Energy field of the earth and symbols. Kryon about the information field of the earth

Let's remember everything we learned in school and try to recreate a model of a spherical resonator. To do this, we will depict the Earth, the ionosphere on an eye scale, reflect their ellipticity in the size that is in Wikipedia, and try to design such a wave that, leaving one point, would enter it in the same phase. And naturally, this wave, at least for the simplest case, must be a body of revolution. Otherwise, it will not be standing and will fade out. In cubic space, it is quite simple to imagine such a thing, but in interspheric space, and even flattened, it is far from quite. But let's try. It turns out some kind of mysticism.

No more options are invented. Any spatial change of waves will lead to the fact that they will not be standing. Naturally, these are bodies of revolution, but here is only a cut. I don't know about you, but I see symbols. Why would they come here? Let's look at the history of card games. From the useful, one can only understand that the symbols of card suits originated a long time ago. And no one can clarify why hearts and tambourines are red, and crosses and spades are black. Apparently, it happened so historically. And where are we then crosses and spades? Let's see how the etheric field of our waves will look like for both cases. Let's apply the ether funnel rule. It's complicated, because we have bodies of rotation, but if you think about it, it turns out accordingly. These are the same bodies of revolution, but only on the peak figure, the rotation goes along the axis, and in the cross figure, each ball rotates in its own way. I am not a fan of card games and I don’t know why the received symbols differ from the symbols on classic modern playing cards. But it turns out that the cross suit is without a leg, but with the same round detail, and the peak is turned upside down. But in any case, the picture is starting to clear up. Apparently, the suits originally represented these waves, which we modeled. The ancients knew them. It is relatively modern people who have adapted the symbols to suit the suit of the card game. Both types of waves have the right to exist, and at every point of the globe, the field is characterized by their superposition. It is not for nothing that these card suits were put on old devices along with navigation data. Having such a device, one can easily understand the zone of which influence, for example, a ship fell. By the way, if we make projections on the globe that the peaks of our waves touch the ionosphere, we get parallels similar to the tropics of cancer and ibex, as well as the polar circles. Coincidence?

Another interesting feature comes out - at the North Pole, according to our model, there are no wave electrical oscillations perpendicular to the earth, or at least at an acute angle. Overlay waves different types on each other here is minimal. Outside the poles, waves can overlap each other, and this process can be influenced by anything - solar activity, season, and much more. In the upper part of the atmosphere, except for the turbulence zones, nothing serious happens. But close above the ground, the moment of the electric field when unbalanced waves can cause a tornado, thunderstorm and other undesirable atmospheric phenomena. In theory, there cannot be thunderstorms and hurricanes at the North Pole. In practice, it's actually the same. Hurricanes and winds in general are also a consequence of the imbalance of electrical waves. It is also a manifestation of imbalance - it is generation clouds. There is no other way to explain why they can form even in winter, when the temperature near the earth's surface and above it is not very different. Many believe that Schumann waves are powered by lightning discharges, but it turns out quite the opposite. This is just a manifestation. There is also the northern lights. It does not have any crackling, flashes, etc., the effect of the etheric wave field is already evident. And this radiance is manifested only in the north. Again, everything is the same. Here it is, in fact, the energy field of the earth, take it so to speak and use it. If it gives lightning a discharge of a large number of megawatts, its energy potential is enormous. You just need to somehow learn to concentrate it in the right place. But let's take a look at each wave separately.

The Hearts Wave is good for everyone, but it can only exist if there is some kind of device at the North Pole that can concentrate the ether in the right direction. The model is actually drawn for such a case. Or if a large underground spring, cultivated by man, comes out at the pole. Stop. And what was there before if Mercator is not lying to us?

Right. Judging by the drawn river deltas from Hyperborea (or whatever it is), the water flow goes from the pole to the outside. The idea of \u200b\u200ba polar whirlpool is real. There was obviously such an artificial hydraulic engineering unit, but something destroyed it. Maybe a civil war of civilizations, maybe a planetary catastrophe. One thing is clear that the worm wave is now upset and if it exists, it works in a chaotic mode. It can change directions, frequency, amplitude, but it is not in constant form. And most likely it is ruled by the sun. When summer period in the northern hemisphere, it exists in the same form as on the model; during the summer period in the southern hemisphere, on the contrary. This most likely explains the facts of the aurora at different poles in winter. During the spring transition of this wave from one pole to another, the fluctuations of the ether begin to expel large quantities of water from the ground. Chronologically this coincides with the melting of snow. The factor of temperature and melt water is far from being of secondary importance here. Years are known when the water level rose by 3 m from the flood, and there is when by all 12, with a relatively equal amount of snow. But no one thinks why this is so. And here is the very case when water flows from the earth according to its own laws.

And in ancient times, the wave of hearts was responsible for the climate, which was favorable everywhere. In the presence of a polar vortex, both water and ether entered the planet in an orderly manner. Since there was no electrical overlap in the atmosphere, the clouds themselves were minimized. Perhaps they really formed a steam-water dome. Under such conditions, its existence is quite real. The collapse of the polar vortex brought about what we have now. Excavations in Siberia repeatedly prove that, judging by the surviving mammoths and southern plants, it was as if it happened yesterday. The feeling that the events of the 19th century really stretched out over the whole of Russian history, as some researchers say.

The tambourine wave looks a little different. It was she who was widely used in the old days, and from the construction of temples to household products like this:

Doesn't it look like anything? This is the same dome as elsewhere. To adapt such a wave to your needs, you need a dome structure, the principle of which I have already considered earlier. Naturally, for normal operation of the dome structure, it is necessary that the wave is also stable and not upset. To achieve this, it was necessary to arrange the places where the ether and water emerge from the ground, and concentrate them in the right places. This was achieved through the construction of star-fortresses. Their main purpose was not a military application and not a housing and communal services complex, but precisely this. Of course, along the way, they were used for these purposes. Probably not now in detail about them, but some points still need to be considered.

As you can see, the fortress stars are best concentrated in Europe. If you look at the photos, then they are almost all there in perfect condition. Starting from Belarus, they thin out, and from Perm to the east they disappear altogether. What does it mean? Perhaps they simply cannot be found. But most likely the territory of Siberia was subjected to some kind of impact, after which the fortified stars ceased to function at least, and they either fell asleep, or they were completely dismantled. For example, here:

This is the Omsk region. It is difficult to understand that there was once a fortress here. Nearby the lake is almost perfectly round. More like a flooded crater from an explosion. But that's not the point. There are no signs of water coming out of the ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fortress. If now the water does not come out, then the ether is also, and the fortress is essentially dead. This picture is observed almost everywhere in this region. But judging by the fact that Siberia is not a desert, as in the Sahara, and there is vegetation, it means that there is still an ether outlet. By the way, about the Sahara, somewhere I saw material that there was once a normal climate. But more recently there was a war with the use of ether toroids, as a result of which the land turned into a desert. If you do not take this as a fantasy, then it is quite possible that with some device they began to scoop out air for military purposes from the ground, and the broadcast channel did not have enough resources and it simply burned out. Ether ceased to come to the surface, and with it the water. This could very well be. Perhaps, over time, everything will be restored, or perhaps it is possible to artificially increase the air yield of the earth. There are probably ways, but no one needs it. By the way, there are many photos that in the 19th century Russia was a desert. Not like Sahara, but not lighter. Are the reasons the same?

It turns out that for this type of wave, normal functioning within the entire planet is disrupted. It is possible that this violation occurred in the 19th century, and many electrical structures of that time simply stopped working and were dismantled. If indeed there was a period in history when the rivers disappeared, most likely it was so. When they recovered, there was no time for the structures. But if there are still numerous photos that even at the beginning of the 20th century the energy of this wave was widely used, then this can be done now. This type of wave is much more stable than the previous one, and you just need to understand how it can be controlled.

And what is the information content of this energy field? Probably, if you concentrate the ether flow within the fortress star, you can somehow control it. Looking at the remnants of the fortified stars of the Ishim line, lines of pillars inevitably crawl into the head without wires. Along the way, the technology of work is the same. The Ishim line had no military value, even in terms of the tactical means of that time. The protection from nomads, about which the official historians speak, it would not provide with all the desire. But the transmission of a signal through the stars-fortresses, spaced from each other with a certain step, could easily provide. If, at the same time, the city of Asgard-Iriysky (Omsk) stood at one end of the line, then it was nothing more than an ordinary wireless telegraph from the capital to the province. Of course, when conducting hostilities, the enemy's communications equipment is destroyed first. These are the stars that actually got it. It's time to start delving into the structure of these fortress stars using the materials that remain. Probably there are many interesting things.

