What should be the distance from the gas pipe to the building. Gasification project of a private house: necessary documents, features of drafting and design Standards for the construction of a non-residential house with a gas pipe

Approved and put into effect by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 758-PP

1. General Provisions

1.1. The requirements of this standard are aimed at ensuring the safe and efficient operation of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment of residential buildings.

1.2. This regulation applies to the design and construction of new, operation and repair of existing in-house gas supply systems for residential buildings built according to standard and individual projects.

1.3. The requirements of this standard are obligatory for execution by: owners, other legal owners of residential buildings; managing and (or) servicing residential buildings organizations; organizations - customers / contractors for construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair.

1.4. This standard was developed by the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow. 2. Basic concepts.

For the purposes of this standard, the following basic concepts are used:

2.1. Internal gas pipeline (it is also intra-house) - a gas pipeline laid inside the building from the place of its primary intersection of the building structures to the point of connection of gas appliances and apparatus that use gas as a fuel for cooking, hot water supply, decentralized heating.

2.2. Intra-house gas equipment - technical products of full factory readiness: gas meters; pipeline shut-off valves; gas appliances and apparatus.

2.3. Gas appliances and apparatus - household gas appliances that use gas as a fuel for cooking, hot water supply and decentralized heating.

2.4. Intra-house gas supply system - a single system consisting of an internal gas pipeline, and, installed on it, in-house gas equipment.

2.5. Chimney - a structural element of a building designed to remove gas combustion products to the external environment from household gas appliances used for hot water supply and heating.

2.6. Cleaners' organizations are enterprises that perform maintenance and overhaul of chimneys.

3. Requirements for in-house gas supply systems for residential buildings.

3.1. Design, construction, reconstruction and repair of gas supply systems are carried out by specialized organizations in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations, and standards.

3.2. The need for repair of internal gas pipelines, gas equipment of residential buildings and chimneys is determined in accordance with the established procedure based on the results of an inspection of their technical condition and taking into account the standard operating life.

3.3. The entry of gas pipelines into residential buildings should be provided for in non-residential premises accessible for inspection and repair of gas pipelines. It is not allowed to enter the gas pipeline into basements, elevator rooms, ventilation chambers and mines, garbage collector rooms, storage rooms, rooms belonging to categories "A" and "B" in terms of explosion and fire hazard, as well as into rooms removed from the housing stock. All basement gas pipelines located in residential buildings of the city must be placed on the facades of buildings.

3.4. Gas pipelines in places of passage through the outer walls of residential buildings are enclosed in cases. The space between the gas pipeline and the case is sealed for the entire thickness of the crossed wall. The end of the case is sealed with an elastic material.

3.5. Shut-off devices are installed for gas risers, as a rule, on wall-mounted gas pipelines of residential buildings, at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from door and window openings, as well as in front of each gas appliance.

3.6. Intra-house gas pipelines are laid through non-residential premises of apartments.

3.7. Laying of gas pipelines is not allowed: in basements; through ventilation shafts and chimneys, elevator shafts and stairwells, garbage collection rooms; through rooms where the gas pipeline may be subject to corrosion; in places where gas pipelines can be washed by combustion products or come into contact with heated metal; in premises removed from the housing stock; by crossing ventilation grilles, window and door openings.

3.8. Installation of gas pipelines is carried out in accordance with the project after the arrangement of interfloor ceilings, walls, floor coverings and plastering of walls in kitchens, checking and cleaning chimneys and ventilation ducts.

3.9. Gas pipelines inside a residential building are laid openly. It is not allowed to close the gas pipeline with a false wall. When installing gas pipelines, measures are taken to prevent clogging of the pipe cavity. At the intersections of an electric wire and a cable with a gas pipeline, the clear distance between them must be at least 100 mm, with parallel laying - at least 400 mm.

3.10. The distance from gas pipelines and pipelines for other purposes should be taken from the condition of ensuring the possibility of installation, inspection, repair of gas pipelines and fittings installed on them. The distance from the gas pipeline to the sink must be at least 300 mm.

3.11. The deviation of risers and straight sections from the design position is allowed no more than 2 mm per 1 m of the gas pipeline length, unless other standards are justified by the project. All branches must be at a 90 degree angle.

3.12. It is forbidden to weld branch pipes at the locations of circumferential welds. When tapping branches with a diameter of up to 50 mm, the distance from the seams of the welded gas pipelines to the annular seams of the main gas pipeline must be at least 50 mm. Assembly for welding of pipes is carried out with offset seams at the joints: - for gas pipelines with a diameter of up to 50 mm - 15 mm; - for gas pipelines with a diameter of 50 to 100 mm - 50 mm.

3.13. The distance from the weld to the end of the gas pipeline thread must be at least 100 mm. The sealing of welded and threaded joints of gas pipelines and fittings in walls, ceilings and cases is prohibited. Hidden works (laying a gas pipeline through walls, in a case, through a ceiling) are carried out step by step. The distance from the weld to the case must be at least 50 mm. The welded joint of a gas pipeline with a diameter of up to 200 mm must be located at a distance of at least 200 mm from the edge of the support.

3.14. When welding fittings, assemblies, fittings into the gas pipeline, the integrity of the welded elements with the gas pipeline is ensured. Distortions in vertical and horizontal planes are prohibited. It is forbidden to install pipes and bent parts from pipes that have dents, folds (wrinkles), cracks, slag inclusions in the seams, scuffs. The ovality of bent parts is allowed within no more than 10% of the diameter of the gas pipeline. It is forbidden to arrange a straight section of the outlet, the length of which is less than the diameter of the pipe.

3.15. Laying of gas pipelines in places of passage of people is carried out at a height of at least 2.2 m from the floor to the bottom of the gas pipeline.

3.16. The gas pipeline is fixed to the walls using brackets, clamps, hooks in accordance with the requirements of the project. The fastening of the gas pipeline riser in houses with gas stoves is carried out on the 1st, 4th, 8th floors, in houses with gas water heaters on the 1st, 4th, 5th floors and in all cases on the top floor. Fastening the lowering of the gas pipeline to the device is carried out in front of each gas appliance. The distances between the supporting fasteners of gas pipelines are determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.12-86.

3.17. Vertical gas pipelines at the intersections of building structures are laid in cases. The space between the gas pipeline and the case is sealed with tarred tow, rubber bushings or other elastic material. The protrusion of the end of the case above the floor must be at least 3 cm, and its diameter is taken from the condition that the annular gap between the gas pipeline and the case is at least 5 mm for gas pipelines with a diameter of not more than 32 mm and not less than 10 mm for gas pipelines of a larger diameter.

3.18. Intra-house gas pipelines, including sections laid in cases, are painted. Waterproof paintwork materials are used for painting.

3.19. When arranging a gas pipeline inside a residential building, pipes are used that are specially designed for laying a gas pipeline, having a metal version and a certificate of conformity. The connection of pipes should be provided for welding. Threaded connections are allowed only in places where shut-off valves and gas appliances are installed.

3.20. To seal threaded joints, a linen strand is used according to GOST 10330-76, impregnated with red lead according to GOST 19151-73, mixed with drying oil according to GOST 7931-76, as well as fluoroplastic and other sealing materials if they have a passport or a certificate from the manufacturer. When installing disconnecting devices, a surge is installed after them. The taps must be installed so that the axis of the tap plug is parallel to the wall, it is forbidden to install the thrust nut towards the wall. When installing gas appliances, connecting them to gas networks, the requirements of the project and factory instructions should be followed.

3.21. The gas pipeline to the stove is allowed to be laid at the level of the connecting fitting. In this case, the shut-off valve is installed at a distance of at least 20 cm to the side of the stove. With the upper wiring, the shut-off valve must be installed on the descent to the stove at a height of 1.5 - 1.6 m from the floor. It is allowed to connect gas appliances to the gas pipeline through a flexible hose that does not have butt joints and has a heat resistance of at least 120 degrees. The service life is set by the passport for the flexible hose, after which this flexible hose must be replaced.

3.22. The sections of gas pipelines that are switched off during the dismantling of gas appliances are cut off, freed from gas and welded tightly. When the gas pipeline is removed from the basement, the inactive basement gas pipeline and sections of the gas pipeline through the ceilings to the switching point are dismantled, and the holes in the floor are sealed. When installing gas pipelines, it is forbidden to use previously installed gas pipes and cases to be dismantled as a case.

3.23. At all stages of construction, in order to verify the effectiveness of previously performed production control, inspection control should be selectively carried out. Based on the results of production and inspection quality control of construction and installation works, measures should be developed to eliminate the identified defects, while also taking into account the requirements of field supervision of design organizations and state supervision and control bodies acting on the basis of special provisions.

3.24. Gas stoves in residential buildings are installed in kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m, having a window with a window (panel), an exhaust ventilation duct and natural lighting. Gas stoves are installed in kitchens with an internal volume of at least: 8 cubic meters. m with a gas stove with 2 burners; 12 cu. m with a gas stove with 3 burners; 15 cu. m with a gas stove with 4 burners.

3.25. It is allowed to install gas stoves in existing residential buildings: in kitchen rooms with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume of at least specified in paragraph 3.24 in the absence of a ventilation duct and the impossibility of using chimneys as such a duct, but if there is a window with a window in the room or transom at the top of the window; in the corridors of individual use, if there is a window in the corridor with a window or a transom in the upper part of the window, while the passage between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m wide, the walls and ceilings of the corridors made of combustible materials must be plastered, and the living quarters must be separated from the corridor with dense partitions with a door; in kitchens with sloping ceilings having a height of at least 2 m in the middle part, gas equipment is installed in that part of the kitchen where the height is at least 2.2 m.

