Photos of cilantro and interesting facts about the plant. Are coriander and cilantro the same thing or not? What is cilantro and what does it look like

spicy herb complements various dishes with a spicy note, revealing the taste of familiar products in a new way. Therefore, coriander greens are always welcome to the table. Growing from seeds will not be difficult, agricultural technology is unpretentious and simple. You can plant and grow a plant not only in the country, but also on the windowsill, balcony.

Many people know both coriander and cilantro under the pseudonym, but not everyone knows that both names belong to the same plant.

There are many interpretations, the plant can be called differently, which is explained by a purely geographical factor. Each nationality, with the advent of a new spice, had its own variations, for example:

  • in Belarus - calender;
  • in India - dhanya;
  • in Greece - Korion.
green cilantro coriander seeds

In fact, the peculiarity of the plant contributes to the dual name, namely the smell of its various parts. The seeds (coriander) have a spicy aroma with a hint of orange peel. It is warm and pleasant, therefore, in addition to cooking, it is used in the perfume industry.

Greens (cilantro) are filled with more saturated and even mixed smells, which causes a controversial attitude towards seasoning among culinary specialists and ordinary housewives. Some feel notes of freshness, citrus. Others are sure that the aroma is unpleasant, similar to rubber or soap.

The plant belongs to the family of umbrella crops, the Mediterranean is considered the homeland. Perennial herb with feathery leaves and white or light pink inflorescences that look like umbrellas. The seeds have a rounded shape, they have a special aroma, which served as a separation of the names of the upper part of the plant and fruits.

Coriander unpretentious in care, in agricultural technology there are no special requirements for the soil. However, to get good harvest you need to lighten the heavy soil, make it looser.

In addition to a pleasant aroma and original taste, cilantro contains essential oils, vitamins and fiber. Thanks to the rich mineral composition the herb has a healing effect, improves appetite and general well-being.

Coriander has been cultivated since ancient times. more than 3000 years ago, as evidenced by the remains of a plant found in Egyptian tombs.

In old manuscripts about fragrant grass the ancient Greeks, who used it as a remedy, the French, who used cilantro to make a fragrant liquid and an infusion for heart ailments, mentioned it.

The ancient Greeks used coriander as a remedy

Centuries later, a trail of spice was noted in Asia, the Middle East, and England. And after a while, coriander was already appreciated overseas. Grass seeds came to Russia from Spain. The external resemblance to parsley contributed to the rapid adoption of the overseas product, and the Slavs also liked the taste.

In the early 30s of the 19th century, Count P. I. Apraskin introduced cilantro into cultivation by distributing seeds brought from Spain to peasants living in the village of Krasnoye, Voronezh Province.

For this period, coriander grows in almost all countries, but the spice has gained the most popularity in such parts of the world:

  • India;
  • Asia (in the southeast);
  • North Africa;
  • Eastern Europe;
  • Netherlands.

The rules for caring for grass are quite simple, and the culture itself is not capricious. This attracts many gardeners.

Seed sowing time

Need to plant coriander seed way . When buying seeds in a package, you do not need to soak them, but you can check the germination.

Frost resistance eliminates the use of the seedling method, therefore in the beginning of April seed can be planted directly on open ground beds or greenhouses. In the southern regions, landing is even starting in March.

Factory Processed Coriander Seeds

Choose a place for sowing sunny or partial shade. Under the dense crown of trees or along fences and buildings, it is not worth planning a garden bed, there will be a lack of lighting. Seeds are scattered scattered or in a prepared groove. The immersion depth is 1.5-2 cm.

Seedling Care

After seed germination and the formation of several leaves on seedlings, thinning is done so as not to create thickening. The distance between sockets should be at least 8-10 cm. When growing a crop for greens, the crop is harvested as soon as inflorescences begin to be laid in any way.

In the process of the formation of inflorescences, the culture ceases to produce usable shoots.

When cutting greenery, it is worth considering the fact that when removed from a bush more than a third of it at a time plant growth stops. To ensure the development of the shoot with a 2-3 single cycle of assembling green branches, it is recommended to remove only the top.

