How to grow mushrooms: from oyster mushrooms to ceps. Step-by-step process of growing mushrooms at home

Do you love mushrooms, but don't have time to pick them? It's not scary, start growing mushrooms in the country on your own. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly in order to get a guaranteed harvest.

Growing mushrooms in the country is convenient because you can control this process, creating the most favorable conditions for their growth. And what about in the forest: it was a dry summer, and then early frosts of the soil and that's it - there will be no harvest of wild mushrooms! If you do not want to depend on the vagaries of nature, feel free to try growing mushroom plantations on your site.

White mushroom (boletus)

This handsome man, the king of all mushrooms, can be safely relocated from the forest to your site, and with a favorable outcome, next year you will get an impressive harvest.
There are several ways to breed forest boletus.

Mycelium transplant

Few resort to this method, since the outcome of the operation depends on the careful observance of the technology. Judge for yourself, it is quite difficult to dig up a mycelium and transfer it to your site without damaging it. Nevertheless, many succeeded, it is worth a try for you.

The transferred mycelium must interact with the roots of shrubs and trees, so choose a place on the site where you have deciduous or coniferous trees and bushes! It is extremely important to land White mushroom under the same tree, from under which the mycelium was dug out.

So choose on your site appropriate place and prepare the ground next to the right tree. To do this, at a distance of 0.5 m from the tree trunk, remove 20-30 cm of the topsoil. At the bottom of the hole formed, lay ready-made compost from fallen leaves and dust of trees, and sprinkle a small layer of earth on top. Now you can lay a layer of earth with mycelium, water and sprinkle with a layer of leaves. If the weather is dry in the first 14 days after planting, periodically water the mycelium.

Growing mushrooms from mycelium

One of the most popular methods among mushroom pickers. Ready-made mycelium can be bought - it is freely available in many garden stores. Before proceeding with the implementation of this method, prepare the site and soil. Choose a spot in the shade of trees where the soil is moist. At a distance of 0.5 m from the tree trunk, remove upper layer land to a depth of 0.5 m. Calculate the area of ​​the hole in advance, based on the amount of mycelium acquired.

This is what mushroom mycelium looks like

Prepare a substrate from dust, sawdust and leaves. Lay it on the bottom of the hole with a layer of about 20 cm. Sprinkle soil on top (about 10 cm). Next, lay a mixed layer of soil and compost. Now on top of this, you can lay the mycelium mixed with the ground. Distribute it by hand, tamping evenly. Sprinkle soil on top and pour water, cover with fallen leaves.

Ready-made substrates for planting porcini mushrooms, as well as mycelium, are sold in specialized stores. These mixtures are a great alternative to forest myceliums.
After planting the mycelium, the site must be watered regularly. If the planting of the mycelium is successful, then the harvest will appear next year. Such a mycelium can bear fruit from 2 to 5 years.

mushroom seedling

The easiest way to grow porcini mushrooms is from mushroom seedlings. To do this, it is enough to finely chop or mince mushroom caps. Then pour the resulting substance with water and leave for a day. During this time, you can start preparing the site. Under the selected tree, dig up the earth and generously fertilize it with compost (same as in the methods described above). Pour the prepared place with mushroom infusion, and sprinkle with leaves on top.

If there are no forest trees on your site, do not despair - try planting mushrooms near wooden buildings from the shadow side. And remember that white fungus does not like fruit trees, so try to avoid such a neighborhood.

In cold winters, do not forget to sprinkle the mycelium with compost, and, if necessary, cover it with polyethylene or roofing material.

The optimal time for planting porcini mushrooms is from May to September. Mushrooms should be planted in the ground at dusk.

Boletus (redhead)

As you may have guessed from the name, this mushroom mainly grows in aspen groves. Sometimes it can be found in the mixed forest. If you undertake to grow a mushroom in the country, then the issue of choosing a site should be approached as carefully as in the case of porcini mushrooms.

Boletus, like many others Forest mushrooms, refers to mycorrhizal fungi. This means that it forms a symbiosis with the roots of trees, i.e. mutually beneficial partnership. Therefore, the site must have aspen, birch or oak. In the shade of these trees, lay your future plantation.

Aspen mushrooms can be bred using:

Spore (mushroom seedling)

Spores form on the underside of the caps of overgrown mushrooms. Here you should prepare them: pour water and leave for several hours. Pour the area you have chosen for growing mushrooms with the resulting infusion of spores in water. Hats can also be dried and used as seed. Germinating spores just form a mycelium (mycelium).

fruit bodies

Gather young aspen mushrooms in the forest, chop and bury in your area in the top layer of soil in the shade of trees.


Wild mycelium can be harvested from the forest by digging along with the soil and trees. Thus, you will move the mycelium to your site, as is the case with mushrooms. Or you can buy ready-made mycelium in the store.

Establishing a mushroom plantation and care

Prepare your compost. Spread a plastic sheet on the ground, lay on it layers of leaves and wood dust with manure, taken in a ratio of 9: 1. Pour a bunch warm water and leave for a week. During this time, it should warm up to a temperature of 35-40 ° C. Now it can be shoveled to a homogeneous mass and left for another 5 days.

