How to make a good compost pit. DIY compost pit - device options, rules, useful tips

Every experienced gardener knows that in order to improve the crop you need to fertilize the soil with compost. It will be much easier to save money on the purchase of fertilizer if there is a compost pit on the site with your own hands, which can be done easily. A sufficient amount of organic waste is accumulated in a private house, suitable for composting. Thanks to the fertilizer, sandy soil will better retain moisture, and clay soil will become much friable. Below are the main recommendations for the construction of the pit, as well as what needs to be put in the structure for the formation of high-quality.

How to choose a place

Before deciding on the location of the structure, it is important to consider all the nuances. Do not forget about the level of groundwater, since the fertilizer should not come into contact with them. Pull the ditch lower than the well. Between the well, the reservoir and the prepared ditch, there must be a distance of at least 25-30 m.

The structure should be in the shade, and not under the scorching sun. In the second case, rotting will stop, and the humus will simply begin to dry out. Arrange a compost pit near the fence in the shade or near the house. The structure should be located away from the neighboring house, so that sometimes the aromas that appear do not reach them.

Simple pit

In the process of arranging the most common compost pit, it will be necessary to dig a recess 60-100 cm wide and 50 cm deep, 200 cm long in the ground. Leaves, weeds and other plant remains from the garden are laid on the bottom of the ditch. Then the remains of food waste are poured into the recess and covered again with various weeds. A similar procedure is repeated with the formation of each layer, since with this technology flies and stench will not appear. A much more accurate compost pit will look if you enclose a recess with a wooden side around the perimeter.

Counting on quality fertilizer will be much easier if you periodically water organic residues. Do not forget to mix the compost with a pitchfork, covering it with polyethylene from above.

DIY Compost Pit

Before you choose one of the types of structures, you need to understand in more detail what compost pits are. In addition to the open type ditch, you can choose a closed type of structure. The manufacture of the structure will require more time, but is considered more practical. The pit consists of two compartments, where one section is for new raw materials, and the second for old compost.

It is very important to think over the design scheme and not forget about the cover before making a closed compost pit on the site. The process of preparation of the structure involves the following stages:

  1. Level the area where the structure will be located by removing the top layer of the earth.
  2. Prepare the ditches as a rectangle. Width - 1.5-2 m, depth - 70 cm, length - up to 3 m.
  3. Draw walls when using concrete, they should be 10 cm thick. When arranging a compost pit with your own hands, make sure that the walls are 30 cm higher than the level of the pit;
  4. Put a metal cover on top of the structure. It will be possible to supplement the construction with a wooden lid. In the latter case, drill a few holes for ventilation.

Slate compost pit

This design option is considered very convenient to use. Slate is a sufficiently durable material in which it is convenient to store humus. When making a box from slate, first do all the measurements and think about where it will be located, as well as think over the number of sections.

Before making a compost pit from slate, you need to dig a small indentation in the shape of a rectangle in the ground. After that, make supports at the corners of the ditch using boards or metal pipes. Lay out slate sheets along the contours of the ditch to form a symmetrical rectangle. If necessary, use slate to divide the structure into two or three compartments.

Regardless of the option of making a compost pit with your own hands, you need to remember several rules for the rapid formation of fertilizer. Do not forget to moisten organic residues with water and add composting preparations with live bacteria.

Wooden compost box

It will be easier to prepare a convenient compost pit with your own hands if you pay attention to this design. A wooden box implies the presence of three sections: the first - for the receipt of waste, the second - to turn over the humus, the third - to store the ripened fertilizer. During the manufacture of the fixture, wooden boards will be required.

The manufacturing process of the box involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare 8 wooden blocks. Treat the bottom with engine oil or tar to prevent wood rot.
  2. Bury the posts in the ground. If desired, attach 4 bars to the fence, so as not to dig an additional hole under them and not to make the back of the box.
  3. Make partitions in the drawer by attaching the boards to the pegs. Small slots should form between the boards for easy access of air.
  4. When making the first two compartments, sheathe the pegs with boards to the middle, since then it will be more convenient to attach the doors to the structure from above.
  5. In the process of designing the third compartment, nail one small board, this department will be the largest with one massive door.
  6. Install the crossbars to form partitions, the back and the end.
  7. Attach the doors, they will act as a cover. Install two small and one large door on the front of the drawer.

The wooden box will not decompose, becoming part of the compost if the boards are pre-treated. Choose a non-toxic impregnation in the store that will protect the wood from moisture and insects.

Regardless of how long the compost pit should stand and how long humus will form, do not forget to paint the wooden planks.

Paint the surface in two layers. Choose a color according to your preference, the main thing is that it fits perfectly into the landscape. At the final stage, install the latches and handles.

If you’re at a loss about whether the bottom of the compost box is needed, but you want to install the structure for several years, think over a concrete bottom or make it out of plastic. Cover the concrete with drainage from above so that the process of humus formation proceeds as efficiently as possible.

Compost Tire Pit

At the same time, this design option is considered budgetary and yet easy to manufacture. If you have old tires in your house, then feel free to proceed with the manufacture of the structure. When preparing the design, use 4-6 tires. Before making a compost pit with your own hands, cut the inner diameter of the tires to increase the size of the future design.

Set the tires on top of each other and in the middle of the structure fill in already prepared waste, then put the reinforcement in the center (2-3 units). Using it, sometimes move the layers so that oxygen enters the lower layers of humus. By fall, the entire structure will be full. Leave the compost in the tire cylinder until spring. In the springtime, the contents will settle, and you can remove the tires by extracting the finished humus. Then repeat the compost pit construction procedure.

DIY compost: manufacturing options

It will be much easier to count on high-quality humus if you not only prepare the correct design, but also learn how to sort the waste. Get high quality fertilizer obtained from such organic waste as:

  • rotten fruits and vegetables;
  • needles, straw, leaves, branches and roots of trees and plants;
  • coffee grounds and tea leaves;
  • manure;
  • small pieces of paper and newspaper.

It is important to understand not only what can be thrown into the compost pit, but also what waste is not suitable for the formation of humus. This category includes the following products:

  • tops of tomatoes and potatoes;
  • bones;
  • tops treated with chemicals;
  • excrement of domestic animals, dangerous insects (bugs);
  • synthetic waste;
  • coal ash.

Thanks to the arrangement of the compost pit, you can count on free and completely natural fertilizer. Choose the type of design, taking into account your budget and capabilities.

