The technique and technology of seismic exploration can. Study of the deep geological structure

Obviously, the main tasks of the seismic exploration at the existing level of equipment are:
1. Improving the resolution of the method;
2. The possibility of predicting the lithological composition of the medium.
In the past 3 decades in the world, the most powerful seismic exploration industry of oil and gas fields was created, the basis of which is the method of shared deep point (mogt). However, as technology improves and the development of technology, the unacceptability of this method can continually appear to solve detailed structural tasks and forecasting the composition of the medium. The reasons for this provision is the high integrality of the resulting (revual) data (cuts), incorrect and, as a result, is incorrect in most cases the determination of effective and medium speeds.
The introduction of seismic exploration in complex environments of ore and oil regions requires a fundamentally new approach, especially at the machine processing and interpretation. Among the new developing areas, one of the most promising should include the idea of \u200b\u200bmanaged local ana-lisa kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the seismic wave field. Based on it, the methodology for differential processing of materials of complex environments is carried out. The basis of the method of differential seismic exploration (MDS) is local transformations of the source seismic data on small bases - differential in relation to integrated transformations in MOG. The use of small databases, leading to a more accurate description of the yogrograph curve, on the one hand, selection of waves in the direction of arrival, allowing to process the complex interfering wave fields, on the other hand, create prerequisites for using the differential method in complex seismic meal conditions, increase its permission and accuracy of structural constructions ( Fig. 1, 3). An important advantage of MDS is a high parametric equipment, which allows to obtain the petrophysical characteristics of the cut - the bases for determining the real composition of the medium.
Wide testing in various regions of Russia has shown that MDS significantly exceeds the possibilities of might and is an alternative to subsequently in studies of complex environments.
The first result of the differential processing of seismic materials is the deep structural section of MDC (S - section), which displays the nature of the distribution of reflective elements (sites, boundaries, points) in the medium being studied.
In addition to structural constructions, the MDS has the ability to analyze the kine-matical and dynamic characteristics of seismic waves (parameters), which in turn allows you to go to the estimate of the petrophysical properties of the geological section.
To build a sectional of quasia acoustic rigidity (A - cut), the values \u200b\u200bof the amplitudes reflected in the seismic elements of the signals are used. Received A - cuts are used in the process of geological interpretation to identify contrast geological objects ("bright spot"), zones of tectonic disorders, boundaries of large geological blocks and other geological factors.
The quasi-absorption parameter (F) is the function of the frequency of the seismic signal and is used to detect the zones of high and low consolidation of rocks, high absorption zones ("Dark Spot").
Sections of the middle and interval velocities (V, I are cuts), characterizing the petroploal and lithological differences in large regional blocks, carry their petrophysical load.

Differential processing scheme:

Source data (multiple overlaps)


Differential parametrization of seismograms

Revision of parameters (A, F, V, D)

Deep seismic cuts

Cards of petrophysical parameters (S, A, F, V, I, P, L)

Transformations and synthesis of parametric maps (formation of images of geological objects)

Physico-geological model of the medium

Petrophysical parameters
S - structural, a - quasi-fastelessness, f - quasi-formulation, V - average speed,
I - Interval Speed, P - Quasi-Power, L - Local Parameters

Temporary incision might after migration

MDS deep incision

Fig. 1 Comparison of Efficiency Mogs and MDS
Western Siberia, 1999

Temporary incision might after migration

MDS deep incision

Fig. 3 Comparison of efficiency MOGI and MDS
North Karelia, 1998

Figures 4-10 shows the characteristic examples of the preparation according to the MDS method in various geological conditions.

Temporary incision mogt

Quasi-slip section MDS deep incision

Incision of medium speeds

Fig. 4 Differential processing of seismic data in conditions
complex dislocations of rocks. Profile 10. Western Siberia

Differential processing made it possible to decipher the complex wave field in the western part of the seismic cut. According to the MDS data, it was discovered in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich there was a "crushing" of the productive complex (PC 2400-5500 PC). As a result of a comprehensive interpretation of sections of petrophysical characteristics (S, A, F, V), zones of increased permeability are installed.

MDS deep incision Temporary incision mogt

Section of quasi-acoustic stiffness Quasi-slip section

Incision of medium speeds Section of interval speeds

Fig. 5 Special seismic data processing when searching
hydrocarbons. Kaliningrad region

Special processing on a computer allows to obtain a series of parametric cuts (parameter maps). Each parametric card characterizes certain physical properties of the medium. Synthesis of parameters serves as the basis for the formation of an "image" of an oil (gas) object. The result of a comprehensive interpretation is the physico-geological model of the medium with a forecast for deposits of hydrocarbons.

Fig. 6 Differential seismic data processing
In search of copper-nickel ores. Kola Peninsula

As a result of special processing, the areas of the abnormal values \u200b\u200bof various seismic parameters are revealed. Comprehensive data interpretation made it possible to determine the most likely location of the ore object (R) on the pickets 3600-4800 M, where the following perptophysical features are observed: high acoustic rigidity over the object, strong absorption under the object, reducing the interval velocities in the object area. This "image" corresponds to the previously obtained R-standards in areas of deep drilling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kola ultraglible well.

Fig. 7 Differential seismic data processing
In search of hydrocarbon deposits. Western Siberia

Special processing on a computer allows to obtain a series of parametric cuts (parameter maps). Each parametric card characterizes certain physical properties of the medium. Synthesis of parameters serves as the basis for the formation of an "image" of an oil (gas) object. The result of a comprehensive interpretation is the physico-geological model of the medium with a forecast for hydrocarbon deposits.

Fig. 8 Geoseissmic Model of Pechenga Structure
Kola Peninsula.

Fig. 9 geosaismic model of the northwestern part of the Baltic Shield
Kola Peninsula.

Fig. 10 section of the quasi-cake by profile 031190 (37)
Western Siberia.

For a favorable type of cut to introduce new technology, oil sedimentary basins of Western Siberia should be attributed. The figure shows an example of a compatibility of the quasi-cliff, built according to MDS programs on PEVM P-5. The obtained interpretation model is well consistent with drilling data. Litatip, marked with a dark green color in the depths of 1900 m corresponds to the argillites of the Bazhenovskaya Sweet, at the depths of more than 2 km - the breeds of the Durassky base (foundation), i.e. The most dense lithotypes of the cut. Yellow and red varieties are quartz and argillite sandstones, light green lithotypes correspond to aleuroliths. In the bottomhole of the well under the waterproof contact, the lens of quartz sandstones with high collector properties is opened.

Prediction of geological cut according to MDS

At the stage of search and exploration works, MDS is an integral part of the geological exploration process, both in the structural picture and at the stage of real forecasting.
In fig. 8 shows a fragment of the geosaismic model of the Pecheng structure. The basis of the FSM is seismic materials of international Kola-SD experiments and 1-E EB in the area of \u200b\u200bKola ultra-deep well, SG-3 and search and exploration data.
The stereometric combination of geological surface and depth structural (S) MDS cuts in real geological scales makes it possible to obtain a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe spatial structure of the Pechenginian sinkinium. The main rud-hosting complexes are represented by the Territic and Tufo-Genic Breeds; Their borders with surrounding basites are strong seismic borders, which ensures reliable mapping of rudonal horizons in the deep part of the Pechenga structure.
The resulting seismic frame is used as a structural basis of the physico-geological model of the Pechenga ore region.
In fig. 9 presents elements of the geosaismic model of the northwestern part of the Baltic shield. Fragment of Geotrazers 1-EB through the Line SG-3 - Lindaha-Marie. In addition to the traditional structural cut (S), parametric cuts were obtained:
A - section of quasi-fastelessness characterizes the contrast of various geological blocks. The high acoustic stiffness is distinguished by the Pechenga block and the Liminachamari block, the least contrasting the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pitkäärvinsky syncline.
F - Quasi-absorption section Displays the degree of consolidation of mountain
breed. The smallest absorption is characterized by the Liminachamari block, and the largest is marked in the inner part of the Pechenga structure.
V, I - cuts of medium and interval speeds. Kinematic characteristics are noticeably heterogeneous at the top of the cut and stabilize below the level of 4-5 km. Inlevance of the speeds of speeds, the Pechenga block and Lindahamari unit differ. In the northern part of the Pitkayarvin Synclinal in I - section, the "trough" structure with aged values \u200b\u200bof in-turn velocities Vi \u003d 5000-5200 m / s, corresponding to the region of the propagation of the granitoids of the late Archey, is observed.
The complex interpretation of parametric incisions of MDS and materials of other geological and geophysical methods is the basis for creating the physico-geological model of the Western Kola region of the Baltic shield.

Prediction of lithology environment

The identification of new parameteric capabilities of MDS is associated with the study of the relationships of various seismic parameters with the geological characteristics of the medium. One of the new (masterful) parameters of MDS is a quasi-acidity. This parameter can be detected based on the study of the seismic reflection coefficient on the border of two litthic complexes. With insignificant changes in the speeds of seismic waves, the signature characteristic of the wave is determined mainly by changing the density of rocks, which allows in some types of cuts to study with a new parameter of the real composition of the medium.
For a favorable type of cut to introduce new technology, oil sedimentary basins of Western Siberia should be attributed. Below in fig. 10 shows an example of a compatibility of the quasi-acid, built according to MDS programs on PEVM P-5. The obtained interpretation model is well consistent with drilling data. Litatip, marked with dark green in the depths of 1900 m corresponds to the Argillites of the Bazhenov Sweet, at the depths of more than 2 km - the breeds of the Durassky base (foundation), i.e. The most dense lithotypes of the cut. Yellow and red varieties - quartz and argillite sand-nicks, light green lithotypes correspond to aleuroliths. In the sweetest part of the well under the waterproof contact of the lens of quartz sandstones
With high collector properties.

The complexation of data can and MPV

When conducting regional and search and exploration works, it is not always possible to obtain data on the structure of the near-surface part of the section, which makes it difficult to bind the materials of the geological mapping to the materials of the depth seismic exploration (Fig. 11). In such a situation, it is advisable to apply the MPV profiling in the OGP version, or the processing of existing mat-rials can be MFV-OGP. In the lower drawing, an example of combining MPV data is given and might in one of the seismic exploration profiles can be worked out in Central Karelia. The materials obtained allowed to link the deep structure with a geological map and clarify the location of the Rannerterozoic Paleovpadin, promising on ore deposits of various minerals.

cOMMON DEPTH POINT., CDP.) - Seismic method.

Seismic exploration - the method of geophysical research of terrestrial subsoil - has many modifications. Here we will look at only one of them, the method of reflected waves, and, moreover, the processing of materials obtained by the method of multiple floors, or, as it is commonly referred to as the method of shared depth point (mogsis or CDP).


Born in the early 60s of the last century, he has become the main method of seismic exploration for many decades. Studently developing both quantitatively and qualitatively, it completely displaced the simple method of reflected waves (MOs). On the one hand, this is due to the equally rapid development of machine methods (first analog and then digital) processing, on the other hand, the possibility of increasing the performance of field work by applying large databases impossible in the MOU method. Not the latter role was played here and the rise in prices for work, that is, increase the profitability of the seismic exploration. For the justification of the rise in the cost of work, many books and articles on the fear of multiple waves have been written, which since then has become the basis for the rationale for the use of the method of a common depth point.

However, this transition from oscilloscopy mov to the engine could not be so cloudless. The MOV method was based on the linking of hodographs in mutual points. This linking reliably detected the identification of homographs belonging to one reflecting border. The method did not require any amendments to ensure the phase correlation - neither kinematic or static (Dynamic and Static Corrections). Changes in the form of the correlated phase were directly related to the changes in the properties of the reflective horizon, and only with them. The correlation did not affect the inaccurate knowledge of the velocities of reflected waves, nor inaccurate static amendments.

Linking in mutual points is impossible at large removal of receivers from the point of excitation, since the hodographs intersect the tps of low-speed interference waves. Therefore, handlers can refused to visually link the mutual points, replacing them with obtaining them for each point of the result, a fairly stable signal shape by obtaining this form by the summation of approximately homogeneous components. The exact quantitating linkage of times is replaced with a qualitative assessment of the shape of the resulting total phase.

The process of registration of the explosion or any other, in addition to the vibrosee of the source of excitation, is similar to getting a photograph. The flash illuminates the environment and the response of this medium is fixed. However, the response to the explosion is much more complicated than the photograph. The main difference lies in the fact that the photograph captures the response of the only one, albeit as a complex surface, and the explosion causes the response of a set of surfaces, one under or inside the other. And each overlay surface imposes its mark on the image of the underlying. This effect can be seen if you look at the side of the spoon, immersed in tea. She seems broken, while we firmly know that there is no breakfast. Surfaces themselves (the boundaries of the geological cut) are never flat and horizontal, which manifests itself on their responses - yearografs.


