Dark birch. Beresta and cedar from the Siberian subsoil

Black birch (lat. Betula Nigra) - Representative of the genus Birch birch family. Another name is river birch. The birthplace of the considered species is the United States of America. In nature, it is found on wetlands, fuel plains, valleys of rivers and other places with raw sandy soils. It grows in alliance with poplars, wings and maples. Fast-growing, thermal-loving short view.

Characteristic of culture

Black birch - fall tree up to 30 m with an ovoid openwork crown. The bark is pink-brown, gray-brown or black and brown, thick-scaly, peeling or curls. Young shoots silver-gray, smooth. Side branches arcuate-rejected, basic are located under sharp angle. Dark green leaves, regular, short-flow, oval or ovate-rhombic, widespid-shaped at the base, stupid or sharp, gear along the edge, up to 12 cm long inner Serious or gray-white, sowned by residents. In the fall of foliage acquires a dark yellow color.

Inflorescences - oblong-cylindrical earrings are equipped with a leg, the length of which varies from 2.5 to 5 cm. Bracts are pubescent, scaly, with equal blades of a linear-oblong shape. The fruit is a broad winged hazel, at the top sown. Currently, several echoed varieties that differ with a shade of wood and resistance to pest are derived. They are often used enough for landscaping personal homesteads.

Pruning: eliminate damaged or dead branches of young copies at the end of autumn. Once adults, reduce pruning to a minimum. Irrigation and humidity: always keep the soil wet. Soil: wet, but well depleted. Being varieties of natural spirit, they are usually placed in gardens with the same spirit where this feature is used to recreate the mountain and wild medium, combining birch with other trees, shrubs and plants similar natural nuances. To better enjoy the attractiveness of your bark, it is advisable to put them in groups and, if possible, on a dark background or on the slope.

Growing conditions

In the nature of birch, black grows on cool wet substrates. Plants negatively belong even to short-term drought. On dry soils, trees are slowly developing, often amazed by pests. Despite the fact that the culture of the thermal-loving, it denies the scorching sun, the plants are better to have at half-directed areas, where the sunlight is present for most of the day. Drying culture from the northern or eastern side of architectural buildings is not yet rebiring. Since black birch reaches quite impressive sizes, it is necessary to take into account the location of the electrical wires, otherwise during strong winds Do not avoid their cliff.

Soils for birch black should not be compacted, since the surface root system They feel flawed. Optimals for culture are weakly acidic, loose, moistened, rich in humus soil. Heavy clay, strongly acidic or alkaline soils are not welcome. That black birch is a moisture culture, it was not said once, this factor is considered one of the most important conditions Successful plant cultivation. But compared to other representatives of the genus, birch black more tolerant to drought, however, only short-term. Without prejudice to health, trees will be made easy flooding with thawed waters.

However, they have enough nature to become a center of interest if they are isolated on the lawn. Since the roots of Birowa tend to intensive growth, it is preferable to refrain from landing near the sidewalks or buildings that their impact may affect. For the same reason, they are not particularly comfortable in the classic stands of our streets and squares.

A tree is up to 25 m, with great obesity and very dark bark, blackname and scaly. It usually has a pyramid shape with a dense beau on branches and leaves with a very dark tone. However, in extreme conditions, in the case of windy regions, hills, snowdrifts and young samples, it is strongly deformed towards the dominant wind. Due to the weight of snow and ice accumulated in its branches, it may have a squat form. He leaves almost the foundation, and young brown twigs. This characteristic, together with the tone of its bark, justifies her name. popular name.

Reproduction in the seed method

Black birch, like all other types, multiply seeds. In addition, it gives abundant self-sowing, so plants are able to capture new territories on their own. In the first few weeks, shoots develop very slowly. They are vulnerable to the lack of sunlight, watering and weed shading. Plot under the sowing should be prepared carefully, removing all the rhizomes of unwanted vegetation.

Seeds B. pre-training don't need if we are talking about autumn crop. When sowing seeds of birch of black spring, stratification is necessary, it will increase the percentage of germination. This procedure lasts about 5-6 weeks at a temperature of 0 - + 5c. Before sowing, the seeds are dried to a bulk state, and immediately sowed. Keep wet seeds in room conditions It is impossible, they will start germinate and will die as a result.

Olhi has a fruit that resembles coniferous pineapple, but much less. Seeds have a membrane wing to relieve wind scattering. This long-lived pine is adapted to the cold and dry air of the mountains, where it forms extensive clean or mixed forests with fir birch, where other types of trees cannot compete. For this you need large precipitation, which during the year should not be scarce in summer. It appears on any type of soil on the slopes, landslides, cracks and even peat swamps.

It reaches the upper height limit that can be colonized by trees, where weather conditions are very unfavorable, and the soil is very scarce, which is associated with high mountain views, such as rhododendrons, creeping juniper, blueberries, bushes or bushes.

Sowing can be carried out as in open sad under the shelter and in the greenhouse. Sow seeds with a line method, the distance between the lines should be at least 15-20 cm. Deep seal is prohibited. For a week, crops cover polyethylene film or any other observer material. The soil is maintained in a wet state, the spray gun is used for irrigation, the ordinary watering can be blocked by sowing.

