Tree crafts for beginners. Wooden products: varieties, choice of material, tools and installation features

Tree crafts are a wonderful decision, thanks to which you easily decorate your interior with an ease, because they are able to make sophistication to the familiar setting. Decorative products from the tree do not cease to be in fashion, because they are quite appreciated by their aesthetic species and the unique beauty of natural wood.

This craft came to us from the distant past, it was from those times when our ancestors were pulled out and invented many beautiful and useful items from a natural tree.

To all, I would like to add that this time there is a mass of tools that significantly facilitate this occupation. The original trees made from the tree made personally, can become an amazing and pleasant gift for your loved ones and relatives.

What is it worth starting so exciting and useful occupation?

To begin with, we advise you to study the elementary instructions and drawings for crafts from the tree and then start this interesting things. This will also require some materials. Maybe every home has unrequisited wooden boards, Fiberboard or chipboard. Otherwise, you will have to purchase them in a construction supermarket.

Simple drawings of crafts for beginners

If you live in the country or in country house, Through any in your site, or near, the trees are defined. Wood is an incredibly universal natural material, with which you can independently create a sufficient amount of useful things and decorative souvenirs.

There is a lot of master classes on the crafts from the tree, who will introduce you to all the subtleties in the process of working with wood. And they will pump you to a huge number of ideas that can be easily implemented with ease.

What will be required to start

A small sheet of plywood or other pressed wood chips, electric logsik, sander (You can get along and grinding paper, this process will take longer, but it is less expensive), high-quality glue, simple pencil.

We listed the most basic tools that will be needed in any case, despite the way you are going to do. We bring to your attention a photo of a tree crafts in the form of a bird feeder ...

Universal craft from a tree, from which, perhaps, many are facing - this is a feeder for birds. This is a very useful thing that attracts your eyes. decorative decoration And at the same time brings the winged.

Its service life may be long, if you first process special protective means (varnish, veil, paint) that will protect it from external environment. This lesson is very fascinating, so you can make it with children, because it will cause them a real delight, and will lead the true feeling to create good.

In addition to this useful thing, you can make any other decorative craftsthat will be an impressive decoration for your garden. For example: Owl, will be a pleasant decoration at the entrance.

From small twigs of trees, you can create a subframe for photos, which can later serve as a pleasant surprise for an expensive person.

Cute little things can also be mastered from the bark of various breeds of trees (oak, ash, acacia, chestnut, birch).

An interesting decision will be - to build decorative magnets on the fridge from the tree bark. This original idea Does not leave anyone indifferent.

A classic option for crafts from a tree is plywood. From her, without special efforts, you can cut any animal, subsequently coloring it with bright colors. This method will help you together with children will unite, and do such an entertaining business.

From durable wooden Reques You can make it possible to make children's swing in the garden, beautiful decorative fences For small barrooms. Spit tree by half rings about a height of 60-80 centimeters, you will provide yourself and your loved ones, real chairs - foams for a pleasant stay in the garden.

Do not be afraid to experiment, create, let the will of fantasy, and you will certainly get everything!

Stock Foto Crafts from wood

Find material for creativity is not so difficult. Purchase areas And the utility rooms are often littered with boards, timber, branches, logs. What prevents us from, then we will help. Showing fantasy, trimming turns into works of landscape design.

How to make a craft from a tree

Make a decor for giving may each. When creating products from wood, you must first:

  1. Draw a drawing.
  2. Calculate the number of necessary materials.
  3. Prepare the necessary tools.
  4. Coloring outdoor design details with emery paper.
  5. Process all elements by antiseptic from rotting according to the instructions.
  6. Collect the product.
  7. Decorate: paint or attach additional decor.

Wood products in the open air quickly lose decorativeness, so they need to be treated with antiseptic or paint

Crafts from timber, lining and boards

From wood create a lot of interesting things. High-quality boards and timber - rarity and better not to cut them, but to do something large-scale, for example, bench.


  • twenty board 160 cm long - 7 pcs., 60 cm long - 3 pcs.;
  • bar 50x50 60 cm long - 4 pcs.;
  • nails or screws;
  • studs for the foundation.