3.26. In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to install gas stoves in rooms that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 3.24 or 3.25, but having a height of less than 2.2 m to 2 m inclusive, if these rooms have a volume of at least 1.25 times the normative one. At the same time, in houses that do not have a dedicated kitchen, the volume of the room where the gas stove is installed must be 2 times more than that specified in clause 3.24.

3.27. The possibility of installing gas stoves, heating and other devices in buildings located outside a residential building is decided by the design organization and the operating organization of the gas economy. At the same time, the premises in which the installation of gas appliances is provided must comply with the requirements for the premises of residential buildings where such appliances are allowed.

3.28. Wooden non-plastered walls and walls made of other combustible materials in the places where the plates are installed are insulated with non-combustible materials: plaster, roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, etc. The insulation should protrude beyond the dimensions of the plate by 10 cm on each side and at least 80 cm from above . The distance from the stove to the walls of the room insulated with non-combustible materials must be at least 7 cm; the distance between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

3.29. For hot water supply, instantaneous and capacitive gas water heaters are used, and for heating - capacitive gas water heaters, small-sized heating boilers or other heating devices designed to run on gas fuel.

3.30. The number of storeys of residential buildings in which the installation of these gas appliances and apparatuses is carried out should be provided in accordance with SNiP 31-01-2003 "Multi-apartment residential buildings".

3.31. Small-sized (small-sized) factory-made heating boilers designed for solid or liquid fuels are allowed to be converted to gas fuel. Heating installations converted to gas fuel are equipped with gas burners with safety automatics.

3.32. In one room, it is not allowed to provide for the installation of more than two storage water heaters or two small-sized heating boilers, or two other heating devices.

3.33. The chimney arrangement must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05 -91 * "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" as for heating furnaces.

3.34. Water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices are installed in kitchens and non-residential premises intended for their placement and meeting the requirements of paragraphs. 3.40. 3.41.

3.35. Installation of these appliances in bathrooms is not allowed. The possibility of rearranging gas water heaters from the bathrooms, in which they were placed in accordance with previously existing standards, to kitchens or other non-residential premises of a residential building during the reconstruction of a house or a gas supply system is decided in each case by the design organization in agreement with the gas facilities operating domestic gas pipeline.

3.36. In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the installation in the corridors of heating gas appliances and heating appliances for individual use that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 3.40. 3.41. The distance from the protruding parts of gas burners or fittings to the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

3.37. Gas instantaneous water heaters are installed on walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 2 cm from the wall, incl. from the side wall. If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install an instantaneous water heater on plastered walls, as well as on walls lined with non-combustible or slow-burning materials at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall. The surface of slow-burning walls is insulated with roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The insulation should extend beyond the dimensions of the water heater body by 10 cm.

3.38. Gas heating boilers, heating appliances and capacitive gas water heaters are installed near walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall. If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install the above heaters near the walls protected in accordance with the instructions of clause 3.28, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

3.39. The clear horizontal distance between the protruding parts of the instantaneous water heater and the gas stove must be at least 10 cm. heating, hot water supply) the volume of the kitchen should be 6 cubic meters more than the volume provided for in clause 3.24.

3.40. The room intended for the placement of a gas water heater, as well as a heating boiler or heating apparatus, the removal of combustion products from which is provided for in the chimney, must have a height of at least 2 m. The volume of the room must be at least 7.5 cubic meters. m when installing one device and at least 13.5 cubic meters. m when installing two heaters.

3.41. The kitchen or room where boilers, appliances and gas water heaters are installed must have a ventilation duct. For air inflow, in the lower part of the door or wall facing the adjacent room, a grate or a gap between the door and the floor with a free area of ​​at least 0.02 square meters should be provided. m.

3.42. It is not allowed to place all gas appliances in the basement floors (cellars), and when supplying LPG - in the basement and basement floors of buildings for any purpose.

3.43. It is allowed to transfer heating and heating-cooking stoves to gas fuel, provided that the stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts meet the requirements of the standards for the installation of heating stoves converted to gas fuel, approved in the prescribed manner; gas burners installed in the furnaces of heating and heating-cooking stoves are equipped with safety automatics in accordance with the requirements of GOST 16569-86 "Gas burner devices for heating domestic stoves. Specifications".

3.44. When installing gasified stoves, their furnaces must go into non-residential (non-service) premises. In the absence of non-residential (non-service) premises, the furnaces of gasified stoves may be located on the side of residential (service) premises. In this case, the gas supply to the furnaces should be provided by independent branches, on which, at the point of connection to the gas pipeline, a disconnecting device is installed outside the above premises. The premises into which the furnaces of gasified heating and heating-cooking stoves open must have an exhaust ventilation duct or a window with a window or a door leading to a non-residential premises or vestibule. The passage in front of the oven must be at least 1 m.

3.45. For space heating, it is allowed to install gas fireplaces, heaters and other factory-made appliances with the removal of combustion products into the chimney. The gas burners of these devices must be equipped with safety automatics. The room in which the installation of a gas fireplace or heater is planned must have a window with a window and an exhaust ventilation duct. When installing these devices, it is necessary to comply with the requirements provided for in clause 3.38.

3.46. The possibility of using and placing conditions for household gas appliances not specified in this section should be determined taking into account the purpose of the appliances, their heat load, the need to remove combustion products and other parameters established by this section.

3.47. Gas appliances of foreign production must have warranty cards indicating the addresses and telephone numbers of service centers that perform their installation, repair and maintenance.

3.48. When transferring residential premises with the presence of gas pipelines to the non-residential fund, the issue of their removal must be simultaneously resolved. The location of gas pipelines in the non-residential fund of residential buildings is not allowed.

4. Requirements obligatory for persons using gas equipment of residential buildings.

4.1. Persons using household gas appliances and apparatus must:

4.1.1. When carrying out annual maintenance of gas equipment by specialists of a gas economy enterprise, receive instruction from them on the rules for using gas in everyday life, observe safety measures when gas appliances are working and not working.

4.1.2. Maintain and maintain clean gas equipment. Monitor the operation of gas appliances, chimneys, ventilation, check the presence of draft before switching on and at the end of the operation of gas appliances with the removal of combustion gases into the chimney. Clean out chimney pockets.

4.1.3. At the end of the use of gas, close the taps in front of gas appliances.

4.1.4. In the event of a malfunction of the gas equipment, call the employees of the gas facilities.

4.1.5. If you smell gas, immediately stop using gas appliances, turn off the taps on the descent to the appliances and on the appliances, ventilate the room and call the emergency service. Until then, do not light a fire, do not smoke, do not turn on electrical equipment and other electrical appliances.

4.1.6. If you detect a smell of gas in the basement, entrance, on the street, you must: - inform the gas service and take measures to remove people from the gassed environment, prevent turning on and off the electric lighting, the appearance of open flames and sparks; - prior to the arrival of gas service workers, organize ventilation of the premises.

4.2. Persons using gas equipment of residential buildings are prohibited from:

4.2.1. Carry out unauthorized gasification in the house, rearrangement, replacement and repair of gas equipment.

4.2.2. To redevelop the premises with the presence of gas equipment without coordinating this issue with the relevant organizations.

4.2.3. Use gas appliances in the absence of draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts.

4.2.4. Make changes to the design of gas appliances, smoke and ventilation systems, to the laying of gas pipelines.

4.2.5. Leave working gas appliances unattended, except for appliances with appropriate automation, allow children and persons who do not control their actions and do not know the rules for using these appliances to use gas appliances.

4.2.6. Use gas equipment and the room where gas appliances are installed for other purposes. Use gas stoves for space heating.

4.2.7. Use an open fire to detect gas leaks (for this purpose, use a soapy emulsion).

4.2.8. Store flammable, poisonous and explosive substances in rooms with gas equipment.

4.2.9. To build up the gas pipeline with walls, panels, wall them up in the walls and seal them with tiles. The gas pipeline must be accessible for inspection and maintenance.

4.2.10. Store empty and filled with liquefied gases cylinders in rooms and basements.

4.2.11. Close the valve on the gas riser.

5. Requirements for the safe operation of chimneys of residential buildings.

5.1. Maintenance and repair of smoke channels is carried out by specialized organizations of cleaners under contracts with the organization managing the residential building.

5.2. Chimneys must be dense, isolated, vertical, without ledges. It is allowed to slope the chimneys from the vertical at an angle of 30 degrees with a horizontal distance of not more than 1 m, while the cross section of the channel must be maintained along its entire length. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney must not be less than the area of ​​the pipe of the gas appliance connected to the chimney. In existing buildings, it is allowed to connect no more than two water heaters to one chimney, provided that combustion products are introduced into the chimney at different levels, not closer than 75 cm from each other or at the same level with the device in the chimney, a cut to a height of at least 75 cm. The calculation of the chimney should be produced with the simultaneous operation of two water heaters. The crossing of smoke and ventilation ducts by gas pipelines, water pipes, electrical cables is prohibited.

5.3. Quality control of the repair of smoke channels is assigned to housing maintenance organizations.

5.4. Chimney repair works are carried out according to schedules agreed with the contractor.

5.5. Checking of smoke channels is carried out in terms: brick - 1 time in 3 months; asbestos-cement, pottery and heat-resistant concrete blocks - 1 time in 12 months. An initial check (for tightness and isolation, for the absence of blockages and for the presence of traction) is carried out annually in the third quarter during the preparation of houses for winter. In new-build houses, the initial check is carried out at the time of acceptance of the house into operation.

5.6. In the period from November to April, it is necessary to inspect the chimney caps in order to prevent their freezing and blockage, marking the results of the checks in a special journal. Monitoring the implementation of inspections is carried out by the heads of the housing maintenance organization.

