How to restore a school certificate of secondary education. What to do if you have lost your education document and how to restore it

It is one of the important documents of every person, the presence of which is mandatory for everyone.

The possibility of loss of the document or its theft is not excluded. How to restore a certificate for grade 9 quickly and without problems?

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Actions in case of loss of a certificate for grade 9

Documents evidencing graduation, including grade 9, are among those that are required for admission to a higher educational institution or employment. Its loss or theft entails some problems. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to have information on how to restore a certificate for grade 9 if it is lost.

According to paragraph 26 of Sec. 5 The procedure for obtaining a duplicate document should follow the following procedure:

  • If the loss of the certificate was found, it is necessary to contact the nearest police station, where to write a statement about the loss or theft of the document. The application must be submitted in two copies, one of which (certified) remains with the applicant.
  • It is also necessary to file an application for the loss of a certificate in the editorial office of local newspapers with advertisements that are in demand among interested buyers. In this case, you should definitely take care of the availability of a document or certificate confirming the submission of the application. This will become necessary in the future.
  • The next step is to contact the head of the secondary school whose certificate was lost. An application must be submitted to the directorate of the organization, in which a request will be indicated for issuing a duplicate of the lost certificate. The principal of the school must contact the police for confirmation of the incident. In confirmation of this, he will be provided with a receipt for the submission of the relevant announcement to the media. If during the next three days no one responds to the submitted application in the media, the automatically lost certificate will be invalidated.
  • Further, it is necessary to work closely with the head of the school, the certificate of completion of which has disappeared. Before proceeding with the execution of a duplicate document, the director of the secondary school will necessarily double-check all the specified data (the presence of a filed application to the police, as well as a copy of the application to the local media). Only after the manager receives confirmation of the above actions, he has the right to instruct his employees to issue a duplicate of the lost certificate.

After all the above actions are carried out and confirmed, the countdown begins, during which the duplicate of the lost certificate will be issued to the applicant.

Only by following the above procedure, you can be sure that a duplicate of the lost passport will be received as soon as possible.

Important nuances

It is also recommended to take into account some points that must be observed if a problem arises in the case of how to restore a certificate for grade 9 in another city or when a secondary educational institution was liquidated at the time of application.

In this case, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Just as in the previous cases, you must apply to the nearest poly branch, as well as advertise in local media outlets. This will be clear evidence that the 9th grade graduation document was lost or stolen.
  • In addition, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application for issuing a duplicate of the lost certificate to the department of the city or district department of education. In this case, the issuance period does not change in any way, but remains exactly the same - 3 days (subject to the presence of all factors present).

Exactly the same scheme of action should be followed if the average preschool has been renamed or reorganized.

Regardless of whether the passport was lost or stolen, the application scheme does not change in any way. In addition, the period for issuing a duplicate in any case does not exceed those days. This is in the presence of all supporting documents.

I would also like to note that even in the event that the loss or theft of a certificate is discovered without the special need for the above documents, this must be immediately reported to the police station, and all necessary actions must be taken to restore the document.

In the event of unforeseen complications, it is recommended to seek the help of experienced lawyers.

Certificate for 9 classes - on the video:

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Issued only if the original is lost (lost, stolen, damaged in a fire, etc.). Therefore, most likely, you will need to confirm the fact of loss. Depending on the rules for the restoration of documents adopted at your university, either a certificate from or an announcement that the original diploma is invalid may be required. To obtain a certificate, you need to contact the district police department, write a statement about the loss of a diploma and get a certificate that the search work did not lead to a result. If an announcement in the media is required, publish an announcement in any city in the following form: “A diploma in the name (your name), such and such, number such and such, issued in such and such a year, is considered invalid.

Come to the university with a passport and from the police (or a newspaper clipping) and write an application asking for a duplicate diploma in connection with the loss of the original. In addition, you will need to pay at the cash desk of the educational institution or at the bank of the form. A sample receipt will be given to you upon acceptance of the application.

Restoring a lost diploma is a rather lengthy process and, depending on the university, can take from a month to six months.


