Methods of organizing and conducting a round table. Organization and holding of round tables

A round table is a fairly common event in almost any field where you have to work with people, negotiate or hold meetings. Consider what kind of public speaking it is and what are its features.

A round table is a type of group discussion. It is held in order to give a group of people the opportunity to listen to the speeches of several experts on a particular topic, as well as to discuss problematic issues and listen to the personal points of view of the participants in the event.

A round table can help participants gain a deeper understanding of a particular issue, as well as consider the positions of other participants on the issue.

How to hold a round table

Identify the issue or topic that resonates. The topic can be formulated in the form of a question, hypothesis, real life situation, etc.

  1. Select experts, that is, participants who are competent enough to speak on the issue. It is also desirable that they represent different points of view on the problem. The round table usually involves 3 to 5 experts.
  2. Choose a leader or moderator - someone who will follow the discussion, turn over the floor to the participants and steer the discussion in the right direction, using the “Speaking to listeners” oratorical technique to present questions for consideration.
  3. Choose the format of the event

The round table can be held in different formats... For example, in this:

  • Leader round table or its moderator voices the topic, and the experts present their vision of the problem for a set period of time
  • Participants freely discuss the topic among themselves, asking questions or providing counterarguments. A certain amount of time is allocated for the discussion. The discussion is moderated.
  • The moderator closes the discussion and summarizes the expert presentations and discussions

Obligations of the organizer of the round table

  • Identify problematic topics for discussion
  • Make sure that the participants and the moderator are familiar with the roundtable procedure so that everyone can effectively fulfill their role and avoid common public speaking mistakes.
  • If necessary, provide assistance to the participants of the round table (sources of information, necessary materials on the topic, etc.).
  • Before the start of the round table, familiarize the participants with its principles, namely:
  1. Freedom of discussion
  2. The right to one's own (reasoned) opinion
  3. Respect for other opinions
  4. Tolerant attitude towards participants
  5. Friendly tone of discussion

The recipe for success for a roundtable is the same as for any other public speaking. Remember that the purpose of the round table is to look at the problem in all its aspects, in all its aspects. It makes no sense to convince others of their own rightness, denying the opinions of others. Truth is born in discussion.

In our public speaking courses, we sometimes have discussions where everyone will be in the role of both moderator and participant.

Round table on the topic "Effective forms of work with the family"

Target: consideration of the system of interaction between "family and school" from the standpoint of psychological and pedagogical support of students and their parents.
get acquainted with the classification of forms and methods of work with the student's family;
consider and discuss the problems of the indicated issue; analyze the current state of the process of cooperation between family and school;
outline the paths of building effective work teaching staff schools with a contingent of pupils' parents;
to use the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice.

Category of participants: teachers-psychologists of the city schools.
Form of carrying out:"round table".
Duration of work: 55 minutes.
Working methods:
- method of working in groups;
- project method;
- method of group discussion.
Work principles:
- the principle of activity;
- the principle of partnership;
- the principle of concentration of presence;
- the principle of feedback.
Material used:
- blank sheets of whatman paper;
- markers or felt-tip pens;
- multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, presentation.

Event structure:
1. Organizing time(greeting ritual, emotional attitude to work);
2. Theoretical part (introduction to the thematic part of the question, familiarizing the participants with new information);
3. Practical part - the work of the "round table" (using the techniques of collective work: "Interview"; "Exchange of views"; work in small groups);
4. Summing up, reflection.
5. Ritual of farewell.

I. Greetings and emotional attitude of the participants for the upcoming work.
Exercise "Associations".
Working time: 6 minutes.
The presenter names three concepts in sequence: "child", "school", "family". The task of the first participant is to name his own association to the proposed word. Further in a circle, the next participant calls the association to the previous word (for example: "child" - "baby" - "stroller" - "sleep", etc.).

II. Theoretical part.
Working time: 12 minutes.

The teacher of children is bad
who does not remember his childhood.

