How to properly grow lotus seeds. How to grow a lotus at home: effective ways and recommendations

Lotus is a very beautiful and original plant with a large delicate flower... The color of the petals can be white, pink, yellow, cream, but the main tone of the flower is muted, pastel. Lotus flowers have always inspired poets, artists, philosophers. There is a yoga position called the lotus position. The Indian religion says that this flower is the standard of innocence and purity. His image adorns Buddhist temples... Rosary beads are made from lotus seeds, and special dishes are prepared from rhizomes. Of course, I want such exotic flower made you happy at home.

Modern scientists have developed plants suitable for cultivation at home, far from the usual tropics. They better tolerate our climatic features, are more familiar in size. Lotus seeds, unlike other crops, can be stored for up to 100 years, while maintaining the ability to germinate.

This perennial with a powerful root, very light-requiring. There are two types of lotuses: Indian and walnut. The former is home to Asia, while the latter is native to North America and Hawaii. The leaves are quite dense, covered with wax. They are surface, floating and underwater. The stems are very long. To grow lotus from seeds at home, you need to know certain subtleties, features of the care and development of this original plant.

Lotuses reproduce by tubers, seeds and rhizomes. The seed method is considered to be the most favorable for our type of climate. We are not in the tropics to which the lotus is accustomed. Therefore, the plant gradually adapts to our low humidity. There are two methods of growing from seed: with sanding the edges for better germination and without this procedure. The cut is made from the blunt end, where there is a recess.

Outwardly, the seeds resemble nuts with a diameter of up to 1 cm and a length of up to 1.5 cm. The shell is very dense, so see for yourself whether to cut or not. Indeed, in natural conditions, no one conducts these manipulations. There are positive feedback from florists about both lotus planting options. The seeds are immersed in a container of water. A regular glass jar or plastic shallow container will do. Standing warm water (25-28 degrees) is poured, which should be changed daily. After swelling on the 4th-5th day, the seeds should germinate.

On average, after 15-20 days, flowers need to be transplanted to permanent place... For these purposes, an aquarium or pot without holes in the bottom is suitable. Peat or soil is placed below. Top up with water. For normal growth and development, the following ratio of soil in a pot is observed:

  • two thirds of the soil;
  • a thin layer of sand;
  • pebble layer;
  • one third of the water.

The plant is immersed 6-8 cm in the soil, and it is strictly monitored that the leaves float on the surface, otherwise the plant may simply disappear. The sprout must be planted exactly in the center of the dish. Unfortunately, it will take a long time to wait for the first flowers, they usually appear in 2-3 years. The inflorescence lives for 4 days, after which the delicate petals fall off, in their place a small box with seeds is formed.

You should periodically top up with settled water. It is necessary to ensure that the plants receive a lot of light. The pot should be placed in the most illuminated place in the apartment or house. In addition, sprouts love warmth, cannot stand drafts and cold. Favorite temperature for a lotus is 25-30 degrees. The plant loves the moisture it is accustomed to in natural conditions. You can use a humidifier in the room where your lotuses grow.

V winter period the plant requires special care. Part of the water is carefully drained from the pot, moss is placed on top to create comfortable temperature conditions. The container with the plant is placed in a dark, cool place and temporarily stop watering. With the arrival of spring, there is no need to force events. You should wait for clear sunny days, only then can you remove moss, add water, place lotuses on a sunny windowsill.

As for pests, the lotus, like any plant, is attacked by insects. To combat them, use special chemicals- insecticides. If you adhere to the recommendations for growing, breeding these beautiful tropical plants, then soon your house will be decorated with lovely flowers with a delicate scent.

The genus Lotus belongs to the Lotus family (Nelumbonaceae)... There are two main types:

  • Lotus yellow (Nelumbo lutea)... The growing environment is warm water bodies of South and North America. It is actively cultivated in the USA, Minnesota.
  • Nut lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)... It grows in the area from the Amur River basin to the tropical regions of Northern Australia.

The plant was cultivated in ancient times and became one of the state symbols of India and Vietnam. It is considered a sacred flower in Hinduism and Buddhism. Used in folk medicine China. It is part of traditional Asian dishes.


Aquatic herbaceous perennial 80-150 cm tall. Some specimens grow up to 5 m.

