The roof is made of metal profiles. Metal profile roof installation technology: detailed step-by-step instruction

In the distant 1820, inventing the method of profiling a metal sheet, the English engineer Henry Palmer could hardly have imagined how popular the corrugated iron invented by him would become, 200 years later. Today's variety of products under the name of corrugated board and its areas of application in large and small construction is impressive. It is difficult to imagine where a metal profile is not used - from fences to coatings, but, nevertheless, the traditional and most common application is roofing. In the article we will consider a simple operation for using a metal profile for a roof.


The metal profile is made of steel sheets, the surface of which is galvanized and additionally treated with special polymers. The required stiffness of the workpieces can be achieved due to the profile of the corresponding height and configuration, which is formed after their rolling.

Profiled sheeting is much more reliable in terms of rigidity than similar roofing materials, and is able to resist significant wind and snow loads. The presence of additional stiffening ribs at a given height of the profile pattern provides it with indisputable advantages when operating on slopes with a reduced angle of inclination of the roof plane.

The technique of laying the profiled sheet on the roof of the building is not particularly difficult. The only requirement is knowledge of the basic techniques and some subtleties of working with this material.

To equip a roof from a metal profile, you must have an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe installation specifics metal coating, on how to fix it depending on the type and configuration of the slopes to be covered.

Installation of corrugated board assumes compliance with certain laying schemes, the main of which will be discussed below.

Laying methods

On the roof of the building, a sheathing is erected, which plays the role of a supporting base for the flooring. Further actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • to align the corrugated board along the edge of the cut, a cord is pulled along the eaves;
  • the sheets are laid in the direction from the ridge to the bottom of the crate (overhang), the screwing points of the self-tapping screws must fall on every second wave of the profile. In the area of ​​the end cut, the profile is fixed along the profile recess with fixation in each of the horizontal bars;
  • the middle of the blanks is fixed on the formwork beams using self-tapping screws in a checkerboard pattern. For education reliable fastening for each sq. meter of the covered area should have at least 4-5 screws.

Installation of roofing for roofs with elongated slopes is carried out by building up sheets laid with an overlap of about 20 cm. They are fixed on the lathing with the simultaneous fastening of overlapping waves.

Multi-row laying of profiled sheet flooring is carried out in two different ways, each of which is applied in certain conditions:

  • Block method - something like finished block taken as the main element roof structure... Nearby, with an overlap, the same prepared blocks are fixed, up to covering the entire roof . This method is usually used for arranging a roof equipped with a drainage (drainage) groove.
  • The second method consists in composing blocks of 3 sheets, stacked according to the "two in a row plus one on top" scheme, followed by building them up in a checkerboard pattern (laying and fastening adjacent waves "overlapping"). This method is suitable for slopes that are not equipped with a drainage groove, since the first one is completely overlapped by subsequent rows.

Note! The method of installation of a metal profile coating also depends on the angle of inclination of the roof relative to the horizon.

With an inclination of less than 14 degrees, laying with an overlap should not be less than 20 cm.With an increase in the angle to 16-28 degrees, it is allowed to reduce it to 15-18 cm.

If the slope exceeds 30 degrees, the overlap is allowed no more than 10-15 cm. If the roof is almost flat (with an angle of less than 12 degrees), you need to worry about additional protection of the horizontal and vertical joints of the corrugated board with silicone sealant.

Mounting method

Fastening to a pre-prepared crate made of wooden beams is the most common way of laying a metal profile. Point fixation with this installation is carried out with special self-tapping screws for the roof. These screws have a drill-shaped tip at the end for free screwing into the flooring material. Self-tapping screws are equipped with a soft polymer gasket that protects the hole formed when screwing in from rain and snow.

Note! For the roof, self-tapping screws are usually used no longer than 35-50 mm; for the ridge, fasteners with a length of at least 80 mm are required.

Profiled metal is a rather slippery material, so use special footwear and other precautions associated with high-altitude installation work.


How to cover the roof with a metal profile? The technology by which the profiled sheet is laid on the roof is not very complicated. The only thing that is required for this is to know necessary features and rules for working with this material. The corrugated board is not difficult to fix on your own, regardless of what kind and configuration of the roof.

