What does it mean to open the heart. Practice Heart Breathing

How to identify heart closure and why to do it. Maybe it's even safer to live in the modern world? The decision is made by everyone. But knowledge aboutWhat can you lose by closing your heart, and what Benefits can be obtained by opening the heart to the world, will be useful to everyone.

What is closed and open heart

A person with a closed heart is not always a silent and secretive hermit who looks gloomily at the world. And this is not even a dry, insensitive official who strictly follows instructions. Very often such people are sociable, have a family and a wide circle of acquaintances. But they don't let everyone in. Often they are not even aware of their closeness.

closed heartis the lack of empathy and energy involvement. The inability to freely and childishly openly give their warmth, NOT expecting a reward for this. When you communicate with such a person, you understand on a sensual level that his emotional channel is closed.

Sometimes people with a closed heart are not even aware of their "closedness".

People with a closed heart meetactive and passive.

Active people live by formal communication. They build their lives around material wealth and gain. They can even be kind, but only because the situation requires it. In life, they are guided by rules and norms, because they do not hear the call of their heart. It is closed even from themselves.

Passive people blame the whole world for their loneliness and adversity. They suffer but they do itsignificant. They often go headlong into work, running away from their feelings. They feel bad, but they will not allow themselves to be saved, because their life is in this suffering.

There are also peoplewith an abundance of energy in the heart, but they are also closed. This excess covers their feelings, it does not allow them to survive. They experience a colossal thirst to be needed and loved, and thus do not allow themselves this. They chase feelings, scaring them away.

Man with an open heartnot afraid of this world. It is felt during communication. He simply gives and does not wait in return, gives and does not ask for gratitude. He is already internally RICH and self-sufficient. It has no desire for power or constant compassion. He lives in both heart and mind.

A person with an open heart knows how to live with both mind and heart!

The main signs of cardiac closure

Here are the most common signs of heart closeness that will help you determine if you or your loved ones have internal blocks:

  • disappointment in love- confidence that I will never love anyone / I will not be loved
  • rationalization of feelings- a strong opinion that love or other feelings are just a manifestation of weakness
  • relationship automation— participation in relationships on the principle of “necessary - done”, without investing your energy
  • avoiding long-term relationships- conscious or unconscious flight with the search for justifications for their actions
  • looking for problems in others and blaming everyone around- unwillingness or fear to look at yourself and your actions
  • self-criticism and self-loathing- self-doubt and craving for approval. Constant self-doubt and seeking external support
  • physical and mental illness- heart disease, psychosomatic illness, depression, constant anxiety
  • hyperactive desire for love and relationships- too obsessive feelings that choke and frighten
  • self-sacrifice- the opinion and goals of another person are always higher than their own

Signs of cardiac closure can be much more. But the ones listed here are the most common in our lives. If you have found at least one such sign in yourself, then do not waste time and open the flow of energy going to your heart. This will allow you to feel a surge of strength and change your life for the better. Start creating your life right now!

Why hearts close and how dangerous it is

People close their hearts for various reasons. Most often thisprevious traumas and insultsunspoken and unweeping. Once having experienced pain or fear, the human heart has closed and is simply afraid that such a situation will happen again.

We can not only close our hearts, but also hide such a situation in our memory. And then it becomes more difficult to get to the bottom of the causes of various life troubles.

The danger of closing the heart stream isin blocking the vital energy channel. She acts, but very limitedly and she is not enough for all aspirations and desires.

Deficiency is felt in various areas of life:

  • difficult to build relationships and start a family
  • persistent financial difficulties
  • problems communicating with loved ones
  • job dissatisfaction
  • lack of energy and desire

The best way to open your heart

First and most main step to the opening of your heart you have already done - this is the realization of the need anddesire to change your life for the better. This is a very important and difficult step.

You may have seen similar traits of heart-closedness in yourself or your loved ones. Don't be scared! This is even good, because it means that you are able and ready to see changes, let them into your life, open your heart.

“Let love be in your heart.
Life without love is like a dim garden in which the flowers are dead.
Oscar Wilde

Recently, I read a comment on social networks by a girl in which she claimed that in fact, if a woman is not in a relationship, then she simply does not want to be in them, period.
I would like to continue this topic about the causes of female loneliness, as it worries many women, and put a comma in this statement.

