Valkyrie: amulet of warriors. The meaning and features of wearing

A spirit in a female form that helps the souls of fallen soldiers find their place in the posthumous world, taking the form of a swan, a winged maiden on a white horse, or a wolf. This information is provided by Scandinavian mythology in the heroic "Elder Edda". The Valkyries, who are the daughters of Odin, have always carried a protective function. In ancient Scandinavia, the virgins, shining with the brilliance of their armor, guarded the souls of those who died on the battlefield and guided them on the path of Rule. They carried souls, accompanying the flight to immortality with drawn-out and sorrowful songs.

In our time, the Valkyrie in the form of a talisman guards and protects warriors, this talisman, carrying male energy, grants courage, fortitude and the ability to leave the world of Reveal with honor, and also gives victory in battle and the achievement of their goals.

The question arises, how is the warrior maiden from Scandinavian legends connected with our Slavic worldview, how did the Valkyrie amulet come to us? Scandinavians and Slavs, do they have something in common? To deal with these issues, you need to delve into the history and mythology of the Scandinavian and Slavic peoples.

The ancient Scandinavians and Germans, together with other tribes, constituted a single community of Slavic tribes, where beliefs, customs, rituals, symbols and legends were, if not the same, then similar. Drawing parallels between the Valkyries, the goddesses of the Baltic Slavs, and the Western Slavic goddesses known to us, you can see that both are endowed with the ability to turn into swans and they are all endowed with magical powers. Let us recall the Swan Princess from Russian fairy tales or her opposite - the evil spirit Vytarashka, bringing a love fever that drains the soul.

The Valkyries, turning into swans, carried the souls of the dead warriors to Valhalla and sang funeral songs to them, the Swan Princess helped the fairytale hero survive and win both in this world and in the other world. In the most ancient myths, warlike maidens either descended from elves, or were the daughters of Scandinavian princes, endowed with mystical abilities and the ability to turn into birds. With the adoption of Christianity, the image of the Heroic Virgin loses its mystical meaning, along with the ability to turn into a bird. In the days of Christians, Valkyries were already just maidens flying on swans and picking up the dead on the battlefield.

In our time, the Valkyrie symbol has stepped over the border of the traditional image of the northern Virgin Heroine, who accompanies the souls of the fallen knights to Valhalla, to the hall of the goddess Freya, to rest after difficult military exploits. The Valkyrie is no longer just a “picking up the dead”, it is a symbol of an honorable death, even rather a symbol of posthumous glory and military honors.

The Valkyrie symbol among the ancient Slavs

Among the Slavs, the Valkyrie symbol, which is four repeating runes of Ga, denoting movement, and repeating runes P, symbolizing the completion of a person's life cycle, that is, his death, was especially revered among the priests. Runes enclosed in a circle, also symbolizing an endless cycle of rebirth and renewal, were used by priests to help the Knights in the afterlife.

The Valkyrie symbol protected the Vedas and Vedic knowledge, preventing unworthy people with evil intentions to them, especially important scrolls were sealed for them.

The Valkyrie, as an esoteric emblem, symbolizing the protection of true knowledge, accompanied the Slavs for millennia and for millennia helped them leave and return. The Valkyrie, carrying not only the energy of death, but also the fiery energy of rebirth to a new life, was embroidered on clothes, applied to ceramics, carved from wood or minted on weapons.

This symbol was also made in the form of amulets made of metals:

  • Yellow;
  • silvery;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • bronze.

The tradition of making amulets worn on the chest has revived in our time along with the revival of Slavic culture and Vedic religion among young people and middle-aged people. A Valkyrie made of gold or silver can be ordered in workshops where craftsmen work, making amulets and other items decorated with security symbols.

Valkyrie in modern Slavic tradition

Valkyrie is one of the strongest and most ancient amulets designed for people whose occupations pose a risk to life or health. These are not only warriors, but also athletes involved in extreme sports, as well as travelers, firefighters, military doctors, fishermen, hunters. This list also includes priests, keepers of knowledge, overseeing the life of the Aryan Slavs communities. A protective symbol is used by priests to seal Vedic texts containing sacred knowledge.

