Do-it-yourself corrugated board installation. How to cover the roof with a profiled sheet with your own hands

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The construction of a roof from corrugated board is considered the most affordable and simple method for arranging roofs in a private house. This building material is lightweight, resistant to corrosion and any man can handle its installation without hiring hired workers for construction. Our tips will help you make a roof from a profiled sheet with your own hands and save money.

Preparing for installation

Prepare the following materials and tools before starting work:

  • tape measure, level and knife;
  • drill, screwdriver, hammer;
  • construction stapler, metal scissors;
  • roofing screws measuring 4.8 × 35, 4.8 × 60 or 4.8 × 80 m;
  • wooden bars for the lathing;
  • profiled sheets.

Think about how you will be served sheets on the roof. To do this, you can use logs, winches or blocks. To avoid accidents, use special belts and belts and work in non-slip shoes.

In order for a roof made of corrugated board with your own hands to turn out to be durable and reliable, when choosing a brand of material, take into account the peculiarities of the climate of your area. Ideal for roofs of private houses in all areas - professional flooring grades НС44 and НС35.

Manufacturing of lathing and vapor barrier

1. Manufacturing of lathing. For the lathing, take wooden blocks, they are lighter than metal ones and are more convenient to mount. You can take boards made of spruce, pine, oak or alder. First, treat them with an antiseptic so that there is no fungus on the roof and a refractory compound. At this stage of the construction of a roof made of corrugated board, it is advisable to mount special membranes required for vapor barrier. The lathing is mounted on the rafter system.

Consider the following points when installing the battens:

  • first reinforce the first plank along the eaves, which should be thicker than the rest. Mount the board on special slats pre-nailed to the rafter legs. The slats run perpendicularly and they are needed to provide the ventilation gap required for the profiled sheet. Then continue fixing the rest of the boards. It is convenient to start fastening from the bottom, gradually rising to the top;
  • Assemble the lathing structure using nails or self-tapping screws. Dowel-nails are used to fasten the boards to concrete;
  • select the step between the bars depending on the angle of the roof slope and the size of the profile. Usually the step is 50-100 cm.

2. Vapor barrier. The vapor barrier prevents moisture from accumulating under the roof. This is a special film with membranes that release steam and prevent moisture from leaking out. Lay the foil before starting the installation of the corrugated roof roof. Lay the vapor barrier sheets with an overlap, they are attached with special screws.

Features of laying the profiled sheet on the roof

Roofs for houses are pitched and gable. A pitched roof made of corrugated board will require less material and its design is much simpler. Begin fastening sheets to any roof from the bottom of the roof slope.

Highlights of work:

  • all sheets are attached to a wooden crate with roofing screws. Laying starts from the edge. If something is not clear, we recommend that you look at the photo and video of the installation of the roof, which you will find in our article;
  • screw the self-tapping screws strictly perpendicular to the plane of the roof, distortions are unacceptable. Self-tapping screws are mounted in the bottom of the sheet wave. Each sheet will require 7-8 self-tapping screws, the installation of profiled sheets is overlapped. The amount of overlap of adjoining sheets must be at least one wave;
  • first, it is advisable to fix the profiled sheets with one self-tapping screw so that they can be corrected if it does not work out exactly. If the row is even, then securely fasten all the sheets along the crest of the wave. The sides are sewn up with a special sheet after the entire row has been laid.

Recently, such material as corrugated board is gaining more and more popularity in construction. This article will tell you about what corrugated board is, which brand is better to choose, as well as how to lay the corrugated board with your own hands and mount it on the roof.

Decking is a material made by stamping from galvanized steel sheets. Stamping gives the material longitudinal ribbing, dramatically changing its flexural strength, while the weight remains unchanged.

Due to this, knowing how to properly lay the corrugated board, it can be used both in the construction of wall enclosing structures and roofing.

Has its own characteristics. The roof to be covered can be either single or gable, and the pitched roofs can be either flat or have a certain slope.

Profiled sheeting is produced as in "pure" form, i.e. only with galvanized, and with an additional protective layer of polymers or enamels.

Choosing a brand of corrugated board

The marking of the corrugated board is carried out depending on the purpose and strength of the sheet. Typically, the lineup starts with sheets of C-8, and ends with N-158 or higher grade.

