Indoor plant orange: description, care and cultivation. Orange tree, home care, photo

Orange tree - citrus evergreen perennial family rue, grown in subtropical climates and poorly tolerated negative temperatures... The growth of an orange tree in warm climates continues constantly, the plant is medium-sized, can grow up to 7 m in height with open cultivation... There are also low-growing varieties up to 3 m. Thermophilicity and low demand for conditions allows you to successfully grow oranges at home. Orange tree at home at good care will be able to bear fruit and reach a decent size.

Many domesticated, specially bred orange varieties can bear fruit all year round and have minimum size crowns. These varieties (for example: Washington Navel, Korolek, Gamlin) allow you to get a small harvest of oranges at home on a regular basis. And three to four plants can create the feeling of a citrus garden in the room.

Planting an orange at home.

Orange trees are propagated in two ways: cuttings and seeds. Both methods have their pros and cons. Firstly planting material need to be found somewhere. With seeds, everything is simple - go to the store and choose the first fruit you like. As with growing avocados at home, the orange fruit should be ripe with a uniform orange color. Almost all orange fruits contain seeds suitable for germination. You need to get cuttings somewhere: ask a friend who already owns a homemade orange, you can buy a ready-made grown seedling in a store, or, for example, bring a cutting from a vacation from the subtropics by cutting a sprig of an orange growing in open ground.

A seed-planted orange is a stronger plant. It will grow better and adapt to new conditions, more unpretentious to diseases, the tree will acquire a beautiful crown, which cannot be said about plants planted by cuttings. However, one must bear in mind that an orange grown from seed will have slightly different biological characteristicsthan his parent. Planting by cuttings provides for 100% transfer of the genetic material of the parent tree. And the last thing that can affect the choice of how to plant an orange at home is the beginning of fruiting. A seed tree will begin to bloom and bear fruit with sufficient care at the age of 8-10 years, the cuttings method of propagation cuts this period in half.

Growing an orange tree from seed.

Take formed seeds from the orange fruit correct shape... Use several pieces from different fruits for a guarantee, so as not to sow only unpolished or unripe seeds. Plant immediately after removing the seeds, in small pots or long boxes spaced 5 cm from each other and 3 cm from the walls. Use a mixture of peat and flower land in a 1: 1 ratio, with good drainage.

Deepen the seeds by 1 cm and maintain constant soil moisture, avoiding overflow. Optimum temperature for germination 18-22 degrees. Homemade orange sprouts will appear in about 2 weeks. From the hatched oranges, choose the strongest, most powerful, with correct leaves... Grow under a small glass jar to create a microclimate. Place the pots in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Remove the can for half an hour once a day to refresh the atmosphere around the orange.

After the appearance of two true leaves, transplant healthy specimens into separate pots, 10 cm in diameter, lay out good drainage... When replanting, try to keep the roots and the peat mixture intact around them. For soil, use a substrate of humus and flower soil. In this pot, the orange should grow up to 15-20 cm, then the next transplant will be needed.

Reproduction of the orange tree by cuttings.

For cuttings, choose stems with a diameter of 4-5 mm and a length of about 10 cm. The cut should be carried out under the bud from below, and above the bud from above. You need to leave 3-4 live buds and 2-3 leaves on the handle. For greater effect, the cutting should be treated with a root growth stimulant, and placed 1/2 of the length in water for 3 days. To root homemade orange cuttings, plant them in boxes or pots of soil consisting of a mixture of humus, coarse sand and flower soil in equal parts. Plant the cuttings in a compacted substrate to a depth of 3x-4x cm.Initially, the branch has no roots, this does not allow the plant to receive enough moisture from the soil, therefore orange tree requires daily spraying of leaves with water. The soil should be well moistened, but avoid acidification. The optimum temperature for rooting is 20-25 degrees. Final rooting takes place in 30-45 days. The homemade orange tree can then be transplanted into a separate small pot.

Growing conditions and care for homemade orange.

To grow an orange tree at home, soil should be used with a good supply. nutrients... For these purposes, a flower mixture is suitable, which can be purchased in stores, or soil from your suburban area treated with boiling water and enriched with humus. It is imperative to lay out expanded clay or charcoal drainage at the bottom of the dishes. When watering, water stagnation and soil rotting should not be allowed. In this case, you need to ensure that the entire earthen lump is moistened, otherwise the tree will begin to lose roots and hurt. Watering is required approximately twice a week. The soil must be allowed to completely saturate with moisture, and then it must dry out. When soil acidifies, it must be replaced. The recommended container for growing an orange is a clay pot. It is quite moisture-permeable and this property helps to regulate soil moisture, clay absorbs and evaporates excess water through the outer surface.

