New machine interpretation of the dream book. What is the dream of a car in a dream book

Why is the car dreaming? There are many possible answers to this question. It is worth understanding in more detail.

Dream interpretation of Meridian

The white color of the car is a signal of strong anxiety, and if the car is also soiled in mud and has a rumpled appearance, it means that your life is full of negativity, the reason for which is the wrong choice of a life partner.

And why a dream about a new car? Such a dream has a favorable meaning - success in all endeavors, successful completion of the transaction. If a person buys a car in a dream, perhaps a pleasant trip or (for women) marriage is just around the corner.

The red color of the car symbolizes emancipation and the desire for freedom. For adults who still live with their parents, this is a signal for dramatic changes: it's time to fly out of the nest. For men, such a dream can warn of excessive activity on the sexual front, and married women- about a looming romance.

A broken car in a dream is always a warning. If you yourself are to blame for this state of the car, it is worth considering: perhaps you devote too much time to work. It's time to take care of family and children. If this happens to a rented car, you will fail on the love front. In any case, the car that has been in the accident warns: do not trust anyone, rely only on yourself.

Idiomatic dream book

The dream about a car is interpreted here from several angles - it is worth familiarizing yourself with them and choosing the most suitable one for yourself. Machine in the meanings "cold" and "soulless" means cynicism. In another case, it is a symbol of amazing activity and gushing energy ("work like a machine"). Sometimes a symbol is interpreted as an adverb “mechanically”, that is, unconsciously, habitually, involuntarily.

Author's dream books

Psychologist A. Meneghetti. The answer to the question of what a car might dream of here is unambiguous - it is always a movement through life. But the nature of this movement depends on the attitude of a person to a car:

    to be behind the wheel means to strive for the intended goal or to run away from difficulties;

    to be a passenger means that your life is determined by another person, you have lost control over it;

  • the car leaves without you - chances are you are missing out on opportunities.

Psychologist G. Miller. It also depends on the details:

    just to see a car means, in the near future, to become a participant in a difficult project that will require strength from you, but in the end will end with success;

    if the car is old, expect defeat in front of the enemies in all endeavors;

    if you are sucked into the mechanism during its operation, expect troubles at work and unprofitable transactions;

    if you dreamed of a car out of whack, expect losses among friends;

    a dream about a trip in a fire truck - perhaps life will soon be overshadowed by problems associated with an emergency;

  • driving a fire truck in a dream - for young ladies, this is a warning against participating in a bad business.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn. All interpretations here are based on the fact that the machine symbolizes the physical shell and the self of the subject. The defects in the machine and everything that happens to it in the dream are explained in a corresponding way.

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima. The machine here is a symbol of the possibilities that the sleeper has in reality. By her condition, one can judge the success of his undertakings. So, a broken car portends a discord with a partner and trouble in business, and a steam engine signals a heat of passion and high level the tension that the upcoming project promises.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya.

    a dream in which you are driving a car predicts a troublesome business that will bring many benefits and be resolved successfully;

    car breakdown - to losses in the circle of friends or the emergence of an obstacle in life, surmountable in the case of the application of strength and patience;

    if the car is in reverse - think about it: perhaps in life you are now in retreat.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite. A typewriter seen in a dream means a quick settlement of the dispute, and the sewing one warns of the rapid development of the case.

And what does the Wanderer's dream book say?

Driving a car in a dream means completely controlling your life and practically not depending on the circumstances (the interpretation of sleep is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the road).

Cars with signals (ambulance, fire) very rarely portend a real disaster. More often, such dreams speak of the subject's strong anxiety, his instability. emotional state, even his despair or depression.

Interpretation of a modern dream book

Here the car appears as a symbol of the physical form and the spiritual component of a person. And various breakdowns of the mechanism hint at trouble in the relevant aspects of life (health, mood, habits) that need to be worked out.

Usually a dream about a car means good luck. But if the car is in emergency, think about it: most likely, emotional, mental and physical overstrain is brewing. Everything can end in a nervous breakdown, so it's worth taking a time out. If you yourself are driving such a car, you are definitely not satisfied with your job, it is time to look for a better option.