Additional indices can be used in the mark, which denote parameters such as wave step or profile shape. The European classification marks analogs of the Russian corrugated board with designations, at the beginning of which RAN or T.

Knowing how to properly lay the corrugated board, a specific profile for laying is chosen in accordance with the planned roof structure, adhering to the rule: the more, the lower the grade of the material:

  • For grades C-8 to C-25, the roof angle must be at least 15 degrees;
  • For more durable grades - over 6 degrees.

In addition, the following characteristics affect this parameter:

  • Profile depth;
  • Profile shape;
  • The repetition period of the corrugation (figure).

In addition, some types of sheets are equipped with grooves for water drainage, as well as concave or convex stiffeners.

Before laying the corrugated board, it is necessary to perform a crate, the pitch of the beams of which depends on the brand and the design load of the profile: the higher they are, the less often the beams can be laid.

For example, before installing the corrugated board of the S-8 brand, a crate is installed with a pitch of beams of 50 centimeters, and when installing grades N-153 and higher, the pitch of the beams is up to 90 cm.

A fairly wide range of sizes is presented for all brands of corrugated board:

  • The length of the sheets reaches 12 meters;
  • The width of the sheets can be from 600 to 1250 mm;
  • Sheet thickness - in the range from 0.3 to 1.5 mm.

Installation of corrugated board

After all the necessary calculations have been completed, you can proceed with the installation. In this case, the order of laying the corrugated board should be observed:

  • First, the lags are arranged from boards with a section of 100x32 mm, or from special girders made of steel, which have the same strength. In this case, the logs should protrude by 200-300 millimeters beyond the cutoffs of the floor slabs, and the ends of the logs are sewn up with a special strip for cornices. The last lathing board is mounted along the edge of the log.
  • For various shaped elements, such as valleys, gutters, snow plows, etc., boards are additionally installed, the shape of which follows the shape of the elements themselves. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the width of the boards allows a sheet of corrugated board to enter them at least 25 millimeters above the gusset.
  • An end board is attached to the latter from the side walls of the lags.
  • A roofing cake is carried out, the layers of which should be arranged in the following order, starting with the inner one:
  1. Vapor barrier film;
  2. Thermal insulation material;
  3. A layer of waterproofing in the case of a slight slope of the roof;
  4. Sheets of corrugated board.

Important: the vapor barrier is designed to prevent the penetration of moisture from the interior into the insulation material. The technology of laying the corrugated board provides for the installation of a vapor barrier along the crate, while a slight sagging of the film should be ensured, providing additional ventilation.

  • They carry out very tight stacking of sheets or, in the case of roll materials, insulation tapes. Laying is carried out perpendicular to the direction of the profiled sheets.
  • Lay a film of waterproofing, instead of which bituminous mastic or other similar material can be used.

Fastening the corrugated board to the roof

When working at a height, various safety measures should be observed to prevent both a threat to the life and health of workers and damage to the roofing material:

  • Use safety cables and assembly belts;
  • Equip protective fences depending on the slope of the roof and other factors;
  • Move on the roof in non-slip soft shoes, which should not have elements that can damage the protective coating of the sheets. If the coating is damaged, it should be repaired with a special compound.

When performing installation, it is important to know how to screw on the corrugated board correctly. Fastening of sheets is carried out using self-tapping screws, less often - nails with a rubber or polymer gasket placed under the head.

The following tools can be used to cut the coating and its components:

  • Hacksaw for metal with fine teeth;
  • Solid carbide high speed circular saw;
  • Tin shears;
  • Special electric cutter.

Important: to cut sheets of corrugated board, in no case should you use abrasive tools, such as ("grinder"). When using such a tool, high temperatures arise, leading to such unfavorable consequences as overheating of steel, making it brittle and unstable to corrosion. In addition, the protective zinc coating and the additional insulation layer applied to it are destroyed. All this together reduces the service life of the entire roof several times.

Sheet attachment point

The main nuances of installing corrugated board:

  • Begin laying the material on the roof from the bottom corner of one of its ends. If it is necessary to lay several rows of corrugated board, the bottom row should be laid, leaving an indent (overhang) from the eaves strip of 35-40 millimeters. The sheet is fastened to the last plank at the edge of the roof along the bottom of every second wave.
  • On the sides of the building, the end boards are sewn up with a wind angle after the entire end row or sheet is finally fixed. Here, the installation of corrugated board can be carried out both in transverse and longitudinal rows.
  • The overlap of the sheets is performed as follows:
  1. In the vertical direction, the top sheet should overlap the bottom one by at least 200 millimeters;
  2. In the horizontal direction, the upper sheet should go to the lower one by one wavelength in the case of using a gasket-seal, and by two wavelengths - without a gasket.