The rhizome is creeping, fleshy, knobby. Numerous root hairs.

Due to the ability to store starch in large quantities, the Lotus rhizome grows rapidly and becomes fat, resembling a large cucumber. From the buds formed on it, the leaves and flowers of the plant grow.

Leaves on long stalks cover 2–3 m of the surface of the reservoir. The diameter of the leaves of the Nitrous Lotus located above the water reaches 60 cm. The upper leaf blades of the yellow Lotus are smaller: 33‒43 cm in diameter.

ON THE PICTURE:Lotus leaf. Photo by FelixSS.

The leaves raised above the surface are funnel-shaped, floating flat, underwater rounded. The surface of the leaf blades and flower petals is protected from getting wet with a wax coating. The color of the leaves is mainly bright green, the color of the upper part of the leaf is darker than the lower one.

Most of the species bloom in July-August. In tropical countries, lotuses can bloom all year round, with different intensities.

Single flowers up to 30 cm in diameter. The location is axillary. Each flower has two sepals and 22-30 petals.

ON THE PICTURE: Blooming flower and bud of Lotus variety "Night And Day". Photo by Alice Galante.

The flowers of the nut-bearing lotus are pinkish, with light petals at the base and bright at the top. The yellow lotus flower, on the other hand, has a light cream top and a deep yellow base.

Lotus fruits in the form of seed bolls are highly decorative. Of them are made floristic compositions, interior decorations.

ON THE PICTURE: Green "hazel" Lotus.

Seeds - "nuts" are oval or round, 1.2–1.8 cm long and 1.4 cm in diameter. They are considered a useful nutritional supplement due to their high content of B vitamins, proteins and minerals.

Popular varieties

In the garden ponds of the southern regions of Russia, varieties of the nut lotus and hybrids are mainly grown. Common large-flowered varieties include the pink-flowered Kermesina, Carolina Queen and Pulchra, the snow-white Alba Grandiflora and Goliath. Cultivar "Alba Striata" is distinguished by decorative buds and original pink-white color of blossoming flowers.

Sorts "Kermesina", "Carolina Queen", "Pulchra", "Alba Grandiflora", "Goliath", "Alba Striata". Photo by Alice Galante.

Sometimes in flower arrangements home waters there is a variety of yellow Lotus "Flavescens" with a bright yellow heart and delicate creamy white petals.

ON THE PICTURE:Lotus yellow "Flavescens". Photo by Alice Galante.

Compact varieties are cultivated in small containers: "Dwarf Peony", "Hong Lin Jin", "Mario Zanfardino", "Sweetheart", "Xiao Bi Tai". In indoor culture, a popular variety with medium-sized flowers "Momo Botan". Curvy bright pink flowers with double petals give it an unusual look for a Lotus.

ON PHOTO (left to right, top to bottom): Cultivars "Dwarf Peony", "Hong Lin Jin", "Mario Zanfardino", "Sweetheart", "Xiao Bi Tai", "Momo Botan". Photo by Alice Galante.


In room:

For home lotus you need a deep, at least 40 cm, and a wide container, since all parts of the plant grow quickly. The material of the container can be anything: Lotus grows well in a glass aquarium bowl, a ceramic vessel, a plastic tub.

Nutritious and heavy is preferred clay soil with the addition of bone meal. You can use silty soil extracted from reservoirs, peat-sand mixture. Drainage from fine gravel is required. Upper layer the soil is also covered with gravel or sand.

ON THE PICTURE:If the Lotus is planted in a round container, it is important to place the rhizome exactly in the center: the shoots always grow in a circle, and the young growth is at the edges. Photo by raghuramashok.

The container with the Lotus is placed in a well-lit place, but out of direct sunlight. The angle of incidence of light is important: Lotus flowers turn in the wake of the sun.

Indoor lotuses are fertilized with complex fertilizing for aquarium plants... Fertilizers should contain macro and micronutrients, including sulfur, magnesium and calcium.

For the first time, it is recommended either to fertilize the soil before planting the plant, or to feed the Lotus no earlier than the development of several emergent leaves. Overfeeding can kill a young specimen. Subsequently, fertilizers with the NPK 20‒10‒20 formula are applied every 20 days. First, take half a teaspoon of 20 liters. water. Then the feeding dose is doubled.