Composter from wooden pallets - video

If you got bad land on the site where you don’t want to grow anything, enrich it. It is easiest to bring black soil, but it is not always possible to get it, especially in the city. To bring in abundant chemistry is also unprofitable: in the end, you yourself will consume it. One thing remains: to make nutrient soil ourselves. Or rather, to learn how to make healthy compost. It is only unaware people who fear compost pits, as they think that they emit a stench that spoils the air throughout the site. In fact, compost does not smell if it is properly laid and the activity of bacteria is maintained. How - we will understand in more detail.

So, first of all, a convenient place for the compost pit is selected on the site. As a rule, they give her territory at the back of the garden, behind the outbuildings, where the appearance of the heap of waste will not spoil the general landscape. The only caveat: look during heavy rains, where water flows. It should not run towards the well (if there is one), otherwise the products of rotting waste may get there, which will affect the quality and taste of the water.

There are two options for arrangement: you can dig a deep hole and put raw materials for compost into it, or knock down a wide box with a removable wall from wooden planks for ease of use.

Pit Technology

A deep pit is more convenient in that all the plant material hides in the ground and does not hurt the eyes, but the compost in it takes longer to prepare and it is more difficult to mix. If only this option is suitable for you, arrange the pit correctly, because oxygen and ventilation are necessary for the normal decomposition of organics. And dense earthen walls and the bottom will not let in any air. Therefore, the hole is dug as follows:

  • They take out the soil no more than a meter deep, three meters long and a half wide.
  • 20 cm from each side of the pit retreat from each side and knock down a wooden box by digging 4 columns in the corners and nailing planks to them.
  • Between the planks, the distance is about 5 cm, so that all layers of compost are ventilated.
  • Divide the pit into two equal parts with a wooden shield to fill only one half.
  • The bottom is thrown with thick branches of trees, bark, spruce branches and straw (whatever you find). This will be a drainage that removes excess moisture and helps the compost to ventilate from below. The height of the drainage layer is 10-15 cm.

Plant waste is stored in one part of the compost pit, but during the season they are thrown several times from one half to the other to saturate the heap with oxygen.

The pit can be made half in the ground, and not deepened completely, then it will be easier for you to turn the contents and air access will improve

The second option for compost bookmarking is in a box of unpainted wood (or factory plastic). In appearance, it is absolutely identical to ordinary boxes, only several times more. When creating the frame, do not forget to leave the gaps between the boards and make one side removable, so that it is more convenient to lay and mix the raw materials. Alternatively, you can hang the door.

The plastic composter has bottom perforated doors on each side, through which the content is ventilated, but you will have to moisten the waste yourself

Since such constructions are usually done for many years, the floor can be concreted and drainage can be laid on top (such as in a pit). Some owners put wooden or plastic shields at the bottom. True, over time, the tree will become worthless, but nothing ever lasts.

Now it remains to fill the prepared place with the right raw materials, which will decay into high-quality compost.

Two compost compartments located nearby are convenient in that you can throw waste for ventilation from one to another without clogging the surrounding area

Features of proper waste disposal

In order for your heap to rot successfully and turn into nutritious soil by the new season, you need to throw only plant waste into the compost: leaves, mowed grass, the remains of root crops and fruits, sods, weeds, finely chopped branches of trees and shrubs.

By laying waste from your own garden in the compost pit, you thereby solve the problem of plant waste removal and get fresh, high-quality soil

To make the compost even more nutritious, put in it everything that you didn’t eat yourself: the remains of soups, coffee grounds, tea leaves, yesterday’s salad, etc. In short, put another container for plant waste in the house next to the garbage bin, and You will be surprised how quickly it will fill up. Old cardboard boxes, newspapers (black and white), worn items from natural materials (cotton, wool) are suitable for compost.

Undesirable ingredients

And now let’s dwell on the harmful waste from the point of view of experienced gardeners. It is strictly forbidden to put in the compost the remains of animal products: dead birds and animals, old bacon, fats, guts, spoiled milk, sour cream, etc. All this, when decomposed, starts to emit an unpleasant odor and will attract harmful insects, neighboring dogs, cats and crows to the heap . In addition, putrefactive processes in animal remains are slower than in plant remains, and your compost will not have time to ripen by the next season.

But the summer residents did not decide on the marine inhabitants. Some do not add them so as not to attract animals to the heap, while others gladly throw everything that remains when cleaning the fish (heads, scales, entrails) into the compost, motivating it with the fact that they contain valuable phosphorus for plants. Only it is necessary to dig such waste deeper into the pile so that the cats do not smell.

Indeed, fish feeding is beneficial. Therefore, we advise everyone who is sorry to throw away a valuable product: do not lay them in compost, but bury them directly under the trees, in roundabouts. Only dig a hole deeper. Thus you feed the garden, and you will not attract stray animals.

If you knock down a compost box with an opening roof, then feel free to put fish waste inside, because animals will not crawl into such a container

You can not put plastic, glass, metal objects, rubber, water from washes, etc. into the pit. They are harmful to the soil. All paper products on a laminated basis or with color drawings will not bring any benefit. Too much paint and chemicals are present in it.

An undesirable ingredient in compost is the tops of tomatoes and potatoes. In the fall, she is all affected by late blight, and the spores of this disease will be transmitted with compost to healthy plants.

Do not lay in compost and weeds with a beginning or ending flowering period. For example, if a dandelion has managed to form a flower, the seeds will ripen anyway, even if it is picked and placed in a heap. Therefore, try to mow the weeds before flower buds appear.

If there is nowhere to put on solanaceous tops and large weeds that have succeeded in spreading, lay them on a solid foundation (concrete, linoleum) near the compost pit and let dry. Then drop all the vegetation into an iron barrel and set it on fire. Everything will burn, along with diseases and seeds. Useful ash will remain. Add it to your compost pile.

How to pack waste in compost?

In order for the waste to decompose quickly, moisture, oxygen and accelerators of putrefactive processes are needed. You provide the moisture yourself by pouring a heap abundantly during those periods when there is heat on the street. Oxygen will penetrate the compost more actively if you properly decompose the layers of raw materials. So, dry waste (potato peeling, straw, hay, fallen leaves, husks, etc.) should be alternated with green (tops, fresh grass, rotting vegetables and fruits), soft and hard, to avoid unnecessary compaction. It is very important that the compost is made from brown and green ingredients, taken in equal proportions. Fresh waste is the main source of nitrogen needed by all plants. Brown ones (i.e. dry ones) act as a layer preventing the compost from sticking together. They are considered a kind of fiber, which makes the soil airier and lighter.

