acquainted with the measures to protect water bodies from pollution;
prove the need for a careful attitude to water;
to reveal the attitude of adults and children to this problem.

IV. Object, subject and base of research:

Object of study: ecology;

Subject of study: water is the source of life;

Research base: students, their parents.

V. Research hypothesis.

Man treats water unwisely and pollutes it. Pollution of water bodies is dangerous for all living things. Everyone should conserve water!

Vi. Research methods:

- observation;
- collection of information from books, magazines, newspapers;
- questioning;
- comparison;
- generalization.

Vii. Research results:

Water is the source of life.

Water is part of any living organism. It is enough to crumple a leaf of a plant in your hands and we will find moisture. In the body of animals, water usually accounts for more than half of the mass. There is a lot of water in the human body. Our body is almost 2/3 water. A living organism constantly consumes water and needs to replenish it. Water is drunk by fields and forests. Neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live without it.

With the development of mankind from the most ancient times to the present day, water acquired everything greater importance... At first she carried the first fragile ships on her. Then they began to irrigate fields with it, created the first primitive water pipes. And now it is already rotating the turbines of modern hydroelectric power plants, carrying giant ships ...

Water is in danger!

In recent centuries, in addition to natural pollution natural sources soil particles, rocks, mineral salts etc., there was a problem of municipal, industrial, agricultural water pollution.

Water bodies are polluted by waste water from industrial and municipal enterprises, during the harvesting, processing and alloying of timber, water from mines, mines, oil fields, emissions from water, rail and road transport.

The widespread use of synthetic detergents in everyday life and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in waste water... At a concentration of 1 mg / l, small planktonic organisms such as algae, daphnia, rotifers die. At a concentration of 5 mg / l, fish die. Synthetic detergents they are practically not removed by treatment facilities, so they quite often end up in reservoirs, and from there into tap water.

Water protection.

For the treatment of liquid effluents, special treatment plant systems are used. For the treatment of domestic wastewater, as well as for each enterprise, their own sewage treatment plant.

Water protection is a system of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the consequences of pollution and depletion of water, their rational use... Thanks to special protection measures, the ecological well-being of water resources is ensured. Water legislation regulates not only water consumption, but also the conditions that must be observed in the areas adjacent to water bodies. Drinking water quality standards are contained in a special document - State standard"Drinking water".

Why water should be protected.

Water on Earth is both a lot and a little at the same time. There is a lot of it in the oceans and seas, but sea salt water is not suitable for drinking, as well as for many technical industries Agriculture... Fresh water is significantly less and a third of the world's population is experiencing an acute shortage of it. The limited supply of fresh water is further diminished by pollution.

Our research.

Having studied the relevant literature on this issue, having conducted a practical lesson “How to treat polluted water”, as well as having learned about water treatment facilities in our city (water supply and sewerage treatment facilities of the Astrakhan municipal unitary enterprise “Vodokanal”), we conducted an interview game among relatives. After analyzing the answers of our relatives, we compiled questionnaires with similar questions in order to find out the attitude of other students in our classes and their parents to this problem.

The survey involved 28 people: 16 children and 12 adults.


Is water pollution dangerous for humans?

Do you know about water treatment plants in our city?

Do you have your own water treatment system in your family?

Should everyone conserve water?




Do not know





Do not know



Do not know



From the results of the table, we concluded that adults and most students are aware of the danger of water pollution for human life and the need to respect the main wealth of the Earth. Most families have own systems water purification. But not all survey participants know about the water treatment facilities in our city.

In addition to the questionnaire, we developed a class hour on the topic: “Why water should be saved”, which was held in grades 2 "a" and 3 "a", where we shared with the students the results of our research, talked about what measures are used to protect and purify water in our city, than we - children can help in solving this problem.

Class hour "Why do you need to save water?"


to supplement children's ideas about the role of water for humans, to reveal the main factors of its pollution; broaden the general horizons of children; to form an attentive and careful attitude to the surrounding nature.