If you were hit by a car in a dream, most likely, this is a manifestation of an internally conscious sense of danger, the source of which is to be found out in real life... This is usually work.

National dream books

The American dream book interprets a car as the personification of the physical and psychological state of a sleeping person, and English promises those who look at cars in a dream, success and prosperity in work, quick wealth, and universal respect. Italian dream book identifies the car with the movement of the subject through life. Is he in control of his life or is he just a dependent "passenger"? According to gypsy dream book, the machine represents spiritual development... However, if you are traveling in an ambulance, it means that serious mistake... It is worth reflecting on the recent past and realizing it.

If you dreamed of a car, then this is very good. This dream promises joyful events in all areas of life. Rejoice, because changes for the better are just around the corner. True, sometimes such a dream marks a loss. This article will tell you why the new car is dreaming in each case. The main thing is to remember everything that you dreamed in a dream.

Buying a new car for your family in a dream predicts great joy in real life. If you have dreamed of a child for a long time, then it seems that very soon you will be replenished. Have you been dating for a single year, and the relationship is not legal? In the very near future, the situation will change in a positive direction.

A dream, or received a new official car, portends an appointment to a good position. Most likely, new job will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction. Finally, you will come out absolutely on new level and change your life for the better. Making a deal promises a dream in which you watched yourself driving a new car.

Seeing is a very auspicious sign. Events in your real life are developing the best way... The dream book promises that the desired will be achieved very soon. If you rode it quickly, then this indicates the absence of obstacles on the way to your goals. You can also easily and simply solve your real problems.

A lot of new cars in a dream suggests that the dreamer can safely start any business, as it will probably bring good profits. Available in this moment difficulties can be resolved faster than you expect.

To receive a new car as a gift in dreams is to have secret admirers in reality. It seems that you do not even know how reverently they treat you. It is possible that this person is your soul mate, prepared for you by fate itself. Try not to miss out on your happiness.

If a new car just passed you in a dream, then this indicates that you are not decisive and are afraid of responsibility. You never commit serious deeds, which prevents you from becoming successful. Perhaps a little determination and dedication will help you achieve heights.

It's bad if it's in your dreams. Such a dream is a warning that you or your loved ones may have health problems. Give it as much attention as possible.

A dream in which you managed to lose a new car indicates that your carelessness and absent-mindedness will lead to consequences that are difficult to correct. Most likely, very soon you will have to pay for your own mistakes. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, know that no one else is to blame for this.

The luxurious new car in black symbolizes your desire to control your life and other people. In addition, the dream shows that if you are active in business, income can increase dramatically. The faster she rode in her sleep, the more rapid growth is expected in reality.

The appearance of a new machine in reality can significantly affect a person: new opportunities open up for him, he feels himself more wealthy. A dream in which someone becomes the owner of a new vehicle has many positive meanings, in particular, purchasing a car in a dream can be a harbinger of joyful events.

So, why is the new car dreaming? Before embarking on an accurate interpretation of a dream, you need to remember its details: the color of the car, under what circumstances it appeared, and much more.

General interpretation of a dream

If we turn to the interpretation of this, then you can find many meanings. Firstly, the appearance of a car promises favorable changes in the life of the whole family. A young couple may soon have a long-awaited child. Secondly, such a dream portends an increase, if a person has long dreamed about it.

An unemployed person or a person who is not satisfied with his activities can find a job to his liking. A businessman who has entered into a contract may be in an advantageous position. And, thirdly, if an unmarried girl or woman saw a new car in a dream, then soon she can meet her true love.

I was given a car

The car presented in a dream is interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, you need to pay attention to the brand of the new transport, and on the other, to who gave it to you. A gift can symbolize a person's expectations from events and people around him.

If a person does not plan any important business, then a dreaming gift can portend a pleasant surprise. The donated car also demonstrates the person's intentions and his disposition.

If a person is in a business relationship with someone, and his official position, employment and future plans depend on the partner, then a car presented in a dream can mean waiting... A person's reliability and capabilities will depend on the quality of the gift.