Try to put green and brown waste in equal proportions, as excess green will cause compaction, and excess dry raw materials will suck out nitrogen from compost

If you need compost by next spring - add decomposition process accelerators to it. These can be concentrates bought in a garden store, which must be diluted with warm water and activate the work of beneficial bacteria contained in the preparation.

An excellent accelerator is fresh manure (horse or cow). They find a couple of cakes on the field, plant them in a bucket of water and let them brew for a day or two. Then the finished solution is poured into compost and the contents of the heap are mixed. If this good is not near your dacha - finely chop the leaves of dandelion, nettle, legumes, pour a bucket of warm water and put in the sun. After day 4, the mixture will begin to ferment. Then pour it into compost.

To avoid nitrogen weathering, the compost pile is covered with a non-woven material or black film on top. When closed, decay is faster and active heat will be a sign of this. Inside the compost, the temperature should be at least 60 degrees.

It is extremely undesirable to cling to a wooden box with a film from top to bottom, because by doing so you will block the path to oxygen, and the quality of the finished compost will be much worse

During a season, they dig a bunch 3-4 times to ensure uniform rotting of all layers. By spring, plant waste will turn into rich, loose soil with the smell of the earth, which can be applied under the trees, mulch strawberries or mix with garden soil to improve its composition.

A compost pit is a place where organic waste is disposed of. All garden garbage is decomposed under the influence of microorganisms. Later it becomes the basis for organic fertilizers. how make a compost pit with your own hands reviewed in this article.

In some way, such heaps are found on every household plot. These are ordinary heaps in which garbage is dumped. But such garbage can be turned into valuable fertilizer. To do this, you need to design the pits correctly or make special boxes. In this case, you can increase the amount of valuable fertilizer and the speed of its creation.

It’s easy to make a compost pit correctly, using improvised tools and building materials that can be found in the country and any infield.

Compost pit principles

Why make these pits and what is the use of them? In such pits, optimal conditions are created for the life of microorganisms, bacteria and worms, which contribute to the early formation of compost and an increase in the rate of its formation. These organisms live under certain conditions:

  • sufficient humidity;
  • elevated temperature;
  • enough oxygen.

What is needed for all of the above conditions to be met.

  • The required volume of compost construction should be at least 1 cubic meter. This will keep the heat stable.
  • The gaps on the sides of the structure are made for regular oxygen supply to the inner layers of the compost heap.
  • The lid must be removable on top so that moisture can flow in enough.
  • The bottom of the structure should be on the ground so that worms and bacteria can get inside.
  • The front wall must be removable or discarded so that the finished compost can be removed.

Watch the video! Composting

For the manufacture of a compost pit, you can use those materials that are found in the summer cottage: the remains of slate, decking, boards, mesh or car tires. It is possible to build a pit with more durable materials, for example, to expel from a brick. Special constructions made of plastic or metal are also sold, they are easier to install and transport.

Important! Compost pit should be installed at least 20 m from sources of drinking water. It is not permissible for water to flow from a pit towards a well or pool.

Choosing a place for compost pit

A compost pit should not become a source of groundwater contamination. No need to make a hole in places where water stagnates.

What you need to remember when choosing a place for the pit:

  • 20 meters to places where drinking water accumulates. These are wells, wells, ponds. Be sure to make sure that rainwater does not drain from the compost pit in their direction.
  • 10 meters to residential buildings. It is necessary to take into account the construction of neighbors. Be sure to follow the direction of the wind, so that an unpleasant smell does not obscure the rest. An excellent location option is the far corner of the garden so that the pit does not interfere or catch the eye.
  • Observe the distance from trees and shrubs so that they do not eat rot products that fall into groundwater. This can damage both the plantings themselves and the fruits.
  • Penumbra would be a good place. The bright sun will too dry the contents, it will have to be constantly moistened.
  • In order not to spoil the external impression, the pit is installed in an inconspicuous place. It would be nice to lay a path to it so that you could bring filling to the pit in a wheelbarrow.

Advice!Compost pit, if desired, can be decorated. Plant curly flowers or put up a fence.

DIY compost pit

To make a compost pit with their own hands, use improvised tools and materials that can be found in most yards. A good design will last a long time, helping to turn garbage and waste into fertilizers that will be useful to plants. There are several types of structures, consider the design of each of them and manufacturing options.

Compost pit in the soil

To create a compost hole in the ground, you must:

  1. Choose the right place.
  2. Remove topsoil of arbitrary length, 1.5 m wide.
  3. Deepen by 0.5m.
  4. Pour a sand cushion so that excess water is drained from the bottom.
  • Cut branches (for drainage and aeration of heaps);
  • Grass
  • Dry leaves;
  • Sawdust;
  • Food waste;
  • Manure;
  • Weeds.

Between layers it is necessary to sprinkle earth or peat and spill water. If you need to speed up the process, before stacking all the contents, you can chop it with a shovel.

The pile should rise a maximum of a meter from the ground, its total height will be 1.5 m. On top you need to cover with something, you can slate. When the temperature is very high outside, water must be watered.

In just two seasons, the whole bunch will turn into fertilizer in the most common conditions. This method is the most economical and simple.
Additionally, EM preparations can be used. In order to recycle waste to microorganisms in the pit, a temperature of +4 degrees is enough.

Compost board pit

A compost box is made from boards for ease of use and acceleration of the disposal process. Size 1 * 1.5m is the most convenient and suitable for these purposes.

Phased construction of the structure of the boards:

  • Definition of a place.
  • Markup.
  • Removing the top layer of turf with a thickness of 10 cm.
  • In the corners, you need to dig copper pipes, insert the bars, which will serve as supports. If necessary, they must be supported.
  • The wooden materials to be used are recommended to be treated with protective agents. When rotting, substances are released that will damage the boards.
  • You need to choose the boards more durable and fix them with screws. Between the boards leave a distance of up to 5cm, so that air can pass into the pile.
  • A distance of approximately 30 cm is left below, so that ready-made fertilizers can be selected, and new ones will be reported from above.
  • As an alternative to boards, use construction pallets. They can be connected together or disassembled into separate boards, from which to build a box.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the pit is covered from heavy rainfall and bright sun. To do this, you can make a convenient cover on which to adjust the handle. It will be convenient to fix it on the back wall.

