Schoolchildren on space of articles. The most interesting about space

Cosmos will always be interested in people. Even those who are far from. Therefore, it is not by chance that every year we manage to recognize some new ones.

In this article, we have prepared a lot of fascinating information about space and cosmonauts, as well as about the device of the Universe. Perhaps some things are already known to you, but something, after all, you will hear for the first time.

So, in front of you the most interesting facts about space.

Tenth Planet Solar System

Did you know that in 2003, American astronomers managed to detect the 10th planet for? She was named Erid.

Make such a discovery was due to the new advanced technique. Soon other space objects were also discovered. They, along with Pluto and Erida, was customary to call the transpongor.

It is worth noting that such discoveries are interested in scientists also because they are trying to learn what advantages and danger can be in themselves this or that cosmic body.

Scientists are constantly engaged in finding life on other planets. This is due to frightening events that unfold today. We are talking about the threat nuclear war, epidemics, global cataclysms and many other factors.

Mysterious Moon

Talking interesting facts about space, it is impossible not to mention the moon. After all, despite the fact that, compared to other celestial bodies, the moon is studied best, we still do not know much about it.

Here are just some of the riddles, the answers to which have not yet been found:

  • What is the reason the moon has so large sizes? It is important here to understand that in the solar system there are no natural satellites comparable in size with the moon.
  • What is due to the fact that the diameter of the moon disk at the time of the total eclipse, is ideally covered by the drive of the sun?
  • What makes the moon rotate on the right circular orbit? It is difficult to answer this question, since the orbits of the other satellites have an ellipse form?

Where is the double double

According to some scientists, the Earth has a twin. It turned out that on the satellite - Titan, the conditions are very similar to our planet.

There also in sufficient quantities there is a similar air sheath.

On the this moment Titan causes special interest in scientific circles and continues to be actively examined by specialists.

Myshai Marsa

Red Planet is a nickname that received because of his color. Water was found on this planet, as well as a suitable temperature and an atmosphere for the existence of living organisms.

In the middle of the 20th century, a song was popular about what an apple tree will bloom in Mars. However, it still remains uninhabited.

Scientists are trying to find any signs of life, but it is not easy to conduct research. The main problem is an large distance to this beloved planet.

Interesting the fact that today Mars is the second most studied object in space after the Earth.

Why the flights to the moon stopped

Since the moon is closest to the ground, it does not cease to interest the minds of people. In 1969, the Americans visited it, who managed to collect important space data about this satellite. Today, scientists continue research in one form or another.

However, after American astronauts flew to the moon, the satellite study program was suddenly discontinued.

Naturally, it leads to many questions and causes bewilderment: why a successful space study project was closed without sufficient reason?

There is an opinion that there was no flight at all, and all photos and videos, allegedly made in space, were simply falsified in American film studio.

Considering the fact that at that time cold War It was in full swing, such a claim is quite possible to assume.

The first cosmonaut who visited the moon, Neil Armstrong, argued that there was a different form of life, in the fight against which a person could not get out the winner. However, his opinion clearly clarifies the situation as a whole.

Unfortunately, today many facts about this cosmic object remain classified. Perhaps in the near future we will learn some new interesting facts about the Moon and that space researchers hid from us.

Space Toilet.

Interesting the fact that before sending the first person to space, the unusual problem arose before scientists: what should the toilet be so that the astronauts could normally use it in a state of weightlessness?

It is only at first glance can only seem that the creation of a toilet for astronauts is an immeasible task. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

The sewage system must function without failures. For example, when wearing a spacecraft and its subsequent exit to open space, astronauts have to use special diapers.

As soon as they began to build a rocket, special attention Designers satisfied the invention plumbing devices. They were developed taking into account the individual anatomical features of crew members.

Every year, the toilets in spacecraft became increasingly versatile, thoughtful and comfortable.

Superstition on board

At astronauts, as in people, there are many superstitions.

For example, going into space, they take a branch of wormwood, so that its smell remind them of Earth. Russian cosmonauts Before the start, it is necessary to include the song of the Earthlings group - "Earth in the Illuminator".

Sergey Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics of the Soviet, never allowed the flights to space to be held on Mondays. He himself did not comment on this, although because of such a decision he had many conflicts with leadership.

One day, when the launch was still spent on Monday, a whole series of accidents occurred on the fatal chance.

On October 24, 1960, a ballistic missile was suddenly exploded on Baikonur. From the moment this sad date has become associated with bad luck. And today, on this day on cosmodromes, no types of work are not carried out.

