Name days of Timothy according to the church calendar are the days of an angel in Orthodox saints. Day of the angel (name day) Timothy according to the church calendar of Orthodox Christians

The Russian name Timofey has been known in our country for a long time. In recent years, its popularity has been reviving, so you can increasingly see little Timos among children. What it means, how not to be mistaken in choosing a name for a child and when to celebrate the day of the angel Timothy, we learn from the detailed characteristics.

The meaning of the name Timofey

Timothy came to the Russian tradition from the ancient Greek language thanks to the active influence of Byzantium on Russia in the period after the adoption of Christianity. The Greeks knew this name even in the pre-Christian era. There are two important roots in the word:

  • "Timo" - to respect, honor, fear;
  • "Teus" - God.

Thus, you can literally translate the name from Greek as "the one who respects God", "God-fearing." In the Orthodox Saints, you can find many Timothy, who by their veneration of the Lord have earned a place in the host of saints.

When, according to the church calendar, Timothy's name day

The main patron saint of this name is the apostle from seventy Timothy. This saint was a faithful disciple and follower of the Apostle Paul, and ended his life in agony: he was beaten with stones by pagans who did not want to heed the truth of Christianity.

May 16 is also Tim's name day. On this day, the memory of two holy martyrs is honored at once: Timothy and his wife Mavra. They were severely tortured during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century. So, the holy man was blinded, and the young Mavre's fingers were cut off. The couple did not give up, while they were not going to give up their faith. Then the cruel ruler Arian ordered them to be crucified on crosses opposite each other. According to legend, they hung like that for 9 days, and all this time they prayed to their only defender - God.

On June 2, Saint Timothy of Pskov is remembered, whose name before his baptism was Dovmont. One of the most talented generals in Russia, he repeatedly defeated Lithuanian troops on the battlefield. The prince was baptized in 1265, and a year later he sat on the Pskov throne and ruled over it for more than thirty years, having achieved the independence of the principality from Novgorod. This saint was canonized as a faithful defender of the Russian lands and the Orthodox faith from encroachments from foreigners.

The character of the birthday boy

Children like little Timoshka are called "angels" for their obedient disposition. He does not cause problems for his parents, he rarely indulges. Conflict situations with other children are excluded due to his gentle disposition. Sometimes it may seem that Timofey is too soft, but this is not so, he just knows how to put the comfort of loved ones at the forefront, pushing personal desires into the background.

Closure and caution in expressing their emotions can betray a closed person in Timothy. If he is faced with negativity in his direction, he will never respond in kind. But there is a bad trait - rancor. Tim tends to remember all grievances for a long time, which often leads to the dissolution of relations between him and other people.
Usually Timofey is an introvert who feels comfortable only with the closest people. He knows how to keep his word, keep promises, you can rely on him. But stealth often hides cunning and strict adherence to your specific plans. This is the whole ambiguity of Timothy.

Name characteristic


There is an opinion that little Timosha is often susceptible to respiratory diseases. Fortunately, in adulthood, a man rarely gets sick: over the years, his immunity becomes stronger. You should beware of severe stress and alcohol abuse.


Tim is a mama's son, and growing up, he finds a new important female figure in the person of his beloved woman. Often he is irritable alone with himself, and the habit of keeping emotions inside is fraught with nervous breakdowns.

Family and love

With his beloved woman, Timofey can show true emotions and experiences. He is an attentive, affectionate man, which attracts female attention. But the chosen one will look for Tim for a long time, until he is convinced that he can open up to this person. If he has enough points of contact with his wife, then the marriage will be strong and faithful.

Hobbies and hobbies

Timofey is drawn to intellectual hobbies. He loves chess and logic puzzles, and the perfect evening is reading an interesting book in a quiet environment. Often a man becomes an avid motorist, preferring to spend more time with an iron horse than with people.

This name is rare today, but nevertheless, in church practice it is considered common. Having decided to name their son Timosha, the parents will not worry that he will not have a birthday. Let's remember all the dates, and of course, the lives of the saints who are considered the spiritual patrons of the bearer of this name.

Since there are many patron saints of this name, and a person should have one angel day, choose the date that falls on Timothy's birthday, or the one that is closest to it in the calendar.