Stroke class hour

Organizing time.

Communication of the topic and goals of the class hour.


Summing up the results of the design and research work on the topic “Save water! ”, Today we are having a class hour on the topic“ Why should water be conserved? ”

Introduction to the topic.

Student. If you look at the globe, there is most of all blue paint on it. Water is depicted in blue. Water is one of the most important substances for humans. No one can do without it and never, and there is nothing to replace it with.


The human body, including blood, brain, is more than half water. And some plants contain even more of it. It is enough to pick and crush a leaf of the plant in your hands to make sure of this.


Water is an important substance for the body: for 1 kg of a cow's body - 600 g of water, for a duck - 700 g of water, for a jellyfish per 100 g of a body - 99 g of water. Thus, we see that water is a part of any organism.


The planets orbiting the sun have their own colors. Venus is bright white. This is the color of the enveloping clouds. Mars is reddish. This is the color of the Martian sands. Neptune is bluish, the color of its gases. And our Earth in images from space looks blue. This is the color of its oceans and seas. Do you know any other bodies of water? We will now check it out by guessing riddles and solving the crossword puzzle "Pond (artificial and natural)"



6. In the middle of the field lies a mirror - the glass is blue, the frame is green.

Who runs along the mountain slopes
Chatters to himself
And in the dense green grass
Hiding a blue ponytail?

Young mountain ash are looking at him,
Trying on their colored scarves.
Young birch trees are looking at him,
Straightening their hair in front of him.
Both the month and the stars - everything is reflected in it.
What is this mirror called?

9. An artificial channel filled with water.

10. Part of the body of water protruding into the land.


Not water and not dry -
You can't go on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet.

3. Water space, washing the mainland or located between the continents.

4. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking.

Trembles a little in the breeze
Wide ribbon:
The narrow tip is in the fontanelle,
And wide - in the sea.

6. A narrow body of water separating land areas and connecting adjacent water basins or parts of them.



6. Pond. 7. Stream. 8. Lake. 9. Channel. 10. Bay.


1. Swamp. 3. Ocean. 4. The sea. 5. River. 6. The strait.

The highlighted cells contain the word WATER.


Have you heard of water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And the water tap.
Like an icicle freezes
Creeps into the forest with fog,
It is called a glacier in the mountains,
Curls like a silvery river.
We don't notice her.
We are used to the fact that water is
Our companion is always.


The spring has dried up, the stream has weakened,
And we are from the tap - drip, drip, drip ...
Rivers and seas grow shallow
Do not waste water in vain, in vain, in vain ...
And then a few years will pass
And there is no water - no, no, no ...


You all know Pushkin's tale of how an old man caught goldfish... How is this happening today?

A scene is played out.


Denis went to the river to fish. Once he threw his fishing rod into the river - he caught a bottle of juice. The second time he dropped the line - he caught out a torn shoe. For the third time, I threw the line and came across a small fish. Denis felt sorry for the fish, he decided to let her go into the river - let him grow up! And suddenly the fish spoke in a human voice.


Don't let me go back into the river! Better throw it into the aquarium with clean water... Mochenka no longer lives in the river!


Why didn't the fish want to stay in the water? After all, water is her home!


The water in the river must have been dirty.


How does water pollution happen? What danger threatens fish and other inhabitants of water bodies? Why?


There is less and less clean water on Earth. Plants and factories, power plants consume a lot of water and at the same time pollute it with industrial waste.

Fish, plants, animals - all living things perish in such water. Dirty waters poison the air and cause disease. But is there a limit to water pollution? After all, this cannot go on indefinitely.

To conserve water means to conserve life, health, and the beauty of the surrounding world.

Research results.


In our city, too, not everything is safe with the cleanliness of the reservoirs. Industrial waste is dumped into the Volga River. Debris along the banks of the river gets into the water and clogs it. Car washing near a river contributes to pollution.