Orange loves light, so a grown tree needs direct sunlight but no more than 2 hours a day. The orange at home does not like rearrangement in a new place, so you need to find from the very beginning permanent place for home tree in the south bright room... To form a beautiful crown, you can turn the orange pot, but every day at a small angle so that the plant has time to turn around. Each year, as it grows in size, the homemade orange needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. New dishes should be slightly larger than the previous ones by 3-4 cm in diameter. When transplanting, an earthen lump with roots must be removed with minimal damage and moved to a larger pot, and the difference must be filled with fresh soil. A pot of 8-10 liters in volume can be left as a permanent one, and the transplants can be replaced with top dressing, while you need to update at least twice a year upper layer soil.

Comfortable temperature for growing an orange: 17-28 degrees. Orange, like any indoor plants, does not tolerate drafts. A homemade orange needs to be sprayed with water several times a week to maintain optimum moisture. IN heating season daily spraying is required.

To give an aesthetic look orange at home it is necessary to take an active part in the formation of the crown. In the first year of life, the tree releases a single shoot up to 30 cm high.In the second year, before the start of active growth - in spring, you need to cut off the top of the shoot with pruning shears or scissors, leaving only about 20 cm.This will force the tree to release lateral buds. Next, remove the lower buds, leaving only the 3 upper ones. They should form the skeletal main branches of the crown of a homemade orange. The next year, do similar manipulations with the second-order side branches, stimulating branching. Often, pruning the central shoot of an orange does not give the desired result, the tree releases a single new sprout from above, then you need to cut the shoot again together with the upper bud, and if the length allows, then with the second. An orange tree takes on a pretty look when branches develop up to level 5-6. In the future, it will be enough to cut off individual fast growing shoots, or remove them altogether.

When caring care in a few years, a home-grown orange will bloom. To form ovaries, use a cotton swab to move the pollen from the anther to the sticky stamen. If a lot of fruits are formed, then some will need to be removed, otherwise the tree may die from exhaustion. For normal growth, one fruit should be matched to 10-15 leaves. Try growing your homemade decorative Pink Banana from seed and fruiting.

Tell your friends about it.

The orange tree is. It can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seeds. If you wanted to grow this yourself, then it is better to choose the seed method, since it is the easiest of all.

This article will discuss how to grow an orange from a seed in a pot at home.

general information

The tree has a dense, compact crown. The leaves are bright green and dense. The branches are covered with light bark. It blooms with white, light flowers. The indoor orange bears fruit after 7 years of life. The fruits can be eaten as they are very tasty.

Did you know? There are about 600 varieties of oranges in the world.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can reach 1-2.5 m. Before growing an orange at home, you need to decide on the variety.

The most popular are:

  • This variety grows short, up to about 1 m. It bears fruit very well. The fruits ripen for about 9 months.
  • "Gamlin" - grows up to 1.5 m. It has juicy oranges with a sweet and sour taste, which ripen in late autumn.
  • - this variety is the most preferred among domestic ones. The plant can reach 2 m. During flowering, the tree smells very nice. The fruits are quite large - their weight reaches about 300 g.
  • It is quite possible to grow an orange from a seed at home. Let's consider how to do this so that it bears fruit.

    Growing from seed

    In order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to plant them correctly, observing the conditions.

    Planting seeds

    It will not be difficult to grow an orange from a seed. Consider how to plant seeds at home. The seeds must be obtained from a ripe orange. They must be of the correct shape, not empty or dry. They need to be cleaned of pulp, rinsed and soaked for 8-12 hours in water. The soil can be made by yourself from, sand, turf soil (1: 1: 2). Or you can buy a special one for.

    You can sow seeds in separate small containers, the volume of which is about 100 ml. Or it is allowed to plant all the seeds in one box. It is recommended to keep the distance between the seeds 5 cm. The planting depth should be 1 cm.

    After this, lightly soil follows, cover the container with a film and remove in a dark place until sprouts appear.

    When the sprouts reach 1.5-2 cm and they have 2 leaves, they should be transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of about 8 cm.

