To read the prayer to the Sacred Martyr Cyprian and the Martyr Isustin. The most effective prayer from the damage of Cyprian prayer

Every person can protect against damage and evil eye. Consult a prayer to Saints Cyprian and Ustini to resist any evil and protect yourself and all family members from bad influence.

Negative energy impact It can overtake any person, even if it skeptically refers to the slochals and damage. Site experts Website recommend prayers to the highest forces to protect themselves and their loved ones from any evil. Appeal to Saints Cyprian and Ustinier will help to resist any negative impacts from the outside. Prayer appeals will be careisred even if the evil eye and witchcraft have already begun to act.

Prayer Cyprian from damage

Pray for prayer appeal with pure thoughts, and even better - after confession and communion. Contact Saints Cyprian and Ustinie can at any time of the day and night, in the church or at home.

If you pray at home, stay alone so that nothing bothered you to focus. Light the church candle and put the icon with the image of the saints in front of you if you have it. The icon of priests are recommended to acquire each to protect against the witch-exposure not only themselves, but also their home.

"His prayer I am pleased with the Holy Martyr Cyprian, I ask him to get rid of the dark forces and evil, on me aimed at me. We hear the words of the slave of God (name) and protect against the evil of any, damage to the cunning and brutal enemies of my. Be merciful, Cyprian, Doni to the Lord appeal to my, so that he himself decided the fate of those who walked to me and leaves me alone. Amen".

Prayer Cyprian and Ustinie from witchcraft

The prayer appeal will help get rid of any evil aimed at randomly or deliberately, will create reliable protection against evil influence. With the help of prayer, you put the strongest barrier, which will push away from you any impact, especially directed to harm health.

"Saints Cyprian and Ustinya, protect me from the evil of any, harm to the health of causing. Free from the influence of bad and stake from the eye of the unkinded mischiefers of my. Be merciful to me and convey to the Lord of our Almighty Request sincere. Amen".

Holy Prayer for Child Protection

Witchcraft forces may well cause harm to small children who are more than adults are affected by bad influence. The prayer appeal to Cyprian and Ustinie will help protect children from any evil.

"Holy Martyrs Cyprian and Ustinya! I appeal to you asking for a humble. Protect the Choo my (name) from the eye of the bad, the words of evil. Protect him and remove it, create it to the protection of impenetrable and guard it in the afternoon day and night, at home and on the road. Amen".

Defend bad eye and evil languages \u200b\u200bare able to help strong overags. You can wear them, leaving the house to people, as well as protect the dwelling so that no damage is penetrated into his walls. Happiness to you and health, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

15.10.2018 01:27

We often hear that someone crawled damage, and some may even bring in an example ...

The participant of the show "Battle of Psychics" Elena Galunova has established itself as a strong witch applying black magic. But...

You can believe or not believe in the possibility of an energy attack. But, nevertheless, damage and the evil eye is afraid of every person. Such magical destruction is characterized by a strong negative energy promise. They are able to destroy human natural protection. It threatens him with the most vital failures, and sometimes, maybe even destroy health. Powerful tool From the evil eye and damage is Prayer Cyprian and Justine.

The history of two people to which believers treat strong prayer is very interesting. It needs to be known in order to understand what the power of this prayer appeal is.

How Cyprian became holy

Saint Cyprian lived in the south of Turkey in ancient city Antioch. He was a pagan, as his parents gave him to her earlier childhood to service to the pagan gods. In his youth, he was dedicated to Olympus to the priests and eventually began to be memorized by the main priest. Cyprian became famous for the fact that he knew how to manage the elements, to send a terrible sea and ulcers for whole villages. In addition, he possessed a frightening gift to cause the dead. He sought his pagan knowledge to convey to other people, he was many attracted demons, thereby thorough their souls.

One day, a windy young man named Cyprian, who asked to be inclined to a marriage named Justinha and promised a generous reward for this. But the sorceress in this case did not help, since the girl was a Christian and she defended his sincere faith from witchcraft. All the most terrible spells in which he was improved all his life, was already broken about the very name of the maiden. Cyprian was angry so much that the terrible sea was located not only on the family of a girl, but also on residents of the city. But thanks to the strong Christian prayer of believers - the city rested.

As a result of all this, enlightenment came in the soul of the pagan, and he realized the strength of Christ faith. He repented deep in all his acts, he came to the local Bishop of Antihima and asked him to burn all the pagan books. The next day, the Cylenean accepted the Holy Baptism.

All his subsequent life was filled with the ministry of God. He sincerely and fully argued by Christ faith. By this, he redeemed his thirty-year-old demo service. Having passed the entire career ladder, Cyprian was erected in San Bishop. He managed to turn to Christ a huge number of pagans than the soul of people saved. In his diocese, they ceased to make sacrifices and pagan capital empty.

During the persecution of Christians, with the Emperor Diocletian, Bishop Cyprian, together with Justina, was captured and tortured. All the feats of the Great Martyrs in the name of Christ, were noticed by the Lord and their souls after death were taken by angels to heaven.

Who is Eustinha

Justigna is a girl who lived in Antioch as the same time as Cyprian. Her story is very noteworthy. The girl was born in the family of the pagan priest and from the very childhood grew surrounded by the pagans, nothing know about the Christian faith.

But it so happened that in his youth, she happened to accidentally hear the story of one Dyakon about Christ. He passed by her at home and led a conversation with his companions. The story so struck the young girl that she independently found in Antioch christian church And secretly accepted baptism. But after a while she admitted to parents in everything and was able to convince them of the truth of the Christian faith.

In the future, she devoted themselves to the service of the Lord and gave the Zagon to Keep the loyalty to the Heavenly Bridegroom. She spent all his free time in prayer, while maintaining the virgin. The girl did not interest her life surrounding her, she strictly observed the post and all church canons. When the young man Aglaid, the son of rich citizens of Antioch, offered her marriage, Justinha answered with refusal. But a disturbed amateur beautiful Life Try to get it in my wife with the help of witchcraft and asked for help to the famous pagan sorcerer Cyprian. He tried to incline her to marriage all sorts of demonic ways. But he did not succeed, since the true faith served her real defense. Time passed, and Justina went to the monastery, and a little later was elected in Igugeen.

In Orthodox Christianity, prayer from damage and witchcraft is considered very effective. If this prayer appeal will be used sincerely believer, it will be necessarily heard.

What is the power of the prayer of Cyprian's priest?

The prayer appeal, directed towards the Great Martyr Cyprian and Justine, allows the believer to reliably protect himself from the effects of black magic. This prayer is simultaneously reliable invisible shield and powerful weapons with which any witchcraft can be defeated. The prayer text is saturated with a special force that has a healing effect on who has undergone an energy attack.

Prayer Cyprian and Justini refers to the miraculous. This is due to those that she is capable of every miracle. This prayer is expelled the most severe diseases that are obtained by a person due to various magic rituals. It is an effective tool from the domestic evil eye, which in modern life It occurs everywhere. This prayer is often used to protect your own dwelling.

It is important to remember that the prayer of Saint Cyprian can help only baptized people. It will be useless for those who did not take their Lord God and the Son of His Jesus Christ, because Holy Cyprian himself found salvation only after baptism.

How to read it to protect yourself from the evil and sorcerence?

In order for prayer to be effective, it needs to spoke 40 times in the morning dawn. To speed up cleansing energy field It is necessary to read it in front of the saint icon. Be sure to pray, you need to have grilled church candles. After pronouncing prayer words, it is necessary to sit for several minutes in absolute silence and imagine that the dark forces leave your soul, and a bright protective aura is formed around you. When a person has suffered very seriously from damage or the evil eye, but does not realize this, then Prayer Cyprian and Justini can read any of the nearest relatives. You can also read prayer for holy water, after which it needs to be given to a person who is under the influence of damage.