A roof made of metal profiles with their own hands, as already noted, is mounted in compliance with necessary technology and basic rules. Let's take a look at them.

First you need to make a high-quality crate, which will be distinguished by its strength and reliability, and on which it will fit.

Your attention! If the roof is gable, then the installation of the roof begins from the end, if hip - then from the center of the hip. You also need to pull the cord along the eaves, along which the metal profile will be aligned. By the way, it is better not to level the flooring along the end of the ramp.

The fastening of the metal profile on the roof should take place in the area of ​​the ridge to the bottom of the sheathing for every second wave. If the fastening takes place at the end edge, then the fastening is carried out along the bottom of the profile into each bar located horizontally.

After that, the middle must be fixed with self-tapping screws in a checkerboard pattern. For reliable fastening, it is necessary to screw 4-5 self-tapping screws into one square meter.

It should be noted that the metal profile is attached only to the part of the wave located below, in contrast to slate.

A profile sheet for a roof with long slopes is made using the method of building up sheets that have an overlap of about 20 cm. The sheets are fastened simultaneously by nailing to the crate for each wave.

There are two methods that are most often used in order to make a multi-row installation of profiled sheet flooring:

  • First you need to make a block of four professional sheets. To do this, you need to lay the first sheet on the bottom row. Another sheet is attached to it from above, which will be the first in the second row. Another sheet is fixed on the bottom row, the same is done in the top row. Thus, there are four sheets on the roof. Then next to it, using an overlap, another block of the same is installed and so on until the entire installation is completed. This method is most often used for a metal profile roofing device that has a drain or drainage groove.
  • How to do it in another way? A block is arranged, consisting of three sheets, which are stacked as follows: the first row is made of two sheets, which are stacked and connected to each other. Then another sheet is attached to them, which is the first in the second row. After that, the block is aligned parallel to the cornice and fixed. Next to it, another block is attached with an overlap and so on until the very end. This method is used for fixing profiled sheets that do not have a drainage groove, since all sheets in the first row are covered with sheets of the next row.

Roof slope

How to cover the roof with a metal profile

When assembling roofs from a profiled sheet, you need to know the answer not only to the question of how to cover the roof with a metal profile, but also what angle of inclination the roof has.

In the event that the roof has a slope of less than 14 degrees, then adjacent sheets should be laid with an overlap of at least 20 cm.When the angle is increased to 15-30 degrees, the overlap value can be reduced to 15-20 cm.

If the slope of the roof made of corrugated board exceeds 30 degrees with your own hands, it is allowed to overlap 10-15 cm. If at all you have flat roof, the angle of inclination of which is less than 12 cm, then additional sealing of horizontal and vertical overlaps with silicone sealant will be required.

Directly mount

Roof covering with metal profiles

It is best to fasten the profiled sheets using special roofing screws to structures made of wood. At the end of such self-tapping screws, there is a drill along with a polymer gasket. It is desirable that the self-tapping screw has a size of 4.8 x 35 mm.

In order to secure the ridge, self-tapping screws with a length of 80 mm will be needed. When mounting such sheets, one should not forget to perform steam and waterproofing, as well as provide a gap so that ventilation of the space located under the roof can be carried out.

It is worth noting that with constant heavy rainfall, damage to the roof can occur if it was installed incorrectly initially. To avoid this and not engage in constant repairs, you need to immediately answer the question of how to properly cover the roof with a metal profile.

Let's talk about why the metal profile is used for the roof. This material is made from steel sheets that are coated with polymer and galvanized coatings for protection.

The profiles acquire the required stiffness after rolling, carried out at different heights and configuration. It is noted that the corrugated board is much stronger than analog wall materials.

The material is able to resist different loads due to the presence of additional stiffeners. The profile height can be higher than 20 mm. In order for the work to be done correctly and quickly, you need to do a few points.

So, how to cover the roof with a metal profile? Several rules.