Landing in open ground

You can start sowing a plant on greens from April and do every 2 weeks until August. It is recommended to plan small beds in different places plot, so as not to attract coriander seed-eater to the garden. Pest control is complex, it is able to adapt to any conditions and environment.

Young shoots of cilantro easily tolerate short frosts.

Coriander is not afraid of frost, so landing work can be started at steady day temperature 10-14 degrees. Seeds and young shoots easily tolerate cold weather up to -10 degrees(if it is short term). This fact excludes the arrangement of shelter after sowing.

More suitable for culture loose soil, enriched nutrients. If the soil is dense, it is diluted with coarse river sand. It is desirable to fertilize the garden bed in the fall when digging the earth. Normal humus is used as food (half a bucket per 1 m2). In the spring, when preparing the soil, you need to introduce into it wood ash then the plant will be able to sprout successfully.

Sow coriander seeds scattered or in rows into moist soil. A small layer of dry soil is sprinkled over the grains. When forming beds with rows, a row spacing of 25-30 cm wide is left for convenient maintenance of plants. The sowing depth is 2 cm. If you overdo it with backfilling, seedlings will appear on the soil surface later for 1-2 weeks.

Proper Care

Sprouts appear after sowing later 28-40 days. Greens grow quickly, subject to timely watering. It is especially important to moisten the bed in the phase of active vegetation, then the leaves turn out juicy with a delicate aroma.

The frequency of irrigation - 1 time in 2-3 days. In dry soil, the plant redirects its forces to the development of the flower stem at the expense of greenery. However, do not flood the area with coriander, with high humidity increased risk of powdery mildew.

Cilantro develops well with a distance between bushes of about 7 cm

The plant develops well when an interval of at least 7 cm is observed between the bushes. Therefore, after the formation of 2-3 leaves, you need to thin out the bed, leaving the strongest shoots.

Also contributes to the active growth of greenery loosening soil, which is rational combine with weeding.

To keep the soil moist longer, and the weeds do not bother with their intensive germination, the bed needs mulch. Chopped tree bark or straw, sawdust are used as mulch. You can cover the surface of the earth with peat. The mulching layer should not be less than 4-6 cm.

Most often, there is no need for top dressing; coriander is quite satisfied with the fertilizers introduced during the preparation of the soil. However, some gardeners feed the crop with potassium and superphosphate.

If the watering regime is violated, cilantro leaves are dense, and the smell is unpleasant.

How to harvest greens and store crops

The culture is grown by gardeners for various purposes:

  • obtaining fresh greens;
  • seed preparations.

Collection of green cilantro

Cut cilantro can be stored for a long time if prepared properly. First, the branches are washed under running water and laid out to dry completely, after which crushed and loaded into a glass or ceramic container with storage lid.

Place the container in a dry but dark place. Under the action of sunlight during drying or storage, the useful properties of the plant are lost.

Seeds fully ripen by the end of August or early September. It is important not to overexpose them in the garden, otherwise they may crumble to the ground.

By the way, many gardeners use this method of reproduction. Seeds germinated in spring give a stable harvest.

You need to collect seeds when their color becomes brown. Cut stems should be formed into small bundles and hung in a well-ventilated area to dry. Under suspended workpieces should spread a cloth or film to collect seeds.

The resulting spice crop is passed through a sieve with large cells to get rid of the remnants of the grass. For storage, a glass or paper container placed in a dry, dark place is suitable.

The simple farming techniques and the excellent taste of the herb are the main arguments in favor of coriander when compiling an assortment of crops for growing in the new season.

cilantro- spicy herb known to man for over 5 thousand years. Other names for the plant are "coriander" and "Chinese parsley". The cilantro leaves really look like parsley leaves (see photo).

