Card values. Suit worms

From smart books, you can glean that there are several hundred species of worms on earth, but in the context of fishing, only a few of them are of interest. I have singled out for myself the four that deserves the most attention. These are dung, earthworms and earthworms, as well as leaf leaves. They are ubiquitous, available, resilient and, most importantly, highly attractive to most fish. Some other types of worms may correspond to the same characteristics, but they are less common.

Describing dung worms, I note that they occupy the first line in popularity. In addition to the listed qualities, they have an additional plus - when pierced with a hook, they let out a bright yellow liquid that attracts a wide variety of fish. To get hold of them in the countryside, in a summer cottage, in a landfill is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough just to find the corresponding heap or compost pit... They are also found under rotten stumps. Impressive to anglers small size these worms, allowing them to be used for catching medium-sized fish with a float rod, and on a bottom rig, constructing a bundle.

In second place, I put shamrocks. These are the so-called "red" worms. From the name itself, a reference point for their search follows - under rotten leaves, especially oak trees. And if there is household, you can always look under the boards lying on the bare ground. They will also be there for sure. These worms are medium-sized, so they are good for fishing with small hooks, or you need to form a bunch of them on the hook. Earthworms are found in whitish and reddish shades. There are no significant differences between them. Do not deserve increased attention. Most often they are used when the fish ignores other baits, but there are no other worms or they simply run out. You can find earthworms without actually leaving the place of fishing, pulling out a bunch of grass with the roots or lifting a stone. The worm is not mobile, but it is quite capable of arousing interest in fish, especially in spring.

Unlike the earthworm, the earthworm is quoted an order of magnitude higher. This is easily explained, because it is a common food for fish. Appearing on the surface of the earth during or after rain, as well as during floods, he naturally with water masses it enters a body of water or a river, turning into a food object. I usually use these worms to catch large fish with feeder rigs. The size of the crawls is such that they are best suited for bottom fishing. They are very fond of bream, chub, catfish, carp, barbel and other fish. I collect crawls in the late evening, illuminating the ground with a lantern. They can be found even in grassy areas near high-rise buildings. It is even easier to go to the park, square, inspect the flower beds, etc. Worms crawl out of their holes either completely or partially and instantly react to danger, so collection requires skill.

With all its advantages, the mere fact of the presence of a worm on fishing is still not enough for successful fishing. The point is that worms are not like worms. And I am not talking about the species and subspecies of this representative of invertebrates. It is often possible to observe a picture when one fisherman successfully catches fish after fish on a worm, and a neighbor only contemplates. The answer is simple: worms, like other baits, must first be prepared for fishing. And this process begins with storage. I will not consider the option of harvesting and storing worms for a long time, because today it is not so relevant. But if the worms are dug or collected in advance, and also left after fishing for later departure, they should be kept in the basement or on the balcony in a spacious container, periodically feeding them. The container can be wooden box, into which ordinary soil is poured, mixed with sand and rotten foliage. Using plastic containers make sure the openings in the cover provide ventilation.

Low-fat cottage cheese is well suited for feeding. You can still upper layer put boiled potatoes, moistening it with meat broth or chilled tea. Grated and squeezed potatoes, milk are good. Shermen and carp breeders with experience practice feeding worms vegetable oil a few days before fishing, pouring a couple of spoons on the ground, which contains the worms. Then they are sprayed with water only. It should not be forgotten that dung worms are very whimsical to store. The waste products they release kill their relatives, therefore, during long-term storage, the worms should be filtered. It is easy to do it using the netting mesh. The living will quickly crawl through its holes and fall into the substituted container. The dead will remain on top. They should be discarded.

When the worms are stocked up a couple of hours before the start of fishing and you do not plan to store them for a long time, you can simply put the bait in a jar and cover it with foliage, grass or moss on top. On several occasions, I had a chance to stock up on worms that initially looked lethargic and unattractive. In such a situation, a revitalizing procedure should be carried out. It is based on fertile land or burnt-out manure. They are mixed with rotted sawdust or straw in a one-to-one ratio. In this case, the minimum moisture is important. In a prepared environment, the worms should be kept for at least a day. If more time is needed, it is worth feeding them with the above nutrients.

Bait and replace worms

Getting a hook on a worm is easy at first glance. There are methods here.

The most popular way is to pierce the worm from the head and pull it over the shank of the hook with a stocking. You can pierce through the middle, leaving two ends to wriggle. And sometimes fish, especially small ones, are more willing to bite only on a piece of a worm that covers only the sting of the hook. A good option with two worms, when one is pierced across the body, and the other along, closing the hook. Considering that the main focus in fishing is on large fish, I practice another option. I pierce a couple of worms in the head area, a couple more in the middle and the same number in the tail area.