  • The slope of the roof has already been mentioned earlier. It must be measured very carefully, since it will depend on how strong the structure will be, as well as whether there will be an unpleasant outcome.
  • Then you need to calculate how many sheets you need. You also need to decide if you need separate plates. Only after everything is taken into account, it will be possible to start preparing the material for work.
  • After that, you need to pick up the sheets of the desired length. It is advisable that they are of the same length as the slope so that you do not have to carry out unnecessary work. It should be remembered that the length of the flooring should be 4 cm longer than the length of the eaves.
  • Before starting the installation, you need to check how flat the roof is. After that, the roof is covered with a layer of waterproofing, which will help the roof to serve without leaks for a long time.
  • The next stage is to lay out the slats, thanks to which air circulation will be achieved between the waterproofing and the corrugated board. It will also help protect the material from decay and mold.

It is worth noting that roof profile iron is a very slippery material, so you need to work with it very carefully at a height.

Now you shouldn't have any questions about how to cover the roof. The main thing to remember is that in this matter you need to think over each step in advance and complete all of the above points.

Otherwise, you will have to repair the roof quite often or fork out for a new roof.

If you need to improve the roof, protecting the house from influences external environment, then the most reliable option will be a metal profile.

The shape of the roof that needs to be covered can be single and gable, in turn pitched roof can be flat or have a certain slope.

The metal profile in the walls of the plant can be coated with polymers or enamels, but the material can only be galvanized, devoid of an additional protective layer. The metal profile can have different markings that determine its purpose and strength. Usually, the lineup starts with a sheet of grade C-8 and ends with N-158, but the grade may be higher.

The marking may have additional indices indicating parameters, including the wave step or the profile shape.

If you know how to correctly lay the material, a specific profile for installation can be selected in accordance with the future roof structure. So, you need to adhere to the rule: a larger angle of inclination of the roof implies the use of a lower grade of material. For sheets of grades in the range of values ​​from С-8 to С-25 - the roof angle should not be less than 15 °.

Before covering the roof with a metal profile, you need to perform a crate, the step between the beams of which will depend on the brand of sheets and the design load of the material. The higher they are, the less often the beams should be laid.

For example, before laying sheets of grade C-8, a crate should be installed, which assumes a step between the beams equal to 50 cm, but when mounting sheets of grade N-153 and higher, the beams should be laid with a step of 90 cm.

Each brand of metal profile is represented by a fairly wide range of sizes. And according to the installation rules, it is recommended to select such a length of material so that it can completely cover the slope, including the overhang of the roof.

Tools and materials

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • metal profile;
  • waterproofing.

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Features of the installation work

After completing all the necessary calculations, you can begin the installation process. In this case, you need to follow the stacking order. First of all, along the logs, you should equip the roof lathing from boards, which should have a cross-section equal to 100x32 mm, you can use special steel purlins that have the same strength. The lags should protrude 300 mm beyond the slab overlaps or cutoffs, the ends of the lags must be sewn up using a special strip for cornices. The last sheathing board should be installed along the edge of the log.

For various curly elements, including gutters, valleys and snow pads, you should additionally install boards, the shape of which should repeat the shape of the named elements. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the width of the boards allows the metal profile to go on them above the fittings by at least 25 mm. To the latter, the end board should be strengthened by doing this from the side of the side walls.

  1. Vapor barrier film.
  2. Thermal insulation.
  3. Waterproofing with a slight slope of the roof.
  4. Profile.

The laying of the vapor barrier cannot be neglected, as it will prevent the penetration of moisture from the premises into the insulation.

The technology of laying the metal profile involves the installation of a vapor barrier on the crate, while taking into account that the material must be laid taking into account a slight sagging, which will provide additional ventilation.

Sheets or roll materials should be stacked extremely tightly. Installation must be done perpendicular to the direction of the metal profile. Next, you can lay a waterproofing film, which can be replaced bituminous mastic or other similar material.

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Fastening the metal profile on the roof

When working at heights, use straps and safety cables. Depending on the slope of the roof, a decision should be made on the need to install protective barriers. Moving on the roof can be carried out only in soft non-slip shoes, which should be devoid of elements that can cause any damage to the upper protective coating of the covering material. If the coating was nevertheless damaged, the defects should be eliminated using a special compound.