The essence of the processing of materials can be the fact that each result path is obtained by summing the source channels so that the signals reflected from the same point of the deep horizon fall into the amount. Before summing, it was necessary to enter amendments during recording times to convert the recording of each individual track, lead it to the form similar to the track at the explosion point, i.e. convert it into form T0. Such was the primary idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors of the method. Of course, choose the desired channels for summation, not knowing the structure of the medium, it is impossible, and the authors put the applying method for the presence of a horizontal-layered incision with an inclination angles not higher than 3 degrees. In this case, the coordinate of the reflective point is quite accurately equal to the half as the coordinates of the receiver and the source.

However, the practice has shown that in violation of this condition, nothing terrible occurs, the resulting cuts have a familiar look. The fact that theoretical substantiation of the method is violated, which is summarized not to reflect from one point, but from the site, the greater, the greater the angle of inclination of the horizon, no one was worried, because the assessment of the quality and reliability of the cut was no longer quantitative, and Approximate, high-quality. It turns out a continuous axis of syphase, it means everything is in order.

Since each track of the result is the sum of a certain set of channels, and the results of the result of the result is carried out by the stability of the phase form, it is enough to have a stable set of the strongest components of this amount, regardless of the nature of these components. So, by summing some low-speed interference, we get a completely decent incision, about horizontally layered, rich dynamically. Of course, it will not have anything in common with a real geological cut, but it will fully comply with the requirements for the results - the stability and length of the phases of the syphasemicity. In practical work, there is always a certain amount of such interference in the amount, and, as a rule, the amplitude of these interference is much higher than the amplitude of reflected waves.

Let's return to the analogy of seismic exploration and photography. Imagine that on the dark street we are found a man with a lantern, which he shines into our eyes. How do we consider it? Apparently, we will try to cover your eyes with a hand, obscure them from the lantern, then the opportunity to consider a person will appear. Thus, we divide the total lighting into the components, we remove the unnecessary, focus on the desired one.

When processing materials, we can do it directly on the contrary - we summarize, we combine the necessary and unnecessary, hoping that the necessary itself beats forward. Moreover. From the photo we know that the smaller the element of the image (the grain of the photo material), the better, more details, the snapshot. You can often see in documentary televisions when you need to hide, distort the image, it is presented with large elements that you can see some object to see his movement, but it is simply impossible to see this object in detail. This is what happens when the channels are summarized during the processing of materials.

In order to obtain a syphase addition of signals, even with an ideally flat and horizontal reflective boundary, it is necessary to provide an input of the amendments that are perfectly compensating for the non-uniforms of the relief and the upper part of the cut. It is also ideally necessary to compensate for the curvature of a yearograph to move the reflection phases obtained on the removal from the point of excitation at the time corresponding to the passage time of the seismic beam to the reflective surface and back to normal to the surface. Both are impossible without a detailed knowledge of the structure of the upper part of the cut and the form of the reflective horizon, which is not possible to ensure. Therefore, when processing, point, fragmentary information about the low speed zone and approximation of reflective horizontal horizontal planes are used. The consequences of this and methods for extracting maximum information from the richest material provided can be considered when describing the "dominant processing (Baibekov method)."

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Tomsk Polytechnic University

Institute of Natural Resources

Course project

on the course "seismic exploration"

Methodology and technoseismic exploration logs can

Performed: student c. 2A280.

Severvald A.V.


Resbuz G.I.

Tomsk -2012

  • Introduction
  • 1. Theoretical foundations of the general depth point method
    • 1.1 Theory of the OGT method
    • 1.2 Features of the Humograph OGT
    • 1.3 OGT Interference System
  • 2. Calculation of the optimal system of observation of the method of OGT
  • 2.1 Seismological model of the cut and its parameters
    • 2.2 Calculation of the OBT Observing System
    • 2.3 Calculation of hodographs of beneficial waves and wavelets
    • 2.4 Calculation of wave-interference delay
    • 2.5 Calculation of the parameters of the optimal observation system
  • 3. Field seismic exploration technology
    • 3.1 Requirements for network observations in seismic exploration
    • 3.2 Excitation conditions for elastic waves
    • 3.3 Conditions for admission of elastic waves
    • 3.4 Choice of hardware and special equipment
    • 3.5 Organization of field seismic exploration
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Seismic exploration is one of the leading methods for the study of the structure, structure and composition of rocks. The main scope of application is to search for oil and gas fields.

The purpose of this course work is to consolidate knowledge on the course "Seismic exploration"

The tasks of this course work are:

1) consideration of the theoretical foundations of the OGT method;

2) compiling a seismic model, on the basis of which the parameters of the OGT-2D observation system are calculated;

3) consideration of the technology of seismic exploration;

1. Theoretical foundations of the general depth point method

1.1 Theory of the OGT method

The method (method) of the total deep point (might) is a modification of MOs, based on a system of multiple overlaps and characterized by summation (accumulation) of reflections from common areas of the boundary at various locations of sources and receivers. The OGT method is based on the assumption of the correlability of waves excited by the sources removed by different distance, but reflected from the general section of the boundary. Insensible differences in the spectra of various sources and errors in times when summing requires lowering the spectra of useful signals. The main advantage of the OGT method is to enhance once reflected waves against the background of multiple and exchange reflected waves by adjusting the times reflected from the total depths and summation. The specific features of the OGT method are determined by the directionality properties in summing, data redundancy and statistical effect. They are most successfully implemented with digital registration and processing of primary data.

Fig. 1.1 Schematic representation of an element of the observation system and seismograms obtained by the OGT method. BUTand BUT"- axis of the synopsepty reflected single wave, respectively, before and after the introduction of the kinematic amendment; INand IN"- The axis of the synophase mixture of a multiple reflected wave, respectively, before and after the introduction of a kinematic amendment.

Fig. 1.1 illustrates the principle of summation of OGT on the example of a fivefold overlap system. Sources of elastic waves and receivers are located on a profile of symmetrically projections onto it with a common deep point of R horizontal border. The seismogram composed of five entries obtained in receiving points 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (the account of the reception items begins on its point of excitation) when excited in paragraphs V, IV, III, II, I, I, is shown above the CD line. It forms the seismogram of OGT, and the harvesters filled on it reflected waves - Homes of OGT. At usually used in the OGT method of observation bases that do not exceed 3 km, the boleographer of the OGT is a single-reflected wave with a partial accuracy approximated by hyperbole. At the same time, the minimum hyperbole is close to the projection on the observation line of the total depth point. This property of the OGT Humograph is largely determines the relative simplicity and efficiency of data processing.

To convert the combination of seismic records in a temporary section in each seismogram of OGT, kinematic corrections are introduced, the values \u200b\u200bof which are determined by the rates of media covering reflecting boundaries, i.e. they are calculated for one-time reflections. As a result of the input of the amendments of the axis of the species of single reflections are transformed into the T 0 \u003d const line. At the same time, the axis of the syphase of regular wavelengths (multiple, exchange waves), whose kinematics differs from the introduced kinematic amendments, are transformed into smooth curves. After the introduction of kinematic amendments, the trace of the corrected seismogram is simultaneously summed. At the same time, the reflected waves are folded in the phase and thus emphasize, and regular interference, and among them, first of all, repeatedly reflected waves folded with phase shifts are weakened. Knowing the kinematic features of the wavelength, it is possible to calculate the parameters of the observation system by the OGT method (the length of the ogt yearograph, the number of channels on the octe seismogram, equal to the severity of the tracking) under which the required weakening of interference is ensured.

Seismograms of OGT are formed by sampling channels from seismograms from each excitation item (called seismograms of the total excitation item - OPV) in accordance with the requirements of the element of the system shown in Fig. 1., where shown: the first record of the fifth point of excitation, the third record of the fourth, etc. up to the ninth record of the first point of excitation.

This procedure for continuous samples along the profile is possible only at repeated overlap. It corresponds to the imposition of time cuts obtained regardless of each point of excitation, and indicates the redundancy of information implemented in the OGT method. This redundancy is an important feature of the method and underlies the clarification (correction) of static and kinematic amendments.

The speeds required to clarify the injected kinematic amendments are determined by OGT Humorografs. For this seismogram of OGT with the calculated approximately kinematic amendments are subjected to a time-free summation with additional nonlinear operations. According to the summolents of OGT, in addition to the determination of effective velocities of one-reflected waves, the kinematic features of wavelets are found to calculate the parameters of the receiving system. Obd observations are carried out along longitudinal profiles.

Explosive and shock sources are used to excite the waves, which require observations with large (24--48) the multiple of overlap.

Data processing can be divided into a number of stages, each of which ends with the output of the results to make a solution to the interpreter 1) pre-processing; 2) determination of optimal parameters and the construction of a final temporary section; H) determination of the high-speed environment of the environment; 4) Building a deep section.

The multiple overlap systems currently constitute the basis of field observations (data collection) in the MOV and determine the development of the method. Summation of OGT is one of the main and efficient processing procedures that can be implemented on the basis of these systems. The OGT method is the main modification of MOs in searching and exploration of oil and gas fields in almost all seismic meal conditions. However, some limitations are characterized by summation by OGT. These include: a) a significant reduction in registration frequency; b) the weakening of the properties of the MOV locality due to an increase in the volume of inhomogeneous space at large removal from the source characteristic of the OGT method and necessary to suppress multiple waves; c) the imposition of single reflections from close boundaries due to the rapprochement of the axes of syppaseia in large removal from the source; d) Sensitivity to side waves preventing tracing target suborison boundaries due to the location of the main maximum of the spatial characteristics of the direction of summing in the plane perpendicular to the summation database (profile).

These limitations generally determine the tendency to reduce the resolution of the MOU. Given the prevalence of the OGT method, they should be taken into account in specific seismic meal conditions.

1.2 Features of the Humograph OGT

Fig. 1.2 Scheme of the OGT method for oblique occurrence of the reflective border.

1. Homeward OGT single-reflected wave for a homogeneous covering medium is a hyperbole with a minimum at the point of symmetry (OGT point);

2. With an increase in the angle of inclination of the boundary of the section, the grirograph of the OGT smoke and, accordingly, the increment of time is reduced;

3. The form of a HOMGORE OGT does not depend on the sign of the inclination angle of the partition boundary (this feature follows from the principle of reciprocity and is one of the main properties of the symmetric system explosion - the device;

4. For this T 0, the Homograph of OGT is the function of only one parameter - V OGT, which is called the fictitious speed.

These features mean that for approximation of the observed Hyperbug of OGT hyperbolo, it is necessary to choose a satisfying of this t 0 V OGT, determined by the formula (V OGT \u003d V / COSC). This important consequence makes it easy to implement the search for the axis of the species of the reflected wave by analyzing the seismogram of the OGT on the veins of hyperball, having a general value of T 0 and various V OGT.

1.3 OGT Interference System

In interference systems, the filtering procedure consists in summing the seismic trails along the specified lines of F (x) with weights permanent for each route. Usually summation lines correspond to the form of hodographs of useful waves. Weighted summation of oscillations of different routes Y n (t) is a special case of multichannel filtering, when operators of individual filters H N (T) are d-functions with amplitudes equal to weight coefficients D N:


where f m - n is the very time of the summation of oscillations on the M highway, to which the result belongs and on the highway n.

The relation (1.1) give a simpler form, given that the result does not depend on the position of the point T and is determined by the temporal shifts of the tracks F N relative to the arbitrary start of reference. We obtain a simple formula describing the general algorithm of interference systems,


Their varieties are distinguished by the character of changes in the weight coefficients D n and temporal shifts F n: those and others can be permanent or variables in space, and the latter, moreover, may vary in time.

Let the perfectly regular wave G (T, X) be recorded on seismic trails with the hodograph of the entry T (x) \u003d T n:

homes Seismological Interference Wave

Substituting this in (1.2), we obtain an expression that describes the oscillations at the output of the interference system,

where and n \u003d t n - f n.

The values \u200b\u200band n are determined by the deviation of the wave of the wave from the specified summation line. We will find the range of filtered oscillations:

If a regular wave is coincided with the summation line (and N? 0), then there is a syphase addition of oscillations. For this case, the designated and \u003d 0, we have

Interference systems are built in order to enhance the synphase summable waves. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to H. 0 (Sh) It was the maximum value of the function module H. and(Sh). Exactly apply single interference systems that have equal weights for all channels, which can be considered single: D N? 1. In this case

In conclusion, we note that the summation of non-planar waves can be carried out with the help of seismic sources by introducing appropriate delays at the moment of excitation of oscillations. In practice, these types of interference systems are implemented in the laboratory, introducing the necessary shifts in the recording of oscillations from individual sources. Shifts can be chosen in such a way that the front of the falling wave can be formally optimal from the point of view of increasing the intensity of waves reflected or differate from local seismogeological sections of particular interest. This technique is known as focusing the incident wave.