Useful: with a roof slope exceeding 16 degrees, the sealant can be omitted, even when approaching the length of one wave.

  • Fastening of sheets laid from the edge, starting from the center of the "free" side of the edge, is carried out using one self-tapping screw. Next, the adjacent sheets are laid, their alignment and fastening is similar to the first.
  • After the end of the laying of all adjacent sheets, the first sheet is fastened in the following way: the longitudinal connection is made along the crest of the wave, the pitch is 500 mm, and the vertical joints are fixed in each day of the wave.
  • Fastening the sheet to the crate is carried out to the bottom of the wave using self-tapping screws. 4-5 self-tapping screws should be used for each square meter of the roof to be covered.
  • After the main sheet of the coating is fixed, the end and ridge strips are installed. In this case, the ridge strips are not compacted, and slots should remain in the profile relief, providing ventilation of the space under the roof.
  • The final stage of covering the roof with corrugated board is the arrangement of abutments to the walls of neighboring buildings (if they are higher than the roof to be covered), as well as chimney outlets and similar elements.

In this article, such material as corrugated board was considered - how to install and how to choose the right brand, what subtleties should be taken into account when installing a covering from corrugated board.

To protect the house from rain and snow, it is necessary to cover it with a reliable roof. The roof covering is designed to protect the interior from adverse weather conditions. Most often, for private houses, a gable or four-pitched (hip) roof is used, but for small buildings, a single-pitched roof is possible.

A multifunctional profiled sheet can be used as a coating material. A do-it-yourself roof made of profiled sheet will allow you to complete the construction without unnecessary costs and damage to quality.

Pros and cons of roofing material

Installation of corrugated board on the roof is a fairly popular way to complete the box of a building. But before choosing this particular material, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the undesirable features, you can eliminate or smooth them out in time.

The advantages of the material include the following characteristics:

  • a gable or gable roof made of corrugated board with their own hands has a fairly low cost;
  • installation technology and transportation are not difficult;
  • the technology allows to ensure a high speed of roofing works;
  • light weight of the material;
  • strength and resistance to snow loads;
  • a high degree of waterproofing with proper installation;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to corrosion and burnout under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Fire safety;
  • when properly secured, high resistance to wind loads;
  • the ability to use a sparse crate, which saves materials;
  • the presence of many colors.

The list of positive characteristics is quite wide, but the do-it-yourself roofing made of corrugated board also has disadvantages:

  • laying a sheet of metal makes the roof too noisy when it rains;
  • heating the surface in the sun;
  • it is important to carefully lay the material, a violation of the tightness is possible in case of installation errors;
  • the appearance of corrosion in areas with a damaged top layer.

If you do the job correctly, the above problems will not arise. To reduce the noise level, soundproofing materials are placed in the coating cake. Heating from the sun for this type of roofing is not higher than that of other materials. Unlike, for example, bituminous shingles, it does not lead to a change in the structure of the coating and its melting. If the installation technology is followed, there are no problems with leaks either, and in order to prevent the appearance of corrosion, it is necessary to be careful during transportation and movement, to prevent damage to the profiled sheet.

Which professional sheet to choose for the roof

There is a fairly large number of different types of corrugated board on sale. When buying material for a pitched or gable roof, you need to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the technical characteristics, namely:

  • metal thickness;
  • profile type and height;
  • type of protective coating.

According to regulatory documents, there are three types of professional sheet:

  • grade "N" with high bearing capacity for horizontal structures;
  • grade "C" for vertical structures;
  • the NS brand is universal.

It is best to lay on the roof material of grades "N" and "NS". Grade "C" can be laid in the cake only on small buildings with a large roof slope (60 degrees or more).

It is also possible to lay a wall profiled sheet in a pie for a pitched roof of garages. Also, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the wave height of the sheet, it is indicated immediately after the letter in the marking. For pitched roofs, it is possible to install grades H60 and H75. For flat, professional sheet H75 or H114 is suitable. To choose the right one, you need to know the snow load and the pitch of the rafters.

