Is it possible to whitewash the ceiling according to the old whitewash. Whitewashing the ceiling with your own hands: a step-by-step method with water-based paint

without washing off the whitewash,not recommended. Since the composition, applied to lime or chalk, absorbs with old material and peels off after drying. But there are several ways to avoid this problem.

How to paint a whitewashed ceiling

Before starting repair work, make sure that you have the following tools:

  • means of protection;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • grinding material;
  • putty knife;
  • tray for paint.

Process preparation of the surface for painting begins with cleaning the old layermessages the wash method. The whitewash layer is abundantly moistened with water. The soggy base is removed with a spatula. Then the cleaned surface is washed with a painting sponge and the remnants of the old layer are removed.

Areas with grease, rust or markswhitening treated with copper sulfate or a solution of hydrochloric acid diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

If there are cracks, recesses, cracks on the ceiling, they are sealed with plaster or putty.

For good adhesion of finishing materials, a thin-layer putty with high adhesion rates is applied to the cleaned and dried area. After 2-3 hours, everything is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

A primer is needed for a smootherstaining ... For this, the composition is rolled out with a roller or brush over the surface and left to dry for at least 2 hours.

Paint selection

Painting the ceiling after whitewashingrequires the correct choice of paints and varnishes.

The quality of LKS and compatibility with the finished surface is determined by the level of the following indicators:

  • adhesion;
  • vapor permeability;
  • covering;
  • resistance to moisture and abrasion;
  • consumption;
  • drying time;
  • life time.

Types of water-based mixtures for painting the ceiling

Polyvinyl acetate

This quick drying mixture has a high adhesion index and UV protection. It is easy to apply, retains color for a long time, retains its original structure. Materials of this type are not resistant to moisture, not suitable for painting rooms with high humidity.


The aqueous emulsion contains acrylic resins. It masks small defects without prior priming. Acrylic mixes are often used for painting ceilings in bathrooms and kitchens. Service life - over 10 years.


It contains silicone resin. A covering made of this material is vapor-tight and protectspainted them a site from mold and mildew.


This material is composed of hydrated lime, cement and pigment.Paint not suitable for work in rooms with high humidity. Such mixtures have a short, no more than 2 years, service life.


Made of liquid glass and tinted colors. Scope: dry, well-ventilated rooms.

Sequence of work

Wall painting technology:

  1. Stir the water-based suspension in a jar, filter and pour the composition into a paint tray.
  2. Protect the baseboard with masking tape.
  3. Start painting from the far corneroverlap. The coating is made in two layers (the first is applied along the canvas, the second - across) with intervals between them at least 12 hours.

Top - 5 ceiling paints

  1. Dufa made in Germany ... A distinctive feature is white color, resistance and durability. The surface painted with Superweiss takes on a matt or glossy finish. Dufa Superweiss acrylic enamel is suitable for painting residential premises. She lies down easily evenfor whitewash , dries quickly (30 min.) and economical (1 liter per 7 sq. m.).
  2. Dulux - moisture-resistant acrylic polymer has three types of textures: matte, glossy, semi-gloss. This composition is used to paint children's rooms, bedrooms.
  3. Tikkurila. The catalog of the company has about fifty types of products. Fully meets all the requirements for modern paints and varnishes.
  4. Ceresit. This paint belongs to the category of silicate compounds. Consumption: 300 g per 1 sq. m.
  5. Water-dispersion paint "NORT" ... This paint gives the ceiling a matte finish in boiling white. Consumption: 120 g per 1 sq. m.

It is recommended to whitewash or paint ceilings only after the old finish has been removed. However, this is a rather complicated matter. Removing old chalk or lime from the ceiling is long and tedious. In addition, a lot of dirt remains in the house after that. Previously, glue was added to the chalk solution before whitewashing. If the surface is finished with just such a tool, cleaning it completely turns into torment. Therefore, for sure, many owners of houses and apartments would like to know whether it is possible to whitewash the ceiling using the old whitewash, and how to correctly perform such an operation.