Human use of this plant began with medicine, a little later the herb began to be used in cooking. Cilantro comes from the Mediterranean, where it is found in the wild. Roman soldiers and Russian merchants transported coriander from continent to continent before cilantro caught on. Long time Russian peasants considered the plant a weed and fought it in every possible way.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow cilantro on a windowsill or summer cottage. Coriander is an annual plant in the Apiaceae family. The grass grows quite well in the ground or in a greenhouse. It is better to plant cilantro in a sunny place so that it is not obscured by trees and shrubs growing nearby. You can add a little sand to the ground, and mix a little ash as a fertilizer. If the plant is to be grown outdoors, then it should be planted during warm season. Cilantro is grown from seeds, sowing them in even rows.

Watering herbs should be 2 times a week. At proper care the harvest will appear quite quickly. You need to cut the greens of cilantro before flowering, but then, when the growth of the plant has already stopped. The cut is made with a sharp knife early in the morning.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of cilantro have long been used in traditional medicine. In ancient times, girls believed that if you give your chosen one coriander tincture, then his heart will forever belong to the beauty who gave him drink. Cilantro seeds were also believed to confer immortality.

Modern medicine has proven the beneficial properties of coriander. Planted in a pot, the plant perfectly cleans the air in the apartment. The spice is considered a good antiseptic, helps with colds, it is used as an expectorant.

Few people know that if you chew coriander seeds before a feast, you can slow down intoxication. A decoction of chopped fresh herbs is used to cleanse the skin, regular washing with a decoction helps to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

Application in cooking

In cooking, cilantro has found application as a spicy plant, that is, a spice. Actually, cilantro used to be called only grass leaves, and coriander - its dried seeds. However, cilantro and coriander are now interchangeable terms. Taste different parts plants are different, so they are suitable for different dishes.

Cilantro is a very popular herb in the cuisine of many countries. Fresh greens can be purchased at any supermarket, they are usually added to salads. The plant has a characteristic taste and aroma, so few people use it fresh. Cilantro adds a specific flavor to the dish that goes well with meat. Since the taste and aroma of spicy herbs are quite pronounced, you need to add it very little. A few sprigs of the plant, placed at the end of cooking, will add a tart taste to the dish.

Cilantro pairs especially well with everyday dishes such as pea and bean soup. Green cilantro decorate sandwiches or other snacks before serving.

Coriander (cilantro seeds) is widely used in the preparation of fish dishes, meat. But this option for using seeds is not entirely correct, since coriander cannot be cooked, because when heated, it loses its taste. It is often put in homemade pickles of cabbage, vegetables, lard. The seeds give the dish a slightly sweet taste, and the food is enriched with a woody aroma when coriander is added.

Coriander is especially revered by Caucasian cuisine. Here it is added to barbecue, bread dough, vegetable stew and even fermented milk products. In the Caucasus, coriander is used to marinate shish kebab, which, when added to the plant, acquires an appetizing aroma and taste. Coriander is also put in sausages and canned food.

Many Asian dishes are also prepared using cilantro. Seaweed salad, vegetable and meat dishes will be tastier and healthier if they are cooked with the addition of this spice.

In cooking, ground coriander is very popular, it contains a maximum of essential oil, which is a volatile substance by nature and evaporates quickly. Do not add a lot of ground coriander, otherwise the dish will acquire the smell of dampness and mustiness.

This seasoning is used for the preparation of cabbage rolls, meat chops.

Cilantro is very easy to prepare for future use, it is enough to dry fresh herbs - and you can add spice to dishes all year round. In Germany, coriander is even added to beer for a special flavor.

The calorie content of ground cilantro is 216 kilocalories per 100 g. Spicy grass will not harm the figure and can be included in the diet of losing weight people. In addition, fresh cilantro will fill the body with minerals and vitamins of groups A and B.

The benefits of cilantro and treatment

The benefits of cilantro are due to the presence of essential oil, it is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. For example, this essential oil is used to prepare a drug that is used to treat glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

Greens are known for their general strengthening properties. Regular use of the plant has a positive effect on the digestive system, has an antihelminthic and laxative effect. In addition, the spice cleanses the intestines of harmful bacteria and treats stomach ulcers and gastritis. Cilantro improves appetite, is a natural help for the stomach when overeating and digesting fatty foods. Grass will help to more easily digest starchy foods, root crops.

