Planting and caring for citron buddha hand. The fingers (or hand) of the Buddha are an amazing plant that drives away evil spirits

The Buddha's hand is an exotic variety of citron, a plant of the Rutaceae family from the Citrus genus. Externally, the plant is perennial shrub up to 3 meters high, dotted with sharp long spines. But this citron got its name thanks

The Buddha's hand is an exotic variety of citron, a plant of the Rutaceae family from the Citrus genus. Externally, the plant is a perennial shrub up to 3 meters high, dotted with sharp long thorns. But this citron got its name thanks to the strange shape of its fruit.It is divided into several lobes, very similar to fingers, curved towards the "tips" and almost entirely consists of a thick, bright yellow peel, reminiscent of lemon peel. Outlandish plant fruitsi am very large - the length of the "fingers" can reach 40 cm.

There is very little pulp in the "Buddha's hand" and it is completely inedible. But the peel is used, as they say, to the fullest. Especially perfumers love her. The fact is that the zest of this citron smells like violets. Extracting these aromatic essential oils from citrus peel is much easier than from violet petals. Therefore, "fake" violet essence is widely used in modern perfumery.

In cooking, the Buddha's Hand is used only for making candied fruits - how can you let such a quantity of excellent peel go to waste?

Since ancient times, the "Hand of Buddha", widespread in China, Japan and North-East India, was revered at the level of a sacred plant. Here this citron was considered the king of lemons and was called a symbol of the mind. It got its name in connection with the well-established opinion that this is how the Buddha folds his fingers during prayer. In addition, there is a legend that Buddha, in memory of himself, left a print of his hand on a tree. As you might guess, this tree (or rather a shrub) turned out to be a citron. Since then, this species has been highly revered among Buddhists, actively cultivated, and the most natural-looking "hands" are carefully preserved until the next harvest.

Citron, or it is also called zedrat, is a view perennial plants genus Citrus.

There are varieties of citron: Citrus medica var. Ethrog, Citrus medica var. Medica and Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis (Hoola van Nooten Swingle) - Buddha's fingers or finger citron. This view has original formresembling fingers folded together.

Citron from time immemorial was considered the king of lemons and a symbol of the mind. Many ancient scientists wrote about him. Theophrastus described it in his book as "the Medes apple." Citron was grown in Western Asia, India. And Alexander the Great brought him to the Mediterranean coast. From then until today the coast of Calabria was nicknamed the Citron Riviera. In the Italian city of Trieste, there is the only Chedro market in the world, where they sell selected citrons. In Israel, an annual harvest festival is held - Sukkot or the holiday of Shalash (this holiday reminds the Jewish people of their wanderings in the desert after their release from slavery) - during which the commandment is performed. To fulfill this commandment, four plants are needed, including citron. At the same time, he must be "ideal" - according to the will of Moses. That is to be correct shape and not have any flaws. For the best fruits the rabbis come to Italy. They even try to smuggle "ideal" fruits. Quite often the struggle for such citrons led to religious wars and intrigues. In Israel, by the way, there is a ban on the export of citrons, except for the needs for the celebration and subject to his return to his homeland at the end of Sukkot.

Citron - what is it?

The citron tree is not tall - reaches 3 meters in height, has thorns and is relatively large leaves... Flowers are large white with a red tint. The citron fruit is the largest of all citrus fruits - the length of one fruit reaches 40 cm, diameter - up to 30. The color of the fruit is yellow, sometimes light green or orange. The rind is very dense and thick. The pulp does not separate from the rind and contains several seeds.

Citron flavor.

Citron tastes sour or sweet and sour (like lemon) with a bitter tinge. Citron is not a juicy fruit.

How to choose and store citron fruits?

Citron is harvested in November when ripe. But they can hang on the branches until summer. If the fruit dries up, and the peel is hardly separated from the pulp, then such a fruit is already unusable. At home, ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Due to its thick peel and specific bitter taste, citron is not often eaten raw. In Asia, however, they learned to soak fruits in salt water to reduce bitterness.

Basically, fruits (more precisely, the pulp or their juice) are used in soups, vegetable salads, marinades, sauces, jams, pies and other confectionery products; drinks (a liqueur called Cedro is especially popular). Candied fruits, marmalade and jams are prepared from the peel, and an essential oil is also obtained, which serves as a natural flavoring agent. Citron leaves are used to make "exotic" dolma. Even the British did not remain indifferent to this fruit - they prepare Christmas pudding with citron. The essence of the zest is used quite widely: it is added to pasta, thanks to which they acquire a green color, used to freshen the air in rooms, and in the Middle Ages they even washed clothes in it. Today, the use of citron essential oils in the perfume industry is very common.