The conscious choice of loneliness, and in this case, rather freedom, is only one of the visible conscious reasons that a woman does not have close relationships with a man.
But, there are also unconscious reasons that lurk in our unconscious.
And one of these reasons is a closed heart.
Closed Heart Syndrome is a psychological condition where we have no desire to go for emotional intimacy. As a rule, the cause of this condition lies in psychological trauma and subconsciously we accept the attitude that it is impossible to love anyone.
At some point, it was so painful that we decided - nothing is better than that. It could be not only at a conscious age, but also in such a deep childhood that it was forgotten. All that remained was coldness and emptiness in my chest.
Each of us at least once in our lives faced betrayal, felt heartache and disappointment. Someone learned to trust people again, to love, to believe, without letting pain or hatred take over. But there are those who closed their hearts forever, it was easier for them to plunge into their own world and close it with ten keys.
Such people are afraid of love, it is easier for them to live alone, pushing away those who love them. They have experienced pain before and no longer want it to happen again. To prevent this from happening, their inventive mind builds a protective wall around the heart. It is so thick that very little love can seep through it. It is possible that at some stage this wall helped them survive, protected them. But only at a certain stage, because ....
If the heart is closed:

A closed heart is a blocked heart chakra.
If the heart "closes" - the main energy channel of life is blocked.
This is reflected in health, relationships with others and worldview.
In this case, the heart is closed from real contact with its feelings and from interaction with other people and with the entire universe.
The main problem of people with a closed heart is the rejection of love.
The next item is the fear of deep relationships, and as a result, loneliness
Formally, you can seem to be not alone and, it seems, meet someone and even live, but this will only be the appearance of a relationship. There is no sincerity, trust, understanding in such relations.
Relationships with men come down to one-time sex, or to relationships on a social level, because due to the closed heart chakra, the energy simply cannot rise higher.
A woman with a deficit in the heart chakra usually suffers in this situation, since the need for love is basic for all of us, and if it is not there, any person suffers.
A closed heart also generates condemnation and criticism of other people. It seems to us that those around us misbehave unworthily, and because of this, all the problems. Alas, the root of condemnation of others lies in the rejection of oneself.
Sometimes it's even hard to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, they scold, they constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something”.
When the heart is closed, unnecessary events are attracted into our lives.
There is no harmonious connection of the spiritual and the material, since it is in the heart space that these two energies will unite into one.
Another consequence of a “closed heart” is depression.
An extreme form of a closed heart. There is no meaning in life, there is nothing to rely on, everything seems gray and empty. May become addicted to alcohol computer games and other ways of escaping reality.
All this cannot affect the physical body, and therefore health.
Energy does not pass, which means that blood and oxygen do not sufficiently enrich this zone. Next, the center of hormone regulation at the middle link, the liver, is blocked and begins to falter. Well, on thin plan the closure of the heart center makes life “dead”, mechanical, the feeling of empathy is lost - the ability to feel the feelings of others. The system of adaptation to the surrounding world is broken. And the next stage - there is a program of fear and diseases are growing. For example, many women systematically have "unexplained" headaches - and they always accompany the fear program! Or there are some pathologies of the type of vegetative neurosis.
Health problems in people with a closed heart: hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc.
If we had a user manual, it would certainly contain a warning:

How to open the heart?

One can see the world, but not perceive it, in other words, not be open to this world. And you can be an open heart and direct your perception only to the world. You can perceive the world around us with your whole being, or, as they sometimes say, with your heart. The results of such perception significantly change the picture of the vision of the world. In other words, when I am open to the world, the world opens up to meet me.

To live with an open heart means to live with the whole range of feelings from joy to sadness. It means also to experience all aspects of love, such as compassion, for example. Living with an open heart is listening to your intuition. Do what brings joy. Constantly ask yourself the question: What else can I do that will give me joy?

Do things that make us happy, listen to our heart, allow ourselves to feel, enjoy life. Let go of the past, seek yourself in joy.

When the heart chakra is open, life "connects" with you.

We can manage both the physical side of life (money, work, health) and the spiritual side (goals, wisdom, faith) without interrupting the connection with the energy of love.

Remember the state of being in love: a person feels strong, generous, and obstacles make way for him. This, in fact, is the state of openness of the heart.