5.7. If faulty chimneys are found, the devices connected to them are subject to immediate disconnection from the gas supply, residents are warned against a signature about the dangers of using gas water heaters.

5.8. Before the start of scheduled work on the repair of chimneys, gas appliances connected to them must be turned off by employees of the gas supply company in accordance with the notification received from the contractor.

5.9. The connection of gas appliances after the repair of chimneys should be carried out only after the receipt of an act on the technical condition of the chimney by employees of the gas supply company.

5.10. Based on the results of regular, extraordinary and post-repair inspections and cleaning of smoke channels, acts of the established form are drawn up.

5.11. When performing maintenance:

5.11.1. The technical condition of the iron connecting pipes (hereinafter referred to as the JST) is checked according to the following parameters: - the total length is not more than 3 m in new buildings and not more than 6 m in existing ones; - the number of turns - no more than three, with a radius of curvature not less than the diameter of the pipe; - the links must be tightly pushed one into the other along the exhaust gases by at least 0.5 of the pipe diameter; - when connected to the chimney, the LST must not cross the duct section and have a restrictive washer or corrugation; - the height of the vertical section - at least 50 cm, in rooms with a height of 2.7 m - at least 25 cm is allowed; a slope of at least 0.01 (1 cm per meter) towards the gas appliance; painting - fire-resistant varnish; - the presence of fire-prevention cutting at the intersection of difficult-to-combustible partitions; - distance from ZHST to the ceiling and walls: non-combustible materials - at least 5 cm; from slow-burning materials - not less than 25 cm.

5.11.2. The presence and compliance with the norms of a "pocket" for collecting garbage in the chimney with a hatch for cleaning is established - at least 25 cm from the lower edge of the ZhST.

5.11.3. The technical condition of the smoke channels within the attic is monitored: - the presence of grouting, whitewashing and numbering; - the presence of a fire cut equal to 50 cm to the building structure made of combustible materials and 38 cm for structures made of non-combustible materials.

5.12. When carrying out repairs and maintenance of chimneys, fire safety requirements must be observed.

5.13. When monitoring the technical condition of the smoke channels above the roof, the following are checked: - the condition of the plaster, whitewashing, ironing of the heads; - the presence of umbrellas and deflectors on the chimneys, the numbering of the smoke channels; - the correct location of the tip relative to the roof ridge and closely located structures, trees - the absence of a wind backwater zone: - 0.5 above the roof ridge when they are located (counting horizontally) no more than 1.5 m from the roof ridge; - level with the roof ridge, if they are 1.5 - 3 m from the roof ridge; - below the roof ridge, but not below a straight line drawn from the ridge down at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon, if they are located more than 3 m from the ridge. In all cases, the height of the pipe above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 0.5 m, for houses with a combined roof (flat roof) of at least 2 m.

5.14. The roofs of gasified houses must be equipped with ladders, scaffolds and parapet gratings.

6. The procedure for pre-start tests and acceptance into operation of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment of residential buildings after the completion of construction, reconstruction, repair and overhaul of gas supply systems.

6.1. After the completion of construction and installation works, control of the work performed is carried out, which includes:

6.1.1. Checking the compliance of the laying of gas pipelines and gas equipment with the project and the requirements of regulatory documents. In case of forced deviation from the design solution, appropriate changes should be made, agreed with the author of the project and the gas supply company.

6.1.2. Tests of the gas pipeline and gas equipment for strength and tightness. Tests should be carried out by the construction and installation organization in the presence of a representative of the operating organization. The test results should be recorded in the construction passport. Gas equipment, including foreign-made equipment, must be certified and have permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use. The presence of a certificate of conformity and permission should be reflected in the passports (forms) of the equipment.

6.2. Acceptance into operation of gas pipelines and gas equipment after completion of construction, reconstruction, repair, overhaul is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The order of organization and the sequence of work on switching gas pipelines and starting gas are determined by the instructions of the gas supply company.

6.3. Gas hazardous work on in-house gas equipment is carried out if there is an order for gas hazardous work drawn up taking into account safety requirements; technological instructions, orders and orders issued by the management of the gas supply company for each type of work.

6.4. Completion of work on pre-start testing and acceptance of internal gas pipelines, gas equipment of residential buildings and chimneys after construction, reconstruction, repair and overhaul of gas supply systems, as well as activities and work of the next cycle of maintenance of gas pipelines, gas equipment and chimneys must be documented for each residential building by the organization who carried out the said work.

7. The composition and frequency of maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment.

7.1. The composition and terms of maintenance are determined by the type of gas equipment and the conditions of its operation. Maintenance work on gas pipelines and gas appliances in residential buildings is carried out in accordance with the instructions developed by the gas supply company.

7.2. During the operation of gas equipment, maintenance of gas equipment is carried out; replacement of components and parts; connection and disconnection of gas equipment; emergency recovery work.

7.3. The task of maintenance is to ensure the operation of in-house gas supply systems, to instruct the population. Types of maintenance: - periodic maintenance (hereinafter referred to as PTO); - unscheduled repairs upon request (hereinafter - VRZ). PTO is carried out according to the annual and monthly schedules of the servicing enterprise of the gas economy under contracts with the owner of the building, unscheduled repairs - at the request of the population.

7.4. Unscheduled work at the request of the population is carried out within the following terms: - elimination of gas leaks immediately; - Troubleshooting gas equipment during the day. When performing the VRZ, the malfunction indicated in the application is eliminated, and the entire scope of work provided for during the PTO is performed.

7.5. The service life of gas equipment is set in accordance with the passports (instructions) of manufacturers. For domestic gas pipelines, this period is 30 years. After the expiration of the standard service life, diagnostics of the technical condition of gas pipelines and equipment should be carried out in order to determine the residual resource with the development of measures to ensure safe operation for the entire period of the extension of the operating cycle, or justify the need for replacement.

7.6. The above list of activities and works are mandatory for implementation in the mode of repeated annual cycles of maintenance of gasified residential buildings.

Download Gas pipelines and gas equipment of residential buildings

5.1.1 External gas pipelines should be placed in relation to buildings, structures and utility networks in accordance with Annexes B and C.

Ground gas pipelines in a dike are equated to underground gas pipelines, and ground ones without a dike are equated to aboveground ones.

When laying on the ground in the embankment, the material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken based on the heat engineering calculation, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and the embankment.

When laying underground gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions, in certain sections of the route, between buildings and under the arches of buildings, as well as gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa when they approach separate auxiliary buildings (buildings without the constant presence of people) it is allowed to reduce distances by no more than 50% in cramped conditions and no more than 25% in special natural conditions (see appendices B and C). At the same time, in the areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be applied:

  • for steel gas pipelines:
  • seamless pipes;
  • electric-welded pipes with 100% control by physical methods of factory welded joints;
  • electric-welded pipes that have not passed the above control, laid in a protective case;
  • for polyethylene gas pipelines:
  • long pipes without connections;
  • pipes of measured length, connected by butt welding with a heated tool, made on a welding technique of a high degree of automation, or connected by parts to the ZN;
  • pipes of measured length, welded by welding equipment of an average degree of automation, laid in a case;
  • cut-to-length pipes welded by manual welding technique with 100% control of joints by physical methods, laid in a case.

Mounting joints of steel gas pipelines must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines in cramped conditions along railways, one should be guided by Appendix B.

When laying gas pipelines at a distance of less than 50 m from the railways of the general network and external railway sidings of enterprises in the approach area and at a distance of 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must pass 100% physical control.

At the same time, polyethylene pipes must be made of PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 and 2.0 for gas pipelines laid on the territory of settlements and urban districts, and between settlements, respectively, and the wall thickness of steel pipes should be 2- 3 mm more than calculated. For gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.3 MPa inclusive, it is allowed to use polyethylene pipes made of PE 80 with a safety factor of at least 3.2.

It is allowed to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa in the settlement at the entrance to the industrial center (industrial zone), as well as in the undeveloped part of the settlement, if this does not contradict the schemes for locating capital construction objects provided for by the general plan of the settlement.

5.1.2 Gas pipelines should be laid underground.

In exceptional cases, above-ground laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings inside residential courtyards and quarters, as well as in certain sections of the route, including sections of crossings through artificial and natural barriers, when crossing engineering and technical support networks, is allowed. Such laying of gas pipelines may be envisaged with appropriate justification and carried out in places where access of unauthorized persons to the gas pipeline is restricted.

Ground gas pipelines with dikes can be laid under special soil and hydrological conditions. The material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken on the basis of thermal engineering calculations, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and embankment.

The height of laying of aboveground gas pipelines and the depth of laying of underground LPG gas pipelines should be taken as for gas pipelines of gas distribution networks and gas consumption of natural gas, except for specified cases.

It is allowed to lay low-pressure LPG vapor phase gas pipelines along the walls of buildings in accordance with 5.3.1 and Table 3.

The laying of gas pipelines, including LPG gas pipelines, if it is provided for by the functional requirements for the HPS and HPP, should be provided above ground.

5.1.3 Laying of gas pipelines in tunnels, collectors and channels is not allowed. The exception is the laying of steel gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in accordance with the requirements of SP 18.13330 on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in channels in permafrost soils under roads and railways and LPG gas pipelines under roads on the territory of gas filling stations.

5.1.4 Pipe connections should be provided as one-piece connections. Detachable can be connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and in places where technical devices and gas-using equipment are installed. Detachable connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes in the ground should be provided, provided that a case with a control tube is installed.

5.1.5 Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings, must be enclosed in a case. The ends of the case at the points of entry and exit of the gas pipeline from the ground, the gap between the gas pipeline and the case at the inlets of the gas pipeline into buildings should be sealed with elastic material for the entire length of the case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed with, for example, cement mortar, concrete, etc. for the entire thickness of the intersected structure (if possible).