Undoubtedly, all the concepts that were uttered: "child", "school", "family" are directly related to our conversation today. All of them are closely related to the upbringing process. Efficiency educational process depends on how closely the school and family interact. The family is seen as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the combined efforts of parents and teachers create favorable conditions for the development of the child. The family can be compared to a launching pad that defines life path person. Every adult, and first of all a parent, is responsible for ensuring that the child learns to overcome the problems that he encounters on his way.
Today great value in work with parents of students has a premeditated and clearly organized system cooperation. Psychological and pedagogical support of students' parents can be organized through both individual and group forms of work.
Individual forms of work with parents include the following: individual consultations, conversations, questionnaires, express diagnostics, correspondence with parents, analysis of children's work, home visits.
Group forms include such forms of interaction as parenting meetings, conferences, round tables, evenings of questions and answers, parental universities, parenting clubs, pedagogical discussions (disputes), role-playing games, parenting trainings. The most common form of group work with parents is a parent meeting.
Individual forms of work with the family.
Family visit is an effective form individual work teacher with parents. When visiting a family, an acquaintance with the student's living conditions occurs. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests, attitude towards parents, etc.
Correspondence with parents is a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about the upcoming joint activities at school, recommendations on the issue of raising children.
Individual thematic consultations are held on the issues of the parents themselves, if they are faced with a problem of raising a child, which they cannot solve on their own. Parental counseling is beneficial both for themselves and for the teacher. Parents get a real idea of ​​school affairs and the child's behavior, while the teacher gets the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the student's problems. Each consultation involves not only a discussion of the problem, but also practical advice by her decision. Not every teacher can conduct such a consultation, therefore it is always appropriate to involve competent specialists (psychologist, social educator) in finding a solution in a difficult situation.
Group forms of work with the family.
Parents' meetings are a form of analysis, reflection on the experience of upbringing based on the data of pedagogical science. Parent meetings can be:
- organizational;
- current or thematic;
- final;
- general school and classroom.
The topic of parenting meetings is determined by the class teacher based on the study of the goals and objectives of the school's work with parents and based on the requests of the parents of the class.
Parental universities are quite an interesting and productive form of work with parents. The purpose of parental universities in schools is psychological and pedagogical education of parents. Parents' education is aimed at equipping them with the foundations of pedagogical and psychological culture, at acquaintance with topical issues of upbringing. The most effective are parent universities, in which classes are held in parallel with classes. This makes it possible to invite the most interested audience to the university class, which is united common problem and the same age characteristics. The specialists who hold the meeting are more easily guided by the parents' questions, and can prepare for them in advance.
The forms of classes at the parent university can be very diverse: conferences, an hour of questions and answers on a current topic, lectures, workshops, parenting rings.
A conference is a form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the upbringing of children.
Conferences can be: scientific and practical, theoretical, reader's, exchange of experience, conferences of mothers, fathers. Conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents. Exhibitions of students' works, books for parents, concerts of amateur performances are usually prepared for them. Conference topics should be specific, for example: "Playing in the life of a child", "Moral education of adolescents in the family", etc. The conference usually opens with an introduction by the headmaster (if it is a school-wide conference) or the class teacher (if it is a classroom). Parents give short, prearranged reports about their family parenting experience. There can be three or four such messages. Then the floor is given to all comers. The results are summed up by the presenter of the conference.
A lecture is a form of psychological and pedagogical education that reveals the essence of a particular problem of education. When preparing a lecture, you should take into account its structure, logic, you can draw up a plan indicating the main ideas, thoughts, facts and figures. One of necessary conditions lectures - reliance on the experience of family education. The method of communication during a lecture is a casual conversation, an intimate conversation, a dialogue of interested like-minded people.
The topics of lectures should be varied, interesting and relevant for parents, for example: "Age characteristics of younger adolescents", "School student's daily routine", "What is self-education?", "An individual approach and consideration of the age characteristics of adolescents in family education", " Sex education children in the family ", etc.
A workshop is a form of developing parenting skills for raising children, effective solution arising pedagogical situations, a kind of training of pedagogical thinking of parents-educators. In the course of the pedagogical workshop, the teacher offers to find a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and school, to explain their position in a particular supposed or actually arisen situation.
Pedagogical discussion (dispute) is one of the most interesting shapes improvement of pedagogical culture. Distinctive feature the dispute is that it allows everyone to be involved in the discussion of the problems posed, contributes to the development of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, relying on the acquired skills and accumulated experience. The success of a dispute largely depends on its preparation. In about a month, the participants should get acquainted with the topic of the future dispute, the main issues, and literature. The most critical part of a dispute is dispute handling. Much determines the behavior of the leader here (he may be a teacher or one of the parents). It is necessary to set the rules in advance, listen to all speeches, propose, argue your position, sum up the results at the end of the dispute, draw conclusions. The main principle of the dispute is respect for the position and opinion of any participant. Any controversial issue of family and school education can be the topic of the dispute, for example: “ Private school- pros and cons "," Choosing a profession - whose business is it? "
Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity on the study of the level of formation of the pedagogical skills of the participants. Sample Topics role-playing games with parents can be the following: "Parents and children", "The child came from school", etc. Methodology role play provides for the definition of the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, a preliminary discussion of possible positions and options for the behavior of the participants in the game. At the same time, it is important to play several variants (positive and negative) of the behavior of the participants in the game and, through joint discussion, choose the best course of action for this situation.
Another form of cooperation with parents is training.
Parenting trainings are an active form of work with those parents who are aware problem situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising their own child. Trainings as a form of correcting the relationship between children and parents is under the supervision of a school psychologist. Classroom teacher talks with students and their parents and invites them to take part in the training. Participation of children and parents in joint training is possible only on a voluntary basis. Training sessions for children and their parents allow you to build relationships in a new way, contribute to understanding the interests and needs of children and the requirements of parents.
Parent's rings - are prepared in the form of answers to the most pressing questions of pedagogical and psychological science. The parents themselves choose the questions. Parents receive a list of problematic questions for participation in the ring at the first parent meeting. During the ring, two or more families are controversial on the same issue. They may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the audience does not enter into polemics, but only supports the opinion of the families with applause. Young teachers working at the school can act as experts in parenting rings. The last word in the course of the ring rests with the specialists who need to be invited to participate in the meeting, or the class teacher who can bring strong arguments from the life of the classroom in defense of a certain position. The themes of parenting rings can be very diverse:
"Bad habits: inheritance or social influence?"
“What do you do if your child has discipline problems?
"What if dad is not interested in raising his own child?"
"Pros and cons of school uniforms."
“Difficulties of the school lesson. What are they? "
Summing up what has been said, it should be noted that only in the process of interaction between teachers and parents can the problem of the development of the child's personality be successfully solved, but using any educational technology, it is necessary to remember the commandment: "First of all, do no harm."

