Grow cedar from seeds at home. How to grow a cedar from a noodle at home and in the garden plot? Watering and spraying

Who do not want to have a person's own evergreen grown at home! This is, of course, about the famous Siberian cedar. Someone this task may seem difficulty, but it is mistaken. If there are minimal knowledge and means, you can grow a cedar tree literally at the windowsill. But the question is how the most correct to do, this material will answer.

So, it should be noted that we are talking Not about the classic cedar from the sampling family, but about his "colleague" - cedar Sine. Despite the visual and other similarity, yet it different types Plants. Take at least the notorious nuts: the classic cedar is incredible and dangerous to health. But in perfumery and medicine apply it essential oilrather than cedar pine oil.

First of all, it is necessary to pay due attention to the selection of seed and planting material.

First you need to take into account that the material is most acceptable to growing cedar - this is a cedar bump with as large scales as possible. As a rule, it contains better and viable seeds. Each bump must be checked for an extraneous plaque or smell. So, if there is a pronounced melting, then such seeds are unlikely to give at least some crop.

It is important to know that cedar cones are most suitable for planting appear only by autumn. Only at this time of year they will probably turn out to be fresh.

The seeds are removed very simple: the bump is whined with boiling water, which is revealed in speed. At the same time, the entire "side" material remaining during the extraction of seeds can also be useful.

Of the occasions arising, many experts make healing decoctions and tinctures.

In no specific processing, high-quality cedar seeds do not need, but their stratification is pretty trouble. It happens through the following required points:

  • three days of the seeds must be soaked in heated water, while the water should be replaced daily to fresh;
  • empty seeds need to be selected every day. It is very easy to determine their - they will turn out to be on the surface;
  • after three days, the prepared seeds are treated with a weak solution of manganese;
  • then, at least three hours, the seeds are immersed in a flugicide solution;

The above procedures personify hot stratification. But the fulfillment of cold processes is necessary. So, performing cold stratification it is necessary to do the following mandatory manipulations:

  1. pre-acquired fine sand needs to be done in the oven. Then, giving it to cool, add prepared cedar seeds there. Also, sawdust and peat are added to the mixture in a ratio of 1: 3;
  2. when the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is shown in the "breathable" bag, which, in turn, is placed in wooden drawer or box. In such homemade tanks, ventilation holes should be done, otherwise the seeds will die;
  3. next, the capacity is placed on the lower tier of the refrigerator, or in the cellar (but not in the freezer!) For three months.

With all this every two weeks, the mixture must be ventilated and moisturized, following the condition of the seed. It is quite normal if some of them are rotated. Then they need to be removed, and the sand is replaced with fresh.

Sowing is best started in May or April.

Accelerated seed treatment

For those who have no time for long preparation of seeds to landing, you can offer the following way. It also implies the following actions:

  1. every two days pour a new hot water Seeds. It is necessary to do it within 8 days;
  2. place seeds in a sandy peat mix;
  3. during the month, seeds regularly moisturize and hold at home;
  4. all this is stored at a temperature not higher and not lower than 0 degrees in the refrigerator. At the same time, the state of seeds must also be carefully monitored.

How to spend the correct disembarkation at home?

Final stage - transplant prepared seedlings. Unfortunately, many suffer the defeat at this stage. However, considering the following useful advice, you can avoid typical mistakesand therefore achieve the desired result.

So, seedlings need most of the day to highlight with special lamps at a temperature not higher than 10 degrees. Failure to comply with this condition threatens the death of newly emerging shoots.

It is also necessary to regularly carry plants on the cold, so that they have formed a kind of immunity.

And the last advice: Cedar incredibly loves feeding. It is for sale in any specialized store and choose her work will not be. But it is not necessary to apply it as often - a couple of times in summer and once in spring.

Cedar is a truly king of Siberian forests. In many ways, its popularity of the forest of this frosty area has been conquered precisely thanks to this tree. And the clean air and the aroma that it gives.

Cedar is a very beautiful coniferous tree, which is resistant to frosts, so, often I want to have such a plant in my garden, turning it into a piece of home Siberia. How realistic to grow cedar at home? How to grow cedar from a nut at home? Or can it better take advantage of special seeds for landing from gardening store? There are answers to all these questions. But first things first.

Features of the plant cedar

Cedar is a fairly powerful and large plant with a thick trunk. In natural habitat conditions, the height of this softwood Can reach 40 meters. And if adding to this height also lush cron Tree, the question arises, what should be the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot to afford to grow cedar? Yes, if you use seedlings natural type, It should be noted that the tree will take not a small area. Not everyone can afford it.