If you want to open your heart, be filled with love and bring its Light into the world, attracting Happiness and Love into our lives, I invite you to join our

Journey to Greece "Secrets of Aphrodite"

Greetings, Dear Friends! I Am Mirael, Master of the Creative Powers. At the moment of Now We meet on the day of the portal "10-10", which contributes to the opening and expansion of the Heart Channel. The entire Family of Light is near and ready to support You in this Sacred Action.

What closes the heart? What doors? Actually, these are multidimensional layers of protection, of which there can be a lot.

Since childhood, every time you are faced with various types pain, you created layer upon layer of Heart Protection. This is what catalyzed your Lessons and saved you from insanity or suicide.

And now let's consider the types of protective energy layers of the Heart in more detail:

  • Dislike, rejection of one's physical Body. This is expressed in a conscious or unconscious violation of sleep, nutrition; in the absence of concern for health, movements, etc. The consequence of this is illness as physical pain. The word "pain" sacred sense means "Divine Love". Pain arises when a Person closes himself from himself, from Love to the Body. That's when Unconditional Divine Love starts knocking on the doors of your Heart: "Open up! Love yourself! Accept yourself!"
  • Emotional layers: resentment, fears, envy, aggression, shock etc. All these low-vibration layers are stored in emotional memory. All those people and circumstances that cause or remind you of emotional imbalance are your opportunity to Accept, Forgive, Open and Clear your Heart. The consequence of emotional layers are all kinds of experiences, suffering, depression, etc., causing emotional pain.

When you are helped to remove a layer of low-vibration veil from your Heart by what has resonated with you, perhaps offending and hurting you, then you have a choice:

  • try not to change yourself but try to convince your neighbor that he is mistaken about you; run away from the Lessons of the Transformation of the Inner World;
  • or start realizing that it's time to die former systems values, beliefs of your former Inner World. The time has come for the Birth of the New World with a boundless horizon, with a fresher influence of the transforming Wind of Change, with a more large quantity the people you let into your renewed Inner World.

Suffering is the unwillingness to see the Reality Here and Now.

Just a change, another The opening of the Heart is the State of Grace.

Pain same - this is a consequence of resistance to what is happening. This desire to stay further in the World of former illusions.

The mind thinks that the Retreat period for rethinking is an escape. He believes that you need to accept the challenge of others, argue, prove, fight for your point of view.

If, after a Lesson, a drama, a painful quarrel, you want Solitude for the purpose of Awareness, this is a natural and sacred process. Pass it, immerse yourself in it, dissolve in it: you will find something valuable - yourself!

Perhaps, if you didn’t leave on time, you would say more hurtful words, express more negative emotions, do things that you would regret.

Solitude for the purpose of Self-realization is the Sacred Process of Transformation.

You don't run away from problems. You return to yourself to resolve issues first on the inner plane, and then on the outer. Deciding on the external, without changing the internal, you run the risk of falling into a vicious circle of cyclic Lessons.

We have already touched on mental layers. Let's talk about this in more detail.

mental overlays is a system of beliefs, convictions, illusions, prejudices, knowledge at the moment of Now.

What is persuasion? This is Knowledge that is relevant and sufficient for a Human at a certain moment Now. It tends to be constantly updated. This is the Sacrament of the Expansion of the Worldview.

Prejudice- This protective layer the ego that keeps the belief from multidimensional fluidity, flexibility, from changes and expansions of Consciousness.

The transformation of prejudice leads to mental shock and pain. This means that the old world of the mind dies and a new one is born.

As soon as it is removed protective film prejudices, the Human reveals exactly the Heart for new Knowledge, because the True, Synchronistic and Relevant Knowledge enters through the Heart channel (not through the mind). Information comes directly from the Higher Self there.

belief system- this is a mosaic, limited perception of the World. This means that a Person accepts something (for example, religion, ideology, scheme, point of view, etc.), and denies something, creating a network of prejudices (“impossible”, “wrong”, “this is evil”, etc.). d.).

We will consider one of the types of the Lesson on non-acceptance, which closes the Heart - non-acceptance of the past.

If your past contains a painful event, drama, emotion; if you have not forgiven, have not released the participants of those past stories, then the following happens: resentment, pain, aggression, suffering about what happened gradually create an emotional hook, the anchor of which is a memory. Memories scroll through these past painful moments, again and again cause your experiences, regrets, annoyance, etc. These memories take your Energy. Thus, this is an astral trap that manipulates you. You live in the past. You feed him. You do not have enough Energy to create the Real.

