Dream of the devil in the image of a person. Communication with evil spirits

That sometimes just does not appear in a dream! Many people believe that in such a state it is easy to lift the veil of secrecy of the future. Dreams in which a person sees the dead, werewolves, all kinds of entities from other worlds are considered to be bad. And if you also happen to see Satan himself ... Dream Interpretations tell us in great detail about what the devil dreams about in a dream.

Satan personifies universal evil, but it is not at all necessary that seeing him in a dream is an extremely bad omen. And this is confirmed by many dream books:

Why does the devil dream in various guises

Demon can dream in disguise handsome man or a seductive woman, close or familiar person. This is worth paying attention to when interpreting a dream. A dream book can tell a lot about this image: the devil in the image of a man.

If you dream of a devil in a male guise, then perhaps in reality you should be afraid of hypocrisy and be more careful not to fall into the trap. The dream interpretation, interpreting what the devil dreams of in a man's guise, also promises the dreamer vicious relationships and debauchery, suppression of hidden desires. Married woman in reality, he may decide to betray. For a man: May indicate the need to be alert with business partners and friends. The girl should also be wary: new acquaintances can turn into danger, especially if the devil tried to lure her to him.

How to interpret a dream in which my boyfriend is the devil? A possible interpretation is as follows: persons who dream that their partner takes the form of a demon are far from reality and do not know how to understand people.

A dream in which the devil was caught and took off the mask of the tempter may speak of betrayal of a partner. Satan in the image of a woman can be a sign that in reality a person will have to get into a situation with a difficult choice, where, moreover, he will have to deliberately lie. Satan in the form of a child is a bad sign for those who start new projects. Such a dream speaks of the upcoming difficulties.

Why does Satan dream in the guise of a man, we figured it out. And if he comes in a dream in his original form: with horns and hooves? This foreshadows troubles and impending danger, a bad road or collapse in business, temptations that are unlikely to be resisted. Here are some more possible interpretations:

Freud's interpretation of sleep

Freud's dream book interprets dreams about demons not from the mystical, but from the psychological side. They are about our hidden desires and unfulfilled expectations. For a woman, the devil in a dream may indicate relationship problems. Perhaps she perceives her partner as an enslaver and is afraid of him, internally opposing such an alliance.

The demon, opposing good, tempting to deviate from the path of the benefactor, taking the soul is mentioned in many religions and myths.

This is an image understandable to all people through which the subconscious mind gives a warning, sending it to sleep. Dreams with such a symbol are often so vivid and emotional that, barely waking up, a person is looking for a dream book, the devil is always a grandiose character in dream plots.

Appearing in a dream, the devil warns of temptations and danger. It will be a good sign to win a fight with him, destroy, expel. To avoid the impending misfortune and figure out what the devil is dreaming of, you need to remember the details of the dream in as much detail as possible.

Interpretation of dreams

If you dreamed of a devil who took the form young man, this means that the danger may await from friends, partners.

  • For a young girl - the most unfavorable, you should stay away from suspicious personalities, dubious acquaintances, bad companies.
  • If a woman dreamed of the devil in the form of an attractive man, the temptation to change her spouse. The appearance of a cavalier with bad intentions is possible.
  • For a man, business partners or friends can conceive unkindness, provoke, drag into an adventure and substitute.

Demon pretending to be a child - new projects will ruin you, a bad time to start. Small dirty tricks, difficulties, quarrels.

If the devil visited a dream in the guise of a woman, this can be interpreted as a situation with a double bottom, a deception for salvation (or the illusion of salvation). A situation where it is impossible to make a choice to avoid sacrifice.

In shape handsome man of the opposite sex, this dream character may have an erotic connotation. In this case, he points to forbidden desiresthat you suppress. Perhaps you just think this is wrong?

Devil's kiss - betrayal, disappointment in yourself. Betrayal of a loved one, love triangle. Intimacy, sex with the devil - attention from empty people. You are not taken seriously, or you are not sure how you feel about your partner.

If the devil in a dream possessed a person

1. A friend, an acquaintance - you are not good at understanding people. When you need to trust a person, suspicions begin to torment you.

2. In an outsider - they may want to take advantage of you, fraudulently gain protection and favor.

3. The demon has moved into you yourself - an increase in social status, authority, an improvement in material condition, carelessness.