    Important!It is better not to use large containers for planting - the soil, where there are no roots, remains wet for a long time and sour.


    Loves light, therefore the best place for the pot there will be south or southeast windows. So that there are no sunburns on the leaves, it is recommended to shade the tree. But the lighting should remain bright.

    A seed-grown orange tree loves warmth. Therefore, in the summertime, +21 ... + 25 ° C is considered a favorable temperature for the growth of citrus.
    If it is higher, then the orange will begin to actively grow, but will not bear fruit. In winter, a temperature of +10 ... + 15 ° C is suitable for the plant.

    Important! The plant does not tolerate drafts, therefore, the tree should be protected from them.

    Crown formation

    In order for a citrus tree to bear fruit at home, you need to take care of a suitable crown for this. If it is not formed, then the fruits can be harvested no earlier than in 10 years.

    The plant bears fruit on branches not lower than the fifth order. The procedure consists in pinching the branches after they reach 10-15 cm. This must be done above the bud so that it is outside.

    You should also cut off weakened shoots that are too elongated and growing inward. Thanks to such pruning, after a few years it will turn out with many short shoots.


    The homemade orange tree is propagated by seeds, grafting and cuttings. A plant grown from seed requires less maintenance. But the fruits of such a tree are different from the parent ones. How to grow an orange from seeds is described above.

    The method of cuttings retains varietal characteristics. To get it, you need to cut off a branch with a sharp knife, which is covered with bark and has a length of about 10 cm. They are planted in sandy soil and make a mini-greenhouse.
    It should be in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. The soil should always be slightly moistened. After 30 days, the cuttings should take root and can be transplanted into separate containers.

    Grafting allows you to get a quick harvest. It is recommended to take the graft from a fruiting tree. It is necessary to cut off the stalk with a very sharp knife. It is recommended to graft on orange trees or those that have reached the age of three.

    The vaccination process should go like this:

    • at a height of 10 cm from the ground, you need to cut the crown of the selected tree;
    • then you need to split the trunk and insert the handle there;
    • the scion must have 3 buds;
    • then you should combine the two branches and wrap the vaccination site using a film;
    • to retain moisture, cover the plant with a film and put it in a bright place.
    After 3 weeks, it will be clear whether the stalk has taken root: if it does not turn black, then the procedure was successful.

    Did you know?In the New World, in 1493, the first orange seeds and seedlings appeared thanks to Christopher Columbus.


    Growing an orange from a seed at home is about taking proper care of the tree.


    The citrus tree should be followed regularly as soon as the topsoil dries up. But it is not worth overmoistening, because the roots can rot. In winter, it is reduced to 2-3 times a week. The water should be kept warm.


    Caring for an orange tree at home includes spraying. The plant loves moisture, so in the heat it should be sprayed daily.

    In cool weather, this procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a week. If the air in the apartment is dry in winter, then the tree needs to be sprayed every day.

    Every 2 weeks from March to October, it is recommended to feed the orange tree with a complex citrus fertilizer. You can make this at home.
    To do this, dilute (20 g), (25 g) and (15 g) in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to add to this mixture 1 time per season, and 1 time - a little.

Fragrant and delicious citruses can not only be bought in the store, but also grown independently. The orange tree has many varieties and some of them are suitable for home breeding in pots. It is important to know the rules of cultivation and care for the plant to take up and develop.

What does an orange tree look like?

This type of citrus is cultivated plant, and got it by crossing mandarin and pomelo. The tree is evergreen with a compact, dense crown. The description of the orange tree includes the following information:

  1. Sizes are directly related to the variety, so tall varieties reach a height of 12 m, and dwarf ones - 4-6 m. indoor plant, which can be from 60 cm to 2.5 m.
  2. The root system is superficial and does not have hairs through which other plants receive moisture and useful material... Instead, at the tips of the roots there are special cases containing mushrooms that exist in symbiosis with the plant. They transfer moisture and nutrients.
  3. The orange tree has dark green leaves that are pointed, oval in shape. Inside them are glands filled with aromatic oil, which is identical to the flowers of this plant.

How does an orange tree bloom?

This plant has large bisexual flowers, which reach 5 cm in diameter. The color of the five petals is often white, but a reddish tint may also be present. In the center is a long single pistil surrounded by stamens yellow color... Flowers are collected in a brush of about 6 pieces, single variants are rare. Blossoming of an orange tree occurs only under certain conditions, and flower buds, laid in March-April, will open only at a temperature of 16-18 ° C. The blossoming bud falls off after 2-3 days.