2. Calculation of the optimal system of observation of the method of OGT

2.1 Seismological model of the cut and its parameters

The seismic model has the following parameters:

We calculate the reflection coefficients and the coefficients of the double passing by formulas:

We get:

We specify possible options for passing the waves on this section:

Based on these calculations, we carry out the theoretical vertical seismic profile (Fig. 2.1) on which the main types of waves arising in specific seismic meal conditions are reflected.

Fig. 2.1. Theoretical vertical seismic profile (1 is a useful wave, 2.3 - multiple waves - interference, 4.5 - multiple waves that are not interference).

For the target fourth border, we use the wave number 1 - a useful wave. Waves with the time of arrival -0,01- + 0.05 from the time "target" waves are interference waves of interference. In this case, the waves number 2 and 3. All other waves will not be interference.

Calculate the time of double run and the average speed by section for each formula by formula (3.4) and we build a high-speed model.

We get:

Fig. 2.2. Speed \u200b\u200bmodel

2.2 Calculation of the OBT Observing System

The amplitudes of useful reflected waves from the target border are calculated by the formula:


where and P is the reflection coefficient of the target border.

The amplitudes of multiple waves are calculated by the formula:


In the absence of data on the absorption coefficient, we accept \u003d 1.

We calculate the amplitudes of multiple and useful waves:

The greatest amplitude possesses a multiple wave 2. The obtained values \u200b\u200bof the amplitude of the target wave and interference allow you to calculate the required degree of cracking of a multiple wave.

Insofar as

2.3 Calculation of hodographs of beneficial waves and wavelets

The calculation of the wives of multiple waves is carried out in simplifying assumptions about the horizontal-layered medium model and flat boundaries. In this case, repeated reflections from several interface can be replaced by a single reflection from some fictitious border.

The average speed of the fictitious environment is calculated throughout the path of the vertical mileage of a multiple wave:


The time is determined according to the formation of a multiple wave on the theoretical VSP or summing the time of the mileage in all layers.


We obtain the following values:

The harp of a multiple wave is calculated by the formula:


Hodograph of the useful wave is calculated by the formula:


Figure 2.3 Holiday Waves and Waves-Interference

2.4 Calculation of wave-interference delay

We introduce kinematic amendments calculated by the formula:

? TK (x, to) \u003d T (x) - to (2.11)

The lag function of a multiple wave (x) is determined by the formula:

(x) \u003d T kr (xi) - T OCC (2.12)

where T kr (xi) is the time corrected by the kinematics and T of the OCD, with a zero removal of the reception point from the point of excitation.

Figure 2.4 Flight of a multiple wave

2.5 Calculation of the parameters of the optimal observation system

The optimal observation system should ensure the greatest result at low material costs. The required degree of interference of noise D \u003d 5, the lower and upper frequencies of the spectrum of the wave of interference are 20 and 60 Hz, respectively.

Fig. 2.5 Characteristics of the direction of summation for OGT at n \u003d 24.

By setting the characteristics of the orientation, the minimum number of multiplicity n \u003d 24.


Knowing P removal y min \u003d 4i y max \u003d 24.5

Knowing the minimum and maximum frequency, 20 and 60 Hz, respectively, calculate f Max.

f min * f max \u003d 4f max \u003d 0,2

f max * f max \u003d 24,5f max \u003d 0.408

The value of the delay function f Max \u003d 0.2, which corresponds to x max \u003d 3400 (see Fig.2.4). After carrying out the first channel from the point of excitation, X m in \u003d 300, the start of the deflection d \u003d 0.05, d / f Max \u003d 0.25, which satisfies the condition. This indicates the satisfactoryity of the selected directional characteristics, the parameters of which are n \u003d 24, f max \u003d 0.2, x m in \u003d 300 m and the maximum removal X max \u003d 3400 m.

The theoretical length of the H * \u003d x max - x min \u003d 3100m.

The practical length of the year of H \u003d K *? X, where k is the number of channels that register seismation and? X-step between channels.

Take seismostation with 24 channels (k \u003d 24 \u003d n * 24) ,? x \u003d 50.

Recalculate the observation interval:

Calculate the excitation interval:

As a result, we get:

The observation system at the deployed profile is presented in Fig.2.6

3. Field seismic exploration technology

3.1 Requirements for network observations in seismic exploration

Observation systems

Currently, multiple overlabit systems (SMP) are mainly used, which provides summation of the total depth point (OGT), and thereby sharp increase in the signal / interference ratio. The use of non-longitudinal profiles reduces the costs of field work and sharply increases the manufacturability of field work.

Currently, only complete correlation systems of observations are practically used to carry out continuous correlation of beneficial waves.

With reconnecting shooting and at the stage of experienced work in order to pre-study the wave field in the area of \u200b\u200bstudies, seismiamonds are used. The observation system should ensure information about depths and angles of inclination of the reflective boundaries under study, as well as determining effective speeds. There are linear linear, representing short segments of longitudinal profiles, and areas (cross, radial, circular) seismiamonds, when observations are produced on several (from two or more) intersecting longitudinal or non-longitudinal profiles.

Of the linear seismiamonds, the overall use of the common depth point (OGT) was obtained, which are elements of a multiple profiling system. The relative arrangement of the points of excitation and sections of observations are chosen in such a way that reflections from one tale of the border under study are recorded. The seismograms obtained are mounted.

On multiple profiling systems (overlap), the method of a common depth point is based, in which the central systems are used, systems with a changing explosion point within the reception base, flanking unilateral without carrying out and with the removal of the explosion point, as well as flank bilateral (counter) systems without removal and With the removal of the explosion point.

Most convenient for production work and provide maximum system performance, with the implementation of which the observation base and the excitation point are shifted after each explosion in one direction at equal distances.

To trace and determine the elements of the spatial occurrence of cooling boundaries, as well as tracing tectonic disorders, it is advisable to apply conjugate profiles. which are almost parallel, and the distance between them is chosen at the calculation of ensuring the continuous correlation of the waves, they are 100-1000 m.

When observed on one PV profile is located on the other, and vice versa. Such an observation system provides continuous correlation of waves on conjugate profiles.

Multiple profiling in several (from 3 to 9) conjugate profiles is the basis of a wide profile method. The observation point at the same time is placed on the central profile, and the excitation is carried out in series from paragraphs located on parallel conjugate profiles. The multiplicity of leaking reflecting boundaries for each of the parallel profiles may be different. The total multiplicity of observations is determined by the product of multiplicity for each of the conjugate profiles on their total number. An increase in observation costs for such complex systems is justified by the possibility of obtaining information on the spatial features of reflective boundaries.

Square observation systems built on the basis of the cross arrangement provide an area sample of the RUT traces at the expense of the sequential overlap of the cross-shaped arrangements, sources and receivers, if the step of sources of DS and seismic receiver DX are the same, and the signals excited in each source are taken by all seismic receivers, then A result of such a processing is formed by a field of 576 medium-sized points. If you consistently displaced the arrangement of seismic receivers and crossing it a line of excitation along the x axis to step DX and repeat the registration, then the resulting 12-fold overlap will be reached, the width of which is half the excitation base and receiving along the Y axis to step again the additional 12-fold overlap is achieved. , and the overall overlap will be 144.

In practice, more economical and technological systems are used, such as 16-fold. For its implementation, 240 recording channels and 32 excitation points are used, shown in Fig. 6 Fixed distribution of sources and receivers are called the unit, after receiving oscillations from all 32 sources, the block is shifted to step DX, repeat the reception from all 32 sources, etc. Thus, work out the entire strip along the x axis from the beginning of the end of the study area. The following lane from five reception lines are parallel to the previous one in such a way that the distance between adjacent (nearest) reception lines of the first and second bands are between the reception lines in the block. In this case, the line of sources of the first and second strips overlap to half the excitation base, etc. Thus, in this embodiment, the reception line system is not duplicated, and at each point source the signals are excited twice.

Network profiling

For each exploration area, there is a limit of observation number, below which it is impossible to build structural maps and schemes, as well as the upper limit, above which the accuracy of constructions does not increase. The following factors are influenced by the choice of a rational network of observations: the form of boundaries, the range of changes in the depths of the occurrence, measurement errors at observation points, seismic-speaking cards and others. Exact mathematical dependencies have not yet been found in connection with which they use approximate expressions.

Three stages of seismic exploration are distinguished: regional, search and detailed. At the stage of regional work, profiles tend to send structures to the cross in a cross after 10-20 km. From this, the rules are retreating during binding profiles and linking with wells.

During search engines, the distance between adjacent profiles should not exceed half of the estimated length of the large axis of the structure under study, usually it is not more than 4 km. With detailed studies, the length of the network of profiles in different parts of the structure is different and does not exceed 4 km. With detailed studies, the length of the profile network in different parts of the profiles is different and does not exceed usually 2 km. The network of profiles are constructed in the most interesting places of the structure (arch, violation line, sequencing zone, etc.). The maximum distance between binding profiles does not exceed the double distance between exploration profiles. In the presence of discontinuous disorders on the area of \u200b\u200bthe study in each of the major blocks complicate the network profiles for creating closed polygons. If the dimensions of the blocks are small, then only the bonding profiles are carried out, the salt domes are intelled to the radial network of profiles with their intersection over the dome vault, the bonding profiles pass along the periphery of the dome, the binding profiles pass along the periphery of the dome.

When carrying out seismic areas, where seismic studies were performed, the network of new profiles must partially repeat old profiles to compare the quality of old and new materials, if there are deep drilling wells on the studied well, they must be linked to the total seismic observation network, and explosion points and Receptions should be located near wells.

Profiles must be straightforward, taking into account the minimum agricultural flood. When working according to the corner of the profile, restrictions must be set forth, since the angle of inclination and the direction of the fall of the borders can be estimated before the start of field work only approximately, and the record and correlation of these values \u200b\u200bin the process of summation are considerable difficulties. If you take into account only the distortion of kinematics of waves, then the permissible angle of a break can be estimated by the ratio

b \u003d 2Arcsin (VSR? T0 / XMAXTGF),

where? T \u003d 2? H / VSR - the increment of time according to normal to the border; xmax is the maximum length of the year; F - the angle of falling the border. The dependence of the value used as the function of the generalized VSRT0 / TGF argument for various Xmax (from 0.5 to 5 km) is shown on (Fig. 4), which can be used as a palette to assess the permissible corner of the profile intake at specific assumptions about the structure of the environment. By permitted by the permissible value of the compassion of the term pulses (for example, ј period T), it is possible to calculate the value of the argument for the maximum possible angle of falling the boundary and the minimum possible average wave propagation rate. The ordinate straight with Xmax. In this case, the value of the argument will indicate the magnitude of the maximum permissible angle of the profile break.

To establish the exact location of the profiles, the first reconsection is carried out during the design of work. Detailed reconnaissions are carried out during field work.

3.2 Excitation conditions for elastic waves

The excitation of oscillations is carried out with the help of explosions (battery charges or DSh) or non-explosive sources.

Methods of excitation of oscillations are selected in accordance with the conditions, tasks and methods of field work.

The optimal excitation option is selected based on the practice of preceding work and is clarified by studying the wave field in the process of experienced work.

Excitation by explosive sources

The explosions are made in wells, shurts, in the cream, on the surface of the earth, in the air. Applies only an electric blowing method.

In the wells in the wells, the largest seismic effect is achieved when the charge is immersed below the zone of low speeds, with an explosion in plastic and flooded rocks, when capping charges in wells with water, drilling mud or soil.

The choice of optimal depths of the explosion is carried out by MSC observations and the results of experienced work.

In the process of field observations, the profile should strive to maintain constancy (optimality) of excitation conditions.

In order to obtain a permitted entry, the mass of a single charge is chosen as minimal, but sufficient (taking into account the possible grouping of explosions) to provide the necessary depthity of research. The grouping of explosions should be used with the insufficient effectiveness of single charges. The correctness of the selection of charges is periodically controlled.

The charge of the explosives should be lowered to a depth, which differs from a given no more than 1 m.

Preparation, immersion and explosion of charge are manufactured after the appropriate orders of the operator. On the refusal or incomplete explosion, the explosion is obliged to immediately inform the operator.