Text of prayer Cyprian and Justini in the original

The text of the prayer in the original sounds like this:

Text of prayer in modern Russian

In order to realize the meaning in the text of the prayer of the Holy Cyprian and Justinium, you need to get acquainted with the translation.

It sounds as follows:

"Holy Sacred Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Hear a humble prayer to our. After all, although you have finished your earthly temporary life with martyrdom for Christ - you had a terrible flour, but you do not retreat from us from us. You always learn us to the commandments of the Lord to follow and help us the cross is patiently to carry. You have a keenness to apply for our sinners before Christ and the Music of the Virgin. And at this hour, please apply for us unworthy slaves of God (called people's names). Ask the Lord to make us unharmed from demons, sorcerers and unkind people. And we glorify the Holy Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you understand that we were subjected to an energy attack and are influenced by damage, do not rush to use magic. This is a great sin for which you will have to push forgiveness for the Lord for a long time. Being sincerely believing person, you can get rid of damage or the evil eye with the help of the prayer to St. Cyprian and the Velikomi Martyr. Only before starting prays need to go to the temple and get a blessing from the father. Also, it is also necessary to pray for your health, and put candles in front of the icons of Christ and the Most Holy Virgin.

Complete collection and description: strong prayer Cyprian and Ustinie from witchcraft for the spiritual life of a believer man.

sacred Cypriana

I want to give you the most severe prayer from witchcraft and damage that I have. I have never seen this prayer printed anywhere. The shore has these leaves as Zenitsa Oka for more than ten years.

Always when you know that you and your family sang, read this prayer every day, calling the names of those for whom we ask. Behind the child can be read over his head. Adults read themselves. If the climate in the family or health has changed dramatically, it will not be superfluous to read this prayer.

What is important. This is not just a prayer, but prayer-subtraction from demons. Such a prayer, like any such cleansing, it is important to spend well prepared. Namely: the post is body, spiritual post. Observe all the rules. If you do not comply with the rules, then the demons will not give you peace nor reported. Therefore, or do not mind, or follow the rules. Without post, such prayers do not read.

You can read this prayer for water and give a "thowned".

We begin the verbati prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian, in the days or in Narchi, or in the hour exercises, all the strength of the resignation from the glory of God Livago will disappear.

This holy fellow, the whole soul praying to God verbers: "Lord God is strong and holy, the king of the reigning, now hear the prayer of your slave, Cyprian."

You will come to the thousand thousand and darkness of the darkness Angel and Archangel, you will be mystery, the heart of your slave (name), I will appear to him by Lord, Yako in the Uza Pavlu and in Fekle's fire. Taco, know me, you, Az Bo, my first creatures, my whole lawlessness.

You, holding a cloud, and the sky of the turret of Sadovnyago, and that the fruit is non-resident. Multiple wives of wave, and other conceptions. On the fence of Pertograd Tokmo vychira, and non-resident. Retigue does not blossom and class mounted; Vintage is unrelie, and the beasts are invalid. Fishes of marine default and birds of heavenly flying banks. Taco, you showed our power with a propheter or.

I pray, Lord my God; All sorcerers, and all the breathless demons to the sin of a person clones and on it the sin of the work, you, I will force, forbid! Now, Lord, my God, strong and great, favorably from unworthy, decent to me, and the pleasant holy flock, I pray, Lord my God, who is to have a prayer for this in the house or with him, coordinate it.

The Most Majesty of his, merciful on me and not to take a ruin of me with the lawlessness of myself; Taco of any prayer with a prayer prayer.

I am defiant in faith, approve! Unfulous spirit, strengthened! Desperate, Incentius and did not open a sacred sophisticated name.

Lord, falling toward you, pray and ask holy name Yours: in every house and at any very place on orthodox Christian There is a whale of slander or demons, it reads the prayer of this man over the glaze of a person or in the house and can be resolved from the associates of evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, evil, maliciousness, effective poisoning, from palancago, and from all Spells and oaths.

Who recruiting the prayer of this in his house will be observed from all the tricks of the Diavolsky, the willow, the poisonous of the evil and lucavid men, from spells and all slands and magazine, and yes devils beyond him and they will retreat evil spirits. My God's God, having the power in the sky and on the earth, for the name of your saint and the sake of an unshakable goodness of your son, the god of our Jesus Christ, I hear at the time of this unworthy slave of yours (name), Yazu chtto the prayer of this and it will allow her all the diabol intrigues.

Yako melt wax from the face of the fire, so die all the communities and the spells of Lukavsky on the face of the person of the Prayer Prayer. Yako name, the lifestyle of the Trinity, us enlighten the essence, and do not know what you, I know God. Believe you, you worship you with molim; Protect, stand up and save us, God, from any Lucavago act and a sorceress of evil man.

Jaco, the same Moses sicks from Kamen's sweet water drained the water, Lord, God, God forces, put his hand on your slave (name), the full goodness of your goodness and to protect against all the goats.

Bless, Lord, the house in it and dies prayer Sia and all the memory of my memory, my mercy went to him, Lord, and defend him from all sledging. Assistant and patron Him Budi, Lord.

Four Rivers: Fison, Geon, Euphrates and Tiger: The Eden man can not hold, so can no matter of the case of the affairs or dreams of Besky showing before reading the prayer of this, I trigger with God alive! A demon will be crushed and all the opposite and evil strength, bruised from the evil man on the servant of God (name) bends.

Yako multiplied by the summer of Ezekius King, so smarter and summer, Intochu Prayer, I am so worked by Angel, Singing Serafimsky, the Annunciation of the Blending of the Virgin Mary from Archangel Gabriel and a neglected for the conception of the Herman, our love The ten thousand of babies and saint baptism by his perceived in the Jordan River, the post and temptation of hedgehog from the devil, the terrible victory and the terrible trial of His, the most terrible wonders in the world of the former: healing and cleansing grant. Along the dead, the demons are expelled and in Jerusalem entrance to him, Jaco King is playing: - "Osaina Son Davidov - from the baby blatant, hear" Holy Passion, Crucifixion and burial suffering, and the same on the third day, the resurrection can be written on the heaven Climbing. The singing of Tamo numerous angel and Archangel, famous for him, illy, the sideways from the second coming of His judgment of the living and the dead.

The power was given by the Holy Pupil to your and the apostle, the rivers: "Keep and keep - decide and allowed," Tako and all this on the prayer of this, permiss any diabolian majority over your slave (name).

For the sake of Bie Svyataro Victim Name, I spell and drive the VSI Dusi judging and angry and the evil people and the sorcerer of their conspira, witchcraft, eye damage, magazine, and any tricks of Diavolskoye. I pray the lard, a multi-facing Lord, take away from your slave (name), and from the house of him, and from all sledging it.

Yako multiplied the wealth of righteous Iowu, Taco, Lord, smartly homemade lives in a prayer of the prayer: the creation of Adamov, the victim of the Aveleva, the innovation of Joseph, Hazy Enoch, the Fair, the appeal of Melhisidek, the faith of Abraham, Holyness Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the Saint Patriarchs, the Blood of the Sacred , Petra and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the news of John theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua Navina, Holy Self, the Two-Tandeny Knee of Israel, the molest The horses of the Slavnago of the Prophet and the Baptist of John and a hundred for ten saints of the Second Cathedral, the Holy Confessors and Sparces of Strashnago, the Name of Your Sainry, the Allwall Allup of God, the Thousand and Darkness Angel and Archangel will also come to him. The prayers for the sake of praying and please the Lord, run and overcome all the evil and the lucavia from your servant (name), and yes it runs to Tartar.