Well, probably now everyone understands what this energy-informational field of the earth is. Of course, this is just my simplified subjective vision. There is still to shovel and shovel. I am not saying anything specifically about the harmonics of our waves. To understand, you need a three-dimensional Fourier series, my gray matter is no longer enough here. And there is probably no point in building hypotheses. If the ancient builders had such measuring instruments that in our time and do not dream, all the laws of the propagation of these waves were well known to them. With the help of these tools, they could well determine the place for the construction of the stars-fortresses and not only. There are many interesting things to tell about their construction technology. To reconstruct all this in detail, scientific work is needed.

Thank you all for your attention.

article one

Greetings, I am Kryon.

What do I want to tell you now? I'm going to cover a topic that has already been raised in part by Lee Carroll, and also by the other channelers who speak to me. However, this topic was not fully disclosed, since earlier I touched on it only in order to explain some of the events taking place on Earth. We are talking about the energy fields of the Earth, including the magnetic field of your planet, on which I have been working especially actively for several decades. I want to tell in detail not only about the magnetic field of the earth, but also about all other physical and energy fields, building a story about them in the form of an integral system. All these fields add up to a single whole, and each of them manifests the information field of the Earth in its own way.

The information field consists of a whole system of fields, each of which performs a specific role. If we clarify the principle of operation of each of them, then an understanding of how the information field is arranged and how it is possible to interact with it will open. Therefore, we together, having consistently considered each of them, each time we will come closer to understanding in what form information is stored in the field of the planet, and how you can learn to receive it. I will try to make sure that each article contains not only theoretical considerations, but also practical foundations so that each person can feel a connection with one or another field and learn to use it for their development.

I want to make this article introductory and tell in general about the structure of earth fields and how they are related to human consciousness. It will lay the foundation for the system of fields that I am going to talk about next.

It was no coincidence that in my past messages I paid such great attention to the Earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field manifests in itself many other fields, it can be compared to a screen on which you can see the changes occurring in all energy layers of the Earth. This field is most tangible for human perception, and modern scientists can easily register its subtlest fluctuations. Calling myself the coordinator of the magnetic service on Earth, I somewhat simplified my role for the perception of people, and spoke specifically about the Earth's electromagnetic field, which can be very easily studied with the help of physical instruments. At the same time, I myself and my assistants do not contact directly with the electromagnetic field, because we are not materially manifested, and the electromagnetic field is part of the physical processes on your planet. We carry out work on a more subtle level, and then the fruits of our labors are manifested at the level of electromagnetic waves. These fields, in which we make changes, can be called informational. There are no physical waves at this level, but it is here that any information about how this or that physical process works.

When the Archangels and angels told you about the structure of the Universe, then we were talking about prototypic matter located in six-dimensional space. This substance is not a substance in the usual sense in which you are accustomed to perceive it. It does not consist of elementary particles, and therefore is not matter at all, but it is potential energy for the birth of any elementary particle. In physics, it is believed that new elementary particles appear as if from a vacuum due to nuclear reactions, or as a result of nuclear transformations of one particle into another. All these reactions are exchange reactions, when the energy of some particles is transferred to others, and thanks to this, the particles have the ability to carry out changes over themselves. But where did the primordial energy come from that supports any quantum transformation in the entire universe? Many scientists believe that the main source of this energy is the Big Bang, which gave birth to the entire material universe that a person can contemplate around him. This gigantic burst of energy created the first, largest clusters of matter that became galaxies, and the transformation of matter inside them became the force that gives rise to all elementary particles inside many stars, which are thermonuclear reactors. All this is certainly true, and the Big Bang launched all global processes that create the material appearance of your universe. This powerful impulse, unparalleled in strength, was launched by the Archangels and was also created on the basis of proto-substance. And I myself, as one of the Archangels of the Milky Way Galaxy, participated in this magnificent project to launch the materialization of all galaxies in your universe.

However, only part of the proto-substance was spent on the launch of all these universal processes, while the other part is used to maintain the work of this entire energetic mechanism. Our entire universe can be imagined as a huge furnace in which new portions of matter are constantly being melted. The Big Bang was the energy that ignited the fire in the furnace, while the rest of the proto-matter is the wood needed to maintain the heat through which all processes take place.

The energy structure of our universe is supported by many Archangels and angels who create new processes, as well as bring to the end those physical phenomena that have already begun. The substance they possess is that gunpowder, thanks to which they can create more and more outbursts of activity in different material worlds. Thanks to one of these impulses, which occurred after the Big Bang, the Solar System also emerged. It was formed later than most of the other material worlds of our universe, it was a separate project that was implemented by some Archangels and angels, who later became the closest support of the Gods of the Earth, who created a plan for the development of your planet.

At the time when the Earth was forming, I myself, as one of the Archangels who created her material shells, came to the field of the planet, and since then most of my consciousness is connected with it. My work on Earth began from the moment it began to emerge, and when the planet was physically created, I was out of the game for billions of years and my attention was devoted to the creation of other material worlds. But a few decades ago, when the time for the energy transition began to approach, I again actively engaged in earthly processes in order to prepare the necessary changes. This activity is still in progress, and although the basic training has been successful, there is still much to be done. The processes were carried out primarily at thin plan, but the main thing remains - to start the processes so that people can receive the support of the Earth's energy field, the same as they felt in a fabulous time.

Now people exist in their space, and the energy field is separate from them, and this is the result of those shocks that occurred at the end of the fabulous time on the planet. People weakened their abilities that helped them to contact the earth's fields, and this was done on purpose, since an energy storm was taking place around them at the energy level, the surrounding vibrations were very low and destructive. Now this storm has subsided, but during this time the perception of people turned out to be associated with the vibrations of the social system, which replaced those natural energy fields in which people previously existed. At present, my efforts and the efforts of my assistants are aimed at ensuring that people who want to re-establish a connection with the thin fields of the Earth in which their ancient ancestors lived, could do this.

My article series aims to explain the difference between different kinds fields, and so that those who wish could establish contact with those vibrations that they need in each particular case. This article will be devoted to the differences characteristic of the two main types of energy fields - natural and social, their characteristics of interaction with human consciousness.

All earthly fields can be divided into two types - natural and social. By their physical nature, these fields are almost identical, and many of their components are superimposed on each other. Both society and nature are manifested at the level of electromagnetic waves, while their oscillations add up. The electromagnetic field of the Earth that scientists study is the result of the superposition of natural and social fields, and at first glance it is impossible to separate them. For example, the structure of electro magnetic field reflects the seismic activity of the Earth, and this is known to scientists who study earthquakes. Likewise, these waves are superimposed on the electromagnetic noise of big cities, which is the result of the operation of many electrical appliances. When signals are recorded near the epicenter of an earthquake, it is possible to exclude the influence of social fields on those vibrations that are created by a natural phenomenon. And vice versa - in a metropolis, the influence of natural energy fields is negligible, and being in a production room, engineers only observe the operation of their devices, not thinking about how natural processes will reject their readings. But any person living on the surface of the Earth is in an intermediate position, at different moments of life he is influenced by both sources - natural and social, they are superimposed on each other and it is even impossible to distinguish those vibrations that emanate from each of them.

Do people need to be able to distinguish between vibrations coming from nature or society? Currently, most people do not know what the effect of the electromagnetic field on their body is, and therefore it is difficult to imagine what the interaction with each of these energy sources leads to. In subsequent articles I will touch upon both social and natural processes presented in different energy fields, and then it will become clear how each source affects human consciousness.

Any electromagnetic fields, as the most manifested and tangible of all subtle energy fields, affect the nervous activity of every living being living on the surface of the planet. It is known from biology that any nerve impulse arising in neurons is an electromagnetic signal, the strength of which can be measured using instruments. Each such impulse is capable of being influenced by external fields, and each of them influences insignificantly, but when added together, they leave their mark on any signal that one nerve cell transmits to another. The influence of external fields is realized in a change in the intensity of the electromagnetic impulse of neurons, these fields create the finest vibrations in the nerve cells, which through these vibrations transmit the necessary information to the rest of the neurons. The messages that the magnetic field transmits to a person are similar to Morse code signals that neuronal cells sense and are able to decode.