Unknown facts about space and Russian cosmonautics

Peak popularity russian cosmonautics Fell on soviet time. Scientists and designers managed to achieve phenomenal results that struck the whole world.

However, against the background of victories, the tragic moments that need to be understood with understanding. The development of outer space was made by the new and unexplored direction in science, so mistakes were inevitable.

Here are some interesting facts that you may not hear.

  • On the monument installed in the star town, you can see the chamomile, which the cosmonaut holds in his hand.
  • Many people think that the first living creatures sent to space were, but it is not. In fact, they were turtles.
  • Do you know why in the middle of the 20th century, 2 cosmodrome built in the Soviet Union? This was done in order to mislead the enemy. Wooden designsI imitating genuine space facilities, built from Baikonur at a distance of 300 km.

Funny discoveries and interesting facts about space

  • Saturn has a very small density and is a very light planet. If it could be immersed in the water, he would not be shattered in it.
  • Among all the planets Solar systemis the biggest. It's amazing, but inside it could accommodate all the planets rotating around the sun.
  • The very first star catalog was an ancient scientist of Hipparch, who lived in the 2nd century BC. e.
  • In 1980, the "Lunar Embassy" was formed, selling territories on the moon. By the way, the situation today is already sold out about 8% of the lunar surface. So if you are interested in space from a practical point of view - hurry!
  • Interesting the fact that Americans spent huge amounts of money for the development of a special handle that could write in space. After all, in the state of weightlessness, the ink does not flow out of the rod, as it happens on Earth. Soviet cosmonauts considered this problem somewhat farmed, and they took into space for records ... Pencil.

The most unusual statements of NASA

In the entire history of its existence, NASA made many different statements, some of which were very unusual and even strange.

  • Being in weightlessness, astronauts suffer from "cosmic disease", accompanied by nausea and pain. This is due to the violation of the full functioning of the inner ear.
  • The liquid in the cosmonaut body seeks to fall into the head, as a result of which he has a blockage of the nose, and the face will noticeably swell.
  • In outer space, a person becomes higher, due to the lack of pressure on his spine.
  • A snoring man on earth, in conditions of weightlessness will not make any sounds.

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Another primitive people caught their views on the night sky, trying to find out what the glowing points on it are located. Some thought that the gods live in the sky, others believed that unknown people live in heaven, and until now, there was a complete understanding of what cosmos really was.

As a rule, interesting facts about space are always in the center of attention, attracting many readers all over the world. Riddles and secrets of the Universe do not leave indifferent to almost any of us. Are there extraterrestrial civilizations? How much time must be expeked to get to the nearest galaxy? Why do stars sparkle with different colors?

Agree, I want answers to such questions I want to know everyone regardless of gender, age, social status. This section of our portal contains interesting scientific articles on space, which will expand your imagination, will be loaded into the world of mysterious, mysterious, unimaginable.

Scientific articles about space fromK.vant.S.pAc.e.

Modern science, which was formed in the 20th century, developed very dynamically, presenting new incredible discoveries since the invention conventional battery And ending with a landing man on the moon. However, all this was only the beginning, only a drop in the ocean of knowledge, which expect humanity ahead. As for the development of space, in the XXI century it became even rapidly. The invention of heavy duty telescopes provided a person with the opportunity to see other galaxies with stars and planetary systems. The curtain of the mystery about the origin of the Universe was opened by mathematics, physics, astronomers and other scientific figures of modernity.

Riddles of the Universe, the theory of a large explosion, the existence of an extraterrestrial mind - all this is of interest not only for specialists exploring the outer space. This information will be interesting to everyone, so the portal site provides to your attention scientific articles on space, including theories of origin of matter, descriptions of cosmic bodies, estimates of distances in outer space and much more. People think in vain that scientific articles are written by scientists for their colleagues. They contain information that expands our worldview. Scientific articles about space are not boring, because this is a very extensive topic, which includes a lot of interesting moments.

Why night lovers love to sit under starry sky? The answer is simple - the night sky is not comparable to any decor. In pursuit of romance, it is not necessary to go far. Take a look at the sky in dark time day. Stars that glowing peas are scattered on it, so do not look like each other. Multicolored flickering stars fascinating bright traces from the fall of meteorites - Can I really be romantic than? It would be great to learn more about all this. Unfortunately, our imagination is not able to solve all the secrets of space, it is not even the most brightest "minds" of the world. But science does not stand still. From day to day, new discoveries of space objects are made, and various hypotheses and theories are confirmed and refuted. Scientific articles about space published on the site are written on the basis of the works of famous scientists who completely gave themselves to the disclosure of the mysteries of the Universe.