The plant normalizes sleep, restores blood pressure. The mineral and vitamin composition of the herb helps with various diseases, removes toxins. Cilantro contains a lot of potassium - a substance that helps the heart muscle work.

Harm of cilantro and contraindications

Coriander can cause harm to the body during an exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis, when the patient needs the strictest diet. It is better not to use this green for people who have serious problems with the heart and blood vessels (ischemic disease, as well as thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, thrombosis). People suffering from diabetes, hypertension should also stop using grass.

Cilantro is one of the few spices that can harm the male body, weaken potency. Avicenna wrote that cilantro "dries up the seed." In women, excessive consumption of grass can cause a violation of the monthly cycle. It should be remembered that at one meal you can eat no more than 35 grams of fresh herbs and 4 grams of coriander seeds.

Usually ordinary consumers who are not connected with either gardening or cooking do not even realize that cilantro and coriander are one plant. But it turns out that cilantro is the green part of the plant, and the seeds of this spice are called coriander. In addition, such a culture is also called Chinese parsley, firstly, its leaves are very similar to parsley, and secondly, Asia is the birthplace of cilantro.

Characteristics, fit and care

Cilantro belongs to the umbrella family, is a herbaceous annual plant. A frost-resistant crop that is not demanding on care, but makes high demands on the composition of the soil. If the land is infertile, then the plant will grow very weak, very soon it will move to stalking.

A spice plant can be characterized as follows:

  • the stems are branched, reach a height of 80 to 120 centimeters;
  • the inflorescence is presented in the form of umbrellas;
  • fruits are small spherical, ripen for sowing and eating closer to autumn;
  • flowers pale pink.

Planting this crop is best done in early spring. Thus, in one growing season it will be possible to harvest two or more crops. For re-sowing coriander, you can not use the same place. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it in its original place no earlier than after three years. Beds with such a spice are best equipped in partial shade.

Plant care consists in abundant and regular watering, timely harvesting, fertilizing. In addition, you should periodically loosen the soil, remove weeds.

At the beginning of development, cilantro should be watered at least twice a week. And as it grows, watering not only becomes more frequent, but increases in volume. It is especially good to fill the plant after cutting and in extreme heat.

Collection of green stems must be done before the formation of inflorescences. And the collection of seeds is carried out in early autumn, when they ripen well and dry out.

As for fertilizers, coriander prefers lands with a large number of organic and mineral components, which can be applied both in a complex and separately. For a quality harvest, you need to feed the plant at least three times per season.

Valuable qualities of coriander and cilantro

Cilantro is grown in almost all corners of our vast planet, and due to its qualities it is widely used:

  1. In cooking. Because of the odor, chefs around the world season their dishes with this plant. In this case, both greens and cilantro seeds are used.
  2. For medicinal purposes. Most medicines contain essential oils of coriander fruit. In addition, this spicy plant is widely used in folk medicine, various decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it, both for external and for internal use.
  3. In perfumery. Quite a lot of cosmetic products are made with the addition of cilantro extract, which has not only an excellent aroma, but also rejuvenating and restoring properties.

It should be borne in mind that in order to obtain a high-quality spice with an unsurpassed aroma, coriander seeds must be well ripened, otherwise their smell will be unpleasant, even capable of causing disgust.

Use in cooking

This spice is used not only by professional chefs in elite restaurants, but also by ordinary people when preparing home-cooked meals. Basically, this plant is added to the following dishes:

  1. summer salads fresh vegetables. They most often add fresh or dried cilantro, which is harvested for the future, also has a peculiar spicy aroma.
  2. Meat and fish. Such dishes are seasoned with fragrant cilantro sprigs, which can be used fresh and dry. In this case, the food acquires not only a certain aroma, but also peculiar taste qualities.
  3. Sauces and marinades. For them, dried cilantro is used, which saturates them with a unique aroma and taste.
  4. Various culinary and bakery products. Many cooks, in order to give baking a special flavor, add ground culture seeds to the dough.