Cases at the outlet and inlet of the gas pipeline from the ground, provided that it has a protective coating that is resistant to external influences, may not be installed.

5.1.6 Gas pipelines should be provided for entering buildings directly into the room in which gas-using equipment is installed, or into an adjacent room, connected by an open opening.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines through the foundations of buildings (except for specified cases) and under the foundations.

It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into the premises of the basement and basement floors of buildings, except for the inputs of natural gas pipelines and low-pressure LPG vapor phase into single-family and block houses.

In seismic areas, the introduction of a gas pipeline into a non-seismic building is allowed only underground:

5.1.7 Disconnecting devices on gas pipelines should be provided for:

  • in front of detached or blocked buildings;
  • to disconnect the risers of residential buildings above five floors;
  • in front of outdoor gas-using equipment;
  • in front of the gas reduction points (GRP), with the exception of the GRP of enterprises, on the branch of the gas pipeline to which there is a disconnecting device at a distance of less than 100 m from the GRP; at the outlet of the GRP, looped by gas pipelines;
  • on branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, quarters, groups of residential buildings (with more than 400 apartments in a separate house), as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;
  • when crossing water barriers with two or more lines of a gas pipeline, as well as one line with a width of a water barrier with a low-water horizon of 75 m or more;
  • when crossing railways of the general network and motor roads of categories I-II, if the disconnecting device that ensures the interruption of the gas supply at the crossing section is located at a distance of more than 1000 m from the roads.

At the input of gas pipelines to the pump-compressor and filling compartments, a disconnecting device with an electric drive is provided outside the building at a distance of at least 5 and not more than 30 m from the building.

5.1.8 Disconnecting devices on aboveground gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from door and opening window openings, at least, m:

  • for low pressure gas pipelines of category IV - 0.5;
  • for medium pressure gas pipelines of category III - 1;
  • for high pressure gas pipelines of category II - 3;
  • for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I - 5.

The places of installation of disconnecting devices must be protected from unauthorized access to them by unauthorized persons.

In the areas of transit laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings, the installation of disconnecting devices is not allowed.

Installation of disconnecting devices under balconies and loggias is also not allowed.

5.1.9 At the sites of connection to the gas distribution pipeline of gas pipelines-inlets to individual buildings for various purposes, apartment buildings, boiler houses and industrial consumers, gas flow safety valves (controllers) without a bypass hole (bypass hole for automatic pressure equalization) must be installed. Gas flow controllers are installed on a gas pipeline - an inlet with a diameter of up to 160 mm inclusive with a pressure of 0.0025 MPa at the point of its connection to the distribution gas pipeline. In other cases, the question of the need and possibility of installing a gas flow controller is decided by the design organization. It is allowed to install a gas flow controller for a single-family house in agreement with the owner.

5.2 Underground gas pipelines

5.2.1 Laying of gas pipelines should be carried out at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or case. In those places where the movement of vehicles and agricultural vehicles is not provided, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines is allowed at least 0.6 m.

In landslide and erosion-prone areas, gas pipelines should be laid to a depth of at least 0.5 m below the sliding mirror and below the boundary of the predicted destruction area.

5.2.2 The vertical distance (in the light) between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utility networks and structures at their intersections should be taken in accordance with Appendix B.

5.2.3 At the intersections of gas pipelines with underground communication collectors and channels for various purposes, heating mains of channelless laying, as well as at places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case. When crossing with heating networks, it is necessary to provide for the laying of gas pipelines in steel cases.

Cases for polyethylene gas pipelines of all pressures on the territory of settlements should be additionally installed at the intersection with underground utility networks located below the gas pipeline route.

The ends of the case must be led out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides of the outer walls of the structures and communications being crossed, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the case must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case at the top of the slope (with the exception of the intersections of the walls of the wells), a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

In the annular space of the case and the gas pipeline, it is allowed to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60 V, intended for servicing gas distribution networks.

5.2.4 For the construction of gas pipelines, polyethylene pipes are used in accordance with GOST R 50838 and fittings in accordance with GOST R 52779 with a safety factor of at least 2.0.

The laying of polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa inclusive in the territories of settlements (rural and urban) and urban districts should be carried out using pipes and fittings made of polyethylene PE 80 and PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 2.6.

When laying polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.3 to 0.6 MPa inclusive in the territories of settlements and urban districts, pipes and fittings made of polyethylene PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 should be used. On the territory of rural settlements, it is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines using pipes and fittings made of polyethylene PE 80 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 or polyethylene PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 2.6 with a laying depth of at least 0.9 m to the top of the pipe.

The safety factor of polyethylene pipes and fittings made of polyethylene PE 80 used for the construction of gas pipelines outside settlements and urban districts (inter-settlement) must be at least 2.5.

When laying inter-settlement polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa inclusive, it is allowed to use pipes and fittings made of PE 80 and PE 100 polyethylene. less than 0.9 m to the top of the pipe.

When laying inter-settlement polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa, inclusive, pipes and fittings made of polyethylene PE 100 must be used. the depth of the laying must be at least 1.2 m to the top of the pipe. The laying of polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa using pipes made of PE 80 is allowed provided that the laying depth is increased by at least 0.1 m.

For the construction of gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa, reinforced polyethylene pipes and fittings can be used. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 1.0 m to the top of the pipe, and when laying gas pipelines on arable and irrigated lands, the laying depth must be at least 1.2 m to the top of the pipe.

It is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines from PE 100 with a pressure of over 0.6 to 1.2 MPa inclusive in the settlement at the entrance to the industrial center (industrial zone), as well as in the undeveloped part of the settlement, if this does not contradict the schemes for locating capital construction objects provided for by the general plan of the settlement.

For the construction of polyethylene gas pipelines, it is allowed to use connecting parts - one-piece connections (polyethylene - steel), subject to confirmation of their suitability for use in construction in the prescribed manner.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes for transporting gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the vapor phase of LPG of medium and high pressure and at a temperature of the wall of gas pipelines under operating conditions below minus 20 ° C.

The use of copper and reinforced polyethylene pipes for transporting the liquid phase of LPG is not allowed.

5.3 Above ground gas pipelines

5.3.1 Above-ground gas pipelines, depending on pressure, should be placed on supports made of non-combustible materials or on building structures of buildings and structures in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

Placement of elevated gas pipelines Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more
1 On stand-alone supports, columns, overpasses, whatnots, fences, etc., as well as on the walls of industrial buildings, including gas and gas pumping stations 1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)
2 Boiler rooms, industrial buildings with premises of categories C, D and D, public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms to them:
a) on the walls and roofs of buildings:
fire resistance levels I and II, constructive fire hazard class C0 1,2*
degree of fire resistance II, class of constructive fire hazard C1 and degree of fire resistance III, class of constructive fire hazard C0 0,6*
b) along the walls of buildings:
degree of fire resistance III, class of constructive fire hazard C1, degree of fire resistance IV, class of constructive fire hazard C0 0,3*
degree of fire resistance IV, constructive fire hazard classes C1 and C2 0,1
3 Residential, administrative and household buildings for non-industrial purposes, public, including administrative purposes, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms to them, warehouse buildings of category B4 - D:
on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance 0,1**
in cases of placing GRPSh on the outer walls of buildings (only up to GRPSh) 0,3
* The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid along the structures of buildings should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in table 2 for the corresponding consumers.
** It is allowed to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa inclusive along the walls and roofs of gasified residential, administrative and household buildings for non-industrial purposes, public buildings, including administrative buildings, to supply gas to rooftop boilers.
1 The height of the gas pipeline above the roof of the building must be at least 0.5 m.
2 Laying of LPG gas pipelines (medium and high pressure) is allowed along the walls of industrial buildings of the HPS and HPP.

5.3.2 Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of public buildings, including administrative buildings, administrative and household buildings is not allowed.

It is forbidden to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below the premises of categories A and B, except for the buildings of the GNS and GNP, determined by fire safety standards.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines is allowed not higher than the average pressure with a conditional passage of up to 100 along the walls of one residential building not lower than the degree of fire resistance III, constructive fire hazard C0 and at a distance below the roof of at least 0.2 m.

In justified cases, the transit laying of gas pipelines through the territories of facilities that are not supplied with gas from this gas pipeline must be agreed with the owner (right holder) of this facility and the operating organization.

5.3.3 High-pressure natural gas pipelines should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at a height of at least 0.5 m above window and door openings, as well as other open openings of the upper floors of industrial buildings and administrative and amenity buildings adjacent to them. The gas pipeline must be laid below the roof of the building at a distance of at least 0.2 m.

Natural gas pipelines of low and medium pressure may also be laid along the sashes or mullions of non-opening windows and cross the window openings of industrial buildings and boiler rooms filled with glass blocks.

5.3.4 The height of the laying of aboveground gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 18.13330.

5.3.5 On pedestrian and automobile bridges built of non-combustible materials, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have passed 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying of gas pipelines on pedestrian and automobile bridges built of combustible materials is not allowed. The laying of the gas pipeline along the bridges must prevent the ingress of gas into the closed spaces of the bridges.

5.4 Crossing of water barriers and ravines by gas pipelines

5.4.1 Underwater and surface gas pipelines in places where they cross water barriers (rivers, streams, reservoirs, canals, etc.) should be placed at a horizontal distance from bridges in accordance with Table 4.