  • Instructions on the procedure for issuing state documents on education
  • what documents are needed for graduation

If you have lost your degree higher education, then this can become an obstacle when arranging for Good work. To prevent this from happening, you need to collect all Required documents to restore it as soon as possible.


With this and your passport, you need to apply to the educational institution where you received, for issuing a duplicate diploma in the name of the rector, indicating the period of your study at this university, the year of defense of the diploma, faculty and specialty. In addition, you will have to pay a state fee.

If you received a diploma in your maiden name, and in this moment if you managed to change it, then a copy of your marriage certificate must be attached to the police station and the application. However, your old surname will remain.

If for some reason it becomes impossible to fill out the application to, then a duplicate of the diploma is issued without an application. If you lost a diploma and its supplement issued before June 22, 1996, you will be issued a duplicate of the diploma and its supplement on updated forms. If you received your diploma after June 22, 1996, then in return you will receive a duplicate of the application, which must contain the registration number of the preserved diploma. If the document on higher education was issued before June 22, 1996, then instead of a duplicate of the application, an extract from the working curriculum is issued, according to which the graduate of the university completed his studies, with the obligatory indication of the period of study and subjects studied. If the diploma was after June 22, 1996, then duplicates of the diploma and its annex are issued, and the preserved original of the annex to it is subject to disposal.

The restoration of a higher education diploma usually takes for a long time- from a month to six months, especially if it is lost in the spring, during the final exams.

Sometimes you have to think about how to restore school certificate. This question raises many problems. Especially if you don't know how to act. The main problem is that the restoration of the mentioned document is almost never found in practice. And therefore, few people know the algorithm of actions in case of damage or loss of a certificate of secondary education. Below we will consider this situation and how to resolve it. At proper preparation there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Legal basis

How to restore a school certificate in Russia? To understand this issue, it is important to know what regulations and laws regulate the relevant right.

Features of the re-issuance of school certificates are spelled out in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science) number 115 dated February 14, 2014. It indicates the grounds for issuing the said document, the principles for its execution and restoration.

Important: citizens of the Russian Federation are issued 2 certificates - about the main general education(9 grades) and full secondary (11 grades). The basis for registration of documents is the final certification. At the moment we are talking about the exam.

Right of return

How to recover a lost school certificate? Can it be done at all? Or will you have to put up with the loss of this document?

Restoring school certificates is a rare procedure in life, but everyone can face it. They cannot refuse this service, especially if you follow a certain procedure. Let's get to know him below.

Normal Recovery

Now consider possible scenarios. Let's start with the simplest: with the usual reissuance of a certificate.

You will need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact the police and write a statement about the loss of the document. This is extremely important step which should not be neglected.
  2. Write an ad in the local newspaper. It will tell you about the loss of the certificate and the invalidity of the corresponding document from the date of loss.
  3. To carry out the preparation of a list of papers. We will talk about it in more detail later.
  4. Fill out an application for the restoration of the school certificate.
  5. Contact the prepared statements to the school where the document was handed over. Usually at this moment a person is given a form of application for the restoration of a certificate.
  6. Get the finished document in your hands at a predetermined time.

That's all. It would seem that there are no problems. Now it is clear how to restore a school certificate. But this is only one of options development of events. What challenges might citizens face today?

School is closed

Sometimes it turns out that a person has lost his school certificate. How to restore it, we found out. But this instruction not suitable for everyone. Over time, educational institutions may close. What to do in this case?

In order to reissue the lost documentation of school education, you will have to adhere to the previously proposed algorithm of actions. The difference lies in the fact that the application for the restoration of the certificate will not be submitted to the school, but to the local department of education.

As practice shows, such situations are extremely rare. Schools are almost never closed. And therefore, reissuing certificates, if necessary, delivers a minimum of hassle.

Reorganization carried out

How to restore a school certificate if lost? To do this with timely preparation is not difficult. In particular, if you adhere to the previously discussed algorithm of actions.

In some cases, school educational institutions are reorganized or renamed. What to do in this situation to restore education documents?

You must follow the instructions above. The difference will be that along with the certificate, the citizen will be given certificates and extracts about the "reforms" carried out. Otherwise, there will be no problems and hitches.