  • sandpaper;
  • hammer or screwdriver, drill.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fill the foundation for the legs. Wait for solutions to the solution.
  2. Take 2 segments of the bar, put on the foundation and secure the hairpin on the foundation stone, drilled in it holes.
  3. On the back side of the future bench to the ends of the bar of the clock 2 vertical stands backs.
  4. Place on the bar perpendicular to 2 boards on the edge, secure.

Garden shop - excellent use for the remaining wood after construction

5. Separate 3 short boards across them. Top to put the seat board.

6. Collect the back.

For the strength of the bench to the backrest racks diagonally, it is better to attach an additional bar

The simplified version of the bench is constructed from the bar and void building blocks.

For strength to blocks, fastening the back to the seat, the hairpin or fittings are clogged

From the remains of lining, timber, boards build elements of landscape design, such as decorative wells. Embodiments - set, but the correct sequence of work is one:

  1. First, the root of the well is created to which the racks are attached.
  2. Between them at the selected height, the skiing bar is installed.
  3. Then the rafters are attached on top of the racks to which the roof is installed: the lining or board.

The roof of the well can be additionally covered roofing material - Tiled

If the materials for the construction of the well have to arrive, take the board - the cheapest option.

Sometimes in ornamental wells placed kashpo for flowers

From cropping mask stylish porridge and tubs.

To make kashpo, carbon on the frame from the bar

Gallery: Bar and Lining in the Garden

Best application of clipping lining - bird feeder
To attract birds to the garden, make a birdhouse
Useful thing from lining residue - mailbox Kashpo will last longer if you paint it different height To compile interesting compositions
For the house in the style of Provence, kashpo in bright colors from the rest of the bar are collecting compact flower beds make a round well harder than square
Garden shops will be useful in each garden
From the resulting color of the bar, it turns out unusual benches for an antique thick bar ideal for the design of garden furniture from cropping a unique decor, for example, a cart

Master class on creating a well - video

Crafts from Brön, Churbachkov and Finev

The smaller the wood is treated, the more organic it looks in the garden. Solved along massive logs are often used to create benches. For the stability of the seating on logs that serve as legs, hollow out or cut down the recesses of the appropriate size. Then fixes nails.

Just like a bench, make a garden table

To create a man from birch chumbachkov, make it with the help of nails.

For bent elbows and crankshap churbachki poured at an angle

At the sight of a log with a bitch in my memory, a well-known fabulous character was coming.

Step-by-step Instructions for the manufacture of Pinocchio:

1. Select a chumbach with a bitch resembling his nose, saw it in half.

For the manufacture of Pinocchio will suit any breed of trees

2. Find suitable branches and hands on the form and size, pump up unnecessary.

If Pinocchio will sit, pick the curved branches for the legs

3. Speak them with nails to the Churbak, who serves to the body.

Adjust your hands and screwdriver

4. Attaching the limbs, we have Pinocchio on the selected surface.

Torso from the chumbach better to attach to the support, for example, to the panya

5. Optionally, add the part on the figure. On the head we draw or glue your eyes out of sleep branches.

If there is no glue, the sleeps are nailing: the hat will be a pupil

6. From the wire form a blank for the key. Measure foil.

For the manufacture of the key, you can take the usual food foil

7. Wrap a wire foil and get the key.

It is better to find yellow foil, because Pinocchio's key was gold

8. We dress on the feet of the shoes from the boxes from cheese, and on the head - the cap from the sleeve from the old clothes.

Purpose of Pinocchio in the garden - open the door in happiness

Gallery: Products from Breus and Churbachkov

At the entrance to the house it is appropriate to position the rack for bicycles from the logs of the Grandflower and hares from Birch Churbachkov can be the highlight of the garden. Funny couple from Churbachkov on a shop will not let the boring of the inhabitants of the house lovers of exotic logs cut out the Eastukan in African style. Burn "Noseged" Churbachki, of which cute crafts come out of the wooden figures, you can make a comical composition
Exactly sawed chumbas - Excellent dacha stools Extend the internal logs of a chisel's logs to get kashpo for flowers
For relaxation on the street, try making an armchair from birch logs in a skewer season no one will give up convenient chair From the logs, the furniture from the old briced bridge from the bridge looks from the logs - one of the best jewelry of the garden to joy for joy to children make a toy train from a brown table and two chairs from Churbachkov - the highest pilot in working with a tree so that the table from the login is not collapsed, it is fixed by rope or The belt stool from the Burbak is definitely polished and covered with varnish

Master class on drinking shop from logs - video

Crafts from Svilov

Beautiful wood looks on a cut. The easiest decor of Svilov - Owl. Details are connected by nails or glue.