Roof design options

Depending on the purpose of the under-roof space, the pie of a pitched or gable roof may differ. When arranging a cold attic or technical floor, the structure of a pitched roof will look like this:

  • rafter legs;
  • waterproofing;
  • lathing;
  • roof covering.

In this case, insulation is not required, since it is provided for by the pie of the attic floor.
To equip an attic or warm attic, you will need to lay insulation. A roofing pie made of profiled sheet will look like this:

  • ceiling sheathing;
  • lower lathing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • rafter legs with insulation between them;
  • waterproofing;
  • wind protection;
  • counter lattice;
  • top lathing;
  • roof covering.

The pie also largely depends on the chosen insulation. For example, laying mineral wool requires an air-ventilated layer. The thickness of such a gap should be at least 4-5 cm. This must be considered when choosing the thickness of the rafters and counter-battens. The insulated roof must meet the requirements of heating technology, on the basis of which the thickness of the heat-insulating material is selected.

Step-by-step laying technology

Roof device made of profiled sheet

Roofing from corrugated board requires preparatory work. They include measuring the exact length of the slope and calculating the required number of sheets. The roof of individual buildings can be pitched, gable or hipped. Most often, the length of the profiled sheet is taken equal to the length of the slope. In the calculations, it is necessary to take into account the overlap margin, which depends on the angle of inclination of the surface:

  • 200 mm or more for roofs with a slope of less than 15 degrees;
  • 150-200 mm for roofs with a slope of 15-30 degrees;
  • 100-150 mm for roofs with a slope of 45 degrees or more.

Having calculated the amount of profiled sheet needed to cover the roof, you need to check the tools that you may need. Roofing device made of corrugated board requires:

  • ruler and pencil;
  • building level;
  • hammer and nails;
  • tools for cutting metal (metal shears, hacksaw, circular saw, jigsaw for metal);
  • riveting machine with steel rivets.

Having prepared all these tools in advance, you can lay the profiled sheet without any problems.

Choice of lathing

The installation instructions for this element of the rafter system are quite simple. The lathing for a pitched or gable roof can be of two types:

  • solid;
  • sparse.

In most cases, both options are installed on the same roof. For the main area, the lathing is laid sparsely, and such roofing nodes made of corrugated board as valleys, cornices, ridge need to be laid without gaps.

The lathing of a pitched or gable roof can be made from the following materials:

  • timber with a section of 50 by 50 mm;
    board with a section of 32 by 100 mm.

The dimensions also depend on the snow load and the pitch of the rafters. In the first case, the crate is laid every 5 cm, and in the second every 10 cm (that is, after one). More discharged styling is possible.

All wooden roof elements must be treated with antiseptic compounds before starting work. After fixing the bars or boards (if there is no need for waterproofing), the roofing material can be laid.

Instructions for fixing sheets

Installation of roofing from corrugated board requires attention to the reliability of fastening. The sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws in the lower part of the wave. To properly cover the roof, you will need to prepare self-tapping screws with hex caps and neoprene gaskets. Use special heavy-duty fasteners designed for metal.

This video provides instructions for laying the profiled sheet:

The fixing technology is quite simple: with self-tapping screws, the sheets are attached to the crate in the lower part of the wave so that there are 5-7 fasteners for each square meter of the coating.

Also, before starting, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the important subtleties that professionals talk about:

Before you cover the roof of the house with corrugated board with your own hands, you need to carefully study the issue. If the structure is installed correctly, in the future there will be no problems with its operation. The roof will not leak and will last for many years.

Decking in construction is very popular. Therefore, it is important to know what this material is, which brand is best suited for this or that case, how the corrugated board is correctly laid on the roof.

For the production of corrugated sheets, galvanized steel sheets that have passed the stamping stage are used. Here the material becomes ribbed, which significantly increases the flexural strength without changing the weight of the material.

Knowing the rules for working with profiled metal sheets, you can independently erect wall enclosing structures or block the roof.

Laying of the corrugated sheet on the roof is carried out depending on the type of roof, which can be flat, with a certain angle of inclination, gable or more complex.

Decking can be galvanized or coated with enamel or some types of polymers.