A good sign if friends gave the car in a dream. This means that a series of unexpected, but joyful events will take place in life.... Close people can help in some difficult matter: give valuable advice or to understand a difficult life situation. Any positive interpretation is possible if the donated car was good quality: the more expensive and newer the car, the better.

If the dreamer was presented with rumpled and ugly transport, then only disappointment, a showdown and frustration of plans await him.

If the sleeper receives a gift from a person with whom he is going to do something (travel, start a business, etc.), then this may mean that events in the dreamer's life will develop in the best way... A gift can symbolize both a reward and a pleasant event associated with plans.

Lucky win

Win a car in a dream - this means that close relatives or friends will visit him soon... Also, such a gain may portend an improvement in the financial situation.

If it does not belong to the dreamer, then such a dream portends waste and loss.

White or black

White is the most popular color of the car, which is associated with many interpretations in various sources... A man who saw a car in a dream white may experience severe anxiety in real life. If you dreamed about a white car in a very poor condition, it is worth analyzing the last events of your life. Such a dream may indicate the dissatisfaction of a person who made a mistake and now regrets it.

A white car in a dream can be a good sign of future changes in a person's life. Soon, you can expect the execution of important plans.... If a person sees himself at the wheel of such a car, and he easily picks up speed on a flat road, this means that there will be no obstacles on the way to the goal.

If a white car dreamed of one of the newlyweds, then a happy future awaits the couple: she will not know quarrels and resentments, harmony and order will reign in the house.

A dream in which a person has an accident in a white car can mean difficulties in the near future and disagreements with loved ones. You should not plan important things for a while, and when communicating with people you need to keep yourself in control and not get annoyed.

If you dreamed of a large number of white vehicles, then the business you started will not be easy. One has only to make an effort, and everything will work out - this interpretation concerns the financial side of a person's life. Soon, the spent finances will meet expectations.

Rare white transport in a dream can see that it will have to go through many difficulties before he achieves his goal. This dream can be a signal that the sleeping person pays more attention to his business.

A white car with an expensive and luxurious interior inside can promise the dreamer the appearance of all kinds of benefits and happiness. It's good if a person is driving such a car - this means that life can soon be comprehensively transformed: perhaps the sleeper will be promoted or a fateful meeting with the other half.

A person who sees a black car in a dream wants to achieve a lot, but for this he needs to work hard. Buying such a car in a dream can symbolize the ambitions that the sleeper realizes in any labor activity where he can succeed. Buying a car in a dream means that a person subconsciously wants to get rid of the difficulties that have overtaken him.

If a sleeping person gets into an accident on such a car, then this may be a harbinger of not very good news.... But faulty transport means that in the near future important things will not get off the ground - you will have to wait a bit. Also, the interpretation promises the loss of a close friend. A battered car could mean that in the near future close person will find himself in a difficult life situation, and he will need help.

A dream in which a sleeper has a new battered black car, can promise difficulties in relationships... If you dreamed about a faulty car, then this may mean that the planned rest will not meet expectations.

Expensive black car may dream of a person who feels like the master of life... Driving such a car can promise important things to come.

If a person sees himself driving a black car, it means that he is well-versed in his affairs, and he has everything under control. The role of a passenger in a dream may mean the opposite - it is possible that the sleeper is under someone's influence. If a person's transport is stolen, then this may be a foreshadowing of unforeseen expenses.

, who was presented with a luxurious car in a dream, may not suspect that she has an admirer... A hijacked vehicle can symbolize the appearance of a woman who can become an obstacle to a happy relationship. If the loss of the car caused negative emotions in a dream, then this may mean that the betrayal really happened.

Car in modern world has long been considered a luxury. But, nevertheless, this vehicle seen in a dream is a certain symbol associated with events taking place in real life. Due to the variety of interpretations of various dream plots, it is important for correct decryption, remember all the details of the dream.

When in a dream you see a car from the side, then, waking up, try to be sure to remember it appearance... It is important to know what the new car is dreaming of, or, for example, a car of a certain color. This will help to correctly interpret the events happening around you in real life and, if necessary, change them.