Upon completion of explosive work, the remaining wells, the remaining wells, butt and pits should be eliminated in accordance with the "Instructions for the elimination of the consequences of the explosion during seismic work"

When working with the lines of a detonating cord (LDSh), the source is advisable to place along the profile. The parameters of such a source - the length and number of lines are selected on the basis of the conditions for ensuring sufficient intensity of target waves and permissible distortions of their records (the length of the source should not exceed half the minimum apparent wavelength of the useful signal). In a number of tasks, the LDS parameters are selected in order to ensure the desired direction of the source.

To loosen the sound wave, a detonating cord line is recommended; In winter - sprinkle with snow.

When conducting explosive work, the requirements provided for by the "Unified Security Rules for Explosive Works" must be followed.

For the excitation of oscillations in the reservoirs, only non-explosive sources are used (installation of gas detonation, pneumatic sources, etc.).

With unspoken excitation, linear or area groups of synchronously operating sources are used. Group parameters - Number of sources, base, movement step, number of influences (at point) - depend on surface conditions, wave field of interference, the necessary research depth and selected in the process of experienced work

When carrying out work with non-explosive sources, it is necessary to observe the identity of the main parameters of the mode of each of the sources operating in the group.

The accuracy of synchronization must correspond to the discretization step during registration, but be no worse than 0.002 s.

The excitation of oscillations by pulse sources is made as possible on dense rammed soils with a preliminary execution of the sealing strike.

The depth of the "stamp" from the stoves of the plate during the operating excitation of the sources should not exceed 20 cm.

When carrying out work with non-explosion sources, the safety and work and maintenance of work should be strictly followed by the relevant instructions for safe management with non-explosive sources and technical instructions.

The excitation of transverse waves is carried out using horizontally or obliquely directed shock-mechanical, explosive or vibratory influences.

To implement the selection of polarization waves in the source at each point, impacts differ in the direction of 180 o.

The point of the explosion or impact, as well as vertical time, should be a clear and stable, ensuring the definition of the moment with an error of no more sampling.

If one object of work is carried out with various sources of excitation (explosions, vibrators, etc.), the duplication of physical observations should be provided with obtaining sources of signs from each of them in places.

Excitation by pulsed sources

The numerous experience of working with surface pulse emitters shows that the necessary seismic effect and acceptable signal-/ interference ratios are achieved by accumulating 16-32 influences. This is the number of accumulations equivalent to the explosions of charges of told the mass of only 150-300 g. The high seismic efficiency of emitters is due to the large efficiency of weak sources, which makes their use in seismic exploration, especially in the OGT method, when N-multiple summation occurs during the processing stage, Additional increase in the signal / interference ratio.

Under the action of multiple impulse loads at an optimal number of effects at one point, the elastic properties of the soil stabilize and the amplitudes of the excited oscillations remain almost unchanged. However, with a further application of loads, the structure of the soil and amplitude decreases. The greater the pressure on the soil d, with the greater number of the influences of the NC amplitude of the oscillation reaches the maximum and the less gesting portion of the curve A \u003d? (N). The number of influences of NC, in which the amplitude of the excited oscillations begins to decrease, depends on the structure, real composition and humidity of rocks and for most real soils does not exceed 5-8. In pulsed loads developed by gas-dynamic sources, the difference in the amplitudes of oscillations excited by the first (A1) and second (A2) blows, whose ratio of A2 / A1 can reach 1,4-1.6 values. Differences between the values \u200b\u200bof A2 and A3, A3 and A4, etc. significantly less. Therefore, when using ground sources, the first effect at a specified point is not cumulative with the rest and serves only for pre-sealing of the soil.

The production work using non-explosive sources on each new area is carried out a cycle of work on the choice of optimal conditions for the excitation and registration of seismic wave fields.

3.3 Conditions for admission of elastic waves

In pulsed excitation, they always strive to create a sharp and short pulse in the source, sufficient for the formation of intensive waves reflected from the studied horizons. We do not have strong effects on the shape and duration of these pulses in explosive and shock sources. We also do not dispose of highly efficient means of exposure to reflecting, refracting and absorbing properties of rocks. However, the seismic exploration has a whole arsenal of methodological techniques and technical means that allow in the process of initiation and especially the registration of elastic waves, as well as in the process of processing the recorded records, the most brightly allocate useful waves and suppress those interfering with their release of the wavelength. For this purpose, differences are used in the direction of the arrival of different type waves to the earth's surface, in the direction of the displacement of the particles of the medium in the fronts of the incoming waves, in the frequency spectra of elastic waves, in the forms of their homographs, etc.

Elastic waves are registered with a set of sufficiently complex equipment mounted in special bodies installed on high vehicles - seismic stations.

A set of instruments that record the oscillations of the soil caused by the arrival of elastic waves in the other point of the earth's surface are called a seismic register (seismic) channel. Depending on the number of points of the earth's surface, in which the arrival of elastic waves is simultaneously recorded, 24-, 48-channel and more seismostation differ.

The initial link of the seismic register canal is a seismic receiver, perceiving soil fluctuations due to the arrival of elastic waves and transform them into electrical stresses. Since the soil fluctuations are very small, electrical stresses arising at the exit of the seismic receiver before registering increase. Using pair of voltage wires from the exit of seismic receivers, they are fed to the input of amplifiers mounted in the seismostation. To connect seismic receivers with amplifiers, a special stranded seismic cable is used, which is commonly called seismic oblique.

The seismic amplifier is an electronic circuit that enhances the voltage supplied to its input to tens of thousand times. It can, with the help of special schemes of semi-automatic or automatic amplification regulators or amplitudes (PRU, GRA, ARU, ARA), strengthen the signals. Amplifiers include special schemes (filters) that allow the necessary frequency components to increase the most as possible, while others are minimal, i.e., to carry out their frequency filtering.

Voltages from the output of the amplifier come to the registrar. Several methods for registering seismic waves are used. Previously, the most widely used optical way of registration of waves on the photo paper. Currently, elastic waves are recorded on a magnetic film. In the other way, before starting registration, the photo paper or the magnetic film is driven by tape mechanisms. With an optical registration method, the voltage from the output of the amplifier is supplied to the mirror galvanometer, and with a magnetic method - on the magnetic head. When a continuous recording is performed on the photo paper or on the magnetic film, the recording method is called analog. Currently, the greatest application receives a discrete (intermittent) method of recording, which is commonly called digital. In this method, the instantaneous values \u200b\u200bof the amplitude amplitudes at the outlet of the amplifier are recorded in binary digital code, at an equal interval of time? T varying from 0.001 to 0.004c. Such an operation is called quantization in time, and the amount accepted at the same time? T is called quantization step. Discrete digital registration in binary code makes it possible to use universal computers for processing seismic materials. Analog records can be processed on a computer after their conversion to a discrete digital form.

The recording of the soil oscillations at one point of the earth's surface is usually called a seismic track or path. The combination of seismic trails obtained in a number of adjacent points of the earth's surface (either well) on the photo paper, in a visual analog form, is a seismogram, and on the magnetic film - the magnetogram. In the process of recording, time grades are applied in seismograms and magnetograms, and the moment of excitation of elastic waves is noted.

Any seismic registration equipment makes some distortion in the recorded oscillatory process. To highlight and identify the same type of waves on adjacent tracks, it is necessary that the distortions made in them on all rouses were the same. To do this, all elements of registering channels must be identical to each other, and accuracy of the distortion in the oscillating process - minimal.

Magnetic seismic stations are equipped with equipment that allows you to play a record in the form suitable for its visual consideration. This is necessary for visual control over the quality of the recording. The playback of the magnetogram is made in the photo, ordinary or electrostatic paper using an oscilloscope, a master of either a matrix recorder.

In addition to the described seismostation nodes, power sources, wired or radio communications with excitation points, various control panels. In digital stations there are converters analog code and code-analog for converting analog recording to digital and vice versa and controlling their work (logic). To work with vibrators, the station has a correlator. The body of digital stations is made with dustproof and equipped with air conditioning equipment, which is especially important for high-quality operation of magnetic stations.

3.4 Choice of hardware and special equipment

Analysis of the processing algorithms of the OGT methods determines the basic requirements for the equipment. Processing providing for the sample of channels (formation of seismograms OGT), ARU, the introduction of static and kinematic amendments can be performed on specialized analog machines. When processing, including operations for determining optimal static and kinematic amendments, the registration of the recording (linear ARU), various filtering modifications with the calculation of filter parameters on the source recording, building a high-speed environment of the medium and converting a temporary cut into deep, the instrument must have wide opportunities providing systematic reconfiguration Algorithms. The complexity of the algorithms listed and, which is especially important, their continuous modification, depending on the seismic characterization of the object under study, led to the choice of universal electron-computing machines as the most efficient tool for processing these OGT methods.

The processing of the data of the OGT method on the computer allows you to quickly implement a full range of algorithms that optimize the process of isolateding beneficial waves and their conversion into a cut. Extensive features of the computer largely determined the use of digital seismic data registration directly in the field of field work.

At the same time, at present, a significant part of seismic information is registered with analog seismic stations. The complexity of seismogeological conditions and the character associated with them, as well as the type of equipment used to register data in the field, determine the processing process and type of processing equipment. In the case of analog registration, the processing can be performed on analog and digital machines, with digital registration - on digital machines.

The digital processing system includes a universal computer and a number of specialized external devices. The latter are designed to introduce seismic information, performing individual continuously repeated computing operations (convolution, Fourier integral) at a rate significantly higher than the speed of the main calculator, specialized grapheatteners and viewing devices. In some cases, the entire processing process is implemented by two systems using secondary class (preprocessor) computers and a high-end computer (main processor) as the main computers. The system based on the middle class computer is used to enter field information, converting formats, recording and its placement in a standard form on the magnetic tape drive (NML) computer, playback of all information in order to control the field record and input quality and a number of standard algorithmic operations, Mandatory for processing in any seismogeological conditions. As a result of processing data at the output of the preprocessor in binary code in the format of the main processor, starting seismic oscillations can be recorded in the sequence of the OPV seismograms and seismograms of OGT, seismic oscillations, corrected for the magnitude of a priori static and kinematic amendments. Playing a transformed record In addition to analyzing the input results, you can select the subsequent processing algorithms implemented on the main processor, as well as define some processing parameters (filter bandwidth, ARU mode, etc.). The main processor, in the presence of a preprocessor, is designed to perform the main algorithmic operations (the definition of corrected static and kinematic amendments, the calculation of efficient and reservoir velocities, filtering in various modifications, converting the temporary cut into the depth). Therefore, a computer is used as a main processor with a high speed (10 6 operations in 1 C), operational (32-64 thousand words) and intermediate (discs with a capacity of 10 7 - 10 8 words) memory. The use of preprocessor allows you to increase the processing profitability by performing a number of standard operations on the computer, the cost of exploitation is significantly lower.

When processing on computer analog seismic information, the processing system is equipped with specialized input equipment, the main element of which is a continuous recording conversion unit into a binary code. Further processing of the digital record thus obtained is completely equivalent to processing digital registration data in the field. Use to register digital stations whose record format is coincided with the NML computers format, eliminates the need for a specialized introductory device. In fact, the data entry process is reduced to the installation of field tape tape on NML computer. Otherwise, the computer is equipped with a buffer tape recorder with a format equivalent to a digital seismic format.

Specialized devices of a digital processing complex.

Before switching to the direct description of external devices, consider the issues of placement of seismic information on the case of a computer (digital station tape recorder). In the process of converting a continuous signal, the amplitudes of the counting values \u200b\u200btaken through the DT constant interval is attributed to the binary code that determines its numerical magnitude and a sign. It is obvious that the number of reading values \u200b\u200bC on a given T highway with a duration of a useful recording T is equal to C \u003d T / DT + 1, but a total number with "counting values \u200b\u200bon the M-channel seismogram with" \u003d Cm. In particular, at t \u003d 5 s, dt \u003d 0.002 s and m \u003d 2, c \u003d 2501, and with "\u003d 60024 numbers recorded in binary code.

In the practice of digital processing, each numerical value, which is equivalent to this amplitude, is customary to refer to the seismic word. The number of binary discharges of the seismic word, called its length, is determined by the number of discharges of the converter analog - the code of a digital seismation (input devices when encoding analog magnetic record). The fixed number of binary discharges, which operates the digital machine, performing arithmetic actions, is customary to refer to the machine word. The magnitude of the machine word is determined by the design of the computer and can coincide with the length of the seismic word or exceed it. In the latter case, when entering seismic information into each cell of the memory, several seismic words is entered into each cell. Such an operation is referred to as packaging. The procedure for placing information (seismic words) on a magnetic tape of a computer drive or a magnetic tape of a digital station is determined by their design and requirements of processing algorithms.