Owl's eyes just make bottle caps

Original colors for flowers are obtained from spins glued in the form of a vase.

High swill porridge placed on the lawn

Another a good option - shelf. In the center of each heat drill drill holes, then they dress on a wooden pin. So that the shelves are not slipped, the screw is screwed under each.

On the shelves from sleeps put pots with flowers

Cute decoration for doors - wreath. Wooden circles are glued to the ring from plywood.

Beautifully look wreaths from different breeds trees

On the New Year coniferous trees In the garden, decorate the toys from the sleeps.

If you cover the sleep with impregnation on a tree, the bad weather is not terrible

Hole for suspensions is drilled by a drill.

The mouth and bugs of the snowman are made of leatherette, eyes - from spinach seeds

Gallery: Application of sleeps in the country

The benches made of sleeps are located somewhere in the shadow or at the porch, a rough chair of the sleeve is a ruling thing thickness of the old tree is suitable for creating a table top of a table of sleep - perfect solution For the veranda or gazebos, any flowers look great in the porridge from sleep Interesting solution - finishing outdoor or inland walls at home with sleep cutting out a plywood outline for the Christmas tree, leave the bottom of the spike for fastening to the stand Beautiful decor For the country door - a decorative heart of Spelov to get a candlestick, drill the middle of the sleeve and wipe it over her chisel to polish beautiful sleep and use as a stand under the spike plates - suitable material For Christmas decorations

Master Class on Wall Decorating Smoke - Video

Koryagi and branches in the garden

Any wood - material for creativity. From thin twigs lay the board with a greeting.

Decor on a welcoming board is fixed with glue

From thick - Mastery Unique Garden Furniture.

Stylish chair will last longer, if you remove the barks of the bark

Korygi. interesting form The garden will give the garden, if you simply arrange them among the plants.

Do not pass by beautiful Korgia - this is a big rarity.

And with the help of glue and screws from wood make up various figures of animals. But first, from the branches, remove the bark and brighten them.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Soak the material in a solution of calcined soda: 2 glasses on 7 liters hot water. Put the cargo on top.
  2. After 3 days, remove the bark with a metal brush.
  3. Then immerse the branches for 2 days into the bleach solution: 1 cup on 7 liters of water.
  4. Dry in the sun 3 days.
  5. Collect fine-grained emery paper.

Select the material for the preparation of figures - a long, but exciting occupation

Gallery: crafts from corping and branches

Wreath of bleached branches will decorate the door or the wicket set under the tree a vicious mushroom from Korjig and the branches to create a Christmas tree, on the iron pin, drilled in the middle of the branches from Korigi is better to make large figures from curved branches and corporates create fancy coats under the pots before installing the seat on the bench Carefully grind
From small sprigs, you can make any decoration on the door. Funny pig from Korjigi looks great on a green lawn Lamp of branches - exquisite decoration for a gazebo or veranda

Master class on the manufacture of bird feeders from branches - video

Weaving from Waway

Coastal thickets near the site - Klondike. There are mined branches of willows for crafts. Plentry are made according to a simple scheme: pegs are clogged, then bars are skipped between them.

Willow, Oshin, Osin - the best branches for weaving

Cute decor - wicker baskets in which flowers are planted.

Baskets on the flower beds give the plot of rustic flavor

From durable branches, you can connect the frame of any animal, and then shake it with a vine.

Unusual Vine Decor - Sea Turtle

But the most interesting creation is living tree. Sliced \u200b\u200bpants will be intertwined and rooted. All kidneys on the trunk are blinding, except for the top.

The rooted branches are turned into a new tree resembling palm

Gallery: Vine products in the garden

For a solemn event, an arch from the vine is installed. The hut on the couch legs is not only a decoration, but also feeder for birds beds-box are ideal for growing greenery. Any flower bed, fenced with a shoulder, changes the appearance of the chair from the vine. Transform a seating area from a vine backrests for beam Modern decor Garden - balls from the vine reaching mastery in a weaving, you can create a figure of a girl naughty piglets from the vine like children hare from the vine enchants at first sight

After working to care for the garden, there is a lot of waste at the disposal of a dacket: starting from thin twigs, ending with massive logs. They can be used on firewood, but much better make garden crafts from wood with their own hands, which will decorate your site and will attract universal attention.