Redheads can be planted from mid-May to September (in warmer regions - from the beginning of May).

In the selected area around the tree, dig a hole 30 cm deep and 2 sq.m. If the tree's roots are on or close to the surface of the soil, remove only the top layer.

Fill the hole with compost. If it is deep, then lay the compost to ground level, in a shallow one - lay it out in layers, alternating compost (10-12 cm) and soil (5-6 cm), until the height of the layers reaches 50 cm above ground level.

Then, at a distance of 25-30 cm, make holes 20 cm deep. Dip pieces of boletus mycelium into them and cover with soil. Immediately water the plantation with water at the rate of 20 liters per 1 sq.m and cover with a layer of fallen leaves or forest floor.

Do not forget to warm the mycelium for the winter

In order for the mycelium to take root, it is useful to feed it with a solution of sugar: 10 g of sugar per 10 liters of water. In summer, keep the soil slightly moist. Water the area periodically, especially during periods of drought. For the winter, cover it with a layer of fallen leaves, moss or spruce branches, and in the spring do not forget to remove them.

Under favorable conditions, the fruiting of aspen mushrooms begins the next year after the laying of the plantation. The yield is 5-15 mushrooms per 1 sq.m. With proper care, a mushroom clearing will delight you with a harvest for 4-5 years. After this period, the mycelium of the mushrooms must be planted again using the same method.


The next "forest dweller" beloved by many mushroom pickers is the boletus, which is also easy to grow on your own.

The boletus, like any forest mushroom, needs not a stump, but living tree. From its root system, the mycelium absorbs carbohydrates and amino acids, giving the tree moisture, mineral compounds and natural antibiotics that protect it from pests and diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important that the mushroom zone be as close as possible to the natural habitat of the fungus.

As for the cultivation methods, they are the same as for boletus and boletus.

Reproduction by spores

Finely chop the overripe mushrooms, mix with one tablespoon of flour and gelatin powder. Pour the mixture into moist soil under mature trees. The spores will germinate and form a mushroom root. In a few seasons, the first harvest can be expected.

Growing from fruiting bodies

Select young specimens of boletus, grind and bury in the top layer of soil next to the root system of the tree. Fruiting bodies form mycelium, and after a year, with good soil moisture, you can get a small crop of 2-3 mushrooms.

Alternatively, in rainy weather, you can scatter small pieces of young mushrooms under the trees and cover them with fallen leaves. The formation of mycelium will be no less effective.

Mycelium transplant

This is a laborious and not always effective process. Find a young tree with boletus under it in the forest. Carefully dig out the mycelium and transfer to your site. Lay it under a deciduous or coniferous tree.

Do not plant mushrooms next to fruit crops, since fungi form mycorrhiza and grow in symbiosis only with forest trees. Many mushrooms are even named after the trees next to which they live (boletus, boletus).

Oil can granular

This mushroom is just very convenient to breed by transplanting the mycelium.

If you notice a couple of small pines with a constant oil crop, you can safely transplant mushrooms to your site. Remember, butterflies prefer lime-rich soils and indirect sunlight. The mushroom picker tolerates the transplant quite comfortably and takes root well. With regular watering (you need to water it especially abundantly in dry weather), in 3-4 years the first mushrooms will appear and will delight you with abundant fruiting throughout the season - every three weeks, starting from mid-May.

Country butterflies are almost not subject to worm attacks, and the size of their hats can reach 10 cm.


Another wonderful mushroom that is so easy to "domesticate" is camelina!

For him, as for his forest counterparts, it is also important to create right conditions as close to natural as possible. Ryzhik prefer to grow in the shade with good air circulation. The soil should be moist and contain rotting leaves and needles. It is important to ensure that with the onset of spring the site is not flooded with water, otherwise the mushrooms will die.

There are several ways to breed a plantation of mushrooms.

Mycelium sowing

As in previous cases, collect the hats, but this time of old mushrooms. Finely chop them and, after drying on a cloth, carefully lay them out on damp ground. Pack it well, cover with moss and pour warm water over it. After 2 weeks, lift the moss: if greenish-purple threads are visible under it, similar to ordinary mold, and the caps have disappeared, then the mycelium has taken root.

Spruce mushrooms should be laid under spruce trees, and pine mushrooms under pine trees.

Mycelium transfer

This method is also very effective in the case of sowing mushrooms. Carefully dig out the mycelium with a layer thickness of at least 25 cm, being careful not to damage it. Plant the mycelium as soon as possible so that it does not have time to dry out, and do not forget to regularly moisten the soil.

The first mushrooms will germinate only next year after you planted the mycelium or transferred the mycelium. You need to collect them, carefully cutting the leg and trying not to damage the root. If you do not follow this rule, then the number of mushrooms will only decrease every year.

Of course, not every summer resident can manage to independently grow a crop of forest mushrooms the first time. However, do not despair. Try to tame different "forest dwellers", look for best ways breeding, and very soon this laborious process will be rewarded with the first harvest of domestic mushrooms.