Directly the process of writing digital information on the tape of the computers of the computer is preceded by the stage of its markup on the zones. Under the zone is understood as a certain section of the tape, designed for a subsequent record of k words, where k \u003d 2, and the degree n \u003d o, 1, 2, 3.. ., Moreover, 2 should not exceed the capacity of RAM. When the magnetic tape marking on the tracks, the code indicates the zone number is recorded, and the clock pulse sequence separates each word.

In the process of recording useful information, each seismic word (binary code of the wording value) is recorded on a plot of magnetic tape separated by a series of clock pulses within this zone. Depending on the design of the tape recorder, an entry is applied by parallel code, parallel-serial and serial code. With a parallel code, the number that is equivalent to this counting amplitude is recorded in the string, across the magnetic tape. For this, a multi-track unit of magnetic heads is used, the number of which is equal to the number of discharges in the word. The record of the parallel-serial code provides for the placement of all information about this word within a few lines located sequentially one after another. Finally, with a serial code, information about this word is written by one magnetic head along the magnetic tape.

The number of machine Words k 0 within the zone of the computers of the computer intended for the placement of seismic information is determined by the time T of the useful entry on this highway, the step of quantization of DT and the number of seismic words R, packed into one machine word.

Thus, the first stage of processing of seismic information recorded by a digital station to a multiplex form provides its demultiplexing, i.e. the sample of reading values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to their sequential placement on this seismogram route along the T axis and their entry to the nml zone, the number of which Programmatically assigned to this channel. Entering analog seismic information in the computer, depending on the design of the specialized introductory device, can be performed both via channel and multiplex mode. In the latter case, the machine according to a specified program performs demultiplexing and record information in the sequence of reading values \u200b\u200bon this highway to the corresponding NML zone.

Device entry analog information in computer.

The main element of the analog seismic entry input device is an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which performs the continuous signal conversion operations into the digital code. Currently, several ADC systems are known. For the encoding of seismic signals, in most cases, converters are used for feedbacking with feedback. The principle of the operation of such a converter is based on comparing the input voltage (counting amplitude) with compensating. The compensating voltage UK varies bitwise in accordance with whether the voltage sum of the input value U x is exceeding. One of the main nodes of the ADC is a digital-analog converter (DAC), controlled by a specific program with a zero organ comparing the transformed voltage with an output voltage of the DAC. At the first clock pulse at the exit of the DAC, there is a voltage U K equal to 1 / 2U. If it exceeds the total voltage U x, then the senior discharge trigger will be in the "zero" position. Otherwise (U x\u003e U Kl) the trigger of the older discharge will be in the state position. Let in the first tact, the inequality U x< 1/2Uэ и в первом разряде выходного регистра записан нуль. Тогда во втором такте U x сравнивается с эталонным напряжением 1/4Uэ, соответствующим единице следующего разряда. Если U x >UE, in the second discharge of the output register, the unit will be recorded, and in the third tact of comparisons U x will be compared with the reference voltage 1 / 4UE + 1 / 8UE, corresponding to one in the next discharge. In each next i-volume, the comparison clock, if a unit was recorded in the previous one, the voltage UKI-1 increases by the UE / 2 value until U x is less than UKI. In this case, the output voltage U x is compared with UKI + 1 \u003d UE / 2 UE / 2, etc. As a result of comparison, U x with the triggers of those discharges, the inclusion of which caused recompatination, and in the "zero" position The position "Unit" -drigger of discharges that ensured the best approximation to the measured voltage. At the same time, the number equivalent to input voltage is recorded in the output register,

UX \u003d? AIUE / 2

From the output of the register via the email pairing unit on the computer command, the digital code is sent to the computer for further software processing. Knowing the principle of operation of an analog-to-digital converter, it is not difficult to understand the purpose and principle of operation of the main blocks of the input of analog information in the computer.

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    The method of refracted waves. Overview of data processing methods. Principles of building a refractive border. Enter the parameters of the observation system. Correlation of waves and building hodographs. Consolidated hodographs of head waves. Determination of boundary speed.

Common deep point method, OGT (A. COMMON POINT DEPTH METHOD; N. reflexionsseismisches verfahren des gemeinsamen tiefpunkts; f. Point de Reflexion SMMUN; and. Metodo de Punto SMUN PROFUNDO) - the main way of seismic exploration based on multiple registration and subsequent accumulation Signals of seismic waves reflected at different angles from the same local area (point) of the seismic border in the earth's crust. The OGT method was first proposed by the American Geophysician Maine in 1950 (the patent was published in 1956) for the weakening of multiple reflected wavelets, B is applied since the end of the 60s.

When conducting studies by the method of OGT, the points of reception and excitation of seismic waves are arranged symmetrically relative to each data point of the profile. At the same time, for simple geological media models (for example, a layered divideous medium with horizontal boundaries), within the framework of the representations of the geometric seismic, it is considered that the reflection of seismic waves on each border occurs in the same point (total depth point). With inclined boundaries and other complications of the geological structure, the reflection of waves occur within the site, the dimensions of which are sufficiently small, so that when solving a wide range of practical tasks, it is observed that the principle of locality is observed. Seismic waves are excited by explosives of explosives in a detonating cord or a group of non-explosive on the surface. For receiving signals, linear (with the number of elements 10 or more) are used, and in complex surface conditions also areas of seismic receivers. Observations are carried out, as a rule, according to longitudinal profiles (less often curvilinear) using multichannel (48 channels or more) digital seismic stations. The ceiling multiplicity is mainly 12-24, in complex geological conditions and in detailed work 48 or more. The distance between the paragraphs of the signal (step of observations) of 40-80 m, with a detailed study of local complex substituted inhomogeneities up to 20-25 m, with regional studies up to 100-150 m. The distance between the excitation items are usually chosen by a multiple distance between the reception points. Relatively large observation bases are used, the magnitude of which is commensurate or approximately equal to 0.5 depth of the occurrence object and does not exceed 3-4 km. When studying complex-constructed environments, especially when working on water areas, various variants of three-dimensional seismic seismic systems are used by the OGT method, under which OGT points are relatively uniformly and with high density (25x25 m - 50x50 m) are located on the area under study or its individual linear sites. Registration of waves lead mainly in frequency bands 8-15 - 100-125 Hz. Processing is carried out on high-performance geophysical computing complexes that allow preliminary (up to summation by OGT) weakening of wavelets; increase the resolution of records; Restore the true ratios of the amplitudes of reflected waves associated with the variability of the reflective properties of boundaries; summarize (accumulate) reflected from OGT signals; build temporary dynamic cuts and their various transformations (cuts with an image of instant frequencies, phases, amplitudes, and the like. ); Instructing the distribution of speeds and build a deep dynamic section that serves as the basis for geological interpretation.

The OGT method is used in searching and exploration of oil and gas deposits in various seismic meal conditions. Its use almost everywhere increased the depthity of research, the accuracy of mapping seismic borders and the quality of training of structures to deep drilling allowed in a number of oil and gas provinces to proceed to prepare for non-nuclear traps, to solve in favorable conditions for the local prognosis of the real composition of deposits and predict their oil and gas content. The OGT method is also used in the study and ore deposits, solving the tasks of engineering geology.

Prospects for further improvement of the OGT method are associated with the development of observation and data processing techniques that ensure a significant increase in its resolution, detail and accuracy of the restoration of images of three-dimensional complex geological objects; With the development of methods of geological and geophysical interpretation of dynamic cuts on a structural-formational basis in a complex with data from other methods of field exploration geophysics and well research.

List of abbreviations


1. General part

1.3 Tectonic structure

1.4 Oil and gas potential

2. Special part

3. Project part

3.3 Equipment and equipment

3.4 Methods of processing and interpretation of field materials

4. Special task

4.1 AVO analysis

4.1.1 Theoretical Aspects of AVO-Analysis

4.1.2 AVO-classification of gas sands

4.1.3 AVO Crosship

4.1.4 Elastic Inversion in AVO Analysis

4.1.5 AVO Analysis in anisotropic medium

4.1.6 Examples of practical application AVO analysis


List of sources used

stratigraphic seismic exploration field anisotropic

List of abbreviations

GIS-Geophysical Research Wells

MOV-Method of Reflected Wave

Mogt-method of the total point of point

NGK oil and gas complex

NGO-oil and gas area

NGR oil and gas area

OG-reflective horizon

OGT-overall deep point

PV-Item explosion

PP reception

c / P-Seismo-Spread Party



This bachelor work provides for the rationale for seismic exploration mogs - 3D on the East Michay Square and consideration of AVO analysis, as a special issue.

In recent years, seismic surveys and drilling data has been established by the complex geological structure of the area of \u200b\u200bwork. Further systematic study of the East Micheyan structure is needed.

The work is envisaged to study the area in order to clarify the geological structure of seismic surveys MOGA-3D.

Bachelor's work consists of four chapters, administration, conclusion, sets out on the text pages, contains 22 drawings, 4 tables. The bibliographic list contains 10 items.

1. General part

1.1 Physico-geographical essay

East Michayskaya Poorbing (Figure 1.1) in an administrative attitude is located in the Vuktyl area.

Figure 1.1 - Map of the terrain of the East Michay Square

Not far from the area of \u200b\u200bthe study, the city of Vuktyl and the village of Dutovo is located. The area of \u200b\u200bwork is located in the Pechora River Pool. The terrain is a chemmed, high-voltage plain, with pronounced valleys of rivers and streams. The area of \u200b\u200bthe works of Swathers. The climate of the area is sharply continental. Summer short and cool, winter harsh with strong winds. Snow cover is installed in October and comes off at the end of May. For seismic work, this area belongs to 4 categories of difficulties.

1.2 Lithological-stratigraphic characteristics

The lithological and stratigraphic characteristic of the cut (Figure 1.2) of the sedimentary case and the foundation is provided by the results of drilling and seismicating of wells 2-, 4-, 8-, 14-, 22-, 24-, 28-Micha, 1 - S. Savinobor, 1 - Diny Savinobor.

Figure 1.2 - Lithological-stratigraphic section of the East Michay Square

Paleozoic Erathema - PZ

Devonian system - D

Middle East Department - D 2

In the carbonate rocks of the silurian thickness, the terrigenous formations of Middle Devon, the live tier, disagree.

The deposits of the live tier with power in the SLE. 1-Ding-Savinobor 233 m is represented by clays and sandstones in the volume of Staroscolskaya grain range (I - to the reservoir).

Verkhnedevon Division - D 3

Upper Devon is highlighted in the volume of Frank and Famenian tiers. Fran is represented by three sublicas.

The deposits of Lower Frana are formed by Yaran, Giereh and Timan horizons.

Frank tier - D 3 F

Verkhtopransky Penusarus - D 3 F 1

Yaran skyline - D 3 Jr

The incision of the Yaran horizon (with a capacity of 88 m in sq. M. 28 m.) Sand layers (bottom-up) B-1, B-2, B-3 and interpalace clays. All layers are not constructed in the composition, power and number of sandy interlayers.

Jielesky Horizon - D 3 DZR

At the base of the Jieleo horizon, clay rocks occur, sandy layers of the IB and IA, separated by a pack of clay, are highlighted over the cut. The jicher's power varies from 15 m (sq. 60 - Yu.M.) to 31 m (sq. 28- M.).

Timan horizon - D 3 TM

The deposits of the Timan horizon, the thickness of 24 m are composed with clay-aurolite rocks.

Mid-perfo plyus - D 3 F 2

The Middle Perfranine Polyus is presented in the volume of Sargaevsky and Domanic horizons, composed of dense, replaced, bituminous limestones with the assesses of black shale. Sargaya's power is 13 m (SLE. 22-M) - 25 m (SLE. 1-TP.), Domainry - 6 m in SD. 28th. and 38 m in SLE. 4th.

Upper-franc plyus - D 3 F 3

Unrelated veterans and Syrachoys (23 m), Evlanovskiy and Livensky (30 m) deposits are laying incision of the Upper-Fri Poduorus. They are formed by brown and black limestones with the assesses of clay shale.

Famensky tier - D 3 FM

The phaama tier is represented by Volgograd, Zadonsky, Yeletsky and Ust-Pechora horizons.

Volgograd horizon - D 3 VLG

Zadonsky Horizon - D 3 ZD

Volgograd and Zadonsky horizons are made by clay-carbonate breeds with a capacity of 22 m.