Terms of service provision

How to recover a lost school certificate? The answer to this question should no longer be difficult. It remains to consider a few key points of the whole procedure.

For example, how long will an application of the established form be considered? The answer depends on which passport the citizen is requesting.

You can focus on the following indicators:

  • up to 30 days - consideration of an application for the restoration of a school certificate for 11 classes;
  • 7 days - filing an application for reissuing a document on education for 9 classes.

AT real life applicants are often asked to collect their high school diploma in May-July, when they are issued to students at an educational institution. You can disagree with such a decision and insist on a faster production of a duplicate of the document.

Information for applying

We figured out how to restore a school certificate. And what certificates will be required from a citizen for the implementation of the task?

Typically, the list of documents includes the following:

  • application of the established form;
  • citizen's identity card.

Additionally, you may need:

  • adoption certificates;
  • marriage or divorce certificates;
  • certificates of change of surname / name / patronymic;
  • documents on the change of gender of a citizen.

If the applicant's personal data school years did not change, you can get by with the first list of documents.

Fill Features

Now a few words about what nuances of filling out the restored certificate will have to be taken into account. It's pretty important point, but it does not directly concern the applicant.

Here are the principles that should be followed during the restoration of a document on school education:

  1. The certificate is made on forms that are used to issue the relevant extracts at the time the school graduate contacts the institution.
  2. The resulting statement will necessarily indicate the word "duplicate".
  3. Data about the applicant and his progress will be entered from the personal file. It must be kept at the school.
  4. If a duplicate of the supplement to the certificate cannot be filled out and produced, the document on education will be issued without the corresponding insert.


So, we found out how to restore a school certificate, as well as how to act in this or that case. All this must be done in accordance with the instructions above.

In general, the following situations can serve as grounds for reissuing a certificate:

  • damage to the document;
  • loss or theft of a certificate of education;
  • detection of typos or inaccuracies in the document;
  • change of personal data.

In any case, now you know how to cope with the task. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

Important: the waiting period for a document on education increases if a citizen sends an application by mail. Therefore, it is better to act personally.

If such an incident happened in your life that you lost your certificate of basic general (9 classes) or secondary general (11 classes) education, then do not be discouraged. The procedure for its restoration is not so complicated and tricky. After completing all the steps written in this article, you will receive a duplicate (which means a copy that has legal force) of a certificate of education. What we will tell you today.

how to restore certificate

The school that you graduated from will be restoring, so you need to go there. The law that you will be guided by when solving this problem is called “The procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary education and their duplicates” (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated February 14, 2014 N 115)

In the event of a reorganization of an organization educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the appendix to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, which is the assignee.

If the school you attended has become a different institution (for example, comprehensive school turned into a gymnasium or lyceum), then this gymnasium or lyceum will issue you a duplicate certificate.

In case of liquidation of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by an organization carrying out educational activities, determined by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, or an authority local government executing management in the field of education, which was in charge of the specified organization, in accordance with this Procedure.

And if the school has completely disappeared from the face of the earth, then you will have to contact the education department of your district / city (it is unlikely to be reorganized).

We found a place where we will apply and take further actions on the topic: "how to restore a certificate."

The certificate is restored free of charge. No fees need to be paid.

Action #1
First, your passport must be invalidated.

As a rule, if you have lost your education document, it is enough to place an ad in a newspaper with a similar text:

If you have lost a certificate of basic general education (9 classes)
Certificate of basic general education No.……….from ………..g. issued by (name educational institution who issued a certificate) in the name (full name) shall be considered invalid.

If you have lost a certificate of secondary general education (grade 11)
Certificate of secondary general education No.……….from ………..g. , issued by (name of the educational institution that issued the certificate) in the name (full name) shall be considered invalid.

If the document was stolen or burned down during a fire, then it will be possible to ask for a certificate of loss of a certificate and use it instead of an advertisement in a newspaper.

A newspaper with a printed advertisement should be in your hands when you go to school to restore your certificate.