They are famous for their excellent and rich taste, which earned them respect from mushroom pickers. The principle of growing mushrooms is simple and involves two breeding options.

  • The first is much simpler and more reliable: it is necessary to purchase mycelium and lay it in the substrate. A year later, you can start harvesting, lasting up to five years.
  • The second option is to independently collect spores from the fungus and the subsequent development of the mycelium.
The first method is preferable, since the second is not always effective. If the process were completely predictable, it would be easy to set up at home at any scale. At the same time, an experienced mushroom grower can also use such an approach to breeding mushrooms.

At home, it is impossible to guarantee the correct development of mushroom mycelium

Both methods of growing mushrooms require high-quality mycelium (mushroom sprouts), properly planted in prepared soil. You will also need hardwood trees, no older than 4 years old, and soil with a high peat content.

The best helpers in growing mushrooms will be:

Preparation of wood consists in the sterilization of sawdust. Also needed are small pieces of moss collected in places where mushrooms grow, and a small amount of fallen leaves. You can also grow mushrooms on straw or husks.

Substrate preparation and mycelium planting

The substrate must be prepared in advance, using the wood of trees that are successfully adjacent to mushrooms. To grow a bountiful harvest of mushrooms, you will need a substrate in which the disinfected soil is mixed with sawdust, previously sterilized by steaming. With this substrate, it is necessary to fill the holes dug next to the tree. It is better if they are located as close to the root system as possible. Then you can proceed to planting the mycelium in the substrate.

It will be possible to grow good milk mushrooms if you treat the procedure with the utmost care:

First, fill the holes halfway with the substrate,
spread the pieces of mycelium on top,
add the substrate and tamp tightly.

To disinfect the soil, it is necessary to shed each planting site with a liter of lime mortar. When preparing it, 50 g of lime is diluted in 10 liters of water. After that, the holes should be covered with harvested pieces of moss and leaves.

Substrate preparation

The most favorable period for laying mycelium is from May to September. It is possible to grow mycelium at home even if it is purchased in late autumn or winter, but this will require the use of special conditions, which are desirable to reproduce only in a greenhouse. Milk mushrooms are very fond of moisture, so in the hot summer they will need to be covered, protected from the rays of the sun and take care of regular abundant watering. It is necessary to water each tree with milk mushrooms weekly with three buckets of water.

Growing indoors

Choosing a room is easy. Both a basement and a small barn are suitable for growing mushrooms. The mycelium, mixed with the substrate, is placed in a polyethylene bag, in which holes should be made - milk mushrooms will grow through them. Normal growth requires a constant temperature of +21 degrees. In this mode, seedlings will appear in a few weeks.

After germination, the bags should be moved to a place with good lighting and a temperature of +15 degrees. Milk mushrooms at home reach marketable sizes already a week after the first sprouts, which allows you to start harvesting very soon.

The mushroom is in the top three favorite mushrooms of Russians, and deservedly so. Mushrooms are generally an indispensable dish in Russian cuisine, especially during long fasts. The centuries-old tradition of collecting and harvesting mushrooms for the winter is alive to this day. Moreover, more and more young people are joining it. Some people like to just walk around and take pictures. autumn nature, someone feels a real hunting passion in search of mushrooms, for some it is a real family custom.

When summer heat begins to recede, it becomes cool at night, and in the morning dew lies on the grass, the first autumn mushrooms- mushrooms. The growth of mushrooms is facilitated by autumn rains. Depending on the temperature regime, their appearance should be expected from late July to early October. On average, the cargo season lasts only 2 months a year - August and September. During this time, experienced mushroom pickers manage to collect and pickle a large crop.

Where do milk mushrooms grow in Russia

In our country, milk mushrooms are found in almost all areas, with the exception of the northernmost outskirts. Center, Ural, Siberia - these are places where you can collect a lot of milk mushrooms in a season.

About 20 species of these mushrooms grow in Russia, and in different areas - their own varieties. Taste different varieties mushrooms are also different. From pleasant to bitter. It is curious that some do not consider bitter mushrooms to be edible mushrooms. But in those places where only they grow, they are successfully soaked from bitterness for 4-5 days, constantly changing the water, then cooked according to recipes.

Attention! Nobody canceled the golden rule - you can not take a mushroom if it is unfamiliar or in doubt.

Which forest to go for mushrooms

It is curious that in the same area two forests can be located side by side, while one of them will be full of mushrooms, and in the other there will not even be a toadstool. Right choice forests or plantings are 70% of success in the mushroom business.

The forest in which you can find milk mushrooms will look like this:

  • not young and not old (in a too young forest or planting, the mycelium has not yet had time to appear and grow. The old forest can be overgrown, the layer of annually falling leaves is thick);
  • trees are surrounded by low grass, or there is practically none (mushrooms are extremely rare in tall grass);
  • fallen leaves do not rustle from dryness, they are wet (in order for the mycelium to become active and begin to grow, there must be a certain humidity in the forest, not necessarily from rain. In some cases, abundant morning dew is enough);
  • there is a mushroom smell in the forest (in the place where milk mushrooms grow, there will always be an aroma of mushrooms and moisture).