Yeletsky Horizon - D 3 EL

The sediments of the Yelets horizon are formed by limestone sites by organogenic-debris, at the bottom of the highly clay dolomites, at the base of the horizon there are mergels and clay limestone, dense. The thickness of the deposits varies from 740 m (SC.14-, 22-M) to 918 m (SC.1-TP.).

Ust-Pechora horizon - D 3 Up

The Ust-Pechora horizon is represented by dense dolomites, black argillite-like clays and limestones. Its thickness is 190m.

Coal system - C

Above the deposit of the coal system in the volume of the lower and middle departments disagree.

Nizhnekamenegonal department - C 1

Vise Tier - C 1 V

Serpukhov Tier - C 1 S

The Lower Department is lightened to the Vise and Serpukhov tiers formed by limestones with clays, a total capacity of 76 m.

Vernekotechnology department - C 2

Bashkir Tier - C 2 B

Moscow tier - C 2 M

Bashkir and Moscow tiers are represented by clay-carbonate rocks. The capacity of Bashkir deposits is 8 m (SLE. 22-m.) - 14 m (SC. 8th), and in the SLE. 4-, 14th. they are missing.

The thickness of the Moscow tier varies from 24 m (SLE. 1-TR) to 82 m (SP. 14-m.).

Perm system - p

Moscow sediments disroxibly blocked by Perm, in the volume of the lower and upper departments.

Nizhne Persian Department - P 1

The lower part is presented in full and complicated by limestone, and clay mergels, and in the upper part of clays. Its power is 112m.

Verkhnepermsky Division - P 2

The top department form Ufimsky, Kazan and Tatar tiers.

Ufim Tier - P 2 U

Ufa deposit with a capacity of 275 m is represented by the transfer of clays and sandstones, limestone and mergels.

Kazan Tier - P 2 KZ

The Kazan Tier is complicated by dense and viscous clays, and quartz sandstones, there are also rare baudders of limestone and mergels. The thickness of the tier is 325 m.

Tatar tier - P 2 T

Tatar tier form terrigenous breeds with a capacity of 40 m.

Mesozoic Erathema - MZ

Triadia system - T

Triass deposits in the volume of the lower section are composed of alternating clays and sandstones with a capacity of 118 m (SCV.107) - 175 m (SC.28-m.).

Jurassic System - J

The Jurassic system is represented by terrific formations with a capacity of 55 m.

Cenozoic Eratea - KZ

Quaternary system - Q

The cut of the loamy, the sandy and the sands of the quaternary age is completed with a thickness of 65 m in SC.22-m. and 100 m in SC.4m.

1.3 Tectonic structure

In a tectonic attitude (Figure 1.3), the area of \u200b\u200bwork is located in the central part of the Michai-Pashninsky shaft, which corresponds to the Ilych-Chikshinsky system of faults in the foundation. The fault system has been reflected in a sedimentary case. Tectonic disorders in the area of \u200b\u200bwork are one of the main structural-forming factors.

Figure 1.3 - Catching from a tectonic map of the Timano - Pechora province

Three zones of tectonic disorders were allocated on the work area: Western and Eastern submeridional strike, and, in the southeast of the North-Eastern Stretch Square.

Tectonic violations observed in the West of this area can be traced on all reflective horizons, and violations in the east and southeast are faded in the Famo and Frank time, respectively.

Textonic violations of the Western part are robbed deflection. The most clearly burning horizons can be traced on profiles 40990-02, 40992-02, -03, -04, -05.

The amplitude of the vertical displacement by horizon ranges from 12 to 85 m. In terms of violations, they have northwestern orientation. They are stretched in the southeastern direction from the reporting area, limiting the Dynth-Savinobor structure from the West.

Violations are probably separated by the axial part of the Michai-Pashninsky shaft from its eastern slope, characterized by a continuous immersion of deposits in the east direction.

In the geophysical fields G, the intensive gradient zones correspond to the interpretation of which made it possible to allocate deep downlifting here, separating the MICHA-Pashnin zone of raising from relatively lowered Lemja steps and is probably the main structure-forming fault (Krivtsov KA, 1967 , Repin E.M., 1986).

The western zone of tectonic faults is complicated by the fascinating disorders of the northeastern stretch, thanks to which separate raised blocks are formed, both on profiles 40992-03, -10, -21.

The amplitude of the vertical displacement by horizons of the eastern zone of disorders is 9-45 m (40990-05 PC 120-130).

The southeastern zone of violations is represented by WVID of the robbery deflection, the amplitude of which is 17-55 m (Ave. 40992-12 PC 50-60).

The Western tectonic zone forms a raised subjection structural zone consisting of several tectonically-limited folds - the Midnowerhetyan, East-Michay, Ivan-Shor, Dinth Savinobor structure.

The deepest Horizon of III 2-3 (D 2-3), according to which structural constructions are made, is confined to the border of the section of Verkhnedyevonian and mid-water sediments.

Based on structural constructions, analyzing time cuts and drilling data, a sedimentary case has a rather complex geological structure. Against the background of the submoclinal immersion of the layers in the east direction, the East Michay structure is allocated. It was first revealed as an impected complication of the type "structural nose" with materials C \\ P 8213 (Schmelevskaya I.I., 1983). By the work of the season 1989-90. (C \\ P 40990) The structure is presented in the form of a parrajal fold, contracted by a rare network of profiles.

The reporting data established the complex structure of the East Michay structure. According to OG III 2-3, it is represented by a three-populated, linear-elongated, anticlinal fold of the northwestern stretch, the dimensions of which are 9.75 h 1.5 km. The North Dome has an amplitude of 55 m, the central - 95 m, southern - 65 m. From the West, the East Michay structure limits the robbed deflection of the North-Western stretch, from the south - a tectonic violation, amplitude of 40 m. In the north, the East Michay anticline fold is complicated raised unit (40992-03), and in the south - lowered block (Ave. 40990-07, 40992-11), thanks to the increasing disorders of the northeast stretch.

To the north of the East Michay raising, the Midnoyechian Prirazlomnaya Structure was revealed. We assume that it closes the north of the reporting area, where the work was previously carried out with \\ p 40991 and structural constructions on reflective horizons in Perm sediments were performed. The Middle East Structure was viewed within the East Michay Raising. According to work with \\ p 40992, the presence of a deflection between the East Michay and the Men and Midnaya Union structures on Ave. 40990-03, 40992-02, which is confirmed by the reporting work.

In one structural zone, the Ivan-Shorgic anticline structure identified by the works of C \\ P 40992 (Misseukevich N.V., 1993) is located in the same structural zone with lifts addressed above. From the West and the south we are framed by tectonic disorders. The dimensions of the structure for OG III 2-3 are 1.75h1km.

The west of the Midnoyechian, East Michay and Ivan-Shor structures are South Lemja and South Micheyan structures, which are affected only by the western ends of the reporting profiles.

The southeast of the South Micheyan structure was revealed by the Molo Amplitude East Tripadeel Structure. It is represented by anticline fold, the dimensions of which by ogi iii 2-3 are 1.5H1km.

In the western instrument part of the submeridional strike in the north of the reporting area, small subjection structures are isolated. South similar structural forms are formed thanks to small tectonic disorders of various stretch, complicating the graben zone. All these small structures in lowered relative to the East Michay raising blocks are combined by us under the general name of the Central Michay Structure and require further study of the seismic exploration.

With OG IIF 1, the reper 6 in the top of the Yaran horizon is associated. The structural plan of the reflective horizon IIF 1 is inherited from OG III 2-3. The dimensions of the East Michay Prirazlomal Structure are 91h1.2km, in the contour of the inlet - 2260 m, the northern and southern domes with an amplitude of 35 and 60 m are distinguished.

The dimensions of the Ivan-Shorgic Prazlosnoye fold are 1.7H0.9km.

Structural map of ogid reflects the behavior of the soles of the Dressing Horizon of the Midway Pressure. In general, it is observed a structural plan to the north. The north of the reporting area of \u200b\u200bthe sole of the Dressman opened the SC. 2-Sit. Michu, 1-sort. Mischu on absolute marks - 2140 and - 2109 m, respectively, south - in SLE. 1-Ding Savinobor at a mark - 2257 m. The East Michay and Ivan-Shor structure occupy an intermediate plaster milestone between North Michay and Dinth-Savinobor structures.

At the level of the Dressing Horizon, the foaming violation will be fading at Ave. 40992-03, on the site of the raised block, the dome formed, covering and adjacent profiles 40990-03, -04, 40992-02. Its dimensions are 1.9 hours 0.4 km, the amplitude is 15 m. South of the basic structure to another filling disordering on Ave. 40992-10 closes the inlet -2180 m of a small dome. Its dimensions are 0.5 h 0.9, amplitude - 35 m. The Ivan-Shor region is 60 m below East Michay.

The structural plan of IK dedicated to the roof of the Kungur tier carbonates is significantly different from the structural plan of the underlying horizons.

The rabbent deflection of the western zone of disturbances on time cuts has a cup-shaped form, in connection with this, a restructuring of the IK structural plan occurred. There is a shock by shielding tectonic disorders and the East-Michay structure of the East. The size of the East Michay structure is significantly less than in the underlying sediments.

The tectonic violation of the northeastern stretch breaks the East Michay structure into two parts. The structure of the structure is clothed two dome, and the amplitude of the southern larger than the northern and is 35 m. The size of the East Michay raising for OG IK (P 1 K) is 5.2 hours 0.9 km.

The south is the Ivan-Shorsk Prirazlogo raising, which is now a structural nose, in the north of which is distinguished by a small cafe. The violation of the Ivan-Shorian anticlinal fold in the south is faded.

The eastern wing of the South Lemian structure complicates a small tectonic violation of the submeridional strike.

Throughout the area, small intense tectonic disorders are observed, amplitude of 10-15 m, which do not fit into any system.

Productive on North-Savinoborsky, Dinhi-Savinoborsky, Michay deposits The sandy platter B-3 is below the referral 6, with which IIF1 is identified, 18-22 m, and in the SLE. Four Mich. 30 m.

On the structural plan of the roof of the B-3, the Micheyan field, the northeastern part of which is timed to the South Lemian structure is occupied by the highest plaster meter. VNK Michai field takes place at the level of 2160 m (Kolosov V.I., 1990). The East Micheyan structure is closed with a hydrofsy - 2280 m, a raised block at the level of 2270 m, the lowered unit at the southern end at the level of 2300 m.

At the level of the East Michay structure, the South is the North-Savinobor deposit with VNK at the level of 2270 m. Dinhi-Savinoborskoe deposit is located 100 m below, VNK in SD. 1-Ding Savinobor is defined at 2373 m.

Thus, the East Michay structure, located in the same structural zone with Dinhi-Savinobor, is significantly higher and may well be a good trap for hydrocarbons. The screen is the robbed deflection of the northwestern strike asymmetric form.

The Western board of Grabena passes by low-amplitude discrepancies of a discharge nature, with the exception of individual profiles (40992-01, -05, 40990-02). Violations of Eastern Board Grabena, the most lowered part, which is located on Ave. 40990-02, 40992-03, high amplitude. According to them, alleged permeable layers are in contact with Sargaevski or Timan formations.

By the south of the amplitude of the violation decreases and at the level of the profile 40992-08 robin from the south closes. Thus, the southern pericline of the East Michay structure turns out to be in the lowered block. In this case, the B-3 layer can contact the violation with the interstitial clays of the Yaran horizon.

The south of this zone is the Ivan-Shorgic Prazlosnaya structure, which is crossed by two meridional profiles 13291-09, 40,992-21. The lack of seismoprophils, the embodiment of the structure does not allow to judge the reliability of the objects identified by the work with \\ p 40992.

Grabmented deflection, in turn, is divided into tectonic disorders, due to which isolated raised blocks are formed within its limits. They are named by us as the Central Michay Structure. On profiles 40992-04, -05 in the lowered unit, fragments of the East Michay structure were reflected. There is a small little amplitude structure at the intersection of profiles 40992-20 and 40992-12, named by us East Tripadeil.

1.4 Oil and gas potential

The area of \u200b\u200bwork is located in the Izhma-Pechora oil and gas area within the Michau-Pashninsky oil and gas area.

In the fields of Michau-Pashninsky district, a wide range of terribution-carbonate sediments from Middle Devon to the upper perm inclusive.

Next to the area under consideration are Michay and South Michay deposits.

Deep search and exploration drilling conducted in 1961-1968. On the Michay deposit, wells No. 1-Yu.Lule, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 24 open the deposit of oil, dedicated to the sandstones of the B-3 layer, which lies in the upper part of the Yaraski horizon of the Frank tier. Floor plastial, vigorous, partially waterfowl. The height of the deposit is about 25 m, sizes 14 h 3.2 km.