Articles about room and decorative plants

It was for such cases that the breed of low-spirited cedars was removed, which would fit on the compact area, and will grow no less beautiful and luxurious than the tree in the Siberian forest.

In nature, there are 5 species of the Siberian cedar. The decorative varieties are much more, and some of them are able to give fruit - cedar nuts. It is about such varieties further and will be discussed.

Why many want to grow cedar at home

Cedar - unusual decorative plantwhich will delight your attractive external speciesboth in summer and winter. This is one of the reasons why gardeners so passionately want to grow a tree in their own area. IN winter time Cedar is highlighted by its green crown over white snowdrifts, which gives the site an unusual aesthetic appearance.

Secondly, cedar gives fruit - cedar nuts that are not only a delicious product. From cedar nuts you can make a cedar oil that has healing properties. Also, a resin tree contributes to healing wounds. Well, about the benefits of needles, many know no obstacle. You can make various tinctures, inhalation, or just enjoy the coniferous smell, resting in the shade of the tree.

Given all these advantages, and the benefit that this tree gives, many want to grow cedar from the nut at home.

How to grow cedar from a nut at home?

To grow cedar, nuts are not suitable, purchased at the grocery store or on the market, as they are preparing to use cooking in boiling salted water. It is best to find a flat, pleasantly smelling cedar bump without signs of mold or lying.

  1. Remove the nuts from the cones and rinse warm water. Additionally, you can lose a toothbrush or sponge shell - it will make it possible to wash off the resin, which blocks the moisture to the kernel itself.
  2. After you cleared nuts from extra resin, it is necessary to make stratification, that is, to withstand them in the cold (about 0 ° C) of three days, changing the water once a day. After this time, you will notice that part of the seed rose to the surface of the water, and the part fell to the bottom. Pop-up nuts - empty or poor-quality, even when proper landing They will not give sprouts, but drowned seeds can be seen in the ground.
  3. After three days, drain the water and mix nuts with peat, forest earth or large washed sand, after which the mixture is slightly slightly and place it in a wooden box with air holes or a holey flower pot. After all manipulations, the capacitance with nuts can be removed into the dark cool place - Now the seeds must lie for several months (from 3 to 6 to imitate natural winter) at a temperature of about + 4 ° C. Once a couple of weeks, deliver seeds and moisturize the soil. Try to fit the time so that the landing of the seeds accounted for March-April.
  4. After a long preparation of seeds, you can finally start planted. The soil is better to use natural forest, but in the absence of such you can buy in flower shop Special soil for coniferous. The volume of the pot must be small, about 200 grams, and the depth of planting is about 2 cm. From above, the seeds can be sprinkled with cheese or sawdust. Whether the seed seeds from high temperature and bright sun: it is better to put a pot with a future tree in the shaded place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Well, of course, the Earth should be able to periodically moisten, at the same time not allowing "flooding" seeds.
  5. Best suck out maximum amount Seed, because only 10-15% of them will go. Depending on the quality of seeds, the first sprouts will go after 2-3 months and will be barely noticeable - under five years old cedar grows very slowly, and the increase is up to 6-7 cm. By the third year of life, the sprout can reach 15 cm, and after five to six It can be planted for open space.
  6. Cedar loves well-drained stony or loamy soils. Therefore, the soil, in the place of the suspected landing of the cedar, is preferably mixed with sand and gravel.

Care for young cedar trees

In summer, it is necessary to adapt young plants to the air and the sun. To do this, they are put in the garden. After that, they can be gradually planted in a light, loose and nutritional land. Young cedars successfully tolerate the transplant procedure. They can land close to each other. The following cedar transplant will be transferred at a three-year-old. This procedure is recommended in spring. More adult plants transplant very rarely. Such frequent procedures can lead to drying roots. As a result, the cedars may not take care at all.

If still a transplant with an adult plant is necessary, then you first need to create a prikorev. Before transplanting, about a year, around the tree is made with a diameter of 1 m. Only horizontal roots are caught. Depth root system At the same time do not affect. Trees transplant preferably produce in early springsince when autumn transplant Only half of seedlings takes place.

Only in this case can be waiting for fruiting.

The trees who have reached the one-year-old age is required. The best place Planting young plants will be a priene plot in the depths of the garden. Also, seedlings can be dialed using a punch or other material. As for watering, the cedar - moisture-loving plantBut excessive excess moisture can lead to his death. Therefore, competent care is important here. Growing seedlings also require proper care. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the mulching of the soil around the plants. ROCK It is necessary to inspire. As this, it is possible to use sawdust that fell housing and foliage.