III. The practical part is the work of the "round table".
Exercise "Interview".
Working time: 5 minutes.
Participants are asked to think for one minute and answer the question - "What forms of work with your family do you prefer in your professional activity?" The opinion of each of those present is heard. Upon completion of the exercise, a conclusion is made about the frequency of using certain forms and methods of interaction with the parents of students.
Exercise "Exchange of views".
Working time: 7 minutes.
The task of the participants for two minutes on small pieces of paper is to try to formulate the topics of topical (problematic) questions and topics used in work with the parents of the students. After that, those present share their views. At the end of the discussion, a list of the most "popular and burning" topics is recorded on a flip chart.
Exercise Three Visions.
Working time: 15 minutes.
All participants are divided into three groups and within five minutes create a joint project of vision of one declared problem in three different angles.
The topic of discussion is effective forms of work with the family from the position of:
- close cooperation of the psychologist with the class teacher;
- close cooperation of a psychologist with a social teacher;
- close cooperation of the psychologist with the administrative body.
After the lapse of time, representatives of each group self-present their own projects. At the end of the work, a conclusion is made about the acceptable forms of work of the teacher-psychologist with the child-parent contingent and about the "falling" directions in the activities of the psychological service.

V. Farewell ritual.
Working time: 2 minutes.
The presenter thanks everyone present for their active and creative participation.

1. Belchikov Ya.M., Birshtein M.M. Business games... Riga, 1989.
2. Vygotsky L.S., Luria A.R. Studies on the history of behavior. M., 1993.
3. Derekleeva N.I. Parents' meetings. M., 2005.
4. Helping parents in raising children / Per. from English; Ed. V.Ya. Pilipovsky. M., 1991.
5. Rogov E.I. Desk book practical psychologist in education. M., 1995.