In the garden pond:

Grow a beautiful lotus in a garden pond middle lane Russia is a very real task. There are enough examples of this: the experience described in the "Instructions for growing a lotus" by V.G. Ivlyakova at the Far Eastern Experimental Station VIR, in Vladivostok. The Caspian variety of the nut-bearing Lotus is well adapted to the conditions of the pond, Nelumbo caspica.

It is better to decorate garden ponds with plants planted in containers. Landed in open ground Lotus is guaranteed to bloom only in mild climates.

Growing in a container makes it easy to move Lotuses into closed room with a sudden cold snap. The lotus is able to winter in a non-freezing reservoir, but at the same time difficulties arise with its flowering.

Containers with Lotuses are placed in garden ponds when the temperature of the water and air does not drop below + 20 ° C at any time of the day. It is more convenient to place them in a partially filled pond.

Maintaining water quality in your lotus pond includes:

1. Its timely inflow and outflow. Due to the fact that water mainly evaporates from the garden pond, rather than being absorbed into the drainage, most harmful substances remains in the pond. Their excess is dangerous for Lotus and others. exotic plants... A regular water change will help to remove most of the chemicals, contaminants, dangerous bacteria: 5-10% of the total amount per week. Outflow and inflow more moisture is unsafe for the pond ecosystem.

2. Water circulation using pond pumps. It prevents water stagnation and "blooming".

3. Biofiltration with BIO-SYS systems. They remove excess organic matter that causes rotting of the Lotus roots and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. A skimmer is useful for cleaning the surface of the water.

4. Aeration. Saturation of water with oxygen is necessary for the full development of the root system of plants.

The lotuses are located in the second zone of the flora of the reservoir. In this belt there are plants attached to the bottom, the foliage of which floats on the surface. "Neighbors" of the Lotus in the pond often become, Rdest.

ON THE PICTURE:The lotus will decorate any body of water, but it looks most impressive in ponds with an oriental flavor.

Growing in garden ponds The lotuses are fertilized in summer, in July.

Diseases and pests

The lotus is resistant to diseases, but sometimes it gets sick: bacterial and fungal, caused by a pathogen Alternalia nelumbii... Damaged leaves are removed as soon as possible, ideally at the first sign of illness. If the growth of the Lotus is infected, you must immediately remove and destroy the infected specimens.

You can use fungicides, for example, and, but this is ineffective and dangerous for other flora and aquatic life.

Success secrets

In a room container:

After graduation spring frosts, at an air temperature not lower than + 15 ° C, it is recommended to arrange "walks" for the Lotus in the fresh air as often as possible.

ON THE PICTURE:"Airing", an abundance of solar heat and light will heal the plant.

Important correct organization rest during seasonal heat and light shortages. Preparation for dormancy begins at the end of summer, after flowering. Gradually lower the water level until the plant sheds its leaves.

"Sleeping" Lotus is stored in a darkened room, in moist soil at a temperature of + 10‒15 ° C. A cellar or basement is suitable for storage. It is important to drain off most of the water so that the plant does not grow ahead of time. If you need to save only the rhizome, you can take it out of the water and cover it with sawdust or moss without removing it from the soil. Watering is not necessary: ​​periodic spraying is enough.

In the garden pond:

If the Lotus remains to winter in a non-freezing reservoir, the entire surface is cut off. Only the rhizome remains.

During the wintering of Lotus rhizomes in a partially freezing pond, foam plastic slabs 5‒10 cm thick are placed on solid ice. They are firmly pressed against the ice by boards.

Possible difficulties

Faded leaves and flowers.


  1. lack of sunlight.
  2. lack of nutrients.

Rotting roots.


  1. rare change of water in the container.
  2. defeat by pathogens of root rot.

Slow growth.


  1. insufficient lighting.
  2. hard unfiltered water.
  3. rare or poor feeding.

Nelumbo nucifera comes from Asia. It can be grown from seed and planted in a pond or lake with warm, stagnant water.

The article describes the experience of germinating seeds of nut-bearing lotus in a room. Lotus is an aquatic perennial plant. Most of its leaves are emergent, unlike nymphs. Therefore, the lotus can be content with a small surface area of ​​the reservoir. And the nymphs need up to 4 square meters. m for one adult plant... And for the collection of nymph water lilies, a whole lake with a vast water surface is required.