That's all the secrets on how to grow cedar from the nut at home. Cedrome care at home after landing is not particular problems. Water trees need only as the soil graze. Cedar responds positively to feeding. Best for this, nitrogen-potash-phosphoric fertilizers are suitable for this. Many experienced gardeners Lay around the cedar trunk stones. Over time, the fungal pig is formed under them, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the tree. In order to learn how to grow a cedar from a noodle at home, you can watch the learning video material.

Cedar forests are healing for a person. The air is surprising there, and it is natural, because cedar actively highlights phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria. But is it really possible to grow a resident of taiga forests in our gardens? Let's try to reveal this "terrible" mystery.

Let's start with the clarification: Siberian is called Siberian cedar pine, which refers to the genus of pine, and with real cedars consists in highly distant relationship.

In natural conditions, the Siberian cedar - a powerful tree height up to 40 m with a spreaded multi-stage crown, and the trunk is not all worst with his hands, because its diameter can reach 2 m. You can imagine what size should there be a country area so that the cedar felt free? But for those who can not boast colorful possessions Such an area is an alternative: the lowest varieties of the Siberian cedar who will not take a lot of space, but benefit will bring a lot.

Why would the Siberian cedar loved us for us? Firstly, he is unusually decorative throughout the year and looks great not only in the summer, but also in winter - green over snow-white snowdrifts. Secondly, for its delicious and useful seeds - nuts (they are often mistakenly considered to be fruits), of which healing cedar oil is produced.

Thirdly, behind the resin-Zhivitsa, which has a wound-healing effect, for the healing housing, which is done, helping with different twirs, and even for a nut shell, which is used for many years in medicine. In addition, the cedar wood is highly appreciated (thanks beautiful texture, ease of processing, resonant properties) and is widely used in manufacturing and musical instruments.

Siberian cedar It has a high winter hardiness - withstands frosts below -60 ° C, resistant to the ridicular urban environment. In favorable conditions, cedar is able to live to 500-800 years, adapted to the harsh climate of Siberia and the central strip of Russia.

Siberian cedar cones. Photos from the site

If the Siberian cedar is already growing at the cottage, be sure to equip the place for. After spending a tree, even 1 hour per day, it is quite possible to cure from some diseases, because cedar is able to accumulate healing energy and give it to people. And if you do not have a decorative healer yet, let's look at how you can settle the cedar pine in the country area.

Sedna landing

At the young age (up to 16 years), the seedlings of the shadowniki, but then they need good lighting, consider this feature when choosing a permanent landing site.

If it is possible, get seedlings with (closed root system). In this case, the roots in transplantation will not be damaged. If there are no such nursery, and there will have to take a plant with an open root system, pay attention to the observance of important requirements:

  • the seedling must be planted on permanent place As soon as possible; Therefore, it is very desirable that he will be dug in your presence;
  • the land on the roots must necessarily be: for plants with a height of 1.5-2 m about 40-60 cm in diameter;
  • the earth comes must be carefully packed in the burlap, you can additionally (and preferably) to put it in a plastic bag or wrap a wet burlap.

Sabir cedar seedlings. Photos from the site

In good nurseries, it is used trimming roots when digging seedlings, while the root system is damaged minimally, but still the plant will need time and strength to take care of a new place. To help him get comfortable, it is important to create optimal conditions. According to experts, best Surgence The seedlings of the Siberian cedar are 6-8 years old.

Ordering order

  • Screw the entire area on which they plan to plant cedars (if the seedling 1, then they are drunk the ground within a radius of 1 m around the landing pitch).
  • Withstand the distance between the lines of up to 8 m (for dwarf varieties - up to 3 m).
  • The size of the landing fossa must be 30% more than the size of the earth coma.
  • If the soil or the sandy, then the cedar seedlings can be planted right into it. And if, then mix the ground from the pocket with and in the 2: 1: 2 proportion.
  • Then, fertilizers are added to the removal soil: overwhelming, wood, 2-3 handustrians of coniferous grounds from the forest, peat (for loamy and soup). The soil is well stirred with added ingredients, pour into the well.
  • Strengthen in the landing fossa support (peg), put a seedling in her center (the root neck must be at the soil level). If it turns out to be lower, the seedling is neatly removed, and some soil souls are added to the yam.
  • If the seedlock was with a zx, after it was taken out of the container, the roots need to be replaced well so that they were located in the hole freely, not bend.