Dreaming about a gorgeous car

Any chic large car seen in night dreams symbolizes a stable, luxurious and happy life... You have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of life in reality.

Black car

Great value for correct interpretation dream has the color of the car seen in a dream. A dreaming black car is considered a favorable sign. Such a dream indicates that you will be able to realize all your plans and this will happen in the near future. But at the same time, such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that this will take a lot of effort.

If a woman saw a dream with a black car, then most likely she will soon go on a pleasant journey. And if in a dream she was presented with such a vehicle, then this indicates the presence of a secret admirer in real life. Dangerous sign for a woman stealing a black car is considered. This indicates the appearance of a rival in reality and the emergence of a threat of losing a loved one.

White car in a dream

A dream is frequent when a white car is dreamed. Most dream books interpret a white clean car in a dream as a symbol of the fact that the dreamer's life is developing in the right direction... In the near future, a person who sees such a dream will be favored by good luck in real life. Everything will turn out well in your career and personal life.

A dream with a snow-white car is considered especially favorable for people who are planning to start a family. Such a dream indicates that the marriage will be successful and long-lasting, and family life will be based on a trusting relationship that will not be overshadowed by omissions and lies.

For lonely people, such a dream portends a new acquaintance. Moreover, it is highly likely that a strong love relationship will be created with a new person.

Dreamers are often interested in what a white car is dreaming of? The dream with a white car is sometimes associated with well-being in the material sphere. After such a dream, a life period begins, which is suitable for the implementation of the most ambitious plans.

Red car - interpretation of sleep

The red car in a dream is associated with the dreamer's inner worldview. It symbolizes the degree of liberation of a person in real life and is often associated with events taking place in the sexual sphere.

According to Freud's dream book, to see a red car in a dream means that you need to become an independent person and abandon the guardianship of parents or older comrades. Only in this case will it be possible to create a full-fledged family.

In Hasse's dream book, a red car is interpreted as a symbol of financial independence. Also, such a dream plot predicts unexpected profits in real life.

If a man dreamed of a red car, then it may indicate his increased sexual activity in reality. This can be a warning to married people looking for side adventure. It should be understood that your fleeting hobby can ruin your life.

For people who are in business, a posh red car can portend tremendous success in financial affairs and recognition from others. During this life period, the most important thing is not to miss your opportunities.

Dreamed of a blue car

It is also important to pay attention when in a dream you saw a blue or blue car. He is a symbol of sadness and longing. Therefore, try to be more optimistic in real life and remember that the black streak always ends at some point.

Why is a green car dreaming?

A green car seen in a dream portends a new love. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of improving existing relationships with your partner.

If in a dream you saw a lot of machines, then this is an unfavorable sign that portends in real life many different difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.

Machine with worn out wheels

Pay attention to the dream in which you saw a car with worn out wheels. This is a direct clue that you need to stay close to your relatives in reality, who will provide you with timely and very the support you need in a difficult situation.

Defective brakes

If you wake up and remember that the car you saw in a dream had faulty brakes, then this is a hint that in real life you need to make any decisions very responsibly. Otherwise, you can make a mistake that will be very difficult to fix.

Car with tinted windows

A car with tinted or dim windows in night dreams emphasizes the fact that in real life you are a selfish person, do not want to notice anyone around you and do not listen to the opinions of other people. It is advisable to reconsider your attitude to the world around you, otherwise you may find yourself alone.

Machine condition or type

Other interpretations of dreams may emphasize the following:

    A truck symbolizes a heavy burden that you have to carry through life; A fire truck portends that in the near future you will have to do a very difficult, but at the same time important matter; A broken car or hopelessly broken warns that in real life you can lose good friends; An ambulance seen in a dream portends illness; A burning car in night dreams indicates a greater likelihood of conflicts and quarrels with a loved one; An explosion of a car in a dream is a harbinger of a break with a partner.

