Sound setting "S, W, C, W, W, H, L, R. The sequence of work on sound setting

One can understand the excitement of parents who suddenly discover that their child is a preschooler poorly or does not pronounce some of the sounds of their native language at all. In this case, they are faced with the problem of how to teach the child the correct sound pronunciation? Is it permissible at home? Experts say there is a lot that parents can do to help a preschooler learn the correct pronunciation. You just need to have certain knowledge: about the reasons for poor pronunciation, ways of correction, ways of teaching correct diction.

Reasons for poor sound pronunciation

According to speech therapy standards, the correct pronunciation should be formed by the middle preschool age. However, even in older preschoolers, diction disorders are observed. Experts cite data that the most difficult thing for children is the pronunciation of hissing sounds: w, w, h, sch. Imperfection of diction can manifest itself in incorrect pronunciation of a sound, replacing one with another (machine-masyna), or missing it. Experts identify the main reasons for poor pronunciation. These include the structure of the speech apparatus, insufficient perception, the attitude of the parents.

Features of physiology

  • inactivity of the articulatory apparatus;
  • malformed bite
  • short bridle language,
  • high palate.

Lack of formation of phonemic perception

  • the preschooler does not distinguish individual sounds by ear, replaces them.

Misbehaving adults

  • too much long time give a pacifier to the baby, especially during the period when speech is developing (early age);
  • prolonged use of the nipple leads to the formation of an incorrect bite, which affects the pronunciation of many sounds, especially hissing sounds;
  • deliberate distortion of speech by adults in order, in their opinion, to become understandable to the baby;
  • dissatisfaction with the diction of the preschooler and the requirement to speak clearly, without teaching correct articulation;
  • possible hearing impairment not noticed by the parents.

How can you check the speech of a preschooler at home?

Having determined that the preschooler cannot speak hissing, parents should contact a specialist. At home, they can also examine the child's speech to understand which sibilants are distorted. According to speech therapy rules, the examination begins with a separate pronunciation of a certain sound, then it is pronounced in syllables, words, and only then in sentences. For example:

  1. The parent, inviting the baby to reproduce the hissing w, w, h, w, pronounces them slowly and clearly. It is more interesting to propose a game form in the form of speech exercises: "The snake hissed: shhhh", "The bee buzzed: shhhh".
  2. To check the state of sound in the syllables, the baby is encouraged to repeat syllables, for example, shi-zhi, cha-schu, zhu-shu, chu-schu, ash-azh, ach-ashch, cabbage soup, chuh, kysh, zhuik. In this case, the tested sounds should be at the beginning of a syllable, in the middle, at the end.
  3. The next step is to check the pronunciation of the sound in words. For interest, pictures are used where objects are drawn for a given sound (bump, giraffe, hut, kettle, pike and others). In this case, you can use speech therapy visual material, or you can pick up pictures in children's books with your child. The main thing is that they comply with certain rules: sibilants must sound clearly in words, stand at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end (fur coat, car, reed). According to the same principle, words with other hissing words are selected: a beetle, a gun, skis, etc. It is good if the examination takes place in the form of game exercises. For example, “How to call it affectionately (bird-bird, goat-goat, beetle-bug, winter-winter, sun-sun)? "
  4. The last stage involves checking the sound in a sentence, in which several words are selected with a sibilant being checked. This purpose is well served by phrases, for example, “Hush, mice, do not make noise! Don't wake up a cat with a cat! " Suitable for examining hissing classic ones: "Sasha was walking ...", "Cuckoo cuckoo ..."

Important! When examining a child, you need to try to determine the reason for not correct pronunciation to understand what influenced the distortion of diction.

The order of setting sibilants

If a child suffers from poor pronunciation of only a certain hissing (w, h, w, u), it is clear that you need to work on setting one sound. But, as a rule, preschoolers have a distortion of the pronunciation of several hissing ones at the same time. Then it is important for parents to know which sound to start with in the first place. Experts determine the appropriate order and warn that each sound must be set individually, and starting with the most accessible, gradually moving on to the more complex. According to speech therapists, the order of setting several sounds depends on the physiology of preschoolers: first, a hissing w is put, then w, then h and w. However, there may be changes in the sequence of staging, since everything depends on individual characteristics, which can only be determined by a specialist.

How to work properly on the formation of sounds?

When setting sibilants, the help of a speech therapist is undeniable. Only a specialist professionally examines speech, identifies violations and offers recommendations for correcting them in homework. This must be done as quickly as possible, since violations in pronunciation interfere with the communication of children, inhibit preparation for literacy, and contribute to the appearance of related problems, for example, psychological complexes, which will have to get rid of in the future.

Speech therapists note that often the problem with pronouncing hissing is that the child cannot correctly use speech apparatus... That is why work on each sound must start with. It is performed using a mirror to see and understand the work of the jaw and oral cavity. In the future, this will have a positive effect on the improvement of phonemic hearing, and therefore on sound pronunciation.

The first stage of working on the sibilant is preparatory, during which special exercises should be performed (for breathing, lips, tongue). They will help you work out the exact movements of the articulatory apparatus, prepare for the production of certain sounds. They are performed in the form of play exercises that are easy to carry out at home.

Stage 1. Breathing training

Articulatory gymnastics involves working out the movements of the lips and tongue. For her, parents can use generally accepted speech therapy games, or they can come up with similar ones themselves. To interest a preschooler, he can be involved in the preparation of such games: cut snowflakes from light paper, propellers for airplanes, boats, colorful autumn leaves. The main thing is that the adult himself is keen on the process, then the child will perform the exercises with interest.

Tasks for the development of breathing

  • "Kick the ball into the goal", a game of unusual football. A gate is built in the center of the table, cotton balls are made. Players from both sides blow on cotton balls so that they fly into the goal. An adult monitors the correct articulatory actions of the child: a wide smile, tongue on the lower lip.
  • "Snowflakes on the nose". Invite the preschooler to blow off the cotton ball from the nose with the correct jaw movements: a wide smile, tongue on the upper lip, blow so that the ball flies up.
  • The games "Blizzard", "Leaves are flying", "Ships", "Airplanes" are held in the same way.

Stage 2. Gymnastics for the articulation apparatus

Lip exercises

To warm up the lips, you can use speech therapy exercises:

  • "We will be surprised, we will laugh." The preschool child alternately makes a wide and narrow tube with his lips. The wide tube is in the "o" state, the "narrow" - "y". Nothing is said aloud, only lips work.
  • “Smile tube”. The child alternately smiles broadly, then makes a movement with his lips like the sound "o".

Exercises for the tongue

Classic exercises are also used to train the language:

  • "Delicious jam", in which the lower lip is licked with a tongue to the left and then to the right.
  • For the exercise "Horse galloping" you need to "clap" your tongue, imitating the step of a horse.
  • "Elephant - frog": lips alternately imitate the trunk of an elephant, then the smile of a frog.
  • "Fun swing": with the tip of the tongue, reach the upper teeth, then lower to the lower.
  • "Tick-tock": the tip of the tongue, imitating the movement of the clock, move left and right at different speeds.
  • "Paints": "paint the palate" with a tongue.

