Names for kittens boys Russian modern beautiful. Russian nicknames for cats and cats

As soon as a kitten appears in the house, the owners face the question - how to name their little pet? I would like to give him an original and beautiful Russian nickname, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. You can mistakenly choose a nickname that the kitten will not respond to, or it will not be adequately perceived by others.

What nicknames are better to choose

Russian nicknames are good for outbred kittens

It turns out that not all nicknames can be suitable for small kittens. Here are some tips and tricks to help you when choosing a Russian nickname for your pet.

  • It is desirable that in the name of the cat there are hissing sounds, such as "h", "w", "u". These sounds are close in nature to kittens, and they will respond more willingly to them. For example, such nicknames as Fluff, Yasha, Ricci, Chernushka, Squirrel and many others.
  • In order for the nickname to sound better, the name must contain letters such as "z", "s", "b", "k", "d". Examples of such nicknames are Rex, Keks, Barsik, Kuzya, Dusya, Anfisa and many others.
  • It is better to choose shorter nicknames with an emphasis on the first syllable - so your pet can quickly respond to your call. For example, Vaska, Lyusya, Motya, Masya and many others.
  • If you have a purebred cat and a long generic name is spelled out in her passport, it is not at all necessary to call her in everyday life. Better to come up with an abbreviated "home" name. For example, if your cat's name is Bonopart, you can call him the cute nickname Bonya.
  • You can call a kitten based on his appearance, origin, coat color or character. For example, for black kittens, the nicknames Chernysh, Chernushka, Ugolyok are suitable; for gray kittens - Smoke, Gray; for saffron milk caps - Peach, Firefly, Sparkle.
  • It is advisable not to call kittens by human names, especially if that is the name of your friends. In the presence of these acquaintances, an awkward situation may arise, and friends may be offended.
  • It is also better not to use obscene and obscene words when choosing a nickname for a cat. Just imagine how in the future your kitten will run out into the street and you will have to call him in public with a completely non-literary name.

Russian nicknames (names) for cats

Outbred kittens are most often called Russian nicknames. And there are plenty to choose from.

  • You can call your kitten outdated names that you rarely meet in life - Efim, Arkasha, Tisha, Kuzma, Yasha, Tim, Afonya.
  • You can use Russian words that have long been out of use, but sound good - Mazurik, Laptik, Sadko.
  • The names of famous cartoon characters - Matroskin, Kuzya, Umka, Marquis.
  • The nature of your kitten or his distinctive features can also become a reason for a particular nickname - Baron, Bandit, Glutton, Purr, Podliza.

Russian nicknames (names) for cats

Cats especially need a beautiful and original nickname, which will paint their owner. In this case, you can rely on the following principles:

  • Obsolete names are Glasha, Dusya, Grusha, Lana, Martha.
  • Cartoon characters - Malvina, Anfisa, Masyanya, Lariska.
  • The characteristic features of your kitty are Bun, Sonya, Tikhonya, Pushinka.
  • The names of other animals are Panther, Rybka, Squirrel.

Many experts believe that a kitten's nickname should be chosen as carefully as the name of an unborn child. It can affect the character of the kitten, its obedience. But still, the choice is always yours, and only your imagination can be the limit. You can always come up with your own kitten, an original and unique name, which no one else will have.