What you need to know

In principle, you can paint or whitewash the ceilings without removing the old coating. But not in all cases. So, for example, it is extremely undesirable for an old whitewash with chalk if it is covered with lime (and, accordingly, vice versa). Otherwise, sloppy stains will surely appear on the ceiling. If you don't want to clean off the old coating, you should whitewash the ceiling with the same tool that was used before. You should also not use lime or chalk if the surface was previously treated with water-based paint. The surface simply will not crack. The ceiling will remain yellow no matter how many coats have been applied.

Using paint - is it possible?

Many owners of houses and apartments are wondering, among other things, whether it is possible to whitewash the ceiling over the old whitewash with water emulsion. It is considered acceptable to use this tool. But only if the layer of the old finish is not too thick and stays firmly on the ceiling. In no case should oil paint or enamel be applied to the whitewash. When using them, the old coating will still have to be removed.

Preparation for finishing

In the event that you decide to perform such an operation as whitewashing the ceiling on an old whitewash, before starting processing, you will have to carefully prepare the old surface. Chalk on the plaster layer usually lies flat. Lime can come off in pieces. Therefore, in the latter case, before whitewashing, you need to check the entire ceiling for the presence of such delamination. Of course, all loose pieces should be removed with a spatula. After performing this operation, of course, irregularities will remain on the ceiling. They need to be sealed with a special chalk putty or a thick lime mortar with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue (depending on the type of old finish). Of course, all cracks and chips on the surface must also be smeared.

Before proceeding with it, it is advisable to go through it with a damp cloth in order to remove dust, cobwebs, etc. It often happens that the old chalk or lime coating has a yellow color. After applying a new finish, this yellowness will most likely still show through. Therefore, before starting work, such a discolored surface should be bleached. Such a need, for example, will certainly arise when decorating a kitchen. Yellow ceilings are also in the event that one of the owners smokes right in the apartment. It is not difficult to whiten such a surface. It is enough just to add a little inexpensive "Whiteness" to the water in which the cloth is dipped during cleaning. If the ceilings are very yellow, they should be passed with a roller dipped in the prepared solution. Next, you should wait until the surface is dry.

Whitewashing the ceiling according to the old whitewash: technology

Chalk and lime generally do not bond very well to concrete. Therefore, the ceiling, previously finished with such a tool, should be processed using not a roller, but a spray bottle. In this case, the surface will be flat and neat. A roller is also allowed. But when using this tool during work, you will have to carefully monitor so that there are no stains on the surface. Of course, it is necessary to whitewash ceilings on old lime or chalk layers not in one, but at least in two or three layers.

Using a water emulsion

Asking the question about the old whitewash, one should, of course, decide, including with the type of finish used. Chalk and lime are used extremely rarely in the design of poltolkov today. In most cases, apartment and house owners use water-based paint. This product is applied to the surface of the ceiling much more evenly. In addition, the water emulsion does not flake off over time. But of course, such a finish will last a long time only if it is applied correctly.

Before painting, the bleached ceiling should be primed. In this case, you should use a special means of deep penetration. After the primer is dry, you need to test the old coating for strength. To do this, simply try to scratch the ceiling with a spatula. If the old coating is easily removed, it is better not to risk it and still remove it. If the chalk or lime impregnated with the primer sticks tightly, you can start painting.

Sometimes the owners of apartments and houses finish the whitewashed ceilings with water emulsion and without preliminary priming. This is also acceptable. But only if you use very high quality paint from a good manufacturer.

Basic whitewashing rules

Of course, before starting an operation such as whitewashing the ceiling over an old whitewash, the room must be prepared. Floors and furniture should be covered with technical plastic wrap. Wear rubber gloves on your hands. This is especially important if it is used for processing. As you know, it can strongly corrode the skin.

All doors and windows must be closed before starting whitewashing ceilings with water emulsion, lime or chalk. Otherwise, after drying, ugly stains and stripes will appear on the ceiling.

Application of special tools

The sprayer gives a very thin finish. Therefore, whitewashing the ceiling according to the old whitewash with water-based paint when using this tool should be done in at least three layers. This results in a flat, completely white and clean surface. Before applying each subsequent layer, you must definitely wait until the previous one is completely dry. This rule, by the way, is observed both when using a spray gun and a roller.