All exercises are performed up to 10 times, but care must be taken so that the baby does not get tired and is engaged with interest.

The preschooler will quickly master the correct pronunciation of the hissing ones with a clear conduct of the preparatory stage, so they should not be neglected. The duration of such classes will depend on the individual development of the child, the state of his articulatory apparatus. Experts advise to extend them if there is no improvement after three sessions.

Stage 3. Work on the production of sibilants

Important! To set up a hissing sound in a preschooler, an adult should himself carefully examine the position of the lips and tongue with the help of a mirror with correct articulation, only then teach the child.

The next stage, which involves the setting of sibilants, requires established order: first, the sound is fixed in syllables, words, and last of all in sentences. To do this, you can use different methods:

  • Repetition of pure words, tongue twisters, proverbs, learning small poems in which there are hissing sounds. To consolidate the free use of sound in speech, parents can encourage children to tell fairy tales, come up with small texts based on pictures, from personal experience children.
  • If the work on sound pronunciation begins with a hissing "sh", then the production of the sound "sh" presupposes the active involvement of preschoolers in games for the formation of phonemic perception, for example, "Butterfly". Children clap their hands ("catching a butterfly") when they hear the desired sound in words (toy, baby, tire, potato).
  • In order to formulate the sound "w", you can offer the preschool child to clap at words with the sound "w", raise their hands up at words with the sound "w" (reed, beetle, mouse, buzzes).
  • It is easy to teach to speak the sound "sh" if the sound "sh" is already well delivered. Parents can use the setting "u" by imitation, similarly to games with the sound "w" (puppy, sorrel, looking for). The game "Exaggeration" helps a lot: an adult throws a ball with a certain word, a preschooler "returns" the word in an exaggerated form (eyes-eyes, cat-cat, mustache-mustache, teeth-teeth).
  • With older preschoolers, parents can play the game "Guess where the sound is?" To maintain interest, are selected different color cards denoting the beginning of a word, middle, end. Then the preschoolers need to concentrate and not mix up the colors.
  • Word creation is widely used for staging sound pronunciation. Children like the game "Tell the phrase" very much, at the same time there is a sound setting and general development of speech. An adult comes up with a syllable, a child adds a sentence to the rhyme:

Ms. Ms. Ms.
We caught a snake.
Mom feeds the baby.
Here is our dacha.
Birch Grove.

Similarly, phrases with other syllables are invented.

The production of the sounds of the native language is necessary not only for the development of correct speech, but also for the formation of the personality of preschool children. If the children have good sound pronunciation, it means that they will be able to master the program without any special difficulties. kindergarten, school material.

Video with articulatory gymnastics for a clear pronunciation of hissing sounds (w, w, w, h):

With correct articulation sound "C" pronounced as follows: lips are stretched in a slight smile, teeth are at some distance from each other.
The tip of the tongue is pressed against the front lower teeth, while the tongue itself is curved, and its sides rest against the molars. The air jet is narrow and strong.
Disturbances in the pronunciation of this sound can be of three types:
The child replaces the "C" sound with another, easier articulation sound;
The sound "S" is completely absent in children's speech (this phenomenon is called sigmatism);
The child distorts the "S" sound.
Before working on setting the "C" sound, you need to make sure that the child's articulatory apparatus is fully ready for the pronunciation of whistling sounds. For its preparation, articulatory gymnastics is used. The complex of articulation exercises that are best suited for the production of a given sound is selected by a specialist.
After preparation, you can start staging the sound. There are several ways:
1. Sound production based on imitation. Sit with your child in front of a mirror and show him the correct articulation of the "S" sound. Observe that the child carefully monitors your movements, since the correct pronunciation of the sound depends on this. Let the child open his mouth after you, smile a little, put his tongue down, press the tip of his tongue to his lower teeth and blow a stream of air over the tongue. As a result of the actions taken, the sound "C" will be heard.
2. Sound production based on imitation using game moments. The speech therapist uses special exercises to imitate some actions, for example: the balloon is deflated (s-s-s-s). Moreover, in such imitation exercises, real objects are sometimes used, which arouse the child's interest even more, since he can independently interact with them.
3. Sound production based on reference sounds. The specialist selects those sounds that are reference for the desired sound. For the sound "S" these are the sounds "I" and "F". Having learned how to pronounce the reference sounds correctly, it will be easier for the child to slightly change their articulation to get the sound "C".
4. Sound production mechanically. The specialist, with the help of improvised means, independently positions the child's articulatory organs in the correct position and asks him to smoothly but strongly blow out the air. When a child gets the sound "C", he can pronounce it on his own without the help of adults.
As soon as the child learns to pronounce the sound "C" in isolation, you can move on to the next step - sound automation.
To automate the "C" sound, specialists use a specially selected series of syllables and words that contain this sound, various exercises that are interesting for children. Poems are also widely used. Children are very fond of poetry, which has a beneficial effect on the result.

Sound "Z" the position of the organs of articulation is very similar to the sound "C". The difference is that the sound "Z" is voiced, so when you pronounce it, a voice appears.

The production of this sound begins only after the sound "C" is fully automated and the child pronounces it well both in isolation and in a variety of speech structures, since it is on its basis that one can easily and the best way put the sound "Z". In this regard, the child must learn well the difference in the pronunciation of these sounds. During games for practicing the air stream, it is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that it should not be too strong. In order for the child to better understand the difference between two similar sounds, you can invite him to put his hand on his throat and pronounce both sounds. When pronouncing the sound "Z", he will feel the characteristic vibration, which is reproduced by the vocal folds. When the voice does not turn on, we will not detect such vibration.

After the child begins to confidently pronounce the sound "Z", you need to ask him to make his voice louder and pronounce this sound clearly and distinctly in order to better assimilate and remember the correct pronunciation of the sound "Z". This is necessary for the next stage of work - audio automation.

In order to automate this sound, experts use various games and game exercises based on working with syllables and words, as well as verses that help children in an unobtrusive way to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound "Z". Correctly selected and interesting material for children also helps in this, motivating them to play. You must admit that the task of finding from several bright cards with the image of familiar objects, an object with the desired sound, will arouse the interest of almost any child. In this regard, the automation of sound taking place in favorable, natural conditions for children, on the one hand, is very effective, and on the other hand, does not cause difficulties for children.

Sound "C" has a position similar to the sounds "C" and "Z" of the organs of articulation. This sound is considered an affricate, i.e. a sound consisting of two sounds: "T" and "C". Therefore, when pronouncing it, we hear the sound "T" smoothly turning into the sound "C". This plays an important role in the production of the sound "C", since for its implementation the child must at least correctly pronounce both of these sounds.

When pronouncing the sound "C", the same strong, explosive air stream is observed, as when pronouncing a separate sound "T", and the sound "S" gives this affricate a sibilant tint. But not always a good pronunciation of these sounds by a child guarantees the formulation of the sound "C" through imitation.

Since the position of the organs of articulation of the sounds "C" and "C" is very similar, the sound "C" is quite easily put on the basis of the correctly pronounced sound "C", but requires additional work with the tip of the tongue, since its movements during the pronunciation of all the sounds mentioned are very similar. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child the principle of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing each individual letter, for greater clarity, resorting to their comparison.