Each person exists simultaneously in a thousand different electromagnetic fields, which are created by all electrical devices, other people, living organisms and natural phenomena. Every second in his nervous system, all signals that are transmitted by each of these fields separately are decoded, and usually those signals that have the greatest intensity receive the greatest value.

For example, if a person is near a computer, then those subtle signals that are created by this device will have the greatest influence on his consciousness. If a person sits near a waterfall and his whole being is in contact with streams of water falling down, then his consciousness is especially strongly connected with those electromagnetic oscillations that are created by moving water.

It is not only those fields that are especially intense near a person that matter. An even greater role is played by a person's attention, which is a tool for attunement to one or another external field. When you connect with your senses with this or that external object, then it is its energy field that has the greatest influence on the subtle vibrations occurring in your nerve cells. If a person is compared to a radio receiver that receives external signals, then attention is a relay that switches perception to certain vibrations.

Moreover, if in an ordinary radio receiver the tuning takes place to a specific radio frequency, then attention acts more flexibly, it moves after the images that a person perceives.

Your body does not have a specific button that allows you to tune from one frequency to another and instantly raise your vibration frequency. But you are able to select from the sea of \u200b\u200bmany signals exactly those that you need, tuning in to a particular phenomenon.

This attunement can occur physically when a person observes or senses an object, for example, contemplating a waterfall or listening to the fall of its water. In the same way, he can tune in to its electromagnetic vibrations at a distance, imagining the waterfall that he observed recently, and so the energy connection with his field will be restored again. But there are also subtleties that the Goddess Hecate has already touched upon when talking about astral realities. At the moment when a person imagines something, but does not physically feel, he creates astral realities, or connects to those that already existed before. Astral reality is a product of a social system, not a natural phenomenon.

If a person sets a goal for himself to get in touch with natural vibrations, then you need to be attentive to the sensations at the moment of using your imagination, when you connect to some external field at a distance.

How this can be done without hindrance will be discussed in my subsequent articles, and will also be discussed by other spiritual entities.

The main purpose for which I am talking about the earthly fields is to keep people in contact with more subtle informational structures, to which their perception is usually not tuned. I would like to help those who wish to find a tool in order to harmoniously interact with natural fields and weed out the unwanted influence of social fields. Social vibrations, as a rule, turn out to be more intense and coarse than natural ones, and therefore are easily able to clog those signals that come to people from nature.

For example, if a person is standing next to a beautiful waterfall and has a camera in his hands, then the first thought that often arises is to photograph this sight, and only then there is a desire to simply admire this natural phenomenon, immersed in his feelings. This a habit is a program which at first glance is insignificant, but there are many programs of this kind in the minds of people, and all of them are expressed in the fact that priority is given to human social needs, which prevail over natural, deeper ones.

All deep feelings and desires of a person are not directly related to society, and originate from a fabulous time, when the consciousness of people was not included in social phenomena. Although inside everyone there are controlling programs coming from the society, it is possible to weaken their influence, allowing deeper feelings to be embodied in consciousness. All this can be done at the expense of attention, learning how to tune it to those subtle processes that are happening around. At the same time, the sensitivity of both social and natural phenomena will be aggravated, and then it is possible to choose the source of those signals that act on your consciousness and affect your mood and emotions.

Any human emotion is embodied by a set of nerve impulses. In this case, usually an emotional experience, unlike simple impulses, is not a separate signal, but turns out to be a whole spectrum of the smallest electromagnetic vibrations that affect almost the entire branched network of neurons. This is the difference between a simple information signal and an emotional experience felt by a person - the information impulse is very concentrated and affects only one chain of neurons, personifying a specific task. For example, a nerve impulse sends a signal to the leg and sets it in motion, or the vocal cords are instructed to make the sound "a". Emotional experience does not lead to specific actions, but is capable of nourishing them, being their cause, when a person only makes a decision about action. Emotional experiences can be created by both social and natural fields, but they are different. Social phenomena usually affect a person's consciousness in a more directional and pointwise manner, and those emotions that can arise in the human body due to the imposition of external social fields appear as if from nowhere, they can be strong enough and then disappear after they have led to actions. So often the impact on a person of some kind of social egregor can be realized, when a spontaneous desire suddenly appears, fed by an unexpected emotion, and from the outside it may seem strange and incomprehensible. But the person himself, feeling a strong experience inside himself, is often provoked by such an emotion created from the outside, and can do what he really does not want.

After the action is completed, the emotion disappears and the person wonders why a minute ago he did this, because it goes against his usual desires and values. This is often felt by women who spontaneously react to the events of their lives, for example, they are able to get irritated over trifles or do things that are unexpected for themselves. Women are more emotional than men, they have a lower threshold of sensitivity, and when a new emotion arises, they are not used to waiting and considering a new signal, it is easier for them to immediately start acting. Therefore, they more often than men commit acts that are paradoxical for themselves, many of which turn out to be valuable for them if they proceed from their deepest feelings and allow them to overcome the influence of social programs. But if the emotion is created from the outside by some social phenomenon, then a woman with special sensitivity and susceptibility can begin to act unconsciously, and then get upset because of her hasty actions. Therefore, the special sensitivity that women have, on the one hand, is of great benefit to them, and they are even more ready than men to tune in to subtle electromagnetic fields. But at the same time it is important to be able to distinguish between those emotional signals that are created artificially, by external social fields, and those that resonate with more subtle vibrations in the human nervous system and support his deepest desires.

A person's true feelings that follow from his inner desires can also arise spontaneously and unexpectedly. For a long time, such a desire can be in the subconscious, and manifest in life when a convenient opportunity presents itself. This emotion seems to float from the deep layers of the subconscious and is in the field of human attention. However, such emotions are not completely new and unexplored, they usually have their own background. A person at any moment in his life feels his subconscious, but usually his attention is concentrated on the fleeting events of life and therefore this contact occurs only with the edge of attention. Nevertheless, deep emotions are always felt by his perception and he is well aware of their vibrations. For example, such a desire may be an old dream that came in early childhood and which was forgotten for many years. Then, when an opportunity arises for its implementation, these vibrations rise again from the bottom of the subconscious and are embodied in the signals of many neurons.

The entire human nervous system is a huge ramified network of billions of axons - processes of neurons. At every moment of life, these axons are capable of manifesting different human emotions, including the deep ones contained in the subconscious.

At the moment when such a true emotion intensifies in a person's consciousness, its intensity increases and more and more axons begin to vibrate, as if echoing the music that was already heard earlier and making it louder. Such a feeling arising from the depths of a person's consciousness is very rich and is not a monosyllabic command transmitted for a specific action, and thanks to this it can be distinguished from external influences.

In addition, such an emotion is usually felt as something familiar and dear, and although it can recall itself quite suddenly, in the past a person has most likely had cases when he felt the coming of this experience. Such a rich feeling is a deep motivation for the embodiment of something in life, which is realized as inspiration that feeds those actions that lead a person to the goal.

At the same time, such an emotion usually does not overwhelm a person with a wave, leading to rash actions, the emotional energy of this desire flows more calmly and allows him to think over his decision. Therefore, if a person tunes in precisely to such waves existing in his consciousness, then he gains the opportunity to act more consciously and at the same time his actions will lead to greater satisfaction, since they will support his true needs.

External social fields that provoke a person to a specific task are also able to support him true desires, but are usually very inconsistent since social system does not take into account the individual needs of everyone. It is easier for her to create momentum for the benefit of the implementation of her tasks, to which many people react. For some of these people, these external signals are favorable and, as a result of their actions, they carry out something valuable for themselves. Nevertheless, most of the people participating in this or that social process are used up and their energy goes to the needs of the system, and their true needs are unfulfilled.

If each person learns to respond precisely to those impulses that are useful to him, then he can become picky about external fields and reduce the adverse effect. The most favorable are those energy fields that resonate with the deepest feelings of a person. It is not at all necessary that their source should be natural phenomena; they can also be those social processes that are really capable of supporting human intentions.

But vibrations of natural phenomena are more subtle and richthan a set of those waves that are generated by electrical appliances, and therefore they are in to a greater extent correspond to the deepest experiences of a person.