4. You yourself can interpret what the devil is dreaming of, who has taken over you - change internal stateassociated with obsession, can be interpreted literally, for example, rage, wisdom, temptation own you in reality.

5. The devil possessed an animal - fear of the unknown, anxiety.

Casting out the devil, fighting him

If you managed to win - a way out of a hopeless situation, a favorable outcome of tangled affairs, disclosure of secrets, triumph over insidious enemies, invulnerability.

The demon prevailed - additional difficulties where they should not be, obstacles in everything, everything will work against you. Misunderstandings, problems will grow out of trifles.

Casting out the devil from oneself - cleansing, self-improvement, overcoming temptation, a clear conscience. You will make the right choice at the turn of fate.

Expulsion of evil spirits from a friend, relative. Help a loved one, give very important advice, play a significant role in his fate.

Expulsion of demons from a stranger - unexplained events, strange stories, you can witness otherworldly phenomena.

Communication with evil spirits

  • Hear the voice of Satan in a dream from afar or in your head - think carefully about your actions. A decision made in a fever will greatly spoil life in the future. Control emotions, otherwise you will have to put up with the consequences for a long time.
  • To argue, argue, to be insolent to the devil is a gift of fortune, unexpected profit or inheritance.
  • Dealing with the devil is bad for business. Betrayal, conspiracy.
  • Sell \u200b\u200byour soul - make decisions more carefully, be attentive and listen to the voice of mind and heart.

Interpretation by day of the week

Why does the devil dream in a dream from Sunday to Monday? Such a dream will not come true. You should not look for a secret meaning in it. Pay attention to the emotional saturation of the dream, perhaps this is a reflection of those feelings that have long accompanied your days. To young people who are not a couple, the devil seen that night can warn of meeting a bad person.

From Monday to Tuesday, there are warnings about danger, the deployment of enemy activities, and conflicts. You should take into account such a dream and be on the lookout.

If the devil dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday, this is a warning regarding your mistakes and flaws. Analyze where the wrong choice was made. It is worth taking a closer look at friends. You may receive bad news or false information. Traveling is risky.

On Thursday, I dream of a warning related to career, business, work. Care should be taken when transferring money, making deals, hiring employees. Perhaps this is a sign that an audit is needed.

On Friday, dreams are often prophetic. Should be taken very seriously bad signs... So that the dream does not come true - tell it to someone before dinner.

Why is the devil dreaming on Saturday? Extraordinary trials, rock, life changes. The universe provides a clue on how to deal with adversity. On Sunday you will receive signs regarding the fulfillment of wishes.

Whatever you see in your dream, do not be alarmed! Dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and experiences, as the subconscious speaks to us. What did it want to tell you?
Author: Anastasia Tetereva

Waking and in a dream, Satan evokes feelings of fear and temptation to break a taboo. These contradictory emotions are guided by the dream book, interpreting what a sinister and attractive symbol is dreaming of at the same time.

The dark side of personality

The devil is very cunning, cunning and unprincipled. It is these qualities that a person whom the dreamer is used to trust can demonstrate.

Medea sees human nature in the image of the devil. It's no secret that emotions and desires sometimes have to be suppressed for the sake of society.

The frightening appearance personifies the initially hostile and distrustful attitude towards the world around us, which in reality often spoils the dreamer's life.

Children and demons

If a woman dreamed of the devil, the dream foreshadows pregnancy, not the fact that the desired one.

If the imp is clearly small, this means that the danger is threatening your or a well-known child.

Confrontation and cooperation

If you dreamed that you forced the devil himself in a dream to admit defeat, in reality you don't care about any difficulties.

If you dreamed of a deal with evil spirits, your plans are destined to come true, but the result will not be what you imagined.

If you accept a gift or give something to evil spirits yourself, it means that the way you earn your living does not suit you from a moral and ethical point of view.

Why the dream of Satan's help directly depends on the final result. If in a dream an unusual tandem arrived safely at the goal, the dream book believes that in reality you tend to dramatize events or underestimate your capabilities. Sometimes the shaitan in a dream takes the form of a true reason that prevents him from achieving what he wants.

If in the battle between the demon and the angel the first one prevails, try to avoid meaningless arguments.

An unexpected visit

Sometimes the shaitan comes in a dream in an unearthly guise. The inner transformation lies with the sleeper himself.

If Satan in a dream comes dressed quite respectably, nevertheless, you know exactly who is in front of you, beware of people who show unreasonable interest in you.