As soon as the child began to correctly pronounce the isolated sound "C", it is necessary to immediately begin to automate it.

Sound automation "C" can be carried out different ways depending on many factors. For each baby, the specialist chooses his own method, taking into account all the information that he has about the child, and which, in his opinion, will give the best result. The more creatively the specialist approaches the choice of sound automation methods for each baby, the more noticeable the results will be.

To automate the "C" sound, various exercises are used with syllables, words and sentences that include the desired sound. Exercises with pictures, which depict words with the sound "C", are very interesting for young children and introduce them into the atmosphere of the game, which makes assimilation easier and faster. The sound "C" can be automated with the help of verses, where there is a clear emphasis on this sound. Automation of sound in texts based on imitation, helps to recreate a real speaking situation. Thus, the automation of sound can be made interesting and fun for the child. But it is worth remembering that the setting and automation of sounds should be carried out by a specialist who can comprehensively assess the level of the child's speech and select an individual set of classes and exercises for him.

sound "Ш" the organs of articulation should be in the following position: the lips are stretched in a slight half-smile, the mouth is slightly open, the teeth are at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other. The wide base of the tongue is slightly raised to the alveoli or to the edge of the hard palate, but not pressed against it. In the middle, the tongue bends a little, and its sides rest against the lateral teeth. A stream flows along this groove warm air, which is easily felt in the palm of your hand if you bring it to your mouth. The soft palate rests against the posterior wall of the pharynx and is in an elevated position, thereby closing the passage to the nasal cavity, allowing air to pass through the mouth. When pronouncing the sound "Ш", the voice should not appear.

The production of the sound "Ш" begins with the study of the statics of the sound. The organs of articulation involved must be in the correct position. Only after achieving this goal can one move on to working out the sound "Ш" in dynamics.

Most often, when pronouncing the sound "Ш", children make the following mistakes:

not correct actions lips;
in the process of pronouncing the sound "Ш" the teeth are clenched;
the tongue is in close contact with the alveoli, as a result of which the air stream passes through the sagging lateral edge;
the tongue narrows too much;
weak exhalation when uttering a sound or passing air into the nasal cavity.

If there are any difficulties, it is necessary to return to the stage of working out the statics of sound and assess the degree of accessibility to the child of the position in which his articulatory apparatus should be while pronouncing the sound "Ш". In most cases, this is where some problems are found that need to be addressed in order to return to the stage of working out the sound in the dynamics. But sometimes even the statics of sound is not available to the child, in this case it is necessary to return to preparatory stage, namely, to articulation exercises, modifying their complex, taking into account the difficulties of the child.

The sound begins to be automated when the child pronounces it correctly. The automation of the "Ш" sound occurs in the same way as the automation of other sounds. That is, the speech therapist, in accordance with the child's speech characteristics, selects a set of exercises and games for him, which in an accessible form will help him master the pronunciation of the sound "Ш". The specialist uses a variety of visual material for games and exercises. The specialist works on the sound "Ш" in syllables, words of varying complexity, sentences, achieving absolutely correct pronunciation in all these cases.

During lessons for setting the sound "Ш", the specialist monitors the correct pronunciation of the given sound by the children, i.e. checks the position of the organs of articulation involved in pronouncing a given sound (lips, tongue) and the presence of a stream of air going through the middle of the tongue.

If there are problems in pronunciation, the specialist must once again pronounce the sound "Ш" with the children and work out the correct position of the organs of articulation. In this process, you can involve a child who pronounces this sound well.

With correct articulation sound "F" rounded lips are pushed forward, teeth are close to each other. The tongue is raised with a wide tip to the alveoli or to the front edge of the hard palate, forming a gap through which air passes. The middle part of the tongue drops, while the edges of the tongue are pressed against the lateral teeth. At the same time, the posterior region of the tongue assumes an elevated position and is pulled back. The soft palate is in close contact with the back of the pharynx, acting as a barrier that prevents air from passing through the nose, but directs it through the mouth.

A voice is involved in pronouncing the sound "Ж" When pronounced, the sound "Ж" is very similar to the sound "Ш". The lips, teeth and tongue are in the same position. It is these facts that allow us to conclude that the sound "Ж" can be set on the basis of the sound "Ш", provided that it is correctly pronounced by the child.

First, you need to make sure that the sound "W" is sufficiently automated in the child's speech, and only after that start setting the sound "W". The specialist draws the child's attention to the pronunciation of the sound "Ш" and asks him to add a voice to get the sound "Ж". When setting a sound using this method, it is very important to explain to the child the difference in pronouncing the sounds "Ш" and "Ж" and to make him feel the vibration on his neck, which is caused by the vocal cords when sound accompaniment sound "F". In order to fix the sound "Ж", various onomatopoeia are usually used (buzzing of a bee, beetle). As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the isolated sound "F", you need to start automating it and introducing it into the active dictionary.

Sound automation must necessarily take place in a playful way. These can be specially selected games, activities, exercises, etc. They can last from 15 to 30 minutes in duration, depending on the age of the child. Ideally, this time should be the least noticeable for the child and the most fruitful for the speech therapist. In no case should the baby be overworked.

Lessons on automating the sound "F" should be built on exercises based on the inclusion of the sound "F" in syllables, words and phrases. Such exercises help to connect the visual, auditory and articulatory control of the child during the pronunciation of sounds, but at the same time do not forget the meaning of the spoken speech structures. In choosing words, a specialist is guided by the principle from simple to complex.

To pronounce correctly sound "H" the organs of articulation should be in the following position: the lips are slightly rounded into a tube and slightly extended. The teeth are at some distance from each other, so they do not close. The tongue, with its tip and back, connects to the upper teeth or alveoli, thereby imperceptibly forming a gap between them. A short stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The soft palate is in an elevated state and is pressed against back wall pharynx, blocking the passage of exhaled air into the nose. The vocal cords are in a relaxed state, they are spread apart, respectively, the voice is not formed.

The sound "Ч" is an affricate and consists of two sounds: "Ть" and "Щ". If the child pronounces these two sounds correctly, then there should be no difficulty in setting the sound "CH".

That is why for setting the sound "CH" a specialist can use several methods based on the correct pronunciation of the sounds "Ть" and "Щ".

For example, let's analyze two methods:

The speech therapist asks the child to pronounce the combination of sounds "T-T-T" very quickly (the tip of the tongue should touch the base of the upper teeth). Next, you need to gradually begin to push the tip of the tongue back, touching the upper alveoli. At the same time, the lips stretch into a smile.
The specialist asks the child to slowly and then quickly pronounce the sounds "Tb" and "SH", so that it turns out THB. A wide smile must be present, this is an important factor in correct pronunciation.

After setting the sound "Ch" in any way, it is necessary to practice in a playful way to pronounce this sound in isolation. To do this, you can, for example, invite the child to depict a ticking clock "h-h-h" or show how he would calm down a noisy child "h-h-h".

As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the sound "Ch" in isolation from other sounds, you can start working on its automation.

Automation of the "H" sound should also take place in a playful, child-friendly form, i.e. based on games, tasks and exercises that are interesting for children. When choosing the forms with which the automation of the "H" sound will be carried out, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. For each age, certain pictures and toys are selected that have the sound "CH" in their names. Performances of poems, fairy tales, stories are well suited. Young children remember visual images more easily, so the presence of visual material in such classes will only be beneficial.