Natural energy fields can activate these deep feelings, therefore, often in nature, valuable realizations come to a person that can affect his entire worldview. The energy background of natural phenomena is more consistent with the deep layers of human consciousness and enhances them, and all superficial thoughts and emotions related to everyday life calm down for a while.

This is felt by many people while in meditation, practicing in nature when sensory perception is in contact with natural fields. Meditation can also be effective within the city, when a person, with his attention, filters out all unnecessary things and for a while plunges into deeper layers of his consciousness. This is especially successful for those people whose attention is already trained, it is capable of not responding to a significant part of the information noise created by society.

In further articles in this series, I will talk about how it is possible to use your attention to tune in to your deepest emotions that are connected with your true needs. These emotions have a connection with the natural fields of the Earth, when sensually attuned to these fields, they begin to nourish a person's consciousness, supporting the possibility of realizing his purest and most desirable intentions.

Today we examined how the Earth's electromagnetic field is associated with human consciousness, what is physical nature the influence of external fields on his actions. In future articles I will continue the story about the difference between social and natural fields, using specific examples I will tell you how you can tune in to them or, on the contrary, get out of their influence. We will also consider together more subtle energy processes, at the level of which I myself have the ability to maintain electromagnetic processes on Earth. And then it will become clearer how the energetic contact of human consciousness with spiritual entities located in the field of the Earth occurs. It will also help those who wish to establish a connection with subtle realities on Earth, such as the fabulous and divine layers of the information field, located deep in our planet, on which fabulous creatures and Gods of the Earth exist.

With respect and love,

Kryon about the information field of the Earth

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Clairvoyance development.
An article from an online course on clairvoyance.

It has been known since ancient times that there is a certain field in which all thought-forms ever created are located. Now this field is called the energy-informational field of the Earth. This is a bottomless ocean of knowledge from which you can draw any information.

Academician Vernadsky believed that the energy-informational field is located in the noosphere of the Earth.
If you remember from the school course, the Earth has six shells. I will only remind you of three.
Biosphere - inhabited by living organisms, i.e. is the global ecosystem of the Earth.

Stratosphere - the ozone layer is located in it. Most of the short waves of ultraviolet radiation are trapped in the stratosphere and their energy is transformed. Under the influence of these rays, magnetic fields change, molecules disintegrate, ionization occurs. Gases and others are formed chemical compoundsas a result, we have the opportunity to observe some of these processes in the form of lightning, northern lights and other glow.

And finally, the noosphere, which in translation from Greek sounds like the sphere of the mind. This is the sphere of interaction between society and nature, where the main determining factor is intelligent human activity. According to Vernadsky: “In the biosphere there is a great geological, perhaps cosmic force, the planetary action of which is usually not taken into account in the concept of space. This force is the mind of man, his striving and organized will, as a social being ”.

The energy-informational field of the Earth is located in the noosphere, containing all the information that has ever existed on the planet, in its bowels and around it.

I will give an interesting example from life, how the influence of the general energy-informational field is manifested.

In Europe, at the beginning of the century, milkmen went around the house in the morning and left bottles of milk at the doorstep. In the English city of Southampton, tits have thought of pecking bottle caps to feast on milk. After some time, tits hundreds of kilometers from this city began to "create" the same thing. By the forties, all birds in Europe also began to peck the caps on milk bottles. Then, the war with Germany began, and the tradition of delivering milk to homes ended. There was hunger. For both humans and birds. But eight years after the end of the war, milkmen resumed the tradition of milk delivery. And ... the tits began to bite the bottle caps again! Tits live on average three years. That is, it was already a completely new generation of birds. How did they learn about the "science" of their ancestors? On their genetics, i.e. transmission of skills by inheritance, knowledge of ancestors, for such a short period, could hardly be reflected.

Rupert Sheldrake, a world-renowned biologist, has conducted a series of experiments that prove the existence of a common field of images, one for all. He noticed that a person assimilates knowledge the better than more people know it.

One day, he invited a group of English college students to memorize three Japanese quatrains. None of the students knew Japanese, so it was supposed to just memorize words and phrases, without understanding the meaning. One quatrain was just a set of hieroglyphs, the second was a work of an unknown poet, and the third was a classic example of Japanese poetry, known in Japan, as well as in Russia the most popular poems of A. Pushkin. This is what the students learned best! But let me remind you once again that none of them knew Japanese or even the culture of Japan, and had no idea which of the poems was just nonsense, which of an unknown author, and which of the classics.

Such an experiment was carried out several times, after which Sheldrake suggested the existence of a certain field of images that can be expressed in any form: information, emotions, feelings, behavior patterns. The scientist called this field morphogenic, i.e. influencing the structure and form of things.

So, clairvoyance (clairvoyance, etc.) is one of the forms of entry into the energy-informational field of the Earth. The main key to enter this field is the question. It is necessary to learn how to correctly formulate questions. They should be specific, clear and unambiguous.

When you enter the energy-informational field, you ask a question and your energy is directed to give an impulse. The more you are interested in getting an answer, the energetically stronger your impulse. In fact, the more you pay attention to yourself or to other people for whom you want to know something, the better your question is.

All human phenomena are based on an attentive (conscious) attitude towards people, yourself, and the world!

Having asked a question, you need to stop the flow of your thoughts (create the effect of an "empty head") for 5-20 seconds. At the same time, breathing is also involuntarily suspended.

I'll tell you an example from my own practice of how it might look in practice.

Once my eldest son could not find his passport. And I have such a habit, if I notice an important thing “lying around”, that is, not in the place allotted for it, I can automatically take and “tidy up” it where necessary. I helped my son in search of a passport. But I didn't remember at all whether I cleaned it up or not. We searched wherever possible. I was worried, because this is a document! Then, I got tired of looking. She sat down in a chair and asked her subconscious: "Where is the passport?" She relaxed and concentrated her attention on the point between her eyebrows. I didn't think about anything, I didn't expect anything. I just looked at the point for a few seconds. Then, I got up and went where I wanted to go. She went to the bookcase and began to sort through them, looking for a passport between them. Accidentally, my elbow touched a large thick book and it fell. I picked it up and put it in place. And again she began to sort through the books. And then, this book again falls to the floor with a crash. I looked at its name and thought that I hadn’t read this book for sure, and therefore there could not be a passport in it. And put it in its place. When I went through two shelves of books and was about to give up this "unlucky" business, like that same book, I don't know how, fell again, but now right on my foot! I picked it up, taking it by the hardcover of the cover, and then ... the passport fell out of it! How he ended up here, I could not imagine.

Such funny stories can happen when you interact with the energy-informational field. I asked the question to my subconscious, but it is with its help that we "get" into the general field. And if you try to be precise at all, then the subconscious is the energy-informational field, much more global than the energy-informational field of the Earth and containing, including it, in itself. But in order to have access to the energy-informational field of the Earth, it is enough to know that it is through the subconscious that this happens.

So, you asked a question, stopped the thought process for a few seconds, having previously relaxed your body as much as possible, and you get an answer.

Energy information field is a cellular structure. By sending your energy (attention) with information in the form of a question, you give this energy a certain quality (vibration) that is different from others. According to the law “Like attracts like”, the question is attracted exactly to that cell, which contains the answer, with a vibration of the same quality. Surely you have already heard this expression: "Each question already contains an answer." That is why the vibration of your impulse-question corresponds to the vibration of the received answer. If a failure occurs, then the question is not formulated correctly or has an emotionally inappropriate characterization. For example, you feel in danger. You “scream” inside yourself, being very emotionally agitated, asking the question: “What should I do? How to avoid danger? " But the feeling of danger is your subjective assessment of the event and it is quite possible that it does not correspond to the real state of affairs and is overstated. Accordingly, the vibration of your message to the energy-informational field will not be correct. Your subconscious mind knows that the assessment of the event is incorrect and the danger, in general, is not, as such, and therefore you can get the same answer - not correct and not answering specifically to your question. Only in a calm, unemotional state can you count on the answer you need.

If there really is a danger, then it may happen that your subconscious mind will assess the situation faster than your consciousness and will react on its own, finding the right answer (way out) from the situation. This happens, for example, when something happens to a person, and he is miraculously saved, without even having time to realize the whole danger of the situation, which means he was in an emotionless state. In such cases, they usually say “the person was born in a shirt”.