So the lotus seeds were received by mail in mid-September. The online flower shop sent 5 black-brown, slightly elongated nuts. According to the recommendation attached to the package, the seeds were scarified.
Scarification - seed treatment before sowing. This is a violation of the dense shell of the seed. The lotus is just dense. Scarification can be done with emery paper, coarse river sand, a nail file or a file. The seed is rubbed, for example with a file, and then processed according to the instructions. Have large seeds, like a lotus, a slight violation of the shell is achieved. For small ones, the shell needs only to be thinned. The operation is necessary for the accelerated penetration of moisture to the seed.
The seeds were placed in a glass with a clean, not tap water... If there is no spring nearby, you can use a water filter. Or take settled water. The glass was on the windowsill, just above the radiator, in the light. The eastern window is quite bright. The temperature must be controlled, since lowering it below 25 degrees is not desirable.
The water in the glass was changed every day or twice a day. First, in the places where the cut was cut, the skin swelled, then the whole "nut" of the lotus became uneven. A day later, the seeds surfaced.

Then the nuts swelled so that they increased by about 2 times. On the third day, the seeds sank back to the bottom of the glass of water.

On the fourth day, the shell cracked. Soon a tiny green sprout appeared in the shape of a hook.

On the sixth day, it became clear that the first seedling was a leaf. The leaf grows quickly. In two days, he reached a length of 12 centimeters. And from the seed a second leaf appeared.

On the twelfth day, the young lotus grew two future leaves and small roots. The leaves have not yet unfolded. It's time to pick up the lotus new house... Plastic was chosen as the "home" flower pot without opening for 3 liters.

At the bottom of the pot, a neutral soil for flowers was laid in a layer of 10 cm. The land was previously flooded with water for a week. The next layer, about a centimeter, consisted of washed coarse river sand... Then they carefully poured 1.5 liters of clean water.

The young plant, as soon as the water settled, was dug into the ground. It is not necessary to sprinkle the growth point, otherwise the lotus will not grow.
The 35th day has come.
Autumn, cloudy, cold. Lotus has slowed down its growth rate. Probably preparing for wintering. The fourth sheet was opened. At first, the new leaf blade is lighter. A lateral shoot has appeared, the lotus is exploring new territory.

In the spring, as soon as the water warms up, it will be possible to drop it into a reservoir near the house.

Lotus is an amphibian flower perennial shrub... See large white or pink flowers in nature it is possible only in southern countries... The healthy seeds of this plant are also collected there. Florists have found ways to grow lotus at home, but not everyone can grow and get seeds. The reason for this is the European climate with its very cold winters. Therefore, the difficulty in growing a lotus at home is precisely in getting used to frost. If this happened, then it can be argued that the cultivation of the plant will be flawless.

Lotus breeding methods

At home, two methods are used:

  1. rhizomes (by dividing them);
  2. seeds.

Root way

This home way good because it portends accelerated flowering. The roots of the lotus are fleshy, juicy. They resemble bananas in shape. One of the shoots is torn off and laid in the soil covered with water. The sprout appears quickly, takes root, and for a year or two you are provided with beautiful flowers.

Growing lotus at home with seeds

This way home cultivation good in that it allows the plant to better adapt to European terrain. Sprouted from seeds, the lotus will better endure both summer droughts and coolness.

When ready to propagate, lotus seeds look like black nuts. They are just as hard and have a very strong woody pericarp. Their size: height approximately 1.5 cm, diameter - 1 cm. In order for a lotus seed to sprout, it is scarified. This means from the blunt end (where the hole is) it is filed. You can use coarse sandpaper, it's faster and easier. It takes about 5 days for the first root to appear.

Take shallow glassware, or a plastic cup at worst, it is poured a little warm water(approximately + 18-25 degrees) and lower the seeds there. We are waiting for the first sprout to "hatch".

After two to three weeks, we are preparing a new container for transplanting the germinated lotus. It can be a pot (for indoor breeding) or a summer reservoir in the country. The container is filled with earth or peat and poured over it with water. Lotus seeds that have taken root and leaves go deep 7 × 8 cm into the ground, and the leaves should be on the surface. As it grows, water is added: it is necessary to ensure that the leaves always float on the surface. If the sprouts with leaves are drowned, then the young plant will die.