What is the way out?

Return to the past! But in order to transform pain into Joy, resentment into Forgiveness, aggression into Love, etc.

Return to the past is not a mental task. Many try to change the past by deep immersion in it: how to chessboard arranging the figures of the participants in the drama in a more favorable way. Nothing changes from a mental rearrangement: emotions remain, painful memories too.

So to return to the past means to forgive here and now yourself and everyone around you understand the cause-and-effect relationships of these events, accept the essence of the Lesson, thank yourself and all the participants for the beautifully created scenario of this Lesson, which allows you to step into more high level Development.

How to Test: Have You Really Changed the Past?

Very simple. Recall that painful episode, past quarrel, tragedy, loss, etc. Does it cause pain, suffering, negative emotions in you? If not, then you have passed the Lesson, and in your past there are no more emotional hooks that took so much Energy from you before, preventing you from moving forward. Now your past is not pain and regret. This is an invaluable Experience that you rely on in your Present!

Each unconscious, unaccepted episode in the past contains your Energy. Your Energy is you. Sometimes you really live in this episode, phantom.

Each time, forgiving and asking for forgiveness, realizing, accepting and releasing the Past, you return Energy to yourself, dissolving your own phantom, living in a kind of "Groundhog Day". You make the Transition Holistic, with the perfect Energy of the God-Goddess! Claim your Power! Get yourself back!

Do you want to clear your Awareness by looking into past lives? Do you know that all “unfinished” episodes from past incarnations are reflected in the Present? Therefore, you do not need to strain efforts and make trips to past lives. Just take a closer look at Your Real Incarnation!

Vibrations that open the heart.

Vibrations are descending on Humanity now. But what does this mean?

There is an opinion that these vibrations are the same for everyone. But all of you know very well that each vibration has its own frequency, height, color, sound, measurement level. And all of you are aware that all people on Earth are on different levels development, memories of who they are.

If a certain vibration, which has a significant height, tries to enter the Heart of a Human who is not ready for this, then this will cause physical pain, emotional shock and distortions in the energy. A person can simply not withstand such pressure.

Thus, the downward vibrations are not the same for everyone, they are adapted for each Human.

New vibrations and Lessons for the Opening of the Heart are sent by the Higher Self of Man. And all this is within the power of everyone.

And this vibration produces beneficial changes in the body, energy; opens the Heart with forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, Love and, at the same time, expands the Worldview.

In fact, with the acceptance of each new portion of higher vibrations, the old Human dies, and the new one is reborn!

The Open Heart allows you to receive information from the Higher Self, open your Gifts to fulfill the Purpose, find Peace, Joy and Unconditional Love!

Open your Heart to the Light! Open your Energies to the Native vibrations of the House!

Always with you, Mirael, your friend.

General provisions always need to be clarified, otherwise they can be interpreted very freely, and practically it will become almost impossible to use. In traditional Sufi texts, a lot of space is given to reasoning about the heart and its role in human life, but for the most part, these reasoning are rather vague and leave room for conjectures and all sorts of conjectures. At the same time, it is also impossible to say that they do not reflect the essence of what is happening in the Heart, in the energy center, which is usually called the “spiritual heart”.

“The heart is a city located between the possessions of Unity and the land of plurality ... The heart is the area of ​​all comprehension and perfection of the spirit; this is the area where revelations of God-manifestation of different levels of Essence (God) take place. The Arabic word qalb (rotation) indicates its middle position between the nafs and the spirit” (Javad Nurbakhsh, “Psychology of Sufism”). Interestingly, the Arabic name for the heart - kalb - is very close in meaning to the chakra - which is translated from Sanskrit as a circle or wheel. That is, something that rotates. A lot has been written about the heart in Sufi literature, but most of what is written suffers from excessive poetry and little scientific content. However:

Manifestation of Divine Mysteries
And a reflection of divine light
Are not in the physical heart
And in a true heart
("Seven Thrones", Abd ar-Rahma-na Jami)

Sufis do not write about the physical heart, but about an energy center in which both the divine Light and infinity can mysteriously be reflected (“the immensity of the region of the heart”), hence the rotation due to which this center can be activated. To work with energy centers (mainly with the heart, but also with others), the Sufis used the practice of focusing on certain points of the body, latifas, and many ways of working with them were invented. As a result of the efforts made, the dervish should begin to feel and see the light in his heart, as well as experience many other effects of a mystical nature.

