Short parable about health. Beautiful short parables about life with morality (5 pieces)

Parable "On an incredulous person"

One day one stupid and incredulous man came to visit the neighbor.

The owner spent him into the house and suggested soup, but as soon as he took a spoon, he noticed a little snake in his disk. In order not to offend the owner, he still ate soup, but after a few days he sick so hardly, which was forced to go to his neighbor. And he, after hearing the complaint, prepared a medicine in a small cup, which was then conveyed to this complainant.

Having gathered to make the first sip, he again noticed a small snake in his cup. But this time he decided not to be silent and loudly said that it was for this reason he fell ill with last time.

Inhibition, the owner pointed to the ceiling where the big onion hung. "In my cup you see not a snake, but the reflection of Luke," he said. - No snake no. " An incredulous neighbor again looked at his cup and, of course, there was not a snake, but a simple reflection.

He left the house of his neighbor, and without drinking medicine, and was healthy every other day. A person usually sees only what he wants to see.

What do you see in your life?

Parable "About the butterfly"

The main idea: Everyone is the owner of his fate.

In ancient times, there was one sage, to which people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and respected his age, life experience and wisdom. And once one envious man decided to overlook the sage in the presence of many people.

The envious and the creep came up with a whole plan, how to do it: "I will catch a butterfly and in closed palms I will bring the sage, then I will ask him how he thinks, live in my hand in my hands or dead. If a sage says that lively, I'm tightly palm, I will give a butterfly and, open the hand, I will say that our great sage was wrong. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open the palm, the butterfly will fly away and unharmed and say that our great sage was mistaken. " So did the envious, caught the butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked the wise men, what a butterfly in his palms he had, the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

Parable "Wisdom of Life"

Somehow one sage, standing in front of her students, did the following. He took a large glass vessel and filled it to the edges with large stones. Having done this, he asked the students, whether the vessel was full. Everyone was confirmed by full.

Then the sage took a box with small pebbles, poured it into a vessel and shook it slightly several times. Pebbles rolled into between large stones and filled them. After that, he asked the students half a vessel now. They confirmed again - the fact is full.

Finally, the sage took a box with sand from the table and poured it into a vessel. The sand of course filled the last gaps in the vessel.

"Now" - a sage to students turned - "I would like you to recognize your life in this vessel! Large stones personify important things in life: your family, your favorite person, your health, your children are those things that, don't even be the rest, still be able to fill your life. Small pebbles represent less important things, such as, for example, your work, your apartment, your home or your car. Sand symbolizes life trivia, casual bustle. If you fill your vessel at the beginning of the sand, then there will no longer be space for larger stones.

Parable "Insome Gift"

Somehow, the old wise man came to one village and remained. He loved the children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to make gifts, but given only fragile things. Nor tried children to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were frustrated and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.

Once parents could not stand and came to him:

"You wise and wish our children only good." But why do you make such gifts?

They try, as they can, but toys are still breaking, and children cry.

But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.

- It will pass quite a few years, "the old man smiled," and someone will give them his heart. "

Maybe it will teach them to handle this priceless gift at least a bit neat?

Parable "Sage about filters of perception"

One old and very wise man said to his friend: "Look at the room in which we are better, and try to remember the things of brown." There was a lot of brown in the room, and the friend quickly coped with this task.

But the sage asked him the following question: "Close the eyes of your eyes and listed all things ... blue!" The friend was confused and indignant: "I didn't notice anything in blue, because I only remembered the brown things about your poop!"

What a wise man answered him: "Open your eyes, inspect - after all, there are a lot of things in blue in the room." And it was clean truth.

Then the sage continued: "By this example, I wanted to show you the truth of life: If you are looking for things in the room only brown, and in life - only bad, then you will only see them, notice them exclusively, and only they will remember you. And participate in your life. Remember: If you are looking for, bad, then you will definitely find it and never notice anything good. Therefore, if all your life you will wait and morally prepare for the worst - then it will definitely happen to you, you will never be disappointed in your fears and fears, but you will find them new and new confirmations. But if you hope and prepare for the better, then you will not attract bad in your life, but just risk just sometimes to be disappointed - life is impossible without disappointment. Waiting for the worst, you miss everything is good because it actually has. If you expect bad, then you get it. And vice versa. You can acquire such a strength of the Spirit, thanks to which any stressful, critical situation in life will have positive parties. "

People notice only what matches their thinking, passing through the filters of perception, like through sieve, information around themselves.

Do you notice a good thing around yourself in life and in humans?

Parable "Cleverness of a smart person"

To test the mind and observation of the Sultan of the neighboring kingdom, and at the same time the seven of his people, one padisch in the oldest times sent three gold figures to his neighbor. These figures looked completely equally and had the same weight. But they all, according to those who sent them, differed from each other with their value. Sultan was proposed to establish which of the figures was the most valuable. Together with his courtiers, he carefully considered the figures, but could not detect the slightest difference. Even the wisest men of his states were ready to give their heads on the cut, that there is no difference between the figures. The king fell into despondency. What a disgrace! It came out that he manages his country, where there is not a single intelligent subject who could find the difference between the figures. All the state took part in solving the riddles, and everyone tried with all his might.

When, it seemed, the hope was already lost, one young man, in a prison, took to discover the difference between the figures, unless he would be given to inspect them. Sultan ordered the lead of a young man to the palace and told him three gold figures. The young man considered them very carefully and, finally, it established that each of the figures in the ear there is a small hole. Then to check it he drove there thin silver wire. It turned out that the first figure of the silver wire came out of his mouth, in the second - from another ear, and the third appeared from the navel. Thinking a little, the young man turned to Sultan.

"Oh, the Great," he said, "I think that the decision of the riddles lies with us as an open book. It remains only to read what is written there. Please note: no one is similar to others, and each of these figures is the only one of its kind. The first figure resembles those people who, barely healing to the end of any news, are in a hurry to tell about what he heard. The second figure is similar to people about whom they say: "In one ear flies, to another crashes." The third figure is largely similar to those who remember the heard and trying to skip it through his own heart. Mr.! Now judge what kind of figure is the most valuable. Who would you choose and made your close? One who is all chosen, for whom are your words that the wind, or who can be completely trusted, because he will keep your words in the caches of his soul? "

Are you as smart and can you skip different knowledge through your heart to turn your failures in success?

Parable "Golden windows"

The boy was sitting on the threshold of his house on a hill and envy looked at a beautiful building at thenime in the valley. It was lit by the rays of the midday sun, and the windows were shone with golden light. The house looked like a fabulous castle.

The boy with sadness thought that he lives in the poor Necazist Domishke, and, perhaps, the same as he, the boy walks through the rooms of that wonderful castle.

Once the boy decided to go down to the valley and closer look at the wonderful house, admire it. He did it.

And what did he see in an hour when the sun's rays did not cover the building? He found that a fabulous castle, so admired him, is the most ordinary house that is no better than his own.

Here the Malum unwittingly translated a look at the top of the hill, to his house. The sun came, and his rays were brightly lit up the windows of the windows, which were now sparkled by gold. So looked out of the lowland his usual housing. But the house in which I live is also beautiful, "the boy thought, climbing along the top of the hill.

Look at the windows of your house when the sun rays fall on them!

Parable "Oh Ten Fools"

One day, ten fools of Vyododnod went to the river, reaching another shore, decided to make sure that they all crossed it. One of them began to count, but considering others, I missed myself. "I see the nine-we lost one. Who could it be?" He said. "And you correctly considered," the other asked and began to count himself. But he also counted only the ninter. One after another everyone numbered the ninter, missing himself. "We are only nine! But who is missing?" All efforts to detect the "missing" were unsuccessful. "Whoever he was, he drowned! We lost it!" - said the most sentimental of them. Having said this, he flooded with tears, and the rest of nine followed his example.

Seeing the crying people on the banks of the river, the performed sympathy traveler asked what the cause of their grief was asked. He was explained to what happened and said that even after repeated checks, they could not count more than nine people. Hearing their story, but seeing all ten in front of him, the traveler was realized, what's the matter. And in order for fools to realize that there are really ten who got safely to the shore, he told them: "Let each of you name your number sequentially: one, two, three, etc., while I will Apply him to hit so that you are convinced that they are included in the score and moreover only once. Then there is a "missing" tenth ". Hearing this, fools were delighted to find their "lost" comrade and adopted the method proposed by the traveler.

While a good traveler distributed strikes in turn to each of the ten, who received a blow loudly considered himself. "Ten" - said the last, after receiving the latter in turn. In confusion, they looked at each other. "We are ten" - they said in one voice and thanked the traveler for getting rid of grief.

How often we are not visible hidden for explicit, and how often is the obvious itself?

Parable "Whisper"

Somehow a young man was driving on a new sparkling "Jaguar" in a beautiful mood, singing some melody. Suddenly he saw children sitting by the road. After he, carefully having come across them, gathered to gain speed again, he suddenly heard the stone hit the car. The young man stopped the car, left her and, grabbing one of the boys for a column, began to shake him with a cry:

- Parsivets! What the hell you threw a stone into my car! Do you know how much this car costs?!

"Sorry me," answered the boy. - I had no intention to harm you and your car. The fact is that my brother is a disabled, he fell out of the stroller, but I can't raise it, he is too hard for me. For several hours, we ask help, but no car stopped. I did not have another exit, except to throw a stone, otherwise you would not stop either.

The young man helped the boy to squeeze the disabled person in the chair, trying to keep the tears and suppress the lurrics to the throat. Then he went to his car and saw a dent on a new shiny door, remaining from the stone.

He traveled on this car for many years and once again said "No" to the mechanics offered to repair a dent, because she constantly reminded him: if you ignore the whisper, a stone will fly in you.

Parable "Enjoy your coffee!"

A group of graduates who have been successful who made a wonderful career came to visit their old professor. Of course, soon the conversation went about work - graduates complained about numerous difficulties and vital problems. By offering coffee and having received consent, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray, settled by the most different cups - and simple, and expensive, and refined: plastic, glass, porcelain, crystal.

When graduates disassembled cups, Professor said:

- Have you noticed that all expensive cups disassembled? No one has chosen a cup of simple and cheap. The desire to have only the best and is the source of your problems. Understand that the cup itself does not make coffee tastier, and sometimes even hides the fact that we drink. What you really wanted is coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the expensive cups, and then looked at someone who went. And now think: life is coffee. And work, money, position in society - only cups. These are just tools for storing life. What kind of cup we have does not determine and does not change the quality of our life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself. Enjoy your coffee!

Tale "Petina Greed

In a small town on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house there was a Petya boy. Pet recently turned 8 years old, and he felt very adult. Parents for birthday gave him a new beautiful soccer ball. Petya very much treated with this ball. When I walked on the street, I did not let him out of my hands and no one did not give any of the guys.

One day, when Petya stayed at home alone, he heard some rustle in Chulana. The boy was frightened, but curiosity took the top, he decided to open the door and look inside. There, in the dark, sat a little round little man.

Hello, Petya.

Hello. And who are you?

I? I am a little wizard. Petya, you are a very good boy, so I can give you everything you want. Do you want sweets?

I want, - Petya was delighted.

Well, only I have one condition.

You can eat candy alone and do not share with anyone.

Okay, "Petya said," it's easy, I can. "

And the little man gave him a big packing of candies.

The boy thought: "How wonderful that I now have my little wizard! It's great that you don't have anyone to share, as Mom has been taught with dad and grandmother. "

Petya went outside. The sun shone brightly. They immediately ran the guys and, seeing a large packing of candies in the hands of the boy, began to wait, when he would treat them. But Petya pressed candies to himself, went to the bench and ate alone.

A few days passed. Somehow, in the evening, Petya again heard a rustle in Chulana, this time he was louder. The boy already opened the door without fear and saw the same round little man, only he became more. The little man smiled.

Hello, Petya! How wonderful that you looked to me. I have a surprise for you. - The little wizard got from somewhere a new cell phone. "Here," he handed his boy.

This is yes-ah-ah! - exclaimed Petya. Parents have not yet allowed him to have a phone, but I wanted very much.

Now he is yours, "said the little man. - But remember our perspective!

Yes Yes! Sure! I will not give him anyone, "the boy spoke quickly.

Petya was happy. He went out, all shining from pleasure, wanted to boast, but the guys did not come to him. The boys already knew that Petya would not share anything with them, they nailed him with a hedied. The whole evening Petya sat on the bench alone, admiring her new acquisition.

The next day he looked back into the chulad. Opening the door, the boy screamed from the surprise. The little wizard has grown overnight and was already growing with Petya.

Hello, cute Peter. Do you like my gifts?

Sure! But what happens to you, why are you growing?

Because you help me, thank you for it. And today I prepared a special gift for you - bike. He is yours, take it.

Petina joy was not borders!

And not give anyone? - he asked.

Petya took a bike and went to walk, posing how friends would be glance with envy. Going out on the street, I saw that all the children play in the next yard. Petya drove up to them on a new brilliant bike, but nobody paid attention to the boy. "Well,", "Petya thought. He rode around the yard for almost an hour, and when he was tired, a little upset went home. "Better I will talk to my new friend from Chulana," he decided.

Returning, he discovered that the door to the chunchelate was ajar. Looking there, Petya dug in horror. The little wizard, was not at all small, he barely placed in Chulana. It seemed that if he starts moving, the walls of the room were collapsed.

You have become so huge!

Yes, and this is all thanks to you! In Chulana, I was closely, and now I will live in your room.

But this is my room! And only mine!

Of course, of course, I understand. But I will give you everything you want.

Petya thought. A couple of days and the little man will destroy the house. What will happen then? "So be, I will not greed and give up his room to him," the boy decided.

Good, live with me.

After these words, the wizard began to decrease directly in front of her eyes. Suddenly, Petya dawned on who in fact this little man. It was greed! Yes, yes, the greed of him, Petina! How did he not understand this before? The boy immediately took the bike and went out. Seeing a neighbor girl, he offered her to ride, and at that time ran home at that time. Great joy greed has become less. Then Petya understood what to do next. He grabbed the soccer ball and ran out again. At the sports ground played the boys to which Petya headed. Together they played until the evening. Peter came home joyful and tired. Opening the chunned, he did not see anyone there. Greed disappeared!

Parable "Exit from difficulties"

Once, one peasant fell into a donkey well. The peasant came running on the cry of the donkey and threatened his hands: "How to pull it out?" I thought that it was impossible to pull out and decided: "Donkey is still the old one, he has long been left for long, it was still going to buy a young donkey. Yes, and the well almost dried, it was still going to bury him and dug a new well in another place - it means both to be a donkey, so that the smell of decomposition is not heard. " He began to throw the land into the well. Donkey, I realized that it would die and began to make a terrible cry, but then the fortune. After a few throws of Earth, the peasant decided to see what was going on there below. He was very surprised to see how donkey behaves. Every piece of land that fell on his back, donkey sharpened and fitted his feet. Very soon, the donkey appeared at the top and jumped out of the well!

Problems in our lives are training situations that help us become stronger.

Reading interesting books is useful for human health

Perennial observations have shown that if a person, for example, reads some articles about natural landscapes, smells, sounds, taste sensations, at this very moment he has activation of the same brain sites as in real contact with the described phenomena.

However, experts noted that the brain does not act in a similar way, if a person brings the TV or sits behind the computer monitor.

According to John Stein, who is a professor of University of Oxford, in the process of reading a person makes the brain actively work. When the reader "with his head" is immersed in the book, then it happens much more than just reading text. Fantasizing good actions taking place with the heroes of the book, a person at the level of thought is doing the same, but with himself.

Parable is one of the most ancient varieties of an edifying story. The instructive allegory allow you to briefly and give any moral installation without resorting to direct belief. That is why the parables about life with morality - short and allegorical - at all times were a very popular tool of upbringing, affecting a variety of human existence.

The ability to distinguish good and evil distinguishes man from the animal. It is not surprising that the folklore of all nations keep a lot of parables on this topic. Give your own definitions of good and evil, to explore their interaction and explain the nature of human dualism and tried in the ancient East, and in Africa, and in Europe, and in both America. The big body of paraders on this topic shows that with the entire difference of cultures and traditions, the idea of \u200b\u200bthese fundamental concepts among different peoples is common.

Two wolves

Once upon a time, the old Indian opened one vital truth to his grandson:
- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, egoism, ambitions, lies ... Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...
Little Indian, touched to the depths of the soul with the words of his grandfather, he thought for a few moments, and then asked:
- And what kind of wolf is wins?
Old Indian barely smiled and answered:
- always wins the wolf that you feed.

Know and don't do

The young man came to the sage with a request to take it into the disciples.
- Can you lie? - asked the sage.
- Of course not!
- And steal?
- Not.
- And kill?
- Not…
- So go and know all this, - the sage exclaimed, - and disintegrated, do not!

Black Point

Once the sage gathered his students and showed them a regular sheet of paper, where he painted a small black point. He asked them:
- What do you see?
All the choir answered that the black point. The answer was not true. The sage said:
- Do not you see this white sheet of paper - it is so huge, more than this black point! So in life - we see in people the first thing something bad, although good much more. And only units see immediately "white sheet of paper".

Proverbs about happiness

Wherever a person was born, whoever he was, whatever he was doing, in fact, he makes one thing - looking for happiness. This internal search continues from birth to mortal Odra, even if not always realized. And on this path of the person lies a lot of questions. What is the happiness? Is it possible without having nothing, be happy? Is it possible to get happiness ready or need to create it yourself?
The idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is also individually as DNA or fingerprints. For some people and the whole world, it is not enough to feel at least satisfied. Another small enough is a sunbeam, a friendly smile. It seems that about this ethical category of consent between people can not be. And yet in different parables about happiness, contact points are found.

Piece of clay

God blinded a man from clay. I blinded for a man the land, house, animals and birds. And he remained unused piece of clay.
- What else to make you? God asked.
- I tag me happiness, "the man asked.
God said nothing, thought and put a person in the palm of the remaining piece of clay.

Money can not buy happiness

The student asked the Masters:
- How true is the words that not in the money happiness?
The master replied that they were completely true.
- It's just to prove. For for money you can buy bed - but not sleep; food - but not appetite; medicines - but not health; servants - but not friends; women - but not love; housing - but not a home focus; Entertainment - but not joy; Teachers - but not mind. And what is named, does not exhaust the list.

Khoja Nasreddin and traveler

Once Nasreddin met a sullen man wondering on the road to the city.
- What's the matter? - asked Khoja Nasreddin the traveler.
The man showed him a skipped road bag and said plaintively:
- Oh, I'm unhappy! Everything that I own in an infinitely huge world, will hardly fill this pitiful, unfit bag!
"Your things are bad," Nasreddin snatched, snatched the bag from the hands of the traveler and ran away.
And the traveler continued the path, pouring tears. Meanwhile, Nasreddin ran ahead and put a bag right in the middle of the road. The traveler saw his bag laying on the way, laughed at joy and cried:
- Oh, what happiness! And I really thought that everything was lost!
"It's easy to make a person who retires him to appreciate what he has," watching the traveler from the bushes, I thought Khoja Nasreddin.

Wise parables about morality

The words "Moral" and "morality" in Russian have different shades. Morality is, rather a public installation. Moralism is internal, personal. Nevertheless, the basic principles of morality and morality are largely coincided.
The wise parables are easily, but do not superficially affect these basic principles: the attitude of a person to man, dignity and lowness, attitude to homeland. Questions of human and society relationships are often embodied in a parable form.

Bucket of apples

Bought a man to himself a new home - big, beautiful - and garden with fruit trees near the house. And next to the old house there was an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: then the garbage at the gate will throw, then what kind of nastyness will do.
One day a man awoke in a good mood, came out on the porch, and there - a bucket with hollows. The man took a bucket, the fear poured, cleaned the bucket to the brilliance, the biggest, ripe and tasty apples in it and went to the neighbor. The neighbor opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and a man extended him a bucket with apples and said:
- Who is rich, the one that shares!

Low and worthy

One padisham sent the sage three identical bronze figurines and ordered to convey:
"Let them decide who of three people whose sculptures we send, worthy of who so-so and who is low."
No one could find any difference between the three statuette. But the sage noticed holes in the ears. He took a thin flexible wand and stuck it in the ear of the first statuette. The wand came out through the mouth. The second figurine wand came out through the other ear. The third figurine sticks stuck somewhere inside.
"A person who discloses everything hears, is definitely low," the sage judged. "The one who has a mystery enters one ear, and goes through another - a man so-so." The one who keeps all secrets in itself is true.
So decided the sage and made the appropriate inscriptions on all figurines.

Change the voice

Dove saw in a grove owl and asked:
- Where are you from, owl?
- I lived in the east, and now I am flying to the West.
So answered Owl and began to be angry with a viciously and laugh. Dove asked again:
"Why did you leave the hometown and fly in other people's edges?"
- Because in the East, they do not like me for the fact that I have a nasty voice.
- In vain you left the native edges, - said the dove. - You need to change not land, but voice. In the West, as in the east, the evil Wuhan will suffer.

About parents

Attitude towards parents is a moral task, which has long been solved by humanity. Biblical legends about Hama, gospel commandments, numerous proverbs, fairy tales to fully reflect the ideas of people about the relationship of fathers and children. And yet, there are so many contradictions between parents and children that it is worth a modern person from time to time to remind.
The constant relevance of the topic "Parents and children" gives rise to all new and new parables. Modern authors, following in the footsteps of predecessors, find new words and metaphors to touch this issue again.


He lived was an old man. His eyes are blinded, hearing stuck, and her knees trembled. He almost could not keep a spoon in his hands, shed soup, and sometimes food fell out of his mouth.
Son and his wife with disgust looked at him and began to plant an old man in the corner of the stove while eating, and the food was served him in an old saucer. One day, the hands of the old man were so shaking that he could not keep a meal with food. It fell to the floor and broke. Then the young daughter-in-law began to scold the old man, and the son made a wooden feeder's father. Now the old man had to eat it.
Once the parents sat at the table, their small son was entered into the room with a piece of wood in her hands.
- What do you want to do? Father asked.
"Wooden feeder," answered the baby. - When I grow up, dad and mom will eat from it.

Eagle and Orlock

Old eagle flew over the abyss. On his back, he was a mustache. Orlock was still too small and could not mascel this path. Flying over the precipice, the chick said:
- Father! Now you carry me through the abyss on the back, and when I will become big and strong, I will carry you.
"No, son," the old eagle answered sadly. - When you grow up, you will incur your son.

Suspension bridge

On the way between two highland villages there was a deep gorge. Residents of these villages built a suspension bridge over him. Through his wooden planks, people went, and two cables served as railing. People are so accustomed to walking on this bridge, which they could and do not hold on to these railing, and even children fearlessly moved the gorge on the skulls.
But once the cable-railing disappeared somewhere. Early in the morning, people approached the bridge, but no one could do a step on him. While the cables were, could not be kept for them, but without them the bridge turned out to be impregnable.
This is happening with our parents. As long as they are alive, it seems to us that we can completely do without them, but as soon as we lose them, life immediately begins to seem very difficult.

Lowish parables

Lowish parables are a special category of texts. In a person's life, every moment there is a situation of choice. What role is minor to play in fate, it would seem, the little things, imperceptible small meanness, stupid provocations, ridiculous doubts? Proverbs answer this question is definitely: huge.
For parables there is nothing insignificant and unimportant. She firmly remembers that "the flutter of the butterfly wing responds to thunder in the distant worlds." But the parable does not throw a person alone with an inexorable reward law. She always leaves the opportunity to fall asleep and continue the way.

All in your hands

In one Chinese village there was a sage. People with their problems and illnesses came from everywhere, and no one left without having received help. For that they loved and respected him.
Only one person said: "People! Who do you worship? After all, this is a charlatan and fraudster! " One day he collected around him the crowd and said:
- Today I will prove to you that was right. Let's go to your sage, I will catch a butterfly, and when he comes out on the porch of his house, I will ask: "Guess what I have in my hand?". He will say: "Butterfly," because anyway, any of you will say. And then I will ask: "And live or dead?" If he says that live, I will squeeze my hand, and if the dead, then I will release a butterfly to freedom. In any case, your sage will be in fools!
When they came to the wisdom house, and he went to them towards them, the envious asked his first question:
"Butterfly," the sage replied.
- And Live or Dead?
Old man smiling in the beard, said:
- All in your hands, man.


A long time ago a war broke out between the beast and birds. The most difficult was the old bat. After all, she was animals, and a bird at the same time. And therefore she could not solve for himself, to whom she is still more profitable to join. But then she decided to smear. If birds are overwhelmed over the beasts, it will support birds. Otherwise, it will quickly move to the beasts. So she did.
But when everyone noticed, as she behaves, they immediately offered her not to run from one to others, and once and forever choose one side. Then the old bat said:
- Not! I will stay in the middle.
- Okay! - they said both sides.
The battle began and the old bat, being in the middle of the battle, was crushed and died.
That is why the one who is trying to stream between two chairs will always be on the most rotten part of the rope, which hangs over the mouth of death.

The fall

One student asked his tutor-Sufia:
- Teacher, what would you say if I learned about my fall?
- Get up!
- And next time?
- Get up again!
- And how much can it continue - to fall and climb everything?
- Fall and raise, as long as alive! After all, those who fell and did not rise, are dead.

Orthodox Proverbs about life

More academician D.S. Likhachyov noted that in Russia Parach as the genre "grew up" from the Bible. The Bible and by itself dodged the parables. It is that the form of teaching the people chosen Solomon and Christ. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that with the arrival of Christianity on Russia, the paradise genre was deeply rooted on our land.
Folk Vera has always been far from formalism and "book" complication. Therefore, the best Orthodox preachers constantly turned to the allegory, where they generalized transformed the key ideas of Christianity in a fabulous form. Sometimes the Orthodox Proverbs of Life could concentrate into one phrase-aphorism. In other cases - in a short plot.

Humility is a feat

Somehow, a woman came to the Optina Jeroshimonakh, a woman came and asked him a blessing for a spiritual feat: to live one and without interference to fast, pray and sleep on bare boards. The elder said to her:
"You know, the crap doesn't eat, does not drink and does not sleep, and everything lives in the abyss, because he has no humility. Conquer in all the will of God - here's the feat; Meet before everyone, ignite yourself in everything, bringing with thanksgiving the disease and sorrow - this is above all sorts of feats!

Your cross

One person seemed that he lives very hard. And he went once to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
- Can I choose myself another cross?
God looked at a man with a smile, started him in the repository, where the crosses were, and says:
- Choose.
Long walked a man in the repository, looking for the smallest and light cross, and finally found a small-little, lonely lonely cross, went to God and says:
- Lord, can I take this one?
"You can," God replied. - This is your own and there.

About love with moral

Love drives worlds and human souls. It would be strange if parables walked around the problem of the relationship of men and women. And here the authors of the Proverbs raise the great many questions. What is love? Is it possible to give her definition? Where does she come from and what robs her? How to find it?
Touch in parables and narrower aspects. Domestic relationships of her husband and wife - it would seem that it could be a banal? But here the parable finds food for reflection. After all, it is only in fairy tales with a marriage crown. And the parable knows: everything just begins with this. And keep love is no less important than finding it.

All or nothing

One person came to the sage and asked: "What is love?" The sage said: "Nothing."
The person was very surprised and began to tell him that he read a lot of books, which describe that love is different, sad and happy, eternal and fleeting.
Then the sage replied: "Everything".
The man again did not understand anything and asked: "How do you understand? All or nothing?"
The sage smiled and said: "You yourself just answered your question: nothing or everything. Miden can not! "

Mind and heart

One person claimed that the mind on the street of love - blind, and that the main thing in love is a heart. In proof of this, he brought a story about in love, who twisted a Tiger river many times through the river, bravely struggling to see his beloved.
But one day he suddenly noticed her on her face a spot. After that, swinging the tiger, he thought: "My favorite is imperfect." And at the same moment, the love that kept him on the waves weakened, in the midst of the river, the strength left him, and he drowned.

Repair and not throw away

An elderly couple, who lived for more than 50 years together, asked:
- Probably, have you never been quarreled for half a century?
"They swear," the husband and wife replied.
- Maybe you have never had any needs, there were perfect relatives and a house - the full bowl?
- No, everything is like everyone else.
- But you never wanted to disperse?
- There were such thoughts.
- How did you manage to live so long?
- Apparently, we were born and grew up in those times when broken things were taken to repair, and not throw away.

Do not require

The teacher found out that one of his students persistently sought someone's love.
"Do not require love, so you won't get her," said the teacher.
- But why?
- Tell me what you are doing when in your door are unattended guests, when they knock, scream, demanding to turn around, and tear the hair from what they do not open them?
- I lock it stronger.
- Do not lift in the door of other people's hearts, so they cling to you even stronger. Become a welcome guest and any heart will open before you. Take an example from a flower that does not chase bees, and giving them nectar, attracts them to themselves.

Short parables about insult

The outer world is a hard medium that constantly encounters people with each other, carving sparks. The situation of the conflict, humiliation, the resulting insult is able for a long time to knock down a person from the rut. Parable and here comes to help, playing a psychotherapeutic role.
How to react to an insult? Give the will anger and answer the pinch? What to choose - the Old Testament "Oco OKO" or the gospel "Fold the second cheek"? It is curious that from the entire corps of the Proverbs about insults the greatest popularity of Buddhist today is enjoyed. The pre-Christian, but not a Old Testament approach seems to be our contemporary most acceptable.

Go to your way

One of the students asked Buddha:
- If anyone will insult me \u200b\u200bor hit, what should I do?
- If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hit you, what will you do? - asked that in response:
- What will i do? This is a simple chance, a simple coincidence that I was under the tree when the branch fell from it, "said the student.
Then Buddha noticed:
- So do the same. Someone was a mad, angry and hit you. It's like a branch from a tree fell to your head. Let it be disturbed by you, go to your way, as if nothing happened.

Take yourself

Once several people began to insult Buddha viciously. He listened to silently, very calm. And therefore it was not on their own. One of these people appealed to the Buddha:
- Do not our words hurt you?!
"Your business is to decide, insult me \u200b\u200bor not," answered the Buddha. - And mine - to accept your insults or not. I refuse to take them. You can pick them up yourself.

Socrates and naked

When some pinch hit Socrates, he squeezed, without qualifying a word. And when someone expressed surprise, why Socrates left no attention to such a brazen insult, then the philosopher noticed:
"If I had fallen dodged, I would really be to attract him to court?"

On the meaning of life

Reflections on the meaning and purpose of being are categorized as so-called "damned questions", and there is no one-to-one answer. However, deep existential fear - "Why do I live if I don't die?" - Torset every person. And of course, the parable genre also concerns this issue.
Proverbs about the meaning of life have every nation. Most often, it is determined as follows: the meaning of life is in his life itself, in its infinite reproduction and development through subsequent generations. The short-term of the existence of each individual is considered philosophically. Perhaps the most allegoric and transparent parable of this category was invented by American Indians.

Stone and bamboo

They say that one day the stone and bamboo argued greatly. Each of them wanted a person's life looks like his own.
Stone said:
- The life of a person should be the same as mine. Then he will live forever.
Bamboo answered:
"No, no, a person's life should be like mine." I'm dying, but immediately born again.
Stone objected:
- No, let it be better in a different way. Let a better person be like me. I am not inclined under the blow of the wind, nor under the jets of the rain. Neither water nor heat nor the cold can damage me. My life is infinite. For me there is no pain or care. This should be a person's life.
Bamboo insisted:
- Not. The life of a person should be like mine. I'm dying, it's true, but I am reborn in my sons. Isn't that? Looking around me - everywhere my sons. And they will also have their own sons, and everyone will have a smooth skin and white.
The stone failed to answer. Bamboo won the dispute. That is why a person's life looks like a bamboo life.