During the automation of the "H" sound, the child must pronounce this sound in words and phrases somewhat exaggeratedly, ie. clearly, clearly, intonationally highlighting it.

When pronounced correctly sound "L" the lips are stretched out in a slight smile, the teeth are close to each other, but not touching. The tip of the tongue rises to the upper alveoli and forms a bow with them. The back of the tongue rises to the palate, while all other parts of it, including the edges, descend to the lower teeth. Exhaled air flows along the sides of the tongue. Air passes through the mouth thanks to the soft palate, which is raised and pressed against the back of the pharynx. Sound "L" voiced, i.e. when pronouncing it, a voice is involved. The voice is formed as a result of tension and vibration of the vocal folds.

Let's analyze some mistakes that lead to incorrect pronunciation of the sound "L":

The tongue is pulled too deep into the mouth, as a result of which a sound more like "Y" is heard. In this case, the child's attention should be focused on the interdental position of the tongue.
Not a tight bow. The child is invited not only to touch his tongue with his teeth, but to rest against them with force.
Incorrect lip position. That is, the replacement of the dental-lingual articulation, characteristic of the pronunciation of the sound "L", with the labio-labial or labial-dental articulation. The desired position of the lips is achieved with the help of a specialist who holds them with his hands or a probe.
Wrong exhalation. It can be forced, when a sound similar to "F" is produced, arising with the participation of the cheeks. Or it can be nasal, when a sound similar to "H" is obtained. The specialist directs the child's attention to the soft palate, exhalation of the air stream through the mouth and its smoothness.

The setting of the sound "L" is carried out by imitation with the help of a mirror. To begin with, the child needs to be taught to bite the wide tip of the tongue and hold it in place when opening the mouth. Only after the child learns to reproduce this action without errors, you can begin to put the sound "L" with an emphasis on the interdental position. Here, the specialist again uses a mirror and exercises with syllables that contain the "L" sound. Classes on the production of this sound continue until the child begins to clearly and distinctly pronounce the isolated sound "L".

After the sound production is completely completed, you can start to automate it. Automation of the "L" sound will give the best results if done in a playful way. Audio automation classes don't have to be long and tedious. Depending on the child's age, the duration of the “L” sound automation lesson varies within 15-30 minutes. During a sound automation lesson, the child must pronounce the sound "L" for a long time and with a motionless tongue. When the tongue is separated from the alveoli, the sound "L" will turn into a vowel sound.

To pronounce correctly sound "R" you need to open your mouth a little (lips and teeth should not be closed) and direct the tip of the tongue to the base of the upper teeth. When pronouncing the sound "P", the tip of the tongue should be tense and vibrate. The middle part of the tongue should take the shape of a spoon (dipper). With its sides, the tongue is in contact with the upper molars. A warm and strong jet of air passes through the center of the tongue.

There are several types of violations:

the child does not utter the sound "R" at all (this phenomenon is called rotacism);
the child replaces the sound "P" with another sound (pararotacism). Most often, the child replaces the sound "R" with "L", "Y", "Y", "G", "V";
the child distorts the "P" sound.

Experts consider the "P" sound to be the most difficult to stage. Before setting the sound "R", you need to work out several positions that are needed for its correct pronunciation. The child should be able to open his mouth wide and remain in this position for a while, hold the tongue in the form of a spoon (scoop), freely raise and lower the tongue, vibrate the tongue, while fixing the lateral edges in one position.

There are several ways to set the "P" sound.

The sound "P" is put on the basis of other sounds, for example, the sound "D". Also, the specialist often uses a combination of the sounds "T" and "D". When pronouncing a series of these sounds, the child is encouraged to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue to induce vibration. But this way is not always successful.
The "R" sound is set in 2 stages. To begin with, at the first stage, the child should be taught to pronounce the sound "P" without vibration (fricative). When the goal is achieved, it is recommended to consolidate it in syllables. At the second stage, the development of the "R" sound with vibration (rolling) begins.

Setting the sound "R" using these and other methods requires professional approach, since it is very difficult to deliver this sound to a child at home and without the use of special mechanical devices and articulatory massage techniques.

Automation of the “P” sound can be switched only after the child has learned to clearly pronounce the isolated “P” sound. After that, you can start to insert this sound into syllables, words and phrases. Work on the automation of the "R" sound should be built according to the degree of complexity and take place in a playful way, using a variety of games, rhymes, songs, etc. To do this, classes are organized with a speech therapist to automate the "P" sound, in which children in an understandable and accessible form fix the pronunciation of the "P" sound. For the most successful result, a specialist should organize all classes according to a certain system, therefore it is not recommended to do this on his own without having certain knowledge.

When you start correcting sounds, you need to know the reason for their shortcomings. Violations of sound pronunciation can be both in dyslalia and dysarthria, an erased form of dysarthria, rhinolalia. Each diagnosis has its own characteristics. But for all violations, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the sound, the correct articulation, the set of exercises for each group of sounds. The preparatory stage (articulation exercises, the development of an air stream) will depend on the diagnosis and characteristics of the child, and continues until a stereotype is developed.

The production of sounds begins with the most accessible to a given child. In this case, all analyzers are used: visual, auditory, tactile, vibration.

When evoking sounds, one should try to make the most of the articulatory movements and phonemes already available to the child, and not create completely new models.

Children with reduced kinesthesia and phonemic hearing disorders have to linger on intermediate articulations.

Articulations are improved with lengthening expiration and sufficient air pressure.

Therefore, it is better to start staging sounds while lying on the couch. The child inhales through the nose "full belly of air" and exhales smoothly through the mouth. Breathing while lying down is lower diaphragmatic.

When forming articulatory praxis, it is necessary to take into account the muscular relationship of the organs of articulation. To do this, it is useful to use the following techniques:

To move the tongue somewhat deep into the mouth, it is necessary to mechanically push the corners of the mouth forward. Conversely, when moving the corners of the mouth to the sides, the tongue moves forward. These techniques should be used with the support of visual control.

The principle of selective articulatory gymnastics allows the use of additional articulatory exercises.

For example, with dysarthria, there is a deviation of the tongue to the left when going up. This means the right side is weaker. If the muscles on the right side of the tongue are weak, exercises should be carried out to strengthen and develop the strength of the right half of the tongue:

With your tongue, touch the teeth of the left side, above, below, support left cheek... Exercises with overcoming resistance are effective. For example, with right-sided weakness, the tongue moves to the left, the child sticks out his tongue and takes it to the left. This abduction is prevented by a spatula or by holding the tongue with a hand through a gauze napkin.

When correcting distorted sounds, do not name this sound to your child, so as not to cause him to mispronounce.





When you start correcting sounds, you need to know the reason for their shortcomings. Violations of sound pronunciation can be both in dyslalia and dysarthria, an erased form of dysarthria, rhinolalia. Each diagnosis has its own characteristics. But for all violations, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the sound, the correct articulation, the set of exercises for each group of sounds. The preparatory stage (articulation exercises, the development of an air stream) will depend on the diagnosis and characteristics of the child, and continues until a stereotype is developed.