If, during a conscious exit into the information field of the Earth, you enter a state where you cease to feel your body, time, lose orientation in space, this indicates a good concentration that allows you to receive information in full.

You know, of course, that there are scattered people. They are immersed in themselves and they have an intense dialogue in their heads, in fact, this internal conversation is built in the form of questions and answers. They ask, preoccupied with something, and get answers. This, in general, is also an exit into the energy-informational field. So, be careful when plunging into such states. It is better to do this at home, sitting, relaxed, not in a hurry. And it will turn out, as I once did. I very often found myself in such states, because by the nature of my activity, I had to take huge amounts of information. And this could happen throughout the day or even the day. This means that not only when I was at home, sitting or lying, but also on the road somewhere. And it happened that I either got into my own transport and left for an unknown destination, then passed my stop, and what is even funnier, I could just walk past my house, not even realizing that I was going. Therefore, “taught” by experience, I highly recommend that you be aware when you perform any actions. And passive when you receive information. With time and practice, you will learn to combine both.

I am El Morya.

I greet you and in today's conversation I want to highlight the issues of energy state, show from the outside, from our side and from yours - how the space of events is seen, how the space of energies is seen, and how you can interact with these spaces, for the essence of these spaces are different. They are similar in structure, but nevertheless the coefficients inherent in manifestation for you are different, and, moreover, different for each of you.

But, before starting a conversation, I want to return, cast my glance and yours too at that time, which was linear in its full extent of manifestation here on Earth, the feeling of those energies and what happened then with you, with your body, with your events , with your attitude in the part that we have outlined today. We will not touch upon those fillings of events that are called "emotions", and we will not even touch on most of the analytics that you manifest while tracking the state of energy fields, the state of emotional fields and the state of event fields.

So what came before? If you look at the energy pattern of the fields of the Earth and people, the manifested spaces, which you call 3D, call this space differently, but the essence of this space is the same: it is a certain assembled program, a matrix, or you can also call it "Era", in which the coefficients in the course of events, they structured the energy so that it looked, if you look at it from above, like a barcode. But such a small barcode that when viewed from above, the energies of multicolor, and we will talk about colors a little later, manifested themselves as a general fusion in the field and looked uniform.

Often, the color, when viewed with your eyesight, was grayish. There were, of course, flashes of a certain color - this is when events taking place in a particular territory affected an equally large number of people, and then wide bands of energy appeared, allowing you to feed into this area, attuned to a surge, a surge of your energy - to supply our energy ... This, in part, will explain to you how the clearing of territories occurs through events that you perceive as catastrophic or that in an absolutely incomprehensible way affect a large number of people, attuning them in a single movement.

This was done and created by you through interaction with your Higher Self, through the collective tasks of those egregors to which you belonged and still belong. No matter how much you say and no matter how much you are told about the fact that detaching from egregors is possible, detachment for various reasons is slow. And this joining, affiliation on the other hand, allows us to correct you, through your Higher Self, to request broader spectral tasks for you, as a manifested community of one direction or another, people living here on Earth.

So, returning to the energy state of humanity, we talked about the fact that until recently - the last time we call last December - the energy field of humanity looked like a barcode. And only now, the energy field began to manifest itself in the way it was originally intended - as a transitional period. This field is conceived and presented now, and it can already be viewed by those who have an energy vision - as energy pieces, enough big size, it is very similar to folk art, which you call "patchwork": it is a patchwork quilt of different pieces of energy, different in color and luminosity. "What's the difference?" - you ask.

And in that, my dears, what happened is, as it were, a re-sorting of you and the unification of your close energies into such spatially energetic chunks that allow you to quickly deliver the program to you, without leaving through egregors, without leaving through the situations that are developing around you. Those. the supply of energy occurs more efficiently and more specifically at once to a large layer of people. You can be in your physical incarnation in different places of the Earth, but you are united into one energy field and you can see it on the common bio-screen of the Earth - as a single, manifested, energetic piece of space.

And you already understand that thanks to the common energy and unification, the events taking place around you are related to all participants in this energy field - to all participants who are scattered throughout The globebut, nevertheless, similar energetic events go through physical sensation, vision, giving Lessons and passing the same Lessons.

This allows us to use more extensively the possibilities of energy potentials and build certain spaces of eventfulness, sequences of events. Spaces that carry sign meanings for a certain group of people so that this group, receiving the same eventfulness, develops the coefficients of its understanding of these events, its view of these events, and gains a certain experience. I repeat that we are not touching on that section of your experience, which is called "emotional", we are considering only the essence of the events.

That is why - a different group of people pays attention to some informational messages that are the same all over the world, and another group of people nearby, in the so-called physical space, may simply not pay attention to this event, because it does not carry those information, or energy codes of the energy space to which the person who lives with you in the same environment belongs.

You ask and say that it is difficult enough. It is difficult from the point of view of a 3D view, when you see linear manifestation, but when you see that you are a quantum essence and energetic, then it is not as difficult as it might seem. Such a reshuffling of people became possible after the Earth's matrix, passing through its energy fields, became more fluid than it was before. That is, it became possible to change the parameters of the impact through the influence of Gaia herself, through changing the parameters of the passage of the matrix space, as well as the possibilities that were designed Higher Powers to supply more purified, I would say, specially synthesized energy for each of the unifying energy fields. This is the fundamental difference, and this provides opportunities for fairly rapid growth.

What happens when development in this or that energy union is uneven and there is a maximum and minimum of conjugation with this space? Naturally, there are energy points beyond which people, Souls, who receive in a particular space, can go, due to the fact that the programs, nevertheless, participating in this energy space are different and they can develop faster or slower, in depending on the experience of the soul, depending on the experience of awareness and depending on the egoistic desires of the individual.

At this moment, there is either attenuation of developments and the person, the Soul, is pushed into the field conjugated by this, but having a completely different energy component and already works at this level, or it rises up and another connection to another field occurs (the concept of “up”, “ bottom "- I said this conditionally so that you represent it more colorfully, in pictures, even if linear time) and then this person changes the ceiling of his capabilities, the tasks change and the possibilities of manifestation of these tasks change, the passage of these tasks through more deep interaction with all elements of space.

The higher (I repeat once again that “higher” is a conditional concept), you rise, the more you are provided with, the more elements of creativity, the creation of what is called “space”, as well as “space of eventfulness”, you can manifest yourself more individual and more personal. And personality is not only the totality of the Ego and the totality of the Soul, the personality is a special signature of the interaction of Mind and your Soul, it is a special energy potential that is inherent only in you, in conjunction with your so-called past and future experience.

But when you start to reach the level when the personality is “the essence of the manifestation of your energetic essence here and now”, you feel that the movement back and forth, the so-called past and future, does not exist. And at this moment you begin to feel space and yourself - as a clot of energy around which fields of the past and fields of the future move. And at some point, you understand that you can flow into space in any direction and interact with those fields that you call "temporary", or emotional fields, and this will also be achieved by you, but it is absolutely impossible to overwrite it all at once. distinguishing without making distinctions on the linear time scale of the past and the future.

As for the eventfulness that is happening at the present time, then, as you understand, eventfulness for a certain piece of the energy field is given one, eventfulness for another piece of the energy field - another is given. And, in what eventfulness you are, this eventfulness is built and attracted by you, in connection with your personal tasks and the totality of tasks of the group to which you belong - in order to get the highest possible coefficient of reaching a higher level, to a wider perception. , on a wider interaction of your past experience (again, conditionally) and your future experience - in order to expand the coefficients of your knowledge in the past and in the future, to expand the coefficients of your eventuality.

Therefore, we also bring you to the understanding that when a lot of events occur simultaneously, it means that your coefficient is high enough and space trains you to be able to trace possible results. Your interactions with events that take place at lightning speed train your System for attention, for the coefficient of Reason so that it has time to cover not only the visible part, but also that part that is not visible, to make a decision about your energy potential with lightning speed - as participation in this or another event - to make a decision, track the result. That is, the more events happen around you, the sooner you pass the Learning Point.

The constant supply of a large number of events in any of the energy fields is not provided. There are times when you do not have eventfulness and in fact it turns out that it is quite difficult to survive these moments, but at this moment the experience is consolidated that was in the lightning-fast change of kaledoiscopic events, and at this moment, evaluating and not scrolling, but simply by evaluating, including your analytical apparatus, you have the opportunity to prepare for the next step and go through this eventfulness on a more different level, having developed analytics and attunement coefficients with your inner energy potentials.