  • On December 11 (or November 28 according to the old style) Christians venerate Hieromartyr Timothy, Bishop. By the way, if you do not know, "martyr" means: a person accepted martyrdom or death, being in the church dignity.
  • January 1 (or December 19): Moorish martyr who served as a deacon in the 4th century.
  • January 17 (or 4): Hieromartyr Timothy, Bishop of Ephesus, an apostle from 70 (you can watch the lecture video about him, which you will find at the end of this article).
  • February 4 (or January 22): commemoration day of the same saint who is prayed for on January 17.
  • February 6 (or January 24): Timothy of Siculus, Monk Martyr (this church dignity means: a person was tortured or killed during monasticism).
  • 14 (or 1) February: at the time when Catholics celebrate Saint's Day (the holiday is more secular than church), the Orthodox celebrate the day of Timothy the Confessor, the monk. This dignity indicates that during his lifetime the saint took monastic tonsure.
  • 26 (or 13) February: Patriarch of Alexandria Timothy, saint (the last word means that during his lifetime the saint was in a high church rank).
  • March 6 (or February 21): Timothy in Symbolekh, reverend, hermit, also known as Olympian.
  • March 12 (or February 27): Timothy of Caesarea, reverend.
  • March 28 (14): Timolai of Palestine, also known as Timothy of Caesarea, martyr.
  • April 29 (or 16): Timothy, the righteous.
  • May 16 (or 3): Reader Timothy Thebaid, martyr (his name is revered along with his wife Mavra).
  • June 2 (or according to the old May 20): Dovmont (baptized Timofey), Prince of Pskov, late 13th century. Only a Russian saint is not revered in Western countries.
  • June 23 (or 10): Timothy of Prussia (mid-4th century), martyr, bishop.
  • June 25 (or 12): Timothy of Thebaid, reverend.
  • 14 (or 1) August: Timothy of Prokoness, saint (converted or strengthened many people in the faith), bishop.
  • September 1 (or 19, if old) August: Timothy of Palestine, martyr, early 4th century. His name is remembered along with others: Agapia, Thekly.
  • September 2 (or August 20): Timothy of Philippines or Thracian, martyr.
  • November 11 (or October 29): Timothy Athonite or Esphigmensky, reverend.
  • November 18 (or 5): this day the same saint is honored as November 11.
  • November 22 (or 9): Timofey Kucherov (1871-1937), a new martyr, was shot by the NKV distas near Moscow.

Church form of the name - origin

In the church calendar, it is written in the same way as in secular documents.

From the Greek "timofeos" - "a man who worships God."

The name came to the territory of our country during the period of princely Rus, during the years of the baptism of our ancestors. At first it was only Byzantine, but later it became Russian too, when we had our own Saint Timothy - a prince of Pskov, a martyr who suffered for his faith.

What is the fate and character of the bearer of this name?

Strengths of character: love of life, activity, a positive outlook on life. This is a calm person who does not remember offenses.

Weak: he can be henpecked, both in childhood (obeys his mother), and in adult life (a girl or Timosha's wife replaces her mother). Sometimes he gets used to the role of the quiet one so much that he cannot adequately respond to the insult. With women, he is courteous, but does not respect them (which is why his own wife is often unhappy, even unsatisfied in sex).

  • Childhood. This is a cheerful child who never sits down - a real fidget, forcing those around him to burst into laughter at his antics. Very curious. Often he is not friends with peers, but with older guys.
  • Youth. At school, the guy cannot be called assiduous, but he catches knowledge on the fly, thanks to which he studies well. He has hundreds of friends, in whose company Tema loves to have fun. However, almost everyone in his party is girls who adore the guy's pretty appearance and gentle disposition.
  • Mature years. This man dreams of "breaking through" in life, and for this he is ready to work for a long time in an unloved position. It will be great if he takes a girl from his own circle, since a different upbringing of the chosen one can ruin Timothy's marriage. It is also important that he and his beloved have a lot in common (friends, hobbies, and if possible, work).

It is believed that the perfect match for the bearer of the name will be, or. And with women like, or marriage will be like a continuous test.