It is necessary to lay the contents through the top, and from the bottom to get the finished fertilizer. The order remains the same as when laying a hole in the ground.

Slate compost pit

One of the positive properties of slate is its strength. Material will not suffer from rotting contents. You can choose one that is convenient or is available.

It can be even, and sheet version.
How to make a composter:

  • Mark and deepen prepared in advance sheets. From the outside, they are fixed with a crate of wood or metal.
  • A more durable option would be to use in the corners of the recessed metal pipes to which the frame of the bars is fixed and sheathed with slate.

If there are wooden parts, they are covered with special means so that they do not rot under the influence of the contents. The lid can be made of plywood or boards. In such a device, the front wall is made lower than the others by 2 times. You can also use a film or material for shelter, because it is very convenient to fix them on a solid foundation.

Compost pit from corrugated board

There is one plus in using corrugated board for making a compost box - you can immediately choose a material that is not afraid of corrosion.

How to make the design:

  • Choose a location and make a foundation. You can use metal or wood.
  • The size of the sheets can be adjusted and the size of the box. In it, if desired, you can build several sections.
  • The base is made according to the same principle as in a wooden box.
  • Decking is fixed from the outside, self-tapping screws with gaps of 3-5 cm are used for this.
  • The top is made of boards or plywood. You can cover the frame with a protective composition to extend its life.

Advice! In the warm season, the metal is very hot, so you need to monitor the level of moisture in the contents.

Compost basket made of metal mesh

From a metal mesh, you can also make a waste container. Then you need to do it in the form of a cylinder. The undoubted advantages of this design are that air gets into it well, the contents are ventilated, and not rot. These designs are easy to manufacture, lightweight, can be transported and assembled.


  • The mesh should be the required length and with a margin of 20 cm for entry.
  • Film or garden textiles should be the same size.
  • You can fasten the mesh with wire, put textiles or film inside.
  • To make the design more stable, it is strengthened from the outside with parallel bars. Sometimes they are dripped.
  • Fix the edges of the material, which lies on the bottom, from the outside with simple stationery clips.

To simplify the task, you can use junk huge packages. You can use special bags that are sold in stores for gardeners. They are filled according to the same general principle, starting with branches.

Concrete pit

Such a pit has several advantages:

  • its walls will maintain the necessary temperature for a long time;
  • she is not afraid of any environmental influences;
  • she is not afraid of excessive moisture or the sun.

If you make such a pit with several departments, then the use will be much more convenient and practical. For example, in one compartment compost from one season, in another from the next, and in the third - finished fertilizer.


  • The pit should have a proportion of 1.5m * 3.5m already ready-made. Depth 70cm will be the most comfortable.
  • It is necessary to make the formwork, keeping the distance to the edges of the pit about 15 cm. You can use plywood or boards.
  • The walls of the finished structure should be 40 cm above the ground.
  • An iron mesh is installed inside and poured with concrete.
  • To make concrete, cement, screenings and crushed stone are required in a proportion of 1 * 3 * 3.
  • You can tamp with a shovel or reinforcement, so that there are no voids in the walls.
  • The formwork is removed when the concrete has hardened to the end, after about 14 days.
  • As a cover, you can use a special coating material or wood.

It is worth remembering that when using a concrete pit, the process is not very fast. To speed it up, you can purchase special tools and manually add earthworms.


There are no special tricks in the construction of the compost pit. The materials that are used are in any garden or cottage.
The benefit of the compost pit is that household and household waste will be disposed of in it.
When the compost pit is arranged correctly, it forms a fertilizer that does not contain any harmful substances, it is environmentally friendly. Its use will increase productivity. Rational use and economic approach will help reduce material costs and improve the environmental situation.
To achieve the best result in the manufacture of a compost pit or box, you can use the tips from the article, see additional photos and videos of the manufacture.

Watch the video! How to make a compost pit with your own hands

5 minutes to read

Compost is a loyal assistant to the gardener in caring for plants and improving soil properties. It is used to improve the quality of the soil, and as fertilizer, and for mulching. To make compost with your own hands at your dacha does not require special efforts and high material costs. To do this, you just need to choose and equip a suitable place where you can compost herbs and other organic waste. Consider how to make a compost heap and use it correctly.

Compost pit rules

Before you make a compost pit, you need to choose the right site in the country, where your organic fertilizer will mature. To do this, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • so that compost waste does not fall into drinking water, a heap is arranged no closer than 30 meters from sources - wells, wells, streams and other bodies of water;
  • if there is a slope on the plot, the pit is located below the level of water sources;

  • the heap is located away from residential buildings, while prevailing winds are taken into account so that the smell of composted grass does not cause inconvenience to you or your neighbors in the country;
  • it is undesirable to leave fertilizer under the open sun - under such conditions, the decomposition of organic substances slows down or stops completely, so it is better to place the pit in the shade.

Important! It is necessary to provide free access to the pit, so that nothing would interfere with the laying of waste and taking out the finished compost in a wheelbarrow.

Compost pit device

Universal sizes for compost heap are:

  • width - 1.5 m;
  • length - 2 m;
  • height above ground level - 1.5 m;
  • depth - 0.5 m.

The design is made both open and closed.

1. For the most ordinary open compost heap in the country, dig a hole of small depth. Wall slate. The bottom of the pit is not necessary to isolate, through it to the compost there should be free access to worms and microorganisms that contribute to fermentation. Foliage, herbs and other organic waste are laid at the bottom. To prevent the spread of smell, cover with a tarp.

Open construction

2. A closed pit involves a more complex structure. A wooden or concrete frame is arranged around the perimeter of the pit. Wood is pretreated with compounds that will prevent rotting of the material. The frame is sheathed with timber, boards or bricked. It is more convenient to make a structure with a pitched lid, which is mounted on hinges to one of the sides.

Closed option

Compost pit filling

The compost pit can be filled gradually, as organic residues accumulate. But if your goal is to fertilize the plot as quickly as possible, it is best to fill it right away. For this, not only herbs, but also other wastes that often appear in the country are suitable.
The following scheme of compost bookmarking is optimal:

  1. the lowest layer is formed of sawn branches or large sawdust, roots and bark of trees, there may also be fallen leaves and needles;
  2. the next layer is filled with plant debris - uncooked raw vegetables and berries, grass, straw, you can also put crushed paper and cardboard;
  3. the third layer forms rotted manure of herbivores or bird droppings. You can add ammonium nitrate.