The Valkyrie breastplate can be used not only by men, women who are in a difficult situation and need to develop masculine qualities, it is also useful for gaining vitality and self-confidence. Women can wear a pendant symbol, but the Valkyrie also looks good, embroidered on clothes, especially around the collar, sleeves, and belt. These places are especially vulnerable and in need of protection, that is, the embroidered Valkyrie works if all open places plus the lower back are protected by it.

Valkyrie, located in the work area at home or in the office, will help a woman achieve financial independence and make a career using such masculine qualities as perseverance, independence, ability to achieve her goal, criticality. But for married women and young girls who want to be loved, it is better to shoot Valkyrie at home in order to remain sweet and desirable and not jar men with an excessive display of independence and rigidity, which is unacceptable in the family. At home, a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, wife and mother, so the armor should be put away in a safe place.

Boys can be given amuletValkyrie from the age of twelve, when the period of growing up and realizing oneself as an independent person who wants achievements and victories begins. The chest guard is worn with a pattern to itself, this warning applies to everyone - men, boys and representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, since it works only in this position. For growing girls, it is better to choose another amuletcarrying feminine energy.

Rooted in the mists of time. Our ancestors created a great many different objects, the main task of which was to protect and point the right way.

Talisman "Valkyrie"

In the culture of the northern Slavic tribes, the Valkyrie solar sign was used. It was believed to be a symbol of a warrior capable of protecting the land and relatives. He bestows courage and confidence in his abilities, means honor, dignity and wisdom. It was not forbidden to wear a talisman and those who had nothing to do with the warrior's case. In times of troubled times, everyone is subject to suffering and pain. The Valkyrie symbol has the ability to smooth out the heavy energy of war. The name of the sign is translated “choosing death”. According to an ancient legend, mythical maidens with this name had courageous character traits, were distinguished by courage and belligerence. The gods gave them the ability to decide who wins the battle on earth. The Valkyries, watching the battle from the skies, celebrated the most courageous and fearless warriors. Waving their swan wings, they descended on the battlefield and took the dying warriors to the paradise abode of Valhalla. The last that the brave men heard was the song of the heavenly maiden, similar to the cry of a swan.

Another story is known in ancient Slavic mythology, according to which two royal daughters were called Valkyries. They were not feminine desperate and brave. During the battles, the girls were on the battlefields. One of the sisters accompanied the souls of the fallen warriors to heaven, while the other blinded enemies, covering them with a thick fog.

Both legends are associated with military deeds, courage and courage, honor. Therefore, undoubtedly, the Valkyrie amulet is necessary for people of military professions.

The value of the amulet

Old Slavic amulet "Valkyrie"

This amulet is considered one of the most powerful magical items. According to some sources, it was used in the rituals of the priests aimed at protecting the Vedas. Possessing powerful energy, Valkyrie creates a protective barrier from the negative of the surrounding world, protects against death. It endows its owner with the following qualities: justice, nobility, honor, wisdom. There is an opinion that it is dual. In addition to all the positive qualities, he carries a certain charge of aggression. If we take into account that the main purpose of the amulet is to protect the warrior, then there is no disagreement. In order to resist the enemy, aggression is justified and even necessary.

This and ordinary people, in this case, his magic gave strength to confidently go towards their goal, to achieve success. It should be noted that the Valkyrie had a similar effect on a person with pure thoughts. Being a solar symbol, it is constantly fueled by the energy of the sun, therefore it can have a powerful effect on its owner, opening the opportunity to learn the secrets of the universe.

Magical possibilities

Charm "Valkyrie"

Slavic signs keep many mysteries. Many of their properties are unknown or have survived to this day in a misunderstanding. The main feature of the Valkyrie amulet is its ability to create an energy barrier that protects from your own bad thoughts and dark thoughts that destroy the soul. Life presents many temptations, sometimes it happens to commit rash acts for which you then have to be ashamed, achieve goals by deception. The Valkyrie amulet protects a person from such steps, helps to find spiritual harmony. The solar symbol makes it possible to feel a spiritual connection with ancestors. Under the influence of the magical power contained in him, intuition develops, a person does not lose spiritual and physical strength, constantly receiving nourishment. The Valkyrie amulet bestows leadership qualities on its owner, so he will always be in the spotlight. People who are protected by a talisman often become leaders. It is believed that he contributes to the correct choice of "second half" and reliable friends, develops creative possibilities. The energy of the amulet also protects from external negative influences: the evil eye, slander.

