Always be in the mood. Akshaya tritya - Most auspicious lunar day of the year

Once a year, when, according to the sidereal (Vedic) zodiac, the Sun and the Moon are simultaneously in their signs of exaltation: the Sun is in Aries, and the Moon is in Taurus, and this combination falls on the third lunar day, a special time is coming - Akshaya Tritiya, the most successful day of the year.

Akshaya Tritiya is a day of successful endeavors, or, as it is also called, the most successful day of the year.

Akshaya in translation means "Strong, stable, solid", tritium - "third". Akshaya Tritia falls on the third lunar day.

Traditionally, this day is considered one of the best of the year. Best for what?

This is the starting point for long-term projects, designed for long-term development and stable results.

Akshaya Tritiya is the third day of the spring month of Vesak in the Vedic calendar. According to the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in the sign of Taurus on this day. But according to the sidereal zodiac, the Sun is still in Aries - the sign of its exaltation. And the Moon is in Taurus, where it is also exalted. Therefore, the day of Akshaya Tritiya is a day of double exaltation: both the Sun and the Moon.

V Vedic astrology the third lunar day corresponds to Vishnu, the keeper of the world. And the principle of preserving everything - health, family, property, spiritual and material well-being - comes to the fore. All thoughts and intentions on this day should be aimed at preserving, strengthening, stabilizing.

This time is favorable for buying or starting construction of a house, for a wedding. Moreover, on the day of Akshaya Tritiya, one should not plan, namely, begin to act - appoint a wedding, important negotiations, purchase of real estate, the beginning of treatment. In countries where Vedic traditions are strong, people on this day go to the temple, turn to God, make a sacrifice - offering flowers, food and ask for blessings for a good start.

And then they start to act. Akshaya Tritiya is a family holiday, when all relatives should gather so that the family is strong and stable. On this day, it is good to remember the ancestors - the connection with the deities, with the clan is favorable. Three is a symbol of harmony between the three worlds: the spiritual world of deities and eternal ideas, the middle world of people and the lower world, the world of ancestors.

The starting point of action is the expression of certain intentions, an appeal to Higher powers for a blessing. As already mentioned, in countries with a Vedic tradition - India, Nepal - people go to the temple on this day.

What should our compatriots who want to join the favorable energy of this magical day do? Going to nature is a natural universal temple, where cosmic energy is powerfully manifested. Nature by definition is the temple of the clan. The Taurus constellation is a symbol of genus, fertility, abundance, prosperity, success, well-being.

It's good to get ready for this friday, 28 april, in nature with the whole family - to go on a picnic in the park, in the forest, to the dacha. Make a fire, bring food to the fire, sprinkle milk on the four sides of the world, ask for good luck and prosperity from the heart. You can take a stone from a clean place, like a talisman, in order to magically fix the starting point of the action. And when you come home, you remember your ancestors.

Ancestors should be honored at home, not in a cemetery. In the cemetery, there is no contact with ancestors, there are only bones. And wishing to honor the ancestors in the cemetery, we establish contact not with them, but with the spirits of the lower world, since the burial place is a portal to the lower world. The practice of turning to ancestors, to the clan is aimed at strengthening the family; this is not a cemetery, but a home rite.

On 28 april 2017 year, it is very favorable to plan the day of the wedding - so that the marriage is strong, and family life- happy. On this day, you can also safely draw up documents for real estate, conclude transactions: Akshaya Tritiya is the day when all material affairs will be successful and will receive good development in future. After all, the essence of this day is the beginning of long-term successful deeds, stabilization, strengthening.

They also say that knowledge is power. You can either use the knowledge gained as a result of collective-subjective experience, or ignore it. If you use the wisdom of your ancestors, this is the path of luck. The concept of collective-subjective experience includes many accumulated knowledge - astrology, cosmology, the laws of the world order. This is a projection human consciousness on the processes of the universe and their understanding. As a result, false ideas recede, a vision arises, a light of knowledge, and we no longer stumble upon sharp corners, do not wander in the dark to the abyss. This is the very idea of ​​luck.