Reference. When filling the compost pit, the soil composition of your site is taken into account. If the soil is acidic, wood ash is added there.

The second and third layers alternate until the pit is full.

Compost Heap Device Diagram

As the residues decompose, all contents are periodically shovel.
Not all plant debris is allowed to be composted.

  1. It is unacceptable that weed grass with seeds or vegetables infected with late blight and other fungal diseases get there. Together with compost, they will move to the site and continue their detrimental effects among healthy crops.
  2. Do not throw bones and meat waste, insects, polyethylene and other synthetics, or plants treated with chemicals into compost.

Watering the compost heap

Compost fertilizer must be watered. The humidity level should be sufficient for the effective functioning of microorganisms that contribute to the formation of beneficial organic elements.
Watering is carried out with warm water. After wetting, the pile is covered with a film to form a greenhouse effect. For the fastest decomposition, a glass of sugar diluted in warm water with yeast is added to the fertilizer. This will increase the compost ripening speed several times.

Component balance

The ripening process is accompanied by heat. This is easy to verify when the host is shoveling compost. In the center, the temperature reaches + 60 ... + 70 ° С. If the contents are cold to the touch, more nitrogenous components are added - grain, bread products, rotting fruits and vegetables, rotted manure.

Another compost heap design

Ideally, compost should be prepared from an equal amount of nitrogen and carbon materials. The latter contribute to greater breathability. These include: straw, grass, sawdust, paper, shredded cardboard.

The better the quality of the soil, the richer the crop grown on this land will be. But it happens that the initial data is not too good, and you have to fertilize the soil. To do this, you can use various fertilizers, but it is best to make a compost pit, which will become a source of environmentally friendly material. Let's see how a compost pit should be made with its own hands: manufacturing options and materials suitable for this purpose.

In order to understand how to properly make a compost pit, first of all, you need to figure out what it is used for. Typically, a compost pit is used for the disposal of organic waste, which, as a result of the rotting process, turns into organic fertilizer. There are many design options and each owner can only choose the most suitable option for themselves.

The compost pile copes with the disposal of mowed grass and fallen leaves. Under the influence of time, moisture and microorganisms, all this turns into a fertilizer that can be used to grow any type of crop both in gardens and in the garden.

It’s not difficult to make a compost pile of organic fertilizers with your own hands, especially since there are many ideas for independent implementation that can be used as a basis. You can make a pit for compost yourself, using pallets, which are usually used for transportation and storage of building materials. You can buy them at a fairly low price, or quite possibly, just find on your own site.

How to make a compost pit in the country: the choice of location

Speaking about the arrangement of the compost heap, one cannot but say about the importance of its correct location. First of all, the structure should be sufficiently removed from residential buildings. In addition, the installation site should be well blown by the wind in order to avoid stagnation of air and the concentration of unpleasant odor emanating from it. In addition, access to compost must be provided so that the process of adding raw materials or withdrawing finished fertilizer proceeds as comfortably as possible.

Useful advice! In order for the rotting process to proceed faster, it is recommended to periodically mix the layers inside the heap. Therefore, even at the planning and arrangement stage, it is worth considering how this can be implemented.

In addition, the following selection criteria suitable for the compost site pit should be considered:

  • the chosen place should be located at a sufficiently large distance from any sources of drinking water, for example, a well or well. The distance between these objects should be at least 25 m;
  • if the site is located not smoothly, but under a slope, then you need to make a compost hole below the water level (preferably at all at the lowest point of the site). This will prevent the ingress of decay effluent and clean water;
  • you should ask in advance the most frequent direction of the wind, since the pit often becomes a source of a rather strong and unpleasant odor, and can cause discomfort to both you and your neighbors;
  • it is worth taking care that there is not only a free approach to the pit, but also a sufficient amount of space to be able to bring in waste or bring ready compost with a wheelbarrow.

Useful advice! For a compost pit, it is advisable to choose a shaded place, since the sun's rays adversely affect the process of decay, significantly slowing down the composting process.

What can and cannot be put in a compost pit

In order for the fertilizer obtained as a result of rotting to be of high quality and to bring benefits, rather than harm to plants, each summer resident needs to familiarize themselves with a list of those products that may or may not be added to compost. So, for composting, they are great:

  • grass, weeds, leaves, hay, straw, etc .;
  • berries, fruits and any cleaning from them (in raw form);
  • waste from wood products that have not been painted;
  • shredded paper products (napkins, bags, cardboard);
  • waste from the preparation of tea, coffee or cereals;
  • tree branches and roots after shredding;
  • needles;
  • dung of herbivores (only two years old);
  • wood ash.

Important! The percentage of composts from cleaning products such as potatoes and tomatoes should not exceed 15-20%.

  • any plants that have been affected by pests;
  • plants exposed to diseases such as powdery mildew, late blight, etc.
  • excrement of domestic animals, as they can be infected with helminth eggs;
  • bones and residues from meat products. They will provoke the appearance of an extremely unpleasant odor, and will also become food for rats;
  • inorganic waste - plastic, rubber, synthetic fabrics and metal;
  • plants that have been treated with herbicides;
  • the remains of cabbage, the decay of which provokes an extremely strong and unpleasant odor.

As for composting weeds, experts recommend stacking them in a separate pile, which is covered with a film on top. So, the risk that the plants will take root again is excluded and we can count on their death with one hundred percent probability.

If weeds are added to the general heap, one often has to deal with the fact that perennial plants take root, especially if the humidity is high enough as a result of regular watering or rains.

Important! To speed up the process of decaying waste, it is recommended to pre-grind it. This is especially true for elements such as branches, roots and paper products.

Having figured out what can be put into the compost pit and what cannot be left, it remains only to familiarize yourself with the waste care rules in order to provide them with the most efficient decay. Moreover, the length of the period during which compost will be formed directly depends on the correctness of the care:

  • humidity is the most important indicator that affects rotting of waste and composting. In order to maintain the desired level, it is recommended to periodically water a bunch of watering cans. It is important that in the end it turns out moist, but not wet, since the abundance of water will adversely affect the viability and activity of bacteria;
  • once a month, you need to thoroughly ted the heap, thus providing oxygen access. This allows the waste not to rot as much as to burn out. At the same time, if there is no possibility to completely dig everything up, you can use the forks and pierce the pile in as many places as possible;
  • to accelerate the compost ripening process, nitrogen is required, which is found in large quantities in the green parts of plants, as well as in slurry.