In addition, coriander seeds are widely used in the preparation of certain types of sausages, cheeses and canned food. In Germany, this spice is added to the preparation of beer drinks.

To keep the meat fresh for a longer period of time, a special marinade is prepared, which includes crushed seeds of a spicy plant.

Healing properties

The plant contains in its composition the following elements that have a beneficial and sometimes healing effect on the human body:

Despite such a large list of various useful components, cilantro is low in calories. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it when losing weight, following various diets.

Cilantro and coriander are widely used in folk medicine. They are used to make tinctures and decoctions for the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, colds, bronchitis and the normalization of the functions of the digestive system.

In addition, cilantro has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the skin and vision.

Uses of cilantro

Cilantro can be used both fresh and in the form of various tinctures. It all depends on the purpose for which this plant is used:

  • green leaves and stems of cilantro are used to enrich the body with vitamins and microelements. To do this, you just need to chew and swallow healthy greens;
  • tinctures can be used as an external rubbing and internal application. External use allows you to get rid of age spots (freckles) on the face;
  • the seeds are used to produce essential oil, which is used with great success in dentistry, as well as for cleansing the face of acne.

For lovers of strong drinks, cilantro also brings a lot of benefits. To prevent a severe hangover, it is worth mixing a small pinch of dried spice with one spoon of edible alcohol, use this composition after the end of the banquet.

Coriander seeds also help to eliminate fumes from the mouth. To do this, they need to chew thoroughly.

Side effects when using

Despite such a large number useful properties, the use of cilantro can lead to various negative reactions of the body. Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend using this spice in the diet for people who have:

  1. Gastritis or exacerbation of an ulcer, in this case, the use of cilantro can only aggravate the situation.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, ischemic disease, hypertension. Cilantro contains elements that can increase blood pressure. Therefore, in the presence of such diseases, it is necessary to use spice with extreme caution.
  3. Diabetes. Each human body is individual, so for some, cilantro can lower blood sugar levels, while for others, on the contrary, it can increase.

In addition, cases have been recorded in medical practice when the greens of a spicy plant had negative action on male power, that is, it weakened the potency. And in women, excessive consumption of such an herb can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, in order to avoid such unpleasant symptoms, nutritionists advise eating no more than four grams of coriander seeds and 35 grams of greens at a time.

In contact with

Coriander is quite often found in sets of ready-made spices and in recipes for various dishes. “What is it?” Many housewives will ask, although in fact they are very familiar with this seasoning, but they don’t always know about it. She was known in ancient egypt and Rome, is still popular today.

Familiar sharp-spicy taste, and aroma. And the name itself is somehow vaguely familiar - coriander. What it is? Most people know coriander by another name - cilantro. This is what the stems and leaves of the plant are traditionally called, while the powdered seeds are called coriander.

This plant contains just a huge amount useful substances, for example, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, manganese, sodium iron. It tones cardiovascular system, has a choleretic effect, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, and is also known as an effective aphrodisiac. In addition, cilantro has antiseptic properties and perfectly heals the skin and mucous membranes, so it can be used for inflammatory processes, burns, scratches and cracks.

In addition, coriander is a great assistant in weight loss and even helps to cope with insomnia. It is even believed to be able to lower blood sugar levels and help treat urinary tract diseases. In India, where cilantro has been known since ancient times, it is used to relieve stomach pain. It is believed that an infusion of coriander seeds helps to quickly and permanently get rid of skin problems.

There are contraindications to the use of this spice: hypertension, stomach ulcers, heart attacks, cholecystitis, thrombophlebitis. In addition, coriander is also highly discouraged during pregnancy.

What is it - a miracle plant that will help you lose weight and put you in order

vessels? Yes, the same cilantro, which, by the way, can be grown on your own windowsill, especially since caring for this plant is not at all difficult. True, it is still better to grow coriander in the garden, since this plant can reach a height of 80 centimeters and is even considered a semi-shrub. Its leaves are similar in appearance to parsley, but taste noticeably different from it. Cilantro is quite frost-resistant, so its cultivation is possible even in cold latitudes. The plant propagates with the help of seeds.