The launch of a Hubble telescope to earthly orbit in 1990 helped astronomers see the galaxies that are at a distance of billion light years from the ground. Snapshots obtained by this powerful telescope of modernity, not only make it possible to see space objects, but also analyze the development of the universe.

How to create scientific articles about space

Numerous news from distant worlds provide us with the most valuable information about the universe. However, all this would be only a set of facts if a person could not analyze them, compare between them, find certain ties and patterns, knew how to think, reflect and draw conclusions. It was the human mind that helped create wonderful tools and devices that are trapped and decrypted information from space. But not all phenomena from the world can be observed. Moreover, not every event in space, followed by which we observe, comes from the other already known to us. Thus, scientific theory comes to help scientists. Due to its use, it is possible to open the dependence between various processes and phenomena, restore the missing links, to predict new facts, study such tasks that cannot be solved among observations or measurements. It is the use of the theory that indicates the path of further research, it sets primary tasks before scientists, concentrating their efforts in certain directions, aims to establish certain facts.

The existence of the theory without data of observations and facts is impossible. Without them, it would be only empty logical exercises, decisions of speculative tasks that do not contain any valuable information about the world around. It would be a simple kaleidoscope without a theoretical basis and without clarifying patterns, leading facts, which would be little useful to researchers of the Universe. Observations along with theoretical studies - two twin brothers who cannot live in modern science One without a second.

In terms of its nature, theoretical studies in modern astronomy are very diverse. Statistical calculations, and mathematical calculations, and bold guesses along with original hypotheses are found here.

On our portal, the site you can meet a variety of scientific articles about space. You will learn the hypotheses of the origin of matter, meet the description of the planets, galaxies, stars, nebulae and comet, familiarize yourself with the works of the leading astrophysics and mathematicians of the world exploring the outer space.

Mainly, the scientific article is written on the basis of observations. When we are talking On observation of cosmic bodies, it is worth understanding that the capture of light cosmic rays coming from space, all half of the case. These rays still need to fix. For many years, astronomers did it very primitively: they looked into the eyepiece of the telescope, and then simply redraw sawed and recorded the results of observations.

However, the eyes of a person tend to fatigue. A few hours of uninterrupted observation noticeably dull visual sharpness and reduce the accuracy of perception. Therefore, astronomer scientists in conducting research instead of tedious visual observations use the photographing method. Modern cameras allow you to automate the process of researching space. Scientific articles on space with which you can find in this section of our portal are supported by real photographs of space objects.

Last time science really brought us many ingenious discoveries.

For some few decades, we invented powerful computers and now we can work with gigantic information.

Thanks to the invention of heavy-duty engines, people managed to overcome the power of the earthly attraction and break into the outer space. In 1961, a person was able to see the fact that the Earth is really a ball. And before that, everything was only at the level of assumptions, hypotheses and theories. Scientists break their head in order to find confirmation of their theories. There is still so many inexplicable in space! New laws are opening, new bodies that are given their names. Further, they become the subject of discussions at meetings of scientists and scientific conferences. In general, the topic "Cosmos" is heavy to understand. After all, you have to talk about those objects that are at a huge distance. If the man could still get to the moon and collect samples of its surface, then other celestial bodies are still inaccessible. Therefore, their description will be based only on the materials obtained by the telescope. Scientific articles about space are useful for people of any age. They are interested in reading children who are able to instantly absorb large amounts of information. They will also be interesting and adults regardless of their profession. After reading such a text, there is always something to reflect.

How many people are so many opinions. When you read the hypothesis, you can either agree with it or not. Mostly in the subjects of the subjects there are no reliable data. The conclusions are based only on the reasoning of scientists involved in studying one or another phenomenon. It is not easy to describe what you can not be seen from a close distance, it is impossible to feel and see from all sides. This is the complexity of the work of astrophysics. Operating only images, they should conclude a distance to the cosmic body, its temperature, physical condition and many other factors. Cosmos is that scientific topicwhich has no beginning and end. After all, in the universe there are many galaxies, stars, planets and nebulae, each of which is the subject of a new scientific research. The only question is how quickly a person will be available to technology promoting to get to these objects for a short distance. The plots of fantastic films tell about how people in a few years will travel from the planet on the planet. It is impossible to say that all these fictions of the pen, because in the last century the science has made a leap forward, covering almost all the spheres of our life. One way or another, the question of the colonization of space, although it is not an acute necessity, but rises not only by science fiction, but also by scientists. Some of them push bold theories that a person can colonize Mars, others are looking for a planet in neighboring galaxies with a similar atmosphere, which can be suitable for life.