As is known, the methodology of the round-table discussion is based on the principle of collective discussion of the problem. This form of conducting a seminar is attractive, first of all, by the fact that it gives everyone the opportunity to express their point of view on an equal footing. It is important to create a welcoming environment. Respectful attitude of the teacher to students and students to each other is a very important condition for the success of the roundtable discussion. So, a roundtable discussion by its very nature requires strict adherence to the principles of equality and democracy.

Equality principle means the absence of any privileges for some participants in the conversation over others, the refusal of any kind of subordination between the participants. Nobody dominates, in a dispute everyone is equal.

Compliance the principle of democracy should exclude any manifestations of authoritarianism, suppression of criticism, and the imposition of one's own views and beliefs at round table meetings. Any form of prohibitions, as well as a conformal relationship with students, are unacceptable.

It is very important for the teacher to ensure that the conversation is not scholastic in nature. The main and most difficult task is the ability to connect evidence and conviction during the discussion.

A round-table conversation can be presented in a simplified form as a chain consisting of sequentially connected formulated thesis in the form of a question, its proof, possible and real counterarguments, their refutation, and the transformation of the thesis as a result of the discussion into the persuasion of the participants.

Preparing to conduct a seminar in the form of a "round table", the teacher should think about the formulation of the topic, filling it with such content, which has not only theoretical, but also practical significance, and also affects the interests of students and worries them.

Round table preparation "requires serious work from all future participants in the conversation.

The organizing function of the teacher is very important. The discussion needs to be managed. Teacher thinks over the logic of presentation, outlines key issues, the sequence of their consideration, chooses a leader. This should be the best prepared student and the most respected in the group.

To the presenter the most responsible role is assigned. He, as a conductor, directs the course of the dispute. He has to show consistency, firmness and adherence to principles in order to protect his convictions, the ability to compare the points of view of all participants in the discussion and affirm the ideals of the scientific worldview in the minds of students.

Leading must study all the available compulsory and additional literature, think over, together with the teacher, the logic of disclosing the material, the sequence of the conversation; prepare blocks of problematic questions in advance, of course, think over the answers to them, develop a script for the conversation.

The teacher needs to guide all students in advance on those specific problems that are planned to be discussed, to give advice on all the issues that have arisen. Students study the topic according to primary sources, the most interesting monographs, articles.

During the conversation, it is advisable to put all the students at the same table so that they look not in the back, but in the face of each other. This expands the circle of participants, as it were, liberates the interlocutors, promotes a free exchange of opinions.

The next important step methodical work - building a roundtable discussion.

Roundtable discussion scenario:

1) introductory part,

2) raising problematic questions,

3) discussion on them,

4) summing up the discussion,

5) development of recommendations or information material for subsequent use by the meeting participants.

The introductory part may consist of information about the subject of the discussion, the plan of its conduct, the rules. The formulation of problematic and search questions is connected with it. It is important to formulate them in such a way as to provoke discussion and stimulate the raising of new questions.

In a round-table conversation, deadlock situations may arise, the discussion does not flare up, the audience does not accept proposals for an exchange of views. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures to activate the participants in the conversation, but at the same time, in no case should you address calls, require the audience to be active. If one problem does not "work", you can propose for discussion another, close to it in content.

An extremely valuable quality for getting out of deadlocks is the ability of the teacher and the leader to improvise. The ability to restructure the conversation plan during the meeting, to show ingenuity and courage in presenting acute problems, to demonstrate methodological skill in a difficult situation means overcoming the unfavorable course of the discussion, giving it dynamism, and returning it to a fruitful exchange of views.

The discussion ends when the possibilities for new convincing speeches have been exhausted and the students have already formed an idea of ​​the truth, but an objective assessment of the positions must be made by the teacher. It is very useful to note the positive and negative points in the argumentation of both sides, to highlight the position to which the majority is inclined. It is good when the roundtable discussion brings the majority of the participants to a consensus. However, this cannot be required, since the discussion is designed not only to provide answers, but also to facilitate the search for truth, the process of posing new questions, and thereby stimulate the development of new problems.

The results of the meeting are summed up in a short concluding speech of the teacher, questions for discussion are outlined in the next lesson.

When analyzing the work of the presenter, one should emphasize his strengths and weak sides(for example, it is bad if there was a desire to impose their opinion). Evaluation of speeches is given on the basis of the student's general preparedness on the topic and taking into account his activity in the discussion, skill in conducting an argument, skill in polemics, and the ability to argue for the positions defended.