Acquaintance with the results and conclusions of the survey.

Listening to students' reports on the research topic.

View environmental signs showing how to conserve water.


Teacher.Now let's take stock of our class hour and formulate the rules of careful attitude to water.


    Pay attention to whether the water from the faucet is leaking in vain at home, at school. If you notice this, turn off the tap.

    It happens that we waste a lot of water uselessly without noticing it. For example, you wash your hands, wash your face under a strong stream. Turn off the tap a little. This will not interfere with washing, and less water will leak.

    Learn to brush your teeth without wasting water. To do this, do not leave the tap open while brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth. Pour water into a glass immediately and turn off the tap. It is very convenient to rinse your mouth out of a glass. And how much water will you save!

    You want to chill lemonade and keep the bottle under a cold stream. Wouldn't it be better to put the lemonade in the refrigerator and save the water?

    If water leaks due to a malfunction of a tap or a water pump, you must immediately inform an adult.

    Do not litter on the banks of rivers, do not wash cars in them.


Knowing and following the water conservation rules will help you save water.


In the course of the research, we expanded our knowledge about water, got acquainted with the causes of pollution of water bodies and measures for their protection, learned how to treat water carefully and save it.

Water is life. The most ancient civilizations arose near the water, in the valleys of great rivers: the water “left” - cities and villages were emptied.

We will not keep the tap open unnecessarily, we will not pollute the reservoirs with garbage, we will protect and save every drop of water!

“Water must be protected,” parents and teachers say, at home and at school. They write about it in books and print in newspapers. And this lesson looks very strange. Why take care of it, if there is so much of it around?

At home he turned off the taps - it flows, with good pressure, with a wide stream. If you want it cold, you want it hot. Prepare food, bathe, wash as much as you like. On the street he got smeared playing football - a column nearby. I pressed the lever - water flows like a river, wash, splash as much as you like. And there are so many lakes, rivers, ponds in the city and outside the city. And the sea! If you go to the sea in the summer, you generally cease to understand why it should be so protected, this water, if its huge volumes, wherever you look.

Now let's calculate more specifically. Each person drinks about one and a half to two liters of water daily. Yes, plus soup, and even tea, coffee, all sorts of compotes. It's just inside. Hundreds of liters per day are spent on washing, bathing, and other needs of each of the residents apartment building... And in the village there are still cows and sheep to drink, and water the garden every evening in hot weather. Water also moves the blades of electric turbines, generating energy for us, and also carries huge ships on its waves. And how much water is used in any production! For cooling, moisturizing, rinsing. Tons, tens of tons, hundreds of thousands of tons daily.

Now let's look at our planet. No, not to the Universe - it is just infinite. And the planet, the Earth? She has north and south extreme points, western and eastern. That is, it is limited in size, whatever one may say. And, consequently, its Natural resources... Imagine for a minute: the water might run out! Simultaneously, on the entire planet. That is, absolutely, absolutely. You don't go to your neighbors to get water into the kettle, you won't wash yourself at the water heater, and you won't be given or sold for any riches in the world. Have you presented? And How? Not really, right? Well, you can wash and wait. And cook the soup? It's simple - to take a sip of fresh clean water, coming from a workout or returning home from a hot street. Meanwhile, within one day, that is, twenty-four hours, humanity uses - just think for a minute - seven billion tons of water! It's even scary to imagine such a number, let alone say goodbye to him forever.

But what can I say - on our planet, there are already settlements, countries and even whole parts of the continents where people suffer from a lack of water. And rest assured: there they do not waste it so thoughtlessly, cherish every drop and very accurately calculate how much and when they will spend it. In order not to have to quickly count every drop of water for all mankind on Earth, it is imperative to save water. Close the taps as soon as you stop using water, use it sparingly for any needs. And, of course, try not to litter any of the reservoirs, be it a river, lake or pond - each of us will have to drink from the same one sometime.