Sleeping pills donormil. Overdose of sleeping pills: symptoms, treatment, can be fatal

An overdose of sleeping pills occurs as a result of improper administration of the drug or when attempting suicide. It so happens that a person has trouble sleeping. In this case, it is worth contacting a specialist for advice and for the appointment of treatment.

Drugs designed to combat insomnia should be used only as directed by a physician to avoid adverse effects.

By the way, at present such medicines are not sold without prescriptions, but even in this case, the specified dosage should not be exceeded.

Group of sleeping pills

Medications that have a hypnotic effect are divided into several groups. Drugs have different properties and effects.

  • Barbiturates. These are medicines that are derived from barbituric acid. These include phenobarbital, cyclobarbital, thiopental. These medicines belong to the first generation. Currently, experts are questioning their use due to the fact that they cause fairly quick addiction and have a large number of side effects. It should be remembered that any sleeping pill from this group is a potent remedy.
  • Benzodiazepines. To this group belong such means as fenozepam, nitrazepam, Relanium. These are second-generation drugs. Their side effects are much smaller and not as strong as in the previous group. However, such a sleeping pill also causes quick addiction to it. In addition, the removal of the drug a person suffers quite hard.
  • Bromides. Such drugs have a sedative effect. These include potassium or sodium bromide, as well as an agent such as bromized. An overdose of drugs leads to inhibition of the activity of the brain and the central nervous system.
  • Antihistamines - suprastin, doxylamine, dimedrol. These remedies not only help relieve the manifestation of allergies, but also act in a different way. Quite often, their reception is accompanied by severe drowsiness and lethargy. Therefore, they should be used only as prescribed by doctors, although many of the drugs in this group can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Sleeping pills of the new generation, as a rule, are considered the safest drugs. These are medicines created closer to the end of the twentieth century and taking into account all the previous negative factors. For example, zolpidem, zaleplon, melaxen. The latter, by the way, is considered the safest, and even its overdose does not pose a great danger to the body.

Despite the fact that at the present time, doctors can prescribe medications that do not pose a danger to a person, overdose can still lead to rather sad consequences, such as death.

What will help us sleep

When you go to a doctor with sleep problems, any person wants to get exactly the medicine that will help. Modern experts prescribe most often the following drugs:

  • Melaxen. The medication is considered fairly safe. Copes with insomnia and helps with sleep disorders when changing time zones. You can buy without a prescription, but you should not engage in self-medication.
  • Sanwal. A person falls asleep pretty quickly, while sleeping is rather long and calm. However, this medication should not be taken for a long time, perhaps getting used to it.

There are other tools that have a small number of side effects, but at the same time cope with their task.

Signs and symptoms of intoxication

Poisoning with sleeping pills is quite dangerous for the human body. In the absence of proper treatment, the result of such poisoning can be death.

When intoxicating with such drugs, a person has certain symptoms that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • lethargy, apathy.
  • there is a relaxation of all muscles, a person falls asleep.
  • quite severe inhibition
  • there is a lack of coordination,
  • may cause convulsions
  • respiratory function is inhibited, it becomes difficult,
  • slows heart rate
  • pressure is dramatically reduced.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a fairly large amount of medication is taken, then all the symptoms appear very quickly. If there is no one around, the person may fall asleep and not wake up.

The deadly dosage of sleeping pills for any person is different, because the state of the body and the susceptibility of medicines are different for each person.

Overdose is quite dangerous, so when taking these medications should be careful.

First aid and treatment

If you detect any symptoms of intoxication with sleeping pills, you need to call the doctors as soon as possible. Before they arrive, first aid should be given to the victim:

  • Wash the stomach with plenty of water (approximately 2 liters).
  • Give the victim a drink sorbents, for example, activated carbon.
  • It is worth trying not to let the poisoned person fall asleep. It is necessary that before the arrival of an ambulance a person remains conscious.

Further treatment should be carried out in the hospital. In this case, the doctors use ventilation, if necessary, once again washed the stomach, hemodialysis. Later, doctors may prescribe various means to restore the functionality of the internal organs that could be affected by intoxication.