Typically, this form of conducting a seminar class contributes to the development of students' creative initiative, the formation of their skills of independent thinking.


Topic 1. Ecological problem... The threat of a global ecological disaster


Topic 2. Globalization and the interaction of civilizations


    Bell D. The coming post-industrial society. - M. 1999.

    Vavilov A.M. Environmental consequences of the arms race. M. 1984

    Globalistics: An Encyclopedia. - M., 2003.

    Global problems and universal values. - M., 1990.

    Global problems of civilization. - M., 1987.

    Global evolutionism. Philosophical analysis. - M., 1994.

    Moiseev N.N. The fate of civilization. The path of reason. - M., 2000.

    Panarin A.S. Global political forecasting. - M., 2000.

    Toffler E. The third wave. - M. 1999.

    A.I. Utkin Philosophy of global problems. - M., 2000.

    Utkin A.I. American strategy for the XXI century. - M..2000.

    Huntington S. The clash of civilizations? // Polis. -1994. - No. 1.

    Chumakov A.N. Metaphysics of Globalization. Cultural and civilizational context. - M., 2006.

    Chumakov A.N. Philosophy of global problems. - M. 1994.

Topic 3. Modern philosophical and scientific hypotheses

human origin


    Adler A. Understand the nature of man. SPb., 1997.

    Andreev I.L. The origin of man and humanity. M., 1988

    Porshnev V.F. About the beginning of human history. - M., 1974.

    Stevenson L. Ten Theories about Human Nature. - M., 2004.

    Teilhard de Chardin P. The Phenomenon of Man. - M., 1987.

    Human. Thinkers of the past and present about his life, death and immortality. - M., 1991.

    Man in the system of sciences. M., 1989.

    This is a man. Anthology, Moscow: Higher School, 1995.

Round table - traditional business discussion. The round table, for all its democracy, contains elements of organization and assumes following principles:

  • · There are no clearly defined positions, but there are only participants in the discussion of the controversial issue.
  • · All positions are equal, and no one has the right to be superior to others.
  • · The purpose of the "round table" - to reveal ideas and opinions on the discussed problem or controversial position.

Based on agreements, the roundtable leads to results that are new agreements.

General discussion rules:

  • 1. There is no discussion without a key question.
  • 2. The round table assumes a key issue in the form of an agenda.
  • 3. The key issue must be previously agreed with all interested participants in the discussion.
  • 4. The nature of the discussion of the "round table" - a speech is an expression of one's own opinion;
  • 5. Criticism is practically unacceptable here, since everyone has the right to express their point of view. Ideas, not individuals, are criticized; criticism should be constructive, not destructive, loyal, not personal.

Round table - voicing problems and finding out the opinions of various parties involved in their solution. Under unprofessional conduct, this event often leads to a "bazaar" and exacerbation of existing contradictions. Therefore, to conduct a round table, you need skills, techniques for organizing the discussion process.

It is very important. Much depends on the purpose of the round table and the severity of the problem that is being condemned. Of course, the participants in the discussion should be, first of all, representatives of the "involved" parties. These are people and organizations that are engaged (or should, but are not engaged in) solving the discussed problems. For the discussion to be effective, it is necessary to collect the maximum possible number of carriers of different points of view, to unite all the parties involved, representatives of the public, administration, business, etc. There are rules for working with each group:

  • If invited to the round table government representative, then you should not promise the rest of the participants that he will come. First, it may not come. Secondly, those who are interested in this particular person, and not in the discussion, will come. The focus of the round table can be shifted.
  • If invited business representative, then it is necessary to provide for a situation with the possible importunity of participants with requests for funding of certain types of activities. At other times, representatives of firms may refuse to participate in the discussion because of this.
  • · Concerning mass media, first of all, you need to decide whether to invite them or not. If the discussion is held in order to voice all the problems, try to understand each other and discuss solutions, then it may be better not to invite the media. For such a round table, an atmosphere of freedom and openness is needed, and the press always "fetters" people, not everything can be said in the presence of the media, knowing that it can be announced on television or in the press. As a rule, the media are invited in order to convey the very fact of the discussion or its results to certain organizations and / or the population. Another point that matters - are you inviting the media to cover the event, or to participate in the discussion? This must be indicated in the invitation, otherwise the journalist will come for half an hour, collect the necessary information for a plot or article and leave.