The formation of high-quality compost usually takes 1-1.5 years. During this time, almost any waste and residues decompose fully. Readiness of compost can be found visually and by smell. The finished mixture is a friable mass of brown color and has the smell of forest land.

Compost pit: what is it and why is it needed

The issue of compost is one of the most popular. After all, not every summer resident knows how and why to use the mixture, and how great is its use. In fact, it is possible to fertilize the soil with compost for almost any plant. Cucumbers, peppers, zucchini and pumpkin respond best to such top dressing. The result can be seen already in the coming harvest season - the fruits grow in large sizes, have a bright and saturated color, the taste and aroma are well defined.

But there are plants for which compost is not so useful. For example, root crops, tomatoes, melons and watermelons should not be abundantly fertilized in this way, since this leads to the fact that the yield decreases, and the amount of green mass, on the contrary, increases.

Strawberries respond well to compost, especially if they are previously trimmed “under the root” and overlaid with a semi-decomposed compound. Then all this needs to be watered, and it remains only to wait for new fresh foliage, as well as a plentiful harvest in the next season.

DIY compost pit: manufacturing options and design requirements

In order to properly build a compost pit, you need to understand how the compost heap should be arranged. There are many options for making with your own hands, but first of all you should pay attention to the fact that it should consist of three parts. In this case, you need to install 8 support columns, each of which is necessarily treated with a protective agent.

Useful advice! As a protective composition for the columns, machine oil, fuel oil or even tar can be used.

As a fence of one of the sides, you can use a fence, but for the rest, boards are better. Partitions are built from them, in which holes for ventilation are necessarily left. This contributes to the process of decay. A door is also installed that allows access to the compost.

The device compost pit in the country with their own hands involves ensuring the proper level of ventilation and while protecting the contents from precipitation. So that the compost heap did not turn into a swamp, for the period of precipitation it needs to be covered with a special cover of a suitable size. And if the weather conditions are not too severe, then it is perfectly acceptable to use a plastic film for this purpose.

Another option is to use construction pallets that are pre-disassembled. Using a circular machine, the boards can be divided into separate elements, and then assemble a suitable structure from them. At the same time, fixing the boards is best done vertically. The front board can be fixed using adhesive. To give stability to such a structure, it is necessary to use the building level and level the lower trims.

It is also important that the wall height of the home-made composter be such that it is convenient for people of any height to add, ted and extract compost.

Interesting! You can pay attention to the design of compost pits made according to Finnish technology. In this case, some structural features are of interest, for example, when you remove humus from one compartment, it is automatically filled with raw materials from the neighboring one.

DIY compost pit: manufacturing options, photo examples

The type of compost pit is determined based on several factors. One of them is the installation method. Consider all existing options:

  • allocation of a certain place for the organization of a compost pit. At the same time, a foundation pit is prepared, which is very similar to a well, but at the same time has a shallower depth. The walls of the pit are additionally strengthened to prevent soil shedding and sheathed indented 20-25 cm from the bottom. This distance is necessary in order to provide the microorganism with free access to waste;
  • another option is to install a special container on the garden plot, designed to collect waste and recycle it into compost. This method allows you to get the finished product at any time. Such a design is based on a pit with formwork, as well as a special box made of boards. When implementing this option, it is extremely important to pay due attention to the organization of ventilation;
  • dIY compost heap is the easiest way to solve the problem. To do this, it is enough to make a substrate consisting of sand, gravel and dry grass. Waste is simply stacked on top, which over time they themselves will begin to shine.

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Detailed technology for the construction of structures: soil preparation, fabrication of the frame, its installation and filling.

You can make a compost box yourself with the help of many different technologies and instructions. The proposed designs can be distinguished by the materials required for work, dimensions, properties and ease of use.

Useful advice! Regardless of the type of design chosen, before starting laying the raw materials inside the structure, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the bottom and install ventilation holes.

DIY compost box: manufacturing options and instructions

Before you make a compost pit with your own hands, it is advisable to consider as many options and designs that can be used for this purpose. We will analyze in detail the instructions for manufacturing the most popular boxes made of various materials.

Garden compost box: features of installation and operation

Garden composter may well be presented in the form of a large drawer, divided into several sections. Usually two or three compartments are made, but experts strongly recommend staying with the option of three sections, since each of them has its own purpose: the first is for laying waste, the second is for ripening waste, and the third one contains ready-made compost.

Depending on the individual wishes of the owner, the composter can be stationary or mobile (move on wheels). At the same time, the recommended height of the box should not exceed 1 meter, and the size of each section should be about 1-1.5 meters.

Important! All wooden elements must be treated with a special protective composition, designed to provide the material with reliable protection against harmful insects, as well as moisture.

To make a compost box with your own hands, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. 8 wooden blocks are dug into the ground;
  2. With the help of boards, also previously opened with a protective compound, partitions are constructed. To do this, they are attached to the supports at a certain distance from each other.
  3. In the front part, two compartments should be sheathed only to the middle, and only one bottom board is nailed to the third. The first two are mounted on top of the door.
  4. The back and end parts are completely sheathed.
  5. The whole structure is covered with two layers of moisture-resistant paint.
  6. Finally, handles, latches, etc. are attached.

At the bottom of such a box must necessarily be laid drainage, which may consist, for example, of dry tree branches. Immediately after this, you can go directly to the waste tab inside the structure.

How to make a compost pit in the country using wooden boards

A compost pit is an excellent solution, if necessary, do not spoil the appearance of the site as a heap with waste. The formation of fertilizer in this design takes much longer, and in order for the process to proceed as correctly and efficiently as possible, it is important to take care of the proper arrangement and access of the right amount of oxygen.

Work procedure:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to dig a compost hole, the width of which will be 1.5 m, the length is 2 m, and the depth is about 1 meter.
  2. In the corners, you need to dig in wooden blocks, observing the indentation from the walls of 20 cm on each side.
  3. With a step of 5 cm, boards are attached to these posts.
  4. The resulting box is divided into two parts using a wooden shield.

The bottom of the compost pit is filled with a ten-centimeter layer of wood bark, branches and straw. Such a mixture will take on the role of drainage, which will remove excess moisture and additionally ventilate the raw materials.