Driving a car in a dream

If you dreamed of driving a car, then it is important to pay attention to its quality. Driving skillfully and accurately means that you have a stable life. Wherein:
    If you eat on the road that leads up, it means that only by your own labor can you achieve success; If you see a descent, then you can be sucked in by the routine of life, which can lead to degradation; If you eat on an uneven road, then this indicates that you subconsciously experience any fears or suffer from congenital phobias.

Driving at high speed means taking risks in real life. In reality, you should realize this and think how justified your desire to take risks for any reason. An unfavorable sign is driving in a circle in a car in a dream. Such a dream means that your affairs in real life are at an impasse, and you are completely confused. Therefore, it is very good if, in your nightly dreams before waking up, you still managed to get off the next circle. This portends that in real life you will still be able to find the right solution.

    If braking happened on time and did not cause an accident, then in real life you will be able to avoid the danger that hung over you; If you pressed on the brake, but at the same time felt that the car does not obey you, then changes are coming in life that you do not you will be able to prevent; If the brakes fail, then this is a statement that in real life you let the situation go by itself and this can lead to unpredictable consequences; If you had to brake because the emergency was provoked by others, then this indicates your dependence on people around.

Why dream of a car accident?

A car accident in a dream is always a harbinger of scandals and quarrels in real life. If you, while driving, provoked an accident, then this accentuates your excessive self-confidence.

Car without driver

A dream is symbolic in which you see a car moving without a driver. To interpret such a dream, you should remember the sensations that you experienced in a dream:
    If you were scared for your life, then such a dream portends big troubles in real life, which, unfortunately, cannot be prevented; If the negative in the dream was completely absent, then this indicates that in reality, when making decisions, you need to listen to your own intuition.

If you dreamed that you were hit by a car, then in real life you are warned of serious dangers or major troubles. In some cases, they cannot be avoided, but at the same time, by showing wisdom in making decisions, it will be possible to minimize the negative consequences of specific events.

Car theft or theft

A bad omen is a plot in which your car is stolen. Such a dream portends parting with a loved one. Moreover, on this occasion you will suffer very much, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. Also, the theft of a car can portend the emergence of difficulties, in the seemingly simplest cases. It is important to know why you are dreaming about buying a car. The acquisition of a car in the plot of a dream can have different interpretations, which entirely depends on the details of the plot. If you are going to buy a new car according to the plot of the dream, then this means that you are planning a new business that will be very successful. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of a profitable acquisition in real life or obtaining important information. Also, to decipher sleep, you need to consider the following details:
    The bright color of the purchased car indicates the onset of a joyful and happy life period; If you are sincerely happy with the acquisition, it means that soon you will achieve well-being in the material sphere; The purchase of a vintage car indicates your dissatisfaction with life.
If you dream that you are buying a used car, then you will have to come to terms with the fact that what you intended is not destined to come true. Acquisition is a completely unfavorable sign. old car... Such a dream portends the loss of a loved one.

Car sale

A very popular question is why you dream of selling a car. After all, selling a car in a dream is always associated with problems in your personal life. Such a dream is a harbinger of disagreements and conflicts in the family. Also, such a dream can warn that soon there will be changes in life associated with the search for a new job. Moreover, in such a life period, one will have to attend a large number of various interviews and participate in competitions.

Wash the car

When the plot of a dream develops in such a way that you have to wash your car or take care of the car, this indicates that you are in good physical shape and nothing threatens your health. And if you dreamed that you were washing the interior of a car, then this indicates that a very influential person patronizes you in life.

Auto repair - dream book

Noteworthy is a dream in which you are repairing a car, but at the same time you understand that it is in good working order. This indicates the development of an inferiority complex, the causes of which are rooted in deep childhood. Deviations may be related to the sexual sphere. Therefore, if you see such a dream often, then it is better to consult with a psychotherapist.

Auto repair parts

If, according to the plot of a dream, you have to purchase spare parts for car repair, then this means that you overestimate your own capabilities in reality. It is necessary to revise life values ​​and cool down your ardor, otherwise you can lose a lot. When trying to decipher a dream with a car, be sure to take into account the fact that you often drive a car or driving is your professional activity. In this case, a dream with a car can be a reflection of real events and hardly carries any semantic load.