How to grow an orange tree?

There are several varieties that can be used for indoor growing, and the following three options are most popular:

  1. Pavlovsky. This variety reaches a maximum height of 1 m. It can be propagated using cuttings. The fruits ripen for a long time, during which it is important to provide special care.
  2. Gamlin. If you are interested in how to grow an orange tree at home, then you can choose this variety, the height of which reaches 1.5 m. The crop can be harvested in autumn, and the fruits are juicy and sweet-sour.
  3. Washington Navel.The most popular variety that is suitable for home conditions. The height of an orange tree can be up to 2 m. It is worth noting an interesting advantage - a pleasant aroma is released during flowering. The fruits can be harvested from the age of three. The fruits are large.

How to plant an orange tree?

In order to grow citrus fruits on your windowsill, you need to prepare seeds, which should only be fresh, that is, not dry.

  1. After collecting the planting material, be sure to rinse it, and then leave it for 8-12 hours in water so that they swell.
  2. To get an orange tree from seed, planting should be done in loose soil or peat. You need to deepen the seeds by 1 cm. Be sure to cover the container with foil or cover with glass to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Place the container in a shaded, warm place. Water the ground periodically and ventilate the plantings. The sprouts should appear after a month and a half.
  4. After that, it is recommended to expose the container to the light (direct rays of the sun are dangerous). It is important to provide the seedlings with long daylight hours. For this, you can use special lamps.

Orange tree primer

For successful cultivation of this plant, the quality of the soil is of great importance. To do right choice, consider these recommendations:

  1. If you are interested in where the orange tree grows when it is still young, then it is better to choose the following composition: 2 parts of turf and 1 part of leafy soil, humus and sand. Experts advise to recruit sod land in gardens.
  2. For an older tree, it is better to use the following soil composition: 3 parts of turf, 1 part of leafy earth, humus and sand. You can add some greasy clay.
  3. It is recommended to ensure that the selected soil has a pH of 6.5-7.
  4. Be sure to remove all unnecessary impurities from the prepared soil, such as pebbles or roots of other plants.
  5. The prepared potting mix must be left to mature for at least 14 days.

How to plant an orange tree?

When the plant begins to develop well, pruning can be done to form beautiful crown... After 6-8 years, flowers may appear, and the fruits are likely to be small and bitter, so it is important to vaccinate. In the instructions on how to grow an orange tree at home, there is a mandatory procedure that involves grafting a bud or branch of a cultural garden plant... It is better to carry out the procedure when the plant is already 1-3 years old.

How long does an orange tree grow at home?

The duration of plant growth depends on correct fit and care. If you focus on natural conditions, then in the subtropics, 4 years should pass from planting seeds to the appearance of fruits. In order for an orange tree in a pot to start bearing fruit, grafting is carried out and then after 3 years it will be possible to harvest. Life cycle this culture is approximately 75 years old.

How to care for an orange tree?

  1. Lighting.It is better to put the pot in a place with diffused lighting. In cold weather, it is recommended to use artificial lighting up to 12 hours.
  2. Temperature.In summer, it will do room temperature, and in winter it is necessary to maintain the indicators at the level of 10-18 ° С. It is important to regularly ventilate, but exclude drafts.
  3. Humidity. For an orange tree, home care in hot weather includes daily spraying using soft, settled water. In winter, the air is dry, so increase the humidity by all means.

How to water an orange tree at home?

There are some tips to keep the soil moisturized to keep in mind:

  1. They judge whether it is necessary to water according to the condition of the soil. It is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out completely. To determine the moisture content, squeeze a lump of soil, and if it crumbles, then water it.
  2. To water a small orange tree, it is not recommended to use tap waterbecause it contains a lot of alkali metal and chlorine. It should be boiled or you can take it hot water from the tap.
  3. The liquid must be allowed to settle for at least 24 hours in the open field, which will remove chlorine. If possible, it is recommended to take water from a well, lake or stream.
  4. In winter, the orange tree is dormant, so the intervals between watering should be increased.

How to feed an orange tree?

For good growth, flowering and fruiting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in spring and summer, and this should be done every two weeks. It is important to fertilize the next day after watering. Fertilizer for the orange tree is poured in until it begins to flow out of drain holes pot. You can use special additives designed for citrus fruits or take options for indoor plants.