Initially, only one of the departments should be filled with waste. Then, when one is half full, the compost must be transferred to the second compartment. This procedure will make it possible to enrich it with oxygen.

Important! The bottom and sides of the composter do not need to be covered with anything so that earthworms, which take an active part in the waste recycling process, can freely get inside.

How to make a compost box from slate

Slate is a durable material that is great for creating a structure designed to collect and recycle organic waste into compost. The procedure for creating a suitable design consists of several stages:

  • selecting a suitable location and taking measurements to determine the appropriate pit size;
  • according to the marks, a not too large depression is digging, in the corners of which supports are installed, for which boards or metal pipes can be used;
  • slate sheets are installed around the perimeter of the pit;
  • using the same sheets, the resulting container is divided into several parts (two or three).

The use of this design is carried out in accordance with all the same recommendations that are given for compost pits made of wood.

How to make a compost concrete pit in the country

If you devote a little more time and attention to the process of arranging the compost pit, as a result, it can last several decades without any problems. To do this, just concreting it. You can do this as follows:

  • you need to dig a hole about 80 cm deep, 2 m wide and 3 m long;
  • make formwork inside the pit;
  • then you need to prepare a solution consisting of sand, gravel and cement. To do this, pour 5 l of water into the bucket and add 5 kg of sand and cement to it in such a way that the ratio of dry components is 3: 1;
  • the resulting solution is poured into the formwork;
  • using wooden boards and a netting (a metal frame is also suitable), a lid is constructed for the pit.

It is very important that in the case of using boards for mounting the cover, between the elements there is a distance necessary for normal ventilation.

Finnish compost pit: construction secrets

The main requirement for structures made using Finnish technology is compliance with certain sizes. The height and width of the box must be the same and equal to 1 m. This is extremely important, since the raw materials into a smaller box will simply dry out, turning not into compost, but into dust. Larger sizes are unacceptable for another reason - in this case there is a risk of burning the contents from too high a temperature.

For the manufacture of such a structure, it is best to use wood. Slate in this case is not a very suitable option, since for structures made from it, a longer period of decomposition of the waste is characteristic. Again, a cheap and yet quite convenient option is a Finnish compost pit made of pallets.

Algorithm for compost pit assembly using Finnish technology:

  1. From the wood pre-treated with antiseptic agents, the frame of the box of the desired size is assembled.
  2. Then the finished frame is sheathed with boards. Boards are tightly placed only on partitions that separate compartments. On the side walls of the board should be indented 1 cm.
  3. The rear wall of the structure is also sewn up with boards at a distance of 1 cm.
  4. The bottom of the box is covered using a slab. It is also important to maintain a certain distance between the elements so that excess liquid can be effectively drained.
  5. In the lower part of the front wall of the structure, a small door is equipped, the height of which is usually 30 cm. Fasten it with ordinary door hinges.
  6. The roof of the structure is made gable, while one of the slopes is mounted on hinges so that it simultaneously acts as a door, providing the opportunity to fill the waste inside.

Interesting! In one box, the size of which is 1 × 1 m, you can prepare the amount of compost sufficient to fertilize a plot of land of 5-7 acres.

Compost pit dry closet: what is it?

Another special type of compost pit is a dry closet, which is able to turn human waste products into compost as well. It is a structure consisting of two containers, the volume of each of which is 80 liters.

The use of this type of dry closet is as follows: after visiting the toilet, you need to turn the special handle, which is responsible for serving a portion of a special mixture consisting of peat and sawdust. Thanks to this mechanism, the mixture is distributed evenly and falls asleep into the waste.

Such a composter-dry closet is quite possible to use for the disposal of not too much food waste, just throwing it inside and falling asleep with a dry mixture. When the first container is completely full, it must be moved aside and put in place the second, which can begin to be used in the same way. At this time, in the first container there will be a compost mixture, completely ready for use.

Important! The compost obtained in this composter will be very concentrated. This must be taken into account, and before putting it into the soil, you need to dilute the mixture with soil, sand or peat.

Criteria for choosing a ready-made composter for a summer residence

At the same time, an increasing number of owners of suburban areas are trying to move away from the use of home-made designs, giving preference to purchased models. Consider what advantages and disadvantages have finished designs, and what parameters you need to pay special attention to before making a purchase.

In most cases, preference is given to simple and convenient composters, which are easy to assemble and operate on their own. But since the number of offers in the modern market is extremely large, it can be really difficult to determine the most suitable option on your own. As a guide, experts recommend using certain criteria, since models can be:

  • collapsible or integral;
  • with temperature sensor;
  • with a special device that allows you to loosen the contents;
  • with a mesh instead of a bottom, which provides protection from rodents;
  • various shapes and sizes.

Composters are also distinguished by the material that was used for the manufacture. So, plastic is the most popular today, because it has a low weight, which allows you to easily move it around the site, and its useful life is extremely long. If the design is planned as stationary, then you can consider the option of acquiring a metal composter. On sale you can find wooden models, but they are not too common due to the short life and exposure to external factors.

How to choose and buy a compost pit: an overview of the most popular brands and models

As an example, you can consider several composters, which are most popular and have received many positive reviews from users.

Composter L&T Globe: features and specifications

This model is highly appreciated by permanent residents of country houses, since it can be used by far not every product throughout the year. L&T Globe was developed by Finnish experts who took into account the harsh weather conditions of the local climate. This allows the composter to function without problems even in the harshest winters.

Another advantage of this model is the absence of small and heavy parts, so operating the device is quite simple. The working capacity of the tank is 310 liters, and durable polyethylene was used as the material for the manufacture. In order for the system to function in the cold season, a 15 mm layer of thermal insulation was provided, which allows you to maintain the optimum temperature inside.

Due to the low height of this composter, a person of absolutely any height will be able to fill and empty it. Moreover, for even more comfort, a removable upper part is provided in the design.

Thus, all these structural features allow you to create the most favorable environment for effective composting of waste. The microclimate, which is maintained inside the tank, promotes the growth and development of microorganisms that can process waste. The developers did not forget about the ventilation system, which is presented in the form of drainage holes in the bottom of the composter.

Important! The ventilation system of this model can be used in two modes: summer / winter. It is important to switch in a timely manner using the shutter specially designed for this.

Bulbeo Composter: Features and Benefits

This model is the development of Italian specialists, which exists in the domestic markets in two versions that differ in size (700 and 900 liters). Initially, this model was intended exclusively for processing plant waste, but, as practice shows, it copes well with composting other organic waste.