Guarding health

The general dream book explains by natural reasons what dreams are about how Satan comes to visit. Perhaps this is due to the irrepressible consumption of spirits.

The interpreter believes that what Satan dreams of is associated with a mental illness or occult influence in the form of damage or the evil eye.

good and evil

Loff's dream book considers Satan interesting symbol... The very fact of his appearance in a dream testifies to the significance of future events. The details of the plot will tell you what it means in each specific case.

If in a dream it happened to see yourself in the image of Satan, the dream book advises not to take on too much: real world you are hardly endowed with such broad "powers".

Explaining what Satan is dreaming of, Miller's dream book considers the dream to be an unkind sign. The athlete is threatened with defeat, the farmer is in poor harvest and the loss of livestock, the traveler is in trouble. The dream encourages young girls to be discriminating in their acquaintances.

The esoteric dream book claims that Satan appears in a dream to teach the understanding of good and evil. Disadvantages open up opportunities to work on yourself, difficulties make you stronger. The dark and the light side forms spiritual harmony and maintains the balance of the universe.

comments 15


    I dreamed that I was in some hotel, there were many people I knew. The girl comes up to me and the people sitting with me and says that in another hotel it is necessary to light a candle and perform some kind of ceremony. After that, a battle with evil will take place. The girl gives me a bag and says that a battle with the Queen of Evil is expected or something like that and the items in this bag will help us. There was a lot of holy water in small bottles, stones that looked like granite, cards and some other objects with obvious Christian power. Other guys performed a ceremony and as if darkness had come around the world, the King of Evil came to us. She looked at us, I was very scared. Then she took my hand and as if she was scared, as if she saw something from me. Then she started hurting my leg. I felt this pain. The battle began, I did not understand anything what was happening around. In the end, it all ended and I was told that we killed the entire army of the witch, but she herself was not killed. And that there might be another battle. Then everyone was discussing this battle, and I woke up. The dream was very bright and colorful, and as if in reality.

  • I dreamed as if I lived either in a church, or similar to an old castle, but inside everything was furnished in a modern way, furniture, interior, modern renovation... I and two girls unknown to me went to a secret room, which is deep underground, to get there, we had to open a secret door, we entered it, it was gloomy inside, torches were burning on both sides. The room looked like long corridor, then spiral staircase, which led us deep down, we went down and saw a middle hole in the floor that looked like a passage, we climbed through and found ourselves again in the corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a large wooden door, we opened it and entered, found ourselves in small roomwhere many candles were burning, benches on the right and left stood in a row, it looked like we were in a church, there was an altar in front of us, we had to collect something at the altar and give it to the priest. While we were collecting, one of the girls disappeared, she opened the door, which was forbidden to open. The remaining girl and I were scared, heard a rustle, someone's whisper, we realized that we needed to run until the devil and his henchmen caught up with us. They ran along those paths, as they came, it was very scary, when we reached the entrance, we slammed the door and the priest read a prayer that he would not come out. Everyone began to gather, to leave for Jerusalem, only there we can be saved and defeat the devil. We all left, my family and friends were next to me. As if we had already arrived, stopped in the very building where the priests lived. There were many crosses in the room where we were staying, bowls with holy water stood on the table and a war broke out, chaos was going on in the street, it became dark around, people from all over the world fled to Jerusalem to be saved. In the room, besides me and my family, there was a middle-aged man, it was a priest who knew how to protect us and the whole world, he had some object and ritual objects, when the devil comes he will fight with him.

  • Help! About 2 weeks ago, I stayed with a friend to spend the night, above the bed where we slept, she had an icon (I never put icons in my house, I was baptized, I don't wear a cross). I could not sleep for a long time, I had a feeling of suffocation. I dreamed something that I will never forget. I remember how in a dream I saw something with horns, a smile, narrow eyes, a very thin body, only bones, it was as if it were drawn on thick beige paper, despite the fact that it was pinned to a cross, the paper was very old. And there were two such creatures, one is described above, and the other is very similar to him, the description is the same, but the 2nd creature was not so thin, I remember he was wearing some kind of polka-dot fabric, it was smiling the same way. This entire drawing was done exclusively in black and beige colors... It stared at me for a long time without moving, and then evaporated. After this sleep, heaviness appeared in the area of \u200b\u200bthe collarbones. Fear appeared in my soul. I had never dreamed of this before. And I repeat, this is my first time in my life when I slept under an icon. I'm terribly scared. I have never experienced such fear. What should I do? What kind of creature was in the picture? Help.