Manufacturing and activation

"Valkyrie" made of wood

It is believed that hand-made amulets have the greatest magical power. The most suitable for Valkyrie is considered a tree of "male" species: oak, cedar. You can also use any other natural material: clay, fabric, leather, metal. Slavic warriors painted the Valkyrie symbol on weapons and shields.

In modern life, the image can be on a disk or a flash card in order to protect against information "leakage". Recently, it has become popular to stuff Old Slavonic sacred symbols on the body. The Valkyrie sketch is allowed to be used as a tattoo. Before you make such a tattoo, you should carefully study the magical properties of the sign, so as not to harm yourself, because getting rid of a tattoo is not easy.

It is important to know that you should not give and sell a sacred item. Having lost the energy connection with the owner, the amulet will lose its magical capabilities.

Before use, you need to activate. It is customary to carry out this rite on a full moon, leaving it under the moonlight until morning. Pronounce the conspiracy, and hide the object with the first rays of the sun to avoid unnecessary questions, so as not to destroy the still fragile connection with the amulet.

Who should wear

Pendant "Valkyrie"

According to old Slavic legends, the Valkyrie amulet was originally the defender of warriors. In this life, it is necessary:

  • Those who are unsure of themselves try to unsuccessfully get rid of their inner fears.
  • People whose professions involve risk, where it is necessary to show nobility.
  • Aimed at achieving high results (for example, athletes).
  • For a child as protection from the evil eye and damage.
  • For a teenager to smooth out emotional age-related problems.

Impact on women

There is a misconception that the Valkyrie, but it is not. Women wear it in such cases:

  • In difficult moments of life, to strengthen the strength of the spirit.
  • There is an important matter in which you need to "be on top."
  • Protect yourself from envious people.
  • Find endurance and patience.
  • Find harmony in relationships with men.

Sometimes it can happen that the owner of such an object begins to notice unreasonable aggression behind herself. Perhaps this is due to the action of the amulet. It is necessary to part with the talisman for a while and go through the ritual of purification, then again try to "improve relations" with the Valkyrie energy. Recommended as a talisman for pregnant women and girls striving for self-improvement. There are some features of using such a charm:

  • Cannot be worn over clothing, hidden from prying eyes, has more power.
  • If you decide to embroider such a sign, weave it delicately into the main ornament.
  • You can't boast of a magic thing and give it into the wrong hands.

The use of the Valkyrie amulet by men

The main purpose of the Valkyrie amulet is the protection of a male warrior. Thanks to its powerful solar energy, it is able to serve people of peaceful professions: employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, security structures, athletes, heads of large enterprises. The item gives its owner:

  • Restraint of character.
  • Avoids wrong decisions.
  • Gives clarity of thought in difficult situations.

Such a sacred sign can be worn in the form of a pendant-pendant, bracelet, ring, it can also be applied to a leather belt or buckle. It is permissible to use a magic image on several things.

The Valkyrie amulet is a symbol of the protector of the Family, the earth - which is the purpose of a man.

There is a deep meaning in it. Regarding the Valkyrie talisman, it should be remembered that such a sign helps only people with good thoughts. If the soul is dark, the aspirations are unkind - all the negative under the influence of the object will turn against the person himself.

Slavic culture is rich in various charms and amulets. The name "amulet" means that it is designed to protect a person from everything bad, to protect him from the evil eye, damage, slander. In Slavic culture, there are many amulets, and each of them was intended for a particular situation: some guarded the house, others helped women in labor, and others - the soldiers. The latter include the Valkyrie amulet.

Valkyrie - a symbol of wisdom and honor

Valkyrie is an unusually interesting Slavic amulet in its appearance. He symbolized honor, wisdom, courage, nobility. It is clear that any person could wear such a charm, but it was more popular among soldiers.

Amulet values - protection of the Rod, the native land, the father's home. Since wars always bring devastation and death, it is important to be able to endure quarrels with honor, preventing the outbreak of hostilities. That is, the talisman helped to save the warrior from excessive harshness and meanness towards the enemy. However, the Valkyrie cannot be considered the emblem of the world, a certain aggressiveness is still inherent in the mascot, which is reflected in its design. However, this is the aggression of the defender, not the conqueror.

Valkyrie: the history of the name

Initially, the Valkyrie belonged to the folklore of the Scandinavian peoples, but then became one of the Slavic pagan goddesses.