In the Michay field, industrial oil density is associated with sandy plasters that occur at the basis of the Kazan Tarus. For the first time, oil from Verkhneperm sediments at this field was obtained in 1982 from SC. 582. Turning in it is set by the oil content of the formation of P 2 -23 and P 2 -26. Oil deposits in the reservoir P 2 -23 are confined to sandstones, presumably the robust genesis stretching in the form of several lanes of the submeridional strike through the entire Michay deposit. Oiltyness is established in SLE. 582, 30, 106. Oil is lightning, high content of asphaltenes and paraffin. The deposits are confined to the trap of structural-lithological type.

Oil deposits in the formations of p 2 -24, p 2 -25, p 2 -26 are confined to sandstones, presumably the route genesis stretching in the form of strips through the Michay deposit. The width of the bands varies from 200 m to 480 m, the maximum layer thickness is from 8 to 11m.

The permeability of collectors is 43 md and 58 md, porosity of 23% and 13.8%. Initial stocks cat. A + B + C 1 (Geol / Full.) Are equal to 12176/5923 thousand tons, categories C 2 (Geol / Felkov.) 1311/244 thousand tons. Residual stocks as of 01.01.2000 in categories A + B + C 1 are 7048/795 thousand tons, according to category C 2 1311/244 thousand tons, accumulated mining 5128 thousand tons.

The South Michay oil field is located 68 km north-west of Vuktyl, 7 km from the Michay field. It was opened in 1997 by the well 60 - Yu.M., in which an inflow of oil 5 m 3 / day on Pu was obtained from the interval 602-614 m.

Ploft oil deposits, lithologically shielded by the sandstone of the reservoir P 2 -23 of the Kazan tier of the upper perm.

The depth of the roof of the reservoir in the arch is 602 m, the permeability of the collector is 25.4 md porosity 23%. The oil density is 0.843 g / cm 3, viscosity in reservoir conditions is 13.9 MPa. C, the content of resins and asphaltenes 12.3%, paraffins 2.97%, sulfur 0.72%.

Initial reserves are equal to residual reserves as of 01/01/2000. and make up according to categories A + B + C 1 742/112 thousand, according to category C 2 2254/338 thousand tons.

On the Dinth Savinoborsky field, the deposit of oil in the terrigenous sediments of the B-3 of the Yaranian horizon of the Francic Tier of the Upper Devon is open in 2001. Bore 1-Ding Savinobor. In the context of the well, 4 objects were tested (Table 1.2).

When testing the interval 2510-2529 m (B-3), a tributary (solution, filtrate, oil, gas) was obtained in the amount of 7.5 m 3 (of which oil - 2.5 m 3).

When testing the interval 2501-2523 m, oil was obtained by a flow rate of 36 m 3 \\ day through a fitting with a diameter of 5 mm.

When testing the collectors' overlying collectors of the Yaran and Jielery (layers of IA, IB, B-4) (the test interval of 2410-2490 m) of oil was not observed. A solution was obtained in 0.1 m 3.

To determine the productivity of the formation of the B-2, the test was carried out in the range of 2522-2549.3 m. As a result, a solution, filtrate, oil, gas and plastic water in the amount of 3.38 m 3 were obtained, from them due to the leakage of the instrument - 1.41 m 3, the inflow from the reservoir is 1.97 m 3.

In the study of the Nizhnima deposits (the test interval 1050 - 1083.5 m) was also obtained a solution in volume 0.16 m 3. However, in the process of drilling according to the core data, signs of oil saturation were noted at the specified interval. In the range of 1066.3-1073.3, sandstones are ridiculated, lenzoids. In the middle of the interval, oil traffic was observed, 1.5 cm - asking oil saturated sandstone. In the intervals of 1073.3-1080.3 m and 1080.3-1085 m, sandstone passes with oil and low-power passes were also marked (in the range of 1080.3-1085 m, the denda of the core is 2.7 m) of the glow of sandstone of the polymicte oil-saturated sandstone.

Signs of oilshit according to Caran in SD. 1-Ding Savinobor was also marked in the roof of the tutu of the Zelestsky horizon of the Famenskoye tier (core selection interval 1244.6-1253.8 m) and in the reservoir of the Jielesky horizon of the Franc Yarusa (Core selection interval 2464,8-2470 m).

In the B-2 layer (D3 JR) sandstones with the smell of HC (Caper selection interval 2528.7-2536 m).

Information on the results of testing and oil reforms in the wells are shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.

Table 1.1 - Well testing results


Test results.

1 object. The influx of mineralized water

Q \u003d 38 m 3 / day on PU.

2 object. Min. Water Q \u003d 0.75 m 3 / day on PU.

3 Object. The inflow is not received.

1 object. Min. Water Q \u003d 19.6 m 3 / day.

2 object. Minor tributary min. water

Q \u003d 0.5 m 3 / day.

1 object. IP plastic min. Water with an admixture of the filtrate of a solution Q \u003d 296 m 3 / day.

2 object. IP plastic min. Water with a sulfur-hydrogen smell, dark green.

3 Object. Min. Water Q \u003d 21.5 m 3 / day.

4 object. Min. Water Q \u003d 13.5 m 3 / day.

In the column, the fountain influx of oil is 10 m 3 / day.

Oil Q \u003d 21 t / day per 4 mm fitting.

1 object. Industrial influx of oil

Q \u003d 26 m 3 / day per 4 mm fitting.

1 object. Film influx of oil

Q \u003d 36.8 m 3 / day per 4 mm fitting.

Flow of oil 5 m 3 / day on Pu.

3, 4, 5 objects. Weak influx of oil

Q \u003d 0.1 m 3 / day.

IP oil 25 m 3 in 45 minutes

The initial oil flow rate is 81.5 tons / day.

5.6 m 3 oil in 50 minutes.

Primary oil flow rate of 71.2 t / day.

Oil Q Nach. \u003d 66.6 t / day.

The inflow of oil Q \u003d 6.5 m 3 / h, P pl. \u003d 205 atm.

Primary oil flow rate of 10, .3 t / day.

Oil Q \u003d 0.5 m 3 / hour, P pl. \u003d 160 atm.

Mineral water with oil films.

Solution, filtrate, oil, gas. Volume of inflow

7.5 m 3 (of them Oil 2.5 m 3). P pl. \u003d 27.65 MPa.

Solution, filtrate, oil, gas, plastic water.

V. \u003d 3.38 m 3, P pl. \u003d 27.71 MPa.

Oil probit 36 \u200b\u200bm 3 \\ day, dia. PC. 5 mm.

The inflow is not received.

Table 1.2 - Intelligence Information


The nature of manifestations.

Limestones with oil adjustments in Kaverns and pores.

Oil films during drilling.

In GIS, oil saturated sandstone.

Limestone with mute seams filled with bituminous clay.

Oil saturated core.

Moving oil-saturated sandstones, aleurolites, thin gyling conjunctions.

Oil saturated core.

Oil saturated polymicte sandstones.

Water saturated sandstones.

Oil resistant limestone.

Limestone hitchcurial, by rare cracks on the inclusion of bituminous material.

Argillitis, limestone. In the middle of the oil traffic interval; 1.5 cm - asking for oil-saturated sandstone.

Sandstone is ridicked up and fine-grained with oil flows.

Limestone and separate lesions of oil saturated sandstone.

Moving dolomite and dolomitized limestone with oil traffic.

Argillitis with passes and oil films in cracks; Alevurolite with the smell of oil.

Moving sandstones with passes and stains of oil.

Moving sandstones with the smell of HC and argillitis with bitumen enclosures.

Smart-grained sandstones with the smell of HC, in the cracks of bituminous.

Limestone with oil traffic and the smell of HC; Sandstone and argillitis with oil traffic.

Tight and strong sandstone with the smell of uv.

Moving a quartz sandstone with the smell of HC, Aleurolite and Argillita.

Quartz sandstones with a weak smell of uv.

2. Special part

2.1 Geophysical works carried out on this area

The report is compiled according to the results of recycling of the reinterpretation of the seismic exploration obtained on the Northern block of the Dinhi Savinoborskoye field in different years by seismopartes 8213 (1982), 8313 (1984), 41189 (1990), 40992 (1992), 40992 (1993) According to the contract between Kogel LLC and Dinho LLC. The technique and technique of work is carried out in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 - information about the method of field work

" Progress"

"Progress - 2"

"Progress - 2"

Observation system






Source parameters



Non-explosive"Falling load" - Sim

Unspoken "falling cargo" - sim

Unspoken "Yenisei - Sam"

Number of wells in the group

Charge value

Distance between PV



Grouping seismic applicants

26 SP on the basis of 78 m

26 SP on the basis of 78 m

12 SP on the basis of 25 m

11 SP on the basis of 25 m

11 SP on the basis of 25 m

Distance between PP.

Minimum distance explosion-device

Maximum Rasteonis Explosion

The East Michay tectonic-limited structure identified by the works of C / P 40991 was transferred to drilling in Lower Frank, Nizhne Famensky and Nizhne-Perm sediment in 1993, 40992. Seismic surveys were focused on the basis of studying the Perm part of the cut, structural constructions at the bottom of the cut. Made only on reflective horizon III F 1.

West of the area of \u200b\u200bwork are Michay and South Michay oil fields. The industrial oil and gas potential of the Michai field is associated with Upper-Permian sediments, oil deposits are contained in the sandstones of the B-3 layers in the top of the Yaran horizon.

The southeast of the East Michay structure in 2001, the borehole 1-Dinhi-Savinobor is open to the deposit of oil in Nizhne frosted sediments. Diny-Savinoborskaya and East Michayan structures are in the same structural zone.

In connection with these circumstances, it was necessary to revise all available geological and geophysical materials.

The recycling of seismic data was carried out in 2001 Tabrina V.A. In the PROMAX system, the recycling volume amounted to 415.28 km.

Pre-treatment consisted of data transfer to the internal format PROMAX, assigning geometry and recovery of amplitudes.

The interpretation of the seismic material was carried out by the leading geophysicist Mingaleeva I.Kh., Geologist Matyusheva E.V., Geophysician I category I, N.S., Geophysicist Gorbacheva D.S. The interpretation was performed in the GEOFRAME exploration system on the Sun 61 workstation. The interpretation included the correlation of reflective horizons, the construction of isochron cards, isoips, isopahite. The workstation was downloaded digitized logging charts on 14-Miche wells, 24-Micha. To recalculate the curves of the GIS, the speed obtained by the seismic projects of the corresponding wells were used.

Building cartridges, isohypsis, isopahite was carried out automatically. If necessary, they were adjusted manually.

High-speed models needed for transformation of isochron cards to structural were determined by drilling materials and seismic exploration.

The inlet of the invention was determined by the error of constructions. In order to preserve the features of structural plans and for better visualization, the invention of the invention was taken by 10 m on all reflective horizons. Scale cards 1: 25000. Stratigraphic timeliness of reflecting horizons was performed on seismic projects of wells 14-, 24-target.

On the square traced 6 reflecting horizons. Structural constructions were presented in 4 reflective horizons.

OG IK is dedicated to Dripe 1, dedicated by analogy with a well Dinhi Savinobor in the top of the Kungur Yarus, 20-30 m below Ufa deposits (Figure 2.1). The horizon is well correlated by the positive phase, the intensity of the reflection is small, but dynamic signs are designed in the area. The next reflective horizon II-III is identified with the border of coal and Devonian sediments. OG is fairly easily recognized on profiles, although the interference of the two phases is observed in some places. At the eastern ends of the latitudinal profiles over OG II-III, an additional reflection appears, which is seduced to the West by the type of soles.

OG IIFM 1 is timed to Dripe 5 highlighted in the bottoms of the Yelets horizon of the lower face. In the wells of the 5th, 14th reper 5 coincides with the sole of the Yelets horizon, isolated by the TP NIC, in other wells (2,4,8,22,24,28-m) 3-10 m above the official breakdown of the sole D 3 EL. The reflective horizon is reference, has vividly pronounced dynamic signs and high intensity. Structural constructions for gas IIIFM 1 are not provided by the program.

OG IIID is identified with the sole of dialing sediments, confidently correlated on the time cuts on the negative phase.

With the reference 6 in the vertices of the Yaran horizon of the lower french, OG IIF 1 is associated. The reper 6 stands out quite confidently in all wells 10-15m below the sole of Jersey sediments. Reflective Horizon IIIF 1 is well followed, despite the fact that it has low intensity.

Productive on Michaysky, Diny-Savinoborsk deposits The sandy reservoir B-3 is located on 18-22 m below exhaust IIF 1, only in the well 4th. The power of deposits concluded between OGIF 1 and the B-3 layer is increased to 30 m.