It is no coincidence that the Latin name for citron is Citrus Medica. After all, 100 g of citron contains about 50 kcal. Citron is 86% water, but it also contains vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, PP), trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron), some proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as fiber, ash, phytoncides and, of course, lemon acid... The peel of the fruit contains essential oil.

The use of citron in traditional medicine.

Citron and its juice have a tonic, antiseptic, antiviral, anti-scurvy effect. Fruits, including dried ones, are used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive (gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, food poisoning) and respiratory (cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma) tracts. It has been observed that the consumption of citron fruit helps in the treatment of alcohol addiction. For colds, you need to drink hot citron juice.

In Asian countries, there is a belief that if a woman eats citrons during pregnancy, she will give birth to a son.

Citron was the first citrus that began to be grown in European countries with a subtropical climate - Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece and even Great Britain (but in the latter country only as a greenhouse plant). Undoubtedly, citron is grown in Africa, Australia, Latin America and the South of the United States. And in India they managed to bring out several varieties of "Buddha's Hands", differing in juiciness, thickness of the peel and pulp.

It is curious that they tried to grow citron in Georgia on the coast. But today only a few specimens have survived there, since this exotic tree cannot withstand temperatures below -4˚С.

Learn a little more about the beneficial properties of the palm citron called "Buddha's hand" ( Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis), Fo Shu, or five-fingered mandarin, will be primarily of interest to avid travelers heading to Japan, India or the southern provinces of China. Because in our country it is almost impossible to buy this fruit.

The fancy palm fruit is now also cultivated on the west coast of North America, but is not exported due to its short shelf life. At farmers' markets in California, you can find Fo Shu, imported from Asia and Australia. But the price for such exotic is high: according to eyewitnesses, the buyer will have to pay more than $ 10 for one medium-sized fruit. For this money, you can buy about 4 kg of lemons.

Finger citron is a close relative of tangerines and pomelos. Has fruits unusual shapedivided into long and slender ramifications, resembling the gnarled fingers of a human hand. Hence - original name "Hand of Buddha". Harvested from November to January. The fruits are cut into thin elliptical plates 0.2-0.4 cm thick, which are then dried in the sun.

During the Chinese New Year, it is customary to exchange the Buddha's hands between family members and neighbors. According to Eastern superstition, it brings good luck, peace, happiness and prosperity to the home. Some amateur flower growers grow bonsais from finger citrons on their windowsills.

The fruit takes part in Buddhist religious ceremonies. Nevertheless, nothing prevents you from eating Finger Citron. It is usually seedless and low in juice.

The fruit has a pleasant aroma: with lemon and floral notes. The pulp is light yellow, sometimes almost white, has a specific bitter-sweet taste that not everyone will like. But there are also true connoisseurs. For example, chef Julie Log-Riordan found hints of coconut, macadamia nut, banana, caramel and cinnamon in the Buddha's hands. However, the main food is zest.

Most Important Health Benefits:

  • relieves pain;
  • helps with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • fights inflammation;
  • normalizes menstruation;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • used in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases.

Most of the listed beneficial properties of the Buddha's hands have been confirmed by recent scientific researchbut some are still outside the scope of mainstream medicine.

  1. The analgesic properties of fruits are explained by the characteristics of their chemical compositionin particular - coumarin, limetin, limonin (a bitter substance found in lemon seeds) and diosmin. Bergapten and aurantimarin are also present in the fruit pulp and zest, useful qualities which scientists have yet to figure out.
  2. According to the journal "Food and Clinical Toxicology", the product is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties: the Buddha's hand relieves swelling and pain associated with inflammatory processes caused by various reasons: from serious injuries and operations to bruises and bruises.
  3. In alternative medicine finger citron used to treat respiratory diseases. The decoction from the hands of the Buddha acts as an effective expectorant for severe coughs.
  4. For stomach upset, diarrhea, cramps and bloating, constipation, these unusual fruits will be very useful. Eating them reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa and normalizes intestinal motility.
  5. The Buddha's hand is an effective remedy for menstrual discomfort. Many women suffering from heavy periods, often accompanied by cramps, severe pain and mood swings, have already appreciated beneficial features unusual citron.
  6. A specific polysaccharide found in the fruit stimulates the activity of macrophages (white blood cells that fight infections), thereby increasing the speed and efficiency of the immune response. Eating Buddha's hands during a cold or flu can greatly speed up recovery.
  7. An alcoholic extract based on finger citron acts as a vasodilator, relaxes and dilates coronary vessels, increases blood circulation, effectively reduces blood pressure and the risks of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.
  8. The journal Herbal Medicine Research (2007) published scientific findings proving that limonine and terpinene in the hands of the Buddha prevent the progression of Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.
  9. The anti-cancer properties of Fo Shu are well known in the medical community. Since 1992, a series of experiments have been carried out confirming the antitumor activity of limonin, a key component of finger citron. This flavonoid causes regression of breast and colorectal cancers, but is not toxic to healthy cells.
  10. Due to the high concentration of vitamin C and some nutrients Fruit peels relieve asthma symptoms in children.