  • Hello! I dreamed strangers... Man and woman. Husband and wife. They grieved that their daughter had died. After that I came to an unfamiliar room and there was a strange girl with a long braid (hair) moving. Hair light beige colour... She said that it was she who killed her and showed me how bad she was in the past. Then we kissed. She didn't know how, and I kind of felt my superiority. At the same time, I felt her teeth. And her eyes became strange and terrible. And then I noticed a man with a camera at the door, and I began to prove that we didn’t do anything like that and that I was generally married. And I woke up. What is it for?

  • I dreamed about Woland from The Master and Margarita, although I had not read or watched this film and book for a very long time. He said there would be an offer from some man to go sailing on a yacht; I don't remember his name. Don't give up it will be fun. And he presented fresh flowers, a huge bouquet. In a dream, it was pleasant from such a gift, but I woke up in a cold sweat.

  • I dreamed not understand what. I was in some kind of camp. There were grandparents, women and men. They were celebrating something. And I stayed with the children. I looked, and 3 cats ran into my room. I began to drive them out. She took one to the street, and on the street it turned. There were only bones and a skull of a horse. (The human body) it took me somewhere, and we sat down on the bench. It said that it serves Satan and that, like, he told me that horror will come soon. But since I really loved to explore this myth about Satan, I told that I watched various videos about Satan, that they were calling 666. It said: 666? This is not his number. He said he had to dial 91 he dialed 91 the first time no one answered. He called again and Satan yelled into the phone. I was not scared, because I heard it in the video. And then I woke up.

Meeting with evil spirits is not a rare occurrence in the kingdom of Morpheus. Why is the devil dreaming, can the evil spirits seen foreshadow negative events? To answer this question, you should remember the details of the dream and refer to trusted sources.

Seeing the devil in a dream is not a good sign

Seeing the devil in a dream is not a very good sign. Most often, this image informs that a person close to the dreamer is playing a double game behind his back. According to the interpreter, the dreamer needs to gather strength and take measures in order to find the traitor as quickly as possible and minimize his influence on his family.

If, before a long trip, the devil dreamed, then it is better for the sleeping person to postpone the trip, since nothing but disappointments awaits him now. A dream in which the devil appears to the dreamer in the form of an elegant gentleman indicates the possibility of deception on the part of business partners. Therefore, the sleeper should be more attentive at work and try not to take part in dubious transactions.

Most often, this image indicates that a person close to the dreamer is playing a double game behind his back.

In the world of dreams, man himself can be reincarnated as the devil. According to the Modern Dream Book, this plot suggests that the sleeper is trying to hide the details that compromise him from someone. However, do not forget that the truth always comes out, and sooner or later the truth will become known.

Why is the devil dreaming (video)

Dream interpretation Taflisi

According to the Dream Book of Taflisi, Lucifer seen in a dream is an extremely unfavorable sign, since it indicates that someone has cursed the dreamer, and now a streak of failures will come in his life. If you dreamed that a person is trying to resist the devil and wins, then the Lord will bestow his blessing on him, and he will be able to cope with all the problems. A dream in which the sleeping person gives in to the evil spirit indicates his failure, inability to behave in difficult situations. The interpreter believes that it is time for the sleeping person to stop hiding behind the backs of patrons, he should do something himself to improve his life.

If a person not only saw the devil in a dream, but also tried to give him something, then his property was acquired dishonestly, and soon he may lose his wealth. To accept gifts from Lucifer himself means that the sleeping person will lose faith in the Lord. The devil in human form dreams in the case when a two-faced person appears surrounded by a sleeping person, who only seems to be a friend, but in fact has conceived some kind of dirty trick.

According to Taflisi's Dream Interpretation, Lucifer seen in a dream is an extremely unfavorable sign

Old French dream book

French esotericists considered a person who saw the devil in a dream to be possessed by some idea that could harm his property and position in society. If, in night dreams, a demon comes with large horns, claws and a tail, then the sleeper will be in a desperate situation, tormented by his powerlessness.

To find out why the exorcism of the devil is dreaming, the sleeper must remember his emotional condition... If he was afraid of the demon and could not cope with it, it means that in reality danger awaits him. A dream in which a person fearlessly fights against evil spirits and many people came to admire this process promises him to receive a large amount of money. According to the dream book, exorcism in a dream can also mean that the dreamer is struggling with his inner fears.