This composter belongs to collapsible models and consists of individual parts that are simply assembled and, if necessary, disassembled again. This allows you to rearrange the container from one place to another and even transport it. Moreover, in disassembled form, this design takes up very little space and can easily fit in the trunk of a conventional passenger car.

Among the main advantages of this choice are:

  • the ability to freely access the structure from six sides;
  • it is convenient to take out ready-made compost thanks to swing doors;
  • on the site this model looks quite aesthetically pleasing, as it resembles a blossoming bud in shape;
  • discreet dark green color allows you to organically fit the design into any landscape design.

As a material for this model, durable plastic is used, which provides reliable protection of the contents from the wind and strong temperature extremes. According to the developers, the rounded shape of the walls contributes to the maturation of the compost.

Of course, there are also ventilation openings providing access to the required amount of oxygen. Everyone can easily assemble this model, because no tools or additional fixtures are required for this. The finished design weighs only 19 kg, and its height is 885 mm.

Means for compost pits: features and advantages of using

Having figured out how to make a compost pile, many expect that soon they will be able to use the nutrient fertilizer made in it. But the reality is that the natural maturation of compost can last up to 2 years. Of course, you can just be patient and wait. But you can go the other way, having bought a special tool that promotes the maturation of compost and accelerates this process.

Interesting! Particularly relevant is the use of excipients for those regions of the country where the warm period is short. If warm weather lasts only 2-3 months, then the ripening period of the compost must be reduced artificially.

So, there are several drugs that are well suited for this purpose and are recommended not only by specialists, but also by real users. They all have different names but, in general, the principle of their action is the same. As an example, consider the means of Tamir.

Tamir is an extremely complex preparation, which includes a whole range of microorganisms, which in the natural environment are responsible for the decomposition of organic waste and waste. Due to the high concentration of these bacteria, the composting process takes place many times faster, and after 2-3 weeks complete maturation occurs.

It is worth noting that the compost obtained in this way is not completely decomposed waste and is somewhat different from the usual consistency. But its final decomposition will occur directly in the soil, which will bring plants even greater benefit.

Important! It is believed that compost obtained as a result of exposure to auxiliary drugs, like fertilizer, is many times more useful than that which was obtained naturally. Therefore, answering a common question, is it possible to use means for compost pits, the answer is unequivocal - not only possible, but even necessary.

All funds of this type are used according to the following technology:

  • if the heap has not yet been formed, then the drug is added on top of each new layer, after which all this is watered;
  • in the finished heap, you need to make a deepening in full height, into which the drug and water are added.

Other Ways to Speed \u200b\u200bUp Compost Heap Maturation

In addition to complex preparations, other methods can be used to stimulate the processing of organic waste and maturation of compost in the pit. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  • the use of rotted manure, which is quite capable of replacing biochemical preparations intended for composting. At the same time, it is forbidden to use fresh manure, as it can become a source of not only helminth eggs, but also weed seeds, pathogens, etc.
  • a solution made from ordinary yeast. To prepare it, you will need 1 liter of water and about 1 tablespoon of dry yeast. To this is added 200 grams of sugar (1 cup). Such a solution is poured into recesses made in a compost heap;
  • herbal infusion. To improve the effect, it is mixed with chicken droppings or slurry in a ratio of 5: 2. It is important to know that the amount of nitrogen contained in fresh bird droppings is much greater than in manure, and therefore the ratio should be different.

Useful advice! In order for bird droppings to regularly fall into the compost heap naturally, you can install a feeder above it. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.

Artificial moistening of raw materials, their tedding and other measures designed to create the most comfortable microclimate for composting are also referred to methods of accelerating ripening.

How to make a compost pit in the country with your own hands

Whatever design is chosen for composting, it is unlikely that its appearance will end up being quite attractive. Most likely, nobody will want to look at the compost hole, so it will be useful to think about how you can use the original design to improve its appearance.

The problem of masking the compost pit is especially relevant for small areas, since almost the entire territory is in sight. Although it happens that even for spacious areas, owners use different design strategies to give the compost pit a more attractive look. So, in order to hide such an object, you can use:

  • camouflage with plants and hedges;
  • artificial means of decoration and stationary fences.

Work related to the manufacture of artificial fences must be carried out in an open area located at some distance from the location of the compost pit. This is necessary in order to work more conveniently and to be able to move around freely without being uncomfortable with the smell exuded by the heap.

The main requirement for such a fence - it should hide from the eyes of guests and owners the entire site. That is, the compost heap should be completely hidden behind it, and the appearance of the fence should be as attractive as possible and in harmony with the environment.

Hedgerows are created for this purpose much longer and to some extent more difficult. But they look much more natural and elegant. The main thing is to pay attention to the choice of a suitable plant, so that in the end the fence is not too bulky and lush, and does not break the general structure of the site.

Useful advice! You can use light translucent screens twined with vines as a fence. They do an excellent job with the task, and at the same time do not take up much space, so they are quite suitable for large and small areas.

Best ideas for decorating a silo

As a mask for the place where the compost pile is located, other elements can also be used, for example, special screens or screens. Bamboo fences have proven themselves excellently. Plants also look good if you carefully plant them in a row.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to equip the compost pit directly under the fruit trees, as this can lead to their death. There must be some distance between compost and plants.

The following design methods are most popular:

  • fruit trees and berry bushes planted in a row;
  • pottery gardens located on several levels to hide the entire structure;
  • installation of an object of small architecture: a gazebo or a fenced barbecue (of course, in this case, make sure that the unpleasant smell of decaying waste does not interfere);
  • flower beds with tall plants;
  • supporting wall.

We should also note the disguise of compost heaps if a plastic container was used for them. In this case, it is not necessary to completely mask it. You can use it as a decoration of the site, painted in a bright color and planted beautiful flowers around. You can draw any picture on such a container, thus giving it originality.

The easiest way to work with small compost pits, which can be hidden with an abundance of flowers or even shrubs. By the way, the compost yard is a great place for experiments related to the cultivation of new varieties of annual plants.

You can clearly see how composters are made and made for giving with your own hands by looking at the training lessons and detailed instructions. It is enough just to decide which design is best suited in a particular case, as well as take into account your own individual requirements and wishes. Otherwise, no problems will arise, since there are as many options for compost pits with your own hands as there are already ready-made models.

How to make a compost pit with your own hands: video instruction