On the left root saplings system taken out of the container. On the right is the same seedling with spilled roots. Photos from
  • The overhead part of the seedling is tied to the support of the beep. The empty space around the earth coma is filled with the prepared soil, compacted, watered (at least 6 liters of water per plant).
  • Recruitment of coniferous opeglades, bark and sawdust of tree trees.
  • For 2 weeks, watering continues with periodicity once every 2-3 days (if there is no rain, of course).
  • Undercores in the first year after landing do not contribute.

Growing from seeds

You can go and longer: grow cedar from the seed - nut. By the autumn, collect ripe cones and disable the most kind of poorest nuts.

  • seeds Put in a cup with water, keep them for 3 days, changing water daily. During this time, high-quality seeds swell and devourged to the bottom, and empty will remain on the surface of the water;
  • benign seeds withstand 2-3 hours in a strong solution of potassium mangartage;
  • then the nuts are placed in a wet substrate (, peat,) and at least 3 months;
  • before sowing, the seeds are repeatedly soaked in a strong solution of potassium mangartage for 24 hours, then dried;
  • slow into protected soil (, film shelter) in well-trained soil: a mixture is made on 1 m of the sowing grooves, wood ash and peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 20. The depth of seed seeds - 2.5-3 cm. The crops are mulched (layer 0.5-1 cm) peat, sawdust;
  • before the appearance of sowing seedlings regularly watered, in order to prevent mushroom diseases can ordinary water For watering alternate with a solution of potassium mangartage.

Shark cedar. Photos from the

In the protected ground, the seedlings of Siberian cedar are growing to 2 years of age. Then the shelter is removed. At the age of 6-8 years, seedlings are ready for landing for a permanent place.

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This mighty tree of pine-coniferous family is known since time immemorial. Cedar - ancient seed plant on Earth. It is easy to find out on green with blue or silver needles. And the fragrant fragrance of cedar and is not familiar with everyone.

General description of cedar, history and legends

Cedars reach a height of 50 meters, because of which our ancestors called him a world tree whose crown rests in space, and the roots leave deeply under the ground, feeding out the waters of the underground world. And elongated cones. Among the bowls of cones are seeds - cedar nuts, triangular shape and with a specific taste. Krone has a cone shape.

The so-called Siberian cedar is actually a cedar, he belongs to Pines, although he is a cedar relative.

Predated cedar attributed various magic properties. In the ancient Sumerian kingdom, Kedram gave names, because they believed that this tree was a symbol of immortality and power. It is a cosmos energy and divine power. Egyptian pharaohs used cedar during the construction of the pyramids, and the cedar resin was part of the balm used in the mummification. Already then the Egyptians knew about the incredible durability of cedar wood. The sarcophages found during the excavations are preserved along with wooden elements And even exuded the smell of the cedar after the millennium.

Some scientists adhere to the opinions that the cedar really has a soul. Cedars have their biorhythms similar to human. Unlike the rest of the trees that show activity only at a certain time, the cedars are able to adapt to environment. So, for example, in cloudy weather, cedar "sleep" longer than in the sunny.

Winter life cycles The tree does not stop, just cedar a little more time spends "in a dream."

Among the many legends of the cedar, there is one, attributing to him the divine origin. According to legend, the cedar grew only in Eden. God created these mighty trees to the joy of first people - Adam and Eve. But the first son of Adam managed to get three cedar seeds. When his father died, the son had invested seeds to him in his mouth and buried. So the first cedar appeared on Earth.

Those who wish to learn how to grow cedar from seeds, will not face great difficulties. This is not the most difficult, but somewhat painstaking procedure.

There are several rules for caring for seeds and seedlings. Compliance with these rules will help you end up growing a mighty cedar, which will be proud of subsequent generations. You put the seeds into the moistened soil, so do not rush to water the earth immediately after landing. Excess moisture can cause irreparable harm.

Ensure that the seeds do not completely fall asleep the earth. In this case, the stem will begin to grow under the soil. He can sculpt and neglect. First of all, the root begins to grow, so do not be afraid that the seed itself for a long time Not disclosed. It will not completely reveal immediately. First, the stem will grow.

Do not remove the shell itself nuts, even if you have already noticed that it revealed and showed the first needles.

First seedling gets nutrients From this shell. Until the growth point is noticeable, it is not recommended to delete it. And it is better at all forget about the roaring itself. It causals when the time comes.