This prayer for a single and invincible God, Yako, besides all the people of Orthodox salvation in the house, in it, there is a prayer of this, hedgehogs in seventy-two languages \u200b\u200band everyone will be resolved through it all the villas; or in Mori, or at the path, or in the source, or in the storage area; or in the upper porosis, or in the lower; or behind, or in front; Or in the wall, or in the blood, everywhere will be resolved!

Yes, all the Diavolism is permitted in the go, or in the mill; or in the mountains, or in the verteps, or in the pretans of the houses, or in the gluttony; or in the root of the tree, or plant leaves; or in the Niva, or in the gardens; Or in the grass, or in a bush, or in the pedeshes, or in the bath, may be resolved!

Yes, any Lukava act will be resolved; or in the skin of fishing, or in a carnal; or in the skin of the snake, or in the skin of the human; or in the decorations of the elegant, or in the poor heads; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the heads of the head, or in the eyebrows; or in bed, or in clothes; or in cutting nails of foot, or in hand cutting hand; Or in the blood is hot, or in the water of the student: yes will be resolved!

Every atrocity and magazine can be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; or in the muscles, or in Golenekh; or in the leg, or in hand; or in the womb, or under the womb, or in the costha, or in the veins; Or in the stomach, or in natural limits, may be resolved!

Yes, all the Diavolskiiiiii and Ottema will be allowed; or on the chant, or on Srebre; or on copper, or on the gland, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in the wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in the life; Everything will be resolved!

Yes, any evil diabolian mind against a person will be resolved; or in sea shoes, or in flying insects; or in animals, or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; or in beasts, or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; Everything will be resolved!

Through two dumbfound languor: Salamar and Remikara, pursuit; Elizdu and the devil from the slave of God (name), the power of the honest and the life-giving cross of the Lord with all the heavenly forces before the high and terrible throne of God, are creating servants of their lame so far. Cherubis and Seraphim; Power and priest; Domination and strength.

In one hour, the robber in the paradise of Prayer. Prayer Praying Josus Navin, the Sun of St and Moon. Well, praying the prophet Daniel and the magnitude of the mouth of Lviv. Three okras: Anania, Azaria and Misail Rogati Fire Piggy Fire Prayer. Little Lord, I pray, on the prayer of this guess everyone who purses her.

I pose and ask the Sainry Cathedral of the prophetic: Zechariah, Osi, Iason, Joeele, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Ilia, Elisha, Nauma and Prophet Forerich and the Baptist of the Lord John: - Pray and please four evangelists, Matthy, Mark , Luka and John the Theologian, and the Holy Rhine Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joachim and Anna, and Joseph Wrap, and Jacob's Brother of the Lord in the flesh, Simeon, and Simeon, the Lord, and Andrei Christ for Jurodivago, and John Milostivago, and Ignatius the Godron, and the Sacred Cartignment of Anania, and the novel of the singer Kondakov, and the brand of Grecharkago, and Kirill Patriarch Jerusalemskago and Rev. Ephraim Sirin, and the brand of the Great Patcher, and the Treh of St. Saint, Vasily Velikago, Grigory, and Ioanna Zlataustago, and in Saints Father of our saint Nikolai Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, and Saints Metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Iona, Philip, Hermogen, Inogene and Kirill, Moscow Wonderviews: Reverend Anto , Feodosia and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers: Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh Wonderviews; Rev. Zosima and the Savatia, Solovetsky Wonderworkers; Rev. Guria and Wormonophia, Kazan Wonderworkers; It is also in the saints of our father: Pakhomy, Anthony, Feotosia, Velikago Pimen, and in the holy Father of our Seraphim Sarovskago; Samson and Danel Statznikov; Maxim Grek, Monk Miletia Afonov Mountain; Nikon, Patriarch Antiochiskigo, Great Martyr Kiriaak and Mother of his Juliet; Alexy, man of God, and Saints Rev. Mironositz: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosynia, Ksenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Saints of the Great Martyers of Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina Lodge the Blood sick of our God for you of our God and all the saints of you who pleased you, Lord, Homes and save your slave (name), will not touch him or the house of him no evil and svobavia Not in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in days, nor in novchah will not touch.

Save him, Lord, from aerial, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits.

I pray, Lord, Lord, I am writing a prayer for the prayer of the holy priest Cyprian, was approved and marked by the sip of the Trinity on the Earlings and the defendance of any evil, the enemy and the sacrifice of the demonic networks, who tracing the man's witchcraft and the sorcerence of Sadoka and Nafaila Nurifies Efil and the Dzcheli Samuel, skillful in Magnia.

In the word, the Lord is adjusted by the sky and the earth and the whole hedgehog in the subway, the power of the prayer of this hill, any enemy obsession and indulgence. I urge to help all the strength of the heavenly and chinonachalia of yours; Archangels: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uriel, Salafail, Ieguidila, Varachayl and the Angel of My Keeper: the power of the honest and life-giving your cross and all the strength and spirits of heavenly and will be observed by your slave, Lord (name), and the Dolvolskoe Allian Heavenly forceful to the glory to you, the Lord, the creator of my and in the glory of your son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, is always still confessed and forever. Amen.

Lord! You are the omnipotent and almighty, save the prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian's slave of yours (name). Throw it three times and go three times.

Lord Jesus Christ the Word and the Son of God, the prayer of the Mother of Mother and the Angel of My Keeper, a lot of sinful slave of yours (name). Throw it three times and go three times.

VSI of the Soviet and Righteousness, the pray of the Milostivago God about the slave (name), and will preserve and raises me from all the enemy and the sacrup. (Three times say it and go three times.)

Yes, the prayer is very big, but also the benefit from it is huge.

Prayers of the Sacred Cyprian

The sorceress blooms and fragrances for thousands of years, feeding by human energy, pulling the vitality.

Prayers from witchcraft: Healing, cleansing and protection

Spoilers, the evil eye is a common phenomenon used due to envy, malice, hatred.

In order to protect itself and close people from the effects of black magic, you should contact the Great Martyr Cyprian.

Prayer Saint Cyprian - reliable wayeliminating a person from all sorts. Strong prayer removes the most powerful witchcraft, smoothness, damage, curses. It can read it both a professional and an ordinary person.

Prayer Sacred Cyprian from witchcraft is pronounced 40 times. For quick recovery, it is necessary to read it in front of the saint face with burning church candles. After the pronunciation of protecting words, it is necessary to present for a few minutes how dark forces leave the soul. If a person has suffered seriously, it is necessary to read the prayer of Cyprian from damage to the water. After that, you need to give a drink "elixir" patient. Thus, recovery will happen much faster.

"Holy Sacred Careenk Cyprian, in the days and nights, at that time, when all the power exercises, opposed against the glory of a single living God, you, Saint Cypriress, pray for our sinful, verb to the Lord:" Lord God, strong, holy, reigning forever, You hear the prayer of the loud (go) in the faith of the slaves (a) of your (go) name__ and for you, Lord, let her forgive her (His) all the heavenly military: thousands of angels and archangels, seraphim and cherubimov, guardian angels. "

Lord! You know all the secret on the heart of the slaves (a) of your (a) name of the spouse (GI) of her and Chad (a) them, that they dare to create before your face, the long-sword, the righteous Lord, the favor to suffer from our sinners to the atonement of our sins, And the sinful greatness of your mercy of your mercy, donate from us any evil and not too much. The autumn of us is sinful love of your light of your immaculate and hear me, a grief (father) and my wife (her husband) about the lost children of my.