Many will be surprised by the fact that adult plants, whose height is at least a meter, can be fed with fish broth once a month. It is believed that this can enhance fruiting. Take 200 g of fish waste or small fish (not salted), pour 2 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes. After that, the solution should be filtered and diluted with cold water.

Pruning an orange tree

When the height of the plant reaches 20 cm, it is recommended to pinch off 2-3 leaves from the top. Thanks to this, the side branches will begin to develop, forming a beautiful crown. They are considered to be branches of the first order, and if you cut them off (there should be 4-5 branches of 20-25 cm each), they will begin to form branches of the second order (their length is no more than 25 cm), and so on. Using this scheme, you can shape an orange tree in your apartment to your liking. It is important that after a few years many branches of the fifth order form on the bush, since fruits will form on them.

How to transplant an orange tree?

It is better to carry out such a procedure in spring or autumn, when the root system will not be subject to temperature shock. You can transplant the plant into a pot or directly into the ground. It is important to do everything carefully so as not to damage root system.

  1. Dig a hole suitable size... The addition of soil improvers and compost is not recommended unless the soil is very sandy or clayey. Remove the homemade orange tree along with the lump by turning the flowerpot over and moistening the soil first. Install it in the hole, fill it with earth and tamp it. Note that the top of the root ball should be 2.5-3 cm below the surrounding soil.
  2. When choosing a pot, it must be borne in mind that its size should be twice as large as the root ball. The process is similar to the previous one, that is, the orange tree should be transferred to a new container. The procedure cannot be carried out more often than once every 2-3 years.

Diseases of the orange tree

This culture is susceptible to the influence of a large number of fungal diseases, but it should be noted that weak plants that do not receive proper care... Here are some tips on how to save an orange tree:

  1. Root rot is caused by over-watering and stagnant liquid in the pot. The disease develops imperceptibly until the leaves begin to fall off intensively. In this case, the plant only needs to be transplanted by removing the rotten roots.
  2. A sooty fungus appears on leaves and branches in the form of a black coating. It is removed and the room must be ventilated. It is recommended to reduce the intensity of watering.
  3. The scab on an orange tree appears on the leaves as dark bumps. As a result, they fall off, and the bark cracks. Other fungicides must be used to remove the problem. Spraying is carried out in the spring or after flowering. It is important to remove and burn diseased leaves and branches.
  4. Wartiness provokes the formation of growths on the shoots, and gray warts on the leaves. For control, you can use Bordeaux spray liquid after wintering, flowering and in mid-summer.
  5. It is worth noting that the tree can be affected by almost all pests and more often than others appear. To fight, you need to spray.

The word for orange comes from Dutch appelsien, which literally translates to "Chinese apple".

In Latin, the name of this plant is written as Citrus sinensis. In Russia, this fruit is grown on the Black Sea coast.

There are many lovers in our country exotic plantswho grow orange trees in greenhouses and city apartments.

There are large plantations of orange trees in United States, Spain, Italy, China, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, India, South Africa and in other countries where there are territories with subtropical and tropical climates.

In our article you can find out about the origin of the orange, the birthplace of the plant, whether the orange is useful and much more.

    general description

    Orange is a tree that belongs to the genus citrus of the rue family.

    An orange tree reaches a height of 3-12 meters or more, it lives and bears fruit for decades.

    The orange blossom is white and fragrant. Flowers are arranged in groups, usually six in one inflorescence, in some varieties they protected by axillary shields.

    The progenitors of this plant (pomelo and tangerine) once grew exclusively in eastern Burma and southwestern China. These places are the birthplace of the orange.

    The orange fruit is a spherical or elongated fruit that consists of several lobes, inside which are seeds. The flesh is covered with a thick orange or orange-red crust (yellow or green in some varieties).

    INTERESTING! From a botanical point of view, the fruit of the orange tree also fits both the definition "the fruit", so and "Multi-nested berry".

    The pulp of the fruit has a peculiar citrus smell and sweet and sour taste, it contains sugar, up to 2% citric acid, many useful microelements and vitamins (A, C, B vitamins). The diameter of ripe fruits is different in different varieties and ranges from 5 to 12 cm.

    The peel of the fruit contains orange oil, which has been used for centuries as an aromatic additive in perfumery and as a natural flavoring agent for confectionery products.