Milk mushrooms can be found in a variety of forests: birch, alder, coniferous, oak, mixed, the main thing is that the above conditions are met.

How to search for milk mushrooms

For convenience, the entire process of searching and collecting milk mushrooms can be divided into several stages:

  1. Find a strong long stick that will be comfortable to hold in your hand and pry off the tubercles of fallen leaves with it.
  2. Starting from the last row, moving deeper into the planting, check all the "suspicious" piles of leaves around the tree trunks.
  3. Remember that there will be a group of small mushrooms around the large mushroom found, which are of the greatest interest to real mushroom hunters.
  4. Put the found mushrooms in a basket on their side so that their plates are not clogged with sand and small debris.

Advice. When going to the forest for mushrooms, take gloves with you. The mushroom belongs to the group of mushrooms that secrete milky juice. In addition, his hat is most often wet. Searching and picking mushrooms with gloves will keep your hands clean.

Milk mushrooms grow in families, hiding under a layer of old fallen leaves, so all the attention of the mushroom picker should be focused on any rounded small hills on the ground around the trees (starting from 20-30 cm from the trunk), along the edges of the edges. When the first mushroom is found, you need to rake a little leaves and earth around it to find its "family". Whole paths of mushrooms can be found.

In fact, it is very easy to find milk mushrooms, if they exist at all in the selected forest. Beautiful, white or black, not wormy, they quickly fill the mushroom picker's basket, awakening the excitement of hunting in him. Having learned to find milk mushrooms, you will not return from the forest with an empty basket in the fall!

How to look for milk mushrooms in the forest - video

Milk mushrooms - enough mushrooms, especially in pickles. Therefore, in recent years, in addition to growing well-known and oyster mushrooms, amateur gardeners have begun to breed mushrooms. The principle of breeding mushrooms is to lay the mycelium of the fungus in the prepared substrate and after a year for the next 5 years you can harvest. This is the first way - it is simpler and more reliable. The second is the collection of fungal spores and the independent development of the mycelium. This method is not always effective, since there is no guarantee that the mushroom mycelium will develop correctly. Otherwise, the cultivation of milk mushrooms would have been carried out on an industrial scale for a long time. However, if you are an experienced mushroom grower, then this method of breeding mushrooms is within your power. Growing mushrooms begins with the acquisition of high-quality mycelium. In addition, you will need a hardwood tree that is no more than 4 years old. The best "companions" for milk mushrooms are birch, poplar, willow, hazel. It is necessary to prepare soil with a high content of peat. Prepared and pre-treated (sterilized) sawdust, but you can use straw or husks instead. In advance, you need to take care of small pieces of moss, which is better to cut in those places where mushrooms are usually. It is also desirable to have a small amount of harvested fallen leaves.

The substrate must be prepared in advance, since there are no guarantees that the mycelium will take root safely, although it is known which trees perfectly coexist with. For the substrate, disinfected soil is mixed with sterilized, steamed sawdust. Then 3 small holes are dug (20 cm deep and 10 cm in diameter) next to the tree, closer to the roots. However, the procedure for planting mycelium should be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Fill the holes halfway with the prepared substrate. Spread mycelium on top. Pour a little more substrate on top of the mycelium, tamping it tightly. prepare mortar for watering based on 10 liters of water 50 grams of lime. Each place must receive at least 1 liter of water. This procedure contributes to the disinfection of the soil. The holes are covered with moss and fallen leaves on top. The most favorable time for laying mycelium directly into the ground is from May to September. If the mycelium was acquired late autumn or in winter, special greenhouse conditions can be used. Mushrooms are moisture-loving creatures, so in hot summers it is necessary to shelter them from excessive exposure to sunlight, and also take care of abundant watering (about three buckets of water should be carefully poured under each tree once a week).

White breast

white mushroom mushroom, is one of the most popular in Russia. It is highly valued for its nutritional qualities, although it is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom (due to the bitter juice that is removed by boiling or soaking). This one is a frequent guest on the tables. It is consumed as a rule salted, less often used for pickling.

The milk mushroom has the Latin name Lactarius resimus, belongs to the genus of the lactifers of the russula family. Among the people, this mushroom has many names: real mushroom, raw mushroom, right mushroom. It grows in birch forests or in mixed forests with an admixture of birch from July to September. Distributed in the European part of Russia in Transbaikalia and Siberia, found in the Volga region and the Urals.

The white mushroom mushroom grows mainly in large groups or, as the people say, "mushrooms", hence its name - mushroom. The mushroom cap is most often white, but can vary from yellowish to cream. There are brown spots on the cap. The old ones turn yellow.