I fall and ask the bright name of the Sacred Cyprian's sacred carpentry about my lost chads living in the house and about all Christians suffering from witchcraft, witchcraft, goose shovels and people of evil and flattened. May the bright prayer of yours is read in the house above the patient from the illness of his head: from an evil person, from a spell, from witchcraft, evil hatred, frightening in darkness, on the road, from poisoning with evil intent, from drunkenness, from slander, from a bad eye Murder of intentional. Yes, there will be a holy prayer of your fence and salvation of the slaves of God's dwellings.

The Lord is a single, almighty and omnipresent, give the command to the forces of the wicked leave the house in which I live sinning (s) and the dwelling of my children. Put your hand, a sore, light, performed grace on my home and my children. The blessing of the Lord of the House of Some, in which your prayer is happening bright.

Without all the evil by the command of yours, help me, Lord, Mother (Father), who is grieving about my children. Smiri their pride, call for repentance and save lost, as you called me a great sinner (ka). By the pleasants of them, Lord, and call for repentance by the force of an honest life-giving cross.

The commandment of the Lord, the evil deeds and the demonic dreams of my and the children of mine will be stopped, and do not stand before the prayer of your holy priest Cyprian. At one o'clock morning prayer Your saint will disappear the opposite forces of evil, beaten from evil people and degrees.

Save us, Lord, from any evil, the devilish titration, magic and evil people. As wax melts from the fire, so much evil tricks of human race melts. In the name of the Holy Life-giving Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we will be saved.

Slavim, Lord, the son of your Jesus Christ, the Odessa of the Father Sitting, with the expectation of the coming of His and the Resurrection of the dead power of an honest life-giving Cross of the Lord. The name of him is speaking and drive all the seea spirits and the eyes of evil people, distant and neighbors. Chony, Lord, an evil person from my dwelling. Save and save the slave (a) yours (His), the spouse (y) of my (YU) and my children from all sorts of evil impacts of the evil and unclean spirit.

Lord Multi-facing, multiplying the wealth of Jews a long-suffering, Save me and Chad, and Multiply well-fulfilling lives with a prayer of this light, the name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who worship all the tribes of the earthly, serve and alone thousands of angels and archangels, Cherubimov and Serafimov, the forces of all heavenly worms .

I, the sinful (name), hoping on the mercy of God, run and overcome all kinds of malice and the deawhood of the devil. Yes, it will be removed from me and from the Chad of my person with evil intent and the unclean shy spirit with seduction. The prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian runs, overcome, and destroy from myself and the hell of my forces of evil. Disappear, the forces of evil, from the Siah slaves of God's strength of an honest life-giving the Cross of the Lord and all the forces of the Heaven, creative before the throne of God, the power of the Lord, an overwhelming power of evil.

I am a prayer for God's one and invincible, through which all Christians are salvation, the power of the Holy Trinity, the power of a honest life-giving cross, I will be sinful.

Suit into the sea, on the way, in deep waters, when moving in the mountains, in the grass from poisonous snakes, creep, scorpions, at the food of fish, in the disease of the body, eye, head, in bed, from the loss of blood and every other illness of the force of an honest life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Yes, there will be a blessing of the Lord and grace his home, where the prayer is prayer to Cyprian.

I pray to Christ, created the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon and the whole universe. I am praying my prayer and the Mother Mother, Queen Heaven. Have mercy and save a slave (a) yours (his) (his name) of her husband (y) her (his) and their children. Yes, it will not touch me and in my morning, or in the afternoon, night evening, none at night is unclean power.

I pray and please light Zechariah - the Old Testament and Prophets: Osi, Ilya, Michea, Malachi, Yeremy, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Samuel, Elisha, Iona. I pray and ask four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luka, John and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

As well as Akima, Anna, Iosifa-wrap, Verine Mary, James-brother, John of the Milosive, Ignatia, the Godproof, the Sacred Martyr, Roman, the Sweetheovka Ephraim Syrin, Vasily, Great, Gregory-Theologian, John Zlatoust, Nicholas Wonderworker. Saints Metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Philip, Ion and Hermogene. Revised: Anthony, Feodosia, Zosima Savvatiya.

Rev. Martyrs: Guria, Solomon, Warsanofia, Avivov. Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarovsky, the wonderworker of Simeon-St Capinet, Maxim-Martyr, Nikon-Patriarch Antioch, Great Martyr Cyprian and his mother Iulita.

Alexia-God's man, Saints, Mironositz: Maria Magdalina, Maria Cleopa, Solomonia. Holy Women, Martyrs for Christ: Paraskeva, Efrosin, Ustinyu, Evdokia, Anastasia. Great Martyrs: Varvaru, Catherine, Marina. Anna-prophet and all saints from the century and until now in the land of the resulting.

Prechiland Virgin, the Queen of Heaven, save from air alarm and demonic navation in the dark, for I believe on the prayer of this holy priest Cyprian. The power of the life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, and destroy the sratis and destroy any evil, emanating from the evil heart and the villaness unclean powerAnd I will save us from Satan's networks praying through everywhere the prayers of the Major Mother and Light Heavenly Force: ArchReart Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Satavaila, Iguacil Varahayil and My Guardian Angel. Yes, there will be all the dedication of the Lord's honest life-giving the Holy Cross, the glory of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, now, is disguised, and forever. Amen"

There is an incredibly effective rite that protects against evil char - Cyprian and Justine. Pronounced text 7 times in the morning dawn, looking at the sunrise.

"The Holy Martyrs of Cuprainian and Mausti send their words! We will make the mission of the slave of God (name), hear him, help him to resolve him. I appeal to you with a request, with a prayer one, from witchcraft, from Magic black, from people who badly protect me. From the fact that wanted bad to me, remove. Remove the whole dark, smoothed, degraded, help me. Pray for me to the Lord God, help find help him, salvation. I don't pray for wealth, I'm not talking about protection, I ask for my soul, for my body. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, the priests of Cyprian and the Martyr Martyr Justine should be washed, uttering the following words.

"Wash the damn with water, the evil eye and witchcraft is dark, like the water from the face will leave and the bad everything next. Amen!"

The rite of cleansing from witchcraft must be repeated for two weeks. When a person feel that the claws of black magic are cut off with a prayer, it is necessary in the morning and in the evening 3 days to read ours for complete healing.

Every person can suffer from magic. But children under 7 years old are most vulnerable. So that the child does not suffer from the evil eye and damage should be protected. As a powerful weapon, Prayer Cyprian will serve. Read the words should a woman - a child's relative: Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Sister. It is necessary to pronounce prayer three times, while the child should be taken on the hands or put on his knees. For protection, the rite is carried out once every 2 weeks, and if there is a chance of damage - daily to complete recovery.

"Saint Cyprian, Help Protect diettko my relatively, the baby is small from the eyes of others, from words of bad, from people of bad, from envious words, from hypocritical praise. I words of prayer for my baby as a bedspread I bite, from the troubles and apring, protect against diseases and witchcraft. Let it be said and turns out. Amen!"

Reading the prayer of Cyprian, you can enlist support Higher ForcesWill protect and protect a person from the effects of black magic.

Prayer Cyprian and Justine - serves:

  • Powerful weapon, which one shot kills a sorceress;
  • Invisible shield, reliably protecting a person;
  • Healing antidote.

Prayer Cyprian from damage is incredibly efficient, which is the numerous evidence-crossed evidence.