Landscape design elements

Garden buildings

Wood can serve as construction and decoration different facilities: Shed, well, gazebos, skewer and so on. Such wooden crafts For the garden, with their own hands, especially attractive looks on the background dacha house From logs or planed timber, forming a single style landscape design of the site.

It should be remembered that even a very small structure will be needed to build a fairly large amount of wood. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the missing number of sawn timber will have to arrive. However, the result is worth it.

Organically combining rounded logs and branches obtained after trimming trees in the garden, you can create unique and unique exteriors.

garden path

Make yours country cottage area Handsome and unusual paths will help the paths paved with spikes of trees. To do this, trimming the thick branches and cutting wood trunks that remained after cleaning in the garden are perfect. It is only necessary to trace them so that they are not sacrificed by pests, as it affects the strength and durability of the coating.

Work software is done like this:

  • the tree must be seen on the segments of the same length (the diameter does not matter here);
  • problem billets special compositionprotecting them from rotting;
  • according to a predetermined markup to dig a trench, the depth of which is equal to the length of the prepared cylinders plus 15-20 cm;
  • at the bottom of the deepening, pour out a sand pillow, which after that carefully tumped;
  • only after that you can install sleep.

The slots between large elements can be filled with thin billets that you have chosen from the branches of trees.

After the end of work, the remaining gaps fall asleep with sand or earth. Last minute can be mixed with seeds, after germination of which the track will acquire even more attractive appearance.

Fences and support walls

Wood is well suited for the construction of various fences. In addition to basic purposes - zoning of the site or restrictions of access of people and animals - wooden stakenik or woven also perform decorative function, complementing or emphasizing various design solutions in landscape design. Such a fence can easily make from the girlfriend, without spending money on their purchase.

The zoning of the site can be carried out with the help of support walls made of dry branches of trees or logs of suitable thickness. This solution will be effectively combined with a house from a bar, spille tracks, wooden garden furniture and so on. It is important only to overdo it and keep a sense of measure.

Decorative bridges

Complete the ensemble of crafts from wood can bridges made of logs and branches, perched through the streams or artificial reservoirs. They look very colorful and are often used by designers to design landscapes of country sites.

The lack of them is one - the need to use a large amount of material. It is unlikely that you have enough logs and thick branches in the country. However, in this case, it can help the nearest fishing line. Surely there there is a sufficient amount of dry, which can be used with benefit.

Before drinking trees in the forest you need to make sure that you do not violate these actions regulationsconcerning the use of natural resources.

Decor elements

Flower beds

After speaking an old or dried tree, a massive barrel remains at your disposal, which is most often cut to the firewood and is burned in the fireplace or bath. However, showing a little imagination, you can turn it into a unique and attractive club, which will decorate the courtyard, a barbecue area or an open summer kitchen.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  • the trunk of the old tree;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • chainsaw;
  • plancock or grinding machine.

Instructions for the manufacture you hardly need. It is only necessary to arm patience and fantasy, and then give an unsightly piece of wood any desired shape. Also, do not forget about the deepening, which later needs to be filled with soil and plant flowers there.

Choosing plants, make sure that they are combined with each other in shape, color and flowering time.
So you will achieve the best effect and get rid of dry in the flower bed.

garden furniture

Last distribution recently received crafts for the garden with their own trees, which operate the role of furniture. The price of such products performed by professional masters is quite high, but a simple chair, a table or chair can be made independently.

You only need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. For the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to use wood with a thick cross section, which is hard to find in the country area.
  2. In the process of manufacture uses professional tools and equipment. If you do not have them, the desired power tool can be rented in the nearest construction supermarket.

Wood processing and furniture manufacturing is made in such a sequence:

  • the log or branches of the suitable thickness and length are treated with an ax to remove the remains of the bark and the bitch;
  • using chainsaws, subjects are given the final form and dimensions;
  • after fastening parts with each other, they are made final finishes hammer and chisel;
  • at the very end, all surfaces should be cleaned with sandpaper, having achieved perfect smoothness.

To get away garden furniture served for a long time, it must be treated with an antiseptic, getting rid of pests inside the wood, and cover with varnish, protecting products from the impact of negative external factors (sun, water and so on).