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Why dream of a car in a dream (Miller's dream book)

  • Seeing the purchase of a car in a dream means that you will be able to restore your position, but selling a car in a dream means unpleasant changes in fate.
  • To be thrown out of the car on the go - a dream portends unpleasant news.
  • Why dream of a broken car in a dream - to failure.
  • Seeing different cars - a dream signals trips, changes in fate, pleasant travel.
  • Why dream of stealing a car means the disruption of many plans on which the future depends.
  • Getting out of the car in a dream is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you the satisfaction you deserve.

Why does a woman dream of a Car (according to Natalia Stepanova's dream book)

  • Why does a woman dream of a car? You need to remember the circumstances of your dream, was there any danger, how did you feel?
  • Seeing a car accident in a dream means that the entertainment in which you are going to take part can become unpleasant.
  • If in a dream you managed to avoid a car accident - this is a good sign, you will be able to avoid a collision with the enemy.

What the dream in which the Car dreamed symbolizes (Idiomatic dream book)

  • Why is the car dreaming? He is a symbol of his own life. The interpretation of a dream depends entirely on its circumstances.
  • If you drive a car, trying to follow the rules, in reality you are doing everything right.
  • If you rush "with the breeze" - it speaks of mischief.
  • To dream that the car brakes are completely released or you cannot find them is a loss of control over your life.
  • Roll someone in your car - in reality, you will deceive this person.
  • Why dream of a car driven by someone else - someone controls your life.
  • Why dream of looking at landscapes outside the car window - you are divorced from real life or arrogant.

To dream about a car, what does it mean? (ABC of interpretation of dreams)

  • Why the car is dreaming - the symbolism of sleep. The car is a symbol of inner strength.
  • If you dream about the taxi you were driving, get help from a stranger, but it will not be free.
  • Getting into an accident on a Car is a dream-warning about impending serious life turmoil.

Seeing a Car, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why the car is dreaming - If you buy auto parts in a dream, then you want more than is possible. This can apply to any area. Cool down your ardor, otherwise you will lose what you have.
  • According to the dream book, if you see yourself in the garage and replace an unusable spare part with a new one, then the bad luck streak will end soon and, finally, you will be lucky.
  • You paint the car with new paint in a dream - a sign of unexpected profit.
  • If you dream that you are washing the interior of your car, you need to maintain friendly relations with an influential person you know.
  • To dream that you paint over scratches on your car - you need to be extremely careful on the roads. There is a high probability that an accident may occur. If possible, do not get behind the wheel that day, but get to the right place in another way.
  • To dream that you have purchased a luxurious car, which in reality is beyond your means - failures and losses will collapse. Be prepared for this and be philosophical about everything.
  • If the car radio broke down in a dream, it means entertainment that will help you relax and relieve stress.
  • Why dream of a rented car - you will be rewarded for diligence and patience. Your business qualities will be appreciated by your boss and colleagues at work.
  • To dream that you rented a car and crashed it is a love disappointment. You will commit some kind of rash act, because of which there will be a break with your beloved girl.
  • If in a dream you close the open trunk, then this speaks of frugality. Soon you will be able to buy the thing you have long dreamed of.

Had a dream about a car (we solve it from the Erotic dream book)

  • Why is the Car dreaming in a dream? This is generally not a negative sign. Dreaming that you are driving a car with friends or even alone is a pleasant pastime and a new acquaintance.
  • If you saw in a dream that you were in a car accident, you will have a break with your lover. Perhaps it was your fault - remember how honest you were in the relationship?
  • And if in a dream the car safely avoided an accident, this is a very good sign, which suggests that you will be able to hide your love affairs on the side from your partner.

A car according to the dream book of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov

  • Driving a Car in a dream means your privacy, romantic relationship, marriage, etc.
  • Seeing that you put the Car in the parking lot or parking lot - after the breakup, there will be a period of stagnation. Try to use it to gain new energy and reflect on mistakes made in the past.