How to recognize damage and evil eye

People who fade in their eyes often do not suspect the witchcraft chars and turn to different doctors, who, unfortunately, cannot help. In order to save yourself or a close person from the effects of black magic, you need to learn to recognize the presence of spanking and unchalled.

Over time, the magicians learned to send such damage, which lead to fast death. It would seem that everything is in order, there is no reason for concern, but in one moment a man leaves life.

therefore it is at least once a month to check ourselves and loved ones for the presence of a black witchcraft mantle.

To do this, put a glass of clean cold water on the head. Gently scatter the fresh egg and pour it into the water, note that the yolk is not damaged. Sit calm 2 minutes.

Take the glass into the hands and carefully examine the contents. If the water remained transparent, and the yolk did not separate from the protein - you are clean. When the water is muddy, and the yolk separated from the protein, while you watch the string in the glass - there is a problem. One fine thread is the evil eye.

Threads at the ends of which are small bubbles - damage is serious. When the strings fall on the bottom, the damage was deliberate, most likely a familiar person who wishes to hide his atrocity.

You should not fall into a panic, warned - it means armed. The presence of a witchcraft char is not a reason to lower your hands, but on the contrary you need to act. Start the verbati prayer to Cyprian's priest. If you are afraid, refer to the specialists. When the white magician begins healing session, you must carefully listen to every word.

Great Martyr Cyprian and Holy Martyr Justina: Life Path

Cyprian was born in the family of dishonest parents who were dedicated to the baby to the service of Apollon. When the boy turned 7 years old, he was given to the upbringing of the sorcerers who taught his wisdom demonskie. At 10, he went to Mount Olympus to prepare for the ministry of the Priests.

There he learned all sorts of devilish tricks:
  • Awarded people with deaths;
  • Harmed gardens, vineyards, fields;
  • Destroyed the harvest;
  • He knew the transformation of demonic;
  • Suggested strong, sweeping everything in its path, winds;
  • Produced frightening thunderstorms.

On the grief, he saw the army, consisting of the devils, who headed the black prince. Knew pagan gov, ghosts. When Cyprian learned to cause any evil, then the post was observed for 40 days. Food after sunset with one acorns.

In the fifteenth age, he visited lessons who led priests. From them he knew the terrible demonic secrets.

At this, the knowledge of Cyprus in the Black World did not end. He consisted of serving hera and Artemis. He learned the seduction, causing the dead from the grave, leaning on them the secrets of the other world.

The last step was the study of the star.

At 30, Cyprian was perfect in his activities. He was known as a terrible sorcerer, the ruin, a friend of Prince Hell, with whom he talked and seen.

Many people Cyprian spawned, bring them sacrificing demon and prince darkness. Helped to finish evil, he trained wishing to his skill. Some flew, others walked around the water, and the third swam in the clouds.

The Lord watched a sinner and did not want his death. Most High wanted to show their mercy to their own and prove that no sin can win over his humans. And the Almighty Savior Savior Cyprian.

Lived in that city beautiful, young girl Justina. She was born in the pagan family. But he served the Lord, turning into faith and parents.

The girl was clean as a tear, went to the temple, observed church canons. I had somehow on Junos Aglaid, the son of rich parents. She swear in love, wanting to turn into a slave for the carnal joy. But she did not meet him with reciprocity, calling himself a bride.

Then he went to ask for help from a sorcerer, promising to reward the magician gold and silver. He promised to help. She sent Cyprian to Justine and demons, and the devil, but nothing worked. Justina was frantically praying the Lord about help, and the Most High protected his bride.

The powerlessness of the demonskie led Cyprian to rage. He subjected to Justina and her relatives terrible dangers, suffering. But the girl did not reject the Lord. Then Cyprian ruined the connection with the owner of Hell and came to the house of the Lord, where he received a blessing, giving a burning of magician books.

Throughout the life of Justina and Cyprian, they experienced violent torment for not worshiping an idol. They were beaten, threw in Chan with boiling oil, carved, kept in the dungeon. But nothing could break the faith in God and the flame love for him.

The Great Martyr Cyprian and Justina were executed, and the bodies were thrown into the street. Wanderers secretly took them to Rome and handed over to the woman named Rufin. She buried the martyrs. And there are still wonderful healing and miracles on the graves.

Prayer of St. Cyprian for hundreds of thousands of people is a life-giving source that opposes devilish attacks.

Really strong Moldtva.

Hello. Great thanks for these prayers! Please tell me, and the rite that should be held for two weeks to protect against evil spell, read seven times, looking at the sunrise, if I do not see the sunrise from the apartment, then you can read prayer on the street or not? And the fact that on the street I can only be well dressed in shoes and headscarf, it will not be a hug for the rite? Sorry for questions such, I want to do it correct that the result is good. Thanks in advance.

  • List element
December 17, 2017 30 Lunar day - New Moon. Time to attract good.

Religious reading: Cyprian's prayer and Iustse is the strongest to help our readers.

Porch and the evil eye is afraid of every person, even the one who is skeptical of witchcraft. These magical impacts are characterized by the strongest negative energy selection towards the victim and destructively affect its life program, and sometimes ends and father outcome. A powerful means of protection against negative witchcraft, damage and evil eye is orthodox prayer Cyprian and Ustinie (Justine).

What features to recognize damage and evil eye

Under the influence of damage or evil eye in the life of the victim, bad changes begin. First of all, they affect the well-being, health and character of a person, then begins to deteriorate and general Affairs, troubles follow one after another. It is very important not to miss this moment and recognize the symptoms of negative witch influence in a timely murderer. Damage and often show ourselves in the form of the following signs:

  • regular and not passing headaches and weakness;
  • feeling of fatigue and powerlessness;
  • regular diseases that are not traditional medication treatment;
  • constant feeling of anxiety, uncertainty;
  • voices in the head, calling for terrible actions;
  • sudden and unfortunate attacks of aggression, maliciousness, inadequacy;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • depressive condition when the world begins to see only in the dark colors;
  • conflicts and quarrels with loved ones and relatives. The victim is distinguished from friends, begins to see enemies in them, and stretches to his enemies;
  • development of detrimental habits (addiction to alcohol, drugs, indiscriminate sex);
  • like out of the horns of abundance, the troubles begin to be poured.

The evil eye and damage can be very strong - under the influence of some such rites, the victim even can fade in seconds, sharply and unexpectedly for everyone around him. Prayer Cyprian and Justine will avoid this, protecting against any species of dark witchcraft.

Protective prayer Cyprian and Justine

Prayer, directed by Cyprian and Justine, helps you can get the support of the highest strength and protect yourself from the influence of black magic. This is simultaneously a reliable invisible shield, and a powerful weapon that is mercilessly fighting any witchcraft. The prayer text also has good healing impact on a person who has already become a victim of damage or the evil eye. Proof of the effectiveness of prayer Cyprian and Justine - numerous evidence of those who tried her action on themselves and their loved ones.

With the help of protection against evil char, you can contact both the most priest Cyprian and Cyprian and Justine together.

Prayer Cyprian from damage and evil eye

The protective forces of this prayer will rise at times, if after it is pronouncing the performer will turn to the visualization and will present as color as colorfully and in detail how dark forces leave it.

Prayer Cyprian and Justine to protect against witchcraft

The prayer text addressed to the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Martyr Isustine, pronounced on the morning dawn, when the sun starts to go down due to the horizon. The words performer must repeat 7 times, standing face to the daytime:

After the seventeent reading of prayer, praying should wash flowing water And pronounce:

"I wash off the evil eye, damage and dark witchcraft. With from face, water will leave and follows everything bad. Amen!"