When performing installation, it is important to know how to mount the metal profile. The sheets should be fixed with self-tapping screws, in some cases the craftsmen use nails, but the latter option involves the use of a base under the cap in the form of a polymer or rubber gasket.

If you still have to cut the covering that is laid on the roof, you should use a hacksaw for metal, which has fine teeth. The high-speed carbide circular saw will do the job perfectly. Useful in the work, if you can find them in the arsenal, and tin scissors, and an electric cutter. It is important to remember that when cutting sheets, you should exclude the use of abrasive tools, including a grinder. When using it, high temperatures leading to overheating of steel, which makes it brittle and unstable to corrosion processes. In addition, the destruction of zinc occurs protective coating and an additional layer of insulation applied to it. All this together can reduce the service life of the metal profile roof several times.

Begin laying the material from the bottom corner of the end. If it is necessary to lay several rows of the metal profile, you need to mount the bottom row, leaving an indent from the eaves strip, which is 35 mm. The sheet is fixed to the last plank at the very edge along the bottom of every 2nd wave. On the sides of the house, end boards should be mounted using a wind angle, which can be done after the end row or sheet is finally fixed. Here, the installation of the profile can be carried out in transverse or longitudinal rows.

The sheets on the roof should be laid with an overlap, which should be done in the following way: in the vertical direction, the overlap of the lower top sheet should be at least 200 mm. In the horizontal direction - the upper sheet should be brought to the lower one by the wavelength, which is true when using a sealant. If no spacer is used, the overlap should be a couple of wavelengths.

If the roof has a slope that exceeds 16 °, the seal can be omitted, which is true even when approaching the wavelength.

Strengthening the metal profile on the roof in those places where the sheets are mounted from the edge, starting from the central part of the free side of the edge, can be done using only one self-tapping screw. Then you can start laying adjacent sheets.

After the stacking of adjacent sheets is completed, you can proceed to fixing the first sheet. To do this, the longitudinal connection should be made along the crest of the wave, observing the step, which should be 500 mm, the vertical joints should be reinforced in each day of the wave.

Fixing the sheet to the crate should be carried out to the bottom of the wave using self-tapping screws. 5 self-tapping screws must be used for 1 m² of the roof.

After fixing the main sheet of the coating, you can proceed to the installation of the ridge and end strips. Ridge strips it is not necessary to seal, and the profile relief must have grooves, due to which ventilation of the space under the roof will be provided.

As the final stage of roofing, the arrangement of abutments to the surface of the walls that belong to adjacent buildings will act. To do this, they must be higher than the roof itself. It is necessary to lay the metal profile so that the chimneys and other elements of the roof look aesthetically pleasing.

A metal profile or corrugated board is a modern durable material that is made of high quality galvanized steel. Raw materials are produced in the form of sheets. The huge popularity of the material is explained by its affordable cost, low weight, and simple assembly.

V modern construction metal sheets are used very often. In this article, we will look at how to cover the roof with a metal profile with our own hands. We will also describe this important point as a technology for the correct cutting of roofing material and methods of fixing profiled sheets.

The choice of material for installation

The first thing that needs to be required from the seller of the metal profile is the installation instructions. If this document is not available, then the material is not certified and it is not recommended to buy it. In the instructions for different types there are many common points, but there are also a number of features that the manufacturer must take into account in the document.

When choosing the size of the sheets, it is necessary to follow the following rule: the length overlapping the roof from the ridge to the eaves + 45-55 mm (overhang). Under the condition of such calculations, transverse joints will not form. If the distance between the ridge and the eaves is large (1 strip will not be enough to cover it), then the sheets of the metal profile are chosen of such dimensions that will allow you to conveniently transport the raw material and lift it to the roof.

Important: when choosing the size of the metal profile sheets, the size of the overlap is taken into account. The latter is determined by the angle of inclination of the roof of the house.

Sheathing device for metal profiles

When installing a metal profile on the roof, a lathing device is required. The structure can be assembled either from wooden beam(necessarily impregnated with antiseptics) or from a metal profile (wall thickness at least 2 mm).