Rules for choosing a brand of corrugated board

Sheets of corrugated board are marked on the basis of data on the strength of the material and its corresponding purpose. The beginning of the lineup is the S-8 brand, the line most often ends with the N-158 brand. However, there are also higher brands.

Also, the marking contains additional indices indicating the step of the wave or the shape of the profile.

A certain type of profile is used depending on the structural features of the roof. The main defining detail in this case is the rule:

  • It is recommended to install grades from C-8 to C-25 on the roof, the slopes of which have a slope of more than 15 degrees.
  • Stronger grades can be used on roofs with a slope of more than 6 degrees.

You should also consider the following parameters:

  • Wave height.
  • Profile geometry.
  • Wave repetition period.

In addition, some types of profiled sheet have special grooves for water drainage and additional stiffening ribs.

Before laying the roofing material on the rafter frame, the sheathing is stuffed. At the same time, the distance between its elements is also determined depending on the brand of corrugated board and the load that the roofing material can withstand. For example, under the sheets of corrugated board of the C-8 brand, the crate is stuffed in increments of 0.5 meters, and for more durable brands, the distance can be increased to 0.9 meters.

Almost all grades of profiled metal sheets have a wide range of sizes:

  • The length can reach 12 meters, the main thing is that the sheet completely overlaps the slope, including the eaves overhang.
  • The width of the sheets varies from 60 to 125 cm.
  • The thickness of the canvases is 0.3-1.5 mm.

Features of mounting sheets of corrugated board

After carrying out the necessary calculations, you can begin installation work. In this case, compliance with certain rules is required that determine how to lay the profiled sheet:

  • First, a crate of beams or boards with a section of 10 * 3.2 cm is stuffed onto the rafters, and the lower parts of the rafter legs should protrude 20-30 cm beyond the floor slabs. At the ends of the rafters, a cornice bar is fixed, which serves as a guide for laying the last board of the crate.
  • For additional elements of the roofing structure, for example, valleys, gutters or snow pads, it is necessary to lay boards that correspond to the shape of these elements.
  • End boards are fixed on the last rafters from the side walls.
  • Next, they equip the roofing cake, the layers of which are arranged in the following order: vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, corrugated board. The vapor barrier prevents the penetration of humid vapors from the interior into the insulation, while laying should be carried out with a slight sagging of the sheets to provide additional ventilation. The laying of the insulating material is carried out strictly perpendicular to the direction of the sheets of roofing material.

Fastening and laying of profiled sheets on the roof

Before performing any roofing work, including solving the issue of how to lay the corrugated board on a pitched roof, you should definitely take care of safety, so that the life and health of people working at height is not threatened, and the roofing remains intact. Detailed instructions for installing corrugated board on the roof will help you do everything right.

To achieve this goal, use the following:

  • Before putting the corrugated board on the roof, you need to prepare special cables for belay and mounting belts.
  • Guardrails for protection on steep slopes.
  • Non-slip soft shoes for walking on the roof, which will also protect the roofing material from damage. If damage is found, special compounds should be used to eliminate the problem.

During the installation process, it is important to understand how to properly screw profiled metal sheets. For this, it is recommended to use special roofing screws or nails, under the caps of which a rubber or polymer gasket must be placed.

It is possible to cut corrugated board and additional elements of the same quality only with the help of the following tools:

  • A hacksaw for cutting metal, the teeth of which are small.
  • Circular saw made of carbide grade and capable of working at high speeds.
  • Shears for cutting sheet metal.
  • Special electric cutter.

Do not use tools with abrasive cutting elements, such as a grinder, to cut profiled steel sheets. In this case, there is a possibility of a rise in temperature, which could cause adverse effects. For example, overheating of steel leads to a decrease in the strength of the material and reduces the resistance to corrosion. Also, when heated, the protective zinc and polymer coatings, as well as an additional insulating layer, are destroyed. As a result, the service life of the roofing material and the entire roof structure is significantly reduced.

How to properly lay profiled sheet

In order for the result of roofing work to be at a high level, you need to know how to properly lay the corrugated board. Installation of canvases is performed as follows:

  • The first sheet is laid in the lower corner of one of the roof ends. If the installation of the sheets is carried out in several rows, then the edge of the lower sheets should hang over the eaves strip by 3.5-4 cm. At the edge of the slope, the corrugated sheets are attached in every second wave adjacent to the strip.
  • Fastening of wind strips from both docks of the building is performed only after the final fixing of the end row.