It cannot be argued that space is something far away from us, the fact that we do not affect us. Outbreaks in the sun cause magnetic storms on Earth, which affects the deterioration of human well-being. In the same period, the probability of failure of household appliances is increasing.

Humanity should be interested in the subject of space, because it is from there that the biggest risk of death of civilization comes. At the scientific level, it is stated by little, at least some theories say that dinosaurs died precisely due to the collision of the Earth and the Great Space. "The Blesses of the Universe", which sometimes enter the atmospheric space of our planet, makes a hidden threat. Since this problem concerns all residents of the Earth, states must apply maximum their efforts in order to conduct a peaceful cosmos development policy with elements of the Commonwealth.

A person in the study of outer space has achieved significant results. However, a lot of things remains even unscrew and unconfirmed. The study of the cosmos will never lose its relevance, because it makes it possible to determine which laws the universe developed, where did life come from, and could she be somewhere else? Our site website offers a collection of scientific articles on space, in which the well-known "minds" of our time express their reasoning to questions in this area. Perhaps in the near future we will get a clear and clear answer to the fact that such an universe and space, where all this came from. At this time, the theory is very popular Big bangwhich explains the principle of origin of matter in the universe. Scientists find more and more evidence of this theory, reinforcing reasoning with laboratory experiments.

Every day, humanity is interested in space more and more. We are aware of what is strongly dependent on the processes occurring in the universe. We want to understand how the universe is equipped, even though it is hardly possible. We will wait for new interesting discoveriescapable of making our lives easier, better and comfortable.

How much is a space saucer and how it works? How to calculate the strength of gravity between the celestial bodies and at what speed rotates the Milky Way galaxy? How old is the universe and what will happen if you fall into the black hole? Answers to these and whole line You can find other questions in this selection of facts about space.

Swan in the constellation Swan, is a very large star in the famous universe - hypergigant. It is almost a million times more than the sun.

Planet Uranus was opened by William Gershel, who wanted to call the Planet George, in honor of King George III, but ultimately chose Uranus.

The first rockets were made 1000 years ago in China.

Robert Goddard launched the first liquid rocket engine in 1926.

More than 100 artificial satellites are currently launched into space every year. Some of them are space telescopes.

The lower the satellite orbit, the faster it should fly to avoid falling on the ground. Most satellites fly at low orbits - 300 km from the ground.

Hipparch was the first astronomer who tried to figure out the distance to the sun.

The red color of Mars is explained by oxidized (rusty) iron on its surface.

Jupiter has no surface for spacecraft to land on it because it consists mainly of helium and hydrogen. The strength of the severity of Jupiter squeezes hydrogen so much that it turns into a liquid.

The first successful planetary space probe was Mariner 2, which flew past Venus in 1962.

Voyager-2 flew 60000,000,000 km and moves from the solar system after passing close to Neptune in 1989.

To save fuel in flights to distant planets, cosmic probes can use the gravity of the adjacent planets to circulate. This is called a slingshot.

The Hubble Law showed that the universe is becoming all. This led to the idea of \u200b\u200ba big explosion.

The first astronomer thought that regular pulses from a long-range space could be signals from aliens, and the pulsars were jokingly called LGMS (a reduction from Little Green Men - MZH - small green men).

Pulsary arose, probably as a result of a supernova explosion - that is why most of them are in the disc plane Milky Way.

Many centuries cosmos were and remains the greatest mystery. His infinite expanses keep in themselves many different secrets that a person still failed to solve. In many ways, it is precisely that is the key cause of a frantic desire for people from early childhood to break away from the Earth and, leaving the limits of the planet, will go to the flight between the stars. Cosmos manites to himself and makes hundreds and thousands of people across the earth to explore it. Some secrets are already solved, and we combined them in one single list. interesting facts about space.

1. Any flower, being in space, smells quite differently. It's all because of the fact that their smells on earth, whether it is even chamomile, although roses depend on the whole series various factors ambient.

2. With the first landing on the moon, the astronauts of the Space Shuttle "Apollo" felt the smell of gunpowder, which was very alerted them. They were also seen strange soft dustwhich penetrated even through protective safe planners.