In those days, there was no talk about the open Heart, then it was simply indicated that the spiritual heart was activated through it, and thanks to it, a person can perceive and experience extraordinary things. In our century, the level of general knowledge has become such that it is possible to state in much more detail and clearly the essence of work with the heart center and the features of its functioning. First you need to understand the difference between spiritual and mystical practices. Directing attention to heart center or in the corresponding latifs with or without visualization of flowers - there is a spiritual practice, because we use the energy of our own attention, our Consciousness in it. Thus, the heart center is activated, that is, its perception of energies and the ability to radiate and receive energies from the outside expand. Since the heart center (spiritual heart) is located in the etheric body, then the sensitivity initially grows in it - that is, for example, the emotions of others or the state of their energies, suppressed and unexpressed, begin to be felt. The area of ​​the heart center can begin to warm up with varying degrees of intensity, and energy reactions of this kind become regular. All this is not what the Sufis talk about, and these effects are not directly related to the open Heart. They say that you managed to activate the energy center, bring it to a normal working state, which most people do not have due to the fact that they live as if apart from physical body they have nothing. Due to the suppression of emotions, desires and feelings, the centers of people "clog" and cannot work normally. Therefore, the perception of most people becomes very rough, and they have no idea that they have some energy centers and thin bodies.

The activation of the heart center is done through the efforts of the person himself, and it is available to almost everyone, provided that these efforts are applied correctly. The opening of the Heart cannot be initiated by the seeker because it is a mystical act carried out from above. The seeker can only create a situation in which discovery becomes possible; he can prepare himself for it, but nothing more. It is known for certain that the opening of the Heart contributes internal acceptance their circumstances, therefore, the less a person has desires and the greater the acceptance of himself, people and the world, the higher the likelihood that his Heart will open. However, you can prepare yourself for discovery, but you cannot cause it by your own efforts, and it is best not to become obsessed with the idea of ​​discovery, because any obsession is the opposite of accepting what is. And the attraction of the Ascending Stream of Creation is best felt and affects a person precisely when he is not crushed by desires, no matter how “bright” or “good” they may be.

The opening of the Heart is a breakthrough, and it is impossible not to notice such an event. At the same time, at first it only opens a little, and at first there are no all those possibilities of perception that come with a completely open Heart. The full opening of the Heart takes time, and it can be different for each person. And here it should be understood that the time of complete opening of the Heart usually takes years - from two to four years, and in some cases the process of opening can last even longer. Patience and acceptance are the two main keys at those stages of the Path where you can no longer do anything yourself, but you can not interfere with what is happening to you. The closer you are to the Ascending Stream, the greater the obstacle becomes your will, your self. And if you want to know all the greatness of God - you need to come to a state of allowing, in a state of surrender, but before that you must definitely feel His Presence, otherwise you will surrender to your fantasies. An open Heart is the key to surrendering oneself and the main condition for passing the Sufi Path to the highest stages of interaction with God.

When it opens, usually the first experience is the experience of Light. Prior to this, all arguments about Darkness and Light are nothing more than speculative, and only the Heart, as an ajar door to Infinity, gives a person the first true experience of the transcendent heavenly Light. In the beginning, the Heart is just an ajar door, and only then does it become a channel for miracles and connection with God. I would say that there are stages of the full opening of the Heart, and I can clearly identify three of them. The first is the discovery itself, when a new space appears in the projection of the human chest, filled with bright light that cannot be extinguished. This is the first breakthrough to the other side, to God, to the very core of universal Being.