The name means “choosing the dead”. We are talking about the heavenly maidens who appear on the battlefield and decide which of the warriors will fall in battle. They also take with them the most worthy in order to provide them with a suitable heavenly life. Valkyrie is a golden-haired maiden, daughter of the god of war Odin.

She, along with her sisters, take the brave warriors who died on the battlefield to deliver them to their father's feast. One manages the battle, helping the right. It is not surprising that the Valkyries were quite revered deities, because the life of the Slavic ancestors took place in campaigns and battles.

According to another version, this function was endowed with the daughters of one of the kings: one of them blew fog on the battlefield, and the second took the warriors and buried them. They flew into the battlefield in the form of white swans and carried away the warriors.

One way or another, the meaning of the Valkyrie can be interpreted as a worthy death of a warrior on the battlefield, his posthumous veneration as a valiant warrior.

Valkyrie: appearance

Valkyrie has a complex design - a combination of angles. It is a cycle that symbolizes the constant movement of life: birth, growing up, aging, death. Nothing in the Universe stops, generations, days of the week, seasons, centuries change.

Valkyrie also denotes the connection between man and the universe. 4 elements are closely intertwined in the universe - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. A person, having achieved the highest spiritual enlightenment, is endowed with 4 moral qualities - Honor, Wisdom, Justice, Nobleness.

Valkyrie: magical properties

Being one of the strongest amulets, the Valkyrie allows you to increase the energy of its owner, which he must direct to help others, creation.

Aspects united by talismans are the qualities most needed by a warrior: Nobility, Honor, Justice, Wisdom .

A characteristic feature of the Valkyrie is also the fact that several forces are combined in it. So, the talisman seems to create a barrier between a person and a negative influence, helps to protect the home and relatives.

Valkyrie Is a reminder to a person of death, which is seen as a transition to a more perfect world. However, earthly life must also be passed with dignity, since it is a preparation for eternal life. Valkyrie allows you to establish a connection between a person and the Universe, pushing him towards self-improvement and spiritual development.

The sign is suitable for both women and men. Valkyrie helps women to turn to themselves, to study their own "I", which means, to rise, become better. For men, Valkyrie means the same thing, but here inner development is combined with honing military skills.

The ancients believed that if a man is honest and brave in battle, then his soul after death will go to a feast to the god of war. The warrior maidens will carry him there. The unworthy are waiting for a miserable existence in the underworld. In addition, the Valkyrie helped to escape from accidental and absurd death, endure the pain and hardships of war.

The meaning of the Valkyrie

Thus, several meanings of Valkyrie can be distinguished:

  • a symbol of wisdom, as the highest spiritual power of a person;
  • the highest justice;
  • courage and strength of a warrior;
  • honor of the warrior.

How the Valkyrie was inflicted

The Valkyrie symbol was popular and there were many ways to apply it. It was carved out of leather, wood, and made of metals. Stuffing the Valkyrie on a flat sheet (made of wood, metal), the Valkyrie was then hung around the neck.

Often the symbol could be found on weapons and shields, since it was believed that the amulet would save one from accidental or unnecessary death. The Valkyrie, applied to the blade of the sword, is believed to direct the weapon. There are also Valkyries in the form of tattoos on the body of warriors. Moreover, before the battle, several similar symbols were applied at once.

The Valkyrie used as a home amulet was usually embroidered. The symbol adorned the walls of the dwelling, dishes. It was believed that only a noble person could wear it.

Valkyrie today

Today the talisman, as well as in antiquity, remains in demand. It is noteworthy that the scope of its application has expanded somewhat. Who might find this amulet useful:

  1. A woman wearing a Valkyrie will gain prudence, be able to handle complex affairs;
  2. The Valkyrie will also help girls to reach their goal, without wasting energy and resources along the way;
  3. A man will acquire firmness, confidence, he will be able to achieve success in any field;
  4. A person will be able to get rid of enemies and ill-wishers - they will bypass him;
  5. As before, the Valkyrie will save the warriors, as well as those whose activities are related to protecting others, saving lives.
  6. For people who go in for sports, the Valkyrie will give the energy and determination they need to win.