Registration of the playground

Wood can be used to make various features adorning playgrounds. They will serve not only an element of design, but also a game item. For example, a wooden horse. Its manufacture will not require much effort.

Work is made in such a sequence:

  1. Initially, the body is constructed. To do this, you need to take two sleeves of a large diameter log and combine them with small powder. The thickness of the spike should be about 3-4 centimeters, and the diameter of at least 25 centimeters. Thus, a box is formed, which, if you wish, you can subsequently fill the earth in which the flowers plan.

  1. The next step will be the manufacture of legs. In order for the horse does not fall during games, they must be durable and steadily hold the body. Suitable wooden bar cross section of at least 5-6 cm or branches of trees of similar diameter. It is advisable to select the length on the basis of the growth of children.
    Remember that legs should be firmly attached to the body and installed in the ground. You can use metal corners for stiffness, and the lower ends of the bars bury into the ground.
  2. The final stage is decorative details. This includes head, mane and tail. The latter make the easiest way. You only need to fix several cuts of the rope. The head is made of plywood, which, with the help of the jigsik, attached fit form. Attach your head to the body using wooden bar 30-40 cm long.
  3. Do not forget to paint the figure. This will not only give her an attractive appearance, but also protects the wood from the negative effects of the sun, rain and snow. Remember that you need to use varnish or wood paint, which is safe for children and does not highlight harmful substances in atmosphere.
    Another way to produce a horse from a tree - use trimming branches and logs left after cleaning the garden. But in this case, it is necessary to show an incomplete fantasy, building some kind of sculpture from them.

From wood you can also make children's swings and sandbox. Showing a little imagination, you construct lasagna stairs, labyrinths and many other items that you like the younger generation.

All items installed on the playground must be safe.
Make sure that the base of the swings and stairs is carefully concretened, all parts were securely connected to each other, and nails were missing on the surface, bypass, swings and various defectswho may make kid.

By the way, the old logs available at your disposal can be successfully used to make machines, trainings and so on. It is necessary only chainsaw and a little paint. And delight, which will affect the faces of your offspring, will serve you with the best reward.


To give an exhaustive list of sodes for the garden, which can be made of wood, is hardly possible. Showing a fantasy you can come up with many more ideas, each of which is worthy of incarnation. After reading the video in this article, you will handle more interesting things for yourself.

Tree is the most affordable and cheap Materialwhich can use each at its discretion. In our country, a huge number of forests where you can find both dried trees and fragments of trees. And even the seasons are not powerful over what can be made of wood with their own hands.

Tree crafts can be both small all-in-house items and souvenirs, toys. Family or even children's crafts. In addition, you can make furniture from wood, small buildings and much more. It all depends on what you want, how much time you have on these classes, and the experience of wood processing. If you have a small carpentry machine And any tools, then processing questions can not be installed, as well as questions about the experience.

The simplest crafts can be homemade ego problems. So, for example, from the treated sticks and bombs, you can make wonderful hangers for clothes that will serve for a long time, and look like you want it. Alias \u200b\u200bare sufficiently thick bruises or shafts of small trees, you can add legs for chairs, rolling, make cuttings for mop and much more. And if we talk here about furniture, then we have a few more elements, you can collect chairs and tables.

Problem modern furniture In the fact that it is assembled mainly from the treated secondary raw material. This means that the materials for furniture are now for the most part there are sawdust and chips from the main production. And because of the high-cost materials made of wood for industrial production, furniture factories Go to cheaper raw materials, without following the deterioration of product quality. If you make furniture with your own hands, even the most primitive, and invest your soul and experience in it, then it will last much longer than purchased.

If you need any additional materialsThat cannot be found in the forest, for example, such as plywood, processed boards and the like things, you can always buy them in specialized stores. In this case, quality will increase even more, and you will have more space for creativity.

From horseradish wood materials You can also build a house, barn, salas or gazebo without any problems. For these buildings, treated sticks, blesses and fragments of trees, trunks and everything you can find are well fit. The main thing is to consider initially that you may need, and try to make a small drawing to plan an assembly.

An excellent occupation will also create crafts with the whole family or with children. The main thing to teach home use tools. And the things made together will become for a long time in your home, giving the warmth of the family hearth.