White breast:: mushroom pleasure


White or real mushroom - a very tasty edible mushroom of the 1st category, used salted or after boiling for about 10-15 minutes. Some mushroom pickers soak milk mushrooms for 2-3 days before boiling. cold water. In Rus', people collected white cargoes in carts, put them in matting bags, tied them and lowered them into the river for washing and soaking. These were the legendary times in terms of mushrooms.

You will need:

1. Mycelium "Mushroom pleasure" - 1 pack.

2. Hardwood tree (not younger than 4 years old), birch is best, or poplar, hazel or willow.

3.Ground for indoor plants with a high content of peat - 5 l.

4. Moistened sawdust of deciduous wood (moistened straw or buckwheat, sunflower husks can be used instead) - 1 kg.

5. Shovel.

6. Moss, leaf litter.

Growing method:

Favorable time for planting mycelium "White Bunch" - all year round.

If you purchased mycelium from October to April, then to speed up the harvest time, you can plant mycelium at home in a box with a substrate (see paragraph 1) for mycelium fouling. Make 10-15 holes in the substrate, spread the pieces of mycelium into the holes, then cover them with the substrate. From May, the already overgrown mycelium should be planted in the ground according to the instructions.

If you purchased mycelium between May and September, then you can immediately plant the mycelium in the ground.

1. Preparation of the substrate: mix the soil with moistened softwood sawdust.

2. Dig 3 holes with a diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 20 cm near the tree around the circumference.

3. Fill the wells to half the depth with a pre-prepared substrate, then spread the pieces of mycelium into the wells, at the rate of 1/3 of the bag per 1 well. Fill the hole with substrate to the brim, tamp tightly. Fill the hole with substrate to the brim, tamp tightly.

4. Carefully and slowly pour 1 liter of water with the addition of lime (for soil disinfection) into each well at the rate of 50 g per bucket of water. Then moisten the soil around the holes - at least 1 bucket of water with lime for each place. Cover the sown holes with a layer of moss, leaf litter, branches.

In summer, it is necessary to periodically moisten the soil around the holes. For each tree - at least 3 buckets of water once a week.


The next year after sowing, under favorable weather conditions, the first mushrooms will appear. A year later, when the mycelium finally takes root, the harvest will be 2 times more. Fruiting up to 3-5 years.


In one year, you can collect 5-15 pieces from one tree.


Mycelium mushrooms "White breast" in a substrate of 60 ml.

How to grow mushrooms? all ways of growing mushrooms.

People have been searching for the answer to this question for a very long time. And this is understandable. It would be wonderful to grow mushrooms in the beds, like cabbage or carrots. Yes, and in the forest, too, is not bad. Sow in the nearby forest and harvest annually. If you need white ones - get them, if you need milk mushrooms for the winter season - also collect them. People began to grow mushrooms more than 2 thousand years ago. This was done by the ancient Greeks, the peoples of Southeast Asia, Italy and France. And now they are grown in Western Europe and the USA, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and honey agarics are grown. And Japan even exports grown mushroom - shiitake. Production per year is more than 120 thousand tons per year. On the Korean peninsula and in China, beipin and mushrooms are grown, in France and Germany - champignons, truffles and other mushrooms.

In Russia, edible mushrooms began to grow from the second half of XIX century. Most often, the essence of sowing mushrooms was that crushed mature mushrooms were introduced into the soil under the trees. The results were different and not constant - sometimes the mushrooms grew, and sometimes they did not grow. The yearbook "Forest and Man" reports that in 1878 an article by N.D. Nikitin "Experiences in growing mushrooms" The article reported that the author brought the top layer of soil from the old grove, rich in the new birch planting and the next year received a crop of boletus. Inspired by luck, the author began to conduct more complex experiments. He transferred the old and broken ones from one spruce grove to another and also received a harvest. These were the first positive experiences of growing mushrooms described in the scientific literature. As for amateur mushroom growers, their experiences also deserve attention. There are known cases of growing birch, aspen, saffron mushrooms, black mushrooms, oilers, volushki and mushrooms. Here are some examples. In the Bryansk region, N.E. Fedorova received 9 years good harvests white mushrooms. The "secret" of her success was that she created with her painstaking work on personal plot a corner of nature, completely identical with the places of abundant growth of porcini mushrooms in forest lands. The seed material was pieces of stems, caps and tubular parts of fruiting bodies, that is, ordinary mushroom peelings, which are abundantly seeded with spores during the processing of mushrooms.

Agronomist J. Balodis, grew mushrooms. For cultivation, he used stumps from cut trees. He sowed honey agaric on them, for which he took the caps of mature mushrooms, laid them down on paper with plates, then shook the spores into a jar of water, shook and poured this mixture into the cracks of the stumps. Sometimes I periodically watered and after a while honey agarics appeared on them together.

Method for growing porcini mushrooms: we take mature mushrooms (6-8 days old), separate the tubular part where the spores are located, and chop it into pieces up to 2 cu. cm in size, dry for an hour and a half under a gauze awning and sow in "pockets". We make "pockets" with a spatula under the turf, put 2 - 3 pieces of mushroom in each pocket. After that, we seal the seam of the pocket. Mushrooms usually appear in the second or third year.