The second stage of the opening of the Heart is connected with the unfolding of the space inside it - the seeker begins to feel infinity within himself, and it is felt precisely in the Heart. I still remember the day when an infinite space suddenly opened up in my Heart, into which I could dive by simply directing my attention to it. It cannot be adequately described, but it is possible to experience it. It happened almost a year after a very small space opened inside me, located right in the projection of the physical heart. There are versions of the description of the difference between the physical and spiritual hearts, and they usually agree that the spiritual Heart is located on the right, in fact, mirroring the position of its physical counterpart. Similar statements can be found in the sayings of many famous mystics, both Sufi and otherwise. What can you say? The heart can open in different ways, and for someone the space of Light appears in the projection of the chest on the right. Hence, opinions arise that the spiritual heart of a person is located there. In fact, it's not like that. Man does not have any spiritual heart. There is a heart center, which, being open, connects a person with other levels of reality and with the Source of Being, which we usually call God. Almost the same can be said about the latifs, which seekers focus on while doing Sufi practices to open the Heart. The points to which attention should be directed in the practices of lataif are not that they do not exist or do not matter - but they certainly do not carry the mysterious function that tradition usually endows them with. Working with them is designed to open the Heart, and all the mysterious words simply create the necessary level of motivation for the student in order to keep attention on them. The Open Heart includes all these points, and it makes no difference where Rukh or Sirr is.

One way or another, I would call the second stage of the opening of the Heart the experience of an infinite space that suddenly appears in it, but I cannot say with complete certainty that all the stages I describe will pass for each person in the same sequence in which they happened to me.

The universe and everything in it
Like everything called wisdom,
constituting His world,
Lost in the immensity of the region of the heart;
This is just a drop in the heart, in the Red Sea.
("Seven Thrones")

The third stage relates directly to the perception of the existence of God, His truth and reality. When it comes, a person begins to absolutely clearly feel his connection with the Source. Moreover, this connection is precisely the connection with the Source of Being, not with the Creator, not with the Creator, who could have some personal properties, but with that point (infinitely distant) from where we ourselves arose, as well as everything that we know, and everything that we do not know, too. It is difficult to describe this phenomenon - but the person with whom this happened absolutely clearly sees and feels this connection and in fact can communicate directly with God from that moment on, no matter how fantastic it may sound. Of course, sincere prayer achieves its goal even without an open Heart, but when a person begins to feel a connection with the Source, the possibilities of interaction with God become much wider. For example, one can accept the Will of God, becoming its conscious conductor in the world and discovering for oneself the very essence of mystical ministry.

An open heart can be fully developed, or it can remain slightly ajar - it all depends on how and how hard a person continues to work on himself. Per Lately I saw several people following the Sufi Path, whose Heart was open. At the same time, I also saw that they do not really understand the essence of their condition and are excessively carried away by external activity, due to which this achievement may turn out to be the last serious achievement on their Path. The opening of the Heart does not at all guarantee you further automatic progress towards God, and if you stop internally, enjoying the mystical space that it brings, then you may get stuck in it. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the principle “never stop”, that is, do not consider your state - no matter how high, in your opinion, it may be - final and ultimate, do not strive to absolutize the experience you have received and understand what one peak on the Path is always followed by another, opening up new levels of experience, understanding and being for you. If you do not really understand what is happening to you, move at random, have a temptation to start teaching others without entering the stage of following the Will of God - or even having a not very high level of awareness - then even with an open Heart, you can get stuck at this stage of the Path. for a very long time. So the open Heart does not give any guarantees to anyone, and it is desirable to understand this with all possible clarity. This is the first serious step on the mystical path, and many more much more serious steps must follow it. Although in Sufi literature the open Heart is glorified as a kind of ultimate dream, but this is understandable, because it is possible to sing the stage of following the Will, but for poets it does not provide much food, and not all authors have managed to reach it. But one can speak of the stage of disappearance in God only negatively, in terms of absence, and here one cannot run away at all. Therefore, much has been written about the Heart, and it so happens that it occupies the main place in the Sufi Path, which is written about by various researchers of Sufism and some Sufi teachers speak about it.

The heart is certainly important in every religion that has God at its center. It is only through the heart center that we come to know His reality and can embark on the Path of conscious service to Him and following His Will. The true experience of connection with God and God in general comes to us through the Heart and nothing else. If you work not with the fourth center, but, for example, with the seventh one, and by the Grace of God you manage to open it (not activate, namely, open it), then you will have an experience of infinity, in which there is no essence of God, but there is that the very non-duality, the unity of everything, about which true Advaists speak. A person has several doors through which he can come into contact with the Highest Reality, and depending on which door he leaves through, this will be revealed to him. At the highest stages of their Path, Sufis also come to know the truth of Advaita, but first they pass the Path, which is revealed to them through the Heart. Considering how difficult it is to overcome the pressure of the Downdraft, the pressure of desires and fears, and the dream of identifications that they generate, the exit through the Heart, in my opinion, is one of the easiest. The path of interaction with God, which, of course, does not exclude one's own efforts, gives a person more opportunities than the desire for enlightenment or awakening only at the expense of oneself, at the expense of one's own strength. But here everyone chooses at his own discretion and according to his inclinations. After all, the Lord loves variety - both in Creation and in regard to the Paths to Him.