The production of sounds begins with the most accessible to a given child. In this case, all analyzers are used: visual, auditory, tactile, vibration.

When evoking sounds, one should try to make the most of the articulatory movements and phonemes already available to the child, and not create completely new models.

Children with reduced kinesthesia and phonemic hearing disorders have to linger on intermediate articulations.

Articulations are improved with lengthening expiration and sufficient air pressure.

Therefore, it is better to start staging sounds while lying on the couch. The child inhales through the nose "full belly of air" and exhales smoothly through the mouth. Breathing while lying down is lower diaphragmatic.

When forming articulatory praxis, it is necessary to take into account the muscular relationship of the organs of articulation. To do this, it is useful to use the following techniques:

To move the tongue somewhat deep into the mouth, it is necessary to mechanically push the corners of the mouth forward. Conversely, when moving the corners of the mouth to the sides, the tongue moves forward. These techniques should be used with the support of visual control.

The principle of selective articulatory gymnastics allows the use of additional articulatory exercises.

For example, with dysarthria, there is a deviation of the tongue to the left when going up. This means the right side is weaker. If the muscles on the right side of the tongue are weak, exercises should be carried out to strengthen and develop the strength of the right half of the tongue:

With your tongue, touch the teeth of the left side, above, below, support the left cheek. Exercises with overcoming resistance are effective. For example, with right-sided weakness, the tongue moves to the left, the child sticks out his tongue and takes it to the left. This abduction is prevented by a spatula or by holding the tongue with a hand through a gauze napkin.

When correcting distorted sounds, do not name this sound to your child, so as not to cause him to mispronounce.

Put sounds with syllables.

Sound production

  1. By imitation
  2. From language gymnastics to sound, but use the correct pronunciation - T, D, N. If these sounds are pronounced interdentally, then teach them to pronounce correctly, and then put the defective sounds.
  3. Mechanically (probes, spatulas, fingers, nipples)

4. From reference sounds (table of Rau and Ippolitova in the textbook "Speech therapy" edited by Volklova on p. 101): ← → ↓

F → S → Sh

↓ ↓

H W → F

Ф → С → С ’→ Щ

↓ ↓

↓ W

B → B → F

B → Z → F M → B N → D

P → B

↓ ↓

T → D

↓ ↓

K → G

When correcting sounds, it is necessary to take into account the following features of work:

  1. Parallelism in breathing and articulation;
  2. Conscious auditory control of the child over his pronunciation;
  3. Introduction of signs-symbols to designate the studied sounds;
  4. At an older age, introduction letter designation these sounds, which serves as the foundation for teaching literacy;
  5. Automation and differentiation of sounds in different conditions (syllable, word, sentence, text);
  6. Prevention of dysgraphia (development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception)

R - R '

Sonorous, vibrant, front-lingual

Lips in the position of the next vowel

The tip of the tongue is in the form of a cup, raised and vibrates, [P] - at the alveoli, [P ’] - at the necks of the upper incisors, [P] - the root part is down, [P’] - slightly raised.

The sky curtain is raised.

Preparatory exercises

Gymnastics of the language, complex №4, M. Fomicheva “Education of the correct pronunciation in children.


1. By imitation.

Stop the horse - tr, dr;

Make sure the mouth is open.

When the mouth is closed, it is not the tip of the tongue that trembles, but half and in the lower position. Such a sound will not be introduced into speech.

Start the motor;

Growling like a tiger, lion, dog;

Scribbles a machine gun.

2. From reference sounds.

From [h] in the upper articulation

From combination [dz] with a ball probe

From the combination of [tink] finger, we play the "balalaika"

From [c] (Ippolitova).Training in clicking and sucking the tongue to the palate. Then, without lifting your tongue from the sky, move it slightly inward across the sky and quickly pronounce the sound [ts]. With correct oral exhalation, this technique leads to the formation of a dull sound [p]

From the sound [w] [j] - stroking the tongue across the hard palate to the incisors with correct exhalation

From dy-dy-dy - knocking on the alveoli

From "for" (zzzzza) ... After repeated repetition, the child, according to the instructions of the speech therapist, moves the front upper part of the tongue up and forward to the alveoli until an acoustic effect of fricative [p] is obtained in combination with [a]

Staging in 2 stages:

Stage 1. The fricative [p] is put without vibration from the sound [w]. When pronouncing it in a drawn-out manner without rounding the lips, then we move the front edge of the tongue to the alveoli.

Staging in 4 stages:1) lip vibration; 2) vibration of the tongue and lips;

3) vibration between teeth; 4) vibration behind the teeth.

From correct articulation.

The fungus exercise is done correctly. Then blow on the "fungus" with force. It turns out a whispering pronunciation of the combination trrrr

With a throat [p] sound production mechanically, from a whispering pronunciation d, c. With the exercise "fungus".

Statement from long pronunciation [w], replace [w] with [p]. A strip of paper is attached to the alveoli or to the tip of the tongue, as if continuing the tongue. Pronounced [g] with movements of the tongue along the alveoli with a small amplitude.

"Chatterbox" - a loop.

"Call" - from tz, tzh

The transition from soft to hard by analogy pa-pya, cha-cha, ka-kya.

L - L '

[L] - consonant, oral, sonorous, occlusive-anadromous, front-lingual, hard, [L '] - soft.

The lips take the position of the next vowel;

The teeth are open;

Language. The tip of the tongue is raised to the neck of the upper incisors, is not tense, but when pronouncing a soft [L '] is tense. A gap is formed between the edges of the tongue and the molars for the passage of exhaled air.

The root of the tongue [L] - up, [L '] - down

Is the curtain of the sky raised?

Preparatory exercises

Gymnastics of the language, complex number 3, M. Fomicheva "Education in children of correct pronunciation."


1. By imitation

Airplane song;

As a turkey mutters;

How the steamer hums

2. From correct articulation

Pulling the tip of the tongue away from the upper incisors (tongue burned)

Suck the candy

Bite the tip of your tongue, and then open and close the jaw, without removing the tongue from the lower incisors, while singing the vowel sound [a]: la-la-la

- « the hunter walks through the swamp "- pronounce d-d-d and hit on the cheeks, it turns out dl, dl.

3. From the reference sound

From [y] - Pull the lips forward, pronounce [y] for a long time, then stick the tip of the tongue between the extended lips. At this time, the speech therapist fingers pushes the lips of the child. The teeth are exposed and a clear sound is pronounced [l]

From [s] - lightly bite the tip of your tongue and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time, you hear [l]. Gradually move from interdental pronunciation to dental.

From [a]: 1) put the tongue on the lower incisors and sing the sound [a], then simultaneously raise and lower the lower jaw; 2) swing the tongue between the upper and lower incisors, pronouncing the sound for a long time [a]

When replacing [l] with [b] with your fingers, hold the lower lip, slowing down the movement of the lip.

  1. Mechanically.

With alveolar pronunciation of a sound, the root of the tongue is lowered, while normally it is raised. Put a stick (straw, pencil) transversely on the back of the tongue, and with the tip of the tongue, get the incisors.