Create Valkyrie

Valkyrie is sought by people who want to increase their own energy and learn how to direct it towards creative goals; to solve the assigned tasks without wasting vitality. Finally, the Valkyrie is necessary for those who wish to protect themselves from the negative effects of others, idle and dark thoughts. The Valkyrie is called upon to help a person improve himself by cultivating the highest virtues - honor, wisdom, nobility and justice.

It is believed that it is better to create a talisman with your own hands, for example, to embroider it. To do this, use natural fabrics and threads. The latter are usually black or red. It is not recommended to give a talisman made with your own hand to another (an exception is a gift to a son, husband, brother), and even more so to sell.

In addition, you can purchase a ready-made talisman, for example, in the form of a keychain. In this case, preference should be given to products made of wood or metal. When purchasing a talisman in this form, you should take care of the place of its storage - buy a special box where only the talisman will be located.

Our ancient ancestors - the ancient Slavs often turned to Gods and natural elements for help. They believed in power and even began to make various amulets, which contained this power.

Each of the amulets had a certain meaning and meaning, different of them:

  • They guarded the house and family.
  • They strengthened and maintained health, healed.
  • Helped defeat the enemy in battle.
  • Protected from damage and the evil eye.

Among them was the Valkyrie amulet. What kind of amulet it is and why it was needed, we will try to figure it out in this article.


According to the mythology of the ancient Slavs, the Valkyrie is a maiden who chooses warriors who must go to the afterlife. They possessed swan wings, with the help of which they carried warriors who died a heroic death. The Valkyrie's swan song is the last thing a dying man heard. Therefore, in the image of these virgins, the death of those who heroically died in battle was embodied.

Given that the Valkyrie has always been associated with war, battles and battles, the Slavic amulet Valkyrie was most often present among the military. But it did not mean aggression and attack, but, on the contrary, protection, this was precisely the meaning of this amulet. He was almost an obligatory attribute of military uniforms. In addition, this totem added courage to its owner, and in the event of death in battle, guaranteed respect in the afterlife.

Over time, the value of this amulet has expanded, it has become a symbol of the protection of his family and land. The Valkyrie amulet seemed to weaken the negative energy of war, giving the confidence that the warrior will certainly return home. However, despite this, one should not consider him a good and peaceful sign, after all, his energy is quite aggressive. But it is also necessary for a person who is forced to defend his own.

What does it mean and how it looks

The sign of the Valkyrie is depicted as a solar circle with two squares enclosed in it. They intersect with each other, symbolizing the desire for order. The middle of this sign resembles a swastika, resembling the Fern Flower, which has medicinal properties. This structure of the sign includes four stages of a person's life: birth, growing up, aging and death.

In addition, it symbolizes the connection between man and the Universe, in which the four elements also exist. When a person reaches the highest enlightenment, he is endowed with four important qualities: nobility, honor, wisdom and justice.

In everyday peaceful life, the meaning of this totem is also relevant. Outside of war, you win some kind of your little battle every day. Therefore, a person who does not have courage and confidence, the Slavic amulet Valkyrie will endow these qualities. Too aggressive will bestow calmness and wisdom to avoid conflict whenever possible. If collisions are not prevented, the amulet will give strength to fight on the brink of its capabilities. For those who dare to send damage or slander to its owner, the amulet will return everything back using its mirror shield abilities.

What is it needed for

The value of the Valkyrie amulet is not only to act as a shield for its owner, protecting from negativity directed in his direction. He also protects his family, children, home and native land, that is, the most precious thing a person has in life. Therefore, such a talisman is perfect for leaders, directors and commanders of military units. People who defend their land use this amulet most often. He also helps a man meet his woman.

The fair sex also uses this sign in the form of a totem. He contributes to the development and improvement of the qualities of her character. Most of all, such an amulet is suitable for energetic ladies with a strong-willed temperament. The Valkyrie sign will help direct this energy in the right direction and reach heights in your career and your own business. It also contributes to the fact that a person focuses on the goal and achieves it without much effort.

This amulet provides a child with protection from the evil eye and damage, helps a teenager find his life vocation, achieve success in life and avoid mental wounds. He endows women with patience and wisdom, and relieves men of laziness and aggression. But its main meaning is unchanged: the protection of everything that is most important and dear to a person - home, family, homeland.