If you do not remember the number, the date of issue of the certificate, then there is nothing wrong with that. Knowing your full name, which was displayed in the form of the document on education and the year in which you graduated, will be enough to make a duplicate of the certificate.

Action #2
We write an application for issuing a duplicate certificate at school and present an identity card (passport). It is possible that you will be asked to present a certificate of marriage or a change of name / surname / patronymic (if you changed your surname / name / patronymic). An example of an application is given below.

For married women: if you changed your surname, and your maiden name is indicated in the certificate, then be sure to indicate it in the application, otherwise the data on your lost certificate will not be found.

It is also important that you include a contact phone number to contact you if you have any questions.

how to restore certificate
An example (sample) of an application for issuing a duplicate certificate
When specifying the reason for the loss of the certificate, describe in as much detail as possible under what conditions you lost the document. Suddenly, the school considers your arguments unfounded and refuses to issue a duplicate.

Along with the application, we enclose a page from the newspaper with your printed advertisement.

The term for making a duplicate of the certificate is 1 month from the date of application. (P. 26, part 5)

The decision to issue or refuse to issue a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the appendix to it is made by the organization carrying out educational activities within a month from the date of submission of the written application.

If the school you graduated from was reorganized into another educational institution and you were given a duplicate certificate there, then they must also attach a copy of the document that reflects the fact of renaming or reorganization (clause 28, part 1).

In the event of a change in the name of an organization carrying out educational activities, a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to the certificate is issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, together with a document confirming the change in the name of the organization carrying out educational activities.

Thus, to apply for the production of a duplicate certificate, prepare the following documents:

the passport;
a newspaper with a printed announcement about the recognition of your certificate as invalid;
certificate of marriage or change of name / surname / patronymic (if the data has changed since the receipt of the certificate);
an application signed by you for the issuance of a duplicate certificate.
And you should know that you will receive a duplicate of the certificate on the forms that are issued at the time of application. For example, earlier all entries were entered manually directly into the certificate cover. Now they look like diplomas with an insert (in which grades are indicated) and are filled out on a computer. Therefore, do not be surprised that the certificate does not look the way you received it.

Can I get a duplicate while in another city?
Can. We read Art. 25 of the above normative act:

Art. 25. A certificate (duplicate certificate) is issued to a graduate of an organization engaged in educational activities, personally or to another person upon presentation of an identity document and issued in in due course of the power of attorney issued to the specified person by the graduate, or at the request of the graduate is sent to his address through general postal operators by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The power of attorney and (or) application, according to which the certificate was issued (sent) (duplicate of the certificate), are stored in the personal file of the graduate.
When writing the application, indicate that you want to receive the document by mail (by registered mail, most likely by parcel post) with a return receipt and indicate the postal address. Or issue a power of attorney to loved one or a friend to get the document for you.
Here, in fact, is all the wisdom. I hope that this information was useful to you. Read more interesting articles on our website and see you soon!

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Duplicate certificate

I was given a duplicate of the old certificate. Is it considered valid?

That's why the duplicate is called that it duplicates what was. If there was an old-style certificate, then they will issue one; if not, then the certificate must be changed.

Lost my certificate. Wanted to get a duplicate. They say that it is obligatory to advertise the loss in the city newspaper, but I live in a nasleg, why can’t I put it in a naslezhnaya newspaper, is it legally demanded? Thank you.

Good afternoon! To answer your question, you need to understand what other newspaper you indicated?

Hello! The procedure for issuing a duplicate is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2014 N 115 "On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates" (clause 26) Issuance of a duplicate certificate and (or ) duplicate application to the certificate is carried out on the basis of a written application of the graduate or his parents (legal representatives) submitted to the organization carrying out educational activities that issued the certificate: in case of loss of the certificate or attachment to the certificate- outlining the circumstances of the loss of the certificate or annex to the certificate, as well as attaching a document confirming the fact of loss (certificates from the internal affairs bodies, fire brigade, newspaper ads and others); in case of damage to the passport and (or) supplement to the certificate, in case of detection of an error made during filling out - outlining the circumstances and nature of the damage, precluding the possibility of further use or indicating the errors made, with the damaged (spoiled) certificate and (or) attachment to the certificate, which are subject to destruction in accordance with the established procedure; when changing the last name (first name, patronymic) of the graduate - with copies of documents confirming the change in the last name (first name, patronymic) of the graduate. The decision to issue or refuse to issue a duplicate of the certificate and (or) a duplicate of the annex to it is made by the organization carrying out educational activities within a month from the date of submission of a written application. As you can see, in normative act it is not indicated in the newspaper of what level the announcement should be published, respectively, it can be published in any newspaper registered as mass media.