Flowers do not appear as soon as we would like. Up to this point, the deciduous part of the lotus bush simply floats on the surface. First beautiful flower you can wait no earlier than in 2.5-3 years. After the color is gone, a seed box will appear.

Sprout care

Proper home care for lotus sprouts is very simple: the main thing is not to forget to add enough water, give a lot of sunlight and heat. You can take the flower out into the open air after all frosts are complete. Low temperatures destroy the lotus.

Choice of capacity

Lotus grows well in large pots or open reservoirs (pits). The soil should be no thinner than 3.5 cm for an adult plant, and the water should be approximately 0.5 meters. If a large and round pot is chosen for planting, then the lotus root is placed strictly in the center.

Lotus in winter

In winter, the plant is not watered or disturbed. If the lotus is left in an open reservoir, then for insulation it is covered with ordinary foam from late autumn. At home, part of the water is drained from the pot, insulated with moss, placed in a dark, cool place and not watered. In the spring, it is important to make sure that the bush does not grow prematurely.

Lotus disease

Like most plants on the lotus, there are pests - aphids, caterpillars. Aphids can be washed off with water, it is better to do this in the morning. In specialized stores, products are sold for treating leaves from diseases and pests.

Video about thermophilic lotus flowers that can be grown in Russia:

Pictures of lotus flowers:

Lotus is a symbol of purity and spirituality. He is appreciated not only as a unique representative flora... In world religion, the lotus is extremely important. Well, for summer residents, this is another interesting culture, to take up the cultivation of which means to challenge yourself.

Varieties of lotus

The herbaceous amphibian plant, known to us as the lotus, has modified stems that extend into the ground under water. The lotus has 3 types of leaves:

  • Underwater;
  • Floating;
  • Outdoor (or surface).

One genus and three varieties of lotuses are included in the classification:

  • Nut-bearing (Indian)- the habitat includes Australia, the Far East of the Russian Federation, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Asian countries. The plant is characterized by thyroid-shaped sheets with a waxy coating. The flowers are large (up to 30 cm in diameter) with a pinkish tinge and faint aroma. The species got its name because of the large fruits and pericarp;
  • Yellow (Nile water lily)- a resident of the coasts of Hawaii, Central and North America. It differs from the nut-bearing lotus in the bright yellow color of the inflorescences. The flowering itself lasts 4 - 5 days;
  • Caspian- subspecies of nut-bearing lotus. It is found not only in the tropics, but also in Russia (for example, in the Caspian Sea). Can grow in low humidity conditions;
  • Komarov's Lotus- the distribution area includes the Far East. One of the most ancient flora on the planet. It is considered frost-resistant.

Growing a lotus from seed

Representatives of the Lotus family reproduce as tubers (rhizome) and seeds. The second way is preferable for cultivation in indoor conditions, as it allows the plant to go through a quick and successful adaptation to an uncharacteristic habitat for it. It is necessary to select the correct planting material, focusing on the size of the grain (about 1.5 cm) and the quality of the pericarp (must be hard and woody).

When growing a lotus from seeds in large containers, take into account the peculiarity of the plant: the bones that fall from the opened seed pod into the water and fall to the bottom of the reservoir will not germinate while the mother flower lives on the surface.

It will release into the water special substances that inhibit the development of seeds and are responsible for their natural conservation.

Correct selection of the place

For seedlings, it is enough to provide a warm and bright corner in the house, protected from bright sunlight and drafts. On the open area the reservoir where the plant will live is organized in the most convenient place for the breeder. Please note that you must have full access to all sides of the pond or lotus container to make it easier to maintain the planting and carry out maintenance activities.

In winter, the indoor lotus is moved to a darker place and watering is stopped.

Water is partially drained from the pot where the flower grows, and its sides are insulated with moss or any other suitable material.

Soil preparation

The roots of the plant constantly remain in the water and go deep into the bottom. Accordingly, the soil should have a weight: if you take a universal substrate with great looseness, intended for indoor flowers, it, being flooded with water, will float up. The best option Is a mixture of two parts of clay and river sand with the addition of peat.