As a result, they form a mobile lump, which attracts the attention of large crucians, breams, etc. This option is good when small worms are used, for example, scapes. I serve the crawl to the fish on a hook, pricking it with an accordion.

The indisputable advantage of worms is the ability to combine them with other baits. And this should not be done in order to, for example, put three different baits on the hook, count on one of them to attract the attention of the fish. Oftentimes, it is the entire “sandwich” that brings success. In my opinion, for float fishing the most good options are the following: one or two worms and two or four maggots, a worm and three or four bloodworms. With the feeder method of fishing, the favorite combination is a pair of maggots - a worm - a pair of bloodworms. I often add a styrofoam pea to them.

Given heavy enough total weight bait, the foam does not raise the "sandwich" above the bottom, but ensures its slower sinking to the bottom. Fish love this kind of free "aerobatics" and attack the bait, preventing it from landing on the bottom. In terms of combinations with nozzles, I focus on a couple of worms with a couple of grains of corn, peas or barley. The worm, although a strong bait, requires more attention to itself in comparison with the same maggot. The question invariably arises as to how often it should be changed. In this case, I am not a supporter of haste. If the fish continues to be attracted by a worn worm, it should not be replaced with a fresh one, and should be caught until the fish has completely eaten the bait. Moreover, often fish, especially large ones, such as bream, bite more actively on a worm that has been killed. It is worth replacing it with a more tenacious one, as the bite disappears until the tenacious one becomes just as dead. In such a situation, it is useful to put several worms on the hook, placing one or two live ones on the hook, in order to ensure non-stop fishing. But frequent replacement of worms with fresh ones is also possible. In general, this issue should always be resolved on the spot individually, taking into account the rate for a particular type of worm and their attractiveness to fish on a particular day and hour.

Let's talk about card suits: hearts, tambourine, clubs and spades. Sometimes they are called hearts, tambourines, crosses, and pikes. In English, worms are hearts. Tambourines diamonds, diamonds. Clubs (crosses) - clubs, tubers. The peaks will be so - spades.

It would seem that everything has already been said about them. Officially (what kind of word is that? Ed.) Suits appeared in the Middle Ages and meant, approximately, the following. They did not invent anything with spades, hearts and crosses, but tambourines, they say, are tiles in the floor of German burghers (who could have thought of such an idea ?!

But pay attention to the crosses of Orthodox churches.

On old crosses, not remakes, made before the 1917 revolution, card suits are present and clearly stand out in the design of the ornament. The "end" of the beam on the cross is made in the style of a heart or a spades suit. On each ray of one cross, there may be a smaller "cross" from one of these two suits. And this small "cross" merges into a tambourine suit (see figure).

From afar, the entire pattern of the cross merges into the actual cross suit.

Based on this arrangement of the elements of the cross, we can conclude that the black (lance) and / or red (worm) elements are constituent parts a larger heart element (tambourine), which, in turn, is constituent element a larger black ensemble - clubs, actually a cross.

Some researchers, for example, Aleksey Kungurov, argue that, in fact, the suits symbolize the worlds in the ancient Vedic beliefs that existed in Russia and have survived in this form to our times. These are the worlds of reality, navi, glory and rule. Only he claims that reality is a peak, glory is a tambourine, nav is clubs, rule is of worms. Let me remind you that the world of reality is our manifest world. Worlds of Navi and Slavi - dark and light otherworldly worlds... And finally, the world is ruled - the highest divine world... Then the question of the sequence of suits remains unclear. Indeed, in all known card games(in any case, to me, a note of harm.) The priority of the suits (the price for marriage (praise), for a bribe) is as follows: from smallest to largest - peak (blame), clubs (crosses), tambourine (tambourine), worms (chirva) ... On the crosses of Orthodox, and possibly not only, churches: worms / peak, tambourine, clubs.

I would like to clarify this question, since there is very little information about this. So you, my dear readers, if you have any information on this, please comment.

As such, there is no "official" version of the origin of the card suits. There are several hypotheses. Let me remind you in Russia and the modern Western world that a French deck of cards is widespread.

According to one of them, the cards were invented by the Chinese (of course, it is not possible to establish a detailed date of this invention, but what the Chinese are just unable to do is harmful).

According to another, the Egyptian priests drew 78 tablets - tarot cards. On 56 tablets (the so-called "Minor Arcana") were drawn modern maps(where are four more dignities ?! approx. harm.) and 22 more tablets ("Major Arcana") made up the Tarot cards. The hypothesis was voiced in 1785 by the occultist from France Etteila, and continued to be promoted by the Anglicans Crowley and Mathers, the French Levi and the doctor of magic Papus.

According to another, Charles the 6th (a schizophrenic patient) had a jester Jacques Gringoner, who in 1392 entertained the king with a deck of 32 cards: no queens.