Its wood was used for thin wood processing due to the fact that the object was polished in the ceiling. On the other hand, being a view that colonizes the high areas of the mountains, which constitutes part of the Wood vegetation limit, is very convenient to transplant these funds, since it keeps the soil with its powerful radical system, colonizing and protecting fragile soils in the slope of these heights.

In its typical form, the birch butterfly has a camouflage pattern, resembling a splash of pepper and salt. In some areas, it has a black soot or "melanic" shape, known as "Carbonarian". His long hackid caterpillar can be a few shades of brown or green with small warts and protrusions that resemble a tree bark. Head with a deep indent.

Under all conditions, shoots appear after 2-2.5 weeks. By the fall, the seedlings reach a height of 30-50 cm. For the winter, young rabids are insulated with a thick layer of fallen foliage. Next spring Plants dive in shkolki. In shovels, the distance between the plants should be about 5-7 cm, between the rows - 30-35 cm. At the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, the rapid seedlings transplant on permanent place, underdeveloped specimens leave for friction.

Track length: up to 60 mm. This species makes a very long clutch. Adults breed from May to August. The females lay eggs in large quantities, and after hatching newborn caterpillars will soon dispel. They fly silk threads, and they float with the direction of the wind, until they land on Earth by chance. Fortunately, you can eat a wide variety of shrubs and deciduous trees. Caterpillars eat only at night and reach full maturity in September. Punches in winter on earth and adults appear next spring.

Spotted butterfly, as it is known, is widely used as classic example Evolution by natural selection. During the industrial revolution, soot reserves shielded most of their habitat. The melanoe form of moth was first recorded in Manchester. The melanovy form was better disguised, having resting on the trunks and branches of trees with soot than a typical more pale form that allowed her to survive. On the contrary, a typical form was an advantage in unpolluted areas in the bark of trees that were covered with lichens.

Bereza is one of the main images of folk art. In songs, fairy tales, birch legends - symbol of spring and homeland. Favorite tree was endowed with the most affectionate epithets. It was called a slender, curly, thin, white, fragrant, cheerful. Countless sayings, proverbs, riddles associated with birch:Birch is not a threat - where it stands, there and noise. Bela Beresta - yes to do, black. Zelen, not meadow, Bela, and not snow, Kudryava, not a head. IN folk signs Birch is closely related to agriculture: A lot of juice flows from the birch - to rainy summer. If the birch in front of the alder leaf dissolves, the summer will be dry, if alder is wet.

IN last years There were several discussions on this simplified explanation and the focus was on the quality of the work of Ketheruel. Although their innovative experiments were undoubtedly imperfect, judging by modern standards, the main package is still accepted by most evolutionary biologists, although the complete theory may have been more difficult.

The melan form of spotted moths now lost its advantage, surviving a sharp decline. Now it is not enough in areas where he once dominated and can soon completely disappear. Whatever the details of his takeoff and fall, his story is fascinating.

Folk wisdom has long been able to evaluate wonderful healing properties Birch. Already in the herbers of the XVIXVII centuries. You can find an indication of how to use birch leaves and kidneys, birch birch, called bark, and birch juice. Modern medicine also recognized the widerapeutic opportunities of birch.

Of the 120 types of birches, numbering on Earth, about 40 species are growing in Russia. Birch beard is considered the most common (birch), reaching a height of 20 meters, whose age does not exceed 120 years.

This species is very common in most British islands and is sometimes very large. Melanaya form is more common in industrial areas of Central Scotland, North England, Midlands and London, but is currently shrinking. It is found in forests, fences, parks and gardens, even in urban areas.

To keep track of a special visit to the Botanical Garden of Montreal, here are three favorite shrubs from the FRUTICETUM Luke Terrio. This unknown garden contributes to the discovery of shrubs, shrubs and clematis other than what is usually observed, and also allows them to evaluate their maturity.

Outside, birch with a solid cover covers the bark. The birch bark consists of many easily separated by thin elastic, smooth, durable layers that do not transmit moisture and air and almost non-decisable. Every year these layers grow up, and the bark becomes thicker. By the number of thin layers, as in annual wood rings, you can determine the age of wood. The outer layers of warthog birch usually have a white color and differ only with shades of color. The inner layers facing the Luba are different shades: from yellow to dark brown. It is these internal layers of Berestov, as the most durable, beautiful are used by masters in the manufacture of products as front side.Outdoor, peeling layers are called point side,and they do not matter practical.

This shrub with several trunks has everything for him: beautiful flowers, interesting bark and beautiful foliage. His flowers that bloom in the summer are caused by camellia, hence the name of the species, pseudocamel. His special bark is peeled and acquires shades of gray, red and brown; It looks like an abstract painting. His foliage, dark green in summer, painted with pink, purple and orange autumn.

A slowly growing stuard is about three meters high to two meters in width. Place in the shade or the sun fits him well, as well as rich, fresh and slightly sour soil. Since its root system is superficial and fragile, it is recommended to mulch it. This plant is grown in southern Quebec because it has a zone.