You can add this spice both in the form of greens and in the form of ground seeds to almost any dish: salads, meat. Often it is added to the sourdough mixture - it turns out very tasty and unusual. Coriander seeds are used in the preparation of confectionery and in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. You can also add them to tea. The seasoning is considered hypoallergenic, so it is perfect for those who suffer from intolerance to traditional spices: both sweet and spicy, such as ginger, cinnamon, pepper and mustard.

The taste of cilantro is familiar to almost everyone, it is impossible to confuse it with something. It doesn’t matter what to call this plant, but now the question is unlikely to arise: “Coriander - what is it?”. Now this often used name of the spice will not cause confusion.

What is cilantro?

Coriander seed (or cilantro, or klopovnik, or kishnets, or Chinese parsley) - annual plant from the familyCelery . It has a very strong aroma that can be felt from a distance from where it grows. It has thin branched stems, 60-120 cm high.

Leaves basal, long-leaved, three separate, with teeth on the edges. The upper leaves are sessile, pinnatipartite, with filiform lobules.

Flowers numerous, small, white or Pink colour, collected in an inflorescence - a false umbrella.bloom from July to August.Fruit - brown-yellow spherical grains, with a strong specific aroma.

Coriander known since biblical times. Mentions of it can be found in the Bible, ancient texts from China, Egypt, India and the Roman Empire.

homeland of cilantro - Mediterranean, but it is cultivated as a condiment all over the world.

Fact 1. cilantro And coriander - one plant.

Many people think that these are two different plants. But actually it is not. These are different parts of the same plant called Coriander (Coriandrum sativum).

Word " cilantro ” means “coriander” in Spanish. What we call coriander leaves is cilantro. That's whycilantro - this is the "green part" of the plant, and coriander is usually called it .

Fact 2. Stems, leaves, roots and seeds - all parts of the plant are used in cooking.

Both leaves and seeds are widely used in Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asiankitchens . Fresh cilantro leaves have a slightly citrus flavor. The seeds have a sharper taste and aroma.

Leaves consume fresh or boiled. They are used as a condiment in salads, soups, etc.

fresh greens , probably the most popular condiment in the world. It is cut off in the rosette phase and the beginning of stalking.

Leaves have an aromatic taste. It is specific, and some consider it offensive (reminiscent of the smell of a bug-bug or soap). But you can get used to this smell if you use it often.cilantro .

Fresh leaves contain about 0.012% oxalic acid and 0.172% calcium.Attention!The leaves should not be eaten in large quantities.

seeds used as a condiment in many dishes, including cakes, breads and curries, and to flavor some alcoholic beverages. Fresh seeds have an unpleasant and nauseating smell. But when dried, they become fragrant (the longer they are stored, the more they acquire a pleasant smell).

from seed an essential oil is obtained, which is used as food flavorings. Also used as a condimentroot powder .

But seeds should not be used instead of leaves and vice versa. The root has more flavor than the leaves, stems and seeds. Don't throw it away. You can grind it to make Thai curry paste.

Fact 3. At cilantro useful properties many.

It contains whole list nutrients, beneficialfor health . Greens contain iron, magnesium,vitamins A, B, C and K, as well as fiber and antibacterial chemical substances. And the seeds are rich - essential oils(eleven different types), acids, vitamins and minerals.

Leaves are tallantioxidant properties and can delay or prevent food from spoiling. And if you plant a plant in flower pot and place on kitchen window- it will be beautifulair purifier.

Fact 4. cilantroconsidered not only a condiment. She is attributed to .