A graduate graduated from high school more than 20 years ago and has now requested a duplicate certificate. The school has changed its name several times. In the name of the institution, indicate the current name or the name that was at the time of its termination, and issue a certificate of renaming?

Hello Natalia! According to the third section of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 115 “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates” III. Filling in duplicate certificates and annexes to them 10. Duplicate certificate and annexes to it (hereinafter referred to as the duplicate) are filled in in accordance with paragraphs 3-9 of this Procedure. 11. When filling in duplicates on the forms of the title of the certificate and the appendix to it, the word "DUPLICATED" is indicated in the upper right corner. 12. In the duplicate of the certificate after the surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the graduate, the year of graduation and Name in accordance with subparagraph c) of paragraph 4.2 of this Procedure the organization that carries out educational activities that the graduate graduated from. 13. Entries are made in duplicates in accordance with the documents available in the personal file of the graduate who lost the document. If it is impossible to fill in a duplicate of the application to the certificate, a duplicate of the certificate is issued without an application to it. 14. The duplicate is signed by the head of the organization carrying out educational activities that issued the duplicate. A duplicate can be signed by the acting head of the organization carrying out educational activities, or official by an authorized manager. That is, the name should be the same as it was at the time of graduation.

I would like to clarify how I can get a duplicate certificate of eight years of education.

Write a letter to the head of the educational institution.

Does anything threaten me if it is found out that I made a duplicate of the certificate, which in fact is not lost, if it threatens, then what? And how can it be revealed? And who can find it. Can the police find it?

If you honestly graduated from an educational institution, then having a duplicate certificate does not threaten you with anything.

Parents accidentally threw out a school leaving certificate, where I can get a duplicate or at least just take a picture of it if the school no longer exists.

Contact the Ministry of Education, schools submit reports there, maybe they will restore your certificate.

You need to apply to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan with an appropriate application.

The school received an application for issuing a duplicate of the certificate, because the original is flooded and cannot be used. Should we require an advertisement in the newspaper if a spoiled certificate was presented. The school has drawn up an act of destruction of the damaged certificate. Thank you.

The announcement in the newspaper is given in order to prevent the use of the certificate. In this case, this is not necessary.

How long does it take to issue a duplicate certificate of basic general education?

Hello, Elena. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2014 N 115 "On approval of the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates" establishes this procedure in detail. Issuance of a duplicate certificate is made on the basis of a written application. The decision to issue or refuse is made by the organization carrying out educational activities within a month from the date of submission of the relevant application.

The answer to your question is in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2014 N 115 "On approval of the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates." Issuance of a duplicate certificate is made on the basis of a written application. The decision on extradition or refusal is issued to the applicant within one month from the date of submission of the relevant application.

In the duplicate of the certificate of basic general education, what date is put - the date of issue of the duplicate or the date of issue of the lost original? Thank you.

Date of issue of the original. On the duplicate itself, the mark "DUPLICATED" is made.

Lost my certificate. We urgently need a duplicate. Now married. I want a duplicate for my maiden name, in the present I have my husband's surname. Is this certificate valid?

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated February 14, 2014 N 115 Moscow "On approval of the procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and secondary general education and their duplicates", you can get duplicate of the certificate in your school. It will be issued in your current surname, according to your passport. If you want a maiden name, then first of all you should change your current last name to her

The situation is as follows.
I applied to the school for a duplicate certificate of secondary education.
I handed over all the documents, for about two years they didn’t make a duplicate for me, each time finding reasons not to do it. I wanted to study further, but without a certificate I have no opportunity to do this.