While the husk did not disappear, spray shoots clean water. This will allow moistening the soil, keeping her looseness, and soften the shell of seeds. Cedar love light. But young shoots do not need bright sunlight. The light should be scattered first, and closer to the disembarkation, train the tree to the straight sunshine.

Watch that the traces of rotes do not appear. If the leg begins to be black, then you will overvolt the soil.

The first time the flexible stems of cedar can be tilted and even fall. This does not need to be afraid. Just to cut the stems begin not immediately. If you planted cedar thick, they will cling to each other without giving falling. Place the seedlings before landing, take it out on fresh air In the spring. So you will give the tree to get used to the sun, and to the air. But do not overdo it. No need to leave seedlings on open balconyIf there are freezes at night. Start hardening on cloudy days so that the sun immediately did not fall cedar.

These are the basic rules for care of the seedle before landing. Foolish young seedlings begin almost immediately after sowing seeds. This fragrance will fill your home.

Hardened grown seedlings can be safely planted in the ground when the snow has already descended and very coldy We passed. Choose a well-lit place with nutrient soil. Then the young trees will take place faster.

You can plant cedar and in the shade, but with a lack of lighting, they stretch, the trees grow not so lush.

In a highly darkened place, it is possible to grow only a thin barrel with a slight bunch of needles. Golfish with a lush crown grows exclusively in the sun. When you have already chosen a place, check the land in the garden. Inspect it on the root. There should be a large number of weeds in the soil. If you notice that the garden is clogged, redo it and remove alien roots.

Cedar Growing Tips ::

  1. Planting cedar in open ground is preferably in cloudy weather or closer to the evening so that the sun does not quit even weakened seedlings. Follow the roots to be damaged, act neatly.
  2. Take the village along with a room of land that was formed around the root. Slightly and very gently shake to remove excess ground. Put the cedar in the hole, pour it off her ground, and add a little bit of dry earth from above.
  3. If you put a whole alley, the distance between the wells should be at least 10 cm, and between the rows - at least 20 cm.
  4. If spring is dry, watering seedlings will have often, but not too abundant. The roots did not have time to grow deep into the ground. With wet weather, watering can be reduced.
  5. When the moisture is absorbed into the soil, it needs to be slightly braid, so that the next time water is well absorbed and top layer The soil did not form a crust that prevents air and moisture penetration. In order not to loosen every time you can add to the soil of sawdust. They will serve as a drainage. Air and moisture will come to roots in sufficient quantities.
  6. Wrap seedlings from weeds. Fast growing grass can completely crush a weak root system of young trees. If weed is too big, do not rush to tear it with the root. In this case, the root of the young cedar may be damaged. The overgrown weed is better to cut down the root.

Use cedar:

  • Course, resin and cedar nuts are used in different directions: eaten, as well as used in medicine and cosmetology. It is also known that walking through the cedar groves is incredibly useful. They are very clean air, since the cedars allocate a huge amount of oxygen.
  • Pine nuts . Cedar nuts are priceless for our body. They contain a large number of vitamins and microelements that cannot be replaced. Cedar nuts contain vitamins of the group B, E, A, as well as iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, calcium. Cedar nuts to eat is very useful, but it is worth remembering that they are quite calories. Cedar nuts make various tinctures, drugs for the treatment of stomach diseases, atherosclerosis, anemia, duodenal diseases. Do not forget to check the quality of nuts. If they have fallen or vocked, you can harm health.
  • Cedar oil. Cedar nut oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it possesses healing and bactericidal properties. It is used as a medicine at eczema, psoriasis, diathesis.
  • Resin from wounds and burns. The cedar resin contains a wiry turpentine. Not in vain it is called the Livita. Predated a cedar resin was used as a cure for cutting wounds and burns. Treated cedar resin and purulent inflammation on the skin. During the war, the ointment of cedar resin stopped gangrene growth.
  • Wood cedar. Wood is mainly used for the manufacture of furniture. It has bactericidal properties. In the cabinets from the cedar, mole never starts. In addition, the cedar elements of the decor allocate a pleasant fragrance.
  • Cedar-based preparations. Cedar oil is often added to various medicinal products. Such drugs are subject to expectorant, bactericidal, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect. Cedar oils and decoctions are added to the rinsing fluid to rinse the oral cavity to remove the inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Cedar is a valuable woody breed, which is attributed not only to the healing, but also magical properties. Alone to grow cedar is easy, but all the works will receive a decent award: such any plot.

More information can be found from the video.