  • She is capable prevent diabetes . Studies have proven that greens promote insulin secretion and help lower blood sugar levels.
  • Great fitfor eyes and skin . Coriander has a positive effect on eye and skin health. And all thanks to the high contentvitamin A . Nutritionists recommend foods rich in vitamin A to protect against eye diseases, including age-related diseases. So, each 100 g of grass contains 6748 IU or 225% of daily allowance vitamin A.
  • Another property of cilantro - antibacterial property . Cilantro effectively "fights" with salmonella and enterobacteria.
  • Detoxification . One of the most important health benefits of cilantro is the ability torid the body from heavy metals, in combination with chlorella and garlic extract. Coriander is used in particular in the chelation of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and aluminum from the body. It can also eliminate gas in the stomach.
  • storehouse vitamin K . Coriander is good source vitamin K, which is able to slow down damage to brain neurons in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Full of phytonutrients. Coriander contains many useful substances. Among them are phytonutrients, namely borneol, camphor, geraniol, kaempferol, limonene, linalool, etc. They are powerfulantioxidants (designed to fight free radicals and can strengthen your body's immune system).
  • Leaves and seeds have antispasmodic, regenerative, choleretic, expectorant, laxative, sedative, anthelmintic, wound healing, lactogonal, antihemorrhoid, analgesicactions.

Fact 5. cilantro and corianderfor love . It's natural aphrodisiac , which is effectively used in India to increase libido. Therefore, add greens and seeds to your food, along with other aphrodisiac plants such as parsley, garlic, celery.

Now you know,as well as cilantro in a different form. It remains to plant this plant in your garden, in the country or at home.

How to grow cilantro: planting and care

In order to grow cilantro in your garden, you need to knowhow to soak cilantro seeds , as well as how to plant cilantro seeds and take care of the plants.

How to soak cilantro seeds.Many gardeners recommenddo not soak seeds before planting. If you are growing cilantro on a balcony or at home, then you do not need to soak the seeds. Sometimes you cansoak them in water room temperature before landing in open ground, but it is not necessary to do so.

How to plant cilantro seeds. grow cilantro not difficult , choose a very bright place for her, in partial shade it will grow very slowly.The soil should be light, fertile, and moderately moist.

At the end of February, as well as at the beginning of March, cilantrocan be planted in a greenhouse or indoors in containers. In open groundsowing cilantro seeds in May, June. Also, the seeds can be periodically sown.

Depth for planting seeds - one centimeter,distance - 10-13 centimeters, and between rows - about 30 centimeters. Thin out seedlings if necessary.

How much cilantro rises.If you have sown your seeds correctly, thenin two weeks you will see the first green sprouts, which will become larger and larger every day. Usually all seeds germinate at the same time. And alreadya month later You can try using young leaves.

Much harder to keepfresh cilantro . To do this, the leaves are soaked in water, then blotted with a paper towel and placed in sealed bags with a zipper or in containers with a lid. Keep air out of the bag and container.

Sealed fresh cilantro put in your refrigerator. Up to a week, it will remain fresh and usable. This methodnot suitable for long term storage.

For long term storage cilantro must be washed, cut off the damaged leaves, and later completelydry . You can put it on the table or use the dryer. Now we take an airtight container, put a paper towel on the bottom, and on itlay out a layer of leaves cilantro, cover with a towel and put a layer of leaves again. You can lay out several layers in this way.

The last layer and the first is a must paper towels. Close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Packages are not suitable for this method. Cilantro can lie in this formup to a month .

How to grow cilantro on a balcony.If you love this plant very much, but do not have your own suburban area, then try to grow cilantro in your ownon the balcony or even on the windowsill.

Take pot medium size with holes, preferably made of clay. You can plant several bushes in one pot. seedsno need to soak.

Place the seeds in the ground, depth - 1 centimeter,the soil suitable fertile and loose. Planted seeds must be covered with a film.Two weeks later You can already see the young plant.

At home you can grow cilantro all year round, on the balcony - only in spring and autumn, put the pots in the apartment for the winter. Cilantro loves light, as well as abundant watering, keep an eye on this.

Cilantro is sure to come in handy, so feel free to look for pots and grow this plant. cilantro seeds canadd in different side dishes goes well with rice. Dryseeds use for marinades, making sauces, they go well with any pastry, they are used to make sausages, and are also added to marinades for meat.

Where to buy cilantro seeds.In the online store "Florium" you can