File a complaint with the prosecutor's office, they will check it and then it will be easier for you to get a duplicate.

At school 143 in St. Petersburg, he applied to the director for a duplicate certificate in connection with his loss (he graduated from school in 1988 and moved several times, and there was no need for a certificate). However, they require a certificate from the police department at the place of registration in the Nevsky district. There they appoint the time of issuance three times, but there is still no certificate.
I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, I live with my mother in the Admiralty district, I need a certificate for employment through a rehabilitation center. Ride every 3-4 days Nevsky district hard. From the information on the Internet, I realized that a certificate from the police is needed only in case of theft. Is it so? Can I contact the local police? How to solve this problem - tell me.
Sincerely. Kuzavkov I.V.

Hello! In this case, it is necessary to submit an advertisement to the newspaper about the loss of the certificate, and then provide a Notice from the newspaper with an application for a duplicate, which describes in detail the circumstances of the loss of the document.

Can a mother get a duplicate certificate of secondary education.

Hello Tatyana, of course, if you have a notarized power of attorney. Respectfully!

The new or old name of the organization should be written in duplicate when issuing a certificate of secondary education.

Good evening, Tamara Petrovna! The duplicate document must exactly match the original - therefore, the name must be the same. However, it is worth attaching to the duplicate a copy of the record sheet on the renaming of the institution.

My school has to issue a duplicate certificate for a school that has been liquidated. What to write in duplicate, which school the former graduate graduated from 7

Good evening, you need to register exactly the school that the graduate graduated from, based on a personal file and archival data. For a graduate, you can additionally give a certificate explaining on what basis a duplicate is issued by another educational institution, this certificate may be useful to him in the future.

I lost my high school diploma, I made a duplicate, but I found the original, what should I do?

The law does not regulate this. In fact, in the future, only a duplicate of the certificate can be used, it is to him that all the legal completeness of this document is transferred, the use of the original may lead to problems due to the loss of legal force.

The certificate is lost, in order to obtain a duplicate, you need to advertise in the newspaper about its loss, indicating the number of the certificate. The data has not been saved in the school archive, what should I do?

Good afternoon! Submit an ad in the form - the certificate is lost, issued in the name ... date of issue, by whom issued. In addition, contact the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region with a request to check any information based on your data. As a rule, traces remain not only in the official archives ... but also in families, in the documents of classmates. Go to the Odnoklassniki website, chat with former friends. They will have information about who issued the certificate and when. And what numbers were in your class.

In the duplicate certificate, the name of which organization to write if there was a change to MBOU.

In the duplicate of the certificate, you must write the organization that issued the certificate. A certificate of change of the name of the organization must be attached to the duplicate, in which it should be reflected in detail in connection with what and when (meaning the date) the name of the organization was changed.

For what surname is a duplicate of the certificate issued, if now the surname of the husband?

Hello, Elena! If you have changed your last name, you will need proof of identity or a name change certificate. The latter can be replaced by a copy. As proof of identity, you can bring an internal passport, international passport, driver's license, military ID. In all cases, a handwritten application for a duplicate diploma must be attached to the documents. It must be written in the name of the head of your educational institution. You need to write the reason why you want to get a duplicate. In addition, the application must indicate the years of study and your specialty received in this educational institution. Be sure to add your contact information to the application. In most cases, the application and a set of documents must be brought to the department of issuing diplomas of the educational institution whose diploma needs to be restored. Documents can be submitted personally or sent in an envelope by mail. It is also possible to entrust the submission of documents for obtaining a duplicate to another person. To do this, you must draw up a power of attorney in the name of the person on whom you assign this duty. The power of attorney is certified by a notary. You can pick up a duplicate in person or with the help of a trusted person. The duplicate of the diploma is not sent by mail. A duplicate of a diploma can be provided both for a fee and free of charge. This feature depends on the rules set by the educational institution. Information on the amount of the amount of payment can be found in the department of issuing diplomas.

The certificate is lost, whether the duplicate is a document for obtaining a residence permit. Thank you.