Overdose of sleeping pills: effects

Overdose can have quite negative consequences. For example, diseases of the lungs and the nervous system can occur. In addition, in the future there may be violations of the functionality of the cardiac system, kidneys, liver. Any poisoning also adversely affects the work of the digestive system.

Is it possible to die from an excess of such medicines? Yes.  An overdose of sleeping pills can cause a person's death, so the use of such medicines must be accompanied by care and caution.

You can not take these medicines just like that, you should not also engage in self-treatment. If there are signs of intoxication, the victim should be given the necessary help and taken to a medical facility.

Sleeping pills are drugs that can inhibit the central nervous system. There are several types of such drugs - sedatives, barbiturates and benzodiazepines. These include: donormil, melaxen, sonmil and many others. The main emergency conditions are associated precisely with the use of sedatives (donormil), although they are the safest.

Sleeping pills are of three types - sedatives, barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

Accidental overdose of sleeping pills is a frequent occurrence in which death can occur. This drug is available in tablets and has a number of indications and contraindications which should be followed. It is absolutely impossible to take these medicines without extreme necessity.

Overdose and signs of drug poisoning

Overdose occurs:

  • severe inhibition;
  • movements and thoughts of the victim slow down;
  • the patient loses consciousness.

High doses reduce blood pressure and cause:

  • bradycardia (reducing the number of heartbeats);
  • circulatory arrest;
  • bradypnea (rare breathing);
  • coma.

Do not take sleeping pills unless absolutely necessary

If time does not provide the victim first aid, it can be fatal.


Drugs that have a hypnotic effect (donormil, new passit, melaxen), have properties quickly absorbed into the stomach, so that to prevent the sad consequences, an urgent help of a medical professional is needed.

  • Urgent transportation to the toxicological department of the hospital.
  • Ventilation of the lungs and, if necessary, tracheal intubation.
  • Gastric lavage through a probe.
  • Introduction of one of the sorbent (enterosgel, white or activated carbon).
  • Conducting infusion therapy (puncture of the vein, venesection, catheterization of large veins).
  • Hemodialysis.
  • Hemosorption.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Specific therapy (flumazenil IV).
  • Nonspecific drug therapy.

Urgent medical attention needed

Laboratory research:

  • Respiratory and metabolic acidosis.
  • Spectrophotometric method to determine the level of barbiturates in the blood.


  • Pneumonia (pneumonia). Observed in 40% of patients who are in a comatose state.
  • Trophic disorders (necrotizing dermatomyositis, bules dermatitis).
  • Septic complications.
  • Due to the violation of cardiac activity, kidney function may be impaired.
  • Non-permanent neurological symptoms (in the post-comatose period).

Overdose of sleeping pills can have serious consequences.

In addition to all the complications described above, patients may experience swelling of the extremities and atonic intestinal obstruction. The consequences of overdose donormil, depend on the amount of harmful substances entering the human body, as well as the timely provision of medical care. Approximately ten therapeutic doses can be considered a deadly consequence. In case of poisoning with potent hypnotic drugs, even with the use of modern intensive care, you can die.

Remember! prolonged use of any drug, even without exceeding the prescribed dose, can cause accumulation in the human body and lead to a sad outcome.

You can regularly use the drug donormil (2-3 weeks in a row), and get severe poisoning. Harmful toxins that accumulate in the tissues of the body after taking such a drug as donormil interfere with the work of the heart. Especially dangerous is the incorrect use of the drug, people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure).

Medications that have a hypnotic effect, are widely used. Most of them have a strong psychotropic effect, that is, the ability to influence the human psyche. For this reason, potent sleeping pills are sold in pharmacies only by prescription. Can I die from a sleeping pill overdose? Yes, as noted by experts, poisoning caused by various groups of drugs with hypnotic effects are not uncommon. This happens when the wrong drug intake, suicidal attempts, in cases of inadvertent overdose.