Unusual recipes

In Chinese medicine, the hand of the Buddha has an important place. The fruit is believed to span the 3 meridians of the human body: the liver, spleen and lungs. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to take from 3 to 6 g of a decoction or tincture per day.


Strengthens the spleen, is good for the stomach, relieves pain.


  • 100 g of polished round grain rice;
  • 15 g of Buddha's fingers;
  • 30 g of crystalline sugar.

Boil the citron fruit pieces together with the zest in a small saucepan, remove them from the liquid. Pour rice together with crystalline sugar into the resulting broth and cook the porridge.

Health drink

Citron tea improves appetite, soothes nervous system, regulates the liver. It can be drunk both hot and cold.

Boil dried fruit flakes, let it brew and add sugar to taste.

A teaspoon of crushed zest can be safely added to refreshing cocktails, juice, soda, various marinades, soy sauce, sweet bread, rolls, muffins, chocolate icing and tamarind paste.

It's easy to prepare a bright spicy dressing (dressing) for a salad: add to the crushed citron rinds vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, a drop lemon juice, a little sugar, thyme and garlic. Leave the ingredients to marinate in a bowl overnight. The refueling will be ready in the morning.

Precautions and contraindications

Despite the numerous and truly impressive health benefits, eating these fruits raises some concerns.

Certain useful and harmful properties of the Buddha's hands are still under close study by specialists. Although thousands of years of successful use of the fruit in unconventional therapeutic methods testify to its benefit.

However, you should discuss with your healthcare professional if you are considering adding Finger Citron to your diet. For example, the fruit is contraindicated in low blood pressure and after suffering from dysentery.

Compatibility with other products

Since the hand of Buddha is a new fruit for many, this little culinary memo will help you prepare delicious dishes with his participation. Finger citron is combined with the following foods:

  1. Vegetables: bell pepper, tomatoes, bamboo shoots, asparagus, fern.
  2. Fruits: orange, calamondin, lime, carambola, passionfruit, apricot, nectarine, pomegranate, dates, kiwi, tamarind, sea buckthorn, raw papaya.
  3. Herbs, spices and oils: cocoa, chocolate, jasmine, orange blossom, mint, honey, maple syrup, coconut and olive oil, vinegar, white wine, vodka, amaretto, rum, salt, pepper, lemon and orange juice, soy sauce, mustard, wasabi, rice vinegar, thyme, lavender, Chinese magnolia vine.
  4. Other foods with which the Buddha's hand is in culinary harmony are beans, rice, green and black tea.

Subtleties of choice

  1. If you still managed to find this unusual fruit while traveling, pay attention to its packaging - it must not be damaged.
  2. Like other citrus fruits, the waxy rind of Buddha's ripe hands is yellow or bright orange in color with no signs of mold.
  3. Do not use fruits with flaccid or dry skin.
  4. When ripe, palm citron becomes surprisingly aromatic, filling the surrounding space with a fresh lemon sillage.
  5. Gently scratch the skin with your fingernail: if there is an oily mark on your finger, the fruit is ready to eat.

In China and Japan, the dried rind of the Buddha's hands is used to flavor linen closets or simply hang circles of citron around the house to attract good luck and maintain a good mood. Need to try!

Citron is not at all the same as citrus in our understanding. It is a plant from the genus Citrus of the Rute family. Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime are also plants from the genus Citrus of the Rutaceae family. That is, they are all siblings to citron. And they all differ from each other, both in appearance and in properties.

Surely you sometimes had to buy strange lemons at the bazaar - the peel is thick, bumpy, there is very little pulp inside and there is also little juice. Usually such lemons are considered "empty", either from a long lying down, or a bad variety. In fact, these are not lemons, but citrons.

Distinctive feature appearance - lumpy knobby peel. The aroma is more spicy and less "sour" than lemon. The rind can be up to five centimeters thick. Therefore, there is no more room for pulp and juice inside. But in citron, the pulp is not used, but the peel is used. They make candied fruits from citron, make jam, prepare lemonade, use in cosmetics and perfumery, add to tea or eat raw directly with the peel.