Table 4

water barriers Bridge type Horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, not less than, m, when laying the gas pipeline (downstream)
above the bridge below the bridge
from the surface gas pipeline with a diameter, mm from an underwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm from the surface gas pipeline from the underwater gas pipeline
300 or less over 300 300 or less over 300 all diameters
Shipping freezing All types 75 125 75 125 50 50
Shipping non-freezing Also 50 50 50 50 50 50
Non-navigable freezing multi-span 75 125 75 125 50 50
Non-navigable non-freezing Also 20 20 20 20 20 20
Non-navigable for gas pipelines: Single and double span
low pressure 2 2 20 20 2 10
medium and high pressure 5 5 20 20 5 20
Note - The distances are given from the protruding structures of the bridge.

5.4.2 Gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be laid deep into the bottom of the crossed water barriers. If necessary, according to the results of calculations for the ascent, the pipeline is ballasted. The mark of the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) should be at least 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and raftable water barriers - 1.0 m lower than the bottom profile predicted for a period of 25 years. When laying a gas pipeline using directional drilling, the mark must be at least 2.0 m below the predicted bottom profile.

When crossing non-navigable water barriers, it is allowed to lay underwater gas pipelines made of pipes with a ballast coating in a prefabricated containment shell, without being buried in the bottom, provided that their suitability for the specified purposes is confirmed in the prescribed manner.

5.4.3 At underwater crossings, the following should be used:

  • steel pipes with a wall thickness of 2 mm more than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm; polyethylene pipes and fittings made of PE 100, having a standard dimensional ratio of not more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 2.0.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa using the directional drilling method, in all cases it is allowed to use polyethylene pipes made of PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 2.0.

At underwater crossings up to 25 m wide, located outside settlements, it is allowed to use polyethylene pipes and fittings made of PE 80 with SDR not more than SDR 11 in gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.6 MPa.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa using the directional drilling method, in all cases it is allowed to use polyethylene pipes made of PE 80 with an SDR of not more than SDR 11.

5.4.4 The height of laying the surface crossing of the gas pipeline from the calculated level of water rise or ice drift [high water horizon (HWH) or ice drift (HWL)] to the bottom of the pipe or span should be taken:

  • when crossing ravines and ravines - not less than 0.5 m above the GVV of 5% security;
  • when crossing non-navigable and non-alloyable rivers - at least 0.2 m above the GWV and GVL of 2% security, and if there is a stump walker on the rivers, taking it into account, but not less than 1 m above the GWV of 1% security (taking into account surge waves);
  • when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - not less than the values ​​established by the design standards for bridge crossings on navigable rivers.

Shut-off valves should be located at least 10 m from the borders of the transition or areas subject to erosion or landslides. The crossing point of the high water horizon with a 10% probability is taken as the transition boundary.

5.5 Gas pipelines crossing railways, trams and roads

5.5.1 Horizontal distances from the intersections of underground gas pipelines of tram and railway tracks, highways, main streets and roads must be at least, m:

  • to bridges and tunnels on railways of general networks and external railway sidings of enterprises, tram tracks, motor roads of categories I-III, main streets and roads, as well as to pedestrian bridges, tunnels through them - 30, and for internal railway sidings of enterprises , motor roads of categories IV-V and pipes - 15;
  • to the turnout zone (the beginning of the wits, the tail of the crosses, the places where suction cables are attached to the rails and other track crossings) - 4 for tram tracks and 20 for railways;
  • to the supports of the contact network - 3.

It is allowed to reduce the distances indicated above in agreement with the organizations in charge of the structures being crossed.

5.5.2 Underground gas pipelines of all pressures at the intersections with railway and tram tracks, motor roads of categories I-IV, as well as with main streets and roads should be laid in cases. In other cases, the issue of the need to arrange cases is decided by the design organization.

Cases must meet the requirements for strength and durability. At one end of the case, a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

5.5.3 The ends of the cases when gas pipelines cross the railways of the general network and external access railway lines of enterprises should be removed at a distance from them not less than those established by SNiP 32-01. When laying inter-settlement gas pipelines in cramped conditions and gas pipelines on the territory of settlements, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m, provided that at one end of the case an exhaust candle with a sampling device is installed at a distance of at least 50 m from the bottom of the embankment, excavation of the subgrade (axis extreme rail at zero marks).

When crossing underground gas pipelines, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance of:

  • at least 2 m from the bottom of the subgrade (the axis of the extreme rail at zero marks) of the tram track, internal access railway lines of enterprises;
  • not less than 2 m from the curb, shoulder, slope foot of the embankment of highways, main streets and roads;
  • at least 3 m from the edge of drainage structures (ditch, ditches, reserve).

In other cases, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance of:

  • not less than 2 m from the outer rail of the tram track and internal access railway lines of enterprises, as well as from the edge of the carriageway of the streets;
  • not less than 3 m from the edge of the drainage structure of roads (ditch, ditches, reserve), but not less than 2 m from the bottom of the embankments.5.5.4

When gas pipelines cross railways of the general network and external access railway lines of enterprises, the depth of laying the gas pipeline must comply with the requirements of SNiP 32-01.

In other cases, the depth of laying the gas pipeline from the bottom of the rail or the top of the road pavement and main streets and roads from the bottom of the embankment to the top of the case must comply with safety requirements, but be at least, m:

  • 1.0 - when designing a gasket in an open way;
  • 1.5 - when designing a gasket by punching or directional drilling and shield penetration;
  • 2.5 - when designing the gasket by the puncture method.

When designing the laying of a gas pipeline by other methods, the depth of laying the gas pipeline is taken taking into account the requirements of technical and operational documentation and safety.

Laying of gas pipelines in the body of embankments of roads and main streets is not allowed, except for specified cases.

5.5.5 The wall thickness of the pipes of the steel gas pipeline when it crosses public railway tracks should be 2-3 mm higher than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm at distances of 50 m in each direction from the bottom of the slope of the embankment (the axis of the extreme rail at zero marks).

For polyethylene gas pipelines in these sections and intersections of highways of categories I-III, main streets and roads, pipes and fittings with SDR not more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 should be used for gas pipelines laid in the territories of settlements and urban districts , and not less than 2.5 and 2.0 - for inter-settlement gas pipelines from PE 80 and PE 100, respectively.

At the same time, cases made of non-metallic and steel pipes should be used on gas pipelines.

5.6 Additional requirements for gas pipelines in special conditions

5.6.1 Special conditions include heaving (except for weakly heaving), subsidence (except for type I subsidence), swelling (except for slightly swelling), permafrost, rocky, eluvial soils, areas with seismicity over 6 and 7 points, undermined (except for group IV) and karst areas (except for areas where, according to the conclusion on the assessment of karst content, anti-karst measures are not required), as well as other soil and technogenic conditions under which negative impacts on the gas pipeline are possible.

For cities with a population of more than 1 million people with a seismicity of more than 6 points, as well as cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people with a seismicity of more than 7 points, gas supply from two sources - main GDS or more with their placement in opposite sides of the city . At the same time, high and medium pressure gas pipelines should be designed as looped ones with their division into sections by disconnecting devices.

5.6.2 Crossings of gas pipelines across rivers up to 80 m wide, ravines and railway tracks in cuts laid in areas with a seismicity of more than 7 points should be provided above ground. Limiters for the movement of gas pipeline supports must ensure its free movement and exclude the possibility of dropping from the supports. In justified cases, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes with a protective sheath.

5.6.3 When designing underground gas pipelines in seismic areas, in undermined and karst areas, at intersections with other underground utilities, at the corners of turns of gas pipelines with a bending radius of less than five diameters at the points of network branching, the transition of underground laying to aboveground, the location of permanent connections ( polyethylene - steel), as well as within the settlements on the linear sections of steel gas pipelines every 50 m, control tubes should be provided.

5.6.4 In soils of varying degrees of heaving, as well as in bulk soils with heaving properties, the depth of laying gas pipelines to the top of the pipe must be at least 0.9 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m. This requirement applies to areas with unequal degree of heaving and at distances equal to 50 nominal diameters of gas pipelines on both sides of their border.

With uniform heaving of soils, the depth of laying the gas pipeline to the top of the pipe should be, m:

  • not less than 0.7 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 0.9 for medium heaving soils;
  • not less than 0.8 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 for strongly and excessively heaving soils.

5.6.5 For LPG tank installations with underground tanks designed under special conditions, above-ground laying of liquid and vapor phase gas pipelines connecting the tanks should be provided.

5.6.6 In case of seismicity of more than 7 points, in undermined and karst areas, in areas of permafrost soils for polyethylene gas pipelines, the following shall be used: pipes and fittings made of PE 100 with SDR not more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 for gas pipelines, laid in the territories of settlements and urban districts, and not less than 2.0 - for inter-settlement gas pipelines. It is allowed under these special conditions to use pipes and fittings made of PE 80 with a safety factor of at least 3.2 in polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa. When laying gas pipelines in rocky soils, pipes made of polyethylene with a protective sheath in accordance with GOST R 50838 should be used. Welded butt joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

5.6.7 When designing gas pipeline entries into buildings, compensation of the gas pipeline should be provided for, taking into account possible movements (settlement, bulging) of buildings and the gas pipeline itself.