The higher your energy potential, the more opportunities you have and the higher you can raise yourself and your energy field by vibrations, by Light, apparently from afar. (Smiling) “From afar”, as you understand, this is also a linear expression, we are all close, we all see each other as close as we can afford it, imagine, without disturbing the field, the energy of another being.

Regarding events, I can also say that such a look at what is happening around you allows you to reconsider what is happening and attract to yourself in your future step those events that should teach you. But you, attracting these events, already understand that you are the customer of these events and therefore, the only correct (although there are no wrong steps), for you, is the one to go through these events without affecting the emotional component of your body, without leaving after this event feeling incomplete or feeling like a kind of energy hole that pulls your attention and pulls your energy.

That is why it will be understandable for you why the events taking place in the country (like, in a united egregor, it is enough a large number), concern only a small handful of people, while the rest, living in this space, do not know, do not hear, and are somehow fenced off from this event.

Why is there such a kaleidoscope on the planet, such a change in various events and some of you watch, and they concern you, while others absolutely pass in the background? This is done because you will not be separated from the total number of events that will take place in the single energy-informational field of the Earth even now and you in the future, but for you these events will take place like a film that is shown on another channel, and you are watching completely different. You saw it on the program, but you are not even drawn to switch your TV to watch this event.

You just at one time, looking at the name - you know the essence of this event and what is happening and why it was made. But this most often refers to the fact that you are looking from a higher energy level at events that belong to a lower energy level. If you are brought to events that have the essence of their higher vibrational field, then this means that your coefficients are almost ready for the transition to this level and you are being prepared for the fact that your energy system, your thinking apparatus, your chakras, which perceive energy fields, were prepared for the transition to this level. And you are interested in these events, but you look at these events and, as it were, postpone them for later, anticipating this event, but do not participate in it.

These are the energy potentials that are working now. And I am ready to answer your questions, if any, after a short break. And at the moment, the general part, I think, is completed.

I am El Morya.

After the break.


First question: The intensity of events in the field of eventfulness: it was said that the more there are, the greater the experience of passing them. Is it about the number of events, not their quality?

El Morya:

I greet you once again and ask you to draw your attention to the fact that this is not how the question was posed and this was not the emphasis. We talked about how a fast kaleidoscope of events develops that part of you called the analytical mind or Mind - at a higher level of this concept. Those. a quick change of events, the ability to jump from one energetic space to another, because events are still the essence of a small energetic space, collected so that you go through this or that experience.

This does not apply emotional experience, or quality experience, which is gained by passing a long linear time. You can sit in some place for a very long time and go through the qualitative experience of being in this place and you get completely different parameters. Quality is the deepening of one or two parameters. Now, in front of you, often, a fast kaleidoscope unfolds so that you hone as many of your capabilities as possible at once in a short time.

That is why, on the basis of the same prerequisites, the duration of life in due time in 3D space was reduced in order for the experience to be more diverse in quality than a long stay in one incarnation. But I still emphasize that now a lot of events are aimed at developing your apparatus of intelligence. The ability to grasp a large number of random manifestations of society, or the space around you, I repeat once again, this does not apply to sensory experience, which, by the way, also, by the way, you can go very quickly through a large kaleidoscope of changing events.

If earlier in 3D space in order for you to fully feel yourself in this event, you needed a long passage, I again return you to understanding the narrow barcode of energies, now, being in the energy field, you can, even in time, according to your linear time, a short time is in this event, but qualitatively get yourself the necessary parameters for passing this event, educating you, raising you to a new level.

Please look at this from a different point of view, and not from the point of view of old experience, which in fact no longer serves you. Quantum consciousness implies sharpness and depth, as well as breadth of perception, regardless of the linear flow of time. (Smiling)


Yes thank you. Then from me an additional question on eventfulness. Is eventfulness attracted by a person or is eventfulness created for egregors in which the person participates?

El Morya:

It very much depends on the level of energy potential the person is at. We have a certain disagreement over the definition of "personality", but I will take what you said as an essence.

Personality attracts, of course, events, but it has a general character of egregoriality. But, I want to tell you that when you are at a certain level of your consciousness, you have an indirect attraction to that egregor to which you consider yourself attracted. Relatively speaking: being on the territory of this or that country, you, of course, belong to this egregor, you wear the iconic distinctions of this egregor in the form of a passport or record, papers that are stored with the name of this egregor, which catch your eye, your leader too is an egregorial carrier and you, seeing this leader or banknotes, you connect to this egregor.

But, for you, this has an indirect meaning when your vibration level is higher than the vibration level of the main members of this egregor. Therefore, the events that will develop in this egregor, if you are higher in your state, will have a background value for you. You are the customer of the events that are happening around you and the people united with you will receive approximately the same events in a single energy field, or they will be shown approximately the same events with information and energy value - in order to bring one group to a common understanding of the development of coefficients.

Plus, at the same time, there is still such interaction as "inter-field exchange of understanding coefficients", that is, there is also a horizontal exchange of information, as well as ways of perception and impact on this or that event. That is, if you hear from an equal person, personality, as you say, the perception of the same event that you saw, but with several different views, you immediately inside yourself accept the breadth of this person's outlook and accept his experience by almost 80% like yours personal experience... This is the value of such general field structures. I answered.


Thank you. Then another addition. Is the customer of eventfulness still a person, a person in incarnation or a higher self? Is there any correlation in making a decision on the order of eventfulness?

El Morya:

The Higher Self is the customer, for the Higher Self has great keys to events and a great vision of that Path, a common field of interaction. And the task of the Higher Self is to bring his ward to a higher level. A person, often, if asked - "Does he want to go through some elements of eventfulness?", Because of his view and due to the fact that he does not know why this eventuality is going, being at a certain level, he can refuse carrying out these events, and the Higher Self always sees that Path: why it was built and what it leads to. Often times, a path along a path leads to a wider road than a sidewalk that ends in a dead end.


“Do the groups of Souls interact in the manifested space that are united in a single matrix block and undergo a single scenario of lessons to develop certain coefficients?”

El Morya:

Now - practically none. Because there is more ... you mean manifestation in physical world? Yes, they do overlap, but not as much as we would like or as provided by experience on other planets. This is how the Level 4 spaces were designed for slow ascension and for slow ascension, not the same as yours.

Here, we allow about 10-15% of intersections with such people, but most often this happens at the energy level - small meetings, or intersections in the virtual space, or you read books, or hear statements, or read the comments of this person and this is enough for so that your energy fields are attuned and get the coefficients you need. But so far such a unification is not possible in reality, for there is a common energy space of the Earth, which supports this multi-patchy blanket of energies. In order to completely mix and align everything, events must occur that change the energy potentials of the Earth, change the magnetic sphere and change a certain type of energy flowing according to laws other than those laws that are needed for such interaction.


Thank you. The next three questions are about egregors.

“Greetings, El Morya. At the beginning of the conversation, you said that disconnecting from egregors is slow. For what reason is this happening and what influences this process? "

El Morya:

Egregors do not only have a negative impact. For some reason, you all think that this is purely negative and your egregorial connections correspond only to egregors, which are only negative, or a character that has an effect on your energy fields, which you perceive as negative influences). But there are egregor, which are good enough, in our opinion and on yours, but this is also an egregor. For example, egregor, which unites people in a choir and they are happy to sing or run in the park, while having fun, but they like it more when a group of people or theatrical egregors is running, when people come to the theater with pleasure, or an amateur theater.

Egregor, for example, cannot be turned off schools, because as such the structure, manifested in the form physical location people in a certain structure - exists. The egregor of your work, if your work unites more than 3 people, also exists. Now imagine that we turn off the entire system of egregors, then what will happen to your work, your school and your choir, as well as your gym? (Smiling)


Thank. Next question:

"Dear El Morya, will egregors develop in the future or is it a structure related to 3D, how does inclusion in rigidly organized egregors affect the entire group of people?"

El Morya:

We still intend to consider egregorial formations as an experience that was necessary for passing. People who have gone through this experience and received a huge potential will then be embodied in energy civilizations, or they came from energy civilizations. And such formations were often not considered and developed in the organization of civilizations at a higher level. It was an experience of passing, which gives them the opportunity to construct certain energy spaces with lower elements and coefficients of development.