Important: these restrictions for the metal profile are mandatory. If the thickness is less than indicated, you will need to drill a hole for each roofing screw. A drill on roofing screws is designed for drilling metal with a thickness of no more than 2 mm.

The step of the lathing is calculated depending on bearing capacity metal profile. For convenience, you can use the table below.

Corrugated board

Roof inclination angle, deg.

Sheet thickness, mm

Sheathing step


not less than 15 °

Solid crate


up to 15 °

more than 15 °

0,5... 0,7

0,5... 0,7

Solid crate

Up to 500 mm


up to 15 °

more than 15 °

0,5... 0,7

0,5... 0,7

Up to 300 mm

Up to 650 mm


up to 15 °

more than 15 °

0,5... 0,7

0,5... 0,7

Up to 500 mm

Up to 1000 mm


not less than 8 °

0,7, 0,8, 0,9

Up to 3000 mm


not less than 8 °

0,7, 0,8, 0,9

Up to 4000 mm

Even with a professional lathing device, temperature differences in the inner layers of the metal profile for the roof will cause condensation to form in the places where the sheets are fixed. This can corrode the coating. In addition, if moisture gets on roof structure the risk of its rapid destruction will also increase.

The installation of a ventilation gap and a vapor permeation membrane will help protect the roof from condensation. The membrane is laid on the rafters and fixed with wooden strips (the thickness of which should not exceed 30 mm). The lathing is installed over these strips. The gap formed by the wooden planks will provide the necessary ventilation and condensation will not form inside the profiled sheet. In addition, the material will not heat up from internal warmth buildings, and this will ensure uniform melting of snow on the roofs.

How to cut metal profiles

When installing metal sheets, it is very important to cut them correctly. Violation of technology will lead to deterioration of the upper polymer layer. For cutting it is necessary to use notching shears and a reciprocating saw (for cross-cutting).

Discs are also suitable for work, but with carbide teeth. You can use metal scissors to cut along the sheet, but if you need to cut across, such a tool will not work. There is a risk of deforming the metal profile, broken sheets, even if they are aligned, are difficult to install.

Important: you cannot use an abrasive tool for cutting, for example, a grinder. When working with such tools, high temperatures are formed, which contribute to the rapid burnout of metal sheets and the formation of corrosion. Also, experts do not recommend using welders... The latter not only destroy the outer polymer layer, but also damage the structure of the sheet.

Important: only the tool recommended above can be used for cutting, even if this will lead to an increase in the time spent on mounting the metal profile on the roof. Otherwise, deformation of the roofing material cannot be avoided.

Installation of a metal profile

Before proceeding with the assembly of the roof from the metal profile, it is necessary to lift the sheets to the place of work. For this, lags are used. The climb must be attended by at least 3 people.

Important: lifting is carried out one sheet at a time and only in calm weather!

The laying of the metal profile begins from the end of the house. If the installation of sheets on a roof with a drainage groove is carried out, then the next sheet must be laid so that it overlaps the groove of the previous sheet.

The sheets are fixed strictly perpendicular to the cornice. Special attention must be given to the first sheet. From him correct installation the quality of further work depends.

If laying is carried out on gable roof, then the installation starts from the end located on the right or left. For hip roofs styling starts from the middle of the hip.

Important: to control the horizontal alignment of the slopes, it is necessary to pull the cord along the eaves. It will help align the bottom edges of the sheets, if necessary.

Do-it-yourself installation of metal profile sheets on the roof of a private house:

    The first fastening of the first sheet is carried out temporarily. Install it in the center near ridge run roofs.

    The next sheet is stacked and aligned in relation to the first. Its fastening is also carried out with self-tapping screws temporarily.

Important: self-tapping screws measuring 4.8 × 19 mm are used for fixing, they are installed only on top of the ox at a distance of 50 cm.

    After laying 3-4 sheets, they are carefully leveled and only then the finishing fastening is carried out.