A cheap method of growing oyster mushroom on straw has been developed, which has found application in the world. Mushrooms are grown at a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees. Harvested every 1 - 2 weeks. Material for planting is prepared as follows: a mycelium is sown in a specially prepared medium, then packed in bags and sent for growing mushrooms. Good results are obtained when growing champignons, in many countries this is a whole industry. Widely cultivated in special rooms- mushrooms, in greenhouses, greenhouses, basements, old mines. It is grown in 70 countries of the world, the leading place is occupied by the USA, France, Japan, Germany, England, Korea, China.

So the question of whether it is possible to grow mushrooms should be answered in the affirmative. Currently, 12 species of mushrooms are grown in the world. These are mainly champignons, oyster mushrooms, ringworm, truffles, honey agarics, etc.

Mushrooms » raw mushroom

Summer is in full swing. The first waves of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms have already passed. But the rains continue, which means that we should wait for the emergence of more and more new species. Of particular interest to mushroom pickers at this time are different kinds mushrooms. After all, it is not known what autumn will be like, and whether there will be milk mushrooms by September. And salting mushrooms on is a matter of honor for any self-respecting mushroom picker.

Raw milk mushroom (Lactarius resimus) (wet milk mushroom, real milk mushroom) is a valuable pickling species. The main advantage of this mushroom over the rest is its amazing aroma. Raw milk mushrooms smell so strong and good that when approaching their cluster in the forest, you can smell their incomparable fresh smell from a few meters away.

Milk mushrooms are also attractive in appearance: they have a beautiful pale yellow color with a brown tint, as well as a surprisingly pretty fringed edge of the cap.

Raw milk mushroom usually appears by mid-July. However, if it is absent at this time, then we can expect its mass appearance in August-September, but only after prolonged rains.

Abundant harvests of raw mushrooms do not happen every year, but if the season turned out to be mushroom, then you can count on impressive results.

In the midst of fruiting, you can completely provide your family with salted milk mushrooms for the whole year in one day.

Raw milk mushrooms grow in large groups, preferring a relatively rare light birch or mixed forest. These mushrooms like to settle on grassy edges, which is why they are not easy to find.

If you find one mushroom, then feel the surface within a radius of 10-15 meters from the place of its discovery - you will surely find at least a few more mushrooms.

Very often, raw milk mushrooms grow on hummocks, mounds, around holes among young birches. In general, raw milk mushroom prefers all kinds of uneven terrain, not even pronounced ones, and not necessarily depressions.

Collecting raw milk mushrooms is a very exciting activity, which can be compared to following an animal that confuses its tracks all the time. Milk mushrooms grow in intermittent paths that can hardly be called that - they are constantly interrupted, leave the edges deep into the forest, there are “families” of mushrooms, consisting of 1-2 mushrooms, having found which you begin to look closely at the area, but you never find mushrooms, wasting time.

However, such a process of collecting raw milk mushrooms is typical for a lean season. In a good year, you won’t have to look for milk mushrooms for a long time, but knowledge of the places in this case will also play a decisive role.

Pavel Sergeevich Pomytkin

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Word "breast" comes from the Church Slavonic "breast", "breast" - collective from the word "pile", "heap". Mushrooms are so named because they grow in families, in heaps. If you get to places with mushrooms, the basket is immediately filled, from which comes the specific smell of fragrant mushrooms. The fact is that these mushrooms smell even at a distance.

There are several types of milk mushrooms in nature: real, yellow, aspen, oak, black, white podgrudok (cracker), pepper, blue, purple (serushka, seryanka) and others.

real breast

In the Volga region and in the Urals, the real milk mushroom is called raw milk mushroom for the slightly slimy surface of the cap. In Siberia, this mushroom is called pravsky, that is, real.

Meet milk mushrooms real from July to October not often, but abundantly, most of all in the northern and northwestern regions of the RSFSR, in the north of the central regions, in the Upper and Middle Volga regions, in the Urals and in Western Siberia. They grow in birch and mixed forests.

The cap is 10-20 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is almost flat or depressed in the middle, with a fluffy-hairy edge wrapped inward, later funnel-shaped, mucous, from milky white to slightly yellowish, often with subtle concentric transparent-glassy stripes, sometimes with brownish spots . The plates are white with a yellowish edge. The pulp is white, dense, but brittle, has a sharp pleasant "bulky" smell. The stem is short, cylindrical, hollow inside.

Black breast

It grows mainly in birch forests and young birch-alder forests, on the edges, along clearings and roads, near clearings, in favorable years- in very large families from July to October, until frost.

The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, in a young mushroom it is flat, with a depression in the middle, with a slightly pubescent, curved down edge. With age, the hat becomes funnel-shaped. The color is greenish-brown or greenish-black, somewhat lighter along the edges. For a dark-colored hat, the mushroom is called black, gypsy. The plates are off-white, frequent, thin, later with small brownish spots. The pulp of the mushroom is strong, dense, grayish-white, at the break it releases a caustic milky juice, which then darkens. The leg is short, thick, at first solid, then hollow, almost the same color as the cap.