Luck doesn’t mean you’re just lucky. Sometimes coincidences happen, luck, and the person thinks that he has caught the luck. But this is no luck. Luck is when a person purposefully improves his or her destiny on the basis of collective-subjective knowledge.


According to Vedic astrology, once a year there is the most auspicious lunar day in the year of Akshaya Tritya. This day has long been considered the happiest and most successful of the year. Since it is on this day that the main Luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - are in their best position, and it is simply unacceptable to miss such a day and not take advantage of the positive energy that the Universe gives us.
Akshaya Tritya in 2017 starts on April 28, 2017 at 07 hours 59 minutes and lasts until April 29 at 02 hours 25 minutes.

What is auspicious to do on this day?

Try not to sit at home.

Being outdoors as much as possible will give you full contact with positive energy. Do not deny yourself a walk in any weather.

Donations are welcome.

Any charity on this day will not only benefit, but will also increase many times over. The most important thing is that the donation is made for good deeds.

Desires, goals and dreams.

Be sure to state on paper all your goals and dreams, imagine your future life, do not deny yourself anything. The powerful energy of Akshaya Tritya will help your dreams come true, the main thing is that they bring good to the world around you.

Spiritual practice.

Prayers, mantras, visiting temples and places of Power, reading scriptures, confession and communion - give excellent results. This will give you a new round in your spiritual development.

Think about your parents.

The sun and moon in astrology are father and mother. Therefore, on this day, be sure to honor your parents, bring them joy. Even if they are not alive - pray for them, thank, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself and bow to their photographs.

Memorial ceremonies for departed relatives will help their souls ascend to heaven.

All your endeavors will be successful.

Very favorable marriages, moving, conceiving children, the beginning new job, serious shopping, medical treatment, financial transactions, lifestyle changes and travel. Exactly this the best time to confess your love, make peace and ask for forgiveness.


Meat, fish, eggs and intoxication - just not today! Restrictions on food will only benefit.

If you have been planning to quit smoking, go in for sports, have a heart-to-heart talk with loved ones, start doing yoga, stop eating at night and do what you dream about - this day is the best time for this.

It is not worth sinning on this day.

Avoid gossip, lies, anger, resentment and all sorts of shenanigans.

Be sure to mark this day on your calendar - use the benevolent power of the planets to improve your life.

"Akshaya" in translation from Sanskrit means "indestructible", "invincible". "Tritya" is the "third" lunar day (tithi), which is auspicious for any undertaking.

One of the most significant days in April is Akshaya Tritiya. On this day, the two planets Sun and Moon are in their signs of exaltation (Taurus and Aries). In 2017, this auspicious day falls on April 28th.

  • Auspicious time lasts from April 28 07:59 to April 29 4:25.

The quality of this day is expressed in the word "Akshaya" which means "indestructible", "eternal" and "lasting". All new beginnings will possess these qualities if they are started on this day.

If your horoscope contains unfavorable indicators that bring poverty, losses and problems with material resources - on this day it is recommended to start the practice of reciting the Lakshmi mantra or other practice that brings prosperity.

  • On the day of Akshaya Tritya, it is favorable to feed the poor people. By Vedic tradition, the one who feeds or presents food to the poor will be blessed and will always be provided and wealthy. Of course, it's better to do this not only once a year.
  • If you are engaged in handicrafts, then April 28 is an auspicious day for creating amulets that attract good luck and wealth. Such an amulet will have special power for a year or more.
  • If you have your own business, then on this day you can start new books of accounting for profit, etc.
  • This day is perfect for making plans and practicing visualization.
  • On this day, it is auspicious to buy and give gold jewelry. The acquired jewelry on this day will be the key to success and prosperity for many years.
  • It is recommended to purchase a new wallet on this day.

Working with mantras and meditation (as well as other spiritual practices) on this day will help to significantly increase your spiritual level.