In addition to the color, the special attractiveness of Bester give lentichki -small narrow strips of black or brown. In the summer, they are revealed and gas exchange is carried out through them, sometimes they are called forwarders. For the winter, leachy is closed, filling with a special substance.

Best berson for all types of products - free, layered, smooth, thin with small lentils, warm and velvety to the touch, stretching, yellow, golden yellow or yellow-green flowers.

Western cefalantus is an energetic and original shrub. His lanceal foliage is a beautiful dark green throughout summer season; In the fall, it becomes yellow, but especially for his colors that are cracking. They are cream or slightly pinkish. Blossom occurs in July and August, it is fragrant and honey. Cefalanta reaches about three meters to a height of four widths, and his port is beaded. Need fresh, wet soil; As for the exposition, it also grows in the shade, as in the sun.

Native to Quebec, he grows in the West of the province, where its common name is "Black Forest". In Quebec, birch are part of our collective memory, our heritage. On the other hand, they are sensitive to pollution, drought and birches. The latter was destructive in recent years. For birch lovers living in zone 5, black birch is interesting because it is resistant to birch and drought, even if pollution remains a problem. It is planted in the sun, on a wet and fertile soil. The "Fox Valley" grade is recommended for limited space, because it remains compact, its height is 3 meters and 3, 5 inches.

The thin beeret is from the birches aged 20 to 40 years old with a smooth level barrel (with a diameter of more than 150 - 200 mm), without painful thickens, influx, bitch, cuts, pronounced crusts and mushrooms. Such birch is more likely to occur on boron slopes, in mixed forests with moderate shady. The exception is the case when the berson is needed for slit thread.Then you are looking for young trees under the age of 15-16 years. Sometimes Beresta requires a thickness of up to 2 mm and more for the manufacture of large products - Tues, large boxes, etc.

It forms several trunks, his foliage is dark green and in the fall becomes golden. Synthetic fertilizers are a recognized source of pollution, and amateur or professional gardeners, aware of their impact on environmentAlways looking for green products. Recently organic fertilizers Profit on the shelves of the Garden Centers. They consist at least out of 15% organic substances and contain a certain proportion of synthetic mineral elements. As a result, they are not considered organic fertilizers.

On the other hand, most of the 100% of organic fertilizers contain a low percentage of nutrients. Just as interesting in the flower beds or in the garden, they are less effective for growing in pots, on balconies or planters, where more high level Nitrogen usually gives the best results.

On the outskirts of the fields, the forest edges often grow birch with fat bark. Beresta is with long, wide levgers, smooth, durable, small, yellow, sometimes reddish shade or even multicolored: from the north side - yellow, with southern reddish. This is a berson. It requires a lot of effort and time when processing. Beresta with birches growing on peat, swampy places or separately on open spaces- continuing, malorable, with a lot of small and large blackened lentils, thick, spotted, in the corner, with holes from insect moves, one-sided, with thickening. This is better not to take.

These organic fertilizers are interesting in that they have a smaller environmental impact compared to conventional synthetic fertilizers. In addition, they are equipped with an inorganic nitrogen source, which makes them a good main fertilizer. Three fertilizers were performed, as well as the traditional control fertilizer during the tried period. In addition, costs are not higher because nutrients Highly concentrated, which allows you to dilute significantly.

Since these fertilizers are based on organic MaterialsAfter their preparation, they should be quickly used to prevent the growth of bacteria. Finally, these fertilizers are a good alternative to synthetic fertilizers. Questions about your garden? Do not hesitate to contact me.

The timing of billets can vary depending on the geographical area, the place of growing birch, the time of the offensive and nature of spring. Beresta is usually firmly connected to the Lub. Late spring With the melting of snow during the deposit period, you can remove the Beresto in small quantities using a specially manufactured tool from a tree that resembles a chisel. At this time, on the inner layer of Berestov, a dark brown lobby layer is observed. Such berson is often used in products with decoration elements by the method of scraping of the lobby layer.

Each factory has a writing with a photo, description, information about the crop and a diagram for exposure, watering, height, etc. This is an interesting and dense book in which many original plants are represented, but since the French book, many here are not rustic. In addition, the endurance zones to which we are accustomed to are not used, and the specified cold resistance is not accurate enough for Quebec, for example, -20 Celsius or more.

If we know the plant, everything is in order, otherwise this is a trial error. The author, Alain, who headed the team of specialists, is an agronomist and plants collector. Moreover, we feel the soul of the collector due to the great diversity of the plants described. A book for wise and curious gardeners. Damned wind vineyard is friendly owners and beautiful place to choose a delicious table grapes. We are taking off, open and collect various varietiesAnd besides, we can buy grapes.

In the Komi Republic in the area of \u200b\u200bSyktyvkar, the most favorable billets of Berestov are observed from June 20 to July 10.During this period, birch juice is no longer obtained. The leaf of the tree is gaining strength, becomes dark green. In sustainable hot weather after a beresto décage on a tree trunk, it goes without effort.

During this period, it is necessary to visit the forest to determine the departure of Beresta. Upon completion of the period of gathering, berson, it takes a barrel and the blank almost becomes impossible.