Thoughtful, careful study of all aspects planting material will save you from many troubles in the future. Some hybrids have similar names, while the size of the inflorescence and bud, the length of the stem, root system and leaves they differ.

The advantages of the plant include a long shelf life of seed germination (almost a century), but fresh ones germinate more successfully.

The flower seed looks like an elongated, oblong torpedo. The shell is dark, rough, with a hard surface. Due to the dense skin, the sprouts have difficulty making their way out. Answering the question of how to grow a lotus from seeds, we will mention the most important procedure - scarification. For this, the seed is sharpened from the blunt side with a file or sandpaper. Please be patient, this is a long process.

Scarified seeds germinate faster. To plant them correctly, follow the steps below.

Sowing step-by-step instructions

After processing the shell, place the seeds in a plastic or glass container. It should be filled with clean, settled water, the temperature of which varies from +20 to +25 degrees Celsius. The grains are laid out on the bottom in a thin, even layer... At first, they float on the surface, but gradually sink down. Those that do not "drown" must be thrown away (they are not suitable for sowing). Every 12 hours, the water is drained and replaced with fresh water.

The swollen seed will sprout and sprout in about a week. They have to grow up. This will take about 15 - 21 days. Then the seedlings, the height of which will reach about 13-15 cm, are transplanted into a larger container or reservoir.

So how to grow a lotus at home? Ready seedlings do you already have what to do next? Now you need a container of sufficient volume. Its role can be played by an aquarium with a volume of at least 10 liters or a plastic planter without drain holes in the bottom area. The container is filled with a substrate... At first, peat is used: it is undesirable to use complex multicomponent soils. The seedlings are embedded in the substrate to a depth of 6 - 7 centimeters. Do not bury it deeper: the leaves should float to the surface.

The planting is sprinkled with sand, bypassing the sprouts and their leaves, and small pebbles are also laid out on the ground. Water is poured into the container in a ratio of 2: 1 in relation to the substrate. Make sure that the sheet plate is not completely filled, but remains drifting at the top.

Plant care

Lotus is a tropical flower that grows in its natural environment at high humidity and temperature. Accordingly, you need to take care of him based on these conditions.

Lotus care rules:

  1. Hygiene of the nutrient fluid in which the flower grows (periodic replacement);
  2. Tank and reservoir cleaning;
  3. Spraying sheet plates;
  4. Compliance with the regime of humidity, lighting and temperature.

The lotus is photophilous. Instances growing at home often wither due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation. If possible, provide the plant with artificial lighting with a phytolamp.

Outdoor lotuses are sometimes attacked by aphids or caterpillars. Aphids need to be washed off the leaf plates, you can use a mild soapy solution, but make sure that it does not get into the water. If the infestation is intense, insecticide treatment is required.

You can grow a lotus from seeds at home from China in 2 to 3 years. This is how long it will take for the plant to complete the growing cycle before the buds appear. As they grow older, the flowers on the lotus grow larger.

Watering and temperature

The lotus is grown in an aquarium, it is constantly in the water. Watering in the usual sense is not required for him. Tracking the state of the liquid in which the flower resides is another matter. Lotus needs high humidity... Continuous spraying or automatic humidifier - good ways solve the problem of. Sometimes a mini-fountain is installed in the container where the flower grows to spray the leaf plates, which is also correct.

The water in the aquarium must be clean. When turbidity and appearance bad smell you need to change it immediately, but this should not be allowed in principle. Dirty liquid becomes a breeding ground for bacteria growth and activation of pathogens of various diseases.

During the flowering period, keep the ambient temperature between +25 and +30 ° C. Drafts are undesirable. In the winter season, part of the water is drained from the tank, while the bottom is lined with sphagnum or foam for thermal insulation. If the container is mobile, it is removed to a shaded place until March. If not, cover the landing with a thick insulating fabric (tarp).

If the water in the reservoir does not freeze to the bottom, it is enough to build a protective shelter from above (flooring made of boards or the same tarpaulin). But in cold regions with harsh winters, this solution will not work. The lotus will have to be dug up and transplanted into a deep, capacious container filled with wet sand. The substrate should not dry out in no case. Needless to say, the lotus container is removed from the street and placed in a dark place with a cool temperature.