There should be no random people at the round table. When inviting participants, one must proceed from certain criteria: the participant is related to this problem; he has something to say (possession of information, figures, facts, etc.); he is ready to solve the problem constructively. Since the round table is an event that is always limited in time, unnecessary people, unconstructive, "empty" conversations will "eat up" time.

Preparatory stage:

  • Determination of the topic and purpose of the round table
  • Selection of participants
  • Planning the content of the event
  • Planning organizational issues and technical aspects of the event

The development of the substantive part of the round table includes the definition of the name

(which will appear in all documents, press releases, etc.), goals (it will also be declared everywhere), the list of participants, the need to invite the media and experts. The content part determines the parameters of the discussion: what aspects will be discussed (the logic of the development of the topic), then the main information blocks are built on this. The next step is to determine the rules for organizing the discussion process: to whom and in what sequence will the floor be given, the time limit for speeches, how questions will be asked - a block of questions and answers can be put after each information block, or after each speech, who will be asked questions - the speaker or a friend friend / all participants in the discussion. At the stage of preparing the round table, you need to pay attention to the beginning of each information block - with which each begins new block- from the performance, small message on a given topic, example, or provocative question (seed).

To get an effective discussion, it is important to choose the right moderator and clearly delineate his spheres of influence. The facilitator's task is to help the participants discuss the problem in an efficient and constructive manner. If the presenter has a good command of the topic and information useful for discussion, then he / she can also act as an expert. The role of the facilitator should be defined during the preparation phase and announced to those present at the very beginning of the discussion.

In the process of holding a round table, the moderator should clearly adhere to his role, in no case use his position in order to speak himself or give the floor to the same people, and in general, the leader should be "as little as possible." His behavior in general can be characterized as neutral, tactful, unobtrusive. The moderator should constantly follow the rules, summarize the interim results of the discussion, find out, generalize, ask leading or provocative questions if the discussion fades away, and also translate the flaring up emotional discussion into a constructive channel.

The main stage is conducting a round table

How does the round table begin?

  • 1. The presenter names the topic, purpose, discussion rules, time limit for speeches. You can stipulate issues that will not be discussed in the framework of this event.
  • 2. Then the presenter introduces the participants or invites them to introduce themselves (this is beneficial if the presenter is an outside person and does not know the people who take part in the event, as well as if the participants have complex names, surnames or names of organizations).
  • 3. Further, the moderator names the first block of discussion. As a rule, after this there is silence, it is necessary to give people a little time. If the discussion still does not come, then you can ask several additional (pre-prepared questions).

When and how to intervene

The moderator should intervene in the discussion in order to:

  • · Stimulate discussion of the issue that seems important to you (for example, "And everyone agrees with this?");
  • · To "protect" a part of the group, which is aggressively "attacked" by another. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the presenter spoke out "for" or "against" one of them. It's just that in this situation it is worth reminding that the participants of the round table have different points of view, and everyone has the right to do so. The purpose of the round table is to exchange views, not to bring them "to the same denominator";
  • · Include in the discussion people who would like to speak, but cannot do so due to non-observance of the procedure by other participants;
  • · To respond to comments based on speculation, not facts ("Can you confirm this with facts?") In this case, the presenter can provide reliable information (if he has it);
  • · Find out the opinion of other participants on the issue or argument ("Does everyone share this point of view?");
  • · "Provoke" discussion from a different point of view ("And if you look at the problem ...");
  • · Ask additional questions, in order to expand / deepen / change the topic under discussion;
  • · Stimulate discussion ("How do you feel about this?". "Do you all agree with this?")
  • · Remind the participants of the facts that they have not yet taken into account in the discussion.

If one of the issues discussed is fundamentally important for the participants and it takes more time than originally planned, then the program of the round table can be changed, but subject to the consent of all participants.

Methods of "intervening" in the discussion

There are six main methods of intervention in the discussion, the application of which depends on the specific situation.