Is it worth finishing the surface without preliminary cleaning?

So, we found out - is it possible to whitewash the ceiling to the old whitewash. In principle, this is allowed. If all the above recommendations are followed, the owner of an apartment or house can ultimately get a fairly even and beautiful coating. However, unfortunately, it will be necessary to correct such a finish in the future earlier than if the ceiling had been previously cleaned.

Therefore, before deciding on whitewashing without removing the old layer, you should think carefully. Lime adheres to the ceiling quite tightly. Therefore, if the surface is finished with it, applying a new layer without removing the old ones still makes some sense. But the chalk is removed from the ceiling very easily - just with a rag and water. Therefore, in this case, it is more advisable to clean the surface beforehand.

Until recently, whitewashing was the most popular ceiling design option. She is chosen for a number of positive qualities. Such as low cost, easy application and easy coating renewal. Now people are paying more attention to this issue. The easiest way to change the whitewash to a different finish is to paint it. In this article we will tell you how to do it quickly and correctly.

Can whitewash be painted?

Undoubtedly it is possible, but only in some cases and in a certain way. The main condition is the good condition of the whitewash itself. Thin application layer and no cracks. Otherwise, when applying paint, the whitewash will stick to the roller and crumble.

How to paint whitewash

First, coat the whitewash with a deep-penetrating primer. Wait until it is completely dry. Then check how well it has anchored. If it falls off easily, then it is best not to paint the surface. In this case, you will have to completely clean the ceiling from whitewash. If the surface of the primer is solid, it can be painted over.

Water-based paint for whitewashed ceiling

This type of paint can be applied to whitewash without prior priming. Of course, if the chalk or lime layer is thin and even. This type of paint can itself be a certain kind of primer. If you apply another paint to it, then the coating will be very reliable and durable.

When is it better not to paint the ceiling with whitewash

  • If the whitewash was installed a long time ago.
  • Has irregularities, swelling.
  • If you are going to apply enamel or oil paint.

Surface preparation for painting

Roughness or bumps can be tried to correct with a stiff brush. Apply primer or emulsion paint. Before the procedure, take out the carpet, upholstered furniture, interior items and personal belongings, if possible. Cover the surfaces with foil. Wear protective clothing, construction goggles, and a mask. You can start painting. For saturation, repeat in several layers.

For painting, you can use any construction paint except oil. The paint can be of all kinds of colors and price categories.

As stated in the article, you can paint the whitewash. But still, we advise you to take the time for a better result and completely remove the whitewash before painting. We hope this information will be useful to you.

If you decide to do the repair yourself, then the first thing in such a repair is to whitewash the ceiling with your own hands. And in order to correctly do this work, you are offered the following algorithm of actions.

Preparing the ceiling for whitewashing

If you skip this step, the new whitewash will soon crumble. Preparation is especially important if the ceiling was whitewashed and now you decide to whitewash it with chalk or paint, or vice versa. It is clear that mechanical impurities (greasy stains, dust, etc.) also need to be washed off if you want to whitewash the ceiling yourself.

To determine what the ceiling is whitewashed, you need to moisten the old whitewash. If it has darkened and does not stain your finger, then the whitewash was lime. If the surface is easily erased, there was a chalky whitewash. Water-based paint will remain unchanged.

Now let's look at how to quickly wash off the old whitewash from the ceiling:

  1. Cover the floor and furniture that you could not stand with plastic or other protective waterproof material;
  2. Prepare warm soapy water, a sponge, or a brush;
  3. Moisten the old whitewash in the squares, because if you wet the entire ceiling, it will dry out and you will have to repeat the moisturizing;
  4. When scraping wet areas with a hard trowel, substitute the pallet to avoid contamination of the floor as much as possible;
  5. Wash off the remains of whitewash with a wet sponge.

Even if the old coating is not dirty, it still needs to be moistened so that the new one is better absorbed.