Such a ritual can be performed within a few weeks - until the occurrence of relief. To secure the result, it is also recommended to utter a prayer "Our Father" - In the morning and in the evening, several times, a few weeks in a row.

Ancient prayer for protection against the Dark Forces Cyprian and Justine

Contact Justine and Cyprian with a request to protect against the dark witchcraft, you can still with one prayer. This text, characterized by a special force, has reached us from deep old. You need to read it, face turning to the east, at least 12 times a day, for several weeks. The greatest effect will be achieved when reading in the predestal time. Prayer words:

In this video, you can listen online another prayer from the unclean power of this holy:

If the child suffers from the evil

Negative witch influence, unfortunately, not only a person of an adult is often suffering from him and children, especially until the age of 7 (in the first 7 years of their lives, small children are most vulnerable).

Most often, the child may suffer from the evil eye, and in most cases it happens inadvertently. Must a kid helps protective prayerDirected by Cyprian. Her to pronounce a relative of the female line (mother, grandmother, aunt or sister). The child in the process of pronouncing a prayer should sit on their hands at the executor of the rite. Text read you need three times:

For a better result, protective prayer text should be read 1 time per week, a few weeks in a row. These words can be used as a prayer from the evil eye of the child if there is a suspicion of its presence. In this case, the rite is executed daily until the crumb will recover.

From the lives of Cyprian and Justina

Why with a prayer for protection against envy, damage, evil eye and any negative witchcraft, it is customary to refer to the martyrs of Cyprian and Justine? The answer to this question is the biography of St. Cyprian and Justina.

Cyprian, the future Great Martyr and the Holy, was brought up in the Society of Gentiles-Warlocks since 7 years old, acquainted with the Aza of the Dark Warreness (witchcraft). As a result, by 30 years he became a master of black magic, skillful sorcerer. Cyprian served as evil, he also taught and everyone received the glory of the Shoezhek. People appealed to him with requests for magic impact And they were ready to lay out for his work any amount of money.

In the same city, the righteous Christian of Justina lived. She was Clea and Nevinna, regularly attended the temple, complied with all the canons of the church and called themselves the Christ Bride. A rich man was hit on her, but Justina was adamant. Bogach turned to Cyprian for help, asked to be awesome her. The sorcerer did everything possible, submitted to the Eustine of demons and even the devil himself, exposed to the terrible sufferings and the dangers of her relatives, but his attempts did not lead to anything. The girl continued to pray to God and ask him to defend him, and the Lord defeated the righteous Christian.

When the Cyprian came to the Cyprian that Justina would not stop from the Most High, he broke all his ties with the owner of darkness, burned all the magician books and turned into a Christian faith, prayed diligently, asked the Creator forgiveness for all his sins. He wrote a lot of Christian works, the rest of his life was pleased with the Lord.

The saints refused to worship the pagan idol, because of which they were forced to suffer under the harassment and make a lot of torment and suffering for their faith. In the end, they were executed, after which their bodies thrown into the street. The dead Cyprian and Justina were secretly taken to Rome and betrayed the ground there. At the graves of Cyprian and Justina, miracles continue to be performed.

Thanks for the prayer, it will be useful! I have small child, I am very afraid of all sorts of unlocked, now I know how to protect it.

Thank you for prayers! Now they are very necessary for me. A new employee appeared at work, unbelieving me from day one. IN lately It began to find strange items on your desktop (needles, salt, etc.), health has sharply deteriorated, things went awry. I suspect that without magic it did not cost here ... I will pray!

I suspect that in my life without the participation of dark forces does not cost. Constantly arise in trouble, unforeseen circumstances. I'll try to pray to this holy. I only learned from the article about Cyprián and Justin, I did not appeal to them before. I think they will help me.

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Unknown World of Magic and Esoteric

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Prayers of the Sacred Cyprian

The sorceress blooms and fragrances for thousands of years, feeding by human energy, pulling the vitality.

Prayers from witchcraft: Healing, cleansing and protection

Spoilers, the evil eye is a common phenomenon used due to envy, malice, hatred.

In order to protect itself and close people from the effects of black magic, you should contact the Great Martyr Cyprian.

The prayer of St. Cyprian is a reliable way that eliminates a person from all sorts. Strong prayer removes the most powerful witchcraft, smoothness, damage, curses. It can read it both a professional and an ordinary person.

Prayer Sacred Cyprian from witchcraft is pronounced 40 times. For soon recovery, it is necessary to read it in front of the saint face with burning church candles. After the pronunciation of protecting words, it is necessary to present for a few minutes how dark forces leave the soul. If a person has suffered seriously, it is necessary to read the prayer of Cyprian from damage to the water. After that, you need to give a drink "elixir" patient. Thus, recovery will happen much faster.

"Holy Sacred Careenk Cyprian, in the days and nights, at that time, when all the power exercises, opposed against the glory of a single living God, you, Saint Cypriress, pray for our sinful, verb to the Lord:" Lord God, strong, holy, reigning forever, You hear the prayer of the loud (go) in the faith of the slaves (a) of your (go) name__ and for you, Lord, let her forgive her (His) all the heavenly military: thousands of angels and archangels, seraphim and cherubimov, guardian angels. "

Lord! You know all the secret on the heart of the slaves (a) of your (a) name of the spouse (GI) of her and Chad (a) them, that they dare to create before your face, the long-sword, the righteous Lord, the favor to suffer from our sinners to the atonement of our sins, And the sinful greatness of your mercy of your mercy, donate from us any evil and not too much. The autumn of us is sinful love of your light of your immaculate and hear me, a grief (father) and my wife (her husband) about the lost children of my.

I fall and ask the bright name of the Sacred Cyprian's sacred carpentry about my lost chads living in the house and about all Christians suffering from witchcraft, witchcraft, goose shovels and people of evil and flattened. May the bright prayer of yours is read in the house above the patient from the illness of his head: from an evil person, from a spell, from witchcraft, evil hatred, frightening in darkness, on the road, from poisoning with evil intent, from drunkenness, from slander, from a bad eye Murder of intentional. Yes, there will be a holy prayer of your fence and salvation of the slaves of God's dwellings.

The Lord is a single, almighty and omnipresent, give the command to the forces of the wicked leave the house in which I live sinning (s) and the dwelling of my children. Put your hand, a sore, light, performed grace on my home and my children. The blessing of the Lord of the House of Some, in which your prayer is happening bright.

Without all the evil by the command of yours, help me, Lord, Mother (Father), who is grieving about my children. Smiri their pride, call for repentance and save lost, as you called me a great sinner (ka). By the pleasants of them, Lord, and call for repentance by the force of an honest life-giving cross.

The commandment of the Lord, the evil deeds and the demonic dreams of my and the children of mine will be stopped, and do not stand before the prayer of your holy priest Cyprian. At the time of the morning prayer of your holy, the opposite forces of evil, beaten from evil people and sly demons disappear.

Save us, Lord, from any evil, the devilish titration, magic and evil people. As wax melts from the fire, so much evil tricks of human race melts. In the name of the Holy Life-giving Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we will be saved.

Slavim, Lord, the son of your Jesus Christ, the Odessa of the Father Sitting, with the expectation of the coming of His and the Resurrection of the dead power of an honest life-giving Cross of the Lord. The name of him is speaking and drive all the seea spirits and the eyes of evil people, distant and neighbors. Chony, Lord, an evil person from my dwelling. Save and save the slave (a) yours (His), the spouse (y) of my (YU) and my children from all sorts of evil impacts of the evil and unclean spirit.