5.7 Rehabilitation of worn-out underground steel gas pipelines

5.7.1 For the restoration (reconstruction) and overhaul of worn out underground steel gas pipelines, the following are used:

  • in the territory of settlements and urban districts:
  • at pressures up to 0.3 MPa inclusive - pulling pipes made of polyethylene PE 80 and PE 100 with a safety factor of at least 2.6 in the gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with ZN, or butt-welded using high-grade welding technology automation;
  • at pressures above 0.3 to 0.6 MPa inclusive - pulling pipes made of polyethylene PE 80 and PE 100 in the gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 3.2 without welded joints or connected using parts with ZN or butt welding using welding equipment high degree of automation;
  • at pressures up to 1.2 MPa inclusive - lining the cleaned inner surface of gas pipelines with a synthetic fabric hose on a special two-component adhesive, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes for the specified pressure or in accordance with the standards (technical specifications), the scope of which extends to given pressure;
  • outside settlements and urban districts:
  • at pressures up to 0.6 MPa inclusive - drawing pipes made of polyethylene PE 80 and PE 100 in a gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 2.6 without welded joints or connected using parts with a ZN or butt welding using welding equipment of a high degree of automation;
  • at pressures above 0.6 to 1.2 MPa inclusive - pulling pipes made of PE 100 polyethylene with a safety factor of at least 2.0 in the gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with ZN or butt welding using welding equipment of a high degree of automation . The space between a polyethylene pipe and a worn-out steel gas pipeline (framework) with a pressure of more than 0.6 to 1.2 MPa inclusive must be filled (if possible) along the entire length with a sealing (sealing), for example, foam material;
  • at pressures up to 1.2 MPa inclusive - lining the cleaned inner surface of gas pipelines with a synthetic fabric hose on a special two-component adhesive, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes for the specified pressure or in accordance with the standards (technical specifications), the scope of which extends to given pressure.

When pulling, polyethylene pipes are used without a protective sheath, with a protective sheath, with co-extrusion layers.

For the restoration (reconstruction) and overhaul of worn-out underground steel gas pipelines outside and on the territory of settlements and urban districts, other reconstruction technologies are allowed: pulling polyethylene pipes with short branch pipes connected to each other into a long pipe, reduced in diameter, pulling thin-walled profiled pipes SDR 21 and SDR 26, laying of polyethylene pipes instead of worn steel ones by their destruction or other technologies, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes for the indicated pressure.

5.7.2 Restoration and overhaul of worn-out steel gas pipelines may be carried out without changing the pressure, with an increase or decrease in pressure compared to the pressure in the existing gas pipeline.

It is allowed to keep:

  • intersections of the restored areas with underground utilities without installing additional cases;
  • depth of laying of the restored gas pipelines;
  • distances from the restored gas pipeline to buildings, structures and networks of engineering and technical support according to its actual location, if the pressure in the restored gas pipeline does not change or when the pressure in the restored gas pipeline rises to 0.3 MPa.

Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines with the possibility of increasing pressure to high pressure is allowed if the distances to buildings, structures and utility networks meet the requirements for a high-pressure gas pipeline.

Appendix B (informative). Minimum distances from aboveground (ground without dike) gas pipelines to buildings and structures Annex B (informative). Minimum distances from underground (ground with bunding) gas pipelines to buildings and structuresAnnex D (informative). Typical solutions for restricting access to internal gas pipelines Annex D (informative). Key active measures for the safe gasification of buildingsAnnex E (informative). The procedure for registration and approval of control samples of the appearance of welded joints Annex G (informative). The act of acceptance of the completed construction of the gas distribution systemBibliography

Many owners of dachas and private houses often themselves provoke litigation when building houses or any other buildings, so that, for example, the neighboring “site” is buried in the shade. But there is a whole list of rules, regulations that provides for distances, lengths, heights and other parameters during the construction and laying of engineering sections (water pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.)

Here are the most common of them in individual construction - their knowledge will help you not to make mistakes, so that later you do not have to demolish what you have built with your own hands and start construction again.

For laying engineering networks own regulations


In case of non-compliance with the regulations, gas services may prohibit connection to the gas pipeline. This is what furnaces and kitchens with gas stoves should be like.

  • Ceiling height - not less than 2.4 m (2.2 m with a boiler power of less than 60 kW).
  • A window (mandatory with a window leaf) must have a glazing area at the rate of 0.03 sq. m per 1 cu. m of room volume, but not less than 0.8 sq. m.
  • The volume of the room for 1 boiler is convenient for maintenance, but not less than 7.5 cubic meters. m. For 2 boilers - at least 15 cubic meters. meters
  • When installed with a power of more than 60 kW - gas contamination alarm.
  • When installing boilers in the basement floors, in separate furnace rooms - a gas contamination alarm.
  • Size - according to the boiler passport.

There are rules in the kitchen. If the stove is gas, the following requirements are met:

  • the distance from the gas meter to the electric meter is at least 0.5 m;
  • distance from the gas meter to gas appliances - at least 1 m;
  • when installing 4-burner stoves, the volume of the room is at least 15 cubic meters. m;
  • when installing 2-burner stoves, the volume of the room is at least 8 cubic meters. m;
  • ventilation in the kitchen - D air duct 200 mm;
  • ceiling height - at least 2.2 m.

Underground gas pipeline regulations:

  • the distance of the underground gas pipeline to other communications with parallel laying is -1 meter;
  • distance of the underground e. (low pressure) gas pipeline to buildings (sheds, gazebos) - at least 2 meters;
  • distance of the underground e. gas pipeline to wells - at least 1 meter;
  • distance of the underground e. gas pipeline to power lines - at least 1 m;
  • distance of the underground e. gas pipeline to trees - at least 1.5 meters;
  • distance from the burner to the opposite wall - at least 1 m;
  • safe distances from the gas tank to objects on the site.

The system should be located at a distance (in particularly cramped conditions, distances can be halved):

  • from a residential building -10 meters;
  • from the fence on the foundation and the garage -2 meters;
  • from the septic tank-5 meters;
  • from the well -15 meters;
  • from a tree with a developed crown -5 meters;
  • from the power line - one and a half heights of the support.

Distances between houses and buildings - standards and regulations

The distances between houses are determined by the rules, but can be reduced subject to lighting standards and if the premises are not visible from window to window:

  • between the long sides of residential buildings with a height of 2-3 floors - at least 15 meters, and with a height of 4 floors - at least 20 meters;
  • between the long sides and ends of the same buildings with windows from living rooms - at least 10 meters;
  • in areas of homestead development, the distance from the windows of residential premises (rooms, kitchens and verandas) to the walls of the house and outbuildings (barn, garage, bathhouse) located on neighboring land plots must be at least 6 meters;
  • outbuildings are placed from the boundaries of the site at a distance of 1 meter.

It is allowed to block outbuildings in adjacent areas by mutual agreement of the homeowners.

At what distance from each other should engineering networks be located? This table reflects internecine relations.

Network engineering

Distance, m, horizontally to:


household sewerage

drainage and rainwater

pressure pipelines. MPa (kgf / cm 2)

low to 0.005 (0.05)

middle St. 0.005 (0.05) to 0.3(3)

Water pipes


Sewerage household




Rain sewer





Pressure gas pipelines, MPa (kgf/cm2):










St. 0.3 (3) TO 0.6 (6)




St. 0.6 (6) TO 1.2 (12)



Power cables




Communication cables




Heating network:

from shell




Opinion of a lawyer (K. Andreev)

The most common subject of controversy is unauthorized buildings(if there is a building permit, then it must take into account the standards - SNiP).

The second type of violation is the construction of a site that does not belong to the “builder” (this is called squatting). An example would be a moved fence. According to paragraph 17 of Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, some objects do not require a building permit: gazebos, sheds.

Permission is required, so it is important that you actually build: if according to the technical passport you have a garage, but in fact a residential building, the building can be challenged in court.

The third point of contention is non-standard building. For example, if the site is intended for horticulture, building standards SNiPZO-02-97 (“Planning and development of territories of horticultural associations of citizens. Buildings and structures”) apply to it. According to paragraph 1.1 of this SNiP, the rules and regulations apply to the design and construction of houses. It is impossible to build an 8-storey house in a gardening partnership (and such cases happen) - neighbors have the right to sue, and such a building will be demolished.

If the site is intended for individual housing construction, other standards apply - a set of rules for urban planning, planning and development of urban and rural settlements (edition of SNiP 2.07.01-89, approved on 12/28/2010). In disputes about non-normative buildings, it is necessary to establish what kind of building we have in front of us. An expert arrives, inspects the object and issues a verdict: "This is a garage" or "This is a low-rise building." Then it is decided which rules the disputed structure falls under, and then the defendants are forced to prove that it complies with the standards. For fences, there is a separate SNiP 30-02-97, clause 6.2. It says that the sites should be fenced, taking into account the minimum shading of neighboring ones - the fences should be lattice, up to one and a half meters high. By decision of the general meeting of gardeners, it is allowed to install deaf fences from the side of the street and the passage.

Claims that are filed for violation of rights are called negatory. The reason for their submission is an obstacle in the use of their land, which is repaired by a neighbor (illegally invaded your territory, obscures it). The owner may demand that all violations be corrected. The limitation period in this matter is 3 years from the moment the victim learned about the violation of his rights. This means that it does not matter at all when the neighbor moved the fence or built a house under your nose. It matters when you find out about it.

5.1.1 The placement of external gas pipelines in relation to buildings, structures and parallel neighboring engineering networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - SNiP II-89.

When laying underground gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions (when it is not possible to fulfill the distances regulated by regulatory documents), in certain sections of the route, between buildings and gifts of buildings, as well as gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa when they approach with detached utility buildings (buildings without the constant presence of people), it is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01 and SNiP II-89 by up to 50%. At the same time, in the areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be applied:

seamless or electric-welded steel pipes laid in a protective case, with 100% control by physical methods of factory welded joints;

polyethylene pipes laid in a protective case, without welded joints or connected by parts with embedded heaters (HE), or butt-welded with 100% control of joints by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines at distances corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01, but less than 50 m from public railways in the approach area and 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must pass 100% - ny control by physical methods.

In this case, the wall thickness of steel pipes should be 2–3 mm more than the calculated one, and polyethylene pipes should have a safety factor of at least 2.8.