It is not recommended to use hypnotics independently. The causes of sleep disorders are many, therefore, specialist advice is required. He will select the desired drug. We will not dwell on the benefits and dangers of drugs, talk about the appropriateness of their use. In this article, we will look at the main types of sleeping pills, find out how they work and what will happen from the overdose of sleeping pills of each individual pharmacological group.

Group of sleeping pills

In pharmacology, do not allocate hypnotic drugs in a separate group. Different drugs have this effect, respectively, they will have a different mechanism of action and their side effects.

Relatively harmless sleeping pills, which are available without a prescription - herbal preparations and combined herbal remedies. These include:

These drugs are prescribed for sleep disorders due to increased anxiety, irritability, nervousness. Their action is mild, based on a sedative effect.

There is also a conditional division of drugs into sleeping pills of the first generation (barbiturates, bromides, antihistamines), the second (benzodiazepines) and the third (melatonin drugs, new drugs from different groups).

It should be noted that mankind has not yet invented the “ideal sleeping pill”, so doctors are forced in each case to select the drug with the maximum benefit for the patient and minimal side effects.

Let us dwell on the frequently used or dangerous representatives of the "hypnotic kingdom."

Overdose with barbiturates

The sad first place in the number of deaths is an overdose of sleeping pills from the group of barbiturates:

Barbiturates disrupt the activity of nerve cells, resulting in a depressant effect on the central nervous system. They slow down not only the mental activity of the brain, causing drowsiness, reducing the level of anxiety, but also have anticonvulsant properties, cause muscle relaxation.

The sleep caused by barbiturates is different from the natural. Often patients are haunted by nightmares, the structure of sleep itself is changing - the ratio of fast and slow phases.

Common side effects of using barbiturates include:

In high doses, the drug causes respiratory depression and cardiovascular activity, which leads to the risk of death. The lethal dose of sleeping pills from the group of barbiturates is only ten times higher than the therapeutic one.  But when providing timely medical care there are good chances to save the patient and with a hundredfold overdose.

Acute poisoning with barbiturates is classified into four stages.

Overdose with benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are similar in their mechanism of action to barbiturates - they also act on GABA receptors. They also disrupt the normal sleep architecture and have several side effects:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • lethargy;
  • mental disorder.

Poisoning by hypnotic drugs of this drug group often occurs when attempting suicide. The difference from a therapeutic dose to a fatal dose is quite large - even exceeding a single dose dozens of times entails not very severe poisoning. The toxic effect is enhanced when taken together with alcohol.

The most acute reaction occurs with an overdose of the following drugs:

  • "Diazepam";
  • "Relanium";
  • Relium.

“Midazolam” and “Zolpidem” can be attributed to this group, as they have similar characteristics.

When benzodiazepine poisoning develops:

Coma and difficulty in breathing are rarely encountered mainly when the effect of hypnotic drugs is increased by taking alcohol or other drugs that suppress the central nervous system.

Bromide overdose

This group of sleeping pills include:

  • "Bromized";
  • sodium or potassium bromide.

These drugs enhance the process of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, have a calming effect.

Among the side effects noted:

An overdose of sleeping pills from the bromide group is accompanied by impaired coordination of movements, dilated pupils, and increased heart rate.

Poisoning with sleeping pills "Bromizoval", possibly because of its ingestion in the amount of 20 grams.  A strong inhibition of the central nervous system develops, the respiratory center is inhibited. Blood circulation is disturbed, the level of oxygen in the blood falls. Intestinal paresis, kidney and lung damage may occur.

Overdose with antihistamines

Drugs belonging to this group block histamine receptors. As a result, histamine, which is a “wakefulness mediator,” loses its ability to act on the central nervous system. This group includes first-generation antihistamines:

These drugs are available at the pharmacy without a prescription. Promote rapid sleep, but the duration of sleep does not increase. Of the side effects observed drowsiness and daytime inhibition.

In case of an overdose of sleeping pills, this group of consequences can be manifested in dizziness, dry mouth, muscle tremors, visual impairment, nausea, and increased sensitivity to light.