    In the ridge part and near the overhang, the metal profile sheets are attached to the parts of the sheathing through the groove of the wave with self-tapping screws 4.8 × 38 mm (installed in every second wave). From the end part of the sheet, fixation is carried out along the bottom of the sheet into each element of the sheathing. In the center of the metal profile, fastening is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at the rate of 5-9 self-tapping screws per 1 sq. m.

Skate and abutment decoration

In the places of the longitudinal abutment of the metal profile to the wall, it is necessary to use an angle bar with obtuse angle and shelf widths 150 and 200, self-tapping screws and silicone-based sealant. The corner strip must be laid with an overlap (100-150 mm) in increments of 150 to 300 mm.

In places of transverse abutment to the roof wall, it is necessary to use a corner strip with acute angle(shelf width 150 and 200), construction screws and sealant. As in the first case, a strip is laid with an overlap of 100 to 150 mm with an attachment pitch of 150 to 300 mm.

The design of the ridge of the metal profile is made with an overlap (150-200 mm). The first fastening of the ridge is made from the side against the wind (typical for this area).

Important: if the north wind prevails in the city, then the fastening is carried out from the south side.

For fixing, ridge screws with EPDM gaskets are used. If the roof angle is small, then experts recommend using gaskets. But in this case, between sealing gaskets and the skate must be installed ventilation gap.


There are a huge variety of different products on the market today. roofing materials, which differ both in price category and in quality of performance. However, most buyers prefer to choose a roofing future material that is different good quality performance, durability and availability. And all these criteria are met by metal corrugated board. In our article, we will take a closer look at installation of a metal profile on the roof.

1. Preparation of tools and roofing material.

2. Types of corrugated board.

3. Laying of metal profile sheets.

4. Fastening metal profile sheets.

1. Preparing tools and materials for mounting a metal profile on the roof with your own hands

For this it is necessary to take into account the following aspects. After measuring and purchasing the corrugated board, it must be carefully transported, it must be carried strictly vertically, bends must absolutely not be allowed. It is imperative to lift all the sheets of corrugated board to the roof only one at a time directly along the logs, which are most correct to install from the ground to the edge of the roof.

Installation tools:

  • Electric scissors or you can use a hacksaw for metal;
  • Electric screwdriver;
  • Special self-tapping screws;

2. Types of metal profile corrugated board

It all depends on the operating conditions, available finances.

There are only three markings of the professional sheet НС, Н and С.

Determine the angle of inclination of the roof

First of all, calculate the slope of the roof, which will determine the overlap of future sheets.

At an angle of inclination of 12 to 15 degrees, the overlap should be at least 20 cm.

At an angle of inclination from 16 to 30 degrees, an overlap is made of 15-20 cm.

At an angle of inclination over 30 degrees, the overlap should be 10-15 cm.

3. Laying and installation of sheets.

First of all, a layer of waterproofing is laid, which will prevent moisture from entering the insulation material, rafters or crate. The hydro-barrier film is mounted on the rafters strictly horizontally, and it is necessary to start from the eaves of the roof. Fastening is carried out using special staples with an overlap of 15 cm. For ventilation, it is better to make a gap of 2-3 cm between the insulation and the hydro-barrier.

On the inside of the waterproofing, it is necessary to lay heat-insulating sheets, and then a vapor barrier. Then everything is fastened with ventilation slats.

After that, we proceed to installation on the crate directly with the corrugated board, which will allow the structure to be strong and reliable. The necessary installation requirements are provided by the material manufacturer. Following which, you will protect your roof from condensation, heat loss or ventilation problems.

Having laid the waterproofing, we go to the crate. It is best to take a block with a size of 5 x 5 cm, 3 x 10 cm or 3x7 cm.It is best to keep the rafter pitch from 90 to 120 cm.

Now we proceed to the installation of a special end board directly above the crate. The height of the end plate must match the height of the profile. Next, we proceed to the installation of the flooring from the boards, which we make under the planks of the installed gutter. The overlap should be kept approximately 20 cm.

4. Fastening metal profile sheets to the roof.

Now you need to start installing our profile from the edge of the roof. Sheets must be fixed on wooden bars with an overlap and attached with self-tapping screws with protective rubber seals.