If you dream about Cars (according to the Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

  • In accordance with Ukrainian dream book, to see the Car is to receive good news that you've been waiting for.
  • If you yourself have driven a car - show excessive self-confidence, you should reduce your aplomb and listen to reasonable advice.
  • And if you successfully drive in a car, then a dream is a happy sign.
  • To dream about how you are hit by a car - expect trouble at work.

Interpretation of Cars from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • The car is the interpretation of the author. In accordance with this dream book, the car is a symbol of personal life, the emotional state of the sleeping person, characterizes the general state of affairs and relationships.
  • A car engine is dreaming - a sign that a person's intentions, his energy, will, the main direction of life, the heart.
  • Why is the old Car dreaming, it symbolized some old plans, deeds, perhaps the appearance of someone from a past relationship.
  • If the headlights were turned on on the Car that was dreamed of, it means that in life will happen some significant event, perhaps a wedding.

What was the dream of a car according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

As you know, the Car is a symbol of movement, travel. Therefore, a dream can warn that you need to prepare for a long journey. Very often it is a dream of someone who has already planned some kind of trip in reality, tuned in and is just waiting for the right moment to set off on the road. If you saw a Car in a dream, then everything will happen just like that.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

  • If you were in a Car that was standing somewhere on the side of the road or was parked, in a word, did not move anywhere - dreams and desires are impracticable.
  • If in a dream you were crushed by a Car - you should pay attention to your professional field, some troubles may occur here.

A car in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • A car in a dream - to drive a car - to send, manage people, as skillfully as you are driving a car.
  • Dreams that you are driving backwards - become like those who previously commanded earlier.
  • Buying a car in a dream - there will be an opportunity to advance in the service.
  • Why dream of a luxurious car, inaccessible in life - to losses, losses. The car may be stolen.

What Cars Dreamed of (Psychiatric Dream Book)

  • What the car is dreaming of - It symbolizes progress, comfort, independence, energy, success in life.
  • To dream that you are losing control - you are afraid of losing self-control.

Car - why in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Many cars in a dream - a new job or worries that cause a lot of excitement, still bring their dividends and material benefits.
  • Old cars in a dream - new contradictions with enemies or ill-wishers.
  • Why dream of buying a car means the beginning of a new successful business or a return to previously postponed activities.
  • To buy a luxurious car or an expensive foreign car in a dream is very good dream... It portends success in all endeavors, good luck and further career advancement.
  • A jeep, SUV or all-terrain vehicle bought in a dream is a warning dream. This means that things are in complete decline, and hopes for a speedy improvement are self-deception. You need to take all problems more seriously, not missing out on the smallest.
  • What is the dream of a car, to ride with fellow travelers - it symbolizes that strained relations with others or with the leadership will improve.
  • You get out of the car, warns of possible troubles associated with the loss of your credibility.
  • To be thrown out of the car on the move promises unpleasant news, to fall out of it through your own fault is negligence or imprudence.
  • Why dream of a car parking in a busy place means a temporary break with your friends or companions.
  • Seeing to rush along the autodrome in a car to the finish line - in reality, show a lot of caution and restraint. Opponents can get ahead of you. If you came to the finish line first, then all competitors will be left behind, and you will achieve the implementation of your plans.
  • Feeling like driving an ace in a dream means that you have overestimated self-esteem and, in order to achieve good results, reconsider your attitude to the surrounding problems and more soberly approach their solution.
  • Rushing along the road at high speed in a foreign car is a harbinger of success in business.
  • Passing a sharp bend in a car is a serious obstacle, which will be quite difficult to overcome.
  • Getting into an accident in a car without being the culprit - a dream promises you a favorable turn of circumstances, the achievement of your goals. A foreign car that got into an accident dreams of unexpected financial difficulties, and a collision of cars means an increase in competition.
  • Why dream of a car knocking you down - big trouble and even misfortune.
  • Repairing a car in a dream means useless chores.
  • To see a broken headlight on your car - you have to come to terms with your defeat.
  • The included headlight, illuminating something important to you, symbolizes self-confidence, the help of loyal friends.
  • Why a car battery is dreaming is a good sign. Promises good luck at work and significant income from monetary transactions.
  • The seen canister is a warning about probable problems at work. You can be burdened with other people's unresolved affairs.
  • An empty car tank in your dream portends unexpected changes, a leaking tank means useless troubles and failures.
  • A truck or dump truck seen in a dream warns of a possible conflict with the boss. Do not ask for trouble - luck is not on your side, otherwise you can lose much more than you get in return.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are buying a carburetor for your car in a dream is a good sign. Sleep promises success in business.
  • Why dream of replacing an old, worn out carburetor with a new one - problems may arise at work due to lack of confidence in you from the management.
  • Seeing the open trunk of a car is a warning that you are about to make a too risky decision; if you close it, then it speaks of thrift.
  • Vote on the road - you will learn something new about yourself, discover new aspirations or desires; if you managed to catch a car - that you will soon get great pleasure from a hike, excursion or interesting activity.
  • Why dream of a car with a working powerful engine- success and prosperity awaits; an idle engine dreams of upcoming losses.
  • You observe the unstable operation of the engine - pay attention to health, especially to the heart, a faulty engine is a harbinger of your overwork.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a loaded truck body, then the dream promises you profit, if the body is empty - losses.
  • An unknown car detail dreamed in a dream is a harbinger of upcoming criticism of your actions or deeds, condemnation of them by friends or colleagues.
  • To see the spring of a car is a long period of meaningless or low-paid work.
  • What is the dream of a car bumper is a foreshadowing of unforeseen situations.
  • A broken bumper is a sign of impending loss or loss. A new bumper is a dream for an upcoming useful acquaintance.