Figure 2.1 - Comparison of cuts of wells 1-s. MICHU, 24-MICHU, 14-MICHA AND BY RIDING HORICS

The next reflective horizon III 2-3, traced near the roof of the terrigenous sediments of Middle Devon, is weakly expressed in the wave field. OG III 2-3 is fastened by the negative phase as the surface of the erosion. In the southwest of the reporting area, there is a reduction in the time power between OGIIF 1 and III 2-3, which is especially clearly visible on the profile 8213-02 (Figure 2.2).

Structural constructions (Figure 2.3 and 2.4) are made according to reflective horizons IK, IIID, IIIF 1, III 2-3, a map of the isopachitis between ogid IIID and III 2-3 is built, a structural map on the roof of sandaries B-3 is presented, for all Denhi -Savinoborskoye deposit.

Figure 2.2 - a fragment of a temporary cut by profile 8213-02

2.2 Results of geophysical studies

As a result of recycling and reinterpreting seismic databases on the Northern block of the Dinth Savinoborskoye deposit.

Studied the geological structure of the northern block of Dinhi-Savinoborskoye deposits for postponement Perm and Devon,

Figure 2.3 - Structural map for reflecting horizon III2-3 (D2-3)

Figure 2.4 - Structural map according to the reflective horizon III D (D 3 DM)

- traced and tied up on the area 6 of reflective horizons: IK, II-III, IIFM1, IIID, IIF1, III2-3;

Performed structural constructions on a scale of 1: 25000 to 4 OG: IK, IIID, IIF1, III2-3;

Built a common structural map on the roof of the B-3 formation for the Dinth-Savinobor structure and the northern block of the Dinhi-Savinoborsky field, and the map isopahite between IIID and III2-3;

Built deep seismic cuts (the scale of the mountains. 1: 12500, faith. 1: 10,000) and seismic geological cuts (the scale of the mountains. 1: 25000, ver. 1: 2000);

They built a scheme for comparing Nizhnefranian sediments on wells on Michayskaya Square, SC. 1-Ding-Savinobor and 1-triphel on 1: 500 scale;

Clarified the gelogical structure of the East Michay and Ivan-Shorny structures;

Revealed the Midnoyechian, Central Michay, East Tripadeil Structures;

The robbed deflection of the northeastern stretch, which is the screen for the Northern block of the Digna-Savinobor structure.

In order to study the oil permitting of the Nizhnefran deposits within the central block of the East-Micheyan structure, drill a search well No. 3 on the profile of 40992-04 PC 29.00 depth of 2500 m to the opening of the Middle East deposits;

On the southern block - search well number 7 on the cross of profiles 40990-07 and 40992 -21 with a depth of 2550 m;

On the northern block - search well No. 8 Profile 40992-03 PC 28.50 depth 2450 m;

Carrying out detailed seismic exploration within the Ivan-Shor structure;

Conduct recycling and reinterpretation of seismic exploration on the South Micheyan and Men and Middle Union structures.

2.3 Justification of the choice of three-dimensional seismic exploration

The main reason for justifying the need for use is quite complex and sufficiently expensive 3D area seismic technology at the exploratory and detalation stages, is the transition in most regions to the study of structures and deposits with increasingly complex tanks, which leads to risk of drilling empty wells. It has been proven that with more than an order of magnitude, an increase in the spatial resolution, the cost of 3D works compared to the detailed shooting 2D (~ 2km / km 2) increases only 1.5-2 times. In this case, the detail and total speed of shooting 3D above. A practically continuous seismic field will provide:

· Higher detail description of structural surfaces and mapping accuracy compared to 2D (errors decrease by 2-3 times and do not exceed 3-5 m);

· Unambiguity and reliability of tracking in the area and in the volume of tectonic disorders;

· Seismopotic analysis will provide selection and tracking of seismic facies in volume;

· The possibility of interpolation into the interchangeable space of the parameters of productive reservoirs (the thickness of the formation, porosity, the border of the collector development);

· Refinement of oil and gas reserves due to the detailing of structural and counting characteristics.

This indicates the possible economic and geological feasibility of using three-dimensional shooting in the East Michay structure. When choosing economic feasibility, it is necessary to bear in mind that the economic effect of the 3D application to the entire complex of exploration and development of deposits also takes into account:

· Inventory growth in category C1 and C2;

· Savings due to a reduction in the number of low-informative exploration and low-code operative wells;

· Optimization of the development mode due to the refinement of the model of the productive reservoir;

· The increase in resources C3 by identifying new objects;

· The cost of shooting 3D, processing and interpreting data.

3. Project part

3.1 Justification of the methods of work Mogs - 3D

The choice of observation system is based on the following factors: the tasks, the features of seismogeological conditions, technical capabilities, economic benefit. The optimal combination of these factors and determines the observation system.

In the East Michay Square, seismic surveys MOGT-3D will be carried out with the aim of detailed study of the structural and tectonic and lithologists-facial features of the structure of the sedimentary cover in deposits from Verkhneperm to Silurian; mapping areas for the development of lithologic-facial inhomogeneities and improved collection properties, discontinuous tectonic disorders; studying the geological history of development based on paleostructural analysis; Detection and preparation of reference objects.

To solve the tasks set, taking into account the geological structure of the area, the factor of minimal impact on the natural environment and the economic factor, proposes an orthogonal system of observations with an excitation items located between the reception lines (that is, with the overlap of the reception lines). Explosions in wells will be used as sources of excitation.

3.2 Example of calculating the "Cross" type observation system

The system of observations of the type "Cross" is formed due to the consistent overlap of mutually orthogonal arrangements, sources and receivers. We illustrate the principle of forming an area system on the following idealized example. Suppose that seismic receivers (a group of seismic receivers) are evenly distributed over the observation line coinciding with the X axis.

Along the axis crossing the placement of seismic receivers in the center, evenly and symmetrically placed at the sources. The step of sources of DC and seimar receiver Dh is the same. Signals excited by each source are accepted by all seismic receivers of the arrangement. As a result of such a work, a field is formed from t 2 average reflection points. If you consistently shift the placement of seismic receivers and the orthogonal source line along the X axis per step of DX and repeat the registration, the result will be reached - a multiple overlap of the strip, the width of which is equal to half the excitation base. The sequential offset of the excitation base and the reception along the y axis per step of the remote control leads to an additional - multiple overlap, and the general overlap will be. Naturally, in practice, more technological and economically reasonable options for the system with mutually orthogonal lines of sources and receivers should be applied. It is also obvious that the multiplicity of overlaps should be selected in accordance with the requirements determined by the nature of the wave field and processing algorithms. As an example, in Figure 3.1, an eighteen-straight square system is given, for the implementation of which one 192 is used is a channel seismic station that receives consistent signals from 18 excitation pickets. Consider the parameters of this system. All 192 seismic receivers (seismic receivers) are distributed on four parallel profiles (48 each). Step DC between receiving points 0.05 km, the distance is between the reception lines of 0.05 km. Step SY sources along the Y axis - 0.05 km. Fixed distribution of sources and receivers will be called the block. After receiving oscillations from all 18 sources, the block shifts on a step? X (in this particular case is equal to 0.2 km), the reception is repeated from all 18 sources, etc. This is done along the x-strip axis from the beginning and to the end of the study area. The following lane of four reception lines is placed in parallel to the previous one in such a way that the distance between adjacent (nearest) reception lines of the first and second band be equal between the reception lines in the block (? Y \u003d 0.2km). In this case, the sources of the sources of the first and second strip overlap to half the excitation base. When working on a third strip, half the line of sources of the second and third strip is overlapped, etc. Consequently, in this embodiment, the reception line system is not duplicated, and at each source point (excluding extreme) signals are excited twice.

We write down the main relations that determine the parameters of the system and its multiplicity. For this, following Figure 8, we introduce additional notation:

W - the number of reception lines,

m x is the number of receiving points on each reception line of this unit;

m y - the number of sources on each line of excitation of this block,

P - width of the interval in the center of the excitation line, within which the sources are not placed,

L is the amount of removal (offset) along the X axis of the source line from the nearest reception points.

In all cases, the intervals? X,? Y and l are painted step dh. This ensures the uniformity of the network of midpoints corresponding to each pair of the source-receiver, i.e. Perform! The requirement of the condition required to form seismograms of common averages (OST). Wherein:

AX \u003d NDX n \u003d 1, 2, 3 ...

tsy-MDYM \u003d 1, 2, 3 ...

L \u003d Q dieq \u003d 1, 2, 3 ...

Let's explain the meaning of the of the R. shift between the midpoint lines is equal to half the step? Y. If sources are distributed uniformly (there is no gap), then for similar systems, the multiple of the overlap along the Y axis is equal to W (the number of reception lines). To reduce the multiplicity of overlaps along the Y axis and to reduce costs due to a smaller number of sources, a gap is made in the center of the excitation line.

Where, k \u003d 1,2,3 ...

At k \u003d 1.2, 3, respectively, the multiplicity of floors is reduced by 1, 2, 3, i.e. It becomes equal to W-k.

General formula that connects the multiplicity of overlapping P y with system parameters

hence the expression for the number of sources T y on one line of excitation can be written as follows:

For the observation system (Figure 3.1), the number of sources on the excitation line is 18.

Figure 3.1 - System of observation type "Cross"

From the expression (3.3) it follows that since the step of the profiles? Always Katten the step of sources of the Du, the number of sources T y for this type of systems is an even number. Distributing on the straight parallel axis y symmetrically profiles of the reception, which included in this excitation point unit, either coincide with the reception points, or shifted relative to the reception points by 1/2 · d. If the multiplicity of overlapping n y in this block the odd number, the sources always do not match with the reception points. If N y is an even number, two situations are possible :? U / DB is an odd number, sources coincide with the reception points ,? U / DB is an even number, sources are displaced relative to the reception points on Du / 2. This fact should be taken into account in the synthesis of the system (selecting the number of receiving profiles W and step? B between them), since it depends on whether the vertical times required to determine static amendments are registered at reception points.

The formula that determines the multiplicity of floors n x along the X axis can be recorded similarly to formula (3.2)

thus, the total multiplicity of no xy overlap by area is equal to the product N x and n y

In accordance with the adopted values \u200b\u200bof T x, dh and? X, the multiplicity of the floors of Px along the x axis calculated by formula (3.4) is 6, and the total multiplicity N xy \u003d 13 (Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2 - Multiplicity of floors nx \u003d 6

Along with the system of observations, providing for overlapping sources without overlapping lines of reception, in practice systems are used in which, excitation lines do not overlap, and part of the reception lines are duplicated. Consider six reception lines, on each of which seismic receivers receiving signals successively excited by sources are uniformly distributed. When working out the second strip, three reception lines are duplicated by the next block, and the source lines go in the form of continuing the orthogonal profiles of the first strip. Thus, the applied work technology does not provide for duplication of excitation points. With a double overlap of the reception lines, the multiplicity P y is equal to the number of overlapping reception lines. The total equivalent of the system of six profiles with the subsequent overlap of three reception lines is the system with overlapping sources, the number of which is doubled to achieve the same multiplicity. Therefore, systems with overlapping sources are economically unprofitable, because With this method, you need to perform a large amount of brown-explosive work.

Transition to 3D seismic exploration.

The design of the 3D shooting is based on the knowledge of a number of characteristics of the seismological cut area of \u200b\u200bthe work.

The information about the geosaismic section includes:

· 2D shooting multiplicity

· Maximum depths of target geological boundaries

· Minimum geological boundaries

· Minimum horizontal size of local geological objects

· Maximum frequencies of reflected waves from target horizons

· Medium speed in a layer lying on the target horizon

· The recording time of reflections from the target horizon

· Study area size

To register the temporary field in Mogt-3d, rationally apply telemetry stations. The number of profiles is selected depending on the multiplicity of N y \u003d uch.

The distance between the total average points on the reflective surface along the X and Y axes determines the size of the bina:

The maximum allowable minimum removal of the source line is selected based on the minimum depth of reflective boundaries:

Minimum offset.

Maximum offset.

To ensure multiplicity n x, the distance between the excitation lines? X is determined:

For the registering block, the distance between the reception lines? Y:

Taking into account the technology of work with a double overlap of the reception line, the number of sources M y in one block to ensure the multiplicity of N y:

Figure 3.3 - multiplicity NY \u003d 2

According to the results of shooting scheduling, the following data set is obtained:

· Distance between DX channels

· Number of active channels on one line of reception M x

· Total number of active channels M x · u

· Minimum offset Lmin

· Bina size

· Total multiplicity N xy

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