In yoga, a lot of time is devoted to opening the chest. Moreover, these disclosures are accompanied by promising comments that your heart will open along with the chest. But many of us do not see anything good in this. We, on the contrary, are trying to close ourselves, dreaming of a kind of body armor that will protect our vulnerable soul from pain, disappointment and loss. We vow that we will never love, believe, help again, because once we were convinced by our own experience of the saying “do not do good - you will not get evil.” But is it really so great to stop living with your heart?

Surely people who try to be guided solely by reason in life and drown out their feelings do it for a reason. Most likely, they faced an event that caused unbearable pain to their heart, and in order to never experience it again, they decided to simply ignore it. We have all met this type of people. Usually they are never connected with a serious relationship, they do not let anyone into their inner world, wear a mask of indifference and sarcasm on their faces. Unconsciously, these people cause us respect and a slight reverence, perhaps we want to be like them - still, because they make such a spectacular impression. But if you imagine that behind this lies the fear of pain and weakness, magical effect somehow quickly disappears.

This is because a closed heart is not an indicator of coolness and not a guarantee of strength, but vice versa. Such behavior indicates that a person does not live, that he has chosen simply existence, that he has created for himself the illusion of comfort, which in fact does not bring any liberation and happiness. Instead of recovering from suffering and continuing to develop his soul, he chose indifference and detachment.

It is surprising that such a model of behavior is admired. Let's remember our favorite characters from movies and TV shows - most often they are charismatic and sarcastic scoundrels. They are so charming that many viewers begin to imitate them, copy their demeanor and way of thinking. The result is an army of people indifferent to the world around them, who consciously renounce possible happiness and joy, in the name of a popular image. But we are talking not just about a change of style, but about the soul, and it's a little scary.

Of course, compared to the constantly complaining, opinion-dependent whiners, these people benefit greatly. But you don't have to be a cynic to have a strong spirit. There are many-sided personalities with many interests and a strong character, who at the same time still know how to love, do good, support others - to make the world a better place. Do you think they have a closed heart? Or are they less attractive? Hardly. Such people are real spiritual titans who, despite all the hardships, preferred love to disappointment, optimism to despair, sensitivity to indifference. These are not narcissistic narcissists who are constantly depressed in order to stir up interest in their person. These people really do spiritual work and they are worthy of imitation.

That's why it's important to live with an open heart (love, hope, believe, rejoice, help...) - because it's real, because it's real life. While a closed heart is weakness and pain, behind which lies endless despair. And it's really a pity that this behavior is so popular today.

Therefore, in modern world, standing on spiritual path, firstly, it is necessary to determine the landmarks, because they have slightly moved out and are moving out in a suspicious direction. Realize that love and joy are not the lot of crazy people, but a choice strong people. They can also be sad, have a rich inner world, indulge in melancholy, but this does not become their lifestyle, because they dedicate it to something more global.

Second, try to open your heart to love. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Meditate more often. This will help you become more conscious, better feel the world, yourself in it, distinguish the bad from the good. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, focus on the heart. Begin to feel warmth and light in this area. With inhalation, it accumulates in the chest, with exhalation, it spreads throughout the body.
  2. Practice backbends. Add to your practice , and . If they are given to you with great difficulty, then this is the first sign that you need to work with the heart area. It is advisable to perform them under the guidance of an experienced instructor, at least until you master the safe execution technique.
  3. Farewell. Forgive everyone who offended you. To do is harder than to say, and no one requires you to forgive your offenders in one second. But forgiveness must be sought. This is not weakness, but strength, because you let a person float freely, and do not carry his image with you, constantly poisoning your life.
  4. Be with those who love you. We often take the love of our loved ones for granted, while we ourselves appreciate those who do not notice us. This is the first sign of self-loathing. Break it down Realize the beauty of being with your family, your friends - this is much more important than the recognition of some incomprehensible strangers, whom we, for some reason, consider very significant.

Remember, love attracts love!