  • 1. Supervising. The facilitator determines the course of the discussion and the time required for a particular issue. For example, "Now, let's continue the discussion ...". "At this point, we can finish the discussion of this issue ...".
  • 2. Informational. The facilitator provides information that can be useful in discussing the issue. Information can be not only statistics, but also theory, trends, practical examples.
  • 3. Confrontational. The presenter "breaks" stereotypes, traditional opinions, attitudes, etc.

This intervention does not have to look aggressive. To do this, you should start with the words "Why not ...?". You need to be prepared for a defensive reaction of the audience, since in this case certain values, views, and beliefs of specific people are affected.

  • 4. Overwhelming. If emotions have accumulated during the discussion, then you need to remove them. The deeper the emotions, the more difficult it is to deal with them. If the facilitator has no experience in handling these kinds of situations, it is best not to do anything.
  • 5. Catalytic... It is used in order to summarize what has been said, analyze opinions, summarize, etc.
  • 6. Supportive... The moderator makes it clear to the participants in the discussion that their opinion is interesting, has value for those present, and deserves attention. The danger in using this method is that the facilitator may either appear insincere to the participants, or find himself in the position of a person who knows the "correct answer".

Generalization / interim summary

Summing up is especially useful as it provides an opportunity to check the degree of agreement among group members. If the participants disagree with each other, it is better to reveal this during the discussion than later in real activities. If the agreement reached during the discussion is not a real agreement, then it is quite possible that it will not be fulfilled in life after the end of the discussion.

Generalization should be done periodically at regular intervals (they can be timed to coincide with different information blocks of the round table), especially if the discussion is designed for a long time or includes different aspects of the topic. When generalizing, you need to speak in the words that the participants used, and only what you heard, without adding anything new from yourself. It is important to make sure that the group agrees on the main points you have listed. The agreement of all participants on the issues discussed should not be sought. The purpose of the round table is to exchange opinions and, when summarizing / summarizing the results, it is better to identify / state the views and points of view of the group. Even if during the discussion new questions arise, topics should not deviate from the program. It is imperative to leave enough time to complete the round table and summarize its results. If it is difficult to complete the round table, the participants strive to continue the discussion, then this good indicator the success of the event.

Problems that may arise during the round table and options for their solution

1. Too many negative opinions are expressed during the discussion.

This often happens when discussing a problem that seriously affects the interests of the participants in the discussion. When such a situation arises, the facilitator should be aware of the fact that his / her powers are limited and do not include changing the point of view or beliefs of the people who participate in the discussion. The presenter should only state facts, opinions, while remaining as objective as possible. He / she can also take part in the discussion and express his / her opinion or offer a solution to the problem, but under no circumstances should he argue with the participants or try to convince them. It is best to allow all participants to give their opinions. Even if the discussion threatens to turn into a stormy one. This will help let off steam.

2. Obvious lack of knowledge / experience in the area discussed by the majority of the participants of the round table.

If such a problem arises, then the discussion cannot be constructive, the participants will easily agree with the first proposed point of view, since there are no others and, in order to argue, you need to know the subject. In this situation, you can interrupt the discussion and hold a short session (provide information on this topic, experience or facts), and then continue the discussion.

3. Too emotional discussion of the problem.

The most important thing is to prevent such a situation. And for this you need to follow the rules.

Tightening blocks, performances leads to fatigue, irritation. Optimal time for performances - 3-5 minutes. To the presenter for comments, remarks - maximum 2 minutes. Strict adherence to the regulations "keeps" the participants within the framework, and the change of information blocks and, accordingly, aspects and the need to adhere to them also prevents the accumulation of emotions. During the round table, the moderator should ensure that the discussion is not monopolized and that each participant has the right to speak.

4. Not all attendees take part in the discussion.

The moderator should carefully monitor the behavior and reactions of the participants, not allow individual attendees to monopolize the discussion ("Thank you, we understand your position, and now let's listen to others ..."), give the others the opportunity to speak out (this can be planned in advance, knowing the composition of the people in the process of discussion (There is a representative among us ... I think he has something to say on this issue "or:" We know that the solution to this problem also depends on ... I would like to hear an opinion ...).