5.1.2 Laying of gas pipelines should be provided underground and ground.

In justified cases, aboveground laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings inside residential courtyards and quarters, as well as in certain sections of the route, including sections of crossings through artificial and natural barriers when crossing underground utilities, is allowed.

Aboveground and surface gas pipelines with dikes can be laid in rocky, permafrost soils, in wetlands and under other difficult soil conditions. The material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken on the basis of thermal engineering calculations, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and embankment.

5.1.3 Laying of gas pipelines in tunnels, collectors and channels is not allowed. The exception is the laying of steel gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89 on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in channels in permafrost soils under roads and railways.

5.1.4 Pipe connections should be provided as one-piece connections. Detachable can be connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and

in the places of installation of fittings, equipment and instrumentation (KIP). Detachable connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes in the ground can only be provided if a case with a control tube is installed.

5.1.5 Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings, should be enclosed in a case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed for the entire thickness of the crossed structure. The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

5.1.6 The entry of gas pipelines into buildings should be provided directly to the room where the gas-using equipment is installed, or to the adjacent room, connected by an open opening.

It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into the premises of the basement and basement floors of buildings, except for the inputs of natural gas pipelines into single-apartment and block houses.

5.1.7 Disconnecting devices on gas pipelines should be provided for:

in front of detached or blocked buildings;

to disconnect the risers of residential buildings above five floors;

in front of outdoor gas-using equipment;

in front of gas control points, with the exception of hydraulic distribution stations of enterprises, on the branch of the gas pipeline to which there is a disconnecting device at a distance of less than 100 m from the hydraulic distribution station;

at the outlet of gas control points looped by gas pipelines;

on branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, quarters, groups of residential buildings, and with more than 400 apartments, to a separate house, as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;

when crossing water barriers with two threads or more, as well as one thread with a width of a water barrier with a low-water horizon of 75 m or more;

when crossing railways of the general network and motor roads of categories I-II, if the disconnecting device that ensures the interruption of the gas supply at the crossing section is located at a distance of more than 1000 m from the roads.

5.1.8 Disconnecting devices on aboveground gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from door and opening window openings not less than:

for low pressure gas pipelines - 0.5 m;

for gas pipelines of medium pressure - 1 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category II - 3 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I - 5 m.

In the areas of transit laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings, the installation of disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.2.1 Laying of gas pipelines should be carried out at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or case. In places where the movement of vehicles and agricultural vehicles is not provided, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines may be at least 0.6 m.

5.2.2 The vertical distance (in the light) between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utilities and structures at their intersections should be taken taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, but not less than 0.2 m.

5.2.3 At the intersection of gas pipelines with underground communication collectors and channels for various purposes, as well as at the places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case.

The ends of the case must be led out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides of the outer walls of the structures and communications being crossed, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the case must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case at the top of the slope (with the exception of the intersections of the walls of the wells), a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

In the annular space of the case and the gas pipeline, it is allowed to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60 V, intended for servicing gas distribution systems.

5.2.4 Polyethylene pipes used for the construction of gas pipelines must have a safety factor in accordance with GOST R 50838 of at least 2.5.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes:

on the territory of settlements at a pressure of more than 0.3 MPa;

outside the territory of settlements at a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa;

for transportation of gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the liquid phase of LPG;

at a gas pipeline wall temperature under operating conditions below minus 15 °C.

When using pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8, it is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.3 to 0.6 MPa in the territories of settlements with predominantly one-two-story and cottage residential buildings. On the territory of small rural settlements, it is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa with a safety factor of at least 2.5. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 0.8 m to the top of the pipe.

5.3.1 Above-ground gas pipelines, depending on the pressure, should be laid on supports made of non-combustible materials or along the structures of buildings and structures in accordance with Table 3

Table 3

Placement of elevated gas pipelines

Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more

1. On free-standing supports, columns, flyovers and whatnots

1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)

2. Boiler rooms, industrial buildings with premises of categories C, D and D and buildings of the State Tax Service (GNP), public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in, attached and roof boilers to them:

a) on the walls and roofs of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, fire hazard class CO (according to SNiP 21-01)

II degree of fire resistance class C1 and III degree of fire resistance class CO

b) on the walls of buildings Ill fire resistance class C1, IV fire resistance class CO

IV degree of fire resistance classes C1 and C2

3. Residential, administrative, public and domestic buildings, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms

on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance

in cases of placing the ShRP on the outer walls of buildings (only up to the ShRP)

* The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid along the structures of buildings should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in table 2 for the corresponding consumers.

5.3.2 Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, public, administrative and household buildings with a mass stay of people is not allowed.

It is forbidden to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below the premises of categories A and B, determined by fire safety standards, with the exception of the buildings of the hydraulic distribution plant.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines not exceeding average pressure with a diameter of up to 100 mm is allowed along the walls of one residential building not lower than the III degree of fire resistance of class CO and at a distance to the roof of at least 0.2 m.

5.3.3 High-pressure gas pipelines should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at least 0.5 m above the window and door openings of the upper floors of industrial buildings and administrative and amenity buildings adjacent to them. The distance from the gas pipeline to the roof of the building must be at least 0.2 m.

Low and medium pressure gas pipelines can also be laid along the sashes or mullions of non-opening windows and cross the window openings of industrial buildings and boiler rooms filled with glass blocks.

5.3.4 The height of the laying of aboveground gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-89.

5.3.5 On pedestrian and automobile bridges built of non-combustible materials, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have passed 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying of gas pipelines on pedestrian and automobile bridges built of combustible materials is not allowed.

5.4.1 Underwater and surface gas pipelines at the places where they cross water barriers should be placed at a horizontal distance from the bridges in accordance with Table 4.

5.4.2 Gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be laid deep into the bottom of the crossed water barriers. If necessary, based on the results of the ascent calculations, it is necessary to ballast the pipeline. The mark of the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) should be at least 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and raftable rivers - 1.0 m below the predicted bottom profile for a period of 25 years. When performing work by the method of directional drilling - not less than 2.0 m below the predicted bottom profile.

5.4.3 At underwater crossings, the following should be used:

steel pipes with a wall thickness of 2 mm more than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm;

polyethylene pipes with a standard dimensional ratio of the outer diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness (SDR) of not more than 11 (according to GOST R 50838) with a safety factor of at least 2.5 for crossings up to 25 m wide (at the level of maximum water rise) and not less than 2.8 otherwise.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa by the method of directional drilling, polyethylene pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.5 can be used in all cases.

5.4.4 The height of laying the surface crossing of the gas pipeline from the calculated level of water rise or ice drift according to SNiP 2.01.14 (high water horizon - GVV or ice drift - GVL) to the bottom of the pipe or span should be taken:

when crossing ravines and beams - not lower than

Table 4

water barriers

Bridge type

Horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, not less than, m, when laying the gas pipeline

above the bridge

below the bridge

from the surface gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from an underwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from the surface gas pipeline

from the underwater gas pipeline

300 or less

300 or less

all diameters

Shipping freezing

All types

Shipping non-freezing

Non-navigable freezing


Non-navigable non-freezing

Non-navigable for gas pipelines pressure: low medium and high

Single and double span

Note - The distances are from the protruding structures of the bridge.

0.5 m above GVV 5% security;

when crossing non-navigable and non-alloyable rivers - at least 0.2 m above the GWV and GVL of 2% security, and if there is a stump walker on the rivers - taking it into account, but not less than 1 m above the GWV of 1% security;

when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - not less than the values ​​established by the design standards for bridge crossings on navigable rivers.

Shut-off valves should be placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the borders of the transition. The transition boundary is taken to be the places where the gas pipeline crosses the high water horizon with a 10% security.

5.5.1 Horizontal distances from the intersections of underground gas pipelines of tram and railway tracks and highways must be at least:

to bridges and tunnels on public railways, tramways, highways of categories I-III, as well as to pedestrian bridges, tunnels through them - 30 m, and for non-public railways, highways of categories IV-V and pipes - 15 m ;

to the turnout zone (the beginning of the wits, the tail of the crosses, the places where suction cables are attached to the rails and other track crossings) - 4 m for tram tracks and 20 m for railways;

to the supports of the contact network - 3m.

It is allowed to reduce the indicated distances in agreement with the organizations in charge of the structures being crossed.

5.5.2 Underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railway and tram tracks, motor roads of categories I-IV, as well as main streets of citywide significance should be laid in cases. In other cases, the issue of the need to arrange cases is decided by the design organization.

Cases must meet the conditions of strength and durability. At one end of the case, a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

5.5.3 The ends of the cases when crossing gas pipelines of public railways should be taken out at a distance from them not less than those established by SNiP 32-01. When laying inter-settlement gas pipelines in cramped conditions and gas pipelines on the territory of settlements, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m, provided that an exhaust candle with a sampling device is installed at one end of the case, brought to a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the subgrade (the axis of the extreme rail at zero marks).

In other cases, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance of:

not less than 2 m from the outermost rail of the tram track and 750 mm gauge railways, as well as from the edge of the carriageway of the streets;

not less than 3 m from the edge of the drainage structure of roads (ditch, ditches, reserve) and from the extreme rail of non-public railways, but not less than 2 m from the bottom of the embankments.

5.5.4 When gas pipelines cross public railway lines of 1520 mm gauge, the laying depth of the gas pipeline shall comply with SNiP 32-01.

In other cases, the depth of laying the gas pipeline from the bottom of the rail or the top of the road surface, and if there is an embankment, from its bottom to the top of the case, must meet safety requirements, but be no less than:

in the production of works in an open way -1.0 m;

in the performance of work by punching or directional drilling and shield penetration -1.5 m;

in the production of work by the puncture method - 2.5 m.