The most famous saints who bear this name

  1. Martyrs Timothy and Mavra. Young people got married just 20 days before the martyrdom. During the persecution of Christians at the end of the 3rd century, they were forced to sacrifice to the pagan gods, but they refused. In addition, Timothy, being a church reader, did not give up his sacred books. He did not flinch during the torment. The Romans persuaded his wife Mavra to dress up and beg her husband to renounce the faith. Timothy put the woman to shame, reminding her that she did not need to fear his death, since the Lord had prepared for them eternal life. Then Mavra also gave up wealth and in full voice recognized herself as a Christian. The martyrs were crucified on crosses.
  2. Martyr Timothy of Siculus (suffered for the faith together with Agapius and their teacher Babila). In Sicily, they converted many pagans to the true faith. They were tortured for a long time, after which they were executed. Their bodies were thrown into the fire, but the flame did not touch them. Sicilian Christians found their bodies and buried them.
  3. Prince Timofey (Dovmont), prince of Pskov (1266-1299). He defended his city from the Germans and Lithuanians, made it independent from Novgorod. The Russian Orthodox Church considers him a saint after the invasion of Batory.

And about Saint Timothy, the saint, Bishop of Ephesus, the apostle from 70 and the martyr, the disciple of the Apostle Paul (it was to him that the holy apostle addressed in his Epistle to Timothy), you can hear in this short video:

When, according to the church calendar, the name day of Timothy: January 17, February 4 - Timothy, apostle from 70, bishop of Ephesus, martyr, disciple of the apostle Paul; June 23 - Timothy of Prussia, Bishop, Hieromartyr; May 16 - Timothy of Thebaid, reader, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Timofey:

Silt of the ancient Greek language - worshiping God, God-fearing. In the West, the name appears in the form Timofeus, Timothy.

The positive energy of the name Timofey gives the wearer a good-natured disposition and gaiety. At first glance, Timofey may even seem frivolous. But this is by no means so - in fact, he is a very responsible and conscientious person. All his positive qualities make Timofey pleasant people, he will be the soul of society in any company. Timofey is a reliable friend and gallant gentleman, so he is not deprived of female attention. In his youth, he has many novels, however, a man with such a name takes very seriously the creation of a family and marries only for love, when he realizes that he has met her - the one and only. In marriage, Timofey becomes a reliable support and protection: he strives for peace and harmony in the family, is ready to solve all the serious problems that life presents himself. Loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Congratulations on Timofey's name day:

Do not forget to celebrate Tatiana's name day and congratulate Tatiana on the day of the angel.

Tim, Timochka, Timosha!

Nice and nice guy!

On your happy birthday

There will be laughter and congratulations!

Tim, Tim, Timofey!

Pour a glass for everyone!

To fabulous fairies

We flew to Timothy!

To be surrounded with care

All wishes were fulfilled!

Tim, Tim, Timofey!

Smile, sing and drink!

Your lovely birthday

Cheers up!

We wish: "Don't be bored!

Invite them to visit more often! "

May this day not be a noisy holiday

Not a red day on the calendar

But he is happy and beautiful -

Your Angel walks the earth ...

And we heartily congratulate

You, Timothy, with a wonderful day

And we sincerely wish you

Health, joy in everything!

It doesn't matter to us how many years and winters pass

In any year, in any century,

We will say with confidence that our Timofey

We are the dearest person.

He is outwardly beautiful, he is kind, smart,

At least, if not more

And no matter how many times pass,

Let him stay the same!

Among the saints named by this name is the saint apostle Timothy... He was born in the city of Litra in Asia Minor. In the 52nd year, the Apostle Paul converted him to Christ. It happened like this: when the apostles Paul and Barnabas in Lystra healed a man lame from birth, many inhabitants then believed in the truth of Christianity, including Saint Timothy, along with his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois. After that, the seeds of faith grew so strongly in Saint Timothy that he became one of the closest disciples of the Apostle Paul, and his faithful assistant in preaching the Gospel. In the 65th year, the Apostle Paul ordained the Apostle Timothy to the bishop of the Church of Ephesus. For 15 years the Apostle Timothy has been incessantly at its head.
When the Apostle Paul was already in prison, anticipating his imminent end, he asked that his beloved disciple Timothy, the apostle, come to him, where he instructed him.
Saint Timothy himself also ended his life as a martyr. One day in Ephesus, the pagans held a feast. They carried idols around the city, accompanied by songs and rituals. Saint Timothy tried to reason with them, exhorting about the truth of Christianity. However, the pagans did not listen to his words. They were furious and began to stone the Apostle Timothy. So he was martyred. The relics of the saint were transferred to Constantinople, to the temple of the Holy Apostles.