Hard egregors are energy formations characteristic of the level of "one" or "two" in development, in relation to you, and therefore it is quite difficult to feel yourself in this limited space.

What happens to the people connected to this egregor? The fact is that certain qualities of limitation are developed and people often have karmic tasks, which need to be performed while in this egregor in order to correct some of the energetic (let's say so) liberties they admitted in their past-future life. They go through this experience in order to be able and know how to limit energy capabilities, how to influence these rigid frameworks.

It's like - if you were in some kind of enclosed space, and then when you leave this enclosed space, you feel the air movement and you clearly know what lies in the coefficients, and how they differ between the coefficient of being inside a closed space and the coefficient of freedom ... If you are in a vacant room all the time, you can only know this difference virtually. That is why such egregors were created and they, of course, carried duality and other tasks.

Everything that happened and everything that was created - everything had two or even four sides of interaction with this or that world and with this or that system. This should always be remembered. You consider black and white, but you very rarely feel the urge to find out: what was happening from an energetic point of view? And I am a series that more and more questions are being asked in this direction, because in the essence of energy there is no negative or positive, there are only properties expressed in one way or another, allowing other energy, which is in the field of primary energy, to manifest itself in one way or another ...


Thank you. Next question:

“When there is a feeling that the space of a certain egregor survives, pushes out and, as it were, forces us to make a decision. What is it? Is this a manifestation of personality and ego, or is it our Teachers give prompts from above, to make the appropriate decision and action? "

El Morya:

Once again, I make a reservation that it is individual for everyone. Exist rare caseswhen the so-called energy rebels are found in a certain egregor, in order to destroy this egregor. But this is quite rare and these people, these individuals, as you say, they know their tasks at the level of the Soul. When the egregor pushes you out, then, most likely, your vibration is alien to him. Egregor has a level, even a low one, but it has a degree of self-preservation and it keeps its energy space intact. You do not vibrate with this egregor, you better leave. The more you resist, the more energy will be taken from you during resistance. Most often, this is, of course, the interaction of your higher aspects and your Higher Self - this is unambiguous.


Thank. Next question:

"What programs, which were previously served through egregors, are now more effectively brought directly into the united structure of Souls?"

El Morya:

It is a healthy lifestyle - it is most effective to bring it through the structure. This is a craving for learning, this is a craving for changing your view of the world. I said it in a difficult way, but this, how would I explain it to you, is a more freely maneuverable point of Reason, i.e. when it becomes, not that fashionable, but becomes necessary for every community to have an unattached point of view related to this community, you said so and it is so. A more movable point, when you can, being in the same community, this point moves, and you look at the problem or eventfulness from different angles of perception. This opportunity is given, of course, through direct influence on a group of people.

This is a look and interaction with each other, this is also a new level of business processes, a new level of communication between people - all this is not given through an egregorial connection, but is given through energy layers and a new informational level of education will be given, also through such energy layers, rather than egregorial.

But, although, at some point, we already see that if the magnetic structure of the Earth does not change, then such associations will, all the same, form energy-informational involvement, and therefore an egregor will be formed, but it will have different properties and different controllability - when there will be no top of egregor, but always before there was a top, the so-called ruler of egregor, and there will be an equivalent complicity of members of egregor so that entering and leaving this egregor was energetically calm, that is, without the costs of entering and exiting egregor. At present, from the old egregor, that the entrance to the egregor, that the exit from the egregor, is still energy-intensive. This is the main difference between the created unions and the unions of the old format.


Thank. Additional question by the structures of people.

“Does the energy structure of people united in groups resemble a patchwork quilt? Or is the structure close in some coefficients and has some other form? That is, the energy field of people united in groups, what does it look like? "

El Morya:

You know, it depends on the group in question, because different structures, different groups... We try, of course, to make the difference between your energy fields, let's say, not like pieces of a blanket, but still energy fields, the difference between your energy fields was not too different, if the Teachers brought you into one group.

Because the seams, the so-called, or exchange fields, which expose the system of the Higher Self and which expose the corresponding technical systems, providing interactions - this is the essence of drawing energy, in any case, from you, from each other. And, therefore, differences in color or too much luminosity in groups, if this means esoteric groups, are still not provided and they are aligned in luminescence.

Of course, you have different levels of Light and manifestation in the group, but still it is not with as much potential as in the physical world. We gave an example of the same family, when there is a completely different range in luminosity and the difference is huge. If we take groups of a non-esoteric plan, there - yes, even now there are groups that are united as a barcode, but, nevertheless, this is a temporary association and we are trying to bring these people out of temporary associations to more permanent ones in order to give more high development rates.


Thank you. Then the final question in today's conversation.

“What is the ideal attainable state of the Earth's energy fields? If there was a barcode, now it is like a patchwork quilt, and in the future, what should the attainable state of the Earth's energy fields look like ideally? "

El Morya:

(Smiling) A single field of golden glow with different shades, if we talk about the ideal. Like a sun.


One more additional question:

“Egregor of the Christian Church, now how does it affect a person? Rituals performed in the church, for example, addressing the Saints through icons, candles, Holy Water - is all this relevant, effective for labor in the New Time? "

El Morya:

The fact is that the egregors of the churches were built, in general, religion was built with certain tasks and some of these tasks remained relevant. At the heart of almost all religious egregors is the basis of not enlightenment, not even the introduction of the word of God, as they say, but healing. Healing through turning to God, through a place where people can do it, and this task remains relevant and has not been canceled.

Plus, what is happening and what has piled up around this task during the operation of this egregor, you yourself saw and does not need our comments. Almost all egregors will be transformed and purified of this kind, of this kind, in connection with the internal cleaning of the carriers of these egregors, as well as a return to the Source, to what this or that egregor was created for - for spiritual uplift, for opening the Soul, for interaction ...

Of course, you can interact with your religious trends, manifested in your area, or related to your egregor of the people, but at the same time understand the essence of your interaction, turn on intelligence and monitor the state of your Soul.

If you take the carriers - these are icons and buildings in the form of churches, often, you understand that you did not put them in simple places, but for the passage of this energy, for the passage of a certain energy supplied from the worlds of the Holy Spirit, anchoring of this energy was necessary. These anchors took place at special places in the energy matrix of the Earth and they passed through the physical incarnation of those people who were the carriers of this anchor. It was simply not possible in another way.

If during the period of the Golden Atlantis it was enough to build a portal and there was no need to anchor the energy, because the matrix of the Golden Atlantis was fluid and it was enough to feed through certain points and the energy spread throughout the entire Earth, then here it is a different system. This is a pipe system. If there it is a system of a huge, single vessel called "Earth", then here it is a "system of pipes" through which energy is supplied, but it was impossible to get into it otherwise, due to the structures that were built and due to the energy pollution. And, plus, you don't forget the Earth was for a long time, in the so-called "energy blockade", "energy cocoon" so that the processes taking place on the Earth do not flow out of the solar system.

That is, it was such a process when it was possible to supply spiritual energy, but it could only be supplied through certain channels, through birth certain people, the so-called "people-portals" and through the interaction of these people with the world of information - these are the Roerichs, these are the pictures that they painted (as an example), this is Blavatsky. You can name a lot of people and names, but you already understood what kind of people we are talking about, but their number was small enough to bring, in addition to information, large flows of energy. And it was precisely such flows of energy that were conducted through the so-called Holy Places, through those portals that were built long before the emergence of religion as such.

And, therefore, when interacting with this egregor or other egregor of religion, you must look deep into what is happening and feel and ask the question - "Why am I here, why am I here?", And respect those people who keep clean this portal and, of course, remove the condemnation of those people who pollute this portal in one way or another, for everything that is manifested must be manifested.


Thanks for the answers. That concludes the questions from the participants in our channeling.

El Morya:

I am El Morya. Thank you. And I saw your energy fields, I saw how attentively you listened, and this is enough, maybe not new information for you, but allowing you to look from a different angle at what is happening around you or what will happen. And the inclusion of this perspective, the inclusion of your personal coefficients of understanding will give you the level to which you are striving to reach. And I am glad that I was able to convey these meanings to you, I was able to convey information, I was able to convey the energetic understanding of the processes taking place on Earth. I am El Morya.