5.5.5 The wall thickness of the pipes of a steel gas pipeline when it crosses public railways must be 2–3 mm more than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm at distances of 50 m in each direction from the edge of the subgrade (the axis of the extreme rail at zero marks) .

For polyethylene gas pipelines in these sections and at the intersections of highways of categories I–Ill, polyethylene pipes of no more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used.

5.6.1 Gas supply to cities with a population of more than 1 million people. with a seismicity of the area more than 6 points, as well as cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. in case of seismicity of the area more than 7 points, it should be provided from two sources or more - main GDS with their placement on opposite sides of the city. At the same time, high and medium pressure gas pipelines should be designed as looped ones with their division into sections by disconnecting devices.

5.6.2 Crossings of gas pipelines through rivers, ravines and railway tracks in recesses, laid in areas with a seismicity of more than 7 points, should be provided above ground. The structures of the supports must ensure the possibility of movement of gas pipelines that occur during an earthquake.

5.6.3 During the construction of underground gas pipelines in seismic areas, in undermined and karst areas, at intersections with other underground utilities, at the corners of turns of gas pipelines with a bend radius of less than 5 diameters, at network branching points, transition of underground laying to aboveground, location of permanent connections “polyethylene-steel”, as well as within the boundaries of settlements in linear sections every 50 m, control tubes should be installed.

5.6.4 The depth of laying gas pipelines in soils of varying degrees of heaving, as well as in bulk soils, should be taken up to the top of the pipe - not less than 0.9 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m.

With uniform heaving of pounds, the depth of the gas pipeline to the top of the pipe should be:

not less than 0.7 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 0.9 m for medium heaving soils;

not less than 0.8 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m for heavily and excessively heaving soils.

5.6.5 For LPG tank installations with underground tanks in heaving (except slightly heaving), medium and strongly swelling soils, above-ground laying of liquid and vapor phase gas pipelines connecting the tanks should be provided.

5.6.6 If the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, in undermined and karst areas, in areas of permafrost, pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used for polyethylene gas pipelines. Welded butt joints must be 100% controlled by physical methods.

5.7.1 To restore (reconstruct) worn-out underground steel gas pipelines outside and on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the following should be applied:

at a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa, inclusive, pulling polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 2.5 without welded joints or connected using parts with GL, or butt-welded using welding equipment of a high degree of automation;

at a pressure of 0.3 to 0.6 MPa, inclusive, pulling polyethylene pipes in the gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with ZN or butt welding using welding equipment of a high degree of automation with a safety factor for gas pipelines on the territory of settlements of at least 2, 8, and outside settlements - at least 2.5. The space between the polyethylene pipe and the worn-out steel gas pipeline (framework) along the entire length must be filled with a sealing (sealing) material (cement-sand mortar, foam material);

at a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa, lining (using the Phoenix technology) of the cleaned inner surface of gas pipelines with a synthetic fabric hose on a special two-component adhesive, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes for the specified pressure or in accordance with standards (technical specifications) ; the scope of which extends to a given pressure.

5.7.2 Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines is carried out without changing the pressure, with an increase or decrease in pressure compared to the existing gas pipeline.

It is allowed to keep:

intersections of the restored areas with underground utilities without installing additional cases;

depth of laying of the restored gas pipelines;

the distance from the restored gas pipeline to buildings, structures and utilities according to its actual location, if the pressure of the restored gas pipeline does not change or when the pressure of the restored gas pipeline increases to 0.3 MPa.

Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines with an increase in pressure to high pressure is allowed if the distances to buildings, structures and utilities meet the requirements for a high-pressure gas pipeline.

5.7.3 The size ratio of polyethylene and steel pipes during reconstruction by pulling should be selected based on the possibility of free passage of polyethylene pipes and parts inside steel pipes and ensuring the integrity of polyethylene pipes. The ends of the reconstructed sections between polyethylene and steel pipes must be sealed.

The distance from the house to the gas pipe (gas pipeline) is a parameter necessary for compliance, a variable concept of the norm, which during construction is regulated in accordance with SNiP 42-01-2002, commonly known as "Gas distribution systems". Legislated, it regulates the distance from the gas pipe according to several parameters - the building, the gas pipeline, the pressure of the supplied gas, the diameter of the pipe, the laying method. There is no single, unambiguous answer to the question about the distance, given without taking into account these factors.

Distance from home

Basic documents for definition

Regardless of the number of storeys, purpose and building materials, even the highest fire safety, the decision at what distance from the gas pipe a house can be built is made without fail before its construction begins. Such problems need to be addressed at the design stage of the structure.

Gas pipes in the village

The residential building is no exception. Any citizen of the Russian Federation must coordinate the project of his future habitat with the supervisory authorities.

He will not have any obstacles to the start of land ownership development if the plan is agreed and drawn up on the basis of existing and current regulatory documents - SNiP, Federal Laws, building codes and government regulations.

These documents are registered by Rosstandart and can become guidelines. The necessary approval and approval of the developed construction plan will have to be obtained in several instances.

Near the city

The distance from the gas pipe to the house can be easily calculated, guided by the relevant documents. To do this, you should apply for factual data and permission to the gas distribution station, whose authority extends to the place of construction of the dwelling.

Having actual data on the pressure level in a nearby gas pipeline, you can refer to the following documents when designing:

  • SNiP 42-01-2002, which defines the basic technical requirements for the design and reconstruction of consumer systems created to provide fuel;
  • Federal Law No. 184 and Government Decree No. 858, which oblige to comply with the norm specified in the SNiP, building regulations at the level of the law;
  • SP 62.13330.2011, which updated or supplemented the distance standards SNiP 42-01-2002 necessary for safe operation.

High pressure gas pipeline

These documents are registered by Rosstandart and can become guidelines if the developer independently tries to determine the distances for designing a future building with reference to a specific area. However, the approval of a project or plan is a necessary step to obtain a building permit, which now every potential newcomer must have.

Determination of remoteness: conditions and factors

Since 2010, the norms specified in the SNiP and SP have become the same mandatory as those specified in other legislative documents. Like any permitted construction conditions, they are permanently checked by supervisory authorities. Their functions include ensuring the measures provided for by the regulations to ensure safety.

gate valve

Failure to comply with the specified minimum distances from the gas pipe may result in a court hearing or the imposition of administrative penalties if a violation is discovered.

The use of bottled gas in the house provides for less stringent requirements - only fire safety standards.


The supply for domestic or industrial needs depends on several factors, which are detailed in the current regulations. In the first case, gas with a high calorie content is considered optimal. Pipeline transportation is preferred due to the fact that this method is the safest.

Distance from the gas pipe (underground gas pipeline) to structures and communications in accordance with SNiP standards

However, this method requires laying a network of gas pipes in areas with different terrain and depends on the operating features existing in each case:

  1. Around the above-ground communications, which, according to the requirements of the joint venture, can only be made of high-quality steel, a two-meter security zone is left. This type of gas transportation does not create any special problems and does not require additional costs. There is no need to dig special trenches either when laying a gas pipe or when repairing it. A two-sided security zone is certainly left. The elevated pipeline can run in any area - in urban, rural or suburban areas. The distance from the intake to the high or low pressure gas pipeline in this case is dictated only by the observance of the security zone, and no special requirements are provided.
  2. The construction of an underground communication network for transporting fuel is considered safer, but also more expensive. Digging trenches during laying and in case of necessary repairs is a significant inconvenience. However, in modern conditions, you can save on polymer gas pipes that do not require periodic replacement and are not subject to corrosion. Laying underground requires taking into account the pressure of the supplied gas. For example, low pressure or another provided by the regulations. The safety of the location is also determined by the diameter of the pipe. Therefore, at what distance a residential building is located from underground utilities is determined by several parameters. From the fence to the main network of the gas pipeline on the street, there is enough security zone, determined by the gas distribution station. But this is only if the fence and the residential building being built are distanced according to all standards from the passage or the roadway.
  3. Internal networks that supply economical and productive fuel to buildings of various types can be mounted exclusively from high-quality steel or copper. Here, the determining factors are the purpose of the structure and the number of storeys of the house. In the city, these can be industrial, where high-pressure gas pipes are used, or public buildings. The supply of boiler rooms used for heating or individual projects requires medium pressure. It is necessary to know what distance must be observed from potential ignition objects - a fireplace, a heating boiler, a chimney.

Distances between communications according to SNiP and SanPiN

Distance from the house and the fence: basic norms

SP 62.13330.2011 requires compliance with the following standards:

  • a security zone of 2 m on each side from the above-ground gas pipeline to any building or house;
  • the same 2 m is required when determining the distance from a residential building to a low pressure substation;
  • the average pressure in the pipes provides for a distance from the house already at 4 m;
  • from structures with high pressure, a residential building cannot distance itself closer than 7 m;
  • a pipe for supplying gas to a residential building is located at a distance of 50 or more cm from the entrance;
  • gas can be supplied from the window and roof of a residential building using a pipe 20 cm away.

Distance standards from power lines to gas pipes according to SNiP standards

Strictly defined distances at which it is possible to distance the fence and gas communications on the site are not given. The norm of indentation is only the security zone of communications.

Information on the diameter of the main pipes and pressure can be obtained at the gas distribution station in charge of the territory. Without its approval, the development plan will still not be considered legally approved, and any restriction of access to communications, even one-sided, will be recognized as a violation.

Claims that neighbors can put forward must also be taken into account.

Scheme of gas supply of a residential building

Especially in situations where their structure was installed in violation of the regulations, but long enough to be challenged. In this case, the distance of the pipe being laid from the neighboring fence must comply with all existing standards. To comply with them in the country, supervisory authorities are provided that are aware of the intricacies of the process.