The mushroom is edible, 3rd category, however, in terms of taste, it surpasses the volnushki, classified as 2nd category. When salting black breast acquires a beautiful dark cherry color. In pickling, it has an advantage over other milk mushrooms, as it retains its strength and taste for three years.

Aspen breast

Grows in damp aspen and poplar (sedge) forests, rare, usually in groups in July-September. Hat up to 20 cm in diameter, dirty whitish, slightly fluffy along the edge, with brownish or reddish spots and colorless concentric zones. The plates are very frequent, creamy pink. The leg is dense, short, narrowed towards the base, white.

G rib edible, 2nd category, suitable only for salting.

How to grow mushrooms?


    Milk mushrooms are quite tasty forest mushrooms that are ideal for salting. Therefore, recently amateur gardeners have begun to actively grow, in addition to champignons, also milk mushrooms. The principle of breeding these mushrooms is the correct laying of the fungus sprouts in previously prepared soil, and in a year you can harvest a rich harvest of milk mushrooms.


    This is perhaps the only way to grow mushrooms, simple and reliable in its implementation. The second method is based on the independent collection of fungal spores and the cultivation of sprouts for their further planting in prepared soil. This method is usually ineffective because there is no guarantee that the mycelium or sprouts of mushrooms will develop correctly.


    Otherwise, the problem of how to grow milk mushrooms would have been solved on an industrial scale and for a long time already. But for an experienced "mushroom grower" this method of mushroom cultivation is within its power. The process of growing mushrooms begins with the purchase of high-quality sprouts. In addition, you will also need a deciduous hardwood tree no more than four years old.


    It is best to take birch, poplar, willow or hazel as "companions" for mushrooms. First, you need to prepare soil containing peat, sterilized sawdust, straw or husks, small pieces of moss, which is best collected in those places where milk mushrooms grow in their natural environment. It is also advisable to stock up on a small amount of fallen leaves.


    To prepare a substrate for planting mushrooms, disinfected soil must be mixed with sterilized and steamed sawdust. Then they dig three small holes 20 cm deep and 10 cm in diameter next to the tree, closer to the roots. It is important to remember that the procedure for growing mushrooms and planting sprouts requires accuracy. Ready holes should be filled with half-prepared substrate, and the mycelium should be laid out on top, sprinkled with more substrate on top.


    In advance, it is necessary to prepare a lime solution for watering. Pour a soil disinfectant solution into each hole, and then cover each hole with moss and fallen leaves. The most favorable time for planting mushrooms is the period from May to September. Mushrooms are moisture-loving mushrooms, therefore, in dry and hot summers, it is necessary to cover the landing sites from excessive sun, and also take care of their sufficient watering.

The mushroom is a mushroom famous for its taste.In the world of mushroom pickers, he is loved and is an enviable find. It grows in groups, which greatly increases the value of such a clearing.

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Mushrooms are found in mixed, deciduous forests. It is worth going out in search after a long period of rains.

It is known from a dozen varieties, different in color, structure and other parameters. However, there are also General characteristics which should be mentioned separately. This:

  1. grow in groups
  2. in adults, caps reach 30 cm in diameter;
  3. the upper part has a "notch" (on the hat);
  4. concentric rings are perfectly visible;
  5. plates have different shades.

There is a genus of mushrooms of this type - Lactarius controversus (genus Milky) from the Russula family (lat. Russulaceae).


The breast can be found under a layer of needles and foliage.

Lactarius controversus - white mushroom, real. It is found in the Volga region and Siberia, in the Urals. White hat or yellow tint reaches a diameter of 6-25 cm. The aroma of the White milk mushroom resembles fruit. The collection starts in July and ends in September.

Black is known as blackie or gypsy, conditionally edible. It occurs in sunny glades, in mixed forests (especially near birches). The mushroom picker distinguishes it by the shape of the cap and its diameter - 18-20 cm with tucked edges. Its color spectrum is extensive - from olive to brown. The central part of the cap is darker than the marginal contour.

Main characteristics:

  1. the pulp is dense, fragile;
  2. grayish kink;
  3. milky juice with a pungent taste (mushrooms are soaked);
  4. the leg is thick, long (diameter 3 cm).

The description of the yellow mushroom is different. In diameter, its hat can grow up to 25 cm. It is quite fleshy and dense, convex. Along the edges, like real white, there is hairiness.

Yellow is distinguished by the surface of the cap - it is smooth, in the wet season it becomes sticky. Straw-yellow shade, there is a golden color, yellow-ocher. The stem reaches 6 cm in length. A distinctive sign is the presence of embossed brown spots.

Salting or other preparation of yellow mushroom requires skills. This is not an oak mushroom - it prefers spruce plantations, fir.Gorky is smaller. The hat does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Brown or reddish color is unattractive for mushroom pickers.

To the touch, the upper surface of the cap is smooth, it becomes sticky after rains.The leg grows up to 9 cm, it is thin, cylindrical. Light light fluff is noted. The lamellar view is characterized by narrow layers located often.