Another hypothesis says that in India on the cards the multi-armed Shiva, in his hands was holding a rod, a goblet, a coin and a sword. The suits were drawn in the same way in Italian card decks.

The Germans still call suits spears, flowers, squares and hearts. There are also leaves, acorns, bells and hearts.

We all love to ask rhetorical questions and often, being alone, we ask: "When will this end?", "Why do I need this?", "Does he love?" Why aimlessly shake the air ... After all, all this can be found out with the help of an ordinary deck of cards. Try it!

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it carefully. Then choose a king or queen of any suit that will symbolize a certain person depending on his gender (either you, if you want to look into your own future, or ...

Lenormand method

Cartomania divides cards according to suits, figures, individual cards and their ratio to each other. Used for divination 36 cards

By color: Clubs - a nuisance, humiliation, wasted work, infidelity, boredom.

Peaks - luck, hope, safety, success with women, security. Worms - love ”friendship, constancy, loyalty. Tambourines - carelessness, fun, wealth, happiness, luxury.

Fit: Ace is an important incident. King - honor, honor, influence, weight in ...

The history of playing cards begins in 1120: it was at this time in China, according to the Ching-Tse-Tung dictionary, that a game appeared in which thin plates of Ivory with symbolic drawings. China, as you know, already from the II century BC. he traded briskly with the countries of Western Asia, and later with Europe.

According to another version, the cards were invented in Egypt and were intended for fortune telling. They were called "Tarot" and contained 78 lasso sheets. 22 of them were senior and 56 ...

In some sources, this method of fortune telling is called "Fortune telling on twenty one cards." For this method of fortune telling, you need a deck of twenty one cards, which is created by dropping out from a deck of thirty two cards.

Carefully shuffle the deck of thirty-two cards, let the subject of fortune-telling take off with the left hand, then from different places decks, take out eleven cards one at a time, which you put aside, since you no longer need them. The cards must be face down.


Fortune telling on cards

ACE - do not hesitate, you are loved.
KING - do not worry, everything will work out.
LADY - your hidden feelings, you are being watched.

VALET - they remember you and want to see you.
TEN - you are dearly loved.
EIGHT - a new face will solve your problem.
SEVEN - beware, don't play with fire.
SIX - your intention threatens you with trouble.

ACE - your plans will not come true.
KING - beware, they want to deceive you.
LADY - an insult awaits you.
JACK - you ...

The offensive of December thirty-first is always associated with summing up. But you should not limit yourself to looking back in attempts to evaluate what has been achieved - it is much more important to know your future. Fortune telling on New Year 2018 will show what the next twelve months will be like.

Numerological divination from a book for love

A predictive ritual will tell you what awaits the fortuneteller on the personal front. It is necessary to take a book from the shelf that corresponds to the ordinal number of the person's month of birth. For example, that ...

The Tarot deck (78 cards) is divided into Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana deck consists of 22 cards and plays more than important role in comparison with the Minor Arcana, the deck of which consists of 56 cards, still divided into 4 decks of 14 cards each.

Gradually, the Major Arcana spread among the soothsayers, while the Younger began to entertain noble people at their leisure. From here came the now well-known playing cards and methods of fortune-telling on cards.

Four suits of the Minor Arcana - cups ...

Tarot is of great interest, attracting rich colors and interesting artistic solutions... There are over a hundred varieties of tarot from the classic Marseille and Egyptian tarot to decks drawn by Salvador Dali and developed by the famous occultist Osho.

Tarot is addressed by college students and teenagers, housewives, businessmen, professionals, collectors - in fact, people of all categories. Teenagers join the tarot parties. Adults attend Tarot lunches, benefit performances and ...

If in a dream you see horses of various colors, then in real life this portends to you that you will soon find yourself in a motley society, represented by people of various and sometimes unexpected occupations and interests.

White horses in a dream portend that you will be able to arrange your affairs, the most the best way and you will find joy and happiness in the circle of friends close to you in spirit.

Black horses, that is, black, are a sign of trouble and sad events; despite external well-being and apparent prosperity, you will experience internal dissatisfaction with yourself, those around you, and your deeds.

Brown horses, that is, a light chestnut or reddish color horse, portend a sharp transition from favorable circumstances to the worst consequences and vice versa.

Reddish-red horses with a black tail and mane, that is, a chestnut suit, are a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires and material gain, as well as a quick and successful career.

Different suits in the cards that you received while playing - such a dream means that you will be glad to be invited to the house where you have long dreamed of getting. If you have a lot of trump cards, in reality you will be able to avoid the big responsibility that they will try to charge you. If you have few trump cards, then this portends disappointment in friends and love, as well as the intrigues of enemies and failure in business.