On this day, it is customary to contact Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi, patrons of family, wealth, youth and beauty. AND Kubere- the custodian of the material treasures of the universe.

  • Vishnu and Lakshmi personify creation, prosperity, maintenance of order in the universe. You can also choose similar aspects in another religious system that is close to you. For example, you can use the aspect of the Mother of God or the Egyptian Isis.

Bija Mantra Kubere

  • On the day of Akshaya Tritya in India, the sale of gold and jewelry increases by 2 times. The price of jewelry, in which the goddess Lakshmi is shown, soars to the limit.
  • Akshaya Tritya is the beginning of the wedding season in India.
  • High in the Himalayas at this time, the grand opening of the doors of the sacred temple of Badrinarayana takes place after a snowy winter.
  • Ideal Akshaya Tritya should include the following astrological indicators: Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus, day of the week Wednesday, Rohini nakshatra, 3 lunar day (all parameters are calculated according to the Jyotish tradition).

If you have any really secret desire, today is the best day to "tune in" to it.

Last year I missed this day. Well, I didn't believe it at all. And in this - I will definitely try!

In general, like this: April 28, between 7.59 am local time and until 4.25 am on April 29 is the best time to make and write down your deepest desire!

Just write in detail, in all details. The more details on the sheet - the easier it is for the Universe to "understand" what you want and to fulfill it!

List your plans in detail. In details. Better not on a computer, but with a pen and paper - in a notebook, which will then lie somewhere in a secluded place.

The fact is that April 28 is the only day of the year when the most powerful energetically charge of positive energy is sent to the Earth. Therefore, the mystics a few hundred years ago used this day to change their destiny.

Why today?

Once a year, but every year there is a moment when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is In Taurus. Both signs of the zodiac are the main "figures" in astrology. So it is not surprising that today almost all people in the world feel heightened energy, vigor, and fortitude.

In addition, this combination falls on the third lunar day. Buddhists call this day "Akshaya Tritya", which means "indestructible, invincible" in Sanskrit. Tritya means the third lunar day, which is especially favorable for any new beginnings.

That is why it is believed that all things started today will bring lasting positive results. And the consequences today can be felt even after a few years.

By the way, therefore, on the day of "Akshaya Tritya" in India they conclude marriages, open new companies, start moving, etc. It is also customary to buy gold in India on this day.

If you have the opportunity, help the beggar today. It is believed that the one who presents food to the poor on this day will always be provided for and wealthy in the future.

If you have any really secret desire, today is the best day to "tune in" to it. Last year I missed this day. Well, I didn't believe it at all. And in this - I will definitely try! In general, like this: April 28, between 7.59 am local time and until 4.25 am on April 29 is the best time to make and write down your deepest desire!

Just write in detail, in all details. The more details on the sheet - the easier it is for the Universe to "understand" what you want and to execute it!

List your plans in detail. In details. Better not on a computer, but with a pen and paper - in a notebook, which will then lie somewhere in a secluded place.

The fact is that April 28 is the only day of the year when the most powerful energetically charge of positive energy is sent to the Earth. Therefore, the mystics a few hundred years ago used this day to change their destiny.

Why today?

Once a year, but every year there is a moment when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is In Taurus. Both signs of the zodiac are the main "figures" in astrology. So it is not surprising that today almost all people in the world feel heightened energy, vigor, and fortitude.

In addition, this combination falls on the third lunar day. Buddhists call this day "Akshaya Tritya", which in translation from Sanskrit means "not destroyed, invincible." Tritya means the third lunar day, which is especially favorable for any new beginnings.

That is why it is believed that all things started today will bring lasting positive results. And the consequences of today can be felt in a few years.

By the way, therefore, on the day of "Akshaya Tritya" in India they conclude marriages, open new companies, start moving, etc. It is also customary to buy gold in India on this day.

If you have the opportunity, help the beggar today. It is believed that the one who presents food to the poor on this day will always be provided for and wealthy in the future.