Why dream and how to interpret the Car according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

  • Seeing that you are sitting in a car that is not going anywhere - dreams are impossible.
  • And if you successfully drive in a car, then a dream is a happy sign.
  • Seeing how you get hit by a car - expect trouble at work.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where the car dreamed (interpretation of psychologist D. Loff)

  • What is the dream of a car (Car) in a dream - A car can only be dreamed of because it is the most convenient means of transportation. In this case, the emphasis in the interpretation should be shifted to the rest of the content of the dream. If the car is clearly one of the central elements, then this image deserves close attention. Cars can appear in a variety of contexts - an accident, driving a car as a passenger, buying a car, or driving it. Accidents usually warn against a possible threat to our dear people. This may indicate an inability to master the situation and protect others, and sometimes it is a warning that should be heeded immediately. DEJA VU can be a powerful factor if an accident occurs on the road you normally drive. And in general, do not forget about the need to be careful when driving a car: the habit of reckless driving is dangerous.
  • Perhaps a celebrity is driving the car - a pop star or a politician.In this case, it is important to analyze your feelings for the driver and the degree of your trust in him.
  • If you are driving yourself, pay attention to the passengers: these are people towards whom you have a special sense of responsibility. Moreover, these may be characters from different spheres of your life. It is important how you connect with them and where you are going - to one destination or to different ones.

The meaning of a dream about a truck or passenger car (Symbolic dream book)

  • What is the dream of a car (passenger, truck) in a dream - A car is a symbol of personal life, driving in it (depending on the nature of the movement, the type of road and the car itself) means one or another (in terms of quality) period of life and general course affairs or relationships in development.
  • I dreamed of a working truck - the dream informs about the degree of "workload" of the dreamer's consciousness and is a reflection of his professional, labor activity. It additionally indicates the severity, difficulty of the event or relationship.

Interpretation of sleep Car (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of a car in a car depot in a dream - to the accumulation of a decent amount of money. Sitting in the back seat - to travel.
  • If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of buying a new car in a dream - to bankruptcy. Sit behind the wheel of a car to fame. Getting into a car accident will ruin your dreams.
  • In the fall, why dreamed of dealing with a car in a dream - you will suddenly receive a very large amount of money.
  • In winter, why dream of driving in a car in a dream very quickly indicates, more often than not, a slowdown in business, a painful expectation of any decision, a result. If in a dream you dreamed about a motor depot or heard something say about it - to buy a car.