    The crown of all tree varieties is compact and round. The branches often have thin, straight thorns. Orange leaves are dense, thick, leathery, dark green, they have an elongated, oval shape. The leaves reach 5-7 cm in length, 2-3 cm in width.

    Like all trees growing in the tropics and subtropics, the orange takes deep roots into the soil, which allows you to grow this fruit in conditions of periodic droughts.

    INTERESTING! There are cases when orange trees grew and bore fruit for up to 150 years.

    Types and varieties

    The orange tree was obtained by crossing a mandarin and a pomelo hundreds of years ago. Over the years of experience breeders have developed hundreds of tree varieties. Among them there are types of oranges that can grow not only on agricultural plantations, on and in a greenhouse or city apartment. Consider the most common varieties of orange - plant photos.

    Sicilian orange

    In Sicily, since the 18th century, several varieties of orange have been developed with dark red, crimson and beetroot-red flesh. These are Tarocco, Sanguinelloi and Moro varieties, which were recently bred. It is believed that red color is given to the fruit chemical elements soils of volcanic origin. All such varieties of oranges are united by the name.

    Washington Neville (Washingtoh Navel)

    The Washington Neville variety has large, weighing up to half a kilogram, spherical or elliptical fruits with a raised, rough, or smooth, peel. The peel of the fruit is usually thick (4-6 mm), it is orange, yellowish-orange, reddish-orange.

    Sweet and sour honeycomb pulp has a pleasant smell. The pulp is also colored in orange color... Fruits usually have a “navel,” which is essentially a secondary fruit. This the variety is very fertile, both on plantations and in a greenhouse or apartment. The fruits do not contain seeds, therefore, the plant is propagated exclusively by cuttings.

    REFERENCE! When, the Washington Neville variety is resistant to shade, but bears fruit only on the sunny side.

    Valencia Late

    The fruits of this common orange are round in shape, ranging in size from 70 to 78 mm, they contain a lot of sugar, therefore the taste of the pulp is more sweet than sweet and sour. Valencia oranges have a wonderful taste. The pulp contains seeds, 1 to 9 seeds per fruit.

    The variety has a thin, bright orange peel with small red patches and orange pulp. Valencia has been cultivated in Spain for centuries, but in the middle of the 19th century, breeders of California took up it, who got a modern prolific look.

    Valencia is the world's leading raw material for juice production, which, not least, is facilitated by the bright color of the pulp


    The Ovale orange tastes like Valencia. Bred Ovale in Italy. The fruits are elongated, oval in shape, with a medium thickness rind and contain few seeds.

    The peel adheres very tightly to the pulp slices. The surface of the peel is finely bumpy. The size of the fruits is average, they reach 6.5 - 7.5 cm in length. There are fruits in which the seeds are completely absent.

    The tree grows slowly, it sensitive to seasonal temperature changes and droughts, but in favorable conditions (including a greenhouse), the tree can be very productive.


    Tarocco - one of the varieties of the Sicilian orange. Compared to other red-fleshed species bred in Sicily, its flesh is the lightest. The red color of the lobules is distributed unevenly, in the form of stripes and specks. In the fruits of Tarocco very few seeds. Often there are none at all.

    It is a very sweet and aromatic fruit. Gardeners say that of all types of orange, Tarosso is the sweetest and most juicy. The skin of the fruit is thin, and red pigmentation is often visible on the orange peel background. Tarosso fruits contain more vitamin C than all other types. Tree grows well in a greenhouse and in a city apartment.

    Bu (Bu)

    Boo oranges are grown on the plantations of Vietnam, in the subtropical and tropical zones of the country. The rind of the fruit is of medium thickness and moderate relief. The fruits are bright orange in color and slightly elongated. This variety is very prolific. The orange pulp is also orange, the taste of the fruit is sour-sweet or sweet, the fruit has a wonderful aroma.

    Royal (King orange)

    Vietnamese variety King orange has a thick, embossed rind of dark green or bright green color and yellow flesh. These oranges are usually large (9-12 cm in diameter) and 7-9 lobes with several seeds inside the fruit.

    The fruits are spherical, their the weight reaches 350-400 grams. The royal orange is very juicy and has a delicate sweet taste. Fruits grow in bunches on small trees with long flexible branches, one and a half to two meters high, each tree brings great harvests. Royal Orange plantations are found mainly in the south and central parts of Vietnam.