C - Z - C

[S]: consonant, oral, voiceless, slit, front-lingual, hard;

[Z]: consonant, oral, voiced, slit, front-lingual, hard;

[S '], [Z']: soft;

[C]: consonant, oral, voiceless, occlusive-slit, front-lingual, hard.

The lips are smiling;

Teeth close together

The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back is moderately curved, the lateral edges are pressed from the inside to the upper molars, a groove is formed in the middle of the tongue through which a cold stream of exhaled air passes.

With [C], the tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors, and the back closes with the alveoli and, after the explosion of air, drops to the position of sound [C]

The soft palate is raised

Preparatory exercises

Gymnastics of the language, complex number 1, M. Fomicheva "Education in children of correct pronunciation", as well as exercises for the development of an air stream.

Elimination of defects

1. By imitation

[with]: - game "Pump", song of water

Snorting hedgehog - fffsss

Light breeze

[h] - ringing a mosquito, a fly, a wasp

[c] - song of the titmouse, "Quiet, the children are making noise"

2. From reference sounds.

Sound [s]:

From [and] - sing a sound and then blow a cold breeze

Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-cha, ti-ti-ti - and let the cold breeze blow

From [f] - with interdental pronunciation

Sound [c] affricate, consists of 2 sounds:

t - s

t - s



We bring together the pronunciation of two sounds.

- When pronouncing the sound [c]we suggest that the child pronounce the sound [f] for a long time, insert the wide tip of the tongue between the lower lip and the upper incisors, then, with the interdental position of the wide tip of the tongue, blow on it with the sound [f]. Gradually remove the tip of the tongue by the lower incisors.

The display of correct articulation is used, tactile sensations (air stream), achieve the correct sound.

- exercise "Reel".We fold the wide tongue into a "coil", hiding the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth. Whistle on the "coil". Helps with lateral and interdental pronunciation.

[c] - the speech therapist clearly pronounces the sound [c] itself, and puts the child's thumbs and forefingers to their corners of the mouth. The child feels active lip abduction.

Then the child pronounces the sound [t], and the speech therapist mechanically removes the corners of the child's mouth.

4. Mechanically using a probe, a spatula.

With lateral sigmatism achieve the correct sound [s] with the interdental position of the tongue, then translate the tip of the tongue for the lower incisors.

With interdental sigmatism, the child is encouraged to translate the wide tip of the tongue for the lower incisors and "let" a long light breeze.

With labiodental sigmatism to pronounce the sound [s] with parted lips and exposed edges of the incisors. If the child cannot reproduce this position of the articulation organs himself, then the speech therapist holds the child's lower lip.

Prisubny sigmatism is corrected mechanically. By lightly pressing the spatula (probe) on the tip of the tongue, lower it by the lower incisors.

Pronunciation of soft sounds is characterized by the participation in the articulation of a part of the back of the tongue. In addition, hard and soft sounds often differ in the degree of lip tension. So, when softening the sounds of the lower articulation, the lower lip is activated (strained), and for the upper lip - the upper lip. Special attention draws on the abduction of the corners of the mouth. The child needs to demonstrate the pronunciation of soft sounds with a somewhat exaggerated abduction of the corners of the mouth.

Softness is achieved mechanically by pushing the tip of the tongue back into the mouth. The back of the tongue rises.

W - F

[Ш]: consonant, oral, voiceless, slit, front-lingual, hard.

[F]: consonant, oral, voiced, slit, front-lingual, hard.

Tubes - open

Teeth close together

The tongue is wide in the upper part of the mouth. The front part is bent in the form of a "bucket" (cup) and is in a free position. The tip of the tongue forms a slit with a hard palate. The edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars.

The air jet is warm

The soft palate is raised


1. Preparatory exercises, complex number 2 according to Fomicheva.

2. By imitation: the child is taught to hiss like a goose, a snake, oil, to rustle like reeds, skis in the snow, how the air comes out of a tire, to warm his hands.

3. From correct articulation.

Make the tongue wide (p-p-p), "spatula". Make a "cup" out of the spatula. Put the "cup" in your mouth and blow a warm breeze (warm your hands).

4. From reference sounds

From [s] - pronounce the sound [s], and then raise your tongue up - [w], before that, work out the "swing" exercise

From [p] - pronounce this sound loudly, in a whisper, remove vibration yourself or with a spatula.

From [h] - long-term utterance -> tshshshsh

From [f] - to organize the lift of the tip of the tongue, showing it on oneself, or with mechanical assistance.

5. Mechanically by way.

Raise the wide tip of the tongue using simple probes, Novikova's probe, spatula, spoon, fingers.

Correction of interdental sigmatism of hissing sounds.

The child is invited with an open mouth, at a slow pace 4-5 times aspirate the sound [t], hitting the tip of the tongue into the tubercles behind the upper teeth, gradually lengthen the exhaled stream and not hit the tubercles, but only raise the tip of the tongue to them.

From correct articulation

From the reference sound [p]

Mechanically with a Novikova probe

Correction of lateral pronunciation

The same tricks.

Mechanically use a flat, narrow, slightly curved teaspoon handle. Raise the wide tongue by the upper teeth, push it back to the tubercles (the edges of the spoon handle are at the same time approximately at the level of the fourth incisors), ask the child to slightly clamp the spoon with his teeth and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time (the front teeth are visible all the time.

The directionality of the air stream is improved when using the sounds [ф], [в].

Correction of labiodental parasigmatism of hissing sounds

In this type of violation, not the tongue, but the lips, is involved in the formation of sounds. The language is inactive. Learn to compare and distinguish by ear sounds [ф] - [ш].

It is necessary to slow down the movement of the lower lip, holding it with a finger placed in the dimple under the lip. Use visual control. At the same time, exercises for raising the tongue upward with a cup, directing a warm stream of air.

From sound [s] with mechanical assistance, drawing the child's attention to the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

From the sound [p] - in a whisper, stop vibration.

Correction of tooth parasigmatism.

Skills are developed to compare and distinguish by ear the sounds [w] - [t], based on tactile sensations, on an air stream (with [w] - long, [t] - jerky). Exercises are conducted to generate a long, directed air stream.

The setting technique is the same as for correcting labiodental sigmatism.

Correction of hissing parasigmatism

They learn to compare and distinguish by ear the sounds [w] - [u].

Skills are developed to raise the wide front edge of the tongue to the tubercles behind the upper incisors.

Alternate movements of the wide tip of the tongue from the base of the upper incisors to the front of the hard palate (front and back). After developing the correct position of the tongue, a clear, directed air jet is generated.

From the sound [p]

Mechanically (Novikova probe)

Whistling parasigmatism

Learn to compare and distinguish by ear "sh - s". Distinguish the difference in the air stream (warm - cold). The movements of the wide tongue for the upper and lower teeth are practiced (the supporting sounds "l - and" are used), the alternation of lip movements (smile - mouthpiece)

From correct articulation using imitation techniques

From the sound [p]


Nasal sigmatism

Develop the ability to keep a wide, spread tongue on the upper lip.

Exercises to raise the palatine curtain.

At the beginning, sibilants are placed, then from [c] mechanically [w]

From [p]

It must be remembered that when putting on any sound, you should never call it to the child, so as not to cause him the usual incorrect pronunciation.