If during the game for all the time not a single trump card has passed to you, it means that in reality you will have an opportunity to doubt the truth of the feelings of your chosen one.

If you have a trump card in your hands, this is a sign of the fulfillment of your plans and aspirations, which will soon have a very convenient opportunity.

Cards of only red suits - for a change in better side in all spheres of life, and black - a harbinger of serious tests of your character in the event of a serious failure, which can fall on your head completely unexpectedly.

A suit of diamonds in a dream foreshadows the receipt of money, a heart suit - you will experience a love adventure, a club suit - a profitable enterprise will bring you unexpectedly large incomes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

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Dream interpretation - Worm

Seeing earthworms in a dream means a change in relationships with someone dear and close to you.

If in your dream you put a worm on a hook, going to fish, then you urgently need to change your style of clothing, to which everyone around you has long been accustomed, and you do not surprise them with anything.

Crush a worm in a dream - for women, this dream means the claims of some very persistent boyfriend, with whom you will need to behave very harshly - only then he will understand that you are not interested in his person.

If such a dream was seen by a man, it means that he needs to treat his wife with great trust and not suspect her of treason at every step.

Interpretation of dreams from

Traditionally, it is believed that the suit of Worms is the most favorable. It corresponds to the suit of "Cups" in Tarot cards and is associated with the signs of the element of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. This suit "is in charge" of matters of the heart, including love relationships, friendship and affection.
Worms personify people who are creative, addicted, striving for self-improvement. Falling out of Hearts in the layout changes the prediction for the better, since this suit has a positive effect on the surrounding cards. In divination, Worms are opposed to Tambourines.

Ace of Hearts

This is a great card for love relationship: it indicates the emergence of a new feeling or says that the existing union will enter a new pleasant phase. For example, you might fall in love with your current partner again.
The card can also indicate the emergence of a new creative or artistic project.

Two of Hearts

The card says that you will soon sign an agreement or contract. It can be either a financial or a marriage union.
But whatever the essence of this agreement, it will bring happiness and satisfaction. In addition, the card means a desire to enter into a closer relationship.

Three of Hearts

This is a map of success and fulfillment of desires. It can herald a gathering of many people, such as a wedding or birthday, or a more private event.

Three of Hearts can indicate the sense of satisfaction that true friendship brings people. Learn to appreciate. her and you will see the result.

Four of Hearts

You feel like an overtrained athlete: life has lost its exciting poignancy. Perhaps this is because your daily work leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes this situation arises due to the fact that you are not striving for anything. Soon you will have a chance to revive a little, provided that you can notice it.

Five of Hearts

This card bears witness to loss and grief. Often it comes about breaking up a relationship or something else that you value and cherish, and that you do not want to lose. However, having removed their head, they do not cry for their hair. Focus on what you have and try to learn from what happened.

Six of Hearts

Something or someone from the past is of great importance to you. It could be an old craft or a hobby that could serve you well in the future. In addition, the card can represent a person you knew well in the past. He will reappear in your life, and this old acquaintance will prove to be very useful.

Seven of Hearts

This is one of the most favorable cards in the entire deck. She says that you will have great opportunities. While not all of them will deliver what they promised, there is still much to be expected. And the case that really will be the most successful, at first glance, will not seem so. Don't miss it!

Eight of Hearts

Despite the fact that this card means the end of a relationship, its meaning is more in humility than in regret. You have invested too much in this connection, but the relationship has exhausted itself.

There is nothing you can do, and there is no point in wasting time saving something that no longer exists.

Nine of Hearts

Nine of Hearts - a card of desires. She promises that your deepest wish will definitely come true. It can be about a love story, creative project- about everything that is of great value to you. If, for example, your question is about moving to a new place of residence, the card indicates that you will be very happy in your new home.

Ten of Worms

This is an extremely successful card, indicating a happy and harmonious period in your life. Often the Ten of Hearts means a situation that brings satisfaction and fun, for example, a novelty in relationships, harmony in family life, and anything that allows you to be in a joyful mood.

Jack of Hearts

The card symbolizes Cupid, the god of love, so we are talking about the imminent beginning of a love relationship. If, in addition to the Jack of Hearts, an Ace of Hearts or Two of Hearts also appear in the layout, we can confidently talk about the emergence of a bright feeling. This card can represent your loved one or best friend, it can also symbolize someone's tender thoughts about you.

Lady of Hearts

The card describes a gentle, impulsive and emotional woman. This is a creative and sensitive nature. She really enjoys taking care of the people around her. The Lady of Hearts can also indicate a serious emotional connection with a man or woman.

King of Hearts

The man personified by this card is a real heartthrob! He is really handsome, gentle and attentive. However, behind his sociability and good looks, there is a shy and sullen nature. Sometimes he likes to be alone, and his partner must respect and understand his feelings and desires.