They wore such totems on clothes in the form of embroidery, in the form of drawings on leather bracelets and the body, and the warriors also applied the Valkyrie sign to their sword. Materials for its manufacture are varied: from wood and leather to metal. The best was considered a talisman made by hand, for example, embroidered with thread.

The Valkyrie symbol refers to solar, that is, solar signs. The graphic design of the Valkyrie is based on a left-sided (that is, "rotating" to the left) swastika. This is an important symbolic aspect, which indicates that the sign belongs to the military culture. And although it is believed that the Valkyrie is a purely masculine symbol, this is not entirely true. Of course, every man is a warrior. But a warrior is not necessarily a man. In ancient times, as well as now, women could have been warriors, so it is fair to say that Valkyrie is a symbol whose meaning goes beyond traditionally masculine attributes.

The four-pointed swastika of the Valkyrie symbol has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, this is the movement of the sun, in the most general sense - the power of the light that gives life. At the same time, the four beams of the swastika here represent Justice, Wisdom, Nobility and Honor, four qualities that determined the Slavic warrior. That is, the Valkyrie is a Slavic symbol imbued with deeply positive symbolism. In fact, it's hard to say if the Valkyrie was used as a talisman. This is unlikely, because the meaning of the symbol is not limited to some kind of protective function, the Valkyrie does not protect anyone from anything.

Even if we turn to traditional German-Scandinavian mythology (which is as close as possible to Slavic), there Valkyries are warrior maidens on winged horses (a common misconception - the Valkyries themselves were winged), who picked up the souls of the fallen Vikings from the battlefield. Then the souls were divided equally between Odin and Frigga. The souls that fell to Odin were sent to Valhalla and became Einherii, the warriors of Asgard. Those that Frigg took for herself went to Folkwangr, where they served the queen of the gods.

That is, the Slavic symbol Valkyrie, the meaning of which can hardly have a protective aspect, includes several etymological layers. Unfortunately, it is not known how and where it was used, because there are no archaeological finds or documents on the basis of which at least indirect conclusions could be drawn. However, miraculously surviving fragments of the Vedic tradition of the Slavs speak of the Valkyrie symbol as one of the brightest and strongest signs of Slavic culture. Of course, many such conclusions may seem unfounded, because we learn about this symbol not from some historical sources, but from modern texts, which many scientists tend to consider not even reconstructions, but rather fantasies. On the other hand, one simple fact cannot be denied: when a Slav looks at a photo of the Valkyrie symbol, a feeling of vague recognition arises in him. Curious and difficult to explain, but it really is. The Black Sun, Valkyrie and many other swastika and near-vastika symbols are not reflected in any way in the historical chronicles of the Slavs, but their power, their energy is obvious to us. Our ancestors called it blood memory, probably the closest modern scientific analogue of this turnover is genetic memory.

Returning to the graphic features of the Slavic symbol Valkyrie, one cannot fail to notice that in this case the swastika is inscribed in two intersecting squares. The square (and number 4) is a symbol of the earthly world, the embodiment of the four elements, the soil under our feet, the foundation (including ideological). Two squares are, on the one hand, a doubling of the image, on the other, an indication of the binary nature of the base. At the same time, two numbers 4 add up to 8, numerologically it is a symbol of constant movement, striving for the best, self-improvement. That is why many believe that the Valkyrie is a symbol whose meaning is not limited to a purely military culture. Probably, this sign personified progress, primarily spiritual, and, as we would say now, professional.

Thus, it can rightfully be argued that the Valkyrie is a multidimensional symbol and not the easiest in terms of understanding. Like any sacred sign, it needs to be comprehended, studied through, probably, esoteric practices. And who knows, maybe someone will discover new aspects in it, but only for themselves. However, for example, a Valkyrie tattoo is not the best option. Firstly, because at the moment very few people are able to fully comprehend the meaning of this sign, and "stuffing" something that you do not even understand is, at least, stupid. The second point regarding the Valkyrie tattoo is that our ancestors did not get tattoos before 33 years old (except in exceptional cases). It was believed that otherwise it could cause irreparable damage to a person, because a tattoo, as our ancestors believed, is applied not only to the physical body, but also to other (energy) human bodies. Of course, for the majority, all these statements look far-fetched, especially since there is no real historical confirmation of these statements. But, obviously, this is already a matter of faith, not science. Although our ancestors believed that these are two sides of the same coin.