After automating the sound [w], you can put the sound [w]. Back side the child's palms are applied to the speech therapist's throat. The child feels vibration.

Like on rails - side edges.

The "chatterbox" rustles along the bridges

[g] from [d] - pull.

"Fork" - the language between index fingers or a fork probe.

Consonant, oral, voiceless, occlusive-slit, front-lingual, soft.

Lips - stretched forward as a mouthpiece

Teeth close together

The tongue is in the up position. The wide tip of the tongue rises to the hard palate. First forms a bow, then moves away and forms a gap with a hard palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars, the lips are pushed forward. Strong, jerky, warm air blast.

The soft palate is raised.

Sound production

1. By imitation using the preparatory step. Draw the child's attention to the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

How the steamer puffs: chug-chug

Shake your fingerchildren who make noise: tsh

The grasshopper chirps

2. From reference sounds

t - w



From t'i or at' - with increased exhalation on a consonant element. At the time of pronouncing, the speech therapist pushes the tip of the tongue back

From th - pronounce the sound [t '], strongly stretch your lips forward, and press your cheeks with your fingers. If the sound [t ’] is pronounced interdentally or laterally, it is necessary to put the sound [t’] at the beginning.

From at - pronounce the syllable, and with a spatula lift the tongue up while pulling the lips forward by pressing the fingers on the cheeks.

With lateral pronunciation of [h], the sound can be set in the lower position of the tongue.

Consonant, oral voiceless, slit, front-lingual, soft.

Lips are pushed forward

Teeth close together

Tongue - the tip is raised as at [w], but not to the front of the hard palate, but to the alveoli, forming a narrowing in this place.

The lateral edges of the tongue are adjacent to inside molars, forming a longitudinal channel in the middle of the tongue, through which a stream of exhaled air passes. The entire mass of the tongue is tense, the root part is raised. The exhaled air tension is strong.

The sky curtain is raised

The sound [u] often appears on its own, but after the sounds w, w, h are set.


1. From correct articulation

Explain correct articulation in front of the mirror and feel the warm jerky air stream.

2. From reference sounds

From the sound [w] by moving the tongue forward, closer to the teeth.

- from prolonged pronunciation of the softened [w](sew), and then jerkily exhale a stream of air.

From the soft sound "smiling".When pronouncing it, the corners of the mouth are pressed and the lips are mechanically moved forward, until the sound [u] appears instead of the sound [s']

From the combination "as"- lift the tongue up and let out a sharp, strong stream of air, pressing on the cheeks.

From the syllable "s'i "With a broaching whistling element" s'i "," s'i ".

Then the speech therapist inserts a spatula or probe under the tongue and, at the moment of pronouncing the syllable, slightly raises it, pushing it back a little.

From the sound [h] by stretching out the ending sound [h] fricative element. A long [u] sound is heard.

With lateral stable pronunciation, it is possible to set the sound [u] in the lower position.


On careful examination, the pronunciation of the vowels e = u, o = y is impaired in many logopaths. They are not pronounced clearly. The sounds "a", "e" are pronounced most correctly.

From the sound "a" by pushing the lips forward and pushing the tongue back, the sound "o" is obtained, an even stronger pushing of the lips forward and a deeper position of the tongue makes it possible to organize the sound "y".

From the sound "e", narrowing the mouth gap while pulling the corners of the mouth, the sound "and" is obtained

From the sound "and", moving the lips, the sound "y" is obtained

From "pee-pee", move our lips - "s"

From j - a it turns out "I", from j - o it turns out "e", from j - y gets "yu", from j - e it turns out "e".

The sound "y" as an independent sound or as part of vowels.

We pronounce the sound "zh", and with a spatula or probe we lightly press on the front edge of the tongue, as a result of which the sound "th" is obtained.

From “i” in syllables ai, oi, aia - you can get “y”, pronouncing the vowels shorter.

"D" - from the correct articulation. The movement of the back of the tongue is practiced (the cat bends the back).

When setting a sound pronunciation, if several groups of sounds are disturbed in a child, the basic sound for a certain group is first corrected. In a group of whistlers, the sound is corrected first with ... Then, starting from him, they put a sound s , then go to soft sounds sit and h ; the last in the group of whistlers is the sound c ... In a group of sibilants, first of all, correct the sound NS ... Then, based on his articulation, they put sounds f , h , SCH ... In the group of back-lingual sounds ( k, kb, g, gb, x, hb ) the main thing is the articulation of sound To .

Correctional work begins with those groups that should appear in the child earlier according to age standards.

Correction of sounds is carried out in stages. There are usually four main steps:

  • preparatory,
  • sound production,
  • automation of sound and, in cases of replacing one sound with another or mixing them,
  • stage of differentiation.
Each stage has its own tasks, the content of the work. At all stages, we recommend developing fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, purposefulness, self-control, phonemic hearing, and correcting the grammatical side of speech; include exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, the development of the speech centers of the brain, i.e. something that prepares the child for school and helps him to do well in the future.

Classes with the child should be carried out systematically, at least three to four times a week, reinforcing with 2-3 daily short-term exercises. If the sessions are held less frequently, their effectiveness will drop dramatically. The child quickly loses the acquired skill, because in free speech, when self-control weakens, the baby will return to an incorrectly formed stereotype.

You will need different pictures to conduct the lessons. These should be either just objects or drawings depicting some kind of life situation. Various lottoes will help you here. There is a special speech therapy lotto “Pick and Name”. There are already selected pictures for each sound. We also recommend purchasing a speech therapy guide: T. B. Filicheva, T. A. Kashe " Didactic material to correct speech impairments in children preschool age”. Any books, magazines with illustrations will be assistants, or maybe you and the kid will draw something yourself. The use of picture material will make your work interesting and varied.

The timing of setting the correct pronunciation depends on a number of factors: the degree of difficulty of the deficiency, the individual and age characteristics of the child, the regularity of classes. Sound production can take 1-2 sessions, and automation 3-4; or 5–7 sessions may be required just to prepare the articulation apparatus for sound production. Both options are normal.

If you follow our recommendations, we have no doubt that you will get a good result. But, if you worked diligently on this course with a child for 2-3 months, and the results are insignificant (not a single sound was delivered in accordance with age standards), we recommend that you consult a speech therapist. You may need some advice, and independent work can be continued, or the child needs deeper help than it seems at first glance, and only a qualified specialist can provide it. Parents with pronunciation deficiencies may find it helpful to study with their children.

For groups of whistling sounds this will be the sound "S", from which the transition to the sound "Z" is subsequently carried out, then the sounds "S" and "Zb" follow. The last in this group is the sound "C".
V group of hissing the main sound is "Ш", on its basis they switch to the sounds "Ж", "Ч" and "Щ".
V a group of back-lingual sounds at first they work with the sound "K", passing from it to "G", "X", "Kb", "Gb" and "Xb".
If a child has a violation of several groups of sounds, work begins with the group that, according to age standards, should have appeared in the child earlier.

How long does it take to work with a speech therapist?

The production of any of the sounds is carried out in several stages:
sound production;
automation of sound in syllables, words, phrases, sentences;
the stage of differentiation (carried out in cases of replacement or mixing of sounds).