Hello Inna. The duplicate has the force of the originally issued certificate (lost). You have the right to present a duplicate of the certificate to those organizations in which you need.

When applying for a temporary residence permit at the Sekharovo migration center, they refused to accept a duplicate certificate of secondary education. I motivate this by the fact that the certificate was issued in 2018, despite the fact that they graduated from school in 1982. Is this legal?

Hello Xenia! The duplicate must contain information about the date of issue of the original certificate upon graduation from the educational institution and the date of issue of the duplicate, an illegal refusal can be appealed. Sincerely, LAW FIRM "ZAKON".

Good morning, Kseniya! We cannot answer your question accurately enough, since we do not see either the duplicate itself or the official refusal. The duplicate of the certificate must contain information about the date of graduation from the educational institution, and the duplicate is dated precisely by the date of issue. An unlawful refusal can be appealed to a higher authority and in court. You can always find a way out of any situation, the main thing is to take steps to achieve it. Contact the lawyers with the documents on the case and they will help you in drafting the documents. Contact numbers, addresses are usually indicated under the lawyer's answer. Good luck and all the best in your business. Sincerely, the law firm "PRAVO", a member of the Guild of Human Rights Defenders of Moscow!

No, of course, you can lose documents at least every year and get new ones, and duplicates will be valid. You need to appeal this denial.

I graduated from high school over ten years ago. The certificate was lost, does the person who issues the duplicate have the right to correct several grades?

There were some good questions. Straight turn into a forum of swindlers. He can fix it, but he just doesn’t want to go under the article. Forget this idea.

How can I get a duplicate of a lost high school diploma? The school itself no longer exists, and I currently live in another city.

Write an application to the education department of the city where you studied, they will tell you how to get a duplicate or send a corresponding replacement document.

Please tell me what surname is indicated in the duplicate of the certificate: maiden or the one that is at the time of obtaining the duplicate?

Hello, the surname at the time you received your certificate will be indicated, that is, the surname before marriage. Good luck and all the best

Hello dear visitor of our site! The one that is valid at the time of issue should be indicated, as it confirms his education. I hope that my advice will be useful to you.

Hello. The duplicate of the certificate indicates the surname that you had at the time of receipt, i.e. surname before marriage. Good luck.

What documents are required to obtain a duplicate certificate?

Good afternoon, Yulianna! Apply in writing to the educational institution where you want to get a duplicate certificate. In the application, indicate the years of study at the educational institution. If possible, come in person with a passport to the office and submit an application. They will tell you what documents you still need to bring.

Good afternoon, Yulianna! To obtain a form of a duplicate certificate, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the educational organization: 1) an application addressed to the director of the educational organization for issuing a duplicate certificate; 2) as well as: in case of loss of the certificate - with a statement of the circumstances of the loss (in detail), in case of damage, upon detection of an error - with a statement of the circumstances and nature of the damage that precludes the possibility of further use or an indication of the errors made, with a photocopy of the damaged (spoiled) certificate; 3) a certificate from the internal affairs bodies (in case of loss), fire protection (in case of fire); 4) a newspaper with an announcement containing the text: “the lost certificate of secondary (complete) general or basic general education under the number SERIES 000000, issued by MBOU SOSH in 0000 in the name of Ivan Ivan Ivanovich, is considered invalid”; 5) a copy of the document confirming the change of surname (if the graduate (graduate) changed his surname);

I submitted documents for issuing a duplicate certificate for 11 classes and a few days later the original arrived by mail from the university (although they said that it was not there). Will it be valid (original)?

Good day! If you have the original document in your hands, of course it will be valid, just find the original and send it to you, all the best to you!

Is it possible to cancel a duplicate passport and consider the lost passport, which we found after receiving a duplicate, as valid?

Good day! No, this is no longer possible, unfortunately. All the best. You can ask clarifying questions if necessary.

Good afternoon, dear Zaira No, why do you need these difficulties, the lost original is no longer valid Good luck to you and your loved ones!

Good day. Dear Zaire, alas, your real certificate will be the one that was issued later, i.e. duplicate. All the best, good luck to you.