Patron saints bearing the name Timothy

Holy Martyr Timothy of Prussia
Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on June 10/23.
The Holy Martyr Timothy of Prussia was a bishop and led a righteous life, converting many pagans to the faith. He preached and worked miracles. The fame of the miracle worker reached the Roman emperor Julian, who reigned in 361–363. The pagan executed the priest, but even after his death, people received help from St. Timothy of Prussia.

Order an icon

Icon options

Icon of the Holy Martyr Timothy of Prussia
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Apostle Timothy
The memory of the holy Apostle Timothy is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church on January 22 / February 4 and on the day of the Council of the Apostles from seventy January 4/17.
The Holy Apostle Timothy ("loving God") of Ephesus, from among the seventy called, was from the city of Lystra, grew up in the family of a Hellene and a Jew and was brought up in the Jewish faith. He believed in Christ during the miraculous healing of the lame by the Apostle Paul. With the passage of time, he became one of his most diligent and devoted students.

Order an icon

Icon options

Icon of the Holy Apostle Timothy
Icon painter: Yuri Kuznetsov
Holy Martyr Timothy of Palestine
The memory of the holy Martyr Timothy of Palestine is celebrated on August 19 / September 1.
The Holy Martyr Timothy of Palestine suffered for Christ at the beginning of the 3rd century during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian, together with other martyrs of the city of Gaza, where he lived. In the Christian community of Gaza, he was appointed a teacher, since from the beginning of its education he was an example of virtue, piety and wisdom, achieved greater knowledge than others in the teachings of Christ and had the gift of an ardent preaching word.
Timothy of Caesarea - see.
Timolai (Timothy) of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on March 15/28.
The Holy Martyr Timolai (Timothy) was tortured for confessing Christ, and for his steadfastness in the faith he was put to death in Palestinian Caesarea. This happened in 303 during the persecution of the emperor Diocletian during one of the pagan holidays. On this day, the memory of the holy martyrs Agapius, Puplius, Timolaus, Romilus, Alexander, Alexander, Dionysius and Dionysius is celebrated. All of them suffered from the hegemon Urvan in the second year of the then raised persecution of Christians. Then a decree was issued in all countries and cities - to compel Christians to worship idols and make sacrifices to them.

See also: Timothy of Palestine, Martyr

Russia. First half of the 16th century

Timothy of Moorish, deacon, hieromartyr

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on December 19 / January 1.

Timothy Olympic (in Symbols), hermitSaint Timothy lived in Italy in the 8th century. From his youth, choosing the path of monasticism, he became a monk at the Monastery of Symbols at Mount Olympus in Asia Minor. Timothy's spiritual mentors were the abbot of the monastery, the Monk Theoktist, and the holy confessor Platon of Studios.

Having received the final strengthening in faith and service to Christ, Saint Timothy left the monastery, deciding to become a stranger and help people. The rest of his life he spent in wanderings, until the last day incessantly praying for everyone he met on his way. In church hymns, Saint Timothy is called the breadwinner and intercessor of the poor, the father of orphans and the consolation of the mourning.

Timofey Pskovsky - see.
Dovmont (baptized Timofey) Pskov, prince

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on May 20 / June 2.

Timothy of Siculus, Monk MartyrThe story of the Monk Timothy of Thebaid is a story about the martyrdom of two people. Everything happened in 286 in Thebaid - one of the regions of Egypt. Saint Timothy served in the church as a reader and rewrote the liturgical texts. The pagan rulers gave orders to destroy all Christian books. Accusing the saint of keeping them, the Thebaid governor Arkan ordered to subject the Monk Timothy to torture. The cruelty of the torture angered even the executioners, but nothing could break the faith of the saint. Then Arkan ordered to bring Timothy's young wife, Mavra, hoping that for her sake the man would renounce Christianity. But Mavra told her husband that she was ready to die with him. The ruler was beside himself with anger and tortured an innocent woman. Saints Timothy and Mavra were executed by crucifying them on a cross. Subsequently, Arkan repented of his atrocities and converted to Christianity. Together with his family, he was tortured for Christ in 287.