In addition to the fact that each of these stages takes a certain amount of time and has its own content, all classes with a speech therapist at any stage of work with this or that sound will be accompanied by exercises aimed at developing a general and fine motor skills, phonemic perception and hearing, attention, thinking, memory.
Without fail, the speech therapist will additionally work on the grammatical side of speech and on the emotional and volitional qualities of the baby, that is, develop perseverance, the ability to bring things to the end, objectively assess the results of their lesson, etc.
Of course, ideally, classes with a speech therapist should be carried out every day, supported by daily "home" exercises, but in practice, unfortunately, most often classes are held twice a week. So it is in your best interest, dear parents, to work with your baby at home almost every day.
Your speech therapist will advise you on everything you need for the class. In addition, there are many commercially available didactic aids, speech therapy games, lotto, etc.
How long you have to work with a speech therapist depends on many different factors.
The main one is the “initial data of the child”, that is, what kind of violation of the baby’s pronunciation, how complex it is, what is the child’s age when referring to a speech therapist, what is the general level of his development. An important role is played by the regularity of classes and the homework of parents with a child. Different stages of sound pronunciation correction can have different lengths in time for each particular child - this is quite normal. Nevertheless, a quite reasonable question arises: when is the end?
The approximate time frame for obtaining a meaningful result is 2-3 months.
But if you and your speech therapist are working hard and conscientiously with the child for 2-3 months, and there are still no significant results, we strongly advise you to undergo an alternative consultation with another specialist. Perhaps your child needs deeper help or needs to slightly change the direction of the application of his forces, or maybe, even today, unfortunately, it is not uncommon, a speech therapist who works with a child is not as conscientious as it seems at first glance.

Stages of sound production

Movement disorders usually manifest themselves at a later stage in the formation of motor functions, especially such as the development of the ability to sit down on their own, crawl with an alternate simultaneous extension of the arm and the opposite leg and with a slight turn of the head and eyes towards the extended hand, walk, grab objects with fingertips and manipulate them ...
Emotional-volitional disorders manifest themselves in the form of increased emotional excitability and exhaustion nervous system... In the first year of life, such children are restless, cry a lot, and require constant attention. They have sleep disturbances, appetite disorders, a predisposition to regurgitation and vomiting, diathesis, and gastrointestinal disorders. Such children, as a rule, are weather dependent.
In preschool and school age such children are motor restless, prone to irritability, mood swings, fussiness, often show rudeness, disobedience. Motor restlessness increases with fatigue; some children are prone to hysterical reactions.
Despite the fact that children do not have pronounced paralysis and paresis, their motor skills are characterized by general awkwardness, lack of coordination. They usually lag behind their peers in dexterity and accuracy of movements, their hand readiness for writing develops with a delay, so they do not show interest in drawing and other types of manual activities for a long time, poor handwriting is noted at school age. Disorders of intellectual activity are expressed in the form of low mental performance, memory impairments, and attention.

Symptoms of dysarthria

With dysarthria on different levels impaired transmission of impulses from the cerebral cortex to the nuclei of the cranial nerves. In this regard, nerve impulses do not enter the muscles (respiratory, vocal, articulatory), the function of the main cranial nerves, which are directly related to speech, is disrupted.
In the early period of child development, these disorders are manifested as follows.
Breast age: due to the pareticity of the muscles of the tongue and lips, breastfeeding is difficult - they apply to the breast late (3-7 days), sluggish sucking, frequent regurgitation, and choking are noted.
Early speech development babbling may be absent in children, babbling sounds have a nasal tinge, the first words appear late (by 2-2.5 years). At further development speech, the pronunciation of almost all sounds is grossly affected.

With dysarthria, the so-called articulatory apraxia(violation of voluntary movements of the articulatory organs). In this case, violations of sound pronunciation are distinguished by two characteristic features:
distorted and changed sounds close to the place of articulation;
violation of sound pronunciation is not constant, that is, the child can pronounce the sound both correctly and incorrectly.

There are two types of articulatory apraxia:
kinesthetic, which is associated with the pathology of the parietal regions of the brain, characterized by difficulties in finding a separate articulatory posture;
kinetic, due to the pathology of the primitive parts of the brain, is characterized by the dynamic organization of articulatory movements, difficulty in transition from one sound to another.

In this case, there are repetitions of sounds, syllables, omissions, permutations, insertions.

Why does dysarthria occur?

Dysarthria is a concomitant symptom of various kinds of brain damage. Such violations can be caused by problems during pregnancy, mother's diseases, difficult labor and birth injuries, traumatic brain injuries in early age child, diseases such as meningitis and meningoencephalitis, etc.

Types of dysarthria

Since, as we already understand, dysarthria is not as simple as it might seem, experts offer several classifications that help to formulate the problem of each specific child as clearly as possible.
The first classification draws attention to the severity of speech disorders and distinguishes between the following forms.
Severe dysarthria or anarthria. Complete impossibility to speak.
Severe dysarthria(or just dysarthria). The child can speak, but at the same time experiences severe difficulties. Usually, in this case, speech is slurred, obscure, sound pronunciation, breathing, voice, intonational expressiveness are grossly disturbed.
Erased dysarthria in which all symptoms (neurological, psychological, speech) are expressed in an erased form. It is this form of dysarthria that requires very close attention, since by its external manifestations it can easily be confused with dyslalia.
Other classifications propose to distinguish forms of dysarthria according to the localization of the lesion and from the point of view of a syndromological approach. Only and exclusively neurologists work with them, so in this book we will not dwell on these classifications.

Erased dysarthria, simple and insidious

Within the framework of this book, we are in to a greater extent will be interested in erased dysarthria. If the symptoms of dysarthria are pronounced, parents will definitely receive extended and specialized care from a whole group of doctors. If the clinical picture is erased, in this case, it is possible either not to pay attention to implicit pronunciation defects at all, or to underestimate the severity of this speech disorder.
So what is erased dysarthria?
This speech disorder is on the border between dyslalia and dysarthria. Erased dysarthria is easily mixed with dyslalia in external manifestations, but at the same time it has its own specific mechanism of impairment and, in comparison with dyslalia, is distinguished by the difficulty of overcoming. Like dyslalia, erased dysarthria is characterized by disturbances in sound pronunciation, but in addition to them, there are also disturbances in all the characteristics of pronunciation to a greater or lesser extent, which are due to the presence of focal neurological microsymptoms.
Articulation disorders in this disorder may be based on mild residual disorders of the innervation of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, which are detected only with an in-depth neurological study.

Symptoms of erased dysarthria

Non-speech symptoms

1. Characterized by the presence of neurological microsymptomatics(syndromes of damage to the central nervous system: erased paresis, changes in muscle tone, mild hyperkinesis in the facial muscles, the presence of pathological reflexes, etc.).
2. The main lesion of the cranial nerves is associated, as a rule, with the hypoglossal nerve, which manifests itself in the limitation of the mobility of the tongue (to the sides, up, down, forward), passivity of the tip of the tongue, tension of the back of the tongue, weakness of half of the tongue, anxiety of the tongue in a given posture, increased salivation, undifferentiated movements of the tip of the tongue.