    IMPORTANT! To get a guaranteed result, it is better to purchase orange seedlings in nurseries.

    Benefit and harm

    What is the use of an orange for the body and what vitamins does the fruit contain? The benefits of an orange lie in the fact that, in addition to citric acid and sugar, the pulp contains fiber, phytoncides, trace elements, various carbohydrates, ash, flavonoids. In the pulp a lot of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, nitrogen-containing compounds and pectin. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C (60-67 mg%), B vitamins and provitamin A. essential oils.

    Medicinal properties of orange

    Oranges recommended use for bacterial and viral diseases of different nature.

    These fruits help healthy people to strengthen their immunity and improve the body's metabolism.

    The usefulness of oranges is important for those who suffer from fluctuations in blood pressure, their substances stabilize cholesterol levels.

    REFERENCE! Vitamin C is also beneficial for those with medical conditions nervous system, the thyroid gland, it is necessary for people who are on diets in order to lose weight.


    What is the harm of oranges - contraindications to the use of these fruits? This is, first of all, an individual intolerance and an allergic reaction of the body to citrus fruits. Oranges you can not eat with gastritis (flowing with high acidity), stomach ulcer and any intestinal diseases. Lemon acid in large quantities leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.


    When growing an orange tree at home read all instructions carefully, which nurseries give out together with the seedling.

    These are the requirements for the container in which the orange will be planted, soil preparation, temperature conditions for keeping, preparation and application of top dressing.

    Only competent care for it will help to grow a tree and get fruit.

    An orange tree grown at home is pleasing to the eye and is the pride of an amateur gardener. And, of course, it's always a pleasure to taste the fruits of your labors.

    Useful video

    It will be useful to watch the following video about caring for citrus fruits, including oranges:

Indoor conditions orange - small evergreen tree, grows up to 1-1.5 m and has a dense beautiful crown. Flowers are solitary or in small inflorescences, medium size, white, very aromatic. Leaves average size, pointed at the end, rounded at the base. Fruits are round or oval, with sweet pulp and thin skin, orange or golden in color. For growing indoors, the varieties Gamlin, Korolek, Washington-induced are best suited.
Pelsin likes a sunny and warm place. The plant does not tolerate temperatures below 5 ° C. The optimum temperature is 18-20 ° C. In winter, it is desirable to light at 10-12 hours. For this use fluorescent lamps... In summer, shade from the sun's rays, as burns may appear on the leaves, and the root system will overheat. Without the need, the tree should not be rearranged from place to place, and in order for the shoots to grow evenly, the pot is periodically turned 5-10 ° around its axis.
Summer orange water generously, reduce watering in winter, but you need to be careful so that the soil does not dry out. It is advisable to sprinkle with water several times a day. Once a week, the soil is carefully loosened.
An orange is fed once every 10 years with a mullein (1:10), consistently diluted in water, infused for a week chicken droppings (1:20) and wood ash (1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water). Of great importance for the normal growth of an orange is the pH of the soil in which it grows. Over time, the acidity of the soil can increase, which inhibits the growth of the plant, so from time to time the orange is alkalized with chalk at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon per 1 kg of soil.
As an indoor crop, an orange can be grown from seeds, as well as by rooting cuttings or branches of trees in pots with a diameter of 15-20 cm.The soil mixture for growing these plants should consist of turf and leafy soil, humus and fine-grained sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 : 1. It is easier to grow an orange from seeds, but such plants, although they will look good, will begin to bloom and bear fruit only after 15-20 years. To speed up fruiting, you need to graft a bud to the seedlings in the second or third year cultivarthat is already bearing fruit.
Vacations are carried out in the spring. An orange that will bear fruit can be grown without grafting - by cuttings. To do this, take a young one-year-old twig 10 cm long from a fruiting orange and root it in well-moistened medium-grained sand and sprinkle it with charcoal on top. Sprigs are sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with a glass jar or plastic wrap... After 3-4 weeks, the rooted stalk is transplanted for cultivation in a pot with an earthen mixture. In the first cultivation, it is advisable to replant oranges every spring, taking care not to damage the root system. Older plants are transplanted every 3-4 years.
Citrus red mites attack the orange, different kinds scale insects. When unfavorable conditions spotting appears.
X a good place for growing an orange there is a kitchen, but with electric stovebecause even a small amount of gas in the air is harmful to the plant.

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