Lord Multi-facing, multiplying the wealth of Jews a long-suffering, Save me and Chad, and Multiply well-fulfilling lives with a prayer of this light, the name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who worship all the tribes of the earthly, serve and alone thousands of angels and archangels, Cherubimov and Serafimov, the forces of all heavenly worms .

I, the sinful (name), hoping on the mercy of God, run and overcome all kinds of malice and the deawhood of the devil. Yes, it will be removed from me and from the Chad of my person with evil intent and the unclean shy spirit with seduction. The prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian runs, overcome, and destroy from myself and the hell of my forces of evil. Disappear, the forces of evil, from the Siah slaves of God's strength of an honest life-giving the Cross of the Lord and all the forces of the Heaven, creative before the throne of God, the power of the Lord, an overwhelming power of evil.

I am a prayer for God's one and invincible, through which all Christians are salvation, the power of the Holy Trinity, the power of a honest life-giving cross, I will be sinful.

Suit into the sea, on the road, in deep waters, when moving in the mountains, in the grass from poisonous snakes, creeping creep, scorpions, when eating fish, in the disease of the body, eye, head, in bed, from the loss of blood and any other disease Honest life-giving the Cross of the Lord.

Yes, there will be a blessing of the Lord and grace his home, where the prayer is prayer to Cyprian.

I pray to Christ, created the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon and the whole universe. I am praying my prayer and the Mother Mother, Queen Heaven. Have mercy and save a slave (a) yours (his) (his name) of her husband (y) her (his) and their children. Yes, it will not touch me and in my morning, or in the afternoon, night evening, none at night is unclean power.

I pray and please light Zechariah - the Old Testament and Prophets: Osi, Ilya, Michea, Malachi, Yeremy, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Samuel, Elisha, Iona. I pray and ask four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luka, John and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

As well as Akima, Anna, Iosifa-wrap, Verine Mary, James-brother, John of the Milosive, Ignatia, the Godproof, the Sacred Martyr, Roman, the Sweetheovka Ephraim Syrin, Vasily, Great, Gregory-Theologian, John Zlatoust, Nicholas Wonderworker. Saints Metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Philip, Ion and Hermogene. Revised: Anthony, Feodosia, Zosima Savvatiya.

Rev. Martyrs: Guria, Solomon, Warsanofia, Avivov. Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarovsky, the wonderworker of Simeon-St Capinet, Maxim-Martyr, Nikon-Patriarch Antioch, Great Martyr Cyprian and his mother Iulita.

Alexia-God's man, Saints, Mironositz: Maria Magdalina, Maria Cleopa, Solomonia. Holy Women, Martyrs for Christ: Paraskeva, Efrosin, Ustinyu, Evdokia, Anastasia. Great Martyrs: Varvaru, Catherine, Marina. Anna-prophet and all saints from the century and until now in the land of the resulting.

Prechiland Virgin, the Queen of Heaven, save from air alarm and demonic navation in the dark, for I believe on the prayer of this holy priest Cyprian. The power of the life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, and destroy the satellites and destroy all evil, emanating from the evil heart and the delicacy of the unclean strength, and will save us from Satan's networks praying throughout the prayers of the Major Mother and Light Heavenly Force: ArchReart Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Satavaila Iguasil Varahayil and the guardian angel of my. Yes, there will be all the dedication of the Lord's honest life-giving the Holy Cross, the glory of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, now, is disguised, and forever. Amen"

There is an incredibly effective rite that protects against evil char - Cyprian and Justine. Pronounced text 7 times in the morning dawn, looking at the sunrise.

"The Holy Martyrs of Cuprainian and Mausti send their words! We will make the mission of the slave of God (name), hear him, help him to resolve him. I appeal to you with a request, with a prayer one, from witchcraft, from Magic black, from people who badly protect me. From the fact that wanted bad to me, remove. Remove the whole dark, smoothed, degraded, help me. Pray for me to the Lord God, help find help him, salvation. I don't pray for wealth, I'm not talking about protection, I ask for my soul, for my body. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, the priests of Cyprian and the Martyr Martyr Justine should be washed, uttering the following words.

"Wash the damn with water, the evil eye and witchcraft is dark, like the water from the face will leave and the bad everything next. Amen!"

The rite of cleansing from witchcraft must be repeated for two weeks. When a person feel that the claws of black magic are cut off with a prayer, it is necessary in the morning and in the evening 3 days to read ours for complete healing.

Every person can suffer from magic. But children under 7 years old are most vulnerable. So that the child does not suffer from the evil eye and damage should be protected. As a powerful weapon, Prayer Cyprian will serve. Read the words should a woman - a child's relative: Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Sister. It is necessary to pronounce prayer three times, while the child should be taken on the hands or put on his knees. For protection, the rite is carried out once every 2 weeks, and if there is a chance of damage - daily to complete recovery.

"Saint Cyprian, Help Protect diettko my relatively, the baby is small from the eyes of others, from words of bad, from people of bad, from envious words, from hypocritical praise. I words of prayer for my baby as a bedspread I bite, from the troubles and apring, protect against diseases and witchcraft. Let it be said and turns out. Amen!"

Reading the prayer of Cyprian, you can enlist the support of the highest strength that will protect, and protect a person from the effects of black magic.

Prayer Cyprian and Justine - serves:

  • Powerful weapon, which one shot kills a sorceress;
  • Invisible shield, reliably protecting a person;
  • Healing antidote.

Prayer Cyprian from damage is incredibly efficient, which is the numerous evidence-crossed evidence.

How to recognize damage and evil eye

People who fade in their eyes often do not suspect the witchcraft chars and turn to different doctors, who, unfortunately, cannot help. In order to save yourself or a close person from the effects of black magic, you need to learn to recognize the presence of spanking and unchalled.

Over time, the magicians learned to send such damage, which lead to fast death. It would seem that everything is in order, there is no reason for concern, but in one moment a man leaves life.

therefore it is at least once a month to check ourselves and loved ones for the presence of a black witchcraft mantle.

To do this, put a glass of clean cold water on the head. Gently scatter the fresh egg and pour it into the water, note that the yolk is not damaged. Sit calm 2 minutes.

Take the glass into the hands and carefully examine the contents. If the water remained transparent, and the yolk did not separate from the protein - you are clean. When the water is muddy, and the yolk separated from the protein, while you watch the string in the glass - there is a problem. One fine thread is the evil eye.

Threads at the ends of which are small bubbles - damage is serious. When the strings fall on the bottom, the damage was deliberate, most likely a familiar person who wishes to hide his atrocity.

You should not fall into a panic, warned - it means armed. The presence of a witchcraft char is not a reason to lower your hands, but on the contrary you need to act. Start the verbati prayer to Cyprian's priest. If you are afraid, refer to the specialists. When the white magician begins healing session, you must carefully listen to every word.

Great Martyr Cyprian and Holy Martyr Justina: Life Path

Cyprian was born in the family of dishonest parents who were dedicated to the baby to the service of Apollon. When the boy turned 7 years old, he was given to the upbringing of the sorcerers who taught his wisdom demonskie. At 10, he went to Mount Olympus to prepare for the ministry of the Priests.

There he learned all sorts of devilish tricks:
  • Awarded people with deaths;
  • Harmed gardens, vineyards, fields;
  • Destroyed the harvest;
  • He knew the transformation of demonic;
  • Suggested strong, sweeping everything in its path, winds;
  • Produced frightening thunderstorms.

On the grief, he saw the army, consisting of the devils, who headed the black prince. He knew the pagan gods, ghosts. When Cyprian learned to cause any evil, then the post was observed for 40 days. Food after sunset with one acorns.