Tips for the facilitator:

  • · Throughout the entire discussion process, the facilitator must constantly monitor the content, the discussion process and his behavior.
  • · The main job of the moderator of the round table is to ensure that the participants do not leave the topic of discussion, to clarify incomprehensible questions and statements, and to ensure that all participants have an opportunity to speak.
  • · It is important that all participants in the discussion understand what in question... As a rule, people from different areas of life, with different professional and life experiences, take part in the discussion. The task of the moderator is to make sure that the statements and examples are clear, if the terminology is used, then it is familiar to everyone, etc.
  • · The behavior of the presenter is also important. More often than not, it is this that "sets the tone" for the discussion.
  • · In addition to the actual discussion process, the moderator must control the behavior and mood of the audience.
  • o If participants start to fidget, whisper, flip through papers, etc. are signs that they are not interested.
  • o If silence comes, then you need to understand what it means - thinking, bewilderment, or people are just tired of it, and they do not want to speak out.
  • o When the participants look at the facilitator, it means that they are interested and good contact is established. If not, something needs to be done urgently.
  • o How do participants look at each other when engaging in dialogue? If they do not look away, this is an indicator good contact and a normal environment.
  • o Poses of interested people - leaning forward a little, towards the interlocutor or presenter. Everyone knows the postures and facial expressions of irritated or disinterested people.

The technical side of the round table

The room should be light and airy (in a stuffy room, people get tired faster, and this is one of the reasons for negative emotions). There are two options for placing people: in a circle (less formal), in the form of a closed or open square. There should be water on the tables. In front of each participant there are signs indicating the names, surnames, positions and organizations they represent. Each participant should be given a roundtable program and materials to be used in the discussion. Media should receive press packs. Whenever possible, participants in the discussion are provided with pens and notebooks. Sometimes the results of the discussion by the organizers are recorded using a dictaphone. This allows citations to be included in a press release or roundtable summary document.

The idea of ​​the round tables is to meet like-minded people seeking to find common decision on a specific issue in the format of a given topic, as well as an opportunity for everyone to enter into a discussion or polemics on issues of interest. Discussion of the problem, exchange of views, valuable experience, establishment of close contacts, search for additional opportunities and discussion when discussing special, "hot" issues give the "round table" dynamism and eccentricity.

The purpose of the "round table" is to reveal a wide range of opinions on the issue selected for discussion from different points of view, to discuss unclear and controversial points related to this issue, and to reach a consensus. The task of the round table is to mobilize and mobilize the participants to solve specific urgent problems, therefore the round table has specific features:

1. Personification of information (during the discussion, participants express not a general, but a personal point of view. It can arise spontaneously and not be accurately formulated. Such information must be treated especially thoughtfully, choosing bits of valuable and realistic, comparing them with the opinions of other participants (debaters)). 2. The polyphony of the "round table" (in the course of the "round table" business noise and polyphony may reign, which corresponds to the atmosphere of emotional interest and intellectual creativity. "For the main thing, to give an opportunity to speak out to everyone and continue to support this background, since it is this that is a feature of the" round table "). Features of the round table

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4. preparation of a scenario (holding a round table according to a pre-planned scenario avoids spontaneity and chaos in the work of the round table). The scenario assumes: - definition of the conceptual apparatus (thesaurus); - a short informative introductory speech by the moderator, in which the topic and the range of problems raised within its framework are announced, the context of the desired discussion; - a list of discussion questions (up to 15 formulations); - development of "home-made" answers, sometimes contradictory and extraordinary, using a representative sample of information; - closing speech of the moderator;

Stage II. Discussion includes: 1. Moderator's speeches, which defines the problems and conceptual apparatus (thesaurus), establishes regulations, rules for the general technology of the lesson in the form of a "round table" and informs about the general rules of communication.

TO general rules communication includes recommendations: - avoid general phrases; - focus on the goal (task); - be able to listen; - be active in conversation; - be short; - carry out constructive criticism; - do not make offensive remarks to the interlocutor. (the leader must act in a directive manner, strictly limiting the time of the participants of the "round table") 2. carrying out an "information attack": the participants speak out in a certain order, operating with convincing facts that illustrate state of the art Problems.

3.The speakers' speeches and the identification of existing opinions on the questions posed, focusing on original ideas... In order to keep the discussion sharp, it is recommended to formulate additional questions. 4. answers to discussion questions; 5. summing up by the moderator of mini-results on speeches and discussions: formulating the main conclusions about the reasons and nature of disagreements on the problem under study, ways to overcome them, about the system of measures for solving this problem.

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