Red-brown - edible. Description of mushroom:

  1. hats 18 cm in diameter, matte;
  2. the appearance may be cracked, the cap feels dry;
  3. during the rainy period, the fungus becomes sticky and slimy;
  4. brittle pulp of white or reddish color;
  5. its taste is excellent - sweet;
  6. cut mushroom (if sniffed immediately) has the aroma of boiled crabs, herring.

Tubular type of leg in growing in temperate climate or damp places of a blue milk mushroom. It is also known as canine. Mycelium is formed from the roots of birch, spruce or willow. Harvesting begins in mid-July and ends in early October.The cap can reach 20 cm, the flesh is thick, fleshy. Light yellow colors.

The cap has a concentric pattern. On all surfaces of the hairs. Taste - bitter.The blue or spruce look is considered the most delicious. It can be pickled, salted. Starts to turn blue when cut. Likes to grow among the fir trees. Birches, willows do not strongly attract this variety.

  • Black;
  • Oak;
  • Pepper;
  • Podosinovy
  • parchment.
  • Podgrudok refers to agaric, better known as dry.

In Russia, a mushroom is a conditionally edible mushroom. Western mushroom pickers consider milk mushrooms inedible and poisonous. It is believed that the taste is revealed in the salt.

Ecology and distribution

The habitat of mushrooms still remains a mystery. They form mycorrhiza with hardwoods (birch). It is worth considering the age of the trees - the mushroom "clot" takes several years to develop. Gruzdevye clearings allow you to collect a large number at a time.

Conditions required:

  1. nutrient soil;
  2. moisture;
  3. the ability to conserve water;
  4. sunny place.

Site requirements vary by variety. Do not search in dry or heavily wetlands.

Nutritional qualities

Pickling is considered the best harvesting method. They can be salted, observing the technology. After collecting them, wash, clean, soak for at least 72 hours in salt water, periodically draining the water.

There are many features in mushrooms:

  1. protein and fiber content;
  2. the presence of ash in small volumes;
  3. vitamins of the PP group;
  4. thiamine;
  5. ascorbic acid;
  6. riboflavin.

Application in medicine

By adding to the menu you get:

  1. inhibition of the bacillus that causes tuberculosis;
  2. relief of kidney failure;
  3. prevents the appearance of urolithiasis;
  4. diuretic effect, leading to the removal of toxins from the body;
  5. natural antibiotic.

The substances that make up the composition of mushrooms are used in pharmacology when creating drugs.

Use in cooking

The taste is unique and rich. Suitable for any processing - boil, fry, stew, pickle, pickle.

Very fragrant are obtained:

  • salads;
  • cutlets;
  • soups;
  • goulash;
  • stuffed;
  • roast.

Perfectly combined with the dough, complementing the smell of fresh baking.

Growing at home

"Quiet" hunters prefer to roam the forests. Some hobbyists shorten their trips and grow their own mushroom meadow.

  1. Mycelium is grown or purchased.
  2. A chalet is selected, it must be fertilized, it can be peat.
  3. The mycelium is planted in May. It is allowed to sow until September.

Mycelium preparation

Mycelium can be grown:

  • Prepare nutrient soil: shed peat with sawdust with a nutrient solution.
  • Plant pieces of overripe mushroom in a nutrient medium.
  • Close the container in the future mycelium with a lid with a hole and leave for three months at a temperature of 23-25°C.

Site preparation

For planting mycelium in the country, you need to choose a place.

  1. have a clearing near deciduous trees(birch is preferable);
  2. light area;
  3. dig the soil with peat.

Mycelium is sown in a pre-prepared substrate. To do this, the soil is calcined in the oven, mixed with sawdust obtained from hardwood.

It is allowed to add moss, fallen leaves, husks or straw to the soil.


Make holes in the prepared soil mixture. Fill them with mycelium, fall asleep with a substrate. It remains to carefully tamp and lay out pieces of moss, foliage.Can be planted in the basement in polyethylene bags with nutrient soil. You need to make holes in the bags.


Mushrooms love dampness and warmth. Therefore, it is worth supporting temperature regime around +20 degrees. Water the mycelium and the tree frequently. In the hot summer, shelter from the heat; for the winter, the mycelium is also covered with mulch.

If the mycelium is in a bag, as soon as the sprouts appear, it is transferred to a bright place. Here it is also worth observing the temperature regime, but already a little less - +15 degrees. Don't forget to water the substrate.


The first harvest is allowed to be harvested a week after germination. However, some people need more time. During the year, the mycelium takes root, giving a small amount of the crop. However, already in the 2nd year, the volume increases by 2 times.

Harm and contraindications

The value of mushrooms is its composition. Studies have confirmed that the amount of protein in mushrooms is higher than in meat.

Contraindications for inclusion in the menu of mushrooms include:

  1. must undergo very thorough processing;
  2. it is a "heavy" food;
  3. prohibited for gastritis and eating disorders;
  4. should not be given to children.