3. Even if people had spaceships that could achieve incredible speeds and overcame light years for moments, it would not work out to get to the edge of the universe. This is associated with the sparking of space - any item or object flying along the perfectly level trajectory will still return early or later at the starting point. Scientists managed to establish this, but explain why this happens, they still can not.

4. Among the most interesting facts about space are cold welding, which exists here. It was possible to establish that outside the earth's atmosphere, two metal bar when touched to each other connect, as if they were welded. If on our planet for this you need high degree Heat, then there is a vacuum in space. Immediately the question arises, but what are the shutters and ships, because they are metal. Do not problems arise with them? Each of the space ships are prudently covered with an oxidizing agent that deprives the ability to come true. cold welding.

5. In fact, the incredible accuracy of asteroids is just a cinematic reception, to increase the heat of what is happening on the screen. Indeed, truly between them the mass of space through which can be easily collapsed, without facing anything with anything.

6. For a long time, everyone already knows, thanks to the tireless efforts of scientists that the sun rays reach our planet in eight minutes, overcoming the route, which is approximately equal to one hundred million miles. But in fact, rays that warm us on cold days and burn into hot, more than 30 thousand years. All because they are born in the form of energy flows in the depths of the Sun, and because of the inner attraction, it is so long to reach its surface.

7. Few people know, but in open space There is an alcoholic cloud and is named it is not because of the bizarre form or color. All because it consists entirely of vinyl alcohol. Arreled B2 called, it is located at a distance of 26 thousand light years from us.

8. In 1843, at a dangerous intimacy with the planet, a comet flew past the Earth, which was given the name "Great". Her tail stretched over her for almost 800 million kilometers, so about a month after the comet flew, the inhabitants of the Earth saw her turns in the night sky.

A huge airless space is not so dark, boring and empty, as it may seem to an outside observer. On the contrary, many interesting facts about space indicate that it is not so! Most astronomical objects are a real find for researchers. And while scientists continue to make great discoveries, we can only observe. And also - to prior to amazing information, which changes the usual ideas about the world around.

The universe is filled with aromas of Roma and raspberry

The existence of cosmic smells, humanity learned only thanks to modern equipment. Of course, such devices have no sense of smell. But they have tools for spectroscopy, allowing to classify different substances. The thirty-meter radio telescope, for example, managed to find two organic molecules in the gas clouds. The first, N-propyl cyanide, "replies" for fragrant shades of Roma, the second, ethyl formate - for the taste of raspberry.

Different celestial objects smell in their own way

Some bodies of the universe have an aroma of naphthalene, other - ethyl alcohol, third - citrus fruits, fourth - bitter almonds. Such interesting facts about space are explained very simply. This is due to the essential compounds, hydrogen cyanide and other substances that are smelling on Earth. But the surface of the moon, according to evidence of astronauts, gives meals with caustic Garo. Nature this phenomenon Located with silicon dioxide particles. It is he who is largely contained in the lunar dust.

Everything is in constant motion

The speed of the Milky Way is 300 km / s. Our planet moves inside the galaxy, developing a record 230 km / s. The globe spins around his own axis and envelopes the sun, which is also continuously rotating. And if you go even further and take into account the main postulates of the theory of Einstein relativity, movement at different pace changes the flow of time. Simple wordsThe acceleration of the first phenomenon leads to a slowdown in the second, from the point of view of a third-party observer.

Gemini Paradox - Unproved Concept

From the previous paragraph, the famous "mental experiment" follows logically, because interesting facts about space do not cost without controversial theories. The twin, which cross the space space in the ship moving at the speed of light, when returning home, will be younger than his earthly pev. It is unrealistic to check it, although something similar can be observed even in our everyday life. A bright example is the time difference in the poles and the equator. People in the northernmost and southern dots rotate a little faster, and the clock has accelerated, albeit even a few nanoseconds.

Vacuum "Works" on the principle of cold welding

In the open airless space there are fascinating laws of physics. Such exotic conditions Any metal objects in contact form a single integer. Such effect is associated with the movement of particles that are firmly connected in the discharged emptiness. But can they stick to each other spaceships? It is excluded, because every centimeter of the sheath is covered in advance with special substances.

The largest diamond reaches the size of our planet

He was discovered in 2004, adding interesting facts about space with another striking discovery. As established, the crystal of an impressive value is removed from the Sun for 50 light years. It is a BPM 37093 star from super delicate carbon. Its diameter is 4 thousand km, and the kernel contains 10 quintillion carats. At the same time, the jewelery of the universal scale is so ancient that is the peer of the Milky Way.