In the citron family there is one unique specimen that does not look like citrus fruits, because it looks like ... a human hand with curved different sides or fingers gathered together. His name - hand of Buddha... This fruit is remarkable in that it has the most fragrant fruits and the most marvelous shape of all members of the family. Lovers of exotic indoor plants love to grow it.

Plant care

Taking care of the Buddha's hand is no more difficult than caring for other indoor citrus fruits such as lemons. He is perhaps the most thermophilic of all relatives - he dies even with a short exposure to subzero temperatures. But in the apartment on the windowsill in winter time feels quite well and bears fruit actively. The total weight of one fruit grown in an apartment rarely reaches more than 500 grams. The skin of the citron Buddha Hand is not too thick, bumpy, there is pulp inside and not too sour, but fragrant juice.

Citron can be grown from a seedling, cuttings, or seeds. The seeds are sown in March in a special citrus substrate. Seeds sprout in three weeks. For further growth and development, they need to be provided with a warm place without drafts and direct sunlight. The sun's rays oppress him and do not allow him to develop normally.

In summer, the seedling can be taken out into the air, protecting it from the sun and drafts. Watering is necessary abundant, preventing the coma from drying out. Water used room temperature, defended. You also need to maintain high humidity air by spraying or pallets with wet expanded clay.

In winter, the citron hand of Buddha should stand in a bright cool room with a temperature of + 14… 16 ° С. A dormant period with a decrease in temperature is required. Watering is also reduced.

A citron that has grown from a cutting or seedling begins to bear fruit in the third year. If you grow the Buddha's hand from seed, you will have to wait seven to eight years for fruiting.

Citron has been used since ancient times as a vitamin-containing and medicinal plantwith strong bactericidal properties. The use of citron for seasickness and as an antidote was described by Pliny. Also, citron fruits are used to normalize the digestive system, in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, with toxicosis in pregnant women, dysentery and rheumatism. It is used in massage creams to enhance subcutaneous blood flow, in shampoos to saturate hair with vitamins and eliminate dandruff. Essential oil used in aromatherapy, as an antiseptic and antibiotic. The bactericidal properties of citron are stronger than that of lemon. Citron disinfects the air, repels insects.

Buddha fingers or finger citron

Citron is the very first of citrus plants, who fell into the Mediterranean as early as 300 BC, with the army of Alexander the Great. And in Mesopotamia they knew about citron 4 thousand years BC. which was confirmed by the excavations of Ancient Niipra and Babylonia.

Buddha's hand, Citron, cedrat (Citrus medica) also has names: "Corsican" - Corsican lemon, "Diamant" - Sicilian citron, "Ethrog" Israeli spindle-like citron, Buddha's fingers (or hand), in China they are called "fu shou", bushukon in Japan, Liamau Yari, Jerek tangan, Liamau lingtang kerat in Malaysia, Dhiruk tangan in Indonesia, som-mu in Thailand, Fat-cht in Vietnam.

Citron is remarkable in that it has huge and very fragrant fruits, bears fruit well, but it is very thermophilic and does not tolerate cold weather. IN room conditions reaches up to 1.5 meters. It has large, slightly wavy, eleptic, shiny, dark green leaves. The flowers are large, single or in inflorescences, white with a reddish tinge, bisexual or functionally male. Of all citrus fruits, it has the most large fruits - their length is 12-40 cm. Oblong, yellow, sometimes orange with a very thick peel of 2.5 - 5 cm. In shape, the fruits are oblong, resembling a banana cluster with a ribbed surface. All parts of the plant and flowers and fruits are extraordinarily aromatic.

At its core, the hand of Buddha is an unusual kind of lemon, in which very often there is nothing but the peel. This fruit is attractive not only for its unusual appearance, but also aromatic properties: tea is brewed from it, jam, marmalade and perfume are made. Candied fruits are prepared from citron peels.

Citron acid purifies complexion and reduces freckles. The prepared ointment helps in the treatment of lichen. Due to the fact that citron fruits have a bactericidal effect, decoctions and lotions can be used in the treatment of various infections. A decoction of leaves and flowers has a tonic effect on the scalp and hair follicles, which gives the hair a healthier color. If you hold the citron crust in your mouth for a while, it will freshen your breath and give a pleasant smell.

But in China, Buddha's fingers are kept at home as a talisman that brings good luck, happiness, longevity and drives away various evil spirits from the house.