Contactee: MoreYa

Host: OLEG

Transcript: Anastasia

That the Earth living being the ancients had no doubt, for this fact there is a lot of evidence both in their doctrines and in the appeals of the Indian leaders to the so-called enlighteners, in which they directly point out this. Later, all esoteric schools and teachings considered and still consider the same.

Our planet as a living being is considered by Jose Arguelles in his book The Mayan Factor: “... Here we describe the structure of an intelligent planet considered as a living organism. Thus, we develop the "Gaia" hypothesis, the idea that the Earth is indeed a conscious evolving being. "

The group led by the Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitskiy especially emphasize the relationship of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. For example, preceding a powerful destructive earthquake, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Accidents and disasters are preceded by a powerful destructive process covering the earth's crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere - in a word, all environments and fields - gravitational, helium, etc. And most importantly this process applies not only to natural systems, but also to everything that is created by technical means, people. And having accumulated this destructive energy splashes out in the form of natural disasters and catastrophes. Just like a disease in the human body.

And I immediately remember the biblical stories about the Lord's punishment for the actions of people, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, for example, and the like. And they do not seem so supernatural and wonderful.

Scientists tried to find the source from which this destructive process begins. And it turned out that everything starts from the negative emotions of people, from which a destructive process begins to spread in waves to everything around. It turned out that the Earth is sensitive to and interacts with the surrounding space and, in addition, with what is happening on the surface, in particular on the behavior of people.

Surprisingly, the planet's response is not like a mechanical action based on the laws of physics, but resembles the action of an intelligent creature. When analyzing catastrophes, researchers got the impression that the events preceding any of them and subsequent ones were planned in advance by someone.

A number of outstanding scientists V. Vernadsky, F. Shipunov, A. Chizhevsky and others considered the Earth as a living being. In their opinion, the Earth is an evolving organism in a developing other organism - Solar system, and that in turn in our galaxy Milky Way etc. This organism is a complex self-regulating system. And all geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other processes are considered as aimed at the overall development of the planet - its evolutionary development. A. Chizhevsky especially emphasized: "... astronomers who study phenomena in the solar system discover in it phenomena similar to the functions of a living organism."

The "breath" of the planet

Indirect confirmation, at that time of an insane hypothesis, in the scientific community, that the planet was a living organism was obtained back in the 80s. Professor Viktor Makarov, born in 1953, studying photographs of physical fields in the regions of fractures in the earth's crust from space, found evidence of regular changes in the magnitude of the magnetic field that occur over certain periods of time.

A little earlier, a group of scientists led by the Russian geophysicist, geologist I.N. Yanitskiy carried out field studies and recorded the fact that the volume of deep-seated gases located in the bowels of the Earth and emerging from cracks in the earth's crust is growing noticeably several times a day.

The results of these studies are consistent with the discovery of English researchers who studied the bioenergetic interaction of people with the outside world, Hartman and Curry. Scientists have discovered zones on the planet with an area of \u200b\u200bup to four thousand kilometers, in which electromagnetic indicators change during the day, "opening", then "closing" depending on the Moon and other planets, celestial bodies and cosmic factors. Subsequently, these zones were named after the name of the researchers Hartman and Curry grids.

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor VN Lugovenko offered his explanation for these phenomena, believing that "Hartman and Curry grids" indicate the breathing of the planet, which, through cracks in the faults, "pumps" cosmic energy through the deep layers. From this it follows that one should treat Mother Earth not as a dead cosmic body, but as a living organism with consciousness and will.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuznetsov believes that the scientific community is now using the "anthropocentric view of things" to define an organism as alive. This means that only those forms of organized matter, the properties of which correspond to the properties of animals and humans, can be referred to as "living and intelligent". And those forms that are strikingly different from the ones listed above in terms of material composition, size, exchange reactions, energy consumption, life expectancy do not belong to intelligent matter, as it is considered in orthodox science.

Comets and asteroids

Such egocentrism in the knowledge of the surrounding world and nature will lead humanity to a dead end. After all, everyone sees how humanity relates to the organs of the Earth, which are air, water, bowels, plants, the animal world, people also, in general, nature.

So the Earth is a living and intelligent organism! Hence the question: how did it appear? Astronomers believe that the planets were formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust billions of years ago by the collision of numerous asteroids, meteors, comets and other celestial bodies, which, under the action of centrifugal forces, collided into piles. And thus, over millions of years, these clusters gradually grew in size and finally became the way we see them now. It follows from this that the Earth is a huge cluster of small celestial bodies, mainly comets and asteroids.

Recently, comets have been of particular interest to astronomers. Much incomprehensible is found in their behavior, namely, some comets have two tails, which completely contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics. Comet Arenda-Roland, discovered in 1956, has a second, anomalous, tail that can suddenly disappear and then also appear, which astronomers cannot explain at the moment. Some comets independently and arbitrarily change their trajectories. And the incomprehensible radio emission emanating from these celestial bodies gave rise to some researchers to attribute them to reconnaissance probes of aliens. However, there is another version: to attribute comets and asteroids to living creatures of organosilicon nature.

These celestial objects are known to contain water in the form of ice and vapor. Brought to the planets, as well as to the Earth, water without any doubt plays an important role in the functioning of the organism of celestial bodies. The amazing properties of water are beginning to attract more and more attention from scientists.

Mind of the Earth

According to the results of recent studies, we can confidently say that water is the blood of the planets, without which their normal life is impossible. Moreover, the presence of water testifies not only to blood circulation, but also to rationality. Hence, it can be argued that the Moon is also alive, in the region of the poles of which whole oceans were found under a thin crust. And on Earth, water is present not only in the visible surface, but also in the form of steam in the deep layers, as well as in underground lakes and rivers.

Hence it turns out that the Earth is a union of celestial bodies, which are thinking beings who gave the planet not only physical bodybut also the mind. Colliding with each other and uniting in a pile in a gas-dust cloud, the comets did not die, but united into a huge living and intelligent organism, which later became our Earth.

According to Professor Sydney Jackson from Great Britain, not only any living organism possesses an energy-informational field in the world around us, but also any object, be it a stone, a table or any other object around us. Only the energy-informational field of a living being is very different from the fields of inanimate objects. And the field of man is different from the field of the animal. However, in the world around us, only dolphins and the Earth itself have a similar human field! Our planet consists not only of organic substances and minerals, but is an intelligent thinking creature, part of the universal community.

In the light of these facts, it ceases to be a mystery for what reasons periodically from the depths of the Earth on a thin energy level a kind of information radiation is sent into space.

The purpose of the planets and the role of humanity

Naturally, the Earth knows about our existence, moreover, it knows about the existence of every creature living on it, be it a person or an animal. All supernatural and unusual phenomena - levitation, dowsing, leaving the body, telepathy, poltergeist occur as a result of the interaction of the biofield of the planet and man.

However, one should not think that the Earth is too loyal and friendly to humanity. She treats us pragmatically, which means that when humanity behaves carefully to the Earth as a whole and to its resources, the Earth will react accordingly, and if on the contrary, then the reaction will not take long, a cataclysm will immediately happen or a disease, war, etc. .P. There are a great many examples of this.

“With an increase in the number of mankind in excess of the permissible norms, with the poisoning of the waste products of people of entire regions of the planet, its atmosphere, vegetation and water resources she begins to get rid of, "cleanse" of the creatures dangerous to her, - says Professor G. Kuznetsov. “She usually does it through natural disasters. Not so long ago, in her arsenal there was such a means as the introduction into the subconscious of people of the order for self-destruction, leading to wars. Now, when a number of countries have nuclear weapons, the use of which can lead to catastrophic consequences not only for the human community, but, apparently, for the Earth itself, she has chosen a different tactic. She gets rid of overbred people with the help of deadly viruses ... "

However, without the purposeful efforts of the planet, the emergence of life on it would hardly have become possible. The emergence of people, like all processes occurring in nature, have their global common cosmic goal. Development of the universal bioenergetic system.

So the purpose of the planets, also the Earth, is to create, maintain and saturate the global bioenergetics with astral beings (or bioenergetic substances), which only a rational being can give. Such creatures can be people, dolphins, comets, and ultimately the Earth itself.

Our planet is for us the mother's womb, the cradle of childhood, from where, after parting with our mortal physical shell, after death, we enter into "adult", cosmic life.