In cosmic depths floats alcohol cloud

The alcohol substance, known as the Sagittarius B2, takes about 463 billion km. It contains gases, dust and methanol pairs. Of course, such an alcohol is not suitable for drinking. However, he has its value, because sheds light on the mechanism of the formation of a starry substance, allowing scientists in the future to find out something else interesting about space. In addition, methanol is an intermediate link of the chain of the synthesis of complex organic molecules, which in a huge amount are found on our planet.

In the constellation Cassiopeia is a giant bubble

The size of a huge gas sphere is 300 thousand light years. It is almost like the diameter of the Milky Way, multiplied by three. The ideal symmetric shell is filled with ionized substances and dust. Inside it is located a burning star 20 times larger than our shining. Under the influence of Star Wind, the bubble nebula continues to grow, expanding 100,000 km per hour.

Solar rays 30 millennia

Some interesting facts about space are destroyed by myths. For example, almost everyone knows that the light overcomes the distance of 93 million miles to reach the Earth. For this, it takes about 8 minutes, because of which many mistakenly measure the age of photons by some four hundred seconds. In fact, their energy originated much earlier - in the very depths of the nucleus. For more than 30,000 years, they spent, breaking through the center to the surface.

Big bucket not constellation

In fact, this is asterism. In fact, the well-established name of the group of heavenly shining. It denotes only part of the body and tail. Moreover, the latter is not limited to the bucket: in its composition as much as 125 stars. In addition, a lot of galaxies are located in the constellation and even a few exoplanets.

Black holes - the brightest objects of the universe

All the most interesting about Cosmos mankind is still to be found out - especially if the information concerns mysterious intergalactic vacuum. While only fragmentary data is known about them. Many know that even sunlight can be penetrated through a black hole. Thus, according to the logic of things, it should not be seen at all. But no - astrophysics constantly observe this phenomenon and even fix it in the photo. This becomes possible by burning meteors and luminous clouds Gas, which suck in a gigantic trap.

Other galaxies can be seen without a telescope

In outer space more than a few hundred billion galactic systems. True, you can see only a few of them in the night sky. From New Zealand and Australia, with a successful coincidence, small and large magtels clouds are noticeable, which merge with Milky path. But the population of the northern latitudes opens another amazing spectacle. This galaxy from afar resembles a small spot of light size with a third part of the moon disk.

Saturn "knows how to swim"

Interesting Facts Cosmos can be the basis for fantastic plots. In particular, scientists found that the famous gaza giant Does not drown, even if it is placed in a hypothetical glass, filled to the edges. Its density (687 kg / m3) is almost two times less than that of water (997 kg / m3). As a result, it will stay on the surface, without even touching the bottom. However, it was not possible to check the viability of this theory yet.

95% of the mass of the Universe - Dark Material

The remaining 5% is black holes, galaxies, stars, planets and other objects. The mysterious substance has mysterious physical properties. It is not possible to determine its exact nature - at least with an existing scientific and technical base. As researchers suggest, the substance does not have an electromagnetic charge. Thus, the very fact of its existence contradicts the well-known laws of physics.

The moon is removed annually by 38 mm

This is caused by the phenomenon of tidal friction, due to which the land satellite is slightly shifted. However, experts do not consider such interesting facts about space as a sign of the apocalypse and do not hurry to raise panic. The removal process will not be infinite. Our nightly shine simply does not have enough strength to "escape." Maximum that may happen - its treatment period will increase one and a half times. And then you should expect a few billion years.

Around us constantly something falls

Even in those moments when we forget about the existence of outer space, it continues to remind themselves with different surprises. On us every day, about 10 tons star dust and 5-6 tons of barids, meteorites or micrometeors (total 200 thousand). No exception and man-made trash, which also enters the atmosphere. It includes fragments of old stations and wreckage of ships. Thus, the Earth is noticeably "recovered", increasing its mass.

Specialists managed to find out something interesting about space. What is happening in Titanium is very similar to the early stages of development. globe. Now there is also a dense atmosphere, and stable liquid. True, the air consists only of ethane, methane and nitrogen, and local rivers are not at all "kinderlike" - methane flows in them - etch liquid. At the same time, the average temperature indicators are 170-180 degrees, which does not interfere with astronomers to seek the simplest forms of life in underground water bodies.