If you dreamed that the devil dragged away the sleeping man, it means that in reality a mass awaits him happy events... Perhaps he will be promoted, or he will suddenly receive an inheritance from a practically stranger. A long and happy life promises a vision in which a dreaming devil possesses a sleeping person.

Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller believed that a peasant could dream of the devil shortly before the death of a crop or cattle disease. If the athlete saw the image of Lucifer, then he should be more careful, since there is a high probability of injury in the competition. The author is sure that if there is a possibility, it is better to refuse to participate in the tournament altogether.

Sometimes a person has dreams in which the devil is in the form young man calls them into the house. Miller believed that in this way the higher powers warn the dreamer about the trap that the hypocritical person had set for him.

The dream book also knows why the demonic possession dreams. If the demon took possession of the soul of the dreamer himself, it means that he will have the opportunity to achieve fame and honor. A dream in which evil spirit moved into another person, indicates that the sleeping person is mistaken about the people around him. Probably, the dreamer evaluates a person only by appearance, not taking into account his inner qualities, which scares away many friends from him. If you turned out to be possessed close relative dreamer, which means that in reality he will be in danger, but the sleeping person will be able to save him.

Trying to escape from the devil in a dream - to persecution in real life... If the dreamer in a dream had to come to Lucifer's lair and talk to him, it is likely that in reality he will commit a rash act, as a result of which unpleasant changes may occur in his life. Casting out the devil in a dream means that the sleeping person will be able to see through the liar and save himself from the troubles that this person has prepared for him.

Old Russian dream book

The authors of the Old Russian Dream Book do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why the devil is dreaming in a dream. In their opinion, this image can portend both positive and negative events. For example, if the sleeping person was possessed by a demon, then his financial condition will improve significantly, but for this he will have to participate in an unrighteous deed. Communicating with Lucifer as with an old acquaintance is a loss of money, impoverishment, treason.

For a married woman, talking with the devil predicts acquaintance with a hypocritical person. The authors do not exclude the possibility of a daring boyfriend appearing in her life, who will first give her hope for happiness, and then cruelly betray.

What is the dream of an evil spirit that entered into intimate relationship? As a rule, a close relationship with evil spirits is a bad sign, indicating the betrayal of a loved one. Therefore, the dreamer should listen to higher powers and try to figure out the hypocrite as quickly as possible.

Is it possible to sell your soul to the devil in a dream (video)

Other interpretations

According to Autumn dream book, Lucifer in human form, dreamed of in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person needs to think about how well he understands people. Probably, the dreamer did not gather too much good peoplewhile pushing away truly loyal friends.

The summer dream book, an evil spirit that dreamed in a dream, explains how the desire of the sleeping person to enrich himself at the expense of another person. The interpreter believes that the dreamer should try to fight the temptation, otherwise evil forces will enslave his consciousness, and he will continue to commit bad deeds, for which he will have to answer in the future.

As he assures Modern dream book, the devil in a dream means that the sleeper will be tempted. If the dreamer talked with evil spirits, then fake people will be able to deceive him. A dream in which the sleeper saw the devil's eyes sparkle with a fiery flame is a very bad omen. Typically, this vision indicates that the sleeper will be influenced by an evil person, which will lead to great trouble.

According to the Autumn Dream Book, Lucifer in human form, dreamed of in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person needs to think about how well he understands people

The dreamer's fear of the unknown symbolizes a vision in which the devil possessed an animal. An unmarried lady dreams of a sexual scene with a demon in the guise of a beautiful young man as a warning that she should be more careful about choosing a partner. Probably, her current chosen ones use her feelings to their advantage, forgetting that she, too, is a person who craves love and affection.

A dream in which a demon pulls a girl into his home is a sign that she can contact a person who is suffering mental disorder... Also, this vision may indicate that there is a possibility of becoming a victim of violence. Therefore, the dreamer should be more prudent and avoid relationships with strangers.

Attention, only TODAY!

A dream in which a person dreams of the devil, Satan, never has a positive interpretation. This is always deception, slander and evil schemes in an impeccable appearance.

For those who are related to the land, he promises a poor harvest, despite good weather conditions, the death of cattle, etc.