So, you were able to remove the whitewash, it's time to move on to the next step:

  • If necessary, glue the joints of the ceiling tiles with a special tape (serpyanka).
  • The washed ceiling, if necessary, putty to level and eliminate possible cracks.
  • After the putty dries, rub it with sandpaper to smooth the entire surface, and prime the entire ceiling area.

Choosing what to whiten

a piece of chalk

One option is to whitewash the ceiling with chalk. It is used by those who prefer whiteness and freshness. For the preparation of chalk whitewash for 10 square meters:

  • Pour 30 g of glue (carpentry, PVA or Bustilat) into warm water or dissolve finely planed laundry soap;
  • Stir well and slowly add sifted chalk (about 3 kg);
  • To avoid a yellowish tint and to enhance whiteness, add about 20 g of blue to the solution.


Another option is whitewashing with lime, which is chosen for its bactericidal properties and the ability to fix small cracks. In this case, dilute 1.7 kg of lime and 40 g of blue in warm water per 10 square meters.

To dilute the whitewash correctly, check its consistency. To do this, dip a metal object into the solution and, taking out, look - if the solution is too liquid, the whitewash will drain from it without leaving a trace. Then add chalk or lime in small doses until the solution runs off the object without a trace.

Instrument preparation

You can whitewash the ceiling with a brush, roller, spray gun or vacuum cleaner with air blowing function. However, the option with a spray gun or vacuum cleaner for home conditions is less suitable, because in a small area, the spray will settle not only on the ceiling.

First you need to choose a brush for whitewashing, because the quality of work depends on its condition. It is better to buy a 15-20 cm wide natural bristle brush specially designed for your purpose. Soak it in warm water for several hours before use. This will swell the wooden handle of the brush and set the bristles in place. Then they will not remain on the whitewashed surface. And after work, rinse it under running water.

Rollers will allow you to whitewash the ceiling faster, and the quality will be better. There are no peculiarities in their choice and they do not require a separate description. To use the roller, you will need to buy a special pallet (cuvette).

Whitewashing process

If you are whitening the ceiling with a brush, apply the strokes first perpendicular to the windows (towards the light source) and the final layer parallel to the windows. Then, when drying, no streaks will be visible.

An easier whitewashing process will ensure the application of a roller:

Pour the whitewashing solution or paint into a special pallet (cuvette), dip the roller into it and roll it along the slope of the pallet so that the solution (paint) is evenly distributed over the surface of the roller, and the excess drips off the roller.

When making layers of whitewash with a roller, direct them as when painting with a brush - first towards the windows, then parallel to the frames. When running the roller along the ceiling, overlap about 5 cm so as not to leave unpainted areas. Do not forget to use a paintbrush in the joints of walls and ceilings, where the roller will not reach.

Alternative option: whitewashing the ceiling with "water emulsion"

The best thing, so as not to suffer with chalk or lime mortars, is to use water-based paint when whitewashing the ceiling. It allows the ceiling to be painted evenly and looks prettier.

Only preparing the ceiling in order to paint the ceiling after whitewashing requires special care. Moreover, of all types of paints, only water-based emulsion will provide the best "adhesion" to the old whitewash and will not peel off.

It is better to apply the second layer of paint perpendicular to the first one: this way there will be fewer streaks

Also, in order to qualitatively apply whitewash paint, it is better to paint in two layers, and the second layer can be applied only after the first has dried.

  1. Calculate the cost of whitewashing based on the amount of materials required. To do this, knowing the consumption of paint, chalk or lime, glue, blue and other components, calculate their cost. Add in the cost of tools (brushes, rollers, pallet, etc.). It will still be cheaper than ordering suspended or suspended ceilings.
  2. During whitewashing and drying of the ceiling, do not allow drafts and direct sunlight, otherwise the result of your work will crumble.
  3. Make sure that during whitewashing the solution (paint) is distributed over the ceiling without the formation of drops and sagging.
  4. Do not forget about safety measures - wear protective gloves and glasses, a hat.

Subject to all the whitewashing rules, the next ceiling repair will be needed in 3-5 years.