If it is necessary to overlap the sheets, then the actions are performed in the following order:

  • When the sheets are vertically superimposed on each other, the overlap should be at least 20 cm.
  • With a horizontal overlay of corrugated sheets, you can use two options: if a gasket is used, then the overlap can be one wave, without a gasket - two waves. In the case of laying profiled sheets on a steep slope, more than 16 degrees, it is allowed to overlap in one wave without using a gasket.

Fastening technology

It is possible to fasten sheets of corrugated board, which fit from the edge, with one self-tapping screw, placing it in the middle of the free edge. Then adjacent sheets are laid, aligned and fixed in a similar way.

After mounting all sheets in a row, the first sheet is fastened in the following order: in the longitudinal direction, the self-tapping screws are distributed every 50 cm in the crest of the wave, in the vertical direction - in each depression of the sheet.

Sheets are also attached to the crate with self-tapping screws, distributing 4-5 fasteners per square meter.

After the completion of the laying and fixing of the roofing material, the end and ridge strips are fixed. Moreover, it is not recommended to strongly attract ridge elements so that air can circulate freely in the space under the roof.

At the final stage, more complex places are equipped, including adjoining the walls of neighboring buildings and the exit points of ventilation and chimneys.

Having considered the basic rules for choosing a roofing material and the technology for laying a profiled sheet, you can start covering the roof with your own hands, without involving experienced roofers in the work. The main condition is compliance with all the subtleties when performing installation work and safety rules.

The roof is one of the most important elements of the building. The reliability and durability of the entire building depend on the correctness of its installation. The building materials trade network has a large selection of products for roofing. The profiled flooring is in the leading position. The technology of laying corrugated sheets is not difficult. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this material and the rules for mounting it.

Profiled decking is a versatile material that has found its application in the construction of fences, light structures, wall and roofing. Blanks are used even in daring experiments in the absence of experience in roof construction.

Material description

The corrugated board is made of cold-rolled steel raw materials, covered with polymer protection. The height of the blank profiles can be 8-75 mm. Wavy, rectangular and trapezoidal shapes provide extra rigidity. The corrugated board can withstand mechanical stress and high loads.

Profile decking advantages:

  1. The optimum thickness allows it to withstand intense wind loads.
  2. Resistance to rain, snow, corrosive stains and the destructive effects of aggressive substances thanks to paint and varnish and galvanized coatings.
  3. No complications during installation work.
  4. Convenience in transportation.
  5. Light weight with little stress on the foundation.
  6. The ability to choose from a palette of shades of polymer coating gives individual attractiveness to the roof.
  7. Low price compared to other roof coatings.

After cutting the blanks to the specified dimensions, it is necessary to process the cuts with a special anti-corrosion primer to extend the service life of the covering corrugated board.

A lightweight roof with a slight slope is covered with HC 35 or C 44 blanks with a trapezoidal or sinusoidal profile.

The length of one sheet is 2-6 meters, or you can order the production of corrugated board with individual dimensions of 0.5-12 meters.

The pitched roof is covered with elements of the most common grade HC 35 - profile height 57-114 mm. The letter "H" denotes the flooring used for load-bearing structures.

To get a more detailed view, you can watch the video:

Required additional items

The selection of self-tapping screws with a polymer coating is made according to the color of the main corrugated board and its structure. The tip in the form of a drill makes it possible to use it in work with metal structures with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. Self-tapping screws are sold complete with sealing washers made of neoprene rubber.

You can get tips on choosing the right self-tapping screws by watching the video:

When sealing the under-roof space, in particular, to seal the ridge, a special seal is used that repeats all the bends of the corrugated board. The function of the ridge is to provide protection for the joining joints, as well as to create decorative roof decoration. The ends of the skates are inserted into special plugs.

The installation of the corners is carried out in order to connect the corner parts.

Selection of tools

Before you do it yourself, you need to prepare a mandatory set of tools:

  • laser building level;
  • long tape measure;
  • construction knife;
  • marker or pencil;
  • scissors for metal;
  • high power screwdriver;
  • construction stapler and staples to it;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer;
  • sealant gun;
  • fasteners.

Ensuring the roof slope

Buildings are made with a mandatory roof slope of at least 12˚. Depending on the value of the angle of inclination, it is laid with overlapping edges of adjacent parts:
  • less than 15˚ - the overlap is 200 mm;
  • less than 30˚ - 150-200 mm;
  • over 30˚ - 100-150 mm.