The new generation of sleeping pills

Currently, to normalize sleep, it is preferable to use new-generation drugs developed at the end of the 20th century. These include:

  • derivatives of cyclopirrolone - "Zopiclone" (imovan);
  • imidazopyridine derivatives (Zolpidem);
  • pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives ("Zaleplon").

Practically harmless sleeping pills - "Melaxen" (melatonin). This drug is able to normalize the stage of falling asleep, and the duration of sleep is regulated by the natural production of melatonin. It does not adversely affect the structure of sleep, keeping all phases in a natural ratio. During the day, it does not affect the state of health, as it is rapidly excreted from the body. Even a significant overdose of Melaxen does not lead to any serious consequences.

Indications for use of sleeping pills

Why do we need sleeping pills? They are prescribed for sleep disorders. There are two main varieties:

  • violation of sleep;
  • violation of the duration of sleep, frequent waking.

The answer to the question: "Is the sleeping pill harmful or not?" Can only be given by the attending physician.  Of course, by themselves, these drugs have many negative aspects - addiction, impaired brain activity, residual effects. According to WHO recommendations for the normalization of sleep, it is desirable to use non-drug methods - normalization of mental activity, anxiety removal, work with a psychologist. But there are cases when the use of drugs is simply necessary and the harm from sleeping pills is insignificant, and the benefits are enormous.

We often have a sleep disorder. Many to combat this problem have resorted to taking special drugs against insomnia. Such a means that would cause a dream that does not differ from the natural, has not yet been created. After all, the causes of the disorder may be associated with a malfunction of the organs, with emotional and physical fatigue. But nevertheless from all existing means allocate sleeping pills Donormil.

Drug action

Donormil - sleeping pills, belonging to the group of antihistamines. Its effectiveness against insomnia is due to exposure to certain areas of the brain responsible for nervous excitement. This property can be found in allergy medications.

Unlike other over-the-counter sleeping drugs, Donormil is a completely safe drug that does not destroy brain cells. It is recommended for problems with falling asleep, constant anxiety, causeless anxiety, excessive nervous excitability. Donorome has a pronounced sedative effect, which not only eliminates insomnia, but also improves sleep quality.

Donormil sleeping pills can be insoluble and effervescent, intended to be dissolved in water. Take the remedy on the tablet for fifteen minutes before going to bed.

After taking a deep sleep comes. It is important that the duration of sleep was at least seven hours, since early awakening makes a person disoriented, tired and inhibited.

Reception means is contraindicated to the following persons:

  • having prostate diseases;
  • suffering from a closed angle;
  • children under the age of fifteen;
  • the presence of intolerance to doxylamine and other ingredients;
  • pregnant

Sleeping pills Donormil with alcohol

Along with taking the pills Donormil forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. You should also exclude the ingress of alcohol in any form (for example, in sweets or medicines). The use of the drug with alcohol enhances the effect of sleeping pills. This significantly increases the likelihood of not waking up.

Deadly dose of sleeping pills Donormil

This drug has become the subject of interest of mentally unbalanced individuals. After all, there is no easier way to send yourself into another world than to take pills and not wake up. But no one has yet succeeded in accomplishing this. Most often, such experiments end in disability and mental hospital. The lethal dose of the drug has not been established. Donormil will not cause the taking of sleeping pills, but will cause severe intoxication of the whole organism.

Symptoms observed when using Donormil's sleeping pills in case of an overdose:

Despite the fact that many manufacturers mention the danger of using large doses of sleeping pills for life, more often a person who tried to take his own life becomes a patient in a psychiatric clinic.


Donormil, a light soporific, is released without a prescription, but still you should not just start taking it. First you need to try to normalize sleep without the help of medicines, and then consult a doctor. If Donormil has been prescribed to you, then it is not recommended to combine it with the intake of other antiallergic drugs. Also, it is not advised to sit behind the wheel and do work that requires excessive attention concentration for several days after taking the drug.