In the fifteenth age, he visited lessons who led priests. From them he knew the terrible demonic secrets.

At this, the knowledge of Cyprus in the Black World did not end. He consisted of serving hera and Artemis. He learned the seduction, causing the dead from the grave, leaning on them the secrets of the other world.

The last step was the study of the star.

At 30, Cyprian was perfect in his activities. He was known as a terrible sorcerer, the ruin, a friend of Prince Hell, with whom he talked and seen.

Many people Cyprian spawned, bring them sacrificing demon and prince darkness. Helped to finish evil, he trained wishing to his skill. Some flew, others walked around the water, and the third swam in the clouds.

The Lord watched a sinner and did not want his death. Most High wanted to show their mercy to their own and prove that no sin can win over his humans. And the Almighty Savior Savior Cyprian.

Lived in that city beautiful, young girl Justina. She was born in the pagan family. But he served the Lord, turning into faith and parents.

The girl was clean as a tear, went to the temple, observed church canons. I had somehow on Junos Aglaid, the son of rich parents. She swear in love, wanting to turn into a slave for the carnal joy. But she did not meet him with reciprocity, calling himself a bride.

Then he went to ask for help from a sorcerer, promising to reward the magician gold and silver. He promised to help. She sent Cyprian to Justine and demons, and the devil, but nothing worked. Justina was frantically praying the Lord about help, and the Most High protected his bride.

The powerlessness of the demonskie led Cyprian to rage. He subjected to Justina and her relatives terrible dangers, suffering. But the girl did not reject the Lord. Then Cyprian ruined the connection with the owner of Hell and came to the house of the Lord, where he received a blessing, giving a burning of magician books.

Throughout the life of Justina and Cyprian, they experienced violent torment for not worshiping an idol. They were beaten, threw in Chan with boiling oil, carved, kept in the dungeon. But nothing could break the faith in God and the flame love for him.

The Great Martyr Cyprian and Justina were executed, and the bodies were thrown into the street. Wanderers secretly took them to Rome and handed over to the woman named Rufin. She buried the martyrs. And there are still wonderful healing and miracles on the graves.

Prayer of St. Cyprian for hundreds of thousands of people is a life-giving source that opposes devilish attacks.

Really strong Moldtva.

Hello. Great thanks for these prayers! Please tell me, and the rite that should be held for two weeks to protect against evil spell, read seven times, looking at the sunrise, if I do not see the sunrise from the apartment, then you can read prayer on the street or not? And the fact that on the street I can only be well dressed in shoes and headscarf, it will not be a hug for the rite? Sorry for questions such, I want to do it correct that the result is good. Thanks in advance.

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December 17, 2017 30 Lunar day - New Moon. Time to attract good.

Sometimes strange and inexplicable things occur in life. Recently, it seems to be a prosperous person begins to hurt and wake, his black stripe starts in his life.

Usually everything starts with a banal cold: inexplicable temperature, a strong cough, which lasts unusually long. Anything bad in this case people are not suspected, and the disease is written off for anything: overwork, weather differences, an infection that is so easy to grab in the same crowded bus or any other public place.

In fact, in such a situation, it is necessary to alert, especially if almost simultaneously with the same symptoms, steam is sick.


Signs that witchcraft or damage affects you

Strong and uncompanying, simply tearing cough testifies to a steamed cooling complex for a couple.

Next, suddenly begins to hurt very much. Over time, the hernia of the spine is formed, and a person can be disabled. If you have suddenly sick with a back, know that any induced damage lies like that, including a poorly made love spell.

If the legs are unexpectedly falling, knees, ankle is constantly touched, then you most likely made a rite to closing the roads.

If your hands hurt, then the ritual at the collapse of any undertakings. You should alert such events in your life, as a randomly broken mirror, and constantly falling out of the hands.

It is believed that the mirror takes part of the host inductant, thereby considering a portion of impact on themselves. Only the crashed mirror - this is the reason to find the Savarkka and spend good "cleaning" thin teluntil the damage did not have time to fix it.

Pay attention also for you internal dialogueIf there are many extraneous thoughts in my head, you constantly think about something and argue with yourself, it means that there is an existence of subtles: the essence of various kinds or demons that do not give you peace in your thoughts.

Following bad well-being, troubles begin on the event: you break the car, lose money, you are constantly cheating, a personal life is not tried, a sick child is born and the like.

Very often, people do not attach the importance of why they still do not get better. Even those who have previously been perfect in their lives have been suffering from this. People live on and do nothing to help themselves. This is also explained by the fact that when you hover on some kind of magic, the sorcerers are still sent by the marrow to a person so that he does not understand what is happening to him. The damage is the last thing that vinit in his misfortunes is a dying person.

Emergencyly for a person with a spool can be an incredibly strong prayer Cyprian and Ustini from witchcraft.

Prayer text from witchcraft

words of Prayer Cyprian and Ustinie

The origin of prayer

Once Cyprian was a very strong sorcerer, talented, smart, incredibly educated, was distinguished by deep knowledge of the nature of nature, able to manage the elements.

By order of one very noble person who was unrequited in love with the Holy Christian Virgin, the Beauty of Justina, Cyprian did the spell on her. As soon as the sorcerer did not try to break the girl with the help of witchcraft, he did not come out. Justina remained adamant, no matter what.

Cyprian adds deadly disease to the entire city, and then all the people, frightened and indigrant, came to Justine, demanding that she married a pagan who avoided with all means. Justina, tightly hoping for the aid of the Lord, prayed for the health of people, which was granted by God.

Seeing his powerlessness and inexplicable persistence of young Christian, the sorcerer, dumbfounded in the power of the devil, he accepted Christianity himself, became a bishop, actively preached to the faith of Christ and took death for him along with Justina. Velikomarti lived at the end of the III - early IV century in Syria.

Since then, all believers, wanting to get rid of demons, sincerely turn prayer to these saints.

How to correctly read prayer?

Prayer Cyprian and Ustinie is incredibly powerful. You just need to properly approach the process of getting rid of yourself from the nalessed negative programs.

Initially, you need to clean your body and soul from your own negative: to hold at least a week post, confessing and binds, let go of the offense and anger on all enemies, forgive yourself and ill-wishers. Remember that you are not a victim at all, because damage will never stick to a person with a crystal clear soul.

Pride, anger, anger, envy, susceptibility is those negative programswhich serve as peculiar hooks to secure damage in the human body.

After cleansing with a light soul every day, in the morning and evening, in front of the icon of the saint with burning church candles, it should sincerely pronounce a prayer for 40 times with faith in the shower and passionate desire to heal, representing how evil forces leave your being. Will be fine, if next to you during this ritual, you put a glass of clean drinking water. Water will absorb healing information of prayer and will become an excellent additional medicine for you.

If your relative or acquaintance is very sick, and therefore he is not able to pray, you can read this prayer for water and give drinking near man. He will be better and will continue to be treated independently.

The origin of prayer Cyprian and Ustinie gives her additional extraordinary power. The fact that in the past Cyprian was a sorcerer, gives him power precisely on the dark forces. None other saints will help in this business as efficiently as Cyprian and Ustinya, and no one except these saints will understand your fears and problems better. They will protect you from the magic of evil sorcerers, the unchalled and spanking of various kinds.

On October 15, the Church celebrates the holiday of Saints Cyprian and Ustiny. Visit the temple on this day, order prayers in front of their icon, and you will allow you to help them and patronage for a long time. You can touch the saints in Cyprus, where they are located in a small church in the village called Mexico City.