In the places of overlap, the compulsory sealing of the seams is carried out using mastic or sealing tape.

Preparatory settlement work

At the first stage, measures are taken to measure the roof:

The length of the slopes along each diagonal is determined, the planes are checked in parallel using a level.

The estimated length of the workpiece must correspond to the roof slope plus 40 cm for the overhang.

The required number of profiled sheets is determined using simple mathematical calculations, while not forgetting to add tolerances for the value of edge overlaps (overlaps).

For complex roof geometries, a calculation is made for each unique shape, and then the sum of the results obtained is determined. When calculating the amount of corrugated board, you need to remember about skates, pipes, windows, ends, etc.

Roofing cake device

In addition to the covering layer, the roofing composition has several mandatory elements:

  • heat protection;
  • waterproofing;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • ventilation.

The calculation of each layer is made by a method similar to determining the number of profiled sheets.

Features of laying corrugated board

The profiled flooring is laid in compliance with simple rules:

  1. When lifting the flooring up, wooden logs are used.
  2. The work is carried out in calm weather in order to exclude damage to the sheets if they accidentally fall.
  3. It is possible to move along the profile only along the deflections of the waves in the area of ​​the crate.
  4. Places of cuts or other violations of the integrity of the corrugated board are treated with special enamel to prevent metal corrosion.
  5. The use of heavy-duty protective gloves is recommended to avoid injury from sharp edges.
  6. The remains of debris after installation work are swept away with a brush or washed with a soap solution.
  7. The installation of the roof covering is completed by the obligatory removal of the packaging film.

Algorithm for covering the roof with profile decking

The elements are stacked on a crate, which has a solid or stepped character. The step size may depend on the pitch of the roof. When the bevel is less than 15 °, the distance between the planks made of metal or wood is from 300 to 400 mm, above 15 ° - the step is increased to 600 mm.

To prevent rain or snow from getting into the gaps between the sheets, installation is carried out from the bottom layer, gradually moving upward.

Important! Corrugated sheeting with a wavy profile is laid on the side exposed to the least wind blowing.

With a sufficient length of the slope, a solid profiled sheet is used, while it is laid from the end part. Alignment is carried out focusing on the cornice, providing an additional 40 cm for overhangs.

The installation of the coating is carried out very carefully, step by step referring to the plan drawn up in advance:

  1. The installation of the first element is accompanied by fastening with a self-tapping screw in the middle.
  2. When laying the second part, an edge overlap (overlap) is provided on the previous fragment. The fastening method is repeated.
  3. After preliminary laying of the parts completely over the entire roof, they are leveled, focusing on the horizontal of the cornice.
  4. The connection of the corrugated board elements with each other at the ridge itself, falling into the deflection of the wave through a step.
  5. Final fixing. Along the vertical line, self-tapping screws are installed in the crate through one board, along the horizontal line - with an interval of two waves. At the ends, the lathing layer is fixed at each step. Above, near the ridge and below, at the eaves, self-tapping screws are introduced in each deflection.
  6. The joints are reinforced at all mating points.
  7. Excess parts must be trimmed with scissors from all sides.
  8. Installation of end strips. Starting from the lower level towards the ridge, an increase in length is made, creating an overlap of 50 mm. The self-tapping screws are installed one meter apart.
  9. After laying the self-adhesive sealant on the corrugated board, the ridge element is attached. The overlap of the edges of the ridge strips should be 100 mm, the distance between the fasteners should be no more than 300 mm.

Watching the video will give a more accessible understanding of the installation of the roof:

Features of installation in difficult areas

Difficult areas are characterized by the presence of internal corners, they are called valleys. Complicated places are the joints of two slopes, areas of the location of ventilation outlets and chimneys. Internal joints need careful sealing to protect the places under the roof from moisture penetration. The lathing here is solid.

The joints between the profiled flooring and the planks need to be sealed with a sealant or mastic. Valley planks are fixed together with professional sheets. The top bar is installed on the profile to close the edge joints and protect them from rain and snow.

The retail chain has additional elements with irregular shapes to avoid the difficulties associated with covering a complex roof.

A video in a more visual form can demonstrate the process of laying corrugated board: