Morning prayer. Prayers Morning with stress

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The prayer of the Holy Spirit is the poem of the feast of Pentecost. From the period from Easter to Pentecost not read. According to the Apostle Paul, we do not know what to pray, as it should, but the Spirit itself applies to ugly ()

King, comforter, soul (Spirit), The submitter, sozing (Good) - molds of a charting case.

Comer - means call for help, patron, intercession. Greek verb. comfort It also has the meanings: calm, pacify, console in grief, as well as convince to instruct a virtuous life.

See In.15: 26: When will the comforter get, whom I will send you from my father, the spirit of truth, which comes from his father, he will testify to me.

Izh everywhere and all the executive - Being everywhere, like God, and all (the whole world, all being) filling.

Treasure of Goodness - Source, treasury of all the good, good. See (on church.-glory): Good man from the good treasure of his heart makes a good ...

Fruit of spirit: love, joy, world, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, abstinence ().

Life of the feeder - letters. The value of Greek. the words chorigos. (submitter) - one who at your own expense Suppressed (in Athens) Choir for the festivities (which was one of the most consumable public affairs, and therefore was charged with only the richest citizens of the city). Later this word began to mean at all assistant, He who delivers anything or supplies something: a provisional, life suits, taking to myself All expenses. Compare in the New Testament (emphasized words with this root): Giving The seed seed and bread in food will give an abundance of you and multiply the fruits of the truth of your (); does anyone say, say as the words of God; Does anyone serve that God gives, so that God has glorified in everything through Jesus Christ, who is glory and the power forever. Amen. ().

In us - in us.

Faithfully - Good Holy Spirit is referred to as one of the persons of the Blessed Trinity, for no one is good, as soon as one God ().


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bow.)

In 438, an earthquake was an earthquake in Constantinople. During the repeated prayer, the boy was revealed to one prayer, and he heard angels sing a three-minded song. People began to repeat these words by adding Sweet us!And the earthquake stopped.

Strong - omnipotent

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Now and dream and forever - Now, and always, and in endless eyelids. Now and confessed belong to our world, and forever and ever - By eternity.

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Visit and healed essentially our - Come (to us) and rub our spiritual weakness, impotence, weakness.

Lord have mercy. (Three times). Glory, and now.

Three times - by the number of people of Holy Trinity.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

This prayer commanded his disciples and the Lord Jesus Christ himself to pray to all Christians (see;)

Yes your name is yours - Yes it will become famous. Comment St. : "Talking yes your name is yours, we do not bring God allegedly that does not exist with him holiness, but the existing glorify. "

Ugly - letters. With Greek. - necessary for existence. SWV Fathers besides ordinary bread understood the holy gifts under the urgent bread supplied by communion.

Do not enter us in temptation - Do not let us go to the temptation. Cf. JAK.1: 14: Nobody say in temptation: God tempts me; Because God is not tempting evil and he himself does not tempt anyone, but everyone is tempting, getting fond of and deducting his own lust; 2Pet.2: 9: Knows the Lord how to deliver pious from temptation; 1 Cor.10: 13: Believes God, who will not let you be tempted over forces, but when tempting it will give and relieve, so that you can transfer; MF.26: 41: Wake up and pray, so as not to fall into temptation: the Spirit of Bodr, the flesh is weak.

From flavored - from the devil and, in general, from any evil.

Troprochny Troparies

Sleeping, fallen, and the Angelic Song of the Holyness, strong: holy, holy, holy, God, God, Virginia.

Troprochny Troparies - Troparies addressed to the Blessed Trinity.

Fit - Fall to you (letters. To your footsteps).

Angelic Song of Vriad - Sick the song, which angels are famous for God. The Prophet Isaiah tells about seraphs, standing around the throne of the Lord and entering each other: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Savaof! The whole earth is full of glory of him! (). (Lord Savaof - Lord of Heaven (Angel) forces, military).

Virginia - According to the prayers of the Virgin.

Glory: from Odra and Sleep, I erected me, my God, my mind and my heart and my heart, and the mouth of my hole, in my petition, the holy Trinity: holy, holy, holy, holy, God, the Virgin Mary has mercy.

Estimated me- Raised me.

In my petition - To chant you.

And now: Suddenly, Sudya will come, and the coherence acts will be exposed, but in the fear of calling in the half: holy, holy, holy, holy, God, Virginia, have mercy.

Suddenly sudia will come - Suddenly the Lord will come to judge each of us (our death), and all of humanity (a terrible court). See et al.

The coherence acts are exposed - Each (Human) will open (see).

But in the fear of calling in the middle - But with fear, in fear call in the night sinful.

Midnight - the time of midnight prayers. In addition, midnight here is used, perhaps as an image of suddenness of the advent of sudia (see the parable of 10 virks (), where the groom also comes at midnight, as well).

Lord have mercy (12 times) .

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

From a dream, I thank you, the Holy Trinity, Yako, many of the sake of your goodness and long-suffering did not hesitate for me, Lenivago and Sinvenigo, following myself, I ruin myself with my defiance; But people were usually a person usually and in the imprisonment of Lyzhechko, I erected myself, in the hedgehog of Mother and Slavorachi, your power. And now I will enlighten my eyes mental, my mouth getting up with the word of yours, and you know your commandments, and you are doing your will, and Peta in confession by heart, and chanting your father, father and son and the saint spirit, now and are confused and forever centuries. Amen.

Yako many for the sake of your good - For by your great grace, because you are a good (cf.).

Below ruined me- And did not destroy (deprived of life) me.

Usually people usually - I revealed the usual, permanent (yours) humanity.

In imprisonment, lying - Without the consciousness of the lying.

In hedgehog in Nereevati - In order for, getting early, raise (you) Morning prayer.

Power - Power (also - strength, power, domination).

The eyes of thought - Thoughts, mind.

Getting the words of yours - When reading the Holy Scriptures and in prayer to reflect on the Word of God and learn to understand his will.

Petta in confession of heart - glorify, chant you (c) thankful heart.

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow)

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow) Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow)

Cf. -7: Take, we will bow and fall to him, and I'll be free to the Lord, the worst of us: Yako, there is our God, and we are people airs (pastures) of him, and his hand sheep (Obedient his hand).

Separate - letters. Fit to the footsteps.

Psalm 50.

Miscellaneous, God, in the greatness of your grace, and the many generaries of your cleanse of my lawlessness. Napa Oph Moon from my lawlessness, and from my sin of cleaning me; Yako lawlessness my Az know, and my sin one is for me there. You have a single sorry and deer progress of coat, IKo and justified your word-to-see, and we wonder the fraud is fragile. Beha Bo, in lawlessness they are conceived, and my mother is mine in Gresh. Che Bo, the truth loved the ESI; Listening and the secret wisdom of Tween Yalvi. Okropyishi, Issop, and clean; Omrochemisms, and smelling snow. Hearing my dasy joy and merry; The bones of the humble will rejoice. Write your face from my sin and my whole cleaning is clear. The heart is purely creating in me, God, and the Spirit of Rights upgrade in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and the Spirit of your saint, not by me. The joy of the joy of salvation of your and the spirit of the rule of law. Scientific lawlessly by yours, and wichas will turn to you. Relieve me from blood, God, God's salvation; My truth is reyielding to your truth. Lord, the mouth of my openings, and my mouth will praise your praise. I would like the victims, it would have raised the victims, would gave birth to unfortunately: all the offensions do not favor. The sacrifice of God is crushed; The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate. Declauses, Lord, in favor of your Zion, and the Walls of Jerusalemsk will create. Then favor the victim of the truth, the permission and the discovered; Then you will lay on the otar of your Tales.

The 50th Psalm is the repentant prayer of the king of David, written after the prophet Nafan came to him and impulsed him in the deed crimes: the death of the Warrior and adultery with his wife, Wirzavia, pressed.

At the depth of repentance and at the strength of the humility expressed in it, the 50th Psalm exceeds, perhaps, everyone else. It is a member of the small vortexist, the midnings, the third hour, morning prayers, the submissions to the Holy Communion, etc.

In great mercy - on infinite grace, because And my sins are infinite.

Napa - especially, mostly, repeatedly.

Naughty - Always, constantly.

You are one "You're alone, it is to you."

Yako and justified your word "So you will be righteous to your sentence."

Win deductible "Wanted when you judge me (won the victory in court I need me)."

Che Bo. - For here (Introductory words are usually not translated).

In lawlessness - by the patristic interpretation under lawlessness Here, of course, inherited from the progenit agents of the ammunition (i.e., an exposed death), the nature of which is associated with many sins, lawlessness. The same language is also said.

In Gresh Rodi - in sins gave birth. Rodi - letters. passionately watered (and in Heb. Original, and in Greek. Translation).

The truth loved the ESI - (You) love the truth.

Lightweight and secret wisdom of Village Yali - You open the inener secrets of your fisheries.

Okropychi Myssopom - Okropy and Issop. Hyssop - Easy semi-stabiliar with pink, white or blue colors. Its rods associated with a bundle were used for sprinkling. They have frogs for cleansing their illness. David talks about the sprinkling of his soul.

Hearing my dasy - letters. Make it so that I heard, exclamations in me (the joy of my pardon).

The bones of the Smyshenny will rejoice - Here: yes, the bones are strengthened again, i.e. The shower depressed, depressed (malulating).

Heart purely creating - Clean the heart of my, (fallen) my soul to restore in original beauty.

Spirit right - Spirit is the right, fair, truthful, faithful. Cf. And I will give them a heart one, and the spirit of the new will introduce into them ().

Update in my womb - Resumes inside me, in me.

Redemption - True, give.

Vladychim - dominative, able to led me, to lead me.

From blood - Perhaps we are talking about the spilled blood of Uriya, as well as about God's kara on the Old Testament law for unjust spilled blood. So God says (): Who sheds human blood, that blood is solemn by hand: for a person is created in the image of God.

God of salvation of mine - God, my Savior.

Retrieves my truth to your truth - Yes, myself will tell my tongue about the truth and grace of your.

Lord, my mouth holes, and my mouth will be energged your praise - Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will glorify you.

I would like the victims, I would have raised the victims "If you had the victims of (probious animals) that the law was commanded to bring), then I, of course, would bring them (to you).

All-life do not favor - (But you do not accept such victims or they have become no longer so well-known for you (although all the offensions) were considered to be higher than other sacrifices.

The heart is crushing and humbly God will not humiliate - From the soul of a crushed and humbled God is not disturbing.

Declauses, Lord, thanks to your Zion - The benefits of Lord, for the favor of yours, Zion. Here David, prophesy, asks for the resumption of Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.

Yes creed of the walls of Jerusalem - May the walls of Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians will be built.

Then favor the sacrifice of the truth, the position and all-round - Then you will accept the right sacrifice that Jews could be brought only in the Jerusalem Temple. Camera - sacrificing part of the animal all-goal - whole body.

Then it will be laid on the Otar Your Tales - Then Judea will bring the bombing victim. In the Old Testament Temple there were two altars: for sacrifice (satellite) and Cadyl altar (). Here is meant the altar.

On the interpretation of SVV. Fathers The last lines of the Psalm are a prophecy of the victim of the Christian church and the Eucharist.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away.

For the sake of the sake of our person and our sake of salvation from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of Mary of the Devius.

Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried.

And resistant on the third day by Scripture.

And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.

And the Paki of the Forthworthy Miscellaneous Suditi is alive and the dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

The Symbol of Faith is a brief statement of the main dogmas of the Orthodox faith. Adopted at the Nicene Cathedral of 325 years (I part) and supplemented in Constantinople (Caregrad) Cathedral of 381 years. It has a protective function in protection against heretical exercises.

United - one sole; cf. In.17: 3: So there is an eternal life, yes know you, a common true God, and sent to you Jesus Christ.

Almighty - All creation containing in his authority; cf. Rev.1: 8: I am alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord who has and was coming, Almighty.

Creator Sky and Earth, visible to all and invisible - See Call.1: 16: For they (God) created everything that in heaven and that on earth, visible and invisible ...

Uniforms - cf. In 3: 16: For God so loved the world, which gave the son of his only society, so that every believer in him, did not die, but had eternal life.

Before all century - First of all creation, i.e. The son is also eternal as God Father.

Lights from light - cf. 1in.1: 5: God is light, and there is no darkness in it.

Born, irrelevant - cf. EURO.5: 5: So Christ did not approved the glory to be the high priest, but the one who told him: You are my son, I now gave birth to you; as well as 1 J.5: 1: Every believer that Jesus is Christ, from God born, and anyone who loving her born (i.e. god father, the first face of the Blessed Trinity), loves and born (i.e. Jesus Christ, God's Son, the second face of the Blessed Trinity) from him.

Soborovna Father - One nature (essence with father). Cf. In 10: 30: I and father - one; In.14: 11: Believe me that I'm in my father and father in me.

I guess the whole house - They (that is, the word of God, the second person of the Blessed Trinity) is created by everything; cf. In.1: 3: All through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be.

For us for man - For us, people, for salvation of all and everyone individually.

Stone from heaven - See. In 3: 13: Nobody went on the sky as soon as the Son of the Son of Human, which is heaven; In.6: 38: For I got off the skies not to work my will, but the will of his father who sent me.

Embodying - See. In.1: 14: And the word became the fleet, and dwells with us, full of grace and truth.

From the Spirit of Holy and Mary Virgin - See, 35: And the angel told her: Do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace of God; And so, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to your son, and you will give him a name: Jesus ... The Holy Spirit will find on you, and the power of the Most High falls on you, therefore and the born sacred will adopt the son of God.

Email - i.e. Made quite a man, took not only the body, but also the soul of man, without ceasing to be God. See -7: He, being a way of God, did not read the grieving to be equal to God; But he humbled himself, taking the image of a slave, having become like such people and becomes like a person.

Crucial - Consult for us.

Suffering - suffering from a cross as a person. The divine nature remained in this case that is not sufficient to sufferings, impassive.

By Scripture - cf. -four: I (i.e., Paul) originally taught you ... that Christ ... Risen on the third day of Scripture (letters. In Greek. according to the scriptures). We are talking about predictions from the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament. Here are some of them: PS.15: 10: For you will not leave my soul in hell and you do not give the saint to your depression. Ion.2: 1: And the Lord commanded a big whale to absorb the ion; And there was an ion in the whale of this whale for three days and three nights (in the New Testament, the Lord himself refers to this place – ).

Sedewashing Odea Father - cf. MF.26: 64: ... From now on, we see the Son of the Human, sitting ones forces and the coming on the clouds of heaven. PS.109: 1: Said to the Lord to my Lord: Sed the best of me, the words will put your enemies in the foot of your feet. In general, the seat island (i.e. right) the royal throne means equality of honor and, therefore, the royal power. Thus, the Son says that it is equally equal to his father.

Paks daddy - intending to come again. Cf. MF.16: 27: for the Son of Human in the glory of his father's fame with his angels and then will be reproached to everyone; -11: And when they are (Apostles) they looked at the sky, during his climb, suddenly they brought them two husbands in white clothes and said: Galilean's men! What are you standing and look at the sky? This Jesus, ascendeding about you on the sky, will come in the same way as you have seen it ascending on the sky.

The Eagle Centers will not end - His kingdom, i.e. The kingdom of heaven will be eternal.

Izh from father outgoing - Which (Holy Spirit) comes from God's God; See In.15: 26: When will the comforter get, whom I will send you from my father, the spirit of truth, which comes from his father, he will testify to me.

It is also with the father and son of Spolarm and Svalivima, Glagolavsago Prophets - (and believe in the Holy Spirit) who worship and whom we glorify along with the Father and the Son (as God, as the third face of the Blessed Trinity), and which (earlier, in Old Testament) spoke through the prophets. Cf. MF.28: 19: So, go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; 1in.5: 7: For three testify in the sky: Father, Word and Holy Spirit; and these three essence; as well as 2Pet.1: 21: For never prophecy has been pronounced by the Will of Human, but His Saints God's human, being driven by the Holy Spirit.

Single baptism - one sole baptism; cf. EF.4: 5: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Tea - I expect I hope.

Of the life of the future century - future life (eternal), the kingdom of heaven; cf. 1in.5: 11: ... God gave us an eternal life, and a life in his son.

Prayer first, saint

God, cleanse the sinsmano, Yako Nikolizh coordinate the good before you; But you save me from Lucavago, and yes will be your will of yours, yes, it's not hard to open the mouth of my unworthy and praise your sacred, father and son and the saint spirit, now and died and in the eyelids Amen.

Yako Nikolizhe coordinates good before you - For I have never done anything good, good before you.

From Lukavago - From the devil, from all evil.

May Will will be in me - See the prayer "Our Father" ().

Yes, it is no hard to open the mouth of my unworthy - Yes, I will open my unworthy (praise you) mouth, without exposing it to condemnation (for: Not everyone speaking to me: "Lord! Lord! "Will enter the kingdom of heaven ().

Prayer second, the same saint

From the dream of a wobb, a semidal song I bring, save, and falling yelling: do not go to death in the sinful death, but the damages of me, a rolling will, and lay down in the laziness to harvest, and save me in the upcoming and prayer, and in a dream Weekly take a day shaggy, Christ God, and save me.

Sunny song - cf. PS.118: 62: At midnight, I got up to the Slavor you for the righteous courts of yours. Or excerpt from parables about 10 virks (): At midnight there was a cry: here, the groom goes, go out towards him.

Farming yelling T. - Fucking (letters. To your footsteps), exclaim.

Do not go to the sinful death - Night is the way the sinful death (darkness of the night - the darkness of death, sin). Middle of the night (midnight - its darker hour) symbolizes the thickens of darkness sinful. Since the awakening from sleep is the image of an uprising from the death of bodily, then we ask the Lord about the uprising from the death of sinful.

But the badness of me. "But you need to dare (understand me)."

Create will - (You,) who took the crucifixion in his will.

In tape- In carelessness (about your salvation).

Accelerating it - Hurry to raise, restore.

On the dream of Noshni - After night sleep (expanding: after sinful permanent).

Take a sinner day - During my day, the day is light, sinless (expansion; life is sinless).

Third prayer, the same saint

To you, Vladyko is humanituly, from sleeping, I resort to sleep, and you will make your mercy on your mercy, and pray for you: Mina Pomozoa every time, in every thing, and get rid of me from all sorts of hasty, and save me, and enter In the kingdom is your eternal. You boat my co-creation and every good blessing and a submitter, about you all hope mine, and you reveal the glory, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Residence - I have a hurry to appeal (with prayer).

On your affairs, I will hurt with your mercy - In the hope of merciful your assistance, we rush, hurry to make things in your name, affairs, you have pleasing. Cf. In.15: 5: Without me, you can not do anything.

Pomping Mi. - help me.

At any time, in every thing - Always and in everything.

From every molly angry things - from any evil of this world; at all mirsky It is called all related to the passions of this world. Cf. -13: The grace of God, saving for all men who learn us so that we, rejecting the wickedness and worldly lust, chawed, righteously and piously lived in the current century, expecting a blessed hope and the phenomenon of the Great God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ. -17: Do not love peace, nor the fact that in the world: who loves the world, there is no love of the benefit. For all that in the world: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of everyday, is not from the Father, but from this world. And the world passes, and lust him, and the acting will of God abides.

Diavolskago Sensation - church.-Slav. word sensation means actually actIn this case, the persistent desire of the devil is to act on us through our passions (through worldly). Cf. Rome.7: 5: When we lived in the flesh, then the passions of sinful, detected by law, acted in our members to bring the fruit of death. Cf. Also from prayer with fifth St. to St. Communion: And yes, the saint of Siaia will be ... in the outdation ... Diavolskago acts, mental to Udeekh my actual (i.e., through thoughts inspiring to appeal to evil).

You boat my coat - For you are my Creator.

Specialties and a submitter - Wheel trustee and source (all good).

About you - at you.

Prayer fourth, the same saint

Lord, I also like a lot of goodness and the great generosities made you, I gave me, a slave, the mimoshed time of the Say of Say without attacking from all the evil energic; You yourself, Vladyko, all sorts of creature, are able to create Will with your true light and enlightened with the heart of your heart, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Lord, izh a lot of goodness - Lord, you, in much of your goodness.

Mimoshest - past.

Without attacking from all slander - Conduct without temptation from any opposing (I) evil.

Every creature - Creator (creator) of everything.

You are able to create your true light and enlightened with your true light and enlightened - I ask me insight (Ozari, enlighten me) True Your Light (Wed In 1: 9: There was a true light that enlightens any person coming to the world) And enlighten your light (wedge of enlightenment) My heart so that I will be wondering.

Prayer fifth, holy

Lord Almighty, God's forces and all kind of flesh, in the highest and humble prize, hearts and womb Test and inner-minded people by Java, the invisible, initial and apparent light, has a prevenination, or the delights of the fall; I myself, the imperfect king, the use of our praying, Yazh currently, on the many of your generotes daring, from the bad things to you are creating, and we will leave us the sacrifices of our, lady, and the word, and thoughts, leading, or the ignorance by us; And cleaning from everyone's bad flesh and spirit. And give us a vigorous heart and soberly thought of the present of the rust of life, waiting for the coming of the Son, the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, in Ogez, with Glevoy Judge, everyone will come, commemorate him; Yes, it's not a false and stunned, but awesome and extending to do it hard, in joy and the divine drawn of glory by his clerk, the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating the voice incessant, and the ineverance of the sweetness of your face is unnecessary. You bless you are true light, enlighten and sanctifying everything, and you sings the whole creature in the eyelids. Amen.

God forces and all kinds of flesh - God of infrequent heavenly forces and everything endowed with the flesh of creation.

In the highest and humble prize - Abortion (in its fullness) in Verkhnya (heavenly) world and graciously discrepancing on (all) earthly, more suitable.

Hearts and womb testing and hidden people by Java - Observing (penetrating) hearts and the innermost thoughts and providy (knowing challenge) mysters of human.

Iniquitable - not having to start its existence.

Santile - Eternal (always existing).

He has a suspension, or the delights. - (Light), which has no change in strength (as opposed to the visible light) and which does not leave the shaded place on its path (lighting, illuminating everything). Cf. IAK.1: 17: Any gift is good and every gift perfectly descends over, from Father Lights (i.e. shining), who has no change and no shadow of change. On church. Glory: Any God, the benefit and every gift perfectly have, come out from the Father of the Lights, is needless to carry a prevengement or alignment wall. Cf. Also 1in.1: 5: God is light, and there is no darkness in it.

Yaz - which (ie our prayer).

On the set of your generari daring - Hoping for your great compassion, mercy.

From the bad things to you, we create - (which, i.e. prayer) Ascend to you (our) unclean mouth.

Leave - sorry.

Leading - Consciously.

Budry heart - letters. with a waking heart, i.e. Store the commandments of the Lord, awaiting the visiting of God. Cf. Open 3: 20: CE, I stand at the door (i.e. at the door of the heart) and knocking: if anyone hear my voice and challenges the door, come to him, and I will listen with him, and he with me, as well as MK.13: 37: And what do you (Apostles) i say, I say to everyone: awake.

Sober thoughts - the thought of sober, capable of resisting any of the diabolian flake (that is, deception), charms.

All the imported life of Zez - Conduct (pass) all (sinful) night of this (earthly) life.

Showname Dn. - nice day (i.e. the time of the second coming); Day - In contrast to the night of the world's mortgage, as the light is opposite to darkness.

In Ogej - in which (day).

Komuzo - to each.

Yes, not a false and complainable, but awesome and extending to do it hard, in joy and divine drawn of glory to his Council - In the Greek original prayer :. .. Drawing a fit, and prepare in joy ... In this case, the translation of the specified fragment is as follows: let's be found (Lord) not lying and sleepy, but awake, and (letters. I risen in doing the commandments of his commandments) diligently performing his commandments, and ready to meet him in joy and divine drawn His glory. Cf. MF.24: 42: Stretch, because you do not know what time your Lord will come. -12: It has come for an hour to wake up from sleep. For now closer to us salvation than when we believed. The night passed, and the day approached: so reject the case of darkness and inhouse in weapons of light. EF.5: 14: Get up, sleeping, and resurrected from the dead, and Christ will highlight you. Cf. Also, the trail of the 8th chairlis from the midnight (in addition, he spars in the morning in the first three days of passionate saddemitsa): The semi is coming in the middle, and the Blessed slave, the Eagle she crashes the skirting, unworthy Paka, the Eagle is unhappy ...

The appearance of celebrating - Where are triumphants.

Incredited sweetness of your friend's kindness is inevitable - Inposable, unposted joy of the indescribable beauty of your face.

You boat the true light, enlighten and sanctifying all - For you are true light, the whole world is educating and sanctifying; cf. In.1: 9: There was a true light that enlightens any person coming to the world.

Prayer Six, the same Saint

You are blessing, Vyachniy God and Lord of mercy, creating a great one and an inequate, nice and terrible, including the numbers, pressing us a dream in resting the worst troubles, and the weakening of the work of the flesh. We thank you, Yako did not destroy us with the lawlessness of ours, but people were usually usually, and in the imprisonment of the lying to us erected, in the Holy Halloviti, your power. Molim immeasurable goodness, enlighten our thoughts, exhaust, and our mind from the solage of sleeping the tape: the holes are our mouth, and I will fulfill your praise, Yako, let me be forth in Peti and confess to you, in all, and from all -hamful God, invincible Father, with the only beef of your son, and all-in-friendly and good and life-giving your spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Blessing - We are afraid of praise, Slavostov.

High - Located above all.

The great and inequate, glorious and terrible, including the number - Great and incomprehensible, glorious and causing amazement (thrill, fear) of the case, which is no number.

In restraint - For relaxation required because of our bodily sensible.

Weakening works of Multi-hard flesh - (and for) relaxation, relief from work (that is, suffering, diseases) of a long-suffering, multi-discerned flesh.

But people generally generally - But revealed the usual (yours) humanity.

In the imprisonment of the lying, erected - In a dream, as if unconscious, the lying raised, awakened us.

In the hedgehog of Slavorsi Power Your - So that we glorify your dominion (power, power).

Same - so.

Fel - eyes. The Lord says about the purity of our eyes: Body lamp is an eye. So, if your eye is clean, your whole body will be light; if your eye will be bad, then your whole body will be dark ().

Our mind from the soch of sleep tape will face - Restore (to return to the original state) Our mind, in a dream of sinful worldly distures, is linous to go up to God and drive out the custody.

I will make your praise - Fill them with praises, you are crazy. Cf. In the fact that the choir singing on the face of all believers (when transferring the saints of gifts from the throne to the altar): Yes, the mouth of our praise of yours, Lord, Yako, let's sing your glory ...

Yako, let me be uncompressed petition and confess you - May we be able to be unshakable (nothing, no temptations) faith to bring you a laudatory singing and confess you (our God).

In all and from all - In all creation and all creatures (Slavimoma).

Prayer seventh, to the Most Holy Virgin

I sneeze your grace, Vladychitsa, I pray, my melting mind. The right of the right to Nastavi, through Christ Commandments. Buddha to the songs of strengthening, the dream is driving away. Connected by the plenty of the sin, your lungs are allowed, Bogonavo. In the new year and in the days of keeping, fighting the enemy of eliminating me. The vital of God is having a birth, killed by the passions of God. Light the light of the ineverance has given birth, my soul is blinded by the enlightenment. Oh, the wondrous laddy of the Palato, the house of the spirit of Divine Mena Schatvor. Doctor thanks, rub the soul of a perennial passion. Worried by the life of Burea, for the paths of my repentance to move. Get rid of the fire of Emnivo, and the worm of zlago, and Tartara. Yes, I do not see a demon of a reason for a reason for many sin of jannik. Nova Schatvori Mal, promising, insensitive, foregrocked, sins. Stranger flour, show me, and all the lord of the mind. Heavenly to depreciate cheerful, with all the saints, controversy. The Most Holy Devo, hear the voice of the uncomfortable slave of yours. Let the jet, let me tears, the prechile, the souls of the moya will be cleansing. I bring the ladies from the heart to be incessantly, learning, Vladychitsa. Prayer service my acceptance, and God brought to God. The exceeding angel, Mirskago Mali exceeding the gluttony. Light-skinned hackney, spiritual grace will move in me. Ruta will remove and satisfy the jumper, the perfectly desecrated. Distillers of bobes of delight, Christ digestly begging; Jeszhe honor and worship is appreciated, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Voice - Fill with grace.

PRESENTS THE RIGHT I NASTAVA, THROUGH THE HISTRESS - Teach me straight, correctly go along the path of Christ Commandments, to do on the commandments of Christ.

Budfi to songs - Give power (awake) for prayer singing.

Pieces of sin - Uzami (chains) of my sins.

Allow - Free.

Boring enemy - From the attackers (at me) enemies.

Killed in passion - Me, (soul, conscience) dead from passions.

Light the light of the wild - (You,) who boring the light supere (non-clearing).

Blindly - not able to see the truth.

Lady of Palato - Damn, temple of Vladyka.

House of the Spirit Divine Mene Sovat - I prefer (and I am the house of the Spirit of God. Cf. 1 Cor.3: 16: Do not you know that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you? 1 Cor.6: 19: Do you know that your body essence is the temple of the saint spirit of you, whom you have from God?

Doctor - Christ - a doctor's doctor. See -17: The scribes and the Pharisees, seeing that he eats with sooters and sinners, told his disciples: how does he eat and drink with sooters and sinners? Hearing this, Jesus tells them: Not healthy have a need for a doctor, but patients; I came to call no righteous, but sinners to repentance. See also ; .

Worry - oscillate (shaken).

Eternal - Eternal.

Chervia Zlago, and Tartara - from the evil (hellish) worm (serpent), and from the abyss of hell. Cm. .

Yes, I do not show a demon of a joy, izh, many sin of jannik - Do not assume that I am guilty of many sins, has become joy of demon.

Promise hashgo insensitive, sore, sin - weakened and dyeing from disadvantageless sins (that is, sins of unprecedented, to whom I have already lost sensitivity), oh, foregr.

Stranger flour Some sow show me - they gave me (removing) from all the torment.

Beggar - ... about my salvation.

Heavenly to depreciate cheerful, with all the saints, controversy- Speckend to achieve heavenly cheering with all the saints.

Non-mining - unsuitable, useless.

Jet let me tears - Give me tears streams.

Promotional - Merciful, compassionate.

Exceeding angel, Mirskago Mi - Being above angels, torn (ascending) me over passions, make me above mixing, mergers with all worldly (with passions), letters. Rocking me over the fuss, confusion, indignation and rawness of this world.

Seine of heaven - Seagh (Chamber), accommodating God living in heaven.

Spiritual grace in me - Code, governance in me spiritual grace.

Remark - Raise, I turn (to you in prayer).

Distillers of the bobbies to get rid of me - get rid of me from the evil that dismisses my soul.

Diligently - Strenage.

The prayer of the eighth, to the Lord, Jesus Christ

Multi-facing and the god of my God, Lord Jesus Christ, has learned many of the sake of LUVE and embodied Esi, IKO and the sponsings of all. And Paki, Savior, save me by grace, I pray to you; She is more from the accomplishment of Saucers, to be stuck grace, and the gift, but the debt is pucha. She, many in generous and incomplete in grace! Believe Bo in Me, the River, about Christ, will be alive and the death will be alone. More than a faith, Laja, saves desperately, see a believer, save me, Yako, my God you and the creator. Belief instead of deeds can be immediately immediately, my God, not the hardship of Bo-affairs from all that is justified by me. But that faith, my yes, takes instead of everyone, that yes he is releasing, that and justify me, that yes, I will show a kid's fortune inheritant. Yes, it does not kidnap Satan, and boasts, the word, hedgehogs are rejected by me from your hands and fences; But or chop, save me, or not a church, my sacket, my scenes, soon, soon die: you boat my God from the womb Moya. Specifiable, Lord, now lighten to the latch, the same sin's eyes are eapsectable; And the packs to work with you without ticky, I am a worker before Satan flattering. I will work the same, I will work, the Lord and God to my Jesus Christ, all the days of my belly, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Multi-facing furnace - (You), fulfilled a lot of grace.

I went and embodied - I descended (from heaven) and perceived the flesh of human. (See Explanations 12 and 13 to the Symbol of Faith).

Jaco yes sponsy - to save.

Paki. - Again (again).

Thin bo - For if.

Begone grace and gift, but debt pucha - (TO) This is not graceful and the gift, but more debt (that is, what is properly due as a reward for the case).

To her - Yes, truly.

Believe Bo in Me, Esi River - For a believer in me, "you said (Christ) (see In.6: 47: The believer has eternal life).

Through it is a faith, Laja in the la, saves desperate, se - So, if faith saves desperate on you (who lost all hope), then, I believe (and ask).

Do not crank care from all - For you will not find any cases justifying me.

Yes love - Yes, it will be (her, i.e. faith) is enough.

That yes he is releasing, that yes, I justify me, that yes will show my particel "But she will give a response (for me), let me justify me, let me make me a member."

Yes, it does not stop Satan, and boasts, the word - So, so it will not post me from Satan and will not (by this) boil, oh, the Word (God).

Yezhu spinning me - What I will rejust.

Fences - protection (fence).

Or not wrap ... priest soon "But if I don't want, then hurry and a pepper of me, otherwise I will soon die."

Jacques - as well as.

Sometimes - Once upon a time.

Skinny - Diligent, with zeal.

Flattering - false, cunning.

Napache - But especially (but most of all).

Belly - Life.

Prayer nine, to the guardian angel

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athannnya waters of the soul and body, all I'm sorry, a foolishness of my abdominal, and it is still that I was sinful in the preceded Nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all the temptation Yes, yes, I don't hurt God in any Gres, and pray for me to the Lord, so I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good. Amen.

Four of the appearance of my soul and passionate my life - Published for the protection that protects the poor, miserable, performed struggle my soul and unfortunate (subject to disasters and passions) my life.

Below retreat from me - And do not retreat, do not leave (do not delete, do not refuse) from me.

Do not give a place to the deception to possess me, the violence of the mortgage of this television - Do not give the opportunity (not to travel) an evil and cunning demon to take possession of me (subordinate to himself) through the oppression, enslaving my mortal body (through my passions of bodies).

Strengthen the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation - Protoppi (letters. Tightly take) my unhappy, dropped, weak, haired hand (in hand, usually understand the will) and display me on the path of salvation.

To her - Yes, truly.

I'm sorry for me, Elikima Insult "Forgive me all I insulted you."

Ash that we were warm in the preceded north - If something was sinned in this past night, protection, fence me.

From all the temptation of anti - from all the enemy (i.e. diavol) temptation.

Yes, in no gres I do not want to God - In order for me to make no sin to nice God.

May I approve in my pass - And he will strengthen the fear in me (to upset) him. Cf. Proverbs.1: 7: The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

Prayer Tenth, to the Most Holy Virgin

The Most Holy Vladychitsa is Motherod's Motherod, the saints, the saints and all-plating pliers of Mena, Smrennago and Okayannago, despondency, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, the nerack, and all the bad, shook and the wiggle of the Okayannagigago my heart and from my mind of my mind; And there is a flame of my passions, Yako Nisch Esm and Okyanen. And save me from many and jubilant memories and enterprises, and from all the evil freedom. Yako blessed Esi from all kinds, and the presenter name is yours forever in centuries. Amen.

Szed from Mene - Changing, deleted from me.

Smrennago and Okayannago - Udruchenago, is omnantic, poor, miserable, decent regret.

Oblivion -Acability, inattention (in salvation).

Neractions - lack of effort, effort; neglect.

Night - unclean.

Lukavaya - evil, envious.

Nish - Here: the beggar of virtues, who is not having them.

Meutive memories and enterprises - Brutal, detrimental thoughts (images) and ideas, intentions.

Yako blessed Esi from all kinds - For all peoples are blessed (glorify), all generations.

The prayer call of the saint whose name is

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, resort to you, quick assistant and prayer about my soul.

Yako Az - For me.

Residence - I appeal to resort for help.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Devo, Having rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your fraud, Yako Sava gave birth to Esidush.

The Virgin Delo, Rejoice, Fertile Marie, Lord with you ; You are blessed in the wives - see - the words of Archangel Virgin Mary.

Blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb - See the words of righteous Elizabeth.

Rejoice - The usual form common in the east greetings.

Gracious - filled with grace of God; letters Assuble.

In wives - among women.

Yako Sava gave birth to - For you gave birth to the Savior.

Tropear Cross and Prayer for Fatherland

Save, Lord, your people, and bless your doctrine, Victory on the resistance granting, and your persistence of your residence.

Two people - Your people, your people.

Your property - letters. - Your legacy (i.e. believers).

On resistent - Over the enemies, opponents.

Yours saving your residence - Your cross is kept by your people ( here is a residence in meaning residents), Your people (i.e. Christians).

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and survive my father's spiritualague (name), my parents (names), affinities (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer about Usophest

God, the Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (names of them), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

Olesty - About the dead (about replenished). The dead are called "deceased," because they will no longer stand out of coffins (as if from sleep) will be resurrected.

If you can, read instead of short prayers about the living and deceased, this breakdown:

Oh living

Roman, Lord Jesus Christ, God, the grace and generoter of yours from the century of land, by the sake of the sake of the sake of themselves, and the crucifixion and death, salvation for the right in the believers, the believes were faithful; and risen from the dead, ascended to heaven and seeds the Odessa God Father, and prisoned to the humble pleads with all the heart of calling the teach: the eyes of your ear, and hear the humble praying of me, the disadvantage of yours, in the stink of the fragrance of the spiritual . And in the first place, the church is your holy, the Cathedral and Apostolic, the southell, equipped with your honest blood, and approve, and strengthened, and share, smart, Umiri, and the unproversion of the administrators of the gates. Spreading the churches of the wrath, tenting pagan Ugashi, and the heroes of heaven will soon be reversed and eradicated, and in a validity of the saint of your spirit. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and hunt our God, the country's stored country, authorities and the military of the Hero, fence the world, and conquer the Orthodox enemy and the sacuost, and the verbs of the peaceful and good in their hearts about the Church of your Holy, and about all the people of yours: Yes, quiet and silent lives will live in the lawwrier, and in every piety and clean. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and Velikago Mr. and Father of Our Holy Patriarch (name), Having reinforced Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops of Orthodox, the hyrees and deacons, and the whole go of the church, I put an echo of a verbal flock of a verbal flock, and pray for their prayers and save my sinning. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spiritual (his name)And my saints forgive my saint prayers. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice parents My (names of them), brethren and sisters, and the affinations of my flesh, and the whole neighbor of my kind, and friends, and give them a peaceful and premium blessing. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and humbly on the many generaries of your all sacred, Inkoki and Inokini, and all in the naval and reverence and staying of the living in monasters, in the deserts, in the caves, mountains, collisters, the gate, seedlings of the stone, and the same And at any place of the dominion of your faithful living, and a piously serving, and praying for you: make it easier for them, and comfort of their grief, and to the feud about you and the strength of them to hand themselves, and the prayers are given to the rest of the sins. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and Hermit Elders and Yuna, Nishchey and orphans and Widowers, and Sushchya in Diseases and Pechel, the troubles of the same and rabbits, the circumstances and prisoners, the dungeons and sharpeners, are fairly in persecution, for you for the sake of both Orthodox Language of godless, from the apostate and from heretics, the suspicion of your slaves, and the obstacle, visit, strengthen, comfort, and soon the power of your oslab, freedom and relieving them. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice charity to us, loved and nourishing us, giving us alms, and drove us unworthy to pray for them, and inhibit us, and your grace your mercy with them, giving them all, but to rescue petitions, and eternal benefits perception . (Bow)

Save, Lord, and humbly sent to the service, traveling, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and all the Orthodox Christians. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and hunt themselves Az madly of my temptations, and from the path of savory dismantle, to the case of evil and there is no leadership; Divine your fishery to the path of saving Paks return. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and survive hate and offensive me, and the creast of themselves, and do not leave them to die for, sinning. (Bow)

Having receding from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blinded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment and the Holy of your apostles of the Cathedral Church of the Church. (Bow)


Remember, Lord, from the lives of the His Holiness Patriarchs, Holing Metropolitan, Archbishops and Bishops of Orthodox, in the hierass of the Church, and the monastery of it, served to you, and in eternal villages with the saints. (Bow.)

Look, Lord, the souls of the deceased slaves of your, my parents (names of them), and all the affinations of the flesh; And forgive them all the warmness of free and unwitting, giving them the kingdom and the communion of eternal good and your unfortunate and blessed life enjoyment. (Bow)

Roman, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection and the life of the eternal crash, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and sisters, and the Zea Lying and everywhere, the Orthodox Christians, and with our saints, the appearance of your face, vs. and we And a humus person. Amen. (Bow)

Guess, Lord, leaving sins with all the resurrection, father, brethren and sisters and sisters, and create eternal memory. (Three times)

Ending prayer

It is worthy to eat Cako truly Bunity to the Virgin, the subjection and foremarital and mother of our God. Honestly cherub and a nornyless seraphim, without comparing Seraphim, without the evolution of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin Major.

The author of the song "Corporate Cherub ..." is considered the PRP. Kosma, Bishop Mauman, Cabin Canon († 787). And the first part - "worthy there ..." - according to legend I felt before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Angel, who was in the X century one inch on Athos.

Worthy there is a very truly bunny to the Virgin - Truly true to glorify you, the Virgin.

Calculated and prenegoche - Always chewed, always mentioned and highly, completely immaculate.

Honest Cherubim - Higher honorable honors than cherubs (Angels, close to God after Serafimov).

Sophisticated seraphim without comparison - incomparably norny, famous more than Serafima (Angels, closer than all those who are in God, the highest of the nine ranks of the heavenly forces, Angelic Chins).

Without existence - painless, intact.

Essence of the Virgin - True the Mother of God.

Glory, and now: Lord, humbly. (Three times)

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of God, the Mother, the Reverend and the Godproof Father of our and all the saints have mercy. Amen.

Prayers for the radio - on prayers.


(1) Printed in italics (explanations and prayers' names) is not read during prayer.

(2) From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, a troparp is read: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and I have been giving a belly to the tombech." (Three times) from Ascension to Trinity, we begin prayer from "Holy God ...", lowering all previous ones.

This remark also applies to the prayers for the dream.

(3) When "Glory" is written, "and now", it is necessary to read in full: "Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit", "and now and in the eyelids. Amen"

(4) There are no sound in the Church Slavonic language, and therefore it is necessary to read the "call", and not "call", "yours", and not "yours", "mine", and not "mine", etc.

(5) From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read:

"Angel is a graceful thanks: Pure Devot, rejoice! And Paki River: Rejoice! Your son is resurrected by Tiddneven from the coffin and the dead erected; People, having fun!

Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, the fame of Bo Lord on you. Likui now and have fun, sion. You, clean, sneak, the Virgin, about the christmas christmas. "

This remark applies to evening prayers.

Looking from sleep, before any other business, be a reverent, presenting yourself before all-seeing God, and, by making a cross, saying:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wait a bit, while all your feelings come to silence and thoughts will leave all the earthly, and then make the imposed brief prayers with bows, without hasty and with the attention of heartfelt.

Prayer Mytarya

God, be merciful to my sinner (Luk.18: 13).

Presenter prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

King Heavenly, comforter, spirit of truth, everywhere staying and all sobbling, the source of benefit and life, come and have been noted in us, and cleanse us from every bad, and save, our good, our souls.

From Easter to Ascension Instead of this prayer, the Easter tropar is read:
« Christ was risening from the dead, death as death, and those who are in the tombs, giving life ".. (three times)

From Ascension to Trinity, we begin prayer with "Holy God ...", lowering all preceding.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us. (3)

Prayer Holy Trinity

All the trinity, hind us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyka, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake!

Lord have mercy. (3)

Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

When it is written "Glory:", "and now:", you need to read completely: « Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen."

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, who in heaven! Yes, your name will be sainted; May your kingdom come; May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky; Our urgent bread give us today; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.

Trophic Troparies (Blessed Trinity)

Refying from sleep, fall to you, good, / and angel song with you, strong: / "Saint, holy, you will holy, God, / on the prayers of the Virgin Mary, have mercy!"

Glory: From bed and from sleep you raised me, Lord! / Mind my enlightenment and heart, / and mouth my hole, / to chant you, Holy Trinity: / "Saint, holy, you will holy, God, / on the prayers of the Virgin Mary Verify us!"

And now: Suddenly, the judgment will come, / and the affairs of everyone will be found. / But in the fear exclaimed at midnight: / "Holy, holy, you will holy, God, / Through the prayers of the Virgin Mary have mercy!"

Lord have mercy. (12)

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Ostimi from sleep, thank you, Holy Trinity, that in the great of your goodness and
long-suffering, you, God, did not hesitate for me, lazy and sinful, and did not destroy me with my lawlessness, but I had usually humanity, and raised me, in the insensitation of lying in the morning in the morning I turned to you and Slavovil.
And now they enlighten your thoughts of my thoughts, the mouth of mouth, so that you want to beat your word, and you understand your commandments, and your will will be willing, and sing, glorifying you from the heart, and chanting your father, father, and son, and the Holy Spirit now , and always, and forever. Amen.

Come, bow our king, God!
Come, bow and come to Christ, the king, our God!
Come, bow and fall to Christ myself, the king and our God!

Psalm 50., penitential.

Having merged me, God, in the great grace of yours, and in many generaristics of your companion of my lawlessness.
Reproduce me from the uncleanness of mine, and from my sin of cleaning, detain me,
For my lawlessness I am aware, and my sin is always before my eyes.
Before you, to you, one sinned, and I made your breath before, so you were righteous in the sentence of yours and clean in your court.
So, I'm conceived in lawlessness, and my mother gave birth to sin.
Here, you loved the truth about my hidden in my heart and showed that your wisdom knows everything inside me.
Skropyi Issop, and I will become clean; Omoy me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear joy and merry, and bones will rejoice, you have crushed.
Take your face from my sins and shaking all my lawlessness.
The heart is pure coordinate in me, God, and the spirit of the truth is updated inside me.
Do not reject me from your face and the spirit of your holy do not take me away from me.
To give me the joy to be saved to you and the spirit of dominious strengthen me.
We will teach your lost tracks, and the sinners will return to you.
Get rid of me from the bloody share, God, God's save, and my tongue praises your justice.
Lord! Discover my mouth, and my mouth will be praise to you:
For the victims you do not want, - I would give her; All-life unheated to you.
The victim of God - the Spirit's spirit; Hearts of the crushed and humble you will not despise, God.
Assignment, Lord, for the favor of your Zion; Easmaging the walls of Jerusalem:
Then the preferably you will be the victims of justification, the peraction and burnt offering; Then we will lay on the altar of your Tales.

Symbol of faith

1. I believe in a single God, Father, Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Total
visible and invisible.
2. And in the united Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beast, from the Father born before all centuries, the light from the world, the God of true from the God of a true, born, unprecedented, one-handed father, through which everything happened.
3. For us, people, and our for the sake of salvation that has come down from heaven, and embodied from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and crudely.
4. Consistent for us when Pontius Pilate, and suffering, and buried.
5. And Risen on the third day, by Scriptures.
6. And asked to heaven, and sitting on the right of the Father.
7. And again the coming with Govoy to judge live and dead, and his kingdom will not be
8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving, from the father of the emanating, with the Father and the Son is equally worshiped and the famous who spoke through the prophets.
9. In the Unified, Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.
10. I admit one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
11. I expect the resurrection of the dead,
12. And the life of the future century. Amen.

Prayer 1, St. Makaria Great

God, cleanse me, sinful, for I never did a good before you, but save me from evil and will be in me the will of yours so that I am not in condemnation to open the mouth my unworthy and praise Your Holy, Father, and Son's name, and The Holy Spirit is now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, the same saint

Astive from sleep, the midnight song I bring to you the Savior, and falling to your footsteps, I appeal to you: do not let me fall asleep in sinful death, but I am alone, voluntarily undergoing crucifixion, and soon raise me, carelessly lying, and save me standing Before you on prayer. And after sleeping night, I went a clear day sinless, Christ God, and save me.

Prayer 3rd, the same saint

To you, Vladyka, a man of a humanity, an elderly, I hurry, and you are happy for you to take you, in your mercy, and I pray for you: help me at all time, in any case, and save me from any evil infancy in the world of ses and from the diatolian assistance, and save me, and enter your eternal kingdom. For you are my Creator and all the benefit of the Spriverler and the submitter. And in you - my whole hope is, and you fame to you, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 4th, the same saint

Lord, you have given me a lot of your good and the great Milosts of yours, your servant, the last time of the night this is without attacking any enemy's evil. You yourself, the Lord, the Creator of all, acknowledged by your true light and an enlightened heart to work by your will, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 5th, Vasily Great

Lord Almighty, God of the infrequent forces and any flesh, at the heights of the Heavenly living and the osiracy of the earth, experiencing and hearts, and internal feelings and intimate people knowing clearly, the original and eternal light, which has no change and no shadow of change! Myself, the immortal king, the departure of our praying, which we, darely hoping for a lot of mercies of yours, Currently, you bring to you, and forgive our sinners, business and word and thoughts, consciously and by ignorant by us, and cleanse us From every bad flesh and spirit, making us the temples of the Holy Spirit. And give us a waking heart and sober mind all night our current life to go through, waiting for the coming of a bright day of the phenomenon of my son, gentlemen and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, when he, the judgment of everyone comes to Earth with Glevoy to pay everyone for his affairs; May he find us with no fallen and stunned, but awake and risen, in the performance of the commandments of him, and ready to enter him into the joy and the divine drawn of His glory, where the visiting glasses incessant and inexpressible pleasures contemplating the unraded beauty of your face. For you are a true light that enlightened and sanctifying everything, and you are angry with all creation forever. Amen.

Prayer 6th, the same saint

You bless you, the Almighty God and Lord is gracious, always creating the great and incomprehensible things with us, the glorious and terrible, who has no number that has given us a dream for resting the gentleness of our and to relax from the work of a multidropriate flesh. We thank you, for you did not destroy us with our lawlessness, but I revealed our philanthropy, as usual, and us, in the insensitution of sleep lying, erected for the sloopy of the power of your power. Therefore, we molim immeasurable goodness: enlighten our mental eyes and our mind from serious sleep carelessness. Out of all the mouth and fill them with praise to you, so that we could unshakly sing, praise and praise you, in all and from all the glorified God, the original father with the only beast of your son and all, and good, and the life-giving your spirit, now, and always, And forever in the ages. Amen.

Prayer 7th, to the Most Holy Virgin

I sing to grace your, Lady, praying you, my intelligence. Move me to go law through Christ the Commandments. I strengthen me, but awake in singing, the dream is distilled off. Tied with the bonds of sins with plenty of your liberation, God's bride. At night and in the afternoon, save me, eliminating the attacks of enemies.
Given God, the life of the submitter, of me, killed by passions, revive.
Born the Light of the University, my soul is blinded by the enlightenment. On the wondrous mistake of the Lord, the house of the Divine do me. Doctor who gave birth, rub the perennial passion of my soul. Washed on the waves of everyday life, to the path of repentance to send me. Get rid of me from the fire of eternal, evil worm and the underworld. Yes, I will not find the joy of demon, in many sins of the obedient. Update me, foregrocked, dyeing from inconspicuous sins. Ivavi I'm not interested in all the flour and all the lord of the mind.
Acknowledged me with all the holy holys to join the heavenly cheerful. Holy Deva., Hear a voice of an indecent slave of yours! Give me tears streams, the prechile, the soul of my soul cleaning. I apologize from the heart from the heart, - diligence, Ladyman! My prayer service is my acceptance and to God blessing. The ascended the angels above the worldly confusion of me.
Light-skinned skins of heaven, spiritual grace in the direction of me. Hands and mouth raise to praise, desecrated by perfectly, all-hearth. From the permanent abomination to save me, Christ gently begging, "he is honored and worship, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 8th, Lord to our Jesus Christ

Multi-facing and all-air-friendly God, Lord Jesus Christ, in great love you came down and was embodied to save everyone. And again, the Savior, I pray you: Save me by grace! After all, if you could save me for things, it would not be grace and gift, but rather a debt. So, rich in compassion and inevitable in grace, - for you said about Christ, "the believer will live in me and will not see death." If the faith saves those who lost hope in you, - then, I believe, save me, for you are my God and the creator. Yes, I will start faith instead of things, my God, because you will not find any things that justify me. But instead of all of them, let them be pretty of this faith, "let her answer, let her justify me, let her show me a member of the glory of your eternal. Yes, I will not kidnap me Satan and do not boast that the spinning of me from yours, the Word of God, hands and fences. But I want, or I do not want to save me, Christ, my Savior, will soon come to my help, Hurry, I die, - For you are my God from my mother! Specifies me, Lord, now to love you, as I loved the once of the very sin, and again serve you without tension, hard, as I first worked for Satan - seducer. I will constantly serve you, the Lord and God to my Jesus Christ in all the days of my life, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 9th, to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, delivered to my ill-fated soul and passionate life, do not leave me, the sinner, and not retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the opportunity to ruin the evil demon by me through the mortal body of this. Take a firmly unhappy and dropped my hand and display me on the path of salvation.
About the Holy Angel of God, the keeper and the patron saint of my soul and body!
I'm sorry for me everything that I insulted you in all the days of my life, and if I was sinned in the past night, protect me in a real day and save me from all temptation of the enemy, so that I could not nourish God, and pray for me Yes, he will adopt me in his fear and will show me a slave worthy of his goodness. Amen.

Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin

Miscellaneous Mother of God, the Mother of God, the Holy, Holy and All-Filly Molubs of Culture from me, forgetting, nerazuma, nerazvy, and all the bad, dying and gloomy thinking from my heart and from my hearty my mind, and repay the flames of my passions, For I'm poor and unhappy. And save me from many and disastrous memories and intentions, and from all the cases of evil free to me, for all the birth bless you and is famous for the name of your name in centuries. Amen.

The prayer call of the saint whose name is

Moths of God about me, holy wifth of God (or: Holy Runta of God)(Name), For I diligently resort to you, fast assistant and prayer room (or: ambulance and prayer)about my soul.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Devo, rejoice; / Feak Maria, Lord with you! / Blessed you between your wives / and blessed the fruit of your fraud, / For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Tropean Cross of the Lord

Save, Lord, your people / and bless the heritage of yours, / Victory faithful * Over the innovative giving / and your people while keeping your people.

Prayer for living

Save, Lord, and surviving the His Holiness Patriarch of Our (Name), Havigitable Bishop (or Eminence Metropolitan or Archbishop) Our (name), my spiritual mentor (name), my parents (names), relatives (names), bosses, mentors, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Prayer about Usophest

God, Lord, the soul of the deceased slaves of your: my parents (names),
relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sins of free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven.

Ending prayer

It is worthily to be truly / glorify you, the Virgin, / ever blessed and the wonderful / and mother of our God. / Honor the highest cherubs / and incomparably sornyous seraphim, / nine, the Word of God, / True the Mother of God, is Major.

From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, the chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read:
« Angel was led by the gracious: / "Pure Virgin, rejoice! / And again I will say: Rejoice! / Your son rose on the third day from the coffin, / and resurrected dead." / People celebrate! Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, / for the glory of the Lord over to you climbed! / Likuy now and sneak, Zion! / You are rejoice, clean the Mother of God, / About the Resurrection of the birth of you. "
There is also a tradition for the two-month holidays to read the chorus and IRMOS 9 of the songs of the festive canon - wanders.

Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, according to the prayers of the Mother of Your Mother, Reverend and the Godhead fathers of our and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayers in the continuation of the day

Prayer of the Reverend Optina Elders

Lord, give me with soul calm Meet everything that will bring me the coming day. Lord, let me quite go to your holy will.
Lord, for every hour of this day, to mention and support me.
Lord, whatever I received news during this day, teach them to take them with the calm soul and firm conviction that everything is your holy will.
Lord, Discover to me will your holy for me and those around me.
Lord, in all my words and thoughts of my thoughts and feelings.
Lord, in all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you.
Lord, teaching the right thing, just, reasonably handle with all the home and others surrounding me, older, equal and younger, so that I do not disappear anyone, but all contribute to good.
Lord, give me the power to transfer the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day.
Lord, you yourself will manage to be willy and teach me to pray, hope, believe, love, tolerate and forgive.
Lord, do not let me in the enemy of my enemy, but for the sake of your saint itself and manage me.
Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand your eternal and unchanging laws manageing the world so that I, the sinful slave, could correctly serve you and my neighbor.
Lord, thank you for everything that it will be with me, for it is firmly believe that everything is promoting you for good.
Lord, bless all my worshiooting and entry, acts of affairs, words and thinking, acknowledged me to always glorify me, sing and bless you, for you are blessed by Esi forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Holy Righteous John, Presbyter Kronstadsky

Lord! Your name is love - do not reject me mistaken.
Your name is strength - strengthened me, is exhausted and falling.
Your name is light - enlighten my soul, overshadowed by everyday passions.
The name of you is peace - Umri joinling my soul.
Your name is mercy - do not stop making me. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

My queen is predictive, my hope, the Virgin, the shelter of the orphans and the wanderers of the defender, which grieves the joy, offended by the patroness! You see my trouble, you see my grief; Help me, as a weaker, direct me as a wanderer. My insult you know: let her in their will. For I have no other assistance, besides you, nor other defenders, nor good comforter - only you, about the Virgin: Yes, you will save me and protect me forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Connection of Christians of the Protopress Leonid Fedorova

Watch, the merciful Lord, Jesus, our Savior, on the prayers and the reeptness of the sinful and unworthy slaves of yours, humbly to you falling, and connect us all in the Unified, Saint, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Light your nonsense in our souls. Extra church residence, give us to praise you with a single heart and a single mouth and can know everything that we are faithful to your students and your beloved children.

Vladyko is our multi-facing, soon the promise of yours and may be a one flock and one shepherd in the church of your church and will be worthy of praising your holy name is always, now and incessantly and forever. Amen.

How to learn to understand prayers? The translation of the words of prayers from prayer for laity from church-Slavyansky, clarification of the meaning of prayers and pastures. Interpretations and quotes of holy fathers. Icons.

Prayers Morning

The beginning of the morning prayers

Refair from sleep, first of all, becoming a reverent, presenting himself before all-seeing God, and, having created a congestion, say:

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Amen - True, right, so it will be so (Hebrew.).

The first words of our morning prayer calls we call on the Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and all our prayers dedicate him, his name.

"We must learn how to stay in the presence of the invisible Lord, as they would keep in the presence of the Lord, which has been visible for us ..."

Cross sign - Sign of the cross. The sign is a symbol, an image, but also a military banner, and a miracle (remember frequent in the Holy Scripture, the expression "wonders and meaning"). Cross sign - our certificate of crucifixes of Christ; It was used in all circumstances of life by the first Christians. This sacred and terrible sign is executed great PowerAnd it should be used clearly, carefully, without the slightest negligence. The three fingers of the right hand (big, index and medium) are folded together, as a sign of our faith in a single and inseparable Most Holy Trinity. The ring finger and the little finger bend to the palm of the palm, which marks the two nature of the Lord Jesus Christ (that he is a true God and a true person). Now, three folded fingers with the words in the name of the Father ... We touch the forehead, in the sign of the consecration of the mind, then, with the words ... And the Son ... - To the bottom of the chest (and even below the chest, to the navel region, so that the cross in the body turned out proportional And not inverted), as a sign of the sanctification of the heart, then with the words ... and the Holy Spirit! - To the right and left shouldch, as a sign of consecration of the hands of our and all bodily forces. Finally, putting his hand and bowing, saying: Amen (when the cross sign accompanies another prayer, these words are not pronounced).

To impose a cristed sign so as to feel the touch of your own hand (and not to baptize the air), and to believe only after they touched the right and left shoulder (not "breaking the cross" before he is drawn).

Then a little wait, while all your feelings do not come to silence and your thoughts will not leave all the earthly, and then pronounce the following prayers without hasty and with the attention of heartfelt.


"Never a prayer hurry do not pronounce, and not in a hurry, with thoughts and feelings, koi are expressed in readable prayers. The goodness of our prayer violates thoughts. Try to fix it. The first step towards this iscriminating prayer, to excite the fear of God and reverest; Then become attention to the heart and from there writing to the Lord. "

Saint Feofan Reasanizer

From the letters of spiritual chadam.

Prayer Mytarya

God, gracious Budy I feel sinful (Bow).

Publican - Power collector; In the first century, this word was almost equivalent to the word "sinner."

Budy me - Be to me.

As a sample of true prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ himself brought these words in his parable:

"Also told some who were confident about themselves that they were righteous, and destroyed others, the following parables: two people entered the temple to pray: one Pharisee, and another Mytar. Pharisay, becoming, prayed himself in himself: God! Thank you You are that I am not like other people, robbers, offenders, adulteurs, or like this sootar: Sit down twice a week, I give a decorated part of everything that I get. Mytar, standing away, did not even bother even lift the eye on the sky ; but hitting yourself in the chest, I said: God! Be merciful to me a sinner! I tell you that this one went to the house more than that: for anyone, who exalted himself, will be humiliated, but degrading himself (LK.18 : 9-14).

If we have good deeds, they are our duty before God, not merit; And our sins are incomparably more than good deeds, and only one of God's charity can cover our unnecessary: \u200b\u200bGod, gracious Budy I feel sinful. According to St. Ignatia Bryanchaninova, "at least who stood at the very height of virtues, but if he prays not as a sinner, his prayer is rejected by God." In prayer you need to have an endangered and humble heart, asking and crying.


"What is the cleaner hold in the soul? Humility. For what the Napa is departed? From some movement of pride, self-consideration and self-reading. As soon as it feels inside this bad smell of pride, immediately and removes."

Saint Feofan Reasanizer.


Presenter prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Mother and all saints, have mercy. Amen.

Prayers for the radio - on prayers.

Merchant Mother - Mother of your mother (genitive case).


"... like! God has the power to leave sins on the prayers of his Mother Mother and Saints, and not independently?" - And without prayers, others have power - of course, one has the power; but to honor the high virtues of the saints, especially their accurate mother who are the essence, especially His friends, to the last forces who pleased him in the earthly life, - he takes their prayerful ideas about us, unworthy, about us who often have to burn their mouths due to the great and frequent falls ... According to the prayer of his Mother Mother, he is pretty By themselves, for the great and frequent sins and lawlessness, and there would be unworthy of his grace. "

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt


Thank you, God of our glory to you.

This prayer is called a small estate: we briefly glorify God, we give him praise.

With a deep feeling, it can be uttered from all the soul in all circumstances of life, in joy and grief. Truly Christian sense of life to which we must approach, in the last words of Svt. John of Zlatoust, who deceased in the persecution, in a hard link: Thank God for everything!

Prayer of the Holy Spirit

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere everywhere and all of the execution, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, pripe and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save our souls.

King Heavenly, comforter, soul of truth ... life (An integral case) - about the king of Heaven, comforter, the spirit of truth ... the god of life! Izh everywhere smy- You, omnipresent (located everywhere): Other - which the; sly - the existing, existing, which is staying; and all read - and everything is filling, as well as everything that compensates and improving; executive - (Communion from the verb to perform) - fill, trust, commit; Treasure of Goodness - Showing, the source of all the good (all goods); in us - in us; Faithfully (also a charting case) - save, about the good, our souls!


This is the prayer of the Holy Spirit as the face of the Blessed Trinity.

The king of heaven: the Holy Spirit, like God, reigns over the whole universe, so everything is in his strength and power.

The console and the spirit of Truth called him Jesus Christ in a hidden conversation with students at the Last Supper:

The comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything I told you (In.14: 26).

When a teacher comes, whom I will send you from my father, the Spirit of Truth, who comes from his father, he will testify to me (In.15: 26).

When he comes, the spirit of truth comes, then you will put you on all truth ... He will glorify me, because he will take and he will take it (In.16: 13-14).

The Holy Spirit, having flowning on the apostles on the Ascension of the Lord, comforted them in separation with the Lord, and they rejoiced that he was settled in them and began to instruct them for any truth. In the same way, the Holy Spirit can console us in grief and misfortune and give us any good and knowledge of the truth.

Life to the feeder ... These words of the prayer correlate with the words of the 8th member of the Symbol of Faith: And in the Spirit of the Saincho, the Lord, the life-giving ... In the "Beautiful Christian Catchism" of St. Filaret, it is explained: "This should be understood that he, together with God, the Father and Son gives Everything created life, and especially the spiritual life of people. "

We appeal to the Holy Spirit at the beginning of our prayers, as the gift of true prayer is also the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Who thinks that it prays the present way without the Holy Spirit, he, and glorifying the god Pigsovlogo, the same, that he is hoolit, it is unclean to eat and did not come back with God. "

Rev. Simeon New Theologian


"The Holy Spirit teachs true prayer. No one will receive the Holy Spirit, cannot pray to such a prayer, which is truly pleasant to God. Because, if someone, without having the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, will pray, then the soul is scattered in different directions, from one thing to another, and he cannot keep his thoughts on one, and moreover, he does not know himself, neither his needs, nor how to ask and what to ask for God, - and does not know who Such God. But the person in which the Holy Spirit dwells, and knows God, and sees that he is his father; he knows how to start him and how to ask, and what to ask him from him. Thoughts in prayer are slim, clean and fixed To one subject - God; and his prayer, he can accurately do everything. "

Saint Innokenty, Metropolitan Moscow


Note. From Easter to Ascension Instead of this prayer, the Easter tropar is read:

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death death, and the belly of the belly under(Three times).

From Ascension to Trinity, we begin the prayers of the celon rule (morning and sleep for the coming) with Holy God, lowering all preceding.

This remark also applies to the prayers for the dream.

The prayer of the Holy Spirit is not read from Easter to Trinity - during the period when we, in crucifixes and resurrection by Christ, are symbolically awaiting the Descent of the Holy Spirit. For the first time after the break, this prayer will sound on the all-sleeping day of the holiday Pentecostal, or Trinity.

King, comforter, soul, subservant, so - All these are forms of a charting case, which is always used when contacting. When we say: Lord, God, Jesus Christ, our father is also a charting case.

Treasure of good: Good - give birth. Case Numbers. Kind In Church Slavonic language, adjective averages are often used in the generalized meaning of the noun, as in modern Russian, but also a plural: good - good, or all the good, rich - wealth, {!LANG-86b87bff7e5814c8bcd0d85194cecff5!}{!LANG-32acc4e91915790a62955aa919aa7cb6!} {!LANG-7b0a0d91728fffa6cec40f776ef148fb!}{!LANG-4f5d40599c9b684d72a13142f8e6ed0d!}





{!LANG-7acf591929506cd10fadfaded50eb819!} {!LANG-802e1228dd71b06a55ad8b8b966e5d7d!}{!LANG-1760d8e8a9721763c5adeb00b85fdc99!} {!LANG-a721f4e5f660721d3cc0940a436f7288!}{!LANG-40d497b0c7f084e252429e86a167df5a!} {!LANG-7a5e6a6f37fb1e205013db291d9df27b!}{!LANG-0d08057036a07e4b119a3e3cea2fcc4f!}


















Prayer for the Blessed Trinity


{!LANG-7672553de66f9cc8d8a79e8fca8fc487!}{!LANG-d76e3e08be65979ffe9ca8e8b39d4cb8!} {!LANG-6ece0acf8be30ec4d0e5f5c480ee25cd!}{!LANG-36ffecaf30088c3287aed0a4344d7c95!} {!LANG-15721802ebcbdda874fed1815392e4c2!}{!LANG-e1c3d2c16afef4ab714c25a1f4288493!} {!LANG-efc95ce6acc30729bb7543d6f4d21e46!}{!LANG-27c42fef972a78955ef851ab2fec23b1!}

{!LANG-69931a53ff36ad83ccbed0904ab04c64!} {!LANG-4dbcc011bb6eb6b4216bd0325b0bdbae!}{!LANG-b2f2c2b8fdaebfaf76398089c54fbe04!} {!LANG-d487bc89957286f1ff7705d4fe45171f!}{!LANG-0506e64b83a1b9e701240786f1957184!} {!LANG-521584d35f3b968a6cae762c765fa48c!}{!LANG-c228a1831527d9aa62fdc37dcd39da6a!}









{!LANG-8ac714aa2212b150728854f2420e0bc9!} {!LANG-83ec455ac0ec970413935fa7f09c00da!}{!LANG-f809c4766dc111cb6cb9d325d636d21d!}








Prayer of the Lord


{!LANG-0b39b009daf05ea79b84c4a8d810eca4!}{!LANG-23d5dd9dbd82279840195ae5ea579669!} {!LANG-ad46dbf3ab8ccf79631923253809aa99!}{!LANG-85ee740f71f5c3724ffe32a06b03416a!} {!LANG-7eb323082e1a3b6355d316f9702fd364!}{!LANG-9c4a6ff8f277ef2f763b9e37c33cc55e!} {!LANG-b516dbc71a09073093cb78dcf6b221fa!}{!LANG-497e8e7486bab3717ea7b8dc77a76c32!} {!LANG-04bcf91bd0f05d7f3c5d6389f273e95e!}{!LANG-b3231cb6a952e713016df222f0b732bb!} {!LANG-209f263138061c9f40a5a102af2618c6!}{!LANG-8948be5de2b7e67b5ac76cd0914af5be!} Ugly{!LANG-b2a43acfa85d6078675d57005c74b5f1!} {!LANG-2ff2ad621ff93273fbdab25bd05ae738!}{!LANG-85824de1076ef9bf8b3d7e9a42a8db81!} {!LANG-1b67265388f7c18d583332ab644ff6dd!}{!LANG-f178c1a8fb838c5a282c90cb38eea9ae!} Jacques{!LANG-93cbd2fd758d73d7a974335e04acb3ed!} From flavored{!LANG-d052c820cae5393099e417363941ad6b!} {!LANG-be01297fb448b04d1094102c9cd40726!}{!LANG-c1c010448fa2bd2ff137721b696b3a5f!}











{!LANG-c3731d73b18ef637c74309f3a0b4df75!} {!LANG-2f0deae90028866f1ee762fdc8a1d095!}{!LANG-5a77b9bfa0b398c8868548daca1aefe3!}




































{!LANG-3c96e7810a86b0e6d75418f7877d6784!} {!LANG-556f61a298db97e0b8f10465ec5d3aa4!}{!LANG-0407d27fd783bfa3338e934011e47449!}




















{!LANG-84a1727984f96ba72b53fd8da8b8e93e!} {!LANG-7da493f2173b28553e822277fed9262a!}{!LANG-b970c7133064b0bebfe12740d5a0845b!}
















{!LANG-507869001e545ba40890c81dec9dbea6!} {!LANG-916112d57a822a2106fb78d334e52ec7!}{!LANG-db419ac570e51766e092293fd7cdba70!}











{!LANG-9c8c078cdee3bf2492f0a1c0276a66bd!} {!LANG-d6cf0a71733775b57b794cefb3fd8145!}{!LANG-5a34a8d9a5fecd88259dc8375f838a8b!}







Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary










Tropear Cross and Prayer for Fatherland


{!LANG-8a8c8e917c85e331efc1e46b68757f6f!}{!LANG-c4255a95af648fcd9d1df6b16121e8b2!} On resistent{!LANG-5c8ec1ea9e8a9a0407e19ba4886b5034!} {!LANG-653201c931583840d35bbbf7e70deb2a!}{!LANG-9533d2a6147474676146c8a96ee6ba77!}


Prayer for living


Prayer about Usophest









Oh living
























Presenter prayer



Prayer of the Holy Spirit






Prayer for the Blessed Trinity



Prayer of the Lord







Prayer for the Blessed Trinity








1 {!LANG-5f93c67f167cff8ff6083a09aa9d2460!}



Prayer 2nd, the same saint


Prayer 3rd, the same saint


Prayer 4th, the same saint




Prayer 6th, the same saint


Prayer 7th, to the Most Holy Virgin


Prayer 8th, Lord to our Jesus Christ




Prayer 10th, to the Most Holy Virgin


The prayer call of the saint whose name is


Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary





{!LANG-04ba19f347333358a17ea5d4c023aee3!}{!LANG-d46d8da18651baa470ad1eff32120a90!}{!LANG-48825e22334b270dd920c3650c3b1901!}{!LANG-f1091a3f8f1911f753f00551272c9e2e!}{!LANG-f18c168705da6e3c6e40f3e18d138352!} {!LANG-09582bdc0802dc6ab577b099a146e345!}{!LANG-7ee3e5780513093956ed10b2cac861df!}{!LANG-09582bdc0802dc6ab577b099a146e345!}{!LANG-b6a67ad41f701ff03321e523da9c1cef!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-b2aad4b05f1e089b0a64c98cb60ce0b2!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-f160515a4417107462c598c9255e60bc!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-58134c38ccd53559a92dcb506e022a56!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-1c00a10744e68af6b0ee16e49010131c!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) .


{!LANG-231cfee8571adc4b0e62b60f2ef61586!}{!LANG-f1091a3f8f1911f753f00551272c9e2e!}{!LANG-6c401f180c85840415586e8c60e2044a!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-f83114dc795226732bd6ae8945545e37!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-0394dc32ee56b9d7e5b56556ceef1806!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-c2c5239b623f3dde2bc5d80478c39e6d!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) {!LANG-2fa9ee969e1303a6ee2737712b6a2395!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) .


Ending prayer

{!LANG-025c0a8a51fb2840edda0d2cd1ffb588!}({!LANG-feeb3d53d3595e45269a2e2f61ae72fb!}) .



















{!LANG-3c467b703eb0aea6e98313a42290e75c!}({!LANG-01c71f0ae4ae3b664695b935bd224b47!}) {!LANG-e174f12d0f49b0151d2e32461b004865!}({!LANG-bdd176d6d5b05204e7d6e49cb9ec1afc!})

{!LANG-e935f90a3ccac7d506e92f18c0f40aab!}({!LANG-155e46d7a47fc845911f86623816b8bf!}) {!LANG-5c1384d888914c783a28099036fc5620!}({!LANG-bdd176d6d5b05204e7d6e49cb9ec1afc!})











{!LANG-b92f9f6e0dc77a81b2e303c7b9bf8fce!}({!LANG-155e46d7a47fc845911f86623816b8bf!}) {!LANG-1c06268cbc10a1d0a14d858b23e956fe!}({!LANG-bdd176d6d5b05204e7d6e49cb9ec1afc!})






Prayer Mytarya


{!LANG-014d33ef5ed3729ee0c30cef1d63242a!} (Bow)

Presenter prayer



Prayer of the Holy Spirit


{!LANG-48ae433aada37148a3a41f67d4c4b939!} {!LANG-657190baf8f28d8d751d4346ce221a7d!}{!LANG-a0ab5b07a0f9080ec82c353f2052d33d!}



Prayer for the Blessed Trinity


{!LANG-59f5e12b410ad17995d46ebc9da855ac!} (Three times)


Prayer of the Lord








{!LANG-59f5e12b410ad17995d46ebc9da855ac!} (12 times)

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity


{!LANG-ac06e51b4952de174fd5dbcf0dfeffde!} (Bow)

{!LANG-f6ab3b560e29884ae5844b27a51d3215!} (Bow)

{!LANG-d210ec44212c4ffd05212fc741c195c4!} (Bow)

Psalm 50.


Symbol of faith






{!LANG-d70f49afbd462fb46bf4b47a5610397c!} {!LANG-2d7ac24f5bf8f8d9be8b07bfbdeef3be!}


{!LANG-bcc92f9908f113f9586a79a16956ae1e!} {!LANG-2d7ac24f5bf8f8d9be8b07bfbdeef3be!}




{!LANG-2a15d5978ce4b4f4813642213c2cf521!} {!LANG-abd81fce600d0f56a0122aaded64eb2b!}










The prayer call of the saint whose name is

{!LANG-7546883ee6a5474ff6cd15c9d544ff73!} {!LANG-9b4020ed4ce2be20afa056d74ec3e886!}{!LANG-a3350945eea33e82e05a50bfbb2c08a0!}

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Tropear Cross and Prayer for Fatherland


Prayer for living

(name){!LANG-1c742617e30a78432670b4e44631e614!} {!LANG-914f0890075433785c68f7add2b464e6!}{!LANG-b518f83581d09565b959f48a705e5a5f!} {!LANG-9c23d5eedbddf20a0cb5d7c5d870f574!}{!LANG-51317086ced217b99ae074fe9f40f4a3!} {!LANG-ced580586148bb3bb283d65fd6ec4c96!}{!LANG-3f877b307fdfd2e2ff3d4d87e2a406d0!}

Prayer about Usophest

{!LANG-0dc824797b7c8df5af1be0263467791d!} {!LANG-0c7067d9edb4f4724acc60c407b5ec82!}{!LANG-cd6f1df04c383ae597dab1f5a3fd481d!}


Oh living


Save, Lord, and hunt our God, the country's stored country, authorities and the military of the Hero, fence the world, and conquer the Orthodox enemy and the sacuost, and the verbs of the peaceful and good in their hearts about the Church of your Holy, and about all the people of yours: Yes, quiet and silent lives will live in the lawwrier, and in every piety and clean. (Bow)

{!LANG-22f5570fe7fa1aa0066565f838648bef!} (Bow)

Save, Lord, and nice father of my spiritual (his name)And my saints forgive my saint prayers. (Bow)

{!LANG-c75960ff344ea54281040fc81a9bc4ae!} {!LANG-ced580586148bb3bb283d65fd6ec4c96!}{!LANG-2d4495752474401215badbddd2c505d8!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

Save, Lord, and humbly on the many generaries of your all sacred, Inkoki and Inokini, and all in the naval and reverence and staying of the living in monasters, in the deserts, in the caves, mountains, collisters, the gate, seedlings of the stone, and the same And at any place of the dominion of your faithful living, and a piously serving, and praying for you: make it easier for them, and comfort of their grief, and to the feud about you and the strength of them to hand themselves, and the prayers are given to the rest of the sins. (Bow)

Save, Lord, and Hermit Elders and Yuna, Nishchey and orphans and Widowers, and Sushchya in Diseases and Pechel, the troubles of the same and rabbits, the circumstances and prisoners, the dungeons and sharpeners, are fairly in persecution, for you for the sake of both Orthodox Language of godless, from the apostate and from heretics, the suspicion of your slaves, and the obstacle, visit, strengthen, comfort, and soon the power of your oslab, freedom and relieving them. (Bow)

{!LANG-bf6cf07498edceebc79aee40a3864bf4!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

{!LANG-4df1cdec1dd7c6fca59e92bcdcf7a8cf!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

{!LANG-454c58121ca9fd9f6fec779bc41a891f!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

Save, Lord, and survive hate and offensive me, and the creast of themselves, and do not leave them to die for, sinning. (Bow)

Having receding from the Orthodox faith and deceased heresy blinded, the light of your knowledge of the enlightenment and the Holy of your apostles of the Cathedral Church of the Church. (Bow)


{!LANG-e019119047d34166baaa7c3e3797a9e4!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

{!LANG-40725757d9bd37624bb7aa89afe893fb!} {!LANG-ffb7c10d6c3e33a1b431c45ad2a206d9!}

Roman, Lord, and all in the hope of resurrection and the life of the eternal crash, fathers and the brotherhood of our, and sisters, and the Zea Lying and everywhere, the Orthodox Christians, and with our saints, the appearance of your face, vs. and we And a humus person. Amen. (Bow)

Guess, Lord, leaving sins with all the resurrection, father, brethren and sisters and sisters, and create eternal memory. (Three times)

Ending prayer


From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer, the chorus and IRMOS 9th songs of the Easter canon are read:

{!LANG-70aea8d9823d0a8649eff21a8b17ce48!} .


{!LANG-8852dd9f2178a2f851475e3448a7c3a8!} {!LANG-f6cebcccc497ad7172c52c3e77975ef3!}