A dream is very dangerous in which a superbly and tastefully dressed devil-man appears before you - in this case, you can be grossly deceived by a fraudster who looks almost flawless from the point of view of trust.

For a man, a dream in which a devil woman stands before him portends a meeting with a lady, whom he would later prefer to bypass three hundred miles away. However, in this moment he will take this meeting as a gift of fate, and will pay too dear a price for his recklessness.

The devil in the guise of a child dreams of a trap, which can be avoided only at the very initial stage. Then everything will rush along an inclined plane until it reaches its sad climax.

Casting out the devil in a dream is a dream that warns of the deception of an external impression. It will seem to you that the risk has passed, some problem has been solved, and you will relax. This will be your fatal mistake in reality.

Fighting the devil in a dream is an attempt to rethink your behavior, get rid of vice. The outcome of this struggle will show you how fruitfully your spiritual revision will end in reality.

If you happen to run away from the devil, you will become faint-hearted in real life.

Devil, Satan, Loff's dream book

The image of the devil, Satan in our dreams is associated, first of all, with the aesthetics of the perception of this image in reality. What he means to you in life: a sinister messenger the other world, an enemy on the battlefield with sin, or just some odious character with a certain psychological image? This is extremely important for deciphering the vision, but in any case, the interpretation of the dream should be made through the prism of the influence of this sinister character on all participants in the dream.

If there is a deal in a dream with the devil, Satan, this reflects a subconscious fear of temptation, bordering on violence. The temptation itself in this case implies a gross violation of moral, ethical and social taboos. At the same time, this transaction may imply not only the classic "sell the soul to the devil", but also smaller, from a spiritual point of view, compromises with one's own conscience.

A dream in which there is a kiss with the devil may have approximately the same meaning, but in this case it comes no longer about the fear of such an agreement, but about his subconscious search.

If a person dreams of the expulsion of the devil, this may indicate opposition to complicity in some illegal deal, as well as a subconscious fear of retribution for this refusal.

In the case when the exorcism of the devil is dreamed of, this struggle takes on a more serious internal scale of moral opposition to life attitudes, priorities, and contradictions.

The dream, in which you yourself are the devil, reflects the mirror perception of the events taking place by your inner "superego", especially in those cases when it helps you achieve something in a dream.

If the devil present in you, on the contrary, interferes with the implementation of your plans, then in a dream he personifies evil, an obstacle that you are about to encounter in life, and which will have a veiled, unrecognizable image in its negative.

Why do the devil or Satan dream, Longo's dream book

The appearance in a dream of the image of Satan portends shame, humiliation, which will be experienced due to excessive gullibility and inability to separate the tares from the grains.

If you dream of the son of the devil, a child, a dangerous adventure is started in reality, and its consequences can be serious, up to a prison term.

If the devil is drawn in your dream, you are in a dangerous delusion that everything is good around you, and your actions are unpunished. Most likely, you are in a very strong captivity of your own delusions, and understanding the true state of affairs will be belated and very painful.

Fighting the devil in a dream symbolizes your attempts in reality to overcome someone else's influence, to get out of some kind of dependence, which you put for yourself in the category of negative, negative. This can be a common fight against smoking, and far from being a joke spiritual abuse.

If you managed to kill the devil in a dream, this does not mean your final primacy in some kind of confrontation in reality. As cunning and cunning as this character, so can your imaginary victory be mistaken.

Devil, English dream book

A dream in which Satan, the devil appears to a person, should be considered terrible. This means that in real life, you let this character get too close to you. Perhaps such a dream will be the last warning before the certain death of your soul.

Devil, French dream book

To dream of the devil in his classic guise (with a tail, hooves, pitchforks and horns) is a despair that will be extremely painful.

If you dreamed of a child devil, you are waking up an extremely dangerous business. What will follow him, you now cannot imagine even in the most unfavorable scenario of the consequences. If you are thinking about doing something bypassing laws, including moral ones, you better refuse. The more wealth you acquire, the more you will pay for it.

Why do devils dream - a modern dream book

A dream in which Satan is present is unfavorable in any plot.

The most dangerous thing is the dream in which you come into contact with this character, start a discussion (even if this is an argument, and your position in it is diametrically opposite), not to mention the fact that you sell your soul to the devil in a dream. After such a dream, reconsider everything that you were going to do, with an eye on the most adverse consequences that it can give. Of people, beware of flatterers most of all.